#samwise gamgee / kili
hirokosoul · 6 months
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wordbunch · 1 year
how you pamper them when they're stressed/overworked
a/n: requested by the sweet @almost-gabrielle, i hope you enjoy it, and everyone else too - it's going to be GIGANTIC! 😍 be nice, cause I included some characters I haven't written much before (exciting!!!) and if you reblog with a comment or a nice tag... i'll love you forever! 💖 that means a lot, and i'm very grateful for all of it 🥰
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ARAGORN: he actually feels like that quite often, but he’s incredibly good at hiding it. Luckily, you’re an expert in reading him like an open book, but oftentimes you need to literally physically drag him away from whatever he is doing (and he might complain as you do so). Aragorn just enjoys sometimes being quiet with you, and it’s usually what he needs when his mind is racing, or his body is overexerted. Or both. You can just lie down together and run your fingers slowly through his hair, and that will help him forget his worries at least for a little while. Secretly he is an absolute sucker for sweet, romantic confessions of love and affection, and he will melt if you whisper sweet nothings in his ear.
LEGOLAS: something has to be extremely serious for him to feel that way, because his limits are very high; but in those moments he just wants to get away from everything as soon as possible and run to you, because with you the rest of the world just fades away. He enjoys an outing in nature, far away from real life, especially if the two of you find a nice lake or river to go for a swim in, and eventually act like a couple of children splashing and chasing each other. If that doesn’t help, he likes to sit in front of you and let you braid his hair as he talks about whatever is on his mind, and it also helps him physically relax to have you sitting behind and so close to him.
BOROMIR: this man will most likely push himself to his absolute limits, because he shoulders too much responsibility and feels pressured constantly to be on top of things. However, it’s easy to notice when he becomes a bit more irritable at one point, and then you know it’s time to talk him into taking at least a little break. That can be a slippery slope, because once he gets you alone for 5 minutes, it can very easily turn into 15 hours, and he would never finish anything. But on some days it’s just necessary - you sweet talk him into a cuddle session, during which he accidentally falls asleep with his head over your heart, or you make some tea with love as the special ingredient – and tell him that! He’s going to melt and finally, gratefully accept that his partner wants to look after him.
FARAMIR: much like his brother, he will probably suffer in silence, but you can’t miss his tired sighs every now and then, and the way he shuts his eyes and rubs his temples. If you hug him from behind, he will melt into your touch and lean onto you so much that you will almost topple over, but that will also make him admit to himself that he really needs a break. Run him a nice, hot bath complete with fragrant ingredients, and candles lit around it,  and he will be forever grateful. If you don’t join immediately, he will very sweetly ask you to come with him because 'oh the bath is so big and so lonely' without one more person in it. 
ÉOMER: this hardworking man is actually quite in touch with how he feels, both physically and emotionally, and he knows when things are becoming too much and he needs to step away for his own good. It is not unusual for him to go search for you and suggest that the two of you do something away from everyday life. Many times he doesn’t even suggest anything, he just follows behind you whatever you’re doing - taking a walk and admiring some trees in bloom? He’s right there holding your hand. Sitting on a balcony and reading? He will lay his head on your lap and ask you to read to him. And he is content just being present with you.
SAM: he gets both overworked and stressed quite often, poor thing. Make him something to eat and bring it outside while he’s working in the garden, and just have a spontaneous mini-picnic in the backyard. Although he’s very hardworking and persistent, over time he’s learned to accept your help and pampering, and he really really enjoys it too. If he is under mental stress, maybe you’ll need to push him a little bit to tell you what is on his mind, but once he does, he will gladly listen to your advice or any help you can give him. 
FRODO: baby boy is in his head a lot and oftentimes he will accidentally create things to worry about, and he will just zone out. if he has a faraway look in his eyes, while doing nothing in particular, you can accurately guess what is up. He likes to feel useful, and he will gratefully accept if you ask him to help you with whatever you’re doing - it gives him an excuse to be kind and helpful, but also spend time with his favorite person. Especially if you’re organizing/re-organizing something, he will enjoy doing it with you, or cooking - he might not be the best at it, but he delights in giving you a hand, and he likes to learn and improve new skills anyway. 
MERRY: he is actually much more of an overthinker than he seems to be on the outside, so stress sometimes just generates outta nowhere! Also he isn’t the biggest fan of physical labor out there, but he is a little bit of a show-off when it comes to you, and he will go above and beyond when helping you with something or doing something for you, until he can barely stand. Afterwards he will take pride in the fact that you had to force him to stop whatever he was doing, but he was simply being so very nice to his favorite person! Something he loves to do to unwind in those moments is just come up with random stories with you, the two of you taking turns making up characters and events. He is a little bit of a baby and he will just take your hand wordlessly and put it in his hair, because it feels nice when you run your fingers through it.
PIPPIN: he will either be stressing over very small, irrelevant things, or something absolutely terrible, no in-between. If it’s something small, he has no problem rambling about it to you, and that usually helps him sort things out; but if it’s something serious, he will grow quiet. The best thing you can do for him in those moments is distract him with a silly idea like “let’s go for a walk and find as many kinds of blue flowers as we can” or just straight up make him laugh - it’s the best medicine. He wouldn’t ask you directly to do it, but he’d love it if you could just hold him or cuddle him for a bit (he’s the little spoon of course).
BILBO: oh he will get worked up over a whole bunch of random things; and when he is working on something, he goes all in (and then has a random episode of doing absolutely nothing), so you need to be the one who grounds him in reality sometimes. Just don’t startle him when approaching him quietly. He is very responsive to your touch and he will just lean into you as soon as you’re near, almost forgetting about everything else. He adores it when you hold his face in your hands and he will look at you as if hypnotized while you comfortingly reassure him that everything will be alright and that he doesn’t have to do anything alone as long as you’re around.
FÍLI: he is very big on “strong protective independent dwarf” and sometimes he doesn’t fully allow himself to rest properly, or to process some things that are bothering him on the inside. However, at one point it will all have to culminate, and then his first instinct is to shut himself off. A guaranteed way to get through to him is to kiss him senselessly wherever you can reach and it makes him subconsciously relax almost immediately. He will kiss you back passionately which helps him eliminate some of the tension he’s feeling. Additionally, he will never ever say no to receiving a nice little massage from you. 
KÍLI: oh he is quite proud of himself if he ends up overworking himself for you, as if it gives him bonus partner points. You will gently scold him for pushing himself too far, and then he will pout, but you know he still doesn’t regret it. Then he himself will drag you away for a cuddle session - he chose that as his reward for being the very best partner in all of Middle-earth - but you don’t have to exclusively cuddle. He finds it very relaxing if you sing something quietly to him and he will look up at you with shining eyes.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings ​​​​​​ @thesolarangel ​​​​​​ @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place
@valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorinpainter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency      @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3  @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @sweetpea-thoughts
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idontcarecarebear · 6 days
It would be cool if Gollum were the size of a man. How terrifying would it be to see him standing at full height and towering over Frodo and Sam? Knowing he could overpower both of them, but because of the torment of the ring, he grovels at their feet, but they know if he has a moment of clarity, he could take the ring from them. Poor Bilbo coming across this giant, sickly, pale creature all by himself in the caves, having to answer riddles while he watches this giant creature lick its lips and think about eating his flesh.
Imagine Gollum's looming figure staring down at them, his green gleaming eyes and spine protruding from his skin as he lowered himself to be smaller than the hobbits. With his hands bigger than their chests, he tries to make himself small and unthreatening. Despite his height, he still manages to be quiet, stealthy, and able to disappear without the others knowing where he's gone or coming back.
It would be like a horror movie, waiting for him to sneak up behind Sam or Frodo to steal the ring and take their lives.
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What if the Company slipped forward in time while in Rivendell to when Frodo, Merry Pippin, and Sam were all there along with Gimli and Legolas before the fellowship formed?
Fili and Kili are going to get along with Merry and Pippin like a house on fire. The trouble they would cause together would be legendary.
Gloin would be all over his son Gimli, gushing about how well he grew up and how proud he is.
It would be inevitable, though, that they would find out about the success and failure of their quest.
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lord-westley · 4 months
Consequences of Love
All LOTR/Hobbit Characters - Character Neutral
Angsty, Speaks of Heartbreak
Warnings: Mention of Drowning
A/N: I wrote this in like 4 minutes while on the train. Thought it would fit just about any character
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Everyone across the world praises the magic of love. How love can provide strength to one throughout their days. They speak of the comforts of home, returning to your lovers arms; relishing in their sweet kisses.
Their words are not false, for love is truly a sacred feeling. Having the ability to laugh freely with loved ones is a luxury not all can afford. Yet one thing that is not spoken enough, is the pain of gifting a piece of your heart to another.
Granting a piece of your heart is not for the weak, as you have to acknowledge the possibilities of losing that piece for the rest of your life. That you will forever have to endure a shattered, incomplete heart.
They say time heals all wounds, but some- some are so deep they are sewn into your muscles. With every step, with every breath you take; you'll feel the stitches get heavy like chains trying to drag you down.
If you're not careful, those chains may just drag you to the bottom of the ocean. Where you shall drown in the tears of all who suffered, as the cuffs cut into your wrists; blood droplets encircle your head like a crown of rubies.
Yes, love is quite a magical emotion. But beware of who you let into your heart, for you will never be whole again.
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blade-liger-4ever · 4 months
Hobbit Trilogy memes I made
Plus one Lord of the Rings meme I made
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I am so sorry, I only just realized I misspelled Radagast's name...
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rhinocio · 2 months
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you: wow wish Tolkien's books were easier to read me: how do you feel about full nonsense, except as an epic
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fili-urzudel · 11 months
Nothing fancy, just browse and enjoy.
Requests post here.
Fifty-one Prompt List here.
AU Prompt List here
The Hobbit:
Starting to Date Headcanons
Remants - Drabble
Pebbles - Fifty Follower Celebration
Girl in Calico - Second Pt. 2
From Afar - Second Pt. 3
Pebbles - Fifty Follower Celebration
Dating Headcanons
Moonrise - Fifty Follower Celebration
A Kiss Hello
Enchanted - Fifty Follower Celebration
nothing yet
Dating Headcanons
Should You Wish
Dating Headcanons
Pebbles - Fifty Follower Celebration
nothing yet
The Lord of the Rings:
Take a Break - Fifty Follower Celebration
Dating Headcanons
Engagement and Marriage Headcanons
Domestic Life Headcanons
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
Care - Fifty Follower Celebration
nothing yet
Burden - Fifty Follower Celebration
nothing yet
nothing yet
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gnomescarfcomics · 7 months
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Middle-earth shots of the week
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middle-earth-tardis · 2 years
Please reblog if you vote! It will help increase the sample size :D
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camelotsscribe · 2 months
how they react when you're injured, the hobbit & lord of the rings
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series: lord of the rings warnings: injury, possible anger (thranduil) my etsy shop: camelot's scribe | letters from your favorite character
haldir would maintain his stoic and calm demeanor outwardly, but inside he would be deeply concerned. he would tend to your wounds with the utmost care, using his knowledge of elvish healing. he'd stay by your side until you were fully recovered, silently vowing to protect you more fiercely in future battles.
legolas would be quick to your side, his keen eyes immediately assessing the severity of your injuries. he would use his agility and elven grace to ensure you were moved to a safe place quickly. his worry would be evident in his eyes, and he would speak soothing words in elvish to comfort you as he bandaged your wounds.
thranduil would be furious—not at you, but at the fact that you were harmed under his watch. his regal demeanor would not falter, but his actions would be swift and precise. he'd command his healers to attend to you immediately and would personally oversee your recovery, ensuring you had the best care available.
aragorn’s experience as a healer would come to the forefront. he would remain calm and collected, quickly stopping any bleeding and using his knowledge of athelas (kingsfoil) to help with your pain. he would stay with you, offering words of encouragement and sharing stories of past battles to keep your spirits high.
fili would be deeply worried, his usually cheerful demeanor darkened by your injury. he’d carry you to safety himself, if necessary, and insist on staying by your side while you were treated. his protective nature would come out, and he’d make sure you knew how much you meant to him, promising to keep you safe.
kili’s reaction would be a mix of fear and determination. he’d rush to your side, calling for help while trying to keep you conscious and talking to him. his hands might tremble as he helped bandage your wounds, but he’d crack jokes and share stories to keep you distracted and smiling.
bilbo would be beside himself with worry, his usual composure shattered by seeing you hurt. he’d do his best to help, though his hands might shake and his voice quiver. despite his fear, he’d stay with you, offering comforting words and holding your hand, determined not to let you feel alone.
frodo would be visibly distressed, his empathetic nature making your pain feel like his own. he’d work diligently to help bandage your wounds, his face pale with worry. he’d stay close, reading to you or telling stories to keep your mind off the pain, his concern and care evident in every action.
merry would be practical and focused in the moment, quickly doing whatever was necessary to stop the bleeding and ensure you were comfortable. once the immediate danger was over, his worry would show more openly. he’d keep you entertained with his humor and stories, never leaving your side.
pippin would initially panic, but he’d quickly pull himself together for your sake. his usual light-hearted nature would be replaced by a fierce determination to see you healed. he’d stay close, holding your hand and talking to you about anything and everything to keep you distracted from the pain.
sam would be a rock, his sturdy presence and calm demeanor providing comfort. he’d tend to your wounds with surprising skill, his years of caring for frodo showing. he’d offer words of encouragement, his voice steady and soothing, and he’d make sure you knew you were not alone in your recovery.
galadriel’s reaction would be a mix of serene calm and deep concern. she’d use her powerful healing abilities to mend your wounds, her touch gentle and comforting. she’d speak to you in soft, reassuring tones, her presence a beacon of light and hope. you’d feel safe and cherished in her care, knowing she would do everything in her power to see you well again.
author's note: do you want a letter from any of the characters from the hobbit or lord of the rings? check my etsy for detailed personalized letters from any character you wish. click the link below:
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LotR + Hobbit Characters as Tumblr Posts - Part 15/?
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leviahthanart · 1 year
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some 40-60 minute warm-ups/studies of male lotr characters!!
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blushingsastiel · 7 months
"it's me. it's your sam! don't you know your sam?"
these movies are trying to hurt every cell in my body.
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anneangel · 6 months
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