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"Nae saian luume'. It's wonderful to see you Legolas. I have wondered how everyone has been faring since our troubles ended....what have you been up to?"
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wandererfromtheshire started following you
"It certainly has been awhile since I have last caught wind of you. It is nice to finally be in your presence once again, mellon."
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Frodo watched the elf, rather doubtful. Admittedly he had already been questioning the wisdom of being in a large group with this journey. He had started to think the best way to avoid others being disturbed by the power of the ring would be to simply leave. The problem was that he did not know which way to go. That was something he needed to consider more carefully before he did anything else. As it was, he didn't want to upset this elf, but he also didn't want to encourage her. "I understand and I appreciate the offer. May I ask why you will go no further than that?"
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Seraphina placed a delicate and comforting hand on the young hobbits shoulder, a gesture of understanding which reflected that she saw that he still grieved for his wizard’s falling. “I am touched by your sense of responsibility, little light. But unlike most of the elves whom inhabit Lothlorien -particularly those of royal halls- I have silvian blood from my blood mother. I would not brag or boast, for the fact of my blades seeing battle more times than I would care to admit is not something that I take joy in. But I am able to protect myself, and others. I would not offer up myself if I believed that I would hinder you on your journey. However, this I shall announce before any decision is made; I shall not go further than dol gurdur”
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A small smile crept onto the hobbit's face and he nodded, grateful for the elf's kindness. It was nice of her to be concerned for him, but he felt concerned for her in the same moment. Frodo had already witnessed some of the dangers to be faced on this quest, and it had been great. Adding another into the mix would weigh further on his own conscience. "I'm not sure that traveling on this dangerous quest would tell you that, but if that is what you wish to do, I cannot stop you. You are not obligated to go any further than you wish, just be sure you understand that." Frodo did his best to make it clear that she only had to go as far as she was willing to go.
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The elf nodded softly her white curls falling over her pale shoulders, a small smile played on her lips. “My conscience would not allow me to rest if I left you to take this adventure alone. Besides, my people have found their home and it is not for me. Perhaps I will find where it is I belong on the road.” with her task completed and her small group of elves settled into a safe kingdom the young she elf found herself lost.Their little homes did not satisfy her wild nature. She willed to be free from them.
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"I guess so. I'm sure if you work to find those you'll be able to. As long as you make an effort I believe the knowledge will come to you sooner or later. And I'm sure Bilbo would be glad to tell some of his tales if you were to meet with him. He's been a bit odd lately, but he's usually happy to tell them." Frodo replied with a smile, finding that Bilbo was usually pretty willing to tell his story to those who had not heard it before. Frodo especially enjoyed it when Bilbo told it to young hobbits.
"Rivendell? Really? Bilbo's told me stories about Rivendell but I can't imagine it to be much like the Shire." He had also read about Rivendell, and the elves in general. It had been what he had been reading when this elf had appeared. "I certainly hope to visit one day. If I do get the chance, I look forward to learning the ways of the elves."
"Then I’ll just have to find out those truths I guess." She said with a smile. She loved to hear stories, especially ones that are true. "But I’m not sure how the story went anymore… I have heard a lot of stories and I kind of forget older stories." She said with a quiet giggle. She wasn’t the typical elf that was wise and had a lot of knowledge.
"It reminds me of Rivendell, though it seems more outgoing and cozy. In Rivendell we don’t feast that much, or well, not in a way you do…" Though she loved her life in Rivendell, she had enjoyed quite a lot of feast outside of it. "You will see that once you come to Rivendell yourself."
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Ahh I want to rp with some of the dwarves but idk how I'd go about it/ask about plots. That'll be figured out somehow.
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You’re it! rules are: copy this message to 10 other beautiful blogs who you think deserve this message! keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful! spread the love!! ♥ // ( - ‿ - )
Omg. This makes me really happy.
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"You are very kind my lady." Frodo replied, not one who was accustomed to being praised, and he was rather content without any of that. He considered her offer for a moment, though he flinched a little at the mention of Gandalf's death. The grief was still too near...and mentioning it undoubtedly would not help. He took a deep breath and let it out again before he replied. "Do you have abilities as well or are you simply offering to accompany us? I appreciate the offer but...it is quite dangerous, and I fear I'd feel responsible if something were to happen to you."
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"I speak only the truth, little light" Seraphina chuckled, her heart warming at the hobbits gestured bow. "I can only imagine the burden which you carry.. Please, allow me to accompany you part way in your journey, seeing that your grey wizard is.. deceased" The elven heiress suggested softly.
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Frodo meme: (3/6) six colours —> magenta
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A small smile came onto the hobbit's face and he bowed slightly. "You are very kind. I only hope that this bravery works out in the end."
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The heiress of Lothlorien nodded, a sorrowful smile upon her delicate but powerful features. “You have a brave heart, Frodo of the Shire”
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"Oh certainly there is some truth in them. I simply mean there will be some aspects of the tale that will change or be told differently depending on who tells it." Frodo explained his thinking, As Bilbo had certainly re-told his tales differently each time, so might the elves, although Bilbo was working on his own book as well.
"The Shire is certainly a peaceful land. Here we can be at peace and not be troubled with the outside world. Drinking, smoking, feasting...something that can be done with joy and not for relief." Frodo shrugged and looked out across the road and hills that was the Shire. "I would like to experience more in my lifetime than a typical hobbit might. Bilbo's stories always fascinated me. I want to see some of those places he's told me so much about."
Dulinhel nodded. “Tales change over time, that is true, but I am sure there is still some truth in it” She said with a smile. She had heard many stories in her life, and while she traveled she heard even more stories about many people. 
"I can imagine that you would be content to live your life in peace here, it looks beautiful! As if no harm could be done… so pure." She turned to Frodo. "But you would like to go on adventures as well? Maybe one day your time will come." She said smiling. She could understand his thoughts. She herself found her life tame as well and wanted to see more of the world than just the place she resides.
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What if: an au where Frodo doesn't get healed from his wound from the witch king and becomes a wraith. Now that'd be terrible. =/ Don't mind me. Random ideas bounce around my head.
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Frodo couldn't help but be surprised. Elves told stories of Bilbo? That was something he hadn't expected. Certainly Bilbo had had interesting adventures, but he had never considered the idea that the elves told about him as Bilbo told stories about them. "It's possible some of those stories are true. Of course, over time the story might change and be told differently among different people." The hobbit shrugged and stashed his book in a small rucksack he had brought with him that carried some food if he were to get hungry. "Oh most hobbits are entirely uninterested in the outside world. They are content to the lives they lead in peace. But I have spent many years living with Bilbo and I find that this sort of life seems rather...tame. I have often wanted to go off on one of his adventures with him."
Dulinhel listened closely to the young Hobbit in front of her and smiled. “Bilbo? Yes I have heard that name before in some of the tales the elves tell to elflings, I have always wondered if they were true or not.” She smiled at him. “So you would like to travel as well some day? I thought hobbits didn’t travel as much as they should? I love to travel and see new places of the earth, that is what brings me here I guess.” She said and looked around, looking at the beauty of nature around her.
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A Long Journey Ahead || Open
A steady pace brought Frodo out of the Shire, pack on his shoulders and the knowledge that he needed to bring the ring to another place, somewhere that wouldn't bring danger to the hobbits in the Shire. Frodo took a deep breath and focused on making it up the first hill. Once he had reached the top of it he found himself looking back, looking down on the green countryside. He had this sneaking suspicion that he might not see the Shire again for a long time. But he shook that off. That thinking would only lead to trouble.
This was what he had always wanted to do. Frodo had longed to go on an adventure as Bilbo had. Yet now that it was his turn...he found that it was not as he expected. As he set out he felt nothing but fear and a determination to get the ring out of the Shire. The hobbits of the Shire were so blissfully unaware of the shadow in the East, of terrifying creatures and things that might harm them. While it was somewhat foolish to choose to shut out the outside world, Frodo would gladly protect that innocence if he could. He had grown up in such a carefree land, he wanted other hobbits to be able to do the same.
As he started down the hill, he heard a twig snap and it hadn't come from him. He quickly dove behind the nearest bushes, cautiously peeking out onto the road. He had to be cautious. There was no telling who might come up that road. Frodo hid and took careful breaths, as quiet as he could possibly be as he waited for a sign that he could continue on his journey.
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Frodo smiled slightly, pleased that what he had studied and learned from Bilbo had worked out. He had been eager to learn the language, everything about it was new and interesting. "Well...I am working on it. In case I do ever get the chance to get out of the Shire and experience more in the world." Frodo watched her curiously. He did wonder what brought this elf to the Shire of all places, but he figured that was her own business. If she decided to explain it that would be nice, but otherwise he would still be content. "Ahh...I live with a distant cousin, or Uncle Bilbo I sometimes call him, and he's traveled outside of the Shire before and has many books on elves and others of Middle Earth. And I believe he's writing about his own tale."
Dulinhel blinked in surprised as the hobbit in front of her welcomed her in the Elvish language, but grinned afterwards. “A friend of the Elves, I see? Wonderful!” She listened to him and nodded, giggling softly. “Oh I forgot about that… I will ask to stay the night there… but I will make myself as comfortable as I can, I don’t mind small houses that much.” She said with a gentle smile. “But you have spoken to me in Elvish, and I would love to know more about where you have learned to speak it” She asked out of curiosity.
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Guess who's watching the lord of the rings on valentine's day? Yeah that'd be me and I'm not sorry.
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