#normally it’s a very vocal activist minority that especially ruins leftist spaces with That Brand of antisemitism but
rjxbread · 3 years
groans i am thinking and also ran out of tags so i’m gonna groan again in a sec
#personal#normally it’s a very vocal activist minority that especially ruins leftist spaces with That Brand of antisemitism but#i remember last year they hopped on blm again as it became a bigger issue for several months and my twt honestly never recovered#by which i mean i faced more harassment and witnessed more racism than i had in 2017 on that account#i blocked a lot of close mutuals and spent most of my time locked and it was fine for my purposes but v limiting and kept me anxious#anyway israeli violence is on the news again only instead of lasting a day or two it’s going on about a week now which doesn’t look good#people are getting sucked into it because it fucking matters but the propaganda is already mixed in#i hold my tongue as my more uneducated friends express outrage bc i agree and don’t want to minimize it#but i see a holier than thou minority trying to speak against antisemitism they just learned abt like they’re experts and i just.#white ppl are so confident speaking over jews and sharing news that they think offers any nuance#like congrats on tipping ur hat and acknowledging israeli citizens die in war too but the argument ur making isn’t that war is bad??#ur literally calling the government evil and an occupying territory and a terrorist apartheid and ignoring the history and its fucking SIZE#but each time u ground the conflict in how it affects lives u make jews need to defend a fucking government???#and a lot of us do not support it! but we are aware of the religious conflict w fucking hamas?? u think hamas protects arabs and muslims??#but everything is so tied up in codes and western bullshit i can’t even hear the word gaza without having a panic response#i feel like i’m constantly settling in safe spaces like oh this one is pro lgbt and poc and nd and disabled rights i’ll take this#and then within the crowds that i’m supposed to praise for pausing to rethink antisemitism there is still so much intolerance#they get annoyed w me as if i’m fucking waiting to be like ha! gotcha! that’s ALSO a buzzword! cant be anti israel now huh!#but it’s like! you’re literally so ignorant! and i hate this issue so much it never leaves me i don’t even live there i don’t want it!#i can’t catch a break and i’m very tired i miss my friends but they are so. passionate. and idk. everyone starts off new to stuff.#i am just hashtag triggered all the time and this week has been like#oh wow two entire people having the balls to humanize jewish people too bad they had to shit on israel to do it never heard that before#i just read a nytimes piece that i was like eh yeah ok id never show this to leftists bc they’re so opinionated#but i mostly agreed w it except once again i found myself policing the tone?#i was like u can’t be this aggressive at bernie when i read a single sentence calling out a p reasonable defense he made#it was like oh the violence is from right wing extremists in jerusalem it shouldn’t represent the innocent majority stop being racist#or idk the context bc it wasn’t the point and i haven’t researched it yet but it still made me think bc#thats sth i would think or say in the hot seat to appease liberals who dare to listen to a demon jew like me#i’m not a politician i shouldn’t be educating everyone i care abt but i was born into this ethnicity i gotta brush up on this shit#i think an argument id love to see instead of holding it in my own head as everyone fights over whatever distraction is on the news is
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