#rwby ceil
autumnsorbet · 1 year
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Art from the past few monts
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elvenshadows · 2 years
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team-iceflower · 3 months
*Team RWBY & JNPR investigating*
Blake: All we got is a picture from inside the bullhead.
Ruby: Oh, that's a Bullhead, series 85. Mainly private use.
Jaune: You can tell that just from the ceiling?
Ruby: Let's just say I uh, spent some quality horizontal time on one of those on a trip to Vacuo with uh, Weiss.
Weiss: RUBY!
Yang: I'm gonna go drink bleach.
Ruby: Don't judge! Sorry Weiss.
Nora: Ohhh I'm judging.
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howlingday · 4 months
Master Nikos
Pyrrha: Hm... This is a difficult choice for me. I'll have to meditate on this...
Pyrrha: (Shuts door)
Pyrrha: (Opens door) It's Ruby. (Shuts door)
Pyrrha: Zwei, yawn if you want to hear a story.
Zwei: (Yawns)
Pyrrha: Very well. When I was a young girl...
Ruby: It wasn't a fair fight!
Pyrrha: What do you mean "fair fight"?
Ruby: Like, they kept distracting us and were fighting dirty!
Pyrrha: So a fair fight is a fight you could lose.
Ruby: Well, I mean- Ow! (Pinned)
Pyrrha: (Pinning) Was that fair?
Ruby: N-No!
Pyrrha: Did I win?
Ruby: ...I see your point.
Pyrrha: Ren, you have an inner peace to you that I have trained to develop for years.
Ren: Don't worry. You'll get it.
Pyrrha: I did get it! It just took me a long time!
Ren: That's nothing to be ashamed of.
Pyrrha: ...
Ruby: I think I get it now. I know why you made me the leader.
Pyrrha: Oh? And why is that?
Ruby: You saw in me a warrior spirit waiting to be tempered into greatness!
Pyrrha: No.
Ruby: No? Then why did you pick me?
Pyrrha: Because you asked.
Ruby: Wait, so anyone could have been made the leader?
Pyrrha: Yes.
Ruby: Even Yang?!
Pyrrha: Hahaha~!
Pyrrha: No.
Pyrrha: Blake, he has no business learning our way. He is...
Pyrrha: (Looks to Sun)
Pyrrha: A doofus.
Pyrrha: (Blocking RWBY from leaving)
Ren: (Hanging from the ceiling) H-Help!
Pyrrha: (Gasps) Ren! (Leaps over, Catches) How on Remnant did you-
Pyrrha: (Sees RWBY gone, Glares at Ren) Ren?
Ren: (Nervously chuckles)
Pyrrha: How many times have I told you not to play paintball in the living room?!
Yang: Uh, none, ma'am?
Ruby: I'm glad you're not angry, ma'am.
Pyrrha: Who says I'm not angry?
Pyrrha: (Jabs spear butt into Ruby's foot)
Ruby: Yowch!
Ruby: I tried to tell Jaune you were still alive.
Pyrrha: (Scowls)
Ruby: I thought if he knew, he would join our side!
Pyrrha: There's a saying we had in Argus. "Those who run their mouths get a shield in the face."
Ruby: They say that in Argus?
Pyrrha: They would if you were there!
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juanarc-thethird · 11 months
Yang's Birthday Spankings:
Before they knew it, 2pm rang the clocks, followed by a very insisted knocking on the door. Seems like Yang's little sign worked like a charm!
However, instead of a new playmate the duo is greeted by a very authoritarian looking Glynda Goodwitch, whilst several Beacon ladies can be seen scrambling around a corner to get away from the professor.
For what reason could the whip-wielding instructor possibly be there, one wonders.
Ok, I admit that I haven't worked much on Yang's version, (a lot of things in my life and lack of motivation), but before it's Ruby's birthday I'll do what I can. So send your "Ask" about Yang's birthday spankings. --------------------
Yang is on all fours, face on the pillow. Moaning without meaning as Jaune grabs her waist and fucks her non-stop.
Yang: Oh yeah!~💕 That's how I like it! Get in there nice and deep!!~💕
A loud knock was heard at the door.
Yang: *Stops* What the fuck? *She glances at her clock on the table* Oh shit, it's already 2pm.
Jaune: I'm going to drink some water while you answer the door. Maybe I'll go to the bathroom too.
Yang: Ok
The two separate and go to their respective tasks. Yang excitedly goes to the door and opens it energetically.
Yang: Welcome ladies to the breeding se- PROF. GOODWITCH!!!
She screams. Using the door, she covers her own naked body, try to find an excuse, but nothing came to mind.
Yang: W-What brings you here, ma'am?
Glynda: I was doing my rounds when suddenly I saw a group of girls in front of your door. When I did, they all ran out and I found this note. *She says showing the note Yang put on her door*
Yang: Whut?! I do not know nothing about that.
She says as she angrily sees the other girls watching from the safety of their own rooms, denying any involvement with said note.
Yang: Anyways, since I have nothing to do with that. I'm going to close the door now.
Glynda: *Stop her* Hold it right there. Where is he?
Yang: I really don't know what you are talking about.
Glynda: Do you think I'm stupid? You and your team have done obscene things in this great academy, but I never had evidence to punish you girls, until now.
Yang: What?!
Glynda: I discovered that when you girls do this it is one of your birthdays. And today is your birthday, Miss Xiao-long. *Gets closer*
Yang: *Moves back* U-Um...
Glynda: *She enters the room and closes the door* I also know that Jaune is involved in all of this. So where is he?
Jaune: *Comes out of the bathroom still naked* What's going on? Prof. Goodwitch!!!
He says in panic, as he grabs a piece of clothing from the floor to cover his member.
Glynda: And there you are, the person who started all this.
She begins to walk towards him slowly while Jaune walks away from her without losing eye contact.
Jaune: I swear, this wasn't my idea. B-Blake was the one who seduced me first and then Weiss…
For walking without seeing where you are going. Jaune's back came to rest against the wall behind him with no where to go.
Jaune: Please don't hurt me.
Glynda: Jaune, you have two options. You and Team RWBY will be grounded by taking missions with Prof. Port for a month or…
Jaune: O-Or...
Glynda's slams her hand on the wall near his head.
Glynda: Or you let me be part of the celebration.
Jaune: W-Well, it's Yang's birthday so…
Glynda and Jaune look at Yang, waiting for an answer.
Yang: Fuck yes!~💕 *She says with a big smile and a nose bleeding*
Moments later...
Glynda is naked hugging Jaune while he is lifting her under her legs and fucking her hard.
Glynda: Fuuuuucccckkkk!!!💕 It feels sooo good!!~💕
Yang: *Sitting on her bed watching the show while touching herself* Fuck~💕 best birthday ever.
Blake: *Watching from the ceiling and taking notes for her fanfic* Indeed~💕
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notmaplemable · 1 year
A couple of Mk intros but with Lancaster and Rusted Lancaster (Rusted Knight Jaune x Ruby) as a bonus.
MK Intros!: Jaune Vs. RWBY And JNPR Edition
Yang: *Walks onstage, cracks knuckles* You ready for a little extra training, Jaune?
Jaune: *Unsheathes Crocea Mors and deploys shield* This is going to hurt, isn't it?
Yang: *Slams fists together, activates semblance* No pain, no gain.
Yang: *Walks onstage, cracks knuckles* Looks like you're all grown up Vomit Boy.
Rusted Jaune: *Takes off helmet* Had to happen at some point.
Yang: *Slams fists together, activates semblance* I just wish you didn't have to do it alone.
Blake: *Drops down from the ceiling* So, why exactly did you want to spar with me?
Jaune: *Unsheathes Crocea Mors and deploys shield* Pyrrha wants me to work on my agility.
Blake: *Unsheathes Gambol Shroud* Then let's get to work.
Rusted Jaune: *Petting Juniper* Don't worry Blake, I won't tell anyone about you fangirling over me.
Blake: *Unsheathes Gambol Shroud* I was not fangirling.
Rusted Jaune: *Walks closer* Sure you weren't.
Jaune: *Walks onto screen holding Crocea Mors* You ready, Snow Angel? *Deploys shield*
Weiss: *Loosely holding Myrtenaster, a glyph under her feat* If you call me that one more time, I'll freeze you where you stand.
Jaune: *Gets into his stance* Why'd I have to open my big mouth?
Weiss: *Walks onto screen* Brothers, why did he have to get so hot.
Rusted Jaune: *Removes helmet* What was that, Weiss?
Weiss: *Gets into combat stance* Nothing! Let's just spar already.
Jaune: *Walks onto screen holding Crocea Mors* Are you sure this is a good idea, Rubes? *Deploys shield*
Ruby: *Petal bursts onto screen, Crescent rose at the ready* Don't worry Jaune. I'll be there to heal any of your bruises~.
Jaune: *Gets into his stance* You do look cute in that nurse costume.
Ruby: *Petal bursts onto screen* So, this is what you'll look like in twenty years?
Rusted Jaune: *Takes of helmet* Disappointed?
Ruby: *Insert iconic pose here* Pretty much the opposite~.
Jaune: *Walks onto screen holding Crocea Mors* Nora, you need to calm down! *Deploys shield*
Nora: *Holding Magnhild over her head* I'm the Queen of the castle, Jaune-Jaune!
Jaune: *Gets into his stance* Where's Ren when you need him?
Nora: *Walks onto screen, get's stuck by lightning* I'm not leaving here without you, Jaune.
Rusted Jaune: *Removes helmet* I can actually be a hero here, Nora.
Nora: *Gets into stance* I won't lose you too.
Jaune: *Walks onto screen holding Crocea Mors* What are we going over tonight, Pyr? *Deploys shield*
Pyrrha: *Bangs Milo against Akouo twice* Just the basics.
Jaune: *Gets into his stance* My basics or your basics?
Pyrrha: *Standing confidently* Oh, Jaune.
Rusted Jaune: *Removes helmet* I'm Sorry Pyrrha, I couldn't save you.
Pyrrha: I'm sorry my foolish decision has caused you so much pain, but I cannot allow you to give up.
Ren: *Loads StormFlower* You'll need to train hard if you wish to survive.
Jaune: *Unsheathes Crocea Mors and deploys shield* I'll do whatever it takes to make it here at Beacon.
Ren: I was referring to Nora.
Ren: *Loads StormFlower* Remnant needs you, Jaune.
Rusted Jaune: *Removes helmet* It's too late for me.
Ren: I will not leave without my brother.
Jaune: *Walks onto screen holding Crocea Mors* I'm not really sure about this, Penny. *Deploys shield*
Penny: *Floating Array deployed around her* Do not worry Friend-Jaune, I've adjusted my combat parameters to your skill level.
Jaune: *Gets into his stance* So I won't be vaporized by a laser, great.
Maiden Penny: *Floats down* I sacrificed myself to save the world, Friend-Jaune.
Rusted Jaune: *Removes helmet* No! There had to be another way!
Maiden Penny: *Eyes glowing* And now my final act will be to save you.
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smh0217 · 10 months
*Teams RWBY & JNR are on a space shuttle. In the shuttles cockpit, Nora and Yang watch Jaune through the security cameras as he’s checking out some things in the cargo hold*
Nora: Hey Yang, check it out! Jaune’s poking around the cargo hold. I’m gonna give him a little scare!
*Nora presses a button and on the video feed, the ceiling of the cargo hold opens up and Jaune gets sucked into the vacuum of space*
Nora, with wide eyes:…
Yang, with wide eyes:…
*Both Nora and Yang are dead quit as Yang slowly reaches her hand towards the console and turns off the monitor.*
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littlelewdmable · 1 year
Jaune's Many Threesomes 4: Ruby and Kali
Note: Sorry this is a few days late. I didn't like my first draft and decided to rewrite this from scratch.
Go Here For More
After another long semester at Beacon, a nice trip to the beach was just what RWBY and JNPR needed. And as it turned out, Blake's parents happened to lived in a, slightly overcrowded, tropical paradise. So off to Menagerie they went.
Though, not before Sun gave Jaune and Yang a little warning that Kali's mom was apparently very friendly, or at least she had been when Blake and Sun visited them last. Though Jaune didn't really get why he had to be warned about that. After all, who doesn't like friendly people?
What Sun should have warned him about was Kali's ass, or really just how curvy Kali was in general. Now Kali didn't show her ass off as much a Blake did, considering Blake wore very form fitting pants most of the time, but when you did get a clear view of it, it was something to behold.
Not that Jaune was perving on Blake's mom or anything like that!
But he was a healthy you man and there were just some things that were hard not to notice. Particularly when the person that had that thing decided to wear a very skimpy bikini like Kali had that day at the beach, and Jaune was trying very hard not to think about it as he laid in bed with his girlfriend, Ruby Rose.
Jaune just stared at the ceiling of their shared room and tried not to think about it.
"Did you have fun at the beach today?" Ruby said, her head laying on Jaune's chest as she cuddled up to him.
"Yeah, it was pretty fun." Jaune said, getting to see Ruby in a bikini was always fun. Yang constantly teasing the both of them, slightly less fun. "At least neither of us ended up with a sunburn this time." That mission in Vacuo was terrible. Ruby hummed in agreement.
"There were a lot of nice views out there." Ruby said, running her hand down Jaune's stomach. And there certainly were, Menagerie is a beautiful place to be. "Like Kali in that tiny little swimsuit she was wearing. You could basically see her whole butt!" And he did not expect her to say that, or her to start rubbing his cock through his boxers after she did.
Now, Ruby had grown a lot more comfortable with 'filthy' stuff since they'd started dating. Heck, she could barely handle holding hands for those first few weeks. But now that they'd been dating for over a year at this point, that had changed. But he never expected her to say that. "Yeah, I guess you could." Jaune said, more than a little nervous.
"There's no guessing about it. You could see those fat cheeks from a mile away." Ruby said, now pulling Jaune's stiffening cock out of his boxers and continuing to rub away. "Could you imagine sticking your thick cock between them?" Oh he most certainly could. "Or how much they would bounce every time you thrusted into her?" And apparently Ruby could too. As she slipped the hand that wasn't jacking Jaune off down her pajama pants.
There were many things he never thought he would do, getting jerked off while his girlfriend fantasized about him fucking her friend's mom was one of them. But he couldn't exactly say he was against a little bit of fantasizing. It's not like he would ever get the chance to do that for real, right?
"Well, if you're that curious." Kali practically purred, leaning on the doorframe that lead into Ruby and Jaune's room with a smirk like the cat that just caught the canary. She was wearing a pajama shirt similar to Blake's, with one side below her shoulder. "I could always show you."
Jaune and Ruby stared at Kali in stunned silence. Not even bothering to cover themselves or for Ruby to remover her hands from either of their genitals. Kali simply rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her. "Just in case either of you were confused. I just offered to have sex with you."
"But you're married!" Ruby said, finally removing her hand from her pants.
"Happily, and Ghira and I have an agreement." Kali said, "He get's the Schnees and I get the blonds. Where do you think Weiss was while we were at the beach?" Weiss had disappeared for a few hours for whatever reason, or well, Jaune guessed they knew the reason now.
"Weiss has been walking kind of funny since we got here." Ruby said, mostly to herself. "And has seemed a lot less Weissy."
"It turns out, the best way to get the stick out of the Schnees asses is to shove a foot long 'stick' into whatever hole you please." Kali said, as she began loosening her top. It falling to the ground, revealing Kali's wide hips and her black thong. As well as her rather impressive bare breasts. "And speaking of a big 'stick' I see one I'd love to play with, and I wouldn't mind a little help."
In that moment Jaune finally understood what Sun was trying to warn him about, and he had to admit that he wasn't completely against the idea. But he wouldn't be willing to do anything Ruby wasn't, and Ruby would never do anything like that. "Okay, but only for tonight!" Ruby said, and completely threw Jaune for a loop.
"I can do a one night trial, but don't be surprised if you want to make it a regular thing." Kali said.
"Hold on, what!?" Jaune said.
"I'm going to be honest with you Jaune." Ruby said, once again starting to jerk him off. "The thought of you ramming Blake's mom turns me on like... well like you usually do. Please? Can you fuck Kali? Just this once?"
Was Jaune in a porno? Well, he might as well had been. "Okay, but if anyone gets uncomfortable, we'll all stop. Got it?"
"Works for me." Kali said, bending over and slipping off her thong. Walking up to Jaune and Ruby's bed while Ruby took her pajamas off. "You go ahead and take the first ride, Ruby. The girlfriend always goes first." How many people was Kali sleeping with? Sun and him at the very least.
Sun, who was dating Blake.
Kali fucking her daughter's boyfriend with her daughter aside, a now naked Ruby climbed onto Jaune's lap and Kali walked up to his side of the bed.
Ruby grinding against Jaune's cock for a moment before lining his head up with her soaking wet entrance. Then plopping back down onto his groin, taking his entire cock with one motion. A feat that had taken them many attempts to manage.
Ruby watched as it soon became apparent Kali didn't just plan on watching the two huntsmen in training fuck. As she threw a leg over Jaune and sat right down on his face. Facing Ruby and moaning after Jaune, recovering from a few seconds of shock, started to eat her out.
Ruby started grinding her hips as she watched Kali oooh and ahhh. Ruby watched as Kali's large breasts, a little bit bigger than Blake's and Ruby had spend more nights than she wanted to admit pleasuring herself to the thought of Blake naked, bounced.
Jaune grunted from under Kali's ass as Ruby started to properly ride him. Coming up and down at a steady pace as Kali started to lean forward. The thought of milking Jaune for all the cum he had with the feline MILF sending sparks of pleasure all over her body.
It was almost enough for her to activate her semblance and to really ride Jaune. Before she was taken surprise by a kiss from Kali as she reached around and squeezed Ruby's ass. Ruby moaned into her mouth as she tried to keep some kind of rhythm.
Jaune felt Ruby's pussy squeeze tightly around him as he grew ever closer to the edge. Doing his best to get Kali off before he did so. But she was far from cumming, she didn't want to before getting her own chance with his fat cock.
And she would get her chance soon, as Ruby sped towards the edge of maybe the best orgasm she'd ever had. Before Kali suddenly pulled out of their kiss and shoved Ruby's face into her chest. Ruby only being confused for a moment before she felt herself go over the edge, starting to ride Jaune as hard as she could while being smothered by Kali's boobs.
Jaune felt Ruby's pussy desperately squeezing, trying to milk him for all he had. He tried to hold back for as long as he could, but the moaning of both of the girls sent him over the edge as he shot thick load after thick load into his girlfriend's unprotected pussy.
The younger pair were left panting as Kali moved her ass off of Jaune's face. Ruby managing to remove herself from Jaune's cock, which was not flaccid and covered in a mixture of both of their fluids. Ruby laying down limply next to Jaune. Normally, they would have gone a few more rounds before they ended up like this, but Kali had managed to knock both of them out before she'd even cum herself.
"Looks like you fucked her silly, Jaune." Kali said, before giving Ruby a kiss on the cheek. "I hope you still have enough energy to fuck me silly too." Well, that was one really convenient part about having a lot of aura. Quick recovery times. Ruby didn't have that advantage though.
But she wouldn't need to do much, as she gasped as Kali spread her legs and began to clean out the fresh creampie Jaune had just given her. Jaune quickly getting hard again from the sight, as Kali winked at him and shook her ass, which was sticking up in the air, ready to be fucked.
And Jaune was more than happy to oblige, moving behind Kali and getting a full view of the magnificent ass that was smothering him moments ago. He grabbed a cheek in each hand, it was as fat and soft as he imagined it to be. And her pussy was begging him to blow her mind as he lined his cock up.
With a loud slap he rammed himself in as Kali moaned into Ruby's pussy. Her ass rippled as he began to thrust deep inside her. Her pussy wasn't as tight as Kali, but he wouldn't say it was any less pleasurable to fuck. As Kali's walls would squeeze tightly around him. Practically begging his cock not to leave before it would get it's wish and he would bury himself in her once again.
Ruby for her part, was barely managing to remain conscious as Kali expertly licked every little bit of Ruby's pussy. Only stopping to give Ruby's clit some attention. She was moaning, basically screaming, as Jaune continued to fuck Kali.
Just as Kali had wanted.
Jaune found himself lost in the hypnotic shaking of Kali's ass as Kali savored every second with Jaune's fat cock. It was almost as good as Ghira's.
Not to mention the pussy of the young Rose that she was eating. She tasted just like her mother, and even a little bit like Yang.
But nothing can last forever and Jaune and Ruby were quickly moving towards their second orgasms. Jaune's pace increasing as the sound of Jaune slamming into Kali's fat ass almost matched Kali and Ruby's moans in volume. Ruby wrapped her legs around Kali's head as her fingers dug into her pillow.
Ruby came first, squirting onto Kali's face as she screamed into the heavens with her back arching in ecstasy.
Kali came next, her pussy tightening like a vice grip. Begging Jaune to fill every bit of her needy faunus pussy with his cum, and he was close to doing it.
But, with the little bit of logical thought he had left at this point, really didn't want to get his friend's mom pregnant. So, despite the fact that it went against all his training, he pulled out. Sliding his cock between Kali's fat ass cheeks before thick ropes of cum shot across Kali's back. Maybe even more cum than he had just pumped into Ruby.
Kali's back was covered in cum, as Jaune's orgasm ended he looked down at her. Kali looked up at him with a satisfied grin and half lidded eyes.
Ruby had passed out and Jaune was not far behind her. Kali giggled as she looked up at him. "So, I'm guessing we're going to make this a regular thing?" She said, and she had his vote.
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simplykorra · 7 months
i absolutely adore your fanfic and the way you write 🫶 was wondering if you had any authors you look up to as inspiration or helped you find your writing style?
oh for sure, i mean tbh they're all fanfic writers cause that's pretty much all i read - but yeah for sure i've had a ton
i had a brief time in the harry potter fandom forever ago that really opened me up to pacing and how you need to let certain things breathe and not try to fit every single bit of plot into each chapter
i've taken things from every fandom i've been in honestly, i learned a lot about characterization in the korra fandom and i wrote my first au in the rwby fandom - i think some of my best character work was in the catradora fandom because i just wanted to take adora and expand her story so much in alternate worlds
then the clexa fandom gave me a lot of freedom to start exploring writing smut and using it as a way to build more of a foundation in the relationship
avatrice was really where it all came together, i found so much confidence in this fandom and connected with so many talented writers and artists, many of them i consider some of my best friends even outside of the fandom. i still take from the things i read, even after all this time - like with mom!ava and trying out the style of jumping around to a lot of difference perspectives like do a flip did so masterfully
the thing about fanfiction is that you can do whatever you want with it, there's no limit or boundaries - no glass ceilings. so long as you're having fun and exploring the plots and styles and scenarios you want, then you're doing it right
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epic-arc · 1 year
RWBY 10 Years Later!
Ruby and jaune were on a balcony talking and laughing and looking at some old pictures and she would show a picture of jaune that would have his face looking kind of depressed.
Ruby: Are you still depressed like in the picture or not? haha
Jaune: Depressed ?! I'm the furthes thing from depressed!
Jaune would take his scroll out of his pocket and show ruby ​​a picture of him with weiss and their 8 kids all smiling at the camera.would take his scroll and show ruby ​​a picture of him with weiss and their 8 kids all smiling at the camera.
Jaune: I mean look at what i've accomplished!
Gyda valkyrie and Jasper pine were trapped in a room and gyda was trying everything to get out while jasper was lying on the floor looking at the ceiling. Gyda noticed this and went to the boy with an expression of irritation.
Gyda: How in the world are you so calm right now?!
Jasper: This isn't my first time being kidnapped...
Gyda listened to that and looked at Jasper worried and confused.
Gyda (Mind): What is wrong with your family?
Blake was taking care of the garden of her house until she heard footsteps and saw Yang carrying her daughter in her arms with a smile on her face.
Yang: Blake! Blake! Our kitten will speak the first words!
Blake and yang would look at haichi who would be trying to form words until he said ''fuck'' and blake would look at yang with a death glare.
Yang: Y-yep I don't think I'll ever take our son to spend time with the guys again…
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sir-adamus · 11 months
some clowns are sharing an obviously AI generated image of Ruby getting kicked out of Warner Bros and responding to it like "this show died with its original writer", "now we can make fixing rwby canon", "they finally decided to kill this show"
like hey dickheads, gullible is written on the ceiling
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1180: Strolling Down the "Wedding" Lane #2: Rosegarden (RWBY)
???? Unknown Area.........
After suddenly falling down from a planted trap floor from a few floors up above, in a last ditch effort, Oscar took this opportunity to swoop himself over and catches Ruby in his arms before both his feet lands on the solid ground below.
Oscar: GOTCHA!
Oscar: (Starts Panting Quite a Bit) That.....was way too close....For our own comfort.....
Ruby; (Gently Place Her Hand onto Oscar's Arm) Oscar, are you okay?
Oscar: ('Sigh in Great Relief') Yeah....I habe no idea what's going on right, but I'm glad we made it down here in one piece at leadt
Ruby: (Sighs as Well) Yeah, same here. On that note....(Happily Hugs Oscar in his Arms While Nuzzling his Cheeks with Hers and Wiggling her Legs Up and Down) My Sweet Herooooooo!!~ You're so cool and brave!~
Oscar: (Chuckles a Bit Ticklishly by his Girlfriend's Affections) Ruby, I only did what I could to try and save you. It's nothing to it than that.
Ruby: I know, but I couldn't help but be more prouder of you than I already am!~ I mean, look at you: you even did the Super Hero Landing and everything!!~
Oscar: (Looks Down to See his Knee is Laid Down on Back Side and his Foot is Down on the Front) Is that right? (Starts Getting Himself Back Up on his Two Feet) I.....somehow no-(Suddenly Felt a Small Cramp in his Knee, Causing Him to Bring it Back Down) ('Crack') Tice!
Ruby: (Immediately Gets Worried as She Jumps Off of Oscar's Arm to Go Check on Him) Oh no! Is your knee hurting you?
Oscar: Just a bit, yeah....(Sits Himself Down on the Ground) I forgot how painful it gets every time I stick to theses types of landings.......
Ruby: Yeah, it's usually get hard on your knees a bit. Now, hold still for a bit. (Sticks Both of her Habds Out, Creating a Red Light In Front of Oscar's Knee)
Oscar: (Eyes Widened a Bit as He Recognizes the Form Ruby's Making) Wait, you can heal now?
Ruby: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Kinda? Jaune's been teaching me how to do Heaking Aura as of late, but I'm still a little rusty.....How is your knee's feeling right now?
Oscar: (Felt his Knee Slowly but Surely Healing Up to it's Regular, Functioning Self) A lot better actually, thanks. But....you know I could've done this myself, right?
Ruby: Yeah, but I wanted to return the favor. You got my back, I got yours, remember? (Lend a Hand to Oscar)
Oscar: (Stares at Ruby For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back and Happily Nodded in Agreement) Right. (Takes Ruby's Hand Let her Help Him Back Up on his Feet Before Looking Around the Pitched Black Area) Where are we?
Ruby: ('Sigh') That's what I wanna know. That host guy has been making us do that dumb Couple's Questionaire Challenge for twelves straight minutes and he just dropped us in here outta nowhere like that? (Crosses her Arms Together While Pouting) Is this some kinda elaborate their pulling? Cause I'm NOT giggling in the slightest!
Oscar: Or a trap waiting to get us when we least expected.('Sigh') I knew we should've brought our weapons with us before taking participating in that dumb game.....But either way we can't afford to let our guards down for even a second, with or without th-
The sound of all the lights getting turned on one by one was loud enough to ring the couple's eardrums in surprise as they turn their attention to the room now revealing itself to have blue, aurora filled skies, flower filled field, a vine carrying a portrait from the ceiling, and a road with a few sets of heart shaped wooden tunnels going up ahead, while the sound of organs suddenly starts playing out of nowhere, much to their dumbfounded surprise.
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Oscar: ...........You know what? Nevermind. Maybe this is a prank after all......
Ruby: What....are we even looking at right now?
???: This, my friends.
The sudden mechanical sounding voice spooked Ruby well enough to make her quickly hug her boyfriend's arm while shaking a bit.
Mechanical Voice: Happens to be the destination you have finally arrived to.
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow) What kind of destination exactly?
Ruby: Yeah, you invisible jerkwad! (Angrily (And Shakingly) Points at the Air) Tell us what's going on right now and I won't have smash your dumb face in!....W-Whereever you are!!
Mechanical Voice: Patience, my friends.
Ruby: Who says anything about us bring your friend!?
Mechanical Voice: This sacred destination is where two lovers who met their destined partners, discuss their love for each other. What could be waiting up ahead?
Oscar: (Looks Over to the Road Ahead of Him and Ruby) That can't be our only way out.....can it?
Ruby: Hold that thought.
Ruby lets go of Oscar's arm and uses her semblance to dash her way to the other side of the room before coming straight back a few seconds later.
Ruby: (Starts Panting a Bit While Bending her Upper Body Down Close to her Knees) I.....can't find.....a single exit......around.....this....stupid place! (Sits Herself Down on the Ground) It's like an endless void or something.......
Mechanical Voice: In order to find out what lies ahead, you must step forth, hand-in-hand and embrace what this particular road will have in store of both of you going forward. Now, please step forth.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Well, that answers all that. Forward we go I guess. (Turns to Ruby) You feeling okay there, Rubes?
Ruby: Yeah. (Gets Herself Back Up on her Feet) Had to catch my breath for a second there. Now then.....(Grab Hold of Oscar's Hand) Shall we go forth, hand-in-hand, my good sir?~ (Forms Bright, Cheeky Grin on her Face)
Oscar: (Stares at Ruby For a Brief Second Before Snickering) You are such a dork, you know that?~ (Starts Walking Forth Along with Ruby)
Ruby: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey, you fell in love with one~ Besides, don't act like you don't have your dorky moments too, mister. (Forms a Teasing Smirk) Remember that sweet love song you sang a while back? A kiss from a rose perhaps?~
Oscar: (Rolls his Eyes a Bit) I was hoping to forget about that one, thanks......And hey, wait a minute. (Glares at Ruby) You sang a son about me afterwards!
Ruby: Yeah, but it wasn't even remotely close as being as romantic as yours, with that nice, angelic singing voice of yours.
Oscar: (Starts Blushing While Turning Away and Rubbing his Head) You're being too modest here....Your song was nice too, albeit short, and you're singing isn't bad ei-(Eyes Slowly Starts to Widened at What is in Front of Him and Ruby) therrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......
Ruby: Oscar, what's- (Eyes Starts Widening Up as Well) wrrrrrOOOOONNNNG!!!?
The couple's shocked face speaks volumes as they witnessed a golden portrait of Ruby dressed in a dark red wedding dress, carrying Oscar, wearing a green tux, in her arms,
Mechanical Voice: Here, you will see the bride and groom's joyous commemorative photograph of their undying love and passion for one another.
Oscar: (Almost at a Loss For Words) ........Your kidding.
Ruby: (Places her Hands on Both Sides of her Head in Complete Disbelief) WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!? How? When? Why!? What kind of constant makes you answer a bunch questions, brings you down here with a trapped floor, and flat out assume you want to get hitch!? This doesn't make any lick of SENSE!!! AT ALL!!! .(Continues Ranting On)
Starting to notice something was off, Oscar walks himself over towards the picture to take a closer look. It took him thirteen and a half seconds later to find a few details before turning back to his distressed girlfriend.
Oscar: Hey, Ruby. Ruby!
Ruby: (Immediately Stops her Ranting and Gives Oscar his Attention) Yeah?
Oscar: Come over here for a second. Take a look at this. (Watches Ruby Walk Herself to The Picture Frame Before Turning Back to It) Notice something odd about all of this look? Like how big both our heads are compared to our bodies?
Ruby: (Starts Taking a Closer Look at The Picture Herself) Yeah......Our heads does look better in this......('Gasps') And they don't remotely blend in with the bodies at all!! (Turns to Oscar with an Angry Look on her Face) Those jerks photoshopped us!!
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Photoshopped?
Ruby: It's where they take a photo part of you and try altering and editing it into another one, hoping it could blend into the other photo's background. (Crosses her Arms) And they did s real lousy job on that front, that's for sure!
Oscar: (Looks Back at the Fake Photo) Yeah, no kidding. It doesn't look nearly look as believable looking back at it. And why exactly are you carrying me in your arms?
Ruby: To make it stand out I guess. (Slowly Starts Smirking Again) Which reminds me~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Oh God. What is it?
Ruby: I never did get the chance to carry you bridal style. (Playfully Shrugs) Now it seems like a pretty good time for me to finally give a go, don'tcha think?~
Oscar: Ruby, we're not even close to finding our way out of here, we don't have time for this.
Ruby: (Clasps her Hands Together While Giving Oscar the Puppy Dog Eyes) Pleaseee?~ I promise it'll be quick. I'll even teach you how to execute a Raging Demon properly!
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow) Really?
Ruby: Really ×1000 with a cherry on top~ (Rapidly Blanking her Eyes in a Cutesy Manner)
Oscar: ('Sigh') Alright. You got yourself a-DEAL!? (Quickly Gets Scooped Up into Ruby's Arms, Bridal Style)
Ruby: Gotcha!~ Right in the neck of time too~ (Winks at her Boyfriend)
Oscar: (Playfully Rolls his Eyes) My speedy hero. You're already enjoying this, aren't you?
Ruby: (Forms a Playful, Seductive Smirk on her Face) Not as much as I'm gonna enjoy kissing that cute freckled face of yours~ (Starts Kissing Oscar's Freckled Cheeks)
Oscar: (Chuckles Ticklishly) Sheesh!~ You're in a more romantic mood than usual, Rubes. What gives?~
Ruby: (Casually Shrugs) It's Valentine's and whatnot. (Starts Pouting Again) And whaddya mean "more than usual"? I'll have you know that I have been the most romantic young woman in our lovely relationship!~
Oscar: Are you really though?~
Ruby makes a cute angry noise at Oscar, causing him to chuckle even more.
Oscar: Kidding, kidding! You're very romantic in your own cool way and I love you a lot for it. (Kiss Ruby on the Cheek)
Ruby's heart starts to melt in pure happiness as she hugs Oscar close to her before suddenly notices something from afar.
Ruby: ('Gasps') Oscar! Look! (Points Oscar Towards....) A door!
Oscar: (Eyes Widened atvthe Door in Question) You're right.....(Smiles Brightly) That might be our one ticket outta here.
Ruby: (Smiles Brightly as Well) Well, what are we waiting for? Let's Cheese it!
Ruby was about to activate her semblance until the sudden sound of the alarm Starts ringing their ears.
Mechanical Voice: Halt. Halt. You two are not permitted to use your semblance and/or run towards the door ahead.
Oscar: Seriously!?
Ruby: (Glares at the Invisible Voice) And why not!? We're halfway to the ending point, aren't we?
Mechanical Voice: Indeed you are. But this road to enlightenment is an once and lifetime experience that cannot impatiently rush. Therefore, If you and your friends wish to leave this entire facility, then I advise the both of you to continue to walk this path as originally planned.
The couple groans in defeat and pure annoyance as Ruby puts Oscar back down on his feet before continuing their tedious quest, walking on foot.
Ruby: (Starts Grumbling On) ('Groans') I swear, I wish where that voice is coming from so I could punch him in his dumb face....
Oscar: You and me both. But the closer we reach to that door, the more time we'll have find the others and leave. We can't stop now.
Ruby: Yeah, yeah.....
'A Bit of Silence'
Ruby: Hey, Oscar, can I ask you something?
Oscar: Yeah, what is it?
Ruby: Do you hate Uncle Qrow?
Oscar: (Turns to Ruby with a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) Not....really? What makes you think that.
Ruby: Well, for starters, always look uneasy whenever you two see each other, like you're trying to avoid talking to him or something. (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) Not like he's any better in comparison......
Oscar: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah......That's not surprising.....Considering we don't really gotten along as much as we should. (Roll his Eyes) Mostly cause of everything Ozpin related.
Ruby: ('Sigh') Of course.....So, is that one of the reasons why you two fought in Vacuo in the past?
Oscar: (Eyes Widened as He Immediately Stops Walking) Wait, how did you-
Ruby: Emerald told me about during our lunch outing the other day.
Oscar: Really. That's the third time this week you guys been hanging out this week.
Ruby: Yeah, it's been an ongoing thing we do oddly enough. (Pouts at Oscar Again) And before you say anything, NO! This doesn't automatically make the both of us friends!
Oscar: You sure? (Chuckles a Bit) Cause it kinda sounds like you are actually starting to get along for once.
Ruby: AS ASSOCIATES!! (Crosses her Arms) That doesn't mean I wanna be buddy-buddy with her of all people! She know what she did.
Oscar: And she's more than willing to pay the price for it however she can, her words. Just try and give her another chance, will ya? As rude, harsh, and smart-mouthed as she gets at times, she can also be as cool and understanding once you guys get to know her more better. Hopefully.
Ruby: I still don't trust her. ('Sigh') But I'll try and get along for you.....Now, quit stalling and tell me why you and Qrow were fighting!!
Oscar: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay, so......It all started when we reached to Vauco. We all assumed you, your team, Jaune, and Penny were dead at the time, so we arranged a funeral for all of you. It was an emotionally stressful time for most of us to endure, Qrow especially.......
Ruby: (Pinches the Bridge of her Nose) Oh no......Please don't tell me he was drunk during that time.....
Oscar: ('Sigh') Unfortunately. He seemed so....out of it the moment we saw him step into the room. Laughing, crying, freaking out and throwing out anything in the room he could find.........I tried calming him down, he shoved by the shoulder, yell at me, and said, and I quote: "I am nothing but a useless, puppet meat shield, who should've fell down and died instead."
Ruby: (Eyes Widened in Shock, Couldn't Believe What She Heard Just Now) ......What?
Oscar: It's the truth. He said it right in front of face...... And it got to me. Egregiously so. I have worked my hardest to contribute to the team, to try and fix Oz's mistakes and do better by him, surived and fought the hardest I have EVER done in my life, from Ironwood, Salem, Hazel, and anyone else who stood in my way of living my life!....And to have him call me useless after all of that just....struck a nerve in me. So I punched him. More than once. He started punching me. And before either of us know it, we ended fighting until Nora, Ren, and the others was able to break us up, ending the service altogether. (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) I know we've been through a whole lot to get to that point, some of which more life-threatening than the others, but it wasn't an excusefor either of us to act that way, especially when we were suppose to mourn for our loses. I'm really sorry, Rub-
Ruby: (Immediately Hugs Oscar Tightly) No! Emotions get the better of us at times, it happens! And that's absolutely NOTHING for you to apologize for! If anyone should be doing that other than Qrow, it's me for not helping or being there for you as much as I should be. (Starts Tearing Up a Bit) Especially when I knew for a fact that you were suffering way more than the rest of us combined. ('Sniff') You didn't deserve any of that, Oscar. Not at all!
Oscar: (Frowns Sadly at the Sound of Ruby's Soft Crying) Ruby, come on. Don't say that. You've done a lot for more than you think you did.
Ruby: ('Sniff') Yeah? Like that? Not yelling at you?
Oscar: (Gently Pulls Ruby Away From Him For a Moment) You know that's not what I mean. Remember that at we were staying at the dojo and I got so worked up over everything that's been going on with and Oz?
Ruby: Yeah. (Wipes the Tears Away) ('Sniff') You seemed so mad....and scared.
Oscar: (Simply Nodded) I was. But that pep talk you gave me about how i should keep fighting and moving forward, it inspired me a lot since: to be better, stronger, and more brave than I've ever been growing up. (Let's Out a Soft Chuckle) Heck, if anything, I highly doubt I would be standing here right now if I never took any of the advice you've given me since then, to heart. You've been an inspiration to me from the very beginning, Ruby Rose, and it makes me love you even more than I do before, believe it or not.
Ruby: (Heart Starts Melting in Happiness Again) You're real inspiration to me too, you know?
Oscar: I am? Really?
Ruby: (Giggles Softly While Hugging Oscar Again) Yes, really, you big dumb-dumb!~ You inspired me to keep going, make more better choices, be a better leader, a better person even. And be makes me so, so happy to meet abd eventually fall in love with someone as sweet, brave, and, wonderful like you in my life. I love you with every bit of fiber my heart and soul can carry, Oscar Everlynn Pine~
Oscar: (Heart Begins to Melt as Well as He Hugs His Girlfriend as Well) Likewise. And listen, please don't hold any of what happened against your uncle. What he did was completely uncalled for, but I can tell it was because of how heartbroken he was of losing his only two nieces, you and Yang.
Ruby: I'm not happy with what he did to you at all and I will DEFINITELY have a talk with him the next time we see each other again. ('Sigh') Buuuuuut I suppose I'll try not to be too mad at him IF you give lots of cuddles later on today~ (Smirks at her Farm Boi)
Oscar: (Smirks Back) Give me a Valentine's kiss and you got yourself a deal.
Ruby: (Places her Hand onto Oscar's Cheek) Done and done~
Ruby leans in to kiss Oscar until something flew over towards the white door in blazing, startling the duo into hugging one another as they turn to see a man I'm a black suit slowly sliding down off the door, groaning in immense pain.
Ruby: What in the-
????: RUBY! OSCAR!
The duo turns to see two very familiar faces making their way towards them.
Ruby: ('Gasps') Yang!~
Oscar: Emerald!
Yang: (Rushes Over to Hug Both Ruby and Oscar) You two had us so worried....Are you okay?
Ruby: Yeah, we good. (Happily Hugs her Big Sister) Even more so now that you're here!~
Oscar: How were you two able to get down here?
Emerald: We ran down the stairs. Like five to six of them in total I think? Anyways, he had to chase down the dumbass over there before he could get away. (Points the Duo Back to the Man Knocked Out)
Yang: Yeah, turns out him and his little friends upstairs were pulling the strings of this little Couple's Questionaire charade just try and throw us off courses to what their scheming. (Smiles Brightly) Luckily, everyone else are handling the rest of those punks as we speak.
Meanwhile in the Third Floor
Nora: (Glaring and Tightening Up her Mangchild Dangerously at the Rest of the Shaking Suited Men Tied Up, With Everyone Else Ominously Glaring at Them in the Background) I'm getting REAL of sick playong the silent game right now.....If you idiots don't quit your shaking, cut the bullshit, and tell us where have you sent my baby and his girlfriend RIGHT NOW, you six are going feel each and everyone of our WRATHS in the next thirty seconds!
Pyrrha: (Hovering Multiple Swords in the Air, Pointing the Blades Down at the Terrified Culprits) Start. Talking.
Back at the Bottom Floor
Emerald: It's a good thing the two us came down as quickly as we could. (Forms a Small, Playful Smirk on her Face) We can't have you two lovebirds go in and elope on us now.
Ruby: (Pouts at Emerald) Oh will you hush!? We're not dumb enough to fall for this stupid trap completely!
Yang: (Starts Smirking as Well) You sure? Cuz that picture frame we saw kind of says otherwiseeee~
Oscar: (Gives the Two Older Ladoes a Deadpinned Look on his Face) It's a photoshopped picture, Yang. (Turns Away While Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Though, I do think that.....(Starts Blushing a Bit) Ruby does look pretty cute in that red dress. She's looks better in that frame than I do actually.
Yang: (Forms a Proud Grin) Of course!~ My baby sister can rock any dress she wears perfectly! But don't short, lil bro. (Playfully Pulls One Side of Oscar's Cheek) I think you would look pretty damn handsome in that suit~
Ruby: (Playfully Pulls on Oscar's Other Cheek) Right?~ My precious farm boi will be the most handsomest man in our very own wedding!~
Oscar: (Already Annoyed) Stooooooop......(Notices a Emerald Holding her Scroll Right I'm Front of Him and the Sisters) Really?
Emerald: Oh don't mind me. Just capturing the cuteness is all. Probably use it as blackmail or something later down the road.
Oscar: I hate all of you.
Emerald: No you don't.
Oscar: ('Sigh') I don't. I love you all a lot actually.
Emerald: Love you too, handsome.
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electronicyarn · 2 months
The Bandit’s Rose - Chapter 7
Fandom: RWBY
Raven Branwen/Summer Rose Taiyang Xiao Long/Qrow Branwen Summer Rose/Taiyang Xiao Long Raven Branwen/Taiyang Xiao Long
Read From the Beginning
Before there was Team RWBY, there was Team STRQ. And before Team STRQ were huntsmen and huntresses, they were students.
Summer, Taiyang, Raven, and Qrow are four of Beacon Academy’s newest students, and although they don’t know it yet, powerful forces have taken note of them. But if they’re going to survive being pawns in a secret game, they’ll first have to survive each other.
Read on AO3 | Read on FF.net
Before Summer even opened her eyes the next morning, she felt a throbbing pain in her head. Her first coherent thought was that today would be an excellent day to stay in bed. Unfortunately, she knew that wasn’t an option. It was a school day, and she had classes to attend. It seemed she’d learned her first important lesson at Beacon. Going out for drinks on a school night was a terrible idea.
Summer lay there for several minutes. Then she reluctantly pried her eyes open. She was greeted by the uninteresting sight of Team STRQ’s dorm room ceiling. However, she quickly realized that something was amiss. Her bed didn’t feel nearly as soft as it should. She lifted her head off her pillow to investigate and found that she was actually lying on the floor with a blanket spread over her. And if that wasn’t concerning enough, she could also tell that she was completely naked under her covers.
A groan escaped Summer’s lips as her head fell back down onto her pillow. She racked her brain, trying to figure out what had happened last night, but everything after the first round of drinks at that nightclub Taiyang had taken them to was a blur. Maybe it was for the best that she couldn’t remember.
Summer rolled onto her side as she began to work up the motivation to get her day started, but whatever thoughts were in her head slipped away from her when she suddenly found herself face-to-face with Taiyang.
“Ah!” Summer yelped.
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howlingday · 1 year
Dragonslayer: Daddy
During a middle of class Jaune was trying to get to his seat in Glynda’s class but slips and spanks Yangs ass as he fell, and oddly enough Yang then felt something that got her fire going for the Blonde dork~❤️‍🔥
"Oh no! I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! I time to wait, I must make haste! I'm late, I'm late, I'm-!"
Jaune fell on his face in front of his combat classroom. He climbed to his feet and dusted himself off, groaning from the impact at the sudden change from vertical to horizontal. This was the third time this week he woke up late, and he desperately hoped this wouldn't be a common occurrence later in his life.
He cracked open the door, doing his best to keep it as quiet as possible by going as slow as possible. Unfortunately, Beacon Academy is a distinguished education facility with centuries of history built into it's very walls. Or, as some may state in more plain terms, was old as dirt.
Yeah, that included the metal, too. Jaune stepped in, hoping nobody heard, and then proceeded to shut the door.
The door slammed shut on him. Jaune then whirled around to find the stern, cold glare of Professor Goodwitch. The more jovial, less cold stares of his classmates were like stars around the radiant moon on this darkest of nights.
"Thank you for choosing to join class today, Mr. Arc. Seeing as you enjoy this class enough to attend at all, I'm sure there will be no objections to arriving after all classes to make up this class."
Jaune gulped at Professor Goodwitch's words. "Y-Yes, Professor."
He climbed the steps to his seat, where Team RWBY sat ahead of Pyrrha and Ren. At the center of the coliseum, Nora was having a spar with Dove Bronzewing. Although, if Jaune had to guess by the girlish screams, it was more like Nora was toying with the poor guy.
"Yeah, kick his ass!" Yang stood and cheered. The floors creaked under her weight, as to be expected when your school is poor as dirt. This age, however, does not account for clumsiness, as evident by Jaune slipping by watching the fight as he found his seat.
Once more, his horizontal replaced his vertical. He fell between the seats, his hands grasping at anything he could. His seek for some purchase to save him failed, and his palms slipped off the seating and slapped on something meaty.
He heard a yelp, but he was sure it was just him on his way down. As he climbed up to his seat, he found all eyes on him. And yes, that was ALL EYES ON HIM. Nora stopped playing in the ring to grin at him. Pyrrha, Ren, and Ruby stared with wide eyes, while Weiss held a furious glare in hers. Blake glanced between him and her partner.
Of course, this was all seen on his way down, before he face-planted into the floor. He let out a groan of pain as he began to push himself up. All those workouts with Pyrrha were really paying off, because he suddenly found himself flying into the air. Everyone watched from the ground as he soared higher and higher into the sky before crashing into the ceiling. Today just wasn't his day.
"I gotcha!" He heard someone yell, and found his descent interrupted by something soft, but sturdy. He opened his eyes to find Yang grinning down at him. "Wassup, Ladykiller?"
"Hey, Yang." He let out a chuckle of relief. "Thanks for the save."
"No problem." She beamed with a wide smile. "Here, you can have my seat."
"Oh, uh, thanks." Jaune sat down where Yang was, admiring the warmth left by her residual heat. Her semblance and aura must have made her body temperature higher than most people. "Hope I didn't miss- Whoa!"
"Excuse me~." Yang cooed as she sat on Jaune's lap. "By the way, Jaune, have you always hand big hands? And some pretty big muscles to go with it, too! Guess we should call you Muscle Man, huh?" Before he could respond, she shook her head. "Nah, that won't work. Guess we'll have to workshop it." She leaned closer, and he could smell the lavender in her hair. "Together~."
Jaune gulped, unsure of what fate awaited him after class. And after the after class.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
How would Teams RWBY and NPR react to seeing Jaune dance and sing this song during Karaoke night? https://youtu.be/16y1AkoZkmQ
Oh Those, Atlasians~!
Jaune: Whoo! I love that song! So uhh, what did you guys think?
Nora: That was… AWESOME!!!
Ren: That was quite impressive, Jaune. Your voice was quite impressive. Although that dance was quite odd.
Jaune: Yeah, it’s weird, but you really get into the mood doing it.
Ren: It certainly did.
Nora: I think it was amazing!
Jaune: Naww, Thanks guys. Why about you guys, did you think I did a good job, or did I mess it up? Guys…? Uhh, you okay there?
Jaune warched as the members of Team RWBY, and his partner, Pyrrha all stared at, Jaune with starstruck, dumbfounded expression’s across their faces.
Jaune: Uhh…? Blake, is… Is your nose bleeding?
Blake: Jaune…
Jaune: Yes?
Blake: Say that last line again.
Jaune: Why?
Blake: Just say it.
Yang: Say the line.
Weiss: Now.
Ruby: Please?
Jaune: But, why…?!
Pyrrha: Just say the fucking line!
Jaune: Okay, okay! Sheesh… What’s gotten into you…
Jaune: Haaa…
Jaune: Oh those, Atlasians~!
Jaune: There, happy?
The girls just stared at, Jaune with a mesmerized look in their eyes as, Pyrrha turned on, Nora, and spoke very plainly with a voice that commanded no questions, just obeying clear and decisive orders.
Pyrrha: Nora.
Nora: Yes, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Take, Ren, and get lost.
Nora: Okay!
Ren: Whoa hey?!
The door to the karaoke room quickly slammed shut as Jaune was left alone with the girls.
Jaune: Okay…? Why did you do that, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Say it again, Jaune.
Pyrrha: Please?
Jaune: Okay… Ohh…
Sometime later, Jaune laid upon a bed in one of many of, Vale’s love hotels naked as the day he was born, surrounded by his equally naked friends as the all slept around him.
He said three words, and they dragged him here, and he had an unbridled night of passion, and lust with them. And, all he could do was stare blankly at the ceiling as a smile crept across his face.
Jaune: Ha…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Oh those, Atlasians~!
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heliosthegriffin · 2 years
The wrong bet
Pyrrha: Alright, we’re all here to support Jaune’s hobby, this is his first underground fighting tournament, and we’re all here to support him, there is gambling, but as his friends and teammates, we need to bet something on Jaune to show our support.
Nora slams all of her money on the counter.
Nora: Everything we got on the other guy!
Yang: I want to be say I’m disappointed, but...
Ren: Jaune’s going to feel so betrayed.
Blake: He won’t feel so betrayed, when we pay for his dinner.
Ruby: The match is starting! Oh, I can’t watch!
A metal door opens as two hands grab the bottom and lift it up, sliding it into a fitted position.
Jaune pants from lifting up the heavy metal door, exits into the arena, wearing only a pair of athletic shorts, and bindings on his hands & feet. He spots them and waves excitedly.
Everyone looks at Nora.
Nora: Guilt is nothing compared to winning!
From the other-side, a enormous hand rips the metal door up into the ceiling and distorts it, leaving it stuck in the ceiling.
A giant enters the arena, at least twice Jaune’s size, covered in rippling muscles, along with scars across his face and body.
The giant turns and waves at Nora.
Everyone turns to Nora.
Nora: I may feel a little guilty.
Jaue straddles the neck and collar of the downed giant, one hand holding the giants cheekbone, while the other pummels the giants face.
Jaune: Always. Bet. On. Blonde!
Two referees come down and pull Jaune off the Giant, announcing him as the winner, while Jaune wrestled with the refs.
Everyone looks at Nora, who looks crushed.
Pyrrha: You deserved to lose all your money.
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