#sámi artist
civettictis · 1 year
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old sámi man welt headcanon is so very near and dear to me
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Park path  -   Onni Oja, 1945.
Finnish ,  1909-2004
Oil on canvas , 47 x 33 cm.
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abwwia · 2 years
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Outi Pieski (Finland Sámi, b.1973)
Guržot ja guovssat / Spell on you! 2020
thread, steel, wood, installation is made out of duodji Sámi craft tradition (330x600x220cm)
photos: S.H.Kunstmuseum
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dirtwatching · 2 years
any recommendations of sámi artists?
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ravenkhor · 7 months
Thought I might as well share this.
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this is an animation i made a bit ago as a sort of proof-of-concept for my character Kalea in my story. She's in an arctic region, yes, but she originates from the Southern Islands, which is more or less inspired by Hawai'i. So, even though she lives in Idavalli, I would like to think her aunt and uncle (her caretakers before she was split up from them due to the war which takes place in the story) taught her how to use her powers in a way other than being a seer. Which makes her a very power adversary against anyone she fights. The general idea is, Hula mostly, but much faster? I've been having help from a friend who more or less knows ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi, so I've been trying to interweave that like I have been with Inuktitut and Norwegian (Norwegian purely because I'm most familiar with it since I've been learning it on and off for years. Though if anyone who knows any native languages spoken by the Sámi people, please reach out as I'd like to use that instead for best representation, but have no one to speak to about it. Same goes for Inuktitut or Yupik! If you know any of those languages please reach out!)
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BOI. What have you DONE.
Redraw of Skábma - Snowfall game cutscene moment. If you wanna know who this white-haired man is talking to and what he’s looking at, go check out the game (Steam). Written by a sámi person.
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kalcium-yippee · 4 months
Made and am still working on a Playlist showing off music from across the world! Specifically highlighting Indigenous groups worldwide but also just any artist from across the globe as well! Some culture centered stuff and some of it is less culture centered music, with a variety of genres! There are Swedish artists, Palestinian artists, Indigenous American and Canadian artists, Sámi artists, Ainu artists, and so many more still to be added! If you have any recs lmk!
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prisonhannibal · 6 months
Sámi artist Mari Boine joiking the village Máze.
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[ID: 1: Sámi activists in gáktis (traditional clothing) holding a banner that says “we came here first” in norwegian. A banner in the background says “we will NOT move”. 2: sámi man in gákti standing with his fist raised in front of big stones that have the word “let the river live” painted on them]
Joik is a type of traditional sámi singing that’s meant to evoke/express a person, animal or place through rhythm, sounds and energy. You don’t joik about someone, you joik them. Joik is mostly sounds, and often have no lyrics or short lyrics. “Máze” has lyrics calling Máze beautiful and saying “Under water they would put Máze church, Máze school”, which is referring to the Alta conflict in the 1970s and 80s.
Máze is a small village on the norwegian side of the borders in Sápmi. Around 98% of the population is sámi. In the late 1960s, the Norwegian government announced plans to build a hydroelectric power plant and dam in the Alta river, which would have huge consequences for sámi reindeer herding and fishing in the area, preventing sámi people from continuing to practice their traditional way of life. The earlier plans for the dam would have put Máze under water, displacing all the people living there and destroying a village that has existed for hundreds of years. After resistance from sámi activists, the plans were altered in 1973 so that Máze would survive.
Sámi people fought against the construction of the power plant for years, with protests, peaceful civil disobedience (like chaining themselves and creating blockades around the site), and a hunger strike where they slept in lávvus in front of the norwegian parliament in 1979, and a second hunger strike in 1981. 10% of the norwegian police force was sent to the construction area and there was talk of sending the military to assist the police, but this was stopped by the minister of defense at the time. several hundreds of people were removed by force from protests and arrested.
The Alta hydroelectric power plant was finished in 1987 and is still in operation. This is one of the most famous examples of Norway’s green colonialism in Sápmi, but it’s also one of the biggest examples of Sámi spirit and resistance. Máze continues to exist, more than 50 years later. Sámi people are still here and we’re still fighting for our right to continue our traditional lifestyles and culture, for example with the large civil disobedience actions in 2023 over the Fosen case.
Čájet Sámi Vuoiŋŋa! show sámi spirit! ❤️💚💛💙
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toomanythoughts2 · 3 months
After thinking about fan artists drawing Murderface with curly hair, I've decided to also thank all of the fan artists that do the following (YOU ARE ALL RECIEVING KISSES IN THE MAIL, PLEASE BE PATIENT!):
People who draw Skwisgaar, Toki, or Nathan with their hair up in a claw clip or a ponytail. Especially Skwisgaar. You understand your power and you use it for love.
People who draw Toki and Nathan with fat, juicy tits pecs. You are doing the lords work and I love you.
People who draw Pickles with freckles. If the heavens saw the beauty that you bestowed onto our little midwestern Irish-American drummer, they would weep in joy.
People who draw the boys with detail eyelashes. I know what you are.
People who draw the boys with their HC-ed ethnics/races. (i.e. Nathan having Yaneemango features, Latino/Hispanic Murderface, Sámi Skwisgaar & Toki, very Irish Pickles.) The work that yall do is outstanding and I love to see it
People who draw Murderface with distinctive clues that he is from the American South/Appalachians. I LOVE these HCs so much and I love the idea of him being from a very poor, southern town in America, it just fits him SO FUCKING WELL!
People who give Toki and Skwisgaar opposing eye shapes. I have seen them go both ways, and either one fits them so good. I am partial to downward turned eyes for Toki though, but either way, I eat it up every single time.
People who draw Murderface and Nathan as the fat men they are. Listen, it's a big girl winter every winter, but it's a big boy summer every summer. Ya gotta give the fat boys some love.
People who draw Skwisgaar in that damn speedo or in a bikini. He's got the confidence and you have the talent.
People who draw Toki in his roller skating outfit. Need I saw more?
People who draw one or more members of Dethklok as trans. I have yet to encounter a version of this HC/canon content that I do not love, adore, admire, respect, and obsess over.
People on tiktok that attempted to do a Metalocalypse version of the "Infected My Little Pony" trend. One of which where Nathan was the infected and the other where Toki was. Honestly, the artist that was doing the eldritch horror!Toki was fucking cooking. They had it where Murderface saw Toki in his true form and was terrorizing Murderface from keep him from revealing his secret.
People who draw Trindle. Listen, I understand Nathan. If I had a goth woman showing me her tits every second of every day, I too would look past the blatant psychopathic tendencies and mysterious disappearances.
People who are not afraid to make the boys look gross. You are all so fucking valid and your interpretations of the boys are so awesome to look at. Especially if it's a specific art style that is scratchy. LOVE!
People who draw Lady!Klok. Every single interpretation of what the boys would look like is so valid, whether they're cis or trans, their outfits and appearances are also so fucking spot on. And their HCs that are added on the side to explain how they're different from Dethklok is a fucking PLUS
People who draw Skwisgaar in lingerie. I want you to know, that I see you and I appreciate you in every single way.
People who draw Trans!Pickles content (NSFW & SFW) specifically. Yall were in the god damn trenches and you PREVAILED!
People who draw the boys with their interpretations of their nose shapes, ESPECIALLY MURDERFACE! HE'S GOT A BEAUTIFUL PUG NOSE, LET HIM HAVE IT! Double appreciate for Skwisgaar's beautifully crooked nose and Nathan's slanted nose. I love their faces so much and their noses and yall always know how to bring them to light.
People who draw Knubbler with no chin. Homeboy gave away his chin in order to accumulate all of the swagger he's got. He's a Mick Jagger type of guy.
People who draw Pickles dreads as independently floating tendrils like Medusas snakes. It is so perfect for him and it's so hard not to do it.
People who draw Pickles bald. Look...It's coming. He's just gonna have to own it.
People who draw Early!Klok ESPECIALLY TOKI! That fact that we don't have a lot of information about their past other than DSR is a SHAME! BUT ITS OK BECAUSE THE FANS KNOW WHAT TO DO AND THEY DO IT PREFECTLY EVERY TIME! Every time I see little DSR Toki with his short hair, I go fucking feral. I COULD BE A GOOD MOTHER!
People who draw the gore. The show would not exist without it, and some of yall are just cooking with the themes and context yall create. I am always so intrigued with what I will see next.
People who draw and make Dethklok lesbians. Of course Dethklok is lesbian. Why wouldn't they be?
People who draw the band in their "Dethfashion" clothes. WE NEEDED MORE TIME WITH THOSE OUTFITS! WE JUST DID!
People who have no clue how to draw a Fu Manchu. I had to look this up before I said anything but a Fu Manchu does not grow around the mouth, it's literally just hair from the top part of the mouth that continues to grow down. That's why in "Stare Down" Skwisgaar refers to Toki's mustache as an "extreme facial hairs". AND YET! I ADORE THE WAY SOME OF YALL DRAW IT, ITS VERY ATTRACTIVE AND CUTE!
People who draw Agere!Toki. Canon age regression is so rare and to have Toki being a canon and explicit example of an age regressor throughout the entire show is so special to me. JUST LET THE BOY REST!
People who draw Abigail. She's a girl boss. She's the moment. I will NOT tolerate hate on my woman, she did not deserve the shit she got.
People who draw Deaddy Bear. I want one so badly, it's not a joke.
People who draw Toki in skirts/dresses. One particular art work with Toki is in a long bohemian skirt and a band tee with a scarf is my all time favorite example of it.
The person who created Lasagna, Pickle's daughter, and then made her a bassist. I eat your shit up every single time I see new stuff from that AU.
People who draw the boys with more piercings. Especially the angel bites on Toki, the middle of the lip piercing for Murderface, and the gauges on Nathan and Skwisgaar.
People who draw Pickles pubes in the shape of his goatee like in "Rehabklok". That's one of the funniest visual gags in the entire show, I won't hear another word about it.
People who draw Charles. Every single one of you are invited to my Charles Offdensen themed birthday party.
People who give Toki the longest hair length but give Skwisgaar the most definition. Also, when they remember Nathan's little hair wisp in his face. Skwisgaar has the waves and Toki is afraid to getting a hair cut.
People who draw Nathan as the bottom. You understand what this man needs and it's to get railed.
People who draw the boys in jeans. Listen. This one is really niche but for whatever reason, this fandom puts these boys in a pair or jeans and they are looking as fine a fucking WINE!
People who draw the cowboy Dethklok fan art. What is it like wielding the power that you have?
That's all that I think of at the moment, but I really do appreciate all of the different kinds of fan artists this fandom has. There is some absolutely beautiful pieces in this fandom.
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"Rowan Leaves and Hole" (1987 Andy Goldsworthy) / "Untitled" (2023 - Birgitte @prisonhannibal)
ROWAN LEAVES AND HOLE: one summer, I took an art course, not that I can find the name right now. But the theme was art and nature, and the thing I remember most from that course is the art of Andy Goldsworthy. Goldsworthy has two modes of operation: drystone walls for permanent installations, sometimes winding across the landscape and sometimes just existing, and ephemeral art. Sculptures made of icicles, that only last until the sun melts it, leaves placed carefully until the wind blows them away or the current takes them away to be marvelled at, branches interwoven so delicately it seems unlikely they'd survive long enough to even be photographed. Rowan Leaves And Hole is one of my favourites (not THE favourite but i can't find a title OR date for that one) because the riot of colours are so carefully gradiented and then it Ends. What made the middle black? How long did these leaves stay there? We'll never know. And unlike the rock sculptures, these felt like something I could do. That was inspiring. (@kaerran)
UNTITLED: It was painted in March 2023 when there were large protest in Norway against the Norwegian government about wind farms that had been erected illegally on lands of the indigenous Sámi people, and the Norway government was not doing anything about it even though even the European courts had ruled the wind farms illegal. The painting is a selfportrait of the artist (who is Sámi herself) putting on her gákti (traditional Sámi clothing) inside out, which is a traditional sign of resistance or disagreement. As of the time of this submission the Norwegian government has not acted to correct the situation, and the violation of indigenous people's rights continues in Norway. (@inariedwards)
("Rowan Leaves and Hole" is an art piece by Andy Goldworthy. It consists of found leaves arranged into a sculpture and photographed. Goldsworthy is known for his ephemeral land art.
The second artwork is a piece done by @prisonhannibal on tumblr.)
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if you wanna learn more about sámi history and reality from actual sámi sources btw i would recommend sametinget’s website, mitt sápmi on instagram (it’s in swedish, but i would still like to recommend it), timimie märak’s instagram (they’re a queer sámi activist and artist), the samediggi website, samer.se has an english language information pdf here. these are some starting points, there are tons of other sources of information of course.
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abwwia · 2 years
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Outi Pieski, Rástegáisa lágalaš riektesubjeaktan I
Sacred Mountain Rástegáisa as a Legal Person I
2018, akryla gággása alde, gollejuvvon metálla, árpu
acrylic on canvas, gilt metal, thread
145 x 110cm
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theoutcastrogue · 10 months
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Sami knives, early 20th century
Duodji is a traditional Sámi handicraft, and knives are a big part of it. Handles and sheaths are typically made of reindeer bone and antlers, carved and/or painted, while the blades are sometimes borrowed from the Scandinavian knife industry – Swedish Mora and Finnish puukko blades are common. Decoration is sometimes geometric and sometimes representational: there are reindeer, dogs, bears, sledges, lavvus, landscapes, and people.
Puukko, the Finnish word for "knife", is often used in English to describe these knives, but the same term is also used for a Finnish hunting/utility knife, which has similarities with but is decidedly not a Sami knife, so that's confusing. In Swedish they're called sameknivar (in plural, and samekniv in singular), i.e. Sami knives, and they are made all over Sámi territories in Scandinavia.
These examples are dated from 1901 to 1929, and are mostly from Sweden. They include the work of two of the most celebrated artists of that period, Jon Pålsson Fankki (1880-1861) and Nils Nilsson Skum (1872-1951).
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ravenkhor · 1 year
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Enjoy this very gay piece of art that I'm working on but can't work on again until at least monday
I love my indigenous fantasy boys
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luxaofhesperides · 3 days
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How am I to tell stories about life — Without becoming the eccentric Sámi Making jokes at my own expense — How I am to explain to them that the ruin is in my voice
Ædnan by Linnea Axelsson, trans. Saskia Vogel / Portrait of a young woman. The artist's sister Anna Hammershøi by Vilhelm Hammershoi (1885) / The Tempest by Peder Balke (1862)
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prisonhannibal · 1 year
Fosen update 12th of October 2023
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Yesterday was the 11th of october, which means it’s been two years since the supreme court ruled the wind power plants at Fosen illegal and a violation of indigenous human rights. The local sámi reindeer herder families sued the state and WON in the supreme court, and despite this, the wind turbines are still up and the government is making no effort to change the situation even though they apologized and called it an ongoing human rights violation back in march after the first round of demonstrations. We live in a country where the state and state owned power companies can continue to violate sámi rights even after losing in the supreme court. 11th of october also exactly one month after the 700th day since the ruling, which was election day, and the day a sámi activist and artist moved into a lávvu in front of parliament where he still lives now. Because of threats, harassment, and vandalism, the lávvu has needed to be guarded 24/7 by other activists.
Yesterday, the main street in Oslo (which runs next to the parliament and continues up to the royal castle) was filled with lávvus while the surrounding traffic was blocked by people sitting down in the round. The lávvus were moved to the park in front of the parliament later that night, joining the first lávvu, pretty much filling up the whole lawn and some on the sidewalk. A group of activists entered the parliament, and yoiked (traditional form of singing/chanting) they sat in the main hall for hours until they were carried out by police while people were yelling ČSV and yoiking outside.
more than 40 years ago, sámi activists went on a hunger strike in a lávvu on that same grass to protest the building of the Alta hydroelectric power station (look up Alta conflict). They are still doing this to us, and they’ll continue unless we fight it and hold the state responsible for the harm it has done and continues to do to indigenous people of sápmi.
Today, all the entrances of the headquarters of the fully state owned company Statkraft have been blocked. Statkraft makes money off this ILLEGAL power plant. Statkraft operates the Alta hydroelectric power station, and the Pilmaiquén hydroelectric plant in Chile that the indigenous mapuche people have been fighting against. They have shown us so much solidarity and support in the fight against this company and Norway’s green colonialism, both in Sápmi and in Chile.
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The lávvus in front of the parliament are still up, people are sleeping there and plan to stay.
thank you for listening to us, ollu giitu.
Baajh vaeride årrodh! ČSV ❤️💚💛💙✊🏼
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