#saint quartz
kosmic-autokrat · 2 years
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a thing i made and forgot to post
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She's home!!! Only took 120 quartz but I did it! Thank you 7th Anniversary Gifts...
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kuwagotheowl · 1 year
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Animated Alerts set for a client from last year! Also posted on my Twitter.
Where to Order Carrd | VGen
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hey, isnt this bribery?
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natalinaofficial · 7 months
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anjukoneko · 2 years
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idliketochill · 1 year
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Waiting for the End
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ryogai · 7 months
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Got a commission of Nix!! There is another piece of art in the works but I had to share the first finished one! The artist who did this over at lemon_knees on Instagram. Give them a look! Support their work~. Needless to say, steal this and I'll hunt you down~.
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i know that im super late to the trend, but i figured why not make my own :P
as usual, please reblog for a bigger sample size; id love to see how you all do with this one ^^
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tanjaded · 1 year
FGO, I kneel
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Finally, five star Medusa... my honest reaction
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Okay, so hear me out. Someone a while back mentioned that maybe Wukong's plan was to die once Qi Xiaotian was fully trained and ready to take over the full Monkey King schtick. Maybe the kings who are involved in a plot to kill Sun Wukong, if that is what's going down, don't know. (That sounds like a thing Wukong might talk to only a few of the kings to prevent stuff from happening early. And considering there's only eight kings in that meeting that we see...)
I'm imagining a very messy situation if that gets out. From the kings setting things that can't be stopped into motion for nothing to Xiaotian having what I best described as a meltdown at the thought of Wukong leaving him for good.
I think I saw an animatic with an idea like that once!
Personally however, that's not something I think Sun Wukong would do. He's self-sacrificial, sure, but part of that is from knowing he has the protection of being immortal 7 times over—throwing himself into danger time and time again is something he can get away with. Another thing is that when Wukong leaves, he always does so with the intention of coming back even in the most dire of circumstances. Wukong planning to become a mentor to this kid and then abandoning him with the weight of the world and the mantle of Monkey King on his shoulders—that's messed up. Which of course Wukong is flawed and makes plenty of mistakes, but that's a certain flavor of messed up that feels very not-Wukong to me. Even when Wukong makes his own selfish choices, he is usually working for others best interests at heart (whether or not it actually IS there best interest is a different conversation entirely). There's just not really a justifiable reason for anyone other than himself to leave like that. It's also the opposite of the conclusion he comes to at the end of s3: "Mei was right—I need to stop dragging you into my fights." And, well, if your plan was to die and give up on the world anyways, why bring up a successor at all? In the s4 special we were shown Wukong's paranoia over mortality—over dying—what would cause him to do that 180? ((Which these questions aren't really a counter point but more of something I'm asking to flesh out the idea.))
While it's definitely a fun and angsty concept (certainly something the fandom should explore if they want to), I'm not sure it has a place in the current story. If that was Wukong's plan, it would have happened (or have been greatly hinted at) at the beginning of s4 ("I think you actually might have done more for the world than I ever had!" which is very "the Student has become the Master"). I could see something more along the lines of Wukong sacrificing himself for MK in some way (which he commonly does), and really pushing his immortality to the brink. If Wukong's gonna die, it's going to be somethin' like that.
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nobuverse · 1 year
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( Hmmm. To roll or not to roll )
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darabeatha · 1 year
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people never care to know the means, only the results ✨
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nem0-nee · 2 years
(Peeks in) Soooooo since I've joined the idol au....what's Mayuu's thoughts of Quartz/Melanie?
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MM🎹- Manager Mayuu on Quartz
Mayuu is a big fan of Quartz! She comes to watch her streams whenever she can, which isn't a lot due to her busy schedule... But she still tries nonetheless! She enjoys both her uplifting personality and her amazing voice!
The first time Mayuu encountered Quartz was during one of her streams. She was about to check out Poisoner's new music video, but she ended up misclicking on her stream. Rather than clicking out of it, Mayuu found herself watching Quartz's reaction to (co)-connect's recent music video. Her reaction and fangirling gave Mayuu a sense of pride and joy for her group.
But that wasn't the reason why Mayuu kept tuning in to Quartz's live streams. Her cutesy persona and overall character were a source of serotonin for Mayuu. Whenever she was stressed for any reason at all, one of her options to soothe her nerves was to watch Quartz, whether it was one of her streams or her covers.
Every now and then, she'd try to show her support through donations (such as super chats or gift subs). Let's just say there was an incident where Mayuu accidentally sent a donation to Quartz using the NRC Corp account...
I must add that all Mayuu knows about this idol is her avatar. She doesn't know anything about the person behind this virtual persona. Though, that can possibly change in the future 👀
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panicinthestudio · 2 years
Saint Patrick's Bell and Shrine, December 17, 2022
Bell: 8th–9th century C.E., iron
Shrine: c. 1100 C.E., copper-alloy box, silver gilt, gold, silver, gilt-copper, rock crystal, colored stones
26.7 x 15.5 cm (National Museum of Ireland, Dublin)
Speakers: Dr. Lauren Kilroy-Ewbank and Dr. Steven Zucker
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jennajayfeather · 1 year
my brain has been buzzing with SF worldbuilding and it wont shut up and I’m mentally tired because of lack of sleep but im hyperfixating i guess 
lol okay so here’s a bunch of strings that were running through my head:
-The separation of Flat & Thia represents the rift that is forming between Alaya and Gaia; Enkidu representing the counterforce will be the one to deem Thia the new prime species after human order ends. Likewise Gilgamesh will probably acknowledge the dawn of the Age of Will (after seeing Sigma & the cops draw out their Noble Phantasms without needing to become spirits; and to clarify my Sigma thought, I think Sigma will defy his fate to die and become a hero as a living human)
-At the dawn of the Age of Will is when human NPs will impact Dead Apostles. Jester final boss or ORT if he’s feeling super funny and gutsy.
-There might be some link between Orlando & Shirou or Kiritsugu
WOW!  I only mentioned Flat once and didn’t even drag Saint-Germain into this one
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