#thank you cas
destielgaysex · 1 year
rowenared: tag someone whos always waking up pregnant
samwinchester: @.castielofthelord
impala84: LEAVE.
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sean-shifted-wake · 2 years
“it’s simple. free will is a length of rope. god wants you to hang yourself with it” is way too good of a quote to have come from cw supernatural
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godsweakestsoldier · 9 months
maple, harvest, and fog for the autumn ask! 🥰
Oh these are good ones :)
Maple: is there a hobby/skill that you've always wanted to try but never did?
Most things I've wanted to do, I've managed to wriggle my way into. Yet, I've always wanted to get into snowboarding, and I may eventually. I remember watching my cousin do it from a young age, but I had seen all the trauma that can come from it and got nervous. I know this is the most lesbian answer, but it looks very fun, and the more stereotypical I can be, the better. I may just have said cousin teach me.
Harvest: what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
Any and every morally grey character always attracts my attention. I can't get into any fiction and not be pulled towards them. That being said, the fictional character that I identify with most is probably Vin from Mistborn (Era 1) by Brandon Sanderson. It's a toss up between Marsh and Vin with this. Vin's the protagonist of Era 1 and is probably where I fell in love with the morally grey character. She's constantly pulled through self-preservation and self-sacrifice. She accidently becomes apart of a religion, attempts to rule an empire (let's out an ancient force), and becomes a martyr. She fits all of my favorite tropes but also, she's just so human in it too. You might enjoy this series.
Fog: how well do you think you'd do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
So, here's the thing, I have so many survival skills that I think I would do okay for a bit. I am thoroughly unhinged when it comes to nature and survival, it'd probably be decent. For example, I do land navigation and backpacking for fun, on top of having farming experience. I'd survive, would I survive well? Maybe
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“Well,...this is...unexpected, (Y/N). But we certainly have encountered ‘worse’ before...”
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averysmolbear · 1 year
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Just wanna pop in to say hi and I hope you're doing splendiforous today! :3
That floof is too cute. It looks so soft!
I’m actually not doing bad today although I’m stuck working. I got some decent sleep last night. I’ve been drinking more water thanks to the flavor things in this new bottle. I’m hoping to find the right playlist to listen to when I’m done with work to maybe write. So I’m actually in a good mood for the first time in what feels like forever!
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midifighter · 1 year
infant the jackal will be real in 2
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gracelesstars · 1 year
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(news source for those who don’t understand this)
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niekiddo · 4 months
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Now I think I know What you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps they never will
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caught-a-dragonfly · 11 months
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Art raffle prize for @milfycas for donating to the fundraiser to demine Ukraine 💙 Thank you so much @sailorsallyart and @lamiasage for organising this raffle 💕
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milseph · 4 months
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Just some male sims
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venriliz · 3 months
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Curiously, every resort visited by Kiki reports strange sightings of unidentified flying objects in the night sky.
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izartela · 11 months
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All turtles for the @somerandomdudelmao fanart series are now done. :D I may do some more later on if inspiration strikes, but for now I'll be moving on to other projects (some also turtle related).
On another note, if anyone would like to get any of these fanarts as prints, let me know in a comment or message me. I'll post a specific poll and info sometime later but I wanted to know if there actually is any interest first.
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godsweakestsoldier · 10 months
2,3 and 10 for the ask meme? 🥺🥺
Oh, if it isn't the king of 🥺 and blood themself
2. Favourite Tense (past/present/future)
I bounce back and forth between past and present tense at such a high velocity. It's a slight problem, which has caused me hours of tense changes in scenes alone. I love writing in the present tense, yet I have a special place in my heart for the past. It's probably a manifestation of the academia.
3. Favourite POV (first/second/third)
Third person all the way, I haven't been able to write in the first person in years. Not only do I not trust myself with characterization, but I bounce around too much to stay with one person. I personally try to stay away from fics or books that are in the first person (unless really well done). But, I do rather enjoy the second person as well.
10. What are your strengths with writing?
I know I haven't really published any of my works here, not yet anyway, but I feel like my strength lies in the detail. Those prompts that focus on description, they're my bread and butter. I have to stop myself from description dumping when I write. Another piece I would probably say is the small details. I love being able to humanize or bring a topic into perspective by focusing on a detail in the background.
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nevarroes · 6 months
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just let this bitch lord get dressed normally for once oh my god
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mischieviem · 11 days
Castiel in fun sweaters has been living rent free in my head and I was finally able to do it yippee
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averysmolbear · 1 year
Hi, Tessie! Hope you're doing good. Just wanted to drop by and show you this deer. I think it's neat.
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That is a truly lovely deer. And you’re a lovely dear. I’ve been decent (which is putting it nicely) but thank you for stopping by to check on me.
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