#satan plots chaos
nopenototdaysatan · 3 months
Thank you so much Bre! CX This was such a wonderful message to get today.
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yellowjackets96 · 7 months
the way you do the things you do / angus tully x reader — part one
summary / chaos is only natural when barton's resident misfit strikes up a bond with the middle child of the school's most despised instructor.
warnings / none
word count / 1,300+
hii! this one goes out to the very wise anon who suggested a plot revolving around angus and mr. hunham's kid, which, i must say, is an utterly brilliant concept. however, it turned out to be a lot longer than just a mere one-shot like my first one had been, so it'll probably end up being two or three parts. i hope that's okay, lovely anon. thank you for sharing your brilliance with me!
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Moreso than anything else, the relationship between the two of you started as an agreement. Well, an unspoken one, but an agreement nonetheless. Somebody had to look out for the two of you, on equal footing as outliers, as social rejects, as the odd men out. No one could be better for that role than you yourselves. 
To your utter dismay, ever since your parents made the decision to ship you off to Barton Academy in order to get you “the best education available” for high school (which was made possible by your father’s half-off tuition staff discount), you found yourself under a level of scrutiny that you never once faced at your old public junior high. It was not your intention to be perceived as the offspring of the most hated man there, either, but word travels quicker than a deer crossing the road at Barton. A concept introduced to the dean on a Sunday morning ends up widely-understood knowledge by a Monday evening. You’d already been written off as the ‘spawn of Satan’ before you even started your first class. Tough fuckin’ luck.
On the other hand, Angus’s isolation was entirely self-imposed. Following several years of what his mother had promised would be a “short-lived maintenance phase,” he became fed up with the entire process — the constant shifting and forced socialization and paperwork and meetings with headmasters. Lather, rinse, repeat, over and over until he felt utterly insane. He grew to resist society’s forced conditioning of him, lashing out the only way he knew how, through acts of adolescent rebellion. Due to how much you contrast from your stickler father, you eventually saw eye to eye with Angus on this. Once you had finally worn him down to the point of dragging a tragic backstory out of him, you understood why, because, of course no teenager could possibly be interested in the art of befriending their peers and engrossing themselves in a community at their third consecutive school. 
But it didn’t start off too swimmingly.
He entered your life on the strangest day of the week, during the least-interesting possible time of year — a Thursday in late February. You learned of his arrival through the grapevine, mere hours before you first saw him. Perched at a seat towards the very corner of the dining hall, you had become increasingly intrigued by the nearby nonstop chatter from a group populated by Georgie Jackson, Philip McNamara, Billy Wolfe, and Teddy Kountze, a rare sight in the seven o’clock breakfast setting, which was typically chock full of half-dead, completely exhausted teenagers.
“You wanna bet it’s gonna be another freak?” Teddy had grumbled, shaking his head dismissively at something optimistic Georgie must have said. “They’re half the school, at this point.”
He not-so-transparently nodded towards you, earning him in-sync laughs from the more agreeable Philip and Billy, and a halfhearted head shake from Georgie. “Christ, dude. And you wonder why we’re the only kids who tolerate you.”
Teddy threw his hands up defensively. “Hey, I’m just sayin’! We could benefit from someone actually cool and fun.”
“God, could you imagine how cool a girl would be?” Billy daydreamed, practically drooling.
The shaggy-haired blonde smirked. “You’re telling me. That’s all I wanted since I first enrolled here. Would be nice if old man Woodrup would do what the student body actually wants, for once.”
“Instead,” Philip piped up, wearing a dejected pouty frown. “I’m hearing this guy got kicked outta three different schools.”
Your curiosity piqued, you finally jumped in, against your better judgment. “What could possibly get a teenage boy tossed from not one, not two, but three schools? That sounds utterly ridiculous.”
The energy sufficiently changed as Teddy shot you a poisonous glare, you watched the trio of his small-time henchmen sink into their seats, seemingly anxious at how angry you were about to make him. His scrunched-up face twisted into a confident smirk, like he was one-thousand percent confident he could ensure you would never speak to him again. “What’s it to you, Walleye Jr.? You think I’d lie about some shit like that? Would you tell your daddy if I did?”
A scoff escaping your throat, you leaned back into your seat, slightly dejected. “Well, no, but-”
“That’s what I thought,” Teddy said, his lackeys chuckling in unison, practically on cue. “And you wonder why you don’t have any friends, loser.”
Just like that, enforced unnecessary social hierarchy had left you right back where you were before, with more questions than you could ever get proper answers for.
Once lunch period rolled around, you figured you may as well not try your luck again. 
Wrapping a gentle fist against the surface of your father’s door, you barely had to stand by for more than a few moments before he greeted you, the smile that he saved for you and the rest of your family plastered across his cheeks as he slung an arm across your shoulder, pulling you into a casual hug. Due to the academy’s policy of teacher’s children not being allowed to take their parent’s classes to avoid favoritism, you no longer spent time with him every day as you typically did with your mother back home. The reunion was definitely something you had been yearning for since you last saw him, even though it must have been no less than a week ago last Sunday. For the first time in far too long, something at Barton brought joy back to you. 
“How have you been, sweetheart?” your father asked, his reading glasses bouncing slightly on the bridge of his nose as he sat back down at his desk. He pointed to the chair on the other end of it, offering it to you. You gladly accepted, tugging the seat out and sliding into it.
You shrugged at the question, trying not to pay Kountze and his gang of blockheads too much mind. “Fine. Haven’t really done anything too notable or special.”
“Well, hey,” he offered, sliding a sheet labeled roll call across the desk to you. “Maybe this’ll brighten your spirits, despite how much the prospect of it annoys me.”
As soon as he finishes speaking, you instantly know what he was referring to, your eyes catching on the highlighted name sandwiched between Neil Sweeney and Todd Wedderling, bearing an emboldened word next to it — Angus Tully (NEW). And then, like it were on cue, the door behind the two of you swung open, revealing the sight of an instantly-enrapturing bearer of deeply brown eyes.
“Ah, Mr. Tully,” your father remarked, rising from the desk to greet him. “What a coincidence. I was just introducing them to you.”
Angus snorted. “All good things, I hope.”
“You’ve yet to prove us otherwise,” the older man quipped, before quickly turning toward you. “This is my middle child, the one Dr. Woodrup told you about. They’re a sophomore like you, so even though you won’t be in my class together, I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
Picking up on the hint, you offer the other teenager a hand, which he casually shakes. “Pleasure to meet you, Angus.”
The brunette offered a crooked half-smile, enough to draw one out of you, too. “Nice to meet you as well.” Everything about him seemed natural — the way he didn’t force his grin, the warmth of his palm, the distinct waviness of his mud-shaded curls. This school left you perpetually surrounded by well-off jackasses, standing where they were currently placed via generational wealth, rather than strength and perseverance, working off of their own merits as your father had. Not to say that Tully was dissimilar in that manner, but he just felt so distinctly different, like he was not even trying to cultivate a phony persona in the effort of impressing others. If only everyone were like him. Maybe Barton would be bearable after all.
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incarnadin3 · 1 month
How Obey Me Brothers realized they were in love with MC: Part Seven, Belphegor
A/N: I'm gonna post this one before Satan and break the order because I have no clue what to write for him, and I originally started this series after thinking about Belphie being in love while being in the (you guessed it) shower. I feel like his is one of the easier ones because of what happened between him and MC and then Lilith. Another reason why Beel's is also really easy to write (hint hint). Also, unlike stated, Lilith doesn't actually hate Belphie, that's a figment of his imagination, and his hate for sloth isn't factual (I think?) that's just for plot. Anyways sorry if there's mistakes, for some reason autocorrect does not want to work. Enjoy~
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Belphegor: The Catnapping Seventhborn
Being youngest meant that one could get away with a lot of things, but how could one get away with guilt?
There were only two things that Belphie felt guilt for. Killing you, and being the one that was saved during the Celestial War. Each day, when he looks at himself in the mirror, he sees a demon, full of sloth, and weakness. He looks at Beel's muscles, and wishes he had them too. Whenever he looks at himself in the mirror, he only sees the self-loath. Why couldn't he have had been stronger? If only he was strong enough to save himself during the war, then Beel wouldn't have had to choose between him and Lilith. Hell, he could have saved her. Now, her shadow stands behind him in the mirror, a look of pure hatred on her face.
One might look at Belphie and think, "Man, that's a demon who loves sleep". But no, Belphie hated his sin. It reminded him of his failure to be strong enough to save Lilith and himself.
He hated sleeping. Sure, his powers allowed him to control dreams, but what if his own powers want him to remind him of all his lacking qualities.
One doesn't think much of sleeping positions, and certainly no one batted an eye to Belphie sleeping. Not even his own twin knew when Belphie went into a nightmare. All he wished was that someone could shake him awake, hug him, and take care of him. But no-one noticed the signs that he needed comfort.
Belphie's sleeping positions went as such:
Splayed out - he was in a cozy dream, usually including you as a side character along with his brothers
Big spooning his pillow - in a dream with you (often times a date or a wet dream)
Little spooning his pillow - comfort dream where you reassures him that you didn't have him for killing you
And lastly, curled up - dream of the moment where Lilith died or you dying in Mammon's arms
No one, not even his twin knew that he still had these dreams, or what each position meant. He didn't think you even cared as long as you slept next to him. But today he got proven wrong.
Today was just like any other Saturday morning, full of chaos. On one had, Mammon was microwaving his frozen credit card, Goldie, and on the other, Lucifer was running around yelling, after a certain someone mixed bleach into his shampoo, making him look like a splitting image of his son/brother, Satan. Tired of the chaos, Belphie decided to steal a couple bites before slinking away back to his room, making sure to close his door tightly and hide the empty bleach bottle in case Lucifer and Satan joined forced in finding the culprit and burn down the HoL. Sinking into his bed, sleep took him within
The dream started like no other, Belphie big spooning his pillow as he dreamt of dragging you with him into the attic for a romantic date. But that's when things took a turn.
Belphie curled tighter as in his dream the two of you walked into the attic to see blood staining the wall. As Belphie reached for you in the dream, his hand touched a cold one. As he turned, he saw you, floating like a ghost, pale white, still in the clothes you died in, dried blood on your skin as you stared at him, and said in a gravelly voice, "You!"
"You killed me! I hate you!"
Belphie curled into a ball as he reached for you once again in the dream, as your hair fell into your face, (sorry to my bald MCs) obscuring your face from view.
As he reached out to push the hair away, to his horror, instead of your face, Lilith's angelic face greeted him, smiling, as your, or rather her body began to glow. Her smile turned sharper, as she reached into a hidden pocket in her angelic dress, and pulled out a sharp knife made of diamonds.
Belphie's face paled as he curled into the tightest ball ever, trembling as Lilith raised the knife and screamed.
"First you cause my death and then you kill my descendant?! I'll kill you!"
As the knife shot towards his chest, he snapped out of the dream, sweating as he gasped for air, his entire frame being shook by someone. He turned to see you, a concerned smile on your face as you wipe away his sweat, hugging him tightly and rocking him back and forth.
He doesn't know what takes him over at that moment, but he crumples into the embrace, his usual aloof personality being thrown out of the window.
"Shh its ok. I forgive you. And so does Lilith."
"H-huh? How'd you know I was dreaming of that?"
"I could tell by the way you were sleeping."
Never in his centuries of existence had anyone bothered to take notice of how he slept and correlate it with his dreams. Hell, it was a fucking milestone if someone even bothered to ask how he slept. But for you to tell what his dreams were about without him telling you, and comforting him? He felt like an angel all over again.
As the two of you laid down, him being big spooned by you, he relaxed, never once dreaming of Lilith and you dying ever again.
Guilt is often a crippling thing, and in the human world, it can even end lives. Belphie didn't go as far as that, but with you around, his brothers were shocked to see a smile on his face.
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da-rulah · 10 months
The Mayor's Daughter - Mary Goore x f!Reader [Part 1]
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Summary: Mary knew the entire town hated him; the metalhead with the freaky make up and fake blood dripping down his face. He was the local menace, the town vandal, the cliché trouble maker. He played up to that image, enjoyed the havoc and the chaos, revelled in it. He loved pissing people off.
And so, what better revenge to get on his beloved town, than to fuck around with the Mayor's daughter…
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Porn with very little plot, filthy sex, public sex, quickie, dirty talk, teasing, very little foreplay, praise kink, pet names, degradation, hints at exhibitionism, fingering, p in v sex, squirting, oral sex (m receiving), cum play, cum swallowing
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8
A/N: Huge thank you to @her-satanic-wiles & @angellayercake for beta reading this one! This, again, began as a silly little drabble idea from a request in my asks, and became a bloody one shot (with a second part planned out already because I. DON'T. KNOW. WHEN. TO. STOP. Enjoy.
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Mary knew the entire town hated him; the metalhead with the freaky make up and fake blood dripping down his face. He was the local menace, the town vandal, the cliché trouble maker. They treated him like garbage from day one anyway, coming from a less than favourable background of struggles as he grew up. He played up to that image, enjoyed the havoc and the chaos, revelled in it. He loved pissing people off. 
The Mayor hated him the most, ruining his precious little suburban town’s image. Mary was public enemy number one; mostly because this quaint little place had absolutely nothing better to do than to impose this chaotic stereotype on him since he was 13 years old – he was just applying himself to the role... method acting, if you will.  
And so, what better revenge to get on his beloved town, than to fuck around with the Mayor's daughter... 
It started as a dare. His bandmates had seen you out with your girlfriends at the local biker bar he frequented. You stuck out like a sore thumb, in a cute little white sundress with daises printed all over. ‘What were you thinking?’ he'd wondered when he saw you. You were like a deer strolling willingly into the lion's den.  
"Go on, Mare. She's his daughter, y'know? Dare ya to get in her panties..." His mates had shoved him forward by his shoulder, his beer in hand sloshing as he rolled his eyes and laughed, shrugging his signature leather jacket back on straight as he skulked over to your table, coughing to interrupt your conversation. Your friends had looked up at him in disgust and annoyance but you... pretty little thing... had smiled sweetly with a sparkle in your eye.  
"'Scuse me, doll, but I can't help but wonder... what's a pretty thing like you doin' in a dive like this?" he'd asked you. Your friends rolled their eyes and turned their backs, but you? You fucking giggled.  
"Just getting to know my father's patch, wanna be a people person, y'know? Helps his campaigns," you'd winked. Mary smirked at that, hearing the hidden meaning laced in your response. 
"Political power play; smart. Best keep away from me then, doll," he'd leaned in then, his arm resting on the back of your chair as he whispered in your ear, "I'm the town delinquent, after all..." 
"Oh, I know all about you, Mary." The way you'd said his name... the playful glint in your eye, the not-so-innocent smirk, the tease... Mary sucked in a deep breath through grit teeth and pulled up a spare chair next to yours, sitting astride it with his arms folded over the back of it that faced you. Your friends had started their conversation back up, ignoring you completely. They were fickle friends anyway, nowhere near the amount of fun you were looking for in your drab and over-controlled life. 
"They dared me, y'know. My friends, I mean. To get into your panties..." Honest and upfront, but he seemed confident enough in your playful little demeanour that perhaps that's exactly what you had wanted to hear from someone tonight.  
"What, these panties?" you had asked, tracing your fingertips up your bare thigh and lifting your skirt just enough to show off the waistband of white lace against your hip. Mary's eyes followed your fingertips intently, his jaw dropping open. He took a swig of his beer, hoping it would chill the rising heat in his face while images of you splayed out with your skirt bunched up around your hips for him flashed in his mind.  
"Yep. Them's the ones."  
"Well, play your cards right and maybe I'll let you," you smirked, snatching his beer from his hand and taking a gulp, holding his eye contact while you wrapped your lips around the bottle neck. You didn't miss the way his eyes bulged from his head at your gesture. This was going to be fun. Mary could be just the kind of excitement you were looking for... 
You ditched your friends pretty quickly that night; they barely bat a false lash in your direction anyway as you sauntered back to Mary's friends on his arm, happy to play up the 'prize' role as he showed you off to them with a twirl. You shared some beers, laughed at Mary's filthy and dark jokes, flirted and teased your way into his arms and within a couple of hours, you decided he'd done enough to charm his way into your lace panties after all.  
"Hey," you poked his ribs, leaning into his side as he looked down at you with a smug smile and took another swig of beer. 
"What is it, doll?" he asked, the nickname working wonders for you.  
"You've been dealt a decent hand of those cards, Goore. With me. Now." You snatched the beer from his hand and slammed it on the bar beside you, sauntering off through the bodies of bikers and cloud of cigarette smoke. Mary watched the way you bounced away from him, your ass so perfectly rounded and covered just barely by the flouncy little skirt of your sundress.  
You stopped by the bathroom door, turning back to him and beckoning towards him to follow you. His eyes trailed up your bare legs, across the curves of your body and the cleavage on display, and settled on the mischievous little smirk you wore. That's when he noticed, the door behind you read "mens" - oh, you filthy little thing... 
He pushed himself up from the stool he sat at, his leather jacket draped over the back of it. He found himself herding you into the bathroom quickly, paying no mind to the only other person in the bathroom stood at the urinals.  
"Hey, what the fuck man," the guy half-yelled, but Mary just shrugged in his direction with you hiding and giggling behind his chest as he pushed you further into a stall, slamming the door behind you and flicking the lock shut. "Animals, man..." the guy scoffed, finishing up and heading out the door.  
But as soon as he'd pushed you into that stall - remarkably cleaner than you'd anticipated - his lips were on your neck behind you, his hands running over your thighs and tickling the soft flesh there.  
"Wanted you all fuckin' night, doll," he growled against your neck, "And you bring me here, eh? Romantic..." 
"Just fuck me, Goore... Please..." you begged, reaching behind you to hold his head against you, pushing your ass back into the groin of his tattered jeans. The hands splayed across your thighs shifted, one snaking inwards, the other gripping your hip to steady you, keeping your ass pressed against his hardening dick.  
"You ask so politely, doll. Your daddy teach you those manners?" he teased, biting at the flesh of your neck.  
"Mhm," you hummed, cut off by his lips colliding with yours in a desperate kiss. No time to waste, his tongue dove against yours, savouring the taste of the beer you'd shared all night.  
His hand pressed itself between your thighs, cupping your mound over the pretty white lace you'd briefly flashed him earlier. You whined against his lips, fingers weaving into his spiked hair and pulling him harshly against you. Mary could feel how wet you already were, the fabric warm and damp against his palm.  
"I thought we agreed you could get inside my panties, Goore?" you taunted, reaching down to where his hand was pressed against you and pulling the lace to one side in one quick motion. His fingers immediately slid between your folds, coated in your arousal with a single swipe. 
"Fucking hell..." he huffed in a mix of pleasure and disbelief; how could you, the pretty little daughter of the damn Mayor be so utterly filthy as to fuck a guy like him in the men's bathroom of a fucking dive bar? It screamed 'daddy issues'. It screamed 'rebelling against your proper little life'. It screamed 'cliché' and yet... All he cared about was making you scream. 
“This needy for me already, doll? Bet I could slip right in, hm?” he teased, nipping at your earlobe and pressing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses down your neck. His fingers worked your clit expertly, forcing your eyes to shut and head to lull back against his shoulder. Your grip on his hair tightened, and a gasp of a moan slipped from your lips. 
Mary ground his hips into your ass as he dove his fingers into you, two able to slip through your folds and deep inside you without meeting any resistance. Mary growled, curling his fingers inside you in search of the spot to make your legs buckle. Had he not been ready, holding you up with his hand buried inside you, the other bracing your hip, you might have fallen to your knees there and then.  
“Sh-shit, Mary...” you gasped, your hands flying out to steady yourself one the walls of the cubicle.  
“I got you, baby,” he affirmed, wrapping the hand from your hip around your stomach and pulling you back against him again. His fingers worked you open so easily, spreading your arousal and readying you for him. But he was going to make you beg for it, first... 
He withdrew his fingers from inside you, now focused solely on your throbbing clit. He circled it over and over, earning whines and whimpers from you as jolts of pleasure soared through your body. You leaned back against him again, this time angling your head to be able to look at him, to see the absolutely feral look on his face as he drank you in with his eyes. 
His face paint had faded considerably, the fake blood starting to glisten again now that a sheen of sweat was forming on his skin in the cramped space. You couldn’t help yourself, deciding to smash your lips to his in a clash of teeth and lips; messy, uncoordinated but invigorating.  
“Fuck, who knew you were so filthy, hm?” His words were muffled by your desperate kisses, but you couldn’t help the whimper that surfaced. “How my fingers workin’ for ya, doll?” he chuckled, and as if to illustrate his point he dipped them back inside you, curled them up once to force out a cry of pleasure and retreated again, attention back to your clit.  
“A-ah! Need more, Mare... Please,” you begged, but he just laughed, biting down on your bottom lip and watching as your glazed eyes tried to focus on his.  
“Almost, babygirl. Not quite what I wanna hear though... Tell me what you want. Tell me you fucking need it,” he growled, pressing harder to your clit with each rotation of his fingertips. You knew exactly what he wanted to hear, and you were more than happy to oblige. 
“Need... need you... need your cock, Mary...” you cried, clawing at his arms so hard you almost drew blood. He hissed at the pain, enjoying every ounce of it.  
“Good girl...” he told you, removing his fingers from your cunt completely and manhandling you until you were bent at the waist, palms flat on the toilet tank in front of you to hold you up. He lifted your knee to prop your foot on the edge of the toilet, opening you up and giving him the best angle to grind his clothed cock against your burning hot centre. “Stay right there, doll.” 
He backed up half a step, and you heard the telltale sound of his belt buckle jingling, a button popping open, a zipper, some rustling of denim...  
Mary fisted his cock a few times, allowing himself a moment to take the edge off – had he dove straight in, he’d have finished embarrassingly quickly, too fucking turned on but your good-girl-turned-total-freak act. He bunched your dress up around your hips, pushing the white lace past your hips and letting them fall to the floor before he gathered them, stuffing them inside the back pocket of his jeans that were now around his knees. You could feel as he lined the head of his cock up with your entrance, toying with you and pushing barely the tip inside.  
Just as he did, the door to the bathroom creaked in protest, the background noise of the bar behind it growing louder and several pairs of heavy boots clunking across the linoleum of the floor. Voices that you recognised as Mary’s friends and bandmates laughed and chatted, filtering in one behind the other.  
Mary ran his hand up your back between your shoulder blades, his fingers threading with your hair to pull your head up towards him so he could speak directly into your ear. 
“Better be quiet, doll...” he whispered, “unless you want them to know...” 
Fuck... at that point you didn’t care. They could know if they wanted, hell they could stand on the toilet in the cubicle next to you and fucking watch if they wanted – you were too drunk on the feeling of Mary’s cock barely breaching your pussy to give a shit anymore. You just needed him.  
But Mary’s hand snaked around your jaw, shoving the two fingers that had been inside you past your lips and gagging you with them. Then, and only then, did he begin to push himself deeper inside you. 
You whimpered around his knuckles, gripping the porcelain beneath you tightly as the feeling of being stretched engulfed you.  
“Where’d Mary disappear to?” you heard one of his friends ask on the other side of the door.  
“Do you reckon he’s actually fucking that chick?” another laughed. Mary smirked at the interaction, bottoming out inside you with his pelvis flush to your ass. He rolled his hips up, relishing in the way you bit down on his fingers when he hit your g-spot again. 
“The Mayor’s daughter? Nah, no fuckin’ way. She’s just a tease... too prissy,” a third friend chimed in. “You know the type; get you hooked then leave you hangin’ with blue balls.” 
The guys laughed together, and you couldn’t help but clench around Mary’s length when his fingertips tightened on your hip, his nails digging into the skin as he listened to his shithead friends degrading you on the other side of the stall. No fuckin’ way... that was his job. 
“If only they knew the real you, eh, doll? The one who’s already squeezing my dick so tight she’s creaming all over me...” he whisper-growled, dragging his length out of you painfully slowly. Holding his fingers in place in your mouth to keep you quiet, he slammed back into you, a loud clap ricocheting off the stall walls where his skin met yours. Your cry of pleasure and shock muffled around his fingers but was still very much audible.  
His friends’ heads whipped around to the door of the cubicle where they stood at the urinals, a look of confusion on their faces.  
“Goore?” one of them called out. Silence – Mary stilled inside you again, shushing you quietly in your ear.  
“No fuckin’ way, man...” one of them said. With lingering silence, his friends shrugged and turned their attention back to the urinals, finishing up. It wasn’t until you heard their footsteps starting to retreat that Mary, in one quick motion, thrust his hips back and forth once more, another slap ringing out with another muffled whimper as you drooled on his digits.  
“Nah, that’s gotta be him... Mare, you in here?” one of the guys called out.  
“Shall I answer them, doll? Want them to know?” he whispered in your ear. When your eyes met his over your shoulder, he saw them glinting with mischief as you nodded at him. 
You would be the fucking death of him. 
“I’m here, man,” he called back, a smug smirk on his face. 
A chorus of “ohhh shiiiiit” and “daaaaamn” rang through the bathroom when they realised their ringleader, the famous Mary Goore, was indeed fucking the Mayor’s daughter in the men’s bathroom. 
“Nice,” one of them remarked, the slap of a high five ringing out. Mary rolled his eyes, again gripping onto your hip as if overprotective of you in some way. You stayed still though, waiting, listening... with Mary’s fingers still holding back your tongue. 
“You wanna get the fuck out now so I can make my girl cum in peace?” he yelled back, smirking when he felt your cunt squeeze him. ‘My girl’ - that’s what did it. That possessiveness when he’d known you merely hours, like primal instinct... 
“Jeez, we’re gone...” one of them complained, the door swinging open, that same background noise from the bar filtering in as it swung shut behind his friends. 
“Where were we, doll?” he purred, stroking the hair from your face before gripping your hip once again and pressing his fingers down onto your tongue harder, punctuated with an upwards thrust directly into your cervix. You cried out again, eyes rolling back into your head in bliss.  
He didn’t stop this time, his hips continuously thrusting up into you with vigour, pelvis slapping against your ass over and over. His eyes were trained on his bare cock disappearing into you repeatedly, your ass rippling with the impact.  
“Fuckin’ fill you so good, hm? Like you were made for me, doll...” he growled into your ear. All you could do was whimper on his fingers, closing your mouth around them to suck on them, driving him wild.  
“Ohh, shit... good girl,” he praised, earning a tight clench from you around his length, “make ‘em nice and wet for me, darlin’.” You did as you were told, coating his fingers in your spit whilst he continued to fuck you from behind. When he was satisfied with your work, he removed his fingers from your mouth altogether, and dipped them between your thighs to circle your clit.  
You gasped at the new sensation, coupling with the assault on your cervix you were barrelling towards an orgasm embarrassingly fast, so immensely turned on by everything up to this point that coaxing it from you was an easy goal for Mary.  
“This town thinks you’re such a good little girl, huh? What if they saw you now?” he teased, his grip on your hip tightening whilst his fingers began to swipe back and forth faster and faster over your clit, “What if daddy saw you now?” 
“Fucking hell, Mary...” you cried, hands bracing on the tank of the toilet to steady yourself while your legs shook. “Don’t stop, please...” 
“Wouldn’t fuckin’ dream of it, doll...” he smirked, his hips smacking over and over against your ass. True to his word, he didn’t stop, and he pushed your closer, and closer until he felt the trembling onslaught of your orgasm.  
As if on instinct, hand on your hip wrapped around your abdomen, holding you upright as your legs shook and gave out, the other keep a steady pace swiping back and forth over your clit. Mary held you up, yes, but continued to fuck into you, revelling in the way you managed to cum so violently that you squirted around his length and onto the floor of the bathroom stall. He kept you going, emptying you of all of it as you cried out, gripping the porcelain tightly.  
“Oh, doll, look at you, hm? You made a mess...” he snickered behind you, stilling his hips and removing his hand from between your legs. Instead, he helped you to stand upright, pulling himself from where he’d been sheathed inside you and turning your chin up to him so he could press a bruising and sloppy kiss to your lips.  
You turned in his arms, pushing him back against the door of the stall with the little energy you had left as you came down from your high, legs still unsteady. Mary groped at your ass, enjoying the feeling of supple flesh in his palms as he ground his still bare cock against your stomach. And then it dawned on you. 
Mary hadn’t cum yet. 
You refused to make him wait a moment longer, as much as you wanted to stay attached to his lips to taste his very distinctive flavour on your tongue – beer and cigarettes had never tasted so enticing.  
Without a word – mostly because the both of you were so out of breath already – you sank to your knees. Quickly, you noted the wet feeling against the bare skin – your wetness. Mary seemed to notice too, biting his lip when he saw you acknowledge your little puddle of cum and smirk back up at him. He knew what you were about to do, and his cock jumped above you at the thought.  
You wrapped a hand around him, feeling the remnants of your arousal at the base of his cock. Leaning forward, you took the head of his length past your lips, swiping your tongue over his slit that had beaded with precum. Between his salty taste and your own sweetness, you hummed in satisfaction and sent vibrations through his whole body. Mary hissed above you, pushing the hair back from your face so he could get a better look.  
“You’re fucking filthy, doll,” he praised, leaning his head back against the door and watching you through his eyelashes.  
“Mhmm,” you hummed around him, managing a subtle smirk before diving your head down to swallow him whole. Mary grunted above you, his hands slapping to the walls either side of him like you had done earlier; the only thing keeping him composed.  
You bobbed your head on his length, using your tongue to cradle the underside of his cock as you hollowed your cheeks. Your hands gripped his belt where it hung loosely around his thighs, pulling him towards you as if it would help you take him any deeper – but you were already nuzzling the soft hair at the base of his dick each time you took him down your throat.  
But feeling like he was being desperately pulled and tugged and sucked within an inch of his damn life was turning Mary on more and more, having the exact effect you had hoped. How needy you looked for him, on your knees in a puddle of your own orgasm, tasting yourself on his cock as you made sure you sucked everything your mouth could take of him, as if you needed it as much as he did. 
��Shit, you tryna make me cum, doll?” he panted, “You that desperate to taste me?” Mary stroked your hair, watching intently as you fluttered your eyelashes at him and fucking giggled on his cock. You were driving him wild, a familiar tightness coming to a head in his abdomen.  
“C-can I cum in your mouth, doll?” he asked, breathless and using every ounce of restraint he had to stave off his orgasm until had your consent to blow his load down your throat. You didn’t answer him immediately, revelling in the torture just for another few moments while you slide your hands from his belt to the tops of his thighs where his jeans were pushed down, then further up to his hips. You stopped there, digging your nails in and humming as you took his length as deep as possible one last time.  
The sting of your nails on his skin triggered the beginning of his end, and you retracted your head to balance the tip of his cock on your tongue, allowing him to watch as his seed spilled and spurted onto your tongue beneath him, your fist now generously pumping his length to milk him of every drop you could.  
“Dirty little bitch,” he grunted, losing himself to his orgasm and smirking down at you when you winked at him, unable to talk with a mouthful of his spend.  
As he finished, he took a deep breath, dragging the palms of his hands down his face and smearing the make-up and fake blood in the sheen of sweat that glistened on his skin. Not that he cared – he wasn’t precious about his appearance now his night was coming to an end anyway. He stood upright, tucking himself back into his underwear and doing his pants up.  
Redressed, he looked down at you, sat so prettily on your knees with your mouth still hanging open, the pool of his cum still sitting on your tongue. Mary smirked and dipped a finger into it, swirling it around before bending down and sucking his own release from his fingertip. You giggled again, satisfied with his reaction and swallowing what was left for you.  
“You surprised me, doll...” Mary said with a quirk of his head. “You don’t seem the type, y’know?” He helped you up from the floor, your knees protesting a little from being pressed to the linoleum for so long.  
“’Just a tease’, right?” you quoted his friends, an eyebrow raised, “’too prissy’? The type to ‘get you hooked then leave you hangin’ with blue balls’?” 
Mary scratched the back of his neck, feeling a sliver of guilt for the way his ‘friends’ had described you – but more so at the knowledge that’s exactly what he’d thought of you until tonight. “Ignore ‘em, doll. They wouldn’t know how to treat ya if they had ya,” he smiled goofily.  
“What, and you do?” you taunted. Mary chuckled, tapping his foot against the floor and drawing your attention to the little puddle at your feet.  
“I think this proves I do, huh?” He pushed his tongue into his cheek smugly, and you lightly punched his chest playfully. 
“You’re disgusting, Goore...” you laughed. “Now gimme my panties back.” You held your palm flat for him to hand them over, but he just stared at it incredulously. Even when you curled your fingers back in a ‘gimme’ motion, he didn’t budge to hand them over, still tucked into the back pocket of his jeans. 
“Don’t think I will, nah. Gonna hold ‘em ransom,” he said, leaning against the stall wall and folding his arms over his chest.  
“You’re kidnapping my panties?” you raised an eyebrow at him. “But it’s cold without them...” Mary laughed, not moving at all. He was keeping those panties of yours, and you weren’t talking him around. “Fine. Keep ‘em. Plenty more at home...” 
“In every colour, I bet...” Mary smirked, reaching behind him to unlock the door to the stall. “Shall we?” 
You pushed past him, giving twirling on your heels to exit the bathroom with just enough force that you briefly flashed your bare ass to him beneath your skirt one last time. Mary groaned in appreciation and followed you back out into the bar, jogging to catch up and slinging an arm around your shoulders.  
The bar had emptied a little, both his and your friends nowhere in sight. Mary’s jacket still sat on the stool he’d left it on, his cell phone in the pocket.  
“So, doll... reckon I could get your number?” he asked, leaning against the bar. You stared at him for a moment, as if contemplating your answer but you already knew you wanted more of Mary Goore. 
Without a word, you snatched his cell phone from his hand and typed in your number – your real number, not the fake one you gave to most guys who asked. “I’ll see you around, Goore,” you told him, pushing the phone against his chest once more. 
“Can I get you a cab? Walk ya home?” he asked, feeling uneasy about letting a vulnerable girl – with no panties on... - get home alone.  
“No need, have another beer. I got a car waiting outside – perks of daddy’s status, I guess,” you shrugged as you picked up the tiny little bag you’d brought with you from the bar where you’d stupidly left it, a tinge of sadness to your voice that Mary didn’t miss, but didn’t push you on.  
“And you don’t wanna be seen out there by your dad’s staff with... me?” he asked, already knowing why you wanted him to stay put. You gave him a look of apology, chewing on your bottom lip out of guilt. “Nah, I get it doll. Keep him sweet as long as possible. One more beer won’t hurt me, anyway,” he winked, pinching your cheek to ease some of your guilt. 
“Thanks for... tonight,” you told him, a blush creeping onto your cheeks now that reality was setting in a little. Mary chuckled, looking down at his feet. He turned to lean over the bar, calling over the bartender before he looked back at you.  
“Any time, doll,” he winked, turning his attention back to the bartender who was finishing up with another patron. By the time he turned back to look at you, maybe even give you a parting kiss to the cheek, you were gone.  
And so was the leather jacket from the back of his stool. 
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You got back home just in time for your curfew that night, careful not to give your father’s security an eyeful as you got out of the car. Just as you’d got back into your bedroom after saying a quick goodnight to your father in his study, you heard the buzz of your phone in your little bag. When you looked, you had a text from an unknown number, the sender only possibly one person... 
U thief... guna want my jacket bck doll... nd if u eva want 2 c ur panties alive again, u bettr follow my instructions v carefully... 😉 
You smiled at your phone, biting your bottom lip as you text back a reply.  
Willing to negotiate a drop off time and location. You can have whatever you want, just don’t hurt my poor panties... 
You threw your phone onto your bed, heading into your en suite to turn the shower on – a much needed luxury after the filthy sex you’d had that night. As you stripped yourself from your dress, you heard your phone buzzing again with another text.  
Gd girl. Will be in touch xo 
You hoped he would. Mary may just have been the excitement you were looking for in your drab little life as the daughter to the Mayor of this suffocating little town. 
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Tagging those who asked, interacted with my post about writing Mary and some of my mutuals who may or may not enjoy this!
If you want to be added/removed from my tag list, please let me know!
@anamelessfool @thew0man @portaltothevoid @copias-sewer-rat @fishwithtitz @mustluvecho @foxybouquet
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Demons Are A Girls Best Friend
There are other parts!!!! I’m too tired to link them!!!!!! Anywho: Mc has a dirty ass fantasy and the brothers plan it out and this the plan coming to life!!! Yay!!! Inspired by a power metal song about demons taking virginity!!!!!!! The Mc isn’t really a virgin tho!!!!!! Yaaay!!!!
Nsfw ahead: praise, degradation, throat fucking, impact play, spanking, blowjobs, size kink, demon kink, corruption kink, vaginal sex, clit play, multiple positions, multiple orgasms, orgasm control, yeah like almost everything
Chapter 3: “let your carnal lust prevail tonight”
You stood outside of the door, note in hand. The brothers were on the other side, waiting for you to come in so they could commence the scene. You were nervous, heart beating uncontrollably and mind racing. Glancing down, you could faintly see the outline of your underwear through the outfit you had decided on earlier. Perhaps you went a bit too far with the innocent -not-so-innocent act.
All the lights were out in the house now, leaving you to rely on the one and only light source that laid beyond that door. You looked back at the note and with a shaky breath, you opened it.
The room was transformed, it had an old feeling to it. It was a dark brown and smelled of frankincense, it was polished and the light reflecting from the torches made it have a golden-orange hue. You could see a table in front of you with a few chairs and sat on one of those chairs was Satan, flipping through the pages of a Bible. He was dressed head to toe in a priest’s garb, if it weren’t for your knowledge of him already, you would’ve assumed he was a young, attractive priest. He lifted his head to you, eyes just briefly leaving the word.
“How can I help you, young one?” His demeanor was calm and kind. His lips slightly stretched into a smile, but it felt soft, not mischievous in the slightest.
You remembered the note. “I’ve been searching for sanctuary. The storm has run me here.” You answered, trying to think of the best way to fit the plot.
“I see. You’ve come to the right place. I am here with some of my brothers in Christ.” God, this is ironic. If it weren’t for your nervousness, you’d start cackling. “We can house you here.” He placed the Bible down. “Come, sit with me.” He pulled a chair out and turned it so it was facing him.
You nod and move over. Your footsteps were light but even so, the floorboards creaked as though you were in an old house. “Thank you Father.” You sat before him, crossing your legs.
“What brings you so far out in the woods? I’m sure you know it’s dangerous for people such as you.” He acted well, furrowing his brows and adding concern to his eyes.
“Well, I…” this wasn’t in the script, do they expect improv??? “I ran away from my home a long time ago.” Well, might as well make the lore nice and juicy. “I was traveling alone, moving from place to place.”
“Hmm, I see. Humankind often moves about, you are no different. Even so, you must remember that on nights like these, demons come out to play.” Like on cue, one of the torches went out and lightning outside struck. “You are safe here, but you must beware the night.”
Think of something! Think think! You look so awkward!
He shifted in his seat. “Sorry, you must forgive me, I must’ve scared you.” He opened the Bible back up. “You could consider me an expert on demons. Demons crave many things, I’m sure you know. They crave to create chaos where there is calm and corruption where there is innocence.” His words were silk, moving through your ears and sinking into your head. “You are innocent, aren’t you? Untouched by darkness?”
It was arousing how his words sounded so genuine but you knew exactly where he was going. “What do you mean?” You tried to sound innocent, but your blush and the stutter in your voice could not be disguised.
He tch’ed three times. “This won’t do. Tell me, what have you done?” He was still soft, still quiet, still priestly. “You can tell me, I will forgive you.”
“Brother, don’t torture this child.” Another voice. Lucifer. “They’ve come here for sanctuary and here you are, interrogating them.”
You whipped your head around to see him dimly lit, the golden light making his face warm and ethereal. Perhaps this is what he looked like in the celestial realm. Lucifer was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed with a gentle and welcoming smile on his face. He was dressed similarly to Satan, but his cassock wasn’t plain, it had a red trim with red buttons. Not to mention, the crucifix Lucifer boldly wore around his neck.
“Hello there, did I scare you, dear?” He asked, tilting his head up. “I simply overheard your conversation.”
“No, you didn’t.” You kept your eyes on Lucifer, taking him in.
“Good. Humans have a tendency to not want to follow directions. A little bit of rebellion is normal.” Lucifer crossed his legs against the wall, keeping his gaze transfixed on you.
You heard Satan lean back in his chair, making it creak. “You’re not wrong, but it’s essential to remember that they will be judged when the time comes.” You turned to look at Satan again. He propped his head up on the table and looked at you with concern etched across his face. “Why not let us relieve you of your sins now, lest it be too late?”
You were feeling nervous again, they play this game too well. You were still silent, trying to not trip over your words.
“It’s obvious that they’re scared of being judged.” Lucifer broke the silence and stepped forward, going toward your chair. You felt his hands grip the back of it and his chest was almost pressed against the back of your head. You felt compelled to glance up at him. “It would be hypocritical of me to judge you, dear. After all, we are not perfect.” His eyes were looking down at you, half-lidded and brimming with lust. “Who’s to say we are as holy as we seem?”
God, he was hot right now. You peeled your gaze away from him, afraid you might break away from the script. They would not initiate everything, with your permission. That’s what the note said. You had to wait, which is basically what it meant. You wonder who decided to egg you on like this? Whose idea.
Suddenly, a chair was pulled beside you and Asmo sat in it, legs crossed, looking at you and smiling. “Forgive me for my intrusion! I could feel their nervousness from the other room. I’ve come to alleviate it.” He sounded his usual cheery self, but still managed to fit the role. His cassock was similar to Satan’s, but he also wore a white sash adorned with etched crosses at the bottom.
Lucifer shifted behind you. “So, do you mind telling us what you’ve done? There’s no need to be ashamed.”
You felt as though they were waiting for you to say it, to say you’ve slept with demons. You tried to suck your nerves back in and speak. “I will.”
Satan looked pleased. “Then, is it true? You’ve bedded with demons?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
Asmo’s smile couldn’t help but stretch wider. “There, that wasn’t that hard was it?” He put a hand on your shoulder.
“No, father it wasn’t.” You felt relieved, guess you could say the introduction was over.
“Now,” Lucifer tapped his fingers, “since you’ve been touched by them, do you still crave their touch?”
Well fuck. Your heart rate went right back up. “Sometimes.” You answered, averting Lucifer’s gaze.
“Are you so ashamed you can’t look at any of us?” Asmo pouted. “It’s alright, demons are known to tempt. To seduce.” He didn’t try to hide the growing arousal in his voice.
“Perhaps they are.” Back to Lucifer. “Do you feel shame because you wish to feel their touch again? Or do you feel… something else?” He was loving every second of this, every word.
You could feel their hunger, it was obvious. Blatant. You were scared to indulge, but you were desperate to feel them. “Something else.” You were too quiet.
Satan crossed his legs. “I don’t think we are making you nervous anymore.”
You could really use some water but you didn’t want to stop the scene.
“I don’t think they are either.” Asmo pushed hair out of your face and his touch gave you goosebumps. “I think I know what you’re feeling. Would you like me to say it?”
More lightning outside. The rain on the roof thundered onto the rooftop and sweeping across the window. You could faintly smell the smoke from the candles strewn across the tables and the torches on the walls. You definitely aren’t nervous anymore and yet here you are trying to ground yourself. Truth be told, you’re excited now.
“They won’t admit it themselves. At least not yet.” Lucifer said, encouraging Asmo. “Say it.”
“You want us.” Asmo’s hand was on your thigh now and he was leaning closer to you.
You slowly turned to him. “I do.”
Lucifer couldn’t help but chuckle. “You have no intention of repenting, do you?” His hand drifted to your shoulder.
“I came here, not for repentance, but sanctuary sir.” You answered, feeling his hand slide the fabric of your clothes slowly.
Satan was grinning now. “Well, you’re lucky. We can’t do that anyways.” On cue, his tail and horns emerged and from behind you, you heard Lucifer’s wings flap, accompanied by Asmo’s tail that was now wrapped around your calf. “So, with us like this, would you let us indulge in your need?”
You felt heat between your legs grow and grow and all you wanted to do was pounce on one of them and ride them til you were sated, but that isn’t a choice right now. “Can you?” You say.
Asmo feigns shock. “Can we? We are made for it. So!” His tail rubbed your leg. “Why don’t you tell us what they’ve done to you.”
Man, do you really have to admit that? Out loud? Your mind filled with memories of them touching you, how each of the brothers pleased you. You also wondered when you’d see the rest of them. You’ve seen Satan, Luci, and Asmo plenty.
“Ahhh, shy are we?” Lucifer stroked your cheek from behind. “How can we know what you want, what you like, and what you need without you telling us, hm?” He teased you, feeling so powerful.
“Perhaps you don’t wish to be pleased.” Satan said, letting his usual mischievous demeanor take over. “You were indulging us about confessing your sins, perhaps you crave punishment.”
Lucifer hummed his approval. “Ah, I could see that. Perhaps we need to become holy again for them to admit their sins. Now, tell us, do wish for us to continue?” Lucifer was both in the scene but speaking genuinely, you could tell by his touch.
“Yes.” You answered.
Satan retracted his tail and wings and horns. “Maybe you like feeling dirty. Do you?” He asked you, but didn’t let you answer. “I can tell you do.”
“Yeah, I do.” You breathed out and Asmo squeezed your thigh.
“That’s it. Give in to it.” Asmo whispered, watching every little move you made.
Satan played the good priest too well. He instantly shifted back into the demeanor he had before the demonic reveal. He leaned forward and clasped his hands together, eyebrows feigning concern as he teased you with his words.
“A good child of god confesses their sins, no?” He was pouting, shaking his head. “Should you continue to hold your tongue, I fear your punishment might worsen.”
You clenched your legs together, desperate for any friction. Asmo felt as your other thigh pressed into where his hand held your thigh.
“She seems to be distressed, perhaps they’re so ashamed of their sins they can’t even fathom speaking them aloud.” Lucifer was so close, you felt him leaning over you now as Satan stared from directly across you, you couldn’t help but wonder if they could hear your heartbeat.
Asmo could, for sure. “This is why you don’t mess with demons, sinner.” He couldn’t shield the excitement in his voice. “We w—they’ve touched you. You’re dirty.” Asmo’s breath was on your ear and neck. “Defiled.” His voice was low and dangerous, each syllable rolled off slowly and enough force that each one licked at your neck.
You were unbelievably horny, pushed to a point you didn’t expect to reach with just these three. When the rest join, you don’t even know how you’ll handle it.
“We need to purge the demonic essence from ya.” Fuck, like right on cue, Mammon. “Can’t have a sinner in the church right.” He emerged from what seems to be nowhere and crouched in front of you from your left. “So why don’t you tell us what they did.”
A low rumble came from behind you. “So we can do exactly what they did to you.” As Lucifer spoke, Levi, Beel, and Belphie emerged from different parts of the room. All of them but Satan were in their demon forms and now Satan transformed again to join them.
“You’ve wanted this, right? To get fucked by demons, you like the feeling of being fucked by demon scum?” Levi asked you, now moving in your direction. “It’s alright, you can admit it. You can take more than those three, right?”
“Yeah I can.” You say, your breathing fastening. “I can take you all.” Beel was moving toward you now and Lucifer pulled your chair back so there was more space between you, Mammon, and Satan. Enough room for Beel to situate himself between your legs.
Beel looked up at you. “I’ll start us off.” He parted your legs and dipped himself beneath your dress. You felt his fingers trace over the fabric of your underwear and he rubbed his knuckles against your wetness. You weren’t quite yet soaked but it was moist enough for him to tell. You felt him pull them aside and pin them against your thigh using his hand. He used his other hand to part your labia and he licked along starting from the bottom to the top.
You shivered. You looked around seeing what was next. Suddenly, you could see Lucifer’s horns out in front of you as he leaned forward to kiss your neck. He nipped under your ear before traveling down your collar bone. And on the other side of you, Asmo was doing the same. Mammon, Satan, Belphie, and Levi remained watching for a moment, taking in how you responded to their tongues. Satan looked at you with an unreadable expression, simply taking in how your mouth was parting and every tense and twitch you made. You brushed your legs against Beel’s sides, trying to show your appreciation.
“‘I wonder what’ll happen next?’ Is that what you’re thinking?” Belphie said, standing to the side of Satan.
“They clearly want more.” Mammon teased, still crouching. “Y’all are bein’ too sweet? Ain’t that right? They can be a lot louder than that.” He slid himself forward and onto his knees, beside Beel.
“What are you going to do?” As you asked, Asmo’s hand reached around to cup your breast and rub his thumb against it. Mammon lifted up your dress and spread your legs further. You felt Beel’s head retract and Mammon’s fingers press into you. You gasped as he worked to stretch you.
“There ya go.” He said. Beel’s tongue returned to your clit, leaving Mammon to the bottom half. Mammon worked slowly, curling his fingers against your g-spot, working it at a snails pace. Beel was moving similarly, keeping slow to tease you.
Lucifer was busy leaving your right shoulder covered in marks while Asmo played with your breast, rubbing the nipple slowly and sucking at your neck.
“Did the demons do this?” Satan said, bringing you out of your trance.
“Yes.” You responded, feeling how Lucifer’s tongue slid down your neck.
“What are Beel and Mammon doing to you now? Why don’t you tell me?” Satan asked, keeping his legs crossed to hide his boner.
“Beel’s eating me out slowly and Mammon is fingering me even slower.” You felt Beel move slower as you said that, making you whine.
“Hmph.” Satan replied. “You want them go faster don’t you?” Lucifer reached for your other neglected breast, fondling you oh so carefully. “Do enjoy the feeling of them touching you?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Yes to what?” He wanted you to say it.
“Both what? You can say it. Say what you want.” Satan sounded annoyed, but assertive.
“I want them to move faster. And I like how they touch me.” You were blushing as though you’ve never fucked them before.
“You give in so easily, no fight.” Belphie noted, not trying to hide how his cock was pressing against his pants. “Do you like being obedient?” He asked you. “Obedient to demons?” He was smiling, trying to dig into you.
“I–I do.” Mammon stopped fingering you. Beel’s tongue stopped shortly after.
“I didn’t catch that last part.” Lucifer whispered in your ear. “You need to speak up, Mc.”
“I like being obedient to demons.” It wasn’t hard to say at all but it definitely embarrassed you especially how Satan was grinning in front of you. Couldn’t he move anywhere else?
“Are ya mad we stopped?” Mammon’s head came out from under your dress. “Why don’t you tell us what you want?”
“I don’t want you to stop. I want to cum from yours and Beel’s stimulation.” You said, eyes locked on Mammon who was looking at you with hunger on his face.
“They wanna cum now?” Asmo was getting bored, you could tell. “Wow, aren’t you eager.” He pulled your chin toward his face and kissed you. Your tongues connected and you moaned into his mouth, the intimacy of it overwhelming you. He was excited and eager, practically forcing Lucifer to detach from you and for Beel to come out as well.
Lucifer didn’t show any agitation but based off how he pulled your head to face up toward him after your lips departed from Asmo’s, you could tell this was his way of saying “we share”. His lips connected with yours briefly knowing the angle would hurt you. The feeling of his hand around your throat was good, especially how he gripped the underside of your chain.
“Let’s get you out of that and then we’ll give you your first orgasm, hmm? That sound good?” Lucifer let go of your head and you stood and started to pull the dress over your head. Levi grabbed the dress for you and folded it quickly and put it to the side.
“Just panties and thigh highs?” Levi eyed you. “I kinda like that.”
You felt Lucifer’s hands on your hips from behind as Asmo pulled away the chair you were on. He turned you around to face him and then he lifted you to sit you on the table. You felt the coolness of the table and goosebumps rose on your skin.
“Is it too cold?” Levi asked.
“It’s chilly.” You said and more lightning struck, illuminating the room with white light. This strike made you jump a little. “Shit!”
“I think the fear should’ve warmed you enough.” Satan stood and pushed you back onto the table. “If not, I can fix that for you. Asmo, the sash.” Asmo handed him the sash he wore and Satan looked down at you. “You wish to be obedient Hm?”
“Yeah.” You said.
“Then this will make it easier on you.” He pulled your wrists together and tied them in a knot using the sash. Gently, he raised your arms over your head and Beel spread your legs again.
This time, you could see Beel’s expression as his tongue connected back with your clit. He didn’t bother to hold back now, going as fast as he liked and clutching your thighs with his hands. Your legs were cast over his shoulders, giving him exclusive access to your nethers. You gazed down at him looking how he looked at you like he’d been starving desperate for more of your sweet cunt. If it weren’t for the angle, you’d see his drool mixed with your arousal sweeping down his chin and dripping down his neck. When you rested your head back down you realized a small pillow was there to support your neck and head and that your head hung over the table.
“Thought you needed more comfort.” Belphie was behind you, erection in your face, but still clothed. “This next part will be fun.”
You tried to see where everyone was now. Mammon was still over with Beel and Asmo, while Lucifer and Belphie stood behind you and Satan and Levi watched from the side of the table. Levi stretched forward a traced a hand up your side to feel your goosebumps. “We need to warm them up.”
“I see that.” Satan took to the other side of the table and both of the demons stretched across the table to play with your breasts again.
“Ah!” You gasped, feeling how Levi’s fangs gently grazed your nipple and how Satan’s hand tenderly stroked the other.
“They like that, huh.” You could hear the grin in Mammon’s voice.
Lucifer nodded. “Yes but they need to remember they need to obey before getting their release.” You looked at Lucifer who stroked your hair, sitting in a chair right next to your head. “And what’s the best way to obey, Belphegor?”
Belphie released his cock from his pants, the length almost slapping your face. “By pleasing others.” He tapped the tip against your lips. “Open up.”
You opened wide and let him slide in. It was much easier to take his cock from this position, almost giving perfect access to your throat. Belphie gasped as his balls pressed against your lips.
“Good human.” Lucifer stroked your head. “Focus on his cock. You can’t cum until he’s satisfied.” He was gentle but the words stung, but you aren’t surprised. You did say no overstimulation to them, all of whom have a taste for pushing you.
You tried your hardest to ignore the other three demons that were pleasuring you to prevent yourself from getting to your peak. It was hard, especially with all the sounds coming from Beel as he sucked at your cunt. Or how Satan managed to pinch hard enough to hurt but to also make you moan on Belphie’s cock, who in turn would gasp at the vibration. Poor Mammon, who had to resort to coming to the other side of your head to get any attention.
“You should see how hot you look right now.” He said, touching the bulge in your throat as Belphie thrusted. “You can take cock better than any human. Hell, you might have most demons beat. Wonder how good you’ll take more than one in ya.”
Belphie pulled out for a moment, prompting Lucifer to raise your head up to let the blood run back down.
Mammon kissed your cheek. “Yeah, you can do it.” Belphie was grunting and rubbing your saliva all over his length, desperate to feel your tongue again but not wanting to push you too much. You breathed through your mouth, swallowing your saliva, but unable to wipe your drool.
Mammon stood and situated himself behind you, moving in front of Belphie. “Think you can go back and forth?” You watched as Mammon popped his out now and how it was an angry shade, already dripping precum.
“Yeah.” You answered and Lucifer slowly lowered your head back down. “I’m ready.” You felt Levi’s tease your entrance and your lower half jumped a little.
He giggled. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”
Mammon was ready and Belphie was beside him. You opened your mouth and Belphie pushed in first, gasping. “Mm.” He hummed as he pulled all the way out and pushed back in just about halfway and then pulled all the way back out. Mammon angled himself and slowly slid into your mouth, sharply inhaling.
“Nice and warm.” He pulled out and pressed back in a few times before letting Belphie back into your mouth. They both continued this pattern as Beel was sucking your pussy so hard it’s bound to be sore.
Satan bit into your breast leaving teeth indentations and then biting into your side playfully. You ‘mmpf!’ed onto Mammon’s cock, making him let out a tiny ‘heh’.
“Can’t hear ya with your mouth full. Don’t tell me we gotta teach you manners.” Mammon’s hand on your cheek pinched just slightly.
Lucifer grabbed a handful of your hair to get your attention following Mammon’s comment. “You’re focusing well. Perhaps we should reward you.” He didn’t pull at your hair, but his grip kept you in place. He pushed at his brothers abdomens and used his other hand to put his fingers in your mouth. “Suck.” You were thankful for the little break from dick down your throat and the taste of the leather of his gloves almost soothed your gag reflex, strangely that is. “Now use your teeth and take it off.” You connected with the fabric, carefully avoiding his fingers and pulled, already knowing he’d put forth no effort to help you. It was a struggle but once it was past his wrist, all it took was one big tug.
“Well done.” He removed it from your mouth. “Mammon, hold their head up.” He put the other hand at your mouth, this time making it easier by angling his wrist in front of your teeth so it was also one big tug. “Good.” He took the other glove and put them into his pocket. “Now, Beel, pull them so their head isn’t hanging off.” Mammon lifted your upper body so that you didn’t just get dragged and Belphie pushed the pillow further toward your head.
Mammon was definitely mentally cursing himself for not choosing to fuck your throat first since he was already so ready to cum but it was alright especially for what he got to do next. He leaped up onto the table and raised your lower body so that you were leaning against his stomach and elevated slightly. You were now resting on him, thankful that all the blood could run back down now. Levi raised a glass of water to your mouth and you drank until it was gone. Lucifer was adamant you remained hydrated.
“So, once Beel finishes his meal, we’ll move on to fucking you, hm?” Satan was smiling at you, innocently. “Let’s get you to cum so he can finish eating you up.”
Beel pulled away slightly and allowed Levi to push his tail into your pussy. “Oh fuck.” You said out loud as his tail pressed into you. Levi watched you close your eyes and scrunch them together as the circumference increased.
“Does it hurt?” He asked.
“I’m gonna stretch you slower.” You could feel his tail curl as it neared your cervix so that he didn’t hurt you. “How’s that?”
“That’s good.” You opened your eyes and saw how Beel breathed heavy, eyes fixated on how wet you were. You grew hot at the sight of the droll and arousal coating his chin and even his nose. His forehead too? “You’re such a messy eater.” You told Beel and his eyes snapped to you.
“I’m not full yet.” He kept eye contact as he lowered back to your clit and started to suck.
Lucifer, Satan, and Belphie chuckled at your whines, making you even hotter. Levi was biting his lip. “They’re so sensitive. You should feel how tight they are.” Levi moved the tip of his tail, swirling it around inside. Mammon took the opportunity to clench and tug at your tits, playing with your nipples careful not to press into your marks.
You were so close from Beel’s tongue earlier so it only took seconds to have you nearing your peak. You pushed into Beel slightly and stretched, pressing your back against Mammon. Beel continued to eat to his hearts content, unbothered by you nearly suffocating him with your pussy. If anything, he loved your want for him.
“Beel, it feels so good.” You told him as your heels dig into his back. His knees were hurting but he powered through it as you bucked into him.
Mammon playfully smacked your breast. “Just gonna ignore me huh?”
“Sorry Mammon.” You whined, your right tit stinging a bit now.
“Awww, that’s alright. Did I hurt ya?” He said, rubbing the spot. “You’ll feel nice and good soon, don’t worry.”
Levi didn’t want to disturb the rhythm, so he tried to press into your g-spot retracting his tail just enough for his own comfort. “That feel good, Mc?”
“Yeah.” You tugged against your handcuffs, wanting to pull at Beel’s hair, as you neared your peak.
Levi could feel how you clenched around him, knowing how close you were. “You’re gonna cum soon, you better ask nicely.”
“Can I cum please? Please?” You begged a little bit out of habit.
Mammon rubbed your cheek. “It’s safe to say it’s unanimous, darlin’, you can cum. Cum on Levi’s tail, get it nice and slick.”
“Yes!” You gasped and your mouth went agape as you came. Your breaths were sparse and fast as you rode out your orgasm. You felt Beel pull away, wiping his mouth. Levi slowly retracted his tail and swiped his fingers across it and slid them into his mouth to taste you.
The brothers smiled down at you, watching your face as you caught your breath. Lucifer spoke. “Color.”
You were confused and then you understood. “Green.” Mammon slowly slid back, laying you on the table alone.
“Sit up.” Satan told you and you followed. “Get off the table.” You slid forward and pulled up your thigh highs that had travelled down. “Now turn around and bend over it, hands out in front of you.”
It didn’t take long for you to realize who was about to lead this next part and what this next part was going to be. With Lucifer and Satan standing on either side of you, your head was facing what should’ve been the wall, but instead you had the other 5 either sitting or standing so they could see your face. Beel was sat next to Belphie and at the head, Asmo sat.
“Satan and I are going to ask you a few questions, alright?” Lucifer was already rubbing at the flesh of your ass, a gentle massage preparing you for the sting of his hand that approached. “So, would you like to start?”
Satan hummed. “Yes, I will.” He ran his finger tips across the flesh instead, almost tickling you. “So, Mc, tell us how long you’ve had this fantasy.”
You thought for a moment. “A while, I guess. I can’t answer you confidently.”
“Hm, that’s alright.” Satan sounded pleased.
Lucifer picked up the next one. “Have you always known you’ve wanted to get filled with demon cock?”
“Not always, but for a long time.” The question made you smile, amused by his wording, and that he said that.
“What’s so funny?” Lucifer asked.
“That’s a funny question coming from you.” To be fair, you weren’t the only one amused, Belphie and Satan enjoyed the Lucifer bullying.
“Should you be laughing at the demon with their hand next to your bare ass?” Lucifer asked you.
“I suppose not.” You were honest and you could tell by Mammon’s face that Lucifer was preparing to land a harsh one.
Smack! Wait… that was Satan.
“Lucifer, I was supposed to ask the next question not you.” He sounded aggravated.
“So you punish them instead of me… seems I raised you well.” Now Lucifer’s hand planted itself onto your ass. His smack made you jump and then laugh a little. “To be fair, you get to ask two questions next.” Your laughter was contagious, most likely because Satan and Lucifer were passive aggressively eyeballing each other.
“Stop laughing, Mc.”
“I’m trying.” You responded and Satan smacked again.
“It’s a yes or a no. Haven’t you learned that by now?”
You tried to bite back a smile. “Yes sir I have.” None of the brothers wanted to snitch on you even though you were still smiling.
“Great I just wasted a question because you laughed. I need to punish you again.” He spanked again, this time much harder than before, causing you to clench your eyes shut. “So, next question. And I’m not afraid of the repercussions.” God, you could hear the smug on his face. “Who do you think can spank you better, me or Lucifer?”
Asmo wiggled next to you. “Be careful who you say. Who’s wrath would be worse?”
“Ironic choice of words, Asmo.” Lucifer mumbled.
You waited to answer, biting your lips still. Lucifer wasn’t too keen to wait. “You need to answer.”
“I think… that… right now—“ you tried to emphasize “Lucifer’s stings are worse.” You tip-toed around the question and both hands went down simultaneously. You yelped and looked to Beel who almost looked concerned.
“You can’t seem to answer correctly.” Lucifer chuckled. “So, did that sting worse than Satan’s?”
Satan leaned down to whisper. “Remember, you can always use yellow and tell him to leave.”
You started to grin again. “I’m not doing that.”
“Well, since you asked your question. I’ll ask mine. So, Mc, how many orgasms do you expect to have before our little scene is over?”
Damn, that is a good question. You decided to start small. “At least three.”
Lucifer’s hand didn’t swing down. “Hm… a little weak… but I suppose you will be taking all of us.”
Satan scoffed. “You didn’t ask about their maximum. So, Mc? What’s your maximum?”
You knew to stay low, considering your own strength and nymphomaniacs in the room. “I guess 5.”
Lucifer was much more pleased. “I like 5. Now. Who would you like to fuck you first?”
Why must you pick favorites??? Lucifer and Satan must be trying to stir up trouble. But, the kindness in your heart made you answer. “Belphie. He was so close earlier, and I stopped. It’s only fair.”
Belphie leaned forward, grinning at you. “Aren’t you sweet.”
Satan returned to the attention to him. “Alright then, choose who you want to answer this next question for you.”
“What’s the question?” You asked.
“If we tell you, we choose instead of you.” Lucifer answered for Satan.
You had a feeling it either had to do with how you cum next or the spanks. “Then I’ll choose…” But you can take a lot of pain and you can take a lot of pleasure. “Asmo.”
He got a burst of energy. “Yay!”
“So Asmo, how many more spanking should they take and how should Lucifer and I administer them?” Satan was eager. Very eager to hear his answer.”
“I think there needs to fairness. Each cheek deserves the same amount and I think you two should try to go at the same time. I think we shouldn’t be too mean but not too nice. They’ve felt your lashes before and they know they can take it. Let’s say 20 on each cheek.”
Lucifer looked proud and Satan looked to his elder brother. “Hmm, I like that. Do you?”
“Yes, and it’s only appropriate that Asmodeus counts us off and I think that Mc should count for us.”
Asmo leaned over the table so that his face direly in front of yours. “Think you can take it?”
“Yeah. I want to.” You said.
Asmo held your face. “3…2…1!”
Smack! “1!” They both started softer, but the double impact was enough to shock you. Then again. “2!” They kept going and once you were at “10!” their spankings were bordering on fiery. Asmo stroked you through the pain and he kissed your nose. “14! 15!” You could feel your eyes watering. “16! 17!” You were so close to the end, but you still had three more. And they were only getting harder. “18!” That one had you jumping. “19!” You saw Mammon flinch, but your ass was fully prepped for it.
“Last one.” Lucifer said.
“You’ve been so good, one more.” Satan encouraged you. A few seconds passed and you could hear the air sweep around their hands as they came down.
And fuck…. It hurt. It hurt good. “20!” A single tear went down your face and Asmo wiped it away. You were thankful it was over but you also craved a little bit more, you wouldn’t dare tell the sadists behind you that.
“My hand is stinging a good bit. Perhaps this is why most prefer toys.” Satan noted, tenderly rubbing away the pain along with Lucifer who was admiring the redness of his palm.
“Skin to skin can’t be beat, in my opinion. It’s very intimate.”
“Color?” Satan asked.
“Green, but let me breathe a little bit.”
“Of course.” Satan reaffirmed. “We want this to be special for you, love.” Gently, Satan turned you on your back and the cool of the table soothed the burn on your ass. You could see the redness of their hands, realizing their hands must be hurting too.
Belphie rounded the corner, pumping himself. “You ready? I can’t wait.” He grabbed your hips and stood between your legs. You wrapped them around his waist and nodded.
“Go ahead.”
Belphie pushed in and sighed. “You’re so wet.” He savored the feeling before beginning to thrust. He filled you up nice and whole, thrusting at a pace that wasn’t too slow or too fast.
Asmo swept around and started to play with your clit, watching how you whined and moaned. “So naughty. Who’d think someone a sweet as you could be this dirty?” He admired your face, loving how you started to unravel.
“They’re a slut for some demons, why are you surprised?” Mammon said from behind you. “You could tell from the beginning, couldn’t ya?”
“Of course, but I like to see how she reacts when you tell them how nasty they are.” Asmo responded, diligently teasing your clit.
“Should’ve felt how Mc gripped around me when you called them a slut.” Belphie huffed out, moving faster as he neared his peak.
“A little bit of degradation and some praise and Mc is ready to cum again, I bet.” Levi hovered over your face, smiling. “I can’t wait to fuck you.” He leaned down to kiss you.
“Mc, should I cum inside you or would you rather be cummed on?” Belphie asked, fucking harder.
You broke the kiss. “Cum inside me.” You answered.
“Ask me nicely.” He tried to fight the urge to cum.
“Please cum inside me, Belphie. I wanna cum too.” You whined, feeling your next high approaching.
Belphie, with a groan, came hard. He pressed his cock into you as hard as possible, wanting to not let any drip out. You felt his cum against your inner walls, feeling a new warmth as he released.
“Mm, thank you.” You said and Asmo retracted his fingers temporarily.
“I think you need to take another cock before you get to cum. Now, who do you want to take next?”
You weren’t given the option to choose because the second Belphie left from between your legs, Mammon was pressing into you.
“Me.” He said. “I can’t stand watchin’ anymore. I need to feel your pretty pussy now, darlin’. I wanna make ya cum.” Mammon was sincere in his words but what was the most arousing was the way he pressed down on your abdomen as he filled you to the best of his ability. “Let’s see ya come undone. And once I’m done we’ll get you in a new position.”
“Yes sir.” You curled your toes as Asmo’s fingers returned to your clit playing with it delicately.
Mammon thrusted wildly, taking no time to build up, just wanting to cum in you. “You like getting fucked by a demon, don’t you? You like how this demon dick stretches you, huh?” Mammon would pull your hair if he could but that wasn’t an option so instead, he leaned down and propped himself up on his arms. “Tell Mammon what you like.”
“I love getting fucked by your demon dick.” You told him, legs shaking as Asmo increased his pace. “It’s so good.”
“Aw, atta human.” He kissed you and tangled your tongue with yours messily. When he pulled back, spit dribbled down your lip. “You can make such a fuckin’ mess. Just like when you had those cocks in your mouth earlier.” He was struggling to breathe through his words. “I like seeing your—ngh!”
You squeezed around him spastically, unable to hold back as you reached your second orgasm. “I’m gonna—“
“Cum as I fuck you. Milk my cock, make me cum inside you.”
His words were like a key. “I’m cumming!” You shouted and threw back your head. Asmo giggled and didn’t relent as Mammon prepared to finish inside you as well.
“Fuck, good, good! Oh it’s so good.” He bit into your shoulder and moaned your name. “I’m gonna cum in your fucking pussy.” As you finally finished spasming Mammon came inside you. Now a second demon has released all he could into you. As he pulled back and his cock pulled out, his seed dripped onto the edge of the table. Mammon grinned and wiped it onto his fingers and then placed them into your open mouth. You willingly licked them clean and leaned up as Lucifer brought you more water.
“Color?” Lucifer wiped the sweat from your forehead.
“Who’s next?”
“I’ll take Levi and Asmo.” You said, making Asmo light up and Levi almost stumble.
Lucifer raised a brow. “Then I’ll let them have you.”
Asmo was already prepared for what was next. “Let me guess… double penetration? Let me cum down your throat while Levi fucks you?”
Levi got ready to position you. “I know exactly how to do this most efficiently.” He had you on your side so that your body was on the edge of the table, front facing the two demons. Levi lifted up your leg and propped it up using your arm. Asmo finally let himself free and you could tell he was almost at his limit of waiting.
“Tell us when you’re ready, sweetie.” Asmo said, gently stroking your head.
“I want it.” Asmo’s gentle touch transformed as he grabbed your hair and pushed past your parted lips. Levi started to thrust and both of the demons were not shy with their noises. Asmo moaned happily, praising you over and over while Levi could barely get a word out.
This was a good reminder for you to never be embarrassed to be noisy, you’ll never match the volume as those two inside you. Asmo managed to fuck your throat without gagging you in the slightest while Levi fucked hard enough to hurt but so amazingly.
Beel, Lucifer, and Satan both watched as your ass jiggled with their movements and if it weren’t for Beel’s self control, he’d think it’s jello and probably try to take a bite. Lucifer tried to pretend he wasn’t painfully pressing against the fabric of his costume and that the heat of it was getting to him. Or maybe it was his arousal. On the other hand, Satan was shamelessly teasing himself, likely trying to hold back. Beel knew he was next based off your suggestions and he was already playing with himself, ready to fuck you into the table. Hell, once it comes to them, Levi might have already broke it.
“Mc!” Levi raised his knee up onto the table to give himself more leverage. “I wanna cum on you.”
You heard him and looked to his face. You’ve never seen him so red and it was fucking hot. He was sweating and his tail was shaking at the tip. Levi was going to cum soon. Your pussy was aching especially as his cock almost hit your cervix and you haven’t even been fucked by the biggest one of them yet. Asmo had plenty of stamina from his years of excessive sex, but watching how you unraveled from his touch earlier kept on sweeping across his mind. It was fucking insane, honestly, how fast you made him reach his peak.
Levi was actually about to cum though. He pulled out just in time and came all over your stomach. Despite the ache, you wanted more cock and you still had at least one fucking orgasm to go. And if Lucifer gets his way, you have three. Levi clenched his eyes shut and sat back in the chair, winded from him almost violent thrusts. “Fuck Mc. You have the greatest pussy ever.” Levi wiped the sweat from his face and smiled at you.
Asmo wasn’t having how you stopped focusing on him. “Look at me, Mc. Whose cock is in your mouth?” He sounded almost angry. “It’s mine, isn’t it? Nod.”
You nod.
He smiles again. “Good, now swallow it like a good little human. Take it like you’re in love with it.” He thrusted a few more times and came in your mouth. It was much sweeter than regular cum, likely a pro of being the avatar of lust. Demon cum in general tasted much better. “Ahhhh… that’s right. You love demon cum, don’t you?” He patted your face.
You nodded. “Yeah I do.”
“Okay well I’m gonna go with the others and get cleaned up. Once we are all back, we’ll take care of you. But remember, you still have to take Beel and the two sadists.” Asmo reminded you.
Beel came over and stood in front of you. “Mc, I’m gonna fuck your throat next.”
You looked anxious, but you willing opened up.
“I want you on your knees instead.”
Lucifer and Satan couldn’t help but chime in. “They’re excited, don’t disappoint them.” Lucifer said.
Satan agreed. “Perhaps they’ve been waiting for it.” Satan nudged Lucifer and said something to him you couldn’t hear.
Beel undid your binding and helped you to your knees. He used the pillow from earlier and placed them under your knees. “That good?”
“Yes sir.” You reached for his cock, now given full permission to touch him. Beel was big, larger than most, still not the largest in the Devildom (cough cough diavolo cough cough) but large enough to intimidate you. Beel knew you could only take him so much but to see you try made him throb. It was the hottest thing in the world.
“Let’s see if you can fit more than usual.” He suggested, leaning back as you took the tip into your mouth. “Think you can get to the base tonight?”
You tried, slowly moving back and forth, taking in just a little more as you went further down. It really wasn’t the length that was the struggle, it was the pain in your jaw with the thickness. The further back it went, the more it would hurt.
“You’re doing good.” Beel was getting breathy. “You can go slow. I’ve been ready to cum since you first came. You tasted like… better than heaven.” You felt your pussy throb as he sang his praises and when he grunted, fuck it was over with. You took him as far down as you could and somehow managed to get to the balls. “Fuck! Mc!” He kept his hand on the back of your head. “Keep just like that.” He held you at the base. The lack of movement was almost enough to make you gag but he let you release his cock from your mouth before you did.
“Beel, I can keep going.”
“No, let me cum on your tongue, just keep playing with your pussy and open your mouth.” Beel told you.
You didn’t even notice that you were playing with your clit. “Okay.” You parted your lips and stuck out your tongue. He stroked himself hard and fast, much faster than you could suck him off but you knew that was the purpose. He wanted to give you something to work toward. And it was… “I want you to be trained to take it just like this.” Yeah, it’s fucking hot.
You didn’t stop touching your clit and you thought you might cum before Beel especially as you could tell Lucifer and Satan were plotting your fucking. Beel didn’t care. He just wanted to see his cum on your tongue. He wants you to taste him just as he tasted you.
“I’m gonna cum, Beel.” You said and that’s all he needed. Suddenly, your tongue was met with the salty taste of his cum.
“Oh—yeah, that’s good. Fuck.” You came as he finished cumming and you swallowed through the waves of your orgasm. You were pretty sure you were bound for 2 more orgasms now, especially how the two remaining walked over to you, cocks out and dripping.
Beel wiped your lips and raised up from the chair. But then he leaned right back down to kiss your forehead, making you smile a little. He left to join the aftercare prep crew and then now it was just the three of you.
“So.” Satan eyed your slicked up fingers. “You were so desperate that you made yourself cum?” He grabbed your wrist and helped pull you up.
“Yeah, I didn’t even notice I started to touch myself.” You admitted. “I really was desperate.”
“I enjoy an honest submissive.” Lucifer took your fingers into his mouth.
Satan sat on the table and patted his lap. “Sit on my cock. I’m going to make you work for your next orgasm since you’re so eager to.” Lucifer sat in a chair and patted your ass encouraging you to go.
“And while you’re riding him. I’m going to tell you a few things.” Lucifer looked evil right now, but you didn’t have time to admire him especially as you sunk onto Satan’s weeping cock.
“You’re gonna hear what he says too. You’re gonna listen.” Satan leaned back onto the table and put his arms behind his head. “Now ride.”
You were exhausted but with how he was looking at you, you knew you could go for more. You moved roughly, slapping your ass down and panting.
Lucifer cleared his throat. “Mc, you’ve been a very good human tonight, even with all the overwhelming pleasure we’ve provided and the bit of pain from earlier.” You tried to listen and focus on the pleasure at the same time. “We’ve also learned of your demon kink or rather confirmed it. I hope you know that will be something for us to both enjoy, after all, a pathetic human is a beautiful sight for me.”
Satan kept his composure as you rode him, trying to keep himself under control.
“So, to satisfy me and Satan, I want you to beg for us, beg for these demons to make you cum. And don’t just say please. Beg earnestly. And don’t stop riding him.”
You heard his command loud and clear, with the oxytocin running wildly, you knew exactly how to beg. “I need you to make me cum. Fuck me with your demon cocks and fuck me hard, I wanna be a demon fucktoy. Fill me til I go dumb from it.” You hoped that was to Lucifer’s liking. Knowing him, he already had something planned for later for when you’re in private.
“You need it huh?” Lucifer was so ready to have you to himself. “Let me see you cum on his cock and then maybe I’ll take you up on it.”
Satan was enthralled with how your body moved on top of him to the point that he didn’t give two fucks what Lucifer was saying. Lucifer could be calling him garbage and all he could think about was the way you moaned and cried out as you fucked yourself on him.
“Satan, please let me cum.”
“Go ahead. Let me see how tight you can get.” He said and smacked your ass once more. “Then I’ll cum inside of you.” Satan was trembling with how hard he held back. He’s a gentleman, you get to cum first.
“Yes!” You shouted and ground your clit against him as you shook and if it weren’t for Satan holding you up, you would’ve fallen over. Satan was so ready to cum but he waited for you to calm down.
“Can I fuck into you?” He asked, begging silently you’d nod or anything.
He didn’t hesitate, he instantly lifted your hips enough and used his core to fuck upwards. You weren’t overstimulated luckily, but it was enough to make you see stars. It only took a minute of thrusting before he cried out and released into you, adding to Belphie’s and Mammon’s cum. You thanked every Devildom doctor in your head for their contraceptives.
You pulled off of Satan and watched as he lifted up and kissed your shoulder. “I’ll see you in a little bit, love.”
And then there was the most depraved of them left. Lucifer instantly pinned you down to the table. “Color? I can still stop.”
“Green. Finish me.” You touched his hand on your shoulder.
“I won’t be gentle, I regret choosing to go last. I wish I could’ve had you all to myself for this fantasy. Though it’s been lost at this rate, the holiness wasn’t the appeal was it?” Lucifer raised himself so that both his knees were on the table. “It’s the corruption.” He was grinning and ready. He lifted your legs up and cast them over his shoulders. “It’s getting to really understand the feeling of have a demon ruin you. To see you overcome that shyness, the embarrassment. You wished for us to fuck all the innocence out of you.” Then he leaned down and raised your hips to balance on his thighs. “You wanted me to go last and I knew that’s what you needed.” And now you were in a perfect mating press. “You needed me to make sure you became the perfect demon fucktoy.” He chuckled a bit and slowly slid into you. “Those were your words. While I enjoy a demon’s toy, for you to demean yourself to be exclusively for a fuck, I see much more value in you. I understand what you meant, though, you wanted to be fucked like a toy. And that’s what I’ll do. And you’ll cum with me. So col—“
“Green.” He couldn’t even finish. There were no ifs, ands, or buts. “Finish me.”
Lucifer was rough. He fucked hard and fast, animalistically. You immediately started moaning, he had everything perfectly arranged. This whole fantasy wasn’t yours, it was his, all of theirs. To see you completely lose it. You were lost indeed.
“Good. That’s it. Keep moaning like that. Let me see you get fucked nice and dumb.” Lucifer’s wings wrapped around you both and only the occasional lightning outside provided any light. Each blast of white made his eyes glow as he stared down at you, fuck, Lucifer was gorgeous.
“Lucifer! Fuck! You feel so good!” You knew the others could hear especially how the table creaked under you and how Lucifer wasn’t afraid to grunt or moan either. Lucifer’s thrusts were wet and messy, especially as you felt how your arousal was running down your asscheeks. “Lucifer!”
“Mc! Tell me what you want.”
“Lucifer, I want you to make me cum, I need it please, just one more.” You tangled your hands in his hair, fingers tracing his horns. “I’m begging, please!! It’s all I need.”
“I love hearing that. When I tell you to cum, you’ll cum.” Lucifer kissed you. “You need to fight it. The harder you fight, the better the release will be.”
You didn’t respond, instead you cried out as you held back. His words didn’t make it any better, it only made it harder. “Please cum, Lucifer!”
Lucifer watched as you almost began to cry from the overwhelming pressure. “Just a little more. Beg me again.”
“Please! Cum inside me! I can’t take it anymore. I need it so so so bad!” You held onto him for dear life.
“Yes, Mc! Cum for me! I’m—ah—AH!” Lucifer came and you saw stars as you came for the 5th and final time of the night. You could pass out, to be honest. Especially after how Lucifer fucked the god out of you.
After Lucifer came, the illusion surrounding you faded with the candles, torches, and the extra old appearance. The door opened and Beel came in. Lucifer pulled off of you and used a rag Beel gave him to clean himself off. Following Beel came Asmo who immediately tended to the cum covering your stomach, pussy, and the table. Beel helped lift you and you wrapped around him. He carried you to the shower and sat you on the toilet.
Mammon entered with Belphie. “Big ass bathroom. Are you okay, Mc?” He asked, checking the temperature of the water. “Can you even stand to shower?” He looked at you, concern in his eyes. “Ya look wiped the fuck out.”
“I can stand.” You rose up and all three panicked like you were gonna fall even though you stood completely stable. “Thank you for the pampering. I can bathe on my own.” You giggled and hopped in, leaving the boys for the rest of the work.
Once you were cleaned and you attempted to wipe the cum out, instantly regretting letting 4 of them cum inside you, you exited the bathroom where Asmo awaited to help get you dressed. “You okay, hon? Just put on underwear and a shirt for now, I’ll try to alleviate the sting on your butt.”
Asmo massaged cream onto your ass while Mammon helped to lotion you up all over. “I’ve gotcha.” Mammon was almost as precise as Asmo. By the time they were done, Beel had returned to cradle you and bring you to your bedroom.
You were laid down and soon after, the rest of the brothers entered. Lucifer was the first to speak. “Was it too much at all?”
You shook your head. “Somewhat unexpected, but not too much.”
Asmo plopped down beside you and handed you a cupcake. “Here!”
“Water first.” Lucifer said sternly making Asmo pout. You laughed and took the bottle from Lucifer. “Oh… I was going to help you.” He said.
“It’s alright. Are all of you okay?” You asked.
“I was really worried they were gonna slap your ass off.” Beel said.
Mammon looked relieved. “When Asmo said 20 i about fell over!” You couldn’t help but laugh again.
Satan looked offended. “We aren’t that mean.”
“I was worried Mc was gonna tap out after I finished.” Levi said. “You looked exhausted.”
“Thought I looked hot?” You teased.
“Well! You did! But very tired too!” Levi sat beside you and laid on the bed. “But I’m fine I already feel better.”
“Have you decided who to cuddle with now that you’re done?” Belphie asked, not waiting for an answer and laying on top of you.
“I figured you’d all find a way to lay with me. Good thing it’s cold outside.” You said.
“So…” Mammon wondered aloud. “Guess we need to get a spot while we can.”
Lucifer had already moved between everyone and was right up against your side, making Levi, Belphie, and himself the closest demons to you. Everyone looked shocked at his eagerness. Satan looked pissed. But that’s besides the point. Everyone also looked exhausted and the second everyone went silent, you immediately closed your eyes and was out faster than you’ve ever fallen asleep. You couldn’t help but dream about Satan and Lucifer arguing about how to do the impact play part from when Satan was on the phone with Lucifer earlier today. You couldn’t wait to tell them about when you got up.
Note: Jesus ducking Christ don’t write orgies with plot when you have a job and are also a full time college student omfg oh fuckkkk anywho hope you enjoyed if you got this far. I love comments and strange reblog hashtags they make my day. Thank you for your patience again!!!!!!!!
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anamelessfool · 3 months
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A Young Nihil & Jocasta & Kid Terzo Drabble (wc 1900)
Nihil returns from a tour with an even colder reception than usual. But he's not one to worry. He gets by with a little help from his friends. Tags: Domestic Fluff, Found Family, Platonic Bonds, No Plot Really Just Me Sorta Waffling Around, The Most Basic German You'll Ever Read In Your Life, If You Read The Most Recent Violence and Gentleness Chapter This Hits Harder, Our Loveable Fuckup
I keep thinking my latest work is the most self-indulgent thing I ever make, and then this happens. Dedicated to @saintbowie who asked me "What was the worst gift Jocasta has ever received?" and I thought about it for a long while. Also @historian-crown who said "Yes, this is exactly what I'd say if I got a gift that bad" and helped me out. Thanks. @ghuleh-recs thanks for catching up on your reading too haha
Ministry HQ
It felt like there were less and less Siblings out on the Ministry portico every time Nihil came back from a gig. He liked to assume the best and so he decided life around HQ was oftentimes too busy for an official welcome of the Head of the Satanic Church of the Void. For one thing, he knew Secondo’s mother Rebecca would not be out there. At this point in their relationship they communicated solely through written memos on formal letterhead. Sister Imperator, the Dark Mother, would oftentimes scowl out the window at him from her office but even she hadn't bothered this time.
Nihil’s ghouls exchanged shrugs while they stood alone on the gravel drive, then marched in near unison through the front door. At least somebody left it unlocked.
The ghouls filed into the empty foyer, and quickly lined the perimeter with trunks and instrument cases. A certain restlessness came over Nihil as he watched them wordlessly stack their things around him, building up the walls. If they were summoned by him, if they were his servitors and constructs then they had an attunement to his emotions. He had a swell time this tour circut. So why were they making themselves so busy? Why with every trunk that rolled in did he feel the ties that bound them to his Will go slack?
Jet lag, obviously.
“You uh…wanna play some records up in my rooms? Wonder if my Ethio Jazz record I wanted came in…”
Rigor Ghoul, Papa’s head ghoul and keyboardist, crossed his huge arms. He was kind, but honest. Sometimes a bit too honest for his summoner’s liking. NO. WE CAN'T. GHOUL BUSINESS.
“Right,” chuckled Nihil. “Well, enjoy.”
Rigor gave him a noble nod, a polite clap on the shoulder, then led the rest of the ghouls up the stairs to their Roost. Nihil decided to abandon the towers of luggage in search for some sort of interaction, but the halls rang impressively hollow as his Chelsea boots clicked along the marble.
At last one of his flock emerged from a side hallway, balancing a basket of laundry in her arms and shuffling with determination over to the washer. Nihil grinned expectantly, and the sibling did a quick bob of her head over the pile of linens before sidestepping and scuttling away. Papa Nihil rubbed his jaw, considering.
Damn man, when Sister Imperator said you were down you really were down.
There was some friendly chatter from the common room, at least. It was two voices he recognized, two people he actually looked forward to seeing. By the empty fireplace, posed amidst a chaos of creativity, was his Protégée Papessa-Elect Jocasta and his youngest son Terzo. Two beings that didn’t hastily find something to be busy with when he approached.
“Oh, welcome! Welcome back Papa!” Jocasta waved from her place on the carpet. Terzo lounged beside her, legs twisted in an impossible sitting position as he picked colored pencils from a tin. The whole floor was scattered with old birthday cards and magazine cuttings. A glue brush planted across its pot dripped glue on the carpet in slow syrupy strands.
“A yellow dress would look good for this one,” she suggested to Terzo. She herself wore a pretty polyester suit of bright orange with a matching scarf to hold up her golden hair. Terzo was working on an obvious recreation of her look for one of the paper dolls in his collection.
“You're a sight for sore eyes, doll,” Nihil leered. Jocasta threw him a wry wink, the whitened Infernal Eye in her skull a weird comfort for him to see after a few weeks on the road.
What he first thought could be a possible fling with an exotic woman in a bar became something completely different, something more. She wandered over to the stage and said she was inspired. He had inspired her. His work. His art.
For once the devil in Nihil didn't raise its head and sniff the air. He couldn't switch on that flirty little part of himself as he looked at her in that half dark New York club. Staring down at her from the stage, a foot and a half above her so she had to strain her neck to really look in his eyes when she confessed. He couldn't touch her. Not when she was that small below him. Not when her red eyes wept black smears.
“It's my first night here,” she had said, and more tears washed the black down her cheeks. Her voice was dark, thick with an accent that she struggled to suppress. “It's my first night here and want to follow you.”
What could he possibly say to that? His mouth stretched into a dopey smile as he brought out a hand to her. She took it. “Just say yes, babe.”
He brought his attention back to the present. Jocasta smiled at him. After a day's travel with masked silent ghouls it was the first smile he'd seen. “And how was the flight?”
“Oh not too bad, gonna sleep it off later,” he said. “You cats having fun?”
Jocasta was his odd daughter, his right hand. She knew so much already but was always eager for more. Always striving in a way that scared him a little. He had a tough time on the road before joining the Church, and he could sense that hungry drive from anywhere. But he had buried it deep long ago.
And then Sister had chosen her. Chosen her for his Protegee. Or, the Void did, in all the strange and unearthly ways it whispered to the Dark Mother. Nihil had watched her endure the Rite of Construct that he himself had blotted from his mind except for the occasional nightmare. They've suffered. They've fucked up. They survived. So whenever he looked at the dead-alive eye in her skull above her smirking lips a protective feeling came over him, a tide of true responsibility. It was a feeling that brought up memories of Primo. Primo, a few seconds old, in his arms.
Primo…wherever you are…
“Where's Secondo, now?” Nihil asked.
“He did not want to play paper dolls with us,” said Jo, exchanging a nod with Terzo.
Secondo had been cold and bitter about Terzo ever since the lad’s unexpected arrival. “I was on tour of Europe..what's a few souvenirs?” Nihil had joked, once and only once and never ever again, to Secondo’s mother.
No matter, Secondo had been adjusting to his new role…for almost two years. He'd come around. Brothers always do, right? And like all of Nihil’s dark concerning considerations, it passed over him as quickly as a brisk summertime cloud. His mouth creaked back into a smile. “Right on,” he said, and sat cross-legged on the ground with as much grace as his bandy legs would allow.
“Oh, hi,” said Terzo. He was cutting out a pre-printed red dress for the dolls propped in their cigar box; a two-dimensional hot tub party. He bit his lip, his big green eyes blazing with intensity. He constantly tripped over himself but if there was a challenge he'd give it his all. Every little nuanced divot of the paper dress's puffed sleeves needed to be freed with the most precision a six year old with safety scissors could obtain.
“I got you a present here, my boy.” Nihil waggled his eyebrows at his son. “In Canada they got all different types of candy, yanno. I heard this one was the best.”
Terzo took the brightly colored candy bar from his father’s hands, but frowned as he bent it in a way that shouldn't be possible. Right. Nihil winced.
“Er…must have got too hot— Just throw that in the fridge, it’ll be fine,” suggested Nihil. Terzo continued to squish the melted remains trapped in the wrapper, mesmerized.
Jo laughed and for a moment everything was groovy until a realization hit him like a freight train. Gifts. He forgot one for her. His very own protégée. His long fingers drummed on his knees as he added, “Oh, and uh— I got something for you too of course, uh—” He launched himself into a scour of his sport coat, his face getting hot with shame. Luckily he never really thought to ever clear out his pockets, which meant that there was a dragon’s hoard of hotel matchbooks, used saxophone reeds and phone numbers scribbled onto bar napkins. And a gift for Jocasta, if he tried and wished hard enough.
“Jesas— no, no you did not have to get me anything, please don't worry, I'm perfectly fine!” No, it wasn’t fine at all.
Shit. “Haha no I had to, yanno— you're like uh…like uh…” The only person other than Terzo that smiles at me anymore. “Gimmie a minute, it's in here somewhere!”
His fingers closed around their prize. Something in the pocket close to his heart. Of course. He always came out on top. The power of keeping it cool triumphs once again. He drew it from his sport coat in a theatrical sweep, presenting it to his ward with a rubbery open-mouthed smile of victory.
It was a pen he got from some businessman sitting next to him on the PanAm flight that liked his style. A photo of a blonde with big hair and sultry eyes leered from the side of it. The pen when turned downward dropped the woman’s black dress and left nothing to the imagination. Jocasta let out a little squeak through her nose that Nihil decided came from a place of amused approval. Terzo silently considered the pen and then his own paper doll collection.
“Oh, it’s…” Jocasta’s mouth cracked into a fiendish grin as she played with the pen in her hands, muttering something under her breath.
“Deppatta,” Terzo parroted.
Jocasta’s eyes widened, the smile fading in mock solemnity. She leaned close, squinting. “No no it's not that— now listen… Du. De-pehr-ter. Faster. Du Depperter.”
“Du Depperter.”
Jocasta clapped her hands and Terzo brightened. “Yes, that’s it!”
“Du Depperter! Du Depperter!” The two of them began a spirited chant. Terzo choked and howled and doubled over, laughing. Jocasta joined in, wiping her eye.
“Yeah, exactly, right on,” Nihil chuckled, albeit a bit bashfully. I really should learn German, he thought to himself. Maybe tomorrow. Got plenty of time now. Until the next gig.
Jocasta wrapped an arm around him, giving him a quick peck across the cheek. “I love it though, I really do love it. Thank you.”
“Oh, good!” And he didn't have to worry about anything ever again, until there was something else to worry about. Nihil craned over Terzo’s project. “And what we making today, sport?”
Terzo presented a homemade paper doll from the cigar box. She had a red-lipped smirk and raven hair. Green eyes to match his own. Nihil remembered vaguely this particular one was his son’s favorite. “She needs roller skates.”
“Course she does, all the cool chicks need skates,” said Nihil, gesturing for some supplies. Terzo dropped some crayons and a scrap of old birthday card in his father’s hands. “I saw some real hot ones on a girl in Venice Beach once.”
Jo gave him a nudge and a wink. “Let me know if you need a pen.”
My Fic List | Other Nihil HC Stuff (AO3)
Du Depperter: "You idiot" (affectionate)
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adracat · 3 months
Law of Casuality Write-Up (Pt.1?)
Warning!!: the following contains self-indulgence to the likes you’ve never seen before
Law of Causality: The proposition that everything in the universe has a cause and is thus an effect of that cause
Happy Sulemio week! Since it’s Fantasy Day, I decided to finally get cracking on this freeform analysis of my G-Witch series— Law of Causality. I’ve mentioned before this may be my favorite thing I’ve ever written. I was in a manic ADHD-fixation trance while writing this series. If you want the literary version of a triple-layer myth cake, this may be for you. I was considering an essay-style dissection but that’s taking too long. So here are my loose insights into this series as a whole!
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Art by my friend Tay, or @TaruhtQarineXiV on Twitter
As Above, So Below: Where it all began. I’ve mentioned in the A/Ns that this was spawned from my deep looks into what the show was taking inspiration from (imo). It’s my little love letter to Sulemio and gwitch, which quickly grew into something more.
Queen in White/King in Red—Beyond the alchemy, I wanted titles that sounded fairytale-esque while also hinting toward another mythos. Hastur or the King in Yellow (Signalis and True Detective enjoyers know that name) The initial King in Yellow appears in Haïta the Shepherd as the benevolent god of shepherds; a domain Hastur shares with Mercury. The short story is about the impermanence of happiness and how it can only be found once you stop seeking it. It’s a theme I ran with for the entirety of LoC, particularly Elnora. The later incarnations of Hastur are malicious eldritch figures. Suletta vs Prospera 😊
On Faerytales: LoC is obsessed with cycles and the rhyming of history. To me, fairytales embody that perfectly. The oral traditions of them are never the exact same, flavored with variations throughout the years. It’s how we got mythology to local folklore to Brothers Grimm to Disney renditions. That’s why I used Eros and Psyche and Sleeping Beauty for Suletta and Miorine (I’m convinced the show does this too but ymmv)
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The latter is inspired by the former with Psyche placed under a sleeping torpor Eros breaks. In Sleeping Beauty, the offending curse is a spindle and she’s barricaded by a witch in the form of a dragon. The Hawthorn serves as Mio’s ‘spindle’ as she suffers depression and isolation in the wake of her mother’s vanishing. Prospera (coded as witch Satan) is the dragon. Notrette is the fairies bearing gifts. In a twist, Suletta wakes her with Love as Anteros in the place of Eros. Yes I layered this cake excessively. It’s probably still confusing; I’m sorry.
Tldr; I used Sleeping Beauty alongside Greek myth.
Chaos and Night: Paradise Lost twisted into a toxic witch romance. One of the most insane ideas I’ve had, but I adore it to bits. Both Prospera and Notrette are vested to the teeth with mythology and theology.
Notrette: Besides Thelema’s Nuit/Babalon and cuing her as ‘God’, as a being of creation, opposed to the Devil, I fit so much into her character. She’s Lilith, Pandora, Circe, Ceres, Virgin Mary, the Morrigan, Ariadne, a deconstruction of the Mother Goddess from neopaganism, and the capricious Queen of Elphame from folklore.
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Another figure I styled her after is White Boann, the Dagda’s mistress and wife to Nechtan (cognate with Nuada or the silver-hand) which is where you get the hazel tree link. Boann names her son Aengus because the Dagda was her ‘one desire’.
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Circling back to Paradise Lost, she also plays the willing Eve who falls to Satan’s temptation in place of Miorine. There’s likely things I’m forgetting; I was so normal plotting her character.
Elnora: What can I say about this glorious wreck that wasn’t in the text? Venus, The red dragon Satan, the Beast from revelation, pagan Horned God, Neptune to Ceres, Theseus and Bacchus to Ariadne, Prometheus to Pandora, every Phosphoros, etc I’d be here all day. She’s coded as Orion the hunter who’s undone by Gaia and also the Teumessian fox to Suletta’s Laelaps. I mentioned she’s the riders of the apocalypse at the end too. White Rider is Suletta but her mom fulfills the rest; ‘Riding’ Vim as War, Riding Belmeria as Famine while wielding the ‘scales’ (Notrette as Libra) Finally, she wears the visage of death to bring Pestilence to the kingdom. I squeezed in the other omens of revelation with symbolism such as the crown of wormwood (Revelation 8:11)
When it comes to her role as Prometheus, I coded both Delling and Mio as birds of Venus (swallow and dove respectfully.) It’s meant to symbolize the ‘eagle’ devouring her was primarily herself all along. She was the architect of her ruin, lampshaded by Notrette from the beginning.
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Remember Haïta the Shepherd? In the story, there is a maiden whom embodies the ephemeral nature of happiness. Notrette is Elnora’s transformative destruction into cathartic acceptance/happiness. In Paradise Lost, Satan succeeds at banishing Eve and Adam from the garden but similarly fails when he’s turned into a snake. She’s lucky I was more metaphorical.
I liberally used Revelation 12, the woman and the dragon, as well. Look at me shipping crackships from the Bible. This is mostly self-explanatory, ofc Christ is genderbent and a role shared by Sulemio. Mio’s allergy to iron doubles as a nod to this, since she doesn’t take her father’s kingdom in this universe.
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There is more, such as Dionysis/Bacchus being a many-faced god with younger and older versions paralleling the Horned God’s dual aspects and the Dagda’s relationship to Aengus which led to me pitting Suletta as a lighter mirror of Elnora. But I’ll leave it here for now.
Writing this all out has me questioning what I was on, and how I can reproduce it. If you got this far, thank you for humoring my unabahed love for this world. Happy Fantasy Day, Sulemios! ❤️
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reality-detective · 12 hours
This is the Red Alert You Can’t Ignore: Iran’s Military on U.S. Soil, Deep State Chaos, and the Elite’s Plot to Destroy America from Within!
The moment of truth is here. The battle for America’s soul is no longer in the shadows. The Deep State is waging war on our own soil, and the global elite are covering it up. Foreign forces are already inside our borders, preparing to strike.
We are on the brink of civil war. This isn't a drill. The Deep State, desperate to save their crumbling empire, has unleashed foreign troops to sow chaos. Enemy soldiers have infiltrated our country. Their targets: our key states, our critical infrastructure, and YOU.
Foreign Forces in Our Cities – Military Operations Escalate
The military is actively engaging on U.S. soil, but it’s not just our forces. Foreign soldiers are here, right now, waiting to tear America apart from the inside. California, Texas, Florida—they’ve been infiltrated by globalist-backed mercenaries disguised as South American gangs. These aren’t street criminals; they’re soldiers in the Deep State’s war against the American people.
Iranian troops have been sighted in the western U.S.—yes, actual Iranian military units, placed here by the Deep State to bring America to its knees when the time comes. The elites have sold us out—politicians and globalist operatives are working with these foreign forces to trigger America’s collapse.
Infrastructure is the target. Power grids, water supplies, and transportation hubs are all vulnerable, and the plan is clear: shut America down from within. When the lights go out, panic will explode, and the chaos will only grow. This is how they intend to bring America to its knees—through engineered collapse, martial law, and total domination.
The Deep State’s Master Plan: Civil War and Chaos
This plot has been years in the making. Every crisis, every election, every war was designed to bring us to this breaking point. But now, the Deep State is pulling the trigger on their final operation: a staged civil war. The military buildup in states like Texas, Florida, and California is not just for civil unrest; it’s a preparation for war against domestic and foreign enemies working for the Deep State.
Their endgame? Unleash chaos, call in foreign troops to “restore order,” and seize control. This is about more than power—it’s about absolute domination. They want you to own nothing, control nothing, and obey everything.
The Satanic Cabal: The Elite Families Want You Dead
Behind this operation are satanic monsters—the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and their elite cronies who have been profiting from war, famine, and suffering for generations. These aren’t just businessmen. They are child traffickers, blood-drinkers, and war profiteers. The exposure of their networks is happening NOW.
Child trafficking, satanic rituals, organ harvesting—all of it is coming to light. The military is poised to blow their operations wide open, and they know their time is up.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS): Their Greatest Fear
The elite’s worst nightmare is the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Quantum Financial System (QFS). Once it’s activated, the entire corrupt financial structure they’ve built crumbles. This is why they’re desperate to cause chaos and civil war. They need to stop the QFS from liberating humanity from their debt slavery system.
The storm is coming. The Deep State is moving fast, but we are faster. Prepare now. Stock up, stay alert, and get ready for the fight of your life.
I have been seeing this 👆 more and more...
The Storm Is Approaching 🤔
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
Okay.....I love hazbin hotel, don't get me wrong
......but I think exploding kittens did the plot of hell being overpopulated and stuff a lot better
It has better explanations and worldbuilding for the plot as well. It's an amazing show, and I think everyone should watch it, spoilers beneath
Basically god is slacking off because he thinks humans have basically lost all hope, and the executives send him to earth in a cats body to help him reconnect with his creation
He does this by going to answer a human family's pray, which the mom made while drunk but anythign that starts with 'dear god' counts as a pray
Beelzabub, Satan's daughter who is revealed to be half human down the line and current ceo of hell, is sent up to earth in a cats body because she needs to learn how to be evil and what not
There's a whole lot of shenanigans, teens go to heck which is hell juvi, bee and god cat go to her cousins wedding, they get romantic and I called it form episode 1 that they were gonna be romantically evolved, 1 for me! Bee is revealed to be half human, etc etc
Anyways, the overarching plot, which is hinted out throughout the series, is that hell and heavn are planning a merge behind god and bees backs because heaven has too little souls while hell has too many, and it's messing everything up
A god game is held because bee and god fight over the ceo title, and, of course, it comes down to them competing against each other which is awkward for the both of them
Even mroe awkward when bee mentions 'sick' symptoms to Greta whoooo points out point blank that shes pregnant
And, wedding party, their god cats.
God cat does win, the last round was thst their human/mortal game partners needed to compete against eachother (said partners are twins but it's in good sibling fun for them)
And it's revealed that the board actually want to get rid of humans for good, because they realized that they are the problem and that they need to start fresh, and despite Greta and God cat giving speeches they fire him, make bee the ceo and tell ehr to do what God cat couldn't
She pretends to but instead fires them, aka, fire torching them with fire breath! And then tos revealed dishes pregnant, someone survives long enough to push the doomsday button, God cat has to go and stop a meteor, and bee has about 900 kittens
I assume season 2 will be about rounding up the little chaos kittens and fixing heaven and hell
Each episode is 25-27 minutes long, and the season only has 9 episodes, and it's on Netflix
And compared to hazbin hotel I think hey executed the plot of hell being overcrowded and god/angles being absent a lot better
Obviously, their two different shows are going for two different things, but for this specific plotline, I think that exploding kittens executed it a lot better then hazbin hotel
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk/rant, please go watch the show
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crooked-wasteland · 2 months
I just saw your essay on the codependency of FizzOzzie and it cleared up a lot of things I've been thinking about this ship and to be honest, I myself thought it was the most healthiest ship in the whole show even better than the trash that Stoliz is but well... (btw, I was trying to scroll through tumblr to find it but can you just link it for me so I coud read it again)?
It also brings me to an idea of the possibility brung up in two fics each with different ideas:
#1 if Hazbin's events every leak in Helluva's since they're the same universe, there's a possibility that Lucifer would want to have precautionary heirs for the defense of Hell and outright force Ozzie and any other relationships with lowerclass apart since it's "not compatible with angelic DNA" or some thing, so Ozzie could in fact leave Fizz because of his status
#2 Ozzie getting tired of Fizz... Ozzie is the sin of Lust after all and Lust can be ever-changing and capricious in its nature as a sin. Ozzie’s character, embodying Lust, might lead to a fluctuating commitment level, influencing his interactions and relationships. In biblical lore, he did end up causing a lot of sinful things like fucking a human named Sarah or so I remember?
Again this is the same guy who humiliated Blitzø in Ozzie, S2 just rewrote him completely (btw, in my rewrite I'mma change him to be more evil and instead give the whole "lovey-dovey Sin" idea to Satan who is female and thinks Asmodeu's "fake-love" is like a slap in the fact to her idea of realistic and true romance)
I'd just feel like Fizz would be better off with Blitzø tbh or Striker or all in a threesome... the possibilities are endless, and why is the show making love seem too fairytale and unrealistic?! Like Blitzø shouldn't have to fuck Stolas just because he was his arranged playmate for just one day??? The show did the childhood friends trope dirty and would be better if Stoliz was a thing until mid-teens broke up for [insert reason] and reconnect but honestly, Stolas should've had his own seperate season/arc dedicared to himself if HB was an anthology show
Also the fact that Asmodeus couldn't just burn the contract, one-shot the lawyer and go on a rampage to save Fizz is just beyond me... the Sins are supposed to be these scary demon lords so why aren't they, hm?
Sorry for rambling and what do you think or want to add?
Absolutely here you go.
The consistent failure of Vivziepop is to commit to a mature story. She describes her own protagonists as "Deeply flawed but understandably traumatized people who just need love to fix them" while the villains of her shows are "irredeemable" (and women, but that's a tangent).
I mentioned before that trying to use the excuse of the setting being Hell and playing that out to the logical conclusion would end up exactly like Good Omens. The whole moral of said show being that imperfect humanity is worth saving, that life is worthy and beautiful for its own sake of existence. That is why the story of Good Omens uses the Bible, angels, and demons to tell it's story, to make that point.
Why is Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel set in Hell? What is being said by the plot, themes and story? So far we have that demons are better people than the Angels in Hazbin. That sacrifice is the only virtue worthy of redemption and thus reinforces backwards Christian ideals of penance.
Personally, I would have made Hell less absurd. Less a place of debauchery and chaos and more a mere continuation of life. We see in the Hazbin Pilot a character falls from the sky and says "I'm alive?" Before being hot by Travis' car. The point being that people just transition from one life to the next and in that they keep living life the way they always have.
My personal criticisms of the series' use of Hell is that it established this idea that people only behave if they have a god to fear. Once in Hell, there is no salvation, so why bother. It's like a Christian asking an atheist why they wouldn't commit murder if they don't believe in God. The answer is that people like order and security. People dying would seek to maintain their status quo from life. A lack of salvation wouldn't change that for them.
And frankly, I wouldn't have redemption be a thing. This story and its messages are actively devalued by the act of redeeming sinners when the Angels are just the same as them. By having Hell just be a warped continuation of life on Earth, it makes the message more universal: Life is Hell. Life is suffering in a way Hell can never hope to be. Physical anguish and torment for all eternity can never amount to the pain of the fleeting and the terror of change and uncertainty.
I would have made it impossible to be redeemed because the fact is, regardless what you believe happens after death, what we know we have is life. We fear death so much we have created salvation throughout history, the wish to keep living forever in some way. But, especially for young people, life is harder now than ever before. It's more terrifying and uncertain and cruel and uncaring.
So if life is Hell, how do you be happy?
That would have been my thesis for the show. The message underneath is all about finding happiness in the absence of salvation. Even the idea that maybe salvation is something we should reject to really feel what it means to be alive. Giving up on our deaths and seeking our own fulfillment, and in that finding community, love, and hope. To see true humanity as something selfish and kind at the same time.
That's how I would have taken the concept.
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
Hisashi Midoriya Does Not Exist
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I’m officially calling it.
We’ve seen no photos or flashbacks of the man.
Inko is the only character to mention him and only does so once during a flashback from when Izuku was a toddler. Deku does not talk about his father, so either he doesn't remember him all that well or...seriously, not even a happy birthday, Happy New Year, congrats on getting into UA, etc call?
He hasn’t had any input about this hero career his son is taking on even though it's proven to be increasingly more dangerous as the situation unfolds.
He has not visited once during one of Deku’s many hospital stays, including the one where he was comatose and people weren’t sure if he was coming out of it or not.
Izuku straight up went missing for a time and Hisashi didn't return to be there for his wife, who was definitely freaking out over their missing son.
And now with Japan in total chaos, he did not returned home to be there for his family pre-Final War nor was there ever a point where he attempted to get them out of Japan for their own safety. This seems like it would have been a good time to mention a panicked father phone call. Japan closed its borders to contain said chaos. Was that not a concern for expatriates who have family back home?
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So either he is the worst dad/husband in the series, a series that already has a pretty high bar as far as worst dads go, or he doesn't exist. I think Horikoshi forgot he said he was going to reveal him, and is it even worth revealing him at this point? We're coming up on the end of this ride unless there's a whole other lengthy post-finale arc we're getting in which we see the full step-by-step recovery process of society and what to do about the remaining LoV members, provided they even survive this. (Bit anti-climatic, but there's still a lot to wrap up, I guess.)
I understand if the guy just wasn't all that necessary to the story, but why not just have him be a character who passed away before the plot began? Widowed Inko and be done with it.
Still, if he doesn't exist, who's Deku's dad? Inko didn't do this herself.
Or maybe she did and all hail the real Freckled Jesus.
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Sorry Marco. (<--That meme is so old, I'd half-forgotten about it.)
Anyway, the only information we really have on 'Hisashi Midoriya' is that he has a fire-type Quirk and he's allegedly working overseas.
So on to the insane theory that occasionally haunts my brain. It doesn't just live rent free here, it is a registered ghost that hangs out.
Due to the fire-based Quirk (yes, I know Hisashi is listed as having a 'fire-breathing' Quirk, but then we're just splitting hairs,) I personally think Horikoshi is lining up a shot that will nuke the Shouto/Deku ship by revealing Endeavor was Deku’s father all along for no other reason than to troll both the fandom and his own characters.
I also kinda just picture the rest of the Todoroki family, including satanic charcoal Dabi, with this reaction:
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So much for that redemption arc.
The only thing I don't like about this is knowingly sleeping with a married man is not a good look for Inko's character.
Okay, that's not the only thing I don't like about it. I would be disturbed if this was the plot twist. Please don't.
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cyberbabyangell · 29 days
₊˚⊹☆ all my drs!!
have a list of all the drs i officially shift to (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ (in order of discovery) The ages are accurate to the moment i will shift in these drs if that makes sense..
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Better CR ⪼ Soren Minerva, 15 years old
this is where i'll permashift to 😼
Solar System ⪼ Soren Minerva, 8 years old
this dr is very similar to my bcr, but its the one with lore and history and gods etc also i shift at 8 just so i can bask in the 2010 years again because lets be honest they were the best ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
My Hero Academia ⪼ Aiden Konoike, 14 years old
i'm just a girl in this one. ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
Demon Slayer ⪼ Hoshi Tomioka, 16 years old
i'll have to figure this one out again, i just know i have cosmic breathing 🥳 zenitsu is probably my s/o •ᴗ•
Genshin Impact ⪼ Fleur, 18 years old(physically)
this one is lore heavy as well, but rn im just a court multitasker/protean at fontaine. i picked neuvillette as my found family, and kaeya & thoma as my lovers •ᴗ•
ParadoxLive ⪼ Nova Fall, 18 years old
aka one of my most hyped drs. im an idol there and a very cliche one at that. like that one barbie popstar movie where she transforms on stage, me core. i date nayuta because he's the only true one for me ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
What in HELL is bad? ⪼ Selene, 19 years old
i sort of follow the game plot, as in im the daughter of solomon. i didnt go too far in the game yet but i jst KNOW i either get close with satan or leviathan
Sonic the Hedgehog ⪼ Lune, do mobians have age..
this is the closest i currently am to being a princess, but im not royalty..sonic and shadow broke me out of my castle and brought me to green hill 😐 anyways i summon crystals with a wand weewoo! with the chaos emeralds i summon a crystal golem thing ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
Land of the Lustrous ⪼ Opal, 400 years old
not much to say except that opal looks uncannily close to diamond in appearance. i date zircon! or idk but we're best friends! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
Helodon ⪼ Atria, 20 years old
this is my partner's world - he writes a lot like me so of COURSE he has his own world like me and allowed me to shift there. i dont have much info on myself either i just know im cute and i love sothoth ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
Spiderverse ⪼ Blair Fall or Minerva idk, 16 years old
my alias is haxxor bunny, because its literally bronya's haxxor bunny skin in hi3..i attack like her too! and i got beef with aiden<3 im not sure but i think i'll date a spiderman version of sero there ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
90's dr ⪼ Kami Bateman, 26 years old
im a model hehe. and i date a perfectly sane and healthy patrick bateman really i just like his looks, i scripted he was really sweet ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
AFK Journey ⪼ Merlin, 300 years old
again i lost interest in the game but im still shifting there. my alias is jinx and im a vampire, also im a dude lol. my s/o is valen<3 but soren is so close to taking the cake and i'd be so mad cause dude got the same name as the host 😨 also im dura's son!
Wuthering Waves ⪼ Orion, 20 years old
okay bare with me i still love the game but im unable to play it so i cry every day. anyways..my original plan was to be part of the fractsidus under the alias Hikaru but i dont think i wanna do that anymore. so yeah i dont much abt myself here either! i really like (male) rover i hold him 🫴 maybe i'll be like jinhsi's brother or something ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
? ⪼ Viktor, 25 years old
bare with me (bis) when i say i love viktor but i became aware of him just because i love the steampunk aesthetic and because we dont have a mechanic in this list. i'm still hesitant of him being from belobog and possibly dating luocha or jing yuan, i need to play hsr more. "( – ⌓ – )=3
Undertale ⪼ Rune, 7-8 or however old Frisk is
this is actually my first ever dr. ive had a huge undertale hyperfixation (1-3 years) and i basically made an oc which was a self insert. it was also my first ever lore which was super complicated idk how 7 year old me thought of it. when i was 9 i accidentally manifested that what happened to frisk would happen to me, i didnt know what was shifting or manifestation i just wrote down the same thing about 100 times while believing in it a lot. guess it worked with a 7 years delay because now im shifting there! i dont know how it will go but i see a happy "ending" with the monsters living with me n frisk at the surface cause WHY TF NOT.
Kaiju no.8 ⪼ haha i dont have any info on them.
i recently started watching k8 and i love it and could see myself going there, but i don't know anything about myself there ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊
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satelliteddie · 2 years
satellite - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie will never tell you how he really feels, he cant risk losing you… but after he almost loses you to an injury in the upside down, eddie finds himself spinning out waiting for you to realize how in love he is.
content warnings: language, injuries (bruises, demo-bat wounds, scars, etc.), fainting, kissing
word count: 5.3k
author’s notes: okay so i kinda sorta altered the plot of s4 for this to work (for obvious reasons), but its simply for angst purposes…kk bye :)
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You got a new life
Am I bothering you?
Do you wanna talk?
We share the last line
Then we drink the wall
'Til we wanna talk
I go 'round and 'round
Eddie didn’t realize when he introduced you to Robin and Steve that you would so easily slip into their friend group. Of course he knew everyone would love you, but he didn’t realize how much. Before he was even aware, his circle of friends had grown to a number that was behind his comprehension. For the longest time it was just you and him against everyone else. Now, there was Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, his band/Hellfire members, and all the younger kids. He loved all of them, even though he’d never admit that, but he missed the times when it was just the two of you in his room in the trailer. You got a new life, one that he introduced you to… how could he be jealous of that when he was the reason you knew all of them? It was stupid to be jealous of people that didn’t know you like he did. Eddie was your best friend – he knew that. He did. Yet, he still felt you slipping away slowly and maybe not intentionally, but you were. He was starting to feel like it was all his fault. When Eddie did talk to you when all of you were together it was like he was bothering you. It was crazy to think that, truly. Eddie was your everything and you were his. The issue was, Eddie wasn’t sure if “everything” meant the same thing to you as it did to him. He is in love with you. Stupid, mindnumbing, all-consuming love. He tried to give himself space from you, thinking maybe that would clear his head. Spoiler: it didn’t work. Instead, he roped you into even more chaos when he told you about the Upside Down and all of its supernatural entities. Which brought him to the Wheeler’s basement, listening as you and the others discussed the next moves. Eddie runs his fingers through the ripped holes in his jeans, pulling at the loose threads.
“I just don’t understand why we have to go back there.” Robin says, rolling her eyes in exasperation.
“Yeah, I’m not following Nance,” Steve shakes his head. “If we know Vecna is dead, why would we go back?” After the Earthquake and massive fight across multiple dimensions, the physical form of Vecna had not been seen and no suspicious deaths had occurred. The group was able to clear Eddie’s name and blame it on Satanic Panic, and more “chemical leaks” still happening due to the Hawkins Labs. However, you all knew better than to bask in the peace because the fight was only starting.
“We don’t know he’s dead, Steve.” Nancy gives Steve a pointed look.
“Listen,” your voice catches Eddie’s attention. He tilts his head up watching you intently as you speak, “I don’t want to go back either, but Nancy is right. If we want to save Max, we have to try.” The rest of the group gives somber frowns as they think about Max and how she’s barely holding on as of now. It’s killing each of you slowly to know that she suffered because your plan went awry. “Eddie?” You turn to him with unwavering eyes, “what do you think?”
I’d follow you into the literal depths of Hell if that's what you wanted, he thinks while holding your gaze. He stands from the couch, brushing his hands against his jeans, “I think we should make sure the fucker is dead.”
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for ya
Eddie swore he would never return to the Upside Down after the last close call, but instead he was chucking a rope having upgraded from bed sheets through the gate in his ceiling to enter again. There’s no way this is my life, he shakes his head as the rope thumps on the ground on the other side. Your cool fingers grip his forearm, turning him to you.
“We’re going to be okay,” you say in a reassuring tone. Eddie wants to get on his knees and beg you to stay here. Or run away from Hawkins with him. Or do anything besides this.
“How do you know that?” He asks, his voice hoarse. Eddie blinks slowly, his eyes lingering on your mouth.
“I don’t,” you sigh. You tighten the military-grade vest around your torso, trying to do something with your shaking hands. Eddie notices your anxious movements and places his larger hands on yours. You look up at him with misty eyes and a small smile. He mirrors your expression before turning his face down to rest his forehead on the top of your head. Eddie inhales a shaky breath, pressing a soft kiss to your hairline. Your friendship always bordered the line of more than platonic, but Eddie knew he couldn’t risk admitting his feelings to you. So he would steal forehead kisses and hugs whenever he could. It was wrong for him to do it now when you were so scared, but he needed to comfort you in the only way he knew how. He wanted to tell you that he was always going to be right here, waiting for you; but instead all he said was, “c’mon let’s get this over with.”
You flop down on the mattress in the Upside Down, Eddie extends his hand and pulls you up from the floor.
“I’ll never get used to this,” you groan as you stand.
“We shouldn’t have to,” Eddie agrees, but it sounds more like an annoyed comment to you. You and Eddie head towards the front door of the trailer, Eddie hesitates before grabbing the doorknob. He feels his pulse in every square inch of his body, the majority focused on his scars. The scars were a part of him that he grew to accept, but coming back to the place that gave him those imperfections was not something he ever wanted to do. Ever. His mind races to the last time he was here; I almost died, he feels dizzy as the memory returns. “Sorry,” he apologizes and shakes the thought from his head. You grip his arm again with just enough force to ground him.
“Eds,” you give him a weak smile. “It's me,” you slide your hand from his arm into his hand. “You don’t have to apologize to me. I get it, this is asking a lot of you. We’ll be home soon.”
You and Eddie are deep into the forest, skipping over vines and twigs as you move through the trees. Steve, Robin and Nancy decided to take the other gate at Lover’s Lake, claiming it was smarter to split up and meet in the middle. Eddie wanted to yell at them and say that's how everyone in horror movies dies, but when you agreed to the plan he followed your lead. So far you had managed to avoid all demo-creatures as you and Eddie spoke in hushed voices. You step carefully over vines, still holding Eddie’s hand in a deathgrip. Eddie tried to ignore the flutter of his heart every time he felt your palm press to his, but he can’t stop imagining being able to hold your hand whenever he wanted.
“I think I need to go to a concert when we finally get out of here,” you comment without any previous conversation. Eddie scrunches his eyebrows as he gives you a confused look. “I’m just saying, I think we all deserve to scream our hearts out at a concert.”
Eddie doesn’t disagree, hell he never disagrees with you, yet he can’t help but laugh at your thoughts. “Only you would be thinking about live music right now,” he grins, brushing his thumb over your hand.
“Mmm, if only I knew someone in a band.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “If only,” Eddie flashes you a lopsided grin.
I'm in an L.A. mood
I don't wanna talk to you
She said, "Give me a day or two"
I go 'round and 'round
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
Finally, the daunting Creel House comes into view as you and Eddie stop at the mailbox. In the distance bike tires crunch along the road. Steve, Robin and Nancy head towards you on bicycles that are way too small for them.
“No fair,” Eddie groans. “They got bikes!”
“Eds.” You roll your eyes.
“I know, not the point.” He mocks you with a playful smirk.
“Alright, love birds,” Steve interrupts, causing you and Eddie to clear your throats at the same time. You’re not sure, but you could swear you see a faint blush rise on Eddie’s cheeks.
The five of you push open the doors to the house, stepping inside with as much stealth as you can. Robin and Eddie focus all their attention to where they step, both of them convinced they’re going to trip if they move upstairs. While you, Steve and Nancy scan the house for any signs of Vecna on the second floor and attic. The floorboards creak under every step you take, some of them becoming loose entirely and falling to the first floor below. Nancy grips your arm, pulling you away from the opening in the ground; she offers you a small smile before you continue into the next room. Steve and Nancy head into Henry’s old bedroom while you stay in the hallway to watch for any other movement. You hear Robin and Eddie’s hushed voices through the slats of the house as they move around below you.
“You still didn’t tell her? Eddie!” Robin asks, with what you can only imagine is a shove to Eddie’s shoulder.
“Shh,” Eddie whispers, but it’s just loud enough for you to hear. “I haven’t found the right time to. I don’t think she’ll ever feel that way about me…it’s not just some crush, I love her.” It feels like all the oxygen in the room was sucked out as you continue to listen. Eddie’s in love? Who was he in love with? When did he know? Why didn’t he tell me? So many questions bounce around in your brain as you try to piece together how you could have missed it. Eddie was in love with someone and he didn’t tell you. Your heart broke as you continued to hear Robin beg Eddie to tell this girl he loved. You could never place where your true feelings fell for Eddie. He was always your safe space, your best friend, your everything. You love him, but you couldn’t fall in love with him without knowing he would feel the same. It was too risky, too unknown…so instead you pushed your romantic feelings deep down. It was safer to know you had him in your life for good without the uncertainty of telling him how you really felt. You tilt your head towards the end of the hall trying to hear Robin and Eddie better.
“It’s— I don’t know. She’s my best friend, y’know? I can't risk losing her if she doesn’t feel the same.”  
“Eddie,” Robin's voice is gentle. “You’ve been in love with her since the moment you met. She loves you too, I’m sure of it.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, and you notice what sounds like shuffled foot steps. You can picture Eddie scuffing his shoes on the ground out of nerves. “How do you know?”
“You don’t see the way she looks at you when you’re not looking. Y/N loves you— in the same way you love her.”
He’s in love with me? Your head spins as you slowly step back towards the stairs, trying desperately to hear more of their conversation. Your body acts before you’re able to think straight, you step forward on another loose floorboard…but this time Nancy isn’t there to catch you. You crash through the floor, wood splitting across the hall as you lay among the broken pieces. You gasp for air, having felt the wind get knocked out of you when you fell. You stop your panicked breathing to try and level yourself.
Eddie rushes to the noise from the other side of the hall, unsure of what happened; but when he sees you, his entire world stops. It feels like time moves even slower as he approaches you with bated breath. Please be alive. You gasp for air again and the clock is back to normal pace as Eddie reaches you. He kneels by your side, not caring if he’s stepping on any of the “hive”. Eddie’s gentle as he reaches for your cheek; your attention is frantic as you scan the room trying to breathe correctly again. Your sides and back ache and every time you breathe it feels like fire should come out. You try to push yourself up to reach Eddie. You just want him to hold you and take you home. He lets you move slowly, but makes sure you don’t go too fast.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Eddie tries desperately to get you to look at him. He strokes his thumbs over your cheekbones, his calmness makes you focus on him. It can’t be that bad if he’s looking at me like this…right? Your thoughts race as you watch Eddie carefully scan over the rest of you. There’s no obvious injuries which calms and concerns him at the same time. “Look at me, sweetheart.” Your heart suddenly feels like it’s on fire too, but you know it’s not from the fall. He takes your hand in his and places it on the center of his chest. “Breathe with me, okay?” Eddie inhales and holds his breath for a moment before releasing it. He drags out the exhale for longer than he normally would before repeating the same process. Your eyes stay focused on his hand covering yours on his chest as you repeat his movements. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. You raise your eyes from your joined hands to Eddie’s eyes. His face cracks into a small smile, his eyes glossy as he looks at you. “You’re okay,” he says, trying to convince both you and him of it.
“I’m okay,” you repeat back in a hoarse voice. Eddie feels his heartbeat in his ears, every cell in his body is on fire as he watches you. I could have lost her, I could still lose her.  
“We have to go,” Eddie’s voice is shaky as he looks for support from the others. Steve, Nancy, and Robin all stand behind Eddie watching you intently. No one wants to panic you or overreact, but each of their faces are scrunched in concern. No one argues with him as they all help you stand, Eddie’s hand finding your side and pulling you to him.
“Eddie, I’m okay.” You insist, “I can walk. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Just give me a day or two and I’ll be good as new.”
Eddie looks down at you under his arm, “I don’t care if you can walk. I’m holding you until we get back to Hawkins. Maybe even after that.” You hesitate to answer, but Eddie continues, “can't take you anywhere, huh?”
You jab your elbow into his ribs, which he pretends you gravely injured him as he gasps. You rest your head against Eddie’s side laughing lightly.
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Eddie refused to leave your side the entire trip home and even after that. He made sure to give you “absolutely-necessary” piggy back rides up the stairs, made you his favorite snacks, and “borrowed” movies from Family Video. He finally left your house a full 24-hours later, after making sure you slept through the night. Your heart fluttered as you watched him sleep in the chair in the corner of your room. He adamantly refused to stay in your bed, claiming you needed the space to rest. Eventually when Eddie did leave for Hellfire the next day, his eyes looked over every bruise on your body before pulling you into a tight hug. He squeezed you into him, making sure not to go too hard even though he wants to. You grumble into his chest, “Eddie, you have to go. They're going to be waiting for you. I’m fine. I’ll be here when you get back,” you tilt your face up. Eddie offers you a soft smile which you mirror. He brushes the stray hairs away from your face before keeping his hands on your face for a little too long. “Eds,” you say after he doesn’t respond.
“Yeah,” Eddie shakes his head and drops his hands from your face. “I’ll be back tomorrow, please call me if you need anything,” you try to argue, but Eddie narrows his eyes at you. “You’re not going to be a bother, so don’t even say that. Hellfire can wait.” His eyes and mind are scattered as he looks at you; he wants to tell you how much he wants to stay. Never has he ever wanted to skip Hellfire…but he doesn’t want to leave you. His heart constricts against his chest, every emotion and feeling he has for you being trapped inside.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you promise in a hushed voice.
Right here, right here
Spinning out, waiting for ya
I'm here, right here
Wishing I could be there for ya
Be there for ya
Be there for ya, for ya
Focusing on the conversation during lunch the following day was even harder than Eddie expected. Every time he tried to pay attention to whatever the table was discussing, his mind kept wandering off to think about you. Eddie had replayed the night in the Upside Down too many times, but he kept harboring so much guilt about it. What if I told her no? What if we didn’t go back? What if she stayed downstairs? What if I was with her? Eddie's mind frantically ran over the same questions, tormenting him. He kept sneaking glances over at where Robin was sitting, wondering whether or not he should ask if she heard from you. You and Eddie didn’t share the same lunch period or any of the same classes so it was impossible to know how your day was going. Maybe I’ll skip English and wait by her locker? No, that’s pathetic. You’ll see her in a couple of hours—
“…after that Nancy wants to visit y/n. Y’know make sure she’s okay after this morning, but maybe Nancy can drop me off afterwards.” Mike mentions nonchalantly to Dustin as he explains why he can’t make it to Will’s tonight.
“You didn’t bring your bike?” Dustin asks, but Mike has no time to answer before Eddie cuts him off.
Eddie feels his pulse thumping in his ears, “what happened this morning?”
“What do you mean?” Mike shakes his head, “she didn’t tell you?”
“Wheeler, what the fuck happened to her?”
“She passed out or something trying to go back upstairs before school, I don’t know you’d have to—”
Eddie doesn’t hear the rest of what Mike has to say before his chair is scraping across the tile floor of the cafeteria. He rushes out of the cafeteria and out of the school before any teachers notice—and if they do notice, no one stops him. Eddie turns over the key in his van, cursing over and over about how you should have called. He feels like he’s going crazy. You’re consuming his every thought, worry, feeling, action, emotion. Everything. You consume him entirely. He’s so deeply in love with you that all caution and rationality has been thrown out the window. Eddie drives like a mad man to get to your house as fast as he can; his arms are covered in goosebumps when he pulls up to your house. He pushes the car door open and practically spills out onto the pavement. His breathing is staggered when he slams a fist against the front door. Eddie gives one quick look around your driveway to determine your parents are not home. Screw it. He thinks as he turns the doorknob and barrels inside.
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in (spinning out, waiting)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Spinning out waiting for ya (for ya, for ya) to pull me in (for ya)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
You wake up to the sound of someone yelling your name through your house. For a moment you panic about the fact that someone is inside, but when the voice calls again you realize it’s Eddie. Every muscle in your body relaxes as you start to sit up in bed. Your head kills, but physically your body is starting to feel better.
“I’m in my room!” You call as you shuffle around your comforter. Swinging your legs over the edge, you sit on the bed waiting for Eddie. Eddie’s heavy steps bound up the stairs, and the door swings open before you realize he’s even made it to your room. His brown eyes are glossy as he scans over your entire room before rushing to your bedside. He collapses to his knees, his chest pressed into your legs as his arms wrap around your waist. You gasp at his dramatic display, but quickly you run your fingers through his curls. A smile pulls at your lips as you look down at him, “are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Fuck- are you okay?” Eddie asks in between sniffles pressed to your shirt. He leans back and wipes his face with his shaky hands. “Jesus, what happened?” He rests his palms on your thighs, rubbing his thumb over your skin softly. He frowns as he takes in the deep purple, yellow and red splotches that cover your skin from your fall.
“I don’t know,” you shrug, still moving your hands through his hair. “I was fine getting up this morning, but going down the stairs was a lot. So when I realized I left my keys upstairs I had to go back for them.” You try to smile at Eddie and calm him, but his face remains just as worried. “I was like half way up them when it all went blurry. Nancy found me there when she came to drive me to school.” Eddie’s blood runs cold thinking about how lifeless you must have looked laying on your stairs. He can’t see you get hurt again, he can’t lose you. “I begged her not to call you. Believe me, she wanted to. So please don’t be mad at her,” you give him a stern look, but there’s no reason to because Eddie will always listen to you. He nods as you continue, “I just didn’t want to worry you. I already knew how much of your day I took up yesterday, I made you late to Hellfire, you slept in a chair–”
“I wanted to.” Eddie replies without hesitation. You brush your hands over his curls again, giving him a weak smile. His heart pounds like a jackhammer against his ribs. I have to tell her, he decides. Every voice of reason screams for him to stop before he’s ruined it all… but Eddie can’t take it anymore.
“Eddie,” you frown. “I love how concerned you are for me. I do. You’re the best friend I could ask for–”
“Don’t do that,” Eddie’s voice catches as he speaks. His eyes dart away from yours as he stands to his full height.
“Do what?” You ask, trying to rise from the bed. Eddie fights every urge to tell you to sit back down so he can hold you.
“Don’t you know that I am right here? I want you to bother me. I want you to call me. I want you. I feel like– fuck. I feel like I’m going crazy, sweetheart.” Eddie bitterly laughs as he turns away from you. All of his emotions are battling each other as he combs a nervous hand through his hair. “I’m just spinning out waiting for you to pull me in. So please,” he begs. “Please just pull me in and tell me.”
“Tell you–”
“Tell me you love me,” a tear slips from his eyes and down his cheek. “Or just put me out of my misery.”
Spinning out, waiting for ya (for ya, for ya) to pull me in (for ya)
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
Time stops just like it had when you fell. Eddie is certain he’s in an extremely lucid dream because there is no way he just professed his love for you like he had. He claimed he hated all those romantic movies you forced him to watch, but whenever he thought about telling you how he felt, he remembered all those corny movies. Eddie had planned for the large, romantic gesture to sweep you off your feet; instead he was in tears about losing you before he even had you. He felt like he was going crazy. There was nowhere to put all of these emotions that he felt for you. It all came so easily and naturally to him, he didn’t even realize how in love with you he was until Robin pointed it out. Now after seeing you hurt he couldn’t take it anymore, you had to know how he felt. The clock resets as Eddie stares down at you on the bed, he watches you play with your hands like you always do when you’re nervous.
Your mind feels like it’s in a fog. You knew how Eddie felt, but you couldn’t be sure he was only telling you because of everything that happened. You didn’t want him to feel pressured into saying how he felt all because you couldn’t make it up the stairs.
“I do love–” you start to say as your mind clears.
“Not like that,” Eddie turns to you. His voice is harsh, but all of his features remain soft as silent tears roll from his eyes. “You know what I meant Y/N.”
“Eddie,” you feel your own eyes starting to tear up as you watch him.
“Tell me. Either way– Christ. Just- please, just tell me.”
“Do you mean it?” You ask and Eddie starts to talk, but you raise a hand to him. “Not just because I’m hurt, or because Robin told you to tell me. Do you mean it?”
“Robin? What are you– You heard us?”
“I heard you through the floors. That’s, mmm,” you hesitate to continue. Eddie sinks down to meet your eyeline again. “I was trying to listen when I fell.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice is soft as uses a finger to tilt your chin up to look at him.
“I just want to make sure you’re not just saying it to say it.”
“I love you,” Eddie replies, his eyes lingering on your mouth. “I’m in love with you. I always have been. I would have told you no matter what. This,” he gestures to your bruises on your legs. “Just gave me the courage to say it.”
“Really?” The floodgates to your emotions break, every ounce of love you have for Eddie rushing to the front. Eddie slowly reaches his hands up from your legs to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“Really,” Eddie smiles and all the mixed emotions have seemed to clear from his eyes.
“Come up here, please,” your voice wavers as you talk. Eddie wastes no time to climb onto the bed next to you. His thigh brushes yours as he sits down, you keep your focus on his legs as Eddie peers down at you. Eddie nudges your shoulder with his and tilts his head forward to try to meet your eyes. You close your eyes and take a deep breath in. “We can’t mess this up, Eds. I can’t lose you.”
“I’m right here,” Eddie replies without any indecision. He will always be right here for you. Through the crazy, unpredictable, supernatural, natural, and everything in between. He squeezes your thigh once, “I’m not going anywhere.”
You melt into him, wrapping your arms around his torso and pulling yourself into his side. Eddie’s arms linger in the air for a second before he brings you even closer to him. Slowly, he lowers both of you down to lay on the bed; you keep your arms wrapped around his waist, not caring if his weight makes the one fall asleep. For the first time in days, it feels like your heart beats at a normal rate – slow and steady, as your breathing syncs with Eddie’s. “Eddie?” You look up at him, but he’s already smiling down at you. “I love you,” you profess feeling a weight lift off your chest and mind.
“I love you,” he smirks so wide his teeth start to peak out. Eddie turns his face down and presses a kiss to your hair; he’s done it a thousand times, but this time is different. It’s like you can feel all his love for you through it now. “So where should our first official date be?”
You humm for a moment trying to think of anywhere that would beat this moment, but you come up empty. You shrug and kiss the side of his ribs, “don’t know, but I’ll go anywhere with you.”
Eddie tries to ignore the way his heart flips, but he knows he’s going to have to get used to it now.
“What about a concert?” Eddie asks brushing away your hair from your face so he can trace your cheek bone. “I believe I heard somewhere that you wanted to scream your heart out at one.”
“You remembered that?” You laugh, raising an eyebrow at him. You lean up to fully look at Eddie; he’s flat on his back, one hand tucked under his head, his other tracing your cheek still.
“Of course I did,” Eddie says as if it’s a ridiculous question. “I remember everything you do.”
You can’t help yourself as you lean forward, your eyes glancing at his lips for a moment. Eddie meets you in the middle, his mouth is soft against yours as he draws you closer with his hands. He works his fingers from your face through your hair and keeps them at the base of your neck. Your lips melt into Eddie’s, he tastes like mint and tobacco — it’s addictive. He works his mouth over yours, his tongue traces your bottom lip gently. Eddie pulls away with a grin, moving his hand from your hair to brush his thumb over your bottom lip. You whine as his lips leave yours, causing him to smile more.
“Easy sweetheart,” Eddie says, pulling at your lip again. “Take me on a date first.”
You tilt your head at him, “oh, really?”
“Fuck no,” Eddie breaks. He pulls you closer, his focus back on your mouth, “we have a lot of time to make up for.”
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
ahhhh my (user)name-sake <<33 I love this song so much, I am a satellite girly thru and thru... gotta love a sad song with a happy beat
next in the series: boyfriends - s.h.
✭masterlist ✭ requests
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Do you think the show did enough with the CCT going down and its consequences?
Absolutely not.
If anything, the show majorly underplays what something like that would mean for a world less than a century since a world war.
Imagine if the internet went down all over the world? If suddenly you would have no way to know what's happening in Australia or the Americas - imagine the chaos that alone would cause.
And that's our world - the one without eldritch monsters roaming the lands. Let's not forget that Remnant wasn't supposed to have satellites, long-range radio communication, or landlines.
To each Kingdom, over a single night, the rest of the rest of the world had become a pitch-black forest.
The biggest problem is that apart from Atlas none of the other Kingdoms end up focusing on that - the moment you take away the human conflict that comes with (lack of) communication is the moment stakes go down and the importance of the plot thread diminishes.
Let's go back to the end of V3 - the last moments of the towers being up involved all hell breaking loose - the revelation that Atlas had developed humanoid cyborgs, Pyrrha killing Penny, Cinder's message, and then the towers going down.
And then Atlas mechs assaulting people, WF assaulting the school, Grimm invading - all in the view of people from all Kingdoms who had gathered there for the festival - the events that those people would only be able to speak about.
Can you imagine the chaos that would cause world-wide - the different conclusions different countries would draw?
Would people in Mistral view this as a confirmation of their prejudice toward Faunus? Would people in Vacuo focus on the part of Atlas military attacking people?
How about the memories of the Great War and the role Mantle played there and how easy it is to tie Atlas to Mantle? Or how about the sheer paranoia the idea of android soldiers that can pass for a human would cause?
Lots of itchy trigger fingers, tension, mistakes, and passage of information that is way too slow and way too easy to corrupt or twist.
Each Kingdom SHOULD be struggling with the deteriorating situation inside and the unknown that the rest around them had become - some would absolutely use the situation to their benefit too (for example, there's no way Mistral wouldn't act upon the Faunus prejudice part if they knew nobody at Vale or elsewhere would know fast enough to stop them).
What we SHOULD have gotten was a thorough exploration of the world like that and the exploration of what humanity is and human nature - a macro level of the world mirrored in the micro level of the four leads separated all over the world having vastly different experiences.
Yet none of that is there - V4 is spent on trouncing through a forest, V5 is spent on literally nothing, V6 is one big nonsense and then we are in Atlas and then Atlas falls in such a way that has nothing to do with ANYTHING that has been set-up.
And then we are in talking animal candyland and then suddenly back and now none of that set-up matters anymore - it's time to stop Satan because a high-schooler sent a vague message which made everyone care.
For a story that hammered in for volumes upon volumes about how communication and working together is important the show sure did absolutely nothing with the idea of communication breaking down worldwide.
Salem has a WHOLE song about division at the end of V3! And the show. does. nothing. with. it.
Even Vale situation they now bait people with ends up instead using the awful Ever After nonsense for it rather than making use of the set-up that's already there.
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snarky-synesthete · 9 months
Newt & Anathema as Mirrors of Crowley & Aziraphale
So. I was trying to finish up a little fic for a server gift exchange, and Anathema and Newt were in it. It's the first time I've written them - I was going to have a little plot point about Newt taking Anathema's last name when they get married...because Device is cooler than Pulsifer, obviously, and also because Ana wasn't about to take the name of the Witchfinder who killed Agnes.
Fuck him, yes. Marry him, sure. Take that name? Insupportable. Luckily, Newt is just delighted to be included, so he's fine with being Mr. Device.
But that got me thinking about his name: Pulsifer. I thought, "Does that name actually mean anything?”
So I broke out my very rusty Latin skills. We can start with the English word "pulse," obviously, but it has a Latin root: pulsus, an adjective that means "beating." But the suffix "-ifer" means "bearer of" or "carrier of.”
"Bearer of the heartbeat."
So. If we look at Anathema and Newt as mirrors of Aziraphale and Crowley...I mean. They were all there at the big battle at the end of the world. Ana and Newt were ready to go head-to-head with Satan along with our two Ineffables, even though they didn't actually know each other. The novel of Good Omens has these "Odd Couples" at every turn. Funhouse mirrors of each other. Let's think about it though, with the names "Pulsifer" and "Device."
Device: "the crucial piece of clockwork without which the whole complicated mess falls apart"
Pulsifer: "the one who carries the very heartbeat of it all"
Maybe the only thing keeping Heaven from crumbling into chaos is Aziraphale, complicated little clockwork device that he is. That's also sort of how Aziraphale sees things! "Point A to Point C must and shall include Point B, and that's that on that!" There's something about the idea of expectations, of moving in a specified pattern, of fulfilling one's appointed purpose.
And then, the "bearer of the heartbeat" is Crowley. Heartbeats are NOT predictable things! They skitter and flutter and slow down and even - sometimes - stop. But still, predictable or not, nothing can go on without one. Something about Crowley and the heartbeat of the Universe, the heartbeat of humanity. Crowley being that pulse, that indicator of continued life.
But our Ineffables are complicated - as complicated as humanity is, as the Universe is! We can invert it:
The "device" is Crowley - he's the Starmaker, he set all those rules from his little red book into motion. Let him be the fixed point in time and space holding everything together with the power of his imagination. Sure! I'll buy that!!!
Then the "heart-bearer" can be Aziraphale: unpredictable! Ready to stampede in the entirely wrong direction! So full of love that it alters existence!
I don't have a conclusion! I just like thinking thoughts!
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purlty23 · 5 months
blue! just saw your post abt religious rhetoric & the fandom. do you have any specific instances or "takes" you could give us that youve seen? i know for myself peronally i have very little knowledge on religion as a whole, and could always stand to learn something ♡
Hello crow!!! Always a joy to see you in my notifs<3 Tbh, I’m not an expert either! I’ve only very recently in the past few years gained a big appreciation for theology of all sorts. Ghost was a huge part of the motivation for it, too. Most of the reading I’ve done has been though online resources. Here’s my personal library of PDFs! You can find the Satanic Bible, Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon, and loads more (plus some misc fiction) I would say the biggest thing that I see in fan interpretations of Ghost and Ministry lore is confusing Catholic virtues with Satanic ones. I’m going to disregard a lot of modern Satanism for the sake of the fantasy lore that Ghost has here, since a lot of modern Satanism isn’t actually even related to religious worship of Satan as a figure, but of the values he as a character has held throughout time. Modern Satanism, especially Laveyan Satanism, is more about worship of the self. Ghost is really interesting because it puts Satanism into the same state of popularity as Catholicism in its lore. Imagine if the Vatican was Satan themed instead. That big. However, some people tend to act as if that means it holds the same values or rules as Catholicism, which simply isn’t true. Ghost Satanism falls more into old classical Satanism (devil worship, summoning, magicks, etc etc), which means it likely does ascribe to the biblical story, same as Catholics do but on the opposite side. While Catholics repent and avoid sin, those who follow the religion in Ghost would STRIVE for sin, and encourage those kinds of actions in order to appease Satan and grow chaos, disorder, and ruin throughout humanity. Where Catholicism has made a name for itself through fear, shame, and the threat of exocommunication, the Ministry would likely value confidence, doing what it takes to reach your goals, and the uglier sides of human nature. Classical Satanism is a bloody affair, after all Of course, all of this can differ depending on how you see the plot of Ghost. Does the Ministry value these things, and if they do, do they act on it? Was Sister’s murder of the Papas in line with these values, and if not, are there newer ideas of what’s pious under Copia’s reign? It’s difficult to say, but one thing can be said for sure.
Ghouls would not abide by these values. By any values but their own, likely. Demons and the undead aren’t known for being particularly good at following rules TL;DR: When puritan culture and ways of thinking derived from shame, religiously motivated fear, and doing the ‘right’ thing are placed onto these characters it doesn’t really make sense. It’s important to ask yourself where your thoughts are coming from, especially if you’ve been raised in a highly religious background. (In fact it’s important to ask yourself where ALL thoughts and opinions you have come from in order to fight bias, societal constructs, and ESPECIALLY prejudices against others and against even yourself)
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