#ryan Guzmán
gayhoediaz · 8 months
thinking abt her again ☁️✨
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eddiescatholicguilt · 6 months
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All of the Instagram 9-1-1 Promos
One more sleep 🎉
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watmalik · 4 months
They scared me
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laratoncito-diaz · 2 months
wait actually i changed my mind. i kinda like moustache eddie.
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derpquack · 1 month
Ryan Reynolds as Turbo the Snail needs to be talked about more.
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dear-indies · 2 years
it's telling how no ones fave fcs are fat, trans, disabled, and/or darkskinned
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fromthestacks · 2 years
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Lady of the Manor
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survivoreddie · 5 months
Ryan Guzmán and Jennifer Love Hewitt joining Kenneth Choi - 911onabc Instagram live (02/05/2024)
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diazguzman · 3 months
Part 3: Interviews and articles focused on Buck/Oliver and Eddie/Ryan
24/04/23 ‘9-1-1’s Oliver Stark Says Season 7 Fan Response Is “A Beautiful Reminder” Of The Show’s Cultural Impact
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24/04/24 9-1-1’s Oliver Stark Says Buck’s 1st Meeting With Eddie Had an ‘Element’ of Bisexual Confusion
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24/04/30 "I’ve Never Said This Before" with Tommy Didario
24/05/02 Lou Ferrigno Jr. talks about the ABC series ‘9-1-1,’ working with Oliver Stark and Ryan Guzman
24/05/02 '9-1-1' stars talk Maddie and Chimney's roller-coaster wedding, Buck's 'perfect' gay kiss
24/05/06 ‘9-1-1’ Committed to a Gay Character. Will Other Shows Follow Suit?  (I know this article is a mess but thankfully 911bts post it so you don't even have to visit the rollingstone site. Some of the things being shared in this interview are very interesting).
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24/05/09 ‘9-1-1’ Star Ryan Guzman on Buck & Eddie: ‘It’s Baby Steps Towards Anything & If Anything’
24/05/09 ‘9-1-1’ Star Ryan Guzman Loves Eddie’s Romantic Twist: ‘I’m Here for All the Chaos’
24/05/09 9-1-1′s Ryan Guzman Reacts to [Spoiler]’s Return and Eddie’s Betrayal: ‘He’s Weaving a Dangerous Web’
24/05/09 ‘9-1-1’: Ryan Guzman Explains Eddie’s Questionable Move & Lying to Buck
24/04/10 ‘9-1-1’: Ryan Guzman Teases Eddie Will Feel ‘Isolated’ at the End of Season 7
24/04/10 9-1-1’s Ryan Guzman on Eddie’s Shocking New Love Interest and the Consequences He’ll Face [Interview]
24/05/21 Ryan Guzmán on Tommy DiDario podcast 'I’ve Never Said This Before'
24/05/30 Ryan Guzman Says Being Cast On ‘9-1-1’ Was “Divine Intervention” After Mental Health Crisis: “It Happened At The Perfect Time In My Life”
24/05/30 INTERVIEW: ‘9-1-1’s Ryan Guzman Talks Eddie’s Heartbreaking Loss & What’s Coming for Him in Season 8
24/05/30 When Does ‘9-1-1’ Season 8 Premiere? Peter Krause And Ryan Guzman Tease What’s In Store For The 118
24/05/30 ‘9-1-1’s Ryan Guzman Breaks Down Emotional Season 7 Finale And Teases Eddie’s “Difficult” Season 8
24/05/30 ‘9-1-1’ Star Ryan Guzman Breaks Down That Emotional Finale Goodbye
24/05/30 9-1-1 Post-Mortem: Ryan Guzman Talks Eddie Relying on Buck & Eddie's Season 7 Journey
24/05/31 Ryan Guzman Thinks Moving On After That '9-1-1' Season 7 Finale Requires "Destroying Eddie"
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24/06/10 9-1-1’s Ryan Guzman Breaks Down Eddie’s Biggest Season 7 Moments: Bachelor Party Hijinks and More (Exclusive)
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Part 4
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gayhoediaz · 2 years
So do you think they filmed a shirtless Eddie scene that got cut, or they filmed a scene that will be used later, or did Ryan just bring his abs out that one time for fun? I know a lot of us thought that thirst trap photo in show makeup meant at some point the show would be making use of those abs (I mean why else go to trouble? But then again maybe he just felt like it?) but while the slutty black tank top has made a couple welcome appearances along with a very thin t-shirt or two, Eddie has remained fully clothed all season 😔
first of all i’d like to give @loveyourownsmiilee credit because she was the one who brought this up in the first place, and she’s brilliant.
second of all, they’re still filming the backhalf of the season (or were until very recently, at least) so it’s possible that it comes into play there.
if it doesn’t, then yeah, perhaps ryan simply felt like it. i believe he’s expressed before that he doesn’t love being that ripped because it takes a lot of work, but it’s his own body, and it’s absolutely possible that he just made a personal challenge for himself for whatever reason. (not to mention that oliver is getting more ripped, and i think it's natural to get motivated when you spend a lot of time working next to somebody who clearly enjoys working out, especially when it's beneficial for the job. and from the few things i know about his wife, she likes working out too. so we can assume that two of the people he spends the majority of this time with - while it's filming season - are two people who love working out. i think, naturally, i would get motivated, too.)
i also am not really one to speculate about what the actors are doing outside of the show (social media, etc) i will absolutely partake when other people do it, but i’m not on those sites so unless it’s content that is directly related to the show (bts, interviews, etc) i simply don’t spend a lot of time on it myself.
(the following is not necessarily aimed towards you, but more so the fandom and other anons in general):
i also think it’s important to remember that spec is just a bit of fun. it’s not a competition to see who’s right, but simply something fun to do while we’re waiting for new content. if spec makes you stressed or upset, or you get disappointed when it proves to be incorrect then i highly suggest that you keep your distance from it <3
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eddiescatholicguilt · 6 months
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The happiness exuding from them during this new season is 💖✨✨
Idk if it’s from being back after the strike, being on a new network, etc, but I love it and them!
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inairthings · 6 months
911 y Buddie ❤️‍🔥
🇪🇸 - 🇬🇧
911 and Buddie
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911 es una serie de bomberos, no es realista obviamente, es ficción y en ficción siempre se exageran las cosas aunque hayan tomado ideas de la vida real donde pasan cosas muy locas todos los días.
Uno de los puntos fuertes de esta serie es el BROmance entre dos de sus protagonistas, Eddie Díaz y Evan "Buck" Buckley, o Buddie, como los fans han decidido llamarlos, dos hombres que empezaron su amistad con mal piel pero que poco a poco fueron convirtiéndose en mejores amigos, hasta el punto de que Buck es una figura paterna para el hijo de Eddie, Christopher.
El tema está en la ENORME química que existe entre Ryan Guzmán, que interpreta a Eddie y Oliver Stark, que da vida a Buck, una química que obviamente han traspasado a sus personajes.
¿Y qué es lo que sucede?, que te los imaginas como pareja que pasa de ser una pareja de amigos a una pareja que es algo más, unos sentimientos que intuyes que están ahí y que quieres que se hagan realidad, pasar de BROmance a ROmance, y la prueba está en la cantidad de fanfiction, más de 23.000, que hay en la web Archive of Your Own o AO3.
Son seis temporadas esperando a que den el gran paso porque siendo sinceros interpretarían a una de las mejores parejas LGBT de la televisión, una con un apoyo brutal y también de las más bonitas, seis temporadas de tensión en las que hay situaciones de tensión brutales entre ellos y eso traspasó la pantalla gracias a esa química que existe entre ellos.
Y de repente en la Temporada 7 Buck sale del armario como bisexual, Tommy Kinard, un antiguo miembro del 118 e interpretado por Lou Ferrigno Jr, alias mi querido Rocker en SWAT, le besa, un beso que honestamente vi extraño, no me transmitió nada y en el próximo episodio tendrán una cita. Yo creo que ese es el primer paso para la relación romántica entre Eddie y Buck, y me gusta porque quiero que sea una relación que avance despacio y segura, no de una forma rápida.
¿Qué creo que podemos esperar de Buddie?
No sé cual de los actores dijo que veríamos a Buck y a Eddie más cercanos que nunca y creo que puede ser una pista, obviamente no pueden revelar lo que pasará pero si tuviera que decir una teoría tengo el presentimiento de que en un primer lugar la serie va a llegar a la Temporada 10 y que esa será la última temporada (espero que no, aunque prefiero un final bueno que no alargar la serie y darle un final malo). También que Buddie se resolverá al final del último episodio de la Temporada 7 y que se empezará a desarrollar ya en la Temporada 8 donde ya tendremos una pareja establecida y hasta el final de la serie.
Veremos lo que nos depara el resto de temporada, lo que está claro es que Buddie es muy real.
🇬🇧 English
911 is a firefighters tv show, it is obviously not realistic, it is fiction and in fiction things are always exaggerated even though they have taken ideas from real life where very crazy things happen every day.
One of the strong points of this series is the BROmance between two of its protagonists, Eddie Díaz and Evan "Buck" Buckley, or Buddie, as fans have decided to call them, two men who began their friendship in a bad and antagonist way, but they became best friends, to the point that Buck is a father figure to Eddie's son, Christopher, and he is in Eddie's will.
The issue is the HUGE chemistry that exists between Ryan Guzman, who plays Eddie, and Oliver Stark, who plays Buck, a chemistry that they have obviously transferred to their characters.
And what happens? You imagine them as a couple that goes from being a couple of friends to a couple that is something more, feelings that you sense are there and that you want to come true, going from BROmance to ROmance, they are very loved and the proof is in the amount of fanfiction, more than 23,000, that there are on the Archive of Your Own or AO3 website.
There are six seasons waiting for them to take the big step because to be honest they would play one of the best LGBT couples on television, one with brutal support and also one of the most beautiful, six seasons of tension in which there are brutal situations of unresolved tension between them and that crossed the screen thanks to that chemistry that exists between them.
And suddenly in Season 7 Buck comes out as bisexual, Tommy Kinard, a former member of 118 and played by Lou Ferrigno Jr, aka my dear Rocker in SWAT, kisses him (btw I don't feel anything with this kiss), and in the next episode they go on a date. We know Lou Ferrigno will be only un several episodes, so I think that is the first step for the romantic relationship between Eddie and Buck, and I like it because I want it to be a relationship that moves slowly and safe, not rushing.
What do I think we can expect from Buddie?
I don't know which of the actors said that we would see Buck and Eddie closer than ever and I think it could be a clue, obviously they can't reveal what will happen but if I had to say a theory I have a feeling that in the first place the series It's going to reach Season 10 and that will be the last season (I hope not, although I prefer a good ending to not lengthening the series and giving it a bad ending). Also that Buddie will be resolved at the end of the last episode of Season 7 and that it will begin to develop in Season 8 where we will have an established couple until the end of the series.
We'll see what the rest of the season has in store, what's clear is that Buddie is very real.
Yeah, Buddie❤️‍🔥 is Endgame
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daffi-990 · 1 year
Last night I went down a YouTube rabbit hole of 9-1-1 bts videos, livestreams and interviews and it just made me fall in love with the show and cast even more 😍😍😍
It all started with this wonderfully chaotic livestream
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chrisevansbuddy · 6 months
Yes Bi!Buck is real!!!!
And i just know that Ryan Guzmán y mad that he wasnt the first man to kiss Oliver
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lamardeuse · 2 months
it's thinking about drunk smiley Ryan Guzmán saying 'we're gonna give the fans everything they want' hours
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
I always find it a bit weird when people accuse Ryan and Oliver of queerbaiting cause it never came across to me that any of their positive comments about buddie were influenced by the higher ups. Queerbaiting is first and foremost a marketing strategy and fox (except for the Spanish accounts) seem to mostly avoid this kind of strategy 🤷‍♀️
This ask is absolutely correct. "The Stark and Guzmán Show"? Lasted all of two videos (without a doubt because TPTB knew putting them together would only encourage madness). Doing insta lives together is a thing of the past. They know not to make comments about Buddie on each other's instas. We just see the real-life friendship. The (non-Spanish) FOX accounts post Buddie things, but not in a "romantic" way. They're literally just doing it because they know people will question why such a popular ship is being ignored by its own network/show. Most importantly, the original showrunner fucking HATES being accused of queerbaiting, so why would he allow (or request) his employees to do anything that would "trick" us into thinking Buddie is going canon?
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