#save icwa
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thatspectacularpigeon · 2 years ago
Listen up please
This is incredibly important.
The united States government has been trying to remove the protections of native children mainly via possibly overturning the ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act)
This will allow white families to continue to take native children from their lands their family and their culture just like they did for centuries before the ICWA was passed.
This is both incredibly important and incredibly personal as my family was permanently harmed because of children being taken away from their families.
So please spread awareness about this and I have a link below that you can go to the first Nations website learn more about this and and write a response that they can use about how we should be saving the ICWA
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warcrimecryptid · 2 years ago
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The Protect ICWA Campaign was established by the National Indian Child Welfare Association, the National Congress of American Indians, The Association on American Indian Affairs, and the Native American Rights Fund. The forced assimilation of Native people in the U.S. is nothing new and it has always targeted children. That's why over 40 years ago, the Indian Child Welfare Act was put into place. The number one goal of the ICWA was to curb the generational harm caused by Native children being separated from their families and tribal communities.
What many people may not understand is that Native children being separated from their families is a modern issue, impacting far too many Native children to this day. And come November 9, the law working to protect these children from being forcibly removed from their homes and families will be challenged in front of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Click on the link to this petition. Help stop forced assimilation and the theft of Native Children.
Your silence makes you complicit in Native genocide.
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lgbtawarenessproject · 2 years ago
Again, not LGBT, but this important.
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wearamaskcoward · 2 years ago
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walterdoodles · 2 years ago
Today is Red dress day. Remember and Honour all of the Native Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two spirits that have gone missing and have been murdered. Most of these cases are never heard in the public and they are sadly forgotten. Today I want to spread awareness for all Indigenous people, I want to share my culture and help others understand the importance of sharing stories from these victims.
I will be donating as well on this day to several sites that support native women and girls. And also a few sites that want to protect ICWA. I suggest you do the same but if you are not financially able to then spread awareness respectfully.🧡🧡
(I’m doing Donation commission 50% of the profits go to NICWA! this post-> https://www.tumblr.com/walterdoodles/719214714265255936/im-opening-up-some-donation-commissions-if-you )
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No more stolen sisters
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localanimequeerio-17 · 2 years ago
In these dark times, I just wanna say: TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS! STOP BANNING BOOKS! STOP POLICE BRUTALITY! STOP THE WILLOW PROJECT! DONT OVERTURN ICWA! GUN CONTROL IS A MUST! MY BODY MY CHOICE! BLACK LIVES MATTER! The state of the U.S (probably the whole world, too) is so shitty right now, and honestly I am genuinely scared for our futures. The core of the U.S is being rewritten and destroyed. It is no longer free, and it hasn’t been for a while.
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oasis-of-colors · 2 years ago
The longer i live in the United States of America and hear of the political news the more I want to leave. I’d rather deal with moose in Canada than the bullshit that’s going down.
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flintoaster · 2 years ago
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local-butter-and-toast · 2 years ago
ICWA ( the Indian child welfare act ) is in danger. It was first established in 1978 to protect native children from being taken away from their families/tribes. The Supreme Court is trying to overturn this. This will end up in cultural genoside. We have less than a few mounts left.
Please spread awareness and help indigenous families keep their children, it’s awful that this is even happening.
To help please sign petitions and listen to native voices.
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doritopaw101 · 2 years ago
Posting the links so it’s easier to find
If you can’t donate try to boost this as much as you can
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lgbtawarenessproject · 2 years ago
Hey! This is a thing still!
This was posted yesterday.
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ixrer · 2 years ago
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I don’t know how many of you will see this, or how many of you are going to care. But please. I’m genuinely begging you. Don’t let them overturn ICWA. We NEED this law to stay in power. Don’t let us face genocide. If this is all you ever do for me, it would be enough.
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the-daily-dose-of-life · 1 year ago
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johnathan-pastry · 1 year ago
So remember last year when I posted about the US government trying to overturn ICWA (Indian child welfare act, which is a law that was created to prevent native children in the adoption system from being taken away from their tribes because they were being "adopted" by non-native people then promptly abused and because it protects native sovereignty and its helping heal the generations of native people who were taken from their families) and we were like WOOO the government didn't overturn that law that's very important to the Native American rights and protecting kids Uh anyways its been like 8 months and the courts trying to overturn it again because white people are once again angry for no reason You should learn about it and perhaps also help spread the word Edit: im gathering resources and organizations that help rn, ill post them later tonight
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inter-volve · 2 years ago
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