#run. lift. cardio. exercise. health
englandcoaching · 6 months
Embrace Movement for a Healthier, Happier You!
  If you have ben following my blog you’ll find I’m very pro-movement. Not only because It has helped myself and the thousands of individuals I’ve helped take back their life through pain, injury, and physical limitations; but because there’s global research that also backs up this seemingly “magic health supplement” called exercise. I have attached previous writing linked with additional…
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luca-ercolani · 4 months
Small home gym @ Wilson, Wyoming (USA)
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(Via: RoomPorn on Reddit)
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themedialmercurial · 2 years
❤️‍🔥Mars and how you exercise ❤️‍🔥
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Mars represents energy, passion and exercise. It can hint towards how you structure your workout regiment and what types of physical activities you may gravitate towards. 🩰🏹🧘🏽‍♀️
Release their aggression through their exercise and like a lot of physical stimulation
Boxing, wrestling, weight training, running, martial arts
Elegant, mindful forms of exercise. Much focus on the way in which the body moves and precision. "Grounding" activities
Dance (particularly ballet), yoga, meditation, walking in nature
Exercises requiring mental stimulation and actively engage the mind
Cardio, biking, running, tennis, fitness gaming programs, golf
Activities involving water, exercise as a form of stress alleviation
Swimming, at-home workouts, dancing around their home
Exercises involving a mirror, physically challenging workouts, competitive in nature
Speed skating, strength-training, HIIT, marathon training, soccer
Incorporating exercise into their routine, workouts as a means of improving their physical and mental health
Pilates, gymnastics, nature walks, rock climbing
Light exercise, often lacking the motivation to formally exercise
Dance, skating, leisure walks in nature
Exercises that accentuate the body, sweat-inducing activities, dangerous sports are favoured
Wakeboarding, pole dancing, race car driving, intense martial arts
Sports which allow for new paths to be discovered
Horseback riding, cross-country running, archery, cycling
Creates competition within the self, structured workouts, disciplined
Track and field running, conditioning, heavy lifting
Combining mental and physical stimulation, tendency to want to regularly change their routine, energetic or unusual exercises
Skydiving, acrobatics, crossfit, spin classes
Lower impact activities, exercises that involve natural instincts
Swimming, soccer, basketball, yoga
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Poll For The Girlies 🎀
I’m wondering, what are your guys main form of working out? Pilates, yoga, weight lifting, cardio, etc? And why do you do those as your main and what do you recommend others? Let’s share the knowledge and help inspire some other girlies who are in or may be starting their fitness journey! I myself do lots of walking, mat pilates, and yoga. I am going to be trying reformer Pilates next semester and will be going back to weight lifting a couple times a week next semester as well. I recommend low impact exercise (yoga and Pilates) for keeping cortisol levels low, strength training to build muscles in whatever area if your body you want, and any form of cardio to increase endurance, stamina, and heart health!
please reblog/comment, I want to see what the most common answers are and share the inspiration and motivation for everyone who may be thinking of what to do to start exercising or how to switch up their own routine!
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coochiequeens · 2 years
As your bones lose density, the only way you will protect them is by keeping your muscle mass; building strength in middle age is part of what will define the shape and tempo of your old age. “
When 50-year-old Anna Jenkins, the founder of We Are Fit Attitude (Wafa), a woman-only health and fitness club, looked online for images of older women exercising, she was irritated by the pitiful size of the weights: the stock image is of a woman with grey hair lifting a 1kg weight, as if doing so were some kind of milestone. My personal bugbears are the photos in which there is a personal trainer with an expression of infinite patience next to the older woman, as if the latter is weak and half witted.
Stock photos are the internet’s idea of what the world should look like, sets of generic images intended to illustrate articles and advertising, often revealing more worldview than they probably set out to. There are famously a lot of photos of white women laughing near salad, meant for healthy eating content, but also reinforcing inane cheer and self-denial as cornerstones of femininity. If fitness imagery of the young is all about aspiration – six packs, muscle definition and impossible body fat percentages – fitness imagery of older people is almost anti-aspirational. Its message is: “You probably can’t do anything at all, but look over here, there’s a lady managing this tiny thing.”
Jenkins runs the Wafa classes remotely and in person for women ranging from their late 30s to their mid-70s. One Saturday, at a class in Merton, south London, they decided to create a new set of photos, repopulate the ecosystem of stock photographs, so that when you search for “older women exercising”, you will be able to see what that really looks like. “These are proper weights,” says Annette Hinds, 60. “We’re not pussyfooting about.”
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Jenkins went into group work and coaching from personal training because she had noticed that, in the gym: “Women would go straight to the cardio machine because they knew how it worked. It’s a frightening environment when you think you don’t belong, when you’re unhappy in your body shape. But they didn’t need more cardio – at 45-plus your body needs strength work. Especially during the menopause. It’s just a fact.”
As your bones lose density, the only way you will protect them is by keeping your muscle mass; building strength in middle age is part of what will define the shape and tempo of your old age. But as Glenda Cooper, 51, who usually does this class remotely five times a week, says, there is more to it than that. “Women at this time of life have parents we’re caring for. I’ve got two kids. You don’t want to take up too much space, you feel invisible anyway, you don’t make time for yourself. It’s so important to have a sense of your own strength, which I think is absent from the rest of our lives.”
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The atmosphere is fierce: as Lorraine Turner, 59, says: “I never used to think I was competitive, but later in life, I’ve realised that I am. I get a lot out of it if I push myself more.” Karen Silvestri, 60, remarks archly: “My husband’s a chef so I eat a lot and drink a lot. I still manage to retain this normal shape.”
Palmer’s daughter paid her a compliment on her butt the other day: “She said it wasn’t flat like a lot of women my age.” Downward comparison is very motivating, and it is also fun to watch when people are so unabashed about it.
“We’re a funny bunch, women, aren’t we?” Teresa Klasener, 61, says. She was very active until she got rheumatoid arthritis, then it all hit the skids until she started with Wafa two years ago. “We have all these mental blocks, we don’t prioritise ourselves, but once we’re in a group, we’ll fly.”
Jenkins says: “When I first became a personal trainer, I’d see a lot of women who were yo-yo dieters, and it was often because they were trying to be skinnier than their bodies were meant to be. I think exercise makes you confident in your shape as it is.” That might be the ultimate break with the visual norms of the fitness industry, that these are images of strength and exertion for their own sake, not for how they’ll make you look in spaghetti straps.
“I never knew what people were talking about with the endorphin thing,” Redford says. “And now, I do feel a sense of joy and self-congratulation, knowing that I just fucking went for it.”
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ros3ybabes · 11 months
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Things I Currently Do For Better Health 🎀
Hi lovelies 💗
I try to live my life in alignment with my values, the biggest value being improved quality of life. I like to think I've included a lot of different things into my life to improve overall quality of health and life. So here's a list of things I do that help me with consistent improved health!
*I do not do these things every single day/every single week! Sometimes life happens, as I am a full time employee and a full time college student, so there are times I am too busy or too tired for some things. However, these are things I like to work really hard to consistently implement in my life <3
🩷 Mental (Intelect) Health -
Reading at least 1 chapter of a book, typically self help or productivity focused
Studying a 2nd language! Currently focusing on Japanese but contemplating adding in Spanish as a secondary focus
Consuming informative content! I love podcasts, and I really like watching Ted talks! And of course, the books I read tend to be more non-fiction, just from personal preference
Academics! Keeping up with my school work and academic life keeps me well informed. I'm always learning something new in my classes! I also personally enjoy studying, I lowkey love academic validation!
🩷 Mental (Emotional) Health -
Journaling! I try to follow a guided journal as often throughout the week as I can and I try to do some writing in my normal journal every so often, but honestly I've been a little too busy for journaling
Therapy! I know not everyone has access to a therapist, but I absolutely love being able to talk to a mental health professional at least once a week. My therapist has been the greatest help, especially as things have gotten more stressful in my life.
Rest! It's really important for me to have down time and not feel guilty about taking some rest time for myself. I always make sure I'm in a position to take rest without compromising school work or anything, but I try to have some time during the week where I can just lay in bed and do nothing for a while.
Meditation! This is one I'm still trying to implement, but I used to meditate for 5 to 10 minutes in the morning and it always gave me some mental clarity and ease of kind for the day. Definitely want to pick it back up!
Yoga! So good for mindfulness, finding stillness and relaxation, and overall ease of my being in general. It's like a super peaceful flowy version of stretching, and I'm adding this back into my routine slowly.
🩷 Physical Health -
Exercise! I try to get in movement daily. Some days that's lifting weights in the gym or doing some moderate cardio on the treadmill, and other days that means light cardio from everyday tasks or some mindful stretching and yoga to relax my body after a long day
Sleep! I try to get 6 to 8 hours a night at minimum otherwise I tend to over do the caffiene which only hurts me in the long run. Quality sleep is important for me, it helps me regulate my mood, my energy levels, and my appetite and cravings! The worse and less sleep I get, the crankier and hungrier I tend to be
Nutrition and Hydration! I do not believe in restricting foods, I believe in healthy moderation and healthy substitution. I try to eat a decent amount of protein and fiber, while not restricting or feeling guilt on days I eat a little higher fats or carbs. Balance is key! And water is so important!! It helps my skin, my energy, my hunger signals, everything!
Skincare!! I feel so amazing after a full skincare routine. My morning routine is simple for now, but there's nothing like a good skincare routine to make me feel my best and most confident.
🩷 Miscellaneous-
regular doctor appointments! eye exams, general physician checkups, mental health appointments, dental, all of it! you'll never know what aspect of your health needs some work if you don't keep an eye on it! I look forward to all my appointments as it always gives me insight into my health that I otherwise wouldn't know.
Balance! I work full time, 5 days a week. I go to classes in person 4 days a week plus two online classes for a total of almost 18 credit hours. I'm stressing about finances, insurance, future classes, and my current grades. Therefore, I make sure to find time for the gym, for my skincare routine, for my therapy appointments, and for quality sleep. If I let any aspect of my self care and health slide, I'd be a spiraling mess, and I can't afford to do that to myself, nor do I want to. I deserve self care and rest and good days, and I always like to play an active part in having a good day for myself! Balance is key!
That's all for now, lovelies. My greatest value in my personal life in regards to myself is a high quality of life and I want to ensure I get that! I love working on my health and taking care of myself. I love keeping myself healthy and happy and functioning. We all deserve good health, happiness, and positive days!
til next time, lovelies 💗
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
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╰┈➤ finally, a night alone (e) - tbaw. ⋙ an alternate version of eren and reader's last night together before visiting the kirsteins
why was it deleted. literally so much of the story changed so this chapter doesn't fit anymore with what's going on. what changed. eren, jean, reader, and pieck were all sharing a room together. also there was no mental-health subplot and reader was actually good at her job! pieck wasn't so bitchy. eren is a little meaner during sex. ft. fem!reader, eren, jean, pieck. cw. unedited, fem!reader, explicit language, explicit sexual content (mutual masturbation, blowjob, dirty talk, thigh riding, edging, fingering, creampie, squirting), degradation (whore, bitch). 6,300 words.
Please remember that this scene was deleted for a reason and that nothing that happens here occurs in the actual story posted on AO3. This is just fun bonus content for people who are interested in reading more.
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context. none needed? eren makes a promise to you at some point prior to this chapter that he wants to wait for the weekend to have sex with you.
In the evenings, Eren and Jean go to the gym together while you and Pieck stay up at the hotel, separately watching Netflix shows on your laptops before bed. You had joined the two boys at the gym for the first day, deciding that a little non-sexual cardio wouldn’t hurt. You realized the error of your choice almost immediately when Eren and Jean both pulled off their shirts as they did their exercises.
Although they didn’t get along, the two tolerated each other’s presence. At the gym, it was more like competitive cooperation. Each boy challenging the other to lift more, work harder, sweat more. You had to leave after a quick 10-minute run because you were getting so hot watching them work out. Since then, you haven't been back. 
You and Eren have been keeping a distance from one another for once. It’s difficult to find opportunities to be alone and he seems to be serious about his promise to wait until the weekend, so you find it easier to just ignore him completely, but in the mornings when you go into the shower after him it’s intoxicating. You’ve definitely touched yourself there to thoughts of him, surrounded by the thick scent of his vanilla cologne. You wonder if he ever does the same.
On Friday afternoon, it’s hard to focus on work when the excitement of the weekend looms near. Petra and Oluo are satisfied with the amount of work everyone has completed so far, so they are allowing you all to take this weekend off from work. As a result, there is more chatter in the boardroom than there has been all week.
“We should all do something together this weekend,” Pieck suggests, clapping her hands.
“We’ve been working together all week and you want us to spend more time together?” Eren asks with a scoff.
Petra sighs, “You kids can go do something this weekend if you want. Oluo and I still have a lot to work on still for some other clients.” Petra and Oluo have been ghosts of their typical selves. You get the impression that, while your workload is heavy, theirs is even worse.
“I actually kind of want to go visit my mom while we’re here,” Jean says sheepishly. You forgot he grew up here in Trost.
Pieck looks between you and Eren, “I guess it’ll just be the three of us then!”
You meet Eren’s eyes and watch as they darken under your gaze. His eyes trail down slowly from your mouth to your chest before slowly climbing back to meet your eyes. He runs his tongue along his bottom lip seductively, the corners of his lips turning up into a smirk. You purse your lips as you feel a heat pooling between your legs. Finally, your chance to be alone together.
“... Or not,” Pieck says quietly, interrupting your eyefucking with Eren.
Jean clears his throat, “Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me to see my mom.”
You turn away from Eren to look over at Jean, noticing that he’s staring at you expectantly. “Me?”
“Yeah,” he says, smiling. “We’ve been friends for years and she’s never met you, she always gives me a hard time about it.”
Your heart swells with happiness, he talked about you to his mom? “Yeah, totally! I would love to,” you say, grinning.
You turn back to Eren to give him an apologetic look but see his eyes narrowed a Jean, biting his cheek. “You really wanna hang out with him this weekend?” he asks.
Yes, desperately. But you don’t say that. “We can leave sometime tomorrow maybe?” you suggest, turning back to Jean.
He shrugs, “Yeah, that’ll work. I can get her to come pick us up in the morning.”
“Then we’ll have tonight together,” Pieck says happily. “What if we bought some drinks and played games?”
“That… actually sounds kind of fun,” you say, surprising yourself. After a tough week of only working, eating, and sleeping, a fun distraction with your coworkers could be nice.
“Ok, enough chatter,” Petra says sharply. “We can clock out in three hours, try and stay somewhat focused until then.”
The four of you all turn back to your computers, but you have a hard time staying on task. Jean talked about you to his mom! Jean wants you to meet her! It looks like your jealousy tactic with Eren is working.
Since it’s Pieck’s idea, she volunteers to go pick up food and alcohol for the evening when you all get back to the room, borrowing the keys to one of the rental cars from Oluo. “Does anyone want to come with me?”
“Jean does,” Eren says quickly, shooting a look his way. “Right?”
Jean holds his hands up defensively, “You didn’t have to volunteer me, I would’ve gone anyway.” He looks over at you, “Any special requests?”
“Wine?” you suggest, setting your work bag down to flop onto the bed. “And maybe pizza or something easy for food?”
Pieck nods, locking arms with Jean much to your disdain. “You got it! See you guys later, we’ll be back in…” she looks down at the watch, “Probably an hour or so?”
Eren crawls onto the bed and overtop of you, caging you between his arms. “Take your time,” he says, eyes locked on yours. You’re not happy about Pieck and Jean running off alone together, but the ache between your thighs when Eren’s eyes meet yours overrides your jealousy.
You hear Pieck squeak in surprise before she drags Jean out of the room, the room door slamming shut behind them. You keep your eyes on Eren as he drinks in your body, already breathing hard.
“Are you sure you want to go hang out with Jean this weekend?” he asks, leaning down to kiss your neck. “We could have sooo much fun together.”
You hum in response, tilting your head to lengthen your neck for Eren. He starts to unbutton your blouse, mouth trailing lower to the tops of your breasts. “Are you jealous?” you ask as he pulls down your bra to expose your nipple.
At this, he pinches your nipple gently, causing you to arch your back up into him. “What did you say?” he dares as he reaches his hand behind your back to undo your bra completely.
“I said,” you pause, smirking down at him as he looks up at you, mouth hovering over the sensitive nub. “Are you jealous?” you repeat.
He closes his mouth around your nipple, teeth gently digging into the soft skin as you gasp. With one hand, he pushes your open blouse and bra off your shoulders, tossing them off to the side and leaving you topless in front of him. “Brat,” he says as he moves his mouth from one nipple to the other.
You reach your hands down to tangle in his hair, pulling it free from his half-up do and allowing his dark strands to fall down on your chest as he tongues your nipple. You mewl and gasp at his touch as his hands grip around your waist tightly, his large hands enveloping you completely.
“You haven’t been fucked properly in a while,” he says, voice slow and deep. “You must’ve forgotten how good I am to you.”
“You think you’re good?” you challenge. He lifts his head up to yours, eyes dark and half-lidded.
“Let’s see if you can keep this attitude up.”
You bite down on your lip to stop from moaning as his tongue moves along your neck while his one hand works on unbuttoning your work pants. His hand slides down across your underwear, palming at your clit. You gasp from the touch of his warm hand against your clothed pussy — you did forget how good he was to you. His hand is so much bigger and warmer than yours, you can’t wait to have him inside of you.
Eren sits up on his knees to pull off your pants and underwear completely, leaving you naked on the bed below him. He undoes his tie slowly before working on his dress shirt, looking down at you with predatory eyes.
You lower your hands to grab at your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples as he removes his shirt. You can see the imprint of his dick straining against his work pants as he starts to work on his belt, pulling it completely free from his pants before unbuttoning and unzipping them to alleviate some of the strain. 
You drag a hand down your stomach to play with yourself, fingers trailing up and down along your slit, spreading the wetness across your folds. Eren reaches down into his underwear, pulling his cock free to stroke it infront of you. 
“Keep going,” he says. “If you’re so fucking good at it, why don’t you make yourself cum for me.”
You lick your lower lip, eyes darkening as you look up at Eren. “Sure, I’ve been doing this all week.” You use your finger to swirl some of your wetness over your clit before you start to rub at it gently, gasping softly as you feel heat pooling in your core. 
Eren’s eyebrows raise in surprise at your words, still lazily stroking himself as he watches your hand. “Oh yeah? When?”
“In the shower,” you say, voice breathy as you dip a finger down to tease at your hole. “When I go in after you.”
“Really,” Eren says, his voice almost a growl as he watches you slowly slide a single finger inside of yourself. “Tell me more.”
“I think -- about you,” you say, voice stuttering as you start to pump your finger in and out of your wet cunt. With your other hand you keep squeezing and pinching your nipple, eyes fixed on Eren’s thick cock, heavy in his hand. “I think about… your cock inside of me,” you continue, “Filling me up, fucking me good,” you gasp as you slide a second finger inside of yourself.
Your fingers are small and thin and they don’t stretch you out the way Eren’s do, but you keep fucking yourself, mouth falling open as you gasp in pleasure. You watch the tendons in Eren’s hand flex as he grips himself harder, but still maintains a slow pace while he watches you.
Watching Eren jerking himself off while he watches you touch yourself is hotter than you could imagine. His eyes trail down from your flushed face to your heaving chest before settling down to watch your fingers pump in and out of your wet heat. He’s breathing hard above you, muscles tense as he slowly strokes his length, swirling his leaking precum around his tip. 
You can get yourself off quickly -- a practiced skill from sneaking orgasms in the morning all week, so you can already feel the coil tightening in your chest as you play with yourself. You reach a hand up towards Eren’s abs, running your nails down them as your fingers continue to work you toward an orgasm. “Eren,” you gasp, hips bucking up into your hand. Your eyes shut and your head falls back against the pillow, fingers pumping harder into your cunt as your heel grinds against your clit. “Eren — feels so good —“
You picture Eren’s cock buried inside of you, fucking deep into you as he pants and sweats on top of you. You imagine his mouth sucking around your nipple as his fingers swirl around your clit, egging you on as your orgasm builds.
The real Eren leans down over your body, one hand pressed against the mattress while the other pumps along the length of his cock. He presses his open mouth against your neck and shoulder, leaving a trail of sloppy wet kisses. “Cum for me, baby,” he growls. 
His deep voice vibrates straight into your core, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body as you lose yourself in an orgasm. You gasp out his name, arching your back up into him while your pussy clenches rhythmically against your fingers. 
He groans into your neck as you shake against him, “Good girl.” His words make you whimper, pulling your slick fingers from your cunt to rub against your sensitive clit. Eyes opening, you’re met with Eren’s flushed face, biting his lip hard from watching you orgasm to the thought of him. “I can’t believe you cum all over your fingers like this every morning when we’re all just sitting right outside.”
Removing his hand from his cock, he wraps your legs around his waist, lifting you up off the bed with him. “Since you like thinking about me in the shower, why don’t I fuck you in there?” he says, kicking off his pants as he carries you with him into the bathroom. 
You grab hard at his back, nails digging into his shoulder blades as you suck and kiss along his neck. Eren sets you down on the counter in the bathroom, hands roaming up your thighs as he ravages your neck. “I missed your body,” he groans, teeth sinking into the soft skin of your shoulder.
“I missed you too,” you admit, feeling a burn of embarrassment despite having just masturbated in front of him. “Eren, let me taste you,” you pull his face away from your shoulder by his chin, looking deeply into his eyes.
“Ok,” he says with a shuddering breath, stepping away from you just enough for you to hop off the counter.
You grab his hips and guide him to lean back on the counter while you get down on your knees in front of him. He pulls your hair back with a shaky hand, his thick, dripping cock aching and desperate to be swallowed.
Looking up at him, you wrap your hand around his length, licking your lips. “I missed you so much, Eren,” you whine, hand gliding along his cock, thumb swirling across his slit to smear his precum across his head.
He exhales heavily, biting his lip as he watches you. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you respond, pressing a soft kiss on the head of his cock. “Did you miss me?”
“I missed you so fucking much, baby.”
It feels like the two of you haven’t seen each other in months when really you’ve been no less than six feet apart from one another all week -- but it was torture. You suffered through watching him get dressed: thick thighs straining against the stretch of his dress pants (wishing you could grind your clit against the firm muscle) and fingers working expertly on his tie each morning (imagining those fingers buried deep inside of you). Anytime the two of you even so much as brushed past each other in the office, you could feel desire pooling in your core. You were so grateful for Pieck’s suggestion today to go get food and drinks.
You press your tongue flat against the base of his cock, trailing up to his head before swirling your tongue around his tip. You watch as he hisses a sharp intake of breath, one hand clutched desperately onto the counter as you wrap your lips around him.
You take him into your mouth, slowly, at first. Pushing him in slightly and then pulling back before taking slightly more of him again, trying to coat his cock in your saliva. His grip on your hair tightens when you flick your tongue across his head before lowering yourself further along his length.
“Yeah, babe -- you’re so good, so fucking good,” he whines, voice high and airy.
When you and Eren fuck it’s always a battle of dominance, you love to piss him off and he loves turning you into a sobbing, drooling mess. But when you’re on your knees for him with his cock in your mouth, you can easily turn this arrogant asshole desperate and needy and you love it.
You finally take his full length down your throat, eyes watering as you press your nose into the small bundle of dark curls at the base of his cock. Eren is breathing hard above you, eyes wide as you flatten your tongue along his length. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he sighs, thumbing away the tear that falls from your eye.
After you finish showing off, you pull off of him completely, his cock achingly hard and glistening from your spit. “Do you like that?” you ask, smirking as you stroke along his length.
“I love it, babe,” he says, “I love -- ahh, fuck,” you cut him off by taking his cock into your mouth again, working on it rhythmically with your mouth and hand. His hand grips your hair tighter as his hips start to buck into your mouth.
Your cheeks hollow around his cock as you suck his length, tonguing his tip with every pass as you twist your wrist in time with your mouth. Eren throws his head back, moaning out your name as you suck his dick. “Such a good girl,” he pants, “You’re so fucking good to me.”
The praise eggs you on. Clenching your thighs together to tame the heat burning in your core, you let your tongue lay flat against the bottom of his cock as your head bobs on his length. He groans in approval, hips bucking gently into your mouth. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck.”
He’s gritting his teeth now, staring down at you as his hips buck harder into your mouth, the head of his cock pushing into your throat with every movement -- he’s close, you can tell -- but he doesn’t want to cum, he’s still holding back.
You use the salvia building around his base to work your hand along his cock, moving your hand and your mouth in time with one another as you pull him closer to the edge.
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum,” he whimpers, no conviction behind his voice as you throat his cock. “You gotta stop, you gotta -- fuck.”
Whimpering and whining like a needy mess, Eren bites his lip hard. You stare up at him with wide, innocent eyes, daring him to cum. Do it. Cum in my throat. You can see in his eyes that he wants to -- but you know he also wants to fuck you.
With a strangled moan, he jerks your head back by the hair, pulling you completely off of him and letting his cock slap up against his stomach, hard, heavy, and red. He grips the swollen head of his cock tightly as his chest heaves, body almost trembling from the sensation. “I said stop,” he gasps, “I was so close.”
You pout, upset that you weren’t able to make him unravel in your mouth. You wanted to taste him so badly. “You never let me swallow,” you whine.
Eren’s too exhausted to give you a snarky comment back, still reeling from your mouth on him. “No,” he says, “I don’t.” He pulls you up to your feet, his mouth crashing against yours. Wrapping both arms around your waist, he spins the two of you around until your ass is pressed against the edge of the counter. He squeezes you hard against his body and you can feel his cock throbbing against your stomach. “I’m gonna make you regret that,” he says against your lips. 
Eren kisses you like he can’t get enough. His lips move hard against yours, his tongue snaking out from his mouth to play with yours as you try to devour him. He nudges his thigh between your legs and presses it against your soaking pussy. You moan into his mouth, unable to stop your hips from grinding down onto the strong muscle of his thigh, just like you imagined.
“What else do you think about,” he asks, hands trailing down from your waist to your hips to help you grind harder against him. “When you’re thinking about me?”
Looking up into his eyes you can see how much it excites him that you told him that. That you make yourself cum to thoughts of him every morning — he’s obsessed. You want to laugh but when his hands roll your hips against his thigh you moan instead. 
“Fuck —“
“Tell me, I wanna know.”
You grab his biceps for stability as you grind down on him, his cock still leaking precum and leaving a mess on your stomach. “Your hands,” you gasp, “All over me — touching me — inside of me.”
His fingers dig harder into your skin as you speak, a glint shining in his eyes. He can tell your arousal is making it difficult for you to speak, so he helps you. “Yeah? You like it when I grab you?”
“Yes, Eren!”
“Like it when I fuck you with my fingers? Stretch that pretty little pussy out and make you squeeze and cum all over my hand?”
Your hips build speed against his thigh, coating it in your slick wetness as you chase an orgasm. “Eren, yes — fuck.”
“Tell me more,” he commands, slowing your grinding by grabbing your hips tightly in his hands. “Use your words, baby.”
Your face is hot and you can’t tell if it’s from your growing arousal or your embarrassment as you say, “I think about your head between my thighs… and your mouth on my pussy.”
“Yeah, and your tongue on my clit —“ It’s definitely from embarrassment, you realize, as you duck your gaze away from Eren’s amused smirk. He’s loving this. You love to tease him but you’ve never been so vulgar before, he’s usually the one whispering lewd things in your ear when he stuffs you with his cock. “I think about the way you eat me out, and how quickly you can make me cum on your tongue.”
Like a reward, his hands move your hips faster back and forth on his leg. Your nails dig hard into his arms as you feel your orgasm rapidly building from the sensation.
“Fuck — Eren, that feels so good,” you whine, throwing your head back and letting him move your hips against his leg. 
“Yeah? You like grinding on my leg like a lil whore?” He presses his thigh against you harder and you let out a deep, gutteral groan.
“Yes, Eren!”
“You’re such a needy little bitch,” he growls, “Can’t even wait for my cock, have to grind you clit on my thigh.”
You just let out a strangled moan in response. He is right, you are needy little bitch.
“You’re making such a fuckin mess of my leg,” he says, leaning down to lick and suck on your neck. “Are you close?”
“‘M right there, baby —“
You can feel him smirk against you skin for a moment before he says, “Good.” Eren holds your hips still and removes the pressure of his thigh against your leg, leaving you shocked and aching. 
“Fuck you,” you whine. You try to reach a hand between your legs to finish yourself off but he grabs your wrist before you can make contact. 
“Not yet, babe,” he tsks, “I’m not finished with you.” Grabbing the backs of your thighs, he lifts you up onto the counter, legs spread wide. He brushes his fingers against your dripping cunt, moving softly against your folds and teasing your hole.
You lean back on the counter, shoulders pressed against the mirror as you watch Eren’s eyes hungrily dance across your body. He is going to punish you for trying to make him cum earlier — he is going to tease you and edge you until you can’t take it anymore and you are so fucking excited.
“Look at you, you’re dripping,” he laughs, deep from his chest as his fingers ghost against your pussy. “I love how fuckin messy you get.” You can’t control the way your hips move with his hand, desperate to have him inside of you. Your pussy clenches around nothing, so swollen and needy to be fucked. 
He slides one finger inside of you at first. It goes in easily from the slickness of your cunt, and you already feel some relief. You gasp out a breathy moan as you grind your hips down into his hand for more stimulation. 
“So fuckin needy,” he whispers. Eren holds your hips down with his other hand while he moves his finger in and out of your pussy. Slowly, so agonizingly slow, you’re whining and desperate for more. “I love it when you’re so fucked out like this for me,” he groans, teasing your entrance before pushing another finger inside of you. 
His two fingers are so much thicker than yours and it feels so good. You whimper as he moves his fingers slowly, scissoring them inside of you but never quite hitting you where you need him most.
You try to grind your hips down onto his hand for more stimulation but his hold on you is too strong. “You can’t even fuckin control yourself around me -- you want me so bad, don’t you?”
“Yes, Eren -- please!” you’re practically crying.
“Baby, you’re so wet. I bet I could --” you feel another finger press gently against your entrance before sliding inside of you. You shudder at the feeling of three of Eren’s thick fingers pumping in your pussy. “Such a good girl,” he sigh, throwing his head back and letting his eyes fall shut as he enjoys the feeling of you squeezing around his fingers.
You can hear the slick wet sucking sounds of your pussy clenching around his digits as he fingers you. It feels so good to be stretched out like this, but it’s nothing compared to his cock. You bite your lip and moan as he grinds the heel of his hand into your clit.
“Please,” you sigh, no weight to your voice as he lazily finger fucks you. 
“Mhmm?” he hums, slowly beginning to curl his fingers up inside of you, just brushing your sweet spot. “Right there?” he asks when you gasp and twitch at his touch. “Is that the spot?”
“Eren!” You’re going to lose your mind. It feels like he’s been teasing you for hours and when he looks down at you, you can tell from the look on his face that he isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. “Eren, fuck me — please!”
He bites his lip, breathing hard as he picks up his pace. You’re already clenching hard around his fingers, lewd, wet noises bouncing off the walls of the bathroom as your pussy leaks from your arousal all over the bathroom counter. 
“Yeah, baby,” he growls, “Keep saying my name like that and maybe I’ll let you cum.”
You instantly start chanting his name like a prayer, “Eren — Eren — Eren!” and he picks up his pace, thumb swirling over your clit as he fucks you with his fingers. 
“You like that?”
“Yes — fuck, Eren!”
“Are you gonna cum, baby? All over my hand?”
“So close, so fucking close, Eren!”
He pulls his fingers out from inside of you and you almost cry.
“No, Eren! Baby, please — please, I wanna cum so bad,” you’re practically sobbing as his hands reach for your wrists, already anticipating you to try to finish yourself off. Your pussy is clenching around nothing, desperately needing to be filled and satisfied. You’re so horny you’re practically shaking.
“Not yet,” he says, chest heaving from arousal. His thick, hard cock is pressed against your thigh and you think if you move your hips just right you might be able to slide him in. You dig your knees into his sides and roll your hips, only managing to ghost his head across your pussy. 
Eren quirks an eyebrow in amusement. “You’re so fucking needy.”
“Eren, please — I can’t take it anymore,” you whine. “Please, baby, I want your cock — I need you to fuck me, Eren,” your words are choppy and slurred, so fucking cock drunk for him that you can hardly think. 
Your desperation must stir something inside of him because he grabs your thighs, lifting you up off the counter and back onto your feet before spinning you around to face the mirror, his achingly hard cock pressed against your ass.
“Please, Eren,” you bend forward, hands bracing yourself against the mirror. “Please!” You’re almost in pain from how horny you are, so desperate for release and he’s still teasing you. You bounce your hips back against his, jerking his dick off with your thighs and finding pleasure in the way his cock rubs against your clit. You could cum just from this, you think, if he’d let you.
The head of his cock catches against your entrance and you squeeze hard around him, trying to suck him inside of you and fill you up. He groans loudly behind you, his eyes catching yours in the reflection of the mirror.
“You’re lucky I’m fucking needy too,” he growls, slowly pushing his hips forward and burying his cock inside of you. 
It’s intense -- so intense. After edging you and teasing you for so long, the feeling of his cock filling you has you gasping and crying out. You almost collapse forward into the mirror but Eren tugs on your hair with his hand, keeping your head upright and facing the mirror.
“Does that feel good?” his voice is just a rumble down your spine.
All you can do is nod in response as he starts to grind his hips against your ass. Every slight movement causing you to whine and shudder as his thick, hard cock massages against the walls of your cunt. You are already so close and he’s barely moving inside of you. 
“Fuck, I wish you could see the way your pussy’s grabbing my cock right now,” he says, eyes dark as he looks down. “You’re so fucking wet, baby, so fuckin wet.” Eren’s face is flushed, dark strands of hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat. You don’t want to take your eyes off of him but it feels too good.
You can’t wait anymore, you need to cum. You thrust your hips back into his, fucking yourself on his cock to find your release. He grips you harder as your ass bounces against his hips, his dark green eyes focusing up on yours in the mirror.
“Fuck, such a good girl,” he moans as you squeeze around him. He pulls you by the hair until your shoulder blades are touching his chest, moving his hand from your hip to swirl around your clit. Fuck. “Fuck yourself on my cock, baby, lemme feel you cum.”
It all happens so suddenly. One moment you’re on the edge and gasping and the next you’re exploding in pleasure. Every nerve ending feels like it’s on fire as you cum around Eren’s cock, clenching and squeezing him as wetness coats your thighs. You legs tremble beneath you and your eyes roll back into your head -- fuck, you’re crying from how good it feels.
You can feel Eren’s cock twitching inside of you as he fucks his cum deep inside of you. He presses his face into the crook of your neck, whimpering and whining out your name as your pussy milks his cock for every drop of his release.
When he finally stops moving he lets go of your hair and you almost collapse -- you can’t feel your legs. You fall forward onto the counter, legs still shaking as he pulls himself out of you. You’re both breathing hard and shaky.
Eren spreads you open with his thumbs to watch his cum and your own silky wetness slide down your thighs. You can see him smiling in the reflection of the mirror in satisfaction before he spanks you.
“Hey,” you whine weakly, your voice just a whisper from how hoarse your throat is -- a combination of deep throating Eren and your screaming moans.
“How are you doing, babe?”
“I think I blacked out for a minute there,” you confess.
“You made quite the mess,” he says, looking down at the puddle between your legs.
“Shut the fuck up,” you say, voice soft and breathy. You close your eyes, “I need a nap.”
The four of you sit on pillows on the floor while you share a box of pizza and a bottle of wine. The hotel room doesn’t have any cups, surprisingly, so rather than call the front desk and ask for some, you all decide to pass around the bottle. It doesn’t take long to finish two of the bottles, with all of you buzzing from the alcohol by the time Jean opens the third.
“So, how did you meet everyone, and what was your first impression?” Pieck asks around a mouthful of pizza. You are playing the Question Game, each person got to ask a question to someone in the group, and they had to answer or chug the wine.
“Well, I met you through Jean when we started working at Titan together,” you say, gesturing toward Pieck. “A mutual friend, Sasha, introduced me to Jean because we were in the same program together and…” you pause, thinking. “I don’t actually remember how we met,” you say, looking over at Eren.
Eren takes a drink from the wine bottle and cocks a brow. “Really?”
You shrug. “I’ve always known who you were because of the hockey team, but I don’t remember ever actually meeting you, y’know? I think the first time we talked was at the bar that one night.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” he says, passing you the bottle, but his tone is off.
“And what about first impressions?” Pieck presses as you take a sip.
“Oh, right! Um…” you tap on your chin in thought as you pass the bottle to Jean with your other hand. “Pieck, I thought you seemed nice, but really quiet until we played that drinking game together at the icebreaker.”
“And Jean…” You normally wouldn’t be so bold, but the burn of liquid courage in your stomach spurs you into saying, “I thought you were really cute when I first met you… until I realized you were dating Pieck,” you add quickly.
Pieck giggles as Jean looks away with a shy smile. “Oh, I didn’t know,” he says quietly, taking a sip from the bottle.
“What about me?” Eren asks, nudging you gently.
“Eren…” you pause for a moment as you look over at him. Eren looks at you and it almost seems like he’s a little nervous, but you think you’re just imagining things from the alcohol. “I wondered what it was about you that made all the girls at school go so crazy over you.
“And?” Eren asks, smirking. “Did you figure it out?”
“Yeah,” you say with a smile. “You’re just a fuck boy.”
“Well, you nailed it,” Jean laughs, sharp and cruel.
“She nailed me, actually,” Eren corrects, placing a possessive hand on your thigh as he flips off Jean. Jean rolls his eyes, “Ok, my turn.” Eren looks around the room, trying to decide who to question. “Pieck, would you trade beds with me?”
“This isn’t truth or dare -- you have to ask a question,” Jean says quickly as a heat grows across your chest.
“Was that not a question?” Eren asks, feigning confusion. “I thought I said, would you trade beds with me? That sounds like a question to me,” he turns to you, “Wouldn’t you agree?” You nod but keep your eyes down and away from Eren in embarrassment. He gives you a soft, comforting squeeze on your thigh before leaning into your ear, whispering, “If that’s ok.”
You nod again. “Totally ok.”
“Sure,” Pieck says with a bright smile. She turns to Jean, “Just no funny business, ok? Pock will flip out,” she says.
“Who’s Pock?” you ask, looking up at Pieck in confusion. That wasn’t the name of anyone you were familiar with from Titan.
When she looks over at you, her smile is almost impossibly brighter as she says, “He’s my boyfriend.”
You purse your lips in shock, eyes darting towards Jean but he masks his expression by taking a long drink from the bottle. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” you say.
“Yeah, we actually live together,” she says happily. You can almost feel Jean crumbling next to her -- did he not know either? “We’ve been together for a couple of years now.”
Even Eren can sense the subtle shift in Jean’s attitude and he tries to move on. “Ok, whose turn is it next?”
Jean finishes the bottle and stands up abruptly. “I think we should all get to bed now. We’re out of alcohol and it’s late.” He nods towards you, “And we’re leaving tomorrow.”
Eren blows a raspberry at Jean. “You’re such a buzz-kill.” He wraps his arms around you and nuzzles his face into your neck, inhaling deeply against your skin. “But, that’s ok. We can go to bed.”
You’re almost giddy with excitement as you and Eren crawl into bed together. Although the two of you were sleeping together, you had never actually slept together outside of little naps in the back of his car. Your bodies mold together effortlessly with Eren’s arms wrapping you tight against his chest and your legs tangling against one another. Despite his solid, muscular build, he is a good cuddler and the perfect temperature.
You nuzzle your face into his chest as Jean and Pieck shuffle behind you in their shared bed. You can feel Eren’s laugh deep in his chest before he says, “They’re building a pillow wall.”
You giggle against his skin, pressing a soft kiss to the hollow in his neck. “How silly.”
He strokes the back of your head gently as your eyes flutter shut, the weight of the alcohol making you drowsy. “Goodnight, baby.”
“Goodnight, Eren.”
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healthy444 · 4 months
What are the most effective exercises for weight loss?
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When it comes to losing weight, the key is to find exercises that you enjoy and can stick with consistently. Here are some of the most effective exercises for weight loss:
Walking: It's simple, free, and accessible. A brisk walk can burn calories, improve your mood, and be easy on your joints.
Running or Jogging: These are great for burning a lot of calories in a short time. If you're just starting out, you can alternate between jogging and walking.
Cycling: Whether on a stationary bike or riding outside, cycling is excellent for weight loss and also builds leg strength.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): These short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods are incredibly effective for burning calories and boosting metabolism.
Swimming: This full-body workout is gentle on the joints and great for building endurance and muscle while burning calories.
Strength Training: Lifting weights or doing body-weight exercises (like push-ups and squats) helps build muscle, which can increase your resting metabolism and help you burn more calories even when you're not working out.
Group Fitness Classes: Activities like Zumba, kickboxing, or spin classes can be fun and motivating, making it easier to stay consistent.
Yoga and Pilates: While these might not burn as many calories as some high-intensity workouts, they help with flexibility, muscle tone, and stress reduction, all of which support weight loss.
Rowing: This is a fantastic full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups and burns a significant number of calories. Plus, it’s low-impact.
Jumping Rope: It’s not just for kids! Jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.
Dance Workouts: From hip-hop to ballroom, dancing is a fun way to get your heart rate up and burn calories without it feeling like a chore.
Hiking: If you enjoy the outdoors, hiking is a great way to combine cardio with strength training (especially if you’re tackling hills).
Stair Climbing: Whether you use a stair machine at the gym or take the stairs whenever possible, this exercise targets your legs and glutes and can really get your heart pumping.
Kickboxing: This high-energy workout helps you burn calories while improving your coordination and building muscle.
Elliptical Trainer: This machine provides a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health.
Additional Tips for Maximizing Weight Loss with Exercise:
Consistency is Key: Regular exercise is more important than occasional intense workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, combined with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week.
Mix it Up: Variety can prevent boredom and target different muscle groups. Combine cardio with strength training and flexibility exercises for a well-rounded routine.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water before, during, and after workouts helps maintain your energy levels and improves performance.
Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your workouts and progress. This can help you stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your routine.
Rest and Recovery: Don’t underestimate the power of rest. Your muscles need time to recover, which helps prevent injuries and improve performance over time.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. It's important to push yourself, but not to the point of injury or burnout.
By incorporating a variety of these exercises and tips into your routine, you'll be better equipped to lose weight and improve your overall fitness. Remember, the journey to weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, so find what works best for you and stick with it!
Remember, the best exercise for weight loss is the one you enjoy and can do regularly. Combining different types of workouts can also keep things interesting and work different parts of your body. And don't forget to pair your exercise routine with a healthy diet for the best results!
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zoeykallus · 2 years
How do you think the bad batch boys would help their significant other who wants to learn to workout? I’ve decided to start properly exercising for my health and oddly enough one of the things I think about is one of the batchers encouraging me. Except for cross. I feel like he would sit on my back and make me do push-ups.
Interesting question! I thought I did one like this just in spicy, I'm pretty sure I did, but I can't find it somehow (and I'm pretty bummed about it)... PS: you are not entirely wrong about Crosshair.
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Workout
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His main focus is endurance and agility combined with some strength training. Hunter is nimble and fit as a fiddle. He will show you exercises to strengthen your endurance and little tricks to train your reaction speed in combat.
"Endurance is the ability to sustain a performance for an extended period of time despite fatigue and to recover quickly afterwards."
He will do jogging laps and strength training with you, exploring and pushing your limits together.
Be balanced, stay focused and keep your heart fit. Echo is a fan of cardio and push-ups as well as pull-ups. He doesn't have much of his body left, so most of his own training is limited to his upper body.
"Body control is also very important. Knowing your limits and staying balanced, even when things are going bump and grind. Your body responds when you lose your nerve, when you get shaky you lose body tension and that can be fatal in a fight or on rough terrain"
Echo will do obstacle courses with you, climb with you through rough terrain and show you how to stay focused and balanced.
What he does most is strength training, mainly weightlifting. He knows you can't lift the same as him, don't worry. He's not going to overwork you at all. The strength he has is also in his genes not just in training, he is aware of that.
He takes things slow, small barbell exercises. He shows you the right movements, gives you tips on your breathing and explains to you in which way you stress or train which muscles.
"Don't overdo it. A muscle tear is painful and we don't want that."
He is incredibly patient and playful. Training with him is physically demanding but also very fun.
Actually, he prefers to challenge your mind. He is in good shape but not nearly as dedicated and persistent in training as his brothers. Unless it's swimming. He's a damn good swimmer and he loves to do it.
"Swimming can definitely be used as an endurance workout if you know how. Of course, it's important to keep an eye on your own safety, maybe have someone with you to keep an eye on you, and never swim too far out in open water, but swim close to the shore in case you cramp or eventually lose strength."
Tech has had back problems from a young age. Slim and tall as he is, he actually has to take care of his training regularly. Swimming is a great way to strengthen his back muscles. However, all other training methods are not his cup of tea.
Fast and agile with an incredible reaction speed. Crosshair is a fast, enduring runner. He'll run with you mainly.
He will be brash and complacent at first if you can't keep up, but he will gradually adapt to you until you slowly catch up and you are on a similar level.
He's going to give you quite the workout, so brace yourself. Mainly he does it to show off a bit. Well, he just likes to impress you. He won't admit that, though.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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meditating-dog-lover · 4 months
So in the past I followed various eating and exercise plans. Some were unrealistic and too challenging/restrictive, others I loved, and some were doable but I could not see myself doing them longterm because they weren't my favorite approach.
I've done sugar free, keto, low carb, calorie counting, clean eating, etc... Now I do intermittent fasting and eat healthy and allow myself some junk food here and there. I take supplements to fill in any dietary nutritional gaps, which helps a lot with cravings. I don't eat low carb nor low fat and I eat sugar (I'd rather eat the occasional sugary treat than to overeat sugar-free processed junk like I used to in college). Having a chocolate chip cookie or a sweet coffee drink once a week is better than drinking diet Coke and sugar free lattes daily (again like I used to in college). I also don't count calories and just fast, which feels less restrictive and don't have to worry about numbers. I do eat high calorie foods (like nuts, avocados, seeds, dark chocolate) and I still lost weight. Those foods are rich in healthy fats and minerals, so you're better off eating them in decent portions than to exclude them because they're high in calories.
I've been doing IF for 5.5 months and still feel perfectly fine and not restricted. And I've had a really busy work schedule since January, and I don't feel exhausted nor hungry during my fasting period.
To burn additional fat, I do walk a lot. I pace a lot at work, walk my dogs, and go for walks myself. Walking burns more calories than you think, and I really enjoy it as a form of cardio. I've done HIIT, boxing, and running in the past for cardio which I unfortunately did not enjoy.
The only thing that's left is to challenge my strength, posture, and flexibility. I have been doing some yoga to help with this. I've done weight lifting before, which I really didn't love. And I've done bodyweight circuits which I did enjoy, but it was fast-paced, repetitive at times, and did not include comprehensive stretching. I want to be pretty flexible and do fun poses which would be great for stretching my muscles and fixing my posture (my posture is bad and I have stiff muscles here and there, especially my calves). I also like challenging my body strength by doing bodyweight workouts, which yoga does incorporate. I want to improve my upper body strength so I can do pushups (no knees), and even wheel poses. I found a Youtube channel - Yoga with Kassandra. She includes a bunch of yoga workouts with props like blocks and bands to improve flexibility and posture, as well as strength workouts that are yoga-inspired, but quite challenging. I just did a workout which was difficult, but I managed to get through half of it and do some poses and exercises well.
I don't want a yoga routine/video with only simple stretches like downward dog and cobra. I want workouts that will challenge my flexibility and posture, as well as improve my strength and help me get a good sweat. I'm not going to do challenging workouts daily, but I want to do enough to improve my strength(especially upper body).
Again I don't want to overwhelm myself with a lot of health and fitness stuff because I'm just transitioning to and starting a new routine. The IF is new, so is the healthy eating and the supplementing. It took me 6-7 years to find an eating and workout routine that I enjoy, but still promotes overall wellness. I've been walking for over a decade and this is something I'm still doing, which is great. I just want to add in more yoga for strength, flexibility, posture, and the occasional sweat. The strength training/more challenging workouts will help me with insulin sensitivity, and the more relaxing ones will help with stress management. So it all works out on the end, something I can do and enjoy it.
I'm so happy I'm incorporating more and more healthy habits into my life. It hasn't always been easy, but I want to be healthy and happy.
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art-of-manliness · 8 months
Exercise vs. Training: The Difference, and Why It Matters
When it comes to fitness, the words “exercise” and “training” are often used interchangeably. A guy who regularly goes to the gym and randomly does some weight machines and a little cardio might say he’s training. This same guy is frustrated that he’s not making any progress with his strength or appearance despite his regular training. The problem is, that guy is actually exercising and not training.  The distinction between the words “exercise” and “training” might seem pedantic, but understanding it can be an important step in realizing your fitness goals. Today, we’ll dig into the difference between these two ideas.   What Is Exercise? Let’s start by defining exercise. Exercise can be described as any physical activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health in a general way. The aim with exercise is to vigorously move your body so you burn some calories, get hot and sweaty, and maybe feel a pump. Some people exercise so they can generate feel-good endorphins or stay in decent shape. There’s nothing wrong with exercise. Regular vigorous exercise provides tons of benefits, including enhanced heart health, mood, and sleep quality. Regularly moving your body can help regulate your metabolism and keep your weight in check.  While exercise is universally acknowledged as beneficial, it’s not training. Training goes beyond mere exercise.  What Is Training? When someone says they are training, it means they are actively working towards improving a specific aspect of their physical performance. It could be they’re trying to get stronger, run further/faster, or improve their physique.  Achieving these goals requires taking a systematic and intentional approach to exercise. Training is that systematic and intentional approach. When you’re training, you’re following a program that’s intentionally designed to elicit adaptations so that you can improve a given capacity.  For example, if you want to get stronger, you have to follow a program where progressive overload takes place. For strength-producing adaptations to occur, you must increasingly add stress to your muscles and your neuromuscular system by lifting heavier and heavier weights or varying the degrees of volume or frequency in your reps/sets. The most basic strength training program takes the form of linear progression, where you add weight to the bar every workout until you can no longer do so. Once that happens, you have to modify your training program by adjusting reps, sets, and frequencies. All these changes are made through the lens of the training paradigm: systematically and intentionally engaging in physical activity to reach the goal of getting stronger.  If you’re a runner, training would involve following a program with varying degrees of intensity and volume over a long period of time in order to run further and faster.  Lately, my fitness goal has been to get bigger and chisel my physique. Consequently, my training is designed with those aims in mind. I’m following a program designed to work certain muscle groups and am adding weight and reps each workout so that I can stimulate my muscles to grow.  The distinguishing factor between exercise and training lies in the intention and focus. Exercise doesn’t require a program and isn’t done with a concrete outcome in mind. Training aims to condition the body to operate at a higher level and achieve specific goals. It requires a plan, dedication, and a commitment to progress over time. While training is commonly associated with sports or athletic pursuits, it’s not limited to the arena of physical pursuits. You can extend it to other domains like music, writing, and marksmanship as well. Take music: You can pick up a guitar and strum some random tunes for a half hour every day simply because you enjoy it. While approaching the guitar like this can be enjoyable, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get any better. Improving will require you to intentionally design a practice program that hones your skills. Getting better requires… http://dlvr.it/T25pVS
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How Can I Improve My Whole Body Fitness
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In the hustle and bustle of daily life, achieving and maintaining whole body fitness can often feel like a daunting challenge. The demands of work, family, and personal commitments may leave little time for prioritizing our health. However, embracing a holistic approach to fitness is essential for physical well-being and mental and emotional health. In this blog, we'll explore practical and achievable steps to improve your overall fitness, paving the way for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
Establish Clear Fitness Goals
The first step in any fitness journey is to set realistic goals. These goals will act as your roadmap, guiding and motivating your efforts. Whether your focus is on weight loss, muscle gain, improved flexibility, or overall well-being, having specific and measurable objectives allows you to track your progress and celebrate achievements.
Balanced Exercise Routine
Whole body fitness isn't just about lifting weights; it's about giving your entire body some love! This means mixing up your workouts with cardio to get your heart pumping, strength training to build muscle and tone, flexibility exercises to stay limber, and meditation and activities that help balance and coordination. Think about brisk walks, yoga poses, swimming, and even dancing – the endless possibilities! By keeping things varied, you'll avoid boredom and ensure you work all the different body parts for a well-rounded and healthy you. 
Prioritize Cardiovascular Exercise
Want a healthy heart, a trim figure, and endless energy? Ditch the elevator and lace up your shoes! Activities like running, biking, swimming, or even a brisk walk get your heart pumping and muscles buzzing, making you one fit machine. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week, spread out however works for you. Think 30-minute walks most days, a weekend bike ride, or a lunchtime swim – whatever moves your body and makes you feel good!
Harness the Power of Strength Training
Are you building muscle, burning more calories, and strengthening your bones? It sounds like strength training's your new best friend! Exercises like lifting weights, using your body weight, or those cool resistance bands are where it's at. Get in at least two sessions a week, and remember to hit different muscle groups each time - you want your whole body to feel fantastic, not just specific parts. So ditch the salad and grab some dumbbells; it's time to sculpt that inner athlete!
Prioritize Flexibility and Mobility
Don't underestimate the magic of stretch! Yoga and Pilates aren't just about bending like pretzels; they loosen you up for smoother, pain-free movement. Think of better posture, fewer injuries, and a bounce in your step. Give those big muscles and joints some love with a daily stretch – your body will dance happily!
Focus on Nutrition as Fuel
Your fitness journey starts on your plate! Ditch the processed junk and embrace a rainbow of whole foods – lean protein for muscle power, vibrant fruits and veggies for vitamin punch, hearty whole grains for sustained energy, and healthy fats to keep your brain sharp. Don't forget your trusty water bottle – stay hydrated so your body can waltz through your routine. And say "hasta la vista, baby" to sugary drinks and greasy snacks.
Adequate Rest and Recovery
Remember, whole body fitness needs time to work its magic! Don't underestimate the power of rest and recovery. Give your body time to mend after strenuous workouts, like catching Zzz's for crucial repairs and growth. Pushing too hard without rest just sets you back, potentially leading to injuries and slowing your progress. Sleep is necessary for your fitness, so prioritize those cozy hours – your body and goals will thank you!
Mind-Body Practices
Don't forget to tend to your inner garden! Fitness isn't just about pumped muscles or toned physiques. Meditation, mindfulness, and deep breathing exercises nourish your mind and spirit, managing stress, sharpening focus, and building mental resilience. These activities are like secret weapons, weaving a beautiful tapestry of harmony between your body and mind, making your fit life even more vibrant and fulfilling.
Make Fitness a Lifestyle, Not a Task
Whole body fitness is not a short-term endeavor but a lifelong journey. Instead of viewing exercise and healthy living as tasks to be completed, integrate them into your daily life. Find activities you enjoy, making fitness a pleasure rather than a chore. Whether dancing, hiking, playing sports, or taking scenic walks, choose activities that align with your interests to make fitness a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle. Leave the concept of a finish line behind, as Andrea Klas Fitness invites you to explore the pure joy of fitness in ways that make you want to shout"encore!" Embrace the idea that the journey, filled with enjoyable and fulfilling movements, is a valid reward. Join the movement where fitness becomes your party forever. For more fitness blogs like this, visit https://www.andreaklasfitness.com/
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saccharinecoffee · 1 year
Hey, just a question I've been wondering for a while, I'm currently trying to start working out (depression and stuff) and wanted to know if you ever went to a gym cuz I need some advice please, is it better for beginners to start going to the gym 2 or 3 Days a week when they're just starting? I was just struggling with deciding sorry for being annoying
Hi anon!! Don't worry you're not annoying, I'll do my best to help! :)
Just a quick disclaimer though, I am not a personal trainer or professional in the field, just someone who grew up with a very fitness-oriented family and am currently being followed by a personal trainer as well.
As for the frequency of the workouts, it depends on your energy levels. Three times a week for starters is great, then after you get used to it (after two weeks or a month, depending on your comfort) you can start upping it to 4 days a week, then 5.
Now, keep in mind that workouts don't have to be really long. At the moment I do 30 min workouts because I'm still a bit unfit at the moment (recovering from long-term illness will do that to you LOL) but a lot of people regardless of health concerns can do it as well. Much like the frequency, once you get the hang of it you can incorporate more exercises per day and extend your workout time from 30 to 45 minutes, for example.
The exercises you choose depend on your health goals. If you wanna lose weight, then a focus on aerobics/cardio can be a good way to go. I've been told if you're a little sleepy a quick cardio session can help boost your energy. This could include going on runs, using a treadmill, elliptical machine, zumba or dance classes, biking, etc.
If you wanna tone up and/or become strong then a good mix of muscle-developing exercises can really help. I feel like these are super important even if you don't care about the aesthetics, because the strength it gives you is priceless. You feel like you can walk more, move more, carry more things, use stairs easily, etc. You just become so much less tired and less sore. It's awesome.
As for the types of exercises, that really depends on whether or not you're gonna go to the gym or try your hand at home workouts. Regardless of the two, you can google for exercises at home (or search on youtube) and at the gym you could always ask them to help you with a workout plan. Where I live almost all gyms make workouts for their members for free, but idk about other countries 😔
Now, this may not be directly related to what you asked, but I gotta stress that a healthy diet is fundamental to your goals and I don't mean that just for the aesthetics of it. Eating well can genuinely change how you feel, and it can give you so much energy. And I'm not talking calories, I'm talking the quality of the food. No processed food, fried food, junk food, all that nasty stuff. I could suggest googling, but most "healthy" meal plans people suggest are disgusting and bland and kinda bordering on crimes against humanity LOOL if this is something that interests you just ask for more and I can give examples and recipes and stuff.
Exercise isn't the end-all-be-all, but it really can help with you feeling a bit brighter, a bit more capable, a bit stronger or even a bit more attractive. The self-satisfaction of being able to lift more and more, to run farther and farther, that shit is such an ego-boost. It feels really good and it motivates you to keep going. And of course, if you build it into your life (try to work out at around the same time every time) it becomes a habit and that in of itself helps with internal regulation. You even sorta start missing it if you have to miss a session. Habits and predictability in your daily schedule are really helpful when it comes to mental illness. So while exercise isn't a miracle cure, it can really really help, especially when you add good eating habits and a good sleeping schedule into the mix!
I hope this was all the help you needed but if you have extra questions just ask!
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osamasahil369 · 1 year
The Importance of Leg Workouts for Women
Leg workouts are often overlooked by women, but they are essential for overall fitness and health. Strong legs help you to move more easily and efficiently, improve your balance and coordination, and reduce your risk of injury. They also play a role in maintaining a healthy metabolism and weight.
What to Include in a Leg Workout
A well-rounded leg workout should include exercises that target all the major muscle groups in the legs, including:
Quadriceps: The quadriceps are the muscles on the front of the thigh. They are responsible for extending the knee and helping you to straighten your leg.
Hamstrings: The hamstrings are the muscles on the back of the thigh. They are responsible for flexing the knee and helping you to bend your leg.
Glutes: The glutes are the muscles in the buttocks. They are responsible for extending the hip and helping you to stand up from a seated position.
Calves: The calves are the muscles on the back of the lower leg. They are responsible for plantar flexing the foot (pointing your toes down) and helping you to walk and run.
Some Effective Leg Exercises
Here are some effective leg exercises that you can include in your workout:
Squats: Squats are a classic leg exercise that works all the major muscle groups in the legs. To do a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
Lunges: Lunges are another great exercise for working the legs. To do a lunge, step forward with one leg and lower your body down until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
Leg press: The leg press is a machine exercise that works the quadriceps and hamstrings. To do a leg press, sit on the machine and press the weight up with your legs.
Hamstring curls: Hamstring curls are a machine exercise that works the hamstrings. To do a hamstring curl, sit on the machine and curl the weight up with your heels.
Calf raises: Calf raises are an exercise that works the calves. To do a calf raise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and rise up on your toes.
How Often Should You Do Leg Workouts?
The frequency of your leg workouts will depend on your fitness level and goals. If you are new to exercise, start by doing leg workouts 2-3 times per week. As you get stronger, you can increase the frequency to 3-4 times per week.
How Long Should Your Leg Workouts Be?
The length of your leg workouts will also depend on your fitness level and goals. If you are new to exercise, start with workouts that are 30-45 minutes long. As you get stronger, you can increase the length of your workouts to 45-60 minutes.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Leg Workouts
Here are some tips for getting the most out of your leg workouts:
Warm up before each workout with 5-10 minutes of light cardio and dynamic stretching.
Cool down after each workout with 5-10 minutes of static stretching.
Focus on using proper form during each exercise.
Gradually increase the weight you are lifting over time.
Listen to your body and take rest days when needed.
Leg workouts are an important part of a well-rounded fitness routine for women. By including regular leg workouts in your plan, you can improve your strength, power, and overall fitness. So get started today and start seeing results!
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fitnessfrontier · 1 year
how to lose weight naturally
Losing weight is a journey that many of us embark upon at some point in our lives. But in a world filled with fad diets, quick fixes, and unrealistic expectations, it's crucial to understand the importance of losing weight in a natural and sustainable way. The path to a healthier body and mind lies in embracing a lifestyle that promotes overall well-being and longevity. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of natural weight loss and provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you achieve your goals. So, let's dive in and discover how you can embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier you.
When it comes to successful weight loss, adopting healthy lifestyle habits is key. It's not just about shedding a few pounds; it's about nurturing your body, improving your overall well-being, and creating sustainable habits that will benefit you in the long run. Here are some crucial aspects to focus on:
Nutrition: A balanced and nutritious diet forms the foundation of healthy weight loss. Instead of following restrictive diets or relying on quick fixes, prioritize nourishing your body with whole foods. Fill your plate with a colorful array of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Aim for portion control and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Remember, it's about making sustainable changes that you can maintain in the long term.
Exercise: Physical activity plays a vital role in weight loss and overall health. Incorporate both cardiovascular exercises and strength training into your routine. Cardio exercises like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or dancing can help burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness. Strength training exercises, such as lifting weights or bodyweight exercises, build lean muscle mass and boost your metabolism. Find activities you enjoy, and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week.
Overall Well-being: Weight loss should not be solely focused on the number on the scale. It's essential to consider your overall well-being. Prioritize self-care, stress management, and quality sleep. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress levels. Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in weight management, as it helps regulate hormones related to hunger and satiety.
Balanced and Nutritious Diet:
Adopting a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for sustainable weight loss and overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you achieve a healthy eating pattern:
Whole Foods: Focus on consuming whole foods that are minimally processed. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats in your meals. These foods are rich in nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, and they provide sustained energy.
Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls, and be mindful of serving sizes. Listen to your body's hunger and fullness signals, and eat until you are satisfied, not overly full.
Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating to develop a better relationship with food. Slow down and savor each bite. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and sensations of the food. This helps prevent overeating and promotes a healthier attitude towards food.
Include Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean sources of protein into your meals, such as skinless poultry, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, or Greek yogurt. Protein helps keep you feeling fuller for longer and supports muscle growth and repair.
Whole Grains: Choose whole grain options like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and oats. Whole grains are rich in fiber, which aids in digestion and helps you feel satisfied.
Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These fats provide essential nutrients and help keep you satiated.
Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Water supports overall health and helps control appetite. Limit sugary drinks and opt for water, herbal tea, or infused water instead.
Meal Ideas and Snacks: Here are a few examples of healthy meal ideas and snack options:
Grilled chicken or fish with roasted vegetables and quinoa.
Colorful salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, grilled chicken, and a drizzle of olive oil.
Greek yogurt topped with berries and a sprinkle of nuts.
Whole grain toast with avocado and a poached egg.
Snack on sliced veggies with hummus, a handful of nuts, or a piece of fruit with nut butter.
Regular Exercise:
Regular exercise is a crucial component of weight loss and overall health. It offers numerous benefits, including burning calories, boosting metabolism, increasing muscle strength, improving cardiovascular fitness, and enhancing mood. Here's why both cardiovascular exercises and strength training are important, along with some exercise suggestions and tips for incorporating physical activity into your daily routine:
Cardiovascular Exercises:
Cardio exercises elevate your heart rate, helping you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness.
Engage in activities such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, or aerobics.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week.
Start slowly and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts to avoid injury.
Strength Training:
Strength training builds lean muscle mass, which helps increase your metabolism and burn more calories at rest.
Incorporate exercises that target major muscle groups, such as weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, or resistance band workouts.
Aim for two to three strength training sessions per week, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions to allow for muscle recovery.
Exercise Variety:
Mix up your exercises to keep things interesting and challenge your body in different ways.
Consider activities like swimming, hiking, yoga, Pilates, or team sports to add variety to your routine.
Exploring different exercises helps prevent boredom and keeps you motivated.
Incorporating Physical Activity:
Find opportunities to be active throughout the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike to nearby destinations, or schedule active breaks during your workday.
Set aside dedicated time for exercise in your schedule. Treat it as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself.
Find an exercise buddy or join fitness classes or groups to stay motivated and accountable.
Explore online workout resources or fitness apps that offer guided workouts and exercise routines.
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
So it's not ideal but I think I'm not going to go the gym today or tomorrow and instead maybe just take Oreo on some short walks as weather allows.
Reason #1: Today I have that doctor's appointment smack in the middle of my normal gym time, and I'm just not feeling up to going earlier (see Reason #3)
Reason #2: Tomorrow I have a PSEP call (I don't really understand this) at 3 as well. I don't usually go to the gym on Wednesdays lately because it's not a lifting/weights day, but the idea of a phone call is stressing me out. This also means that I definitely don't want to go tomorrow (ie, I don't want to skip today and then go tomorrow).
Reason #3: I'm feeling a little bit triggered this morning so it doesn't really feel safe to go exercise at the gym atm. Especially because I am having a realllllly hard time eating breakfast today because of said trigger (it's a long story but relates to health stuff more than body image stuff).
Reason #4: Because my hike kind of messed up my gym schedule, I'm currently off from my usual and today would have been upper body instead of lower. If I continue going regularly this would be my new norm, where I do lower, then upper, then rest/cardio. I could be flexible and just switch my days, but I'd prefer not because the way my body experiences DOMS, it's usually user to do upper, lower, then rest/cardio. By not going today or tomorrow, upper body will once again be on M and Th, and everything will be fixed.
Reason #5: I have a little bit of a cold and have been clearing my throat more last night and this morning. I don't think it's covid at all, but it's probably better for me to allow my body to rest a little more and only do light activity (ie, walking). Additionally, we have a lot of elderly people at the gym (which is great!) and I don't know health status of them or any of the other gym-goers, so I just don't want to potentially expose them to anything, you know?
Sure I guess it's not ideal to only train chest, arms, and upper back once this week, but I think it'll actually help me out in the long run and is probably the more conscientious choice.
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