rubberbal · 2 months
ok so uhh im bored so vote.
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ukaiknowsbest · 2 years
a study in how Terajima portrayed his main character while he crying.
Eijun is in tears after their middle school rubberball team lost in their first and only official game.
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note: eyes properly drawn. cheeks red from the emotional exertion, a stead stream of tears and individual drops flowing from his cheeks. There's also snot from his nose brought upon by his crying.
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In the two pictures above, Eijun slaps the opposite team because he was angry that they insulted his teammates.
note: cat eyes, pupils not seen, a stream of steady tears.
chapter 3 - DAY OF DEPARTURE
Eijun eventually breaks down crying while the train is in motion. His former team had sent him off in tearful goodbyes.
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note: at first we only see his head is bowed. Then a moment later, teardrops start falling. The next panel we see a closeup of his scrunched up face. His eyes are properly drawn too. There's also snot from his nose brought upon by his crying.
chapter 6 -PITCHER ELIMINATION (introduction arc)
Eijun sobs after Kuramochi asks him if he's training to be an Olympic Marathon runner and not a baseball pitcher. He also cries from being manhandled into wrestling moves.
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note: played for comedic effect. Appearance of cat-eyes and there is a continuous stream of tears.
chapter 105 - CUTTER (seido vs yakushi act1 summer tournament)
Eijun sobs after Kuramochi taunts him of being a lesser version of a moving-ball pitcher like Sanada.
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note: there is an appearance of cat-eyes and there is a continuous stream of liquid from the tear duct. The tears go down in drops after leaving his face. Effect is initially comedic but upon closer inspection of the next panels you see that he was genuinely insecure about it and had to be comforted by Miyuki. Therefore we can say it's semi-comedic.
chapter 192 - SENSE OF REALITY (seido vs inashiro, act1 summer tournament)
Eijun breaks down in tears on the bus after he see Yuuki Tetsuya crying in the seat opposite to him.
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note: we cannot see his eyes since they are not drawn in and are also obscured by his bangs. Moreover his face is hooded for effect. His tears are portrayed in drops. This is serious.
chapter 217 - INNER VOICE (seido vs yakushi, act1 yips arc)
Eijun breaks down after being pulled out from the mound in Seido vs. Yakushi scrimmage. He shut down while playing and couldn't pitch neither to the inside nor outside and had to be replaced in the inning that he was subbed in.
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note: Eijun's face is entirely covered by a towel, his head is bowed. The panels show individual drips of tears, not a continuous stream like in comedic moments.
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note: It was only when Eijun stopped crying/when his tears ran out that we could finally see his face. Note his blank eyes and dark eyebags.
ch 258 - STONE (act 1, fall qualifiers)
Eijun openly cries in happiness while reading manga.
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note: Eijun's eyes are shown in this, the continuous stream of tears makes a come back, suggestic the comedic nature of the scene. Moreover this seem to be tears of joy rather than Eijun being genuinely upset.
ACT 2 chapter 305
Sawamura in tears of joy after helping win the Seido vs Inajitsu summer tournament final match. He was holding it in until the medal was hanged on his neck. That's when the tears started flowing.
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Note: continuous stream of tears, eyes properly drawn, individual drops. Serious. (But at least these are joyous tears).
If, while crying Eijun has
cat eyes - he's upset but with comedic effect
continuous stream of tears - can be serious but is comedic when there are no individual teardrops
individual tear drops - serious
eyes drawn properly - serious
eyes not shown - serious
Final Thoughts
this was interesting character and manga study for me. I did not expect there to be so much nuance in how Terajima drew things. While reading we now know why some stuff appear serious while other scenes do not. Laying panels all like this gives us an idea of the creative choices mangaka use to depict certain emotions.
Thanks for reading!
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when i saw the spoiler i was like "that looks too familiar." and here we go! It's basically the same pose! From the eyes, to the tears, to the clenching of teeth, to the repressed shivers! what a payoff!
Laying the two panels side by side feels like the end of the journey.
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Fiction List
I am compiling a list of all the fiction I have penned; more for me than anything else. It will be a mix of fanfiction and original materal. This current list is everything I have created all the way up to the end of 2022. I plan on trying to do master posts/intensive list posting for any and all short stories and pieces of fiction I make going forward.
Robert. B. Balls (Rubberball)
The Fog
Hounds That Scream
The Show That Never Ends
Ye Silent Gods
The Climb
Under The Sea
Rise, Dear Hero
Metroid: New Legacy
Chrimru of Tru-Isil
BBRae Week 2020 and 2022 and several other short BBRae Teen Titans fanfics referenced in this post
I was always more like my mother (Goncharov)
She Who Speaks
Seaside Thoughts
A Tired Kind of Madness
The Mountain
A Strange Paradise
Laser Revolver Salesman
A Wily Fighter
Kyvosh III
The Eternally Young Corpse
A Blue Moon
The Last Kings of the Regy Dynasty
Pyrrha's Realisation
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laskume-dragon · 2 years
WHY does my ADHD only bully me at the most inconvenient times?! Excuse me, sir, i have a deadline? I need to do shit? I don't need a rubberball jumping around in my brain like its on speed??
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mapplestrudel · 8 days
Mando'a for Beginners - Chapter 13: Geroya - Playtime
Summary: You face a Labyrinth of Trials. And Paz has a little too much fun with it.
Pairing: Paz Vizsla/Earthling!Reader
Wordcount: ~1.4K
This chapter on AO3: Here Previous chapter on tumbler: Here Translations: At the end.
A/N: YES, I'm still working on it - slowly but surely!
Something zips past you as soon as you enter, only centimeters away from your cheek and you feel the little breeze in its wake.
Something hits your chest.
You have barely time to look around. You don't see Paz but there's something else flying directly towards you.
It hits your shoulder!
"Fuck! What-"
This time it's your stomach that's being hit and you bend over.
"Paz!" you shriek. "Stop it!"
Another close miss.
You run and dive behind the next best thing and it is some sort of box. You knock on it. It's metal, seems stable enough for now.
"Paz!" you shout. "What the fuck?!"
You hear something crackle above the box and when you take a look you sure as hell get a
- FUMP! -
right in your face!
But what you also got, is a comlink which you put on with trembling hands.
"I'll stop when you reach the other end of the room."
"You heard me. Now do something."
The box moves on its own will and you lose your cover.
The chest again.
"Having fun?" Paz' amused voice crackles through the com.
"Gar di'kut!"
He only chuckles at this.
There's a rope hanging down not too far away from you, leading up to some sort of haphazard metal platform pathway suspended from the ceiling that is higher than you'd expected. It would be difficult to hit you up there, but there's no way you could get up there. The last time you did climbing ropes was at school, and... well, you don't wanna think about it.
You lay flat on the ground, wishing you had cartoon character strength in your toes and fingers to just diddle-liddle-liddle away. Or one of these convenient buttons that summon anvils falling from the sky.
But as you bemoan, not for the first time in your life, your non-cartoonishness, you look around. The room is much bigger than it looked from the outside. And there's stuff all over the place.
You groan as another thing hits you on your back. While it does sting a little, it's nothing you can't handle. But, knowing yourself and how quickly you bruise, you are very sure, that by the end of the day you'll look like a blueberry muffin.
Great, and now Frank Zappa starts playing in your mind. Thanks, brain.
You get up to run and take cover behind a shelf. Peeking through the gaps you see a tennisball sized ball hitting the place where you just were. It bounces off a bunch of times and stays put where it eventually comes to rest. So far, so physics basics.
Until it zips back from whence it came.
So much for waiting until he runs out of ammo.
What you also see through the gap is a labyrinth of boxes and plattforms, vertical and horizontal poles and railings. It reminds you a bit of a Mass Effect setup actually. Commander Shepard would get through this in a breeze. Had you taken up parkours in your youth this would be a fun quick exercise, but alas you did not and now you'd have to snail your way through this (like through everything in your life).
You sit down, back against the shelf, clueless as to how to proceed.
What kinda game is this anyway? What are the rules?
You look around and up - and see something peeking over the edge of the suspended metal pathway. Maybe if you threw something up to hit it, it would eventually topple over and fall down?
The shelf is so kind as to provide a soft rubberball, about volleyball-sized.
You need a few tries but eventually the thing comes down and it's exactly what you needed - a plasto board thick enough so you could turn into a makeshift shield.
The shelf holds even more goodies in store and you start to get a picture of what this is all about.
You find a bag and stock up on anything useful you find lying around, your vast experience as rpg adventurer helping tremendously (for once).
You find some sort of duct tape, a bag of ballbearings, rope, a flashlight, and a square bandana which you fold up and bind around your head, Rambo style.
The Spirit of MacGyver is with you as use your pocket knife to cut a bunch of holes into the plasto board and rip off a few longer strips of tape and braid them into straps to fix onto the plasto plate so you can carry it on your back for protection (cowabunga!) or like an actual shield in front of you.
Somehow Fu is also here, your bestest friend, the broom, and while you doubt this is a coincidence you're still very happy to have it and prop it as your walking stick, Gandalf style.
Thusly equipped you feel somewhat prepared for the labyrinth. And a smile slips across your face as you feel like you're back on the playground as you were many years ago. Just without mud puddles. Presumably.
But then you hear a metallic hiss. In the air.
Oh no.
You know that sound, and as you slowly look up, and a small metallic sphere looks down at you, your suspicion is confirmed.
"Oh f----!"
Paz chuckles through the comlink.
- "Better not stay too long in one place, vod'ika."
Shit! Ouch! Damnit! Why??
You're no Jedi in need of lightsaber training! You're just a girl with... a broom.
Your grip on Fu's handle tightens, and with a sudden bolt of reckless courage, you swing your broom at the offending sphere and THWACK it with all your might.
"Net'urcye mhi, Zappy!"
There might be a snort being transmitted through the comm, but you can't be sure as you're too busy enjoying how Zappy crashes against the wall with an indignant boop and then stays where it is, on the ground.
So far, so good.
But then it whirrs a little and whirrs some more and - rises.
Time to move out.
You grab your stuff from the shelf.
And step out of your cover.
Another ball comes in flying low - but it bumps off of your shield, and you can't help a proud smile on your face.
What follows is a maze run that gets you zapped, bumped, watered, and bruised, while jumping, crouching, sneaking, pushing, pulling, climbing, trying (and failing) to swing across some monkey bars. You don't even understand how this much fits into the room, but then maybe you're just running in circles right now with this labyrinthine arrangement changing after every corner.
It's kinda fun though, you have to admit, but also, you haven't had this much exertion in... well... let's be honest, it's been years, and you are already exhausted. And you have no clue how close you are to the finish line.
Huffing and puffing, you step around the last corner, looking like a sad clown with your broom, makeshift shield, and goodies bag.
Another ball bumps off of your plasto shield and you sport a proud smile as you find yourself facing the Final Boss, the big blue di'kut in his big blue tin suit.
"Not bad, vod'ika." He gives you an acknowledging nod. "You made it to the end. That's more than I expected, to be honest."
You snort a laugh.
"You know... Same. Wow. What trip. Can I go now?"
You stare at him.
"Well... what else?"
"You got to take that box over there and bring it to Matyas." He points to a box on a shelf behind him.
"That there box?"
He nods.
He gives you a headtilt.
"It's... just some stuff he needs for repairs."
"Huh. Well, sure," you shrug. "I'd like to have a shower first, but what gives.."
You start walking towards the box, but you don't get very far. Because Paz steps right in your way. Maybe he didn't notice. You take a few steps to the side to circumvent him, but once more he steps right into your way.
You look at him, confused.
Paz crosses his arms and gives you a headtilt. Ah. It's a challenge.
You take a deep breath...
... and blow a raspberry.
Translations: geroya -- [geh-ROY-ah] -- game, playtime (literally nearly-hunt)
Gar di'kut! -- [gahr DEE-koot] -- You idiot!
vod'ika -- [voh-DEE-kah] -- little sibling, little comrade, little friend
Net'urcye mhi, Zappy! -- See you never, Zappy! It's a pun involving ret'urcye mhi -- [rey-TOOR-shey-mee] -- Goodbye (lit. Maybe we'll meet again) and ne -- negative prefix
The Frank Zappa Song: Muffin Man
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ywzhuchuangtoys · 2 years
Inflatable rubber basketball, different size and pattern #toy #toyball #balltoy #kidsball #kidzball #kidstoy #kidztoy #rubber #rubberball #basketball #inflatable #inflatableball #kickball #playball #size4 #exercise #outdoor #outdoorplay #sports #sportsball #kidssports #kidzsports
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cheaptoyman · 5 years
Cheaptoyman Examines Vintage Garbage Pail Kids Hi-Bounce Balls 3-Pack (1...
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conveyorparts · 4 years
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#rubberball #rubberballs #silicaball #siliconeball #siliconerubberball #ballrubber https://www.instagram.com/p/CI2vNCmLdTo/?igshid=onw78om0zijp
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pate-de-rolo · 3 years
I would argue that Rubberball, the guy causing tens of thousands of dollars of damage to the roadways, is the really villain of super crooks. Rather than three dudes stealing (probably) blood diamonds from San Fran jewelry makers.
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rubberbal · 2 months
i have made art
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im never doing this again
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notpup200 · 2 years
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throws them at you at mach speed meet my fave little guy Rubberball
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photoskunk · 5 years
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Metaphor for life? #toys #games #clawmachine #rubberballs https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6MCu3AOLb/?igshid=13u7vvy191rji
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90jeduardo-blog · 5 years
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Are Rubber Balls Safe For Dogs? Dogs love bouncy balls and they're great for fetch, but are they safe for dogs? Safety is our top priority, and we want all dogs to be happy and healthy! https://barkpost.com/answers/are-rubber-balls-safe-for-dogs/ . . . . #startups #start-ups #dogs #dog #balls #rubberballs #dogsofinstragram #toys #dogtoys #leader #leadership #inenglish #entrepreneurlifestyle #talentmatters #entrepreneurs #entrepreneur #motivation #business #career #businesslike #Forbes #innovative #innovation #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurship https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpUXPznECn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19jn7gzvnnclu
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dsm7 · 4 years
wahoo!! mock lesson and interview tomorrow
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animegirl6755 · 5 years
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One Piece fans!!!! ~ Animegirl6755
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julieschulerart · 2 years
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Rubber Ball with Stars. #artistsoninstagram #paintersofinstagram #rubberball #toy #stars https://www.instagram.com/p/CeMJriCrVO_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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