#sadly i dont have the eyes from this set
ywiywi · 3 months
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Noticed these Plantsim skin defaults are considered missing now, soooooo here's a re-up.
Originally by Gwen (? they say 'By Ysabella' so idk what to believe)
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sebscore · 2 months
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: angst. angst. angst. swearing. like a lot of swearing. i cannot write crashes/contact for the life of me. argument. lando and reader are assholes in this. 
author's note: dont even ask me why i wrote this, i got inspired and needed it out of my system. lol. 
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''Retire the car. Too much damage. Sorry, Y/N.'' Marco informed her over the radio, sounding frustrated and apologetic over her already finished race. 
The driver took a deep breath before answering. ''Too bad, it was going well. Thanks, guys.'' 
Her race had in fact been going well. She'd made a great start going from P4 to P2, and had managed to keep up with the Red Bull of Max. They weren't even halfway in the race or Lando tried overtaking her, causing contact, causing her to run off in the gravel with too much trouble on the car to continue. 
In her opinion, it had been reckless. The McLaren driver knew exactly she would end up being forced off the track by the overtake, and that her race would most likely be over because of it. 
As she trudged back to the garage, helmet in hand, she could barely contain her frustration. The team greeted her with sympathetic looks, but she didn't stop to talk to anyone. She headed straight for her driver's room, needing a moment to cool off before she could face the media. 
Her hands trembled with anger as she peeled off her gloves, tossing them onto a nearby chair. The season hadn't been going how she had hoped or even expected it to go. Last year she had been the vice World Champion, the undisputed second-best driver on the grid, the only one to essentially have been able to challenge Max's dominance. Now, she got lucky to even end up in the top five of a race. Her team's design of the car hadn't been meeting the expectations the engineers had set, and upgrades weren't helping in the way they had hoped. 
That is why this race weekend had been a great boost for the team's morale and confidence. Qualifying had gone really well, and for a moment they were able to fight for the win even. But the papaya car of No. 4 had shoved their hopes down the drain. 
Minutes later, there was a knock on the door. She turned to see Marco standing there, looking concerned. ''You okay?'' 
''Have I ever been okay,'' she remarked, a sarcastic chuckle leaving her lips. ''I'm just pissed, that's all. I had high hopes for today.'' 
''We all did,'' he smiled sadly. ''The stewards reviewed the incident, but he, uh, didn't get a penalty.'' He said softly, almost as if he was afraid of her reaction.
The young woman let out a bitter laugh. ''Of course he didn't, why would he?'' Her hands covered her face, briefly wiping off the sweat that had formed. 
Marco took a step closer, his expression a mix of empathy and disappointment. ''You drove brilliantly out there. Everyone saw it. The team saw it. It's just... racing politics sometimes.'' 
She dropped her hands, meeting his eyes with a mixture of anger and resignation. ''It's always like that, though. It's always the same drivers suffering the consequences of others, and they don't get shit for it. It is fucking annoying.'' 
Her engineer nodded, understanding everything she was saying. ''I know, we all know. But we keep fighting. We keep pushing. This season isn't over yet.'' 
''Yeah, true.'' She sighed. 
Marco gave her a reassuring smile. ''We'll be ready for the next race. We're all in this together, okay? We're all behind you.'' 
She nodded, feeling a small measure of comfort in his words. ''Thanks, I appreciate it.'' They shared a quick embrace, before he left to join the team again. Meanwhile she got herself ready to go to the media pen. As much as she wanted to hide away, she knew it was part of the job. 
Since she had an early exit, there wasn't much activity inside the area, though there were a bunch of reporters waiting for her. 
''Y/N, tough race today. Can you tell us what happened from your perspective?'' The reporter asked after briefly greeting her. 
''Yeah, it was, uh, challenging, I guess,'' she plastered a smile on her face. ''We had a great start, moving up to P2 and keeping pace with Max. Then, yeah, the contact with Lando. The car had a bunch of damage, and we decided to just retire the car.'' 
''Do you think it was a fair move by him?'' He followed up. 
She paused, weighing her response. ''Racing is always intense, especially at this level. I don't think it was the right move to make, but the stewards saw it as a racing incident.  I'll respect their decision, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating.'' 
''You and Lando are good friends, and have been racing against each other since your karting days. Will you talk to him afterwards or just forget about it?'' 
They had expected a question like this, so the media-trained answer came out very quickly. ''It was deemed a racing incident, so there is not much to say further about it.'' 
''How do you and your team plan to bounce back from this setback?'' The reporter for Sky Sports changed the topic. 
''We'll regroup and come back stronger,'' she answered, injecting as much determination into her voice as she could muster. ''This season has been tough, but my team and I are committed to pushing forward. We learn from every race, and today is no different.'' 
''That's great, thank you, Y/N.'' They wrapped up the interview, and she moved onto a new one. 
Once she had spoken to everyone she needed to speak to, she finally had a moment to herself. She knew the words she had just spoken were the right ones, but they did little to soothe the turmoil inside her. 
It didn't help that Lando managed to take the lead, and eventually get his first win. As she watched the remainder of the race from the sidelines, her emotions were all over the place. On the one hand, she was proud of her friend for finally making his dream come true. However, it had come at the expense of her race. She had pushed so hard this season, and to see her friend and rival celebrate his triumph while she stood there with nothing but frustration was almost unbearable. 
The cheers from the McLaren garage echoed in her ears. They celebrated wildly, the joy of his long-awaited victory palpable even from a distance. He was swarmed by his team as they shouted his name. 
The podium ceremony was even worse. As Lando stood on the top step, the British national anthem playing in the background, she couldn't help but replay the moment that had ended her race. She could see the excitement in his eyes, the genuine happiness that came with achieving a lifelong dream. But all she could think about was the contact, the gravel trap, and the wrecked potential of what could have been her race. 
Under any other circumstance, she would have been there for him. She would have run to the ceremony herself, just like he had done for her when she got her first win in F1 and made history as the first woman to do so. But it just stung too deep. 
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''Lando, there was an incident with Y/N that resulted in her retiring from the race. Can you tell us what happened there?'' The Dutch reporter asked the race winner. 
Lando's expression shifted slightly, the euphoria dimming just a bit. ''Uh, yeah. I saw a gap and went for it. It was a tight move, and unfortunately, it led to some contact. But that's racing, you know.'' 
''Have you spoken to her yet?'' 
''Not yet,'' he admitted. ''But I don't think there is much to talk about.'' He chuckled, quickly glancing sideways, but his laugh seemed forced.
''She told Sky Sports that she didn't think you made the right move there.'' The journalist said, instigating a headline for them to be able to use. 
Lando frowned at his words, but recovered. ''Well, that's her opinion. It was just racing for me.'' 
''So you don't regret making the move?'' The reporter pressed on. 
The Brit took a deep breath before answering. ''I regret that it ended her race. But as a racer, you have to take chances. It's a fine line, you know.''
The older man in front of him nodded at his response, knowing they had gotten a glimpse of the tension that was present between the fan-favorite duo. ''Thank you, Lando. Congratulations again.'' 
''Thank you.'' 
With that, the interview wrapped up, and Lando moved onto the next reporter. As he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He didn't think he had done anything wrong, so why was everyone talking to him as if he had done something wrong? 
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Y/N was struggling to unwind. The events of the day played over and over in her mind, each replay more frustrating than the last. She tried to distract herself by either watching some TikToks or TV, but nothing could drown out her thoughts. The texts from her friends, family and team certainly didn't help. It was a nice gesture, but she didn't want to think about the race anymore and the messages weren't helping. Finally, she decided to call it a night and climbed into bed, hoping sleep would offer some respite. 
Just as she was starting to drift off, another knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. It was unusual for someone to bother her this late, especially when she was winding down in her hotel room.
She frowned and got out of bed, opening the door to find Lando standing there, wearing his signature grin, acting nonchalant as ever. ''You wanna come celebrate with us? We rented a club.'' 
Y/N frowned at him, confused over his casual behavior. ''No.'' She scoffed, offended by the mere thought. 
It was now Lando's turn to frown at his friend. ''Why?'' 
She crossed her arms, incredulous at his obliviousness. ''Why? Are you taking the fucking piss out of me or something.'' 
His grin faltered slightly, but he tried to maintain his composure. ''If this is about the racing incident then you're being ridiculous.'' 
Her eyes widened in disbelief, her frustration boiling over. ''I am being ridiculous? You were ridiculous with that move you pulled!'' She retorted, raising her voice. ''You ran me off the track knowing how hard this season has fucking been for me. You know how much I needed a good result today and you ruined it for me!'' 
''Y/N, I get that you're upset, but it's racing. These things are bound to happen. I saw a gap and I went for it. The stewards didn't even penalize me, so clearly, it wasn't as bad as you're making it out to be.'' He was restraining from rolling his eyes, she could tell. 
She scoffed, shaking her head. ''Oh, so now you're agreeing with the stewards? Now that it is benefitting you? And there was no fucking gap, you were just being selfish. You knew what you were doing, and you didn't care how it would affect me.'' 
Lando's face hardened, his patience wearing thin. ''I didn't do it on purpose to screw you over, where the fuck are you getting that from? I saw an opportunity, and I took it. That's what we do out there. You know that better than anyone." 
''If that opportunity was ruining my fucking race, then yeah, you really took the opportunity, Norris.'' She rolled her eyes, voice tinged with sarcasm. 
He took a step closer, his frustration now matching hers. ''I'm sorry that you didn't get the result you wanted today, I really am. But I am not going to apologize for racing and doing my job, Y/N.'' 
She simply glared at him, disappointed in how he was acting towards her. They'd never really had an argument before, at least not one where they couldn't see each other's point. They'd been frustrated with each other before, but it was always in reason. 
''If anything, I should be angry with you- not the other way.'' Lando suddenly said. 
''Why's that?'' She sneered, almost in disbelief that he would have a valid reason. 
''Because you didn't even have the fucking guts to congratulate me,'' he snapped back, ''when you won Silverstone, I was literally one of the first people to hug you and congratulate you for your win. I stood next to your fucking parents, Y/N! And today you didn't even bother doing anything.'' 
Her mouth fell open, a mix of shock and anger flooding her veins. ''You are unbelievable… You ruined my fucking race, Lando! How am I supposed to stand there and cheer for you when you cost me everything today?'' 
He rolled his eyes while throwing up his hands. ''This isn't just about today. You're just jealous because my season has been going so much better than yours. You can't fucking stand that for one time I'm doing actually better than you.'' 
''Jealous… of you?'' The words came out like laughter, slightly hurting the McLaren driver's ego. ''You think I can't be happy for you because I'm not doing as well? That's so low, Lando.'' 
''Ever since the start of the season you've been so moody and distant, and now you can't even say or even fucking text me a congratulations for my first win. You're so pissed that I got a win before you this season, you can't even hide it.'' He shot back. 
''Oh, give me a break. Like you wouldn't act the same if you were getting all these shit results. Maybe I didn't congratulate you because I was too busy trying to scrape gravel out of my fucking tires.'' She remarked, throwing in the sarcastic comment. 
Lando looked unimpressed by her remark. ''You're just mad cause I'm outshining you. You can't fucking stand that I'm getting all the attention.'' 
''Outshining me? Are you hearing yourself?'' She mocked him, laughing bitterly. ''You get one win and you're acting like you're a fucking World Champion already. You've been riding Max's dick these last years hoping some of his success will rub off on you. Newsflash Norris, everyone is just fucking laughing at you.'' 
His face turned red, either embarrassment or anger. ''At least I'm not constantly whining about my car and blaming everyone else for my problems. Maybe if you spent more time focusing on your driving and less on complaining, you'd have more to celebrate.'' 
''You're a fucking spoiled brat who can't stand some competition. You think everything should be handed to you on a silver platter.'' She retorted. 
''And you're a fucking baby who throws a temper tantrum everytime you don't get what you want. It's time to fucking grow up, Y/N!'' He shouted, his voice rising with each word. 
She took a step closer to him. ''You should spend less time trying to prove yourself to people who don't give a shit about you, and more time trying to be a decent fucking human being. I'm ashamed to call you one of my best friends.'' 
That last sentence had clearly hit a nerve or several nerves. He shook his head, taking a few steps back. ''Fuck you, Y/N. Enjoy your pity party.'' Lando turned and walked away, joining his friends who were waiting in the lobby. 
She watched him go, her chest heaving with a mix of anger and heartbreak. She could feel the pulse of her racing heart, the adrenaline from their argument making her feel jittery and unsteady. 
A lump formed in her throat as she replayed the last few minutes in her mind. She cringed internally at the words she had fired at Lando, while also trying to ignore the sting from his own harsh words. She wondered how they would be able to come back from this. They had never been in a situation like this before, and she knew that she would never want to be in this situation again. 
The young woman knew that she had let her emotions get the best of her. She had always prided herself on being fair and understanding, but now she felt ashamed of herself. 
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of another door opening. George peeked out, concern etched on his face. ''Y/N, you okay?'' 
She shook her head, not wanting to deal with anyone else. ''Mind your business, Russell.'' She retreated back into her room, not before slamming the door behind her. 
As she leaned against the closed door, the weight of the evening pressed down on her. The room felt too small, her emotions too big. She slid down to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest, and let the tears she had been holding back finally fall.
Even when she finally got up, even when she tucked herself in again for the final time, and even when she tossed and turned the entire night, the same question lingered in her mind. 
Are they still friends? 
The question haunted her, gnawing at her thoughts every time she closed her eyes. She replayed the argument over and over, dissecting every word, every expression. The hurt in his eyes, the anger in his voice- it all felt so raw and irreversible. 
As the hours dragged on, sleep remained elusive. The darkness of the room mirrored the uncertainty in her heart. She knew they both needed time to cool off, to reflect, but the thought of facing Lando again filled her with dread.
The first light of dawn began to seep through the curtains, and she felt no more at ease than she had the night before. 
Are they still friends? 
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story ideas are always welcome, but remember that it can take a while for me to get to it! :)
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monicahar · 6 months
“my wife.”
how they address you. why does it make your heart skip a beat each time?
characters; neuvillette, wriothesley
—female pronouns obvi, aaaa this is so random😭 fluff, tad bit of crack, has suggestive themes/dirty jokes cause that's my humor in general, just tryna get into writing again heehaa don't mind me ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
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NEUVILETTE always accompanies the term with unmatched affection. it rolls off his tongue perfectly like a match made in heaven, coupled with the serene image of you instantaneously appearing in his mind before he even thinks of the uttering the endearing term. he still finds it surreal that you are both even lawfully married, yet the way he calls you his wife is already on instinct. is it too presumptuous of him?
well, in the end, he can't find any means to worry about it when you seem to equally adore the nickname.
“ooohh, say it again, say it again!”
he can't tell whether he married a child or not, but he still obliges your request and calls you his wife affectionately once more.
meanwhile, furina nearly gags everytime she hears him say it so softly—like using any other tone when referring to you would land him in the hands of the fortress of meropide. sure—she might've been the one who set up both of you—but the drama and thrill akin to watching a romance film has delightfully ended, and she can only meddle so much in marital matters. the iudex just might actually have her head in a platter if she were to do anything mischievous at that point.
but while a happy neuvillette is running around announcing 'my wife' this and 'my wife' that, you are currently stuck on what to call him in return, sadly enough.
“at this point, i think i'm just going to call you daddy.”
it was unfortunate with the way he choked on some of the water he was drinking—well, thank goodness he didn't spill much as before. for this wasn't the first time you said something unprompted while he was in peace with his water—he can only internally sigh.
“and what exactly has influenced you to arrive at such a conclusion, my wife?” he does not miss the tiny shudder of your body that followed the endearment. your face burns a tad bit at that, and he softly chuckles.
“your effect on me is no joke, you know?” you pout at his amused smile, “the way you refer to me so sweetly makes me want to call you my dearest husband everytime.”
“i don't recall voicing any complaints. is something else holding you back from doing so?”
you nod solemnly in agreement at that, which prompts him to raise a brow in mild curiousity.
“thing is, i really like calling you by your first name. same with monsieur neuvilette. there's something mildly erotic within it—you get what i mean, hehehe...” he only stares at you, clearly unimpressed, and a bit concerned at the implication. you clear your throat, apologizing under your breath.
“still—it's such a devastating predicament to be unable to choose between the three.” you sigh defeatedly, moving to slump your entire weight on his lap. you mutter, “my dearest husband monsieur neuvillette...mmm, no, that's too long.”
chuckling at your dramatic antics, he plants a soothing hand on your waist, the other fixing your wrinkled clothing as you practically melt against his hold. “and you thought settling on daddy was the appropriate option?”
“i'm not hearing any objections.” you jest, feeling cheeky.
“please refrain from calling me such a thing in the eyes of the public atleast.”
“...huh? you're actually allowing it??”
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WRIOTHESLEY on the other hand, says it as if he's flaunting. it leaves his lips like a taunt each time, indirectly telling the other party 'i have a hot wife and you dont' even though most of the time the people he mentions you to don't even know what you actually look like. it's silly, childish even, but you still love it nonetheless.
sigewinne and the other inmates have collectively told you that ever since you got married, he has never uttered your actual name to anyone else. some find it weird, some find it somehow disrespectful, and some are now convinced he's crazily obsessed with you, and now he's showing it off every chance he gets, much to everyone's dismay.
it's arrived to the point where a small percentage of people have actually forgotten about your name, and now refer to you as the duke's wife, or even duchess, to which you made a face at. that's kind of pushing it by then.
anywho, in the end, it's funny and endearing, maybe even makes you a bit giddy, but there is no way you're telling him that. the situation might escalate even more if possible.
“you know, my wife is very mean to me today.”
as a pair of strong yet gentle arms wrap around your waist, you resist the growing smile on your face, deciding to mess with your husband for a bit.
“is that so?” you continue your chores without a care in the world. he huffs.
“mhm. she won't look me in the eye the whole day, even though she seemed sooo happy last night.” face instantly burning, you hiss as you slap his arm in a fit of embarrassment, pulling a hearty chuckle from the man behind you.
“—and now she's hitting me as well. i can't believe this.” you both know very well he was not fazed in the slightest bit.
“if her husband wasn't such a pervert then maybe—”
his facade cracks as he forces out an awkward laugh, “hey now, baby, you know i'm nothing like that.”
he clears his throat awkwardly, “okay, maybe a little. it's exclusive for you though! my wife doesn't have to be so mean about it, you're making me reallyyy sad here, y'know?”
there it is again, you think. that nickname. that damned word that makes you want to turn around and smash your lips against his and—wait, hold yourself together! don't forget the reason you're being cold to him!
“you deserve to feel remorse. i've been struggling to even move the whole day because of you.”
you go rigid.
you didn't mean for that to come out so bitter...oh no.
“oh. so that's what this is about.” you don't even have to turn around to know that there's a smug look on his stupidly handsome face, his grip on your waist turning into soothing circles as he presses a kiss to your neck.
“if my wife wanted a massage, she could've just said so.” it's husky when it leaves his mouth, leaving you to shiver with the chills he enunciates.
flustered, you completely disregard the way your knees buckle at the endearment laced with that low voice of his, hitting his arm once more, earning a tiny 'ouch' from him.
“pervert. i want rest, not another round!”
“heh, i didn't say anything about another round, my perverted wife.”
“you—” you are abrupt cut off as you yelp in surprise when your feet are raised off the ground, your face now much closer to your husband's as he carries you gently in his arms.
“shhh, just let me take you to bed. if my wife was feeling terrible the whole day, she should've just told me in the first place so she could stay in, don't you think?”
he's right, but you're still angry. “shut up.”
“just letting you know i'm not completely at fault, wife.” you attempt to ignore the furious beating of your heart, face burning at his smug expression. “i'm not the only one who wanted it.”
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hsr version...? if i feel like it...🤔🤔
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nereidprinc3ss · 10 months
in which fem!reader REALLY wants spencer's attention while he's working
18+ (no smut but sex is talked about) warnings: mentions of sex, spencer grabs readers wrist to stop her from doing something but its not violent, reader is referred to as a girl, no use of y/n, um i think that's it WC: 870 a/n: i have damn near 40 pages of spencer WIP so im biting the bullet and posting some of it. also.. if you want a plot... babe this is not the place for you im sorry... ive never even heard of a plot actually. i dont know about rising and falling action... i dont believe in that. it sounds fake
It feels like Spencer has been at his desk for hours. 
And for hours you've been lounging on the couch, reading your book in silence so as to let him work. But you're becoming... antsy. Impatient. Every time you drop your book and stare at him, willing your white-hot gaze to draw his attention; nothing. He just keeps shuffling papers, signing, writing, reading reading reading. 
At ten, you give up.  
You make a show of slamming your book shut, sighing, slowly sitting up, stretching, standing, stretching again--when you turn your head, expecting your little performance to have at least earned a look from him; still, nothing. 
"Spence?" you ask, innocuously, as you round the couch and draw toward him carefully, slowly, on light feet. A display of faux innocence. It’s not that you intend to bother him, per se--you're just so bored. 
He hums in response, eyes still glued to his work as he searches for something among the mess of paper. 
You come to a stop in front of the mahogany desk, tracing the edge of it idly with wandering fingertips. 
"What are you looking at?" you ask, in reference to a photo he seems to now be studying intently.  
"Nothing you need to see," is his muttered response, quickly flipping the photo face down on the desk and picking up a form walled in migraine-inducing tiny black text. You watch the way he scans the paper, brow knitted, and eyes squinted, clearly not paying you very much attention. 
You move languidly around the desk, letting the wood drag against your hip the whole way, before reaching for the overturned photo--just to see what he'll do. 
Spencer catches your wrist, his grip gentle and warm but not without portent. "What did I just say, grabby?" 
Sadly, they're the most words you've gotten out of him since this afternoon. 
You sigh dramatically and drape yourself across his lap, looping your arms around his neck. To your initial satisfaction he shifts slightly to accommodate you--and then continues to look over your shoulder like he hardly notices the pretty girl on top of him. 
"When will you be done?" you purr, tracing his jaw with a finger.
"I'll be done when I'm done." 
God, he can be stubborn. 
"Can you be done any sooner than that?" 
"What do you think I'm going to say to that," comes his flat reply, still not sparing you a glance. You watch enviously as his eyes dart down the paper he's reading over your shoulder.  
"Then I'm staying right here until you're finished." 
"You can stay here if you can behave." 
You scoff, bunching the fabric on the back of his shirt in your fists. "What do you mean, if I can behave?" 
Finally, you hear Spencer set down his pen, and he leans back in his chair to regard you. His gaze finally on you is like an ice bath. You literally have to repress the urge to shiver under his evaluation; the slightly raised eyebrows, the line of his mouth a little harder than usual. His 'you know exactly what I'm talking about so don't play dumb' look. 
For a few tense seconds, you let your eyes dart between his, not wanting to break first. Unfortunately, you think that look of his could freeze saltwater.  
"Fine," you mutter, flushing when you look down at his shirt collar instead. If you're being reasonable, he probably is doing something important. You drag your gaze back up to his and see that his eyes have softened. 
"Thank you," he says, gentler, squeezing your leg before running his hand over it back and forth a few times. "I know I'm not being very fun today. When I'm done we can do whatever you want to do." 
The urge to say, 'whatever I want to do?' is strong, but you manage to bite your tongue as he reaches back over you to continue his work. Instead, you content yourself to lean against him, allowing his solidity and warmth to envelop you for some immeasurable stretch of time.  
Rain starts up, battering the windowpane and accented by deep rolls of thunder. The scratch of Spencer's pen on paper, the rustle of files, and the scent of patchouli and amber begins to lull you into a doze--a comfortable place between awake and asleep. It's the kind of comatose unconsciousness that bends and liquifies time, and you don’t even realize you fell asleep until you’re waking up. 
Spencer murmurs your name, brushing your hair carefully out of your face. "Did you fall asleep, angel?" His voice is soft, just above a whisper.  
"Mhm," you groan, rubbing your eyes. "How long has it been?" 
"A few hours," he sighs. "That file took a lot longer than it should have, I'm sorry." 
You're still bleary as you speak next; 
"The thing was sex." 
"What?" he laughs, rubbing your leg as you adjust yourself in his lap. 
"You said we could do whatever I wanted to do when you were done, and it was sex. But now I'm tired." 
"Let's get you to bed," he begins, "and revisit the sex idea in the morning. Does that work for you?" 
You smile against his shirt, eyes already fluttering closed again. 
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
I need more sub naruto boys x dom fem reader pls maybe one where the reader is punishing/rewarding them for theyre behavior
Naruto boys being rewarded ──☆*:・゚
Pt.1! pt.2 will have the rest of the characters, stay tuned!
Fem!dom!reader + smut
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲
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reward:letting him play with himself
Hes relatively behaved he’s just a little bratty. He mostly gets in trouble for touching himself without you knowing so when you allow him to touch himself right in front of you it’s he loves it. Although it takes a while to earn up enough good boy points to actually get a reward~
He has been doing your chores all day while also trying to hint at what he really wants is special time with you. He’s currently cleaning the dishes while trying to look as sexy as possible which is not that easy- “naruto what are you doing? You look silly~” “I am NOT silly I am attractive!” You laugh “if your trying to get a reaction it’s not gunna work~” he drops the dishes at your teasing tone, he turned around to start pleading “oh come on I’ve been the best I could be all day dont I deserve a little something?” You raise an eye brow “hmm maybe you do deserve a little reward~” his face dropped “REALLY?!” “Yup, or maybe…you should give yourself the reward” you grab his hand to place it on his own clothed dick, He got hint immediately. “I can?!” “Yes~” he wasted no time pushing his hand into his pants, softly grazing his tip. He came extremely fast which he normally isn’t allowed to do but it’s his reward so he did what he wanted!- “Aw you came so fast baby?” “i-it’s my reward!” You tsk at his breathy response “I guess it is, well since it’s your reward it’s your responsibility to clean up~” your hand pressed over his cum stained pants. “Y-yes ma’am…thank you…” “of course~ although if you get any of that on the floor you will be punished!” Which made him arch into the air “I won’t…”
Reward: using a vibrater to cum
He secretly loves vibraters, he rarely gets to use them though so when you offered to let him cum with a vibrater instead he was ecstatic. He also loves when you hold it for him since sometimes he gets a little lazy-
“Wait what? Wh-why are you pulling away!” You put your hand on his cheek to calm him “this isn’t a punishment, this is a reward! I figured you would like to cum in a different way~” you pull out a small wand which has been used before so he is very familiar, once his eyes landed on the toy his legs softly started to shake “yes p…lease” you turn it on to the softest setting and press it against his length causing his hips to buckle into it “OH ahh yes~ I-I want more!” You turn it up while resting your hand on his hip stopping him from moving “like that?” “YES!” You drag the toy up and down making him cry out “M-MISS IM CLOSE~” you drag the toy all the way up to his tip making him cum all over his stomach “Thank you thank you thank you!!!”
Reward: pegging
He’s shy to admit that he loves being pegged but he does, he loves feeling you inside him so you normally use it as a reward. Once he makes you cum you always want to return the favor which he will gladly exept
“Did I…do good?” “Yes~ so good in fact…I think you deserve a little something.” He lifts his head up to see what you were talking about just to see you reaching for the special drawn. “R-really? Ah~” you grab the strap from the drawn than you turn back to him “get into a position tachi~” he does as you ask and rolls over onto his side, hooking his leg over his arm gently spreading him open while he softly moaned. You grab onto his leg to position yourself with his cute hole. You plunge into him causing him to squeal loudly. “That feel good? Mh” you start to pump into him gently which made him shake, he can’t hold it very long sadly so not even 2 minutes in he’s already warning you “I-I’m c-c-close mh-mh-mhh~” you speed up as you watch him twitch, he soon came all over the bed which made you press inside his ass deep as possible, which overstimulated him the perfect amount. “F-fuck yes!! Ngh~ so good…” you pull out slowly “watch your language~”
Reward: hand job
He only gets hand jobs when your to lazy to do anything more but he still finds it rewarding, you could be watching a show or reading a book and when you start giving into his neediness he feels rewarded even if your not really paying attention~
Your just trying to read a book and for once his attention isn’t on a book either. Instead it on your thigh, he’s currently trying to rut against you but you keep on pushing him off “stop kakashi!” He groans “Cmon… i need You!” You roll your eyes at his neediness “fine. Just don’t be that distracting I’m still trying to read” you reach down to his pants button with your free hand unbuckling it with ease before pull out his cock which is already dripping. “Yes…finally…” you start pumping while he shamelessly humps into your hand. “Hm~ faster?…” you agree since you didn’t want to stop reading to scold him. “Yeah sure whatever” you pick up the pace cause him to throw his head back, he reaches up to his nipples softly toying with them which you didn’t mind either “hurry up, I’d like to read with two hand-” “y-yes mistress in close..” he pintches his nipples causing an orgasm to flow over him. “OH! Y/N AH~ HM~” “oh god all over my hand? Really?”
Reward: thigh humping
If he has been behaving his fav reward is dry humping your thighs. He does every little thing you ask hoping by the end of the day he can feel your soft thighs on his dick
“You’ve been really obedient today pup? What did you do.” He shakes his head aggressively “nothing!!! I was just…hoping for something in return…” his eyes flicker to his pants trying to hint to you “oh, is this what you want?” You push your thigh between his legs which instantly causing him to hump onto it “ah! Y-yea~” he wraps his arms around your shoulder for more support while he’s thrusts grow needier “t-thank y-you…hm~ can I cum too?” you giggle “sure~” five minutes of whimpers and moans later he is finally close. “I-I’m close…fuck..” you push into his dick causing more friction “AHH NGHH YES~” he releases into his pants which quickly dripped down his inner thigh. You pull your thigh away before kissing his cheek and walking away to grab a towel and a new pair of pants for your messy boy
Reward: nipple play
He could cum just for you softly rubbing his nipples in circles, he loves when he’s just relaxing at home and all of a sudden feel your hand slip under his shirt and rub his nipples, it makes him whimper and whine and he loves it.
He just woke up from a nap, just as you walk into the room. “Hey Shika~ what are you doing?” “I just woke up…” he reaches both hands up to tuck them behind his head. You walk over to him then clime over him. He closes his eyes when he feels you over him since he assumed you guys were gunna cuddle, but instead he felt something soft and warm pressing against his nipples which made his eyes shoot open. “W-wow…I wasn’t ah~” you use your other hand to pull up his shift fully so you have access to all of his chest “shh~” you reach down so your lips are just over his nipple and gave it a small lick. “Ngh…y/n…” you fully engulf his bud with hot, wet sensations causing him to arch his back. “Please ngh…” he reaches his hand up to play with the opposite nipple so there is equal stimulation“I-I’ll cum if you don’t NGHH~” “go on~” you start sucking on the bud making him scream right before cumming completely untouched.
Reward: make outs
He likes the simple things, not every reward with him must be sexual he honestly just likes having you in his mouth while pulling on his hair~ making out isn’t even intended as a reward but he views it as one
You were in a kissy kind of mood and decided to use him as an outlet *wink* you found him on the couch reading and you wasted no time climbing on top of him which made him jump. “Don’t worry it’s just me baby” his eyes flicker up from his book with a startled look “oh..you scared me heh” you pull in for a very soft kiss, even though it was just a little peck he still moaned softly at the touch of your lips. What he didn’t expect was for you to pull in again, this time you did not pull away. He moaned into your lips knowing what’s going ti happen. “Hmm hm~” you bite his lip commanding him to open his mouth, he submitted and opened his mouth to let you inside his hot mouth. Your tongue swirls around causing him to softly gag, you reach around to grab a hand full of hair to stabilize him, he is slowly loosing his breath he moans to signal you to pull away. You pulled out of his mouth and open your eyes to see his droopy eyes, mouth slightly open with his tongue stick out. You both gasp for air and you could feel his pants tighten underneath you but instead of tending to his hardness you go right back into his mouth. He cries out into your mouth the whole time~
Pt.2 coming soon!!! Once pt.2 is posted I’ll start to write one abt punishments 😋
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choism · 1 year
Jester's Game | b.tc
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Captain Buggy x Pirate!afab!Reader
Genre: smut, angst, fluff (If you squint)
Summary: Trying to overtake Captain Buggy's ship leaves you asking questions, and surprisingly, getting answers
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: top!buggy, afab!reader, unprotected sex (pls dont), cunnilingus, fingering, creampie, squirting, rough sex, gentle sex (yeah wild), inappropriate use of detached limbs, spit as lube (also a no no), overstimulation, pet names (sweetheart, princess)
A/N: WOOHOO ITS MY FIRST NON KPOP FIC!! I knew I would write for other stuff eventually but I definitely did not expect it to be a recent hyperfixation. Buggy just has me bricked up okay! Anyway I hope y'all enjoy, don't forget to let me know what you thought of the fic in the tags !
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It’s a rather unfortunate series of events, really. Sure, you could’ve told your navigator to sail away from the ship with the giant clown crossbones flag. Yeah, it might’ve helped if you had told your crew that they were about to fight some of the toughest pirates in the East Blue. But where’s the fun in that? As their captain, it’s your job to seek the adventure, and well, this was an adventure all right.
It started with you telling your men to approach, cannons firing, your crew hopping their ship, the infamous ship commandeered by none other Buggy The Clown. Yes, the ship your measly crew has decided to board. Listen, it was strategic! Buggy had somehow gotten the map to the grand line back, and your ship just so happened to be within the vicinity of his, so why not seek the opportunity to take it? Well that was your first mistake.
Now, you find yourself here, hands bound behind your back and kneeling with your crew in front of Buggy’s stupid, dumb throne in his stupid, dumb circus tent cabin.
“You all truly are fools for thinking you could take on my band of freaks,” Buggy lazily sprawls over his throne, seemingly unimpressed by your, in his words, ‘lackluster crew’.
“It’s funny actually, how pathetic it was, I mean even Mohji got in a few punches! Ha! Truly a fine show.” The man you assume being the Mohji that Buggy had just poked fun at, slumps his shoulders sadly at his jab. “Now, time to get to the good stuff…” Buggy trails off, standing up and taking a few strides in your direction, his dirty boots stopping directly in front of you. He detaches his hand and uses it to lift your head, pointing your chin up to look him in the eye.
Looking up, you spit and it lands on his cheek, he simply swipes it off with his attached, gloved hand. “So what if you defeated us, it doesn’t make you any better of a pirate, and doesn’t get you any closer to the One Piece.” You tilt your head and smirk. He may have overcome your crew, but he will never overcome your overwhelming ego and pride. It matches his just as equally.
“Ah, that's where you’re wrong, princess,” His grin is just as wide as yours, and briefly you’re confused, what could he mean? “Given your set of thieving skills, probably some of the best in the East Blue, I’ve heard, you’re gonna join my band of freaks, and I’m not giving you a choice sweetheart,” Buggy removes his hand from your chin, and it floats to his arm, re-attaching itself.
“Boys, throw their crew overboard, we have no use for them.” He rolls his eyes and sits back on his throne, “Oh! And go show them to their new quarters, make them feel at home.” Buggy laughs a deep boisterous laugh, one that genuinely sends shivers down your spine.
The pirates lead you into, what is actually, quite a nice room in the lower deck of the cabin, lit by a few candles, and a cot in the corner. Surprisingly, they cut you out of your ropes, and shut the door without locking it. What’s their deal? Don’t they know you can escape at any time if you wanted? Sneak out and steal one of their emergency boats, and sail to the nearest Island? Granted, you aren’t sure where the nearest Island is, you’re a thief, not a navigator.
Instead of worrying about escaping, you roam the small room, admiring your surroundings. The whole ship is clown themed, front he flags to the cabin to everything, but this room is different. Not a single sign of jester-like decorations anywhere. In fact, it’s as if this cabin was decorated specifically for you. Before you can think more of it, the door opens suddenly.
Buggy enters, and closes the door behind him. When he enters you’re sitting on the cot, legs crossed and unamused.
“Not thinking about escaping? Not that you could anyway, we are miles away from the nearest island, and realistically it would take you days to get there on one of our measly boats.” He rolls his eyes, as if annoyed by how small and fragile the boats are, before sitting backwards on the chair at the short desk next to the cot.
“So what do you even need a thief for? Why am I here?” You blurt, already growing impatient from the lack of information being given to you.
“I need you for many reasons, being a thief is only one of them, sweetheart.” Buggy grins and removes his hat, setting it on the desk. “You already have connections at the grand line, and while I know you need my map to get there, I know that you know the people I need to talk to, to gain safe entry without slaughtering half the fucking pirates there.” He leans back and relaxes a bit, observing your facial features.
“And why do you think any of the people I know would want to help you? You’re just some lowly pirate.” You spit at him, angered by his casualness. In what world would you even willingly help him? Who does he think he is?
“Ha…Me? A lowly pirate? This coming from the literal captain of a crew is hilarious! Tell me another joke, please.” He grins knowingly, he knows how to get a rise out of you for sure. You look over his facial expression, smugness overtakes his face and it makes your stomach twist, not with disgust though for some odd reason, with another feeling you don’t quite recognize. 
This whole situation has you feeling all kinds of anxious. How did you just happen to raid the ship of a pirate who just happened to need you for this specific thing, and why is his presence making you feel so…weird? Something isn’t right here, and it can’t be because of your connections to the grand line. No, he’s hiding something. 
“What are you hiding, clown? There’s something you aren’t telling me.”
His face drops, and he gets suddenly very serious, “Listen here, princess,” Buggy gets up from the chair and gets close to you, leaning down, your noses almost touching. “You’re gonna get me to the grand line, I don’t care if I have to torture it out of you, got it? No more questions tonight.” He gets up and suddenly grins very brightly, as if nothing ever happened. “Night night!” Buggy walks out and slams the door, then you hear a locking sound.
Fuck, he locked you in your room. You should’ve expected this, honestly. The way he reacted to your question was so strange. You knew there was something fishy, but you didn’t think whatever it was could’ve prompted that kind of reaction out of him. 
The next day you wake up to yelling outside of your cramped room. Yawning, you get up and put your ear to the door,
“I’m sorry Captain Buggy! I didn’t know that was their ship I swear I promise!”
You hear what sounds like a kick to the jaw and a yelp,
“Didn’t know? Didn’t know?! You couldn’t tell by the giant crossbones flag that very obviously bares their symbol? I’m tired of you, someone go throw him off the deck.”
You hear screams and pleads of “No please!” and “I didn’t know I’m sorry captain!” before hearing water splash, then silence, then- oh shit footsteps coming towards your room. You scramble back to your cot and lay down, pretending to sleep. You hear a couple of knocks before hearing a feint “What the fuck am I doing, I go where I want!” Before Buggy barges into the room after unlocking it.
“Get up, I know you heard everything.” He spits gruffly, sitting back in the chair again the same way as yesterday. You sit up abruptly. Last night you couldn’t shake this feeling, of what you felt when Buggy had gotten so serious, and it’s just gotten worse being in his presence. Your abdomen feels hot, your ears feel hot, everything feels hot. It’s like butterflies in your stomach if the butterflies were armed with knives.
“Yes, I did hear, what do you mean by my symbol? I thought bumping into you was a coincidence?” Buggy smiles faintly, and chuckles.
“Yes, it was, I wasn’t informed of what ship we attacked, just that my men captured you all, oh but when I saw you…I knew.” Buggy stands up and motions for you to do the same, getting so close to you, your chests almost touch. He brings his hand to your arm, caressing down the length before gripping your wrist harshly, causing you to wince. “Do you….” he trails off, “Do you really not remember me?” He brings his eyes from your arm to your face, making direct eye contact.
You struggle to find words, what does he mean, remember? Yeah, he gives you a strange feeling everytime you're near him, but you’ve never met this man in your entire life. You think. Honestly you can’t remember anything before the age of seventeen.
“I– no, no I don’t…”
His smile fades, and he lets go of you, “I thought you would remember once you saw me, we were on Gold Roger’s crew together years ago, but you went missing after a particularly tough battle.” He pauses, thinking carefully about what to say next, “You– We– We were close, and I was devastated, I thought you were dead.” He’s being surprisingly vulnerable right now, and it’s kind of scaring you.
“I don’t really remember anything before I turned seventeen, All I know is one day I woke up on an island, a group of pirates took me in, I left, and I’ve been on my own since. The only reason I am where I am today is because I wanted to find who I was, and I figured I could find that out at the grand line.” You feel overwhelmingly sad. Why are you sad? You don’t even know him.
There’s a long silence between the two of you, it’s uncomfortable, tight, and makes you want to leave, until he says, “Let me show you.” He says abruptly, and you think you see a blush across his face.
“Sorry, I mean, please,” Buggy steps into your space again, this time his eyes flit between your lips and your eyes, back to your lips. “I’m sorry we couldn’t find you, I’m sorry you had to go through that, I missed you so much y/n” That was the first time he’s said your name this entire time, but it’s not one you recognize.
“Is that my name?” Your lip quivers, he’s so close now, your lips are inches apart.
“Yes it is, y/n, sweetheart, princess, I’ll call you whatever you want, just let me show you.” The thick air has disappeared and is now replaced with tension. Something deeper, heavier, fills the room. But it’s not a bad thing.
“Let me show you who you were to me.”
You let his face drop to yours, and your lips finally connect.
The kiss is slow, languid. It’s like his lips were meant to connect with yours. Buggy wraps his arms around your waist. Pulling you in closer, and kissing you deeper. His tongue slips into your mouth, and you let him kiss you as deep as he wants. The pace quickens and he slots his leg in between yours, rubbing against your pants and providing much needed friction.
You moan into his touch and he walks the both of you backwards until the back of your knees reach the bed. He lowers you onto it and hovers above you, kissing you again before departing. “Is this okay?” Buggy asks, brushes his hands underneath the bottom of your shirt, slowly lifting it.
“Only if you return the favor.” He chuckles and lowers his head to your neck, sucking and biting gently while riding up your shirt until your chest is exposed. You sit up briefly to take off your shirt and as promised, he does the same. He isn’t overly ripped like most pirates are, but he’s still well toned. His muscles flex as he shifts lower, kissing down your chest, down your stomach and stopping just above the navel.
“When I saw you were the one my men captured, it took my breath away,” He lifts your hips so he can remove your pants and undergarments, “I was scared, anxious, I didn’t know what to do, so I pretended I knew you for your skills, not for your past.” After removing everything, he pushes back, kissing your thighs before sitting up, taking his gloves off with his teeth and throwing them to the side. Man that was hot.
Buggy detaches one of his hands and lets it roam up your torso, reaches your neck and gives it a gentle squeeze. Before leading his fingers over your mouth, asking for entry. You grant it and his index and middle finger slip into your mouth, swirling your saliva around and coating them generously. “When you suspected I knew more, I didn’t know what to do. When you boarded I just knew you by name, not face, there was no way I could’ve expected this.”
He removes his hand from your mouth and moves it down to your center, rubbing through your folds gently and inserting two fingers, scissoring you open and prepping you for what's to come. Buggy uses his still detached hand to remove his own trousers, his cock springing free from its confines. He strokes it slowly, clearly getting off to his detached hand fingering you open.
“Buggy…” You moan, you can’t even reply or form a sentence, the pleasure too good.
“Shhh just relax sweetheart, I’ll take care of you.” He brings his hand away from your now dripping cunt, reattaching it and leaning down. You feel his breathe over your core, he kisses your clit before taking it in his mouth, lapping up your taste and fucking you onto his tongue. You can feel your orgasm approaching quickly as he flits between sucking on your clit and tonguing inside of you, but he pulls away.
“Fuck! Why’d you–”
You’re interrupted by his cock entering you and your legs being lifted by his hands so he can enter as deep as possible. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so full before. His cock fits so nice and feels so good and he hasn’t even moved yet.
“Fuck you’re so tight and wet for me, so fucking good huh? Letting me fuck you like this.” His pupils are so blown out, he watches his own cock pull out and start to thrust into you, it just fuels your arousal further. Buggy starts out slow, just getting you used to his size before he picks up the pace, fucking into you even deeper and faster.
“Shit, gonna cum Buggy please.” He moves your legs to prop onto his shoulders and he grabs onto your waist, pushing down and holding you in place as he fucks into you roughly.
“Gonna cum for me? Go ahead sweetheart. Cum all over my cock.” He moves his hand over your abdomen and presses down, the pressure making you feel dizzy. You feel white hot, the band finally snapping as you come. “Fuck, gonna cum soon too, gonna fill you up so good.”
Buggy relentlessly fucks into your cunt, overstimulating you and causing a pressure to build that’s unfamiliar. “Wait Buggy I, fuck I feel weird it feels good.” Soon, with a loud cry you feel a wetness rush between your legs, causing you to let out a loud string of moans and curses.
“Squirting for me already? God you’re full of surprises. Shit, I’m coming.” A few more snaps of his hips and you feel his hot cum fill you up, as promised. It feels so good. He slows down and pulls out, his load leaking out of you and onto the sheets below. “So good for me.” He whispers, leaning down and kissing you gently. He cleans the both of you up quickly and gets dressed, ready to go back to his quarters for the night.
“Wait Buggy, before you go…” You trail off and he turns around, listening intently. “If you don’t mind, can you tell me more about my- about our, past? I need to know where I came from, what happened.” Buggy smiles gently, walking up and kissing you on the forehead.
“Of course princess, later”
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© Choism 2023. do not repost or translate.
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jyoongim · 6 months
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Anon requested: “Alastor X OC Smut where the reader is Lucifers daughter Charlie's twin he hears she is set to marry a hellborn demon but he doesn't want to give her up so he offers her his completel love and devotion for her soul but she says he already has it, they mate in his demonic form and he impregnates and marks her as his mate sealing the deal so when her father comes to take her away he finds she is carrying Alastor's twin fawns….”
@ohmylovewhereartthou-blog i had so much fun writing this!!!
(I shortened the request because of details)
themes: arranged marriage, slight breeding kink, creampie, cervix touching, stomach bulge, magic, possessive/jealous behavior, rough sex, degradation, praise, happy ending
~ reader will be called “princess/baby/ma cherie/dear/darling/ angel~
Morningstar!Reader x Alastor
You were the King of Hell’s treasure.
You were the older twin to Charlie Morningstar.
Because you were the firstborn Princess of Hell, your father had arranged that you would marry and begin the process of becoming the next ruler of Hell.
“What?” You asked confused looking at your father, not sure you had heard him right.
Lucifer cleared his throat and had a big smile on his face.
”I have finally found a respectful hellborn for you angel. A Goetia prince. Hes perfect for you and would make an excellent partner”
“But Daddy I-” you started, but Lucifer interrupted you 
“No but’s it took me a longtime to find someone who I thought would be a good match for you. This is good! I already have everything arranged and it has been set. As the Princess of Hell you will begin your royal duties officially”
Charlie took your hand as you felt your anger rise. Being the kind soul she was, she tried to intervene
”Dad sis is already in a relationship. She can’t just give that up. She’s in love” your twin gushed.
Lucifer grimaced at the mention of your significant other.
”Yes Alastor was it? Hmm well I advise you make peace with him and end it.”
You felt tears pool in your eyes. Give up your love? This was so unfair!
“I will grant you six months. One year to make your peace with the bellhop and then you’re coming home. Understood?”
You nodded sadly as you stood and bowed “Yes father”
You watched as he opened a portal and disappeared, leaving you and Charlie.
Charlie turned to you “Hey Im sure if you explain to this prince your situation that he will understand” Oh sweet Charlie. So naive.
You shook your head “You dont understand Charlie. I have a duty to uphold. I am the Heir to the throne and I must obey our father’s wish. As ordered by the King”
You stood up and went to your room, where you cried yourself to sleep.
Hell was in a frenzy at the announcement of your upcoming engagement. 
It wasn’t everyday that hellish royalty was getting married.
 It was the talk in all the rings of Hell.
And soon word reached back to the Radio Demon.
You and Alastor had been going steady for a while. It was actually your twin who encouraged you two to be together since Alastor had made it known he had fancied you when you came to the hotel to help your sister.
You never imagined you would be head over heels for the red demon, but satan did you love him.
Alastor adored you. Worshiped the ground you walked on and treated you with the upmost respect.
There was no way you could just break up with him to…to marry a stranger!
You had always thought you would marry Alastor. But maybe that was just a dream….
”The realm is buzzing with excitement. Never thought your father would disapprove of our union so much” Alastor chuckled.
He had brought you out on a date, to distract you from all the fuss.
It was just you and him. Just as it had always been.
You stiffened. You hadnt had the heart to tell Alastor of your father’s decision. You just wanted to enjoy these moments while they lasted.
You sighed, poking your food “Are you upset?” You asked softly, peeking at him through your eyelashes.
Alastor smiled, “Well you are the princess my dear. Im not upset. Ill love you even if you decide to go through with this whole engagement haha but I hadnt added a prince to my broadcast yet” he giggled, making you smile.
Oh how you loved his bloodlust.
”j-just…I mean I haven’t even met this guy and daddy just wants to ship me off to the highest bidder. There hasn’t been any need for him to even think of marriage. Hes not dying. There’s no need for me to marry. I dont want marry a stranger…I want to marry you”
”Oh my dear at least let me be the one to propose” he joked.
He grabbed your hand, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb “Dont worry dearest. I wont let anyone take you from me”
The hotel was quiet when you two came back.
You had indulge in drinks to rid your mind of your impending doom.
Alastor brought you to his room and you made yourself comfortable.
Like any date, you hoped to lose yourself in pleasure at the end.
You stripped yourself of your pantsuit, leaving you in your lingerie.
Alastor’s colors.
”Red is such a lovely color on you” He whispered, coming behind you, pressing soft kisses on your shoulders. You hummed happily, turning around to wrap your arms around his neck. You were blessed with your mother’s height so your breasts were hugged against his face.
”I can give you anything you desire ma cherie. Say the word and its yours. Ill burn Hell if you say to. I am at your complete disposal” He peppered your chest in kisses, softly nipping at the tops of your breasts.
You leaned his face up to yours and pressed your lips against his, pulling him into a passionate kiss.
”make me forget all my problems. Fuck me like the slut I am and not a princess. I wanna be yours completely, like we have forever” you whispered against his lips.
Alastor grinned as he retreated from your lips, trailing a hand into your thick locks and gripping tight, the other toying with your panties.
”Your wish is my command”
“F-fuck! Please please” you whined, as Alastor pounded into you.
Your claws ripped through the bedding as your body jolted along the sheets. Your body was going haywire.
How many times had he brought you to orgasm?
You had lost count.
Your body was sticky with sweat and your cunt clenched around his cock.
Alastor tugged your hair, pulling your head back. He let out a growl when he saw how fucked out you were.
Your face was flushed, your tongue lulled and you were panting.
So beautiful.
”A-Al!” You cried when he gave you a harsh thrust. He chuckled “what is doll? C’mon use your words”
words? What were words? You could barely think!
He leaned over you, never breaking his pace ”what a pretty slut. To think another demon is to fuck my cunt. No that wont do. Your cunt is mine and I wont let another have the pleasure to carve it. You always take me so well baby. What’d you think dear?”
You let out senseless babble as your cunt fluttered.
Your cunt let out a squelch as he pulled out. Alastor’s cock was coated in creamy slick. You whined, pushing your hips back to try and have him fill you again “No no no gimme-”
Alastor sucked his teeth at you, smirking “oh? You want my cock? How bad you want it hmmm? Soon it wont be me feeding you cock every night” he slapped his tip against your slit. You moaned, wiggling your hips. You pouted “I dont want another cock Al! I-I want yours! Only yours please” 
He released your head,making you fall forward. You spreaded your thighs and leaned back on your knees as you dipped your hand to your dripping cunt.
You looked over your shoulder at him as you toyed with your puffy clit. Your lips jutted out in a pout “p-play with me. I want it! I want your cock so bad. Please please fill me up. I want your cock to be the only thing to fuck me ah!  Alastor!” You felt that band of tingles form ready to release.
But you couldnt cum. Not without Alastor.
He knew your body better than you did.
Alastor slapped your hand away, having mercy on you.
”The pretty princess can’t cum can she?” You whimpered as he chuckled, sliding his cock against you.
Alastor felt that familiar burn in the pit of his stomach. 
Possessiveness. Jealousy.
He rarely had the urge to fuck you into submission.
“Fill you? Oh baby when I’m done with you you’ll be dripping with my cum.” He let out a dark laugh as his body morphed.
Your heart thumped in your chest as you watch Alastor transform into his demon form.
”roll over” his tone was dark and sharp, leaving no room for debate.
You rolled onto your back obediently, spreading your thighs and bringing your hand back to your clit.
You moaned softly as you rubbed tight circles on your bud.
Large clawed hands massaged your plush thighs.
His bright eyes focused on your fingers.
His chest rumbled as he lowered his head to your cunt, nipping at your fingers. “This cunt is mine. My cock is yours. You think some prince can fuck you half as good as me? Oh no. Not the cunt I worked so hard to carve into.” He licked at your clit, dipping his tongue into your tight hole.
”My personal royal fucktoy that’s what you are doll.” 
You moaned softly at the degradation, rolling your hips against his face.
Satan he knew how to get you going. Alastor’s demon form was terrifying to most, but you found it hot that you made the Radio Demon lost himself to the point he could let loose.
Static buzzed your skin as Alastor ate you as if meaning to devour you whole. Alastor released your clit with a pop, opting to nuzzle the pearl before hooking a hand under your knee, lifting it to your chest, opening you up.
Alastor leaned up, wedging himself between your thighs. Your eyes drifted to his cock.
Youve fucked the red demon in his demonic form before, but it never ceased to amaze you the sheer size of him.
You felt your body heat up as your own demonic form came to the forefront, wanting to accommodate the male on top of you.
Beautiful vermillion horns sprouted from your hair as your eyes turned red and sharp. Your spiky tail swished, hitting Alastor slightly making him narrow his eyes at your playfulness.
You were so pretty.
Alastor leaned his head down, neck cracking to nudge your face, nose taking in your scent and sharp teeth nipping at you. Your dainty claws found purchase in his fluffy locks, making way to paw at the massive antlers sitting on his head.
A soft gasp escaped you when you felt his heavy cock press against you.
 Your eyes met his. 
Red dials simmered with desire, but you could see the love he held for you, even like this.
Alastor would do anything for you.
Were you to really turn your back on a man who would carve his heart out if you asked?
You pushed yourself up against him, affectionately kissing his neck and shoulder, scraping your sharp teeth against his skin.
“I love you Alastor” you whispered, feeling your cheeks burn as you admit this suddenly.
You and Alastor never expressed how the two of you felt with words. Actions were more appreciated, but you felt like you should at least tell him once.
He chuckled slightly “No need for such a declaration my dear. Youve had my heart and soul since the moment I saw you. You have my utter devotion.”
He purred. Your eyes widened as a thought popped into your head.
Alastor has given you everything of his without even a contract.
His love.
His heart.
His soul.
They were all yours willingly.
”Make a deal with me”
Green magic swirled at your words and Alastor’s cock twitched, he growled lowly “Careful with what you ask dear”
You ignored him. Your hand drifted between you and you gasped as you slid his cock into you, making the demon let out a room-shaking growl.
A surge of magic washed over you and you watched as the glittery glow seeped into Alastor’s skin.
A full thrust had you taking him to the hilt, balls flushed against your ass.
Alastor bared his teeth at you, his tongue licking your cheek.
”My heart and soul…I give it to you” at your words he snapped his hips against yours.
”My complete devotion and love will never waver, for i chose this of my own free will”
Your claws hand sunk into his back, you were trying to focus.
”As a princess of hell and heir to the throne, I grant you any desire you wish…Ah!…”
A soft golden glitter mixed with the green magic, popping noises filling the room.
Alastor's hand was around your throat, holding you into the bedding as his cock pounded that sweet spot inside you.
The hand holding your thigh, was damn near pushing it to be beside your head, opening your cunt to his merciless pounding.
”Al!” You cried.
”You” he hissed lowly, you almost missed it up.
”I want you. I want you to be my mate, as you should be. I want to see you swollen with my seed, ma cherie. To be properly mine and claimed.”
Your magic surged and Alastor’s hips faltered when he felt your cunt fluttered and squeeze around him.
He felt the warmth of your magic in him and moaned as he pushed into you.
“You’re gonna let me fuck a spawn into you? Gonna let me ruin this royal womb? Oh what a treat you would be, a hellish princess carrying the Radio Demon’s spawn oh hoo ”
He crackled as you arched, mewling as his pace grew harsh.
”O-oh fuck! Fuckfuck! ah ah AH ha a-a-h Al!”
A red mark graced your lower belly, the royal seal.
It prevents you from being impregnated.
But with each drag of Alastor’s cock and magic, you watched as pieces disappeared.
“C’mon baby loosen up. I wanna make sure you take all my cum. Dont want a single drop wasted”
He rolled over, catching you off guard. You blinked down at him as you sunk down onto him.
He shot you wicked smile, fluff wild “Just wanna see when you fall apart on my cock”
He thrusted up and you keened, bracing yourself against his chest.
You were gorgeous as you rode the demon. Red horns like a crown as you threw your head back in pleasure.
Alastor wrapped your tail around his arm and growled when you pushed down on him.
Whipped cream gathered at his as you dragged your walls over him, throwing your assinto his thrusts
 ”pretty pretty princess. Such a slutty pussy that wants to be filled. that’s a good girl, you take my cock so well doll. You want my cum?”
You whimpered, nodding “yes yes yes please cum in me. Breed me. O-Oh ha! Al! Let me have your babies please OH fuuuuuccckkk I want it I want it so bad.” Your claws played with your clit, making your orgasm buzzed, golden magic sparking.
You let out a sharp cry as your back arched. Alastor dug his claws in your hips and pounded you out until his cock twitched and the mark on your belly melted away.
Your cunt squelched and your back burned.
”Fuck fuck fuck!”
Alastor growled as his cock dumped his cum inside you.
You crashed against Alastor’s chest, large wings erupting from your back, shielding the two of you in a cocoon.
You tried to move your hips, but Alastor held you fast as rope after rope of creamy spunk painted your walls.
He had returned back to semi-normal. He pressed a kiss to your forehead “Fuck darlin such a good girl.”
You purred as you changed back.
You ran a hand over your belly, blinking to find it was bulging softly.Alastor chuckled “Seems I might have overdid it just a bit”
You nuzzled into his neck “Mhmm not quite…” you sunk your fangs into his neck, making the demon hiss and bite into your shoulder.
You gasped as you felt the last restraint snap and his cum flood your womb, you wiggled your hips, milking his cock.
Alastor let out a hum “ So perfect and all mine.”
You giggled sleepily. “hmmm.”
Your soft snores filled the room.
Alastor’s ears flicked as he watch little flecks of magic danced around the two of you.
He felt kind of bad for having you cockwarm him so he slid himself out. The magic swirled around your womb, sinking into your skin. He watched in wonder as your bulge slowly went down and a soft glow shone where your mark was.
Wonder what that was about?
“Oh my gosh! Look at you! Your horns! You look like mom. Oh Satan Dad’s gonna flip” Charlie said as she pressed her hands against your swollen belly.
You chuckled at your sister. You could handle your father.
The hotel was shocked when you had announced you and Alastor were having babies.
yes.you heard right.
Alastor couldn't be more smug when the two of you walked around the city. He was very entertained by the whispers and stares that were thrown around.
The Princess of Hell was having the Radio Demon’s spawns.
Isnt the Princess engaged?
How dare he?
How is the king gonna react?
This will bring shame to the realm!
You were six months and soon your father will be coming to take you to meet your ‘betrothed.’
Your tail swished in annoyance as you crossed your arms, staring at your father.
The Goetia Prince looked between you and Alastor nervously, Alastor flashing him a sharp smile as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
Your father was seething.
Horns standing tall, eyes red, a ball of fire raging, wings and tail out, and ahh the seraphim eyes.
Daddy was piiiissssed.
And you didnt care.
”what the actual FUCK?!” He bellowed, eyes narrowing on Alastor.
Alastor hugged you into his side, grinning like a little shit as his hand caressed your swollen belly.
“She was quite adamant Your Majesty. Who am I to disobey my Princess?” His grin had flames pooling from your father’s palms.
You cleared your throat, addressing the Goetia “You can go back home. The marriage is off” the demon blinked and looked to your father. 
“Angel you dont understand-”
”No daddy you don’t understand! If you can be casted from Heaven for love, why can’t I rule Hell with mine?”
Lucifer faltered, eyes dimming.
He watched as Alastor comforted you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. He looked at you the way Lucifer looks at your mother.
With complete and utter love, adoration,and devotion.
His eyes drifted to your stomach.
You were pregnant and happy.
Lucifer sighed and approached you, making your horns curl in warning.
Lucifer looked at you.
You looked just like Lilith. You were happy and so in love.
He sighed seeing the ring on your finger.
He wondered where you got that stubbornness from?
your mother no doubt
”Fine fine” he sighed, making you calm down.
”I am to be a grandpa it seems! I-I can’t wait.” He smiled at you making you smile back.
”What am I suppose to tell my father?!” Oh he was still there?
Lucifer blinked in confusion and shrugged “Im sure he can overlook this mishap”
”Mishap? Mishap?! Your daughter is a whore! A mockery of He-AAAAHHHHH!”
You smiled happily as Alastor let out a burp “Thank you Al”
He kissed your cheek “No one will insult you in my presence. His screams were exquisite”
Lucifer cleared his throat as the two of you made heart eyes at each other. “Sooooo twin spawns? Yippee”
You laughed rubbing your belly “Things are gonna get busier around here.”
Alastor leaned down to kiss your forehead, looking at the bundle in his arms.
”You did wonderful my love”
You hummed as you rocked the other bundle.
”YOURE OKAY! I was so worried. You were screaming and then we heard nothing” Your sister cried bursting into the room, Lucifer entering behind her.  You smiled at your twin’s rambling. Charlie fretted over you before settling on the bundle in your arms.
She squealed “Are they-?”
”Met the newest additions to the family”
You had given birth to twins. 
A boy and a girl.
You were holding your baby boy, cooing at the babe who looked at you curiously.
Baby boy was the splitting image of his father, except he had your rosy cheeks and and cute nose.
 Baby girl took all after you. Pale skin, rosy cheeks, tuffs of blonde hair and little wings tucked and curled.
Alastor nuzzled your mini version.
“What you gonna name them?” Charlie asked cooing at the babies.
You turned to your father “Alastor and I thought it would be best if you name them dad. You know the whole angelic thing” you smiled.
Your father’s lips wobbled at your words.
Alastor handed you your daughter and you adjusted both fawns in your arms.
Your father placed his hands over them and a soft golden glow appeared. 
“The Son of the Morningstar shall be called Abaddon”
Your son giggled as magic danced around him, red eyes glimmering in delight.
You placed a soft kiss on the boy’s fluff and handed him to his father.
”A Daughter of the Morningstar shall be named Azrael”
You snuggled the fussy girl who calmed at your touch.
”The blood of the Morningstar shall be blessed as long as the eternal flame blazes. Amen”
You smiled and let out a tired yawn.
”Alright I think that’s enough excitement for one night.” Alastor rushed Charlie and Lucifer out so you and the babies could rest.
Alastor slid beside you on the bed and used his tentacles to put the twins to sleep.
You leaned against his chest, eyes heavy as you smiled up at him.
”was this everything you envisioned?”
Alastor grinned down at you, before taking a long look at his fawns, he looked back at you and hooked a finger under your chin to capture your lips in a kiss.
”Hmmm its much better my dear. Much better”
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riddlesb1tch · 5 months
All in Your Head
Azriel x reader
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summary: You have been working late for the past month with Rhysand, leading to Azriel feeling neglected.
warnings: Azzie is a sad boy :(
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“There is another place we can look, I think,” Rhys piped up after some minutes of silence. You two had been trying to track down the mask Nesta found at the bottom of the lake which seemed to have disappeared into thin air after the first sighting. 
“Where?” you asked, sitting up in your air. You uncrossed your legs and leaned toward Rhysand, elbows resting on the table. 
Rhysand scratched his chin in contemplation, then said, “We could try with the human queens maybe?” 
The idea at first seemed absurd to you. What would humans want from a fae treasure? But given how power-hungry they had come off after the first time you met them, it seemed plausible that they would go to great extents to ensure the mask was in their possession should it ever come down to waging war against Prythian. Especially given what the mask could do: summon and control the dead.  
Just as you went to answer, you were hit with a sudden wave of insecurity. You sucked in a harsh breath, eyes widening in shock before you felt the need to cry. However, the wave washed away before you could, leaving you confused. 
Rhysand noticed your change in expression. “What's wrong?” he asked. 
Your brows furrowed. “I-I dont know,” you confessed. “I just felt this sudden rush of emotions.” Your eyes met him when a realisation struck you. Getting up from your seat, you collected your belongings from his office. Rhsyand looked at you confused and concerned. “What’s going on, Y/n?” he asked. 
“I think something is wrong with Azriel,” you explained in a concerned tone. Standing by the door you asked, “Is it okay if we continue this meeting tomorrow?” You barely waited for his approval before rushing out the door and winnowing to the House of Wind. 
Before your feet even hit the floor of the House of Wind, your eyes were scanning the house for any signs of Azriel. Weirdly enough, you found some. Weird because Azriel was a male of immaculate discipline. After a mission, he always took off his leathers and set them aside for cleaning. His weapons were always laid out in a line on the vanity so he could polish them the next day, so seeing his stuff thrown around the house was very concerning. His leathers lay on the floor haphazardly as if he took them off recklessly, his boots lay in the middle of the living room, and his daggers were thrown on the kitchen counter carelessly. 
Furrowing your brows, you moved towards your bedroom. You couldn’t hear any sounds but the bond told you he was in there…and he was not okay. 
The door was ajar and the scent of alcohol hit you as soon as your approached. His silhouette sat on the bed, flipping through some papers while a drained glass of alcohol, no doubt, rested next to him. 
“Azzie?” you called. 
He looked up from the pile and beamed at you. 
“Y/n! You’re home! I wasnt expecting you for another few hours.” He set his papers aside and got off the bed to greet you. Somehow this bright behaviour concerned you further. It was so contradictory to what you’d felt down the bond earlier. 
“I wasn’t expecting it either,” you said as Azriel wrapped you in a hug. You inhaled his scent, tinged very strongly with alcohol and realised he was completely intoxicated. His deameanour made sense now. 
Pulling away, Azriel gently kissed your lips. 
“Are you okay, baby?” you asked, running your hands over his arms. 
“Yes! Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the bed. 
You tossed your bag on the floor, letting him take you where he wanted. Azriel sat down on the edge of the bed and rested his hands on your hips while looking up at you.  
“I missed you,” he admitted. The honesty and desperation in his eyes killed you. 
Smiling sadly, you ran your hands through his hair. He leaned into your touch, kissing your palm.  
“I missed you, too, love,” you said. 
Suddenly Azriel’s expression changed and he looked almost annoyed. “You’re lying,” he stated. 
You were taken aback by this. “No. Why would I lie about that?” you questioned. 
“Cause you’re never here!” he yelled then plopped down on the bed face down. You sat down next to him, hand resting on his back and rubbing soothing circles. 
“I’m busy with work, love,” you said gently. 
He turned onto his back, making eye contact and took a hold of your hand.  “I know,” he said. “I’m sorry. I just miss my mate.” 
“Well,” you threw off your shoes and put your legs up on the bed. “I’m here now!” 
Azriel looked at you wearily but seeing the beaming smile on your face, the corners of his mouth quirked up. He pulled you into his chest, holding you tight. You giggled at the sudden, a sound that was music to Azriel’s ears that had been begging to hear it from you. 
You and Azriel talked a long while, lazy kisses being pressed into each others skin occasially, before you fell asleep holding each other. 
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The next morning, Azriel laid on his stomach, arm stretched out beside him. His eyes opened slowly to the sunlight pouring into the room. The memories of last night came to him and a small smile turned up the corners of his mouth. Azriel sat up and turned around, hoping to be greeted by your beautiful face. 
However, the bed next to him was cold and empty. You’d left before he’d woken up again, and somehow, this hurt more than the other times. Azriel sighed, rolling out of bed to get ready for training with Cassian. 
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You sat down in Rhysand’s office for the millionth time this week. The same study you had been seeing every day for hours on end the past week, with the same stacks of papers on the desk, the same weathered, worn, look on Rhysand’s face, the same crumpled clothing on both your bodies, and the same mugs of the same stale coffee. Dread filled your chest thinking of the same conversation you two had had for the past week: locating the stupid mask Nesta got from the bottom of the lake. One of the Dead Troves, can call upon and control the dead. The thing had disappeared off the face of the planet and you and Rhysand had been searching all over Prythian and the human lands for the darned object for at least a month straight, all with no luck. 
“I’m out of ideas,” Rhysand said in defeat, running a tired hand through his hair and leaning back in his chair. 
You mimicked the movement, leaning back into your seat and sighing. “So am I. I haven’t a clue anymore where it could be.” 
Rhysand faced the ceiling and closed his eyes. His chest slowly rose in a deep inhale and deflated, tired sound escaping his lips. You eyed the movements, feeling a wave of pity wash over you. Rhysnd had been attempting to locate the mask since the moment it disappeared. When he was unable to do so by himself, he had called on you. You, one of the most powerful fae, were born with the gift of detecting a magical object within a hundred feet of you. But if even you were having difficulty detecting it, there was barely any hope left. 
Rhysand breathed slowly once more under your watchful gaze and this time you spoke up.
“Maybe,” you leaned forward and rested your elbows on your knees. “We should take a break for a bit,” you said. 
Rhysand lowered his head to face you, looking as if he was about to protest but sighing in defeat at the pity in your eyes from his state. He nodded, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
You nodded with a slight smile and stood. 
Rhysand watched as you gathered your things from around his study, then headed towards him. 
“Sleep for a bit, okay?” you looked him in the eyes that looked a dull mauve instead of the vibrant violet, and so your tone was demanding rather than suggesting. He nodded. You leaned down and kissed the top of his head while he squeezed your hand. 
“Bye, Y/n,” he spoke in a raspy voice. 
Shutting the study door behind you, you winnowed to the House of Wind where your beautiful mate you hadn’t seen since this morning would be. Sleeping most likely, given the time, but your eyes craved to see his face regardless. Your ears longed for his voice, and your body yearned for his touch. Before last night, it had been a while since you had spoken, truly spoken to Azriel. Most of your interactions as of late were restricted to greetings and farewells: a simple “enjoy your breakfast” with a kiss on the cheek before you left the house and a “hi Azzie” whispered into the darkness of your bedroom with a kiss to the lips delivered to his slumbering form. As late as it was, you were selfish enough to wish Azriel wasn’t asleep. 
Your shoes were quiet as they hit the marble flooring of the House of Wind. The living room was quiet, the only state you had known it to be in for the past month. A glass of whiskey sat half empty on the side table next to the sofa meaning Azriel had been drinking. Worry filled you instantly. You’d found something similar last night as well, and Azriel only drank alone when he was upset about something. You knew for a fact he had been alone because the rest of the IC members were busy dealing with their issues. 
Tossing your things on the sofa, you headed to your shared bedroom. There wasn’t a sound coming from inside so you guessed he was asleep. However, once inside, you could see Azriel’s silhouette sitting on the bed's edge in the room's low light. 
You nearly cried with happiness. You had missed him so dearly that you would kill for even a few minutes of simply being awake at the same time as him. Slowly, you headed towards your mate. 
“How come you’re awake?” you asked while approaching and braced your hands on his shoulders. Normally, with this proximity, Azriel’s hands would have automatically found your waist, or, if he was feeling a bit mischievous, groped your ass. But when he did neither, your brows furrowed in concern. Your hands traveled down to his neck and you felt tension there. 
He was stressed about something. 
“Azriel?” you questioned, crouching down in front of him. “What's up, baby?” you asked softly, stroking his cheek with your knuckles. 
His hazel eyes, dull and sad, moved to yours. Your heart broke at the pain they held and you felt the immediate need to fight the cause of this pain. He simply stared at you, unsaying, but a rush of insecurity and stress flooded the bond like a dam had been broken. You gasped from the intensity of the emotions, taking a second to stabilise yourself.
Once you had your bearings, one simple question remained in your head. 
“Why?” you voiced. “What happened?” 
“A-” he started and looked down. “Are we breaking up?” he asked in a broken voice. 
You were taken aback by the question, brows raising at the sheer absurdity the statement held. 
“What? No! Of course not!” you replied. Your hands tightly held his, squeezing in reassurance. “Why would you think that, sweetheart?” 
He looked down at your hands that held his, thumbs stroking his with featherlight touches. “Lately you’ve been cancelling all our plans to work. And I know you’re busy, I understand that. But I guess, after a certain point it started feeling like it was partially because you didn't want to be around me,” Azriel hesitantly admitted.
If your heart was broken before, this confession just broke the broken pieces further. Suddenly it made sense what he was talking about last night about you lying about missing him. Still, you could not believe your ears. Yes, work had been stressful and had led you to cancel plans, but you hadn’t realised the extent…to the point where it started feeling like neglect to Azriel. You felt nothing short of appalled with your actions. 
You looked down in disbelief, shaking your head. “Baby, I-” you looked back up to his face. “I am so sorry.” Tears flooded your eyes as you digested the extent of Azirels insecurity, and felt that loneliness down the bond. 
“I am so sorry, Azriel,” you choked out. “I cannot believe I let it get this bad.” You sniffled. “But remember this Azriel: We are never, ever, ever, breaking up, okay? I love you so much! I know I have cancelled way too many plans lately, but I swear, darling, not a single one of those was because I didn't want to see you or be around you. There is nothing I wanted to do all day except be with you and talk to you and listen about your day, I swear, baby,” you ranted. 
A small smile appeared on his lips and he pulled you up to sit next to him on the bed. “Really?” he asked. 
“Really,” you assured, bringing his hands up and placing a firm kiss on them. “I love you, Azzie,” you whispered, resting your cheek on his hands. 
“I love you,” he whispered back. 
You got up from the bed and moved onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging Azirel close to you. It was a hug you both needed, assurance and intimacy you both craved in the moment. The bond on Azriel’s side was still open and you felt the insecurity dissipating, being replaced by assurance, security and relief. 
You kissed the top of his head a few times, then tipped his face up towards yours and placed a firm, long-lasting kiss on his lips. Both of you sighed into it, holding onto each other a bit tighter and smiled brightly while letting go.
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honeybeedrabble · 8 months
Dangerous Desires (ix) - Home Coming
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CW: spanking/brat taming, hair pulling, biting, licking, breast play, marking, unprotected piv (dont be stupid), rough sex, slight fingering, degradation, choking, cream-pie (DONT BE STUPID), probs some shit editing, LMK what i missed !!
word count: 10K 💀💀
18+ MDNI !!!!!
You stood in front of the hokage, heart beating out of your chest. You were nervous, that much was obvious. However you couldn’t wrap your head around why you were summoned. Lady Tsunade finished writing her last few words into her notes, stapling them together and setting them aside to address you.
“You must be wondering why I’ve sent for you,” she started, sitting up in her seat. Her face was somber.
“I can’t say you’re wrong.”
“What I’m about to tell you is something only a very select few know about.” Tsunade started, hands clasped together on the desk. “We’re about to go to war.”
You were shocked- was Kakashi really telling the truth?! Was he right all along?! Your emotions were everywhere and it was evident on your face.
“I know, I know it’s a lot to take in. I myself am not sure if I’ve taken it in yet.” She seemed stressed, you could see the worry behind her soft brown eyes.
“Lady Tsunade… who are we at war with?”
“My dear who aren’t we at war with?” She sadly laughed to herself. “Truth be told we’re fighting against a greater force than we know. I hate to say this but we’re looking at a fourth great ninja war.“ Your eyes widened, body filled with anxiety.
“A fourth great war? Are you serious?”
“I’m as serious as death. In fact, there’s going to be a five kage summit soon and I’ll need to attend to talk about said war.”
“So… The war isn’t with the other nations? I mean… if there’s going to be a summit with all five nations, doesn’t that mean neither is the threat?” You asked, still confused.
“Then who’s the threat?”
“I can’t discuss that with you.”
“Then why have I been summoned Lady Tsunade? If you can’t tell me who the enemy is tell me what I’m here for.” You were starting to get angry, worried for what you’d been told previously.
“You need to fight in this war.” Tsunade said plainly. “With medical jutsu like yours we would be idiots not to use you. I’m telling you now that we’re not asking you to enlist, but rather we are drafting.” Kakashi was right.
You couldn’t believe him, it was impossible to. How could this be happening? It wasn’t long since you’ve been here and already you’re being drafted in the war. It was exactly how Kakashi had told you, no denying it. This is your job, what you were sent to do, the only thing you know how to do, so damn right you’re going to use your blessing to help all you can.
“I’m well aware of my capabilities my lady, and in fact I find it a great honor to be drafted by you personally.”
“You’re taking this a lot better than I thought you would, I must thank you for that.” She sighed a relieved breath, hand clutching her chest.
“I have no other choice but to. This is what I signed up for when moving to Konoha. I decided the day I learned my first medical justu I would help the world become a better place. If you hadn’t drafted me I would’ve signed up myself. It’s my duty, this is my home.” Your words moved Tsunade, she smiled softly at you. Her face dropped suddenly.
“I’m glad you believe that, and I’m glad to have someone like you be so ready for whatever is to come, really I am. But because you’re going to be in the war I need to to preserve your chakra. Because of this, I forbid you from working at the hospital.” She looked away from you, knowing she didn’t want to see the determination wash away from your face in real time.
“Are you… are you firing me?”
“I’m afraid so. I cant have you waste any of your precious chakra on a few sick patients when we are going to have armies full of injured shinobi on the front lines. We have enough medical personnel at the hospital already, so with you being as high ranked as you are we must save you for the battlefield. You understand don’t you?”
“Lady Tsunade what more do I have other than my job? How long will it be until we are in war? I-I can’t be out of work that long.”
“I’m sorry but my hands are tied.” Her voice was almost as sad as yours, she worriedly watched as your eyes started to well with tears.
“Please my lady. Don’t do this to me.” She got up from her desk and walked over to you, hugging you tightly against her.
“It’s going to be alright, I promise. I just need you to rest up. We’ll be destroyed without you, please just trust me.” You hugged eachother until you could calm down, you wiped any tears that fell and stepped aside.
“Lady Tsunade I have a request to make.”
“What is it dear?”
“I want to go home. Back to my village and see my parents one last time before I go to war. I think it’s only reasonable to see them one last time, as me coming home alive and well is uncertain.” Tsunade stepped back and looked at you, a hand draped softly on your shoulder.
“I accept the request. How long will you be gone?”
“Probably under a week.”
“Then so be it. You’re dismissed.”
You walked out of the office and back home with an intense sadness inside of you. You gave up on Kakashi because you loved your job. Now your job has been stolen from you and it was all for nothing. Everything that had given you value- that had given you purpose- is now gone. You wondered if you should even return home or not.
You decided it would be a good idea if you told your friends Machi and Gale you’d be gone for the next few days, back at home until you decided you needed to come back. They understood and wished you well on your journey.
Kakashi was a mess, thinking about how poorly he treated you during your sexcapade, saying he hated you and fucking you so roughly he wasn’t sure if he had hurt you or not. Who care if he did? You hurt him worse. You hurt him in a way nobody else has. How could you treat him like he was somebody only to leave him like he was nothing? At least, that’s how he saw it.
Business at The Poison Sandwich was slow today, maybe the sadness was in the air. Kakashi ate his BLT, thoughts of you racing through his head. Even up until he heard your name uttered by the two girls you held dearly as friends.
“So she went back home.” Gale said to the cook behind the counter.
“I’ve been thinking about visiting a few of the sandwich shops in her village for a while now actually.” Percy smiled from behind the counter.
“Wait… she went back?” Kakashi interrupted, unsure if he heard right.
“Yeah, yesterday. Said she’s be back in a few days.” Machi said, looking over at Percy. “He said he was going to go the her village pretty soon to try out the food there.”
“Is this true Percy?” Kakashi asked his friend, who nodded as he discarded his white apron.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Can I come?” Kakashi asked, cursing himself. What was he thinking?
“Well as long as you don’t have any other plans for the rest of the day, I see no problem. I’m heading off now, so get ready.” Percy said, untying his apron and tossing it on a nearby countertop. “Ladies, you don’t mind closing shop for me, do you?”
And of course, as enamored with the man as they were, had zero issue and took care of business as he and Kakashi took off.
Kakashi was shocked to see the strange motorized bike that Percy had built, looking it up and down in shock and awe at the mechanism.
“What is this, if I may ask?”
“Well I’m not a shinobi like you so getting around to long distances isn’t easy for me. I built this myself as a way to make the trips easier.” Percy said, tossing Kakashi a black helmet. Kakashi caught it and reluctantly adorned it, his silver hair peeking out from underneath.
As Percy started the machine Kakashi sat in the back behind him, pondering why he had felt the need for such an impromptu visit to your hometown. He didn’t know why he felt this way, especially after the way you had treated him. Once again he felt alone, abandoned by your heartlessness and eager mindset to go fight off in a war that he felt would mame and kill you the second you had your back turned to the enemy.
“Kakashi… what’s been going on with you?” Percy asked, snapping Kakashi out of the trance he found himself in.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, puzzled at his friends sudden questioning.
“Listen... Gale, Machi, and I all know about your secret affair. And we don’t care- we support it honestly. But ever since you two have had a falling out… we’ve noticed a change.” Percy’s voice was somber as he drove throughout the thick forest, focused on the destination while his heart was stuck in the conversation. Kakashi was silent a moment, his mind was racing. Was it safe to tell his friend the truth? To let the secrets of his beloved lay out in front of someone who was only watching from the outside?
“I’m not sure I understand,” he replied monotoned. His outside demeanor was cool, but anyone who really knew what was going on inside his mind could tell the intricacies of his tone, picking up the way his voice would lilt anxiously as he declared this inquiry.
“Well I’m sure you do, so don’t play dumb with me Hatake,” Percy snapped, he wasn’t playing games- Kakashi was sure of this now.
“Well what do you want me to tell you? Sometimes people don’t work out the way they meant to, we don’t have control over these things. All you need to know is that me and her are… we’re complicated.”
“Bullshit.” Kakashi was taken aback.
“What are you talking about?” The wind was blowing through his hair, headband threatening to blow off his eye. He held it tight, looking at his thighs for avoidance.
“I’m talking about your seriously psychotic desire for control. You’ve wanted her from the moment you met her, haven’t you?” Percy asked, revving the engine of his bike.
“More than anything…” Kakashi admitted, vision still remained on his thighs.
“And ever since then, what have you done?”
Kakashi thought about it for a moment. What had he done? He had fucked you on his desk, broken into your home and stolen your underwear, touched you while you slept, fucked you at work, fucked you on missions- gods... the list could only go on.
“I’ve done all I could.” He clutched his fists, hating how horribly his stomach churned. “And yet it still wasn’t enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that my love for her has consumed me, my body, brain, and soul. She’s all I think about- ever. She’s everything, and everywhere. No matter what time of day or night, I can feel her down to the very air I breathe. I’ve tried for what has felt like forever to have her all to myself.”
“Why all to yourself?”
“Because the thought of her with anyone else makes me violent,” Kakashi said, regretting his words the very moment they spilled past his lips.
Percy remained quiet, Kakashi wasn’t sure if it was so he could talk more or not. He stayed silent for a while too. He wondered wether Percy was judging him, then again he didn’t care too much, it wasn’t him who was worried about public appearances.
“Sometimes I can feel my blood boil when I see another man talking to her. She makes me feel at peace, not just in my mind but in my soul. I love that woman down to the marrow in my bones and to think that some other man could see her and only see her for her beauty, only see her for something to use makes me sick. I can practically feel the bile in my throat just thinking about it.”
“So she makes you feel calm?” Percy didn’t seem to be turned off by the way Kakashi spoke of you, it was as if they were having a conversation so casual it was comparable to one about the weather.
“It’s beyond that,” Kakashi felt his heart flutter as he thought of you, his mind running with excitement just at the opportunity to talk about you.
“Sometimes I think about my past and all the people who have left me. Some of them chose to, some of them didn’t. Regardless, whenever I’d get attached to someone they’d leave, I didn’t have any control over it. Maybe it was because I was weak, or too young to have any real say in the matter. But now it’s different. I’m stronger and I’m older, no matter how you look at it I’m ten times the person I was all those years ago.” Percy remained silent, listening intently to his friend. Something he wouldn’t do to much of as Kakashi wasn’t the type to open up easily.
“When I met her, I knew instantly I loved her. It was a fact just as true as the sky is blue. I don’t think about all the horrible things from my youth whenever she’s around, not when all I can think about is the possibility of my old age spent with this wonderful woman. And the only way to have a future with her is if she doesn’t leave. I’ve grown beyond a simple lust for her, I've realized I can’t escape these feelings. I learned about her past, her favorite flowers and I’ve showered her in as much affection I can show without being too much. I’m sure I’ve crossed that boundary already but I can’t help it, I have too much inside to not let go of.”
“So you want something serious with her?”
“Why call it quits now? After everything you’ve gone through, why give up?”
“Because she’s going to leave me,” He ran a hand through his silver hair, holding back a tear that was heard through the slight crack in his voice.
“She told you she doesn’t want to be together anymore?” Percy asked, wondering if what his girlfriends told him about you was true or not. He remembered hearing how you liked Kakashi too, but was afraid of ridicule, yet still craved his love beneath it all.
“She wants to fight in a possible deadly battle. I cant disclose much but that’s all I can say.”
“But she’s strong isn’t she? Plus she’s a medic, so wouldn’t she be able to heal herself if anything happened?” Percy asked, unsure about the severity of this “battle”.
“You don’t get it,” Kakashi sighed, leaning his forehead against Percy’s back. “I can keep her through affection and intimacy, that’s one thing we both know we have for each other, it’s apparent. But I can’t keep her from getting herself killed. Death is around every corner for people like me and her.”
“Shinobi, you mean?”
“Exactly. I don’t want to be in love with someone and yearn for them every second we aren’t together just for them to leave and die. It’s not fair to torture myself like that. I’d rather call it quits early before I’m doomed to live a life of suffering. I couldn’t deal with it.”
“Kakashi, you already are.” Percy didn’t care to tiptoe around the fact, he was tired of all the beating around the bush. Kakashi sat there a moment, his head still resting against his friends back.
He closed his eyes, occasionally catching himself to hold onto the bike better as they jostled over small rocks and bumps along their path. Kakashi didn’t have much to say about that, but it did prompt a lot of thinking, not that he could do much with Percy being such a chatterbox.
“You need to hear me out with this, okay? Love is like a sandwich-“
“Good gods, spare me the metaphors…”
“I’m going somewhere with this trust me!!” Percy yelled defensively, his volume mostly washed out by the breeze blowing by. “You can have all the amazing fillings you want: intimacy, shared experiences, passion, romance, all that is great but without the bread that keeps it together it’s just a bunch of things slopped together. What makes a sandwich a sandwich is the bread that keeps it together- a solid foundation, trust. And sure, it’s going to be messy at times, but that just comes with that delicious journey we all sign up for.”
“Is there a point to this analogy?”
“Obviously, dumbass. You have all the makings for a great relationship except for the bread… the trust. The bread you’ve got is thin- real thin. Meaning it’s not able to keep all that great stuff inside. The only way that meals gonna end is with everything falling out. Do you know why your bread is thin?” Percy asked, dodging a large rock in the middle of the path.
“Because of my insecurities…” Kakashi admitted, his face heating up.
He sat with this realization, mostly because he was metaphorically eaten up alive by one of his best friends. That aside, he looked at the bigger picture. Was he really that insecure about his trust in you? He knew you were strong, but was he actually just insecure you would rather die than be with him?! Was he really that codependent on you? That wasn’t possible, not with war being such a great threat. Percy didn’t know that though, so that’s another thing to factor in. Regardless, there still was valid food for thought presented to him.
“Well how far away are we now?” Kakashi asked, looking around at the new environment.
“Wont take longer than a few minutes, bud. Relax, we’ll be there in no time.”
Percy was right of course, only a few minutes later and the two were parked outside the large wooden gates. Sounds of children’s laughter and music could be heard just beyond, as well as the smell of amazing food clouding their senses. Kakashi and Percy walked in, delighted by all the new sights and sounds, it seemed like a festival was taking place, although they had zero clue what it was for.
While it did seem magical at first glance, Kakashi knew the truth behind this villages facade. When he truly looked around beyond the vibrant colors and fun attractions, he saw very sick people lurking around the streets, some even begging for spare money. He sighed to himself, judging all the men who walked by with their expensive robes who were laughing at the sick and elderly.
“Kakashi! Over here!” Percy called to him from beyond the crowd.
Kakashi looked over to where his friend was and saw a small shop next to some sort of brothel-esque building. He tilted his head in curiosity at him, raising both arms in a shrugging position.
“No- come over here! This is the place I came here for!” Percy called louder, holding open the shops door to signal he was about to enter.
Kakashi jogged over there, still overwhelmed by all the excitement going around. When he caught up with Percy, he suddenly felt something very familiar. It was that calmness in his soul he had described to Percy earlier. He spun around, trying to see what it was and if he could follow it.
“Something the matter?” Percy asked, shutting the door.
Kakashi turned his head and saw a small staircase on the outside of the establishment that led to a second story door. He furrowed his brow looking at the door, feeling a strange calling towards whatever was just beyond it.
“No… I guess it’s nothing.” He said, turning towards Percy as he opened the door and walked inside.
It was a small restaurant, a few tables here and there as well as a large island that a middle aged man stood at.
“Hi, welcome in fellas! Take a seat anywhere you want, I’ll get you both a few menus to look at!” He said cheerily, ducking behind the island to grab two menus.
Percy sat at the island in front of the man, Kakashi followed and took the seat next to him. The older man gave them their menus and went in the back to give them some time.
“Are you hungry at all?” Percy asked, skimming the drinks side.
“I could eat,” Kakahi responded, suddenly craving a sandwich more than anything.
There were quite a few options to choose from. Some vegan options, some vegetarian, and some sort of dessert types with various different fruits, custards, and cream fillings. Kakashi was in the mood for something more traditional and hearty, deciding he would ask for a grilled chicken sandwich.
The man reappeared with a small notepad and pen, leaning against the countertop.
“You two ready to order?” He asked, looking at Kakashi first.
“Yeah, may I please have the grilled chicken sandwich?” He asked, pointing to the menu. The man wrote it down and then asked for Percy’s order.
“I’ll have this breakfast sandwich,” Percy said.
“A little late don’t you think?” The man laughed, taking both menus.
“Well you know… breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why not have it anytime of day?” Percy laughed. The man furrowed a brow and Percy grimaced, embarrassed by his joke falling flat.
Kakashi couldn’t help but feel that comforting aura getting stronger around him. He looked around, maybe it was the environment? Just then it became much stronger, as if all this muscles had relaxed in just that moment. It felt less like an aura and more like a chakra. He quickly looked behind the man and towards the curtains that led to the back. What he saw he couldn’t believe.
You emerged from beyond the curtains, holding two cups of water in your hands. When you looked up you immediately locked eyes with him. You must’ve felt the same muscle relaxation as Kakashi, you suddenly dropped both cups catching the eyes of the room.
You had arrived to this hometown of yours not too long after you left Konoha. You watched as children ran around happily through the village with their prizes from games going on throughout the streets. You sighed, walking down the paths of the place you once called home, knowing the happiest of people were just tourists in this living hell your family and community was trapped in.
You approached your families restaurant, smiling at the nostalgic feeling it filled you with. You grabbed the handle and walked in, your father standing just behind the island. He called you name excitedly, rushing over to you to hold you in a tight hug.
“You’ve come home! What are you doing here? You didn’t get kicked out, did you?” He teased, letting you go to get a good look at you. You nervously laughed.
“No, it’s not that.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Well whatever the reason is, it’s nice seeing you again.”
“Um… can I talk to you upstairs for a moment? There’s something I need to tell you… it has to do with me being here actually.”
He nodded and held the curtain for you to walk through. Beyond the kitchen in the back was a small door that led to a staircase, that staircase led to the small flat you and your family grew up in. When you both had settled down in the living room, you had assumed your mother would be there, however she was not. Puzzled, you two sat on a nearby couch and you faced him to ask.
“Did mom go out somewhere? I mean… I didn’t see her in the restaurant or kitchen and it’s a little late to still be in bed…” Your fathers face fell, looking at the carpeting.
“Your mother is uh… well there’s no easy way to say this. Your mothers in the hospital.” You felt your heart drop.
“What’s wrong with her? Why didn’t you send a message?! I could’ve come home to help her- what’s going on dad?!” you asked, voice shaking.
He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with one hand anxiously.
“We aren’t sure what was wrong with her but… we knew that with the big move and that new job of yours you’d have some real stress. We couldn’t put that on you, so we made the decision to send her to a nearby hospital to get her checked out.”
“Fuck…” you sighed, holding your head in your hands. “You need to take me to her, I can heal her… or fix her or… something- anything! Gods dad, what the hell?! Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“Sweetie it’s fine, your mothers going to be okay-“
“Dad that’s a lot of money! For crying out loud, how are you going to afford the hospital bills?”
“We’ll be fine! as long as you’re okay we’ll be just fine.”
“Here, let me see if I have any extra money on me,” you reached into your pockets for your wallet. Your father quickly nudged your arm away.
“Please don’t, you have enough on your plate already. Why don’t you tell me what you needed to say earlier, okay?” He asked, putting on a small smile.
You frowned.
“Well, since we’re getting everything out in the open…” You took in a deep breath, letting it out with a shaky breath. “I’m going to war.”
You felt your heart shatter the way you watched your fathers face drop again. It was as if he was being told his only child was about to be killed right in front of him.
“Dad, I know how it’s sounds but I don’t have any other choice. There are people who need me, I signed up for this- this is my job.“
“I understand.” He said softly. You frowned, pulling him into a hug.
“I wanted to see you and mom one last time before I left… I know it’s a worst case scenario but… if anything were to happen, I wanted to tell you both goodbye.” You heard your father sob in your ear, holding you tightly. You couldn’t help yourself from crying either and wept with him on the sofa.
“I know you’re strong, and I know you’re valuable, but I’m still so worried,” he sputtered, you patted his back to comfort him but it did next to nothing.
“I know, but I promise you I’m not going down without a fight. I swear to you and mom I’m not going to let myself be weak.” You said sternly, almost as if you weren’t choking back a rivers worth of tears.
After a few more minutes and you and your father had calmed down, you sat there and discussed the situation of war. What it meant for you and your family. You said that with the money you had, it’ll all go to them if you died and they’d be able to move far away, to a better village and have a good financial place for themselves. Your father wasn’t pleased to hear about this and almost cried again. To get his mind off of it, you told him about your job and all the people you met at Konoha.
“Machi and Gale, huh? They sound quite nice! You even have your own students, sounds like you’ve adapted pretty well,” you dad smiled, tears drying on his cheeks.
“I have,” you smiled back, a blush forming in your face when you remembered Kakashi was one of the first you grew close with, even if it started out so riske.
“What’s that look for, hmm?” Your father asked, teasing you for the small blush across your face.
“It’s nothing,” you replied, putting a hand to your cheek and feeling the warmth on your skin.
“Don’t lie to me, I know that look pretty well. You must’ve met someone who isn’t just a friend or a student to you, so tell me!” He laughed, playfully swatting you on your arm.
“I mean, yeah there is someone,” you smirk, shortly after your face fell.
“Um… is everything alright?”
“Yeah, It’s just… things are complicated right now.”
“Oh,” you father said sadly, crossing his arms.
“But he’s a really great guy!” you perked up.
“He?” Your father asked. You nodded. “Does he have a name?”
“He might.”
“He might? What might it be?”
“It might be Kakashi.” Just the your fathers arms uncrossed, his eyes widening.
“As in Kakashi Hatake?”
“Oh great,” you sighed, hating this conversation immediately. “Yeah, why?”
“Because that’s the famous copy ninja! I’ve got to say I’m impressed.” You groaned, holding your knees to your chest now.
“Please stop embarrassing me.”
“I’m not trying to, I’m just suprised that a man like that can be in a relationship with you.” Immediately you grew defensive.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your brows furrowed.
“Woah, I didnt mean it like that! It’s just… he’s known for being such a hardened shinobi. Who knew there was a heart beneath the mask?” He nervously laughed.
“I knew.” You added. Your father frowned, nervously fidgeting in his seat.
“I’m sorry, " you sighed. "I didn’t mean to be so snappy. It’s just that we’ve spent a lot of time together and he means a lot to me. I’ve seen a lot of his sides and even though he drives me crazy I can’t help but love him regardless. He makes me feel seen, and appreciated. No matter how bitchy I am he keeps trying, nobody else has ever been this patient with me. And what makes things even crazier, is that I feel so drawn to him. It’s like my whole life has led up to the moment we’d meet. Oh, what am I saying? This is starting to get weird, I’ll stop while I’m ahead,” your face felt extremely hot, you avoiding looking at your dad.
“No it’s fine, I get it.” He said, patting you on the back.
“Yeah, thanks.” Silence.
“So what makes things so complicated?”
“‘What isn’t complicated’ is a better question,” although you knew that answer was something entirely too inappropriate to say.
“It’s that bad?”
“Yes and no. It’s a long story, I couldn’t get into it.”
“Well whatever the case may be, you sound like you really love him. In fact, I caught onto you saying that,” he smirked.
“Please stop.”
“Fine.” he raised his hands defensively, then stood up from his seat at the couch. “Now we can sit here moping all day or we can spend time together like we used to. What do you say?”
“Moping sounds good but we can’t afford that right now so let’s work the restaurant like we used to.” You smiled, following him down that stairs.
So that’s what it was, it was you all along. He should have known better. Kakashi stood up, uttering your name back to you. You weren’t sure what to do. Truth be told you didn’t forgive him for putting you out on the spot like that, but you also knew there was no real reason for him to forgive you either.
“I’m sorry but would you excuse us for a minute?” Kakashi asked Percy as he motioned to speak to you outside.
“No.” Percy said, fidgeting with his napkin. Your father shot you a concerned look, finally putting two and two together. You patted him on the back reassuringly.
“It shouldn’t take long, we’ll just have a chat upstairs.” You reached into your pocket for a set of keys, walking out the front door of the establishment, Kakashi on your tail.
You two walked out in silence and he followed you up the outside stairs, staying quiet as you unlocked the door and stepped inside. He looked around and it appeared to be your old bedroom, posters and ribbons hanging on the walls. It felt homey to him, more so when he noticed preserved flowers laying on your desk, jasmine to be exact.
“So did you follow me here or did you-“ he cut you off with his lips against yours. Your eyes grew wide in shock. But the moment he put his hand on the small of your back you felt entirely different. Your eyes closed softly and your hands tangled in his hair. You felt a familiar fire burn in your chest, your heart fluttering as his beat in tandem with yours.
“Kakashi,” you sighed, his grip on you becoming tighter. He pushed you against the door, keeping his grasp on you impossibly firm. “Now’s not a good-“
“Stop talking, damnit.” he huffed, his breath hot against your skin. Immediately you shut your mouth, only opening it again to allow his tongue to brush up against yours.
You locked the door while you were still up against it, then resumed pulling on his hair. You also pushed your body against his firm chest, feeling your loins flutter as his breathing became heavier and his kisses more desperate. Kakashis tongue prodded into your mouth, caressing your own as if it lost it, rejoicing in the feeling of finding it again. His body language spoke the same dialect, his arms tense while they wrapped around you, legs locked in place as they cornered you against the wooden door.
You grabbed onto his vest, yanking it off of him and it was only for a moment when his arms left your body. His vest sliding off of him and landing on the floor, he swiftly kicked it away and then resumed his primal grip against your body. He pulled you into him, a breath of air escaping your lungs the moment he ripped your body off the floor. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, head falling to your shoulder while his teeth sunk into your neck, you let out a small grunt from the pain that you couldn’t welcome enough.
“Kashi?” you whispered heavily. He cut you off with another sloppy kiss, the rough smack of his lips against yours had you digging your nails into his back through his body con long sleeve. “What are you doing-“ another kiss “here?”
“What does it look like?” He huffed, hands sneaking past your shirt as he caressed your back with his long fingers. Your breath hitched at the feeling of him touching your bare skin, hair on the back of your neck raising while the tickling sensation of his calloused fingertips roamed your skin.
“I know what you’re doing, but why?”
“I needed you,” he rasped, fingers digging into your skin, his own nails now dragging down your skin. You shuddered in his grasp, thighs clamping down tight around his abdomen. “Must I need any other reason?”
“No…” you knew this was rhetorical, but the gratification you gained from answering him regardless heightened your arousal, giving into him just like you always did. “Needed me for what?” you asked, your chest rising and falling as you struggled to gain your composure.
“I just needed to see you,” Kakashi muttered licking the slight teeth marks that curved along your neck. “I missed this… the way things were before. Y’know I thought about inviting you over the other night?”
“To your apartment?” You were suddenly curious. He nodded, his hands now rubbing down your back, causing you to shiver once again. “What would we do?”
“I don’t even know. I was just so empty without you, even you being in my presence would be enough for me. However, I’m sure we’d find ways to entertain ourselves,” He leaned in closely to your ear “Wanna know how exactly?”
When he said this he thrusted himself into you, his hard package pressing right up against your clothed cunt. You moaned, grinding down on the new stimulation the moment you could, completely void of embarrassment or shame.
“Y-yeah,” your heart was practically in your throat now, however you felt the heartbeats much, much lower.
“Well, I had something in mind,” he hummed, his hands now on your asscheeks, gripping them harshly.
“Ngh- Like what?”
“I was thinking about how bad you’ve been lately,” his breath was almost burning the skin of your neck, you wanted him to so badly rip your clothes off of you and take you to bed. His hair smelled so good, you kept digging your fingers inside of the fluffy mass, gently pulling at it while it tangled between your fingers. He grunted slightly.
“Just like how you are right now,” it came out a purr, vibrations coming up from deep inside his chest. “You’ve been a bad girl. Sometimes I can barely recognize you.”
You didn’t know why you felt so ashamed about his words, a wave of regret crashing hard against you.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, unsure why the apology came so easy.
“So you admit you’ve been a bad girl?” he asked with amusement in his tone, his voice hoarse as he spoke deep into your neck.
“I’m as bad as they come,” you admitted, legs wrapping around even tighter. He chuckles softly.
“Oh? Well then I think we both know what that means,” his cock twitched underneath his pants, you had to sink your nails into your palms to avoid getting handsy. “I think you need to be punished severely.”
The hair on the back of your neck stood up, goosebumps rising on your skin immediately. He carried you over to your bed, tossing you down on it. You crashed against it, a loud squeak echoing through the room. You blushed, hoping to whatever god there was that nobody downstairs could hear.
“What are you going to do with me?” You asked, your hands rubbing where he bit you on your neck.
“You want to know your punishment?” An amused smile spread across his face. You nodded. “Well that’s for me to know and you to find out.”
You felt frustrated, already wanting him to lash out on you, it felt like torture the way he stood over you, patently keeping his hands to himself.
“Please?” you whispered, one of your hands moving south of your body, he watched as your sunk your hands under your waistband, eyes blowing wide when your mouth fell open.
He grabbed your wrist and yanked it back out, pinning it down and above your head.
“I think you need another spanking.” You bit your lip, trying to hide your excitement, your panties already wet when he increased the pressure of his hand.
He sat down next to you, letting go of your wrist and instead using his hand to grab your hair into a tight pony tail, causing you to sit up.
“Should I bend over your lap?” it came out as a mewl, your desperation evident on your face.
“How funny that you just want to jump straight into it,” he smiled in your face, shiny teeth gleaming back at your from beyond his perfect lips. “Sweet girl, maybe you do know how to behave,” he kissed you softly, then had you bend over his lap.
With one hand still firm in your hair, the other pulled down your pants, your panties coming down with it. You clenched around nothing as the cool air hit your wet cunt, a shiver was sent up your back.
“Such a slut, excited for her spanking.” He caressed your soft globes, you hummed excitedly, almost moaning at the delicate touch. “If I hadn’t done this previously I would’ve assumed you didn’t know what this was. Is that true? Are you a stupid girl who doesn’t know what a spanking is?” he cooed, his hand grabbing you hip harshly, fingers digging into your skin.
You grunted, knowing with this much pressure he would leave bruises along you skin for days, weeks even.
“It’s not pleasant, at least not the way I do it, remember? It’s gonna hurt, way more than a few soft taps.”
“I’m hoping for it,” you replied back, surprised by your own response and enthusiasm.
“Oh yeah?” he also seemed surprised, pleasantly surprised. A wicked smile was plastered on his face, searching your eyes with his own. “How long have you been wanting this for? I mean, you’re so obedient. I cant help but assume you’ve fantasized about this ever since last time,” his grip of your hair tightened, you smiled up at him devilishly.
“I’ve been wanting this since I last saw you.”
“Good answer,” he smirked. “Are you ready?”
You nodded quickly, arching your back as the tension builds up in your body.
“An even better answer." his fingertips glided againsty the curve of your back. "I don’t care if you scream or cry, in fact it would make this more enjoyable,” he hummed, pulling on your hair. “Now sit still.”
Kakashis hand came down hard on your backside, a loud slap echoed in your ears. You let out a depraved moan, biting your lip as the stinging starting to settle on your asscheek. He took a moment to take in the look on your face, ogling the flush of color across your cheeks. Quicker, and much harder this time, he struck you again with his ever-so-firm hand.
You whined, squirming in his lap until he spanked you again. After his next, you dug your nails into the mattress beneath you, huffing deep breaths in and out. Kakashi laughs softly, watching your soft ass turn a bright pink as he punished you.
“How many can you handle? You want me to get creative?” he asked happily, softly rubbing circles on your abused skin.
“Y-yesss…” your voice was trembling.
“If you say so. But it makes me wonder… how much pain can this pretty little ass take?”
“I deserve it, we both know I’ve been bad,” you mutter, nails coming out of the mattress as you slowly began to get less tense with each rub of Kakashis hand.
“Yes you have,” Kakashi exclaimed amused. “Do you know how bad? Answer me.” He smacked you again, and all you could muster was a string of whimpers and groans, no real words coming to your mind.
“Answer me properly. I don’t want to hear your little moans. I want a real answer. Tell me what you’ve done.”
“I… I’ve kept you a secret…” you whispered, your hand stroking his knee. “And the worst part is I’ve been fantasizing about you this whole time.”
“Interesting. For how long, give me a number.” He pulls your hair, tilting your face upwards so your eyes are locked.
“8 weeks,” you confess, looking away to avoid his strong gaze.
“8 weeks? How filthy have you been? What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve fantasized about me doing?” He pulled your hair tighter, forcing you to look back at him.
“I’ve thought about you defiling me.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow.
“That’s all? I’m not going to lie, I expected more from you.” His hand move from your ass to your hip, once again squeezing it tightly. You winced.
“I-I’ve thought about you waking me up just so you can use me to get yourself off,” you blurted out. Kakashi perked up, much more interested.
“Anything else? You’ve had 8 weeks,” clearly he was having fun toying with you. It felt like torture dumping your fantasies onto him, but you couldn’t help spilling your guts.
“I’ve thought about pleasuring you.”
“Go on.” His grip became looser, yet still firm.
“I’d use my mouth.” He smirked.
“Is that all?” You wanted to melt into his lap, escape his massive presence.
“And my hands…”
“Well, don’t you have a plethora of talents,” he teased, bringing his hand back and quickly down his to your ass. You flinched, but before he could make contact he stopped himself, laughing softly. Your face burned hot.
“Anything else? I mean, 8 whole weeks is a looong time,” he raised his eyebrow again, looking directly in your eyes.
“Spit it out, don’t be a tease. I know you can say more.” His words made your skin tingle.
“I’ve thought about how mad you were at me, ignoring me all the time at the office. So I thought about trying to rile you up, get you even angrier. Just so maybe you’d snap and use me without holding back.” He loosened his grip on you.
“You really want that? For me to take my frustration out on you?”
“Yes.” You gripped his knee tighter.
“You really are a bad girl, aren’t you?” He smirked, grip getting firmer in your hair again.
“I am.”
“Do you have no shame? Ass in the air, panties off, pussy soaking wet, and looking me in my eye while you tell me about all the filth you’ve imagined about me. Sweet girl, you’re more perverted than I thought.” He pulled your hair back further, his mouth connected with your more a quick kiss.
“I bet you’ll say anything at this point if it’ll make me happy, huh? You’ve completely given yourself to me, isn’t that right?” With lidded eyes you nodded looking up at him.
“Are you mine to use?” Amused curiousity lingering in his voice.
“Yes.” Right after you confirmed this, another rough smack was right up against your ass. You yelped, once again digging your finger into the mattress.
“You like that, don’t you? You like getting hit by me.” You nod. Another rough smack. “Say it.” he practically barked.
“I- I like it! I like getting hit by you!” You wanted to curl up in embarrassment, once again hoping nobody could hear you. Kakashi had a wicked look on his face.
“I wonder how many times can I hit this ass of yours before you cry? Are you a tough girl?” He asked condescendingly.
“Yes…” He hit you harder, producing a loud moan out of you. He laughed.
“Are you tough or what? You seem to be enjoying this more than I expected,” this time he struck you lower, so that his palm was right up against the back of your thigh. You desperately squirm again, breathing shakily. He hits you there again, smiling to himself.
“Oh? Am I hitting a sensitive spot?” You almost shrieked when he smacked it again. “So I did find a sensitive spot,” he leaned down closely so that that he was almost in your ear.
“I’m going to keep smacking you, riiight here until your crying and begging me to stop.” And that’s what he did. Over and over again, watching as you rubbed your legs together, slick coating the feverish in-between of your legs.
“How many more spanks can you get before you cry? 10? 20? I know you can take it,” he kept spanking you, each one lighting you up until your ass was red. As he spanked you, he enjoyed watching your eyes roll back, your whimpers echo softly in your room, and your body spasm after each moment of contact.
“You must nearly be at the edge, huh?” Your eyes rolled back to normal, welling with tears. “Awww, is that it? Is that all you can take?”
He delivered the final blow, you moaned loudly, tears flowing down your cheeks. You felt lightheaded, pain and pleasure circulating inside of you. The erotic sensation making it's way up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
“Aww… did I do that? Did I make the tough, pretty girl cry?” You nod, unable to verbalize a single thought. “Such a good girl, taking it like a champ. I have to say, I admire how well you kept your composure… well at least most of it.”
He pulled your hair back, your head coming closer to him and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You shut your eyes and bit your lip, your heart melting at his sudden tender affection.
While still having a good grasp of your pony tail, Kakashi slung you over to the side, trapping you against him and the bed. He had you pinned, your wrists above your head. When he towered his large form over you his lips brushed against yours, his scent was everywhere. You closed your eyes again, and felt how his eyelashes fluttered against your cheek as he bent down lower and licked up your neck.
You smirked, a sudden tickle causing you to slightly spasm, Kakashi laughed softly when he saw it. He instead turned to biting you, the feeling of his teeth in your neck filled you with the most euphoric nostalgia. You sighed, legs bending so your knees could squeeze his waist. He rutted his hips into your core, and you shuddered as the wet juices pooled in your cunt and trickled down your legs.
Kakashi looked up at you, lips curled into a cocky smile, pressing softly against your own. You parted your lips, his soft tongue dragging along your plump lip, before his teeth gently trapped it and he bit into it possessively. You never started the day thinking he'd be showing up at your old home, about to fuck you senseless into the mattress you've spent countless nights on. It seemed to you like Kakashi's fate was to always appear, and so was your passionate desire for him.
Kakashi's kiss could make your loins ache like a wildfire, yet it could also make your breaths slow and your heart melt. Maybe it was fate?
I am safe here. His arms are open, his tongue is tender, and I don't need to struggle anymore.
Its all you could think about, really.
Two fingers circled your drenched clit, Kakashi watched your hole clench around nothing. He licked his lips watching your pretty cunt swallow his didgets shortly after, curling up as he pumped in and out.
“She’s so pretty…” he hummed, his knuckles now shiny with your arousal.
Your toes curled the more he pumped you, his fingers working fast. You roughly grabbed his wrist, stopping his movement. He looked up at you, a single brow cocked.
“Something wrong?” his voice was smooth, eyes soft as they watched you with adoration.
“T-that’s not what I need…” You murmured, breathing in and out as if you’d pass out.
“Tell me, what do you-“
“Cock. Yours.” You demanded. Kakashis eyes grew wide, a sinister grin plastered in his face. He retracted his fingers from your cunt, a silent moan escaped your lips when he moved.
“I never thought I’d have you so needy, sweet girl.” Kakashis hand traveled to his waistbands and pulled them down, hard cock slapped against his body con shirt, precum making his tip glisten.
“I can’t help it.” You admitted, your eyes breaking away from his to stare at his erection. Your legs spread wide, and you wriggled excitedly.
Kakashi ducked down to kiss you, cupping your cheeks as he rutted against you, his length rubbing up and down against your clit. You moaned into the kiss, a smile on your face as your pleasure spread. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, getting even closer as you two enjoyed eachothers embrace.
Kakashis tongue made its appearance in your mouth again, the soft tip of his tongue swirling with yours, just to retreat and wetten your lower lip.
“Don’t tease me…” you whispered, breaking the kiss only to resume it quickly. He laughed gently, his hand moving south to grab the base of his cock and align it with your entrance.
“Well, aren’t you one to talk?” With one swift motion he went balls deep inside of you again, a shiver running up his back as he bottomed out, his public bone flush with your clit.
You both grunted, then began to lock lips as his hips drilled into you. You both knew you didn’t want to waste any time, each time he bottomed out you grounded down on him further, feeling his warm precum coat your walls as your own arousal spilled out and onto the sheets.
“Always wet for me…” he smiled, kissing down your jaw.
His cock was heavy, stretching you perfectly and throbbing each time it hit that tender spot inside of you that made you digs crescents into his back with your nails. He loved watching your lashes flutter when your eyes rolled back, and he devoured your lips whenever they opened to produce a guttural moan.
“I love you…” Kakashi cooed, a finger of his now playing with your clit.
“Love you- haaah- too…” you replied with a whine between words.
Kakashi pulls your shirt off of you, then quickly grabs both your wrists in one hand. He pins you down, and you’re unable to move. He retracts his hand from your clit and presses his forearm under your tits, pushing them up and drooling at how pretty they sit. He ducks down and sucks a nipple, his soft tongue spreading hot spit over your sensitive tits. He moans, cock throbbing as you pulse around him.
He looks up at you, your face red and forehead slightly sweaty. Fuck, you look so sexy. He groans your name, biting your tit, sucking a hickey into the soft flesh in his mouth. You’re seeing stars, vision blurry as your orgasm comes washing over you. You’re whimpering his name, shaking and yet unable to move under his massive presence. He lets go of your tit in his mouth and watched over you. You were his own personal porn star, cumming for him- cumming on him. Whimpering his name as you choke his girthy cock and take him while he resizes your cunt.
“Filthy… you’re making such a mess.” His pace was quicker now, your cries of pleasure louder as he beats your pussy into the mattress. “Bad girl…” he hums low, almost a growl.
You can’t fight back the violent euphoria, your poor cunt wants more of him, regardless as to whether or not you can take it.
“S’ good…” you mewl, erotic and soft squelches filling your ears as he continues to stuff you with his member, his own orgasm on its precipice.
“You really are a slut of this cock, huh?” he teased, thrusting hard, keeping his dick stuffed deep inside you as he pressed his pelvis against your clit. His nails dig into your wrists, your fingers try to grab onto him but you just can’t reach.
“No more playing games,” he grunts, a hand letting go of your wrists to wrap around your throat firmly. You gasp, your air running thin. “You want me?” His hips retreat, then slam harsh inside of you. You wince, eyes snapping shut when you moan.
“Tsk tsk, look at me.” you follow his order, your brows knitted tightly together, looking up at him through your lashes. His teeth glimmer as he grins mischievously, his grip on your neck tightening. “Nah, you need me.”
You feel like you’re about to pass out again, legs shaking viciously and you felt light headed.
“My body always misses this pussy… fucking made for me.” He nips at your jaw, railing you at the one pace he knows you and he both like it. “Mine.”
He wants to mark you up, leave you purple for everyone to see. So when he notices how hard it is for you to breathe he lets go, and takes delight in how you choke for air. He sucks deeply at your neck, throbbing inside you when he imagines how it’ll look after.
“M’gonna cum again…” you almost plead, hips tilting up to meet his own, welcoming his gorgeous cock back inside of you where you knew it belonged.
“I bet you want me to cum inside you,” he mutters, letting go on your sensitive skin before he sucks another purple bruise into your neck.
“Please.” Is all you manage, your slick now running down your ass.
“Always a slut for my cum…” He bites your shoulder, his tongue licking at the red skin underneath. “Can’t fuck you once without you begging for a creampie.”
You cum for a second time, begging for his hot cum to fill you up and pour out. Kakashi complies, a few more rough thrusts and he’s pumping you full of his burning seed, you feel impossibly full as you throw your head back. Kakashi moans heavily, still pumping you with his cock, loving the way you squirt on him with your own spend.
“You can play with yourself thinking about this tonight,” he says low, kissing you hard while he continues to shoot ropes into you. You twitch, legs spasming as your orgasm refuses to subside.
“N-no. I wanna be with you tonight! I wanna do it again!” You beg, wrapping your legs even tighter around him. His eyes widen and he licks your neck playfully.
“My sweet girl, if I bring you home with me tonight I won’t stop until the sun comes up.”
“I’m prepared to lose a few hours of sleep if it means I can spend them being your whore.” You respond shamelessly. He lets go of your wrist and you grab the back of his head, fully making out with him as you play with his silver mess. “I love you. I don’t care anymore.”
Kakashi hums in delight, pulling out of you, your shared cum sticking to his own thighs now.
“You mean you’re all mine?” He knew the answer.
“Mmhmm… And I’m sorry about the way I was acting before…” You admitted, hands running in his hair.
Kakashi rested his face against your tits, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“What do you mean? I should be sorry. I shouldn’t have been such a scummy person to make you choose me or your career, especially when I knew how much you love it.” His voice was soft and somber, you kissed the crown on his head.
“We both messed up, yeah?” You slightly giggled.
“Yeah,” he laughed back. “If you’re sure about going into this war with me I want you to know something.” He picked his head up, towering over you again. His palm rested against your cheek as his eyes looked deep into yours.
“I don’t care who we’re facing or what we’re up against. I don’t care who’s getting hurt but I do know one thing,” His brows furrowed. “I’m not leaving your side once. I’ll cover you, I’ll fight for you, I swear I’ll kill for you- I already have and I will again if I have to.”
He softly kissed the tip of your nose.
“That goes for me too,” you sighed, one of your hands caressed his shoulder. He grabbed that hand and kissed the back of it, then pulled you off the bed.
You two got dressed, although you chose to change into a turtle neck, and went downstairs. The restaurant was more packed and there was chatter all around, the nerves you may have been heard upstairs disappearing completely.
Percy turned around when Kakashi approached the seat next to him and reclaimed his seat. You walked around the counter and began to wipe it down. Your father came out from behind the curtain that led to the kitchen.
“Here’s that sandwich,” Your dad said, handing your boyfriend the plated food. “Enjoy, son.”
“Son?” Kakashi asked, taking a look around to see if people were watching him. When the coast was clear he quickly lowered his mask for a bite, then put it back on.
Nobody could see the smile underneath he had while he chewed, but you noticed the crinkle underneath his eyes.
“Not bad,” Percy said, polishing off his meal. “What’d you think, Kakashi?”
“Yeah,” he looked up from his plate, watching as you walked around the restaurant, taking orders and handing out drinks. “It was good.” It tasted like home.
A/N: after a much needed break/hiatus i’m finally back RAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!! for everyone asking if i plan on continuing the mafia AU yes i do but i feel like it’ll be a small mini series.
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jakesangel · 3 months
baking with jake ꣑୧
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thinking about rainy and boring days with jake. every lego set or marvel movies already been watched ten hundred times, but your boyfriend can't stop whining on your belly, wanting to do something. babyyy~ please play with me, he whines, behind your phone screen, you simply laying on your bed. there is nothing do to jake, we can cuddle and watch a movie tho ? you ask him, still not really paying him attention, mindlessly scrolling on tiktok.mmh okay, he sadly say, his puppy ears going low. the idea to cuddle with you is appealing to him, just enough to make him stop pouting for a while. he backs up a bit from you, and come on top of your chest, right under your arms. his head is between ur soft skin and your phone, eyes looking at what is taking your attention away from him.
the silence is comfortable between you, his whines breaking it here and there as he wants needs your hand playing with his hair. which you gladly comply, making him sigh in contentment. the both of you watch your thumb scrolling on tiktok, him secretly waiting for you to get tired of it. but it's only then he sees a baking video that you scroll past on. he excitedly break away from you, and position himself o nhis knees, his puppy tail wagging, let's bake baby, please ? we will have so much love, he says as his hands claps together. he even uses the round eyes + small pout combo to be sure you'll give in to his pleadings.
you're now behind your counter, all ingredients laid out, jake looking for a playlist to play. what music do you want to hear ? he asks, eyes still strained on his phone, i dont know ? something slow but not sad ? like jazz or rbnb maybe ? you reply, a but unsure as you dont know how jake will be today. clingy ? serious ? funny ? alright, love he mumbles. it takes a minute for him to find it, and once the phone finally connected to the speaker, he sets the phone down and come closer to you. alright, so where do we start ? dry ingredients right ? at first jake was really helpful, doing everything what the tiktok says and was following throughly every step, even measuring with precision all the ingredient. but as the time goes by, n the soft mood sets in thanks to the music, jake can't help but take your hips in his hands, swavving them along the music. jake... ? do i have the remind you that you're the one who ask to bake ? you chuckle a little as he keeps moving along your hips, come on, love, dance with me, he softly replies back, this time hugging you close, his head on your shoulder. you're almost done and i want to dance with my pretty girl. you knew your boyfie wouldn't stay put in place, his needs to be close to you at all time always catching him and no matter what you say, his body will react for him, you can only make him wait. wait til it's ready to put in the oven and ill be all yours yunie. and just like that he just back hugs you, eyes on your soft hands making the dough. he kisses your shoulder and trails the kisses to your nap and neck, you smell so good baby, he whisper as he kisses right behind your ear.
once finally done, he helps you withe oven, taking the tray in one hand and hold yours in the other. he leads you there and once set and oven closed, he takes your lower back in the other and start to slow dance with you. he pulls you close and put his head on top of yours. his natural odor and his arms encircling you, makes you feel safe and at peace. the slow movements and his relaxed breathing against your head makes you comfortable, almost sleepy. this is much better than cooking, he whisper to himself. you can barely heard it as his voice muffled because of arms surrouding your head. you hum, knowing he would feel it on his chest, and dig your head deeper, sighing in contentment. he smiles to himself, understanding you also feel the comfort he is feeling at the moment.
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notes : i'm so delulu i need to bake cookies w him asap
perm tag list ( open ) : @allurecile @luvj4key @stwrjvke @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @luvlyhee @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @erenmyman @hoonored @jlheon @ghostiiess @vlaeaex
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delimeats-000 · 11 months
YEEEESSS. mhmmmm. enjoy freaks🫶🏼🙊.
My Canvas
summary: versus tour is over, chris is OBSESSING over you and cant keep away from your neck.🙊
warning: smutty smutty smut smut, idk
pairing: chris sturniolo x girlfriend!reader
i set up a welcome home surprise for the guys. being in the house alone was starting to get to me but i had classes to take care of, so i sadly couldn’t join them.
i start pin up the second side of the banner and i hear the front door open.
they come upstairs to the living room where i have all the decorations to celebrate their return.
“Awww!!” nick says, covering his mouth in shock.
i see chris for the first time in what feels like forever, he drops his bag and opens his arms. i run straight to him almost knocking him over as he lifts me up burying his face in my neck.
“I missed you, baby.” he whispers.
his breath warm on my neck sends a shiver down my spine. i feel him breathe in deep through his nose.
“I missed you too, handsome.”
“You smell good.” he says before i let go trying to get down.
“Noo, dont go yet.”
“Chris I just wanna say hi to Nick and Matt.” i turn to look at them, earning a groan from chris.
the two boys are already cutting into the welcome back cake, i hug them both before going to chris’ room to help him unpack.
“Hey baby.”
i walk up to him after i close the door. i hug him from behind.
“Hey beautiful.” he turns around in my arms. “I missed you so much.”
his head lay against my shoulder while he kisses my neck.
his kisses get more rough as he moves up and down trying to find my sweet spot. i let out a moan as he glides his hands to my waist and hold me tightly. his grip tightens the more he sucks on my soft skin.
“Chris. Fuck- Chris dont leave marks.”
“But baby, its so empty here.” i feel a smile grow on his lips as he continues to kiss and bite at my neck. “You taste so sweet princess, cant help myself.”
“Fuck Chris.” i grab him by his hair and pull him off, he groans clearly upset.
i smash my lips on his and push him down onto the bed behind him. i get on top straddling his waist and kiss him once again.
he tugs at my shirt wanting it off and as soon as it’s over my head he flips me over, he begins kissing down my neck once again. he definitely leaves marks as he goes down my tits to my stomach then back to my lips.
i can feel the bulge in his pants and i wrap my legs around his hips and begin to grind on him from underneath. he lets out moans into my mouth. he gets off of me and starts to pull off his clothes.
“Take off your pants now.”
“So impatient.” i smirk.
his eyes darken as if im only prey to him, “Pants, now.”
i take them off not having the patience to tease anymore.
he gets on top of me again and i watch as he lines up his dick and slowly runs it down my pussy before smacking the tip on my clit.
i let out a moan and he looks at me, his smile is gentle but so dark and it scares me a bit.
he pushes his cock into me with no warning and i cant help but let out a quick scream.
“Good girl, scream for me.”
“Fuck Chris, you feel so good.”
his hand reaches to my throat.
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” his grip gets tighter and his thrusts grow harder. “Ive missed you so much, you’re tight pussy, and your pretty little neck.”
he keeps fucking into me, harder snd faster than before.
“My pretty little canvas. So blank, gotta add some color.” his lips return to my neck and he immediately latches on sucking and biting all over.
“Chris don’t stop, please-” my voice shakes.
“Cum for me baby.” he whispers into my neck.
he keeps thrusting in the same pace hitting all the right spots, i feel his long dick all the way inside me. he’s so deep inside me i wouldn’t be surprised if he really did rearrange my insides.
“FUCK- CHRIS!” my legs shake and he grabs the back of my thighs fucking into me even deeper.
i can feel his dick twitch inside me and he keeps pounding, my cum drips down my pussy to my ass and i let out a final moan before he cums deep inside me. he pulls out and falls onto me resting his head on my chest, he looks up at me.
“Damn. That canvas is colored alright.”
hope you like it, love you🫶🏼
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yandere mother hera x reader x yandere father zeus (forever) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you have always been adventurous, even when you were little you always tried to run from olympus and explore the mortal lands. much to the dismay of your parents who had to chase you down everyday, to stop you from continuing to run and keep you safe with them they promised you that when you had come into your full powers that you could be free to go wherever you want. of course the promise was a lie and they had just hoped that you would forget about it by then but unfortunately for them you never did. today was your birthday and the day that you had finally gotten your full powers, you had planned to leave for the mortal realm as soon as the celebrations ended but your mother wanted you to join her for tea afterwards, you knew how hard it was for her to let you go so you went just to reassure her that you would be alright.
you sat across from your mother in her room, one of her crows laying in your lap as you sipped your tea. hera stared at you a bit sadly, with anger behind her gaze. "so you're leaving so soon? you dont even want to stay until morning and gather your things?" she asks bitterly. you sigh setting your tea cup down. "mother we've talked about this, you and father promised when i was a child that i could go explore the world when i got my full powers, and now that i have you have to follow through on that promise." you explain softly, not wanting to hurt her further. her hands ball into fists under the table but she quickly calms herself down. "we we're not expecting you to remember that by this time" she says before giving a soft smile. "but if you insist and this will make you truly happy then i will not stand in the way." she says standing up with the tea pot, taking it to the other side of the room to refill it. you pause for a moment not believing what she said. "really? i can go?" you ask hopefully. she nods returning and filling your cup wit hmore tea. "yes my darling, if it makes you happy then i will not ruin it." she smiles with a glint of evil behind her eyes, but you miss it picking up your cup. "speaking of, where is father? i haven't seen him since the celebrations." you ask taking a sip of the tea, cringing a bit at its strange taste but not wanting to be rude and tell your mother that she made the tea wrong. "oh he is simply, unpacking some things" she says setting her cup on the table, you miss nearly all of what she said, a sudden headache setting in. you clutch your head a bit grunting in pain. "is something wrong my dear?" she asks with fake innocence. "suddenly i feel quite sick" you say, the room starting to spin. "i think i may go lie down a bit before i lea-" you start, but faint before finishing, the only sound in the room in your cup hitting the ground. before you fell hera managed to catch you with her powers. she sets you back on the chair stroking your hair. "I'm sorry my darling but i could not let you leave me." she says kissing your forehead. a few moments later your father walks in. "are they alright?" he asks walking closer, hera smirks. "of course, i would never hurt them their our child. they're simply unconscious for now. by morning they will have no memory of anything that happened today" she says stroking your hair. zeus leans down and picks you up, before taking you to your room with hera following close. both already discussing the lie they would tell you of how you had gone to the mortal realm and been hurt to the point that you lost your memory, but dont worry they'll keep you safe. after all youre their precious child, why would they ever hurt you? besides now you can remain theirs forever
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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skullvgirl · 4 months
an unexpected contestant : model au | bllk
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incl. isagi, nagi, reo, barou, chigiri, bachira, sae, niko
warnings. fem reader
an's. dedicate to @chxxrybxxmb my idea plug ᡣ𐭩
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❝ YN ! ❞ your manager called to you desperately, peeking her head into the room where you were getting your makeup done. She looked frantic and stressed as ever.
❝ Yes? What's wrong? ❞
She shook her head dispointedly. ❝ It's the boys again, it looks tense in here...❞
Oh lord...
You rolled your eyes and moved from your vanity seat. Your makeup was basically finished anyway and you already had your outfit on, so you carefully made your way outside the room too where the rest of the boys were staying.
❝ What's going on? ❞ you asked politely surveying the scene. It was Isagi ( and the others ) standing as far away from each other as possible looking like they were going to snap each others necks off.
Oh jeez I hope this isn't about...
❝ Oh finally thank GOD your here, now you can just decide for yourself ❞ Bachira sighed, pulling your over too the center of the shoot, beady eyes pleading.
❝ Decide what... ❞ you pondered allowed as the group of boys shared a silent look across the room.
Finally someone spoke up, it was Barou ❝ We want too know who your doing the BAZAAR set with ❞ he asked, looking just as hopeful as Bachira did.
You poped your hip too the sides and groaned, rolling around your tense body.
Of course it's about the BAZAAR set, why wouldn't it be about the BAZAAR set!
The room stayed silent as your loosed your body and you glanced back up too see everyone still standing there waiting for an answer, although your not sure what they wanted you too say considering the set was a whole month away—practically a lifetime too you.
The set was not only the most revealing set you would do this year but it was also going to be the most influential. Which is probably why they wanted to be your partner so bad, it would bring in alot of revenue for the company and give them a boost in their career. Your managers thought it would be the easiest task—just leave it up too the modle themselves, have her pick out a person from a group and be done. But of course you were careful with your decisions and just saying put a name so easily wasn't your thing and in fear of hurting anyones feelings you planned too keep it private.
Looks like thats not an option anymore...
The boys continued to stare at you. ❝ What are y'all looking at? I told you I still haven't made a decision, now scram your inturupting me and Bachira's shoot. ❞ Bachira grinned like a maniac and swooped a hand around your waist while the other boys groaned.
❝ See I told you she wouldn't spil. YN's like an EVVA lock, can't pick her at all! ❞ Isagi said crossing his arms and leaning on the chair.
❝ Doesn't really matter since she'll probably pick me anyways ❞ Nagi yawned, pocketing his phone to observe you and Bachira's position. You ignored him but his statement sadly didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the males.
❝ Unlikely, YN and I have already done the most duo sets together this year, us on BAZAAR would a complete set ❞ Sae said, his arms crossed in defiance to what Nagi said.
❝ You failed to mention a full duo set has too have 12 magazines and not 11 Sae. You only have 10 as of right now. ❞ Reo chimed in, looks like he wasn't backing down either—much too your demise.
Angry filled looks were still spread across the room and the photographers were getting annoyed at their noise. It was time too end this thing.
❝ Alright! Alright That's enough, I'll have made a decision by tomorrow okay? So just leave..your distracting us ❞
The boys seemed pleased with your answer and began filling out of the room one by one. Finally some peace and quiet.
❝ You know I love you the most YN...and i'd love too see you all dolled up for the BAZAAR set❞
❝ Meguru, dont. ❞
❝ Was worth a shot. ❞
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1 month later
❝ YN come onnn, you said you'd tell us who you were gonna pick aggeesss ago! Ages ! And you still haven't What's the hold up? ❞ Bachira groaned as you were now in a room with the rest of the members all of them again waiting for a response.
❝ I wasn't even aware of this to be quite honest with you ❞ Chigiri said, folding his hands together. ❝ Guess theres alot of things that happened while I was away ❞
You sighed, ❝ I guess I can't put it off much longer can I...❞ The boys looked hopeful at that, and was now sitting on the edge of their seats. In the month that had past they all had gone great lenghts to please you, buttering your up with presents and sweetwords trying their best too get on your good side. But that wasn't really what you wanted.
❝ I choose... ❞ They all were holding their breath now. ❝ Niko ❞ You turned too the black haired boy and even under his bangs could see his surprise as well as his relief.
❝ Me..? ❞ He asked softly, almost not believing it.
❝ HIM !? ❞ Reo jumped out of his chair, pointing at the male in betrayal.
❝ What's the big deal? Niko's a great model plus he has the least amount of covers done here, BAZAAR will help him out ❞
❝ B-But I-I bought you a car, a porche ! ❞ he looked appalled at your decision and so did the rest of the boys there.
❝ On whose accord? ❞
He couldn't respond, he was left there gaping and confused.
❝ Niko but he's...he's a rookie? ❞ Isagi questioned. ❝ And I mean come on...a porche YN and porche ❞
❝ Uhn Uhn yall aren't gonna put this on me. Thoes things were from you. I didn't ask for shit. And anyways you wanted to know, now you know stop bothering me about it ❞
❝ Ugh that is so not fair ❞
❝ Meguru, seriously, dont ❞
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an's. i only included everyone I thought could be a model fr 🙏 no ayru cuz idk how to write for him lol
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
How does buggy and Shanks handle their daughters s first period?
Oh Honey- it was a fucking disaster 🤣
I have the Shanks one right here if your interested but I'll do a Buggy one as a quick story!
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Press Here if you Love Buggy <-
Old Man Series Masterlist <-
• Buggy didn't really grow up around girls- So he is inexperienced with periods and such till he started dating you.
• "Where is Bubbles?-" Buggy muttered to himself, noticing immediately that Ari was missing. He looked to see you were with Ali and disapeared to the back to find his missing daughter.
• But since he knew the time would come, he had the conversation with you ahead of time about what to do when that day comes.
• It was Ari and Ali 11th birthday party. Of course he threw a big party, like he did for both sets of twins-
• Buying them all matching nice clothes, stocking up on the best of everything and even going as far as the dock in a place with lots of kids so there were plenty of playmates.
• This was no different from the other parties, the sun just starting to set and the live music was blaring as his ship was packed with people.
• However one thing was off'
• "Ari?...Bubbles?...." Buggy called out, looking around the lower deck to see if he could spot her. After a moment he stepped towards the bedroom that the twin girls shared and heard it-
• Rushing in quickly at hearing his daughter crying he came in to see her face buried in her knees and sobbing.
• Crying?
• "Uhhhhhh Shit"
• "Bubs?-" He stared at her, Her looking up up at him with wide eyes. That's when Buggy sees it- Blood. Staining her pale pink dress to high hell and some on her exposed legs
• Which ment...
• "No No! its fine! It's actually normal!" He said loudly.
• "Get out!" She cried, Lunging forward and slamming the door on his face.
• "B-Bubbles it's alright! Sorry I didn't knock uh-" Buggy stuttered trying to figure out his course of action now.
• "Go away! Im sick!?" She sobbed from behind the door- Buggy panicking himself as he tried to think.
• "W-What?!- How is this normal!?" She sobbed hysterically.
"It means-" Buggy sighed as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. "It means your growing up Bubby-" He said softly, Ari sniffled and wiped her cherry nose.
• Buggy stood there for a second, Hearing her cry. Before sighing heavily himself to calm himself- "Can I come in Ari?" He said softly, sending his hand off to get the supplies he knew you kept in your bathroom.
• After a second the door cracked open and Buggy stepped in slowly, Seeing Ari now seated again still in tears.
• Buggy entered a bit awkwardly but leaned against the wall as he daughter cried.
- "What does this mean?" Ari whimpered, sniffling into her knees.
"I dont like it-"
"Ahh noone does. But thats just part of life" He said a bit sadly. His hand returning with a bag which he tucked to his side at the moment.
"It is your period Ari, it means. That your a woman, like your mother" He started, internally cringing at having to have this talk with her. She looked up to him, as he started to explain- Clearly both of them embarrassed about the situation as Buggy tried to be as mature of an adult about it.
"Oi! The party is just starting Whats going on?" Bee yelled out, Banging on the door. Buggy opening his mouth to yell at his sons to fuck off- but he was beat to him.
"So this is gonna happen for the rest of my life?-" She clarified, Buggy nodding calmly knowing damn well she didn't like that answer.
"Yep until your old and wrinkled like me-"
Ari sighed irritated at this- Groaning in frustration. Buggy could only nod at her reaction-
"Yep. Once a month.. That is why we got these-" He said calmly as he brought the bag out and passed it to her.
"There are instructions inside and I can go get your mother to run down how some of that shit is u-"
"Hey!" Bee called out, smacking the door making father and daughter duo snap back from the conversation. Buggy hand quickly flying up to lock it so the boys didn't barge in- He knew this was already a sensitive situation for Ari and she didn't need her brothers getting in.
Dee starting to argue with Bee about leaving the two- clearly more socially aware.
"GO AWAY!" Ari screamed, making even Buggy jump a bit. Clearly having his lungs it seemed even if she was typically very resevered. He heard the boys scramble away pretty quickly after that. Buggy sighing at this-
"Come on Princess- Let's get you all washed up and we can get you a new dress okay?" He said sincerely, his little girl nodding as he helped her up and escorted her to go use the shower in the master bedroom.
• Buggy quickly gets you to come down from the party, giving a quick run down of the situation to you and sends you off to the bathroom with Ari.
• He knew he couldn't find an exact match and that Ari really liked this dress it being matching to Ali who was still partying upstairs.
• Buggy now tasked with figuring out what to do about the damn dress! He searched through his daughters closet to find something similar for her to wear but failing-
• "You dyed it?" She questioned gently taking it from his hands- feeling the fabric was still ever so slightly damp as well. Knowing he must has used all his strength to dry it as quickly as possible after his quick dye.
• "Think damn it!" He hisses, Looking around at what to do. Before it clicker and he runs to the supply room of the ship-
• You and Ari stepping out into the hall after a while. Ari freshly showered and in comforble clothes- clearly upset and not wanting to go out in her long pajamas for everyone to see and question.
• "It's okay honey-" You try to reassure but Ari face was sour and clearly uncomforble. You sighing and rubbing her back to comfort her.
• In moments Buggy rushed towards you two, you raising an eyebrow at your husband who haf splatters of black over his face and clothes.
• Buggy smiled down at his grumpy daughter-
• "Feeling better?" He asked, getting a shrug in response. He expected as much.
• "Well, if you're still in the partying mood since it is your birthday afterall- I fixed your dress!" He said cheerfully. You and Ari looking surprised at this since their was no way to completely remove such a heavy blood stain-
• Grinning as he pulled from behind his back the dress, now a deep dyed Purple color.
• "Well, Dark dye covers red stains so- Yeah" He said with a grin.
• Ali didn't her own period till a year later 2 weeks before their 12th birthday and at this point Buggy was prepared and mentally almost ready.
• Ari eyes well up with tears and she hugs him tightly. "Thank you Dad!"
• Buggy smiled at this and hugged her back. "Of course Princess, Now go get dressed. Your missing your party!"
• Ari smiled, now clearly happy as she rushed off to her room to change out of the provided PJs and into her new dress.
• You smile at Buggy, Proud of him for handling this so well. Kissing his cheek that didn't have the dye on it "Great Job Honey"
• After that Ari returns to her sister, The two going about eating, Opening presents and more.
• The rest of the party goes off without a hitch-
•Much to Buggy's relief-
• However sends you to handle it anyway-
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hotch33tos22 · 3 months
Over thinkerShoto todoroki x reader
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You’re in your room studying for exams listening to music when you hear the doorbell ring. You wonder who it could be, as you walk downstairs and open the door to find your boyfriend Shoto standing with an umbrella in the cold rain. He looks like he's been crying for his eyes are red and puffy and he keeps sniffling, ”Shoto! W-whats wrong?!” You practically yell bringing him inside “ are you o-okay!!?” You panic..He shakes his head not saying a word as you pull him inside, shutting the door behind him and he sets down his umbrella. He continues to sniffle and whimper softly as he stands there dripping water all over the floor….
“Oh shoto…”.. “I’ll be right back” .. you go into your room and grab a towel and a pair of your biggest clothes for him, returning towards him you hand him the clothes and towel “ change when you come out we can talk or if you stay like that you’ll get sick..”, “Okay…” He nods and replies as he grabs the towel and the clothes you give to him. He goes into the bathroom nearby and changes out of his completely soaked clothes that stick to his skin showing his complexion and into your dry ones. He was drowning in your hoodie but the pants seemed to fit him well, they were just a little short. He walks out of the bathroom looking a lot better than he did before but still looking upset.
“What wrong sho?..” you question him, “come on let’s sit on the sofa..” you tell him worryingly.. He nods once again doing as you say and sitting down on the sofa. He looks down at his lap for a few minutes as he wipes away the last of his tears and before finally speaking “…Can I ask you something?” He questions, “Anything sho!” You hold onto his hand, “You promise you won’t be mad?” -He looks at your hand holding his and grips it, squeezing your hand feeling its warmth.
He lets out a shaky sigh and grips your hand tighter while looking down “You don’t…have romantic feelings for anyone else besides me right?..”, “W-what?!” “What makes you think that?!” You exclaim shockingly, tightening your grip on his hand He lets out a shaky sigh and bites the inside of his cheek, “…There’s this boy in my class, he’s…well he’s pretty or whatever.. and I heard a few people in my class say that you two talk sometimes. I’m just overthinking it…I’m sorry..” you look at him with a confused look and ask “what do you mean? Sho the only pretty boy in class i have my eyes on is you..” you smile at him , He looks up you and gives you a shaky smile. He feels stupid now for even bringing it up and thinking such things “I didn’t mean to upset you I just…I got scared..I love you a lot and I’d be destroyed if you left me…I know I’m stupid for thinking things so easily it’s just…” he sighs..
“Oh sho.. I’d never leave you babe..” you look at him sadly, it pains your heart knowing he thinks this way… does he think you’d leave him for a “pretty boy” everyone finds attractive hell no that’s for sure.
His heart flutters slightly at your words, he lets out a shaky sigh and grips your hand tighter “Really?..You promise you won’t leave me for the pretty boy from your class?..” you scuffed “sho your the only pretty boy in my class… I don’t know any other boy that you could be talking about..” you giggle at his words, He looks away, realizing how stupid he sounds. He lets out a huff and puts his head in his free hand embarrassed “ I feel like a dumbass now..”
You laugh “ Dont say that babe… you’re the only person I’d ever lay my eyes on your my pretty boy…” you smile looking deep into his eyes, “Honestly sho don’t overthink it pains me knowing you think that way..” you kiss his soft lips .. licking your lips in hunger for more kisses.
He lets out another shaky and relieved sigh as you press your lips to his. His free hand rests on your waist and pulls you to sit on his lap. He breaks the kiss for a moment and buries his head into your neck, nuzzling it against your skin
“I’m really sorry for thinking such things…I love you so much…”.. “You should be knuckle head..” you state while playing with his semi wet hair. shivering as you touch his hair a bit wet from the rain. He gives a slight laugh at you calling him a knucklehead, knowing that he kinda deserves it and then nuzzles his head further into your neck as he speaks “I know, I’m sorry again…it’s just the people in my class keep talking about it…about how you and that boy are always talking and stuff…”.
“It’s just school work plus I didn’t want to tell you this but..” you slowly get closer to his ear and whisper “I show you off to him” you smile and you giggle in his ear. He listens to every word carefully and his cheeks turn a light pink. He takes a moment to process what you said, slightly confused at first “Huh? What do you mean you ‘show me off to him’?”, realizing what you had said but not was too late it had to be said “Oh nothing I just ramble about you a lot telling him how much of a good boyfriend you are sometimes I even get off topic on the project we do …” He can’t help but smile a bit, picturing you rambling about him to the boy as you work on projects together. He lifts his head up from your neck and looks up at you, “You really do that?” He questions “I do..”..” it’s kinda embarrassing now that I say it..” you cover your face He smiles gently at how embarrassed you are admitting it.
He gives you a satisfied smile seeing your beautiful face and moves one hand to cup your cheek. “You’re cuter than you give yourself credit for. You know that right?” You blush bright red “S-Sho!!”.. “Don’t say that” you bury yourself in his neck, He laughs at your actions and lets you bury yourself into his neck to hide your embarrassment. He brings his other hand up and runs his fingers through your hair as he smiles and speaks “Why not? I’m just saying the truth…”
You start kissing his neck softly bitting and licking into certain spots.. “Mhh.. I guess..” you breath heavily You immediately tell he’s enjoying the soft kisses on his neck, even letting out a small and shaky breath when you start biting into some special spots. He takes a moment to speak and when he does his voice is shaky and slightly strained… “Keep doing that and I’m…I’m not responsible for what happens next…”
You start kissing his neck softly bitting and licking into certain spots.. “Mhh.. if you say so..”
You continue on to leave him hickeys moving onto his lips.. He immediately melts into you as your lips move from his neck to his lips. He lets out a small hum of pleasure at the feeling as well as from the hickeys you leave. He closes his eyes and slides his tongue out a bit, gently licking over your lips as if asking for entrance into your mouth,You slowly let him inside your mouth moaning from his flavors mouth inside you… He lets out a noise of satisfaction as he slips his tongue into your mouth, immediately exploring every inch of it as he takes the lead of the kiss. The hand holding your waist suddenly grips onto you tighter as his tongue moves against yours, desperate to taste more of you.
You moan as you deeply kiss him passionately describe for his touch, He continues to dominate the kiss, holding you pressed against him as his other hand moves your hair back and out of your face so he can see you. He lets out another shaky breath as he devours your mouth, wanting this moment to last forever. He breaks the kiss for a moment, only to whisper the words, “I love you so much… ” in a soft and shaky voice before delving back in for another deep kiss…
(if you liked my work feel free to check out the rest on my page and follow <3!! Or click the #hotcheetos22 )
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diejager · 9 months
I’m finally working on it @cobwebs-in-autumn
Your Number’s Up Cw: stalking, Ghostface!reader, panic, tell me if I missed any.
The phone rang a third time now, Johnny ignored the first two calls, listening to it ring four five times before it cut to his voicemail, waiting for the caller to leave a message, but they never did. It started getting on his nerves, the fierceness in Johnny only fuelling the irritation boiling under his skin. Before the last beat rang, he picked up the phone, listening to the silence on the other side of the call.
“Hello, Johnny.”
He jumped, eyes widening at the raspy tone of the caller —unknown and strange. The caller knew his name, something he might’ve shared with many, but the tone they used was similar to one he knew intimately, a teasing and rumbling edge. Perhaps it was a prank, someone he knew wanted to play a prank on him. Maybe Gaz was finally able to rope his LT into pulling his leg, but that didn’t explain the cold sweat that broke on his skin, the rapid raise of his hair and the chill he felt when he heard the voice answer him.
“Funny, LT, ” he forced a laugh out of him, his throat tightening so much that he felt like he was choking, “Did Gaz put yer up tae this?”
the line went quiet for a second, he couldn’t hear the caller’s breathing or any sight of life other than the creepy, raspy voice taunting him.
A single word had never sent his heart pummelling down his stomach like this one had, a sense of panic rose in his chest, replacing the tentative mischievous he was preparing to return once he assure who was on the other end of the line. Johnny hadn’t expected someone else to call him with such a menacing air, it played with every trained and beaten instinct into him.
“What’s wrong, Johnny?” The voice on the other side cackled, a cruel and sinister sound, vibrating through his body like an earthquake shattering the earth, “Aren’t you happy to finally meet your stalker?”
His eyes bugled out of its sockets, his nerves were set on fire, mind spiralling out in a frantic search of his memory. He couldn’t remember feeling watched or any indication of him being stalked —Simon hadn’t said a word and that worried him. He hung up without a second thought, his body acting on primal need, to survive and to feel safe, he hung up the phone and quickly sent Simon a message. Johnny needed Simon to call him and to reassure him that this was a mean prank and that he didn’t have a stalker.
When his phone rang, he tapped on the green button without looking for a name, thumb moving instinctively, fully believing he got a call from Simon.
“Why’d you hang up on me, Johnny?”
Johnny felt like his world was crumbling in on itself.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @kaelysian @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake
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