johnsbleu · 1 month
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 175
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warnings: nsfw moment, dual pov hmh masterlist
“Well, shit…” John stands back with his hands on his hips and looks down at the pipe dripping in the wall. He looks over at you and sighs, “We’re in hot water.”
You give him a blank stare before bursting out in laughter, “That was the worst dad joke; I loved it.”
John looks so incredibly proud of himself every time he makes you laugh, but the gorgeous smile on his face fades as he looks down at the floor.
The floor is covered with about an inch of water. The rug is ruined, along with the couch and chair, most likely. Your heart sank to your stomach when you heard a loud noise earlier, and you rushed downstairs and saw that a pipe had burst underneath the staircase. You didn’t know how to turn the water off, so you frantically called John, who wasn’t home at the time, and he told you how to turn it off. He wasn’t even worried about the wall or about anything in the basement. He asked if you were okay.
To say you were completely devastated about the burst would be an understatement. Tucked under the staircase were several boxes of things John had put away, so you were so worried that they were all ruined. They are wet and they’ll need to be laid out in the sun for a bit to dry, but nothing was devastatingly ruined. And thankfully none of John’s bookbinding things were ruined either. You would have bawled your eyes out for John if it all had been damaged.
John uses the back of his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, then he places his hands on his hips. He looks disgustingly sexy right now. You’re not sure what it is, but god, you want him so bad. He’s just standing there in a plain white t-shirt, but since he’s so warm from moving all the furniture around, he’s sweaty, which means his shirt is wet, which means you can see his tattoos, which means you are totally turned on by the sight of him.
 “I’ll have to call Jimmy.” he says, breaking you from your sex-fueled daze, “If he doesn’t know how to fix it, he’ll know a guy.”
You quickly wipe at your lip since you’re almost positive you’re drooling, “So, what do we do in the meantime?”
“All this has to go,” he says, gesturing to the basement. “If it stays down here for too long, it’ll get moldy. Logan, can you help bring some of this stuff upstairs?”
Logan nods, “Of course.”
“Peach,” John calls out when you turn to help Logan. He beckons you over and leans down to kiss you when you get to him, “I think we’ll have to postpone date night.”
“That’s okay!” you smile up at him, “I mean, we’ll still be together tonight, right?”
John smiles as he stands up straight to his full height, causing you to tilt your head back more, “Of course.”
“Then I’m happy,” you reply as John’s smile gets bigger, “Date night was never about doing something. It was about being together. As long as we’re together, I’m happy.”
“So damn lucky,” he says as he leans down and wraps his arms around you, tilting you back and kissing you. “How? How did I get so lucky?”
You laugh as you stand back up, “You’re cute.”
Logan begins to put things in a box to bring upstairs, so you walk over and help him. After gathering a box worth of things, you lift it up, which John gives you a disapproving look about since it’s heavy, then you head upstairs with it. You grab a laundry basket and head back down to fill it up with more things while John begins to get any of his bookbinding stuff.
“Did I do this?”
John turns around with his brow furrowed, “The pipe? No, you didn’t do this. Why would you even think that?”
“I dunno,” you shrug when he looks at you, “I was home, so…”
“And?” he walks over to you, “What does that have to do with anything? Unless you came down here with a baseball bat and beat the shit out of it, I’m going to go out on a limb and say you didn’t do this.”
You tilt your head back and look at him, “Are you upset with me?”
“Why would I be, mouse?” he says, his voice so soft and sincere that it gives you goosebumps, “This isn’t your fault.”
“Your things are ruined.”
John shakes his head, “They’re not ruined. Look at me.”
You look up at him again, “Your box of things from Helen…”
“They’re okay, and if they’re not, then oh well,” he says softly, “They’re just things.”
“They’re not just things, Jonathan. They’re your memories!”
John shakes his head and smiles, “Memories live in here and here…”
You smile when he puts his hand on your chest for a moment before touching your temple. "Corny.”
“But true!” he kisses you and smiles, “Everything will be okay, and I’m not upset with you. The pipe is old and probably needed to be replaced years ago. I’m not blaming you or anyone. Shit happens.”
John’s phone begins to ring in his pocket, so you give him a quick kiss and continue packing up the rest of the basement with Logan’s help. Thankfully, Ronan is with your parents, so you’re not worried about keeping the basement door open or her getting hurt. The basement will need to air out, so you’ll have to keep the door open, and you need to get everything out of the basement as soon as possible so nothing gets moldy. Jimmy probably has some large fans to help dry up the water and a pump to get it all out.
You head back upstairs and bring John’s box of things from Helen outside, and you open it to find a few pictures are wet. You carefully pull them out and set them in the sun, hoping they’ll dry quicker.
“I’ll have to call you in a little bit,” Logan says, and you scrunch your brows and look over at him in the yard with his phone pressed to his ear, “I still want to do that tonight, but I just have to talk to my…well, they’re not my parents, but I’m staying with them, so I just need to talk to them first. Okay. I’ll call you in a little bit and let you know.”
You look back down and set out a few more things as Logan walks over, asking if you need help with anything. You sit back on your knees and shrug as you look at the pictures of John and Helen drying in the sun.
“There’s a few boxes downstairs still that will definitely need to come out. Thankfully, it’s warm today, so maybe everything will dry nicely in the sun.” you say as you fix a picture so it gets completely dried, and Logan nods, sitting in the chair.
“Who is that?”
You look down at the picture Logan is pointing at, “Oh, Helen. John’s late wife.”
“John was married before you?” he asks incredulously, “That doesn’t sound right.”
A small chuckle leaves your lips, “Yup, he was married for five years.”
“What?” he widens his eyes, “I didn’t know that. Did you know him when he was married?”
You sit on your butt and cross your legs, “No, I moved here two years after she passed away. I didn’t know John at all. Knew literally nothing about the guy.”
Logan smiles, “That’s crazy. Even I knew who he was. I didn’t know he was married, but I knew who he was when I got older. Well, I mean, I heard rumors.”
You smile, “Rumors that you quickly realized weren’t true.”
“Well, sort of,” he laughs, and you smile at him. “I know for a fact now that he’s not as mean as they say he is. He’s pretty cool.”
“I think I’ve mellowed him out a little,” you say, shrugging, “But I really like him that way. He is a really good guy. Super sweet and incredibly kind, but he doesn’t hesitate to protect the ones he loves; you saw that firsthand. But don’t listen to all the rumors.”
Logan nods, “Yeah, definitely.”
“I grew up in the Midwest, and John wasn’t making many trips out there, so I didn’t know who he was.” you laugh, leaning back on your hands, “I moved here, I actually lived in Tess’ house for a while. Our friend lived there first and wanted some roommates since she didn’t like living alone in such a big house--it belonged to her parents. We came to visit one year and fell in love with Mill Neck, so we saved up money and moved out here a year later. I lived in the house for about eight months before I finally met John.”
“Was he super smooth when you two met?”
You scoff, “No! He made Bleu run up to me because he was too nervous to say something to me himself. He came into my work with the plan of asking me out but literally chickened out. John Wick chickened out on asking me on a date. Can you believe that?”
“John doesn’t seem like he’s scared of anything.”
“Yet he was scared to ask me out, which just blows my mind. I still think about it to this day. Like, how could he have been so nervous? I’m just me, you know?” you shrug and shake your head, “But yeah, he was married before we met. She passed away from a heart condition, and it was really hard for John. He was really lonely for a long time. He had Bleu, but it’s not the same. He needed people.”
Logan looks down as he nods, “Yeah, I bet. But at least he has you now and your family.”
“Yeah,” you smile proudly, “I love that man so much. I’m sure you’re so sick of us.”
“No, it’s nice,” he laughs, shrugging his shoulders, “Probably weird for me to say. I know I’ve told you before that I didn’t grow up around that, so it’s really nice to see.”
You smile at Logan and sit up, “You were on the phone earlier. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anything.”
“Oh,” Logan starts to blush a little, “It’s, uh…my girlfriend.”
You sit up more and gasp, “You have a girlfriend?”
Logan’s face turns even brighter red, “Yeah, we’ve been seeing each other for about three months now.”
“And you didn’t tell me!”
“I didn’t know how to start that conversation!” he laughs when you stand up and put your hands on your hips. “Plus you tried to give me the sex talk that one night, and I don’t know! I didn’t know how to bring it up!”
You look over your shoulder at John as he comes out of the house, “Did you know he has a girlfriend?”
“I didn’t, but I had a feeling. Lots of private phone calls and you’d come back in with flushed cheeks and a smile on your face.” John places his hands on your shoulders and squeezes, “Trust me, I get it. She makes me feel the same way, and has since day one.”
“Aw!” you look over your shoulder at John and lean back a little to kiss him, then you look at Logan, “You’re in love with her!”
“See? This is why I didn’t tell you two.” Logan stands up and laughs, “You’ll make a big deal out of it.”
“Well, we have to meet her.” you say, and Logan shakes his head, “Yup, absolutely. If she’s dating you, she clearly is a good kid, but I need to see for myself.”
Logan puts his hands out and shakes his head, still laughing, “Please no.”
“Fine!” you roll your eyes playfully and groan. You smile at him, “I’m really happy for you.”
“Thank you,” he says, squinting his eyes at you playfully when you grin. “You still want to meet her, huh?”
You nod your head, “Yup.”
Logan chuckles and shrugs, “Well, I wanted to make dinner for her, but I don’t know how to cook, and well, I don’t even have my own place.”
John gestures to the house, “Yes, you do.”
“Yeah, but it’ll be weird if you’re here.” he says, then he widens his eyes, “No offense. God, sorry, you’re letting me stay here and I’m not even paying you guys rent, and now I just said that, and you’ll probably kick--”
“Hey, you’re fine,” John says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “I wanted to take this one out tonight anyway. You’ve proven yourself to be responsible, and I’m trusting you here, but…would you like to have the house to yourself tonight?”
Logan stares at John, “Like all night?”
“We trust you.” he says, and you look at John in shock because who the hell does he think he is letting two young kids take the house for the entire night? John shrugs when he looks at you, “Y/N can give you a fool-proof recipe, and you can make dinner for her tonight--trust me, I’ve used it before and have never burned it.”
“Um, can I talk to you?” you ask, pulling John away from Logan. You get far enough away that you’re out of earshot, then you look at him, “Do you really think it’s a good idea for two young kids to be in a house alone?”
John scoffs, “They’re going to have sex whether it’s here or somewhere else.”
“AH!” you put your hands over your ears, “La-la-la, I don’t wanna hear it!”
“Peach, he’s a responsible kid--he’s 18. We want him to feel like this is his home too, and I want him to know we trust him.” he holds your hands and looks into your eyes, “Everything will be fine. Ro is with your parents, we can go out and do something, and Logan can have his girlfriend over.”
You scrunch your brows and tilt your head, “Who the hell are you?”
John laughs, “I trust him. There’s nothing that he can get into. My guns are locked up in a safe. Everything is fine. I know you trust him too.”
“Yeah, but it’s weird hearing you say it first.”
He laughs again, “What can I say? You’ve changed me, peach.”
You sigh, “There need to be rules.”
“Absolutely,” he nods in agreement.
Narrowing your eyes at John, you shake your head, “Why are you the cool dad?”
“You can be the cool mom too.” he says, gesturing to Logan, “Go be the cool mom.”
You walk over to Logan as he smiles at you, “Rules. There are rules.”
“Of course.” he nods.
“Rule number one: the basement is off limits. It’s all wet and John has some really important things down there.” you say, and Logan nods as John sits on the couch next to him, “Rule number two: no super loud music. You can listen to music, of course, we’re not ghouls! But it’s a weeknight and you need to keep it down a little.”
John sits back with his hands in his lap and grins at you, nodding when you look at him. He’s loving this for whatever reason.
“Rule number three: no alcohol. You’re underage and I definitely don’t need the cops showing up at our house, especially not with everything else going on regarding your parents.”
“Good rule,” John says, nodding his head.
You gesture to John, “You got any rules you would like to add?”
John smiles and shakes his head, “Nope.”
Of course he doesn’t. He gets to be the good guy right now.
“Rule number four…” you close your eyes and exhale since you dread saying this, “If you’re going to have sex, please use a condom.”
“Okay!” Logan gets up and starts to walk away, “I get it. I respect the rules. I will obey the rules. No problem.”
You call out to Logan as he quickly walks into the house, “This is embarrassing me as much as it’s embarrassing you!”
“Highly unlikely!”
John lets out a laugh as you look back at him, “That was amazing.”
“You get to have the sex talk with Ro then.”
“Oh, hell no!” he sits up, fiercely shaking his head, “Absolutely not! That’s my baby girl. I can’t do that.”
You cross your arms, “Nope. You made an agreement--”
“I did no such thing,” he laughs as he gets up, wrapping his arms around you, “I made no agreement, peach. I didn’t sign anything, I didn’t give verbal consent.”
You uncross your arms and wrap them around John’s neck, “That was very weird, and I’m not looking forward to doing that with Ro someday.”
“I can’t believe you said ‘condoms’ to him.”
“Well, I don’t know!” you let go of John but he doesn’t let go of you, “I just don’t want him to make any mistakes. A baby is the last thing he needs right now. He’s not in the position to take care of a baby, and if that were to happen, knowing us, we’d help him with it. We’d probably let him stay here, and I don’t want us to take care of a baby since we’re not even ready for another.”
John presses his lips to your cheek, “You’re right.”
“So,” you exhale, looking at John’s warm eyes, “What’s the plan for us tonight?”
“He gets the house to himself, so I think that you and I should go somewhere…” he says, and you nod, “Overnight.”
A smile spreads on your face, “Like a hotel?”
“I think so,” he wraps your arms around him and holds you tight, lifting you up a little and walking to the house, “I say we get the basement cleaned up, then we pack an overnight bag. Spend the night in with some room service.”
“And sex,” you say, leaning closer to his face, “Lots of sex.”
John cocks up a brow, “You got something sexy to wear tonight?”
“I have just the outfit in mind.”
“Outfit? No, no, no, my peach.”
You laugh when he lets go of you, “Oh trust me, only you will get to see this outfit.”
John grins as you back away, “That’s what I like to hear.”
After calling your mom to let her know the plan for tonight, you called Tess. You wanted to make sure she’d be home in case Logan needed something. You practically begged her not to show up at the house to embarrass him. She promised that she wouldn’t, so fingers crossed she actually follows through.
John is putting your overnight bag in the car right now when an old dark blue Toyota pulls into the driveway. You glance over at Logan as he perks up, and you smile to yourself before you look away. He practically runs to the door to greet his girlfriend, and you watch as he helps her out of the car and leans down to kiss her. She says something to him and puts her hands on her face as if she’s nervous and blushing.
“That’s the girlfriend,” John says from behind you, and you look over your shoulder at him, “Look at him. He’s deeply in love.”
“You know that look?”
John looks down at you and nods, “You should be familiar with it too. It’s how I look at you every day.”
“Please,” you roll your eyes and start to walk away but he pulls you back to him.
“I mean it, and you know I do.” he whispers in your ear, “You know that I’m still crazy about you. The butterflies in my stomach right now are insane, all because I get to spend the night with you with no interruptions.”
You scoff, “Because you’re getting some, that’s why.”
“Do you really think that of me?” he asks, turning you around to look at him.
You open your mouth to reply, to tell him that you’re joking, but the door swings open as Logan ushers his girlfriend in. You glance back at John and meet his gaze for a moment, then you look back at Logan.
It was a joke. Surely he knows that!
“This is my girlfriend, Daniela,” Logan smiles proudly.
“Hi,” you reach out and shake her hand, "It's nice to meet you! I’m Y/N, and this is my husband, John.”
Daniela is as cute as a button! A tiny little thing with curly red hair and freckles that make her green eyes even more vibrant--she looks like the real life version of Merida. Ronan would be obsessed. Standing next to Logan, who has gotten so much taller lately, makes her look even smaller than she is.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she says quietly, then looks up at Logan, “Thanks for letting him stay here.”
“We don’t mind,” you wave it off, “We actually really like having him there.”
Daniela holds his hand tight and smiles at him when he looks down at her. John clears his throat a little and you look over at him as he looks at you. He’s still upset with you, but you’ll talk later.
“We’re just grabbing the last of our things, and the house is all yours. Oh, just remember to let Bleu go potty before bed.” you say, and Logan nods. “Both him and Toast also need their bowls filled too. Toast always gets wet food before bed, and Bleu gets a treat.”
“I got it, Mrs. Wick.” he says, and you shoot him a look since he never calls you Mrs. Wick anymore. He grins and shuffles in place a little, “I won’t forget, I promise.”
You reach out and hug Logan, “We trust that you won’t.”
You walk over to get your purse and phone while Logan gestures for Daniela to head into his room. He points down the hall and nods his head, then he rushes over to John and practically pulls him into the kitchen. You can hear John’s deep voice, but you’re not sure what he’s saying, so you grab your things and head into the kitchen.
“All good?”
Logan nods as he rushes past you, “Yup. See you two tomorrow.”
“Call us if you need anything.” you say, and he nods before quickly walking to his room. You look at John, “What was that about?”
“Just wanted to ask me something.”
You squint your eyes, “About what?”
“Just some stuff.” he says, and you slouch a little, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Okay, well, you’re being an ass.” you say as you walk away from him, heading out to the car.
John swings the car door open a little harder than usual and tosses his bag in the back, then he gets in and slams his door. You furrow your brow and look over at him as he starts the car, and you shake your head, turning towards the window.
If he wants to be a dick, then you just won’t talk to him.
Pulling into the parking lot, you shift in your seat a little and look up from your phone. The car ride was completely silent other than the radio, which softly played several songs that you and John love. John didn’t say a word to you, and you didn’t say anything to him. He didn’t even hold your hand or rest his hand on your thigh either. You just looked at your phone the whole time. He pulls into a parking spot and turns the car off, and you both sit there.
“What’s the point in us even still coming here?” he finally says, and you look at him, “If we’re just going to ignore each other all night, this isn’t worth it.”
“You get a room, and I get my own.”
John scoffs, “Is that what you really want?”
“If you’re going to be an asshole all night, then yes.”
“Fine.” he gets out of the car and grabs his bag, leaving you alone.
You look over your shoulder and watch as he walks into the hotel, and you sit in shock for a few minutes before finally getting out of the car. You pull your phone out and call Tess, listening to it ring while you get inside and search the lobby for John--he’s already gone.
“Hi, hey, Tess, hold on.” you put your phone against your chest and smile at the woman behind the desk, “Just a room for one.”
The woman takes down a few things from you and asks for your ID and asks a few other questions, then she slides it back along with a key card that has your room number on it. You take your bag and head to the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor.
You put your phone back up to your ear and lean against the wall, “You still there?”
“Are you at a hotel?”
You sigh, “Yes, John and I wanted to come stay here tonight while Logan had his girlfriend over--”
“Did you meet her?”
“Yeah, she’s super adorable. He’s completely in love with her. It’s so cute.”
Tess laughs, “Adorable.”
“Anyway, John and I were planning on staying at a hotel, but now we’re fighting. I don’t know, it’s weird.”
“What did you do?”
Rolling your eyes, you step onto your floor and head down the hall to room 305, “I didn’t do anything. Why is it my fault?”
“Then what did he do?”
“I don’t know. He was just kind of being an ass.”
Tess starts to laugh, “But how?”
Before you even say it, you know she’s going to side with John, because even you know you were out of line for what you said.
“All I did was mention how Logan looked like he was in love, and John said something about how he looks like that when he’s with me because he’s in love too,” you say, and Tess playfully groans. You slide your key into the door and head in, “He said how he had butterflies in his stomach because he was so excited to spend the night with me. I may have said that he’s only excited because he’s getting laid. He wasn’t happy about that, then after that he was just short with me.”
Tess is quiet before she laughs, “So, it was your fault.”
“I mean, I guess, but you’re my sister, you’re not supposed to tell me I’m wrong.”
“Wrong! I’m your sister, so I am absolutely supposed to tell you when you’re wrong, and right now, you’re wrong.” she says as you plop down on the bed, “Babe, you know John is in love with you and you know he was excited to spend the night with you. I know John, and I know everything that you’ve told me over the years. If you told him that you didn’t want to have sex tonight, he would absolutely be cool with that. He’d be fine just laying in bed watching movies with you, and you know it. You got a good man, goose.”
You flop back on the bed and close your eyes, “I know you’re right.”
“I love when you say that,” she laughs as you shake your head, “So, you’re both in separate rooms?”
“Yeah, and this hotel is big, so I have no idea where he is.”
“So, call him.” she says, and you sit up and exhale, “Call him and fix this. You’ll feel like shit until then.”
“You know, sometimes I wish you’d take my side on things.”
Tess bursts into laughter, “I will when you’re right, but you’re so wrong right now, babe, it’s not even funny. I am firmly Team John on this one.”
“You’re annoying. I’ll call you later,” you say as you kick off your shoes, and you listen to Tess laughing as you hang up.
She’s right. You hate to admit it, but she is right. You only hate to admit it because she’s your big sister. You know you’re in the wrong here.
Since the information is confidential, you can’t really ask what room John is staying in, which means you have absolutely no idea where he could be. Even if you said that he’s your husband, they still wouldn’t tell you. They saw the two of you come in at separate times.
You scroll to John’s name on your phone and press it to your ear, instantly getting his voicemail. You hang up and call him again. And again.
“Hi, you’re not answering so you might have your phone off, which means you’re really mad at me. You never turn your phone off. Anyway, I just wanted to know what room you’re in so we could talk.” you sigh loudly, trying your best not to cry, “I don’t want to do this over the phone. I’d prefer it in person, of course. Just…call me when you get this or come to my room. I’m in 305.”
Hanging up the phone, you scoot up in bed and curl into a ball, clutching your phone in your hand.
The sun is starting to go down when you finally sit up in bed after having fallen asleep. You stretch and yawn, then you look down at your phone and see you don’t have any missed calls from John, so you decide to call him. Voicemail again.
Your stomach rumbles loudly, and you groan before getting off the bed to use the bathroom before changing into something else. You’re not going to stay cooped up in the room all night, plus you need to make sure the car is still here. If it is, that means John is still somewhere in the hotel.
After changing and putting on some different shoes, you grab your purse and head to the elevator. You walk outside and look over to where John parked the car and see it sitting there still.
“So, he’s still here,” you say to yourself, then you turn around and walk back inside.
There’s a sign with arrows pointing to the bar and restaurant on the other end of the hotel, so you follow the signs until you get there. You look around the place in search of John, but you don’t see him.
“Can I get you a table?”
“Oh, uh…” you look at the hostess and blink a few times, “Sure.”
You follow behind the hostess while you look around for John, then you sit down and face the door. If he comes in, you’ll spot him. Your back is to the large open doors where the patio is, and you can feel the breeze coming off the ocean. You shiver a little and wrap your arms around yourself, rubbing your arms to warm yourself up.
Exhaling softly, you search the restaurant for John but still no sign of him. You get out your phone and text Tess. Maybe he’s reached out to Jimmy.
I can’t find him! He won’t answer his phone and I can’t ask for his room info. They won’t give that out to me.
Knock on every door.
Be serious!
I am. You know he’d do it for you.
Apparently not since I still can’t find him. Has he called or texted Jimmy at all?
You’re really no help lately. What’s your deal?
I'm sorry! Finny is like…shitting his brains out, so I’m a little busy.
Is he okay?!
Stomach bug. He’ll be fine. And you will be too. You’ll find John. He’s probably looking for you too.
You put your phone down when the waitress comes over to ask if you’d like some appetizers, but you’re not in the mood to even eat right now, so you just get something to drink.
You’re not only sad, you’re starting to get really anxious. Not knowing where John is is just making your stomach hurt. You’re so anxious that you’re getting heartburn. You let out a big sigh and stretch up to look at the bar for John, then you slouch. You toss a few dollars onto the table and get up, heading out the back to the patio. Still no sign of John.
When you step back inside, your eyes immediately land on the dark-haired man sitting at the bar, drinking a glass of whiskey, and you start to smile. He’s here. You walk up beside him and hop onto the stool as he looks at you. He sits up straight and raises his brows, waiting for you to say something.
“You weren’t answering your phone.”
“I don’t have it with me. I forgot it at home,” he says, and you nod, “Tried getting your information at the front desk. They wouldn’t give it to me. They didn’t care that I said I was looking for my wife; I…might have caused a little scene.”
You smile when the bartender puts a glass of water in front of you, then you sigh and look at John as he watches you closely, “I’m sorry about what I said.”
“Can we…” he shakes his head, “Can we talk about this somewhere else?”
A group of guys are laughing loudly in the corner while the radio overhead blasts music, and you nod your head. It would be best to do this somewhere else. John gets off the stool and reaches for your hand to help you down, and the two of you walk to the door and out to the elevator. You almost expect him to let go of your hand, but this is your husband, this is Jonathan Wick; he absolutely will do no such thing.
“I’m in room 305,” you say, and John holds up his card, “My room or yours?”
If you two weren’t upset with one another, this might be kind of hot. Like you met a stranger in the bar and are going back to your room with him. You tuck it in the back of your mind for another night when you and John are feeling adventurous.
“Why don’t we just talk in your room? It’s closer.” he suggests, and you nod in agreement before pressing the button for the third floor.
You lean back against the wall and stare ahead, trying not to cry. John never really gets mad at you, so the fact that he’s clearly upset with you just makes you want to sob right now. He really is the sweetest, most gentle, and kindest man you’ve ever met, and upsetting him is like the worst thing in the world--and he does not get upset like this easily with you. You just never want to let him down. Despite the two of you being in a bit of a fight, he still presses a kiss to the back of your hand.
Again, he’s still your husband, and even if you two are fighting, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. John never fails to show that.
Pulling your key card out, you slide it into the door and jerk your head back when the light beeps red rather than green. You slide it through the door again and get the same red dot.
“Peach…” John calls out, and you look over your shoulder as he points to the room number. “Wrong room.”
You’re so stressed and flustered that you weren’t paying attention to the room number. You keep your head down as you turn around and slide your key through the correct door. You push it open and gesture for John to come in, then you lock it behind you. John sits on the bed and looks at you when you lean against the desk across from him.
Since this is all your fault, you need to apologize first, which you have no problem doing.
“I’m sorry about what I said.”
“Do you know why I’m mad?”
You nod, “Because I said you were only excited about being with me tonight because we were going to have sex. Oh, and I called you an ass.”
“You can call me an ass all you want, because you’re right, I was being a bit of an asshole.” he says as you look at him, “But what pisses me off is you thinking I only cared about coming out here tonight because of sex.”
“Well, to be fair, I said we were going to have lots of sex, so really, I shouldn’t even have gotten mad because I was insinuating it earlier.”
“But even if we were planning on coming here for that, you clearly think that’s the only reason I would ever be excited to be alone with you.” he says, and you just stare at him, “Right?”
“Why?” he asks, and you look at him with tearful eyes, “Why do you think that?”
You shrug, “Because doesn’t every marriage get there at some point? They stop enjoying just being alone and sitting together, and they only spend time together when they’re going to have sex.”
“Have I ever made you feel like I’m not happy unless we have sex?” he asks, and you shake your head. “Have I ever made you feel guilty if you’re not in the mood? I am genuinely asking.”
John scoots to the edge of the bed and reaches for your hand, “Of course I’m excited to be alone with you. Of course I want to have sex with you--you’re sexy! You’re my wife and I’m incredibly attracted to you! But I’m also completely fine with just ordering room service, watching a movie, and holding you all night with no distractions. I love you, mouse, and I don’t care if we stay up all night having sex or if we pass out at 9 o’clock after eating some food. I just want to spend time with you. I genuinely really like you. I like spending time with you. You make me feel good. You make me laugh. I want to be around you…literally all the time. I hate it when we’re not together.”
“I’m sorry.” you say as he pulls you closer to sit next to him, “I just…I don’t know. Why do you even like me? Like, I just wonder sometimes.”
“You want a list of reasons? Because I will gladly list all the reasons I like you. We’ll be here a long time, but I’ll do it.” he says as you laugh, shaking your head, “Are you sure? I can.”
You shake your head, “I’m being needy.”
“You’re asking for reassurance,” he says softly, tilting your chin up so you’ll look at him, “And I’m more than happy to give that to you.”
“I don’t even know why I’m being like this,” you get up and groan a little, “I was fine all day! We were fine all day. We cleaned up the basement, got ready to leave, and then this happened. I’m so stupid!”
John furrows his brow, “Hey! Don’t talk about my wife like that.”
You laugh as a tear slides down your cheek, “I’m insane.”
“You’re not. Stop saying those things about yourself,” he walks over and reaches for your hands, “Sometimes we just feel random things.”
“You never feel this way.”
John chuckles, “Trust me, I wonder every day why the hell you’re with me.”
“What? Why? That’s…that’s stupid. I’m crazy about you! I love you so much. Why would you ever question that?”
“See? Now you know how I feel right now.” he says, and you roll your eyes. “Look at me.”
You sniffle as you look back at him through blurry eyes.
“I love you more than anything in this world,” he says as you bite your lip to stop yourself from full-on sobbing. “Whether we spend tonight watching a movie and stuffing our faces with food, or we…spend the night under the covers, I don’t care. I’m just happy to be with you. I’m kind of like Bleu when he gets to go in the car. He has no idea where he’s going, but he’s happy to be along for the ride with you.”
You start to laugh, “Did you just compare your love for me to our dog’s love for car rides?”
“Yeah, I did.” he smiles, and you shake your head a little. “Of course I want to have sex with you. Look at you.”
“Shut up!” you laugh, hiding your face in his chest.
He tilts your head back and looks into your eyes with an intense gaze, “I want to do whatever you want to do tonight. As long as we’re together, I’m happy. Isn’t that what date night is all about?”
You hold his gaze when you realize he’s just echoed your words from earlier, and you close your eyes and lean against his chest. He wraps his arms around you and holds you for a few moments, then he leans down and kisses you.
“I never want you to feel like sex is the only reason I’m here.” he whispers softly as you nod, “It’s a great bonus, but it’s not the main reason I’m here. I love you, I love our life, I love our daughter. I’m here because I can’t breathe without you. You absolutely complete me, and I would be no one without you.”
“Stop,” you put your head in your hands as you cry, and John starts to laugh. “You’re too sweet and I can’t do this!”
John laughs as he pulls you to the bed and sets you in his lap. You finally stop crying and sit back to look at him as he smiles. He wipes away the remaining tears on your face, then he presses a kiss to your cheek.
“I am so sorry for what I said, and I’m sorry about tonight,” you say softly as he nods, “Seriously. I want you to know that I know you’re not just here for sex. Most of the time it’s me jumping on you.”
John squints his eyes, “Mmmm, not true.”
“Is too! Look at you! You wanna talk about someone sexy? Look at you. Look in the mirror right now and tell me you wouldn’t have sex with this guy.” you say as John laughs, shaking his head, “Anyway, I know you’re not just here for that. I had a…lapse in judgement and I apologize. Sincerely.”
“I accept your apology.”
You let out a big breath and close your eyes, “Thank you.”
“You think I wasn’t going to forgive you?”
“I wouldn't have blamed you! I was stupid.”
John shakes his head, “Stop calling yourself that. Stop talking about my wife that way!”
“Sorry,” you playfully frown, but you smile when you he leans up to kiss you.
“I’m sorry too,” he says, and you wave it off, “No, I need to apologize. I should have known you were just feeling a certain way. I know you. I should have figured it out.”
“John, I don’t expect you to be a mind reader,” you say, and he shrugs, “You can’t read my mind. I need to learn to vocalize what I’m feeling more, but I’ve never had someone who has cared about that before. I’ll work harder on that. I want us to continue talking to each other about our feelings.”
John nods, “But I’m still sorry. I was an asshole to you. I should have been more considerate and not rushed to being angry with you. I’ll work on it too. We’ll work on it together.”
“See?” you smile as you look at him, “This is why we’re so perfect for each other.”
“It’s true,” John holds you in his lap and hugs you tight, “We don’t really need two rooms, do we?”
“No, we don’t. What a dumb idea. Who came up with that?” you joke, and John smiles before kissing you.
“I’ll go grab my bag and come back here. If that’s cool with you.”
You stand up and nod, “Yeah, unless your room is cooler.”
“It’s not. It faces the parking lot.” he laughs, walking over to your balcony, “You got a beach view.”
The sun is still hanging low in the sky, turning it beautiful hues of pinks and oranges. You look over at John as the sun warms his face, and you smile when he looks at you. You immediately tear up again, so he pulls you into his arms.
“It’s okay,” he whispers into your hair, “We’re okay, baby.”
“I’m really sorry.”
John chuckles, “I know you are, and I am too.”
“Don’t apologize again.”
“I was being an asshole!” he says as you laugh, “I was being an ass and I upset you. I’m sorry.”
You nuzzle into John’s arms and close your eyes, “Me too.”
“Promise me one thing,” he whispers, and you tilt your head back, “You’ll never think I’m just here for sex.”
“I won’t,” you shake your head, holding his gaze, “I never did. I just…I don’t know, I was being stupid.”
John smooths your hair back and presses a soft kiss to your lips, “We have so much more than just our attraction to one another, don’t we?”
“We do,” you say as you start to smile, “We have a lot of love between us.”
“Can’t imagine my life without you, peach.” he says, swallowing hard as if he’s about to cry. “I don’t even want to think about it. Let’s talk about something else instead.”
Right on cue, your stomach rumbles loudly and causes John to laugh. He walks over and sits down on the bed, then he gets the menu out and happily hands it over to you.
John left to get his bag from his room and to check out. There’s no reason to have two rooms now that things are better. You still felt like an idiot, but after getting some food and talking with John, you feel better. He hasn’t even brought up the argument earlier, so he’s completely moved past it.
That’s the thing about John when it comes to you: he’s never going to bring up something that upset you and throw it in your face. He’s never going to bring it up again once it’s been dealt with. He moves on. When it comes to you, John is always quick to forgive and forget. He isn’t one to dwell on fights or arguments, and you know he’ll never bring it up later on just to hurt you.
You shot a quick text to Tess to let her know that everything is fine with John and that he left his phone at home. You also sent a text to Logan to let him know that John’s phone was at home as well, but you never got a response. You’re sure he’s just having fun. Gross. Ew. You don’t even want to think about it.
Since John left to get his things, you decided to quickly change into the lingerie that you brought with you. Obviously you know that John isn’t just here for sex, but you want him so bad. The way he’s so soft-spoken and sweet to you just melts you and turns you on. He’s hot! And the fact that he loves you so unconditionally just makes you want him even more. Not to mention, you and John aren’t able to actually be loud during sex very often. His hand over your mouth or your face pressed into the mattress can be hot, but sometimes you just need to scream for your man.
You’re sitting on the bed in your robe when the door finally opens, and you perk up and smile when John walks in. You kneel on the bed and crawl over to kiss him, and he drops his bag to the floor and rests his hands on your waist. He leans back as he moves his fingers a little, feeling the thin lace of your underwear, then he looks down at your chest.
“Yeah…” you match his tone and grin as he looks at you.
John shakes his head, “You didn’t have to do this. You don’t have to do this.”
“Well,” you sit back on your knees, “You’re kind of like…really respectful of me, and that’s hot.”
He laughs, “Well, yeah, of course I respect you.”
“That’s so hot,” you say, and John laughs as you untie your robe a little to reveal a sliver of the lingerie underneath, “If you want, of course.”
“Well, when have I ever said no?” he laughs, and you smile proudly. “You’re not just doing this for my sake, are you?”
You kneel on the bed and pull him closer by his belt, “No. I wasn’t lying when I said that you being respectful of me was hot, but also…can I admit something?”
“Earlier when you were downstairs cleaning up the basement and you were all sweaty,” you bite your lip as he nods, “I so badly wanted you to bend me over and fuck me right there on the couch.”
A smile spreads on John’s face, “Really?”
“Yeah! That shirt you were wearing was soaked through, and I could see your tattoos--you know I’m a sucker for your tattoos.” you say, then you run your hand down his arms, “And your biceps look particularly good lately. I just want to sink my teeth into them.”
John cups your face as he pulls you closer to him, “What else? What else do you want to do?”
“So many things,” you laugh quietly, resting your forehead against his, “I want to feel you in my throat, I want to feel your beard on my thighs.”
“Mhm, what else?”
You reach down and begin undoing John’s belt as you hold his gaze, “I want you so deep inside of me when you come. What about you? What do you want?”
John’s laugh is low against your temple as he cups your ass in his hands, “I want to taste that perfect pussy of yours, want you riding my face until your legs are shaking and you’re screaming my name.”
“Mm,” you hum as you tilt your head back to look into his eyes, “69?”
“That’s always good,” he kisses you slowly and hums before meeting your gaze, “It’s all up to you, my peach.”
You pull John’s belt from around his waist and toss it aside, “I’m fine with anything and everything.”
“I think anything and everything can be arranged,” he whispers, and you bite your lip as he gently lays you down on the bed so he can worship you.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, feeling grateful for this night with John and that it didn’t end up being a disaster after all. The soft sound of John's breathing lulls you into a state of relaxation, and you let yourself sink deeper into the mattress by his side.
As you lay there, lost in thought, you become aware of John's hand on your arm. It's warm and reassuring, and you feel a surge of love for him wash over you. You turn towards him, and he smiles at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Without a word, he pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. You rest your head on his chest and listen to the steady beat of his heart as it matches yours. Right now, nothing else matters except for the two of you together in this bed, surrounded by pure love and happiness.
“Earlier when Logan wanted to talk to me,” he finally says, and you tilt your head up to look at him, “He was asking where I kept condoms.”
“Okay, ew.”
John laughs quietly, his chest bouncing with the movement, “Which is why I didn’t tell you what he wanted to talk about. I wasn’t being an ass. I was just not telling you since you didn’t want to hear it.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to hear it or that I’m immature or something. It’s just…he’s kind of become our kid these past few weeks. I know he’s eighteen, but he’s still so much a kid sometimes, you know?”
“He didn’t really get a childhood, but he’s doing really well lately,” John presses a kiss to your forehead and exhales, “I told him that we keep them in our bathroom linen closet. The box is unopened, so…”
You scrunch your face up, “Oh, gross. Now we’ll know if the box is unopened.”
“Better safe than sorry.”
“Yeah, true,” you say as John pulls you back into his arms.
John sits up and looks down at you, “Should we order some dessert?”
Shooting up in bed, you reach for the phone and hand it to John. He orders two hot fudge sundaes and some chocolate chip cookies, then he puts the phone back down and kisses you, humming when you cup his face and flop back on the bed.
“Tonight had a rough start, but it ended up being really good.”
“That was my fault,” you whisper, lightly rubbing your thumb against his bottom lip, “Sorry.”
He smiles before kissing your thumb, “It’s okay.”
You touch the small scar on John’s upper lip and look into his eyes, “You’re so perfect for me, Jonathan. Just everything about you is so perfect for me. If I don’t sound too corny, I think you were made for me.”
“I think I was too, just like you were made for me,” he replies, and you feel your eyes filling with tears. “I know it hasn’t been that long, but I was thinking about something…”
John takes a deep breath and shrugs, “Would you want to renew our vows sometime soon?”
You tilt your head and smile, “Yeah!”
“Helen and I did it just before our five year anniversary, but I was thinking…” he clears his throat and sits up a little, “It’s already past our anniversary, but that doesn’t matter. We could have it next month or something. We could have all of our friends and family there.”
“I like that idea.”
John tucks your hair behind your ear and smiles, “I know it’s not really a milestone year, but that shouldn’t matter. We’ve gone through a lot these past few years, and…these have been the best years of my life.”
You sit up and pull the sheet over your chest, “Mine too.”
“I want to do this for not only you, but for us.” he says, and you nod. “And Ro is here now. She can be our flower girl.”
“What made you think of this?”
John looks down before he looks at you, his gaze intense, “We’ve really made a new family these past three years; Jimmy, Tess, Finn, April, Jen, Amanda, Aurelio, their kids, your parents, and Logan, everyone at the shops. You know how devoted I am to you, but I’d like to reaffirm that commitment in front of some really important people. And I just want to celebrate our love.”
“You…are so cute,” you start to laugh as you lean up to kiss him. “I think it would be a really fun thing to do. I would also love to reaffirm my commitment to you, which makes it sound like I’ve been sneaking around behind your back.”
John chuckles, “You’d have to be out of my sight for that.”
“God, I know! You’re like obsessed with me!”
“I am!” he laughs loudly, nodding his head, “I’m very obsessed with you!”
Cupping his face, you kiss him, “I am too.”
“I love you, Mrs. Wick.”
“I love you too, Mr. Wick.” you whisper against his lips.
There’s a knock on the door, so John quickly throws on his boxers and answers it while you stay in bed. He rolls the cart in that has your desserts on it and you happily take the sundae from him when he hands it to you.
“I couldn’t imagine cheating on you,” you say, and he looks over at you with those sweet brown eyes, “For obvious reasons, of course, but…you’d know within a minute if someone was cheating on you. You have eyes and ears all over New York. Everyone is so loyal to you.”
John nods, “I would probably find out pretty quickly. Probably why no one has ever cheated on me.”
You scoff, “Stop. You know why no one ever has cheated on you, babe. You’re a really good man and everyone who has ever been with you has been so lucky.”
“I’ve only been in two serious relationships.” he reminds you, and you shrug.
“And you married both of them and made both of them very, very happy ladies, so…” you point your spoon at him, “That says a lot about you.”
You both fall silent as you eat your ice cream and watch TV, but something is nagging at you.
“I feel like that was a really weird thing to say,” you say, and John looks over at you and raises his brows in question, “About cheating on you. I shouldn’t have said that. It was weird.”
“You say a lot of weird things, peach.”
You laugh when he smiles, “I do, but I don’t want you to think that cheating on you has ever crossed my mind.”
“I have never thought that,” he says reassuringly, “Honestly. I’ve never thought it. I don’t want you to think that I have people watching your every move, because I definitely don’t.”
“They’d be bored. I’m with you most of the time.” you laugh as John smiles, “I’m as loyal as a person can be.”
John smiles, “As am I.”
“I love you,” you lean over and kiss him, then you lean back against the headboard and look down at the chocolate in your sundae. You smirk as you take a little bit and place it on your breast, “Oh no!”
“What?” John looks over and immediately starts to smile, “Uh oh. We better get that taken care of.”
You bite your bottom lip and smile as John leans over to lick it off of you, “So weird. I actually think you have some…right down there.”
John looks down when you point to his crotch, “Oh, wow, I do. How crazy.”
“I better take care of that.”
“Yeah, yeah, definitely.” John grins, leaning over to give you sticky, sweet kisses.
Logan called this afternoon to let you know that Daniela was gone and that the house was cleaned. You didn’t even expect him to call at all, but it was nice that he did, and the fact that he cleaned the house on top of it was a pleasant bonus. You and John checked out of the hotel and headed off to your mom’s to get your sweet chunky girl, then you made your way home, all while Ronan squealed happily in the backseat with her faithful bunny, Coco. It’s cute how much she loves it since John bought it for her all the way back when you were in Italy before you were even pregnant. She doesn’t go anywhere without Coco.
Once you were home, you took her up to her room for a quick nap, then you headed back down to find John. You might be clinging to him more than usual (who could ever tell though? You’re always clinging onto him), but he doesn’t seem to mind, mostly because the moment you’re both out of each other’s eyesight, you’re looking for one another a second later. You’ve always been like this though.
John’s voice carries from the back patio, and you skip happily through the kitchen. You see that he’s talking to Logan and they seem to be in deep conversation, so you hang back and listen through the open window.
“So, everything went okay last night?”
Logan nods as he looks at me, smiling proudly, “Yeah, it was really cool. Didn’t hurt that I get to stay in this place. She’d never been to my house or met my parents before, so she was nervous to meet you and Y/N.”
“I think Y/N would probably love to have a sit-down dinner with her or something at some point.” I say, and Logan grimaces, “Don’t worry. I’d be there the whole time. Act as a buffer. She’s not so bad.”
“Nah, she’s great.”
I smile, nodding my head, “She’s not entirely sure how to navigate things with you, and if I’m honest, I don’t either. We understand that you’re eighteen, but…I guess being parents ourselves and knowing everything you were going through, we feel very protective of you, but we also don’t want to overstep. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, I get that.” he nods, glancing up at me.
“Anyway, don’t worry, I’ll keep Y/N at bay if you ever want Daniela to come over. You’re more than welcome to invite her over to swim or anything. We won’t hover. As much as she teases, Y/N won’t.” I say, and Logan laughs.
We sit quietly for a few moments while Logan scrolls through his phone. He chuckles a little and sets it in his lap, then he exhales and sits back.
I glance over at him, curious. "What's so funny?"
Logan shakes his head, "Just a stupid meme Daniela sent me."
I nod, smiling in understanding. Y/N always sends me those Tiky-tok video things. I have no idea what they’re about half the time, but I watch them since she sent them. Most of the time it’s kids saying funny stuff or wives pranking their husbands.
After a few minutes, Logan clears his throat and sits up straighter, "So, I wanted to ask you something.”
I turn to him, “Sure.”
“It’s kind of stupid,” he says, but I shake my head. He takes a deep breath and exhales, “How did you know Y/N was the one?”
"I just knew," I reply with a smile, thinking back to the moment I first met Y/N on that September day. “I know that’s a stupid answer, but now that I think about it, I just knew.”
There was an instant connection that I couldn't explain, but it felt right. I remember how my feelings for her deepened over time as we shared more experiences and moments together. The whole year before I met her was like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. Everything was looking up for me, but the one area of my life where I didn’t have what I wanted was my love life. But I met her one day, and it became clear that she was the missing piece. When I stood back and looked at my metaphorical puzzle, it was missing a piece, and it was her.
Logan chuckles, “Wanna elaborate?”
“We went through some tough times and I realized how much she meant to me, and during that time she showed her unwavering support and love for me. It made me realize that she was the one who would always be by my side no matter what life threw at us. And life has thrown some weird shit at us.”
He nods thoughtfully, taking in my words, “But how can you be so sure? I’m not saying she’s not the one for you--it’s clear you two are…ya know, in love. I’m just…wondering for personal reasons.”
“I get it,” I nod when he looks at me, “Y/N was meant to be in my life from the very beginning. Every decision and even every mistake I made led me to her even if I didn’t know it at the time. Every mistake, every victory, everything, it all led to her, and now I can't imagine living without her--the thought of that just gives me anxiety. There's something about her that just clicked with me from the start; her personality, her sense of humor, her kindness, all of it just felt right. She’s been one of the few people who has ever learned about my past and never treated me any differently. When I told her, I just assumed she’d run away from me, but she…she just loved me harder and she was adamant about staying in my life, and I’m incredibly grateful for that.”
“Did you ever break up? You said you had hard times…”
“We did. We had this huge fight--back when she finally found out who I was--and she left. She said she’d call when she was ready to talk to me. We didn’t talk for a week.” I laugh quietly, recalling the memory and remembering how absolutely heartbroken I was, “It was the longest week of my fucking life if I’m honest. It was really rough.”
“I bet.”
I let out another small laugh, “She actually went out on a date with another guy during that time.”
Logan widens his eyes, “Were you mad?”
“No,” I say, then I laugh and shrug, “Okay, maybe a little bit, but I wasn’t mad at her. I was mad at myself. Maybe a little mad at the guy too. He had his eye on her for a while, even when we were together, and I didn’t like it--that’s a story for another day. But I fucked up. I pushed her away. I saw them together one night and it killed me. I already knew she was the one for me, but seeing her with someone else just tore me apart. It absolutely destroyed me. She admitted that she only went out with him to make me mad--it worked--and she regretted the date. I never wanted to make her feel bad about it though. I loved her, and I wanted what was best for her, even if it meant it wasn’t me. I still feel that way, but the thing is, I know I’m what’s best for her.”
“Did you guys break up because of who you are?”
“No,” I laugh as I look at him, “It wasn’t. It was because I lied. Not because I’m…me, it was because I wasn’t truthful about it, and she was hurt that I lied to her. Isn’t that crazy?”
Logan shrugs as he laughs, “Lying is fucked up.”
“Our fights nowadays don’t last more than a day. I can’t stay mad at her, and hopefully, she can’t stay mad at me. That’s just not how our marriage works. We immediately want to work things out--that’s how much she means to me; I can’t stand being upset with one another.”
I pause for a few minutes while I gather my thoughts.
“I lost my last wife.” I say, and Logan nods, “So, I never want to lose any time with Y/N now. I don’t want to spend hours or even minutes fighting or being upset because I know how quickly someone can be taken from you. I don’t want to lose her.”
I smile as memories of Y/N flood my mind--all the laughter we've shared together, all the tears we've shed, all the milestones we've accomplished as a team rather than alone, all of these things remind me why she is undoubtedly the one for me.
“Sometimes words aren't enough to describe what you feel in your heart when you meet someone who feels like home.” I say, and Logan looks at me like it’s the most profound thing he’s ever heard, “So, to answer your question, about being so sure, it's about having trust in your connection with someone and being willing to work through any challenges that come your way. I love her more than anything in this world, and I am lucky for every day that she says she loves me too. And as…corny as it is, when you know, you really do know.”
Finally, he speaks up again, his voice softer this time, “I understand what you’re saying. I’m only eighteen, so it probably won’t happen for me for a long time, huh?”
“Not necessarily true,” I shake my head, “I never thought I’d get married again after Helen passed, but I met Y/N and everything changed, and I knew I couldn’t live one more day without her. I never thought I’d be a dad. Now I can’t imagine not being a dad. Ronan is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I absolutely love being a dad, and I love it even more because I get to be a parent with my best friend. We never know what life is going to bring us.”
Logan nods, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Do you…feel that way about Daniela?”
“Woah, we’ve only been dating for three months.” he says, laughing nervously, but I can tell he does. He wouldn’t be asking otherwise.
I shake my head, “Doesn’t matter. I was only with Y/N for about two weeks before I knew. I probably knew sooner than that, to be honest. The amount of time doesn’t matter.”
Logan nods his head as he smiles, “Then yeah. I do feel that way about her. She’s the only person, other than you and Y/N that has stuck with me through all this stuff with my parents. I’m trying every day to be a better guy for her. I’m saving up all my money for my own place since I’m sure she doesn’t want to hang out here all the time. I just want to be a good guy for her.”
“And I’m sure she thinks you are.” I smile at him when he looks at me. “I’ll give you a little advice. Never stop chasing her. Keep surprising her. Keep winning her over. Time and time again. Trust me, it’s worth it. Every time I make Y/N laugh, I know I’m doing something right. It’s the best feeling in the world. You never want to lose that. Don’t ever stop trying to be the best guy for her. I promise it’s worth it, and if she’s the right one for you, she’ll be able to tell how you’ve never stopped chasing her.”
“Do you think Y/N can tell?”
I smile, “Yeah, I think she can.”
“Are you boys having heart-to-hearts out here without me?” Y/N asks as she pushes the patio door open. She thinks I don’t know that she was listening that whole time. I know the sound the floor makes near the window, and I heard it creak about five minutes ago. “Not fair!”
I laugh when she plops down on the love seat next to me, “We’re having guy chats.”
“Ooh,” she rolls her eyes dramatically, “I can leave.”
I look at her and squint my eyes, “You just listened that whole time.”
“I did not!” she mocks a gasp, putting her hand over her heart, “How dare you!”
Logan laughs, “I knew you were there. I could see you!”
“Okay, fine!” she throws her arms up and pouts, “Maybe I just wanted to be part of the guy chats!”
“Next time, mouse,” I say, nudging her chin with my knuckle.
Y/N laughs as she looks at us both, “And yes, I can tell that John has never stopped chasing me. I’ve never stopped chasing him either.”
“My favorite girl,” I say as I tuck her hair behind her ear.
Y/N smiles at me before she looks at Logan, “Look, I won’t hover because I’m not…your mom or anyone to you, really, but I would really like to have Daniela over for dinner sometime. You’re more than welcome to let her come over whenever.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” he says, then he shrugs, “You are someone to me though, but I get what you mean. You two took on a lot when you took me in, so thank you. I know you’re not really my parents, but you kind of are, and you’re doing a good job.”
Y/N puts her hand over her heart and smiles at him, “Thank you.”
Logan laughs, “You’re welcome.”
“And one last thing…” she sighs loudly and looks up at the ceiling before looking at him, “If you ever need the place to yourselves for…reasons, tell John, not me. He can handle it and get us out of the house so you can have alone time.”
Logan laughs as he puts his head down, “Okay.”
“I know you don’t plan to stay here forever, but until we find you a place…” she looks at him and nods, and he smiles. “This is your home, Logan. Please don’t ever think otherwise.”
I smile at Y/N when she looks at me, “Ro down?”
“Yeah,” she nuzzles into my arms and rests her head against my shoulder, “I think we should all go out for dinner. I don’t wanna cook.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” Logan says, and we look at him, “Daniela loved what I made last night. Thanks for the recipe.”
Y/N smiles proudly, “It was the first meal I ever made for John, and he still asks for it about once a week.”
“I love it,” I say, hugging Y/N closer to me, “And it’s still as good as the first time. I might argue it’s gotten even better.”
A smug smile spreads on her face when she looks at me, then she squints her eyes, “I’m not making it tonight.”
“Damn!” I jokingly stomp my foot, then I grab her and hug her tight, “We can go out to eat then.”
Logan’s phone starts to ring and he holds it up, “It’s Daniela. I’m gonna take this inside.”
I smile at him as he walks past, then I look down at Y/N when she smiles at me, “What?”
“You’re so cute. Having little heart-to-hearts with Logan, gushing about me even after I was insane last night.”
“You weren’t insane, peach,” I lightly push her head down to rest on my shoulder, “We all have our moments.”
She laughs, “I have lots of moments.”
“I have moments too,” I say, then I laugh, “Remember how I reacted that day that guy was talking to you at the shop. That was a bad moment.”
Laughing loudly, she sits up to look at me, “I just helped him find a book. You literally told me that we looked good together, and I was so insulted! I don’t look good with anyone but you! You were like ‘Oh, well, you two would have made a good couple.’ I was so mad at you!”
I laugh when she mocks my voice, “See? I have bad moments too.”
“Oh, babe, it was so bad,” she laughs, scrunching her nose up, “How dare you think I look good with someone else or that I even want someone else!”
“I know, it was dumb,” I admit, and she leans over to kiss me, “Now you know how I feel when you think those things. Pure nonsense, huh?”
Y/N nods, “Yeah, absolutely.”
The patio door creaks open as Logan leans through it, “I’m gonna hang out with some friends for a bit, but I’ll be back by dinner.”
“Oh, okay,” Y/N smiles at him, then she squints her eyes, “Tell Daniela I say hi.”
Color creeps into his cheeks as he nods, “I will. Be back in a bit.”
“Bye,” I wave at him, then I look over at Y/N, “You’re loving this.”
“I think it’s adorable!” she snuggles back into my arms and exhales softly, “I’m gonna nap right here.”
I laugh as I press a kiss to the top of her head, “Can I hold you?”
I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes, feeling so completely content. I know she’ll get up and find something to do since she can’t ever stay still, but until then I’m going to hold tight to her and cherish this moment.
taglist: @spiderfangirl22 @ruby-octo @im--blushing @sunnythebunny7 @livetosing21 @alaricsl3gacy @lilithlinen @ladyren33 @multifandombliss @tnu-ree @scream-queen-25 @beingnerdyissupercool @sakurachan-9
tumblr tagging system sucks so hopefully everyone sees this!
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silverxcristal · 2 years
No splatoon ocs yet, only Team Metal morphin again
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nyoomerr · 2 months
If drabble requests are still open, but fluffy octobing merman content would be cute
I LOVE MER AUS SO MUCH!!! here's some octo-mer!binghe and his beleaguered favorite scientist!sy ehehe
Shen Yuan finds himself in the lab at three in the morning on a Sunday, facing the helpless expressions of the lab assistants who were scheduled for that particular night shift.
“We’re so sorry, Shen-ge,” one of them says miserably. “We just - he won’t eat, and he starts screaming whenever we try to clean his enclosure, and then -”
“-And then he threw a rock at me!” Interrupts the other, with far less remorse. He’s nursing a particularly nasty bruise on his forehead.
Inwardly, Shen Yuan itches for his notebook. Demonstrations of good aim and understanding of which parts of human anatomy are vital, he thinks absently, and then shakes the thought away. He isn’t here for any studying; he’s just going to take care of the issue he was called in for and go home to go back to sleep.
“It’s fine,” he says, dismissing the lab assistants’ apologies. “I’ll go feed him now, and his tank can be cleaned on Monday.”
“But, the procedure -”
“- states that no one should be working overtime,” Shen Yuan interrupts, feeling only a little bit irritated. 
The lab assistants shut up and let Shen Yuan past without further mention of tank-cleaning schedules.
Ahead, there’s a group of a couple other scientists and one more lab assistant crowding around the door to the lab. When they see Shen Yuan coming, they make way for him, and then immediately crowd back around the doorway to watch him.
Not one of them dares to step foot inside, though. 
“Binghe, come out and apologize to everyone!” Shen Yuan calls over his shoulder, not bothering to look up at the tank as he washes his hands. 
Shen Yuan sighs, drying off his hands and moving over to the fish cooler. 
“If you haven’t apologized by the time I finish preparing your - fuck, ass-o-clock in the morning breakfast - then I won’t come up to the tank to feed it to you,” Shen Yuan warns. “I’ll just toss it over the top, and then I’ll leave.”
There’s a small splash; the sound of a head breaching water.
Finally, Shen Yuan looks up from his food prep to glance at the tank. Near the top of it, Luo Binghe is staring at him with bright ruby eyes, some of his massive tentacles rhythmically sticking and un-sticking to the glass of the tank, slowly pushing his body up closer to the top of the tank. 
Shen Yuan gives him a stern glare. “Luo Binghe,” he says, meaning every bit of the threat in his voice, “if you push yourself up out of that tank and make me clean up the mess you make doing so, I will handle your food with gloves on for a week.”
“Shen-ge!” Luo Binghe cries, horrified. “I hate the rubber taste! And I only want to taste Shen-ge’s touch, no one else’s! Why should I apologize to anyone who offers me food with their touch all over it!”
“You just said you hate the taste of rubber from the gloves,” Shen Yuan points out. “They’re following my lead in preparing your meals bare-handed, you know.”
Luo Binghe visibly wavers. Shen Yuan finishes cutting up the fish he’d grabbed and dumps it in a bucket, then looks up at Luo Binghe and tilts his head in the direction of the door to the lab pointedly.
“...Sorry,” Luo Binghe mumbles.
“For what?” Shen Yuan prompts.
“For refusing the food they tried to give me, even though Shen-ge should be the one to give me all his courting gifts himself,” Luo Binghe says, very obviously sulking.
Shen Yuan sighs, feeling a bit hopeless. 
“How many times do I have to tell you, ah - food isn’t a courting gift for humans!”
Luo Binghe frowns, glaring at Shen Yuan suspiciously. “But it is when Shen-ge gives it to me, right?”
Shen Yuan rolls his eyes. “I’m not accompanying you during your mating season,” he deadpans. “We’ve gone over this a hundred times. I’m human. You’re a sea creature. We’re incompatible even before you consider our sexes.”
Luo Binghe perks up. Shen Yuan immediately becomes wary.
“I’ve been working on that,” Luo Binghe says, looking especially pleased with himself. “Maybe Shen-ge would like to come up here and document the changes to my reproductive organs himself?”
Shen Yuan feels his face go through several colors that a face has no business being. It only gets worse when he manages a moment of self reflection and realizes he does want to take a look, if only because no such sex change has ever been documented on a mer creature before. 
Mortified, Shen Yuan glances towards the door to the lab. Everyone is watching the exchange between Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe with rapt expressions. One of the scientists has their clipboard out and is taking notes. The other makes an eager little shooing motion at Shen Yuan, as if to say ‘yes, go look, quick! Luo Binghe won’t let any of us look, after all!’
Shen Yuan sighs heavily. This really… really was not what he was expecting when he applied for this job. 
“Alright, alright, I’m coming up. Good job apologizing to everyone, I guess,” Shen Yuan says half heartedly, beginning to lug the bucket of fish up the rickety stairs leading to the top of Luo Binghe’s tank. “But I’m not examining your biology tonight. We’ll wait to do that until we can schedule a proper examination. With others present, because it will be professional and educational, not for mating.”
Luo Binghe sulks. “If Shen-ge prefers to be watched…”
Irritated, Shen Yuan slaps at the side of the tank as he continues his trek up the stairs, feeling a bit vindicated when Luo Binghe’s expression twists in annoyance at the feeling of the vibrations so close to him. 
“No mating, no innuendos, and none of your tentacles getting wrapped up around me,” Shen Yuan warns as he finally makes his way to the top of the tank and has to immediately swat away one of Luo Binghe’s massive tentacles as it dips out of the water and starts to reach for him. “Your suction cups leave awful welts - last time, my brother asked me if I was being abused by a secret lover!”
“Why am I a secret?!” Luo Binghe cries, ignoring every other part of what Shen Yuan had said. 
Shen Yuan grimaces, decides that this isn’t a fight worth having at three in the morning, and sets the bucket of fish down on the edge of the tank. 
Luo Binghe looks at it, then back at Shen Yuan expectantly. 
…Damn it!!
Against his better judgment, Shen Yuan sighs and picks up a piece of fish, extending it out towards Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe’s expression instantly turns pleased, his tentacles curling beneath him - and creeping up out of the water again - as he takes the fish directly into his mouth from Shen Yuan’s hands. 
The weight of everyone’s stares from the lab doorway is especially heavy. Shen Yuan picks up a second piece. 
“You’re making me into a gossip piece,” he complains quietly to Luo Binghe.
Luo Binghe predictably responds to this by nibbling at Shen Yuan’s fingers instead of taking the piece of fish gently. Shen Yuan cuffs him over the head in a direct violation of every lab rule against touching the specimens there is. Fuck the rule; it isn’t as if Luo Binghe doesn’t break it himself every single day!!
…As he thinks this, Shen Yuan feels one of Luo Binghe tentacles coil around his ankle. Fuck. There’s no way Shen Yuan is going to manage unsticking Luo Binghe for at least several hours. 
Resigned, Shen Yuan settles down properly onto the observation deck at the top of the tank, only giving Luo Binghe a half hearted glare when the mer responds by eagerly wrapping several more of his tentacles around what parts of Shen Yuan they can reach. The weight of them is massive; Luo Binghe is no small creature. 
Happily, Luo Binghe opens his mouth expectantly. Shen Yuan sighs, and picks up another piece of fish. 
It’s going to be a long night.
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toasteraaa · 3 months
Hey yall! Posting a single sketch for today!
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I'm very proud of it bc I'm experimenting with backgrounds. BUT this drawing is special because it is a crossover I've done with my bestie Jay (they don't have a Tumblr sadly :'0)
So I drew my dudes Blaise and Dash, and I drew Jay's gals Jaylee and Ruby (the octo and inkling with bands on their head) Jaylee is the Inkling and Ruby is the octoling.
I'm so glad we're making this crossover! Stay tuned for more! Byeeee!
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Weiss: Don't give Gamers the AUX cord they'll play shit like-
Ruby and Jaune: *Dancing to Ebb and Flow/Fly Octo Fly*
Yang and Nora: *Sparring to the beat, Captive Normals Playing in the background*
Ren and Pyrrha: *Bopping to V.S. Sayu*
Weiss: Yeah. That.
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Hi tumblr, this is a complete list of every ingredient you need (minus rupees) to upgrade all armor pieces in Tears of the Kingdom to full. I saw them in lists per set/item, but that didn't scratch my "run around collecting all the things efficiently then upgrade everything all at once" AuDHD gamer itch so I did it myself. I spent 2 hours of my life organizing this list so I'm back from the dead to save hopefully at least a single person the trouble. :'D
-Special Plants-
Shock Fruit x9
Fire Fruit x9
Ice Fruit x9
Puffshroom x9
Dazzlefruit x60
Brightbloom Seeds x90
Giant Brightbloom Seeds x105
-Normal Plants-
Voltfruit x15
Mighty Banana x30
Swift Carrot x10
Acorn x30
Sunshroom x15
Chillshroom x15
Zapshroom x15
Rushroom x39
Razorshroom x15
Silent Shroom x24
Bright Caps x15
Warm Safflina x9
Cool Safflina x9
Electric Safflina x24
Mighty Thistle x9
Swift Violet x90
Blue Nightshade x24
Silent Princess x72
Sundelion x75
Hyrule Bass x15
Hearty Bass x9
Voltfin Trout x30
Sizzlefin Trout x30
Chillfin Trout x30
Stealthfin Trout x30
Glowing Cave Fish x15
Sneaky River Snail x15
Razorclaw Crab x9
Energetic Rhino Beetle x9
Bladed Rhino Beetle x9
Thunderwing Butterfly x9
Summerwing Butterfly x15
Winterwing Butterfly x15
Smotherwing Butterfly x24
Electric Darner x15
Cold Darner x15
Warm Darner x21
Sunset Firefly x15
Deep Firefly x39
Hearty Lizard x5
Hightail Lizard x21
Fireproof Lizard x15
Sticky Lizard x24
Sticky Frog x30
Hot-Footed Frog x30
Opal x276
Ruby x121
Sapphire x121
Topaz x121
Diamond x27
Flint x367
Amber x565
Luminous Stone x450
Star Fragment x100
Fire Like Stone x15
Ice Like Stone x15
Shock Like Stone x15
Zonaite x150
Large Zonaite x180
Large Zonai Charge x114
Soldier Construct Horn x15
Soldier Construct II Horn x15
Soldier Construct III Horn x15
Soldier Construct IV Horn x15
Captain Construct I Horn x15
Captain Construct II Horn x15
Captain Construct III Horn x15
-Misc mobs-
Courser Bee Honey x15
Dark Clump x15
Chuchu Jelly x15
Red Chuchu Jelly x24
White Chuchu Jelly x24
Yellow Chuchu Jelly x33
Gibdo Wing x24
Gibdo Bone x50
Gibdo Guts x5
Molduga Jaw x9
Molduga Fin x5
Molduga Guts x23
Octorok Eyeball x6
Octorok Tentacle x5
Octo Balloon x5
Aerocuda Eyes x42
Aerocuda Wings x48
Keese Eyeball x30
Keese Wings x33
Electric Keese Wing x15
Ice Keese Wing x39
Fire Keese Wing x45
Bokoblin Horn x15
Blue Bokoblin Horn x15
Black Bokoblin Horn x15
Silver Bokoblin Horn x24
Bokoblin Guts x42
Bokoblin Fang x9
Boss Bokoblin Guts x9
Boss Bokoblin Horn x9
Blue Boss Bokoblin Horn x9
Black Boss Bokoblin Horn x9
Silver Boss Bokoblin Horn x9
Moblin Guts x18
Moblin Horn x9
Moblin Fang x15
Blue Moblin Horn x15
Black Moblin Horn x15
Silver Moblin Horn x9
Horriblin Horn x15
Blue Horriblin Horn x15
Black Horriblin Horn x15
Horriblin Guts x39
Lizalfos Horn x9
Lizalfos Tail x18
Lizalfos Talon x15
Black Lizalfos Horn x15
Silver Lizalfos Horn x9
Blue Lizalfos Horn x15
Blue Lizalfos Tail x15
Fire-Breath Lizalfos Horn x30
Fire-Breath Lizalfos Tail x48
Ice-Breath Lizalfos Horn x30
Ice-Breath Lizalfos Tail x54
Electric Lizalfos Horn x33
Electric Lizalfos Tail x54
Hinox Toenail x15
Hinox Tooth x15
Hinox Guts x33
Black Hinox Horn x9
Frox Fang x9
Frox Fingernail x9
Obsidian Frox Fang x9
Blue-White Frox Fang x15
Frox Guts x18
Lynel Guts x30
Lynel Hoof x15
Lynel Saber Horn x6
Lynel Mace Horn x6
Blue-Maned Lynel Saber Horn x9
Blue-Maned Lynel Mace Horn x9
White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn x18
White-Maned Lynel Mace Horn x18
Gleeok Electric Horn x15
Gleeok Flame Horn x15
Gleeok Frost Horn x15
Gleeok Wing x36
Gleeok Guts x18
-Dragon Parts-
Naydra's Scale x5
Naydra's Claw x3
Naydra's Fang x3
Naydra's Horn x5
Naydra's Spike x15
Farosh's Scale x3
Farosh's Claw x3
Farosh's Fang x3
Farosh's Horn x5
Farosh's Spike x15
Dinraal's Scale x3
Dinraal's Claw x3
Dinraal's Fang x3
Dinraal's Horn x5
Dinraal's Spike x15
Light Dragon's Scale x3
Light Dragon Claw x2
Light Dragon Fang x3
Light Dragon Horn x3
Light Dragon's Talon x1
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nursesharkinfirmary · 5 months
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ִֶָ࣪𓂃 * -` 🐟 ´- megurine luka npts 🎺 ㅤׂㅤ⭒
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─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Names
Luca/Lucas, Tuna, Octo, Lariat, Feverette, Logica, Circusse, Sabrina, Cyber, Chiffon, Amour, Rose, Electronica, Macaron, Flora, Ivy, Ruby, Villianess, Vivienne, Mariya, Ophelia, Elluka, Lukana, Leia
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Pronouns
Shye/Hyr, Oct/Octo's, Glass/Glasses', Fish/Fishie's, Melo/Melody's, Mer/Mermaid's, Friend/Friend's, Gard/Garden's, Tailor/Tailor's, Envy/Envy's, 🩷/🩷's, 🐟/🐟's, 🪷/🪷's, 🍑/🍑's, 🎀/🎀's, 🩰/🩰's, 🎺/🎺's
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Titles
The Multilingual Songstress, (Prn) who turns to Google, The Valentines Chocolatier, (Prn) with a Cephalopod Form, (Pref Royal Title) of Seafood, The One of Candies Dropping
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
Hello! Just a quick question do you have any helpful hints on combo weapons for TOTK?
gibdo bones seem broken at first but don't use them on anything except arrows because they break after one hit. other than that my general rule is to sort inventory by highest attack power and then just fuse the strongest horn or whatever to whatever the fuck im holding. i have seen a lot of success with lizalfos tails attached to polearms. basically makes a whip. im also partial to boss boko horns bc theyre easy to get but strong as fuck. don't even bother picking up stalkoblin arms, the highish base atk may entice you but they're flimsy as shit and will only survive like 3 hits. double-weapon fusions seem cool at first but are lame in practice. the second you get a magic rod or staff fuse a ruby to it, ice puzzles are so so so easy when you can just hold your little stick near them until they melt. hoard octo balloons and bomb flowers like your life depends on it because fusing them to a shield and then sheildsurfing lets you enter bullet time from flat ground which is cracked as hell. the second the master sword recharges in your inventory fuse your strongest shit to it bc otherwise you will try to equip it mid-battle and forget that it's only like twice as strong as it could be. thats all ive got
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stupjam · 1 year
I feel like Ruby Gillson: Teenage Kraken is probably how a Splatoon Movie would look like if Nintendo hired Dreamworks to do it?
(and would have done better revenue)
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i was thinking the same thing! it's the closest thing to squids (positively) portrayed on the big screen! like i hope the krakens look more like squids than people. and instead of mermaids vs krakens it would be octos vs squids of course
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sanslookalikepoll · 1 year
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Dashmaster Charm - Hollow Knight VS Honda - Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san
Sanitized Agent 3 - Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion VS Yorick - Hamlet
Skeletons - Real Life VS Homestuck - Homestuck
The Litch - Adventure Time VS Belos - The Owl House
Steven Universe - Steven Universe VS Cal Deveraux - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Phoenix Wright - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney VS Dr Sivana - Shazam!
Black Rock Shooter - Black★Rock Shooter VS Shinada Takumi - Delicious Party Pretty Cure
Gumball - The Amazing World of Gumball VS Ness - Earthbound
Jack Skellington - The Nightmare Before Christmas VS Ainz Ooal Gown - Overlord
Nagito Komaeda - Danganronpa VS Sorawo Kamikoshi - Otherside Picnic
Stuffed Toy - Bluey VS Jerry - Have A Nice Death
Emil - NeiR VS Barrel - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Comedium - Truegreen7 VS Turbo - Wreck It Ralph
Barry the Chopper - Fullmetal Alchemist VS The Titan - The Owl House
Blaze Devil - Candies ‘N Curses VS Hogarth Gilligan - Codename: Kids Next Door
Dipper Pines - Gravity Falls VS Gus Porter - The Owl House
Pokotho - Hatchetfield  VS Bruno Bangnyfe - Burn the Witch
Lancer - Deltarune VS Tailgate - Transformers
Dr. Eggman Robotnick - Sonic VS Skull Trooper - Fortnite
Ordis - WARFRAME VS Pouty Porter - Sky: Children of the Light
Cubone - Pokemon VS Yoisaki Kanade - Project Sekai
Enoch - OFF VS Duskull - Pokemon
White Crewmate - Among Us VS Minecraft Skeleton - Minecraft
Mr Skullhead - Animaniacs VS Skullboy - Ruby Gloom
Grim - The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy VS Stix the Skeleton  - Squishmallow
Light Blue Shy Guy - Mario VS Hans - Animal Crossing
Wheatley - Portal VS Dr Man - Awful Hospital
Garfield - Garfield VS Shane - Stardew Valley
Forneus - Cult Of The Lamb VS Jon Arbuckle - Garfield
Karamatsu Matsuno - Osomatsu-san VS Dr. Bones Cookie - Cookie Run
Husky - Real Life VS Spade King - Deltarune
Capitalist Skeleton Guy - The Doomsday Crisis Line VS Comic Sans - Real Life
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johnsbleu · 17 days
Update soon? 😊😊😊😊
yes! i have a busy week ahead of me, but hopefully i can get some time to update on saturday!
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spacefinch · 1 year
A list of my favorite characters associated with the sky, birds, and/or flight.
Tom Paris (Star Trek Voyager)
Callum (The Dragon Prince)
Skyla (Pokémon)
Winona (Pokémon)
Falkner (Pokémon)
Kahili (Pokémon)
Hera Syndulla (Star Wars Rebels)
Mart Mattin (Star Wars Rebels)
Wedge Antilles (Star Wars original trilogy)
Hikaru Sulu (Star Trek TOS)
Hailey Turner (The Search for WondLa)
Jason Grace (Heroes of Olympus)
Nyx (The Dragon Prince)
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (elder)
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye (younger)
Sam Wilson/Falcon
Dashi (Octonauts— she flies the Octo-Ray!)
Nausicaa (Studio Ghibli— Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)
Pazu (Studio Ghibli— Castle in the Sky)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Han Solo (Star Wars)
Sabi (Braviary’s warden in Pokémon Legends Arceus)
Hækel (The Search for WondLa trilogy)
Hope Van Dyne/the Wasp (MCU)
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (Star Trek TOS— he might not be a pilot, but he sure as heck loves the feel of flying.)
Sabine Wren (Star Wars Rebels)
Jinora (The Legend of Korra)
Nyota Uhura (Star Trek TOS— her first name means “Star!”)
Zinnia (Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)
Elesa (Pokémon)
Zym (The Dragon Prince)
Queen Zubeia (The Dragon Prince)
Note: I use “sky” in a very broad sense here. It could mean the air itself or the wind. It could mean clouds and rain. It could even mean thunder and lightning storms. It also means the night sky as well.
Anyway, I think it’s safe to say I have a type when it comes to characters I like. This probably isn’t even all the Sky or bird associated characters that I know of.
Some things about me (which explain my taste in characters)
I am a huge bird nerd, both on this site and IRL.
Everyone who follows this blog knows I go by “Finch” for my online persona.
There was a time I wanted to be a pilot, before realizing it was too hard
I’ve wanted to be an ornithologist since I found out what it is. I want to study birds for a living.
I went through a WW2 aircraft phase during my sophomore year in high school
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ryttu3k · 1 year
So I worked out a full list of all the remaining items I need to do all the armour upgrades and...
Total Items
61 Silent Princess
50 Sundelion
90 Swift Violet
16 Blue Nightshade
6 Warm Safflina
24 Electric Safflina
6 Cool Safflina
6 Ice Fruit
9 Shock Fruit
9 Fire Fruit
9 Mighty Thistle
30 Mighty Bananas
10 Swift Carrot
15 Voltfruit
60 Dazzlefruit
30 Brightbloom Seed
105 Giant Brightbloom Seed
5 Brightcap
36 Rushroom
15 Razorshroom
15 Chillshroom
15 Zapshroom
15 Sunshroom
24 Silent Shroom
9 Puffshroom
9 Thunderwing Butterfly
15 Summerwing Butterfly
15 Winterwing Butterfly
24 Smotherwing Butterfly
33 Deep Firefly
10 Sunset Firefly
9 Energetic Rhino Beetle
9 Bladed Rhino Beetle
15 Warm Darner
15 Cold Darner
15 Electric Darner
16 Hightail Lizard
5 Hearty Lizard
10 Fireproof Lizard
24 Sticky Lizard
30 Hot-Footed Frog
30 Sticky Frog
10 Hyrule Bass
30 Voltfin Trout
30 Sizzlefin Trout
30 Chillfin Trout
30 Stealthfin Trout
15 Glowing Cave Fish
9 Razorclaw Crab
15 Sneaky River Snail
30 Acorn
15 Courser Bee Honey
3 Bokoblin Horn
5 Bokoblin Fang
42 Bokoblin Guts
5 Blue Bokoblin Horn
15 Black Bokoblin Horn
24 Silver Bokoblin Horn
9 Boss Bokoblin Horn
9 Boss Bokoblin Guts
9 Blue Boss Bokoblin Horn
9 Black Boss Bokoblin Horn
3 Silver Boss Bokoblin Horn
6 Moblin Horn
10 Moblin Fang
9 Moblin Guts
15 Blue Moblin Horn
15 Black Moblin Horn
9 Silver Moblin Horn
15 Horriblin Horn
39 Horriblin Guts
15 Blue Horriblin Horn
15 Black Horriblin Horn
3 Lizalfos Horn
10 Lizalfos Talon
18 Lizalfos Tail
15 Blue Lizalfos Horn
15 Black Lizalfos Horn
15 Black Lizalfos Tail
9 Silver Lizalfos Horn
33 Electric Lizalfos Horn
54 Electric Lizalfos Tail
30 Fire-Breath Lizalfos Horn
48 Fire-Breath Lizalfos Tail
30 Ice-Breath Lizalfos Horn
54 Ice-Breath Lizalfos Tail
50 Gibdo Bone
5 Gibdo Guts
24 Gibdo Wing
30 Lynel Guts
15 Lynel Hoof
6 Lynel Mace Horn
6 Lynel Saber Horn
9 Blue-Maned Lynel Mace Horn
9 Blue-Maned Lynel Saber Horn
9 White-Maned Lynel Mace Horn
9 White-Maned Lynel Saber Horn
9 Silver Lynel Mace Horn
9 Silver Lynel Saber Horn
15 Hinox Tooth
33 Hinox Guts
15 Hinox Toenail
9 Blue Hinox Horn
5 Molduga Fin
23 Molduga Guts
30 Molduga Jaw
18 Frox Guts
3 Frox Fang
9 Frox Fingernail
9 Obsidian Frox Fang
15 Blue-White Frox Fang
18 Gleeok Guts
36 Gleeok Wing
15 Gleeok Thunder Horn
15 Gleeok Flame Horn
15 Gleeok Frost Horn
30 Keese Eyeball
30 Keese Wing
10 Electric Keese Wing
39 Ice Keese Wing
45 Fire Keese Wing
42 Aerocuda Eyeball
48 Aerocuda Wing
15 Chuchu Jelly
16 Red Chuchu Jelly
21 White Chuchu Jelly
33 Yellow Chuchu Jelly
4 Octorok Eyeball
10 Octorok Tentacle
5 Octo Balloon
15 Shock Like Stone
15 Fire Like Stone
15 Ice Like Stone
15 Soldier Construct Horn
15 Soldier Construct II Horn
15 Soldier Construct III Horn
15 Soldier Construct IV Horn
15 Captain Construct I Horn
15 Captain Construct II Horn
15 Captain Construct III Horn
1 Light Dragon's Scale
1 Light Dragon's Claw
1 Light Dragon's Fang
3 Light Dragon's Horn
3 Farosh's Scale
3 Farosh's Claw
3 Farosh's Fang
5 Farosh's Horn
15 Farosh's Spike Shard
5 Naydra's Scale
3 Naydra's Claw
3 Naydra's Fang
5 Naydra's Horn
15 Naydra's Spike Shard
3 Dinraal's Scale
3 Dinraal's Claw
3 Dinraal's Fang
5 Dinraal's Claw
15 Dinraal's Spike Shard
103 Star Fragment
22 Diamond
114 Ruby
115 Sapphire
115 Topaz
352 Opal
605 Amber
375 Luminous Stone
305 Flint
5 Dark Clump
130 Zonaite
190 Large Zonaite
114 Large Zonai Charge
You see this? This is why I'm using dupes. 103 star fragments...
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years
Ruby was born to a pair of aspiring fashion designers: a Giant pacific Octoling father (Akihiko) and vampire Inkling mother (Annalise). Her mother died giving birth to her, leaving her father to raise her by himself. They didn’t have much, but Ruby’s father loved her unconditionally and did his best to provide her with everything she needed.
At age 14, Ruby tried Turf Wars for the first time. She thought that maybe, if she could make some money from it, she could ease the burden on her father’s shoulders. She quickly discovered that the sport wasn’t for her, and decided to go back to what she was already pretty good at: designing clothes. She knew of the dream her father and late mother shared — owning their own fashion brand — and hoped that one day she could help her father realize that dream. She spent most of her teen years honing her skills as a designer, as her peers didn’t seem to want anything to do with her, “the weird tall girl”.
When she was 17, her father set his dream into motion. Ruby had come up with a fitting name for their new brand — “Annaki”, after both her parents and the word “anarchy” — and even offered up some of her own designs to help get the brand going. And get going it did, as their punk style became very popular very quickly, launching Ruby and her father into fame and fortune.
At 18, Ruby was recruited by Marie to save the Great Zapfish and look for her cousin, Callie. Marie soon realized that Ruby wasn’t exactly Agent material, but Ruby was determined to see her “adventure” through. She miraculously made it through Octo Canyon through what Marie came to call “the sheer force of dumb luck”, and was able to bring both the Great Zapfish and Callie back with her to Inkopolis.
Soon after she was introduced to another Agent — Agent 8, or Cerrin. Upon learning that Cerrin had just reached the surface and had no real place to live, Ruby offered to let him stay in her home with herself and her father. She and Cerrin are now very close, almost like siblings, and she continues to push the Annaki brand even further with her designs.
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scholarlycait · 2 years
✦ Letters from a Cait Scholar: Days 89-92 & 88 Days Special ✦
Day 89
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 89, you’ll never be outshined!
Limit breaks will raise the maximum level of a character. That means you can get even more JP, so if there’s a skill that you’ve been eyeing, try limit breaking to bring it within paw’s reach!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 90
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “You’ve made it to the 90th day, what better time to get out and play!?
I hear people using the expression “busy as a bee”, but if you ask me, they should be saying “frenzied as a feline.” I could get so much more done if I had a trusty cait assistant, but truthfully, I’m more than happy just showing you how useful we can be!
P.S. To celebrate this special day, my purr-esent is even more generous than usual. Use these Rubies in good health!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×30
Day 91
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 91, don’t let stress make you undone!
When deciding the fur-mation of your party, it’s best to bring a variety of weapons and skills onto the battlefield. That way you can exploit a variety of enemy weaknesses and break whatever opposition stands in your way!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
Day 92
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Title: “Letter from a Cait Scholar” Message: “Day 92, I’m impressed with mew!
If you run up against an enemy that you just can’t defeat, you should consider completely switching out your party for one that can exploit their weakness. With you as their leader, I’m paws-itive your band will emerge victorious!
P.S. I’ve sent you some more Rubies. Don’t spend them all in one place!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×10
88 Days of CotC
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Title: “Celebrating 88 Days Since Release!” Message: “Can you believe it? October 23, 2022 marks 88 days since OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC was released!
Fun fact: OCTOPATH comes from “octo,” the Latin [word] for eight, and path, to mean eight paths. That’s why eight is an im-purr-tant number in this game! And if you knock it on its side, you get infinity, which symbolizes our boundless fur-iendship!
To celebrate, today’s present is 88 Rubies!” Received Item(s): Rubies ×88
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iceiceparis · 3 months
Yet ANOTHER chapter for my post-OE fic, with a clash between 2 very different lives: Agent 8 and Prince ensues!
Here is a short exerpt from the full fiction in the link:
Is this the real life?
Second by second, milliliters and milliliters of yellow fluid dripped out of that chunk of familiar flesh uninterrupted past the black links.
Or is this just fantasy?
Even as his limb remained separated, it leaked no blood yet Prince’s world was frozen at this very moment in time unable to process what had happened or even if this was reality itself. If his arm was over there, why doesn’t it hurt? Not a single needle of pain could be felt where it used to be, but no signals from his brain were being acknowledged by even the littlest twitch of a finger.
It's almost as if he could pick it up and place it right where it originally was and it would be as if nothing happened. However, this assumed he would’ve still had any functionally left at all. Instinct couldn’t get through to him, not even his brother’s crying out his name carrying emotions so palpable it held a grander presence than his barrier breaking blasts.
Half a shot of excitement and quarter a cup of shock, Surume was fascinated by the reveal of Hachi’s ferocity.
Void of all chill, Hachi bumped past the dazed Inkling and snatched up the bone white Dualie barely gripped in his hand in a gamble.
This was likely the one time Emperor’s composure would be so utterly shattered, perfect for mounting an offense.
Imitating Surume, Hachi flew against the open sky in an extended airburst allowed by Prince’s identically modified mini-shooter while in a controlled tumble to keep her motions ambiguous.
He barely regained his posture as Hachi began her descent right on his position. Wrath gripped his eyes and pulled them back far into his head as he leapt up to meet her with a well swung foot in the air with his Flash Saber.
Unfortunately for him, Hachi had absolutely no plans on diving him right away. All he could do was watch in confusion as she flew right past him, not paying so much as a look. Winning was now secondary, her first real goal was much more appetizing at the moment.
A shadow from the resulting eclipse shrouded Surume in darkness as Hachi’s body descended overhead. To them, this moment alone was enough to give up her easy victory over the Emperor. No victory could ever compare to seeing this side of Hachi, a naturally razor sharp red ruby embedded with an unassuming grinded down boulder.
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