#sammy the confused
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“Well,...this is...unexpected, (Y/N). But we certainly have encountered ‘worse’ before...”
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gunsatthaphan · 1 month
the wabisabi transfers arriving at their first gmmtv outing where the laws of physics, society and the universe don't exist-
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suncaptor · 1 year
I don't think everyone else is losing their mind enough about the fact that in 2009 they made one of the first things Sam Winchester ever do when he met the devil was kiss him.
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devilat-thedoor · 5 months
Greta Van Fleet as Dazed and Confused characters
Sammy as Kevin Pickford
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Jake as Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
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Danny as David ‘Woody’ Wooderson
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Josh as Ron Slater
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thecryptidart1st · 8 months
Movie! Mike Schmidt's character in a nutshell (spoilers below):
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gensokiyoo · 3 months
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anthemofgvf · 9 months
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bigmammallama5 · 10 months
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Got a good grade at our annual checkup this morning. (Don’t let her sweet face fool you, she would have bolted outta there if allowed.)
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just-bendy · 1 year
So we don't have game-canon Sammy, and your Sammy is still in development... Now I'm curious, any ideas on him so far?
Also, a passive skritch scratch on the head for bendy, as always 💜
(( lazy out of context lore,,, probably not what you asked for but it counts,,, ig
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( a bit of a time skip here )
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and scritches 💜 ))
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insane-control-room · 3 months
sent from above
Sammy stares at the man on the floor. Was he a false savior? Or an angel?
inspired by the end of the batim chapter 1 fan remake :) i would link it if i could but alas...... (looks at JDS LLC)
RATED: G WARNINGS: Religious fanaticism, Paranoia Length: short (500 words) Ao3 link here. REMINDER: you must be signed into Ao3 to read my work on the platform due to AI scrapers targeting my work.
Sammy stared down at the man who had invaded their peaceful realm. 
He was soaken with ink, laden with the liquor of the Lord, and his expression, though it was hard for a moment as he turned to face the prophet, was now soft, lined with benevolent concern. 
Sammy’s hand tightened on the pipe. 
Who was this? His immediate thought was this was a false god, some imposter who had thought that he could take the place of his Lord. His arm rose to bring the pipe down again, but something- something stopped him. 
A realization. 
This could be a gift. What was that angel always yammering about? That she was an angel, sent onto them from above? No, she was not. Sammy had seen her rise from the inky puddles, she was a blasphemous fraud. Oh- oh, the realization. The revelation.
This… this was the man that Sammy had been prophesying of all along. He was wrong, in his interpretation of the Lord’s word. His Lord never meant that He would redeem him himself, and while the notion stung, this man was proof that they were not abandoned. 
He would set them free- he was sent from above. Sammy had seen the rays of sunshine above him, burning his dark and holy skin with its purifying rays. 
Sammy knelt down to this angel, prodding with the pipe carefully. His teeth, wet and soft, gnashed against one another as he tried to comprehend the human form before him. 
It was… perfect. 
Sammy inhaled once, allowing himself to relax and smile. 
But maybe- 
The thought struck
Maybe too perfect. 
Sammy flinched back, as though burned. But of course! This was nothing but a ruse, a lie, a deception! This man could not be the savior from the Lord; it was not what Sammy was promised. Or was he? 
Sammy’s head spun. He could hardly decide what he believed anymore. Was his faith so shaky?
Resolving himself, he dragged the man- angel- falsehood- into the center of the pentagram. He took the axe, ran his slick fingers along the edge of the metal. Sharp. Clean. Beautiful. 
He set it aside. It was not his tool. 
Quietly, he heard the Voice of the Lord echo through the pipes, whispering; Not yet.
A rush of electricity ran through Sammy’s body, his fingers trembling with delight, his lungs aching to sing with praise for his Lord. At last, a message! A message, for him, after silence for so long! And one that proved to him that he would be an instrument in the coming of the end, in the coming of their Freedom. The axe was not his, not yet. It would be his. He would be at the side of this angel, and together they would forge the new world. 
His heart light, Sammy assured himself that he would watch this sheep carefully, and he would be his shepard, to guide him unto the path of their Lord. 
He would set them free. 
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charlinecarter · 2 years
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Well. I'm not going to lie, I was looking forward to the release of BATDR : I woke up this morning at 7am, played the game for 11 hours in order to finish it the same day. And boy, oh boy. I have a lot to say. In order not to get lost, I've divided my review in several parts concerning differents parts of the game because in my opinion there are as many perfectly well done parts as BIG failures :')
Here we go !
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To be quite honest : The graphics of BATDR are breathtaking. The cartoon style is, as usual, perfectly mastered, and the multitude of details and textures make the Bendy's universe ultra solid and constant. HOWEVER. In my opinion, we see less the "black and white" aspect of the universe because of the new use of bluish and greenish tones in the game, which sometimes gives the impression that the game is in color and not in a sepia world (I’m not talking about the end and the beginning of the game of course), which I find is a bit of a shame :/
NEVERTHELESS. The lighting is breathtaking. I was blown away during the whole game-
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Beautiful, as always. Even better, since it seems like there is an orchestra behind some of the songs sometimes, because of how professional they sound ! Maybe a little disappointed by the music of the credits? Or maybe it's just because I'm obsessed with Drawn to the Darkness-
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This is where I was disappointed : some puzzles are very simple to understand and to do (like the puzzle proposed (imposed ?) by Malice or Betty's request) while some puzzles are literally incomprehensible : many puzzles are not explained or explicited so I spent half of the game pressing buttons or pushing levers without knowing what they were doing :/ There are also a lot of puzzles that are very slow and boring which cuts the hype very quickly.
This is a TOTAL FAILURE to me: if in the previous game you were afraid to cross the path of the Ink Demon, in BATDR, the screamers are more about reflex and speed than fear: first, the game feels obliged to explain to the player that he has to hide, which is quite annoying. Then you don't even see the ink demon, you just get a cheap black and white screen and a loud gurgling noise. In short, very disappointed.
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The game is really more frightening than the first one, without any doubt! :') The screamers work pretty well and the overall atmosphere makes you pee yourself continuously during the 11 hours of gameplay. What I find less efficient is the screamers of Carley (I don't remember her name but she's basically the fourth member of the butcher gang) and in general of the members of the butcher gang (who appear from the lockers) which are totally UNNECESSARY : It's scary the first time, surprising the second time and then you just get tired of it.
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Absolutely beautiful, the artist's artstyle is incredible! I just think that the music did not do justice to the beauty of the drawings.
Let's go to the most important part in my opinion :
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Joey McFucking Drew
Wow. Just wow. I didn't particularly like Joey before BATDR but in this game, I LOVED what they did with his character: His cartoonish ghost design is awesome, he's just gorgeous. His reveal is perfectly executed in my opinion and you almost feel sorry for the bum as he monologues with Audrey. The reveal of his grave was also very good apart from Joey walking through the walls because well, yeah, ok, we get it, he's a ghost 💀 no need to make him walk through the walls lmao. His little hideout is great especially since we see that it's modeled after his apartment seen in BATIM! In short : I loved it.
Henry Stein
Henry's design is great : the way he appears in the game is in my opinion the best introduction the devs could have created to introduce this iconic character. In short, excellent 👌🏻
Audrey Drew
I was initially very afraid of the character of Audrey: I was afraid that she would be yet another character created to have the girl quota in a video game and that therefore she would have no personality...If only I had known- Audrey is in the game endearing, strong, brave but also jaded and outraged by the absurdity of the world before her eyes, which makes her even more relatable. If Henry in BATIM was (let's be honest) flabby and subservient, Audrey is dynamic, which really makes us want to see her get out of the cycle unscathed. She also has a design that I find simple but classy and elegant.
To be honest, Malice is a character I deeply hate simply because I think the devs butchered her in BATIM: I thought she had a lot of potential, completely wasted by the cliché of the heartless evil psychopath made throughout chapter 3 and 4. In BATDR I really thought that this cliché was back in the annoying dinner scene in which Malice is as usual machiavellian for no reasons. HOWEVER. I was very interested by what happened next : when Malice shoots at Audrey, I saw for the first time weakness and fear in her. When Allison finally kills Malice (a second time lol) by stabbing her in the heart, I found their dialogue really touching, showing (FINALLY) that Malice is not fundamentally evil: She's just misunderstood and completely gone. The note that Audrey finds in which Susie explains that beauty is the only thing that manages to make someone live from the look of others really touched me and almost made me sad about Malice's death. So I can say that thanks to batdr, Malice has gone up in my estimation.
Allison is, as usual, a character that I find horribly endearing: Her facial expressions are wonderful, unlike in BATIM where they were less pronounced. Her role of guardian angel is super well done, especially since it is not too pushy: She doesn't stick to Audrey during the entire game, bless. Her relationship with Susie is great, her little note to Malice made me soft I confess-
I love Tom and I really thought until the very end that he was not going to appear in the game lmao. His appearance is however, according to me, anecdotal and even bland since it is absolutely USELESS (it was only made to please the fans (me)) I didn’t like his redesign that much, I find it less "polished", more wobbly. And his robot arm is less badass in my opinion. But good point: he has one less strap which makes me VERY VERY happy 👍🏻
Useless. I found this character to be utterly absurd: He serves no purpose other than to give Audrey his power before disappearing in the most cringe-worthy way. His micro appearance during the final fight made me laugh anyway.
I found this character really interesting but once again, not developed enough : the idea that Betty's face didn't suit Wilson was very nice, but the fact that we don't learn more about her makes it frustrating. We would like to know what she looks like under her mask, how many other Bettys were conceived before the current one, what is really her relationship with Wilson, etc... I find her design brilliant as well as her voice and her odd walk, so I'm more frustrated than anything else because of her undeveloped character.
A very good vilain in my opinion : I really like the fact that during the whole game we ask ourselves "is Wilson really evil?" And I think that, as soon as the viewer thinks that, the villain is successfully made. When the villains are evil and excessively vile (*cough* Malice *cough*) the viewer is less affected by his or her dirty tricks and low blows. Wilson, on the other hand, continually juggles the role of dictator and parental figure for Audrey, which makes the final battle with Wilson all the more confusing (we're still not sure if Wilson really meant us harm or not). What I can criticize about this character is his voice and appearance, which I find more comical and grotesque than scary.
Nathan Arch
His voice is beautiful, that's all I have to say.
Adorable but useless. I think his design is terribly well done, I simp like crap every time he appears on my screen. I'm also very happy that the devs didn't give him a voice: I think it keeps some mystery about this enigmatic character. But otherwise, I find that he served absolutely no purpose in the plot. He also didn't bring anything to the lore. Why is he there? We don't know. To whom belonged the soul that was used to create him? We don't know. His relationship with the other inhabitants of the cycle? No idea. In short, a little disappointed by the very weak depth of the character.
Ink demon
I loved this character, very well done to me. I'm just disappointed that he has a voice: I think that, with his absolutely nightmarish appearance, it would have been even creepier if he didn't speak and only smiled. I think that with speech, we know too much about what he thinks, his personality, his opinions, etc...
Sammy Lawrence
My God. What have they done to my baby? We'll talk about the positive things first because there are so many negative things to point out, I'd rather start with the nice things: His design in the game is beautiful, very detailed, gorgeous 👌🏻 His appearance in his cell was also downright awesome: the fact that Sammy is so depressed that he doesn't even put his mask on anymore or doesn't even play the banjo properly made his appearance (too late in the game for my taste) very touching. The memos he wrote were also pretty well done. But then the ending. My god. When Sammy finally shows up after 10 hours of gameplay to say only 3 poor sentences that we can't even grasp before falling pathetically from the balcony, Meatly, Mike mood, WHAT THE FUCK? Why did you have to massacre this character like that ??? Joey Drew Studios still had the audacity to sell BATDR merchandise of Sammy even though this asshole is ABSENT the whole game. What a disappointment. In a game where the political context is so complex and tense between Wilson and the Ink Demon, I expected more from our favorite composer and prophet.
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Audrey is a Drew
Absolutely brilliant. It blew my mind, me, who was convinced that Audrey was a Stein. The relationship between Audrey and Joey is adorable, very well developed and really touching in my opinion. Really, I loved this plot twist.
Wilson is an Arch
I found this plot not very convincing because Nathan was not developed enough during the game. Therefore I didn't really have time to get attached to the character and to be surprised by the revelation of the father-son relationship between him and Wilson. Therefore, very random.
All the inhabitants of the BATIM cycle have been captured and imprisoned/ Fight between the Keepers and the Cyclebreakers
Absolutely brilliant, it's worthy of a very very good scenario from a BATIM AU! Fanfiction Written on AO3: Henry's reveal in his cell left me breathless. Seeing all these old characters (Sammy, Henry, Bertrum, Norman (rip my boy)) really touched me and I thought the reveal was handled perfectly.
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The ending leaves me with mixed feelings: I think it's too easy that Audrey manages to beat Wilson, beat the Ink Demon, break the cycle and control what happens in the cartoon world from the real world in only 10 minutes while Henry didn't manage to do any of that in 1 whole game. The fight in which Audrey and the ink demon are merged together is really ridiculous, we don't even know where to look: at Henry who is immobile in a corner? Allison who shoots everyone? Tom who rides a giant blob? Porter who appears for a micro second ? the horde of searchers who beat the shit out of the ink demon ? Audrey and the ink demon cutting each other off ? Sammy falling from the balcony ? I really laughed at this scene because I found it so off compared to the rest of the game. I find the ending to be too much of a “happy end”, in my opinion. And then Audrey who gets her legs ripped off but doesn't seem to care? I was really confused about that ending-
Anyway I liked BATDR except for the violence they did to Sammy by throwing him off the balcony.
Feel free to tell me your opinion on BATDR or to contradict what I’ve just said before: this is only my opinion after all ;) Thank you for reading me <3
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campbenji · 1 year
romance plot aside, Brooklynn and Kenji definitely had an hour-long rant after the Ben "rejects" Yaz scene because they were 100% sure Yaz had a crush on Sammy and had to reconsider everything
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the-artist-from-hell · 2 months
Bendy and the dark revival fans what the heck is that-?
Where you can find it and how under cut:
MILD SPOILERS?: this can be found in the area before Wilson’s safe house thing, down one of the train tunnels specifically the tunnel that had the poster of the lady, ((it seemed this crow/bird will only trigger after you’ve already had your big encounter with Alice angel))
Note: this doesn’t appear before the fight ((at least from what I saw personally in my own play through)) from what I know there is no way to get into the room with the bird.
What if you have your ability’s back? : Even if you found the way to disarm all the ability stoppers you can’t use it to go in.
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I think Sammy tries to warn Jeremy not to get too close to Mike when Jerry is working as mike's handler at fnaf 6. Sammy knows what freaky supernatural stuff does he's face down Spring trap as the guard of Fazbear fright, And he really doesn't want this poor brain-damaged man to get tied up in all of that. Jeremy doesn't listen or is too brain damage to understand that maybe going on a date with the strange purple corpse man who keeps on yelling about ghosts in the walls is not a good idea.
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emmettland · 2 months
literally Sam is so gender envy for me it drives me insane. i need to kick my ass into weight-lifting again so i can have buff arms again just like my babygirl, even though they will never be THAT buff
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noahtally-famous · 3 months
not me popping back on here with a post after months of semi-inactivity (uni is being a bitch) just to reiterate how much i love writing the pahkitew island cast.
aside from sammy and amy (obviously), literally everyone else can be shipped with one another and it'd make sense to some degree, like it takes skill to create a group of people so inherently shippable (platonically and/or romantically) and ofc the writers didn't know it they just shoved a bunch of random ppl together and dusted their hands off on it but fr tho 😭
(yeah im planning out my leonave 'stranger things inspired' au, and the gears are turning, and i forgot just how much i love writing for this dumbass group)
(i swear im working on the next chapter of a guide to surviving the apocalypse too)
#no but i've way too many ideas lmaoo#i forgot ive a whole longass post in my drafts dedicated to ramblings abt this longfic and i came across it today ahaha#like amy leading a manhunt for leonard bc shes got everyone to think he killed her sister (who she didn't even like much smh)#and topher's one of the ppl involved and when shawn hears he's like “topher? yeah i can handle him dw” (possible tophawn minor pairing??)#and leonard's abt to get the equivalent of being burnt at the stake literally#when guess who shows up in a fucking mercedes of all cars#fucking dave#and he helps leonard escape narrowly by driving fast af and leonard's so confused bc like “i thought you'd be with those guys”#and get this: dave doesnt believe leonard killed sammy bc of his vehement belief that leonard doesn't know magic LMAOOO#and leonard doesnt know whether to be affronted or grudgingly thankful bc if it wasn't for dave's desire for everything to be normal#leonard would have been part of the witch trials 2.0#and idk who's watched st but the plot is somewhat inspired by it#like shawn goes missing first and dave as his best friend is panicking abt it (in this one axel is shawns cousin???)#and then when they find him at last the weird deaths start leading to leonard finding sammy dead and this whole situation#and theres a whole different world underneath them and its up to leonard dave ella and sky to team up and prevent certain destruction#and theres slowburn leonave (with pining leonard and oblivious dave)#and leonard lives with his uncle whos understanding of his passions (unlike his dad who basically gave him away for the same reason)#and leonard's life is total opppsite from dave's#and they both know it#and omgggg this au has been a brainrot for so goddamn long#but idk why i just got a slew of ideas for it today#and like dave stays over at leonards at one point and leonard gives him his bed (like a gentleman)#and the next morning shawn barges in like “wheres my best friend” bc ever since he was taken he's been v paranoid abt losing the ppl he lov#and he hugs dave and daves like “how dirty are you rn” and shawns like “nothing yet i waited so that i can hug you when i see your dumb ass#and everyones like abt dave to leonard “idk if he's the right one for you”#but then later on dave saves his life by going a little bit unhinged classic dave-style#and ends up scaring a nurse and receptionist into retiring early#total drama#td leonard#td dave
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