#save me hecate save me...
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usurperss · 11 months ago
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Hecate doodles 🧎
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raventriquolist · 11 months ago
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waxwitch · 2 months ago
Hades 2 Spreadsheet
hey! are you a... - Hades2 fanfic writer looking for references - Hades2 player trying to find dialogue
well do i have a spreadsheet for you!!
every line of dialogue in hades2!! (yes, even the Olympic Update ones!)
Book of Shadows entries!
tagging of the dialogue by concepts (~35% done, dont judge, its been a lot of work)
at LEAST 170 hours of my life
beloved mutuals @mellohirust, @sourluck99 and @raven-campanile have been big helps in finishing this (and some straggly bits that ive handed to my interns lol), thank you so much!!
^^ the spreadsheet, also linked above!
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lesbianbanana · 1 year ago
Please know that it's not anti feminist to say that a woman (*cough* Helen and Persephone*cough*) who was kidnapped WAS kidnapped and didn't go by choice ❤️
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 10 months ago
Hecate please help me understand his stupid ass logic so i wont kill him and push him to communicate like a human and not a stubborn donkey
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bluebellplayinggames · 8 months ago
i met hades last night and i almost started crying
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pagan-sloth-witch · 8 months ago
Massive shoutout to Lady Hecate who helped me find my missing earbud
Last night I noticed it was missing, and I’m with my family on a really long drive. I knew the drive was coming, so I was stressed about that on top of it missing. I looked everywhere I was that day after it went missing, since it was already turned off from being disconnected so long. But I didn’t find it anywhere
Eventually I just laid in bed since it was almost 5 in the morning. I was crying and I prayed desperately for her to help me find it. She comforted me that night and I was able to calm down and get to sleep
Then this morning as I’m getting ready and accepting my fate that it’s just missing, my sister calls me out to the living room: She found it in a spot I looked last night. I hadn’t even told her it was missing
I need to give her an offering when I get home as a thank you. I’ve already thanked her in prayer a whole bunch, because oh my gosh that was so sweet of her and I’m so grateful
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adharaantheia · 3 months ago
🫧The Importance of Epithets🫧
Adhara's post introduction: Hello, lovebugs! Today's post is about epithets! Hope you guys like it! I've always found Epithets something essential in my practice, so I wanted to share some knowledge and information for you guys!!
🎐What are Epithets?
🦢 Throughout ancient Greek writing and mythology, there is something known as epithets. The definition of epithet is repeated descriptive adjectives or phrases linked to a specific character, either a God or Hero, that are used to describe a specific characteristic of they hold.
🎐 What is the importance of the Epithets?
🦢 Epithets are important not only to know more about your Deity, but also to know what type of works they do with their devotees, and also to know which energy you may resonate more with.
🎐 How to know which Epithet I'm working with my Deity?
🦢 First, I recommend you to do multiple researches about your Deity, then see which one resonates more with you, then you ask them for confirmation, it's best if you have the Epithets in hand and go through it with your Deity, especially if you don't feel your intuition pushing you towards an specific epithet.
🎐 What are examples of Epithets, and what they can mean to me?
🦢 Here's some examples of Epithets and their meanings and what they could mean in works (from my perspective, of course):
- Aphrodite Areia, the warlike. A surname of Aphrodite, when represented in full armour like Ares, as was the case at Sparta: It can help at getting more confident in yourself and getting through challenges.
- Athena Paeonia(Paiônia), i. e. the healing goddess, was a surname of Athena, under which she had a statue at Athens, and an altar in the temple of Amphiaraus at Oropus: It can help through mental and physical traumas and how to live past them.
- Hekate Atalos; the tender-hearted, or Hekate the delicate: Helps through understanding that even if you're powerful, you can still be kind and soft-hearted.
- Ares Aphneiós; rich, wealthy: It can help with finances, such as saving and controlling your money better.
- Demeter Brimo;(Brim��), the angry or the terrifying, occurs as a surname of several divinities, such as Hecate or Persephone: It can help understanding where your anger comes from.
🎐 Are all Epithets usable in our worshipping?
🦢 That's a tricky question, some Epithets were used in a specific part of Greece or another place, so they may not be fit for some of us.
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moonlightcycle571 · 5 months ago
My Take On Evil Captain Marvel / Shazam / Shazamily
In an AU where all the heroes are villains, and all the villains are heroes, I like to think Captain Marvel is like the Poison Ivy but for the Magical Community.
So we all know Captain Marvel is the Champion of Magic, and as such he has duties, be it a hero or a villain. Now picture this:
Homeless Billy Batson, fresh out of being struck by a Magic Lighting, gets taken in by the magical community (be it the fae, a witches coven, magical creatures, or smt). He develops a love for the mystic realm and is thus more active as Champion. They have shown more love and kindness than any human ever has, and eventually sees himself as a magical being / well of magic more than he sees himself as human.
But then, tragedy, and he sees people hunting down members of his beloved community for the sole reason that they have magic. They see creatures under HIS domaine being captured and sold in the black market. He sees butchered remains and fur of his friends being hung as trophies.
So seeing as that there are NO magical protection laws, and knows deep down that Adults Cannot Be Trusted (if his time on the streets taught him anything, it’s that), he takes matters into his own hands.
He hunts the hunters for fun. He rips apart ANYONE who DARES hurt those under his protection. He destroys countries who normalises the destruction of the mystic. He sends plagues and lighting. Those so called ‘Heroes’ who try to stop him aren’t any better, for they stop him from doing his Duty as The Champion.
He gets noticed by a group of individuals who wish to recruit him (evil JL). He joins, not because he actually cares about their goals, but they promised to leave anything magic alone, and even help him take down his adversaries. Morality is something he has long given up on.
The Gods don’t care either. From their point of view, humanity has long forsaken them, and makes a point to destroy what they have created. Hecate is especially supportive, she created most of the magical creatures, of course she has a fondness for them.
Mary, Freddy, Tawny (who in this au might be a creature that Captain saved) and the rest of the Shazamily join in, as they too much prefer magic over humans. Maybe in this au, they were put into more abusive environments.
Fawcette becomes the center of the magical world, and is known as the most protected place if you are of the mystic.
It’s a shame that cursed Black Adam did not join them, his time trapped made him soft, and developed a fondness for people (it’s what his son would have wanted). And really, he ought to get over Kahndaq. Sure, they destroyed the country, but they had it coming! They were trapping a bunch of Gods!
Anyways, this is just me rambling. I might make a part 2 if the inspiration comes to me.
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helenofsparta2 · 7 months ago
Headcannon: Percy is immensely popular among nature spirits and "minor" gods
Oceanids & Nereids
It starts small.
The Nereids and Oceanids are naturally curious about him when they find out about his existence, that’s already canon:
She (a nereid) nodded. “It has been many years since a child of the Sea God has been born. We have watched you with great interest.”
Suddenly, I remembered faces in the waves of Montauk Beach when I was a little boy, reflections of smiling women. (The Lightning Thief, chapter 17)
Later, at the latest by the time Titan’s curse happens, nereids and oceanids see him save ocean creatures from fishing gear, or whales stranded on beaches, or him helping mermaids with hanging nails. (Titan’s curse, chapter 7)  We see him be considerate and respectful to nereids through his interaction in the fourth book at the ranch.
She looked like she was ready for a fight. Her fists were balled, but I thought I heard a little quaver in her voice. Suddenly, I realized that, despite her angry attitude, she was afraid of me. She probably thought I was going to fight her for control of the river , and she was worried, she would lose.
The thought made me sad. I felt like a bully, a son of Poseidon throwing his weight around.
I sat down on a tree stump. “Okay, you win.”
The naiad looked surprised. (The Battle of the Labyrinth, chapter 9)
It’s pretty good established in the books, that smaller gods and spirits don’t get treated with respect most of the time, especially not from heroes of old like Herakles and the Olympian gods. The reaction of the naiad adds to this sentiment, so we can pretty easily conclude that the way Percy treats them, is relatively rare.
In-between the books, Rick often sprinkles in some interactions between Percy and naiads, which further underlines their positive opinion of him:
I looked over the edge of the boat and found a couple of naiads staring at me. They looked like regular teenage girls, the kind you’d see in any mall, except for the fact that they were underwater.
Hey, I said. They made a bubbling sound that may have been giggling. I wasn’t sure. I had a hard time understanding naiads.
We’re heading upstream, I told them. Do you think you could-
Before I could even finish, the naiads each chose a canoe and began pushing us up the river. (Titan’s curse, Chapter 14)
Satyrs & Dryads:
The satyrs know that he, Clarisse, Annabeth, Tyson and Grover were the ones, who returned the golden fleece to camp half-blood and so, have stopped satyrs from getting killed by Polyphemus. During the battle of the labyrinth, Percy is the one who extinguished the fire and stopped the trees and dryads from getting burnt to death. Not to mention that he is best friends with the guy, who discovered Pan and has the title of Lord of the Wild.
“Minor” Gods:
The non-Olympian gods, like Hecate, Nemesis, Eros, Hebe and Morpheus were probably curious about him, even wary, but nothing more at first, until Percy managed to stop the civil war between Zeus and Poseidon at the age of twelve.  
We know that canonically, this already earned him the respect of many different beings:
As I walked back through the city of the gods, conversations stopped. The muses paused their concert. People, and satyrs and naiads all turned towards me, their faces filled with respect and gratitude, and as I passed, they knelt, as if I were some kind of hero.” (The Lightning Thief, chapter 21)
By the time the war with Kronos further escalates and they join his side, this obviously changes again. From this moment on, Percy is their enemy, and probably nothing more for most of them.
But then, they lose, and probably expect the worst of consequences.
Gods who have crossed Zeus have suffered severe punishments before. Prometheus was bound to a rock, with an eagle eating his liver every day because he stole fire from the gods, gifted it to humanity and tricked Zeus, the titans were banished to Tartarus after the Titanomachy. After some of the gods rebelled and tried to overthrow Zeus, Hera got hung in the sky with golden chains, where she cried out all night in pain, while Apollo and Poseidon were forced to work as labourers for King Laomedon of Troy.
They probably expected to get thrown into Tartarus with the rest of the Titans, get stripped of their immortality, or worse. Instead, however, their children finally receive cabins at camp half-blood and they themselves receive full amnesty.
All because Percy Jackson, this 16-year-old teenager, decides to change the entire thousand year old status quo on Olympus.  
He could have wished for anything after their victory over Kronos and the titan army. The choice was not between the oath he made the gods swear and him becoming a god. He could have wished to be left alone, or to never have to do a quest again, or live a happy, and peaceful life away from the pain and wars until the end of his days, or literally anything else, but he didn’t. He made the active choice to make Olympus fairer, and to create equality among the demigods, without even thinking about it for too long.
No one can convince me that this, and his already mentioned other actions, didn’t earn him the respect of huge parts of the mythological world.
Not even Rick himself (no matter how much he may try in his new books)
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phantomwitch16 · 10 months ago
Recently I've been thinking about Hypnos and his position in Hades Hades 2. I've been seeing a lot of posts about him lately so I really want to talk about him cause to be honest, other than Zagreus, Hypnos is my favourite character in both games.
From what I've seen from Nyx's family, Hypnos seems to be the odd one out and too be fair, he quite literally is. Most if not all of his siblings are reclusive, quiet and don't keep in contact, similar to how it was with Nyx and Chaos. But Hypnos is the opposite, being quite sociable, talkative and wants to be around his mother and brothers as much as possible. In fact, that's possibly why he works at the house, likely to be closer to Nyx and his brothers. Which really makes sense, since out of all of his family, he never sees any of his other siblings save for their Nyx, Than and Charon and that was largely due to their obligations to the house. But despite his easy going demeanor, Hypnos is probably one of the most powerful gods in the house, save for Nyx given that he was able to put everyone in the house to fall asleep.
Which I imagine it was quite isolating to be doing his duties, especially since most of his siblings, notably Than, were off doing something else. At least with Than, he had the opportunity to see Nyx and Charon whenever he had the time. Which makes sense since other than sleep and death being two sides of the same coin, there isn't much else that keeps Hypnos connected with his family and its likely what made him want to take a job as a receptionist, despite how bored he generally is at it.
It's sad looking back on first game when he's being talked down to by Than and Nyx for having a difficult time to get the hang of doing essentially two full time jobs. Thankfully by the end of the game, he's managed to become much more capable in managing both jobs and having a better relationship with his family.
But this has made me wonder if working as the receptionist had a drastic affect on him in the second game. He's practically in a comatose state and has been like that since before Chronos attacked, since Mel was a baby and it's one of the biggest questions of the community.
I have a few ideas what could've happened to him and the possibly larger role he many have within Hades.
I haven't watch the technical test and frankly i don't want to know too much until the game comes out on the switch, but i think Hecate was down at the house was partly due to Hypnos' condition and maybe to see Mel as well. Because frankly it would be a large part of concern for everyone to come across Hypnos and being unable to wake him up. So she comes to examine him and while there, Chronos escaped, leading her to escape with Hypnos, Melinoe and the portrait.
As for what could've put Hypnos into that sleep, it could've been possible that he was doing so well before the events of the Hades 2. There could've been a large influx of souls and some additional preparation for Melinoe's birth that caused a lot of tension in the house. Or else, he received a terrible vision. In Greek Mythology, Hypnos had a great connection with handling the visions and prophecies. Mainly delivering them from Apollo or other Gods to prophets such as the Oracle of Delphi, alongside his sons. It could be possible that Hypnos received a vision from someone that influenced him to go into a deep sleep.
With him being asleep since then, it's likely that he's only been sleeping. However, it could be possible that Hypnos could be aiding those who were left behind or helping Mel and the others in the Crossroads? Such preventing other enemies to spawn alongside Chronos or putting those left behind in a deep sleep so that they won't feel pain or be controlled by the Titan.
What i find most interesting is his connection with Melinoe. From the get-go, we're already well aware that Mel looks up to Hypnos and finds him fascinating which makes sense. In mythology, Melinoe was not only had a connection to Hecate and ghosts, but one with sleep, specifically bringing about nightmares and madness.
With this connection to him, Mel could possibly interact with Hypnos in her dreams or wake him from his slumber. Or if those who were in the house were under his control, Hypnos could lull them into a sleep and Mel could wake them up by inducing a terrible nightmare that could shake off whatever control Chronos has over them.
I don't know if Hypnos might still have his old job by the end of the second game but considering with Mel could intercept dreams, I think that he would get a promotion by overseeing her duties or training her in those aspects of her abilities, probably punishing those worthy of those nightmares or aiding him in handing out prophecies.
I highly doubt that all of this would be used in the game but its a nice idea.
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hunterofartemis7 · 2 months ago
Adopted by the gods AU pt.15
Anticlea: *holding an ice pack that Hera gave her to her cheek*
Laertes: *sitting by his wife rubbing her back*
Zeus: I deeply apologize for the way my daughter acted today. She is never like this. I assure you, she will be punished for thi-
Laertes: thank you lord Zeus, but that won’t be necessary.
Apollo: your wife got slapped in the face twice by one of the eldest goddesses on Olympus and you don’t want her punished? Bro you need better priorities.
Laertes: I at the very least want her to apologize for..that and for us to figure what ACTUALLY happened that night. I don’t believe Lady Athena just took him and made up this story of us abandoning our son. Something had to have gotten lost in translation the night she found him.
Aphrodite: found her! *dragging Athena in by her arm*
Hera: *crosses her arms* Athena. Do you have something to say?
Athena: I’m only here to find out what really happened my son.
Aphrodite: *elbows her in the ribs*
Athena: ow!
Hermes: *flies in* okay! Got the spell from Hecate!
Anticlea: what does that do?
Hermes: this will show us what really happened, from both your perspective.
Zeus: and when this is over, you will apologize to the queen first the way you acted
Athena: *rolls her eyes* when it shows my son was abandoned, those people will stay the fuck away from my kids.
Hera: and when it doesn’t, you will return both boys back to their home kingdoms.
Hermes:….okay! Let’s get this show on the road! *throws the vial on the ground and blue mist surrounds them, showing a vision from the day Odysseus was taken*
*The vision shows baby Odysseus being taken from his crib in the middle of the night by some random man. Laertes sends the guards out to chase the men and they follows him to the waterfall, where he throws the baby off the edge. It then shows Athena catching baby Odysseus and hiding behind a tree when the guards look over the edge for. It shows the guards leaving and Athena taking the baby back to Olympus. She flies to the palace where the captain tells the king and queen that their son has died and his body wasn’t found. What Athena heard made it sound like the king and queen planned to kill Odysseus, but in reality they were just in shocked that their newborn son was dead. She had flown off before she could hear the queen break down in tears*
*the vision ends, and all the gods look between Athena and Anticlea*
Hermes:…….so at least we know this was a huge misunderstanding *laughs nervously*…this is awkward.
Anticlea: I told you I never abandoned my own son.
Athena: he’s not your son
Anticlea: are you still going to be like that!? You just saw with your own eyes what really happened—
Athena: and that doesn’t change the fact that neither you or your husband actually looked for him, and I’ve been the one raising him for the past 11 years! You might have given birth to him but he is my son!
Anticlea: need I remind you that you were the one who hid him when he fell!?
Athena: he would’ve died if I hadn’t!
Anticlea and Athena: *shut up*
Zeus; where is the boy? He needs to know the truth
Odysseus: *comes out from under the table with Diomedes* right here grandfather, and I heard everything.
Zeus: well that saves me some work.
Athena: Odysseus…
Odysseus:….*runs up and hugs her*
Diomedes: *follows and hugs her too*
Athena; *drops to her knees and hugs them both close*
Hera: Odysseus, since you heard what really happened, it seems you have a choice to make.
Odysseus: *let’s go from the hug* what do you mean?
Athena: yeah what do you mean?
Hera: the boy knows he’s the real heir of Ithaca, and that he wasn’t abandoned as you previously said. So it seems he has a choice; stay with you till he turns 18, or go with his birth parents now.
Athena: over my dead body is he going with them!
Hera: you don’t get a say Athena.
Athena: he is still underaged and I’m still his mother! There is no choice to be made here!
Apollo: wouldn’t Anticlea have a say in this since she’s his birth mother?
Athena: stay out of this!
Apollo: yes ma’am!🫡
Athena: and no she doesn’t because she didn’t raise him!
Laertes: lord Zeus, if I may. I don’t want to lose our son again after just learning that he is in fact alive, but I don’t want him taken away from the woman who’s raised him either. Isn’t there some kinda of compromise we can come to?
Odysseus: how about we forget this whole thing and I stay with my mom and brother?
Hera: the boy needs to learn how to be king Athena.
Athena: I can teach him that. Besides he has 7 more years before he can even become king!
Artemis: than just do that. Both boy stay with Athena till their 18, and in that time she will teach them how to be kings.
Laertes: or at the very least until they need to become kings
Artemis: what he said.
Hera: I suppose that could work. Athena? Could you comply with this?
Athena: *sighs* if I must.
Odysseus: what!? Mama I don’t want to leave you!
Diomedes: me either!
Aphrodite: you won’t be leaving her immediately, just when you become adults. By then you’ll be sick of her and want to leave anyway
Athena: hey!
Odysseus: *clings to her leg* never!
Diomedes: *clings as well* yeah! We’re never leaving mother!
Zeus: you both will when it is time for you to become kings. End of discussion.
Anticlea: wait, does this mean I still won’t get to see my son for another 7 years?
Zeus: well—
Athena: that’s exactly what that means
Hera: Athena!
Athena: I’m not going to make Odysseus go somewhere he doesn’t want to!
Zeus:..*sighs* if the boy wants to visit his birth than he shall, but he cannot be forced.
Athena: *mumbles* thank the gods.
Odysseus: *buried his face Athena’s side* yay
Diomedes: *does the same*
Athena: *holds them close*
Hera: now I believe there’s still the matter of an apology that you owe Anticlea for slapping her.
Athena: *rolls her eyes* I’m sorry I hit you, after you called me a bitch in my own home😑
Zeus: just go
Athena: *takes her kids hands and leaves*
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ssparksflyy · 2 months ago
percy jackson x daughter of hecate!reader , requested
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lililasagna · 10 months ago
some disjointed thoughts about Nemesis and Melinoë (and Hecate and mommy issues)
I’ve been having lots of thoughts about the dynamic between Nemesis and Melinoë, and by extension both of their dynamics with Hecate. Hades 2 technical test spoilers to follow, obviously
First let’s talk about Hecate and Melinoë. Hecate raised Melinoë! She cares about her! But their relationship is not healthy by any means. Hecate is the only parent Melinoë has ever known, but out of loyality to Persephone she refuses to be Melinoë’s mother, and very harshly pushes back on the idea when Melinoë even suggests that she views Hecate in a maternal way. (Notice the difference to how Nyx treats Zagreus, and says he will always be her child.) Hecate raised Melinoë in a very militaristic way, for the obvious reason that they are at war, but isn’t it kind of nuts how even when playing hide and seek with very small child Melinoë, she frames their playtime in the context of hunting and killing titans? Enter Melinoë’s desperate need for approval. Yeah, it’s cruel when Nemesis says that killing Chronos “isn’t personal enough” for Mel. Unfortunately, she is right. Throughout the techtest, Melinoë continuously questions herself and other characters on how to keep up the motivation to save a family she has never known. She struggles deeply with this. My impression is that at this point, she is fighting To Make Hecate Happy. She is constantly vying for (and getting!) her teacher’s approval. She doesn’t question Hecate almost ever, and that’s in fact Bad for Melinoë. Melinoë needs to kill Chronos for Herself, and she’s simply not there yet.
Now, I noticed two things that made my alarm bells ring in regards to Melinoë, Nemesis and Hecate. Nemesis very clearly cares about Melinoë, even her digs at Melinoë are poorly disguised concern for her. She’s worried about Melinoë being sent out on her own by Hecate, she thinks Melinoë is a pushover to Hecate (she’s right), and she lets Melinoë call her “Nem”, even when they are fighting, without a comment. Meanwhile Hecate Hates Nemesis. She cannot deal with Nemesis questioning her judgement and expects complete obedience from her because of a pact she made with Nyx, while at the same time wishing she hadn’t made the pact because she cannot stand Nemesis to the point of wanting to throw her out of the encampment completely. Now this sucks for Nemesis of course, but what concerns me More, is how Hecate speaks to Melinoë about Nemesis.
Hecate actively discourages Melinoë from even cordially talking to Nemesis, to the point of acting disgusted when Melinoë uses her keepsake. Odysseus asks Melinoë to “smooth things over” between Nemesis and Hecate, implying Melinoë has in the past had to go between them. Hecate doesn’t respect Nemesis as a person, because Nemesis doesn’t respect her as an authority (nemesis still obeys Hecate, just not in a way Hecate likes)
I’ll write up these thoughts in more detail at some point but for now I want to leave you with this thought that made me sad: Characters constantly tell Melinoë she looks just like her mother and express pity and concern for her. Have you seen Nemesis? Do you think anyone has told Her how she looks like her mother? Of course Nemesis needs to keep reiterating her stakes in this struggle, because Hecate sure isn’t acknowledging them.
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 10 months ago
Hecate: save money
me: again??
Hecate: "again" you should save money all the time
me: okay i just want to buy this bunny I'm saving I'm saving
Hecate: okay
Hecate: i love you
me: 🥹🥹🥹love you too
Hecate: also relax a bit, you've been devoting a lot today you deserve rest
me: i didn't even-
Hecate: also don't push your so to work with deities you're scaring him
me: sorry mom
Hecate: it's okay
me: i was actually trying to ask Asclepius a question so like...
Hecate: right, I'll just *disappears*
me: right so where were we
Asclepius: don't be scared of spending money
me: oh my fuckin god
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lambskel · 2 months ago
maybe I’m biased somewhat because he’s my favorite little guy but I really hope hypnos’s character ends up getting explored a little more by the time the full release of hades 2 is out.
like obviously him being stuck asleep is going to have some relevance to the overarching plot because otherwise why is he Like That. but I hope it ends up being something that dives deeper into his abilities and the facets of his personality. I love that he’s a goofy little guy, but lest we forget he is sleep incarnate, he’s powerful enough that he was able to just put the entire house to sleep in the first game as a favor to zagreus.
if not anything significant to do with his abilities, then at the very least I hope we get some sort of development between him and his family. I want him to reunite with thanatos and nyx after they’re freed from chronos. I want him to wake up and realize more of his siblings have been there with him at the crossroads. that hecate saved him and melinoë idolizes him. like especially after a big part of his character in the first game was him being brushed aside while wanting so badly to be close with his family/friends.
tldr hypnos is so special to me
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