#safe space for minors and lgbt+ ppl
candy8448 · 6 months
┏━•❃°•°About Post°•°❃•━┓
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Hi, hello there! Howdy!
Call me Candy/Cory
Bigenderflux (Male & Female)
(mirror & neopronouns are pretty cool too)
I prefer alternating pronouns btw, but its cool if you only use one or the other
Dont use they/them for me, i dont like it
Timezone: BST
Main Fandoms:
Linked universe / The legend of Zelda
Other fandoms:
Warrior cats
The promised neverland
Super paper mario
I do a lotta art, i ramble like a madman and i occasionally write fanfiction :)
You can find my tags (as well as my other blogs) on my masterpost
┗━•❃°•°thats it, that's the blog°•°❃•━┛
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pansyboybloom · 1 year
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im Emil (currently trying Sebastian and Anthony, pls call me those it makes me feel warm and fuzzy :3 ) and i'm your local pansy, a gay aro ftm from the southern USA. i'm 24, been on T since 2019 and had top surgery in 2020. i use he/him, it/its, and rot/rots. i do not use they/them. i'm pretty gender nonconforming and about as close to a hopeless romantic as an aro person can be. while i am a trans man, i see my gender as distinctly tied to my homosexuality. in short, I'm a pansy <3
i try to add image descriptions when i can, but i am disabled and have hand shakes so unfortunately im not very consistent at doing so. sorry!!
this is a safe space for all mlm and nlm, not just male ones. fem/women mlm, fem/women nblm, bigender, multigender, genderfluid, etc. if you id as mlm or nblm, you are wanted. that being said, as an aro binary trans gay man, this content will focus more on my lived experience
non mlm and nblm queer ppl are appreciated and welcome! you're welcome to rb any post not specifically for mlm or nblm, just use your best judgement! this is a 18+ only zone!
misgendering/detransition kink blogs will be blocked. no hard feelings, just just make me suuuuuper dysphoric and i cant handle yall in my notes
(main is @transskywardsword )
BOOKS OF 2024: This year I am making an effort to read more intersectional, minority-focused, leftist, etc books, focusing primarily on nonfiction and memoirs. I post book reviews after finishing each book! track #ant reads if you'd like to keep up to date with my reading!
Cruising: An Intimate History of a Radical Pastime (Alex Espinoza) 7/10
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and Scapegoating of Femininity; 2nd Edition (Julia Serano) 7.5/10
Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States (Samantha Allen) 8/10
It Was Vulgar & It Was Beautiful: How AIDs Activists Used Art To Fight A Pandemic (Jack Lowery)
how to use rot/rots pronouns:
Subject Pronoun - rot
Object Pronoun - rot
Possessive Determiner - rots
Possessive Pronoun - rots
Reflexive Pronoun - rotself
a disclaimer: after years of repressing my sexuality and refusing to allow myself the chance to be sexual and intimate due to internalized transphobia, I am using this blog to experiment with becoming more comfortable with sex. That means there will be sexual posts on here. This is not a porn blog! But it will be nsft at times.
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hero-israel · 1 year
What do you think of Reform Jews? I don’t have a problem with it necessarily, but I have noticed it has been the movement of choice for many anti-Zionists to convert into and it’s been making me feel iffy about reform Jews I meet lately bc I don’t know if they’re just a Jew who have been burned by Orthodoxy for their sexuality for example and just want a safe(r) space for them to be both Jewish and Gay, or if they’re a Jew who just converted to legitimize their antiZionism and antisemitism shdjdk which I know is my problem bc I shouldn’t make assumptions about ppl just bc they’re reform
You shouldn't make assumptions about Reform Jews. Or about converts either.
Converts are Jews - full stop - and must always be welcomed, as their souls were welcomed at Sinai. I find it next to impossible to believe that there is any significant trend of people converting to Judaism in order to be anti-Zionist troublemakers. Given how long and involved conversion is (and Reform conversions are just as valid), "haters coming in to attack us" probably happens about as much as razorblades in Halloween candy.
When it comes to anti-Zionist Jews, the call is coming from inside the house. To an overwhelming extent they were born Jewish along one of two paths:
Ultra-Orthodox haredi Judaism (Neturei Karta, Satmar, "True Torah Judaism," etc), who hate Israel both because it was formed by mortal men with smelly armpits instead of by Moshiach with a red heifer, and because Israel is much too tolerant and liberal with too many rights for minorities instead of being a theocratic kingdom where all non-Jewish faiths have been totally eliminated. They "support Palestine" only because it isn't time to wipe out the Palestinians yet, and are every bit as cynical and apocalyptic as the Christian Zionists who want Israel to persist until it is destroyed in the Rapture.
Raised lapsed and unobservant, with Jewish identity totally irrelevant to their lives, to the point that even antisemitism meant nothing to them, so from either the "push" or the "pull" aspects a Jewish state was senseless to them. Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, Eli Valley, Norman Finkelstein, Alan Rickman, Jackie Walker, Arthur Hays Sulzberger.
It is very hard to convert to Judaism, and we should want more people to persevere through that. It is very easy to throw away a culture and history that seems totally irrelevant to oneself, and we should want those conditions to stop entirely. The latter is a much more real cause of anti-Zionism. It is totally backwards to presume converts must be bringing weakness and subversion with them. I always expect they have joined us out of love and I have never met a case otherwise. The way we slow down the growth of anti-Zionism within the Jewish community is by helping to build dialogue and warmth among people who were born Jewish but for whatever reason feel disconnected and apathetic about Judaism. Show them the community they can still have with us; when we don't, they enter college with a gnawing void of meaning inside them and are easy prey for "Jews for Jesus in Palestine" groups (i.e. If Not Now, formed and led by evangelical Christians).
And since I am Reform, my family is Reform, my children are Reform, "what I think of Reform Jews" is that we're just fine, thanks. The basic "point" of Reform Judaism is to attempt to realize equal treatment for women, LGBT Jews (with gender-neutral ceremonies if requested), and children of interfaith parents, with clergy roles available for all of the above (rabbis, cantors, mohels, etc.), and girls reading from the Torah at their bat mitzvahs; this used to be really distinctive but with overall social trends it no longer is. In terms of social politics, inclusion, and Hebrew-to-English ratio during services, a Conservative shul in 2023 is pretty much a Reform shul in 1993. Where Reform congregations do still stand out is in their full embrace of patrilineal Jews, and in my opinion other congregations should follow that lead as well. I expect they will.
I deliberately left out Jews of color from that list as I think all denominations have been poor at welcoming them. Anyone who wants to give it a go first, please feel free.
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♱ my babies: @roguemetalmaster13 @tinyluvs @gaycrystalbitch @sw34terw34ther @woahlifehitsyahuh <33333
bri's tag
pronouns/nicknames page
♱ I need moots!!!!!!!!!!
♱ you are not entitled to sexting or flirting, I only do that with a few people
♱ will include explicit sexual content
♱ marii_.fe on ig
♱ marii_h03 on Snapchat
♱ im a chaos witch :)
♱ Have a bunch of mental illnesses, I'm the utmost understanding of limitations, moots have a safe space
♱ Part of the LGBT community, currently don't have a label but I ain't straight
♱ I'm a drag queen, so if you don't like it, suck my dick 🖤
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I like:
Glam rock , mainly mötley crüe, guns and roses, bon Jovi and Queen, ghost but I wanna find new artists to listen to
Taylor Swift, Lana del Rey, lady gaga, and lots of random people on my themed playlists
I read fanfic/am a fan of: Stranger things, Grey's anatomy, Lucifer, Rupauls drag race, peaky blinders, modern family, b99, superstore, community
SLASHERS!!!!!!! Tiffany Valentine, Hannibal lecter, Jason vorhees, leatherface, Carrie, Jennifer
I play a lot on the PlayStation, I have all the ps+ games and bought a few, playing mainly rdr2, tlou, Minecraft, SpongeBob rehydrated atm, but I tend to switch a lot
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satanicmacchiato · 2 years
culpa, hammer, majesty, satanic, genesis, macabre (for the ghost asks)
Ahh yay!!
Culpa - When did you first discover Ghost?
It was probably between 2015/2016 that one of my partners at the time tried to introduce me to Ghost because they figured I'd be into them based on my music taste, but I'm a horrific procrastinator and just kept putting off giving them a try, not for any particular reasons other than I'm terrible at following up on people's recommendations
Fast forward to summer of 2017 and said partner and I found jobs at the same arena in our city and Ghost opened for Iron Maiden!!! As event staff I got lucky enough to be placed on the floor the whole night, and so I ended up getting to see the whole concert.
At the end of the night I think I was like, "wow so this is who you were talking about!!!! They're so cool!!!"
And then I finally jumped down the rabbit hole from there!
Hammer - If you could resurrect one Papa, who would you pick?
Definitely it would have to be Primo, he kind of paved the way and had to deal with the days when people hated Ghost enough to try to boo them off the stage and flip them off, he deserves to be fleshed out more and to sing in a stadium full of people there just to see them and sing along to their songs
Majesty - Do you have a favorite ghoul?
Cirrus! She simply slays
Satan - Do you believe Ghost is satanic?
Yes, but very much in the sense of modern Satanism where of course they don't believe in the literal devil, but still they're a safe space for people who are rejected by the church
(And yes of course... there are gonna be herds of people who are, "lol but i'm a christian and i like ghost." okay. good for you. quit burying your head in the sand about the harm church communities have done to minority groups like LGBT ppl or the way many individuals treat people with different belief systems.)
Genesis - Would you kill Copia if it meant you could bring back all of the Papas?
It hurts but yes I would, Copia is so fleshed out now and honestly I would like us to have the chance to get to know the other Papas more in the same way
Macabre - Do you enjoy the interviews and the lore, or do you like sticking to just the music?
I love the interviews and the lore so much!!! And I ESPECIALLY love in-character interviews that further build the mythos
Ghost Asks!
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rjxbread · 3 years
groans i am thinking and also ran out of tags so i’m gonna groan again in a sec
#personal#normally it’s a very vocal activist minority that especially ruins leftist spaces with That Brand of antisemitism but#i remember last year they hopped on blm again as it became a bigger issue for several months and my twt honestly never recovered#by which i mean i faced more harassment and witnessed more racism than i had in 2017 on that account#i blocked a lot of close mutuals and spent most of my time locked and it was fine for my purposes but v limiting and kept me anxious#anyway israeli violence is on the news again only instead of lasting a day or two it’s going on about a week now which doesn’t look good#people are getting sucked into it because it fucking matters but the propaganda is already mixed in#i hold my tongue as my more uneducated friends express outrage bc i agree and don’t want to minimize it#but i see a holier than thou minority trying to speak against antisemitism they just learned abt like they’re experts and i just.#white ppl are so confident speaking over jews and sharing news that they think offers any nuance#like congrats on tipping ur hat and acknowledging israeli citizens die in war too but the argument ur making isn’t that war is bad??#ur literally calling the government evil and an occupying territory and a terrorist apartheid and ignoring the history and its fucking SIZE#but each time u ground the conflict in how it affects lives u make jews need to defend a fucking government???#and a lot of us do not support it! but we are aware of the religious conflict w fucking hamas?? u think hamas protects arabs and muslims??#but everything is so tied up in codes and western bullshit i can’t even hear the word gaza without having a panic response#i feel like i’m constantly settling in safe spaces like oh this one is pro lgbt and poc and nd and disabled rights i’ll take this#and then within the crowds that i’m supposed to praise for pausing to rethink antisemitism there is still so much intolerance#they get annoyed w me as if i’m fucking waiting to be like ha! gotcha! that’s ALSO a buzzword! cant be anti israel now huh!#but it’s like! you’re literally so ignorant! and i hate this issue so much it never leaves me i don’t even live there i don’t want it!#i can’t catch a break and i’m very tired i miss my friends but they are so. passionate. and idk. everyone starts off new to stuff.#i am just hashtag triggered all the time and this week has been like#oh wow two entire people having the balls to humanize jewish people too bad they had to shit on israel to do it never heard that before#i just read a nytimes piece that i was like eh yeah ok id never show this to leftists bc they’re so opinionated#but i mostly agreed w it except once again i found myself policing the tone?#i was like u can’t be this aggressive at bernie when i read a single sentence calling out a p reasonable defense he made#it was like oh the violence is from right wing extremists in jerusalem it shouldn’t represent the innocent majority stop being racist#or idk the context bc it wasn’t the point and i haven’t researched it yet but it still made me think bc#thats sth i would think or say in the hot seat to appease liberals who dare to listen to a demon jew like me#i’m not a politician i shouldn’t be educating everyone i care abt but i was born into this ethnicity i gotta brush up on this shit#i think an argument id love to see instead of holding it in my own head as everyone fights over whatever distraction is on the news is
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aroaceconfessions · 3 years
I hate that a lot of aphobic ppl on tw says things like: “They don’t kill u :)” and I’m always like…um, do you actually want to see news of aroaces getting k*lled? Would they approve aces being in the LGBT+ just if they get m*rdered? If you do, maybe, just MAYBE, are turning the community more and more into an elitist club of opression. Becoming bullies to the minorities that are more invisible than you. An enemy more like homophobes are to you. Allocishets maybe hate me bc of lack of knowledge about asexuality, but aphobic queer ppl KNOWS what this is about. It’s funny, because they say nobody hates us for being ace, but in the end is usually the Kpop Icon Lesbian who throws death threaths actively towards positivy aces posts & experiences. They don’t respect the gay/bi/lesbian/trans aces either, only the other part of their identity. “They are LGBT+ for that, not the ace side” like that’s a compliment for them. So, in my personal opinion, should aroaces be in LGBT+ spaces? I would like so much to say “Yes, bc we are”, but the reality is very different. I don’t want to be part of it. Why should I be in a place were they hate me with a burning passion for no reason, while they say “Respect everyones identities ♥” in June? Why should I be with ppl who I assumed will understand me better than allocishets, but they don’t? Why should I be safe in a place where I see comments waiting to see me death for being ace to be finally valid? I expected to be welcome, but I’m not.
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lovingboy · 3 years
american gays who make fun of gsa kids are SO frustrating and are not aware of their privilege in the slightest. a lot of lgbt people don't even have a gsa to make fun of. not everyone lives in the USA. i tried to open a lgbt club at my school and i got severely fucking bullied for it. We never even were able to officially open one thru the school. All we had was a secret one. When we had our first meeting only 5 ppl came out of fear of homophobia/hate crimes. Shut the fuck up about how gsa kids are cringy and realize how privileged you are to even have them in the first place.
also a big reason ppl make fun of gsa kids is because of ableism. like y'all deadass list a fucking list of neurodivergent symptoms as the reason u find them cringy. Like u do realize that, right..
also we NEED safe non sexualized queer spaces for minors and its so fucking disheartening to see y'all rip apart the only place like that we have. The only explicitly gay places we have are places like gay bars and pride which always have copious amounts of alcohol and sexualization and there needs to be more gay places safe for minors and rn the only thing like that is gsa's. So get ur head out of ur ass and stop making fun of mostly neurodivergent gay kids to make urself feel superior. I fucking hate u all. Ur not better than them cuz ur "cool and not cringy". Stop acting superior because you're NOT. Sit the fuck down and gain some perspective.
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antiresperidoneclub · 3 years
i havent posted anything in awhile but happy pride month yall! and, very much in me fashion imma take this time ta make another informational post! this installment is called
why assimilation is overall harmful to the queer community + the damage of pseudo-right wing ideas spread thruout the trans community!
CW: queerphobia, transmedicalism, bl*ir wh*te, k*lvin g*rrah, violence against queer ppl.
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so, where do we start?
assimilation, what is it?
assimilation is a deliberate effort made by a minority/ marginalized group to (instead of become free) join the majority/privledged, which is wildly more accesible ta abled nuerotypical cis white lgb folks.
now, how does that apply ta th queer community? before that, we hafta look at th stark distinction between th LGBT community and th QUEER community.
because sadly its now different
imma make this as short as possible but basically,
despite its intentions when it was formed decades ago, th LGBT communiy an th way it functions is percieved is different. case in point, th term LGBT has been heavily gentrified and commodified especially by corporations tryina sell it to non-lgbt audiences. youll notice a majority of LGBT voices an advocates are usually white cis lgb ppls or are assimilationists. th term LGBT aswell has been heavily diluted and decontexualized from its roots, such as fightin for rights wit riots an demonstrations, bein heavily tied wit black an indigenous liberation, socialist ideals and memorializing th struggle for our freedom. its also (as apart of its gentrification) is bein forced ta be more 'family friendly' in an effort of control an ta make cash off of us an further assimilate us.
the QUEER community is a somewhat niche nowadays as it sticks fairly close ta th original goals as th LGBT community once had. such as wantin an willin ta fight for liberation rather than succumb ta assimilation. its also seen as a threat as it directly challenges th authority (capitlism, cops/military, goverment, white supremacy, fascism) for its mistreatment an oppresion against queer ppl and other marginalized groups. if th LGBT community is th privledged assimilations that can be proffited off of, then th queer community is more alike 'outcasts' or 'rejects' that arent as palatable ta a cishet majority ie; trans women/ trans/queer ppls of colour, more radicalized queer folks, or those impoverished.
so, with that said, how has/does assimilation harm queer ppl?
as i said, assimilation is disspraportionatly accesible ta able-bodied, neurotypical, cis, non-poor white LGB ppls (shocker) meaning th majority of queer poc, trans people, impoverished, and diasbaled/neurodivergent folks get left behind and continuosly stomped on in an attempt ta eradicate us. and it should be noted theres 2 types of assimilation
1. forced assimilation; forced assimilation is where marginalized ppls thru cultural eradication/genocide r forced ta strip themselves of their identity an join th majority which results in oppresion, discrimination, an further erasure of th ppls themselves. this is heavily seen within th queer community wit th AIDS crisis where those who survived were later branded as 'brave' by th very system that sought their demise in th first place, leavin our community in shambles.
2. chosen assimilation; chosen assimilation is where usually a small group/ or a singular person will disregard their people in an a attempt ta be spared from oppresion or discrimination. in terms of queer ppl (especially trans folks) th main contendors r blair white, kalvin garrah, an buck angel. blair is a stellar example of attempted assimilation. she not only rejetcs, but constantly puts her own people on blast publicly ta her audince of white cishet conservatives an (more often than not) fascists. not only that but she deliberatly associates wit th very ppl who seek her erasure an oppresion in an assbackwards attempt at salvation. more concrete examples include 1. showin herself as 'one of th good ones' or 'normal' 2. acting as if shes cishet 3. constantly self-hating ta appease those mentioned above 4. spewing dangerous an misinormed rhetoric aimed at trans ppls which directly affects trans poc an non-passing trans women. next, kalvin garrah. i was gonna write a whole thing on him but instead ill (below) link copshatemoe's videos about him.
so, now that we know how assimilation both forced an personal harms queer ppls in general, what about trans ppls an th trans community?
transmedicalism and its disasterous effects towards the trans community.
transmedicalism is a belif system of sorts that follows ideals such as
beliving trans ppls must be suffering from dysphoria to be trans
a trans person must want to transition to be trans
being trans is a mental illness/ neurological condition/ birth defect cause by unbalanced horomone levels or th existence of "male and female brains"
belivies HRT or surgerys are a 'cure' for dysphoria/ 'transness'
that neopronouns or non-lesbian, gay, bisexual, or binary trans folks are invalid or 'wannabes' who see th "lgbt community as a club of sorts to join jus because"
borderline or blatant rascist, transmysoginistic, ableist rhetoric.
intentional or not, that assimilation is key an becomin 'as close ta bein cis as possible' is th goal of transition.
now, i could spend ages rantin about how these belifs are blatently wrong but however rather than disecting them lets jus go over th direct harm these belifs have caused th trans community.
lets start wit nonbinary folks. nowadays as ive seen transmedicalism has become more open ta acceptin nonbinary folks but regardless they were one of th first punchin bags. since bein nonbinary in any facet isnt exactly 'medically sustained' its already seen as bullshit, but past that it opens th gates for neoprounouns an non-convetional identitys. enby ppls would be attacked constantly or called "trenders" in an attempt ta discourage them from even existing. this 'highschool bully' type of mentality along wit th superiority complex behind transmedicalism created a stark divide between "normal" trans ppls an th "weirdo, faker" trans ppls. not only did these attacks further stigmatize an already oppresed minority but also forced ppl ta hide themselves from they own community ta avoid ridicule an bullying. this type of harrasment has left these ppls wit trauma an fear of they identity bein challenged not only online but also in IRL queer spaces while they already hafta stay hypervigilant around cis ppl, now it seems th same around binary trans folks. not only have nonbinary ppls have been impacted however, binary trans ppls were left wit insecurities, wonderin if they dysphoria is 'rlly that bad compared ta others' and worrying about things they usually didnt care about. probably th biggest of those is 'passing'. passing is th action of looking as cis as possible ta blend in an avoid general treatments sustained by cishet ppls. i as a transwomen was directly affected by this rhetoric which caused me years of my transition spent not becomin myself, but becomin as close ta a cis girl as possible. this lead me ta become embarresed by my own community also factored in by havin virtually no trans friends IRL. this was th shared experince of many binary trans folks an nonbinary trans folks i know an am friends with. in conclusion, transmedicalsim has not only ostrasized an traumatized queer folks, but has also left insecurities an damage ta binaty trans folks aswell.
so, with that in mind, how do we combat, well, all of this an much more?
liberation is th action of freeing a marginalized group from its oppresive chains. an how would this look/work for th queer community?
majority of cishet ppls think that queer liberation ended wit marriage equality but thats very much not true. multiple basic human freedoms have been stripped from not only cis lgb queers but also trans people aswell. rights such as affordable housing witout discrimination, medical options for trans people being completly accesible or downright free, safe spaces or areas where were able ta exist free of fear of persecution or discrimination, better healthcare treatment towards queer ppl, things sometimes neccisary ta ones transition bein more accesible such as name/document changes, and many more things. but remember, none of this is possible witout ingigenous liberation/land back, black liberation, or under capitlism
anyways, i have 0 way ta end this so happy pride month an a very happy juneteenth!! if ur black ur more than welcome ta leave any gofundmes, cashapps, venmos etc in th notes or reblogs!
also, if you have any additions or points/topics i shouldve made or covered pls reblog wit them!
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primordial-soupism · 3 years
Hey idk if this was long overdue, but I can’t pretend like the radical feminist movement hasn’t been watered down to bigotry. if u play along w/ the “superstraight” thing & don’t recognize that it is a group of ppl openly mocking not only trans ppl but LGB ppl as well to own the “TRAs” i have no idea what to make of u. if ur actually serious of dropping the T to add an S at the end, u have completely lost it. Reminder that the LGBT+ community is a safe space and organizational strategy to fight against a heteropatriachal society, if u have forgotten even this, don’t call urself a radfem. and if I’m in the minority here, I guess I will have to drop the label of radfem altogether.
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piplupod · 3 years
i fully agree that calling the cops on queer people isn't a great thing to threaten, but also as a minor i get their overall point. i feel that there should be some separation between pride = kink and pride = safe space for all ages. there should be places where younger queer people can go and feel welcome. and it makes me feel v weird to see a bunch of adults yelling at a minor for being uncomfy with kink in public? even if there are historical reasons for its presence, ppl can still b uncomfy
(the post in question)
HIGHKEY GLAD U SENT AN ASK ABOUT THIS TBH, i wanted to talk abt it/expand on it but im terrified of doing so on the post even in the tags bc ppl on here are fucking insane and will screenshot and post stuff out of context and then all of a sudden u get anons telling you to kill urself or smth so UH. yea. anyways. thank u for sending this in bc i wanted to talk abt it but didn't know if i should or not!!! <3
so first off i want to say that i agree with you!!! initially when i saw the post i was like >:/ but then i thought abt it and was like "well,,, wait. dont fuckin call the cops on ppl at pride lol" and rbed it bc i agree w "DONT CALL THE POLICE ON SOMEONE AT PRIDE HOLY SHIT"
i would love if pride could be minor-friendly all the time and luckily it often is. i've gone back and forth on this issue of having kink in pride over the last few years and i'm still not fully settled in one direction or the other bc its a VERY complex issue!
there are historical reasons for sure (that to be totally honest i need to do more research on but ch'boys just trying to stay alive rn shdgfjkl), and there are other reasons for it. personally, i only really get uncomfortable with people wearing kink gear/displaying nudity bc i dont know what to expect from them bc thats not a social norm i encounter ever.
i think maybe where i stand with this issue for now is that it's not going away and it's a big part of pride's history and many activists who got our rights to be where they are now were sex- and kink-positive, often leather enthusiasts. i think that pride is a complex celebration that has sexuality as a big part of it so we shouldn't necessarily censor it entirely (but i absolutely don't want anyone doing any sexual acts at pride lmfao that shit is nasty and you would need EVERYONE'S consent to witness that shdsfjkl). but wearing leather gear and even pup-gear isn't really an issue for me? i know i'm an adult now, but even as a teen i was kind of like [shrug] it's part of sexuality and a big gay subculture and it's not going to stop anytime soon. i just look away if i need to.
i do think it can be uncomfortable for minors but no one is having full sex in public, they're just wearing some funky outfits. this also overlaps for me personally with the whole issue of nudity and the human body being shamed. i think general pride should be at most PG-13 and then anything past that needs to go into private places where minors can either choose not to go into or not be allowed into. but thats ultimately up to the organizers unfortunately!
i don't know. it's very complicated, but the reason why i reblogged that post specifically was because holy shit don't call the cops on anyone at pride, especially since these are LGBT ppl - a minority group, even if they're wearing harnesses or puppy hoods and leashes. sorry for the ramble, my brain is not working very well with words lately :/ i hope this kind of made sense!
TL;DR i only reblogged it bc of the message of "WTF DONT CALL COPS ON PPL AT PRIDE" and i am not really sure what i think about kink at general Pride, its a complex issue that I haven't done enough thinking and research on.
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tendousrabies · 3 years
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Bear with me for this is gonna be long as h3ll but im gonna be listing my byf, dni, gender identity etc. here so y'all will know :) if there's anything in the dni that should be added please dm me! I wanna make this as much of a safe space as possible! Especially if its in the Race and Ethnicity Section, Im a non-jewish white person and ik im not as educated on this stuff so if you're Jewish And/Or POC and there's something im missing I'd love to know!
Im a Nonbinary Male who's a Bigender Demifluidflux Demiboy, who's always 50% male but is fluidflux between xenogenders. I'll put my pronoun page in my bio for y'all to see what i go by and stuff
BYF: I will probably post a lot of headcanons and stuff with occasional sh1tposting, if thats not the kinda thing you wanna see then this account isn't for you, i will probably say slurs i can reclaim, im a male gg stan (ik some ppl r uncomfy w that so I'm stating it here), also if you haven't noticed, i censor cuss words with numbers.
DISCOMFORTS (Things that aren't DNI, but i would like if you didn't mention): Korekiyo Shinjugi x Girls, Kaito Momota x Girls, TodoDeku, BakuDeku, KacChako, Oumeno
DNI (Thats specifically trans related): truscum/transmed, anti-mogai, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogender, gender critical, terf/swerf, you use trans terms when you are cis (ex. gender envy)
DNI (LGBTQ+ related): anti hh/tt lesbian, anti nonbinary gay/lesbian, panphobe/biphobe/omniphobe/polyphobe, fetishize any lgbtq+ community, acephobe or arophobe, exclusionist, lgbt+ phobic, anti polyamory, superstraight supporter or id as superstraight, use stud/stem for yourself when you aren't a black lesbian
DNI (Ethnicity and Race related) : anti-semetic, nazi/white supremacist, racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, anti-blm, poc-fetishizer, colourist, appropriate cultures
DNI (Types of Accounts): ed/thinspo blog, ddlg/ageplay account, flop account
DNI (Other): Call yourself fujoshi/fudanshi if you aren't japanese, think fujoshi/fudanshi means fetishizer, call bl yaoi (whether ur a fujo or anti-fujo), pro-map/nomap/map, anti kin, pro ddlg/ageplay, anti sfw agere, trump supporter, biden supporter (biden settler and biden supporter are different, its okay to have preferred biden, just dont full on support him, he's a terrible person too), republican or capitalist, pro-life, anti-vaxx, anti-mask, proship/antianti, sexualize minors, use slurs you cannot reclaim, mock tone indicators or dont use them for people who need it, anti rarepair ship
DNI (Thats related to certain media): You ship Tenko from danganronpa with men, You headcanon chihiro as trans or support those headcanons, You ship Eremika (Eren and Mikasa from AOT), You ship TogaFuka (Togami and Toko from Danganronpa), you ship junko with anyone, You slander any of my comfort characters, kins, or ships (ill put them down at the end), ybc/yy stan, any apologist tbh
- Tendou Satori
- Keiji Shinogi
- Gin Ibushi
- Kaito Momota
- Kiibo
- TeruTeru Hanamura
- Hifumi Yamada
- Jimmy Valmer
- Reigen Araraka
- Cioccolata (JJBA)
- Gamzee Makara
- Tsukishima Kei
My Ships:
Shuichi Saihara x Kaito Momota
Sally x Travis
Kiibo x Miu Oruma
Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Mondo Oowada
Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Nishinoya Yuu
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori
Bokuto Kotaru x Kuroo Tetsurou
Tendou Satori x Goshiki Tsutomu
Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi
Kirishima Ejirou x Bakugou Katsuki
Josuke Higashitaka x Okuyasu Nijimura
Narancia Ghirga x Pannacotta Fugo
Gamzee Makara x Tavros Nitram
Leone Abbachio x Bruno Bucciarati
My Kins: Shinji Ikari, Crona, Mikan Tsumiki, Kazuichi Souda, Shuichi Saihara, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Chiaki Nanami, Ryoma Hoshi, TeruTeru Hanamura, Toko Fukawa, Hifumi Yamada, Chihiro Fujisaki, Kiibo, Miu Iruma, Gundham Tanaka, Himiko Yumeno, Nagito Komaeda, Fugo Pannacotta, Bruno Bucciarati, Doppio Vinegar, Foo Fighters (JJBA), Kenny McCormick, Butters Stotch, Tweek Tweak, Mob (Mob Psycho 100), Gin Ibushi, Secco (JJBA), Jataro Kemuri, Inosuke Hashibira, Kaidou Shun, Yukako Yamagishi, Dipper Pines, Wirt (OTGW), Napstablook, Tamaki Amajiki, Kirishima Eijirou, Neil (Camp Camp), Tavros Nitram, Yamaguchi Tadashi
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0kultra · 4 years
Tumblr media
╔═══════════════╗ 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙡 ✿ 하늘 korean. n. "heaven, sky". ╚═══════════════╝
haneul is a community server with the purpose of supporting each other, academic productivity, and making healthy lifestyle choices. study here, reach your goals, make new friends, and more! our server includes: ✿ active team of friendly moderators! ✿ daily positive affirmations and QOTDs ✿ new: lifestyle roles and channels including zero waste, frugal living, skincare, plant-based nutrition, the anti-diet movement, mental health recovery, and spirituality! ✿ new: channels for creative arts and projects ✿ 40+ self-assignable roles including colors, location, pronouns, lgbt chat access, and neurodiversity ✿ productivity challenges with role rewards ✿ channels for language learners, lgbt ppl, and neurodivergent friends! some things to note: ✿ this server has an age cap; we welcome anyone 13-35 years old. to keep hanuel a safe space for minors, the entire server is 100% sfw.  ✿ terfs, transmeds, racists, nazis, and p/do apologists are not welcome. ✿ we use a blacklist system and not abiding by it will get you kicked!
please check us out if you're looking for a community of friends who share similar ambitions! https://discord.gg/HUXhSY6
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tf2headcanonz · 4 years
(as of 8/11/20)
DNI if:
you are trans exclusionary/transphobic/transmisogynistic (transmed/truscum/terf/tehm/non binary skeptic/gender critical)
exclusionist (aphobe/panphobe/anti mogai/reg)
racist (this includes anti-blm/pro blue lives matter)
conservative, right wing, anti feminist, anti sjw, trad or centrist
intersexist (believe that intersex surgeries are good and nessecary or fetishise intersex ppl (liking f*ta or anything similar))
ableist (includes believing that ocd, did, npd, schizophrenia, etc makes you inherently abusive or harm others, includes being a eugenicist)
romanticise abuse of any kind (includes pro shippers (incest n pedo shippers), yandere, etc)
pro ana/pro mia/thinspo/weight loss (the owner of this blog is in recovery! please respect that!)
minors do not interact with posts tagged #notsfw and #tw kink
Please Note:
this blog is run by a mentally ill, disabled person so please be patient with requests. it is okay to send your ask more than once incase tumblr ate it, or ask me if i got a certain request, just be polite and patient. I will try to get most requests done but please understand if there are some i cannot do.
this is also my first headcanon blog ever so please be polite if my writing isnt the best or if i dont write a merc to how you prefer. This blog is also meant to be a safe space for people so please dont come in here considering certain requests or anything cringy or bad.
Request Rules:
i do NOT write:
yandere or abusive relationships (please dont request for cheavy)
daddy kink/ddlg/mdlb/etc
violent kink requests (no blood play/gun play/knife play/bruising/needle play/violent choking/extreme degradation)
kinks i am personally uncomfortable with or i dont know how to write for (abdl/scat/piss/emeto/alpha-beta-omega/hunter & prey/monster fucker/vore/inflation/feederism) (list is subject to change)
not accepting matchup requests at the moment, will attempt those at a later date
do not request things like how mercs would react to s/o *dying* of suicide
i will not write ms pauling with non-sapphics (i gladly accept nlw x pauling)
kink and nsfw for pyro
bbc or interracial *kink* for demoman. i am a black writer and it makes me uncomfortable and upset for black characters to have their races fetishised
accept submissions as long as they are within the rules
i can attempt oc x merc, but please keep the age gaps mindful i am not comfortable writing young ocs with older mercs like spy or heavy, and please give a ref or description of your oc
write for characters outside of the 9 mercs, so i will accept pauling, saxton, maggie, bidwell, pauling, zhanna, merasmus, etc, however i cannot say i have good strength writing other characters just yet so be polite if i got something wrong
will write for poly relationships as long as the age gap is comfortable
angst/serious topics for comfort or recovery reasons (dealing with suicidal thoughts is allowed, also serious topics may be trigger tagged and put benath a read more)
lgbt headcanons, neurodivergent headcanons, etc for mercs and other characters
general headcanons for mercs and other characters
i lied i WILL do merc x merc/canon characters actually
nsfw and kink that is NOT on my lists of kinks i dont do (kink will be tagged tw: kink, and both will be put under read more)
i will do my best to follow anyones triggers so if you need anything at all trigger tagged please ask !
i will write platonic headcanons or queer-platonic headcanons!
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kittieluvr4ever · 4 years
it's really tiring seeing people ignore issues just so they can rp and then when the rp spirals they complain about not having a space that's safe when they helped that happen and then wonder why minorities/lgbt ppl don't feel comfortable in half these rps
let’s wake THAT up! i’ve been posting most of the anons in my inbox cause i want people to know what the fuck going on!
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
gofd the unironically dehumanizing way people talk about ‘ace humor’ is still so fucking WEIRD to me like...................... as if to deserve ur help we’re supposed to be offering you amusement skjdskjl,,,,,,,,,,,, you all really do see the lgbt+ community as just a fun relatable gathering of ppl you decide you would personally vibe and party with and the whole activist and anti cisheteronormative oppression aspect of it is just an afterthought now huh..... its abt Entertainment and if you just happen to personally on a completely casual level not founded in anything moral just Dont have it in ya to care abt somebody then oh my god thats oppression and emotional labor deserving of the harshest retaliation to even just Ask you to be willing to step the fuck up for them for moral reasons..... bc u dont want 2 and dont care why and your Right tm to reject ppl from your club i mean community is more important than their right to have a safe and supportive space under bigoted majorities..... which is what the community is for.... lmfao anyways regs who cant tolerate a personality more than like 2 degrees different from theirs without immediately othering them even often towards people you would previously accept, you have bastardized lgbt activism into your warped ass personality contest, the ‘ace humor’ thing is rly just. yet another blatant statement from cringe bitches that says ‘god i am so so so in love with the conformist handful of personalities i get from social media please never make me leave this cocooon of digestible creation and parroting goodboy stances for clout its All i have’ like please fix your goddamn priorities i am So sorry aces are too busy attempting to talk about the same ol rape n prejudice topics to be funny to you its a little bit tiring to think of what the trendiest shitpost funnyman style to copy for laffs is when im still trying to figure out how to properly convey ‘i am miserable and you could help me’ to you in a way where you dont laugh harder bc regular human emotional responses are too cringe now or w/e and i ALREADY know most of yall are gonna try to boil this down to ‘lol so u admit aces are unfunny 😂” like. implying that rly does matter like that in your mind. lmao so anyways you admit minorities have to be entertaining to you to deserve your respect? wack
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