#sav´s universe
spencereid-reads · 6 months
the language of you | s. reid
wc: 2.1k // warnings: english isn't my first language! an extreme amount of italics, meet-cute, love at first poem sight kinda thing. poems that i found on either google or pinterest. a few swear words, maybe? // a/n: my first time writing for reid and cm in general. i'm in the middle of season 9 and idk where this idea came from. also i don't know anything about poetry, the last quote is as far as my knowledge goes. if you think you know me from my other writing blog no you don't<3but ily also idk if i'll keep writing, i just wanted to post it bc of world poetry day, i think it's a nice coincidence.
i use she/her pronouns//fem!reader in almost all of my fics!
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the cold hallways of the university building aren't as big and intimidating as he remembered. and this time, they welcomed him with open arms. he was just a kid when he first set foot here, and now here he was, being invited by a member of his team to teach the young minds of college kids.
spencer reid had never been a great public speaker, sure, he had the qualities of one, but he was also known to ramble on and on about a specific subject if he was interested enough in it, most likely overwhelming and quite often scaring the class attendees.
he followed dr. blake through the crowded halls, she'd invited him along to one of her lectures, she needed someone with vast knowledge about, -well, everything-, and a quick mind, and he was the perfect addition to her classes.
it was weird, being on the other side of the lecture hall, with dozens of eyes set on him as he spoke, he wasn't nervous per se, more... aware of the situation. but luckily the students were focused, paid attention and asked good questions. he considered that a win in his book. without noticing, the 90 minute class was over, and he approached blake after gathering his things and crossing his signature leather bag over his shoulder.
"ready to head back?" he asked.
"not quite, there's a friend of mine giving a lecture next door, it's her first class, actually. thought we'd stop by for a bit, wish her good luck." she said, sliding her black blazer back on.
"sure, what's it about?"
"you'll see. i think you'll enjoy it." she gave him a sly smile, making her way up the steps, he stood there for a second, wondering what the subject might be. there were a lot of things that he enjoyed, physics, math, science.
spencer caught up to her just as she opened the door to the other lecture hall, sliding in behind alex as his eyes adjusted to the change of lighting. compared to the room they'd just left, this felt nothing like a classroom. it felt more like a theater.
the lights were off, the room being lit up by fake candles lining both sets of steps on each side of the room, and he noticed real candles on the front stage, the flames dancing with the subtle change of pressure as a girl, maybe as young as he was, walked on stage. a book in her hand, but she didn't need it, whatever she was saying was from memory, the worlds flowing effortlessly out her mouth.
he stood frozen in his spot, it took him two seconds to recognize and figure out what was going on.
"lines fall on the soul like dew on the grass. what does it matter that i couldn’t keep her. the night is fractured and she is not with me." she recited, eyes closed as she stopped walking, even from his spot at the top of the steps he could see her facial expression, a frown on her face as her eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed as if she was the one feeling the pain the author was describing.
neruda. poetry.
spencer had never been the biggest fan of poetry, but maybe he just hadn't found the right person to teach him about it.
what an incredulous thought, someone teaching a subject to genius spencer reid? but he couldn't help but be drawn to the soft voice that spoke with love, sorrow and rhythm.
"my voice tried to find the breeze to reach her. another’s kisses on her, like my kisses. her voice, her bright body, infinite eyes."
she was savoring each word in her tongue, and spencer's ears perked up at every sound that left her mouth.
"wonder boy, come on," alex's whisper brought him out of his thoughts, as he followed her down the candlelit steps to one of the first rows.
how he wished he could've stayed up there, hidden within the shadows, since he couldn't take two steps without his eyes having to find the young lecturer again, slowing down his legs.
but from down there he noticed the way the candles lit her face, casting a soft golden glow, and now he found himself thanking the small flames scattered around the stage.
she threw the two fbi agents a look, a knowing gleam in her eye as she recognized the female doctor. it was fleeting, she didn’t let the interaction distract her from the verses and the words slipping from her lips.
“loving is so short, forgetting is so long,” she breathed the words, barely audible as she felt every syllable in every bone of her body.
as she finished the poem, deafening silence fell upon the room, and spencer realized how quiet the room had been since he arrived, yet her soft voice seemed to fill it effortlessly.
“has anyone here ever felt emotions as strong as the ones depicted in the poem? joy, sadness, anger?” she asked, somehow leaving aside the ‘character’ she’d slipped into as she recited the words written by neruda. “love? has anyone ever experienced this… deep, unshakeable need to absolutely possess someone? to keep them all for your own, locked in a room to look, touch, admire as much as you wish?” she continued, eyes scanning the room, and spencer’s breathing hitched when she placed her eyes on him. “i know how it sounds like, but- poetry and language, is quite possibly the best way to express those intense feelings.”
“what about sex?” a voice from the crowd asked.
“that’s a great way too,” she nodded, laughing along with the class, “but have you ever stood in front of a girl, a boy, a person you truly feel like you’d die for, and told them exactly that? how just the touch of their hand holding someone else’s would rip your soul out of your body, or how you’d swim oceans just to get to hear their laugh one last time? i don’t know about you, but i feel like that’s a hundred times better than sex.” she continued, walking from one side of the stage to the other, using her hands and changing the tone in her voice to emphasize what she wanted to say. “i promise you that by the end of this semester you’ll be able to put all of that into your own words. read, everyone. please, read and do your research, and i promise you that you’ll get your chance to be neruda, dickinson. anybody can be a poet. poetry is about feelings, thoughts, the things that keep you up at night, and being able to put all of that into words. read, even if you don’t understand what they’re saying, but think about what they want to say. i know it’s our first class but i’ll leave you some work for friday. just pick a poem, learn it and present it here, i want to see what we’re working with. that’s it for today, thank you.” she vowed her head like an actor who’d just finished a play, walking around the stage as she blew the candles off.
“come on, let’s go say hi,” alex stood up, prompting spencer to do the same, and he had to swallow the feelings inside of him. his mind repeating every word the girl onstage had just said. he knew the importance of poetry, he had a few favorite poets, and he knew about all the hard technical work that was behind writing a good poem, but he’d never taken the time to think about the personal aspect of the work.
“dr. blake, great to see you here,” she greeted the older woman, who embraced her in a hug.
“you too. you were great there, no one would’ve thought it was your first time teaching,”
“well, what can i say, i learned everything from you.”
“please, our fields are as far apart as they could be. it’s all thanks to that big brain of yours. which, speaking of, meet dr. spencer reid, we work together.” alex stepped aside, revealing a tall man, hands fidgeting with his leather bag and long strands of hair covering his forehead. alex always had a soft spot for spencer, the young genius reminded her of herself, once upon a time.
“pleasure to meet you, dr. reid,” the young girl smiled at him, offering her hand.
“likewise,” he said, taking her hand in his. alex’s eyebrows raised, she’d been expecting a speech about germs and pathogens but got none.
“so, what’d you think? was it too much? think i scared the kids?”
“today’s youth doesn’t take things too seriously, they prefer one night stands and lack of commitment.” spencer explained.
“think i’m reaching for the stars for trying to get them to channel their emotions and actually feel them?” the young professor asked him, a smile on her face told him that she’d already thought about that.
“not necessarily, studies have proven that people who can feel and acknowledge their emotions are happier, live longer and have better relationships with themselves and others. also, they have more confidence in themselves and can make lasting relationships, but physical and emotional.” he continued, and this time dr. blake spoke.
“so if you do your job right you’ll get lots of people laid,”
“ah, if only i could make that work for me,” she replied, heat creeping onto her cheeks as she looked down. her words made spencer stop breathing.
“i’m sure someone with your wits and… well, you could get anyone you want,” the words slipped out before he could control them.
“sounds easier said than done, but i’ve decided to devote my life to my work and books, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone coming anytime soon to change that. i’m alright with that, life is more than that.” she shrugged her shoulder.
“not enjoyment, and not sorrow, is our destined end or way; but to act, that each tomorrow find us farther than today.” spencer recalled from memory.
“you speak my language, doctor,” the young professor breathed. and the older woman took the opportunity to interfere.
“like i said, genius. you two should talk, he’s got a very interesting brain that i’m sure you’d love to pick,” she reached toward her friend, wrapping her in a quick hug, “i’ll meet you out there, reid, i have a few things to do.” with that she walked out of the lecture hall, leaving the two young brilliant minds together.
“sorry about her, she’s been trying to set me up with someone since we met. i was her t.a back when i was a grad student.”
“you worked with her?” spencer asked, internally rolling his eyes at himself, she’d obviously just stated that.
“yup. i know, how could someone go from linguistics applied in criminology to poetry? it’s a big leap, but… she’s helped me more than anyone in my entire career.” she spoke with fondness in her voice. “anyway, she was right. i would love to pick that brain of yours.” she said, “sorry, that sounded weird, but-”
“no, no, it’s- fine. i- i’d like to talk to you, more, as well.”
“it’s a date, then.” she smiled, even wider when she noticed the slight blush creeping on his cheeks,
“if only i could recollect it, such a day of days. i let it come and go as traceless as a thaw of bygone snow; it seemed to mean so little, meant so much-” spencer started, the words taking over his mind and mouth before he could even think about it.
“if only now i could recall that touch, first touch of a hand in hand- did one but know,” she finished for him.
“i-i,” he started, surprising himself by the way he stuttered. “i don't speak your language, not like you do, not yet. i'm not a poet. but… i want to learn… i want to.”
she breathed out, all the air leaving her lungs, his wild eyes scanned all over her face, not profiling. but learning, taking in her cues, and a pressure left his shoulders when she saw her lips twitching, breaking for a smile.
“i may be the writer, but you'll always be the words.” she took a step toward him, his eyes settling for her own, it helped him calm down. “it's like i said, anybody can be a poet.”
“i-i’ll see you friday?” he said.
“friday?” she raised her eyebrows.
“yeah, you-you said you had to see what you're working with?”
“i do.” she nodded, a playful gleam in her eyes, “i guess i’ll see you friday. we can get coffee, before coming here.” she suggested.
“is that special treatment, professor?” one more time, he surprised himself by the way he spoke to her, like it was the most natural thing to do. we wished it never stopped, he wanted to hear her amused laugh again.
“maybe.” she bit her lip as she laughed.
“this could be the start of something new, and it feels so right to be here with you.”
-high school musical
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systastic · 2 months
sissasystem based on these three songs?
No One’s Here To Sleep by Naughty Boy
Part Of The Band by The 1975
NOT ENTIRELY ALONE by The Narcissist Cookbook
only thing we request is that you use irl people as faceclaims! :D if not thats okay too
one sisasystem , made just for you !! :3 hope you enjoy ~
collective name(s) :: laynie, harrison, wendall, wilder, august, arizona, cavendish
collective sign off :: 🌅, 🛤️, their collective name, AMT (stands for amos, maxie & tj), yeehaw [ironically]
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name :: amos, altair, layne, sav/saf (safia), bree
age :: 13 to 17
pronouns :: she/her, it/its, zhe/zher, xi/xir, di/der (dirtself), si/sin (sinself)
roles :: protector, persecutor, avenger, fear shifter, candorian
species :: human; embodiment of “sin”
gender identity :: syrvivgender, videretrian, analogix, missinggender, purgatorean
orientation :: cuiporomantic, autosexual
source :: brainmade, songtive (no one’s here to sleep)
aesthetic :: analogue horror, zombie apocalypse, darkcore
appearance description :: “amos is gross” : that’s what everybody says when they look at her. it cakes its hands in mud, lets its hair get greasy, re-wears the same clothes over and over again. zhe knows it’s unhealthy - but zhe can’t stop zhirself. letting xir guard down for even a second could get xem and xeir headmates hurt. di opts for darker, less noticeable clothes that dey can move around in; the more di can move, the less likely dey are to get trapped. si keeps sir hair long (no time to cut it), sometimes snapping it into a ponytail. when si does change clothes, si always keeps one thing on: a black jacket covered in patches si made with sir former friends.
personality description :: amos is most well known for her hostility towards people zhe doesn’t know. new people are seen as possible infected: kept at an arm’s distance, keeping communication to a minimum lest they be potentially hostile. zhe is quiet most of the time, often thinking about how zhey would deal with the worst outcome should it come to pass. (this often involves fighting.) even after befriending zher, zhey don’t get much nicer: zhey always have a backup plan in place in case the other person betrays zheir trust.
likes :: fighting hostile entities, keeping the way clear, survival skills, survival YouTube channels, pocket knives, portable gear, zombie movies where the humans win, first person shooters, PvZ, barbed wire bats, punching people in the face
dislikes :: sleeping, shadows, long creeping hallways that twist and turn, unsettling environments, things that upset the “norm”, zhemself (especially in terms of being a good person), other people, zombies seen as “good”, being called cute or adorable
front triggers :: bedtime (actively fights off going to sleep), physical danger, zombie media, eerie settings, hotel hallways, der source song
signoff :: 🐦‍⬛, ⚾️
mood board :: amos
songs for you :: run boy run by woodkid, enemy by imagine dragons, i love you by woodkid, DARKSIDE by neoni, the phoenix by fall out boy, daydream by ruelle
kins :: ellie from the last of us ; ace of clubs from the batman universe
typing quirk? :: prefers shorter sentences. proper punctuation. opts for simpler words to get the message across. does not capitalize zhir sentences.
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name :: tj, frances, miles, wendall, rhodes
age :: 20, on the cusp on 21
pronouns :: he/him, hu/hum, per/pers, roe/roeself
roles :: absorber, optimist, caesian, energetic alter
species :: human through and through!
gender identity :: your typical male. he doesn’t really like labels, as he finds them more confining than they are helpful.
orientation :: bisexual with a preference for men
source :: brainmade, songtive (part of the band)
aesthetic :: wanderlust, americana (specifically wide open plains), campcore
appearance description :: tj is simply incapable of dressing normally. he is that one guy who wears shorts during the winter and long pants during the summer. hum reasoning? “hey, you never know, maybe we’ll end up in Florida today!” per likes to mix and match, but he does have some semblance of consistency: everything he wears is easy to move in and won’t end up with bloody knees if he does some parkour tricks. while he does wear some jewelry for funnies, he almost never takes those camping with him unless they’re designed for extreme conditions. breaking his accessories would be heartbreaking.
personality description :: the most out-there guy you’ll ever know. tj does things that make him happy whenever he feels the inkling to. this can be climbing on top of things, scaling walls, jumping up a tree, driving five hours to see a friend — he cannot and will not be stopped. unlike amos, tj sees the best in people and situations no matter what happens. he sees the silver linings in the grey skies: sure, the game got rained out, but hey… that’s perfect sleepover weather!
likes :: taking things as they come, road trips, long car rides, sporadic adventures, being active, camping, sitting around the fire, walks through nature, natural wildlife, having a good time, fucking around and finding out
dislikes :: people who can’t chill, hyper-specific organization, charters, control freaks, plane rides (can’t see the world go by), over-urbanization, pollution, hostile architecture, people being addicted to social media (he doesn’t get it — why fixate on a small screen when you can see the real deal?)
front triggers :: car rides, sightseeing, camping, being with friends, trips, natural beauty, worldly wonders
signoff :: 👣, 🪵, 🗺️
mood board :: tj
songs for you :: could have been me by the struts, the great escape by woodkid, where is your rider by the oh hellos, someone to die for by hurts, torches by x ambassadors, FUNGUS by the narcissist cookbook
kins :: bennett from genshin impact, indiana jones (allegedly)
typing quirk? :: rambles a heck of a lot, chronically allergic to punctuation, never swears and rather substitutes them for sayings (dangnabbit = damn, flipping flapjacks = flying fuck)
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name :: max/maxie, jessie, waylon, cora, wilder
age :: 17 to 19
pronouns :: he/they (alternating), he/him, they/them, thon/thons, co/cos
roles :: apparently normal part, pseudo host, sensory soother
species :: human (asomatic)
gender identity :: cassgender, dazegender, coyotething
orientation :: gay, reciprosexual
source :: brainmade, songtive (NOT ENTIRELY ALONE)
aesthetic :: amateur photography, prairie, rustic
appearance description :: despite spending so much time in the sun and desert, Maxie is soft by nature. their clothes are kept clean and tidy, their hair is a reasonable level of messy, and they take good care of their skin. Maxie opts for large baggy clothing in neutrals and dark colors due to the fact they’re often outside.
personality description :: calm and comfortable, maxie doesn’t lean too hard one way or the other unlike his system mates. they are a watcher of all the things they can see, trying not to take things for granted. thon would love to share thons appreciation for the world with others — but with everything around them feeling like it’s falling apart, it’s harder and harder for thon to get people to listen. cos is horrible with conflict; whenever cos is faced with a problem, they switch out to let either tj or amos say their piece and (hopefully) smooth things over without starting a fight.
likes :: watching the sky, birds flying overhead, talking to people, rustic furniture, country music, playing the guitar, pottery, horses, coyotes and wild dogs, what has yet to come
dislikes :: things outside of his control, natural disasters, darkness, animal abuse, rapid urbanization, people forgetting his name (really, it’s so simple!), being talked over, people who don’t listen, conflict, picking sides
front triggers :: country aesthetics, wide open spaces, horses & horse riding, taking pictures, peace and quiet, howls in the night
signoff :: 🌵/📷
mood board :: maxie
songs for you :: fire by barns courtney, ghost on the shore by lord huron, foreigner’s god by hozier, the mute by radical face, swan upon leda by hozier, o susanna by the smoky mountain band
kins :: none to speak of, but he likes dolly parton a good bit. (and mater from cars, but he won’t admit to that one.)
typing quirk? :: doesn’t quite… finish their sentences. frequent use of ellipses… oh… lots of interjections… always seems a bit distracted.
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ransprang · 1 year
Match Up Requests: Ko-Fi
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Hey there gang, we've got some exciting news to share with all of you! Since the 3 of us have finally graduated university we have quite a bit of free time while looking for jobs. So.....we are officially opening MATCH UPS for ALL our fandoms and MORE!!!!
Our list of fandoms can be found here. But you can also send in asks or dm one of us if there is a fandom you want that isn't on our list.
Just send in your requests on Ko-Fi, and we'll work our magic to pair you up with your perfect fandom soulmate! 🔮💞
Reblog this post to spread the word! Let the matchmaking commence! 💞
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Multiple fandoms are welcomed :)
Info to include: your gender identity (if you want your pronouns included otherwise we will keep it g/n), gender preference, personality, hobbies, your type, what you hate, love language(s) + any and ALL other info you wanna include :)
your coffees,
admins sav, sar & san
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heldflesh · 1 year
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──  (  jonathan  daviss.  nonbinary,  they / them.  )  recently  seen  flashing  bathroom  -  goers  their  daily  tarots  while  sat  upon  a  crooked  sink  (  you're  seeking  an  endless  fortune  ...  in  the  form  of  a  line  the  next  stall  over,  that  you'll  share  with  me  right?  righ  –  ),  wafts  of  smoke  between  each  word    at  freezer  bride's:  enter  CARNELIAN  LARAMIE  ST.  GERMAIN.  twenty  six  years  old  &  a  cancer,  usually  observed  in  well  -  worn  band  shirts,  always  cropped  at  navel  –  scandalizing!  incentive!  never  done  before!  –  moth  -  bitten  holes  affixed  with  charms;  lucky  trinkets  and  protective  wards,  home  -  sewn  by  a  doting  mother,  the  same  that  hang  in  the  cuffs  of  cracking  leather  jackets  and  between  the  laces  of  steel  -  toed  boots    ;  carn  is  a  devotion  local  known  within  their  circle  as  EFFULGENT  +  SEDULOUS,  a  perpetual  hum  of  rock  -  n  -  roll  victim  by  death  on  salted  mouth.  something  of  the  OVERWROUGHT  +  QUIXOTIC  follows,  regardless  …  something  to  do  with  the  belief  that  sharing  IS  caring  –  barney  told  us  so.  are  you  going  to  forsake  barney?  our  one,  true  god?  our  sav  –  and  a  thumb  -  swept  sniffle  ,  perhaps  ?  strange,  what  a  WITCH  can  get  up  to.  they’ve  been  heard  waxing  lyrical  about  a  dream  they  had  recently,  a  strange  tale  of  a  god  inside  oneself;  metallic  tang  against  tongue  as  muscle  stretch  and  split,  making  room  for  a  new  entity  to  take  hold,  to  make  home  out  of  borrowed  flesh  –  body  a  vessel,  a  calling,  a  devotion.  pay  no  mind  to  fanciful  star  -  gazing,  though:  rather,  mind  the  tangible.  focus  on  cassette  tapes  handed  out  for  every  emotion  felt;  every  moment  passed,  every  thought  had  (  imbued  with  good  luck  and  protection,  and  the  yearning  that  is  two  heads  knocked  together  under  one  comically  large  headphone  )  /  starlight  just  within  grasp,  white  -  hot  fingertips  and  a  familiar  buzz  within  one's  chest;  craning  against  dark  sky,  toes  against  treacherous  ledge,  crumbling  dirt  beneath  –  just  a  little  longer,  just  a  little  closer  –  the  world  on  tilts,  rotating,  spinning;  falling  /  the  soothing  rock  of  a  triple  -  decker  boat,  layers  built  upon  layers  –  always  a  room,  always  a  place  –  accommodating  warmth,  siren  call  a  sweet  lullaby,  familiar  –  soothing  .  /
... mentioning themes of HAPPY FAMILIES, MANIPULATING STARS, DRUGS, and ANXIETY. proceed with care.
with palms held out.
full name — carnelian laramie st. germain.
nickname(s) — carn; neil ( to assert dominance over twink!neil; alternatively, if you hate carn and want them to di– ); lars ( steven universe tease, only if you hate carn and want them to di– twice over ); laramoo ( mothers, affectionately; siblings, maliciously ); red.
date of birth & age — june 30th, 1997, twenty6.
gender / pronouns — non - binary, agender; they / them.
sexuality — queer.
typing — witch, but extra cool ( just a normal witch, but with a leather jacket ).
occupation — astrology bullshitter; tarot reader; amateur wizard ( virginal or not left to be seen, life school in wizards101 ); proud band member; manager at diner 54.
astrology — cancer sun, pisces moon, virgo ascending.
interests — ska punk, they don't need help. any instrument involving blowing, strumming, or any variation of fondling. daily horoscopes. smoking. fishing, but with their bare hands to establish dominance over the fish. worship of a new idol every week.
aversions — riding their bike into the creek for the 5th time that week. come downs. the color "greige", like what even is that? losing against the fish. industry plants, both hollywood and nuclear. their never - ending spiral of thoughts.
next in queue — blank generation, richard hell and the voidoids; sound system, operation ivy; bulls on the parade, rage against the machine; sunshine ward, amebix.
notable features — more tattoos than bare skin, ever - changing, ever - moving & charms sewn into every hemline, hanging from every piercing adorning nose and lip and brow.
general disposition — like they're about to shit themselves out of fear & excitement, maybe both.
last known location — sprawled half - out of a shoddy van behind diner 54, half - convinced that they're transforming into a slug; oddly concerned about their internal body temperature and if they'd still be loved if they were just a shell - less snail.
scrying mirror & kindred — lane kim ( gilmore girls ), nino quincampoix ( amélie ), ned ( pushing daisies ), winston bishop ( new girl ), norville "shaggy" rogers ( scooby doo ).
what lurks in the past...
devotion, one and only - nothing else known. years of family in one setting, one sitting; one rocking boat, layers built upon layers. only leaving just to return again, to re - meet smiling faces; fish and treasure in tow, new trinkets entangled in netting, shells a collection against windowsill and rail, never moving despite sharp upturn of wave.
each st. germain is born on - deck, tradition dating back to the first st. germain; ever - mysterious, superstitious and warding. those born upon their boat - more house than ship - thought to be forever safe from harm, building belief magic of its own. carnelian far from first, and far from last; fatefully middle child, but the woes of such never touching them. loved, just the same as one another.
their generation is born to magic, innate but not taught; family grimoire long lost to depths far beneath them, water not even they can lurk in - became more comfort than necessity over the years, fishing enough to keep them comfortable, settled. the oldest unaccepting of this, begins the family's hunt. seeks the unseekable, speak the unspeakable.
carnelian is intrigued; practicing on their own, magic at first weak but stable - tarot more game than serious intuition, until intuition swallows them whole. prone to bouts of unpredictability, turning against them as emotions sway alongside reefs against water, against wind. each spell's attempt is anxiety - latched; hand gripping upon shoulder, sinking them into ground; head a mess of thoughts, tornado ripping up tree and house.
every st. germain has a plan laid out; ambitious lot, wanting power of their own for one reason or another; carnelian is simple - wants the joy of it, wants to soothe their own thoughts, entertain friends and fans alike. the oceans calls to some, the moon to others; the stars to carnelian, shining brighter for them than anyone else. some nights sat upon angel's peak; they hear their whispers among one another, is that one of us? another fallen star? brethren, kindred, o' stardust of mine?
the more carnelian studies; the louder the whispers seem, brighter against the sky - almost visible beside the sun, places they shouldn't be. they want something from them, something intangible; something unfathomable - undecipherable, despite hours spent crossed against the moon, spliff in hand as limb leers precariously off cliffs edge. what does it all mean - what do they want?
they want a god reborn; brought to fruition, breathed back to life - each vessel unworthy except for one; a lanky body, softly unproportioned, unexpected and unassuming. their dreams litter with the memories of stardust, of creation; stars forming and dying, colliding into one another; more nights than not they awaken burning hot, sweating through cloth and out of bed, closer and closer towards the cliff.
carnelian severs the line; afraid of the night sky, and how it wants to swallow them whole - they stopped visiting the stars, stopped heeding the nebulous. sleep lessens - fearful of their grip upon them, parasocial a whole new meaning. if it goes ignored - they'll go away, right? stars burst eventually, don't they?
friends of family and of childhood: while not well to do; the st. germain family is practically devo legend, knows just about everyone and everything. friendships span generations, or sometimes just years.
relatives of the st. germains: extended family, in all their glory; fishermen and witches alike, mortal or not; half - nymph cousins and nephews and nieces with the blood of fae inside.
...comes to light in present...
magic's not abandoned; just shift - geared, other options explored; options that don't compel carnelian to join the stars above, horoscopes stuck to the daily newspaper only, still read loyally. it takes form of illusions and small tricks; the wind picking up more than usual, lightning calls from overhead. it's cloudier at night now, than before; can barely see the moon, let alone stars. aura cleansings and healings; repenting for their subconscious calling for godhood, still nails clawing skull.
they keep busy, picking up instruments at their pleasure; playing a slow ballad of girls just wanna have fun at the back of a smoky van, crying induced afterwards. mind meld, for funsies - distract from their own thoughts by lifting the lid onto others; nosy a trait they cannot escape, knowing more than most. lips remain sealed. not out of loyalty, not many deserving of such a trait - nor of nefarious intent and future plotting. more a hub of information, than anything else; wealth in it.
natural skeptic of others; hard not to be in devotion, where one wrong step lands you inside a fairy ring, or a very convincing con between two sirens with the taste for finer things who really, really want your wallet. not to say they're not kind, they are; gives more of themselves than they intend, stumbles over themselves at times just to give it. over - righteous at times, an icon of saying i told you so in a smug tone, we get it - you've got great intuition, whatever; at least others aren't reenacting the bee movie with polaris.
carnelian is a little too optimistic; often blinded by their own wants, than what is reasonable or sound - shit at advice, echoes of follow your heart, drop everything and chase them! eat that edib - can barely make their own decisions without haywire, while simultaneously avoiding new, only embracing old. has managed the same diner since early adulthood - claims nowhere else would feel the same. a slut for temptation, and what cannot, or shouldn't be had; has gotten good at fighting quickened breath and nervous glances.
oh guide me, master jedi: someone more experienced than carnelian, who probably knows more about magic; or pretend to. god knows they need the help, lest they start lusting over stardust again.
serenades of the cheesiest, worst renditions of songs: no one can stop carnelian from yearning. a friend can be a lover, so can a stranger - who could resist an 80's boombox outside window scene?
...and carries into the future.
how long can one stay ignorant to their call? it's persistent, still; a continued whisper at the base of their skull, the farthest corner of their mind - backed into it, and growling. hungry for the attention. is it really the stars? or manipulation from another, a beckoning call for something else altogether?
it's not like the stars can craft a new grimoire for their family; what's the point of it all? their siblings have all gone off on their own routes; maybe it's time for them to find an alternative, to chase down their family spells - to find what is lost.
confusion only grows at the back of carnelian's mind, what's real, and what isn't?
the call of a stranger: a mysterious being not yet known, are they the one beckoning carnelian? what purpose is there - or maybe it's all a ruse. a false prophet. a trick.
treasure hunters! hunt that treasure!: down in the murky depths of the ocean, siren territory - lays the st. germain grimoire. they've promised a hefty reward for whoever companies them on their mission; a reward they don't yet have.
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galatially · 2 years
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 🫧
𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛
of the essence by @inklore — if y'all haven't read anything from lauren before, let this be your introduction; she's a fucking artist the way that she weaves her characters into existing universes and i can only hope to write half as well as she does
lovelorn masterlist by @tomdutch — do you like pining? roommates to possible lovers? all set in a college au with peter parker, reader, and cindy moon? well, s had you covered; or, the masterlist stayed in my drafts to remind me to read the updates and my jobs have killed my brain cells so please read this brilliance and give it lots of love!
sunrise, sunset by @peachyteabuck — i don't need to gush about how much i need lukis to fucking produce epics, but i will lol. they've taken such a sensitive topic and beautifully drawn us a world where grief is complicated and new normals are harder when you love people. honestly, this story made me fucking cry and do all the fangirl feel things and i need them to just never stop writing
𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠
friction by @faeology — this is my first time seeing @faeology on my dash but thank fuck i did because this was hot and needy and i could fucking feel the tension across my own skin between eddie and reader. if you're looking for palpable angst and genuine chemistry, go to sav and you'll be in heaven
it happened one night in detention by @mypoisonedvine — let me tell y'all something! the chokehold this had on me and my drafts was fucking insane! i'm pretty sure i read this five times before reblogging this because i was in such awe; the descriptions, the world-building! i wanna write like j.d. when i grow up lol
i don't play with my pen (i mean what i write) by @edens-pen — as a connoisseur of thirst tweet videos, i wish that this episode was real because goddamn! i love a good cocky!eddie fic and this did not disappoint. something about artists that are hot, know they're hot, but are still fucking cool and shit? unmatched energy. not gon' hold y'all though, i'd have been loud and proud about wanting eddie to just ruin me on twitter dot com lol
june baby: one, two, three by @luveline — i fucking love this series and every day i get on, i'm hoping to see that jade's updated so i can follow the adventures of eddie, reader, and june bug! i'm so attached to these three like they're friends of mine and i love watching their relationship deepen and, as a fervent slow burn lover, i'm foaming at the mouth for them to finally kiss!
a little mean for me by @upsidedownwithsteve — firstly, i love steve harrington, right? like, he went from being this asshole who's only personality trait was his money and his status to being a real fucking person, you know? one of my favorite characters, hands down. secondly, just because of this story, i want him to affectionately bully and kiss the tears away
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my feet can't touch the bottom of you by @sunderlust — i know nothing about the top gun franchise other than tom cruise is in it and val kilmer used to be, lol. but the way people like laur and sol write about the characters, maybe i'll bite the bullet and watch them? even if i don't, sol's description of jake "hangman" seresin is perfectly arrogant and aloof and i wanted to grind his balls under my foot for hurting my bartender babe
veracious and coveted facade by @inklore — laur, at this point, this is my proposal for your hand in matrimony because why the fuck do you write such masterpieces for mere mortals like me to gaze upon? who told you?
lurk by @zstrn — tori, my love, i stand ten toes on what i said: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw can have his feet planted on my mattress to turn me into slime. UNTIL THE FOULEST OF STENCHES LEAVES THE ROOM OKAY
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i didn't read much because of jobs and lack of time after them but i did read some real gems so please, please give the lovely people reads and keep them writing!
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cfcorruptibility · 2 years
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❝ My past is My business . ❞
        savannah smith  ›› K9 Officer  ››  sophia bush  ››   tw: drug use, alcoholism , death , murder , overdose, relapse, serial killer/rapist , kidnapping
―  ✘ ╱ ⟨   –  sophia bush, female, she/her.  ⟩ it seems like savannah bradley has been seen around town, humming unsteady by x ambassadors under their breath. apparently they are a 39 year old human. townsfolk whisper about them being dauntless and adventurous, but also blunt and resentful. the police officer has been in town for 4 years, and gives off the vibes of a rebellious past scared straight, lonely nights, and k-9 loaded police cruisers. ( penned by sushi, 27, she/her, est. ) (charlie swan wc)
full name : savannah nova smith
nicknames : sav, savvy, nova
age : 39
date/place of birth : april 5th in Queens, NY
occupation : K9 officer
affiliation : n/a
language(s) spoken : english  ,  spanish , french, latin
hair color : brunette
eye color : green
notable scars : couple of scars scattering here and there from bullet and knife wounds from work
positive : dauntless , resilient , adventurous , persuasive , independent , outgoing
negative : impulsive , truculent , cantankerous , aggressive
moral alignment : chaotic good .
deadly sin : wrath
hogwart house : slytherdor
element : earth
emotional stability : for now stable but wasn’t always
alcohol use : regularly
prone to violence? : very
habits : tbd
drives / motivations : her kids
aesthetic : brooke davis from one tree hill ; erin lindsay from chicago pd ; mace browne from the 355 ; jennifer “jj” Jureau from criminal minds ; penelope garcia from criminal minds ; natasha romanoff from marvel cinematic universe ; 
mother : unnamed hartfield ( bio mother ) †  , unnamed smith (adoptive mother)
father : unnamed smith ( father )
sibling(s) : unnamed ( older half brother ) , unnamed ( older half brother )
spouse : noah alexander dawson sr ( husband )  †
child(ren) : emma rose dawson ( 13-year-old daughter ) , aspen lily dawson ( 13-year-old daughter ) , isla grace dawson ( 10-year-old daughter ) , noah alexander dawson jr ( 8-year-old son )
other family : tbd
―  Birth : Born in Queens, NY
―  Age 2 : Mother dies of overdose; goes to live with bio dad and his family
―  Age 4 : Adopted by bio dads wife
―  Age 14 : starts high school ; joins volleyball team and softball team ; works part-time at local cafe
―  Age 15 : starts kickboxing and martial arts in spare time ; starts dating
―  Age 16 : boyfriend cheats on her with best friend ; begins to spiral ; meets guy ( he was twenty five ) at party and is introduced to alcohol and drugs ; rebellious stage begins
―  Age 17 : arrested at party for drug use and under-age drinking ; current nypd sergeant takes pity on her ; gives her slap on the wrist ; enters rehab for 6 months
―  Age 18-23 : graduates high school and joins the police academy ; rises quickly in rank ; joins homicide team with sergeant that took pity on her at 17 ; grows close to sergeant like a second dad ; dating partner/sergeant’s son, noah dawson ; becomes best friends with the only other female cop on homicide team ; loses best friend in the line of work when she’s shot through a door with a shotgun by perp ; toxic ex boyfriend from when she was 16 shows up as suspect holds her and his baby mama hostage, ends up shooting him in self-defense, he doesn’t survive ; noah proposes on her 23rd birthday and  she accepts 
―  Age 24 : her and noah go to bar that is mostly full of off-duty cops and detectives after work to destress over some drinks when bar gets shot up ; takes bullet to abdomen, survives surgery ad returns to work a month later ; married three months after shooting and honeymoon in the maldives ; 
― Age 25 : suffers head injury chasing after suspect, spends a week in the hospital before returning to work ; meets 21-year-old girl with a drug addiction much like herself when she was younger and saves her, puts her through rehab and gets her a job helping the homicide team in house as she goes to school for criminology, the two become best friends and practically inseparable ; serial killer/rapist becomes obsessed with her and begins to stalk her ; best friend is kidnapped by the serial killer/rapist obsessed with her and is killed by him ; homicide team is called and savannah identifies the body as her best friend ; begins to spiral ; makes risky moves and puts herself in the way of harm without second though ; is held at gun point by a childhood friend, yells for him to shoot her what’s one more person ; relapses ; is ambushed by fellow cops who broke into her and noah’s home ; quits job ; few months pass discovers she’s pregnant and returns to rehab, gets clean ; finds out she’s pregnant with twins in rehab
― Age 26 : gives birth to twins ( emma and aspen ) at 30 weeks ; gets job back with homicide team ; gets kidnapped 6 months after giving birth to daughters, more psychological trauma and games from serial killer/rapist obsessed with her, shoots and kills him 
― Age 29 : Pregnant again, gives birth to daughter, isla dawson
― Age 30 : Pregnant once more, gives birth to son, noah dawson jr
― Age 31 :  husband is linked to the murder of a woman and is later found in the trunk of his car shot in the head, noah sr doesn’t survive, leaves savannah widowed and single mother of four young children under the age of 5 ; father-in-law/sergeant retires.
― Age 35 : Father-in-law passes away and Savannah moves herself and her kids to Forks.
―  has a cat named sapphire and a german shepherd named alpha
― attends therapy twice a week 
― has a masters in criminology and is self-taught in hacking and coding
― working on her phd in psychology
― suffers from ptsd and severe night terrors
― has been clean for 13 years
― is terrified of returning to the dating scene especially being she’s the single mother of four children
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brightbluesage · 10 months
Serving Humanity-- Tales From the Restaurant Floor
I served humanity last night and once again it wasn’t pretty. I saw drunken couples commingling at the bar sucking down their Three Lakes Old Fashioneds or expensive cabernets, first laughing, enjoying and connecting, then ungracefully dropping over the edge into sullenness and downright rudeness, revealing who they really are instead of the polished facades they hoped to maintain when they walked into the place. I saw an overwhelmed young mother of two rambunctious boys allow, because it was easier, said boys to leave the establishment carrying the reindeer toothpicks we offer festively with our winter cocktails. “Perhaps I’ll take that.” i said to the tot. I get it. To take them away would have meant crying tantrums I assume, tantrums the mother avoids at all costs. Who cares if they should place the sharp mimi-sticks into their mouths, worse swallow it or puncture their own pure skinned hands or each others. As I kindly and with good intent questioned the safety of this decision I then had another employee scold me when I took it away from one boy, proclaiming his mom gave it to him. The, maybe 3 year old, boy looked at me with tender eyes and I looked to the mother, “Are you okay with him having this?” She smiled wanly and that told me everything about her life and made me once again okay with my decision not to have kids. The mother’s desperation for non-conflict glaring, I reluctantly gave him back the reindeer toothpick then went into the back and got him a couple of steak knives for his trip home. Three privileged teens came in and ordered 3 expensive NY strips and Sprites for their late afternoon meal. They were polite and respectful, all mesmerized by various memes or videos they each watched on their respective latest model smart phones not talking to each other much and leaving me, a most meager amount for their very expensive order. Daddy clearly, in addition to teaching them the art of ordering beef medium rare, had not been as enthusiastic a teacher of the art of the 20% gratuity. All in all, last night it was proven to me once again, that there is a reason most servers are in their 20’s. It helps in this job, when you're physically stronger and you have less time in relationship with the shitty side of humanity. When you care less, not more. That's a good thing. It helps when you are immune to the drunken and condescending glances of men and the out of control nuances of an insecure woman drunk on Canoe Ridge Sav Blanc. It helps to not understand why people are the way they are and instead get the food and drink out ASAP and hope for that 20%, 25% if they’re nice drunks. As usual the universe gave me a nudge to move forward. I saw a woman at the bar whose name I remembered. “Hello Collette” I said, and responded “Hi Trish!” also recalling our previous interaction. She professed that she remembered me because I was so nice and that she had hoped to get the same thing she had ordered the first time in the place-- but that item was absent form the menu. “Oh we don’t have the Crab tonight.” I lamented. She was clearly impressed that I had remembered her order form over a month ago. That comes with age too I guess. Along with tolerating the sad, patronizing, drunken eyes, you remember the kind witty woman of your same age range that sees you and comprehends that it really is all about kindness and love. I will return to the floor and see who comes along next. And next time I won’t let the child leave with a sharp object. Tricia Schwaba 11/2023
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wutbju · 2 years
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On August 9, 2022 Paul left his life on earth and entered into his eternal home where he met his Lord and Savior.
On February 14, 1931 Paul was born to Walter and Arlie (Dulmes) Veenendaal in Sheboygan Falls where he grew up going to the First Reformed Church with his family and as a member he sang in the choir and was a co-treasurer of the Sunday School.
He attended the Sheboygan Falls Public Schools and graduated with the Class of 1949. He then went to Sheboygan Business College and in May 1950 was employed by the Mailing Department of the Kohler Company until September 1951 when he was enrolled at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC.
On November 4, 1952, he was drafted into the United States Army and was sent to Fort Campbell, KY. After 16 weeks of basic training with the 11th Airborne Division, he was assigned to the Adjutant General Corps and was deployed to Pusan, Korea where he worked in the Post Office. After 18 months, he returned to the United States and enrolled in Mission House College (Lakeland) and on May 27, 1956 he received an Associate Degree in Applied Science in Business Administration. He accepted employment in the Accounting Department of Schultz Sav-O Stores (Piggly Wiggly) in Sheboygan. He formed their Credit Union and served as the first treasurer in addition to his regular accounting responsibilities.
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After 24 years, his time there ended and he became a Teachers Aid in the Sheboygan Public School STRIVE Program which assists students with dysfunctional problems. After 2 years, he resigned and was employed for several years making floral deliveries for Caan’s Floral. In the past, he was a counselor at the Friendship House, a Big Brother, and in the prison ministry at the Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution.
In 1969, he transferred from the First Reformed Church in Sheboygan Falls to Bethany Reformed Church in Sheboygan where he taught Sunday School and served as a deacon. When his term as an elder ended, he joined the fellowship of the Evangelical Free Church in Sheboygan where he taught a Sunday School class for children. In 1993, he joined the congregation of City Church and served as an usher for several years.
Paul was married to Nancy Veenendaal from 1968-1993. From this union came his son, Mark. He also adopted Nancy’s daughter Barbara as his own. When his children were younger, he enjoyed taking his family to resorts in Eagle River and camping in local campgrounds. He was an avid sports fan and enjoyed watching games on TV with his pet cat Molly in his home. He had an extensive collection of photographs and helmets autographed by the Green Bay Packers.
What people most remembered about Paul was that he was witty, enjoyed wholesome humor, had a notable memory, and had a desire to read and hear about Bible prophesy.
Paul is survived by his daughter, Barbara (Todd) Anderson of Monument, CO, and his son, Mark (Jennifer) of Sun Prairie, WI, six grandchildren, Ariana (Derek) Buehner, Claire, Katelyn and Noah Anderson of Monument, CO, and Rayna and Kaden Veenendaal of Sun Prairie, WI. He is fur¬ther survived by his sister, Ruth (David) Clement of Menomonee Falls, WI, his sister-in-law, Nancy Veenendaal of South Elgin, IL and special cousins, Glen and Mary Dulmes of Sheboygan Falls, and his special nephew, Brad Veenendaal of Sheboygan. He is further survived by nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Roland and Lamont; sister-in-law, Mary Veenendaal and special cousin, Muriel Reimes.
Visitation will be held on Saturday, September 3, 2022 at Reinbold-Novak Funeral Home, 1535 S. 12th St., Sheboygan, from 10:00 a.m. until the time of service 11:00 a.m. Paul will be laid to rest in the Meditation Hall in the Chapel of Eternal Light at Greenlawn Memorial Park in Kohler, WI. He wanted to thank Dr. Marshall Matthews and staff, Dr. Vinicius Lopes and staff, Dr. Jacob DeMaster and staff, Dr. Fisseha Ghidey and staff, Pine Haven Rehab Facility, Aurora Health Care, Progressive Care Center Therapy Facility, S.S.C. staff, Terrace Place staff, St. Nicholas Hospital staff and the staff of Reinbold-Novak Funeral Home.
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atanes-universe · 2 years
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Sav`s Universe/ Chapter 2: Ikarus
First page Chapter 1: Prelude
First page Chapter 2/ <previous/ next>
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atane-is-here · 4 years
Can I ask you a few questions?
What would Melkor have done if Sav had turned out better than expected?
Also, did mairon suffer from labor pains when she gave birth to Sav? When I saw how small baby Sav , I was wondering if he had labor pains.
I'm currently translating the part where Myron is trying to escape with Sav (sorry for the delay).
Melkor is horrible, he has no love for his child (i.e. Sav)!
Myron, by contrast, is loving and I hope that he and Sav will one day have a warm relationship.
Take it easy and keep up the good work!
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Melkor intendet Sav to be a powerful servant surpassing even Kosomoth (or Gothmog depending what version you read). But when he turned out too weak for his liking he cast him aside, considering him a failure. Tbh he would probably still be a shit dad if he had found bby Sav to his liking :/
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About Mairon... as the master of torture and overall body horror he is probably fine (even tho it hurt like shit)
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I hope that answers your questions ^w^ I´m glad you like the comic. I´m also really excited for the Sauron-mom + Sav dynamic in furute chapters  
Also these are just my thoughts on these things. I left them kind of ambiguous in the comic so If anyone wants to interpret them differently feel free to.
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aberfaeth · 2 years
fic asks!! 2, 3, 8, 9, and 18 💖
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
ok this is cheating bc it’s not my fic but it Was a birthday gift & i did help conceptualize? so it counts. everyone please go read darling i’d wait for you, even if you didn’t ask me to right now Immediately. watch season 1 of the great pretender just so u can read it. sav @grasslandgirl is a master of tension and resolution and deserves 1 million comments and kudos
3. What’s a fic idea you have but haven’t written yet?
BKU (Bloodkeep University) has lived in my head for So Long now and i have like 4k of notes and timelines about it and have not written a single sentence of prose (that’s a lie i have one (1) short scene) anyways it’s a vile villains college au and the Dynamics of it. are so fun.
couple others by incomprehensible logline (if any of these Spark Curiosity lmk i would be delighted to elaborate): WOTW aka the young wizard’s no good horrible time, nancy wheeler funeral phoebe bridgers study, vi fic aka the four horseman have a snarky hacker now, tlibo&t, valdrinorman symbiote au, GLASS DOLL LENORE!, max centric balancing on one wounded wing sequel, pilot program gowpenny crammer, 50k sixavik enemies to lovers
can u tell i conceptualize a lot and write. less than that
8. What kind of document do you use to write?
google docs! if it’s long or i’m gonna be working on it for a while (nanowrimos especially) i’ll color the background of the document a pastel color so it’s easier on the ol eyes
9. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you’ve written?
oh boy this is daunting so i’m just gonna pick one i did recently: erica’s scene with eddie in no, i’m not afraid to disappear! eddie’s relationship with erica is so fascinating and dear to me, and the combination teasing plus genuine concern and affection was fun to write. also just. i liked this one:
“Eddie gives her an acknowledging hum, picking his carton of rice back up. “For the record,” he says, voice a little rough, “I don’t think there’s a thing in this world you couldn’t grab if you wanted, Erica Sinclair.””
18. Rec someone else’s fic!
I HAVE SO MANY RECS INFINITE RECS. going 2 be so brave and limit myself to 3
starting off with one with shadows bc it lives permanently in my head. i was not even an acoc fic person until u changed my brain chemistry forever w this 💛💛💛 everyone say Thank U Jade
you were warm when everything was cold by @lesbianrobin bc i just reread it recently and it still manages to kill me dead. lucas’ pov is crafted with such care and his relationships with max and steve and himself are so beautiful and Real and i could literally go on about this for hours. there’s one line specifically that makes me clutch my chest in Emotion but i shant spoil it everyone go read it for urself
girl help! by @gilears bc i think about eldonado every goddamn day. this fic does dual pov so well and jamie Understands them SO MUCH!!! they are so good and so dumb 💛 also keep ur eyes peeled bc i am lucky enough to be In There (in tweet format)! if i do a reclist without plugging the talent of my beautiful amazing av friends it is a cold day in hell Anyway
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thefirstknife · 3 years
While I think it was a bad real world gameplay design, I think in-universe it makes sense why Exorcism has 6 players. Mara's plan was for the Guardian(s) to kill Savathûn once she was out of the crystal and de-wormed. Obviously you need six people - a Hive god is a raid boss!
Yeah, there were definitely issues with the mission. Both in concept and in execution. Overall I liked it, but definitely room for improvement.
And yeah! Agreed. Mara's plan was about an alliance between the Guardians and the Awoken where everyone had to do their part for the plan to work. Mara and Ikora talked frequently about details and they were both aware that it's possible Savathun would trick us. Mara said it in her first message to us. But overall, Mara's Awoken (Corsairs and Techeuns) and Ikora's Guardians should've been enough to successfully pull of the Exorcism and kill Savathun.
Unfortunately, literally nobody could've predicted that Savathun would just do a body swap with Osiris and vanish into thin air via Hive magic. Things like that can be expected of course but we had no means to stop them really. Our hands were also tied because of Osiris and getting him home safely. It's why he was the best barganing chip Savathun could've had. We were limited in what we could've done to stop her because we didn't know how Osiris would be delivered to us. Like, a full direct attack on the crystal was impossible because we had no clue where's Osiris and when would the exchange happen. Sav of course used us not being able to risk Osiris to her advantage.
Other than that yeah, Mara already knows that a Hive god is a job for 6 guardian, as well as for extensive preparation and alliance between the Awoken and the City.
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phthalology · 3 years
Sav learning to take the Light from what she did to Taeko's team is described as "hearsay," and I for one wish TWQ to embrace more of what D1's lore often was, which was "we're not sure if this is true or not in our universe ... wouldn't it be neat tho"
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
Jewish woman who practices magic, in purgatory
@sav-sage asked:
I’m writing a character who is half Black and Israeli and the story is set in 2015 USA. The character’s name is Mia. She ends up going to a Purgatory-like world to save the Living world (aka Earth.) The existence of magic and people who use magic has been well documented but they are uncommon. Mia is one such person who uses magic. In this story, there are other Entities that are basically gods however, it’s kind of a coalition of a bunch of different beliefs/religions with all the different gods. Btw, there is an Entity that is similar to the Abrahamic god(s). 
Most of the general population and even magic users in the Living realm don’t know about what happens post death and only a select amount of people actually know, so the existence of religions are still going strong. Only Mia’s family and ancestors (who are also Jewish) really knew extensively what happens.
While Mia isn’t so big on practicing specific Jewish traditions and she was agnostic, she is still considered Israeli or Jewish and considers herself Jewish. My biggest conflict here comes in the form of the fact that I know Judaism and the practice of Magic is a bit iffy when combined in the real world. The only way I really justify it in my story is where magic isn’t necessarily tied to any Entity/god and also the Freeskys (Mia’s family name) were kind of blessed with a lot of their abilities, especially to enter the realms of the dead.
Would you guys consider it problematic for a Jewish person to be practicing magic that wasn’t directly given to them by Jehovah?
Ok, I have a lot of thoughts! In no particular order:
There is not a consistent concept of “the Abrahamic God.” Most Jewish people I know do not consider our God the same as the Christian God. Also, the term “Abrahamic Religion” like “Judeo-Christian” is very often used to exclude Muslims, and give a false sense of similarity between Judaism and Christianity. (We actually have way more in common in traditions, practice, and basic concepts with Muslim folks)
Knowing or not knowing what happens after death would have essentially zero impact on Judaism, which really doesn’t focus heavily on what happens after death, and instead emphasizes what happens in life. 
Jews don’t write out, or attempt to pronounce the Name of God, which is sometimes referred to as “the Unutterable Name.” It is specifically prohibited in the Talmud, I mean, we don’t even write it down needlessly, because just the written form has to be given respect and disposed of properly, which includes actual burial. It was only ever spoken by High Priests in the days of the Temple, and seeing it written to us is, perhaps unintentionally, pretty gross. 
The Jewish problem with magic (As far as it exists, we’ve covered before that there are different interpretations of that, and differing views) is not specifically related to the idea that some other entity might have given magical powers to a human being. Having their powers explicitly not come from another deity helps very minimally. 
You seem to be conflating Israeli/Jewish here, which is problematic. Not all Jewish people are Israelis (which is a nationality, not a culture or religion), and not all Israelis are Jewish (because, again, it’s a nationality). There’s kind of a lot written about that. Jewish people all over the world are often threatened, and insulted, for having an assumed, unproven prior loyalty to Israel. It has literally resulted in us being beaten, turned out of our homes, and murdered. 
You may mean well, I can’t possibly say, but I do feel very comfortable saying that you are not at all prepared to handle this character, or Jewish characters generally, in a sensitive, knowledgeable way.  
– Dierdra
I agree, there are a number of things about this that don’t really make sense. The idea of our G-d existing among other deities is the big one for me. There can’t be any other gods in a world where Judaism is in any way correct – that’s about as fundamental to our beliefs as you can get.
This part also bothered me: ‘Most of the general population and even magic users in the Living realm don’t know about what happens post death and only a select amount of people actually know, so the existence of religions are still going strong.’ So…religions keep going not because there’s truth or meaning in them, but because their followers are blissfully unaware of the real secrets of the universe? I feel like you added this clause to seem ‘respectful,’ but please ask yourself, would you feel respected if someone gave your beliefs that treatment?
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sav-grey · 3 years
Is that SAVANNAH GREY? Wow, they do look a lot like MADELYN CLINE. I hear SHE is a NINETEEN year old FRESHMEN who are studying UNDECIDED at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student at Luxor Academy who is FOR The Unhinged. You should watch out because they can be PRECOCIOUS and DISMISSIVE, but on the bright side they can also be LOYAL and HONEST. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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DID I REWRITE HER INTRO FOR THE NEW YEAR? yes, sorta. not much has changed but you know, it is what it is. I’m reposting it for consistency. Her college classes are down at the bottom, and there is also a TL;DR! other than that, i don’t really think there’s any new info, but i’m re-posting it anyways xoxo love u
FULL NAME: Savannah Grey
NICKNAME(S): Sav, Savvy
DATE OF BIRTH: May 8th, 2002
AGE: 19
ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus sun, Leo moon, Aquarius rising
HOMETOWN: Manhattan, NY
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
LANGUAGE(S): English, passable French
FACE CLAIM: Madelyn Cline
HEIGHT: 5'5″
HAIR COLOUR + STYLE: Dirty blonde, highlighted, usually worn natural - such as this - or in a messy bun - like this
TATTOO(S): none (atm)
PIERCING(S: 3 lobe piercings on each ear
GLASSES: yes, but she’d rather go bilnd than actually wear them most of the time
CLOTHING STYLE: athleisure, a lot of crop tops, doc martens, sneakers, mom jeans, sweatpants, oversized tee-shirts and hoodies (that she may or may not have stolen some of from ex-boyfriends)
POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Honest, Empathetic (to people who have proven themselves as her friend lol), Extroverted
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Precocious, Dismissive, Blunt, Spoiled, Self-Centered
GOALS/DESIRES:  honestly......sorta none. She wants to move to LA, or anywhere there is a beach and good waves to surf. Sorta just wants to be low-level famous and not have to really work
HOBBIES:  Surfing, Music
DRINKS?: yes
DRUGS?: yes (literally will try anything once, and usually has a veritable pharmaceutical stash at her disposal)
Schedule for Fall 2021 - Undecided Major
Creative Writing
Tennis (Women’s Singles)
The Grey family is from New York City. She grew up on the UES in Manhattan, and they are extraordinarily wealthy. They also spent their summers at their Hamptons house, which Sav personally likes more than the apartment in the city.
Sav is a musician, she plays the guitar, mandolin, ukulele, banjo and piano, and she’s an aspiring singer-songwriter (just fyi if you were curious, her voice claim is renee rapp)
Sav went to Carnifex up until her sophomore year, and when the drama started going on between the schools, rather than attend the newly merged Luxor, she was sent to a school on the UES.
TW STUDENT TEACHER RELATIONSHIP It was there she re-met a family friend who was a long-term sub, fresh out of college, and ended up sleeping with him, despite the fact that he was a teacher. 
When this came to light, she was pulled out halfway through her fall semester junior year, and then re-enrolled at Luxor for spring semester junior year, as it was part of the deal with her previous school to handle the situation under the table
sav is very blunt. she considers herself ‘honest’, which she is, but she always says it like it is, and a lot of people like to hear things sugar-coated, so they may consider her a bit abrasive or rude. but as far as she concerned, telling people the truth is more important than trying to soften things for them, so she just calls it as she see it
she also just like….doesn’t careTM. like that could be her entire slogan. most things she just views as unimportant and doesn’t see why people bother with things so much. drama, relationships, other people’s opinions, school, life, you know. it’s not that she’s, like, totally apathetic, she’s just extremely like….unbothered.
she is smart (....vaguely smart-ish, at least) but she’s extremely lazy about school. like if she doesn’t want to do something, it’s almost impossible to motivate her to do it. however, when it comes to her dreams/wants/ideas, once she gets them into her head, she’ll stop at nothing until she gets it
aka very bullheaded (she is a taurus after all)
she can get quite competitive if you push her buttons in the right way
If it’s up to her, she won’t go to college, but her parents completely disagree with that, obviously
middle of three sisters, and has always prided herself in getting along with her older siblings and their friends, she’s very mature for her age (or so she thinks)
she is extremely close with the eldest sister, sierra, and she’s the person she typically goes to if she needs advice or needs to confide something
however sav is very private, so most things she deals with herself and keeps them completely private until it’s resolved (and sometimes even then!)
she even keeps a lot of secrets from her friends, she just doesn’t like to show any sort of weakness or emotion or frailty, she likes to be able to keep the carefree/indifferent persona she has going of just like casually coasting through life
her indifference really extends to people too, so she doesn’t strongly dislike or passionately like people very often, and to become close friends with her you almost have to prove yourself, but once you’re actually friends with her she’ll literally pull a knife on someone for you
even though she comes off pretty shallow, she’s actually an amazing listener and friend, if she thinks you’re like, worth the time to listen to. She will let her friends rant to her for hours and hours and then give whatever advice they need to hear. or, well, whatever advice SHE thinks they need to hear, which isn’t always what they WANT to hear. tough love!!! 
she’ll call you right out on your bullshit
sav is always down for fun and while she’s not typically the one who comes up with wild ideas, she will often go along for the ride
she’s a partier and has gotten in trouble more than a few times for being caught throwing parties in her dorm room, but always ends up managing to get out of trouble
she absolutely does not want to be going to college, and is only at Luxor because her parents have threatened her trust fund over it! 
last year she had like, the worst year of her life - not only did she have a pregnancy scare, but her secret was outed by the crusade (her relationship with her former teacher), and she went off on a bender that lasted.....a few months while she did a bunch of reckless things with no concern for herself, culminating in her deciding to steal her best friends ex-boyfriend​
that would be none other than marcello - their relationship started out as a reckless way to get an adrenaline rush, u know, but they quickly realized it was a lot more than that and sav confessed those feels real fast. they might spend almost all of their time together but they are still NOT dating. at least if you ask them.
because she has no realisitic career goals, she is an undecided major, taking rando classes, mostly focused on languages because she really likes learning them, and absolutely NO math or science! 
kourtney kardashian - serena van der woodsen & blair waldorf meshed together - lorde’s entire melodrama album - but also olivia rodrigo’s entire sour album - ron swanson - marissa cooper - kit riva (malibu rising) - rue bennett (euphoria)
connection page here 
and always down to brainstorm or fill sav into anything that would fit !!
Savannah is an unwilling freshman in Luxor Academy’s college program. She is the middle of 3 daughters in an extremely wealthy Manhattanite family, which makes her a bit spoiled, and out of touch with reality. Personality wise, she’s extremely blunt (it’s just honesty, if you ask her), very aloof, and can be a bit of a mystery of a human just because she doesn’t give away much personal info. It’s really hard to make her care about anything, but if it involves fun or partying, that’s a surefire bet to get her interested.
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lifeofresulullah · 3 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Clean Ancestors of the Messenger of Allah
God Almighty created the father of mankind, Adam (PBUH).
When Adam raised his head, he saw that some name was written with an enormous Nur (heavenly light) at the Great Throne: “Ahmad.”
He asked wondering: “O my Lord, what is that light?”
God Almighty replied: “It is the light of a prophet who is going to come from your offspring. His name is Ahmad up in the heaven and Muhammad on earth. If it hadn’t been for him, I wouldn’t have created you as well!” 
The enormous truth that we faithfully adhere was also proclaimed by the owner of the light after billions of years.
One day, one of the Companions, Abdullah bin Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) asked, “Oh Allah’s Messenger, will you explain what Allah created before everything else”?
He replied:
“Before everything, He created your Messenger’s noor (light) from His own light. The light would travel with Allah’s power and as it wished. At that time, there was no lawh mahfuz (preserved tablet), no pen, no Heaven, no Hell, no angel, no sky, no land, no sun, no moon, no person, and no jinn. 
Firstly, the Light that enlightened the heavens with all its grandeur secondly shone in the forehead of Adam (PBUH). Then, from one prophet to another, It came to Abraham (PBUH) and through him to his son Ismael (PBUH).
Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham), who is known as “the Father of the Prophets”, had two sons: Ishaq (Isaac) and Ismail (Ishmael). He knew, as a result of the inspiration from God Almighty, that many prophets would emerge among the descendants of Ishaq. However, it was not known whether prophets would emerge among the descendants of Ismail, who was born of Hagar.
Nevertheless, he knew that a great prophet was going to be sent at the end of time. Therefore, he desired the last Prophet to emerge among the descendants of Ismail, whom he loved very much.
The Kaba, which was first built by Adam (PBUH), was heavily damaged in the long course of time and was almost demolished. The prophet Abraham (PBUH) received an order from God Almighty to rebuild this holy structure and immediately set to work with his son Ismael.
Having completed to build Kaba, they opened their hands in supplication to God Almighty and prayed:
“Our Lord! Send a Messenger from our progeny to the Muslim Ummah so that he can read to them your ayahs (verses), teach them your books and their laws, and cleanse them from their sins! 
Thus, God Almighty did not leave this sincere supplication unanswered and sent a descendant of Ismael, the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the chief of the prophets to the world. The Master of the universe (pbuh) proclaimed this truth as, “I am the supplication of my forefather Abraham (pbuh).” 
Hazrat Ismail’s children and grandchildren continuously increased and they spread all over the Arabian Peninsula. From them, the sons of Adnan, and from them the sons of Mudar, and from them the tribe of Quraysh became superior and different from the others. The Hashim branch of the Quraysh tribe found the most honor and reputation them all.
He himself described this reality as follows:
“Allah chose Ismail from Ibrahim’s sons, the sons of Kinana  from the sons of Ismail, Quraysh from the sons of Kinana, Bani Hashim from the Quraysh, and me from the Bani Hashim”. 
As every source agrees on, the master of the Universe’s (Muhammad) line of descent tracing to his 20th grandfather is as follows:
" Muhammad (pbuh), Abdullah, Abdulmuttalib (his real name is Shaiba), Hashim, Abd Munaf (Mugheera), Qusai, Kilab, Murra, Kaab, Luay, Ghalib, Fahr (Quraysh), Malik, Nadr, Khuzaima, Mudrikah (Amir), Ilyas, Mudar, Nizar, Maad, Adnan. " 
These are the grandfathers of our Honorary Master of the Universe. Their descendants proliferated; they all became the chieftains of several communities and were the grandfathers and fathers of several tribes.
Whenever one had two sons or when a tribe divided into two branches, our Beloved Prophet (SAV)’s descent would be found on the most dignified and esteemed side and during every period, every one of his grandfathers would be known by the exceptional noor (light) that shone on his face.
The line of descent after His 20th Grandfather
According to genealogists, it is unanimously agreed that Adnan, the 20th grandfather of our Holy Prophet, was from the progeny of Hazrat Ibrahim. There is a huge time span between Adnan and Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh). Some genealogists indicate that there are 40 generations in between. 
For this reason, the line of descent from Adnan, the 20th grandfather of the Messenger of Allah, to Hazrat Ibrahim, the second rank chain has been undetermined. Some genealogists say that the Holy Prophet’s line of descent dates back to Hazrat Ismail by seven generations, whereas others say nine generations. Naturally, this shows that many steps have been skipped.
The Line of Descent from Adnan to Hazrat Ibrahim
Some scholars list our Holy Prophet’s line of descent from Adnan to Hazrat Ibrahim as follows:
Udd (or Udad)
Nahur (or Sarih)
Ismail (pbuh)
Ibrahim (pbuh) 
In addition, Ibn Ishaq takes the Messenger’s line of descent all the way to Adam (Peace be Upon Him). However, we should state that other sources do not agree on this chain.
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