#satan is so cute omg
once-in-a-blood-moon · 2 months
Solomon and MC 💜
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mindyco · 1 year
Honestly, I'd love to see someone use some of these headcannons to create a fanfiction. IF SOMEONE WERE TO DO SO MAKE SURE TO TAG ME BECAUSE I'D LOVE TO READ IT PLEASE AND THANK YOU ( シ_ _)シ Artwork credit: @myt_s3
Scenario: What are they like when they're in love?
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Lucifer would find himself captivated by their every word and gesture. His heart would flutter when they speak, their voice becoming the sweetest melody to his ears.
He would make an effort to spend more time with them, inviting them for evening walks through the gardens or sharing quiet moments together by the fireplace.
In the privacy of his office, he may find himself absentmindedly tracing his fingertips on the desk where they sat earlier, cherishing their presence even when they're not around.
Finds himself daydreaming more often, his mind drifting to thoughts of them even in the midst of important tasks.
He may catch himself stealing glances at them from across the room, unable to tear his gaze away.
When engaging in conversations with others, his attention may waver as his thoughts involuntarily gravitate toward them.
In moments of solitude, he may find himself lost in contemplation, pondering on ways to make their life better and cherishing the memories they've shared.
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He would go out of his way to make them laugh, telling silly jokes and sharing funny stories to see their smile light up the room.
Mammon would find excuses to touch their hand or brush against them subtly, reveling in the warmth and electricity that flows through his veins at the mere contact.
He would become a little clumsier in his attempts to impress them, often stumbling over his words or tripping over his own feet.
He may find himself engaging in reckless activities, hoping to catch their attention or prove his worth.
His eyes would light up whenever they're around, his gaze solely focused on them, oblivious to the world around him.
Mammon would go out of his way to shower them with gifts, even if it means emptying his wallet and sacrificing his pride.
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Levi would find himself daydreaming about their smile and laughter, often losing track of time while lost in his thoughts.
He would invite them over to his gaming den, sharing his favorite games and exploring new anime, finding joy in their time spent together.
He may lose track of time, spending hours scrolling through social media to find the perfect memes and cute animal videos to share with them.
His heart would skip a beat whenever they mention a shared interest or make a reference to his favorite game or anime.
In quieter moments, he may retreat into his room and doodle sketches of them, capturing their likeness with great care and affection.
Leviathan's heart would skip a beat whenever they reach out to touch his arm in excitement or lean in closer to admire the details of a game character, the closeness electrifying his senses.
He might dedicate a corner of his room to a shrine of their shared memories, with pictures, ticket stubs, and other mementos that hold special significance to their growing connection.
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Satan would find himself falling in love with both their mind and their heart. He would engage in deep conversations with them, relishing the exchange of ideas and insights.
He would recommend books and literature that he thinks they would enjoy, and their shared reading sessions would become intimate moments of connection and understanding.
Satan would surprise them with little gestures, like leaving a pressed flower between the pages of a book they borrowed or sharing a handwritten poem inspired by their presence.
He may catch himself absentmindedly flipping through the pages of a book, not fully absorbing the words as his mind drifts to thoughts of their smile or laughter.
When engaging in intellectual discussions, his attention may waver as his thoughts involuntarily shift to pondering about their opinions and insights.
Satan may seek opportunities to share his favorite books and authors with them, hoping to bond over their mutual love for literature.
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Asmodeus would shower them with affection and attention, making them feel like the most special person in the world.
He would plan extravagant dates and outings, with candlelit dinners, strolls through romantic gardens, and dances under the starry night sky.
Asmodeus would take great delight in helping them choose their outfits, offering fashion advice and dressing them up in stylish ensembles that accentuate their beauty.
He would become even more attentive to his own appearance, spending extra time on his outfits, hair, and makeup when he knows he'll be seeing them.
He may find himself stealing glances at them from afar, admiring their beauty and radiance, often getting lost in thoughts of how lucky he is to have them in his life.
Asmodeus would be quick to shower them with compliments, praising their every feature and talent, making them feel like the most special person in the world.
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Beelzebub would become even more protective and nurturing towards them, ensuring they are well-fed and taken care of.
He may find himself stealing glances at them when they're not looking, his gaze filled with warmth and affection.
Beelzebub's focus may shift from his own food to their preferences and cravings, always eager to cook their favorite meals or surprise them with delicious treats.
He would instinctively prioritize their well-being and happiness, often going out of his way to ensure they are comfortable and safe.
Beelzebub would offer them a sense of security, his strong presence providing a shield against any harm or negativity.
He would create shared memories through food, inviting them to participate in cooking together and sharing meals as intimate moments of connection.
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Belphegor would find himself daydreaming about them during his frequent naps, his thoughts drifting to their smile and touch.
He may appear more relaxed and content when they are around, finding solace in their presence and feeling a sense of calmness wash over him.
Belphegor's eyes would linger on them even in moments of shared silence, appreciating their company without the need for words.
He may find himself embracing them in his sleep, subconsciously seeking their warmth and affection.
Belphegor would find himself falling in love in the most peaceful moments. He'd appreciate their presence as a soothing balm to his restless soul.
He would enjoy lazy afternoons together, cuddling in comfortable silence, relishing in the warmth of their companionship.
Belphegor would encourage their relaxation and self-care, often joining them in taking leisurely naps or enjoying calm activities like stargazing or watching sunsets.
He would protect their rest, ensuring they have a peaceful environment to recharge and offering a sense of tranquility amidst the chaos of the demon world.
~ 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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My hands aren't in the way in the full set 👀
Ooooo u wanna see it 👀👀
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strawberry-cowmilk · 4 months
Satan dropped and Levi has five days left.
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hello!! I'm sorry for replying kind of late (tumblr changed how my notifications look and it looks really messy now I'm sorry)
for the satan fans on here, they made a plushie you can get. sadly I am broke right now so I'll pass this time hehe
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lancermylove · 2 years
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devilishdelights · 1 year
It never really occurred to me that mammon is just straight up wearing jeans. Like I know he does…. But when I see them…. I get so confused….
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babybeel · 1 year
ohmygod i just found your blog and i want u to know your writing is GORGEOUS STUNNING INSANE INCREDJBLE i wanted to read some satan stuff before going to bed BUT I ENDED UP READING FOR ALL THE BROTHERS BC UR WRITING WAS SO GOOD OMG OMG im in tears the satan new year piece and the angst one with their nightmares HAS ME IN SHAMBLES and u just. get all their mannerisms and inner depth so beautifully AHH im so excited to read more! <33
this is so sweet of you to send omg ;;;; thank you so much!! it makes me so happy that you enjoyed reading and like my characterisations!! theyre something i work on a lot and i hope that comes through <33
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kadythethief · 1 year
hc satan is probably kinda straight-edge, like he probably is kinda of a party-pooper, would probably find it annoying to deal with a drunk mc
like he'd probably manhandle me :3
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demonsword586 · 9 months
Explaining WHB devils's kinks(since they all have a scientific names on their character introductions)
I can't belive I became active again just to make this post but yea. Anyway since the game is coming out soon,I wanted to make this post to explain their cannon fetishes(and to also boink everyone,since some of them are pretty.......terrifing)(Also a lot of ophilia words)
Anyway let's cut to the chase!
Starting off with Satan and his devils,we have:
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Sitri! He's into cardiophilia-fixation on heartbeats and hearts.(okay pretty tame,would probably love cuddling)
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Belial has discophilia-love of record sounds and record music (still quite tame,maybe a bit weird)
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Leraye with his keraunophilia-sexual attraction to thunder and/or lightning(kinda weird that he get's aroused by thunder but we don't kink shame)
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Astaroth with narratophilia-sexual attraction to words and stories,normally dirty ones(omg he's into dirty talk and fanfictions!Honestly who can blame him)
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Zagan coming in with kinesophilia-sexual attraction to movement and exercise(oh so he's into working out and sweat....intresting)
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Lastly Paimon with haematophilia-attraction to blood(also yes even tho this looks and sounds like a girl,he's actually a guy. Also I have a feeling he would love period oral)
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And we can't forget about the king himself Satan,who's into spanking! Pretty self explanitory. (He's probably an ass guy)
Let's move on to Mammon with his gold diggers(not actully but you get what I mean):
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First we have Bimet who has timophilia-arousal from gold or wealth(wow an actual gold digger,must be very happy when he looks at his own feet)
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Then there's this cutie! Eligos with his diaphanophilia-Sexual fondness for viewing nudity through diaphanous fabrics such as veils, underwear,baby dolls etc.(.....trust me I'm just as confused as you are about the baby doll part)
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Lastly the king of greed Mammon with pygophilia-arousal for buttocks(Oh he's the ass man!)
(Also I found out about Valefor's kink but don't have any images.He's into autoplushophilia-arousal from imagining you're a plush toy(legit he's so knightly and want to be a teddy bear!So cute!!!))
Continuing with Envy's devils!:
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First off...Foras who's into scopophilia-attraction to looking at naked bodies or watching others in the act(....he's that shadow you feel when you're changing clothes)
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Next this slay,Barbatos with that extra heliophilia-attraction to sunlight(this bitch apperantly wants to photosynthesise)
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The man who inspired me to do this...Glasyalabolas with necrophilia-(if you're wondering why that word sounds familliar it's because it's attraction to dead bodies......yea....moving on!)
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Lastly the king of envy,Leviathan with that breath control-choking and controling your or his breathing if it wasn't clear enough.(why do all the kings have the normal ones,kinda suprising)
Next on the plate we got Beelzebub with his little mafia bosses!(also what are those skin tight pants that they're wearing?)
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The biggest Beel shenanigans supporter Bael who also has olfactophilia-arousal of human smeels and odors(....the only man who doesn't mind if you didn't shower for years. Also he can apperantly even cosplay Beel for you)
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Next up Stolas who's into pecattiphila(oh sounds italian)-arousal from an act that one belives is a sin(damn he must really love being a devil then,I have a feeling he's also into virgins)
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Next up the dog himself,Naberius who likes autozoophilia-sexual arousal from.....being an animal(yes....he's into pet play apperantly)
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Following up is Amon(also nice collar) who likes harmatophilia- sexual arousal from incompetence or mistakes, usually made by a woman(*cough* he would love me cuz I'm useless-*cough*)
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Ending this pack of wolves with Beelzebub himself who's into olfactophilia-same as Bael,this man likes smelly humans(also what the heck are those things on his knees?!)
Moving on to the fallen angel Lucifer and all the healers he took!
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(bro you okay?) First off we have Morax who apperantly loves stigmatophilia-arousal from piercings and tattoos(understandable,he like that little bad boy/bad girl types)
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(oh nice muscle titties) Next up Buer with doraphilia-affection towards fur and skins off animals(damn him and Neu-something would get along nicely)
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Moving on to Marbas with that touch of merinthophilia-being tied up....probably into shibari as well
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Finishing this batch of bad boys with Lucifer himself! Who also has dacryphilia-arousal from tears and sobbing(oh kinky....but damn kinda evil)
Continuing with the boys that make me the most uncomftrable,Asmodeus's demons(unfortunatelly we don't have any more kings,maybe they will come after the game releases)
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The most disturbing one for the start,Ronove with his...acrotomophilia-fetish for....amputees(look I don't kink shame but-)
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Next up this disaster of a guy,Dantalian who likes autassassinophilia-sexually aroused by the risk of being killed.(also him x theraphy sounds like a pretty nice ship)
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(sir don't look at me like that) Phenix,with his pretty tame morphophilia-interest in sexual partners whose body characteristics (e.g., height, weight, skin and hair color) are different from one's own.(basiclly a size kink but with other versions of it. Also...um...is he always cumming? How are his clothes not damp?)
Next up the last sin on the list,Belphegor's demons(kinda love them actually)
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Starting with smarty pants,Gusion and his saphiophilia-romantic attraction based on someone's intelligence(damn it he's into nerds)
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Following up with Bathin's hodophilia-someone who loves traveling(don't know how to involve this one into the bedroom....playing beach house?....doing it in a winter jacket?...)
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Now for my favorite traumatized boy, Andrealphus with his...god...oculophilia-arousal from eyes and.....licking eyes(god why are you so hot yet have one of the weirdest kinks?! What are you?Jobin?!)
Dang it! I will have to make a part 2 for the angels,since I can only add 30 pictures!
Anyway I hope you enjoyed my little presentation,sorry it's so long!
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koolades-world · 13 days
Can you do headcanons of an MC who tries picking the brothers up but MC fails to pick them up
Like maybe ever so slightly they lift them but then they immediately fall down, likely taking the brother they tried to lift up with them
“YAY I’M DOING I- oh shit down I go” thud
haha omg yes!
i literally couldn't wait to do this one from the moment i saw it in my inbox. this one has all the funny but silly cute potential!
my post schedule will return to normal now for anyone who was wondering! it'll probably be a little bit before i post more regular fics just because of how time it took up and for creative purposes. i definitely feel like all the fics started to bleed together and felt the same to me. it wasn't any ones fault of course, it just made me realize how much i defaulted with my format and such
enjoy <3
Mc who tries to lift the brothers and fails
he'll humor you only because you asked very nicely and pleaded with him
he doesn't expect much out of you, but he's happy to let you try
did not expect you to get as far as you did
he will be freaking out and trying his best not to fall on you when you inevitably go down
he's nervous not because he's worried you'll fall
but because you wanna lift him? you wanna put your arms around him and carry him?
he lets you to prove that he's not at all shy!
(he didn't have long to relish the moment before you both toppled over)
at first he's totally against it for the same reasoning as mammon
he can't believe anyone wants to be that close to him
but all you have to do to convince him is give him puppy dog eyes and he caves
afterwards, he makes you promise to play some games with him to make up for that fall
he wasn't paying attention when he agreed
he was reading and just nodded along with everything you said
was surprised when you had him get up and you tried to lift him
he fell back onto the seat he was sitting on and has you rest with him :)
he's very excited!
honestly he's thrilled you want to carry him
he will jump into your arms and you will have to catch him, otherwise he'll complain about it later
at least if you fall, he'll be in your arms and he'll get the chance to snuggle with you <3
he half thinks you're joking at first
he stops laughing once he realizes you're actually not
your confidence and enthusiasm only makes him more nervous
he lets you though, and ensure that you're next to something soft you can both fall on
honestly, he doesn't really care
you could drag him wherever you wanted and as long as he doesn't actually have to do anything, he's on board
once you fall, he's not moving
it's nap time, right there on the ground where you fell. good luck getting him to move so you can get up haha
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r0-boat · 2 months
OmG thanks so much for all the delicious stuff you wrote ❤️❤️❤️ Wonder if you can write sth about somnophilia, like one night the WHB kings are horny and their s.o is deep in sleep 👀
Again thank you for the smut, I re-read it multiple times already 😋
Sure! Thank you so much for liking my writing! I really like writing for these demons.
Whb Kings Somnophila
Cw: dubcon (s/o is asleep and does not say yes or no to advances.)
the kings are horny, but s/o is sleeping deeply.
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His cock is throbbing in his pants; He wants you so bad but he can't bring himself to wake you up. You look so peaceful, so cute. He's utterly entrenched by your deep slumber your chest going up and down peacefully. So peaceful. His hand drifts toward his cock pulsating against the fabric of his jeans. He doesn't take them off rather slip his hand past the fabric and palm his legs. He shutters at how wrong this feels, but he doesn't care.
He gets in bed with you. His pants are long gone. He brings you against his chest. You're cute flesh thighs pressing against his length. It's not your hole, but it will do for now. Satan knows he if were to wake you, his subordinates would skin him alive, and anyone would kill him to be in his position. Your thighs feel amazing pressed against his cock heal. Remember that the next time when annoying ass Levi or Mammon start bragging about you.
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He wants to you to lay on top of him; ever since the first meeting were, you slept so peacefully on his chest; he is so desperate for that to happen again. You were so cute, small, and helpless, And he liked it when you used him as a bed. Mammon takes it upon himself to put himself in between the mattress and your body. Where he belongs, underneath you. You stured a little bit in his arms, but once you rested on his chest, he snuggled right into him. Perhaps he liked this a little too much; He smiled from his eyes cock starting to bulge in his pants. Shameless mammon sliding off his pants as he strokes his throbbing length, His other fingers playing with you till you're wet enough for him to slide inside. With your warmth around him and you sleeping peacefully, he was at peace. His dick throbbing inside you has he puts his hand in your hair petting you gently.
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After your first unpeaceful day in Hades after being kidnapped You must have felt exhausted. You absolutely refused to sleep in Levi. Ungrateful human! He offered the most secure and comfy place in the castle and you refuse to sleep on the couch?!
Curled up on the couch, You tried to retain warmth. Levi sighs. He didn't want to leave you here; he picked you up into his arms, moving you to a guest room instead. He was glad he saw you before anyone else could. His heart fluttered, knowing he was the only one to see you so sleepy and cute. You are so bratty and mean before, And now look at you. His eyes soften does he brushes your hair out of your face but this fingers tucking it behind your ear. He felt heat going to his cock. Fuck... You look so irresistible. Jealousy begins to bubble, other demons had to see you like this. Jealousy mixes with lust has Levi slips his cock out of his pants He can't help it He wants you so bad and he keeps thinking about the way your hands went around his neck. What have you done to him??
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He spreads your sleepy legs apart. He had been so hungry all day thinking about you for a quick meal but now that I found you sleeping so cute and peacefully. He couldn't help but dive his face in between your legs. Doing consciously grind your hips into his face, He eagerly laps at you deeper.. when you finally begin to wake up you clench around his tongue. Your thighs pressed against your head as your eyes fluttered open to meet wild pools of gold. Beel moans against you. As much as he likes your thighs squeezing his head, he pushes you open so he can have his fingers work you. He wants more when he notices you sleepily staring at him. He smirks. "Good morning, sleeping beauty."
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He is pleased to know that you are safe enough with him to fall asleep in his own bed. Though he is a little guilty that You had to wait until you fell asleep in his sheets. He can't help but feel a sense of pride having Solomon's progeny, curious little child of man, in bed, knowing they are so sought after. Another part of him is curious. He had never seen a human sleep so closely. He hopes you don't mind as he lays beside you. As soon as he got beneath the sheets with you, he was getting to move, pressing your ass right up against his crotch instinctively; he wrapped his arms around you, and your back pressed against his chest. Apparently, this is a human sleeping ritual called 'spooning.' The act is innocent but feels inherently sexual since you can feel the curve of your ass pressed against his bulging cock. His breath shakes with his head buried into your hair, inhaling your scent. You can't help but fuck his hips, but not enough to wake you. He wants this moment to last for a little longer.
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chifuyudck · 11 months
the brothers reaction to mc walking in to them jerking off
the brothers x gn!reader. nsfw.
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summary: literally just the caption omg. 😭
warnings: mentions of sex, masturbation, dicks.
a/n: guys this is the first nsfw typa writing from me so idk if it’s good, feedback would be appreciated. english isn’t my first language, sorry for any grammar mistakes. requests are open (also for nsfw)
he was about to orgasm from rubbing his cock up and down until he heard two soft knocks on his bedroom door. luckily he was in the office attached to his bedroom so he had more time to fix his pants.
the way his belt is unbuckled, his pants are lazily fastened by a button and his hair is sticking to his forehead doesn’t go unnoticed by you, and you quickly realise what’s going on.
he isn’t ashamed at all, just a little bit caught off guard. knowing he jacks off thinking about you hurts his pride, but you having him edge himself too? that’s even worse.
would pull you on his lap nonchalantly and act as if his bulge isn’t literally pressing into your ass, would whimper too when you move too much.
you always storm into mammon’s room without knocking since he does the same to you, although you didn’t think this would happen.
he’s all splayed out on the couch while fisting his cock, when he realises you’re standing in his room he freezes and his face turns red.
you quickly apologise and leave his room as he sits there dumbfounded.
he can’t stop thinking about what happened and honestly, he gets turned on by the idea of you seeing him jerk off while he was thinking of you.
he actually screams in a high-pitched voice as you walk in on him, his face all red and he stutters things like, “g-go away! mc! y-you can’t see me like this!”
when you turn away to leave he quickly gets up and pulls you back, “w-wait! t-things haven’t changed b-between us, right?” he asks you, still with heated cheeks.
“maybe you should put your pants on first, levi.” you tell him, and now he’s even more embarrassed.
is actually scared that you’ll walk in on him again, so he only jerks off in the bathroom now.
you both freeze up as you stare at each other as you accidentally walked in on satan jerking off.
he would say something like, “well this is embarrassing.” while stuffing his rock hard cock back in his pants.
he invites you to sit next to him on his bed, and you do. while he’s acting like nothing happened your cheeks are burning red.
the tension starts to grow between you and he might as well take his cock out of his pants again.
would love you even more after you walked in on you, tbh he always imagined this happening and now his dream is coming true.
he only puts his cock back in if you ask him to.
makes remarks on how cute you are when you’re flustered, says he hopes it will happen again and wants you to join him.
if you want to he’s totally open for it, but if you don’t, next time better! will definitely tease you about it later, while he should be the one more embarrassed.
he thought he could finally jerk off in peace now that belphie was playing games with levi in his room, but now you interrupted him.
apologises to you and quickly puts his pants back on, after that there’s an awkward silence.
you just stare at each other until you decide it’s better to leave him alone now.
is so embarrassed about it becomes the reason he can’t fall asleep, would later on come to your room and ask you to reassure him that you don’t hate him for it.
this man would probably just continue fisting his cock, even when you tell him to stop.
would start moaning your name to tease you and make you more embarrassed.
straight up goes around and tell his brothers how you walked in on him jerking off.
he doesn’t care at all, and forgets about it the next day.
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nor-4 · 28 days
Formula 1 Incorrect Quotes with reader Two
F1IQ - Part One
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Y/n: Bitch why don't you shut the fuck up before i slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Max: Are you threatening me??
Y/n: No, I'm hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch.
Lewis: Yeah uh, there's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Y/n: Oh what's that?
Lewis: The N-Word
Y/n looking at toto: Look at your dad. Such a dork, keeping bees.
Y/n: I mean atleast it's interesting though. At least like, i wish my dad kept bees.
Y/n: I mean it's kind of cute. Like, your dad keeps bees.
Y/n: How old is your dad? He's obviously beekeeping age. I dont know. I think It's kind of sweet.
Y/n: George, i wanna fuck your dad.
George: Oh really?
Yuki: Hey can i sit with you?
Y/n: Why
Yuki looking at stroll and ocon: The kids at the other table keep throwing ketchup packets at me.
Y/n: You're not covered in ketchup, though
Yuki: They don't know you have to open it first
Y/n: Damn. We need remedial bullying class too.
Yuki: So how do you like your remedial english?
Y/n: I guess it's whatever. My mom was really pissed, though.
Yuki: Yeah? What about your dad?
Y/n: My dad killed himself.
Charles: I'm finally seeing someone good for me.
Alex: Omg who is it?
Charles: A therapist
Y/n: max is pissing me off *20 minutes ago*
Y/n: nvm just got dicked down
George: Girl what..
Fernando: Every time i talk to you i feel confused.
Fernando: I've never met anyone that speaks like you do
Y/n: Stop lovebombing me
Fernando: what? It's not a compliment
Fernando: You scare me
Y/n: What are you hiding from me?
Zhou: Nothing..
Y/n: Zhou Guanyu.
Zhou pulls out a cat: The cat distribution system chose me okay
Y/n at drive to survive: If he cheats on you, put hair remover in his shampoo, you wanna act like Andrew tate, u gon look like him too.
Lewis wearing a beanie: I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS FOREVER
Toto: That's your fault. Being too quick signing your seat with ferrari
Oscar: Are you high?
Lando: Am i what?
Oscar: High
Lando: Hello
Christian: So what could a Mercedes principal possibly have then?
Y/n: I just feel like he'd be into satan-worship, or at the very least have a sex diary.
Christian: A toto wolff sex diary would be horrifying. He's like our rival.
Y/n: We say that about Stephen king books, we still read those.
Daniel: "Dear diary, hot candle wax hurts so good"
Christian: No it'd probably be like a thesaurus of words for "Good"
Daniel: Yeah he probably sexts with perfect grammar.
Y/n: "My wife showed an exquisite exhibition of lust for me."
Toto: Let me try something different here. Do you guys have thoughts and feelings for one another?
Y/n: Uhh i think George's kinda spoiled
George: And i feel like y/n's a bitch
Y/n: What're you gay?
Alex: What.. How did you know? I've never told anyone that.
Y/n: Dude look at your hair dye, you're either gay or color blind.
Lance: bro stop chanting in dead language's your scaring the hoes
Y/n: Bitch you is so lonely I'm summoning the hoes
Sebastian: You used to be shy, now you're a whore
Y/n: There's a thing called character development
Oscar: Reminder that I'm very sweet and endearing so be nice to me
Carlos: or what
Oscar: or I'll punch your lights out
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Hey yall this is a bit short cause I'm finna make a random crack twitter posts n I'll post it in the most random day. I love yall baby💋
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femd-archive · 8 months
HIII omg I love your sub satan fic it's so hot 😩 do you accept a request for sub Lucifer who loves being praised?? With Fem reader as well🙏
sorry for taking too long to reply! i've been busy with collage and so, but here it is!
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pairing: obey me! shall we date? — lucifer x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k
content warning: praise kink | masturbation | slight chest-play | unconscious use of pact mark | lots of kisses lol | lucifer is whipped for mc
📎 side note: english is not my first language, so sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes.
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The only thing praises do to Lucifer is fulfill his ego. Makes him act more gracious that he already is as he gives a simple smirk as a response.
But your praise? His cheeks grow red before he even realize, his body starts to tremble and grows hot. «When did he start acting this way because of a human?» He asks himself everytime, but he already knows the answer, and it's because it's you.
Lucifer lets out a sigh as he puts the last archieve of the day in the pile with the others. You look up from your book, smiling as you see him relax back in his chair.
"Are you done?" standing up from the couch, you ask as you walk over to him.
"Yeah, finally" he answers with another sigh as one of his hands starts to undo his tie.
Without even asking ᅳbecause it wasn't necessaryᅳ you take a seat on Lucifer's lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaves a kiss on his cheek, close to his lips.
"Good job, Luci. I'm proud of you and your hard work" you coo softly as you start combing his soft hair with your hands.
His face stays unreadable for a few seconds, before it melts into a soft scowl as he moves to hide in the crock of your neck
"Please love, don't do that" he whispers, yet, with his arms, he pulls you closer to him as to indulge you to keep caressing him.
"Don't do what?" you ask between giggles.
"Saying those sweet words to me" he simply answers, his thumb starting little ministrations in the skin of your hip.
"Why? You deserve to know that you're doing great" you left another kiss on your boyfriend's forehead. "If you need reassurance I'll remind you everyday"
Lucifer stays quiet for a few seconds before speaking again from his hiding spot. "Actually, I think that's gonna make it hard"
You frown. "Make what hard?" you ask, genuinly confused. You move around, trying to pull him away to face you, but in the motion you feel what's hard.
His hard dick pokes the side of your thigh as he thightens the grip of his arms around you, still hiding his embarrassed face from you.
"Luci…did you get hard because of my praise?" you ask, stating the obvious. He didn't need to answer verbally, since his silence already did it for you. You laugh again, embracing him back. "Aww, Luci ~ that's so cute" you coo.
"It's embarrassing" he mutters, pulling away just as much so he can rest his cheek on your chest.
"Well, I think is the cutest thing ever" you leave a kiss on his head. "You're the cutest" you add.
Lucifer slowly pulls apart from you, looking up with cute teary eyes and blushing cheeks. He pouts his lips a little, and you know that's a sing that he wants a kiss.
Taking his face in between your hands, you push your lips against his on a soft kiss. At least, that's how it started. With every second passing by, Lucifer grows more needy and by his state of lust he can't even think of hidding it.
His gloved hands run all over you body, yet doesn't make any further moves, waiting for you to give the first step.
Pulling apart, you say the next words as if you read his mind. "Want me to help you out with your little problem, pretty boy?" you ask as you take his gloves out, followed by his tie.
"Please…" he whispers, black eyes following suit your every move.
"Good boy" you whisper, leaving another kiss on his cheek as your hand travels from his chest to the bulge in his pants.
He hisses softly as you caress his swollen cock over his dressing pants, looking up at you in hopes he gets another kiss. He's not that lucky, since you're busy teasing him where he's more vulnerable now.
"Such a hardworking man, always busy to even take care of himself" you coo softly as you undo his belt, followed by the buttons and the zipper.
Moving his underwear a little, his hard dick finally gets freed, making him gasp at the cold air. "Look at that, all pent up. Poor baby" you whisper, starting to caress him slowly.
Lucifer rests his head on your shoulder as you keep your ministrations slow, moving your hand along his length. He grews impatient, though does nothing about it since he wants to be your good boy.
"Do you always wait for me to take care of you, baby? Bacause you're too tired to do it yourself?" you ask softly, resting your cheek upong his head, your free hand caressing his cheek lovingly.
"Yes…want you to touch me. I love your touch" he whispers back, closing his eyes as he melts in your hands.
"Yeah baby, I know you do" you leave another kiss on his forehead as you start picking your pace. The Avatar of Pride throws his head back, moaning softly as his precum quickly becomes some kind of lube that makes the job easier.
Lucifer's office quickly fills with the wet squelching sounds of his cock and his soft moans that he tries so hard to muffle.
"Keep making those sounds baby. I love how you sound for me" leaving another kiss on his cheek, you chuckle at his embarrassed face and his attempts to hide his moans. "Come on baby, be the good boy you are for me and tell me how good I'm making you feel" besides your praises, your soft command affects his pact mark, and he speaks before he can even think about it.
"You make me feel so good, my love…I've never felt this good in decades. O-only you can make me feel this way" he confesses non-stop.
"Yeah? Only me?" you whisper.
"Only you" he whispers back.
You attack his lips again, finally picking a rather fast pace as your free hands moves under his shirt and starts toying with his chest.
His moans dies on your lips as he pathetically humps your fist, trying to get even more friction that you're giving him, feeling the pleasure in his low stomach as he's about to cum.
"Please darling…" he whines, erratic breathing because of the kiss. "Can I cum? Please, please…" he begs again and again, and you wish anybody could see Lucifer Morningstar in this state, but that's a sight for your eyes only.
"Go ahead love, make a mess for me" you allow along a kiss to his nose.
He spruts ropes of thick cum as you keep whispering in his ear how good he is for you and how well he takes it, making him shout even more embarrassing moans as he hugs you closer, feeling his legs starting to shake.
You stroke him through it until he's finally done, slowly taking away your cum covered hand to hug him back as he calms down.
"Are you okay?" you ask once you notice he's breathing normally again.
"Yeah…" he replies softly, still lightheaded after that strong orgasm.
"Do you want to take a shower and go to sleep, pretty boy?" you question once again as you kiss his forehead lovingly. He looks up at you with tired eyes and a soft smile.
"Yes please"
"Good boy ~"
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Whb kings when MC dates one of their nobles
Satan would murder your boyfriend (affectionatly). He'll be quite pissed that you chose a noble over him, but I think he would act like a dad when their child first gets a date. "Who are you? What are you planning to do with MC? I need a detailed time-table of all the activities. How did you meet? What flowers did you buy them? How much can you lift?" Yeah, he knows his nobles like brothers, but he won't hesitate to abuse his status as their king to make sure you're taken care of. He would be most fine with you dating Zagan or Belial, they're the only sane people in the country.
Mammon would congratulate you. Of course his master would want one of his subjects, they're the highest quality you can get on the market. I don't think Mammon really sees any other devil as being a fully concious individual being. To him they're all kind of like pets. He loves them but in the same way someone might love a dog. So, to him, Mc dating a noble or a king or God himself is the same. He knows that at some point you'll return back to him. He's glad that it's someone from Tartaros since he gets to have you close. He would like to see you with Eligos because you could both be cute together.
Leviathan would murder your 'boyfriend' (aggressively). Oh, you're dating Barbatos? No you're not. Leviathan is a true gaslight gatekeep girlboss, so he'll try to convince you that your little noble sweetheart doesn't love you. He'll go to the noble in question and threaten to have them skinned for treason. He would rather flood his own kingdom than have you dating anyone else but him.
Beelzebub would do one of the following 1. Don't care, didn't ask, send nudes 2. Omg, tell me about it, bestie! 3. Who's the bastard so I know to have a talk with him.
He fluctuates between these three moods depending on what clone you're talking to and at what time of day. He's usually fine with you dating a noble unless he decided he put his claim on you first. It really depends in what order it happened, since he wouldn't try to break up an existing couple, but he won't let you date anyone else if he marked you already. He would prefere if you dated Bael since he knows that guy needs a break... or 1000.
At first I thought that Lucifer would be possessive of his nobles and wouldn't want some random ass human dating them (reverse Satan). But on second thought, I think Lucifer would be the number one shipper between you and said noble. He likes knowing that they are getting to interact with other cultures and species. He would probably pull you aside the first time your boyfriend introduced you to him and he'll pin you to the wall and speak in an intimidating voice "If you even think about hurting my brother, I will make sure you suffer in ways no human was supposed to." Then he just drops you, smiles politely and tell you to have a great date with your darling. He would like if you dated Gamigin because that's his son, but anyone would do.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 8 months
i sent the request about that tiktok trend thing! so, it starts with someone (MC) in front of the camera putting on lipstick and then purposely putting the lipstick out of their lips (like spreading/smudging it) or something. then their partner's thumb will touch the smudged lisptick, which makes the camera turn to their partner who's covered in lipstick on their face like they've just been kissed.
i forgot how i requested this, but just in case i wasn't specific enough, i was requesting if you could write about how the brothers would react or something if MC asked to do this with them!
hi! I'm so glad you saw that one post I made where I was saying I couldn't open the link omg, thank you so much for providing me with this information! I hope I did your idea justice
the brothers when mc asks them to do the lipstick trend together
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
a/n: I feel like the obey me version/name of tiktok is fabsnap so I'll be using that name to refer to the platform
content warnings: none
at first it's a hard pass because mr pride demon thinks it's silly
like he barely touches his fabsnap account after his brothers made it for him too
but if you ask nice enough and lucifer is too soft for you, he'll agree
but nobody can see your video, especially not his brothers or diavolo
they would joke about it literally every day
mammon is active on social media, so when you ask him to do the trend with him he's like sure why not
but then he's kind of shy about filming such a video with you
when you're done filming and you're watching the footage together, mammon is kind of proud of how the video turned out
now mammon will be asking you to do every funny fabsnap trend together
he has no idea what you're talking about because his whole fabsnap page is just hana ruri and tsl content or something so you're gonna have to show him an example video
levi kind of doesn't believe you want to do that with him, at first he says 'no way I can do that' but then he's willing to give it a try
it takes a couple of attempts but you finally got it
levi would prefer it to be a private video only for the two of you, so no posting it publicly
his whole fabsnap page is just cat videos so he too doesn't know about this trend
when you show him an example he suddenly remembers because asmo sent him a couple of fabsnap videos like that
satan is willing to do it with you though, it might take a couple of tries to get it perfect but when it's done he's proud of the result
when he makes a video it's usually something poorly filmed so he's impressed a video can be that well made
of course he'll do it with you
asmo keeps sending you videos of fabsnap trends and asks you to do them together too it's basically a fun activity you do together now
he actually wants to shoot two videos so you two can swap roles, and each of you can upload a different one to your accounts
asmo gets his literal professional ready so you can start, the videos turn out really nice too
he barely touches fabsnap so he doesn't know about the trend either
but he's totally willing to film a video like that with you, it could be fun and it makes you happy
with beel it takes a couple of tries too because he might accidentally knock down the camera a few times but it's okay because the final video turned out great
beel watches it every day because he's so proud of what you made
he knows it exist, and he's willing to do the trend with you as long as the video is just for you and him
belphie didn't know he'd enjoy filming a fabsnap video so much too, when you're done with this one he might want to make another one
when he's less tired though
eventually you and belphie end up with a whole collection of cute little short videos you made together
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