#sadly its just not translating to the fandom side of things...
venigni · 7 months
Still waiting for a super famous streamer to play Lies of P and for it to blow up 🥲
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mbslost · 4 months
hi. yes i came back for another yapping session, ironic.
i would like to express some of my feelings towards... some interesting things.
1. The Strade nazi drawing
i talked about his before, i am aware, but later (while reading other opinions as well) i got reminded about EP (Electricpuke for those who dont know him). did we all forgot HOW MANY nazi drawings he made? dont you believe that's an influence as well? if i remember correctly, Gato cut ties with him because of his abusive behaviour (there arent many people talking about this but some user are aware about his actions. sadly i wasnt in the community when that happened)
literally there are people calling Gato a nazi when she doesn't support the ideology. why did no one act the same with EP? different standards? the fact he left (probably) for good? still its not an excuse to call Gato a nazi. also she apologised multiple times. again MULTIPLE TIMES. even in the callout post in twt you can see the fact she IS sorry for drawing that. that she REGRETS it
edit: kay found a ss on tt from the user @/gorturic where Gato said this as well
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again, she doesn't support any nazi shit :/
2. The way others silence opinions that they dont like
im not saying you should be forced to agree with it, but when you make a callout account, normally, you let multiple people say their opinions over that thing. you can even show proof when you see someone is wrong. thats how argument work, crazy ik.
i start to see that if you defend Gato or just leave the community because the fandom its on thin ice, you'll be harassed and bullied for your choices. first of all, HOW ABOUT WE LEAVE PEOPLE THAT DONT WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH BTD/TPOF ANYMORE ALONE. good? literally saw multiple users being harassed by this. its THEIR decision, suck it up. also can we stop SENDING DEATH THREATS???
or the fact that if you do have a point, they'll immediately cancel it with the "oh but its not important". it can be if you have some proofs for their misinformation (just like i proved the variety of poc characters Gato CREATED. didnt talk about Ren since he's another story)
3. Lack of proof for the side allegations.
if people noticed mods harassing people sm, why didnt they talk? why arent there ss of their conversations? we dont even know (most of us) what they even commented about (aside of Pussyspieler drawing). or the twt user that was wronged. that situation was like.. kind of a "im more autistic so you should shut up" (i have to add that i asked people on the spectrum about this and that was their point of view) of course the mod shouldn't have said it like that but.. its more of a misunderstanding really.. that doesnt mean you cant be upset. you absolutely can. everyone can react differently so dont harass them for feeling down or for being frustrated.
also the spanish (or mexican idk) users that just copied and translated @/renhanasgf posts with little to no new information. just the same thing. (although they said something of Gato not sending merch to latin America. probably because of the laws back then or the fact that the transport fee would be high af. im still searching for the reason tho so ill need some time for that one).
4. This fandom is messed up
people when fans of horror porn games are problematic 🤯. i agree that some people are being like extreme with their reactions, but no one is perfect here. just like i approached the situation completely wrong, they did the same. of course, now if you go around and be a racist piece of shit, you shoudl just stay off the internet for a while. luckily more approach the "like the art not the artist" thing.
look. you can always block users that you dont like (just like i do to those who are either into csam,thanks for telling me ab this term anon!, or incest). i know. shocking that people can block others.
after all these fandoms are not for the weak. there may be some safe spaces in it as well but... lets be real... its still going to be problematic. if you cant handle the community or how others act around here, then id suggest for you to not have a close interaction with others. like uhm, just, appreciate the content, not every person around here. just be aware of the users, stau safe okay?
5. Will i stop yapping?
not until i will see an agreement in the fandom. Gato is a human, of course she will do mistakes. especially if she's anxious or tired. having hundreds of people around you its hard and i can imagine it. having supoortive people only to wake up with people hating you. i hope she's safe and that she wont have to go to the hospital again. i pray for her well being, and to others that got spammed with those disgusting comments.
im not saying we should forget about this like.. her poor management and emotional way of responding to things, but is it truly worth it? to force a person to apologise just because they tried to fix things?
i also dont think ill stop because i just feel like im the only one that does talk here (trying to even prove wrong on some things). if others do it as well, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA SEE THEM😭 also because most people are still so confused about EVERYTHING. for some reason this drama its only getting more popular on tt for some reason.. which is a big no no since there are a lot of YOUNG people. i believe this should be talked here, and on twitter. (idk what to say about telegram)
ill stop here since my sickness got me. i will edit it later to add or correct myself but *sighs*
please stay safe and try to view more opinions over this. DONT SPAM OR HARASS ANYONE WHO ONLY WANTED TO EXPRESS THEIR FEELINGS. we'll see on Sunday how things will turn out.
(if i missed something out or said something wrong please correct me)
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myobsessionsspace · 7 months
Kinda Random Thoughts a couple of days after the 'last BTS Live'
Ngl feeling a bit of mental and emotional fatigue.
I think it’s safe to say it’s going around.
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The sad thing about social media is no matter how much you try and curate your own bubble with things that make you happy and positive people, it’s hard to maintain. Social media is a representation of everyday offline people. Regular people behind the usernames with their own opinions, experiences, likes and dislikes (celebrities are regular people too, just famous for something or talented and known for it).
Though it’s good for growth and maturity to not just surround yourself with the same opinions and thoughts as yourself, it’s also tiring when you feel the need just be understood. When you can never enjoy things in peace because others need more information, more context, need to pick apart, need to make their side seen, their conclusions/interpretations the decisive one.
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Over the years we’ve had SEVERAL Jikook lives, OT7 lives or lives with some of the members as well as Jikook. I, like most of us, LOVE Jikook lives. When watched in its entirety we not only see their ‘moments’ but we see them as regular people, we then can discern the fake from true when we see fake subs, edits etc. What makes Jikook even more interesting and captivating, to me, is when I can see the similarities as well as the exceptions in their interactions with each other and their other members. I found Jikook AFTER I found BTS…
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and not only do I love their lives with primarily the two of them, I also love their solo lives, their lives with other members and OT7 lives. All the members are interesting in their own ways and their lives shed light on them and the other members, Jikook included. Watching their lives (though still them putting their best face forward and always aware that they’re being watched by millions) is so much more rewarding than just watching edits, summaries etc from the likes of TikTok, YouTube and other platforms. It’s fun AFTER watching their lives to then see what army have done to have fun with them, such as funny edits, fake FUN subs etc.
**please please please, weverse is free, whenever you have the time, watch the lives there with the subtitles there, though not always the best, it’s better than those who may not translate for altruistic reasons**
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It gets me down sometimes the constant need it seems, within fandom culture, to microanalyse every piece of content we get. We have the need to seek out hidden messages, hidden looks, put context behind what is and isn’t said. Give explanation where it isn’t needed and draw conclusions from what isn’t said.
Most of the time it’s cute, fun and ‘harmless’
But sometimes 😪
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Without agenda, edits, cuts, slow mo and with context & rightful subtitles - Original Weverse Source
It’s always been this way and sadly seems like it always will be. I like context, I like information, when possible I like to get it from the original source. It’s nice when busy and unable to read whole interviews or watch whole lives, to see little snippets and clips that float around online. But it’s so draining when those little clips and snippets are then used to paint different pictures and narratives depending on the sharer’s biases/intention. When it’s aimed at making members into villains, defaming their characters etc.
It’s rarely the case that the purpose for lives (when there is one) ends up being appreciated solely for that. Just the members wanting to connect with their fans.
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mukbangs, karaokes, Legos, q&a’s, tmi’s, messages of thanks, birthday lives, just because lives. All the times they go on live that can be appreciated for just that end up being used as material for hate
Everytime it should be healing to interact with those we are fans of, after the initial wave of euphoria is over, undoubtedly what follows is soo much negative noise, new narratives, more hate etc.
As I said before I try to curate my timelines, who I follow, things I like & comment on etc but sometimes the need to correct misinformation, the need to defend the lies and negativity means I still end up seeing so much of the bad.
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REAL (Weverse Original Source)
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I know this is a cycle and I have choices and am not being forced to be anywhere.
It’s just one of those days where I want to word vomit on my blog.
I just want to enjoy BTS and Jikook peacefully and positively. Why can’t everyone want to do the same for their faves?? Why is it always so angry and combative and about winners and losers, horrible name calling and malicious lies, insults, nasty images etc. Why campaigns to cause mental anguish to members and their family? To sabotage and try to get members separated or even imprisoned. Why mass report playlists and accounts? Why when more often than not, it changes nothing.
If you don’t like something why spend so much energy on it? The members will still interact with each other, those that have ships & biases remain and Jikook will still be Jikook 💅
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I know social media is a representation of the real world and that there are nasty people in the real world, so of course it makes sense that there are nasty people online, it’s just tiring and sucks the fun out.
They won’t stop me enjoying BTS’ music & content, them as individuals and a group nor will they stop me enjoying whatever Jikook chose to share with us,
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but everyone once in a while it does mean I get social media fatigue, fandom fatigue and the need for me to do posts like this.
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Please use this post to share on the good things you like about the fandom, the group and BTS & Jikook online spaces. Let’s bring the positivity back for ourselves 💪
I hope anyone feeling like me can find what they need to keep on going in the fandom or make the move to take a break 💜
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thepageofhopes · 10 months
I really love the subversion of power fantasy/shounen/isekai etc and I LOVE unreliable narrators. It seems like re:zero is both of these things from how much I've interacted with it so far?? (I've read the first volume of the webnovel version.) But I haven't hit the point yet where it's really clicked with me. Do you have any recommendations for picking it up again? (Like jumping over to the anime, or which version of the novel I should go with?)
Seeing all of your re:zero posts has really gotten me curious! I unfortunately hadn't really heard much about it before asides from very surface level "best girl" stuff.
I would definitely go with the anime, specifically for s1 the directors cut because it takes the already stellar visuals of the original and upgrades it.
I know a lot of the re:Zero fandom has problems with the anime because it cuts certain important scenes, but honestly I think a lot of the cuts are fine. We will see how season 3 handles the cuts because a lot of the cuts set up arc 5 & 6 reveals, but even then the animation, music, and voice acting more than make up for it.
There is also the manga which will be the quickest read, and is truer to the novels for better or worse (even keeping some scenes I honestly think were smart cuts from the anime), but then you miss out on the animation, music, and voice acting lol.
As far as content that the anime doesn't cover, there's a great youtube series by AsarathaHS where he summarizes and gives his thoughts on each of the phases of arcs 5 through 7 (the arcs right after season 1 and 2 of the anime), and my secret is that I haven't actually read arcs 5-7, I've just listened to his videos. I have all the current light novels but haven't really had the time to read them. It's great to put on at work/while working on other things! He also does a lot of cool re:Zero analysis videos and if ypu are anything like me, a good video essay can get you hyped for watching/reading a series.
Finally, for side content, nothing beats Witch Cult Translations and I highly recommend the re:Zero IF series. The concept of taking big moments where the main character makes one choice and seeing what would happen if he made the opposite is just...so good. A lot of them can be read as early as finishing season 1 (Pride, Wrath, Sloth), Greed can be read after finishing Season 2, and sadly the best one, Gluttony, requires finishing the light novels/web novels/Summary videos up to arc 6, but god is it worth it. Even outside of gluttony, they are all fantastic.
The one thing I'll caution is Subaru is less of a unreliable narrator and more just a deeply flawed character that learns and grows so much throughout the series. By the end of season 2, he's very much just....a genuinely great dude. If you've seen love is war, its very similar to Ishigami's arc.
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sparklinggiraffe · 1 year
Hi I'm sorry to be a nag, but A3! stage is paid content (and it was technically only accessible to Japanese fans til not that long ago), so sharing content from it is an iffy thing to do I doubt people in charge of those will see but in the rare occasion they do see it, we would all be at risk of losing the little access to the stages we have I know it's not your own posts, and that you're just reblogging them, but the more they're shared around, the most at risk we become
oh. well. i knew sooner or later someone would call out this.
I'm going to explain why i do share this i kind of content even knowing the consequences. its not an attack. i understand people's worries about it. but:
1: not everyone has enough money to pay for it. i live in a country where buying something overseas is a privilege to few. honestly if it werent by others posting "paid content" i wouldnt even know mankai stage. not only me, but a huge part of the non jp fandom. and oh, if you knew how much people WANT to, in fact, pay for this kind of thing but cant. its not a matter of "we will do it on purpose", but a matter of "we cant buy it, so any opportunity to see it free, we will".
2: not everyone knows japanese. this is kinda self explanatory. not everyone has the means to learn the language. imagine buying something that isnt even from your native language.
3. not everyone lives near Japan to see it live. i live literally in the other side of the world. and so do many people i know that wanted to watch it live as well. sadly, we cant. and thats the only means we can use to see at least a few content of it.
4. how someone will watch something if they don't even know its existence? thats actually a way to promote the stage and, in fact, make more people buy it! like i said before, if it wasnt for paid content being posted freely, i would know the wonders of mankai stage. and yes, i plan, in the future, to actually buy the dvd, but i can't for now.
5. as yourself said, they will not see it. how a small account from the other side of the world will affect a big company like l/ber?
6. we already, in fact, are distributing content we shouldn't be seeing, read the story translations and even playing the game. but I'm not saying its wrong, thats my whole point, in fact, its more than right. its all about ACCESS. if more people know it, more people will actually want the real thing instead of doing it by """illegal""" ways. (also, we all know how a3en went. and the main reason behind that was bad merchandise)
edit: and let me tell you something. mostly people reposting things on biribiri arent overseas 😛
conclusion: it's all about access. i do not care if theres a possibility they will let us not watch it, because theres people that dont watch and not because they want to, they just dont have enough means to. also, we already had the opportunity to play the game like we wanted, but it didnt have the deserved potential. you can disagree with me all you want, but i know a lot of people who will agree with me, and not only talking about a/3 stage, but in general.
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miraclespin · 2 years
Perusing Twitter is always a very... interesting experience, for me. But the other day, after not having looked for a while and deciding to give it a go, aside from the usual psychic harm and another person’s AU that is somehow niggling my brain in spite of knowing very little about it (other than it’s very much a Bad Things Happen sort of scenario), I found a few neat headcanons posted by a Korean account that I sadly don’t remember the name of (and it was translated anyways, so I never saw its original form).
The Korean side of the fandom can be... very hit or miss, for me, personally (a lot of the time it’s where all the psychic damage posts come from, though whether they’re actually horrible or just give off those vibes because I can’t properly understand the posts and therefore lack appropriate context for them is anybody’s guess). These headcanons were kind of lovely, though.
For example, they shared my headcanon of Shadow Joker not actually liking the taste of black coffee, but drinking it anyway in order to help wake himself up because of his low blood pressure in the mornings; with the excellent addition of him adding sugar to it if he’s sure nobody is around.
Another one was that when it comes to the doctor’s office, Joker is afraid of needles, and can’t look whenever he’s receiving an injection- or I think that was what they were trying to say; also that Shadow is in a similar way, but King and Queen are unbothered, or at least a bit braver about it.
A considerably more angsty headcanon posited that Shadow’s scars on his face were put there deliberately by Clover as a mark of his leadership/”ownership” of another of his soldiers, which kind of checks out at least a tiny bit- I did notice that a lot of his soldiers have that mark on their faces, as well, mirroring his own marks.
In the anime, Cyan had those on his face before he even awoke and found himself in Clover’s clutches, suggesting that they were implied to have happened sometime after he fell into the river; though, one could take this as Clover having done it while he was still unconscious and recovering. He would have no idea about it, most likely...
In the manga, though, assuming that it’s not merely face paint, like Hachi assumed Joker’s own scar was, he would have had to have been conscious while receiving them. Interestingly, though, it’s implied that his relationship with Clover, while not great, is slightly less antagonistic, at least on Clover’s end; Shadow had no idea he sent the soldiers to the village that took his sister, after all, and they didn’t nearly kill him in this version of events. So, it may or may not be an actual scar; given that Clover decided that he might be useful, he might not have had as heavy a hand on Cyan like he did in the anime. So it could just be decals or face paint; I don’t know if the manga ever clarifies whether they’re really scars or not. He might’ve even just did it to mirror Joker; we have no indication that Clover put him up to that bit in this version of events, so we have to assume he did that on his own.
It’s all kind of interesting to spring off of; there were more headcanons posted by that account but I cannot remember all of them; and what I can remember, I’m not sure I interpreted correctly based on their translations. I’m hesitant to go too deep onto the account, though, because again, the Korean side of things is usually where I find the worst mentally scarring content (like general thirsting over these very much minor-coded characters, and a certain age-gap ship that is strangely popular nowadays, much to my poor mental sanctity; I’m sure plenty of them are mostly fine, but even the more decent-seeming ones give off some weird vibes), and I haven’t properly vetted them yet- which, to do so puts me at risk of acquiring psychic damage in the first place. Alas.
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nervocat · 6 months
how about a reader who fell in love with neuvi from the first moment they saw him? Like its one side thing and reader wants to become closer with him, but tries not too force him.
Honestly, this request feels like for not just one part, but do as you wish)
P.s. i haven’t seen such fanfics sadly… usually reader catch feelings after some time but what if this time reader like him and wants him to love them? Like how can we win this softie’s heart? (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Sry for strange request, its in my head for long time already ><
“A cat brings you the book that you had requested from the library. Sorry for the long wait, the owner was busy . . . ”
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★ — NOTES: the final request is done! Now I can start working on my series soon enough when the poll is done. Also I might've strayed away from some of the topics in the request, but it still has the same premises, so I hope you enjoy the long awaited (and much overdue) request :DD sorry it's so short tho ✦ — WORD COUNT: 345 ★ — FANDOM: genshin impact ✦ — CW: none but not proofread and ending kinda rushed
        “Getting to Know The Iudex, Monsieur Neuvillette”
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     You knew it was silly, you did, but when you first saw The Iudex Monsieur Neuvillette up close, you couldn't help but fall for his looks. You also knew he wanted to keep the people around him at arm's length, not wanting to be close to anyone, but you wanted to try to at least befriend him.
You first met him during business matters for a person's case, you being the investigator of the case. You were relaying the information to Neuvillette and when you two had a moment of silence to take in the information, you had a chance to take in his features.
He was very handsome and pretty, not that you couldn't see that from where he sits during trials, but with the sun shining through the windows onto his face made it all the more better. You decide to propose that you come over weekly to the Palais Mermonia to keep giving him updates on the case so he can take things into evaluation before the trial — when the culprit is caught of course.
You continue to see each other, the bond between you two deepening, though Neuvillette still kept his distance from you emotionally. The case eventually came to a close, the criminal was found and charged, and the trial was over. You were disheartened and almost gave up as a result, but the Melusines helped Neuvillette open up to you.
When he personally requested you to his office, it was surprising to you. You obliged and did as he asked, and he asked you to be his friend. You happily said yes, and from that point on, you grew even closer with him as you solved more and more cases and came to him to relay more and more information to him about different cases.
He sees how you treated the Melusines and the people so kindly, and you eventually weaseled your way into his heart. Who will confess first is still a mystery, and whether or not Neuvillette will let you in fully is all on him. ✧
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🐾 ★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦ ☁️
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Hi, this is for the autumn ask:
I hope you have a good day 🙃
Thank you so much! And sorry for the lateness in answering—I got hit with an annoying cold, like, right after I reblogged the post and had to nap and rest all day. It’s still affecting me, but I feel a bit better now—I hope that today turns out to be better, and I thank you for your well wishes!
Now, without further ado:
🍵 Top 3 favorite tea flavors?
Right now, my absolute favorite tea is an instant ginger chai that my roommate has, because it’s working wonders for my sore throat. (No, I won’t shut up about this cold…)
Interestingly, I was never much of a tea drinker before this year (I’m sorry, Uncle Iroh), but thanks to my roommate and the many college events I’ve gone to that serve tea, I’m learning to develop more of a taste for it! I’d say my top three favorites right now are the aforementioned ginger chai, green tea, and I guess peppermint tea. I’ve tried earl grey, too, but I don’t like it as much. (I’m sorry, Captain Picard.)
💻 To feel nostalgic: what are some old games/websites you spent lots of time on when you were young?
I don’t know if anyone else but me remembers this, but: htwins.net! This was the website that hosted the famous Scale of the Universe 2 and belonged to the people who made Battle for Dream Island, but I didn’t stop there. Oh no. I played all the games and watched all the animations that these funky Huang twins made: Get to the Top Although There Is No Top (and its 100 variations!), Goime 500 (there were parts of that that stumped me for months; after I eventually figured it out and beat the game, that’s what introduced me to the concept of a speedrun); even The Super-Short Stick Figure Show! A lot of these have sadly been lost to time since the demise of Flash…RIP.
I remember being shooketh when I found out how young the programmers/animators, Cary and Michael, were—they were only 12 when they produced, animated, and released the first episode of Battle for Dream Island and 14 when they released The Scale of the Universe 2. Imagine having that much talent! I still follow some of Cary’s videos—he also composes quite well and, in high school, apparently wrote poems of questionable quality.
On the cringier side of things, I also spent an embarrassing amount of time on websites like RageStache (rage comics) and Taste of Awesome (demotivational posters). I was addicted to those—I’d spend hours scrolling through the comics and memes while procrastinating on doing my 5th- or 6th-grade homework, probably learning stuff I shouldn’t have been learning at the innocent young age of 10. I’d also often Google Image Search things like “funny comics about harry potter” (Harry Potter being my obsession at the time), “funny rage comics about ___,” and “funny tumblr conversations”—years before I’d actually join Tumblr.
🍁 A new website, fandom, video, song, fun fact or anything, name a recent discovery you would like to share with your followers.
Apologies for “blorbo from my shows”-ing this, but here are two amazing Cowboy Bebop-related discoveries I’ve made recently!
The first is this bonus track from the boxed set of the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack; here is the Wiki page for it with the lyrics translated into English. It’s called “Wandering Cowboy,” and it’s a version/arrangement of the theme song, Tank!, with lyrics sung by Aoi Tada, the Japanese voice of Edward. The lyrics and the way little Ed sings them (Aoi Tada was a teenager, not much older than Ed, when she recorded her lines for the original series) are just so adorable—innocent, childlike, and filled with love for her Bebop family. I can just imagine Ed sitting or lying at her computer in the Bebop’s living room, kicking her feet behind her as she softly and happily sings this under her breath. Go, go, Bebop! Fly, fly, Bebop!
And the second is this video of Canadian figure skater Kevin Reynolds, who in 2016 skated a routine at the Skate Canada Challenge to Tank! while dressed as Spike Spiegel. Just imagine being that cool. Imagine being a fan of Cowboy Bebop and also a figure skater. Imagine practicing for months and months and years and years to do a strenuous, beautiful skating routine, and it all culminates in you being Spike Spiegel, being him in front of everyone, whirling and spinning across the ice to the frenetic jazz of Tank!, of a show you’ve obviously known and loved for years—as graceful and fluid as Spike himself is in his movements, literally moving like water. I just have many emotions about this. (Also, Kevin Reynolds is cute! He has a sweet smile and thumbs-up :))
[Autumn Emoji Asks]
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sunshinebuckley · 2 years
Solid Ground
Fandom: 911
Word Count: 3166
"Hey Buckaroo," she says conversationally, as if any of this is a common occurrence. "I'm glad to see you awake, but please, whatever you do, don't move, okay?"
(Or, Hen is here to catch Buck when he falls. Literally.)
Read on ao3
Buck has woken up in a lot of weird places in his life. A lot of them, really. He's never been shy to get into someone else's bed (or whatever place they were willing to bring him to), and he's used to that familiar anxiety he gets when it takes him more than a few seconds to remember where he is. He wasn't a complete idiot, of course, and more often than not he didn't sleep over, but there have been a few incidents where alcohol consumption didn't help his decision-making skills.
All of that to say: Buck has woken up to a lot of weird stuff over the years.
Finding Hen lying down on him is definitely a new one.
He blinks blearily for a second, and it takes a concerning amount of effort for his eyes to open fully. He has an awful taste in his mouth, too, and the world feels like it's swimming around him, but he's pretty sure that– yep, this is definitely Hen. Lying down on him.
"Hen?" he tries to say, though it comes out more as the croak of a dying animal.
She's looking away from him, up to… Something, he guesses, though her hands are firm on his shoulders, stopping any attempts he might make to get up – or just move, really. Which he doesn't want to do anyway, thank you very much. The more he's aware of his body, the less he wants to be. He tries to follow her line of sight, but the sky is bright above them, and the sun feels like it's piercing its way straight to his skull, so he stops that endeavour with a pained groan.
So. Waking up outdoors. With Hen. On top of him? Definitely squishing him. And that's– Okay, well, he should deal with that. Probably.
"Hen, what's going on?" he asks, because that's probably what he should start with, except his voice is still this painful sounding mangled thing, and he's not sure any of it actually translates to understandable words. Eddie would get it because he's Eddie, and he understands even when Buck is talking sleepily with his head smushed against his couch, but Eddie's not here right now. It does make Hen look at him though, a worried frown taking over her expression.
"Hey Buckaroo," she says conversationally, as if any of this is a common occurrence. "I'm glad to see you awake, but please, whatever you do, don't move, okay?"
Of course, immediately, his entire body feels on the verge of twitching weirdly, but he's able to control the impulse. Mostly. He tries to flex his hands, and realises that his right one is stuck between his body and Hen's, while the other is further away on the side.
Ah. Yes. The tiny issue of there being absolutely no personal space between them. He doesn't really mind, alright, he trusts that Hen wouldn't squash him without a good reason, but he'd really like to finally be informed of said good reason.
"Where–" he coughs harshly, his throat dry, and Hen's hold on him becomes even more tense. "Where are we? What happened?"
(These sentences sound mostly human, and a tiny Buck in his head is cheering about that. It's not the time, though.)
"We are…" Hen stops. Reconsiders. The grimace on her lips is not promising. "In a precarious situation. I can't really do a good concussion check on you right now, but can you try to tell me what you remember?"
"We were on a call?" That's mostly a guess. He can't see Hen's expression well (she's a little too close to him, like, "I can feel her breath on my skin" kind of uncomfortably close) but he knows she's not impressed by that. Sadly, that's all he can tell her at the moment. "I mean. I hope so. Because I love you Hen, but I'm not fighting Karen for you."
"Scared?" Hen laughs.
"Terrified. She would eat me alive, and knows enough about science to make sure no one would know about it."
That makes Hen laugh again, and Buck grins. He's nailing this whole concussion check thing. His head is killing him though, and the way Hen is lying on him is starting to get a bit uncomfortable. If he could just stretch his leg–
He barely has the time to try that the ground – whatever they're lying on shifts sharply, making Hen fall more onto him, her shoulder slamming on his nose for his trouble. They end up a little less perpendicular than they started, and Buck's nose is now pulsating with pain.
"Let's. Let's not do that again," he groans.
"Fuck," Hen agrees wholeheartedly. "You okay?"
"Good enough." Buck snorts and he's pretty sure Hen is smiling, but he sees even less of her face in the new position they're in.
Her radio crackles to life then. "Hen, come in." That's Bobby, in his best "I'm having a terrible day" voice.
"We moved a little Cap but we're still fine," Hen reports. "Also, Buck's awake."
"Hi Bobby," Buck says.
"Hi Buck," Bobby answers, and now he sounds like he's smiling, which is infinitely better. "Try to keep still, alright? We'll be there in five."
Buck is still not sure where there is but that sounds great, so he says that. Hen relays what she knows of his concussion, and tells them to have a unit ready (he thinks it's overkill, but Hen seems too stressed to hear him out right now).
Now that he had a few minutes to get his bearings, Buck comes to a few realisations about where he is. First of all, they're… Down something. A cliff, precisely, up where, if he squints, he can see a lot of tiny firefighters moving around next to the edge. Second of all, he's not lying on the ground so to speak – the surface is too smooth for that. He tries to wrack his brain in search of useful information, but it's mostly blank. He remembers being at the station today. Remembers getting a call, though he can't say if it's this one or a previous instance of the bell ringing.
He remembers… a truck?
"Are we on a truck? On a truck down a cliff?" he asks, sounding wonderfully calm about it – something about worrying that if he says it too loudly, he'll make it happen if it hasn't already.
"I'm afraid so," Hen says. "That's really not how I saw my day going, you know, but at least you make for a comfy pillow."
"You hit my nose with your shoulder," Buck complains.
"Or maybe you hit my shoulder with your nose."
The tragedy is that Buck can't even stick out his tongue at her, because he'll only end up licking her uniform. Urgh. Also, he's certain he'd have a good answer to that if it wasn't for his headache. He resolves to find it later, so he can focus on being on a truck down a cliff at a risk of tipping over any minute.
"Why are we– What happened? Is the victim still–?"
"We evacuated the driver pretty easily, all things considered," Hen says, shifting minutely. She's laying down on him but he knows she's keeping some of her weight off him, and it must be hell on her arms. "But the truck rolled, your line snapped, and you fell so hard you got knocked unconscious. I came to get you but–"
Hen sighs, and the ominous groan emitted by the truck fills Buck in the rest of the story easily enough.
"Okay," he says, even though none of this is okay. "Okay." His right hand is getting numb from being stuck in one position for such a long time. Actually, most of his body is protesting against something right now. "To say that I thought you just really wanted to hug me."
"Sorry Buck but I think we've reached our hug quota for the month now," Hen laughs. "I kinda fell over you when I first reached you because of how unstable this all is, and any attempt I made to get up resulted in even more trouble."
To be honest, Buck really doesn't mind. They are worse people to wake up with than Hen – he would know, he woke up with some of them. He'd like it better if both of their lives weren't in danger, evidently, but he can stay still.
"Wait," he says after a few seconds, his brain going over what was said. "Are you still– Did your line snap too?" He wishes he could move to check, because he definitely knows they both still have their harness on (not a very comfortable thing to have pressed against your chest), but he can't figure out if she still has her line.
"No, I've still got mine."
"So you could leave, right? You wouldn't fall?"
The silence that follows somehow manages to convey how much Hen thinks Buck is an idiot without any sound or movement on her part. A jewel of linguistics he's not sure anyone could figure out.
"What part of If we move you fall to your death are you missing?" Her tone is so dry it could stop a flood.
"I. I'm just glad you won't? Fall to your death?" (The little Buck in his mind is ringing his Wrong Answer bell, but it's too late anyway, he already dug his grave.)
"I'm not letting you fall, Buck. And if you think, for even a second, that you dying and me surviving is one of the best case scenarios, I'll tell Bobby that you don't like his apricot cake."
"I just don't like apricots that much!"
"Do you think it'll matter to him?"
"No," Buck groans, because he can already imagine Bobby's sad face at the news. A smile tugs at his lips, even though his heart is beating a tad faster at Hen's declaration. He's still glad that of the two, he's the one who doesn't have a secure line, though he's not stupid enough to voice that thought a second time. But still: "Thank you Hen," he smiles.
"Always," she swears, fiercely enough that Buck believes her. "Bobby is coming to get us, but I'm not letting you fall anyway, no matter what."
Embarrassingly enough, Buck can feel his eyes water. He's suddenly glad for their awkward positions – the fact that he can pretend he's hiding his face in the crook of her shoulder, the weight in his throat going unnoticed. He would risk everything to save the members of his team, he knows that. It's harder to remember that they would do the same for him, and that it wouldn't feel like a burden, an obligation they have to carry. As if to confirm that, Hen says, voice soft:
"You may be an idiot but I love you Buck."
"Love you too," he chokes out, ruining all his chances to keep the tears he can't blink away a secret. Gracefully, Hen says nothing. She's a good person like that.
"Okay guys," Bobby says from the radio, and Buck squashes the impulsive desire to tell him he loves him too. He's a sappy man, alright. "Ravi and I are going to rappel down to you, while the others work on stabilising the truck as best as possible. Our priority is to get Buck secured to something. Do not move before we tell you to, alright?"
"Not going anywhere," Hen answers, making Buck laugh against her shoulder.
Things go faster after that. Before Buck has the time to blink, Bobby and Ravi are hovering above them, not daring to even breathe on the truck in fear of setting it off.
"The only thing we can access without making everything fall off is your left hand," Bobby tells Buck, as if he wasn't here for the entire inspection, "but it means that if you fall, your entire weight would be held by your arm, which is not ideal."
Mental images of himself dangling by his dislocated shoulder make a sick feeling rise in Buck's stomach. Yep, not ideal. Hen is of the mind that at least he'd survive, which is a fair point, but they decide to wait a little more, to see if other options crop up. He can't see the firefighters working on securing the truck, but since they haven't fallen down yet, he takes it as a sign that they're doing a good job. Or at least, not worsening the situation.
"How's your head?" Hen asks out of the blue.
"Meh." Now that he can see Bobby from the corner of his eyes, Buck can also plainly see that this isn't a sufficient answer. "It aches a little, and I'm dizzy, but it's nothing I haven't already experienced."
There. He's a good patient.
"What if Buck clips the line to his harness slowly? We could put it in his hand and he could move it gently towards himself," Ravi offers.
They resolve to try it out, since it isn't a half-bad idea. The cold metal of the clip is heavy in Buck's left hand, and moving his arm becomes the most nerve-wracking activity of his life. Inching closer towards his harness, he's convinced that every single movement is the one that's going to send him the rest of the way down.
He breathes in to flatten his stomach, his hand shimmying its way between himself and Hen, who seems to be holding her breath too. For a second, a minute, he thinks that this is it. He's going to make it, and twirl Ravi in the air for his good idea or something.
It all happens fast. There's a shout, and then the truck is tipping over to the right quickly. There's nowhere to hold on (it's a truck), and Buck doesn't even have the time to yell that the ground disappears and he's falling–
Until Hen closes her legs around him like a koala, punching the air out of his lungs with how much force she puts into it, her hands scrambling to get a better purchase on his shoulders.
Sounds all come back at once, and Buck is nauseous with it, and with how his fingers are unable to grip onto Hen, and with the uncontrolled swinging they're doing right now, Hen's line sending them right onto the cliff only for the bounce to launch them in a new dizzying motion. His head feels about to explode, he feels sick, he can't see anything except for Hen's uniform and he's still slipping, she's barely holding onto him–
"Hang on Buck!" she orders through gritted teeth, looking ready to fight gravity itself to keep him with her.
Suddenly, a new weight appears at his back, sending them all in a new uncontrolled swing.
"I'm here," and Bobby's voice could make him cry right now," "hang on, just hang on."
His hands are frantic, searching for Buck's harness as quickly as possible, before– click. They rush back towards the cliff, and suddenly Ravi is there too to help them slow down, finally, after everything, stabilising them.
Buck has a secure line.
"Holy shit," he breathes out shakily. He's pretty sure he's trembling.
"Oh my god," Hen echoes, sounding exhausted too.
Bobby is still holding onto Buck tightly, but he's the first one to outright giggle at this, which is such a weird sound coming from Bobby that it sets them all off. Because holy shit.
"You can– you can let go, Hen," Buck says after a while, because her legs are still tightly wound around his torso.
She doesn't answer. She simply takes a very, very deep breath, releases it as slowly as she can, before carefully letting go. He doesn't fall. It still all feels surreal.
They get back to solid ground, eventually. Buck's heart is still pounding in his chest, and he feels a little too shaky for anything, but Bobby and Hen refuse to leave his side even for a second during the way back up. He's grateful beyond words. Especially when his feet finally touch the ground, and he sways in place dramatically, before his legs give up on him altogether. Hen and Bobby are here to catch him, once again.
"Wow," he says dumbly, letting himself be led away from the edge. He gives up on trying to find his footing, focusing on trying to find a normal heartbeat.
"You okay Buck?" someone asks, to which he answers the most unconvincing uh huh of history. It still feels like he's not on solid ground.
Unsurprisingly, he ends up in the back of an ambulance, a paramedic he doesn't know examining his head, and asking questions after questions that Buck has practically no left-over energy to answer.
This was a close call. Too close, really. If Hen had reacted just a second later– or worse, he thinks, dread slamming onto him unexpectedly. If Hen's line had snapped because of his weight, if he had taken her with him, he would never have forgiven himself–
"Hey," and that's Hen, appearing at the door as if she heard him spiralling and came to raise her eyebrows at him in that judging way she's an expert at. "Mind if I come with you?"
"No worries," the other paramedic answers. (Buck hasn't paid him much attention, but he thinks his name is Greg. Or Fred. Something like that.)
"How is he?"
"He is fine," Buck answers petulantly, right as Greg/Fred says: "He needs to be transported."
"Sorry man," he keeps going, shrugging off Buck's glare easily. "You've lost consciousness for a worrying amount of time, I really don't like your vitals right now, and you've got some bruising I'd definitely feel better about if you got checked out."
Because he is a mature adult, Buck resists the desire to pout. Barely. Hen pats his knee a little sympathically, a little condescendingly, so that tells him he's not doing a good job at that.
His hands are still trembling in his lap. It hasn't happened in a while.
It's hard not to think how easily everything could have gone wrong. But his hand sneaks its way towards Hen's, who takes it with a smile, and he breathes in the knowledge that they're both okay. They're both alive.
"Thank you for not letting me fall," he whispers.
"I told you I wouldn't," she says easily, truthfully. There's affection, and loyalty, and trust in that. Something about the way family only started to make sense after meeting the 118.
Buck has always been a sacrifice people were willing to make. It's hard to remember that his friends are willing to sacrifice a lot for him.
"Also, you've got some strong legs," he laughs, because they're in an ambulance with Greg/Fred and he can't really tell her he loves her again without feeling too embarrassed.
"Careful now, Karen can still take you," Hen jokes back.
She never stops holding his hand.
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wingzie · 3 years
Brutally Honest Reactions to Jikook
It was requested on Twitter that I talk about the less positive posts about Jikook moments from my live reactions research. These will NOT include any screenshots, but I will discuss what I saw. I will continue to keep posting positive things about Jikook, but the fandom reaction towards Jikook is one of the reasons why I feel so strongly about supporting them so much. Please read ahead if you are interested. I will also keep it out of the Jikook tag.
I will quickly add my own experience here before I continue. I am an early 2019 ARMY. I didn't follow any BTS accounts on Twitter until after I caught up on content. I then started following Jikook accounts once I got braver, because I could see a clear difference in the way the fandom talked about them. (Or not at all in some cases.) It wasn't until I started following Jikook accounts, that I knew about GCF Tokyo. For a fandom that hyped up Jungkook being a director for LGO, his previous work and especially GCFT is rather ignored. Especially when it's obvious that Jungkook has always had an interest in making videos. 
An important factor here is that GCFT was posted after Jimin's lovely twitter edit. From what I saw, no one had any real issues with Jimin's edit. The general consensus was that it was sweet that Jimin and Jungkook were finally able to go on a trip together and that Jimin made an edit out of it. But if that's the case, why were there then issues when GCFT was posted, that are still here today?
Compared to Jimin's edit, there is a clear sense of jealousy when GCFT was released. A "sweet trip" turned into a "not big deal" or started to include fake narratives. Some of which really confused me at first, until I asked someone at the time and got the truth. 
There is a sudden change of tone aimed towards Jikook: “How dare they go on a trip together?” and “how dare they share it with us this way?.”  It's clear to me that this jealously suddenly began because of the editing style, the camera shots and the song used. All of which made you feel a certain way when watching GCFT, if you were not so blind or bitter. However, the fandom did it's best to try to belittle JK's work. Saying excuses such as the song was not intentional or that the editing choices were coincidental. That's not the case at all and to quote a certain song "this is no coincidence."
There is an interesting notion that some shippers and y/n's turned to fan fictions after GCFT was released. This suggests to me that they did indeed in fact feel the same way about GCFT. They got the message loud and clear, but had to try to tune it out with another fantasy because of what they felt. They wanted what Jimin and Jungkook had for themselves or another member.
GCF's after GCFT
After GCFT there was a need to show: "look Jimin and Jungkook aren't that close." Which Jikook didn't get the memo of and it shows that people were keeping an eye on them. However, this was only to be able justify their negative thoughts about the possibility of two men being together. They couldn't stand the idea and came up with every excuse possible to deny it. There were a fair amount of “don’t assume their sexuality” posts floating around.
There was also a definite shift after GCFT with Jikooker’s themselves. Of course they were supportive, but much more discreet about it. Afterwards though ,and up through to today, they got louder about Jimin and Jungkook's bond. It's clear this reflects in the fandom perception of them together as a unit or just on the timeline itself. There is almost an annoyance whenever they show up.
The newer GCF’s turned more into a competition between the members. Something which sadly continued even with the Life Goes On MV. Rather than seen as a cute maknae trip in Osaka, GCFO was used as leverage against Jikook to prove that they weren't that close. Which is bizarre in itself and it was like Jimin wasn't in the video at all.
The outrage that sparked when GCFH was released showed the true hypocrisy of the fandom. Jungkook set the tone beautifully to match the Winter Package location of Helsinki. The fact so many quickly jumped on this, but ignored his skills previously is very telling. For all those yelling about appreciating Jungkook, they only yell when it's about making themselves feel better about something. 
Rose Bowl. I don't need to introduce this. However what I found interesting is that people outside of ARMY were more accepting of what happened than actual ARMY.  It also made me question what the definition of "ot7" is,  because these accounts were going around underneath posts with "stop shipping”, “they're just bros" or my most hated one "they do stuff like this in South Korea all the time."
The last one is an absolute hate of mine and is always used by NON Koreans. ARMY are often all about Korean culture until it's something they don't want to hear or know about. A general translation account has already pointed out that Jikook are extremely close due to lack of honorifics and it moe or less got ignored. Another account will mention the same , but for another unit, and it's worshiped to high heaven. Yet Jikooker’s are delusional for being the ones to understand the cultural significance of it?
Jungkook's Birthday in 2019
I am actually going to be calling out Jikooker’s here because the reverse happened this time. Others found Jimin’s Birthday video sweet, whereas Jikooker’s were being extremely rude and disrespectful ON the timeline towards Jimin about it. Plus the usual "Jikook broke up" malarkey that pops up twice a month happened. I only recently started researching this and I’m not even sure I can make a thread on it, because there was so much fighting on the Timeline about the Birthday video.
This is what spurred me on to write my twitter post about being careful about what you post and where your priorities lie. A lot of Jikooker’s were upset before Jimin posted. Not because "he hasn't posted.”, but because "he hasn't posted [for me]." 
This is something that Jikooker’s have to wrap their heads around. We only see a tiny percentage of their daily lives. They also have each other's phone number and see each other daily. They also know each other extremely well and probably better than any of us actually will. It is not up to us what they post or what we see. Do we miss them? Of course. However, to instantly start hating them for that is wrong. You're acting just like the fandom first did when GCFT came out. These same people also acted like nothing had happened as soon as Jimin posted the photo of Jungkook later on.
Seoul Final
For those that don't remember Rose, she was a k-army translator that went to Seoul Final. In one of her live shows afterwards, she explained how other Karmy were surprised by Jikook's closeness on stage. It wasn't just us.
However ,on Naver, there was a storm brewing about Jimin treating Jungkook inappropriately and the way they were acting on stage. This was first started by Jungkook akages and then spread around to some of the fandom who decided to jump in. 
This is one example of people using K-army as a weapon. That they know *best* when they suffer the same on their side with solos etc... It's also another example of the hatred towards Jimin. 
This isn't something new. Shipping was fairly peaceful and kept its original definition of wanting two people to be together. Even if this did include two real people. It wasn't until the definition of shipping morphed into something new and possibly real, that things started to erupt in the fandom. And this eruption was sadly placed onto Jimin, as people saw him as a disruption to their fantasies. 
This defamation of both Jimin and Jungkook's character from the fandom has been present since the beginning. They are seen as liars or not intelligent. That their closeness is fake, even though you can clearly see it from the start and then develop over the years. It's something that has always been beautiful to witness whilst watching, old content and new.
These examples of fandom reactions I have used are ones all related to expectations. If Jimin and Jungkook do not act as expected or they shock the fandom, one side will react negatively. The fandom also do not seem to like seeing Jikook be so loud, so to speak. And with the emergence of more Jikooker’s on social media, this horrid view of them will no doubt increase  Though many hate the term Jikook. It signifies the unit of Jimin and Jungkook and no matter what, they will do what they want too and continue to do so. Thank you for reading and feel free to ask questions if you have any!
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biolizardboils · 2 years
head’s still full of Mother EarthBound Thoughts so im gonna spill some here. (warning this’ll be super messy and also contain big honkin’ spoilers for all three games)
for context i played and beat EarthBound after it came out on Wii U, then Mother 3 in 2015. i tried Mother 1/Beginnings at some point, but sadly my immunity to Old Game Jank doesn’t extend past the mid-90's. im a relatively young Mom Fan is what im trying to say here
i havent seen anyone here talk about the vid they put out for the Switch ports?? pls watch it its so cute and in-line with the games’ humor! lets all get to know Ness!!
im still watching Curiomatic’s Mother 3 vid daily and im still noticing new details and shit. and their website's so good too?? felt!Boney has my whole heart
my brain's been on fire imagining how the other two games would look in the same style. and like. it feels criminal to ask so soon after 1 and 2 got Switch ports, but a full 3-games-in-1 remake would be so good for the series for two big reasons:
1. it could fix 1/Beginnings' Jank and tighten its translation, bringing it in line with the other two, and
2. its the one situation i can think of that would force Nintendo to localize 3. like can you imagine if they remade the whole series and then left it in Japan?? people would have their heads!
not to mention a game with a modern 3D engine would be leagues easier to edit than the sprite-based original. cus while im scared of NoA over-censoring the game as much as the next guy, there are a few things in it that could’ve been done more sensitively, and that altering wouldn’t harm the plot if done right. i doubt i need to name specifics
also on the selfish side, i just wanna know what would change in terms of visual design. i wanna see all the enemies move in battle and Pippi with beady eyes like everyone else and how they’d officially differentiate Ninten’s design from Ness’s, and most of all i REALLY wanna see official art of Beginnings!Giygas. i wish to grasp his true form so bad it makes me look stupid
not that i dont like the fandom’s agreed-on designs!! far from it, i love them!! like Giygas having red-and-black eyes as foreshadowing is genius and whoever first came up with it deserves an award
i made a party playlist in case 3 ever got localized back when i was more hopeful about it. how far back, you may ask? i included this unironically. that far lmao
one of my fave things about the series is how, despite being made in Japan, it pays homage to so many distinctly Western pop-cultural concepts that it’s instantly nostalgic to the average English-speaker. the Spielbergian coming-of-age film, the dot-eyed yet contemplative comic strip, the kitschy B-movie monsters, the King-esque entities conveying the loss of innocence, the pairing of psychedelia with an insistence on peace over war. for a funny parody of America, it’s fascinating how right it feels at the emotional level.
speaking of psychedelia, i wanna plug this amazing prog rock cover album that deserves more love. like holy shit, youd think this is how some of these songs were always meant to be played. ive never had a drug trip cus im terrified of messing up set and setting, but to have my first while hearing this played live would probably feel beautiful
speaking of more psychedelia, last month i thought Polka Dot Tail by Ween sounded super familiar, and i just realized why: it sounds like Magicant (the second one). i might try to make a mashup later idk
ive been meaning to watch a vlog of Camp Fangamer’s EarthBound Bash 2015 for years and this week i finally did it! shit looked like so much fun, and i cant think of another game series that’d make for such an immersive event. i could only find one extended video of the Mother 3 bash they did a year later, but it seems like an equally transformative event, if not more despite Lucas being a mannequin
listen....i know people have done the math and ruled it out as a possibility....but i still really like the idea of Ninten and Ana being Ness’s parents. i just think its cute and neat and also opens up some opportunities for angst (something something the fear of your kids inheriting your personal battles)
bonus points for Lloyd being Dr. Andonuts cus i think itd be funny if he was the only character to appear in all three games
while im here confessing my fan sins, lemme add that i treat Smash Bros as canon cus it gave the world such gems as Ness’s eyes being purple and Boney having leg warmer fur
man i remember first seeing Porky in Subspace and thinking he was trapped in the spider-mech thing and i had to free him.... ah, the innocence of youth
removing Lucas from Sm4sh was a bitch move but the trailer when they put him back was honestly SO worth it. like him returning Ness’s favor from Subspace?? everyone noticing he smiled more and being so proud of him?? that was the best day of my life
speaking of bitch moves im still confused by how u get Claus, Hinawa and the Masked Man’s spirits in World of Light. like what the fuck did Nintendo mean by that shit. their placement and the fights themselves are such a specific gut-punch that its hilarious. killing two gods wont bring Claus back
but also its...nice to think that Lucas got a chance to see them again. like maybe one of the other fighters who knew his deal freed them and brought them to him, and everyone let them have a moment before they fought Galeem and Dharkon. imagine Claus being all “told ya we’d meet again someday :’) let’s go beat up that angel thing together!”
also cus Smash made me so used to it, i refer to all PSI moves as PK. even the ones that are PSI in both languages, like Magnet. PK Sue me
so like... im a twin. my sister and i love each other more than anything. we played 3 together, and quickly agreed that i was the Lucas to her Claus. what happens between them in the game is my absolute worst fear. ive had nightmares since childhood with the same basic theme -- losing her to a decision i can't sway her from -- so the final boss and the "hasty brother" line after gutted us. when youre literally linked from birth, it's hard to imagine life without, and even harder to prepare for the possibility. this game forced us to do so, and it hurt like hell, but it strengthened our bond in the process.
theres already a hundred essays about it but i love how 3′s ending manages to reflect every player’s wishes. everyone’s got their own idea of what Lucas wished for, so here’s mine:
the entire planet was purified and made habitable again
all the Chimeras were split into their original animals (but some of them chose to be friends still, so there’s at least one kangaroo and one shark that hang out often)
everyone that Porky abducted from other time periods were sent back with their memories intact (so Dr. Andonuts gets to be with Jeff again and is also less likely to be employed by another asshat)
im one of those people who thinks Lucas didn’t revive anyone who died, because it doesn’t feel right after the characters spent three years coping with it. (all the power to people who disagree tho, it’s all cool!) instead, i think he wished for a new place to honor everyone they lost, resulting in a beautiful new cemetery hidden in the sunflower field outside Tazmily. strangely, it contains lots of gravestones that no one recognizes; one with a haiku written on it, ten crosses lined up in two rows of five, even one the size of a bug; and at the very back, a swirling metal statue engraved in an alien language, lying between two stones marked “XX”.
and finally, i think Lucas wished to meet whatever force was looking after his world all this time, so he could thank them personally... and thats how you, the player, ended up in the game :)
im still utterly charmed by the image of the player, struck blind from being pulled into another world, being lead by the hand (and pokes in the back) to meet Lucas,,, like its okay sweetie you can say goodbye as many times as you need, im so goddamn proud of you!!! ill see you in Smash okay???
i think thats everything i wanna say? uhhh heres a fanmix i made six years ago
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alirhi · 3 years
chapter 21
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 21/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable. Notes: I don't speak German. Bucky's line came from Google translate, so if it's wrong, take it up with Google lol
Rogers had been frowning in silent confusion for nearly ten minutes. Loki was beginning to suspect that he'd become frozen that way and needed to be rebooted like a computer when he finally shifted position slightly and spoke. "You're sure it was Peggy?"
It would have been better if he'd stayed silent.
Bucky, clearly possessing far more patience than his lover had, nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure."
"Are you really sure, though? I mean, with what HYDRA did to-"
Though his face remained passively, almost serenely blank, Loki noticed immediately when his beloved flinched, and he immediately snapped at Rogers, "Don't you dare."
"Loki, it's fine."
"It fucking isn't."
"It's a valid question," Romanov had the audacity to say. She cast an apologetic look in Bucky's direction, but Loki wasn't about to let her off the hook that easily.
"Kindly do mind your own business, Agent Romanov." Squaring his shoulders and forcing himself to remain calm, he turned back to Rogers. "I will not stand idly by while you attempt to use his trauma to invalidate him simply because you don't like what he's saying."
Bucky blushed, glaring sharply at him over his shoulder. "Do I need to ask you to leave? You rescued me from HYDRA; that doesn't mean you need to rescue me from the whole world. I can fight my own battles."
Heart splintering, Loki reached out to brush back that beautiful, ridiculous mop of hair. He secretly hoped Bucky would never cut it. "You shouldn't have to. This man is supposed to be your friend, not another adversary."
"It's fine, Doll." His smile was still so sad, but Loki had to give him credit for trying. "I can handle it."
"No, he's right." They both glanced at Rogers, who looked mildly sick to his stomach, and much more apologetic than Romanov had. "I should trust you-I do trust you, Buck. You've always looked out for me. I'm sorry."
Well. It seemed miracles could happen, after all. Nodding his curt approval, the Trickster sank down into one of the empty chairs beside Bucky. He'd noticed that everyone was giving the Sergeant a wide berth, as if afraid he might snap at any moment. Just to prove to them all what an absolute Teddy bear of a man James Barnes truly was, he scooted closer and dropped his head onto Bucky's shoulder, hand resting on his back; he heard the other man chuckle, felt some of the tension ooze out of his taut muscles, and smiled.
Thor was looking at him as though he'd lost his mind. Suppressing a laugh as he remembered that his brother hadn't seen him be openly affectionate with anyone since they were small, he shrugged and closed his eyes. It wasn't comfortable; he'd sat on Bucky's left and his metal arm hardly made for a good pillow, but he didn't care. He'd chosen that side on purpose. Bucky hated the prosthetic arm HYDRA had given him and Loki had noticed quickly that he used it as little as possible, as if afraid it would develop a mind of its own and hurt someone. Loki saw it as simply a part of the other man's body and was determined to show him that it was perfectly safe.
"So, Peggy and Howard hired Zola." Loki opened his eyes again just in time to see Rogers shaking his head in dismay. "After everything we went through to bring him and HYDRA down? I just..."
Stark scoffed. "I can absolutely see my old man doing something like that. He always cared more about the science than the people. If this Zola guy was even slightly useful, dad would find a use for him."
"He was HYDRA's top scientist," Bucky reminded him softly. "So, yeah, he was useful. He was a weapons developer and he made the serum."
"The second version," Rogers cut in, unnecessarily, Loki thought. "Doctor Erskine created the original."
"Question!" Watching him as he snacked his way through this meeting, Loki wished Stark would have at least swallowed before calling attention to himself, but he remained quiet and waited. "This serum Mark Two that Zola created and my parents died for HYDRA to get their hands on... Where is it now?"
The snarky bluntness of Bucky's answer made it nearly impossible to hide his grin. "In five extra crispy corpses in Siberia."
"What the hell happened there?"
The two cuddling lovers turned in unison to look at Thor, who smiled like a puppy who'd just successfully completed his first trick. "They were struck by lightning. A lot of lightning."
Stark and Rogers seemed somewhat less amused than the rest of the softly chuckling group. While Rogers face-palmed, Stark gaped at Thor. "You killed them?! Is there anything left? Notes, tissue samples, anything?"
"You're starting to sound like your father," Bucky pointed out. To his credit, that made Stark's constantly flapping mouth snap shut. "The world is better off if that serum is gone forever, trust me. The last thing anyone needs is more super soldiers."
"An interesting sentiment coming from the mouth of a super soldier."
Loki tensed, but before he could even decide if he should intervene again or not, Bucky proved that he could indeed fight his own battles. Voice still quiet but with a steely edge to it that made the Avengers tense and his lover smile, he told Stark, "Steve volunteered. I didn't. I was tortured, strapped to a table, and shot up with that shit without even being told what it was, much less asked if I wanted it."
"And if you had been asked?" Stark challenged, looking oddly more sympathetic and curious than defiant. "What would you have said?"
Shrugging his ancient love off his shoulder, Bucky leaned forward, forearms on the table and hands folded in front of him, and growled, "Schieb es dir in den arsch."
It became instantly clear who in the room spoke German – or, in two notable cases, Allspeak. While the others stared at them in utter confusion, Loki, Thor, Romanov, and Rogers all laughed so hard they quickly had tears in their eyes. Oh, how he'd missed this man's indomitable sass!
"I'd have paid to see the look on Zola's face if you actually said that, Buck!"
"What?" Apparently the only one who didn't have too much pride to admit how left out of the joke he felt, Banner looked from one grinning face to the next. "What did he say?"
Bucky's impish grin stated clearly that he had no intention of translating. Pride bubbled up through Loki's amusement; it appeared he was rubbing off on his mild-mannered companion.
Sadly, Romanov decided to take pity on Banner – and, by extention, Barton and Stark – and told him, "He said 'shove it up your ass.'"
"Huh." Reminding Loki why he liked him so much, Stark grinned. "It kinda sounds better in German. I'm gonna have to remember that one."
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missroserose · 3 years
oh right!  It’s Wednesday.
Time for a reading meme!
What I’ve just finished reading
Paper Girls, volumes 1-6 (the complete series), by Brian K Vaughan and Cliff Chiang.  I’d subscribed to this ages ago and then dropped off reading, so three of the volumes were completely new to me, but it’d been long enough that I just went ahead and read straight through from start to finish.  A thoroughly entertaining romp; it occasionally gets compared to Stranger Things (80s-era pre-teen girls on bikes encounter supernatural phenomena) but while there’s some shared DNA, it goes entirely different places; in this case, the band of main characters encounter a temporal war of sorts, with one side wanting to work to change the future and the other invested in preserving the status quo.
Sadly for ethics nerds like me, it becomes pretty apparent towards the sixth volume that the series is less invested in exploring the (potentially fascinating) arguments on either side than it is in designing more and more fantastic cityscapes and creatures for the girls to encounter.  That said, there’s still a lot of interest here, including the budding friendship between the girls and the always enjoyable stories-out-of-order gymnastics inherent to any good time-travel tale.  I was particularly entertained by the recurrence of the apple/Apple symbolism and some of the ethical gymnastics of Team Status Quo (”It’s okay if we raise dinosaurs to ride!  We nabbed them from just before the asteroid hit Earth, so the timeline remains intact!”).  One of the writers also worked on Saga, a series whose strength has long been the contrast between fantastical large-scale scenarios and smaller, more intimate, thoroughly human drama; there’s a lot of that here, and it works better for being constrained to a smaller arc.
What I’m currently reading
The Brotherhood of the Wheel, by R.S. Belcher.  This was recommended to me by @laveracevia specifically when we were talking about audiobooks with amazing voice work, and I’ll be damned if she wasn’t 100% on point—the narrator goes from Louisiana bayou drawl to Appalachian twang to “North Carolina by way of Glasgow” without breaking an (audible) sweat.  I consider myself pretty good at reading aloud (in English, anyway)—I’ve been reading Gideon the Ninth to Brian at night, and have been able to reasonably approximate Moira Quirk’s voices, at least for the first few chapters—but I wouldn’t have the first idea where to start with this.
As to the story—so far it’s a solidly entertaining American road culture noir.  There was one sequence towards the start that had me concerned it was going to go all-in on the Grittier And Darker Than Thou aesthetic, which, okay, valid choice, it’s just not my cup of tea—but so far (a couple of hours in) it’s actually been pretty interesting, with some killer action sequences and promising characters.  I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.
What I plan to read next
I’ve been eyeing Astrid Lindgren’s Ronja Rövardotter on my shelf, but despite having thoroughly finished Duolingo Swedish, it still seems a bit out of my vocabulary range—I managed to get maybe 30% of the first couple of paragraphs without pulling up Google Translate.  So I may have to save it for when I'm willing to invest that kind of time and effort.
Fanfiction Spotlight
I recently found myself going down a bit of a rabbit hole with, of all things, Harry Kim/Tom Paris slash.  This seems a little odd, given how my usual tastes (Wincest, David/Michael from The Lost Boys, Harringrove) all center heavily around shifting power dynamics and obsessive angst, and Star Trek: Voyager was hardly an angsty or particularly changeable show (they tried, in places, but were overall roundly defeated by the arguably overbearing can-do optimism of 90s-era Star Trek).  I think it’s been about nostalgia as much as anything; Voyager was the first show I ever wrote fanfic for (in long-form, on a paper tablet from OfficeMax with a colorful border I can still envision), waaaaaay back in high school before I even knew fanfiction was a thing.  So there’s something weirdly comforting, here in these profoundly uncertain times, in reading these stories where the stakes are relatively low and nothing feels particularly life- or universe-threatening.
I particularly enjoyed Epiphany, by @rembrandtswife.  The premise is so thoroughly 90s fandom:  a sexually enlightened alien culture contrives to lead our main characters—in this case, Paris, Kim, and B’Elanna Torres—through the realization of their feelings for each other.  That’s it, that’s basically the story.  But its genuine earnestness is honestly endearing, and the author’s clearly put a lot of thought into the aesthetic; and there’s something I can’t quite pin down about the sex scenes that really sticks with me—a certain quiet vulnerability, maybe, that I think is undervalued in a lot of contemporary fic (cue that post about how orgasms always hit like a truck or a freight train...).  In any case, I enjoyed visiting that world, and it’s given me a bit to think about in my own writing.  (Also, if I might indulge my inner 13 year old for a moment, I’m rather entertained at having offered up the 69th kudos. XD )
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karasmoak01 · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thanks for the tag @cloudypaws!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
I actually only have 4.... but my WIP count is extremely higher.
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
135 792
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, I have 2, AoS and Arrowverse. but I have wips with the MCU and some other fandoms from when I was still new to the whole writing shtick.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Um... I have 4 works, so top 4 it is XD
Redemption - 169
I Will Come Running For You My Love - 45
Family Ties: A Clash Between Two Worlds - 45
Bonds - 38
5. do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! I love replying to comments when I can! I usually try to reply when I see them. I love comments, they make my day, and when this one reader replied to my reply, it was so fun to chat with them, even for a little bit. Comments from people who are trying to figure out what is going on in my brain for what would happen next just make me smile so much, especially when its so close.
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Redemption, I guess, cause its my only finished story on Ao3, and  its pretty angsty. However, I must warn that my current WIPS (unposted) are going up on angst, and soon this answer will change. XDDD
7. do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do write crossovers, I love them! Most of them are not posted yet, but I love writing them! Bonds is my only posted crossover, but most of my wips are MCU/AoS crossovers.
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have, on a few occasions, more so on FFN, since I’ve been there longer, but Redemption did get some hate comments, tho I do delete them so I don’t think of going on a 5-page rant about what they said XDD I do go on a speech rant in my head, tho.
9. do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yeah, no. No thanks, never. Not happening. I can’t for the life of me write smut. Idk how!
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so, no.
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I have not, at my knowledge.
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I really want to, but its hard to find the time to fully talk about it, and find a writer who has time too, and if our lines of thought match up. But it would be fun! Would love to try.
13. what’s your all time favorite ship?
Um.,... Skimmons is my favorite of all time.
14. what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Sadly, Bonds probably will never be done. Idk, I just can’t move past this one thing, though its farther on FFN than on Ao3, I think, but unless I can bring myself to write it, I don’t think I will have the ideas and time for that one...
15. what are your writing strengths?
I think angst, cause it comes so naturally to me, I guess. I getting better with POVs and stuff, too. But, angst is probably my biggest strength. I might have more, but I can’t think of strengths ever. I’m not good at seeing the good parts. Angst is just so obvious that I know it XD
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
Do you want a list or...? 
I can’t write cute scenes for shit, have trouble with fluff even if I can end up writing one after a while of struggling... um intimate moments are hard to write. I do write some, but Idk how to write it properly, even if its there, so idk if its accurate to what could really happen or not. Grammar is also a big thing for me, even if it might not count. Going all psychology, even if one of my current wips is all about that-
ok, imma stop there before I send myself into another depressed moment... moving on, now.
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It’s fun! I’m fluent in English and French, so I can do dialogues in French easily. I have a few WIPs with Russian in them, and I really like to add some more into a fic with languages.
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
I was very much a manga fan when I did my first fics. Posted them on Skyrock, of all places, not Whatpad or FFN or Ao3 XDD The first fandom was Fairy Tail. No judging!
19. what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oooh, this is hard! I really love Redemption, but right now I have two WIPs that I love so damn much. I have two mutuals here that I keep messaging on WIPs, and I get a lot of help for those, but the help is so useful it’s very fun to write! Unknown Soldier has a complexity to it that I hadn’t explored yet in my writing, but it’s so fun! I have this new one called Family vs Family, and I just started it, but I love it. I apologies to my mutuals for all the messages I keep sending in regards to my WIPs, if I annoy you on that, I will stop. Family vs Family also has sides to it I don’t think I’ve worked on much, though I’m excited for it! 
I can’t decide on which I prefer, so my answer is all three. XDD
Idk who did this or not, so Imma tag: @kitthekazoo, @maybebrilliant, @rhea-imagined and @quintessentialserenity
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
Hello darling! I'm just curious because you seem to know about it, but what is Twisted Wonderland? I'm seeing people talking about it all over my dash and it looks really cool!❤thank you😁😘
Twisted Wonderland is an adveture/rhythm game that takes place in a different universe known as Twisted Wonderland. The MC (you, or the default name Yuu, lmao) pretty much gets isekaid from this world to that one, to a strange magical school known as Night Raven College, a school that is based around seven of Disney's classic villains such as: Maleficent, Scar, Hades, Ursula, Jafar, The Queen of Hearts and the The Evil Queen. There are seven dorms in this school that are all based off these villains and there is this magic mirror known as the Mirror of Darkness which reads your soul and places you in your dorm. The dorms are called: Diasomnia (the one based off Maleficent) Heartslabyul (the one based off the Queen of Hearts)
Octavinelle (the one based off Ursula)
Scarabia (the one based off Jafar)
Savanaclaw (the one based off Scar)
Ignihyde (the one based off Hades)
Pomfiore (the one based off the Evil Queen)
Each of these dorms has its own little quirks such as everyone in Savanaclaw having animal ears and tails, Ignihyde is good with technology, Heartslabyul strictly follows the rules that were made by the Queen of Hearts herself (there are 810, Jesus Christ-) and so on so forth.T
There is a catch though!
You, the MC, do not posses any magic and is pretty much given an old (and haunted) dorm known as Ramshackle dorm, alongside this little critter known as Grimm who is really desparate to get in to Night Raven.
To me, the characters are just so wounderful and I just love writing anything about them, it really is that fun! The game itself is sadly only avalible in Japanese and it is unclear if it will ever get properly translated in to English. For now though countless fans have translated several chapters of the game and quite a few side stories which are cute as all Hell. The game was made by Yana Toboso, the creator of Black Butler which is already a damn fine treat if I say so myself! There are several gameplays avalible on YouTube with English subtitles and if you'd like I can send you the playlist, just DM me!
It would be amazing if you joined the fandom as well, we have quite a lot to offer lmao! Also one more thing that's important to note - Night Raven College may be an all boys school but the MC is gender neutral.
Now my sweet, take my hand and fall dowm deep with me in this Twisted Wonderland~!
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crows-murder · 3 years
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them?
Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
If you could only write angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
What is your most underrated fic?
What fic are you most proud of?
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
What is the one fic that got away?
Have you cried while writing a fic?
If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future. (sorry for sending so many i really wanna know)
(no don’t worry it’s perfectly okay! i had fun answering all of them 😊)
1. what was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
ah. okay, so the first fandom i wrote and published for was Voltron, though i will never give away what the pairing was. i was 14 and it was on Wattpad, the rest is forbidden knowledge
2.do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? if so, what do you like about them?
i recently participated in a few events and challenges, and honestly, they were a lot of fun! i’d have to say that what i like about them is that i get to get out of my comfort zone and push my limits. 
3. do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
well. uh, no. 
sometimes i do write whole fics in one sitting,  but usually it takes me a day or two, and i have more than one WIP doc open because my brain needs to switch fics when it gets bored, so to speak. i just need to jump around to avoid losing interest in a story
4. do you outline before you start writing? if so, how far do you stray from that outline?
if it’s a multi-chapter fic, then yes. if i don’t have a clear ending or goal, then the story can and will drag on and on and on lol. sometimes i’ll stray from my outline, since it’s not really a strict set of directions for me to follow, more of something to guide me. very often, my story won’t exactly resemble my outline.
5. what is the perfect environment for you to write in?
late at night with a steaming cup of tea or coffee, or just an energy drink, wrapped in my fuzzy blanket with instrumental music playing. 
7. Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
/hj. idk i guess i’d have to say finding the right word when i forget it. or another super annoying thing is that sometimes i have the perfect word in french, and i need to find a good translation for it, but the english version of the word just doesn’t feel the same as the original. that’s very annoying lol.
10.  do you enjoy dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
dialogue. i tend to stray from the plot and i always struggle with exposition, but i absolutely love writing dialogue. 
11. if you could only write angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your life, which would it be?
angst. no questions. i need to hurt my characters because i love them.
12. is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
enemies to lovers. i don’t have any actual WIPs with that specific trope, but i do really want to write it one day lol.
13. is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
alpha/beta/omega. i fully support my writer friends who write it, but sadly i will never write it. it bothers me a little too much rip. i’d rather never write again than write it. 
16. what is your most underrated fic?
um. personally, i think that this fic from my urban fantasy AU was really not popular lol. i kinda see why, since its pure fluff and from an AU that is a personal indulgence lol
17. what fic are you most proud of?
okay this Jayroy fic from my bad things happen bingo is definitely one of the ones i’m very proud of. idk, i just like it? i can’t explain why i’m proud of it, but i am.
18. what is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
i decided to cheat a little and i’ll be using a line from a WIP instead. and the commentary’s gonna be written bc i can 
It was a mission report. Bruce had told him it was fine if he finished it tomorrow.
Tim could finish it tonight. (tim you absolute walnut SLEEP)
He was perfectly capable of doing what Bruce asked him. (not when you’re sleep deprived, idiot) He wasn’t Dick. he certainly wasn’t Jason. But he could still work diligently and without mistake. He could be better. (aw bby you dumb idiot child you dont need to be better)
Tim stared at the person standing in the hallway, eyes narrowed and mug in one hand. He knew for a fact that it took longer than twenty-seven hours of no sleep to start hallucinating. (I BANISH YOU TO SLEEP JAIL YOU UNRULY GREMLIN)
But that was the only reason Tim could fathom the Red Hood standing in the kitchen of Titans Tower at half-past three in the morning. (and that’s valid. i too would think i’d be hallucinating lmao)
Red Hood approached Tim slowly. “You have a lot of nerve wearing that uniform.” (jason please LET. THAT. GO.)
Tim glanced down at his rumpled gray shirt and flannel pajama bottoms. (i laughed writing this. i laughed a lot) 
He should be more alarmed that the Red Hood clearly knew he was Robin without the mask, but Tim was too tired and he was going to have to push that freak-out to the next day. (me doing homework at 4am like)
19. who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? why?
this time i’ll go with the type of characters. the easiest character for me to write is definitely the one character i relate to the most/ my comfort character because of course, i know them more than any other character and to some level understand their character. the hardest character to write is probably one i don’t really know or one who doesn’t have a lot of character development or there isn’t much info about them. i’ll still write them, but i’ll be making up a lot of stuff lol.
20. what’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
hmm. i haven’t written many side characters, but i did love writing Dana Winters. she’s very cool and i like her a lot.
21. what is the one fic that got away?
it might just be me but im struggling a bit with what this could mean, so i’m going to assume it means that one fic that didn’t go where i expected it to (if that’s not what you meant, feel free to send me an ask correcting me lol)
so i’d have to say its the second part of this 2 chapter fic i wrote because a lot of people were asking for more cuddles in the first part. i was not expecting writing another fic specifically for fluff, but here we are.
22. have you cried while writing a fic?
definitely during that one major character death fic i wrote. i wrote the aftermath of the character’s death and i was crying while writing it lmao.
i was crying so much writing the ending for this
23. if you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
i wrote a sort of road trip birdflash au that i wouldn’t mind seeing as a remix
30. tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
i’m actually writing a longfic right now. i don’t even know where i got the idea from, but it’s basically a batfam no capes AU where they all practice magic instead and it’s set in 1927.
here’s the ask game! send me an ask! (or more than one, i don’t mind)
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