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inima-npalme · 2 years ago
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dianapopescu · 1 year ago
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Salcia: Simbol și semnificație
Unele simboluri au semnificații similare în Europa și Asia. Salcia, pe de altă parte, are asocieri foarte diferite în cele două tradiții. În lumea mediteraneeană antică se credea, în general, că semințele acestui copac erau dispersate înainte de a se maturiza și că, de aceea, salcia nu se putea reproduce în mod normal. https://www.diane.ro/2023/11/salcia-simbol-si-semnificatie.html
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moodboardmix · 6 months ago
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"La Dolce Vita," Orient Express
Courtesy: Dimorestudio
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collectionstilllife · 3 months ago
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Gabriele Salci (Italian, 1681 – after 1720) • Still Life with Fruit Basket, Parrot, Violin, Crystal Glasses and Flowers • 1716
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wadim-john · 3 months ago
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Still life with venetian glasses, 18th century by Gabriele Salci (Rome 1682-c.1720), oil on canvas
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goetiae · 2 years ago
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Still Life with Rabbit and Fowls
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A piece of natura morta created by famous Italian painter Gabriele Salci (Rome, first half of the 18th c.) in 1719.
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lebada · 9 months ago
folk song you know from a female singer's cd only exists on spotify sang by a man 3 dead 16 wounded
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alporquia · 2 years ago
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Still life with rabbit and fowls. Gabriele Salci,
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waldires · 3 months ago
Stil life with a venetian glasses by Gabriele Salci (Rome 1681-c.1720), Roman school, oil on canvas
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Gabriele Salci (1681-1720)
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sleepy-mocha · 1 month ago
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My dnd blorbo, Salcis 🥩
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thepastisalreadywritten · 27 days ago
The Princess of Wales Launches Interactive Trail To Support Social and Emotional Development in Under Fives
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Catherine, Princess of Wales, during the launch of the Bobeam Tree Trail at the National Portrait Gallery on 4 February 2025 in London, England.
The interactive trail is a new project from The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, based on the new Shaping Us Framework aimed at supporting the development of crucial social and emotional skills in under fives.
📸 Max Mumby / Indigo / Neil Mockford / GC Images / Tayfun Salci / Anadolu via Getty Images / Arthur Edwards - WPA Pool / Getty Images
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ccristine · 2 months ago
te ascult.
îți culeg cuvintele
unul câte unul
ca pe niște fructe
bine coapte -
am grijă
să nu le strivesc
când le desprind
de pe buzele-ți uscate.
te ascult.
îmi plantez privirile
la poalele
genelor tale lungi
ca niște ramuri
de salcie batrană.
ce frumos
ne trece timpul
la umbra lui
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bonefall · 2 years ago
I will say that as much as i adore mom!briarlight, it would be all but impossible for her to give birth to kittens on her own without without human intervention. I did a lot of research about paralyzed cats and pregnancy recently, and was only able to find examples where the cats underwent a c-section to deliver the kittens. Without being able to use her hind legs, it seems like it would be very difficult for her to give birth
I went and checked myself and I need more data, I found a decent but brief paper on it which uses one cat as a case study, but it doesn't specify at which vertebrae the spinal chord was severed which is SUPER important to compare with the human data I have
The paper: Özdemir Salci ES, Güner B, İpek V: Dystocia caused by spinal paraplegia in a cat with superfetation. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 26 (6): 839-840, 2020. DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2020.24689 (WARNING: CONTAINS PHOTOGRAPHS OF EXTRACTED FETUSES AND ORGANS. MEDICAL PAPER.)
If you can get me your sources I can give us both better data-- but the paper itself says that the reason the 4-year-old cat had issues giving birth was related to the nervous system itself plus loss of control over abdominal muscles, not necessarily leg positioning, which sounds a lot like an injury higher up in the spinal chord which makes me curious
(Injuries around T-10, the second-to-last of your thoracic vertebrae, is generally where humans lose sensation of childbirth. Aside from needing to be monitored for blood pressure issues it is possible for a person of nearly any spinal chord injury to give birth naturally)
(Also an article on pregnancy and delivery with a spinal chord injury for humans. Obvious TW for birth here. Also unfortunately the language is not very inclusive)
Though that said, I wonder how much of this would change even with just the one paper I have + sapient cats. Medicine for them is entirely cat-based and they make do with what they have, as opposed to humans where obviously the safest and easiest option is a cesarean.
Additionally, and I guess most importantly, it wouldn't be the first time I completely ignored cat anatomy because it was incompatible with human disability representation needs.
For example I exclusively reference Human Diabetes, NOT Feline Diabetes. This is because feline diabetes does progress from Type 1 to Type 2, and both types are treated with insulin injections. I was personally asked by a disability advocacy blog to not portray it Cat-Accurately, because Diabetic type progression does not happen in humans AND is a common misconception.
Plus several folks in my audience have basically asked me to make a version of metformin (oral supplement) to better represent their Type 2, which wouldn't happen if I was only referencing feline diabetes. (I caved guys it's going to be derived from Goat's Rue <3)
In the end we are humans, and I do extra fun fixes to Clan Culture based on cat accuracy (like making the kitties obligate carnivores and crepuscular!), but I am ultimately writing this for me and all the other queer disabled goofballs in the audience.
(and give advice based on that, in this situation, since they came and asked me personally y'know?)
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theroyalweekly · 2 years ago
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👑 Royal news: The Prince and Princess of Wales visited Hayes Muslim Centre today to speak to Londoners who have raised thousands for the #TurkeySyriaEarthquake appeal. 

📸 Amanda Rose, Tayfun Salci -- Sam Stevenson
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rockgirl05 · 2 years ago
“Când nu mă mai regăsesc
în tăcerea palidă a dimineții
și nici în tihna arămiul târziu,
în șoapta din cuvântul nescris încă,
în umbra legănată de vânt
sau în lacrima de salcie tânără,
când nu mă mai regăsesc niciunde,
îmi place să cred că sunt ascunsă,
undeva în gândul tău drag.
Sunt pretutindeni și nicăieri,
sunt clipa care nu se mai întoarce niciodată.
Păstrează-mă tu.”
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fal-art · 2 years ago
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To celebrate my 100th post on Instagram, I decided to do something a little special... 😇
These are my four original characters: Luceafarul, Zbuartorul, Avram Salcie and Hyperion. Most of them were inspired by Romanian folktales and mythology.
They are all a part of a future series that I'm creating called "Lost Age"
See more on @F.A.L.art ! 😇
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