#same with amy
tbh clara could be split a billion times across the doctors timeline and id be like yeah this fucks it's literally only annoying bc she exists to "save the doctor" like there couldve been so many other reasons most importantly why couldnt it just be a mistake. can we pls explain big plot things with mistakes again i love mistakes. fucking. what was the entire buildup of bad wolf for oh yeah rose saw the tardises pussy and became god! ! ! !! uh oh ! oopsie doopsie ! ! this is poetic cinema
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ink-ami · 10 months
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Get yourself someone that warms up around you like Neuvillette warms up when melusines are involded.
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ybetzarts · 8 months
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Knuckles' 30th Anniversary carousel post 💥🌟I knew this wasnt gonna make it on Feb. 2, hence why I made the prev Knux post XDD
[FULL ILLUSTRATION BELOW, and a *flipped version]
If i ever miss any details, so sorry HNGG...theres so many characters, even came up with their grown-up designs on a whim (not claiming the designs to be unique btw, of all the fanarts out there, who knows?)
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just realized how difficult itd be for phone-only viewers to look at this art...theyre so tiny when you look at them through your phone. I thought this *flipped version might help :DD
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ohmerricat · 8 months
clara oswald is a manic pixie dream girl, but only in the literal sense of each of those words, the non-metaphorical meaning. manic not in a cutesy ‘teehee i’m so quirky’ way, but in an ‘i’m an actual control freak who wants to be able to successfully balance two very different lives and be competent in leading both of them. apparently i also need to sleep and eat and relax like a normal human being??’ way. pixie not in an ‘uwu whimsical’ way, but in an ‘assertive woman of short stature who may or may not be a mischievous trickster entity from a distant mythological past, one that looks adorable at first glance but embodies ambiguity and mystery’ way. dream not in the typical sense, but in the ‘i walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil; i appear in your mind at inopportune times; you can’t get rid of the idea of me, i haunt you like a persistent nightmare’ sense. girl as in impossible.
point is, she is much-deserving of the label in a non-derogatory, non-dismissive way, but as a genuine expression of awe and fascination
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ncutii-gatwa · 1 month
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 02.23 "Johnny and Dora"
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peachybunana · 3 months
finally, the good ending
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molinaskies · 1 year
An interesting “side effect” of the canonization of the “classic era” meaning “younger era” is that the classic era now reads as “cute fun times” before the core cast became teenagers/tweens and things got super, super complicated.
Because the characters are “younger,” there’s an air of “little rascal innocence” to everything they do now. The new releases like Mania and Superstars now feel like little throwbacks to the young heroes just learning how to work together and make a difference in the world.
I don’t think this is a bad thing at all.
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star6olt · 5 months
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some doobles of hedgehogs + mons :^]
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abyssalgalaxy · 1 month
The fact that Tsubomi didnt end up as Mob's gf and became her friend is so important, it strenghtes the entire friendship motif of the series have and breaks the trope of there having to be romance between a boy and a girl, the friendzone isnt bad its just that ppl have been conditioned to think that it is, for Mob and Tsubomi could be one of the best things that happened in their lives. Im sure she wanted to have a friend that she could open up to without being judged and without having the risk of her being seen as just a love interest by them. I have the feeling that Tsubomi would enjoy being silly once in a while, leave the "school idol" status she has and I think Mob also likes to be silly! Based on the cake prank on reigen at the epilogue and Mob telling Dimple he didnt remember him during the Mogami Arc, Id love to see them being silly together as besties, laughing together loudly at dumb shit or messing with their other friends. Maybe at some point he invites her to hang out with the rest of his friends, going shopping w Teru, hanging out w the telepathy club, or just anything really, she deserves more true friends. And since tsubomi isnt impressed by anything psychic/supernatural related, Mob can tell her about his little shenanigans at spirits n such without being weirded out or anything, she'll just listen and its the same for Mob's side, he's good at understanding and giving a safe place to speak, I know I said it already but she really needs true friends that wouldnt wish bad things upon her or see her as a prize.
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syrupsyche · 4 months
🛌les amis de l‘abc having a sleepover
just a big pile of them sleeping in whatever positions
please 🙇‍♀️
🛌: characters sleeping next to each other
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—Post-barricades happy ending AU; injured and tired they all take shelter in someone's flat to recuperate (and celebrate!).
Here's a version with all their names in case some of my designs are unrecognizable :')
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Thank you so much for the ask!! I'm so sorry for replying to this late; I was in the midst of finals ;-;
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chubbidust · 1 year
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developing a sonic au where characters powers/key traits are based on their names
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tezzbot · 6 months
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Bullying their sister for her failgirl behaviour around pretty lady </3
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st4ngray · 1 year
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Some more proper fanart but mm this series is so,,,
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Me, to my new date: doctor who thinks it's a sci-fi story because the Doctor thinks it's a sci-fi story and because the companions think it's a sci-fi story, but it's really just a story about ghosts. a story about an ancient creature carrying the ghosts of everyone they have ever loved, meeting new people, and seeing them only as future ghosts. they are haunted by the future and the past and the present because they are the only constant in a world constantly in flux, and they are running as fast as they can to things before they burn and fade to dust but everything will always end, you understand, because this is the only thing the Doctor understands and yet they keep going. they love too much to stop. doctor who is not science-fiction, it's horror and optimism and spiritual more than anything else, it's religious unto itself, the TARDIS is a haunted house and a church and a graveyard and a hospital and the Doctor is the most haunted being in the universe but more than anything, this is a love story, because how can you love something without being haunted by it- hey, what are you doing?
My date, shoving breadsticks in their purse: I have to go-
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transmasc-rose · 4 months
I'm thinking about the horror of the Doctor from the perspective of non-companions again, especially as it relates to people those companions know.
Rose? "Ran away" (not wrong) for "a year" (a week) with a "man" (alien) "twice her age" (approximately 50 times her age but yeah, he is Time Lord middle aged), and then gives absolutely no explanation for how or why that happened, except that she was "travelling".
Then when her mum does get an explanation (which, frankly, is only comforting because of the unfamiliarity of the alternative given. The devil you know.), Rose barely checks back in.
She almost dies for him. When she thinks he's dead, she's changed in a way her family doesn't know how to handle. Then she's gone for who knows how long and comes back with the Doctor wearing a new face.
When her original tenure as a companion ends, and Rose lives in Pete's World, she works for Torchwood/UNIT (they become the same organization). She volunteers for the Dimension Cannon. She explains to the alternate earth how to rig up a time machine.
She's changed in ways that no one else can really understand.
Amy? There's everything with River Song of course (though I'm still not there in my viewing), him running away with Amy the night before her and Rory's wedding, and also the connection between the Doctor and the Time Crack being the reason all of Amy's family's dead. Obvious stuff.
However he's also the strange man who broke into this child's house and made a mess of her life that she never got over, that promised to take her away from here, that she wrote about and drew and carved and made her friends dress up as.
And they sent her to psychiatrist after psychiatrist without any help. In their perspective, to work through what she imagined. In her perspective, to tell her that her reality wasn't real.
And then he comes back.
And to some extent, later, when he shows himself to everyone, isn't that more frightening? That the story your child told you, of the strange man she met as a child, of time travel, of nearly being stolen away, hadn't been a lie, or a misinterpretation, or an imagining?
And so he shows up at her wedding. And steals her away again.
Donna I feel like has the least horror until her final episode. I think exploring the in between section of her meeting the Doctor and finding him again would be interesting, but not exactly horror. More an exploration of how obsessive the companions can get about him, how it eats their whole lives with even one encounter, even as it makes them better people.
And then, obviously, the horror of having your mind altered and erased against your will by someone you trusted. For your own good, of course. Because he knows best. How could you know better than him? He's ancient. He's practically all knowing.
Shouldn't you be grateful?
(And he's forgiven.)
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solfinite · 8 months
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hello finally putting my au stuff down on paper after several months.. also finally chose a name for it !! it's called Sonic Aeroventure :)
(+xtra traditional sketches below)
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