#hag malevolent
moookar · 9 days
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
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ep 43 doodles that are weeks late bc I forgot about them OOPS
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humming-fly · 4 months
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I've been really enjoying all the heart-wrenching and beautiful art episode 43 of malevolent has spawned, so to even things out here's even more monty python shitposts
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styrofoamdoor · 4 months
This was like an enormous therapy session but if your therapist was rooting for your anger issues
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theartingace · 3 months
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"I will destroy EVERYTHING you have come to love- just as you have taken it from me"
Lines and details under the cut!
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dani-r · 4 months
Here we are, amazing Malevolent 43 and oh boy do I have a bunch of silly comics for you, my friends.
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And hey, I made it a meme format and I know they are some amazing ones that people made on the Invictus server, feel free to make yours or reblog with the one to made when we were all running around not knowing what would come next!
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Fancy png and all, to make it easier.
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toastydumpster · 3 months
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I can finally post this stupid doodle dump
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laughable-umbrella · 2 months
malevolent is crazy i just heard the phrase “pregnant meat” and didn’t even think twice about it. like yeah arthur and john just went through the wall mouth, hid under a pile of bones, and killed a dead guy and reanimated him with an all knowing tooth. pregnant meat seems like a pretty natural progression.
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izel-scribbles · 4 months
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how we feeling after part 43 gang
(click for hd, closeups + other doodles under the cut)
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the reason this came out so good is because my best friend came over when i was drawing and we just parallel played (drew next to each other on my bed) while listening to 43 (7th relisten for me)
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here's my original sketch
another thing ⬇️
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also, @percymawce-arts, i said id take pics of my process, but i uh. forgot to, so ill do them next time srry
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hydrus101 · 20 days
It’s so fascinating to me about how much of Malevolent centers around bad or misguided fathers.
We spend ample amounts of time with Arthur’s grief and his faults, his fear of fatherhood, his failings of Faroe and the ensuing spiral afterwards. We hear of Bella’s strict upbringing, of Daniel’s controlling nature, the desire to shape his daughter into what he expected her to be, and even admitting to Arthur’s face that he intended to mold him as well, into what he thought his daughter’s husband should be. We learn of Larson’s betrayals, the sacrifices of his children: the monsters he made of those he should’ve loved, all in the pursuit of power and legacy. There’s an argument to be made even, of fragments and reflections and daughter and sons, that the King - that initial version of him now dead in all respects - was a sort of father, with John and Yellow as his residuals, his sons, his heirs, in a way. Finding their own identities now, free from the shadow of a predecessor, free to chose their own destinies, wether that is to separate themselves entirely, to scream defiantly of humanity and hope and self, or to try and reshape the visage of that dead malevolent god in desperate pursuit of love that wasn’t given, driven by a hate that was shared. What other analogy so seamlessly fits with the relationship between Arthur and Yellow than that of a neglectful father? The one who was supposed to be patient, be caring, be kind, the one who was supposed to teach this new being, this new child, about what life could be like? What love and kindness it could hold? But Arthur was too unsteady then. Too unstable to give Yellow the upbringing that he deserved. His nature was shared with John, and we’ve seen the depths of love he’s embraced. Yellow was simply nurtured wrong, encouraged down that spiral by a foster father who embraced and even venerated his rage. And similarly, in the basement in New York, we are reminded of nature and nurture, of animals and babes. Briefly, quick as a glance, we learn of the Butcher’s father, both a seething livewire and a subtle undercurrent in his motivations, manifested, perhaps, in his tumultuous relationship with failure, his self inflicted violence. Roland and Amanda receive less of the spotlight, but the foundations of everything are built upon their relationship. And now, with the Unclean, we know more of Arthur’s own father—who’s fate is known and the same as his mother’s—and his envy towards his friend, his childish jealousy and vindictive actions, of which he now condemns, having learned better, having known better. Every aspect of the narrative is seeped in fatherhood, in parenting, in children. Malam says as much by the fire: “They are our betters, our futures, our learned mistakes.” Malevolent is, at its core, about parents and children and hope.
And now, Arthur and John are on the run from a mother, on a mission given to them by a father, who’s daughter is largely a mystery, or perhaps, more familiar than we might think.
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roboneco · 4 months
ok but honestly the witch's backstory is incredibly sad. Your mother has been surrounded by suffering and greed for as long as she could remember. You've been conceived from that suffering. Your mother looked at you and then looked at the world and decided it would be mercy to kill you. And she was right. If she kept you among humans, you'd have suffered her same fate. And unknowingly to her, by killing you and keeping you away from them, you found life, power, love even.
No human could hurt you the same way she was hurt like this.
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marimo-art · 2 months
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Here's some Malv doodles from the recent eps!
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moookar · 4 months
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Hag sketches. I should probably wait until i have a bunch of sketches saved up to post them, but also, I don’t want to so I won’t. I did the one on the right first and it shows, but I do like how the one on the left turned out. I want to push her shapes/anatomy more creaturey. I might take inspiration from chimpanzees or something.
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dear-kumari · 2 months
Interesting, uh, "corrupted grain processing" motif in Jorthur being transported to an abandoned windmill with a hag basement immediately after spending the previous season finale in an abandoned grain terminal with a cult basement
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dani-r · 4 months
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I love John deeply. More now than ever, 43 is him, on his own, defending his own self. I love him more now. Not whole, but his own. A rebirth, made in flaw and not perfection, from death, darkness and blood. And love, on the face of resentment and hate.
But this bit was hilarious, total boss that hag, damn. She owned his ass 90% of the chapter and he fucking knows it. I love her hateful twisted ass, that was some power move again. Total Queen, fuck me, I love her.
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the witch was a bitch i hate her WHAT JOHN AND LILLY HAD WAS REAL ☹️
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