#sad dad is just ‘‘*hell yea man*’’
faded-euphoria · 2 years
ayo whats good hot stuff
you got any headcannons for a gen z reader with tf 141+graves an alejandro perhaps?👉👈
hell yea i do.
CoD men with a Gen Z reader on their team
Imma start this off by saying everyone is worried about your mental health.
Ghost finds some of your jokes funny and relatable
One time you had a nightmare and went to the "living room" of the base and Graves was awake, and he comforted you as awkwardly as any american dad would
You play pranks on everyone and Soap and Gaz joined in with you multiple times, it got so bad that you all made Price think he was passed out for 3 days
You once got emotional around Ghost and told him you loved him.
He stays away from you if you're sad now
On the other hand Soap is right by your side if you're sad, and he 100% knows how to take care of you
If you have a menstrual cycle Price keeps a pocket full of tampons in his gear💀
Alejandro thought you were 10 years older than what you actually are because of how tired you looked when he first met you
You made a joke about offing yourself once near Graves and he took you to his room and gave you an hour long talk about hows he's there for you and its not worth it
Speaking of Graves sends you texts from time to time asking if you need to vent about anything
Laswell keeps an eye out for your mental health too
One time Ghost caught you eating stale goldfish at 3am and promptly got you non-stale goldfish and water before taking the stale ones and eating them himself
If you ever say something too dark in a slightly serious tone the whole team silently agrees that someone has to be by your side at all times for at least a week
You called Price 'papa' once when you were tired and he went to his room and cried a little
But if you ever did that to Graves he'd feel like the proudest man and give you one of those weird half noogie half pat on the head things
Valeria asked Alejandro if you were actually one of 141's kid and he joked about you possibly being Prices but later that night after seeing you interact with Price he now thinks you are the guys kid
You definitely steal Ghost's clothes. More than likely you're smaller than him by a little bit so his clothes are slightly big on you or absolutely gigantic on you and he always feels something giddy inside him when he see you wearing something of his
Gaz made you laugh so hard one time you farted and Soap has never let you live that one down
Rudy saw you crying one time and just patted you on the back and said "Me too, Hermano/a"
they would all be collectively shocked if you can drive, even moreso if you can drive good.
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gamercats-fight · 5 months
Stray Cat from Stray vs [REDACTED] from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. Vote for your fav!!
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Need help picking? Check down here!
Stray cat - Blue Twelve Studio - 2022 - Ginger tabby:
-Because they are from a wonderful game where you can meow
-Very clever, even if not accompanied by their friendly robot! Fast enough to outrun a lot of zurks! Brave enough to venture into dangerous places to try to open the city to reunite with their family! Can knock a chess game over, and curl up on the chest of a robot. Helps a robot grandma get what she needs to make a poncho for someone else.
-kitty faces the horrors and comes out alive. very good
-This is just a regular cat. The game is based on being a regular cat. I think that’s neat.
-This cat is the main character of the video game that they’re in and survived hell and back by traveling within a city where robots and zurks live.
[REDACTED] - CAPCOM - 2010 - Magic black cat:
-He is DEAD and has GHOST POWERS. He can TIME TRAVEL. He has a LOVING CAT DAD as his OWNER and the only family they have left is EACH OTHER. I would go into detail but that would involve spoiling the best mystery game ever written. You should play Ghost Trick. This stupid cat has not left my brain in months. He's haunting me. Which is fitting because he is a ghost. Did I mention he's a ghost cat what is cooler than a ghost cat.
-most special little guy in the world. hes HUGE spoilers for the game btw but um. yea <3
-Because [REDACTED] is the true Schroeder’s cat, he is both dead and alive at the same time and has really cool ghost powers. Also, he can’t read!
-If you haven’t played Ghost Trick, I tragically cannot tell you the spoilers, but this cat is sweet and determined and got a sad man through some rough times.
-I played the game on stream for my friend and they said he reminds them of their own dead cat bc they look alike. A vote for [REDACTED] is a vote for Riley!
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Please, don’t leave
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Falling in love has its moments. With you and the youngest Dixon? Neither of you knew the other’s feelings. Life started to block that out…until the outbreak shook everyone still standing. Then as the gates opened, there you stood. • ANGST/SFW • TW: Anxiety Attacks / Past Abuse / Injuries / Scars / Canon Violence / Messy confessions • Flashbacks
Requested by: @ravenrose18
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Once Y/N had finished barricading the door, she dropped her pack up against it before finally relaxing after running from a few mercenaries—at least that what she thought they were, and an approaching herd. Hence the barricading of the house she’s held up in until it passes.
She tiredly threw herself onto the couch in the room she was in, finding herself staring at the ceiling for an unknown period of time. Her exhaustion was starting to get to her the longer she laid there.
“Remember runnin’ from my old man?”
“How could I forget?” Y/N laughs bringing an arm behind her head for support. “Running from your dad was easier compared to mine. He didn’t like you”
“Mm. Yeah but at least I didn’t break your cheekbone before prom night” the youngest Dixon sat himself up against the couch fiddling with what looked to be a piece of tied string but it was a friendship bracelet he refused to wear. “Yea think you’ll make it out of here?”
“I’m still looking for you aren’t I?”
“Wouldn’t have to be looking if you didn’t run away in the first place” His words hurt, even if they were hers as she slowly fades into unconsciousness. “I’m still out there, bunny”
“You’re still out there…”
The youngest Dixon, Daryl Dixon, had one best friend in the world. Y/F/N Y/L/N. As sad as it was, you shared a lot in common with the whole abusive parent(s) making your life a living hell. But you had each other. It made life worth living having someone who understand and a gateway from the harsh reality.
But one night, Y/N ran away. From all of it. Leaving Daryl alone in the world to end up helping his brother with his illegal nonsense up until the outbreak happened. When he lost him too, he thought this was it for him.
Especially when his own arrow impaled him and the blood loss was too much.
Daryl did his best to keep awake, even if the world was sort of spinning due to the blood loss. He laid back for a moment, just a moment.
“You seem to be in a bit of a pickle, baby brother” Merle laughs kneeling to his side and resting his head in his hands. “Is this for Y/N? Searching for her again like you did countless times before we got stuck with this group”
“We…weren’t stuck with this group…they’re good people”
“That’s good. You deserve good people”
Daryl turns to the opposite side of his brother finding Y/N looking at him with that beautiful smile of hers.
“I came out here…for Carol’s daughter. She’s lost…and I can’t find her”
“She’s somewhere, D” Y/N reassures, at least what he needs to hear. “You’ll find her. And me”
“Why’d you leave” Daryl sobbed laying back into the dirt. “Why’d you leave me all those years ago…”
“Oh Daryl…” Y/N frowns bringing herself close to Daryl resting her hand on his chest. “You’re only going to hear what you want to hear…which will only be a possibility”
“Please don’t die…” He sobbed and next thing he knew, he was fighting off a walker.
The hours turned into days as Y/N didn’t know she was moved from her spot. Surprised she was even found. But when a certain someone who’s known to get in and out of places without a trace comes through the neighborhood in search for items, he managed to get into the house she barricaded herself in.
Next thing Y/N knew, she was waking in an unknown location without most of her clothes and an IV in her arm. Which only made her panic and rip the thing out. Because it’s the apocalypse, she hasn’t ran into those bastards yet. But she can believe that there are some sick fucks experimenting on healthy individuals with the undead walking around.
It didn’t click to Y/N that she wasn’t wearing pants and a shirt when she ripped the IV out and sprung up out of bed because again, she thought she was being experimented on. Being a horror fanatic in the old world sucks now. So when she stumbled out of the building…or trailer she was in. The community outside in that moment stared at her in her underwear and tank top which lead to her realization and quickly stumbling back into the trailer.
“Where the fuck am I” Y/N frowns pressing her back against the door before spotting a pile of neatly folded clothes on a chair. Something better not burst out of my chest (Alien) She thought as she approaches the clothes finding a note along with the pile but she ignored it to get re-dressed. Or a fucking little reptile jumping me and eating me alive (Jurassic Park) She groans realizing her arm was bleeding from her stupidity ripping the IV out and took note that she was in the medical trailer.
Once Y/N patched her arm up, she finally read the note that instructed her to go to the only actual house in the community to talk with whoever saved her…and more.
“Ah! You’re awake” The unfamiliar man rose to his feet approaching Y/N when she entered the Barrington House. “I should probably explain how you got here”
“If I had my knife I’d threaten it on yea to tell me that information. But I honestly just wanna know where the fuck it is” Y/N frowns as the man quickly drew himself back to the couch he was sitting on and picking up her belongings handing it all to her. “Okay…maybe I won’t threaten you for how nice you’re being. But I have questions”
“Okay, I’m here to answer them”
“Your name?”
“Paul Rovia, but everyone here calls me Jesus” Jesus smiles sitting on the arm rest of the couch watching Y/N hug her backpack. “Uhm. Yours?”
“Y/N. Just Y/N…uh. How did you find me?”
“My group and I were on a run to look for medicines and frankly anything that could help us. We have a garden going on but you can’t speed the growth to those things so yknow. Scavenging. But I went to this one house that was barricaded. Only the front door was so I found my way in and saw you lying unconsciously. You looked like you were in poor condition and we have a doctor here.” Jesus explained watching her tense shoulders relax. “Yeah he’s an OBGYN but yknow you have to go through—-“
“Residency so you explore your options before picking a specialty.”
“Well we are certainly benefitting by your presence if you are also a doctor”
“I dropped out of med school, but I know enough” Y/N shrugs. “And what makes you think I want to stay here…I…I’m kind of looking for someone” she frowns realizing how impossible that’s going to become as she makes her way to sit on the single loveseat diagonal from Jesus.
Jesus noticed the change in emotion as he thought of something that could lighten her mood. “How about we make a deal? You help out with the community, and you can come on runs with me. During those moments we can look for whoever it is that you’re looking for”
“It’s gonna be hard”
“How so?”
“He knows how to be untraceable. He’s a hunter”
“Your husband?”
I wish
“Why are you giving me this?” Y/N laughs a bit confused and not entirely surprised that her best friend gave her a survival multi-tool with the signature piece being the knife.
“Self defense from that bastard of a father you’ve got” Daryl scoffs taking a hit from the blunt they were sharing, as he kicked his feet at the end of the dock.
“I will keep this in mind when he hits me next…but I know I can’t win those fights”
“Well yknow to run away to the lake house if yea need me” He nudges her gently, handing the blunt to her as she took the offering then a hit after.
“Is he alright?”
“Just adjusting to the new people. He said he needed a minute alone” Carol tells Rick as the two were watching the archer sit in the middle of the field looking up at the stars. “I’ll check on him in a bit”
“Alright…I’m gonna turn in, keep me posted” the retired sheriff squeezes her shoulder on his way into the prison leaving her to continue watching her best friend sit alone.
Daryl frowns thinking about how she could be out there…scared and alone for all he knows. His anxiety started to eat at him while he unconsciously tugs at the bracelet he was wearing.
“Merle’s gone…you can’t be gone too”
“Who can’t be gone?”
Half expecting Carol, but was met with Carl and his curious self. Daryl shook his head ignoring the young Grimes as he plopped himself down beside him.
“How’d yea go unnoticed by Carol?”
“Oh. So you know she’s stalking you?”
“Wouldn’t call it stalkin’. She’s worried about me, I know that much”
“What exactly does she have to be worried about?” Carl asks, even more curious as he sits beside Daryl at a respectable distance. Eventually looking up at the stars and finding how calm it is.
“Promise yea won’t say anything” Daryl asks listening to the quiet yes from Carl before getting into it. “I wanna leave. Not forever. But just until I find someone”
“You lost someone out there?” Carl frowns looking at his friend watching him nod. “But what’s the issue? Knowing you it wouldn’t be that hard”
“The thing is kid? I’ve been looking for years. Way before the outbreak” Daryl frowns continuing to tug at the bracelet. “So it wouldn’t be smart to just. Wander aimlessly in a walker infested world.”
“…You think that this person is looking at the same stars we are? I can find comfort in that”
“Sometimes, yer smarter than yer old man.” Daryl laughs slightly, laying back down in the grass staring up at the stars.
“How’d you get up here?”
Y/N turns to Jesus as he found her on top of the trailer she’s currently living in. She smiles with a small laugh as she returns to looking at the stars.
“I’m not revealing my secrets”
“Well guess I ain’t sharing either cuz I think I know. Given I got up here” He laughs bringing himself to sit beside her staring up at the stars. “You thinking about that special someone?”
“Yeah. Hopefully he’s looking at the same set of stars as I am”
“Cheesy. But I like it” Jesus smiles laying back to look at the stars a bit better. “You know. Ever since you came here, you’ve been a big help with thriving the community. Maybe when this other half of yours comes by, he’s willing to also help”
“Maybe” Y/N smiles continuing to look at the stars, watching Jesus point out a shooting star.
“I bet I can guess yours and this guy’s wish”
I wish to see her again
I wish to see him again
As Daryl drives his truck into Y/N’s neighborhood, half expecting no activity at the hour he came by in. The other half expecting Y/N to be waiting for him on the curb. But once he turned into the cul-de-sac he was met with police sirens in front of her home. He decided to pretend he was just somebody using the road to turn around in but as he got slightly closer he noticed her mother sobbing and her father yelling at the cops they were talking to.
Even if they were abusive to the only person he cared about on the planet, Daryl couldn’t help but feel for them and realize.
Y/N chose one of her nuclear options.
It didn’t take him long to get to the lake house they would sneak off to to escape the world. Given he didn’t care for traffic laws. She didn’t have a car so that couldn’t give her away, the hue of little light they’d have from lanterns wasn’t noticeable, and honestly every sign he tried to come up with that would tell him she was there—-weren’t there.
“Y/N!” Daryl yells upon entering the place as he immediately went to the living room, then the outdoor porch, and even ran to the end of the dock. Not like it wasn’t obvious when someone would be there, but he went down the mental list of where the two hang out most.
Upon re-entering, Daryl finally noticed the little light coming from a small lantern in the kitchen. He quietly approaches it and the moment felt staged. The light hit a note written to the youngest Dixon as it was accompanied with one of those string friendship bracelets that he told Y/N a number of times that he would never wear it. But he ignored that for the time being and read the note.
I’m tired, D. I couldn’t take it anymore and I had to leave.
I love you and I’m sorry
The tears came on strong, burning his eyes, and making him want to rub at his eyes until they stopped. But they never did.
She’s gone
Gone forever…huh
Jesus, of course, gets himself into trouble and especially with the main group that aren’t going to trust someone easily anymore. But with the promise of going to his community, came a road block of a few of his own getting into an accident.
“If this is another trick, hear for my whistle. And then shoot him” Rick tells Maggie watching her nod before entering the building first as the rest follow.
Leaving the two alone for a moment.
“I didn’t mean to get in trouble with your leader. My community just. Our leader got stuck in a predicament. Lost some people and supplies”
Maggie frowns lowering her weapon knowing internally he wasn’t going to do anything. Expect stand there with her, waiting for her group to help with part of his.
“You look tense. More than the start of the ride over”
“My best friend was in this group. She’s one of the only good fighters we’ve got…I’m just afraid that something worse happened to her after getting out of the crash. I made a promise to her. It will eat me alive if she died and I didn’t give the one thing she wanted out of years of knowing her”
“My family knows what they are doing”
Jesus turns to Maggie with a small smile and hoping even harder that nothing happened.
His people were simply hiding away for a moment, in hopes more of their own would come and get them. Thankful for the people that Jesus ran into.
“Come on, let’s go” Daryl tells one of his people as he held his hands up to him and Glenn but didn’t budge.
“I can’t leave without my friend. She got hurt in the crash” He nervously states watching the two look at each other for a moment but they knew they weren’t leaving without all Jesus’s people.
Abraham’s mind has been in a fog for a while that when he ran down the hall to take out a walker. He was met with a woman cowering slightly with his intense presence, especially when her life was almost met with an end.
“It’s cool. I’m a. Used to it by now” Y/N’s body continued to shake as she was dealing with a bit of road rash and a head lac.
“Come on!”
“Abraham, let’s go. Carry her out if she’s in shock” Glenn chimes on his way past following the man Y/N was currently fixated on the voice. Before Abraham could grab her, she immediately ran after the first voice she heard other than the man that almost killed her.
Once Y/N stepped out of the building, looking a bit like Carrie with the amount of blood on her. Most was hers. Other was…well, they are stuck in the crashed vehicle. Jesus instantly beamed.
“Oh thank fuck you’re okay Y/N”
Y/N. Wait a fucking minute Daryl quickly whipped his head toward the woman slowly and cautiously approaching him. She hasn’t really changed…except for a few more scars and her hair being longer. She was still his Y/N.
“I thought you were dead…after the first few years, I really thought you were—-“
“Daryl…I don’t. My adrenaline is fading…so it’s kind of really hard to…believe this is…real or another hallucination” Y/N stumbled a bit and before she completely collapsed, Daryl quickly caught her picking her up bridal style and going back to the RV to let Harlan take care of her with what he has.
Daryl’s eyes haven’t left Y/N’s person the entire ride back to the Hilltop. Of course the two reunite when something bad happens to one of them. But he knew she would pull through from this, she’s a fighter.
Once the RV reached the walls of the Hilltop, the group stepped out and followed Jesus inside as Daryl followed Harlan the entire time he picked up Y/N, got her out of the RV, and started to make his way to the infirmary trailer which he informed Glenn and Maggie about on the ride over. Part of Daryl stuck with his group but his mind was elsewhere when he entered the Barrington House. Expecting Jesus to point it out, Maggie did.
“Go to her, Daryl. We’ve got this much covered” Maggie tells him as his eyes looked over to Rick watching him nod. Not that he needed permission. But it was a new community to them. He also wanted to meet this leader…that was problematic all on his own.
Right as Daryl approached the trailer door, Harlan stepped out and quickly gave the archer a smile.
“Just the man I’m looking for. At least, by patient’s request”
“She’s awake?”
“Yeah and you were the first thing she asked about. She also made me make sure she wasn’t concussed…but she is a bit. So. Don’t pinch her if she asks “are you real?” or not. She’s taken more than just a head lac and road rash” Harlan warns mainly for them to be a bit careful with a more conscious reunion.
As the doctor stepped away from the trailer letting Daryl step in and stare at Y/N like he’s seen a ghost. She had the same stare toward him before breaking the silence.
“I really thought you died. But uh. Not until after a year in the outbreak”
“…why’d yea leave?” Daryl frowns, immediately touching that topic as he leaned against the adjacent wall from her seated position on the cot.
“I mean…we are adults. I shouldn’t have to sugarcoat anything to you”
“Did your dad hurt yea badly again? Or your mom? Is that why you left”
“Yes…and no. I was…heartbroken and dealing with more than just that. That I had to leave. I know now how selfish that can be given I could’ve just gone to you and we would’ve…I don’t know”
“We would’ve found a way out together” Daryl states avoiding the distance and sitting beside Y/N feeling her hand instantly rest on his knee as the look of relief in her face washed over her. He’s real. This isn’t you saying what you want to hear.
“My dad found out that I broke up with his best friend’s son, and the reason why I did…because I obviously didn’t love him or even liked him for the matter…” Y/N frowns keeping her eyes toward the ground to avoid his. “He…pulled my arm out of my socket when I tried to run away the first time. To avoid anything further, once I got it put back in…with an injured healing arm I got the fuck out of there. Couldn’t call you because I left my phone at home. Left everything he and my mother could find me with and just. Went West until I came back in hopes to talk to you…then the outbreak happened”
Daryl felt her hand tremble slightly as she pulls away but he carefully took said hand that was once on his leg and into his hand for her to squeeze.
“What was the reason…cuz yer old man would’ve just found another suitor”
“I was in love with my best friend” Her words hit him like a truck as he squeezed her hand carefully, feeling her other rest on top of their conjoined ones. “Of course he thought I was gay and I know his homophobic ass wouldn’t like that. But I corrected him. Because I wanted my family to know who my best friend was and how important he was to me that he stole my heart instantly…I was just too afraid to say anything until now”
“why didn’t you say anything sooner…or runaway to me?”
“When you go to the lake house, and hear your best friend in the throws with another woman.” Y/N felt the tears slowly fall off her cheeks as Daryl tried his best to ignore his threatening his waterline. “You didn’t want to tell him that you left for more than just your parents. You left because…you thought you would never be good enough for him”
“You’re good enough for me, you’re more than good enough” He scoffs. “I’ve always been in love with you, I was too coward to say anythin’”
“It’s been years…and you still do?…as much as me?”
“More even” Daryl lifted his head to look her in the eye as she knew she was crying but notice the stray tears that fell here and there from his own. “I never stopped looking for you. Only times I did was when I was runnin’ from the horrors of the old and new world. But you never left my mind. All I wanted was to be with you.”
“And here we are” Y/N sobbed pressing her forehead against his, feeling the cot shift when he brought himself closer wrapping his arm around her. She eventually brought both her arms around him moving her face to the crook of his neck as Daryl caged her in his embrace keeping mind of her injuries even if she first didn’t care about them.
“Please, don’t leave me again”
“I’m stuck to you like glue, D. I’m never leaving again”
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nerves-nebula · 3 months
I usually take it in stride and it really doesn’t bother me at all so don’t let this discourage you- but I was going through my csa tag and MAN. it is kind of sad to know that I’m like. The person that like 30 people have gone to to ask if they experienced csa. And that way more have gone to confess their experiences to.
Like, and I don’t mean this as a dig but- I’m an irreverent blogger who posts about funny shit and vents. I constantly make jokes about really dark subject matter & my own trauma. I make art about my OCs and I’m best known for an original tmnt iteration where the turtles get sexually abused by their dad.
And I’m the one you turn to for this? both of us anonymous, you don’t know me, but you came to me because (I assume) you’ve got no one else you can be sure will respond well to the kinds of questions you need to ask. I try my best but chances are I’m probably younger than some of you. And I’m the first one you think of. ME. I’ve never even been to real therapy!
It’s flattering and a little funny (I guess being ok with discussing csa is like. My brand now haha) but like. Societally? It’s a bit sad. It’s unfortunate that there isn’t a better way or a better resource to ask these questions to or get reassurance from.
Recently I was helping a classmate -a near stranger who was graduating like a week after this happened- with taking down their final art project. I mentioned jokingly while complimenting their work that I mostly make art about CSA, but it isn’t usually as good as the thing they made. At hearing this they basically jumped at the chance to tell me about their experiences.
Usually people just say “oh wow” or something like “well it’s an important topic” so having found someone who related was refreshing
But it made me realize that just being able to say the words is probably why a lot of people talk about it in my inbox. I got the impression that this person hadn’t found anyone willing to bring up the topic at all, to the point that they were spilling their guts to a near stranger.
And yea it makes me a little sad. I’m not an expert or a resource, and I barely just stopped being a kid, hell I’m not even always coherent! but I might also be all someone has just because I’m like. Too autistic to stop myself from bringing up child sex abuse every few days??
I don’t know where I was going with this lol. It’s very late and I should sleep
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witchinatree · 1 month
magnus protocol episode 26 ramble
the academic victim era continues. i like putting my lil personal bits at the beginning of these i think it humanizes me
ok. i have to pause mid intro song. i just hit my bowl of snap pea crisps and spilled them everywhere and i'm going to tweak
3 of them fell on the floor.. but they're kinda expensive so we don't get to have them very often.. is it worth it..
i ate them i don't care
this has become more about me than the episode i'm gonna unpause it now
we're so back
celia at work core!! she dgaf!!!
MEET HELEN. pls don't be a tory in this universe pls pls pls pls. i didn't fw human helen at all i am less excited than i was about basira but also basira was one of my all time favs forever
hiii aliceeee <333
magnusing is so me tbh if you think about it
so does alice's voice have a slight hint of that effect they use for chester and norris to anyone else or.. like she sounds computer-y and i don't know if it's just the microphone or something real
"take protection" "jesus christ!" "LIKE A BIG KNIFE OR SOMETHING" CRYING. see my mind didn't go there sam so what's up with that sam huh sam
the hell does celia have in her workbag wtf. queen what. it's the trauma "are you sure that thing is legal?" LMFAOOOOOO
ok i don't like you saying nauseas because i'm on TWO medications that make me nauseas and i just ate pls don't be gross
DAMN. i was gonna be like JARED? HOPWORTH? but it's jared 'smith.' gerard jared is kind of like michael
P.E. teachers creep me out but probably because the only one my high school has ever officially had got fired my freshman year for spanking girls in the locker room and they never actually replaced him they just had various sports coaches take over
yea this is freaking me out already i don't like it
oh that's so sad the dad fucking died poor kid omg
wtf was he possessed by the soul of cross country. what is the horror here. ohh running for his life ok thanks
oh so the horror isn't mr jared it's what happens to him i guess. sorry man i shouldn't have called you creepy
this is just how my friends describe morning cross country practice
yeah so i was right to quit cross country in 5th grade then!!! running IS the horror!!!!
NOT THE TAPE RECORDER WTFFFFF IS THIS ERROR. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ARCHIVIST.............................................................................................................................................................................................
we were right guyss it's an archivist...
yes alice connect those dots!!! connect them babe!!!!! i'm scared though to be honest with you
has celia shut down. oh my god she sounds really scared. probably because helen tried to eat her in another universe.
CELIA'S SO SCARED HONEYYYYYYY. wait now she's bringing up the magnus institute LMAOO
bloody big basement lmao it's where they keep the bodies
at least 20 years? it burned down 20 years ago? who's reaching out after it burned what
celia you are being watched honeyyy you are you need to connect some dots. alice style. obsessed with her.
calling her baby goblin after that baby episode that celia was mentioned by name in hello. hello.
ok sam let's go no longer being as selfish thanks sam.
awe that's adorable i actually think he's been really nice lately holy shit.
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shadows-from-helvete · 2 months
Introduction about Adam
(before anybody comes at me they are aged up a few years. And I think Natasha should break up with Markus until then and come together with Vanessa. So yea just a headcanon of mine so you don't wonder. Also going to answer any questions I may have about him)
-Adam Dahl -Also known as Adam the Panther under his old team
-16 years old
•=Gender & Sexuality=•
-Homosexuell & Non-binary
-Sebastian Dahl (Father) -Natalie Dahl( Mother,left when Adam was 12)
-German🇩🇪(Father side)/Norwegian🇧🇻(Mother side)
-Is living in Grünwald with his Father after moving back here. In the middle of everything in a small apartment
-A 4 year old black male German Shepard named Boomer and a 3 year old female White swiss Shepard named Marshmallow. -An aquarium with shrimp
•=School & Class=•
-Highschool(Gesamtschule) and Grade 10
-Good friends:Jojo,Vanessa,Deniz,Marlon,Raban
-Friends:Leon(would still kick his ass all the time because he annoys Adam)
-Seem nice: Willi,JoJo's mom, Leon&Marlons dad,Edgar,Deniz Father(dilf energy)
-Finds them weird:Hatschi(doesn't trust him and doesn't know him that well)
-Ew:Markus dad
-Hell na!:Siegers,Natasha
-has crush on:Markus
-Used to play soccer and be a keeper but after an accident he needed to stop play soccer. The accident was also the reason they moved. -Really enjoys drawing,making music and exploring the forest
-Skintone:very light(bro doesn't get brown no matter how long in the sun)
-Eyes:Dark moss green
-Nose:more on the average side
-Face shape: sharp
-Hair: longish hair that is black on the roots because the hair colour grew out. Black fades to dark and a bit lighter blue. Bangs are tight back or gelled back. One hair strain in his face.
-special markings: has a birthmark under his right eye
•=Clothing style=•
Style: sometimes more emo sometimes more punk or metal or something between depending on the mood.
-Mostly to lazy to dress up so he mostly keeps it basic.
-Loves his leather jacket,leather boots and battle jacket with lots of patches from his favourite bands like Tokio hotel,Mayhem,Metallica,Nirvana,Skillet Slayer ect.
-Wears eye shadow when he's outside all the time.
-Adam also loves to do corpse paint but doesn't do it that often and if just at home for pictures
-Adam was living with his dad and mom until he was 12. His mother left his father for another man and never came back. It was a pretty hard time for him but he wasn't really sad, just really angry. He changed school one time became they moved into another part of the city when he was 13. He was more an outcast because of his blue hair and the way he was so of course be got bullied which didn't botherd him to much even tho he has mental problems since he was younger and they just got more and worse over time.
-Loved soccer and drawing since he was younger and to that day still draws. When they moved he got into a soccer team and they got along pretty well. At the age of 14 he had his last game. Adam was a keeper and was pretty good at it. He was holding almost everything. His team won the game. It wasn't anything special just a simple game against another team. But one of the members of the other team weren't so happy about it. Turned out this kid was known for aggression problems and so he turned to Adam and yelled at him at first. It was probably a coincidence that he picked Adam . He got closer to him and without thinking he kicked Adam in the kneecap out of anger which made him fall to the ground. Long story short he kicked Adam in such a weird and bad place that his kneecaps were damaged so he couldn't walk properly for a few months and even tho he can walk normally now he can't play soccer or much other sport anymore. This is why they moved to Grünwald and Adam acts like he doesn't know anything about soccer or played it. He thinks its better than explaining why he doesn't play anymore ect.
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(Picture of 14 year old Adam before his last game with his team next to him)
-At first the bunch thought the new kid was one of the Siegers because of his style but after JoJo saw Adam with a pigeon he found and talked to him he found out he was pretty cool. So from that on JoJo forced Adam to come to there training a few times or hang out with them because as JoJo means he needs to go out more and be more social.
-2 years after the kneecap incident he tries to go back to soccer even tho it's hard but he tries. Also sometimes asks Willi for advice
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(black eye and Bandage because he got into a fight with the Siegers and they kicked his ass)
-he gets along with the bunch pretty well as well as Willi but sometimes he really wants to kick Leon's ass because this little shit can be annoying.
-had a crush on Marlon and Markus and struggles because he doesn't know if he should have something for both.is stupid and doesn't notice the signs
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konigsblog · 1 year
"earl grey, please."
- ghost x f!reader (ongoing story)
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you and ghost had been childhood best friends who separated after highschool, but one day at your café you meet once again.
warnings: angst, brief mention of simons dad (not detailed)
chapter one, second time meeting you.
the sounds of blenders, customers and kettles going off filled your ears, you worked at a café called, "thanks-a-latte" it was a stupid name. you came up with it when you were 18, fresh out of highschool after failing most of your exams. something to cry about at the time but looking back you weren't all that upset now.
a customer infront snapped you out of your thoughts. "earl grey, please." a gruff voice spoke, you couldn't help but notice the balaclava he was wearing, most of the time people wore those whilst stealing. "uh- yea, can i get y-you anything else?" you stuttered, because of slight fear and the fact that you weren't paying attention before. "ham and cheese croissant." the throaty voice spoke, this time with a calmer undertone to it "for here or to go?" "for here."
as you were preparing his earl grey, a nostalgic feeling came to you. was it the voice? a thick manchester accent did sound familiar to you, but you lived in manchester, so why wouldn't it be familiar? "ham and cheese croissant and your flat white, sir!"
you watched as the man lifted his balaclava to take a sip of his drink, he pulled a phone out and started texting? was he meeting someone? why did you care so much? you should be paying attention to your job. but, you still couldn't guide yourself to stop looking at this man, you probably looked like a creep.
a man with a mohawk walked, throwing a wave and a smile to the man as he walked up to you. "hm, macchiato and a brownie, please!' his scottish accent was clear through his cheerful voice. "sure, for here or to go?" you asked, and just as you thought, a couple minutes later he was with that familiar man.
what was it that you couldn't shake off? whilst taking orders you couldn't help but think, a old friend? and thats when it hit you, that specific voice, the coarseness of it and how rough it was reminded you of a old friend. simon.
but when you turned back all you saw was an empty table with empty cups. sighing at your stupidness, you went back to making this woman her latte.
you laid awake on your bed, "1:57am" read back on the clock as you glanced over at it. a wave of regret and sadness formed in your eyes. it wasn't like he was a customer who came often, that could've been a sign from god to go speak to your childhood best friend, and you blew it away because you couldn't remember him.
"simon, what the hell?!" both of you laughed, you picked up a snowball and threw it. it hit him directly in the nose, you doubled over, laughing at his face. this went on for another hour. throwing snowballs at eachother. it maybe have seemed stupid for two 16 year olds to be playing in the snow, but why did you care? you were with your best friend, that was all that matters.
you always brought simon over to your house, knowing what his dad was like you wanted to show him what a real family is, what it should be like. your mum poured you both a hot chocolate, scolding you both for being immature enough to catch a cold. she treated simon as her own, like her own son. made sure he was sure that he didn't want to stay over or making sure he didn't go hungry. you cleaned up his bruises and scratches that he endured and gave him the love he should've received.
tears started forming in your eyes, you remember the day he told you he would be joining the army. you knew that you couldn't stop him, it was his life, if he wanted to do that he should go forward but you couldn't help the weeping and tears rolling down your cheek as you waved him goodbye that one day in june.
"[name], i need to talk to you." your ears perked at his voice, you loved his voice, the roughness of it was somehow comforting. "yeah, what's up?" smiling at him, "i'm gonna be joining the SAS." pushing back the "what ifs" you smiled at him again, "oh." your voice broke, not knowing what to say. "are you sure?" you asked, trying to distract him from the wetness of your eyes. "yes, i'm gonna be leaving in june." it was may, "love, please don't cry." shit, he noticed. he pulled you in for a hug, his scent, he smelt like a forest, earthy. "i don't want you to die, please be safe when you go." you dampened his shirt. "i'll try, darling."
although you and simon never entered a relationship with eachother, you would be ready to drop anyone just for him.
but atleast you know he's alive?
end of chapter one, im not sure if you guys are gonna want this series but ill try post the next chapters soon!
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aleksa-sims · 10 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
I was at my grandparents. N. was there a few minutes before me, but he picked me up from that dark alley that made me so scared. My Grams sent him down to me, when I called her earlier. N. was a little worried about me. I didn’t talk to him. I didn't want to and I also couldn't. I was somewhere else with my thoughts. To be honest, I was thinking about Daniel and that horrible night a few months ago. Once I entered my grandparents' apartment, even more memories of the time with D. came up. There were some pics of our wedding on the walls. And right here in my old bedroom, Daniel proposed to me. While I was looking at all our family pics, I noticed something. There were pics of Ana, my Cuz M. my Dad & me. But what happened to my uncle’s photos? Why did my Grams take his pictures off the wall?
I wanted to ask my Grandma, but she immediately started talking about my pregnancy. She asked me to keep my Baby. No matter what worries & fears burden me, my Baby is a gift from above, she said. Yea, my Gram's deeply religious. Anyway! It was pretty late. I just wanted to go to bed so I postponed our conversation until the next day. But before I did, I asked my Grams if she was mad at my uncle? Why else are his photos missing, you know? I once mentioned at the beginning, that my uncle has an illegitimate child but none of us knew about it for a long time. 14 years! Well, now it came out! And my Cuz M., moved in with my grandparents for a while, because he was also totally mad at his Dad. His mom left his Dad! She wanted a divorce. So my uncle that stupid fraud, was now all alone in his house for which he can repay the loan alone. His wife just wanted to get away from him! I would do the same in her place.😡
Back to me. I unpacked my bag. I brought some clothes, bcs I had planned to stay here for a while. I was sad. My Mom and Dad also had probs with each other. ..... Ugh, and in my bedroom where even more pics of Daniel & me. I felt sorry for Nico. This all must feel pretty crap for him to be constantly compared to Daniel. I decided to put away my wedding photos. Nico was still in the living room with my Grampa. My Grampa liked N.! It's always been that way. He could talk to Nico for hours about soccer. He wanted to know everything about N’s job. But I think Nico didn’t mind talking to my Grampa about his soccer career. Normally he is more used to rejection, when it came to that. I mean his Dad (mine too actually), he was always against N. playing soccer, as you know.... I took my cosmetic bag and was on my way to the bathroom. I opened my bedroom door and saw Nico standing in the hallway with my Cuz M.
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Mario (to N.): I really wasn’t expecting you here. Hm!🤷‍♂️ Nice to see you again, dude.
Nico: Yea, same.... I didn’t mean to stop you, but would be nice if you could tell me which of those doors here, leads into your cousin’s room. I don’t wanna burst into your grandparents' bedroom.😅
Mario: Ana or Aleksa? Ha? 😜🤣
Nico: Ana?? Hell, no! I haven’t even seen Ana since A. and I got back together.
Mario: I was totally confused  when I saw Philip with Aleksa last year. He was Ana's bf! I-... I had no bloody clue what was going on there! She even said you knew about it. Is that true man? Did you really want that??
Nico: Uhhm,..... won't talk abou that. But she did nothing wrong! I..... demanded certain things from her and this one thing was.............. stupid! But I didn’t take advantage of your cousin or anything. I loved her. So much. Maybe too much. 🫤🤷‍♂️
Mario: Aghh... Honestly? I don’t wanna hear any details. I was just surprised you agreed, that’s... all. And A.'s room's back there. Last door on the left. Right next to it, is my bedroom so.... keep it  quiet pls. But haven’t you been here before? You should know where her room is.
Nico: No, I’ve only been to your grandparents' house with her, but, never here. I just used to pick her up a few times from here.
I went to the two to say hi to my baby Cuz. We talked a bit more. Especially about M.'s ugly room. It used to be his Dad’s. My Grandparents apartment is ....old! Older than my Dad & uncle, that's for sure. My room looked nicer! My Grams always took care of Ana's & my stuff. My sis and I were much more often here, than our Cousin. That’s why his room looked a bit neglected and was often used as a kind of....big storage space... Before Nico came to the bathrom with me, he went over to M.'s room. My Cuz borrowed him a shirt and some shorts for sleeping, so he doesn’t have to sleep naked. And they also talked about their dumb Dad's! This one thing, they had in common now.
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Hm, I wouldn’t mind N. sleeping naked next to me, I thought, as I watched him take a shower. I didn’t want to be mad at him anymore, but that damn Stephanie!!! He dumped me again two days ago, just because his stupid ex fiancée made drama like last time. Agh, it didn’t go on like that! I had to sort it out with him and talk about it. But... I really didn’t feel like talking about Stephanie that night. So I just kept doing my skincare....
Nico: I'm sorry..... Won't you talk to me?☹️
Me: What can I say??? ... It’s always the same. I ask you to stay with me, you promise, but then you leave anyway. This is the third time you’ve left me because of her.
Nico: Her fucking family came back today. Now it’s finally over, I don’t have to take care of her anymore. She's gone. She's with her parents.
Me: My feeling tells me she won’t give up! She’ll come up with more excuses and lies, to get you back. And I know you’re not stupid. That means, you can't let go of her either.
Nico: I swear it’s not like that! I can’t let YOU go. I want you! I love you. And I want our Baby. Honestly!... I saw that one pic of you earlier. Your Grams told me you were 5. It was your first day at school. I immediately recognized you by your curly hair and big, brwon eyes. I wish our Baby will be a girl and look exactly like you.
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Okay, that was really cute. Besides, he was still almost naked. I admit, it was hard for me to reject him. I think my hormones were partly responsible for me wanting N. sm. The pregnancy not only increased my desire for him, I will notice that I have generally become more sensitive. I cried for almost every stupid little thing.😩But I was also very happy! N and I went to bed. He wanted to settle this issue about Stephanie with me, but I told him, I didn’t want to talk. I wanted him. But tomorrow we will argue about exactly this topic! His ex! Also about Alex!I mean Alex's message/letter. Alex wanted to see me!
Oh, and Dilek will come to me to....... see Nico. She seemed to be more excited about it (him), than I was. She was a big fan of N. 😒 I was just glad Philip wasn’t there. The two in the same room with Dilek?? No thanks!🤢 I will avoid this, as long as I can!!!!!!!!!!!
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i-spaced-sorry · 3 months
You're a Real Tough Kid, Gotta Make It On Your Own
Hi! So I know the concept of Jay being mad that Will wasn't there for when their mom died has been beaten to death, but I was watching the deleted scene from Season 6 episode Endings and Will says "I know you didn't get the ending you wanted but can't you be here for me" stirs up the thought of Jay wanting to scream where were you for me when mom died. Thus this little one shot was born! I did include a Halstead sister (cause how can I not lol) but I gave her a name for the first time ever! So enjoy :)
Growing up, your favorite show to watch with your siblings was MASH. As a kid, you were attached to the line uttered by Charles Emerson Winchester to Hawkeye. He says “My father was a good man, and he always wanted the best for me. But, where I have a father, you have a dad.” You could never actually pinpoint why that was your favorite line, that was until your dad passed away in a fire and you were sitting making funeral arrangements with your brothers.
Will was currently trying to call every person who knew dad in some way, I was in the process of trying to find any leftover fry on my tray so I didn’t have to take witness to this sad attempt at funeral arrangements, and Jay was just going along with everything while trying to process that he was really gone.
Then I heard Jay’s phone go off. I watched as he took the call and was interested to know what he was being told based on his facial expressions. Once he hung up, I stared at him while Will went on about some funeral home he needed to call. Quite honestly, the guy didn’t really deserve this much attention to detail, but this is Will we are talking about, he missed mom’s funeral, and missed the arrangements for that one, so I can see why he is doubling down on trying to get this one right. 
“Where are you going? I asked Jay, when I saw him get up. 
“Work” was all he replied.  Will looked annoyed, so I sat back and watched the events unfold like I knew they would. 
“You can’t stay 20 minutes? I think work will understand. It’s dad.” cried out Will. 
“Will, he’ll probably come back” I interrupted. I was hoping that much was at least true. 
“Stay out of this, Julie” bit out Will. I just rolled my eyes, of course they want me to stay out of it, they always want me to stay out of it.
“Yea, I’ll be back” stated Jay, reaffirming my comment.
“I know you didn’t get the ending you wanted, but I need you right now” exclaimed Will. 
My mouth dropped, he did not just say that to Jay after what he went through. 
Stunned, Jay stutters out, “look, they ruled the fire an arson. I’m trying to be the bigger person here and not say something I’ll regret, so I’m going to work”
As he walked away, Will called out, “This conversation isn’t over!”
Shaking his head, he looks back at me and mutters, “figures he would try to get out of this.”
I stand up abruptly and huff out, “you know what, no, Jay is right in this. Why are we even trying to make his funeral so great? He wasn’t the greatest guy. I too need to get to work” and before Will could lay into me, I walked off. 
Later that evening, we were surrounded by Jay in his hospital room. He once again got shot on the job. 
“Jay, I’m glad you're okay, but can we finish the conversation from earlier now?” asked Will from his seat. 
“Dude, our brother was just shot and you want to finish some petty argument about dad? What the hell is wrong with you?” I snapped in defense of Jay. I knew somewhat of what Jay probably was going to say to Will, if Will forced it out of him. It was something that struck a chord in Jay a lot. So I was trying to save Will from the repetitiveness. 
“No, no, I want to hear it.” pushed Will. 
Throwing his head back, Jay groaned, “Dude, if this was mom, sure, then I’d be over the moon to sit on a patio at some diner making all the funeral plans, cause it’s what she deserved. Hell, Julie and I did do that back when she died. We both took off work and tried to loop you in, but you were away at school and were too busy with clinicals or exams or whatever it was that you had to do, so you couldn’t get away. But dad, was just dad, he wasn’t that great of a guy, he and I just didn’t click, like you know and I just think he was a very simple guy who probably would be fine with just a quick hole in the ground funeral service, no funeral home wake or open casket viewing needed.” 
Will looked like he was about to cry. He didn’t have that special relationship his brother or sister had with their mom. He was always somehow closer to their dad. And to know how he felt at the patio this afternoon was something his siblings felt when their mom passed made him sad to know he abandoned them when they needed him. 
“Can I just add something?” I piped up. 
Both my brothers looked at me, letting me know I had the floor. 
“We all grew up watching reruns of MASH on the TV together. I always felt a deep personal connection to the line uttered by Charles in the last season with Hawkeye, where he tells Hawkeye that he has a father while Hawkeye has a dad. I never understood how to explain why, but I think I finally get it knowing that Will had a completely different experience growing up with dad than Jay and I. "
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carebeartherese · 11 months
My live reactions to Loki season two ep 5:
-running through the recap
-Im actually scared for this episode srsly
-oooo the almost silent intro
-he is angelic fr
-where is everyone???
-did they go back to their timelines??
-Im loving these continued camera shots
-pie room??
-oh shit
-:0 double Loki
-time slipping is just an excuse for Loki to flip his hair like the hoe he is /pos
-time loop???
-oop there’s the theme
-oh hes escapin
-where are they i wonder
-a boat prison??
-no not again dude Loki can’t handle this
-his name ain’t Frank lmfao
-oh it’s the BOAT PLACE
-dude why are we back in the tva
-:0 SHIT NEW YORK 2012
-Aw b15 is such a great doctor I love her
-living his dream
-who tf is don
-also his son??? No thank you
-this is so unserious
-Mobius is adorable
-ooo 1994
-hes so silly
-awww he just wants to sell his books
-hes a writer <333
-in his bunker???
-dude ob will believe anything that happens to him
-the sons of who??
-ob is so adorable with his little “hey”
-none of that made sense OB
-cannot control the time slipping
-oooo true
-to save his friends
-oh yea shit kang is coming aint he
-control it Loki!!!!
-you look like you’re trying to take a shit
-there is no controlling time
-stop psychoanalizing
-go to the pie room
-oh that’s actually kind of smart
-ob is adorable and I love him and his tism
-oh fuck there he goes
-he sucks at taking the trash out
-yea Kevin
-these kids are literally adorable
-don’t burn down the house pls
-these guys are so awkward
-just kiss srsly
-wife long gone????
-cause of the gay
-is he flirting??
-are jet skis flirting????
-mobius really thinks lokis crazy
-none of this makes sense
-awww the way he grabbed Mobius
-dude theyre so gay
-they need to just kiss already fr
-yea your kids will be fine mobius I swear
-hes just a suburb dad
-this is a little heartbreaking but also gay tbh
-B15!!!! Come with!!!!
-where’s sylvie?
-mobius looks shook
-and Casey trusts no one the little thief
-mobius/don is he flirting with Casey/Frank
-I love sylvie but she always gets angry and fucks shit up
-please leave her out of this one
-wait till it back
-fuck get that time slipping under control
-sylvie with her lesbian fit and her mullet
-ok but Loki loves mobius and doesn’t wanna loose him
-uncaring queen
-I mean she wants to live
-oh come on Marvel be more specific
-of course he doesn’t wanna be alone
-don’t make this romantic again pls
-his story is with mobius tho!!!
-Casey is such a weird ass hardened criminal
-mobius stop trying to sell shit to people
-Loki you are so babygirl
-I don’t understand anything anymore
-is sylvie flirting with record shop guy??????
-literally what is happening rn
-whos this guy in the back
-oh he disappeared????
-why’s shit disappearing????
-and she’s gone
-so is the timeline
-Loki is so sad and lonely
-a timeline just died for some reason
-Loki was just waiting for this opportunity
-oh shit Loki use them timeslipping powers
-oh come on dont give me that fuckin cliffhanger
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sailinginstars · 5 months
oh my GODDDDD im actually crying and screaming they did so good😭😭
i. just. wow. ok so.😭 FIRST so glad people were right about this being an hour long episode theres genuinely no way it could’ve been 25 mins. seeing omega already having escaped before anyone could reach her was awesome shes so skilled love her. AND ECHO AND EMERIE WORKING TOGETHER i love them they’ve both been brainwashed by the opposite side and seeing them fight for a better future for everyone else is so touching.
ANYWAYS OMEGA RELEASED THE ZILLO BEAST WOOOOOO‼️‼️ ECHO SAYING THATS WHAT HE WOULDVE DONE!!! echo is literally her mom im crying😭 erm the really long ladder the kids had to climb up was a mgs3 reference guys☝️ ANYWAYS THE TORTURE SCENE HELLO 🙏🙏 i love men screaming 🫶
UGHHHH NALA SE I KNEW YOU WERE NEVER EVIL. she was so real for taking out rampart with her MAN FUCK RAMPART i kinda thought he changed lmao😭
GRRR OK SO THE FIGHG BETWEEN ECHO AND WRECKER VS THE TWO TROOPER LORRRRD, i was literally on the edge of my fucking seat the whole time i thought they were COOKED so many times. OH also crosshair loosing a hand OH MY GOD???
the bridge scene. GODDDDDD like i KNEW hemlock wasnt going to shoot omega but i was still so scared. AND CROSSHAIR MADE THE SHOT WOOOOO. scorch tho😭😭 so sad to see him go🙏 BUT THEY KILLED HEMLOCK HELL YEA‼️‼️ uhm also hunter with his hair wet⁉️⁉️
ANYWAYSSSS everyone made it home safe (well mot crosshairs’s hand but oh well, now him and echo match) nice to see clones looking sorta domestic and not in a war setting lmao. and like i get why echo is leaving but😒 MAMA ECHO PLEASE STOP LEAVING OH MY GOD JUST STAY ON SCREEN IM BEGGING YOU. reallllly hope we get some kinda show about him, rex, wolffe, and gregor and the whole clone rebellion thing PLEASE WHAT HAPPENED WITH WOLFFE⁉️
sobbbbb hunter, cross, wrecker, omega, and batcher just resting im tearing up. they literally just get to be family now im so happy
now the last few minutes…
I SCREAMEDDDD WE WERE SO RIGHT ABOUT THE TIMESKIP IM SOOOKK GRATEFUL tbh i did get nervous seeing the panover pabu but as SOON as i saw omega ik what was happening 😭😭 OLD MAN HUNTER IM SCREAMING HE LOOKS SO GOOD (he also looks strangely like blackbeard from ofmd lmao) he def has dad bod ill die on that hill😭 they both looks so happy and domestic i cant OMEGA GOING OFF TO FIGHT IN THE REBELLION I CANTTT shes def going to see hera again thats so sweet. ughhhh hunter worrying over her hes such a dad GOD. but anyways this moment was so sweet, been missing the hunter-omega relationship this season so this had me tearing up and shi😭
TECHS GOGGLES ON THE SHIP… i knew tech wasnt gonna come back, it would’ve taken away from his sacrifice but i would’ve loved to see him again. lowkey surprised we didn’t get a cx-2 reveal, people thought he was tech, cody, a clone specifically of crosshair, dogma, fucking slick. (real ones know cx-2 is actually fives hes not dead guys TRUST!!11!!1111!!11!!)
anyways god that was such a satisfying ending and im VERY pleased, crazy how this season had NO bad ep. incredibly sad this show is over tho. this show has been on my mind constantly for the past three years im so sad to see it go but im also see happy we got to see these characters lives play out in such a beautiful way. sorry for this being essay length i just had a LOT of thoughts about this ep.
for the last time, anywaysss. (also this is not proofread sorry for any grammatical errors lol) this ep was amazing and the team did WONDERFULLY!! good bye bad batch😢
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aballadforbarbatos · 2 years
i sent a whole Thing to my friends a month ago and thought it would be a good idea to post it here, so:
mc, the anti-monarchist
diavolo is pretty confident that you’ll say yes when he asks you out. he IS, like, the most powerful demon in the devildom
(technically there’s his dad too but he’s not around rn so he doesn’t count)
the brothers get to spend more time around you BUT you always spend so much time with him so you SHOULD say yes right?!
not even barbatos could predict your answer
you look him dead in the eye. and say. “sorry diavolo, but i’d rather die than date a royal”
you like him as a person sure, but it’s not like you on your own can’t topple a demon monarchy so the only thing you can really do is refrain from joining it
diavolo’s face DROPS. all that confidence from before? GONE. you are staring into the face of a heartbroken man
your heartstrings are tugged but there will be other men and your beliefs are stronger than a cute prince
“why???” perhaps if he finds out the reason he can change your mind!
“well the human monarchies are just. they are just so bad. you know the english colonised so many countries they have enough to a mini olympics? and all that gold and jewels… i struggle to believe you got ALL of that from devildom…”
doesn’t really know what the olympics are but it sure doesn’t sound great in the way you’re using it
belphie is ruthlessly clapping you on the back, one of the seven sins should be selfishness the way he’s acting
lucifer scolds belphie for his behaviour but the damage is done,
diavolo’s only answer is “oh… okay… so no monarch bf for you then…” and it looks like everything settles afterwards
barbatos feels terrible for the prince but at the same time perhaps the man will get some work done. PLEASE get some work done the country needs it-
he’s relieved for exactly one day before diavolo summons him in and goes “what if i give up my title yes or no”
sorry, what. you’ve come up with some stupid ideas before but this is ABSOLUTELY the worst
“i was doing some research and there was this harry guy who gave up his title for his lover! that could be me!” diavolo shows him an article and it takes barbatos exactly five seconds to come up with a rebuttal
“the harry man had an older brother.”
“oh yea i guess i should wake up dad so he can make another heir huh”
all this stress is going to kill him. this is EASILY the worst thing he’s ever experienced
“i could wait for him to wake up on his own but like, what if mc is DEAD by then?!?? what if one of the brothers has taken her?? idk if i wanna risk that…”
barbatos needs to shut this idea down RIGHT NOW
“my lord, what the fuck are you talking about.”
“it’s a good idea!!”
“not if i give up my title i don’t! :D”
barbatos has no choice. he is dragging both lucifer AND you to talk some sense into the guy. nothing he’s saying is working clearly, lucifer is horrified at the suggestion and you’re thinking of ways to secretly escape the room
diavolo wrinkles up his nose and everyone is concerned he’s had one too many bottles of demonus because he leans in and whispers “but have you considered: i love mc”
the whisper is not very quiet, actually it’s more of a stage whisper and you’re kind of standing there awkwardly. like you expected him to love you but taking this stance is kind of deranged and not improving your view of royalty at all
now everyone is staring at you and expecting you to say something. you have no idea what to say that could possibly be different to what the other two have said??
“diavolo. man. what the fuck are you talking about. have you been overworked or something go get some rest,”
a very confident (who’s apparently in a silly goofy mood) demon prince answers with “i am deeply in love with you and am sad that you will not be mine, but as long as i am not a royal it’s not a problem right??”
you’re speechless. like what is there to say to that. perhaps some time with simeon (and a lot of sleep) would shake him out of this but none of your thoughts are really working right now,
“yeah sorry guys you’re on your own with this one”
barbatos has decided that crucification should not just be for blasphemers but for you too
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surwitch · 5 months
Peter Quill know how sucks when something fuck up. And Peter Parker looks really fucked up. Matt Murdock just want moment of peace.
[eng is not my first languadge soooo sorry if it is a mess. it happens somewhere after nwh and gotg3, but before born again, because i wrote it when news about series was like "oh, yea, we re-write daredevil" so yea. i go from there. have fun.] tw: mention of blood, non grafic, but here
now in ao3 too: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55686070
Peter Quill know how sucks when something fuck up.
He just know, you know? With this whole "my father is a planet, my dad space-pirate die to save me, my girlfriend died and then come back but it was not her but her from another universe" thing in his life. And oh, yes, live all his life don't knowing that people invented spotify. Literal, fucking, crime. Why no one tell him? But yes, to the point: he, the Star-Lord, see a misery when he meet one.
And, you know, Peter is just bored. Earth is… fine. Very chill. Some aliens one-two times in several months, villians of the week who stop metro (like it not bad enough at the good days). And living with his grandpa was cool, but Peter was born for a big city. City that like the space - city that moving and never stops. So, Peter here, in the center of all hell on Earth (with how many shit happened here at past few years), in the New York. And well, happy accident, and he's here, in coffee shop with overpriced coffee looking at some tragedy, really.
Peter Parker (whos name Quill sees wathing at guy fresh license that falls out of his pocket) looks really fucked up.
(Peter hates that there another Peter because when he tries to think it make a mess in his head. Parker. Parker is good.)
Like, no, boy is not ugly, but, uh, you get it. He had eyes of the sad little pet and they look like they always wet. He has atmosphere like boy from rom-coms who run in the rain for hours with words in the end of his tongue only to forget them all by looking at person that he ran to.
Parker look pathetic as fuck, buying another coffee (that he never drink, what a shame) and never anything else. And he's always look like he knows something about girl who works here ("my friend's call's me MJ" tells she to Quill one day, "And you, creep, comes here enough to count as one." and then she turn on another 70's hit when he's laugh to his death), but MJ never talk about him. She didn't even looks like she knows him more than client and Peter know that this woman not lie.
And boy Parker looks like someone kill his parrot. Every. Fucking. Time.
Oh God, if this another drama with "my girlfriend but not my girlfriend" then its a blessing that Peter catch Parker. He's the Star Lord, he can help with this kind of situation. And this look more funnier than looking at New York streets for vintage stores (Peter hates that all his favorite stuff is vintage now. It costs like a airplane. Or good space-gun.)
Peter Quill know how sucks when something fuck up. And he'll find a way to help this Parker boy with some strange shit between him, MJ and cool guy Ned. Ned is cool. Peter just need to figure out how make Parler "cool" and not "sad". But he'll find a way.
Matt Murdock just want moment of peace.
And between being a vigilante and trying to live a normal lawyer life it's… difficult. Sometimes with "blood in his mouth in the middle of the court hearing" type of difficult. So having this little loud man around not make it easier.
Matt heard how people call him Spider-Man ("The dash is very important" a boy once enlightened him on a roof. He was tapping his foot on the roof, and Matt could hear it slightly shaking the iron sheet that covered the air conditioners at the other end of the roof.) and he's meets him himself.
Boy sound like a nice one. Young. And sad.
Normal teen combination. Still Matt doesn't feel's like it right for this teenager specifically. So, he'd did what he do a lot - become a idiot (At least is what Jen said to him. Sometimes she's reminded him of Foggy.)
And patrolling the boundaries of Hell Kitchen, crossing paths with a guy more often, Matt can admit that he is good. Very much so: the kid knows when to restrain blows, when to strike them, and how to talk to people so that criminals fear him and civilians trust him ("Sometimes it helps that some criminals believe that I killed Mysterio," Spidey tells him one day, "But me… I didn't kill him, you know?.." and Matt nodded confidently at him, because Spidey's heart wasn't lying.)
And Matt did that disgusting thing that he's not allowed to do. He became attached. And Matt hated getting attached.
Oh God, Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, just give him a peaceful death.
His whole story showed him how easily affection can turn into something at your throat. (Even Jane beat the shit out of him once, and he gritted his teeth and sometimes called her a friend. In my head. But he did.) Thanks, he didn't like it.
And Spidey is a teenager. Maybe a little older, just entering adulthood. But the guy is so much like him: he's just trying to do the right thing in a way that he's found and that works. Even if this way makes him sad.
It just how he feels every day. Permanently sad. Apathetic. Dreary. (Matt thinks about how Foggy would laugh at the fact that he's worried about it in another person when he's the same himself.)
Matt Murdock just want moment of peace. But with kid, who's blood already attached to his couch, it seems impossible. Not like Matt has a lot of believers in fact that if kid doesn't was here he'll gonna find peace but. Let man have a dream.
("I have a good friend once. We don't talk now." say's Spider-Man and Matt get it. Vigilante life sucks in this case: when you know, that there's a people, who search for you, and if you have someone "normal" around these people gonna go for them. He became estranged from Foggy for this reason. His number still in Matt's phone.)
And maybe one day he's find peace. Even if it will be a little moment when beeps are going off in phone and he hears the same beeps going on in Spidey's phone.
One day. Just for a couple minute. Not now.
Now Matt figuring out what the fuck (Forgive him, Lord) he need to do with a kid in blood on his couch. But, um, he'll figuring it out. Somehow.
[this just some shit from my notes that i wrote right after gotg vol3. this just some shit from my notes that i wrote right after gotg vol3. sadly, i dont have enough skill of writing in english to make it something bigger (like actual fic, yk?) or i just don't feel muself confident enough to do something big in eng. maybe this. soooooooo take it, have fun and please write me if you want to use this idea. i think its hilarious scenario. sincerely, your surwitch. she/her.]
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mothmans-cumrag · 1 year
Rewatching The Apple be like
finally! I took a break of about a year but I'm back!
I feel like I'm always saying this but how many people, especially high ranking people does it take for them to go on a mission? because of "strange sensor readings"??
I forgot how hot Bones is, fuck (<- this is also Jim's and Spock's internal monologue whenever they see him, btw)
"Husbandry would be quite efficacious" Spock I had to google that word before I was sure but I think you just proposed
Ah, the garden of Eden was just outside Moscow scene, we've all seen it
So he just used kilometres which I am happy about but before they were talking about the planet having an average of 76° which must mean Fahrenheit. I am confusion
killer flowers over here lol
Scotty fishing for shore leave <3 love him
Pavel using this situation to flirt as if he did't just see a colleague die like two metres in front of him
no matter how often I rewatch it, the explosive rock scene is one of the funniest things ever to me
Spock diving in front of a deadly plant for his boyfriends is the best thing ever to me, sorry not sorry <3<3<3<3<3<3
Oh wow, the transporters don't work, that's something I've never seen before in my life.
Spock calling the hypospray "potion" <3
Jim is so fucking right every time someone jumps in front of someone they could just fucking yell for them to get out of the way. This way it's much more romantic tho so...
These lighting bolts are so... realistic
Three redshirts down, and one of their dads apparently helped Jim get into the academy? But why did the redshirt not get a better job than redshirt if his dad apparently had some sort of influence?
ah, the survivor's guilt mixed with the guilt of being in charge... getting real Hans Kammerlander vibes rn... (google his name and the Manaslu if you don't know what I mean)
"what do you want, Violins?" will now be my answer every time someone comments on my tone of voice
ohhhhh, this was the planet of the Aryans! (not sure if my being German makes it more or less ok for me to say that, but there isn't another word I know for blonde ppl with blue eyes who are conventionally attractive)
Spock just touched this man's chin. With his hand. Is that cheating?
"If you don't get those Warp engine's working you're fired" mate if he doesn't fix them he'll literally die. WHat are you, Hermione?
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more
"It makes me uncomfortable" bitch I bet, those things look scratchy as fuck
I like how half of them immediately got rid of these flower things <3 literally me
you tell him Spock! Humans literally are the minority!!!
"stawp fighting!!!! They've got the Enterprise!!!!" Jim I hear you but philosophical arguments are literally my only life source
sex. the word you're looking for is sex.
goddamnit they are all so uncomfortable talking about one of the most natural things in the world, idk if I should be amused or sad for them
awwwww, she calls him Pav!!! they are actually pretty cute
i feel gross watching the natives kiss and idk why
how to kill someone 101
oh really Spock. you telling me James Tiddies out Kirk wants to ignore the prime directive? wow. what a shocker. I am shocked.
Bones stepped on the belt of his tricoder when getting up and for some reason this is endearing to me
This is the third time Spock injured himself this episode and yet he is still capable of more sass than any squatch I know (get it? sasquatch. haha.
Damn, Martha can fight! Oh, and the last redshirt has died
awww hell nah, Scotty lost his job :(
awww hell yea, Scotty got his job back :)
They should give them actual sex ed wtf
the bickering at the end is always my favourite thing <3<3<3<3<3<3 10/10 will watch again (and again and again and again)
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9-1-1 Lone star 4*18
After the last episode broke me, I decided to do this comment throughout the episode shit again after over a season that I haven’t, I hated the last episode I cried like a bazillion times, and seeing Carlos like that broke me. So let’s go  my theory is that something is like within the force because the captain is sus as hell or not captain I don’t know what the fuck was his job, but the person who spoke at the funeral, and gave Carlos the star sheriff bullshit thing 
I feel like I’m about to cry again
Poor Carlos 🥺🥺🥺
They are honestly one of my fav couples
So sad yet obvious
I love that he called him Tyler
I love that tk just knows and like dose not let Carlos say it
I hate this
Also fuck Owen . Like he is being nice but still
I hate that they choose this plot
They could have just made him a detective or ranger did not need to kill his father
I love Judd
Like this man is just gold
Just a bunch of sad plots
“ this one says confidential “”yea…” that is me every single day when I don’t give a shit at work😂
Holy fuck I was right
Do better Ryan Murphy
Awwwww young Carlos
I’m dead this is heartbreaking
I’m crying again
Hate this
I wished Carlos would like fall apart and like tk would be there to hold him and hug him
I hate this plot like just stop giving Owen plots
This is awful
Like very soap opera or like 2000’s abc drama
She is so sweet, I feel so bad for her
Just so many sad plots and like why
Like I get why make him crazy but you could just make him solve it and like be emotional not crazy
This feels rushed like all of Carlos plot
Another weird plot choice
He is not wrong
He is def will take thing to his hands
Like he has done that for less so for his dad he most definitely will
I feel weird that they trust him
😂😂that was actually a funny joke Owen
Fuck Carlos
I feel so bad for him
This is so bad
Why like why
Oh fuck
Plot twist
I wish tk was there to hug him
This is so sad
I hate this
I just think this show specialize at creating a good environment like basic plots and then just make one character suffer with one annoying plot and then just like back to normal. They are so bad at continuing a good plot like happy or sad they just can’t stay with one plot for more than one episode like when Nancy and Mateo for example get together and then we barely see them evolve and same with Charlie. She was born and then we see her once in forever and ofc when they kill Tonys husband.they are so bad at continuing plots I hate it. 
Don’t worry you will because all plots lest an episode here
I’m glad that at least they didn’t make him mad
I love thrmmmm
They are so damm cute
I love them
They better do some Jewish stuff
Iris!!!I wish she was there more
They are so cute
And handsome
The background noises of people talking sounds the same as the background noise is in the Sims
He is wearing a kipa!!!
Thomas ???
😂😂😅second episode of the next season one of them is the hospital
God I love them so much
They are so sweet
God I honestly love them so much
This makes me want to rewatch
Good they have such good  chemistry
Fuck Owen
🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹the ring was adorable I’m dead like so subtle and sweet
Whyyyyy make it about Owen?????????
This is so adorable
They should have broke a glass
I really wish they would add more Jewish things like the kipa was good and the ring was subtle but I want more
This show is very good at creating couples I’ll give them that
Other then Owen I honestly love all of them
And all of Owens  relationships suck
Grace is beautiful
I love his mom
Let’s end the wedding and just put tarlos scenes
Okay this is actually sweet
Iris is so gay
Damm they hate hot and sweet
They need to do a Wyatt and Charlie scene
Oh they just did
Can’t see him as someone other then arias dad in petty little liars
This dead bro plot it just pointless
Weirdest montage ever
Let’s show a baby and a honeymoon and someone’s dying in the same fucking scene
This episode did not have enough tarlos
So my opinion of this episode is that it was rushed and they shouldn’t have killed Gabriel they should’ve just made this episode about TK and Carlos, and maybe just show the rest of the couples. This plot is pointless, and it was purely to like make it dramatic and I hate it and fuck Owen basically 
Like they should’ve made it about the couples and build it up for the next season, and that is it shouldn’t have made it about something other than that hate it 
Like I loved all of decay in Talos seen in this episode, because they are just adorable and one of the best couples and just amazing but still
Also, that thing that tk said when he put the ring on Carlos’s finger was adorable so subtle like it came from Jewish culture and I love it and it’s so subtle but they should’ve done like more stuff like this. Should’ve broke a glass like everybody would know it that is a signature thing. Everybody would recognize it. They should’ve done that alongside the ring and the kipa
Solid episode but like why?
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doomzday-zone · 2 days
It's like the thing with William Afton is that he kinda sees his kids as an. Extension of him. His pride and joy and when Davie died he was kinda like, well fuck me that was Thing Number 3 I cared about next to Thing 1 The Springbonnie Suit and Thing 2 The Springbonnie Suit again. Hell maybe his kids isn't even the top ten things he genuinely cares about but to an extent it hurt him in some way. Maybe a bruised ego idfk
I would believe that grief can lead you to doing Nutso things like starting to kill children because what if he killed Charlie out of jealousy, Henry has a kid, I don't. I fucking hate Micheal and David/Evan was the only one that mattered, even though he was being a bit of a helicopter parent to Davie anyways.
Killed Charlie, thought it was fun, does it again, found out some shit about Remnant/Agony and the idea that he could probably bring lil Davie back it was a one two combo for him to just go Insane. I say the thing about Evan/Davie because of the "I will put you back together again" line from FNAF 4
I mean there was also that part in the movie where Vanessa just has a picture of her dad in the suit and her holding Mike's lil bro bro's airplane so that was like. A sick twisted way of him keeping Garrett's toy like a hunting trophy and giving his daughter a "gift" because she's useful to him or something. Btw the Springbonnie suit matters above all else to him I think this is just canon
This man is a sick sick individual but he only really "cares" about his children when they're there to. Feed his big fat ego
That's kinda my take on how much he would remotely care about his kids
I'm sorry it's 2am and if I misconstrued something i wanted to share my own two cents on the topic of Will and his kids. And his murderyness.
Also i've been sending you a few things on anon so I'm just calling myself Ballpit anon as an indicator jdkwjdjw
first YEA def springbonnie is EXTREMELY important to William, people say springbonnie is an extension of him but its more like it literally just IS him. its the vessel in which he expresses himself, a second skin if you will. William afton and springbonnie r intrinsically tied to each other,,
second ermmmm yea im. im not interested in debating whether or not he does care about his kids or if hes capable of loving them r whatever etc etc. i think its obvious he does its just the WAY he does and how people want to protray that thats off and wrong to me. no matter what your opinion of him is you CANNOT put 'normal' principles and whatever onto him it just doesn't fucking work, he doesn't operate on Normal Citizen logic he operates on William Afton logic its just that shrimple to me.
i agree that he thinks of his kids as an extension of him, and most of his thing w even is an egotistical thing. idk how..... i feel about the charlie thing ............ just yet. ik in the books they made william an obsessive over henry and in that context it makes sense but as ive said before: i haven't read them. and i have yet to see where in the game text that he specifically has a weird thing with henry, at least in the same sense, yknow what i mean.
yea im not saying that like, grief cannot push you to do smth that drastic. like at all. im.just saying most people DONT. like as a guy whose unfortunately had quite a few child deaths in the family like, me or my relatives never became child murderers yknow ?!?! hsjshsbdb and besides that i just dont think it was that big of a motivation for william specifically, or else we wouldve gotten more of that part of him in the text ya know. like from what we know his grief, at least in the fandom typical sense isnt that relevant.
and the way its phrased in fnaf 4 too, i will put you back together. not i will heal you r smth, he sees people as objects, akin to machines. im just saying this doesn't SOUND like the average father sad that his human son died, this is like smth youd say to a toy that broke. in THIS CONTEXT, the way most ppl say he cares abt his kids is wrong to me. anyways
also the hating michael thing...... where exactly does this come from............ squints,,, i have onions i could share abt this but ill save it.
but anyways yea, this is basically what i was saying minus a couple of ur points. i think the evan thing is mostly a matter of ego than anything when looking at the games. i thumbs up 👍
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