#ryan roberts
petty-crush · 2 years
“The Wild Bunch”
-A buck of misfit toys that are grumpy old men have their Vietnam war in Mexico, and end it all in a bloody shoot out
-you know, fucking awesome
-gotta love how after actor William Holden says the immortal line “If they move...kill em!” Then comes the title card “directed by Sam Peckinpah. Now that is a screen credit
-what I love most about him as a director is how in the middle of utter chaos he gives these victims of circumstances their blaze of humanity and dignity; the warm embrace of comfort that life otherwise denied them
-I think it’s worth noting that Peckinpah was also an alcoholic, so there is fair amount of lusty rambling, and utter spikes of lucidity
-it’s just endearing as Holden and Ernest Borgnine argue and support each other
-This is such a lived in world, each of the visual elements so assured and soaked in attention
-actor Warren Oates has great fun shooting the wine barrels and lapping up their liquid ambrosia
-what a train sequence. The way it’s held together by sheer willpower is mesmerizing
-westerns really do capture the mood of the times better than any other storytelling form (tied with horror); it’s as if the vast open lands allow emotions to paint in the negative space
+ the sheer heartache of the world in the late 1960s chalk outlined here (largely in red)
-quite spiffy to see an US filmmaker take back the dance lead from the (so great) Italian motion pictures
-I also think there is something captured in the scene of the ants attacking the scorpion; how the energy of crowds can destroy things individuals never can
-truthfully there isn’t a great deal of specific characterization in any one individual in this film (Pike being the main exception)
-it’s when they come in unison, like walking out of the whorehouse to their eventual death, that the film stirs up a swell of deep affection
-the beginning of this film is almost overwhelming; after numerous start and stop stills, the bank robbery has so much information backed in with quick cuts, like trying to get in 20 minutes of shoot outs in 8 minutes
-life can come at you fast, indeed
-I don’t consider this Peckinpah’s best film (call me crazy, but “Ballad of Cable Hogue” is my pick) but as a vivid statement of purpose, of screaming behavior, it obliterates the target
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salemsvlog · 1 month
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What the hell was that, the sequel
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shortmexicangirl · 1 year
obsessed with how ryan gosling's barbie promo consists solely of him treating the role like it's the joker and he's going he's going turbo but instead of becoming an insufferable douchebag to everyone around him he's just become a human bubble machine who only opens his mouth to spout FUN and spread the silly little guy agenda
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evviejo · 6 months
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thirteen's era appreciation: 337/?
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seaside-storm · 2 months
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Their smiles
9-1-1 (2018) 6.08
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zisuniverse · 1 year
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littlemsdelulu · 2 months
me when i find a new celebrity crush to overly obsess over
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blazeofbones · 5 months
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the-irreverend · 1 year
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The perfect couple.
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beenovel · 1 year
Just went and saw Barbie (there are no spoilers in this post!!)
Oh. My. God.
I managed to experience the full range of human emotion in an hour and 54 minutes. I have cried eight times now (four in the theater, four outside).
There were a BUNCH of women wearing pink, everyone was complimenting each other on their outfits. There was one guy dressed and magic earring ken and it made my whole night.
Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie should win award and I'm not fucking around here. They both did incredible performances in such different ways (if you want a spoiler post where I go into detail I can do that) like they both did amazing jobs. The casting was perfect for every single character
I don't care if you don't like Barbie you need to go see that movie right the fuck now
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inthedarktrees · 4 months
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Nita Talbot & Robert Ryan | On Dangerous Ground
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evviejo · 10 days
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STAR TREK: VOYAGER - S4E9 Year of Hell, Part 2
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lands-of-fantasy · 11 months
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Barbie (2023)
Character Posters
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www-girl · 2 months
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nightmare capitalist blunt rotation
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assiraphales · 10 months
one of my favorite genres of actors is the ones who put in their years of service to the hollywood machine & reached the point where they’re like “my potential was wasted as a conventional lead I’m about to be campy n perhaps a lil off putting”
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negans-wife · 3 months
Post Apocalyptic World
Credits: Esheffects
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