#same with like an animal that looks ugly or weird to most people
civetcider · 8 days
will NEVER understand people who are like "scary, i don't like this animal gross" and you ask them why and they just say "look at it, it could kill me :( " like SO? i asked if you like and respect them as fellow living things on this beautiful planet not if you would give it a hug brother
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angelshizuka · 22 days
Unpopular opinion but most Hazbin/Helluva rewrites are shit. And some of them are literally the same thing that happens in canon but in a very worse way, everything needs to be explained in almost an anime monologue way. Etc. And I also hate redesigns that destroy everything that makes the characters's unique, like ripping off Husk's wings, making Angel masculine cause femme presenting is bad I guess, making Stella and Val "ugly" and "fat" cause you know, abusers are ugly and fat and beautiful people cant be ugly lol
In concept redesigns can be fun, because it's not that different from the design process characters go through during production and it's fun imagining what they could've looked like if different choices were made. But it's the "fix it" attitude that makes these redesigns so bad/painful.
I especially hate the Stolas and Lucifer redesigns that make them these "big buffy scary leaders", because it completely misses the point of what these characters are in THIS version of the bible lore (I don't know enough about the original lore to comment on that, but I do know HH/HB is far from the first to change things).
Lucifer being an "nonthreatening silly short king" is literally the point. He's a misunderstood angel who got unfairly punished, because heaven is corrupt. He's not "the literal embodiment of evil that loves ruling his evil minions in hell" and neither does Lucifer want to come across that way, he hates being down there.
Same goes for Stolas. The entire point is that he's supposed to be a "weird lanky bird" who looks nonthreatening and is an outcast among his own species. The guy's just a nerd who wants to read his books and feed his plants in peace and suck some red di--
And ngl, Lucifer and Stolas being the way they are is exactly WHY I fell for them so hard. I usually don't care about interpatations of these characters in other stories.
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authormars · 7 months
Body Types
Obviously, I cannot draw. I'll just be describing what got them to look like that and (if people want) I'll do the side characters next.
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The eldest is first. His height is 6'5. He's the second tallest of all the brothers (only beaten by Beel) and near constantly wears heels so he's normally around 6'7.
Lucifer himself is very naturally beautiful. Like, the embodiment of perfection, mainly because of the Father making him the most perfect angel ever.
He's beautiful, and somewhat fit because Diavolo sometimes drags him with him when he works out. Lucifer himself has more of a gymnast body type (and has the flexibility to match) His muscles aren't as prominent, but he's physically strong. He's about the 3rd strongest of all the brothers (in his own way, of course. Not all strength is the same, but he's about the 3rd strongest)
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Mammon is one of the shorter brothers, being 6'0 (and a half!! So he says) He's on the shorter half of the brothers, only being taller than Belphie and Asmo.
Mammon isn't ugly, but he falls more on the handsome spectrum than Asmo on the pretty (or sexy) spectrum or Lucifer on the perfection itself spectrum. He's handsome and we love him.
Mammon is a very fast demon and is always a top runner on the track team or basically any sport like that. So Mammon has a runner build. Thick thighs save lives, ya know? Mammon is the 2nd strongest of the family.
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Levi is very close in height to Mammon. He's middle ground among his brothers. Levi is 6'1, sandwiched right between the tall ones and the small ones.
Levi falls on the pretty spectrum like Asmo, though not as high on it as Asmo. He's a gamer boy, but Asmo forces all of his brothers to have a skincare routine, so he looks good.
Levi may be pretty, but he is not fit. Once again, he's a gamer boy and an anime nerd who barely leaves his room. He's scrawny and barely works out (besides maybe a game like beat saber) Probably one of the weakest brothers, maybe only beats Belphie
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Ah, Satan. The cat boy, furry, literally every childhood best friend love interest in every romance novel. He's among the taller three brothers. He is 6'3 (and a half) and hates that Lucifer is taller than him.
Satan also falls on the pretty spectrum, but also the handsome spectrum. He's very cute, but also sort of average at the same time. (Don't question it okay)
Satan is on the Fangol team, but he's not very strong. He's a quarterback on the non-varsity team, so he's got a good throwing arm, but certainly not the best. Unlike Beel, he'd rather use his time reading over working out. The 5th strongest brother.
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Asmo is on the shorter half of the brothers (obviously) and is actually the shortest. He just doesn't seem like it because, like Luci, he wears heels all the time. Asmo is 5'9 normally and around 5'11-6'0 in heels.
As stated previously, Asmo falls on the pretty and sexy spectrum. He's not as perfect as Lucifer is, but he shows off far more (and takes better care of himself), so he's generally considered the prettier of the two by the public.
Asmo is similar to Lucifer in how his body type is. He's strong everywhere because he's... you know... the Avatar of Lust? He's always contorting his body in weird, freaky ways. Asmo is the 4th strongest
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Ah, the hunk. Beel is the tallest of the seven brothers, standing at a 6'9 in his human form (just two inches shorter than Diavolo himself!)
Beel falls under the handsome spectrum (though we can all agree he's pretty cute). He just has that strong, manly look to him. He has the jawline and the muscles, so he's pretty high on the handsome spectrum.
We've all seen Beel's physique in game. He's built like a fucking truck. He plays Fangol and is one of the best players on the Varsity team. He's constantly working out. Due to all of this, Beel gets awarded the award of strongest brother.
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The sleepy seventh born. Belphie is on the shorter end of the brothers, being only 5'11. When he slouches (which he often is) he's around Asmo's height.
Belphie falls under the pretty spectrum, though lower than Levi on it because he doesn't do a proper skincare routine.
Belphie doesn't work out and doesn't play games that force him to work out like Levi. The only times he ever moves his body is when Beel makes him. By far the weakest brother.
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Thank you for all the support I receive on these. Let me know if you want a part two with the undateables
(and if you do if someone could please tell me how tf I link a second part to this)
Feel free to ask for stories or headcanons with my ask box. I know I don't post many stories here, but that's because I haven't written any fanfiction in basically a month (yippee writing slump)
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junktastic · 10 months
I had a drawing months back that went kinda viral I guess, and it getting out of my normal sphere of followers meant that I got to observe how folks far outside of my twitter sphere interact with twitter and others. For reference, I am talking about this image:
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The context, besides getting to draw my friend Jenny, was that I saw a picture that was of an anime girl that said "lets be in our early 30s together" and I was like "haha, I will make my own version of this." Part of it was also that I think aging is fine, and we need to stop stressing so much over staying young. "Lets be in our mid-thirties together" is not a joke, I sincerely wanted this image to be warm and inviting, to maybe give people hope that there will be friends and people who love you once you get to that age. I never thought I was going to make it to 30, and I just turned 35 this year, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Some responses were obviously teens/early 20s people saying they don't want to get that old, which is whatever. When you're that young the dirty thirty sounds so ugly. No one cool is in their 30s! Well, if you ignore the people who make all the things they like. These responses I waved these off.
I saw the typical twitter experience replies of "this doesn't apply to me?" Ok bitch! Go make your own like I did! And show me when you do, I'd love to see it!
There was a handful of people who were saying "retweet to scare a twink" which I felt was kind of rude. Not to me, but to the twinks out there. Aging doesn't make you less of a twink.
Lots of people were sending it to their significant others or saying they hope to find someone to be in their mid-thirties with, which I love. :3 It makes me happy!
The one kind of response which is what I made this post for and I'm so sorry that I've been rambling, that I found weird was the people who will reply to just you. The OP. As if they are replying to everyone in the thread. I'm not talking about in QRTs, just straight in the replies. "Don't forget how tired she looks in this." Brother I drew the picture. I know. And ever since then I feel like, as someone who loves to read the replies on other people's tweets, I notice this a lot more often. Who are they talking to? Is this what people are referring to when they say "Main Character Syndrome?" Or should I be lumping these together with the "why isn't this about my exact personal life situation" people?
My fiancé says I'm thinking about this too hard (I got engaged last month btw), and he's probably right. I can't help but be curious about how other people choose to interact with the internet and images and people on it. And, I guess, am I supposed to reply? How should I feel about these. I guess I have to decide that on my own.
For the record, you are all very normal/understandable when it comes to what you guys tag my stuff with. That you love the girls (same!), that they're very gender (love this), or wow is this [insert fetish](not my intention but that's the internet). I feel like the slime girls get the "gender" comment the most and you are all so right for that. Every time I see people reblog my ocs I think "Thank you for loving [name]."
That's all! This was a pointless post but I'm unemployed right now so I have too much time to overthink things for no reason. How do YOU feel about how people interact with your posts? Are they weird? Or are they normal about it.
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fairytsuk1 · 2 years
bachata baby | (s)
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apart of the meet cute: gone wrong series, click here for more!
pairing: shigaraki tomura x reader
words: 8.7k
prompt: "getting paired up at a dance class"
warnings: enemies to lovers, cunnilingus, dom!shigaraki, sensual dancing, tit play, fingering, hand kink, doggystyle, protected sex, alcohol, frat party, complicated relationship
  You’d absolutely lost the class registration lottery. After days, even weeks of agonizing over what classes filled which requirements and yet still gave you enough wiggle room to have your off days, you were exhausted. Everything was planned to a tee, and your dismayed face was evident as you told your roommate the dreadful news.
“I have to take a dance class! A partner dancing class! I might as well drop out,” you cry forlornly, looking at Nejire’s baby blue rug in frustration.
“It can’t be that bad! I mean, at least the professor’s good, right? Nemuri Kayama, I think. She’s one of the best; you’re in good hands,” your friend pets your head softly before leaping onto her plush bed, “maybe you’ll even dance with someone cute! You should keep your head high.”
“...Well, I guess. If I’m with a creep, I’m gonna be so annoyed! How are you so positive?”
Nejire seems to think over her answer before giving you a teasing grin, “because I got the schedule I wanted.”
She’d reassured you she was just joking, but it was true. If you were in her position, you’re sure you’d be glad to have everything work out how you want it to. Sucking it up, you were determined not to let a stupid class ruin your well-earned GPA. You don your best comfy clothes and arrive ten minutes early at the studio. 
A couple of people are hanging out in the studio, and there’s a pleasant buzz of chatter while you sit. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. People continued trickling in, and before you could realize it, your professor clapped her hands.
“Good morning, everyone!”
Your face burns a bit hot, was she supposed to wear such tight (and revealing!) clothing? She quickly introduces herself even with all the muttering, “I hope today goes as well for you as it does for me, and I want you to all know that this class will excite you, will make you feel, and most importantly is a lot of fun!”
Everyone around you seems to be either drinking in your professor’s appearance or wondering if they should drop the class; you’re thinking the latter, too, until she drops a bomb on the students.
“You’re all too uptight! You know what? Partner up!”
It feels like you’re about to faint. Looking left, people are making eyes and nodding at each other. Looking right, it’s the same thing, and your heart stops at the realization that you don’t have a partner. There’s so much chatter and commotion as people enter the room to find a clear spot for this cruel icebreaker. 
“Does anyone not have a partner?”
You almost don’t raise your hand, but you have to. Red-hot shame is coursing through your veins. Could this get any worse?
Thankfully, a lanky and pale arm shoots into the sky alongside yours. Before you know it, Nemuri pushes you two toward each other and moves on to the assignment.
“First, say hello. These will be your partners for the rest of the semester, so make sure you like them! I know some of you are gonna date outside of class, and don’t get handsy over there!”
He’s very tall. You have to actually look up at his grumpy face to see him. His hair falls flat, looks damaged, and your cheek twitches. He’s not ugly! If he cared for his hair and maybe got more sleep… dare you say it, he could be cute.
Shigaraki towers over you easily, eyes raking your form (noting that he can see your perky tits in your bra from this advantage.) You look alright, but he’s getting the feeling that you think he’s weird, “you can stop looking at me like an animal.”
“I wasn’t! I really wasn’t,” you offer your hand and introduce yourself, “I really like your skull necklace!”
It feels like a ruse, and Shigaraki reluctantly takes your hand with a bored face, “I’m Shigaraki. Thanks.”
While others seemed to be faring better with their partners, it feels off-putting that he won’t even try to converse with you. If he’s going to have his hands on you, how could he act so cold!?
“Well, jeez. Don’t try to say it all at once,” you mumble sourly, to which your partner scoffs.
“It’s just a class. It’s not even important.”
“It’s important to me,” and you don’t like this guy.
“Then maybe you should find a different partner.”
You look like a kicked puppy when he says that, but he doesn’t take it back and mentally stews in his harshness. Maybe he should make a better effort… you were cute, he supposed. You had great tits, and you complimented his necklace.
Turning back to Nemuri, you can’t think of anything to say to that. Even though you don’t know him, it still stings a bit and your confidence leaks. Were you really that down on your luck?
Nemuri begins, telling each duo to get in a typical slow-dance pose for fun and to “get to know each other more.” It’s starting to get a little creepy, but you wind your arms around Shigaraki’s shoulders anyways. He rests his hands casually on your waist but doesn’t hold you like others. 
“Aren’t you supposed to hold my waist?”
He snickers, “do you want me to?”
Trying to talk to this man is pointless, but you almost smile at his response anyway.
“Just don’t be weird!”
“No promises,” and he’s glad to see you smile at his pervertedness.
Shigaraki decides to be nicer right then and there, in his own way.
Nemuri instructs you to casually slow dance and continue conversing; she even adds music to jazz up the class, which surprisingly works. Your nerves are melting away like butter, and Shigaraki seems to have mildly warmed up to you.
“So… Do you like to dance?”
“Fuck no.”
His bluntness makes you giggle, “yeah, me either. Except at, like, parties. But I wouldn’t really call it dancing!”
“You go to parties?”
“Sometimes! I have a lot of friends who go, so it’s like an outing every time! Do you go to parties?”
It feels kind of dumb to ask that question. No offense to him, but you’re already suspecting his answer before he gives it. He twirls you, and you feel a rush of butterflies.
“Not really. People don’t want a zombie dude at their parties,” his voice is gravelly but smooth, “but I’ve been to a few.”
“They’re fun!”
Before you can continue finding common ground, Nemuri is hollering about reading the syllabus and upcoming material you’ll cover. Shigaraki quickly gets his hands off you, and your heart aches.
“Hey, do you want to exchange social media?”
He’s already got his bag halfway on your shoulder, giving you an unimpressed look.
“I don’t use social media,” and he shuffles even closer to the parade of students exiting the lecture hall.
“Oh. Well, your number?”
You feel yourself grow hot when all he does is smirk and input your digits into his phone.
“There, do you need anything else?”
What happened to the Shigaraki from a few minutes ago? He seems to be in a rush, but you can’t help but feel hurt by his mood swings. Was he always going to be this irritable? Was he going to be someone you could count on in this class?
“...I guess not. Bye.”
He’s out of the room before you realize it, gingerly grabbing your stuff and worrying your lip. This class would be a piece of work, and you couldn’t find your footing so far. Maybe you should just drop it? But you really need that humanities credit and…
“It’s Nejire! Pick up the phone!” 
Nejire’s self-imposed ringtone is heard through your AirPods. The stress is already leaking out of your body just hearing her voice. If you had a girlfriend, she’d be it. You answer cheerily, “hey!”
“Hey! Are you coming back from class right now?”
“Yeah, I just got out. You have to hear about this; my partner sucks!”
Well… you’re embellishing. He doesn’t suck, but he’s not great.
“Aw man, really? I can’t believe it! I thought for sure it was gonna go okay….”
“It’s whatever! I’m over it,” you weren’t. “Why’d you call?”
“Oh! If you’re up for it, Phi Psi is having a party tonight! Do you wanna go?”
Hmm, ironic since you were just talking about parties. Maybe it’d be nice, and perhaps it’d be good to let loose for a couple of hours. The memory of Shigaraki telling you that he goes to some parties replays in your mind, but you try to ignore it.
“Sure! We can go. What’s the theme?”
Pajamas, she’d said. You know that your silk sleep set is more lingerie than anything else, but your nerves are buzzing with pre-gamed shots of vodka and the promise of attractive people buttering you up. Looking around, it’s a typical college party, and you’re already feeling warm from how guys eye you like you’re the hottest thing there.
Shigaraki thinks so and turns the corner, missing your flushed wandering eyes.
“We needa dance!”
Nejire babbles excitedly, Mirio accompanying her while she clutches your bicep.
“Mhm, mhm! Let me get another drink first!”
Mirio keeps Nejire’s legs from buckling and smiles, “we’ll be right here!”
You weave in and out of people, vision getting hazier and every touch feeling electric. A man starts pouring your drink, giving you a dazzling smile. He opens his mouth to talk, but you’re suddenly caged against the fence and face to face with Shigaraki’s chest.
He watches you search his eyes for a minute, teetering slightly as you sip the mix of alcohol and punch. Then, there’s remembrance, and you’re leaping joyfully into his chest. It feels… nice, and he gingerly pats your back before steadying you on the balls of your feet.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were going to be here. My friends are over there,” you point past his shoulder, and he sees a guy chasing a girl around, “hiii, Nejire!”
You’re pretty cute when you’re drunk, elongating words and joy coming out of you like a waterfall. A dainty hand grabs a bony one, and you’re about to drag Shigaraki toward your friends to “meet them!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” harsher than he meant to, he rips his hand away, “how drunk are you?”
You give an offended huff, “I’m not drunk! I only had a c-oop! A couple of shots! And this drink! It’s not even a lot….”
Shigaraki feels tempted to be childish and poke fun at you. Boop your nose and pull your hair, but you’re suddenly lost in thought and fascinated with your slippers.
“You look drunk.”
“Well, ’m not. I don’t even know why I’m talking to you right now,” and you’re suddenly invigorated and wanting to seek out your friends, but the first step sends you wobbling right into Shigaraki.
The boy yelps, hands gripping your shoulders and steadying you, “watch it!”
“Let go of me!”
Some onlookers look on, peering eyes, and boys puffing their chests out in case they need to step in. Shigaraki’s mind goes blank, and all he can think of is that you’re so fucking annoying, and why does he still want to help you?
Why did he think of you while fucking his fist in bed last night? He shushes you and crosses his arms.
“Do you want to walk home by yourself?”
You look like a child, happily saying” yes” and nodding proudly. Unfortunately, Shigaraki’s plan failed; you were too happy to wander off alone. He’s reminded of a time when people used to call him creepy when he was smaller and more bug-eyed.
“Oh, okay. Sure, get murdered. See if I care.”
This makes you react like you’re actually thinking about the consequences now. Mulling it over, you chew the inside of your lip and let your head roll back against the fence.
“...Well, I don’t wanna be murdered….”
“Then let me take you home.”
“Since when are you nice?!”
It may sting a bit, but he shows no emotion. He takes a calm breath and blows the air out through his nostrils. There are no words at first, and you’re looking at him with a glint in your eye, and he wonders what you look like when you laugh. When you cry or when you get really excited.
“You don’t even care about me.”
“... You’re my dance partner.”
He’s sure his heart overrode his brain. There’s no way he could say something so cheesy. It makes your heart pound; what did he mean by that? Your drunk brain couldn’t decipher how he presented his feelings, but then he was offering you a hand like a prince.
You never thought you’d call Shigaraki prince-like, and you’re worried that this might spiral out of control soon. Letting him lead you away, you figure that that’s definitely what will happen.
“Who’s room is…?”
Shigaraki has no idea and frankly can’t be bothered to care that he’s stumbling into a random frat guy’s room, “don’t know. Don’t really care?”
He tries to take your shoes off at least, but you’re unceremoniously dropping yourself onto the bed like a fish out of water. Shigaraki feels his cheek twitch in annoyance, and then you’re turning your head with a jutted lip.
“Are you gonna lie?”
“Am I going to what?”
He assures himself you’re too drunk to understand what you’re saying. There’s no reason for you to ask that other than the need to not be alone. You’d never ask that because you genuinely wanted, no, trusted Shigaraki to stay with you. He’d never believe it, but his feet carried him to the edge of the bed, and then he sank into the soft mattress.
It’s quiet, maybe too quiet. The music’s bass thrums through the floors, but all Shigaraki can hear is your soft breath. He doesn’t even realize you’re looking at him in the dimness of his room until he turns his head. His breath catches in his throat. Have you always been so pretty?
The alcohol makes you too sleepy too fast, and it feels like this moment is slipping away from you like you’re trying to cup water in your hands. It’s leaking out of you, and then his red eyes lock onto yours. 
“Why don’t you like me?”
“What do you mean,” and it comes out almost wounded.
“I-hic. I mean, like, when you suddenly act so… mean.”
For the first time in a long time, Shigaraki feels rendered speechless. He wants to jump up and run out of the room like the child he once was, but he can’t find the strength to pull away from your gaze.
“...I don’t know.”
“I just don’t,” and he finally breaks eye contact to look through the window behind you, “you don’t have to pity me, then.”
“I don’t!” 
The end of your words slurs, and you know you’ll lose yourself to the intoxicating feelings of sleep soon.
“I just… I want to like you.”
“Like me?”
You smile widely before you lean forward and press a kiss to his nose. He even goes cross-eyed to try and follow your movements.
“You’re kinda… cute. But, you’re mean. So just be nice! Okay?”
He’s not even sure why he goes along with it.
Your eyes close, and for a second, he thinks he’s finally free from this impromptu analysis of… well, him. But, you beat him to the chase and whisper quietly.
“I meant it.”
“That you’re cute.”
One eye peeks open when he doesn’t respond, and the embarrassment that should be there is only replaced with pure elatedness. His eyes sparkled a bit more. It makes you think that you should compliment him more. You shut your eyes.
“You’re going to be embarrassed tomorrow.”
Maybe he waited too long, but all he knows is that your soft snores escape you quickly, and his heart warms at the sound. It shouldn’t, but it does. He falls asleep shortly after and dreams of a faceless girl who dances with him all night. The girl always keeps smiling at him no matter how stiff he is.
It’s a beautiful dream.
Shigaraki’s kind enough to shake you awake just past dawn, and the splitting headache doesn’t make the visual of him leaning over you with a gentle hand easier to see. 
“Hey. Wake up. Some frat dude is gonna yell at you.”
The idea of someone barging in makes you move to sit up and groan, “do you have any water?”
“No. Get up, hurry,” and he’s tugging you off the bed.
It was a bad idea, your sleep-addled brain lagging and causing you to flop directly into a firm chest, “watch out!”
“I’m sorry! I’m barely awake,” and it comes out like a whine, “can we get water?”
You almost think he’ll say no, tell you to fuck off and get water yourself. But, he makes a move you would’ve never expected, calmly lacing his hand with yours and steadying you on your feet.
“Fine, let’s just get going already.”
Was this the Shigaraki you’d met? Had he been replaced by a clone that happened to be identical to the tone of voice? The feeling of a bony hand in yours is unreal. You can hardly take your eyes off the entanglement while Shigaraki urges you to come down the stairs faster than you are.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Did I say something weird last night?”
It comes out in a whisper, and Shigaraki feels like going to college was a huge mistake when he pulls his hand away and holds it close to himself like you’re injured. Like he injured you.
So, be nice! Okay?
“You said I was cute.”
He’s blushing as he blurts it out like it’s a defense mechanism to keep you from getting closer. You rack your brain for the precise wording, but you can only remember bits and pieces of lying down to look at each other.
Did you really call him cute? You gnaw on your lip and look away, but as you glance at him again, you know you definitely did say that. Your lips turn upwards, the hilarity of you having to double-check while sober if you meant what you’d said...
Shigaraki was even hot now that you really looked at him, even with the tsundere thing going on.
“Well… well! I was drunk! Besides, you can’t tell me you didn’t like hearing it.”
“No, I didn’t. You’re mistaken.”
“What’s that, huh? Why do you look like a tomato, hm?”
He wants to throttle you, wagging your finger in his face and poking his cheek like he’s a zoo animal. 
“I should’ve just left you up there, let you get eaten by wolves.”
“But you didn’t.”
You’re right. Somehow in the mix of pushing you away and being pulled closer, he still stayed there the whole night to keep you safe. He still woke you early enough to escape the wolves lurking in the nearly destroyed frat house. He could’ve let you be eaten by wolves, but he didn’t.
“...Well, whatever. Let’s go.”
It’s surprising how you decide to drop the subject. This strange attraction thrummed in your bones, urging you to do something about this little… crush. You let him guide you out the door and towards his car, a beat-up little Toyota. It’s red, too, like his eyes. Maybe it was on purpose.
“You’re okay to drive?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
Shigaraki drives recklessly, you note. The way his hands grip the wheel, tires screeching as he swerves out into the abandoned street and takes off. It should make you scared, want to yell, and demand he let you out. Only he gives you a quick glance and smirks. 
You really should talk to Nejire before you decide to fuck him. His music taste blares out of old speakers, a mix of rock and metal that wakes you like a good cup of coffee. You’re about to lose yourself to the Foo Fighters song, but then he snaps the knob down to zero and clears his throat. 
“You owe me.”
“I owe you what? I don’t owe you,” you even cross your arms for effect.
How cute.
“For taking care of you, ruined my night,” he’s lying, and he knows he’s lying, but he can’t help but take a chance.
Take a chance and see if you really mean it, if he’s not just making things up because you want to be nice. The part that runs deep in his blood tells him it can’t be true, and he hopes that, for once, he’s wrong.
“Psh, ruined. You love being around me. That’s why you get like that,” you push it even further, “you just don’t know how to tell me you want me.”
He doesn’t know what to say, and you’re carelessly whistling a tune while picking at your nails. 
“We have to practice our dance for class,” smooth, peaceful transition.
“Right! Tomorrow evening, in one of the practice rooms, yeah?”
“Thanks for walking me home.”
Shigaraki repeats his reply, and you note that he seems distracted. You wonder if you also seem distracted; you had a lot to think about!...
And all Shigaraki could think about was holding your waist in his hands. It made his heart thump in his chest. God.
The walk to the practice room was cold, and you were thankful for your quick thinking of wearing leg warmers like a ballerina. You’re unsure if Shigaraki is already there, but you’re shaking off the cold as quickly as possible while storming into the building.
He is there! His phone’s hooked up to a small speaker, and the pale blue walls make him shine even in dark clothing. His hair shakes when he gives you a blithe wave, “hey. Took you long enough.”
“Hey! I came as fast as I could. Is that your speaker?”
“Mm, no. My roommate’s, uh… Dabi? You don’t know him.”
Oh, you’ve heard of him. Frankly, this should be an even bigger red flag, but you pay it no mind and shrug, “I might’ve heard of him.”
He chuckles at that. So you have heard of him.
“Well, anyway. He never uses it, so I took it.”
“Wow, evil.”
You drop your bag next to his, a frumpy black backpack with suspicious stains. You sidle close to him, peering at his Spotify while he scrolls for the correct song.
“You should show me your Spotify account!”
“God no, you’ll never see it. C’mon, we need to get this over with.”
“Whaaaat? You don’t want to hang out and stall practicing with me?”
He’s gotten warmer since your first meeting, lips quirked up as he drops his phone and crosses his lazy arms, “nope.”
“Fine! We can practice, and maybe later, I can steal your phone for your Spotify.”
“Yeah, yeah,” his voice dips a bit lower, “c’mere.”
Something inside of you ignites, but you force yourself to ignore it while wrapping your arms around his shoulders; he slumps a bit to accommodate you, making the fire even hotter. You melt like butter into him. The two of you fit perfectly. You could feel it.
The melody is something from an old movie, gentle and sweet with a romantic vibe. It’s causing tension between you and Shigaraki.
It’s making you want to kiss him.
“You stepped on my foot,” he whispers while twirling you in a half-circle.
Squeaking a quiet apology, he rolls his eyes and dips you a tad, “you seem distracted.”
You can hardly hear him over “Easy Lovers” playing in the background. It’s consuming you whole like you might not ever breathe again.
“Do I?”
“Maybe I just don’t know you that well enough,” and you twirl again.
It’s just practicing for class, for a dumb class that wouldn’t even matter in four years. But you didn’t think of anything at that moment, just that you were pressing soft lips against chapped ones with a feeling of passion behind it. Even if he lacked lip balm, the sensation of him gripping your shirt made everything seem so much hotter. Sweeter.
He even has the gall to swipe his tongue over your lip like he’s the one who took the leap and kissed you first. You know that Shigaraki was too shy to kiss you first. 
It’s dead silent, his Spotify queue echoing automatically and filling the room with music you don’t think you’ve ever heard. Shigaraki nearly shivers at the confused gleam in your eyes.
“It’s called shoegaze.”
“Yeah,” and he’s barely finishing the word before taking your cheek in hand and bringing you back to him.
Your breath hitches and you want to get so close the two of you nearly fuse together. Dainty hands tangled in his hair, all raggedy and muted like his skin or clothes. Something about how his bony fingers dig into the curve of your waist keeps your head spinning, and you don’t even realize he owns you by pressing you against the wall and licking the inside of your mouth.
The moan wasn’t too loud, but it echoed in his head. Shigaraki has never been the type to be so openly carnal and animalistic, and yet it was coming out with every kiss he dotted on the skin of your neck. He could fuck you here if he was so pleased, and briefly, he worried when he felt his cock stir in his pants.
You bring him back to you, grasping like a lifeline and laving over the slickness of his mouth and how he was strong enough to carry you just off the ground. It was stupidly hot; when did he get all this power? It’s like it overtook him, and the two of you part; neither of you wanted to.
“We need to stop.”
“But can’t we–”
“No. Not here,” he mulls over his following words with an annoyed look, “and I don’t have a condom.”
You nearly burst out laughing in his face, dry heaving and keeling over. But it’ll upset him, and that’s the last thing you want. “Oh, well, I’m on birth control?”
He seems firm in his decision, but you can’t help but wiggle your hips toward him enticingly. Maybe he’ll cave, let you give him a handjob or something. I mean, that’s not that bad, right?
Shigaraki would usually feel irritation rise quickly and overwhelm him, but his eyes flicker down to your wandering hands and wiggling hips. Well, he was serious about not wanting to fuck here, but…
“I’m only doing this so you’ll be quiet!”
He sinks to his knees. You salivate at sight, brimming with joy and confidence. His thumbs hook in your belt loops, and he tenderly runs his hands over your thighs, “grab onto the ballet bar.”
You don’t think you’ll collapse to your knees, but you’re shaking in anticipation because he looks like he knows what he’s doing. The way he swiftly tugs your leggings and panties down in one go, you can feel your arousal smearing your thighs; you were already horny just from kissing him.
Finally, he looks relaxed, parting your puffy lips and admiring your dripping hole.
“It’s cute.”
“Shut up,” you’re breathless already with how you can feel his breath right where you need him.
Then, he’s licking from your clenching hole to the nub of your clit, the glide slick with spit as he gets to work.
You nearly scream, legs angling in too close, but his surprisingly firm grip keeps you how he wants you. Your hands wrench around the ballet bar as he licks every fold so he can taste as much of you as possible. 
It’s wonderful, and you know now that he does in fact, know what he’s doing, especially with how his nose and cheeks are beginning to shine with arousal. He’s eating you like a man starved like he can’t get enough from fucking you on his tongue; he needs more and more. He licks into your hole, savoring every drop with a clench on your ass that’ll leave bruises for days.
He sucks your clit between his lips before pulling away with a pop, “you’re such a fucking brat.”
“I know, I know, and I’m sorry! Just keep,” and you tilt your hips towards his shiny lips again, “please? Feels so good….”
It’s rewarding how he flattens his tongue to grind up your slit, devouring you like he had too much time to practice. The way he toys with your pussy; makes your legs shake and your back arch off the mirror displaying your debauchedness.
Shigaraki mumbles something, but you’re too busy tilting your hips into his face and making him nearly unable to breathe as you tremble on his tongue. He tonguefucks you, digging deep with obscene slurping noises echoing around you, “oh, fuuuuck.”
Your hands entangle in his white strands, grounding you while you speed towards your orgasm like a rocket setting into space. Shigaraki seems to sense your quickened breaths and gyrating hips; his hands grip your ass cheeks to pull you closer as he makes you creamy. He holds you in place, forcing you to feel his tongue grinding flat circles over your clit before dipping down to lap over your pussy. He acts as if it’s a dessert. Like it’s a real treat to eat you out.
He pulls away, mildly huffing out of breath, “stop moving.”
Soft pecks are placed on your inner thighs as he lets you grow needier and needier through pussy neglect, “Shigaraki, please.”
“Please, what? You’re so selfish,” and he gives a hard suck to your clit, “I should just leave you here.”
 “No! No, don’t!” 
His rough treatment of you makes you jump, but he doesn’t leave you like he threatened. Instead, he kissed the mound of soft curls in the apex of your thighs, nose curving down the slope of your thigh as his breath barely ghosted over your slick lips.
“I want you to be the one that makes me feel good,” maybe if you lay it on thick, he’ll be forced to listen to you!
Instead, all he rewards you with is an unreadable look, but then he’s diving back in between your legs, and you can’t focus on what that look means because Shigaraki will make you cum.
“Yes, yes! Keep going, hah… your tongue’s so deep!”
The wet sounds make you flush, and his intensity makes you jump to your tip-toes and tilt away from the warm, wet mouth that chases you no matter how you tilt your hips.
Your legs are shaking, threatening to close, and the stretched coil snap could happen anytime you’re barely saying, “feel like I’m gonna, gonna c-ungh. Gonna cum…!”
He keeps going. Determined and sloppy with how he’s not even taking a second to breathe. You’re nearly there, humping his face with moans of his name that turn his ears pink. A hand snakes up your leg, and there’s a wet squelch as he easily slips two fingers inside. The stretch is delicious torture, and you cum while crying out.
His fingers help you ride out your orgasm, the remnants glistening on his fingers as your cream sticks to them lewdly before he sucks the essence off. He stands once you’ve regained yourself. 
“Pretty good,” and he gives his hand one last lick; he can’t even stop the snark from appearing.
“Shut up! You’re so embarrassing.”
“Yeah, yeah, didn’t I just make you cum? All whiny, ‘ah, ah! Shigaraki mmph!’ right?”
“No! Not even right at all,” and he casually leans over you with his hands on the ballet bar as if you two were dating as if he was actually your boyfriend, “...but thank you.”
“Thank you?”
“Well, well, I mean! Thank you for… indulging me.”
You had trailed off, not even realizing how close he was to your ear until he whispered a gravelly, “you’re so very welcome for making you cum, if that’s what you mean.”
Neither of you speaks. You can’t help but look down and notice the bulge in his pants. He seems unbothered, but leaving him high and dry feels unfair.
“Do you want me to…?”
He gives a quick glance down but shakes his head, “Nah. We should just wrap all of this up, though.” 
“Right,” and yet you don’t stop thinking about it while both of you make the practice room look neat again.
Even while walking you back home, his second time, Shigaraki knows that there’s something secretive on your mind.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing! Just tired.”
He stares at you for too long before you head into your dorm. You know what’s coming but don’t make the first move. He’s quick about it, but he does kiss you. It’s so fast, sweet, and low stakes that you smile warmly at him.
“Goodnight, Shigaraki.”
The boy nods, pulling up his hoodie, “night.”
You can’t wait to tell Nejire all about it.
“You what?! You had sex with Shigaraki?!”
Nejire’s in disbelief, nearly falling off her bed as she bolts towards your side of the room, “you really did?”
“Other people can probably hear you! But, well, yeah. It wasn’t like we went all the way or anything! He just went down on me,” the pink in your cheeks is evident while you begin to unravel the story.
“Wait, where was this again?”
“Oh. The, well, the practice room?”
“The practice room?!.”
She suddenly bursts into laughter, and you feel your cheeks twitching as you squeeze her hands, “c’mon, it’s not funny!”
“No, no, it’s not. I didn’t think Shigaraki would eat pussy in the practice room!”
Sometimes you regret telling your roommate anything, but it took the edge off thinking about how he hadn’t texted you. Should you expect a text? You figured it would be something lighthearted, but he just went radio-silent. Just like that, it hurt, you had to admit. But, you weren’t gonna let him get away with it. You’ll get your payback soon, finally get him to realize what he’s really feeling.
You hope it’s the same as what you’re really feeling.
Then, the day of your presentation is like the sunrise. Knowing everyone would be watching you didn’t ease your nerves. Considering Shigaraki had been ignoring your texts since the last time you met, it felt like he was contributing to your anxiety just as much as the actual dance! You could hardly get dressed, shrugging on your comfiest yet presentable clothes. 
Maybe he thought it was a mistake, and your fingers were itching to send a text. Nejire had advised you to send something short and sweet before leaving for the day, and you finally cave while brushing your teeth.
[Dance Partner]: Do you want to meet up before class?
Shigaraki lay in bed, still in pajamas and debating whether to drop out. His heartbeat spikes at the message, and it feels so dumb to get excited over a mere text. He’d been practicing, unbeknownst to you, spending so much time in the bathroom with the door locked to practice his footwork that he’d gotten an angry text from his roommate.
[Shigaraki]: I think it’s fine
Part of you wonders if he’ll show up at all.
[Dance Partner]: I’m nervous.
He doesn’t reply, but he feels the same. Eventually, he meandered his way to his closet to pick his outfit. Yeah, he was nervous too. 
You spot him first, and part of you wants to wave him over but he seems to hardly look up. This was all fruitless. You should’ve never done anything in that practice room. Tears prickle your vision at the sudden emotion of it, a test, and knowing a guy wants nothing to do with you? It sucks much more than you thought it would.
He’s calm, voice smooth and honeyed as he sits next to you. Hopefully, he doesn’t notice your glassy eyes.
The silence passes between you as more people file in, and Nemuri sets up the class materials. 
“I don’t think you should be nervous,” he pauses to side-eye you, “I’ve been practicing.”
“You have?”
“Yeah. I don’t want to give you a bad grade, and I need to pass.”
He put you first, and maybe it’s dumb to analyze his order of priorities, but it makes you feel special, “I think we’ll do well.”
You finally turn to look at him, and he’s already looking at you.
“Stop acting weird.”
“I-I’m not! I’m just nervous!”
“Yeah, right,” and a gentle hand settles on your knee, “I know what you’re thinking. About the practice room.”
“You’re the one that didn’t text me back.”
He doesn’t reply right away, but you know he feels terrible. The way he swallows and clenches his free fist, the regret is a bit palpable.
“...I know, and I’m sorry.”
He squeezes your knee for emphasis, “genuinely.”
You suppose it’s okay, mumbling that you forgive him and relishing in the burn that his hand leaves on your leg. Nejire clears her throat, and you listen to her instructions. His hand doesn’t leave your knee.
She calls your names about halfway into class, and suddenly the lights seem too bright once you’re on stage. You can feel your leg shaking as you stand interlocked with Shigaraki. He looks calm and collected. If anything, he seems to be more worried about you. 
Indeed he can feel your anxiety shakes, and then his thumb rubs the space between your collarbones. It suddenly feels like everything will be alright.
“Are you two ready?”
You squeak out a “yes!” and Shigaraki merely nods; the music follows, and you retreat into your mind to remember every step.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispers softly, and you feel like you could do anything.
The two of you dance to the same song in the practice room while you swim across the floor with grace, the type of grace that’s only there because you have a connection. It comes effortlessly, Shigaraki leading with you following as he steadily guides you by your waist. 
You remember to make eye contact, and your breath is stolen because your biggest fears have been confirmed. You like Shigaraki. You want him carnally. More than anything in the world, you move like two souls on the same plane. Everything about it is perfect.
He stops the momentum, your upper half steadily supported by a hand that shows so much tenderness between your shoulder blades. The two of you were breathing softly, near exhaustion with the way your bodies swirled together into one.
“Excellent! Very nice. Any critiques?”
The spell is broken, and you’re collecting your breath while smoothing your clothes. Whew, that was something. Your eyes track toward Shigaraki’s, and he’s looking at you again.
“I thought you guys looked very clean,” said a meek girl desperate to escape the room’s silence.
You offer a “thanks” and note the critique of better posture, among other surface criticism. Nemuri writes on her clipboard, smiling and nodding, “excellent, thank you, you two.”
“I have to go, excuse me.”
He leaves you alone on the stage to race up the stairs to collect his backpack. You’re knocked out of a trance and thrown into deep waters, and Nemuri begins to call the next names.
“Hiroshi, is your partner not here? Oh, and,” she turns back to you, “you can take a seat now.”
You do.
It’s time to settle this, Shigaraki decides. There’s a three-day break coming up, and his mind has been looping back to it every passing class. He couldn’t keep running away from you anymore after you were assigned different partners for the next dance. If he doesn’t act, he’ll completely lose you.
And for the record, Nemuri was a liar. Could she not see the connection between you two? Even he could see it, and he wished he couldn’t.
It felt like you were slipping away, partnered with someone else, and Shigaraki had been conversing with you sparsely. It was torture, Hell on Earth if he had to imagine it. You’re getting lost in the waves, and he’s losing his grip.
Meanwhile, you’ve been getting on top of your classwork and contacting your new dance partner, Eijirou. It doesn’t feel the same of course, not when you can feel Shigaraki’s eyes on you every time you’re in the arms of the redhead.
You don’t expect anything from him anymore; you pretend not to. The ding sounds from your phone, and you just know.
[Shigaraki]: hey
It makes your heart race, and you can feel your pulse thrumming in your neck.
[Her]: Hey
[Shigaraki]: wyd
[Her]: I’m not doing this
[Shigaraki]: come over
[Her]: No
[Shigaraki]: i wanna see you
You want to slap yourself. Tell him there’s no way you can deal with his hot and cold nature. That even if you like him, he’s not good for you. You can’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, won’t.
[Her]: Come to my dorm and walk with me, it’s too dark and cold
[Shigaraki]: omw
Waiting feels painful. You spend a minute making sure you are moisturized and smelling good, and then eventually, he’s at the sliding door of the dorm. You’re wearing a simple long-sleeve, and you’re keen to pick up on the fact that he really brought you a coat.
“Hey,” you smile and eagerly embrace him the tiniest bit.
“Hey, take it. ‘M tired of holding it,” and your hands are brushing when you take the black hoodie to slip over your head.
The walk is quiet, and you can feel anticipation climbing up your spine as the two of you grow closer and closer. The cold is nonexistent, not with the warmth you feel because of the boy beside you.
“Is your roommate home?”
He shakes his head, hand steady as he slips the key into the lock and brings you into his space. The lights flicker on, and you’re smiling at his side of the room. Dark, a bit punk, and he’s totally unashamed of it. He drops the keys in the bowl, turning his head first before fully facing you.
You’re rushing to jump into his arms, connecting your lips effortlessly in a kiss that soothes all aches you’d ever had about him. You knew he would catch you, and you fit like the sun and moon. The connection makes you heave into the kisses, leaning into the slickness of saliva coating your lips while he pushes you against the nearest wall. 
It feels like dancing, the way your tongues slide against each other with a fierceness while he shrugs off his jacket. You’re already wet, impossibly wet, and the mewls come out despite you trying to swallow them. The need for him is so strong you’re dropping your legs to move things along.
“You’re so fucking hot,” pressing his forehead against yours, “holy shit.”
“You wanna see more?”
Peeling off the sweatshirt to catch your curves worn under the fitted long-sleeve. His hand circles your lower back, eyes locked onto how your tits nearly spill out of its v-neck. They’re so easy to hold; his hand is already sliding up your side to the underside of your breasts. 
“Can I?”
“Of course,” you whisper while tugging his hand to squeeze your tits, sighing at the contact.
“No bra?”
“What, you, ah! You want it to get in the way?”
“God, no,” His other hand meets your other tit, fully groping you, and his eyes nearly crimson with need.
His hardness is apparent, the bulge nudging against your thigh while his knee applies delicious pressure to your aching clit; you can’t stop your hips from grinding up against his leg.
“Kiss me,” and he’s quick to shut you up, hands raking under your shirt to feel skin on skin.
He could listen to you say that all day, but he can’t stand how the two of you are still so tightly clothed. Your shirt comes up, and you’re quick to immediately tug it off and grind on his leg again. It’s sticky, hot, and heady as the two of you dry-hump against the only space on the wall. 
“Wait, we should…we should move to the bed,” and he doesn’t seem to hear you with how he lurches forward to lick into your mouth, “Sh-Shigaraki.”
The kisses only stop for a moment, but then he’s pushing away from the wall and guiding you by the hands to the bed. He slips off his sweatpants, leaving his boxers on, and you mirror him. It almost feels too intimate when he stares at you once settled on top of you, and you can’t take it.
His hand circles your nipple slowly, making you arch at the feeling of him toying with your chest, “mm!”
Resting on his left hand, you watch as the bony hand travels downwards, swooping under your tit to glide past your belly button and reach the black band of your panties, “may I?”
You’ve never been so turned on, and you’re sure it’ll be smeared all over your thighs by the end of this tryst. Lifting your hips, he tosses the panties onto the floor, and your face burns with how your wetness immediately soaks his fingers when he runs them through your slit.
“You’re so wet, you’re that needy?”
“I just need you to touch me…!”
He gives a low hum, digits circling your clit so slowly that your legs jump closed, “keep them open.”
You’re getting desperate, eager to feel him slip his fingers inside and crook them up, but he’s so calm and attentive. Taking his time, he looks at every inch of your pussy with fire in his eyes. You’re dripping, and the slick sounds when he just barely slips his middle finger into your hole nearly echo.
Finally, he indulges you by slipping it in deep and rubbing your clit with his thumb. You can hardly breathe, toes curling as you hold his wrist to keep fingering you, “fuck, feels so good!”
He can only chuckle, curling his fingers and hitting that gooey spongy spot that arches your back and leaves muffled cries spilling through your fingers. It feels so good, too good, and you’re soaring as he finally starts to thrust his hand.
“Come on, let me hear what you have to say. Do you like it? Do you want more?”
“I wan, I want…!”
He forces his hand, adjusting to a steady rhythm that you can practically hear yourself getting close from the stimulation of being finger-fucked. Looking down at you, he’s keyed into every movement. Every noise and body twitch. It’s like he’s been possessed to make you cum, and you’re nearly there.
“Gonna cum, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you grappled for your tit like a lifeline, and it was like a show with how he watched you tug at your chest.
It’s so desperate, and it feels perfect to finally be connected and feel the heat of his breath while he makes you cream on his hand. You’re at his mercy, and he knows it, “go on and cum. Wanna fuck you.”
You nearly black out, the tension snapping like a rubber band as you gyrate your hips. It’s debauched, but you hardly care when Shigaraki rubs a tight circle on your clit, “heh.”
“You’re,” you’re still panting, and he grins.
“I’m what?”
He’s shrugging his boxers off while you recover, and your clit throbs once he exposes his cock, lean and long like his fingers. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
You circle closer to him, watching eagerly as he slips the condom on with ease. Your mouth’s watering and you want to go down on him badly, but he has other plans. 
“Wanna do doggy?”
“Yeah,” and it’s the hottest sight he’s ever seen when you bend over, exposing your clenching hole waiting to be filled. Your ass is up in the air, and you look perfectly spread out for him. 
The slap on your ass makes you jump, but Shigaraki seems happy with the way he kneads the fat of your ass. His cock bumps into your pussy as he maneuvers himself, and the slickness of it sliding between your folds and bumping your clit makes you shake.
“God, I could fuckin’ tease you forever,” and he grips the base of his cock with a groan, “I don’t know why I waited so long.”
“I know! Why don’t you–”
He slides home, he’s not too girthy, but the length makes your arms shake while supporting your body, “oh god.”
“Yeah, fuckkk, yeah.”
It’s a slow rhythm, clearly reveling in the wet warmth and tightness of your hole; he’s got a death grip on your hip as he shallowly thrusts into you, “amazing pussy.”
You can only moan a “thanks” as he moves a bit more, cockhead dragging against your walls and then filling you back up till you feel like you can’t breathe. The bed creaks, and he starts pounding you so hard it cries. Jolting you forward, you can’t even lean away from how he plows himself into you, balls slapping against your clit, giving you aftershocks.
It’s messy, and he’s barely holding his rhythm because you’re squeezing around him so tight and he feels like he might shoot his load any second. He slows down for a mere second to rub your clit, lean body resting on yours as he moves his hips in tandem with yours.
He’s panting and is too stuck on your eyes rolling back to notice he’s inching closer and closer to his orgasm. The coil is hot in his tummy as he ravages you and makes you take all of him. The connection drives you wild, and soon you’re pushed face-first into the pillows as he fucks you like a fleshlight. 
“Fuck, fuck, oh my god,” and he fucking whimpers inside of you.
It sends your head spinning as he reaches his peak, a hand slapping your ass as the two of you move together. Your ass smacks against his lower abs, and the slick that coats the top of the hair around his base makes him heave, “I’m gonna cum. Fuck, gonna milk this sweet pussy.”
You barely crane your head to catch a view, and he looks heavenly, and his eyes draw shut. He’s barely even thrusting, just mashing into you deeper and harder. He opens his eyes, and the red in them turns nearly burgundy as he grunts.
One, two, and then he’s pinning you down with his body weight as his hips jerk up into you. You know he’s wearing a condom, but part of you wants to imagine the heat filling your insides and breeding you. The thought of it makes you squeeze around him, and his fingers leave bruises on tender parts of your flesh.
It takes a minute for your breath to calm. The feeling of satiation with Shigaraki still buried to the hilt in you feels so comforting that you could fall asleep. You’re barely there, thoroughly fucked and floating in space. He has enough strength to interlock your hands on top of you, and the two of you bask in the post-coital glow.
“You gonna get off me any time soon?”
He offers a steady deep breath before replying.
“Nope. It’s my reward for looking after you at that party.”
“Really? You’re still on that?”
Sidelining you again, you remember why he frustrates you so much once again. But it doesn’t hurt this time; it just feels good.
“Go on a date with me.”
“You can’t just change the subject like that!”
“Then go on a date with me, and I won’t have to.”
Your mouth flattens into a straight line, “you’re lame.”
Small kisses dot the curve of your neck as he finally pulls himself out of you. You leave in a flash to use the bathroom and return to the covers being pulled up just for you.
The two of you settle on meeting up next Monday.
[Shigaraki]: See you at the ice skating rink
You never knew Shigaraki would be one to skate between you two? He didn’t, either. He supposed you just bring out that side of him.
The side that likes dancing, ice skating, and you.
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lakesparkles · 1 year
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Alright.... I'm less embarrassed (a little) to show my weird crossovers - I like to call them like this. Most are just characters I like interacting just because, but I'm starting with a full AU. It's basically a swap between Reagan & Brett with Diane & PB! It's a bit silly but I created some stuff about it (I have more parts), if you want to know more about the plot, it's under the cut!
This was Instagram's original descpription, so I might repeat myself, sorry.
You may be used to my self indulgent crossover AUs by now, right!?? And this wins as the most self indulgent one so far. So I'm not sure if other people will like it, but… I do. Basically, yeah, this is Brett + Reagan / Mr Peanutbutter + Diane, but swapped! Before I say anything else I would really like to thank @/witherstorm for the original idea (it inspired me so much I drew all of these very fast!) and also @/skoshibuns and @/lazuli_drawzalot for helping on this too (I'm not really tagging to not give annoying notifications, but check all of them out!! They're amazing and have really good art!)
Okay, so back to the AU. I don't have much ideas for it so far, but with Brett and Reagan is basically an actor AU! Brett is famous for acting in a sci-fi sitcom in the 90's. Now he's still loved for his positive and sweet personality, even that, inside, he's super insecure about himself and what he does. Reagan is married to him and works as a writer in the same project Brett is now involved. But what she studied and truly wants to be is a scientist (she also thinks Brett's sitcom isn't realistic at all!!), she still wonders why she's so unhappy with her life… I didn't create much for Diane and Mr PB working at Cognito but it surely would be interesting, considering it was all created by Diane's father, who just died and she pretty much hated. Mr Peanutbutter was created by Cognito, in a project that wanted to give animals human conscience. But the problem was when they made him Diane's coworker, now both of them having to be leaders of the same team. She's offended. Even after giving all her life for that company… Isn't she enough? (I'm not sure if they'll have a romantic relationship at first, I kinda want to make him dating Pickles in the beggining, but it also seems like a bad idea) If you read all of this, I love you! As always, laptop makes colors ugly. Princess Carolyn surely looks PINK
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mahoutoons · 4 months
no, the sailor moon 90s anime is not more feminst than the manga
i've seen people herald the 90s anime as this beacon of feminism just because it focuses on the relationship between the inner senshi instead of usagi and mamoru's relationship. there's this idea that the manga being more about romance makes it inherently less feminist than the anime. but i want to shut that idea down.
people keep circulating these three screenshots to prove the 90s anime is this feminist masterpiece
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but just a scene prior in the SAME EPISODE, rei calls usagi ugly COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED
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yes there's teasing between friends but come on. usagi didn't even do anything to warrant being compared to a monkey.
and speaking of rei... she's so heavily lesbian coded in the manga. literally her nightmare in the dream arc is getting married and settling down in the trad family sense. which she destroys with her akuryo taisan like the lesbian queen she is. also her distrust of men is a big part of her character in every adaptation... except the 90s anime which made her boy crazy and have that plotline where she gets with mamoru for a while for the sake of a rivalry with usagi!
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there's the whole jealousy thing with chibiusa which is honestly weird no matter the adaptation and idk why ANYONE thought that was a good idea. but its somehow WORSE in the 90s anime. at least, at the very LEAST in the manga she actually communicates with mamoru about her insecurities and the whole jealousy thing only lasts in the black moon arc (which continues staying the worst arc regardless of the adaptation). in the anime... it lasts well into the end of supers... TWO SEASONS after usagi found out chibiusa was her and mamoru's daughter!
and lets talk about how they made usagi jealous over small things in supers! look i get it, she's a teenage girl and she gets jealous easily. but when you get jealous of a child who is also your future daughter and an old woman your boyfriend tried to help, that's when you have issues. there's an entire fucking episode where she stalks rei just because mamoru is staying at her house for a day!
and the most egregious thing which makes me laugh at any claim of the 90s anime being much more feminist than the manga.. is how they handled prince demande. you know, the guy who kidnapped and sexually assaulted usagi? in the manga and crystal, he's killed off unceremoniously.
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but guess what ikuhara, the feminist king who knows to write SO MUCH BETTER than naoko, did. he tried to make demande sympathetic. he made usagi sympathise with him.
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yasssss ikuhara you go make the pedophile sexual assaulter sympathetic, you feminist king! you definitely know SO MUCH BETTER than naoko!
and people thought crystal was antifeminist? get outta my face with that at least crystal didn't try to make the fucking borderline rapist sympathetic, he disintegrated in a pile of dust like he deserves.
you might be thinking "get outta here no one says the 90s anime is more feminist than the manga". well yes people do. you'd be surprised. i went to an old anime confession blog and found these posts back when crystal was still new and still had a MASSIVE hatedom
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and these are just some of the posts. there's so much more. people who dared to enjoy crystal were called misogynistic for... liking a show. even today i see people bash naoko for the smallest things while praising ikuhara as a feminist king and lgbt ally who did more for the community than naoko (which is funny because the 90s anime has an episode where makoto has a crush on haruka and the girls are like "nuuuuuu mako you can't date haruka you're a girl" which wasn't in the manga). when he wouldn't even have been able to make the anime without naoko's manga.
there's an interview with naoko takeuchi where she says that the difference between the manga and 90s anime was that the 90s anime had a male perspective as it was directed by men while the manga mostly had a female perspective as it was written by a woman.
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and it honestly really shows when you watch the anime again.
was the 90s anime progressive for its time? yes. is the manga peak feminist literature? no. you can prefer the 90s anime over the manga but don't go acting like its inherently more feminist than the manga just because it doesn't focus as much on the romance aspect. the manga focusing more on usagi and mamoru's romance doesn't make it inherently less feminist.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 months
Hii Merms, thank you so much for the kind response 💌🩷
It's been days and I honestly did not get the chance to read the official chapter yet. Which I believe I should do before responding even, because the issue with the leaks was the mistranslations here and there. And because so much of it was also open-ended many fans came up with stuff out of nowhere and pushed it into the ending and called it canon. So it was a mess.
It's weird to me, it felt like Horikoshi forced himself into an ending that would satisfy everyone else and not him, which ultimately resulted in him messing up a bit. Because he put such great great effort and thought into sympathising with the villains and what they story means for how hero society operates. And he kept on showing how flawed the society is until ch.429, the before last.
In the end, like u said, traditional hero rankings are still a thing. Some people have changed yes, like the old lady who ignored Tenko but reached out her hand to another version of him, that could have been like him. But the last chapter also shows that the majority, or at least a huge part of society, is still sticking to the old ways of thinking. (Like the guy mocking Dai for his quirk, how being a hero is somehow more of a thingfor "elte people").
And while Uravity began a project for quirk counselling that's now fundamental for society and Tentacole fought against racism. It seems everyone else continues on to be normal pros. And there is no shame in that, but idk, the fact you all took part in wars that occurred because of how society and hero society operates but continue to do the same thing your predecessors did is asking for another League of villains, another group of children and young who would be pushed to that. But maybe I'm jumping to conclusions since we barely got to see any of what the new pros (like Mirio) are doing.
Also goodness, the mistranslation that class A did not see Izuku after graduation and people so QUICKLY believed it and spread it around. I saw alot of post both on twitter and tiktok shaming class A for it.
My dear "we don't fact-check leaks even though it's a very common occurrence that mistranslations happen" people, are we really talking about the same class A? The same class A, that collectively as a class, decided to join Izuku back in his vigilante arc to help him? They were willing to go out and be vigilantes with him. But then Nezu assured them they can bring him back instead so he could rest and be protected all the same.
THAT SAME CLASS A? Who knew what OFA means and all it's connections, the way he was quirkless and got it. and the only thing they(Oijiro) asked was how does it feel like? They never made him feel weirded out about it. (It might not seem like a big deal, but when you look at the public reaction to it, like "isn't that AFO's ability tho" or "he's like a Nomu" u would see).
So also yeah, I'm so so happy about the fact they all contributed funds to his suit. But prior to that he was a teacher for what, 5 to 6 years? While I do think being a teacher suits him. Keeping him in the dark about getting a chance to be a hero again JUST as he seemed to accept he can be a hero by teaching and inspiring younger generations seemed a bit off to me. But then again, I wanted him to be able to grow and continue to be a hero so I guess I can't complain much about it.
Overall I'm actually happy and sad it ended, this show was with me for 6 years. And it's my most cherished so I don't want to say goodbye (we still have a movie and the anime, so exciting). Even if that small disappointment is still lingering.
Hii Liliii. 🌷 How are you feeling about it now that we’ve had a little bit more distance? Have you read the official chapter yet? I dunno if it makes that much of a difference, but it did for me LOL. I don’t read the scanlations (they’re UGLY 😡) but I do think that like, seeing the dialogue in action verses hearing a brief summary from a rushed translator does matter. And that was the case for me!! Whenever the fandom took the leaks and then like, ran wild with them, it always… idk! I won’t say it ruined things, really, but it definitely made things less fun, and for me personally it had a lot to do with how quickly the discussion goes from, “oh, the leaks are suggesting (thing happens)” to, “omg, this is cold hard fact and now 50k people agree”. For example: the other day I saw a post here, made in the wake of the leaks, that said something like, “oh i can’t believe kacchan singlehandedly funded deku’s suit” and like??? no the fuck he did not!!!! LOL. I guess it’s just a lethal combo of like, overzealous fans taking what they want from the leaks without taking the time to tell themselves hold up and wait, and then making it everyone else’s problem too. 💀 Overwhelmed by the siren song of instant gratification.
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Having re-read the last couple of chapters, tho, I don’t think Hori wrote himself into a corner! There’s definitely a disconnect, though, between us as an audience, and Hori as the author—like we’re kinda on different wavelengths? Because he’s shown what kind of writer he is (with the way he’s answered questions in like, interviews and stuff, he kinda actually reminds me of that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote. “The most interesting writing is that which does not quite satisfy the reader. Try and leave a little thinking for him; that will be better for both […] A little guessing does him no harm, so I would assist him with no connections.” emphasis mine). For better or for worse, Horikoshi just does not care/think to dwell in the big moments/emotional beats he creates, and I think that throws most of us as readers off, LOL. Like… we want to be more in Deku’s head, we maybe wanna see more of the kids in their final years at UA, or starting out as Pros, or like, linger with Deku a bit more in a school day. But Hori doesn’t wanna give us that. And I think that’s where everyone is getting their wires crossed—we want one thing (or several lmao) and Hori… wants and does another, LOL.
(The middle part of that Emerson quote above says, “The trouble with most writers is, they spread too thin. The reader is as quick as they; has got there before, and is ready and waiting […] If you can see how the harness fits, he can. But make sure that you see it.” And to me that’s the problem, we as readers have jumped ahead of Hori and have landed at a place we expect him to arrive, and instead he zigs in the complete opposite direction LMAOOOO. whether or not it works issss. Up for debate lmaooo. Are we seeing where the harness would fit, where he’s seeing a collar? Some food for thought maybe.)
One opinion I’ve seen in the wake of these last few chapters is that Hori often gets his messaging confuddled; I’m not sure if I agree or not. I think it’s another case of harness vs. collar lmao, like maybe we as readers are taking away different conclusions to what he’s intended (he’s sticking to his message; we just don’t like how he’s telling it LMAO). But it is stark, when you lay it out. Anyone can be a hero—as long as they have pro hero friends funding an Iron Man suit for them lmaooo (anyone can be a hero, but they need a community of people willing to hold out a hand for them to get there). Society is fundamentally selfish and overlooks uncomfortable things, and that breeds resentment and hate (society is capable of change, it’s just a slow crawl to get there, and that maybe we can’t help everyone—but the point is that we should help the people right in front of us).
I guess the biggest example, though, is indeed the League; I’ve seen soooo many heartbroken people point out that Hori spent all that effort—an entire POV arc!—on showcasing the villains, and getting us to sympathise with them, and what-was-the-point-of-it-if-he-was-just-going-to-kill-most-of-them-off? But they were always doomed. Doomed by the narrative, doomed by their society. It’s what makes them a tragedy. The tragedy of their tragedy is that Hori’s preferences with his storytelling (or his weakspots, depending) doesn’t really stop to give people the catharsis of like, a big goodbye. 🥺
(This is off-topic, but every time time I see that phrase—doomed by the [whatever]—it makes me think of a quote from one of my favourite books, Picnic at Hanging Rock:
“Edith echoed, ‘Doomed? What’s that mean, Irma?’
‘Doomed to die, of course! Like the boy who “stood on the burning deck, whence all but he had fled, tra… la la…” I forget the rest of it.’”)
Hori’s ending really wants to leave us/let us believe that like, our Heroes have solved the biggest problems their predecessors faced, and now they’re like, a glorified search and rescue—but I think the fun of the ending is that it does leave room for new villains, new League-type deals, to pop up. 😈 People are good and bad. There’s always going to be someone who wants to lock a kid in a basement, lmao, the point is that someone will be there to help them out of it. And maybe it’s baby steps at the moment, but the takeaway I got from the story was less about fixing everything forever, and more like, putting systems in place so that you and others—heroes and civvies alike—can catch what you can, when you can. 🥺 Deku might miss League 2.0, but maybe Kota or Stitches at the end there won’t. Our Heroes have turned the tide. They’ve reminded people at large to do their best. 🥹 They’re actively teaching them to do their best.
Which is why it drives me bonkers when the fandom likes to like…. discount Class-A’s bond!!! At it’s worse though—throughout that awful gap where all we had were the leaks—I just had to keep telling myself that the, “Izuku was abandoned by his friends!” stuff was a product of this fandom being an average age of like, twelve. 💀 LOL. But also it’s just—idk! A result of shipping culture, maybe. The inability to understand that people can and do have meaningful relationships outside of people they have sex with. 💀 That it’s possible for a whole class of kids who went through a war together to care for each other and still be busy with saving the world, outside of school. 💀💀
I’m happy and sad it ended, too. 🥺 A lot of complaints I’ve seen are valid—and have made me realise that the thing that threw me, personally, was how passive an ending it is (like how things just happen to Izuku, aka him being given the suit as a surprise and not being apart of it). I’d like to reread the series, back to back, and see how it flows! Maybe when the anime comes along and fills in some of those gaps where Hori couldn’t/didn’t want to, it’ll feel more… apt. 🥹 And I hope that by the time the anime ends, Lili, you feel a little more fulfilled by it. 🥺🌷
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watercolorsam-arts · 20 days
Why the Minecraft Movie looks so bad
Okay, let’s see if I can make this work
Hi, I’m Watercolor, currently a student learning animation and visual effects. I’ve got some more technical explanations for why exactly the trailer looks god awful
I’m gonna do my best to explain this in simple terms, but if I don’t explain something very good, let me know and I’ll explain more. Alright, this is gonna be a long post
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Starting off with the obsession with backlighting. See how it doesn’t really match the environmental lighting? That’s one of the major things that makes it look so weird to a lot of people. It could have been done to better distinguish the actors from the background, but it does that a little too well and makes them look way too out of place. The environment has a very nice constant (most likely singular) light source, which is most likely an HDRI.
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An HDRI (or high dynamic range image) informs the animation software on how the scene should be lit, and is often a weird panoramic image of whatever physical area you want to replicate.
In a reverse case, adding a CG character into a real set, you could take an HDRI of the physical set, and use it to apply similar lighting. Adjustment will most likely have to be hand adjusted by the lighting team (and tbh they add a lot of extra lights in anyway. It just needs to look right) but it’s a fantastic starting point for the compositing and lighting teams.
However, the McM’s live set has way different lights set up then what is seen in the environment.
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Here, for example, the live set is most likely being lit by standard 3 point lighting, which are not only the wrong color (the lighting on the environment is much more yellow) but also washes out any shadows that would help define the actors. If this movie wasn’t obsessed with backlighting, you could fix that by lighting the actors and environment from the front, but because the sun is in the back, they have to make the front of the actors unnaturally brighter to see them more properly. I have a slight idea on why the kid in red looks especially “photoshopped” in, and it’s mostly because his hoodie doesn’t have a similar reflectiveness to everyone else’s outfit, and his hair is a more neutral color, causing the highlight to be even more washed out. Also, while we’re here, the cube is a physical prop, but it was not lit up during filming, and all the light output was tossed on after. And it’s really inconsistent and honestly, lazy. For the most part they just hit it with a blue blur effect in post, it doesn’t actually cast any light.
Another major issue is the color difference between the actors and the environment. The color balancing on the actors is particularly garbage, they’re somehow desaturated while also being too saturated, I don’t know how they managed that. But the technical issue on why it looks odd, is because the physical camera cannot physically pick up the same vibrancy as the “camera” in the CG world. You might have seen an example of this when trying to take a photo with your phone, especially of a very colorful event like the sunset. It’s also why “ugly sonic” looked particularly out of place, he was 10x more saturated than anything else around him.
Having the actors on a very low effort green screen stage also completely ruins any chance of getting the proper ambient light or ambient occlusion.
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Ambient occlusion is basically the bounce light from other objects in your scene, gamers might know this as a form of ray tracing (ray tracing is live changes in ambient occlusion, games without ray tracing bake in ambient occlusion to get a similar result)
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When everything is CG, (again art style aside) looks pretty darn good actually!
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I attempted some edits to see if anything could make it look better (left is original, right is mine), and I don’t think proper lighting or anything could actually fix what this movie has wrong with it. They should have made the whole thing animated, I don’t think any amount of bullying would fix this, the studio basically has to scrap the actors, and make new CG characters from scratch in the same style as the rest of the world.
All of this is not the fault f the animators, or any of the vfx team, they did their absolute best with what they had, this is 100% the fault of the higher ups on this project. I have no idea how this good this far into production without ANYONE saying that it was a bad idea (Either that, or a lot of people got fired, which is unfortunately a likely possibility)
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boozy-dwarf · 6 months
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@sinick brought up an interesting point about scars. I've been reading different articles about medicine lately, watching videos, scars are a really important topic for me as an artist. So far I don't understand much, unfortunately I don't have a medical degree and it's hard for me to understand such complicated topics. However, if I understand anything it's that from the attack of land predators the wounds don't look like symmetrical stripes (symmetrical wounds are possible if you get bitten by a shark. Why? Because sharks have sharp teeth.). You might ask "why have I seen pictures of symmetrical scars after an animal attack?" and I'd say, "it's because the wound was sutured."
It's the sharpness of the claws and teeth, predators (Terrestrial predators) have only teeth in their mouths, not a set of scalpels, predators tear and pierce flesh, break bones, crush organs, not to mention that most predators kill their prey by simply closing their throats. Predator attacks leave ugly scars of all types and shapes. These scars are most often not as ugly as the scars of people after the first world war, but they look very ugly too.
There are different types of scars, as far as I understand there are 4 kinds, but I will not tell about it, because I am not an expert and can mislead. I'm sure you will find information about it if you want to look into it further.
From what I understand, Azog's scars are "atrophic type" - they're depressed, So they're like a pit going down deep. Atrophic scars are caused by a number of things, but I think in Azog's case it's because he got an infection in his wounds, which prevented the skin from healing properly.
Given that his scars have a certain symmetry, it's safe to say that it's intentional scarification.
Although there is a scar that is a different type of scar than the others, Azog has a scar on his upper lip, apparently he got hit hard once (And don't let it bother you that the scar on his lip is a long shape, like someone drew a stripe. A hard blow to the skin can cause tearing. If you've ever hit a ripe watermelon, you've obviously seen the same tear appear on it.)
I don't know if there's any weight to my opinion, I'm not the author of this character design after all. When I watched the voice-overs for the Hobbit movies, the guys from Jackson's team said that Azog had these scars that he supposedly got in battle, they said that it would be weird if he did them of his own free will. (that's not a quote, I'm just saying how I got the gist of the thought). But I think if designers need to show the scars from many battles, then they shouldn't have the scars symmetrical and neat.
I think Azog's Scars are deliberate scarification. We do not know where Azog came from, perhaps his tribe has such traditions.
What do you think?
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unknownlemoneater · 1 year
Hellsing oc lmao ((more abt her under cut))
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Part 1 ⚬ ⚬ ⚬ Part 1½ ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
((side note; Before I start, I dunno anything about skinbenders if it’s an actual thing, I just got the name from a comic book character and then just freestyling the rest, and my writing is horrible.))
Calico can shapeshift into much more than just animals or human. she can shapeshift her whole, or part of her body into whatever she wants, objects, weapons, animal-like, anything she wants. for an average skinbender, it’s easy to spot them through their disguises, they always look deranged, or something’s just off and inhuman about them. but not Calico, She’s always flawless with her shapeshifting ability and that fact does give her a bit of an ego. Calico has to wear one’s skin in order to shift into what she wants, so does that also mean she consumes scraps in order to shapeshift into an object? Maybe…
\\Likes \ hobbies\\
⟡ Using her shifting ability, Calico loves to terrify the soldiers around Hellsing with her body horror, and Seras is definitely her favorite to scare, she would stand in dark corners and just stare. But unfortunately ((or fortunately ?)) the only people that wouldn’t fall for her antics is Alucard and Integra, makes sense because Integra had to deal with Alucard within the second half of her childhood so she should be used to it at this point. and I’m sure Alucard vampire senses would know Calico is there before she even get to do anything.
⟡ shifting into a cat and pretty much doing whatever the fuck she wants.
⟡ joining Hellsing was just like a retirement for Calico, doing random activities around the mansion while also becoming a vampire Hunter to satisfy her animalistic nature to kill. crocheting, bone collecting, gardening, just to name a few of her random activities, but her favorite out of all is baking, and sharing her baked goods to hellsing while they’re completely oblivious rather or not if she ever put anything in the food they’re eating, and she haven’t... yet.
⟡ Women. ((Not in that way))
((ok maybe a little in that way..))
⟡ Bald people.
((k here some concept))
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\\The character\\
⟡ relaxed, serene, insensitive, sadomasochistic, two-faced, extremely kind when she feels like it, can be manipulative at times, and a challenge to provoke.
⟡ Calico speaks with a lot of hand gestures, and even touch the person she’s talking to, she does not acknowledge personal space, or possibly doesn’t even care. Her voice is usually soft, calm and almost robotic in someway, with a Chinese Mandarin accent, but her voice does change when she’s in her original form, it’s like a raspy, loud whisper. Calico has no filter, she would announce how ugly a baby is, in public, in front of the parents.. or casually ask a person why are they ugly, or bald. in other words she will say shit that probably shouldn’t be said out loud, or say what everybody in the room is thinking out loud in an awkward situation as another example and all with a small smile remaining on her face.
⟡ and there’s other times she’ll just stand there like a statue if anyone isn’t Interacting with her or just doesn’t have anything else to do.
//more random stuff abt this character//
⟡ Skinbenders aren’t exactly born with a pacific sex or gender, all their genitals pretty much the same and can be used the same way as both human male and female genitals, in other words, you could breed or be bred by them. ((WTF DID I JUST TYPE IN BRO 😭)) what I’m trying to get at is Calico is technically a trans woman if you think about it.
⟡ Calico forgets to blink sometimes, just putting that there.
⟡ ((I have this weird obsession with what a character bedroom would look like, so best believe I’m gonna explain what her bedroom looks like,)) most of her room is completely normal, a dresser she never felt the need to use, a vanity and shelves occupied with her small animal skull collection but what sticks out the most is instead of having a bed she has a nest in the size of an average king size bed made from majority of blankets and pillows she have stolen around the mansion all occupying in the corner of her room, she could be very protective of her nest, only allowing the people she trust the most to even be near, aka Seras, Calico has tried inviting her master Integra into her nest, but was always rejected.. so that’s why Calico has taken upon herself to settle for claiming her master's bed instead.
⟡ Most of her clothing is made of her flesh.
⟡ Calico is not completely emotionless she can make other facial expressions, a small smile is just her default / resting face. 
⟡ If Calico actually labeled her identity, she would be an aromantic, pansexual, trans woman. but she doesn’t feel the need to label it, so you would never catch her calling herself these things.
⟡ Calico doesn’t really see people as, well.. people. So this is how she view the main four !!
Integra ((But Calico personally calls her ‘my master’))- Calico actually respects her authority and probably the only persons boundaries she would take into consideration. Also silly British hehehehe.
Alucard - Calico sees him as some vampiric Manwhore. But they’re civil with each other, they like to have conversations and even sometimes play chess together.
Seras ((but Calico insist on calling her by her last name, Victoria.)) - ah she absolutely adore her, Calico would have her attend with her hobbies if available. Calico treats Seras as like she’s a new puppy for her. So in case you haven’t noticed she’s obviously the favorite.
Walter - twink.
((that’s all for now!! this may have some edits since I’m never satisfied with any writing I do, and I will be making a part two lololololo.))
((Did I choose this silly cat video in particular because it’s a Calico? Yes, yes I did exactly that.))
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madamsugarskull · 5 months
Can you give a tutorial/tips on how you draw facial expressions please? Everyone always looks so unhinged in your art and I love it!
Sure! I don’t mind giving a few pointers, It’s super sweet of you to ask.
Basically, my number one rule of an expression is that the eyes are the most important part of the face. I feel like if you took everything else out, the eyes could still tell you everything you need to know about how someone is feeling. Kinda like Gromit from Wallace and Gromit. And I always felt that comics are incredible in the fact you only need to draw someone’s face without any dialogue and you would still understand what’s happening.
Here’s a few examples with my girlie Min:
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Starting off, the only thing different about these faces are the eyes and the lips. Everything else is the same but comes off completely different. Min’s eyes in the first image are smaller, lidded and her lip is more of a smirk than a smile. Which makes her look more menacing and scheming. Meanwhile, the second image her eyes are bigger, her smile is softer and her eyes are wide open. This gives her an innocent and peaceful feeling. And that’s only just from drawing different eyes and lips. And shows how important these things are.
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For more exaggerated expressions, you gotta mold the face and add a bunch of lines to make the expression more intense. And again, changing the shape of the eyes also adds to it.
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I also recommend finding references you like for future use. For me, I like to take expressions from manga and comics specifically because I feel like animation sometimes doesn’t get the image right when it’s still. Unlike manga that uses lighting and detail to show off just how intense the reaction is. Which is really important when you’re drawing a comic vs doing an animation. So do what I do and look at comics, manga and even just look up on google some expressions you feel hit the sweet spot yours looking for.
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All in all, I would say practice and not being afraid to make your characters ugly is the next important thing. It sometimes becomes tempting to keep your characters pretty, and I had that issue a lot and still do. So don’t be afraid to get weird with expressions. Hell, make your hottest character hideous for comedy sake. It helps to loosen you up to better expressions later on. For me, I typically use min and miyuki for study and practice. Since I feel they are the perfect characters for that.
But anyway! Thanks for reading! I hope this helped and if you have other drawing tips you’d like to ask. Please go ahead and ask. I’m not the most talented artist. But I like to give help where I can if people really want to listen to me!
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sodapunked · 3 months
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Name ☆ Kong-Rey Queenie Ronanio
Gender ☆ Male
Age ☆ 43 [29 at the start of the webtoon]
Species ☆ Vrobot
Birthday ☆ June 23rd
Likes ☆ Mooncakes, selfies, hot girls with big butts and boobs, himself, being sexy, fashion, fighting, extremely gory and violent films and shows, tequila
Dislikes ☆ Galveston, Mangkhut, being touched on his shoulders/thighs/hips, kongphobia, cheap clothing, root beer, flat girls, soy sauce
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Basic info☆
Kong-Rey is the emperor of Thayas, or as he calls himself "the most sexiest person alive" and "the supreme ruler or Thayas". Unlike most rulers that live in Fairone, he can be described as a narcissistic person that would imprison anyone that calls him or says words like ugly, stupid, weird, etc. Because according to him, that's Kongphobic, even if it wasn't towards him.
Despite his blatant narcissism that he doesn't hide, he does have a wife and son that he loves dearly. What he also loves is hot girls with big booties and boobs.. that's literally his type of women. Which his wife Wipha fits in that type.
What he also hates is two people by the names of Mangkhut and Galveston. Galveston, because he said that kongphobia isn't real (which is true) Mangkhut because he won the undefeated champion title. Kong-Rey losing to him. Kong-Rey loves fighting and the idea of winning 24/7 to prove he is powerful and strong.
Overall, he is both a good and bad person. Narcissistic, delusional, and just mean-spirited to some people, but a caring father and faithful husband to his wife and son. If you anger him in anyway, just prepare to be imprisoned or just be labeled kongphobic.
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BACKSTORY ☆ (warning for abuse, ptsd mentions)
Kong-Rey was made in June 23 in the year 1977 by the emperor and empress of the time Malakas and Chaba. A few minutes later and he was announced as prince and future emperor of Thayas. The first few minutes of Kong’s life were normal. That was until the next day, when Malakas was given the news that his father supposedly died yesterday, the news completely destroyed him as he was close to his father, Malakas, for some reason thought that it was somehow Kong-Rey’s fault that his father died. This is where the abuse started. as it all started with a hard slap in the face.
As time went on Kong-Rey had to suffer under the hands of his father and mother. His father would punch and beat him if he did one thing wrong, even if it was a small mistake, or if he got bad grades at school, he would be locked in the closet if he was caught messing around in the kitchen or living room. He would be thrown around if he dared to get anywhere next to him for comfort, his mother did the same to him. CPS would be involved due to concerned calls from people who saw him walking out with black eyes, scratches, bite marks, etc. but everytime they came, his father would always coach him to saying that nothing was wrong and that he accidentally got hurt, and it was successful, the CPS would close his case as they thought it was all a misunderstanding.
Kong-Rey only had one person that loved and cared for him, and that was none other than Fengshen. He looked out and cared for Kong-Rey and tried his best to protect him from Malakas. Fengshen was the only one to teach Kong from right to wrong, being kind to animals and people, letters, English, etc. which could explain why he didn’t displayed any violent behavior or lashed out a people, or being a bad kid in general.
Despite all of he went through, he still had love for his parents but hated what they did to him.
At age five is when he was first exposed to violent and gory movies, at the age of twelve was when he found out about the existence of tequila (his love for it went on, even now).
The abuse ended when he turned eighteen, as it was the same year he was crowned as the new emperor of Thayas. But there was one thing he now had to deal with, and it was none other than PTSD from his childhood. Fengshen took him to therapy to undo the trauma he had to suffer with. But unfortunately it would only work a bit as it undone an estimate 53% which would explain why Kong-Rey would suffer the symptoms here and there (when a robot has PTSD they don’t have memory gaps as they remember everything, while a living VFox with PTSD would have memory gaps like a human would).
Some time later in 1998, Kong-Rey began to feel lonely, and wanted someone to be with for life, someone to love.
This gave his father the idea to search for a wife for him, he couldn’t find any eligible women in the middle of the street as most of them are home or working high paying jobs, so he decided to go to the local flower market mostly run by women. This is where he will find the woman soon to be wife of Kong-Rey, Wipha.
When he was called over to see his new partner for life, he saw her and was instantly in love, so did she, they both talked a bit, introducing themselves, and they both agreed to get married. Some time after the wedding, Malakas said to Kong-Rey “you might as well go ahead and run away, that’s all you’re good for”, Wipha heard him and decided to kick him where the sun didn’t shine.
Kong-Rey decided to use $3000 for a cruise trip, why? To make his move and get to know Wipha. Which she did agree to go on the trip with him as she also wants to know him more. He told Wipha about his childhood, his love for tequila, literally everything going far as his love for fashion and how he can make all the clothes she dreams of. Some time later, he told her one last thing, that thing being to wanting to start a family with her someday. Wipha was astonished, she always wanted to start a family so of course she was getting herself ready to take care of a child with him. It took a long time because she had to take parenting classes for about three times to fully get the hang of it.
In 2004, Kong-Rey and Wipha welcomed their son Krosa into the world. He was over the moon and got to hug him. Unfortunately they now have to do one thing, and it’s to make sure Malakas and Chaba are to never go anywhere near Krosa, in fear that they might come after him. Kong-Rey loved Krosa so much, he would stop whatever he was doing to be with him and to do things with him, he even made him clothes that are fit for him, he would give him the entire world for him to be happy.
In the same year, there was a lot of drama between Galveston, himself, and Mangkhut. As Galveston was blacklisted and banned from Thayas for saying that kongphobia wasn’t real. Mangkhut and Haiyan used to work for Kong-Rey as servants, because they were looking for high paying jobs. They were the best ones in the palace. That was until Mangkhut went to participate in a live match in BattleVerse where he fought against Kong-Rey. Mangkhut won and became undefeated champion which made Kong mad because he wanted to be the one that won sand assumed that Mangkhut won to make himself look better than him.
He decided to send his guards out to kill Mangkhut, Haiyan and their older brother Utor because of this, which lead all three of them also including Mangkhut’s twin sons to flee Thayas, currently all five of them live in BubblPop City, hiding from Kong-Rey, hoping that he wouldn’t find them.
One cool and rainy night ago in 2004, Kong-Rey was in a deep sleep minutes after he did what he called his "fabulously sexy" night routine. He kissed his wife goodnight, and went to bed seconds after she fell fast asleep, of course it wouldn't be behavior from Kong-Rey without sleeping with barely any movement and in positions you'd expect would be painful to some, Kong-Rey's main sleeping position? On his stomach with some of his limbs sprawled out like a person attempting to make snow angels on a cold snowy day. Just only three or more minutes in, and he started dreaming, what was this dream about? Well, it's probably the most weirdest and wild dream you've probably ever heard of, this dream he had revolved around him, about to leave a high end store that sells expensive clothing that, he's very fond of those types of stores, like really fond of them, the dream seemed to start off fairly normal, but the normalcy would eventually end minutes later, as after he went back home, he decided to take a breather in the garden after a long walk in the store he was at minutes ago, as he went to the nearest chair in the garden, he started to feel tired, tired after looking straight into the sky only for a few minutes, and took a nap.
after he woke up, he felt small, like really small, both literally and figuratively, and thin as well, he looked into the pond, and he realized that he turned into a beautiful, and elegant butterfly, with long slender wings with dazzling star and moon motifs both front and back, he was astonished and in disbelief, in a way that he didn't expected this weird and peculiar moment to happen, he decided to use his wings to fly around and explore a bit as a butterfly, he jumped off the chair he took a nap on and soared high and fast into the sky, flying as gracefully as possible, looking down below at the serene and dazzling empire he rules. All was normal, and a tad bit bizarre, and at the same time, refreshingly beautiful for him. That was until his entertainingly fun dream abruptly ended as soon before he was able to fully enjoy it.
Seconds after the dream ended, he started hearing a voice in his head, that was saying negative words, hurling one insult after another, with the main four insults he kept hearing as he slept were "Idiot", "beggar", "attention pig", and "Freak". These words kept on repeating as he slept, taunting him in a way, in a derogatory manner. He couldn't sleep, and as a result, he just couldn't take it anymore, he awoken in an extremely angered state, he never felt so heated and furious in his entire life, as a result he jumped out of bed went on a very angry tirade on how insultingly Kongphobic it is, he never used that word before, and his mind focused on that one word he said during his tirade "kongphobia", that night would be the night where Kongphobia was born into the world. As soon as it turned morning, he decided to make it a law in Thayas that if you were saying anything negative about Kong-Rey, regardless if it's jokingly, or honest or not will send you to the dungeon for one hour.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I have so many conflicting ideas about Hazbin/Helluva, where I can't ever join the hate watching crowd because I still, to an extent, enjoy the show if only for its potential. The most recent music video kind of cemented this for me, because... I really liked it. I don't want to feel bad for liking it, because that's silly and separating art from the artist is indeed a thing, but knowing what goes on behind the scenes... it's a bit tricky to reconcile with.
Stolas' songs (You'll be Okay, Owl in a Cage, Look my Way - even though that last one wasn't written by Sam Haft) have always been my favourites, and if I'm being frank, the only ones I've liked. I really like his character design too. Even now I'm uncertain about admitting that because so many people who send in asks to you rag on about how ugly Viv's character designs are, and while I do think they're confusing and impractical I have never considered them "ugly". Maybe I'm writing this so if anyone else feels this way they don't feel so alone? Not being a part of any sort of crowd is a bit of a terrifying place, even if it is ultimately a good thing.
I have ideas for possible Helluva and Hazbin fanworks but I'm scared to do anything about them because, with the creepy adolesent mob mentality the fandom seems to have, I'm afraid I would look as though I'm promoting the show, when I really just got inspired by, again, the potential. I don't want to write out a whole long explanation (that no-one will read) detailing my thoughts on the series and Viv because I might get taken the wrong way, and saying zilch and staying silent seems like the best option and yet also just as poor of a choice.
On a final note, and this is just whishful thinking of a better universe, but I think Hazbin and Helluva would have been a lot more successful and potentially less controversial if it had done the same thing as Daria Cohen, where each "episode" was a music video (because I honestly got more whole enjoyment out of the Look My Way animation than I have out of like, the whole of Season 2), and the whole entire thing could have been told through song (allowing for the more abstract imagery that Viv seems to have a better grasp of while also keeping the projects possibly more manageable). Obviously this would demote it purely to a passion project because she wouldn't be making nearly as much money off of it... which, when you think about it, is probably a good thing anyway.
Sorry for the length!
You don't have to apologize for a thing, Anon! As long as you're not giving her money or making weird excuses for Vivzie herself or named DaniDraws, there's no wrong way to love HH/HB. It's why for every ask I get trashing the designs, two more want to hug these characters close and steal them. We've got people here who hate it all and think it's always been a port-o-toilet fire full of ugly characters, but plenty who genuinely love it -- and I think as more of the fandom sadly hang their heads and come over to the critical side, that number's only going to increase.
Seconding the Daria Cohen bit. I don't know that it would have saved the show in the long run from its biggest problem, which is Viv's cruelty and ego, but a more Vampair or Mystery Skulls Animated-esque setup where each episode is a music video would have played to Viv's strengths and masked her weaknesses.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 months
7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57
Woah, thanks for all the numbers! I did 7 in the previous post, but let's see:
17. "opinion on insecurities" hahaha, I didn't even read all of these before I reblogged that thing! My most immediate reaction is that sometimes when you're trying to have an honest reckoning with your flaws and handicaps, people tell you you're just being insecure, and this is one of the central frustrations of my entire existence. If you're forced to constantly pretend that you're awesome and capable of anything, it makes it a lot harder to come to terms with what isn't working. But everyone has insecurities I think, they're probably unavoidable. I guess some people base their entire personality around an insecurity and that's not great, but I think the only thing to do is to try to be honest and lucid about your weaknesses. That's the only point you can proceed from.
27. If I gave you a real accounting of all the things I hate, you would regret it! It's a lot of things, TOO MANY things. I'll just pick one for now: I hate movies about characters who are sort of reclusive, where other characters mob up on them and force them to participate in society as if this is a great gift, as if all human beings want the same thing and that thing is extreme amounts of attention and activity, as if no human being could possibly just enjoy their own company and some peace and quiet. There are a lot of variations on this theme but a good example is THE STATION AGENT. I was like, what the fuck, leave that guy alone!
37. Hmm I also have a lot of favorite actors since I spend most of my time watching movies. Last night I rewatched the incredible THE WORLD'S GREATEST SINNER and I was thinking about how Timothy Carey is like Nicolas Cage before Nicolas Cage, like they're descended from the same stock somehow. They even look alike to me. And then I was thinking about how Michael Moriarty has that same kind of manic, improvisational energy, and all three men are tall. Actually Nic Cage isn't as tall as I always think he is, but Moriarty is 6'3" and Carey was a little over. So Timothy Carey and Nicolas Cage have more similar faces, but Michael Moriarty and Timothy Carey are more the same height. I do not know what this is meant to prove.
47. "Turn ons," eh? I'm prejudicially inclined toward people who are really smart and articulate, but I also like it when people are strangely naive and sweet. I like hairy, vascular forearms and hands, and glasses, and widow's peaks. I like people who have obsessions. I'm totally straight but I'm fascinated by tough, androgynous women and tomboys. I like men who look like weird movie villains. I am attracted to basically all weird movie villains.
But now I want to volunteer one "turn off" from #48, which is that I have zero tolerance for people who are really into deliriously dysfunctional sadomasochistic relationships. Which is what most media will tell you is "true love" or something, and it does look pretty good from the outside, I mean who doesn't want to dissolve into a morbid, swooning obsession? But having experienced a couple of those things, it became very clear to me that they are essentially infantile, ugly, and stupid, and people who insist on that dynamic are like a baby who cries over their shitty diaper and pisses in your face when you try to change it for them. I almost miss being able to enjoy that type of libidinous delirium, but the whole thought of it just makes me sick now. People who pretend to be vampires are never as cool as they want you to think they are.
57. My favorite animal is all reptiles. I like a lot of animals, but reptiles and amphibians more than anything. Right now I'm doing this study of Italian cannibal movies which I knew were full of animal cruelty, but somehow I managed to forget that reptiles seem to get the worst of it. :(
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Tackling a few of my most recent experiences wiwth the internet. Don't read if harassment and racism trigger you. I don't mean harm, this is supposed to be a safe space. Comments I deem negative will be deleted so that others feel comfortable just going around and say whatever.
1. Shipping
I completely understand people's worries with Punkflower but guys, instead of worrying about non confirmed ages, can we worry about kicking out actually problematic people off the internet doing stuff to real life minors? Miles was 14 when I was 14. He is now 15 and I am 18, I still love Miles the same way, ans that doesn't compromise my morals.
A person's ship between characters doesn't say about their morals entirely. Of course, sometimes it's undeniably creepy, like characters clearly presented as parental figures being shipped with kids that were supposed to look up at them. That's weird, don't do that. Or, idk, thinking it's a good idea to jerk your dog off. (I saw documentaries, those who do too knkw what I am talking about)
Point is, pls don't harass people who don't mean actual harm. Hobie's uncomfirmed age range shouldn't cause as much hate as it does. I disagree with nsfw from time to time because it is weird, but I mostly see couple-y stuff with a few jokes, and honestly? I absolutely adore it. I encourage you to try it. I used to absolutely hatee on people who ship any characters slightly older with whatever character the topic is. I would literally try to gate keep the whole fanart community cause "She's a minor, STOP!" and honestly it was stupid asf. I'm not telling you to encourage it, just don't be mean about it. It feels stupid. If you don't disagree, and the post isn't causing harm, just don't engage.
2. Shameless racism/harassment
Recently I've faced people both in and out of omegle who seem particularly shameless, feeling safe around their little homes thinking ol' mean me won't mind. I am using this opportunity to expose a particular someone who seems very keen on being weird. I grew up around weird guys, and I often identify them easily, but for some reason I pushed the lil gut feeling away. If you have the same problem, pls listen to that feeling. It's there to avoid situations that might be upsetting.
Starting with Omegle, people seem very comfortable with racism (and search of minors to flash them). I receive jokes indicating they want me to be shot, find me ugly, make faces of disgust, call me a slave, etc etc. Not to mention I even found teenagers joking about beastiality being 'awesome'. Kids rlly need to get supervised, cause I am telling y'all, some were barely 14.
Now, I had an interesting interaction on instagram with a Miles Morales account. He came to me cause I was rping as Peter and invited me in his server on discord. I got the gut feeling from his habit of trying to flirt with Gwen profiles and spamming pictures of him in a suit. For some reason, some people have a pattern of spamming pictures when they want praise and always require attention from specific people, and I know this cause I've been harassed over this before. Days later, I was matching with my bff as an anime couple so I changed and he realized I'm born female. He asked me to be rio instead, without knowing my age, and went ahead and offered 'fun', and that 'I can't tell anyone'. What happened essentially is that I called him out, he said I was disrespecting him, I blocked him, so he made a new account to cuss me out and threaten to report me. I feel indifferent about it, but if you have anyone with similar behavior, save yourself the trouble and block them. (His discord is 'dmoney520' so avoid interacting w him pls)
3. Sexualizing a content creator
I don't mean Dream, or corpse husband, or whoever tf. I am talking about a poor 16(ish) year old called Eddie who makes content for the fact he sounds like Hobie brown, and he has people saying shit like "wanna get pregnant?" The guy just started worrying about whatever the place he lives in worries around this time.
It's honestly creepy how people will actively harass punkflower creators but then barely notice a full ass guy who is still deemed a minor regardless of what American law says getting weirdass comments from people they don't even know. Literally flabbergasted at this discovery. Not mad, just genuinely upset.
These people often forget that websites can track their activity and its hilarious to me, so whatever. This was my report on my feelings after a week of internet, and honestly? I wanna delete it. My punkflower AU happy ending is coming so if that's what you wanted, great!
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