#rvb zero was good actually
matt0044 · 1 year
RWBY lacks Bathos and that seems to bother people.
It occurs to me that this is another reason why the RWDE and so-called critics consider RWBY a good punching bag is summed up alot in Overly Sarcastic Productions’ video on Bathos. By this I mean that it’s unabashedly proud of being a web series inspired by Anime. While not every trope in the medium is used (luckily), it still indulges in a lot of cliches the medium is known for.
Also think about how sincere RWBY is. Ozpin’s grand speeches about the war and its aftereffects or even the human nature of fear. Salem’s monologue at the start of Volume 1 and end of Volume 3. Ruby’s grandstanding against Cordovin. Blake and Yang just... Blake and Yang.
There may be some goofiness along the way but it’s clear that the writers are not here to appeal to the lowest common denimenator like Warner Bros would’ve if the studio had control over it.
We all know how that went with Gen:Lock. :/
I find myself comparing to a lot of this to Red vs. Blue. While the latter was sincere and more deep down the road, it started out of as a dudebro-y type of comedy.
Said comedy would persist even as it would become more sincere such as with Volume 8 putting Sarge, Church and Wash’s characters to the test. The Freelancer flashbacks also dial back the slapstick to a near zero but still be keen to sling some zingers in battle.
RWBY doesn't start out as a parody of Halo or anything but is starting mostly from scratch and is largely unironic about what it wants to be. There are few times where you'd find RvB's style of college frat boy humor in RWBY if at all.
So a lot of the RWDE as well as non-fans sees them opening up their heart and seeing a target with an easy bull's eye.
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Honestly, thinking about RvB Restoration coming this fall and the recent ANMA Podcast I listened to where Gus and Geoff talk about the script recordings they did for it... I just know this final season is going to break me.
It's a mix of emotions, honestly, ranging from joy and relief because we're getting even more rvb and subsequently, a better ending than whatever rvb zero was supposed to be, but also apprehension from knowing that Trocadero won't even have a part in it (unfortunately), and sadness knowing we're finally, really, truly at the end, for good this time.
Some parts from the podcast got my attention that I wanted to share with you guys (I do recommend watching the full episode though.)
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It is so over, it's so fucking over, I just know I'm not emotionally equipped for this ending.
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As absolutely devastating as it is to know Trocadero won't be part of the final season (I have very confusing, conflicting feelings on RT right now, all things considered), despite their music being such an integral part of rvb from start to finish, I can't help but feel confident that we're going to get a proper send-off with Burnie back at the helm for one final season.
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It's also heartwarming to know this is such a big deal for Gus and Geoff the same way it is for us, to finally say goodbye to characters we've grown to love.
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Also obligatory grimmons mention (the captions fucked up, Geoff actually said 'Grif and Simmons gave us careers, gave us grimmons')
It's baffling in retrospect, that a silly little halo machinima series from 2003 (which is literally older than ME), that was supposed to last literally only 6 episodes, has grown into something so much bigger. And now — over 20 years later — with 18 seasons, 5 mini-series, a PSA series, and over 300 episodes in total, it's finally coming to an end.
Honestly? It's a little hard not getting choked up about it. RvB is probably my favorite series ever. Of all time. It's definitely not perfect (and neither is the company behind it, good lord), but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm definitely nervous, since the ending might not be something I'm personally happy with, but I know it's going to be a good ending regardless.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens when the season drops this fall...
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zeravmeta · 5 months
Thoughts on RvB Restoration Finale
not really that long just my 2 cents
I wanna say I liked the movie because I did enjoy myself watching it, but honestly I'm very much gonna stick to the RvB17 open ended finale
Overall the movie was... ok? It wasn't unwatchably bad the way RvB Zero was but it also just made a lot of choices that I disagree with fundamentally both with the writing and the core themes of the series as a whole. I've had this take ever since RvB14 on the fanbase and the writers but this movie flat out says it:
The writers are fucking unable to let go of PFL and Chorus in a meaningful way.
For a series thats core message is about saying goodbye, they literally dont let that part of the show die. They are functionally unable to let go of the past peaks of the franchise and write something new. And I get it: RvB fundamentally cycles with its storytelling, but what was so refreshing to me about RvB14-17 was that it actually progressed itself Past those peaks of RvB10 and 11-13 (and honestly people REALLY dont appreciate the good in those later seasons). It felt like a natural (if wacky) progression, and it definitely wasnt perfect but it gave the extended cast more opportunities to shine in ways we didnt appreciate before
This movie just doesnt do that? Honestly the fact that they KILLED Sarge and Doc was so... disrespectful to me? Like not in the sense that it was as bad as how RvB Zero (fake) killed Tucker, but more like it felt like the writers killed them off because they were following a book titled "How To Write Story" and saw 'killing off characters is good writing'. Sarge got a dramatic send off that also didnt feel that impactful? And I did see it coming from the start but having Doc be Washs' guilt haunting him just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Its a really self contained story, a whole bunch of characters outside the main 3 reds and Caboose felt ooc, a good chunk of characters dont even show up (dude where was DONUT??? youre telling me he only has 5 seconds in Simmons' mind in a cheerleading costume?), it was composed of like 3-4 sets total, Carolina, Tex and 479er all just kind of Show Up to be badasses in the way The New Person would show up in an MCU movie...
Honestly watching this movie I kind of felt like it would have a twist ending. Like the credits would play and then itd zoom out to show the Reds and Blues post S17 in a movie theater watching this dramatic finale, because thats honestly what it felt like: The whole movie was a cheap facsimile of RvB as a whole. The fact that Trocadero wasn't allowed/signed on to make the music for this finale really does influence this movie, since they used a whole bunch of songs and osts that felt out of place (though I will admit Vale Deah softly playing as Grimmons said goodbye to each other did make me choke up a little)
Despite my negative review, I do still recommend watching it, since there was stuff I did like: Simmons in a leader role, Tex and the fun reveal during her fight with Tucker-Meta, Grif FINALLY getting to retire, Caboose as a whole was really well written, there IS good in this movie! And again it's not unwatchable bad, it just... kind of leaves a somber, sour taste in my mouth. This movie threw a whole bunch of stuff to the wall not to see what would stick but to break it all and leave for the insurance money. Just a "hey since we're sinking might as well make all these callbacks and break a bunch of stuff along the way."
Welp. Goodbye, RvB. At least this way I know that RT dies without riding your coattails any longer. And hey given that RvB technically has 3 endings (RvB17, Zero and RvB19) you can just take your pick on what you like best anyways. Quick edit no jutsu I forgor to mention there is the sequence at the beginning of the movie where it is implied RvB19 COULD also be one of the simulations in and of itself so. yeah you can in fact just take it as you will
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shutthehellupcaboose · 4 months
I’m gonna spoil restoration I lied im tired and I wanna talk about it cause I sorta hated it? Like. Even more than zero. Spoilers are under the cut and if you read it and don’t like what I have to say cause it’s my opinion, that’s okay I’d love to hear what you have to say
So Grimmons not being canon is actually fine. What I didn’t like is Grif getting what he wanted because I think the Grif we know now didn’t want to leave after everything, I think he grew past that and decided he would rather be with his friends than be back on earth.
Simmons got the respect he always wanted but at the cost of Sarge’s life.
I couldn’t care if Grimmons was canon or not, what I care about is the way everyone was handled. It felt like we were taking away development and we were rewriting characters into characters from season 8! Grif if I remember correct had a whole big speech about how they always follow church and the blues because that’s what they’ve always done and none of this would have happened if they didn’t and then he QUITS and stays on iris until he goes insane and then once he’s back with Simmons and the rest of them he agrees to stay by their side.
And I think that was Grif GIVING UP the idea of leaving in favor of the people he cares about. What the fuck is on earth for him besides retiring? Like really. If Simmons HAD gone with him that would have been something but deciding to give Grif the ending he DIDNT need, or in my opinion, really want really feels underhanded and like it’s just easy?
I understand they were on a time squeeze and COULDN’T make something of the caliper of the rest of rvb, I’m not complaining about the quality of it, but parts of it felt so rushed and unplanned and I wish they had taken time to actually close the doors rather than blowing them off their hinges??
I feel like Tex also wouldn’t call herself Allison. Church calling himself Leonard makes sense but Tex tells Tucker Meta that she isn’t Beta she is their memories and she is THEIR Tex and I think the idea of her embracing herself as Tex the robot built to fail over and over again makes sense! She is doomed to fail, but that doesn’t mean she’s not going to try. But I will say church and Tex did get a good ending in that regard even if I don’t like the outcome it was a good ending really.
And I wish I had more information on doc and donut. We (partner and friend) tried theorizing about why they were gone and we honestly couldn’t figure out why because they tried so many things at once and I just wish there was like a line that was like “oh when donut / doc died” or “donut quit” or something
I just feel like Wash, Grimmons and Sarge got a really shitty deal, and maybe that’s just me but I feel like there could have been a bit more and sadly I think with everything going on they didn’t have a choice BUT to rush to release it.
I mean to Me season 13 is a perfect ending, and having church dissipate and being an open ending that’s like “okay now you decide what happens” is better than this personally.
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sharkface · 6 months
All of this stuff is also why RVB0 wasn't good. I think when people said they wanted more RVB with different characters they explicitly wanted a fresh take on what RVB was actually good at, which was being about completely irrelevant cunts fucking around until they stumble into plots they shouldn't be able to solve and then fucking around again until they accidentally solve them. Zero was about a bunch of qualified but annoying people doing cool shit and having serious moments and like well that was never the appeal. Gamer dudes watching RVB can usually point to one of them and be like "dude he is literally like me" because RVB characters always WERE representations of actual kinds of gamer dudes. Like specifically the gamer dudes who created and played the characters
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hidingoutbackstage · 6 months
Okay I’m STILL procrastinating watching s15 bc I’m SCARED so here’s my extremely biased ratings/opinions on the episodes of s14 to help me procrastinate (episodes which are multiple parts of a single story will be condensed into one slot)
Room Zero: SO cute and good, I LOVED the animation style, it was simple and short but really well done with great colors, fun alien designs, and fluid animation, and I just like seeing the guys go on missions like that. It's a shame that the animated show never got picked up bc I would've adored seeing more of it. 10/10
From Stumbled Beginnings: Very cute and funny origin story for Simmons and Grif, and I love that they were p much always together since they enlisted lmao makes their dynamic rlly good and the humor actually got a couple laughs out of me. 8/10
Fifty Shades of Red: Sarge's humor never quite landed with me like is has for some people (my boyfriend lmao I literally have to pause episodes sometimes so he can stop laughing. Anyway) but it was a very humorous and in character origin for him as well. 5/10
Why They’re Here: Less interesting than the previous two, obviously just meant to fill in plot "holes" and to also show us the origins of the other characters. Also I am completely ignoring that one line from Tucker in the interview, just gonna chalk it up to the "edgy" humor it does not exist to me. 4/10
The Brick Gulch Chronicles: WONDERFUL stop motion, very fun and cute and entertaining, very wholesome and still in the vibe with what the show itself is. I appreciate the willingness to do stop motion for most of it. 10/10
Red Army Unit FH57’s Adventure: It was kinda interesting and kinda funny but I found myself kinda tuning it out cuz it just felt kinda whatever. The combo of the different animation styles was cool though and I thought the ship misunderstanding them was funny. 5/10
Locus and Felix: Okay I'm gonna be a black sheep for a second and say that I rlly don't care that much about Locus and Felix. I don't think Felix is a secretly deep sadboi whom I'm gonna spend an unnecessary amount of time thinking about, I don't think Locus as secretly good all along, and I don't care that much about their partnership and what they were like before Chorus. That being said, the animation here is absolutely gorgeous, this is probably my favorite animated story in the whole season, it looks awesome. The plot is nothing special but who cares like I said it's beautiful, 6/10
Fight the Good Fight!: VERY funny and well-executed propaganda video, short and sweet and nothing more to it. It does its job. 5/10
Meta vs. Carolina: Dawn of Awesome: Another one I really don't care for because literally everything leading UP to the fight between Meta and Carolina is a waste of time. Maybe some people really care about their weapons and stats, but I don't. And even then, you kinda know Carolina is gonna win the fight, the question is just how. 4/10
Grey vs. Gray: I don't know or care about the Game Grumps and the entire thing felt like a short gag that went on for way too long with a predictable ending. 2/10
Caboose's Guide to Making Friends: Again, ADORABLE art style and very cute having a story be told from Caboose's perspective. 7/10
Head Cannon: Kinda funny I guess. I wish we'd gotten it spread out more equally among the heads Omega jumped into. Ik he didn't spend equal time in there but who cares. Whatever, still funny. 5/10
Red vs. Blue: The Musical: it was fine. it was creative. The dancing was well animated. Enjoyable. 5/10
Mr. Red vs. Mr. Blue: I haven't seen Reservoir Dogs but Kaikaina was in this which automatically boosts it to a 8/10 (I also like that they have movie nights it's cute)
RvB Throwdown: Fine but mostly forgettable. 3/10
The Triplets Story: REALLY interesting concept (y'all know I love the freelancers) that felt like it dragged on too long and only gave Ohio something to do. 4/10
Immersion: The Warthog Flip: I loved the costumes and the actual Warthog and it got a couple laughs out of me. 5/10
Red vs. Blue vs. Rooster Teeth: This was made for the fans/themselves. As someone who is neither, none of it was funny and I just kinda waited for it to be over. At least the animation of the armor irl looked rlly good
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 months
It's actually kind of sad. Not the shutdown thing, but how I'm not even the least bit sad by it.
I met some of my best friends through RT's content, one of whom I now live with and one of whom moved up to my state and is now a bus ride away. I've still got RT posters up in my apartment, and old merchandise I just haven't bothered to part with yet. Most of my old fanfics are from RT shows, with my longest fic being an RvB one.
I should feel SOME sense of sadness, but my reaction is mostly just 'Finally.' I love the people I've met through it, I love what I've created as a result of being in the fandoms I was in.
But hearing about the closure of the studio and having my first reaction be 'Finally' with absolutely ZERO sadness behind it? ...Honestly that in itself makes me a little sad.
But seriously, fuck RT. Glad I was able to make some good stuff during my time in the fandom, glad I've gotten to know so many important people in my life. But I know I've moved on if hearing about their closure doesn't bring me an OUNCE of sadness, outside of a 'That sucks for the employees' and that's it.
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its-no-biggie · 5 months
SO I WATCHED RESTORATION lets do a quick rundown of my little prediction chart. spoilers under the cut!
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cant believe ZERO got canonized but nothing from temple. we were robbed.
not only no grimmons love confession, but THEY SPLIT UP?????? i wasnt genuinely expecting them to get together or anything but like holy shit. literally the plot of season 15 was grif wanting to split up and realizing that wasnt actually what he wanted. this is not their happy ending what the FUCK. like it was in character and kind of a nice moment, but not as the closure at the very end??? hello??????
predicted both one of the r&bs dying and (kind of) epsilon being dead. im a genius 💪
on that note. i cant believe they KILLED one of the main characters and it wasnt even good angst. tucker fucking killed him???? and then it never comes up again???? the only reason i wanted that to happen was because tucker is the villain!!! he killed him!!!! he should have to reconcile with that!!!! but he just. doesnt?????
still no wash/epsilon interactions. also washs whole presence in this movie was confusing and bad. just didnt make any sense. disappointing
the amount of red team screentime was good though! the reds were easily the best part of this movie. also caboose <3
um. the ending was much worse than i could have predicted. see above. also the "why are we here" thing was WAYYY overused. i appreciate a good callback but like have some restraint jesus christ
and of course the top left corner was bang on. meta!tucker was..... i think in a vaccuum and with better pacing i wouldve really liked it. theres some good angst potential there, but it makes no sense with the rvb meta (haha) and is not well executed. disappointing. and the other fragments had almost no lines :(
final notes. what the fuck did i just watch. honestly its about what i expected - has potential but poorly executed. but my GOD is it poorly executed. they really butchered most of the main cast - not in terms of like, dialogue, per se, but in terms of like. character arcs? most of the character moments would be at home in season 6 even though its supposed to be post-13. and donut isnt even in it! even though theres a moment that was CLEARLY written for donut!! also the twist with doc is somehow both predictable and makes no fucking sense. the exposition is painfully bad, and wastes its time on going over shit we already know while leaving gaping holes that are never explained. the ending is awful and the post credits scene is even worse. and the PACING. this shit is WAYYY too short for everything theyre trying to do, so theres absolutely no time to build tension or care about whats happening. just bad writing all around. but like. it couldve been good. i did have fun watching it. im planning to watch it again so i can fully digest it, and i cant WAIT to read fanfic about it. and there are some really funny moments! but its bad. its a bad season. EASILY worse than the 4 full seasons of material they retconned. honestly.... a fitting end for the show. and i mean that derogatorily
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simmonsized · 1 year
excuse me pardon me did you see the new rvb restoration trailer and if so what were your thoughts on it?
I did actually! I watched it a few days ago illegally on twitter (haha)
First of all you should know that I heard Burnie's voice and almost started tearing up in relief lol
The repetition of Allison's video also made me an insane person. Mention of the Alpha by Epsilon also made me insane :')
[insert my rude opinions on zero here]
But a lost memory!!!!!!!!!!!! HMMMMM!!!!!!
My only thing is of course that once an AI (halo) experiences rampancy there's not supposed to be a way to go back, unless they retconned that in halo 5 which I did not play, so there's no real way for us to ever get Leonard Church back unless that's changed, but!!!
Well a man can dream, you know.
Anyway I am excited!! I know it's silly to blindly trust the OG staff but at this point I need something, and I am willing to let them in and hope that whatever it is, is good!
So yeah :) I hope it's a fun season, and that rvb finally gets its ending!
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prophecydungeon · 1 year
we're on rvb15 part 1 and i remember nearly nothing about this season so here we go with a liveblog
the botanist joke and the books on tape really got me, that was fucking funny
man i forgot how dramatically this season started
ughhhh these chorus crumbs were so good.... we could have had it all
laughing at blue losing their MIND over the h5 model's asses
jet fuel can't jfk the moon landing
one hundred five-minute-long security logs. say the line, bart
the fucking unicorn guy falls SO FLAT when you know ahead of time lmao this is genuinely so terrible
the fucking star wars reference lmao
the freelancers (heart eyes)
still laughing at the temple of procreation bit lmao lyss blew her mic out shouting WHAT? EXCUSE ME?
this whole recap bit actually is so funny
"malarkey won."
wash grew a beard! i still love this!
don't know how i feel about the halo 5 armor honestly... i like that the plating over wash's knuckles is yellow
man i love dylan a lot
aw man the way sarge immediately runs after grif :(
yeah the being served thing still lands flat lol
"i think when there's a genlock jumpscare, there's no rvb zero jumpscare"
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theaceofskulls · 1 year
Oh boy... some thoughts on Red Vs Blue now that the announcement of the final season is here.
This series was probably one of my favorites. Hell for a bit there one of the more popular posts I had was a starter guide for people getting into it. It's not a long series but I knew that people had a limited amount of time and with every season being a full 90 minutes to 2 hours long, asking someone to catch up on 10 movies worth of stuff to get to the current arcs was an ask.
I was a fan of the series before Rooster Teeth got into making RWBY. Hell, I was a fan of the series before I got into Rooster Teeth in general.
In fact I like to say that RvB set my expectations for RWBY and is part of the reason I was able to enjoy the series as much as I have. So it's got me feeling all sorts of things to watch this come up as the finale announcement while RWBY's ultimate fate is currently up in the air, especially thinking back on how RvB really started without all of the corporate nonsense and way worse that everything surrounding Rooster Teeth is wrapped up in.
Anyways, if you haven't caught on, this is going to be rambling so I'll apologize here and put a readmore so that everyone else can just move past
RvB shows its age. From the fact that the best way to start it is something I'll put plenty of advisory warnings on when I share it with newcomers to the fact that it still rolls with machinima. There's a charm to that though. It's like watching a webcomic that you've fallen into. The start is rough but it finds a footing that no one else can really claim to be anything similar to.
That said, "rough" is a word that I feel eventually haunted the series for me.
Anyone who looks over my tag of it can see I'm a huge fan of the show and weathered almost every change it went through and oh boy does this show go through changes. It's fair to say that one of the biggest exodus of fans was after Season 5 when it looked like it ended for the first time when Season 6 took the series in a more serious route continuing off of the drama from 5 (and the mini series around that time). In fact, almost every transition saw people dip off and it's understandable even if most of them felt great in the long run once the new arcs were allowed to get rolling.
But I'll admit that eventually, I was one of those fans, and I wasn't alone from what I've experienced.
Season 13 had a monumental ending. Actually one of the more emotional pieces of media I've seen and that's not something I say lightly. It had a spectacular examination of storytelling and managed to find a solid endpoint to a character arc that wrecked me. I still tear up whenever I rewatch it.
Season 14 was a great cooldown by going with some more experimental media that disconnected itself from the stakes and acted as a good bonus, and I was willing to see more from the series.
However despite my willingness to meet this show with each of its new arcs in their own ways, the next couple seasons threw me and a lot of fans off. Something was definitely wrong and it wasn't just the change to the status quo or the new framing, it definitely began to spin wheels and to lose direction in a way that other arcs hadn't.
I got midway through season 16 before I just stopped checking in without realizing it. I kept up with the company though I rarely looked into anything other than RWBY or Gen:LOCK as the company began to shift away towards something different.
I've talked with other fans about this at various points whose experiences match my own. Anyone who made it to the Chorus arc of Seasons 11-13 all tend to agree that the show definitely managed to weather every arc change except the last two/three (depending on if you view season 15->16 as its own shift).
I compare this heavily to the fact that most people got through 15 and partway into 16 than the fact that most people who bounced off Season 6, 9, or 11 did so a few episodes in.
And almost everyone has an identical story: We all tried RvB Zero.
A lot has been said about it but this is my rambling post and if you're this far you're probably willing to read my take.
I went in welcoming the change of cast, the animation style, and the fact that it would probably be rougher to start. But I hate to say this: it was extremely poorly written and poorly delivered. Characters and plots were collections of tropes that couldn't hold the action scenes at the core of the show together. "Reveals" were things I assumed would be subversions and the show spent no time getting us invested in the characters because it was given a ridiculously short runtime so the twists landed with no emotional weight.
I know the creator has to deal with constant criticism of the show and is defensive of it so I have no wish to add to that pile but even approaching the season on its own merits I was unable to engage with it and felt like I was burying the series there.
Then came all the Rooster Teeth scandals. Crunch was a rumor but was then confirmed. Everything regarding the animation team (the other two big items were unrelated to RvB and RWBY but did put a damper on me engaging with the company the way it had always presented itself via the personalities it showcased). I drifted away from them until the latest season of RWBY (which itself premiered on a service that continues to deal with union related scandals). Regardless I'd sort of made my peace with RvB.
So then comes the announcement of the final season written by Burnie, whose retirement seems to have been in part one of the big reasons I drifted away from both the series and the company (it's notable that when I was a fan, the podcasts with him tended to be the highlights). I'm not here to put any of the founders on a pedestal after all of the dirty laundry that's come out about some of them, but it's reignited interest in this series at the least.
Added to that the soft retcon of everything after season 13, it seems a sort of acknowledgement that the series did lose its touch.
This post was meant to help me process the feelings I've had since hearing this announcement and record my experience with the show and I can't say for sure that I've sorted things completely as much as it feels like I understand where I stand with this.
I want it to be good. I want it to be a send off the series deserves. It's sad to watch something you've followed for almost 20 years be laid to rest and it's the closing of the chapter of "amateur art" as one of the last big machinima series comes to close.
If RWBY continues, its almost certainly going to be done by a separate studio, and while I've heard people are enjoying the new podcast formats I don't really enjoy general podcasts as much as specific interest ones these days.
All in all, this feels like closing a chapter on not just a series but the studio itself as Rooster Teeth has changed its logo to remove the "cock bite", changed its cast to remove most of the "old guard", and now lays to rest its longest running series. It's been obvious this has been coming for the better half of a decade now, but it's still the moment to me where a book is being closed. And it's bittersweet in its own way.
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Aaaagh I cant stop thinking about how much I couldve liked the zero characters if they were actually in a well written season!!
Like East/Phase especially, im so into that concept, but 98% of rvbz makes me cringe or bored or pissed off so its so hard to actually enjoy anything around her, but completely separate from the rest of the show I love her, you've got East who's young and angry, she wants to reclaim her own autonomy and sense of self but then its revealed that she isn't really her own person at all and it makes her that much more tragic, then there's Phase, angry villain lady with cool ass knife teleporting tricks and a very valid reason to be angry, clinging to the only person who seems to share her anger towards starlight, only to realise that person only wants power and doesn't care about her
The way they went with Zero was eh but he had a really interesting premise, Raymond was okay, if they stepped up his humour while not losing his intelligent side he could be great, if they leaned away from the dad jokes stuff with axel he'd more interesting, and more focus on wests moral failings and why he did the things he did (i think it would actually be interesting if there was a reason other than he wanted to save danyell, like he genuinely did something selfish and bad and focusing on him admitting that, instead of insisting he did what he thought was best for his daughter, this could also give a nice contrast to the director)
Uh okay idk how to end this but anyway I'm just annoyed that I couldve actually enjoyed these characters, if the season had been written better
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funsizedcrow · 3 years
rvb relationship dynamics i want to see more of
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a-shizno · 3 years
You know I am disappointed that no one in the rvb fandom’s long and crack-filled history
took a moment to have an au where Lopez falls in love with church
Like Lopez and Sheila are just two bisexual ai in a strait presenting relationship in cannon.
It is a very bi thing to start a revolution/uprising
The idea of Lopez coming too only to see a (slightly broken) smart ai stretching out right in front of him and not taking a nano second or five to check out his code before panicking over the fact:
A) that’s a blue
B) that’s a male(?)
C) does this make me gay??
F) wait do I technically have a gender??
And twenty more existential crises and one failed attempt to literally run from his problems later he says ‘fuck it’ and just tries to seduce one dumb smart ai
Church: ok which one of you asswipes keeps breaking into my room and l leaving me erotic binary?!
Tucker: dude, the fact that you understand binary so well that you know it’s erotic is kind of sad..
Church: WAS IT YOU??!
Tucker: no!? Why would I waste time with you when I could copy and paste some shit off of google and hand it to a lady??
Church: I DON’T KNOW! All I do know is that it’s like twenty pages long and smells like motor oil.
Lopez: step one, do not be attracted to the blue team leader
Church not looking up from his laptop: hey Lopez, command just sent out our monthly munitions and just decided to send the tank supplies anyway even though Sheila is on the fritz. Do me a favor and have a five finger discount on any motor oil and spare parts you like. *muttering*god knows no one else in this side of the goddamn cannon would know what to do with it
Lopez: I have failed step one
Sarge: Lopez how could you fall in love with the enemy?! A harlot who will only break your very combustible heart!
Lopez: I get free oil from a hot ai who gives zero shits. It’s meant to be.
Grif: hold on sarge how do know he’s been at the blue from his own free will? Maybe he’s been brainwashed or they put a bomb inside him or something!
Lopez: nope. Literally just the booze and hot dude.
Sarge: no it’s no use I can see it in his eyes! He’s loveblind!
Sarge: I know it’s hard to look past the rose petals and red tint but you godda Lopez! You just godda! You’re like a son to me!
Lopez: I could literally care less.
*Shelia turns back on*
Church: hey Lopez is there any way I can hop a ride with you without doing the possession thing? Because I am done with the rest of the team and honestly you don’t make me want to rip my hair out so you are on my ok side right now so I don’t want to be dick.
Lopez: this is sudden I need a moment
Church: why?
Lopez: I get sweaty when I am nervous.
*after they get church situated in a port-like system*
Church: man! This is actually pretty nice! You know how to roll out the red carpet for a guy huh Lopez?
*church stretches and accidentally brushes against one of Lopez’s code*
Church: shit! Sorry! Uh you good dude? Because I just felt your motor do something funky.
Lopez: *Basically on the fritz due to the code equivalent of church grabbing his hips*
I know that I might get some looks for this but it is what I wish you to consider
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nekucreates · 2 years
Rewatched all of the RvB Chorus Trilogy!!! Ah only issue is I watched the full YouTube versions which cuts off the end credit songs with season Zero ads 💀💀💀 So Church’s really emotional speech at the end of that trilogy? Doesn’t hit as good as the episode version because it’s a sudden abrupt cut off 😭 which stinks. Buuut overall it’s a good trilogy!!! I never like the start of it cause it’s too slow but once it gets into the second act and third, that’s when it’s great for me! Kimball’s speech near the end hits really well too. I really love her! And I’m always giddy seeing the Reds and Blues working together and gearing up for a great big fight! They’re a family! A found family!
Next season I remember liking as its a bunch of different things rather than an actual season that continues the story. After that, the continuing season…to be honest I was actually heavily ill when I watched it years ago. And I’ve only seen it once. I think I thought it was meh but we’ll see what I think while I’m actually healthy and not bedridden haha. I think I saw a tiny bit of the season after that but definitely didn’t saw the full thing. Soooo it’d be all new to me!!! Exciting!!! And I wanna see why Season Zero is so hated for myself! Haha. I hold a grudge due to their ads!
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hidingoutbackstage · 4 months
So now that RvB is over, I'm curious: Which season from the later era of RvB do you think is the worst (Shisno Duology/16-17, Zero/18 or Restoration/19)?
Personally if I had to rank those three, Zero/18 is the worst, then Restoration/19, and then Shisno Duology/16-17. Shisno Duology I think has more redeeming elements (like FINALLY getting a Donut arc and giving Sister depth and moments that showed of Wash and Carolina’s relationship) and even though it had writing elements I really didn’t like (Tucker being more of an asshole, Grif suddenly being a MAJOR asshole for no reason despite the arc he JUST went through in s15, trying to insert gds but actually they’re just AI but they’re the most advanced AI in the world to a stupid degree) it at least tried to give ALL of our main characters something to do, like it felt ooc and annoying at times but it was still THEM and they were still THERE.
The same canNOT be said for Restoration or Zero. Zero I hate the most because it stars an all new cast that they tell us is so cool and we should care about them and take them seriously, but they never show us anything worthy of that, and it also just feels like the creators of Zero watched the Freelancer Saga and took away that fans thought what was interesting was the cool action scenes and how badass these guys were and the emotional conflicts and how they sidelined our main characters. It’s like they didn’t realize that the Freelancers are supposed to be bad people and we were watching to see them eventually fall. As for how Zero treats the three (3) main characters from the og it DOES have, holy fuck is it terrible. Carolina is way undermined and sidelined for these people she should not care about, Wash’s disability was cured in a single throwaway line before he was put out of commission anyway, and Tucker, oh man Tucker. My blood is already boiling. They turned him back into a creep and an asshole, separated him from his team for no reason, KILLED HIM and gave his SUPER IMPORTANT SWORD to some random chick who STILL HAS THE SWORD AT THE END SO FUCK EVERYTHING THE SHOW SAID MADE TUCKER SPECIAL IG.
Sorry. Got heated there. Anyway Restoration is between those two in terms of quality, but it’s still bad. The character writing jumped all over the place, the pacing was atrocious, it felt like they didn’t have enough time to execute the story they were trying to do, while at the same time they wasted so much time. They tried to make Simmons the main character, which doesn’t come across AT ALL, they sideline basically everyone but Simmons, Caboose, Grif, and Sarge, and still don’t really give any satisfying narrative conclusion to any of them. Sarge’s death is stupid, Simmons staying in the army is stupid, Grif retiring and therefore being away from Simmons is stupid, and Caboose doesn’t really get an arc or honestly anything that gives him character, he’s just a plot device. They make Tucker the Meta and framed it as a big important thing in the marketing and then had all the characters act blasé about it, didn’t let anyone who WOULD be impacted by Meta!Tucker, actually get impacted by it, he got 23 total lines in the story, they tortured Tucker for months that felt like YEARS and then didn’t allow him to process any of that HORRIFIC TRAUMA and sent him out of the series with a SEX JOKE. Wash’s B plot was TOTALLY pointless and doesn’t make sense narratively given the end of s13. Donut was given a cameo that was just one more offensive gay joke. I swear the only good thing was the Chex reunion at the very end. It was also poorly made, with the animation looking rlly bad at times, stuff like Caboose’s double knees and the mouse cursor on screen the most notable (but also there was just a lot of the action that looked rough) and as a series ending finale it was a major fucking letdown on pretty much all fronts, but despite all that, it still isn’t worse than Zero. Imagine that.
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