#savitar x reverb
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june-rambles · 19 days ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Earth-2 Cisco Ramon/Savitar, Earth-2 Cisco Ramon & Savitar, Barry Allen & Cisco Ramon Characters: Earth-2 Cisco Ramon, Savitar (The Flash TV 2014), Barry Allen, Earth-2 Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Killer Frost Additional Tags: Earth-2 Cisco Ramon Lives, Earth-2 Caitlin Snow lives, Background Earth-2 Caitlin Snow/Earth-2 Iris West, The Flash (TV 2014) Season 3, Earth-2 (DCU), Earth-2 Rogues, Mentioned Rogues (The Flash), Time Skips, Vibe Powers (The Flash TV 2014), Powerful Earth-2 Cisco Ramon, Reverb basically starts an Earth-2 version of the Rogues, Mentioned Earth-2 Linda Park, Canon Dialogue, Crack Treated Seriously, Morally Grey Earth-2 Cisco Ramon, team flash bashing, according to reverb and savitar so Series: Part 7 of crisis divergent au, Part 9 of matching march 2025 Summary:
Zoom was so threatened by the Earth-1 speedster. Reverb didn’t see any reason to be scared, personally. Perhaps Zoom saw something in him that he didn’t.
Reverb had to admit he was curious about the Flash. He should thank the man, really. Zoom was so worried about him that he was oblivious to Reverb growing stronger and stronger right under his nose.
or, Reverb lives, which piques the interest of another villain trying to escape his fate.
written for @monthlywritingchallenges' "Matching March" Day 9: A Connection Across Time
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shrinkthisviolet · 8 months ago
👀📚✨ for the fanfic rec game.
👀: A fic that you love a normal amount
Sooo so normal about You Must Live (For Me) by @kitkatt0430. So normal. I definitely don't think about it at least once a day and mourn the potential of badass evil boyfriends Saverb
📚: A fic you wish you could display on your bookshelf
for what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours by @leohttbriar for sure. An absolutely wonderful and lyrical s3-part-2 speculative fic...and tbh for all that I liked canon s3 part 2, I prefer this fic for the Penelope & Queen Charlotte dynamic. I feel like it gives the Whistledown reveal a bit more weight than s3 did—specifically in regards to Queen Charlotte, who had a very...lukewarm reaction in canon that I felt wasn't very fitting. This fic, however? *chef's kiss* and as I mentioned, the writing style is so lovely (typical for this author)
✨: A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
crowning glory by @calliopieces! A heartwrenching take on girlhood in the Fire Nation, delving into Mai's childhood with Michi, and contrasting it with her motherhood with Izumi. So haunting and powerful and so, so amazing 💞 and the writing is punchy and beautiful
fic rec ask game!
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kitkatt0430 · 11 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Earth-2 Cisco Ramon/Savitar Characters: Earth-2 Cisco Ramon, Savitar (The Flash TV 2014), Killer Frost, Earth-2 Dante Ramon Additional Tags: In which Savitar saves Reverb, and Reverb gives Savitar a reason to live, Iris dies (sorry Iris), it's a bad guys win fic, Villain Protagonists, Slow Build, Canonical Character Death, For an alt timeline canonical anyway Summary:
Reverb may talk big but he knows he isn't a god yet. But he isn't the only one with lofty goals and Savitar has an actual game plan to get them there... if they can survive long enough to reach the prize.
And Reverb won't let anything stand in their way.
Also available on SquidgeWorld
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vexic929 · 11 months ago
A Barrisco thought for you:
We’ve all heard of the evil power duo that is Savitar x Reverb…but what about Savitar x Echo 👀
Savitar is trapped in an endless loop he can’t escape, filled with anger and pain and jealousy of Barry Allen, and Echo has the power to rewrite fortunes and give unfortunate souls better lives…and also they’re Barry and Cisco, they’re drawn to each other. There’s something here, I can feel it
ooooooooooooh wait yes I love this you're onto something for sure!!!!
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deeplyinlovewithanime · 4 years ago
The Flash Master List
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Barry Allen
Something More 1, 2, 3, 4
Cisco Ramon
Future Daughters  1, 2, 
Savitar Barry
Reverb (E2 Cisco)
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samandcolbyfan · 5 years ago
Different World| Part 7
After you left Barry explained everything to his dad and other previously dead people in the room. Everyone has been pretty shaken up. You weren't with them for long but they liked you and considered you a family.
"I hereby christen this building as the bomb. What do you think she meant by that?"
" wait I said that exact same thing to Caitlin when we were in Starling city for the first time."
Said Cisco with realisination. You told them Savitar's plan.
" They want to blow up the partical accelator."
" What but why what they could get out of it?"
" It would have the same affect as the gun he wanted me to built. That's why he needs y/n to be a speedster. Someone has to set a mach for it to blow."
" and lightning would be more than enough."
" exactly."
" Okay but why would she told us their plan?"
" Because she's still in there. Our y/n is still there and she's telling us what to do."
" More like telling you what to do. It was message to you."
" That's the part I don't really get, why me?"
" Guess you will have to ask her."
Meanwhile you were preparing for the upcoming fight in Star labs.
" alright once we are there you two take care of your doppelgangers I will keep company to the Flash and you Impulse will go straight to the pipeline. I'll open up the speed force and then boom. I'll finally become a god."
" What about Elongated man?"
" lightning throw will be enough. He's not so trained yet."
You nod your eyes sparkling with lighting. You felt so good, powerful yet deep down part of you prayed that the team knows what will happen. Reverb and Frost breached to Starlabs while you and Savitar ran straight to the pipeline. As you expected Barry and Ralph stood right in front of the entrance. Cisco desaifered your massage. You couldn't help but smile, luckily for you it looked more like a evil grin then sincere one.
" You're not going to blow this place up!"
" Oh we will and you all will witness me becoming a god. Impulse plan B."
" What about you?"
I vibrated my voice so it would sound darker.
" I'll be fine. Run Impulse run."
I looked at Barry and smiled again.
" Let the lightning out." I winked and ran to the speed lab where reverb and Killer Frost fought with Cisco and Caitlin. I started running in circles to open up the speed force.
Once it was done I put a forcefield around Cisco and Caitlin. So the next shot of Ice and blast from their doppelgangers bounced off of it and knocked them out. Cisco looked at me in schock.
" I have a plan...but you need to trust me."
What plan you have? Did Barry caught on your hint on what he has to do?
@eleventhdoctorsangel @tahliamalfoydepp @justcalldibs
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purpleyin · 6 years ago
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DCTV moodboards: Multiamory March 2019: Savifrostverb - we could be gods
Quote from video game “Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis”.
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silent-writer83 · 6 years ago
Requests for The Flash open!
This includes characters Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Julien, Savitar, HR, Harrison Wells (E2), E2 Barry, Wally, Iris, etc
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winchester-with-wings · 8 years ago
My Flash Masterlist!
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Read on for Barry Allen Fluff-n-Smut, Cisco Fluff, & Grant Gustin Fluff-n-Smut!!
Barry Allen x Reader
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Let Me Show You (Fluff and Smut)
What is Barry Like After Sex? (Headcanon, Drabble request)
What Would Barry Allen be like as a Husband (Headcanon, Drabble request)
On the Way (What’s he like when you go into labor? - Headcanon request)
Keep Me Warm (Fluff ‘n’ Smut)
Christmas Traditions (xmas fluff ‘n’ smut)
Countdown to a Kiss (NYE fluff ‘n’ smut)
I’ll Take Care of You (BJ request, obviously fluff ‘n’ smut)
Fire & Ice (metahuman!reader request, fluff ‘n’ smut)
Getting Rowdy (Valentine’s Day fluff 'n’ smut)
Move It, Move It (Headcanon, Drabble)
Black Eyes & Red Leather (Flash/Supernatural Crossover, Demon!Reader)
Series Masterlist
Part 1  /  Part 2  /  Part 3  /  Part 4  /  Part 5  /  Part 6  /  Part 7  /  Part 8  /  Part 9  /  Part 10  /  Part 11  /  Epilogue
Chemical Reactions (Substitute Teacher!Barry Allen x Teacher!Reader, AU)
Series Masterlist /  Moodboards  (Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3) by @karazoiel
Part 1  /  Part 2  /  Part 3  /  Part 4  /  Part 5  /  Part 6  /  Part 7  /  Part 8  /  Part 9  /  Part 10  /  Part 11  /  Part 12  /  Part 13  /  Part 14  /  Part 15  /  Part 16  /  Part 17  /  Part 18  /  Part 19  /  Part 20  /  Part 21  /  Part 22  /  Part 23  /  Part 24  /  Part 25  /  Part 26  /  Part 27  /  Part 28 (end)  /  Epilogue
I Hate the Dentist, but I Love You (Fluff, Request)
Hello Hormones! (Pregnant!Reader)
Get Well Soon (sick!reader, request)
Be My First (Virgin!Reader request, fluff ‘n’ smut)
The Heart of Atlantis (E2!Barry x Princess!Reader, Atlantis AU, Disney writing challenge)
Series Masterlist
Part 1  /  Part 2  /  Part 3  /  Part 4  /  Part 5 /  Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Toxic No More (Platonic Barry, Cisco, Eddie, & Reader, request, trigger warning)
It’s a Win-Win (fluff-n-smut, multiple requests, Metahuman!Reader)
In Charge (Husband!Barry x Surgeon!Reader, Sub!Barry x Dom!Reader, light d/s, request, fluff ‘n’ smut)
Barry Allen as a Father (headcannon request)
More Than Colleagues (gender neutral!Reader, request)
Barry Allen & Nipple Piercings (drabble, headcannon request)
Barry Allen & Masturbation (drabble, headcanon request)
Barry Allen & Your Anxiety Attacks (drabble, headcanon request)
“I can’t lose you again, please don’t do this.” (Drabble)
“Barry Allen!” You yell out for him as you trip over a pair of pants on the bathroom floor. “Why is it so hard for you to pick up your pants?” (Drabble)
“Tardiness is my speciality” (Drabble)
“Wha-whoa what are you doing?!” Barry exclaimed before a hand flew up to cover his mouth. “Shush, just.. hide with me!” (Drabble)
“I can’t lose you again, please don’t do this.” (drabble)
“Barry Allen!” You yell out for him as you trip over a pair of pants on the bathroom floor. “Why is it so hard for you to pick up your pants? (drabble)
“Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?” (drabble)
“Don’t die on me–please?” (drabble)
“Why are you naked” “There’s only one bed.” “It isn’t what it looks like…okay maybe it is” (drabble)
“You’d be a great dad.” “You’d be a great mom” (drabble)
The Way It Used to Be (Drabble, Bi!Reader, Post-Flashpoint Barry)
Your Little Secret (Drabble)
Serving a Purpose (Savitar!Barry Drabble)
What Do You Need? (Period request)
Today is Your Day (comfort fic, Patron Benefit)
Taking Your Time (patron benefit, fluff)
Treat Yourself! (Tall!Reader, Patron Benefit)
Burnin’ Up (Meta!Reader, Patron Benefit)
Lockdown at STAR Labs (Patron Benefit)
Agony (Patron Benefit, comfort, chronic pain)
Fear & Regret (Patron Benefit, angst)
Barry Allen, Snack Detective (Patron Benefit, fluff)
Madame Plague (Patron Benefit, angst)
Cisco Ramon x Reader
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Thank You, Reverb (Reverb pretending to be Cisco, real Cisco shows up)
Princess (High School AU, request, Bullied Cisco, Fluff)
Lightning Strikes (Cosplay request, Fluff, Storm!Reader x Warpath!Cisco)
No Capes! (Drabble request, fluff)
Can’t Keep Your Eyes Off of Her (Drabble request, fluff)
When you get sick (Drabble, fluff, Cisco x Caitlin x Reader, platonic)
“You’re not going out in that,” you said, hands on your hips.” (Drabble)
“I thought you loved me.” “I can’t believe you.” (Drabble)
“We can’t do that here!” (drabble)
“Give it back!” “You’re cute when you’re angry” “Shut up and kiss me already” (drabble)
“Why are you naked?” “Do you like it when I touch you like that?” (drabble)
Soft Kisses (Patron Fic, fluff, gif request)
Leonard Snart x Reader
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“Is that my shirt?” “Stop being so cute” “Give it back!” (drabble)
“I’m pregnant” “About the baby…it’s yours.” (drabble)
Grant Gustin x Reader
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My Trophy (request, fluff ‘n’ smut)
Communication (Fluff, request)
Creative Costumes (Drabble, request, fluff)
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irishfino · 8 years ago
Re The Flash quality and content: I don't think the number of eps is at fault, or even the season-arc plots or filler eps. I think it's the lack of writing to characters. Instead, they keep trying to write plots. I don't tune in to watch plots, I tune in to see characters I like acting like characters I like. S1 was a great plot, but even better: consistent characterization. As soon as I think "... but x wouldn't DO/SAY that!" they've lost me. I don't care who Savitar is, I care who TeamF are.
they have got to tighten up the writing and filler serves no real purpose, plotwise or character wise.
the problem they have with the characters is that there are too many. when you have a huge ensemble cast like this, it is very hard to focus on any one person for very long. characterization gets worse for crossovers because it seems that people writing the episode for the flash aren’t actually part of the team. the big four way crossover had iris completely out of character. she was written as if she were katrina and not iris west.
barry, the hero and title character, isn’t allowed to grow or be intelligent on his own unless the plot needs him to be. it’s now completely unbelievable that this man created gideon in any capacity. he has a team of people who have to tell him how to hero after three years. in the first season, eowells tried to teach him how to think on his feet and the lesson just never stuck.
iris has been getting more development this season. season one and two were slogs for her character growth. it’s a little faster now, which is nice, but i’m greedy and want more.
cisco! what is cisco up to with regards to his powers? does he still hold the same fear he’ll become like reverb one day? what does cisco do when he’s not at star labs? does cisco have friends outside of the labs? is cisco being paid for his work with the flash or does he have to pull in cash another way?
how’s wally’s schooling going? how do his duties as kid flash interfere with that? does he ever use his speed in the classroom to do dumb stuff like cheat on a test? does he use his speed at school to keep himself from being late? how’s he handling being a speedster? how’s he handling francine’s death and then being locked in the speed force to watch her die over and over again? does he have friends? how’s he adjusting to life with joe?
how’s joe handling francine’s real death? why does joe still wear his wedding ring? joe has a job outside of star labs, anything significant happening there? any cool cases? what’s he do in his downtime now that wally lives with him? does he have friends he hangs out with?
and as much as i love harrison wells as a character, he’s really not necessary to the show, but i’m sure we’ll keep seeing him since tomcav signed a contract before season three started filming.
then we’ve got jesse. probably a storyline coming up regarding katrina frost and blah blah blah.
they have too much going on and they’re not handling it coherently. they need to tighten up their writing, it’s been lacking since season two started.
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craptaincold · 8 years ago
Savitar! Barry x Reverb is a yes 👌👌👌💙💙💙💙 ~Scarlet
GOOD, i may perhaps write some savitar!barry/reverb for flashvibeweek?? maybe?? we shall see
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shrinkthisviolet · 10 months ago
💘💖 :)))
💘: A fic you couldn't stop reading once you started
You Must Live (For Me), an amazing Saverb fic by @kitkatt0430/@starstruckpurpledragon! I was originally gonna read it in pieces, but it was so addictive that I read it in one sitting, the day it was posted 😅 it's AMAZING, a wonderful Bad Guys Win fic that explores Savitar and Reverb in so much wonderful depth, with more love than even canon (especially in Savitar’s case). I can’t recommend this highly enough 💞
💖: A drabble that made you want 100K more words
Chp 7 of @phoomwhoosh’s All-Valley drabbles! It was written for the prompt “Rewrite”, stars Robby and Miguel, and it made me wish I could read a full fic spawning from this brief fix-it
fic rec ask game!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year ago
In case anyone wants another snippet from the Reverb/Savitar fic I'm working on...
“Fine,” Reverb said dismissively, waving Savitar off. And the speedster was out like a light when he collapsed onto one of the nearby cots. It was Reverb’s, not Savitar’s, but he looked so peaceful that Reverb couldn’t bring himself to make Savitar move. Instead he watched Savitar sleep contemplatively for a bit and then retrieved a sketch pad. Moving past unfinished designs for Dante’s scythe, he began to craft something else. Something new. Something that would protect Savitar from other speedsters. Reverb began to design armor. His movements as he sketched were sharp and angular, creating an inhuman visage meant to intimidate, but streamlined so that it wouldn’t slow Savitar down. Something dangerous… armor fit for a god-to-be.
In canon we never find out where the armor came from, so now this AU has it's own explanation. :D
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sanzoumon · 7 years ago
Everyone out there be sayin' WestAllen is incest, yet I'm over here shipping Ramoncest (Cisco x Dante) thanks to S3's angst (not to mention that scene where Savitar tries to manipulate Cisco with a vision of Dante) and also that thing where Rupture (E2 Dante) came after the team over Reverb's (E2 Cisco) death.
And I'm just over here, on my lonely little dingy of a ship.
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vexic929 · 1 year ago
thank you so so so so much for your love for that small Savitar x Reverb ficlet, it makes me so happy ❤️
you're so welcome! it's so, so good!!!! <3333
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samandcolbyfan · 5 years ago
Different World| Part 6
@tahliamalfoydepp @eleventhdoctorsangel
Barry opened his eyes and slowly got up from where he was sitting by your side.
" What happed did you get through to her?"
" No I lost her. She accepted Savitar's offer."
" What?"
" Why would she do that?"
" Because she wants to save the people who we lost and miss. We still have hope that she won't choose anyone for herself because that is the time she looses herself."
There was a bright light and someone stepped out of it.
" Ronnie."
Caitlin immediately started crying and threw herself into his arms. Everyone was shocked beyond compare. That was just the beginning. Another three people appeared.
First Dante, then Eddie and last Henry Allen.
" Dad."
Barry was crying and hugging his dad tight. He couldn't believe it. He was here and alive.
" I missed you so much."
" I missed you too slugger."
Barry looked around on all the people he was sure he'll never see again. He then looked back to you and just in time to see you open your eyes. His relieve was cut short when he saw the lighting in your eyes.
You looked at everyone and smiled. You gave back what they lost. You stood up and as you did the counter part's of the team were appearing by your sides. Reverb, evil Killer Frost and the most important of them at least for you, Savitar.
" This will be one hell of a battle that is coming. When the time comes you all shell fall."
" We beaten you once Savitar we'll do it again."
" There's one problem with that... you see before I didn't have Impulse with me."
" Impulse?"
" You like it Cisco? Much better than Gideon 2.0. don't you think? "
" Y/n this isn't who you are since you got here you've shown and done nothing but good don't change it now please. It's not too late."
" It is she made her choice and my plan will work this time."
" What is your plan?!"
" That's for us to know and for you to... let's get out of here. Soon we'll meet again team Flash."
Savitar disappeared with a gust of wind, reverb opened a breach and walked through it with killer frost. You stayed behind a little just to say one sentence that you hoped would be enough to get across a certain message to the team.
"I hereby christen this building as the bomb."
With that you were gone leaving only your purple-blue lighting and confused team behind. You just hoped that Cisco will figure it out. He has to or you might actually lose even the last tiny part of you that's still good....
What do you think that message meant? Will Cisco figure it out and what it'll be like with Barry's dad, Ronnie and Eddie back?
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