#rt! rt is called both that AND dan
the-acid-pear · 2 years
Sometimes i have to remind myself not everyone knows the streamers i do so i cannot just call them by their first name like oh Vinny, Joel, Mike, etc
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rembytem · 2 years
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An unlikely evening. 🦇
Vampire!Dan from @alittlesliceofcucumber‘s Spooky!Lads AU
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xtruss · 8 months
‘You Become A Traitor And A Bad Jew’: “Illegal Regime of Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 Isra-Helli” Anti-War Activists Speak To RT About Their Country’s Actions
Despite the Extremely High Level of Support for the War in Isra-helli Society, Some Isra-hellis Advocate Peace and Condemn their Government
— January 30, 2024 | RT | Elizabeth Blade
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For more than 115 days Israel has been fighting in Gaza, in a bid to free its 136 hostages and destroy Hamas, the Islamic militant organization responsible for the October 7 massacre that claimed the lives of more than 1,200 Israelis.
So far, over 26,000 Palestinians have died in the relentless Israeli shelling. Thousands more have been injured. Israel is facing strong international pressure to end the war, but officials in Jerusalem are refusing to budge, while a recent poll indicated that 87% of Israeli Jews support the operation and want it to continue.
Yet, there are also those who refuse to follow the majority view. RT spoke to two representatives of the so-called anti-war bloc, which is calling for an end to Israel’s occupation. Gaia Dan is a 23-year-old Jewish student originally from Haifa in northern Israel. Dr. Salim Abbas is an Arab Geologist. Both are concerned about the route Israel is taking, and have been resorting to demonstrations to change the reality.
‘There Is No Justification For The Murdering of Innocent Civilians’
RT: First of all, how did the events of October 7 impact you? What was your reaction?
Dan: I was at my place in Be’er Sheba, where I am renting an apartment for my studies. I had just come back from Canada and I was really sick. Suddenly the alarms went off and I was too sick and confused to understand what was going on. Only after two hours of alarms did I realize what was happening and went down to the neighborhood shelter. At the time they said there was an infiltration of terrorists... no one in my vicinity understood the magnitude of the incident. The next day I returned to Haifa and started to slowly realize what had actually occurred. At that moment what I felt was mainly great pain. We knew it would happen someday, because there is a limit to how much you can belittle and how arrogant you can be when it comes to Gaza, but the pain was enormous, the pain for the innocents who died and those who would die later.
Abbas: The events of October 7 surprised us all, and especially me, I did not believe that Palestinian freedom fighters could commit such atrocities and descend to such a disgusting and painful level as the behavior of the occupation army and the fascist settlers. I believed in a just struggle of an entire people living under continuous humiliation, oppression and murder but there is no justification for the murdering of innocent civilians.
On October 7, I was on my way to a Palestinian village in the occupied territories (near Qalqilya), where we were supposed to pick olives with Jewish friends. But the news did not stop pouring in. Even now, with after more than 105 days, the magnitude of the tragedy and the failure – due to which I lost good friends, and some are still kidnapped – have not been determined yet.
‘This Is Pure Revenge’
RT: What promoted you to take this path of demonstrating against the war?
Dan: When October 7 happened, I was in no hurry to leave the house with chants of protest. I believed there was still a chance for negotiations. But as time passed, and the bodies in Gaza piled up, I realized that it is not in our culture to negotiate; we only understand the militant language. They slaughtered us so we will slaughter them back. This is pure revenge.
But I’m not ready for them to act on my behalf. I am not ready for them to ignore the big picture of why the events of October 7 took place. I’m not ready for people to be massacred, or settlements inside our outside the Green Line to be erected. Not ready for them to lie that what they are doing is for our security.
Plus, I have an aversion to people who sit on the sidelines and are ready to watch the world burn. I don’t have this privilege.
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Gaia Dan, Anti-war Activist Participating in a Demonstration Demanding the End of the Operation in Gaza. Haifa, January 20, 2024
Abbas: I am a social activist and coordinator of a group of citizens against crime, which brought me to be at the heart of the current storm... I am not used to sitting on the fence as a citizen. What has been happening in recent years, the madness and the destruction caused by the fascist right-wing government hurts me. So as a citizen who has a dream and a vision for a reformed and equal democratic state for all its citizens, I wanted to act. This impulse comes from my parents, who were born in an uprooted village called Maalul (5km west of Nazareth), and I decided to go in the footsteps of my father, pursuing the just struggle that he fought for all his life. I have hope and optimism that it is possible to bring change for the better, that it is possible to build a reformed state that strives to live next to an independent Palestinian state, in peace.
‘We Can Only Dream of Raising The Flag of Palestine 🇵🇸’
RT: How freely can you actually protest? We are not seeing these protests that often...
Dan: Even before October 7 it was difficult to demonstrate. It was tough to raise Palestinian flags. We made countless attempts to do so during protests, but it all boiled down to the mood of the police officers. Sometimes our flags were taken away, sometimes we were arrested. Sometimes they were less violent and sometimes more. But we did manage to negotiate and even reach some understandings with the police – for example small Palestinian flags were indeed allowed.
Then came October 7, and now we can only dream of raising the flag of Palestine. Any attempt to demonstrate against the war is brutally dismantled, whether it is in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or Haifa. Gagging is everywhere. They tell you that the war is justified, that Israel didn’t have a choice. When you try to protest against it, you become a traitor, a bad Jew or an anti-Semite. Your opinions become irrelevant.
On Saturday we staged a demonstration after going through the High Court of Justice. There, too, the police were present. They checked each of our banners. Such words as “Massacre” or “Palestine” serve as a trigger for them, and prompt them to act violently. So we constantly need to think in what language and what exactly we will write on our banners so that they don’t take them away from us.
Police violence is a big problem for us, simply because people don’t want to leave the house, fearing they will be arrested or beaten up. Another issue is that the police remember you so if you happen to be a prominent activist in Haifa, you end up living with a constant feeling of political persecution. It frightens people, so this intimidation works.
Abbas: It has always been problematic to demonstrate against the occupation and its injustices, but in recent months the situation has worsened in the face of the political persecution of Arab and Jewish activists and the prohibition of demonstrations and protests against the massacre and the extermination of the people of Gaza.
We are facing more and more restrictions through the threats of the police and the Shin Ben [Israel’s internal security agency - ed.] – something that I have experienced myself. I can say that for the first time I felt fear and despair, something that brought me back to the period of martial law that was imposed on the Arab community within the country [from 1949 till 1966 - ed.], a period which included suppression, arrests and political persecution. Yet, these things only prompt us to go on and swim against the current. They make us strengthen our humane position against a mentality that sanctifies the horrific circle of blood.
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Salim Abbas: A Palestinian Anti-war Activist.
“Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 Terrorist Isra-hell” Wants Its Citizens To Be Violent
RT: Israel prides itself on its flourishing mass media that provides a platform for all opinions. Would you agree with this? And what do you think of Israel’s education system and the set of values it gives?
Dan: Only two local media outlets gave me the platform to express myself – Sikha Mekomit and Haaretz. Others don’t invite me. The media is mobilized for the war effort. We are being hidden because they don’t want to show that there are other options. They don’t want to show that people like me exist.
They are talking about the de-Nazification of Gaza but what about de-Nazification here? Listen to how people here are talking, they are calling for mass extermination, and this is exactly what they see in the news.
As for our education system. Israeli society is militant because we are in the mindset that everyone wants to kill us. People grow up on this ideology, in schools they pump you the narrative that everyone is against you so it gives you an existential dread.
We are a society where the discourse is violent. Your success in life is measured by what you did during your military service, and how combative you were. Israel wants its citizens to be violent. Of course, I can blame the education system and the media for the current mess, but the truth is that they are only tools in the hands of the government.
Abbas: State media tries to ignore the sane voice that fights for peace, equality and social justice for all citizens.
As for education, the problem is that the majority of Israeli society is militant. It comes from an education that is built on a militaristic mentality that raises generations of fighting machines and not normal human beings. This mentality is based on fear and terror while cynically exploiting the issue of the Holocaust and the concentration camps. It can thereby turn the young people into murder and hatred machines for anyone who opposes their spirit.
RT: Do you think the events of October 7 changed things for the worse?
Dan: I think that every incident of terror or violent resistance in which innocent people are involved changes Israeli society for the worse. What happened on October 7 was not an exception. Just like violent acts before, it brought out the demons in 90 percent of Israelis including in those who were initially supportive of peaceful solutions to the conflict, and following the events ditched that path.
Abbas: Such events always succeed in changing Israeli society for the worse because most of the citizens are led as a herd and the establishment media concentrates all its efforts in transmitting disinformation in favor of the government which has failed in the simplest task: to secure its own citizens. Let’s not forget that similar events on a smaller scale – such as Hamas’ suicide attacks from 1996 onwards – led to the radicalization of Israeli public opinion and resulted in the right-wing government and Bibi’s Likud coming to power [reference to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - ed.].
Unfortunately, the victims of Hamas have become the fig leaf of the Israeli occupation. They are now used by the Israeli government to incite the world public opinion and divert it from the daily injustices of the occupation.
‘Salvation Will Not Come From The Zionist Terrorist 🐖 🐖 🐖 Cunts Jews’
RT: Do you think a change is possible? What needs to happen for it to occur?
Dan: I do believe in change but for it to take place, it requires a reset of Israeli society as we know it. It requires us ditching the notion of a Jewish and democratic state because if you define yourself as Jewish, you cannot be democratic towards non-Jews; and it requires a lot of international pressure that will force Israel to reach a compromise.
For me, one thing is certain: salvation will not come from the Jews, the ones who will eventually end the occupation and bring about a revolution will be the Palestinian people themselves. What I can do as a Jew is to spur it on, speed it up and push it in every possible way as I am doing now.
Abbas: I do believe that the situation will change for the better despite the difficulty and madness that rages around us.
The road is still long but what prompts me and my partners in this struggle is the belief that we are fighting for future generations, for the sake of young men and women who deserve a bright and just future.
It seems that many things need to be done for us to reach that goal. First of all, is the establishment of a left wing, Arab-Jewish democratic bloc that will unite all human rights organizations, movements and parties. Then, later on, it will expand and grow stronger until it becomes a true partner in a government coalition. Such a development can also involve a serious ambition from political parties to design a constitution for the country through a referendum that can guarantee full rights and equality for all citizens.
— By Elizabeth Blade, RT Middle East Correspondent
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o-vera-nalyzing · 4 months
Hi, you're the first person that I know of that love both Haikyuu and AFTG. So excited....! And I never thought it before but yes, Kageyama/Hinata is if Kevin end up with Neil....
So because you also love Haikyuu. From AFTG, which characters (can be your favorite or not) will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with characters from Haikyuu? Why? Please pick 3 or 5 characters from each series. Hope my questions are not confusing.....
oooh this is a really good question!!! i think the obvious ones are like neil/kevin/hinata/kageyama who would all be besties for the fact that they’re all obsessed with their respective sports to the point of insanity. i think they would argue a lot ab which sports was better and kevin and kageyama would get way too into it but come out the other end besties.
without the connection of sports i think neil and hinata wouldn’t get along. hinata would try soooo hard to be neil’s friend and neil would be like ‘why is this weird smiley child harassing me?’ yes he would call hinata a child even tho he’s taller than him.
as for the rest, i think that dan/matt and daichi/suga would tooootally get along so well and talk about their respective demon underclass men. andrew and tsukki would have a cunt-off (for clarification they would bitch at eachother until one finally broke) and unfortunately my vote is on andrew winning cause tsukki is going to think that short jokes will work far more than they actually will. andrew would tolerate the banter for a little while cause he’s chaotic but eventually tsukki would cross a line and andrew would pull a knife <3
those are the ones that really stand out to me from karasuno but outside of karasuno obviously oikawa and nicky are best friends and probably facetime daily. kevin and atsumu are too alike to be extremely close but they have a healthy respect for eachother.
i think a lot of these are just characters that i find similar and therefore they would get along but as for ones that aren’t similar but i still think would get along, i have to pick kenma and neil. they’re both often quiet and just weird enough to get along, but they’re definitely not similar. kenma would definitely find neil’s antics with the press hilarious and neil would occasionally rt like kenma’s merch sales or something and break the internet just for funsies. also kuroo would find neil very entertaining and treat him like a weird dog kenma found in the dumpster (appropriate response) and neil is so used to that from andrew and the monsters he would actually feel more comfortable around kuroo because of it.
i hope that answers ur question, that’s just off the top of my head but that was really fun so thanks for asking!!
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johnlocsin-johnyakuza · 11 months
What Warhammer 40 000 media would you recommend to get started on the Warhammer Universe?
For books, I always recommend either the Gaunt's Ghosts series or the Eisenhorn series. Both written by Dan Abnett (known to faithful adherents of the Black Library as Saint Abnett), they give a very grounded and human point of view to that Hellscape we call a future. Ghosts is more about the Imperial Guard side of things, the actual people behind the wall of lasers. Eisenhorn follows an Inquisitor and all the shenanigans that they can get up to. Both of these series' are also available on Audible for the free token things.
For games, I wholeheartedly recommend Space Marine by Relic Entertainment, or Dawn of War (also by Relic). If you like RTS games, DoW 1 is right up you're alley. If squad tactics are more your thing, then DoW 2 has your back. DoW 3...exists.
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infinimains · 2 years
Monarch xx xloc lever
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Use a T25 TORX wrench to loosen and remove the XLoc handlebar clamp bolt.
Use a small hex wrench to depress the Schrader valve and release all air pressure from the air can. The RockShox XLoc Full Sprint Remote hydraulic lockout offers completely sealed and dependable lockout control through the click of an easy-to-reach button. 11 Monarch XX/RL/RT Service 2 Record your air pressure setting to assist with post-service set up. Remote kit includes: XLoc hydraulic lever assembly with handlebar clamp, tubing and. Can be mounted to handlebar with supplied clamp, or mounted to Avid MatchMaker-X integrated brake/shifter/remote clamp. Use a T25 TORX wrench to unthread the shifter mounting bolt and remove the shifter. Turn the compression lever to the unlocked position. Handlebar mounted hydraulic damper control that simultaneously activates the lockout on Rock Shox XX-series forks and Monarch XX rear shocks. But a few miles on the Monarch XX sure would help inspire a new way of thinking, and riding. When servicing Monarch XX rear shocks, it is necesary to remove the XLoc remote from the handlebar. If Newton were alive today, we doubt he’d be that stoked to go back to the drawing board with his theories. The 100% hydraulic remote lever and system is completely sealed, so unlike cable-actuated units – Monarch XX is impervious to contamination. But the Monarch XX does exactly that, providing the ability to lock-out rear suspension via a single bar-mounted XLoc Sprint button. Simply put, no other shock packs more energy-efficient performance in a lighter weight package – one that seemingly defies Newton’s so-called “laws” of physics. But a few miles on the Monarch XX sure would help inspire a new way of thinking, and riding.Few things would piss off Newton more than the Monarch XX. If Newton were alive today, we doubt he'd be that stoked to go back to the drawing board with his theories. Rock Shox Xloc Remote Lever kits Right Side (Remote Kit) Close. The 100% hydraulic remote lever and system is completely sealed, so unlike cable-actuated units – Monarch XX is impervious to contamination. Full replacement Xloc remote lever kit Fits Monarch XX Rear Shock. Having the controls for both shocks in one lever. When asked if it was retrofittable, we were told that only the new rear shocks will be compatible, but some of the current SID and Revelation forks could be updated with the lock out cartridge. Javascript doit être activé dans votre navigateur pour utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités de ce site. XLoc Sprint will be available on new SID and Relation XX forks and Monarch XX rear shocks. The XLoc lever can be had with a standard handlebar clamp, or in a brake-lever-mount Matchmaker. But the Monarch XX does exactly that, providing the ability to lock-out rear suspension via a single bar-mounted XLoc Sprint button. Fourche Rockshox XLOC SERVICE KIT Monarch XX Javascript est désactivé dans votre navigateur. The Monarch XX is stated to cost around 360 USD in stores and will also appear OEM on 2012 bikes. FOX FLOAT X2 Rear Shock 2018, 2pos Lever 200x57, 7. Simply put, no other shock packs more energy-efficient performance in a lighter weight package – one that seemingly defies Newton’s so-called "laws" of physics. 00 eBay Vedi prodotto RockShox Monarch XX Dmpfer 200x57 mit XLoc Remote Lockout 119. Few things would piss off Newton more than the Monarch XX.
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slime-cycle · 4 years
The Tale of Onceler Dan, Greedler Kev, Lorax Slime, and everyone in-between (explanation for Season 1)
To start it off, how did this all start? How did this all begin? Well, it all started from a post made about Kevin’s feet. YEP, THE BEGINNING OF ALL THIS IS JUST AS CURSED AS ITS OUTCOME. Basically, jokes about lovely streamer/Youtube RTGame looking like the Onceler from the movie The Lorax was made. After some more joking around (with Greedler Kev thrown into the mix), two ask blogs were made, @ask-the-rt-cler and @ask-greedler-kev . And this is when the fun starts.
The two at first were rather aggressive exes; they didn’t like thinking of each other, and they didn’t want to talk about each other. However, Greedler Kev (affectionately nicknamed Kevler by the Onceler Dan Discord server we have) made some posts pining for Dancler (Onceler Dan). Later on, Dancler made some posts that caused us to pressure Dancler into admitting he, too, cares for Kevler. I pressured him the most, causing Dancler to DM me personally, threatening to take my kneecaps. I then pulled a fast one; to prove to Dancler he loves Kevler, I ask Kevler out on a date. This angers Dancler immensely. Then, Kevler accepts my request, causing me to panic. An anon tells Kevler I was just using Kevler to get closer to Dancler, which causes me to confess that the reason I had asked him out was to get him back together with Dancler. This angers Dancler EVEN MORE, causing him to yell at me via DMs. This situation would cause some tension between our relationship and our later interactions. This would be the moment I’d get called Lorax Slime, or Slorax for short. Why did Kevler and Dancler break up? You see, Dancler was a man that gave Kevler as much as he could, and a man that would work endlessly to prove that he was worthy of Kevler. The day before Kevler proposed to Dancler, merging companies as a topic arose. Dancler says he’d put business first always; the reasoning for this was that he wanted to make it on his own to make Kevler proud. This caused a fight between the two, and Kevler got drunk in despair. Kevler pulls an infidelity move as a result, and the rest is history. Both blame themselves for what happened that night; Kevler blames himself for his actions and for ruining everything, while Dancler blames himself for not being enough and not giving enough to Kevler. My relationship with Dancler and Kevler? Complicated, to say the least. Kevler later asks me out, which I was very wary about, before I simply accepted. Dancler knows my true motives for doing so (trying to put Kevler and Dancler back together), and says that I’ll break and shatter Kevler. Dancler is also upset I’m with Kevler. Kevler trusts me and appreciates me, though I have no idea how long that’ll last. The season finale? The season finale starts with lovely ex-employee Denial aka @miss-sims-nerd calling out Dancler, causing Dancler to try to talk with Kevler. This interaction crashes roughly thanks to @lumpyspaceprincessismybitch , who is a large reason a lot of drama and issues arise between Dancler, Kevler, and me.
What now? Intermission! Things will start to pick up again around Tuesday, so we have about 2 days for resting. I want to mention that all of this is entirely fictional, and if RTGame or Call Me Kevin themselves step in and tell us to stop, we will. Yes, this includes me and however the hell I got into this mess. XD We are not trying to overstep any boundaries the two creators may have. If anyone wants to enter the Onceler Dan Discord server, here’s the link! We’re Sorry in advance. :) https://discord.gg/Km49gq
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Wherever the Winds Take You: Chapter 12
A/N: Another chapter! Yay! Thank you to those of you who read/liked the last chapter! This is definitely just a fun little thing I like to write in my free time for brainrot reasons, so knowing that even a couple of you read and enjoy this, genuinely makes me so incredibly happy! So thank you! Anyways, not much else to report! Hope y’all enjoy! 
Star City
July 22
The sun was already risen by the time Roy Harper swung his body through his window and into his apartment. His new black, grey, and red uniform stretched awkwardly as the material hadn’t yet been fully worn in, but it was still much easier for agility compared to the old tunic.
When the ginger looked around his apartment, however, he was shocked to find it much cleaner than it had been when he left for patrol. The dishes he had left out in the living room were gone, everything looked as if it had been dusted and vacuumed, and the room smelled faintly of citrus. For a moment, the archer thought that perhaps he had swung through the wrong window. But then he looked to his old, mishappenly stitched, leather couch and all became clear when he found the sleeping form of a familiar young brunette. She was curled up under a threadbare blanket and wearing a pair of sleeping pants that he was pretty sure were his, so he assumed she must have been here for a while.
Walking towards the sleeping girl, Roy rid himself of his mask and weapon, placing both on the coffee table as he knelt down beside her.
“Lin’?” He spoke softly, grasping her arm and running his thumb along her skin. For a moment, she did nothing. But when Roy spoke her name again, her nose twitched and a small groan emanated from her throat as Lina’s face rolled into the pillow underneath her head. Roy smirked and gently shook her arm. “Come on Frenchie, time to get up. It’s almost…” he checked the clock on the opposite wall, “4 in the afternoon in France, you should be up and at’em.”
Another moan, followed by a muffled. “Que sont les fuseaux horaires? Je ne sais pas!”
Roy stopped, hesitated, then said “yea...you know I barely passed sophomore year French by the skin of my teeth, right? I can say ‘I’m a baguette' and that’s pretty much it.”
Lina sighed and sat up slowly, her eyes drooping as she tried to run the sleep out of them. “Good morning, Roy.” She smiled sleepily.
Roy smiled back at her, rubbing her matted hair before plopping down on the couch. “Good morning to you too, Lina.”
“Sorry for coming in while you were on patrol, I needed a quiet place to sleep.”
“Trust me kiddo, I’m pretty used to it at this point.” Roy shrugged. “Everything alright?”
Lina nodded, “Kaldur and I were on patrol in Gotham until two a.m. Eastern last night...I don’t know how you guys do it. Patrols are very much not for me, I have learned.” She explained. “But then, after all that, my brother came home drunk and started very loudly talking about a party he went to last night.”
“Oh Calvin, you bastard.” Roy gave her a sympathetic look. “And I take it the, uh, ‘Cave’ you guys called it, wasn’t any good?”
Lina yawned as she stretched her arms up to arch her back, “Superboy doesn’t sleep very well, so he gets up early and watches static on the TV, and since my bedroom is right next to the living area…”
Roy nodded, looking around his apartment to study the unfamiliar cleanliness, “Well you know you’re welcome here anytime, even though the cleaning wasn’t expected.”
As Lina dropped her arms, she gave Roy a look. “The room was dirty, I didn’t feel like sleeping next to a bunch of dirty dishes.”
Roy couldn’t help but chuckle. “I swear sometimes you’re like if Dinah and Nanny McPhee had a lesbian lovechild…”
“Nanny McPhee? I do not know this woman...” Lina asked with a raised eyebrow, and she leaned over to look into a bag that was sitting on the floor by her head. Roy watched as she rummaged through her bag, before pulling out her uniform. Her hands went to the thigh of the clothing, identifying one of the hidden utility pouches, and opened it to reveal a compartment fitted to house an emergency dose of her medication.
“It’s a movie, don’t worry about it.”
Lina hummed, pulling her medication out. As she injected herself with it, her eyes shut and she focused on the feeling of cool ice flooding her veins. Once the syringe was empty, Lina took it out of her arm and placed it back in its case. Then she looked around, suddenly appearing much less sleepy.
“What time is it? I will make us food.”
“It’s about 8, I think.” Roy hummed and then got up. “But don’t worry, I got it. You’re a guest.”
Lina sprang up from the couch, waving his words off. “No no no silly, I’ve got it. Please, you know I love preparing food. Plus, you need to shower and get out of your uniform…”
Then she looked down and noticed the red and black fabric. Her eyes widened.
“You changed your uniform!”
Roy chuckled and nodded. “I thought it would help separate myself from GA, I’m also still workshopping a new alias. What do you think?”
Lina poked and prodded at the material covering his chest, studying the design and fabric. “Very cool, I bet this is much easier for stealth missions. What did you use? Where did you get it?”
“Cotton-spandex hybrid fabric, coated in CNTs with some leather reinforcements here and there.” He explained. “I got it from a guy.”
“...so the same idea as mine and Robin’s?” Lina asked with a raised eyebrow.
“How do you think I knew it would be good for agility?” Roy smirked, and Lina smiled back before pulling away.
“Well, it’s good to know you’re at least trying to be safe. But don’t think I won’t stop worrying just because you’re smart with gear.”
“I would never expect you to stop worrying, Frenchie, I’m smarter than that.”
“Good,” Lina smirked. “Now then...I will start on breakfast. I hope you have some decent food I can use...may I borrow a sweater?”
“You know where they are.” Roy gestured to the hallway that leads to his bedroom, and Lina flew off. The archer watched her fly away, then turned to pick up his weapons and put them away in the chesterfield beside the couch. Not the best hiding place, but he didn’t exactly have his own secret stash of warehouses quite yet.
“So how is the Junior Justice League?” Roy called out.
“Not the Junior Justice League, first of all,” Lina called back. “You know, you really hurt the guys’ feelings by brushing them off.”
Roy sighed, letting her comment sting him. “I’m sorry Lin’, but you know I was just stating my opinion.”
“We’re allowed to choose our own loyalties, Roy.” Lina said, walking back into the living room; now clad in one of Roy’s sweaters. “Just as you have chosen yours.”
Roy shrugged. “Ouch...but I guess I deserve that. I’ll send them all an apology text or something…”
“‘Apology text’, bah! Ce qui s'a passé à parlant dans vraie vie, là?” Lina sighed and walked into the kitchen. “We’re good though! We fought an evil air-manipulating robot named Mr. Twister the other day.” At the mention of the air-manipulating robot’s name, Lina had to tune out the sounds of angry Winds.
“Okay, that’s a terrible name.”
“Right?!” Lina exclaimed. “And I know from personal experience that air-related names can be hard to come up with but I mean...that just sounds so foolish, non?”
“Definitely.” Roy nodded. “You think there’s any relation to RT? We still don’t know where Morrow is, last I checked.”
Lina was silent for a moment, then answered. “Perhaps...he did seem to have a personal vendetta against him. And you’re right about Morrow...it doesn’t help that Red was off after the whole thing. But we defeated Twister, right? So I’m sure it won’t be any issue.”
“Your call.” Roy nodded and sat back down on the couch; deciding not to shower and change quite yet. “So...have you guys chosen a leader yet?”
Lina was, once again, silent. For a second, Roy didn’t know if she had heard him or not. Just as he was about to repeat himself, Lina replied, “no, we haven’t...I wonder if Batman will assign one before our first real mission…”
“He kind of seems the type to let you figure that out by yourselves, doesn’t he? Who do you think should be leader?”
Without even a moment’s hesitation, Lina knew her answer.
"Who do you think?"
“Yeah, figured as much. He definitely has the makings of one. But are you sure the others will be okay with that? Robin may want a seat at that table, and personally, I think you’d be a decent leader.”
Lina hummed in thought but didn’t respond so Roy decided to drop it. An unspoken agreement was made between the two, both knew that Lina wouldn’t be elected as the leader and wouldn’t try to force herself onto the position. Robin, however…
“So how is Kal? I haven’t seen him in a while.”
“You would know if you reached out to him...” Lina said in an almost sing-song voice, and Roy sent her a look through the wall. Even though she couldn’t see his look, she knew it was there. “You guys are best friends, right? You should at least try and act like it. He may not admit it because he’s all stoic and calm most of the time, but trust me; he’s worried about you! To an extent we all are, but he’s not like me and the boys. He won’t drop in unannounced to check up on you.”
“That’s only you, Lina.”
“Bah! You know what I mean.” Lina exclaimed. “Obviously you can’t reach him right now because he’s in Atlantis with his parents but...just try to call him and invite him over every once in a while, okay?”
“He’s in Atlantis? Didn’t you say you were on patrol together last night?”
“He said he felt that he needed to be there or something.”
Roy let out a low chuckle. “What do you want to bet he just really wanted to see Tula?”
Although they had never officially met, Lina practically knew enough about Tula to write a small book about her. The pretty Atlantean girl who was Kaldur’s peer, friend, and crush. In the early days of her and the Atlantean’s friendship, Lina had asked him if he had someone special at home; and he had happily gone into a half-hour tangent about how Tula was not only one of the best friends he had ever had (along with his other childhood friend, Garth) but also one of the strongest, smartest, and most beautiful people he had ever known.
It was admittedly very cute, watching the usually very reserved man blush as he spoke about the young Atlantean girl. The one time that Lina actually saw Tula, when Kaldur showed a magic-infused picture of the trio of friends, she agreed that she was indeed a sight to behold. After one of his long tangents about Tula, Lina had once asked Kaldur why he didn’t just confess his feelings towards her. He replied that he had always wanted to, especially before he started splitting his time between land and sea. But for a multitude of reasons, he never had.
“You’re changing the subject,” Lina spoke sternly.
Roy let out a loud sigh at having been called out.
“Yes, I’ll reach out to him.”
“You promise?”
“Yea...but don’t tell GA alright?”
Even though he couldn’t see it, Lina rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect your stupid masculine ego.” And with that, she collected the bowls of yogurt and freshly cut fruit she had prepared and brought them out to the living room.
“My stupid masculine ego thanks you.”
Mount Justice
July 22
“Isla Santa Prisca.” Batman spoke clearly and loudly, as he stood in front of the team of 6 supernatural teenagers. Behind him shone a holographic map of an island that sat in the heart of the Caribbean. “This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous neo-steroid, a strength-enhancing drug, sold on the streets under the name Venom."
The screens flashed with images of factory blueprints.
"Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where the team comes in." The Bat turned to face the eager-faced teenagers standing around him.
"This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will." The leader of the Justice League turned back to the screens. "The plan requires two dropzones."
"So who's in charge?" Robin piped up, not at all hiding his excitement.
Batman and Red Tornado exchanged glances before the former said sternly,
"Work that out between yourselves."
Caribbean Sea
July 22
As everyone sat around the bio-ship, stale tension filled the air. Nobody dared to break the silence, if they were even aware of it. Most of the team stared ahead through the window at the sprawling sea, their thoughts locked away in their own mind. For Lina, her thoughts lingered with anxiety. The fact that they were going into their first mission without a clear chain of command made her innards tie themselves into tight knots. But instead of trying to make small talk, Lina cast her eyes up to the moon above them (trying very hard to not think about the flying contraption she was sitting in) and thought about the small bit of dialogue she and Roy had shared over the topic of team leadership…
There was no way she could be team leader.
Being responsible for the success or failure of six powerful teenagers? No, thank you. Sure, she could look after her family and Roy. But that was small stuff; making sure they ate and were hygienic, healing any minor injuries, giving them advice and making sure they were happy. But in battle? When one wrong decision could lead to real consequences…
She shivered at the mere thought of it.
Not to mention her sheer inexperience was enough to disqualify her from the discussion on its own. Just three years ago she had been a simple circus girl, a civilian, and she barely had a year of field experience under her belt. She didn't know the first thing about tactics or battle strategy. Running a hand through her hair, Lina let out a long sigh, and began mentally preparing for a mission she hoped wouldn’t go terribly wrong.
“Approaching Santa Prisca.” Miss Martian announced, snapping everyone out of their trances. “Dropzone A in thirty.”
Almost in unison, Kaldur and Lina stood from their seats. As their chairs sank back into the ship’s floor, the two teens reached for their insignias and gently pressed them. Black began to pulse from the letters on either of their waists, and slowly the darkness began to cover the entirety of their uniforms. Aqualad’s red and Zephyr’s white and gold all turned to the colour of the Caribbean night sky, leaving nothing but the metallic gold-tinting of their respective symbols.
As Lina pulled up her hood and looked down at the new look, she grimaced.
“I feel so…angsty.” The girl muttered, but then looked back up at Kaldur. Their eyes connected, silently communicating before the taller of the two looked to M’gann.
“Putting bioship in camouflage mode,” M’gann replied, and the cabin’s air pressure changed as they descended from the clouds and closer to the water. The two teammates nodded at one another. “Go.”
As a hole opened up under the hero’s feet, they both fell down and into the saltwater below. Just as her body was about to breach the surface, Lina circled her hands and formed a bubble of air around her form. Then, once the two had fully submerged, the two rocketed off towards the shore. The darkness of the water made Zephyr’s human eyes strain, barely able to make out Aqualad’s form as she followed behind him, but the water was thankfully clear of any obstacles. Or rather, almost clear. After a moment, the two came across a long, large wall of netting, but Kaldur was able to promptly slash it open with a swipe of his sword, creating a hole big enough to swim through.
Not long after, they breached the surface. Kaldur poked his head out of the water for a moment, then dove back under.
“I’ve located the security sensors, are you ready?” He asked, used to speaking underwater. Lina nodded, then with one sweep of her hands, blasted them both through the water, breaking her protective bubble and lifting them into the air and over to the heat and motion sensors. When they landed, Lina pulled out a USB drive from one of the hidden compartments on her upper arm and plugged it into the large, boxy machine. After a moment, the USB began to blink a blue light.
“Heat and motion sensors have been patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in.” Kaldur spoke into his earpiece.
“Acknowledged.” Robin spoke back.
As Zephyr and Kaldur made their way over to the end of the beach, they were met with a tall cliff. Overhead, they could see trees, foliage, and other signs of a jungle peaking over the surface, the jungle that housed the Venom warehouse. Kaldur turned to face Lina.
“If you please.” The young man leads as he placed a firm hand on his partner’s shoulder, and with a small nod, Lina summoned her Winds and began lifting them as slowly and as quietly as possible. About halfway up, however, they were interrupted with their com’s sparking to life yet again.
“Aqualad, Zephyr; dropzone B is a go.” Robin’s voice came through.
Kaldur lifted his finger to his ear. “Head to the factory. We’ll track your GPS coordinates and rendezvous ASAP.”
Once they landed, Lina lifted one hand to her ear and pressed her com. “Be careful, and let us know if you need assistance.”
“Copy.” Robin responded.
And with that, the two teenagers began sprinting/flying in the direction of the factory. Partway through, however, movement caught Kaldur’s eye and he slid to a stop. Lina had to quickly drop her Winds to avoid flying into him.
“What is it?” Lina whispered as she stood, and Kaldur motioned silently over to where the movement was coming from. Stepping over a little to get a better look, they were able to make out a slow procession of armed men a few meters away...and headed in the direction of the four younger team member’s coordinates.
“Superboy, KF.” Kaldur spoke as the two partners began their sprint yet again. “Switch to infrared, see if you are being tracked.”
A moment later, Wally replied. “Got a band of armed bozos incoming.”
“Two squads, but they’ll reach each other before they find us.” Superboy added.
“Sweep wide and steer clear.” Kaldur instructed, but apparently, his words fell on deaf ears as hardly a minute later, the sound of loud gunfire rang through the forest.
“Those miscreants always find a way to bring chaos to nature, so much disruption.” A voice sighed into Zephyr’s ear.
Almost in unison, the two heroes let out whispered curses in their respective mother tongues and picked up their speed.
Once the two had reached the source of the gunshots, a large clearing amongst thick greenery; Kaldur and Lina found their teammates fighting groups of men. Some were in long, dark red coats with black face masks, and others wore typical dark street clothes. Two of the red-clad individuals caught Aqualad and Zephyr’s attention and they jumped to action; the former leaping in front of the first goon, placing his hand just over the man’s heart and lighting up his tattoos to send a surge of electricity into it, and the latter using her Winds to pick up the other cloaked man, sending him flying into a nearby tree.
The last of the men fallen and unconscious, the team turned to look at one another.
“Nice of you to join us.” Wally smiled bashfully.
Santa Prisca
July 22
“I recognize those uniforms,” Robin spoke up once the last of the men were hogtied and safely incapacitated. “The Cult of the Kobra…”
“I am certain Batman would have mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca’s Venom operation.” Said Aqualad.
“Agreed.” Robin nodded. “And since there’s clearly no love lost between the cultists and those goons...I’m betting Kobra came in and tossed them out. That’s why normal supply lines have been cut off.”
“We get it, Kobra wanted super cultists: mystery solved.” Wally piped in. “Radio Bats and we’ll be home in time for-” He was quickly cut off by Robin.
“These cultists aren’t on Venom! Kobra’s hoarding the stuff. We don’t leave...not until I know why.”
“Until you know why?” Kid Flash spoke, frowning.
“This team needs a leader.”
“And it’s you? Dude, you’re a thirteen-year-old kid who ducked out on us without a word.”
“And here we go…” Lina sighed, just loud enough that Superboy, the closest to her, was the only one that could hear her.
Robin let out a cackling laugh. “And you’re a mature fifteen? You broke our cover the first chance you got!”
“Don’t you want to lead?” M’gann asked, tilting her head towards Superboy.
Superboy scoffed, obviously not fond of the idea. “You?”
“After the Mister Twister fiasco..?” M’gann cringed, raising her hand up in rejection.
Superboy gave her a shadow of a smile. “You did alright.”
M'gann face lit up with pink as her eyes grew wide. She quickly caught Lina’s amused gaze and the French girl gave the Martian an approving nod and thumbs-up behind Superboy’s back. Turning her attention back to Kaldur, Lina saw that he was carefully watching Robin and Wally bicker with a look of mild annoyance on his face. After a moment of trying to find the right words, Lina leaned in closer towards the Atlantean so that she wouldn’t be overheard.
“Being a leader is a very important burden.” She said. “It’s important to have the one bearing it be cool-tempered, reliable, patient, and level-headed.”
Her hinting wasn’t meant to be subtle.
“A good leader must also care deeply for their team, always have their best interests at heart, and have a good moral compass.” Kaldur countered.
“Fair enough.” She nodded but then turned to look directly at her Atlantean friend. “Although one could argue that some people on the team embody all these traits, while also having real experience with combat and strategy.”
Kaldur didn’t respond, but it didn’t much matter as not a moment later Lina’s attention was diverted by her overhearing someone muttering in Spanish. In her peripherals, she saw Superboy turn towards the sounds as well.
“Look at them argue.” One man spoke in Spanish. “Free yourself now and take them while they’re distracted!”
“Quiet!” Another man, this one larger and wearing black and white face paint. “For now I play along, they’ll give me what I need.”
Superboy and Zephyr exchanged looks.
“Yeah? You don’t even have superpowers!” Wally screamed, drawing the attention back to the young arguing boys.
“Neither does Batman!” Robin exclaimed.
“Duh,” Wally scoffed, “you’re not Batman.”
“Duh,” Robin mocked, “closest thing we’ve got!”
The two’s bickering was interrupted by the man from before, the one with the painted face, laughing.
“Such clever ninos.” The man spoke. “But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest, get you into the factory via my secret entrance.”
M’gann knelt down to the man and began focusing, channelling her telepathy. “There is a secret entrance, but he’s also hiding something.” Her eyes began to glow white as she attempted to dig deeper.
“Ah ah ah chica,” Bane tutted, “Bane is not that easy.”
After a pregnant pause, M’gann let go of her telepathic connection and groaned. “He’s mentally reciting football scores en Espanol...this could take a while.”
“I can try and translate.” Zephyr voiced. “Mi Español debe ser satisfactorio.”
“Suffocation is an effective means of interrogation.” A deep, dark voice whispered in Zephyr’s ear, causing her to jump, straighten her back, and wave off the sadistic Wind.
“It’s not that complicated.” The man, Bane, said. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The team exchanged unsure looks.
Santa Prisca
July 22
As the team hiked through the forest, led by Bane, each and every one of them felt uneasy. Even Miss Martian, arguably the most naive and inexperienced of the group, knew that their guide wasn’t trustworthy. It was like a ringing feeling in all of their heads, telling them that they shouldn’t be doing what they were doing. Eventually, however, they came to a cliff, and Bane silently motioned towards a large industrial compound. Robin took out his binoculars and began to scout.
“Look at all that product…” Robin whispered. “A buy is going down. But if Kobra’s not selling to the usual suspects, then-””We need to identify that buyer.” Kaldur finished.
“Just what I was thinking.” Wally nodded.
Robin scoffed. “Yeah, you’re the thinker!”
The look Wally gave his friend was the most unimpressed anyone had ever seen him. “Sarcasm? Dude, a real leader would focus on getting answers.”
A loud grunt, followed by a crashing sound made all of them turn to see Bane removing a large boulder to reveal a hidden passageway.
“Answers are this way.”
“So now El Lucador is our leader?” KF exclaimed, only to be smacked by Robin. “Ow!”
The passageway led to a gate, which-with Bane’s thumbprint-led to the factory’s interior. Bane poked his head through but was nudged to the side by Robin. After a moment, the young boy gave the all clear and ran out. When the others caught up, however, he was gone.
“Has that little fool already been captured?” Bane grunted.
“No...he just does that.” Kaldur spoke, disappointment evident in his face and voice.
“Stay put.” Wally whispered, slipping his goggles over his eyes. “I’ll get our intel and be back before the Boy Wonder!”
“Kid, wait-“
But Kaldur was too late, and the ginger had already sped off.
“Great chain of command.” Bane spoke, which to everyone’s surprise, earned him a deadpan remark from Zephyr.
“Bueno trabajo manejando tu fábrica.” Bane cast the girl a dirty look.
“What’s that?” Superboy piped up, and motioned to a nearby opening. It was a large garage door, littered with tall piles of crates with a forklift moving some out. The group moved to kneel behind the crates.
“It’s a massive shipment.” Kaldur muttered.
“Yea, but they’re only taking new product outside. They’re not touching this Venom.” Superboy noted.
“Maybe...freshness counts?” M’gann tried.
Suddenly, almost like a dog, Superboy’s head jutted upwards at attention.
“Helicopter’s coming.”
But of course, to everyone else, there was utter silence.
Santa Prisca
July 22
Kid Flash zipped into the control room where his best friend sat. The older boy munched on one of the energy bars he kept in the hidden compartments in his suit as the Boy Wonder sat above a knocked out Kobra cultist. The sight of the limp body on the group didn't even phase the snacking speedster, however, as he walked over to peer over the Boy Wonder’s shoulder.
"What'cha got?" Kid Flash asked.
"Chemical formulas." Robin explained, not even looking away from the monitors. "I'd say it involves Venom but…"
Robin pulled up two pictures of molecular makeups and their chemical formulas as the ginger's eyes squinted in focus. Not even after a second of thinking, Wally's granola-holding hand extended to motion to one of the pictures. "That one's Venom", then to the other, "and that one's...Woah, the Blockbuster formula from CADMUS."
In a simulated diagram, the two images formed together to create a new compound.
"Mixed correctly, Kobra's new juice would be three times as strong as Venom...and permanent." Wally turned to Robin. "But how did Kobra get access to Project Blockbuster?"
"Our mystery buyer must also be Kobra's supplier!" Robin exclaimed. "Using the cult to create a Venom-Blockbuster superformula!" Robin raised a hand to his com. "Robin to Aqualad, we got-" He was cut off. Static.
Meanwhile, back at the loading dock. The helicopter Superboy predicted had finally landed. A blonde man wearing a hockey goalie mask walked out of the flying machine, met by an awaiting Kobra and two of his goons; a tall punk girl with orange hair, and an inhumanly bulky male with skin akin to that of a post-Blockbuster Desmond. The two men spoke, discussing business. But unbeknownst to either of them, an invisible force watched them from above. The camouflaged martian watched closely, barely being able to hear the words they were exchanging in soft tones. But she could clearly see when the cult leader, Kobra, opened a silver briefcase. Furthermore, she could make out the several vials of purple liquid that lay inside. Quickly, Miss Martian opened a telepathic link.
"Aqualad," She mentally spoke, focusing her gaze intently on the masked man. "Sending a mental image of the buyer now."
Back inside the factory, Kaldur focused on the image of the blonde man that flashed in his brain. Once he had, he opened his eyes to the other people sitting with him on the raised catwalk Bane had taken them to.
"Sportsmaster? He is the buyer?" He muttered to nobody in particular.
Lina knew very little about 'Sportsmaster', never having run into him herself. But she recalled reading his file at one point. An average man, Lawrence “Crusher” Crock, but apparently some sort of sadist that was affiliated with the League of Shadows. He was trained in more than a few martial arts and was known to have access to an arsenal of dangerous weapons. Basically a glorified goon-for-hire, but a dangerous man nonetheless.
Kaldur raised a hand to his com. "Aqualad to Red Tornado, do you read?"
Upon only receiving static, he attempted other channels with very much the same degree of success.
"I cannot reach Robin, the League, or Kid. We need a plan. Now."
Bane gave a smile, an eery one that shot straight through Zephyr's spine. "I have a suggestion." And then he leapt right off the catwalk and straight into two armed cultists, quickly taking them down, but not before getting them to open fire at their attacker. The sounds of the gunfire quickly notified the rest of the security forces around the warehouse, who all rushed over to zero in on their intruders.
"What is he-" Kaldur didn't get the chance to finish his question, as the Blockbuster-esk Kobra goon (a previously normal man who went by the name of Mammoth) leapt through a nearby window and crashed straight into the catwalk. This caused the three members to fall or haphazardly fly down onto the floor, ridding them of any sense of safety.
“There goes our cover.” Superboy huffed.
Mammoth ran straight at the heroes, and the clone charged back at him, causing a resulting force strong enough to shake the whole building. As the two tanks went head-on with one another, a few dozen cultists began shooting at the two remaining young heroes. Aqualad knelt down, using his water-bearers to form a shield that protected both him and Zephyr from oncoming fire. Meanwhile, the young air manipulator lifted her hands, targetting the closest cultists she could see as her Winds picked them up and sent them all flying into metal walls.
“Where did Bane go?” Zephyr asked once she had realized that, once the shooting had started, the Spanish man had seemed to disappear into thin air.
“I’m not sure.” Aqualad shook his head as he lifted his other water-bearer to begin shooting cultists. “But I’m afraid we have more pressing matters.”
The fighting was a blur, with the members of the team very obviously outnumbered and confused, all of them internally reeling at how the mission was playing out. The large, open area of the warehouse floor made for little cover, and the sounds of repeated and multiple bouts of gunfire made it difficult for the team to get their bearings. At some point in the chaos, Miss Martian and Kid Flash had returned, only for the former to be blasted into a nearby wall by a rocketed projectile.
To put it simply, they were losing. And there was still no sign of Robin.
“Miss Martian, radio is jammed! Link us up!” Kaldur shouted.
A moment later, a sharp ringing entered each team member’s mind. Zephyr winced a little, but noted that the link didn’t hurt nearly as bad as it did during the initial cave tour.
“Everyone online?” The Martian girl’s voice rang into each member’s mind.
Superboy’s mental voice growled, but reluctantly spoke, “Yeah.”
“You know it, beautiful.” Kid Flash said from his place behind another support beam.
“Present,” Lina spoke, creating her own shield and blasted more cultists that were aiming at M'gann.
“Good. We need to regroup.” Kaldur’s voice rang.
Robin’s voice came through, rushed and chaotic. “Busy now!”
“Busy? What does he mean busy?!” Kid Flash’s actual voice sounded over the gunfire.
“Where did he go anyway?” Lina asked, but then spotted another cultist aiming straight at Kid Flash from around a corner. She delivered a quick air-strike to him, but in doing so, opened herself up. A sharp blast sliced at her arm and with a loud yelp of pain, she flew back behind the support beam for cover. “Putain!”
“Are you okay?” Kaldur asked, eyes darting to her injury.
Zephyr examined her arm, finding a tear just below her shoulder. Crimson blood seeped into her uniform, and the girl was suddenly grateful her costume was no longer white. “Just a graze, I’m fine.”
“Robin!” Aqualad called over the telepathic link. “Now!” After giving the order, Kaldur ran out, forming his weapons into water-whips and taking out as many cultists as he could.
“Strategic retreat! Kid, clear a path.”
A dark blue zig-zagged across the warehouse floor at top speeds, sending cultists down onto the ground as the remaining team member followed close behind and into a side door. Superboy lagged behind, having to wrestle Mammoth. But after a moment, the clone was able to leverage his strength into gripping Mammoth’s hands and send him flying into a group of armed men. Once the clone was able to enter into the side-passage way with the others, he and Aqualad promptly closed the door and resumed running. This only granted them a short reprieve, however, as Mammoth busted down the metal and was quickly followed by shooting cultists who open fired into the cramped walls of the hidden passage.
“Superboy! The support beams!” Aqualad exclaimed, and the clone delivered quick, strong strikes to the wooden support beams around him. Not a moment after, the rocky passage began to collapse, and with a rattling ‘boom’, all surroundings went dark.
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rampararams · 4 years
my comfort movies (not in particular order)
Berikut adalah filem yang w tonton berulang-ulang sampe hapal dialognya. Beberapa mungkin belum masuk list. Nanti kalo inget akan w update. Random aja urutannya.
5-star rating for each (personal rate). I highly recommend you to watch these movies. I’m not really good at writing—especially writing reviews—but I’ll try my best to give a small review and why I put them on this list. And, I’ll try my best to not give any spoiler in case you haven’t watch it. Ya kalo w sudah kehabisan kata-kata untuk me-review, w tidak akan tulis apa-apa ok.
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1. The Imitation Game
“Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes… hollow”
IMDb: 8/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
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Merupakan sebuah kisah nyata dari matematikawan Enggeres bernama Alan Turing yang diperankan oleh om Benedict Cumberbatch. Lalu ada pula matematikawati (?) yang menjadi heroine dalam film ini yaitu Joan Clarke, diperankan oleh mbak Keira Knightley. Udah ga diragukan lagi ya kualitas acting mereka berdua. Sampe sini dah paham? Ok.
Just imagine yourself making a machine to break the unbreakable machine called Enigma; how you build the trust between your team and the gasps when your machine is really breaking the Enigma. That thrilling sensation and remarkable dialogues.
Alurnya rada muter-muter so please prepare yourself for little confusion.
2. The Grand Budapest Hotel
“Rudeness is merely the expression of fear. People fear they won't get what they want. The most dreadful and unattractive person only needs to be loved and they will open up like a flower.“
IMDb: 8.1/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
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Jika kalian mencari ketenangan batin melalui keindahan visual dan jalan cerita yang ga terlalu berat, makan tontonlah filem Wes Anderson. Really. Suwer. I’ve watched some of his works but this one is my favourite.
Starring Voldemort Ralph Fiennes as Mr. Gustave and Toni Revolori as Lobby Boy. Alurnya mundur, menceritakan masa kejayaan hotel ini dan yang terjadi pada saat itu. Ceritanya tertata rapi dan bener-bener enak buat ditonton. Ga ada alasan khusus buat suka film ini kecuali visually pleasing and simple story.
3. Black Swan
“Perfection is not just about control, it's also about letting go.”
IMDb: 8/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
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Genre thriller tapi dikemas dengan sangat indah alias cantik banget. A story about Nina (Natalie Portman)—the fragile girl who trying to portray both withe and black swan. She can do the white swan perfectly, but black swan is different. She need to letting go and loose the perfection within herself.
4. Never Let Me Go
“It had never occurred to me that our lives, which had been so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. If I'd known, maybe I'd have kept tighter hold of them and not let unseen tides pull us apart.”
IMDb: 7.1/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 70%
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Filem sedih favorit gue. So far. Trigger warning for those who have anxiety and thanatophobia (fear of death), perhaps?
Scoring-nya bagus banget. Bener-bener tipikal filem sedih yang akan gue suka sepanjang masa. Filem ini ga bikin gue nangis. Ga setitikpun. Namun berhasil bikin gue nyesek di dada dan bengong setelah nonton sambil bilang “hah? anjir?” dalam konteks kesedihan (?). Berasa langsung bolong ada yang hilang. ‘Cuma’ dapet rating 7 di IMDb dan RT.
Agak sedih because I think they deserves higher rate? Yaudah gapapa. Yang menilai jauuuuh lebih mumpuni daripada eug.
5. Midnight in Paris
“I believe that love that is true and real, creates a respite from death. All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing. And then the man who is brave and true looks death squarely in the face, like some rhino-hunters I know, or Belmonte, who is truly brave. It is because they make love with sufficient passion, to push death out of their minds, until it returns, as it does, to all men. And then you must make really good love again.”
IMDb: 7.7/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
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Filem ini ga bisa ditonton buru-buru. Apalagi buat lo yang suka skip filem. Emang banyak scene yang diem doang ga ada dialog, gue ngerti kalo lo bakal bosen. Yet please, I beg you to not skip any single second in this movie because the musics in Midnight in Paris can make you feel like you’re really in Paris.
6. Gone Girl
“I'm the cunt you married. The only time you liked yourself was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like. I'm not a quitter, I'm that cunt. I killed for you; who else can say that? You think you'd be happy with a nice Midwestern girl? No way, baby! I'm it”. (not really a ‘cool quotes’ but it’s from one of my favourite scenes).
IMDb: 8.1/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
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Main kejar-kejaran dan petak umpet di level yang berbeda. You will find Rosamund Pike’s voice is so magnetic to hear. Kalo gue review filem ini gue kayaknya harus pake template selebgram review makanan:
“Ga ngerti lagi sebagus itu!” “Gila woy kalian harus coba!” “Rasanya mau meninggal!”
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7. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
“This one moment when you know you're not a sad story. You are alive, and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you're listening to that song and that drive with the people you love most in this world. And in this moment I swear, we are infinite.”
IMDb: 8/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 86%
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Bener-bener bikin kangen masa SMA! Soundtrack-nya enak dan memorable. It can show you both bright and blue feelings. Terlebih lagi karena tokoh di filem ini mengidap PTSD. It shows you how Charlie (Logan Lerman) cope with his mental illness (I guess... (?)).
8. The Danish Girl
“I can feel myself getting better when I listen to your pencil. You've always sketched me better than I was.  But what you draw, I become. You made me beautiful.  And now you're making me strong. Such power in you.”
IMDb: 7.1/10 // Rotten Tomatoes: 67%
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Kisah nyata juga nih. Menceritakan tentang Einar Wegener yang diperankan oleh om Eddie Redmayne dan Istrinya, Gerda Wegener, yang diperankan oleh mba Alicia Vikander. Gila ga tuh?! Anw, per tanggal posting ini, filem The Danish Girl menjadi trending karena ada yang merekomendasikan di TikTok. Sekadar curhat personal, rasanya pengen teriak, “Lo kemana aja woy?!11??” it’s hella five years since it’s official release date. Tapi yaudah lah nanti w disangka sok superior lagi huhu.
Filem sedih banget (ga sampe bikin nangis sih) dan penuh dilema. Lo diajak buat ngerasain gimana sedihnya Gerda dan pencarian jati diri Einar. Scoring dan sinematografinya cakep banget. Again rasanya gue pengen naikin rating IMDb dan RT :”)
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mushroommouth · 4 years
Cassette Side A
I have been summoned.
Another reluctant reunion, but this time the reluctance is not mutual. 
Part 1 of 2 of the Ghost!Jake interludes. 
(---submitted by @corruwuption / 👻)
Jake Pierly was never good at making an entrance.  
An exit? Sure. He has been known to make a—well, he didn’t want to say dramatic, but that may be the closest word to how he’s left various situations. 
In fact, Jake could probably say that his life was more defined by exits than by anything else. It was comfortable, in a messed-up kind of way. 
Entrances in his life were rare. However, they meant more to him than anything else. Dan, Milo Sr., and eventually Milo’s son, became his family. They changed his life more than he could articulate and caused him so much pain and joy that thinking about it made his chest feel tight. They stayed and, despite everything, never left (well, except for Senior—but his presence, as much as Jake tried to swallow the pain and guilt down, never did). 
It wasn’t like walking on stage. Performing was one thing—something scripted and practiced and expectations present.  The real, genuine entrances were about an element of vulnerability. The opportunities where all eyes were on him as a human and a connection could be established or broken, were far and few in between. Jake liked it that way. It was safe.   
So kissing Milo’s forehead and leaving, knowing he’d see him again tomorrow bright and early? That was easy. Jake even remembered to leave a note, telling Milo where he was and would be the following morning. He wasn’t about to wake Milo up—the kid needed his sleep. 
Sitting on the couch, waiting for Dan to return? Not so much. 
It didn’t help that Jake thought he’d never see Dan again. He assumed smashing his guitar was his final act, at least once he was thinking clearly enough to realize the consequences of what he did. But here he was in the encore, thanks to Milo. 
He looked around the room, taking it all in again. Nothing had changed, not really, except the ringing silence that occurred. He wanted to get up and go to look at the pictures hung up in the dining room, but he liked the spot on the couch. 
Jake still wasn’t sure what he’d say to Dan, but sitting here allowed a view pretty much as soon as he walked in. Jake could apologize and then lock himself in his room until Milo came back tomorrow.
It’d be quick. It’d be—fine. He just had to wait. Jake fidgeted with his hands. 
It was getting late. He vaguely remembered hearing that Dan’s stitches were coming out, but it was clearly much later in the evening than any appointments would be scheduled for. Did Milo tell him about the stitches? Did he overhear it while Milo held his anchor? Jake wasn’t sure. 
It really was getting late though. Jake took a deep needless breath and rubbed at his chest, trying to ease the sick feeling that was quickly building up. 
  Think of something else. 
  It was pretty weird being the only person home. It happened before—Milo had school and Dan had to work—but not at this time of the evening. 
If Jake was the only one home, and he’s dead, does that count as a haunting? Jake snorted a bit at the thought. He’d ask Milo and Cody later. What haunted the place more, Jake, or the fact that the three of them bought the place when they were all so young? 
It certainly was not meant to be this quiet. He hasn’t been back in a while, but this wasn’t right. This wasn’t right. He shouldn’t have left Milo. This wasn’t— 
Jake leaned forward and grabbed his hair. He took another deep breath. His form spasmed for a moment. Milo may have put the guitar back together, but everything still felt off. While it’d take him some time to build up energy and take the form he’d held for ten years, he’d get there. He had to. 
Jake rubbed his face and leaned back. It was too early for him to fall apart. He just had to remind himself: this quiet?
It’d just be for a moment. 
Knowing that didn’t make it easier, though, considering the next sound filling the house would be the conversation Jake both dreaded and anticipated. God, where was—
Jake’s form shuddered again, almost fully going invisible in his panic. 
Dan’s arms were full of grocery bags. He gently nudged the door shut behind him with his foot, eyes not really leaving the floor. 
Jake’s stomach dropped. He knew it had only been a few months, but Dan looked older. At the very least, he hadn’t been sleeping. He’d lost some weight. 
He looked so, so tired. 
Before Dan could fully escape into the kitchen, Jake cleared his throat. 
Dan jumped slightly and looked up. 
The most Jake could do was force a smile and utter a single word.
Dan promptly dropped all the groceries he was holding onto the floor. His eyes widened as he stared at Jake. 
Jake stood up and shoved his hands in his suit pockets awkwardly. He walked towards Dan, stopping about halfway across the room. 
“It’s…nice to see you, big guy.” 
Dan’s hands went to his mouth. He was beginning to shake but otherwise didn’t move. 
Jake sighed and took a few more steps. 
“I just wanted to say…”
  The newcomer was down. He was knocked out as soon as the guitar broke across his face. 
Jake scowled, seeing he missed his original target. A panicked and delirious Aaron tried to scoot back away from him, eyes wide. His mouth was open, but his jaw was trembling too hard for words to come out. Jake felt his form painfully glitch again as he pledged his last action would be taking Aaron out with him, however possible.  Jake’s shoulders lit on fire as he stepped over Dan and—
Oh no. Oh god no. 
Jake quickly turned around to see Dan, limbs splayed out. And, for the first time in days, Jake thought clearly.
“I’m sorry Dan.” 
Jake knelt down. Blood was already trailing from Dan’s mouth. 
“No no no—“ 
Jake knelt beside him and tried to turn Dan on his side to try and assess the damage. 
However, his hands went right through Dan’s shoulders. 
Jake yanked them back out in a panic. He was beginning to fade away. He needed to turn Dan in his side and check how hurt he was—Dan could choke on broken teeth or blood, or he could asphyxiate— turning him over could keep him safe until someone called for help—
—except he couldn’t. He couldn’t do anything. And he did this to his best friend. For years, his only friend. 
Jake wailed. His cry began to distort more, but he couldn’t stop. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorRY. I’M sorrY-“  
Jake knelt by Dan. He couldn’t touch Dan, but he could still sit close enough that he could pretend he was cradling Dan’s head. Jake was continuing to fade. He became more transparent by the minute and he was…tired. He couldn’t take his eyes off Dan though, not until he knew that he’d be okay. 
The front door opened. 
And there was their son.) 
“I should have trusted you. You’re my best friend and I-god, I’m so happy to see you’re okay, but I still hurt you.” 
  Tears began to bead up in Jake’s eyes as he tore his gaze away. 
“I mean,” he forced a dry laugh. “I’ve hurt you before, but never like this.” 
Jake wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his suit. He promptly shoved his hands back in his pockets after, feeling the alien sensation of his burial suit. He couldn’t look at Dan yet. The house was still quiet. Jake was trying to fill it with his own voice, but it wasn’t the same. It sounded…hollow. Wait, no. It sounded the same as when he was stuck in limbo. 
“I, uh, spoke to Milo. I’m actually back because he fixed the guitar, which still just—it blows my mind. But I wanted to check on you before heading back to my room, you know? 
Jake forced his gaze back to Dan. Dan still stared at him, though tears were now streaming down his cheeks, too. Jake waited a few moments before swallowing and speaking up again. 
“You don’t have to—I don’t expect you to forgive me. I messed up. We’re all that’s left, and I didn’t trust you and I hurt everyone in the process. Just—“ 
Another laugh, this time panicked, escaped from Jake’s lips. He looked up at Dan’s blank expression and immediately clenched his eyes shut. He choked back a sob 
“Just say something! Say anything, please! Just do it. Say that you hate me and I’ll go to my room and wait for Milo tomorrow but please, god, I can’t take this quiet anymore!” 
Two arms suddenly engulfed Jake in a hug. Dan was sobbing and holding Jake so tight that Jake was sure he’d have broken ribs if he was still alive.
Jake stood completely still for a moment, surprised by the sudden embrace, before returning it. He buried his face in Dan’s shoulder and immediately soaked it, digging his fingers into the back of Dan’s shirt. 
The two held each other for a moment until Dan pulled back slightly and wiped his eyes. 
“I thought you were gone forever.”
Jake gave a watery smile. 
“I thought so too.” 
They both laughed dryly. 
Dan rubbed his eyes again, smiling back at Jake. 
“Jake, things haven’t been the same since…” Dan shook his head. “I missed you so much. All of us did. Milo hasn’t been himself, Dom and Miranda have been helping out, Cody’s been trying to take Milo’s mind off all this, and I-I’ve been a mess. In—heh—more ways than one.” 
“That’s…okay,” Jake said slowly, choosing his words carefully. “I mean, that only makes sense. Again, Dan, I hurt everyone. Milo, Aaron…I’m sure I didn’t make things easy for the Bridges…But I especially hurt you. It’s okay to be struggling.“
Jake took a moment to study Dan’s face, looking for any residual scars or bruising that he might have missed at first. Something seemed slightly off, but it could probably be chalked up to the treatment—or maybe Jake was overthinking it. Maybe Dan was just tired after all. Jake sighed. 
“By the way, how are you feeling?” Jake asked quietly. 
“Better than I have in a long time.” Dan smiled. “You’re back, I got my stitches off this morning, got sized this afternoon, bought some real food—“ 
“Oh, uh…” Dan rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I told the Bridges I’d get stitches out this afternoon, but I didn’t want to worry them any more than I already had.  The emergency dentist did a really good job fixing some of my teeth—thankfully the front ones were the ones he was able to save— but he couldn’t fix all of them. So now that I don’t have the stitches holding my jaw in place, I was able to get sized! For, uh, some partials.” 
Jake looked blankly at Dan for a moment, suddenly feeling sick, before running a hand through his hair. 
“You could have died,” Jake said dumbly. His form shuttered and jolted.
“I promise it’s not as bad as it sounds!” Dan said quickly. 
Jake just shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair again, stopping to grab a chunk as he looked at Dan. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Jake replied. “You shouldn’t—under no circumstances should you have been hurt. Why-why would you even do that?” 
  It was Dan’s turn to play dumb. 
“Do what?” 
“Push Aaron out of the way and take the hit, Dan.” 
  “Oh.” Dan looked at the scattered groceries on the floor. “I, uh, promised him he wouldn’t get hurt. You know, while helping me. Plus, I don’t wanna say he ‘turned over a new leaf’ or whatever because I don’t know, but he was trying. And had people waiting for him.” 
He looked back up at Jake with an expression that said he gave this subject way too much thought. 
“And I really think you would have killed him if you managed to hit him,” Dan finished. 
"What if I killed you on accident instead?” Jake’s voice got quiet and low. “What would have happened then—to you, or Milo?”
“I drank way too much milk as a kid for you to kill me with a guitar, Jake. My bones are way too beefy.” 
  Was his cheek broken? His jaw? Both? Jake could see the bruising and swelling form already. No matter how hard he tried, though, Jake couldn’t manifest enough to turn him over to see—
“I’m serious.” 
“So am I.” 
“Dan-“ Jake sighed. “I wasn’t in control back there. I don’t think I remember everything that went down, and I don’t—I  didn’t even recognize you all the way when I tried to hit Aaron.It was what I’ve been scared about for a long time. I was just angry and acting on instinct. I wasn’t…well, I don’t think I was really me. Not this me, anyway.” 
Dan thought for a moment before speaking up again. 
“So, like some kind of not-our-Jake. You came back though! You’ve done that twice now.”
“Okay, but that’s no guarantee I won’t become this…’Not Jake’ again. And what if I get stuck? I don’t have nearly the same amount of energy I had before—or during—that whole thing happened. I was almost all the way gone. It wasn’t until I saw…” Jake shook his head. “Just…promise me you won’t take the big hits, okay? Not from anybody.” 
“But if I didn’t—“
“But if you did, and we weren’t this—god, I hate to say it—but ‘lucky’ again, what would happen?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Milo needs you. You always said I was the one to hold everything together,” Jake smiled bittersweetly. “But it was always you. You look out for everyone, Dan. It’s okay to let people look after you.” 
Dan opened his mouth to reply before shutting it. He sighed. 
“Okay. I’ll do my best. But one thing’s not true about that.”
“Milo needs both of us.” Dan smiled. “We’re together, Milo will be back home tomorrow, and we’ll figure this ‘Not Jake’ thing out, okay?”
  Jake shook his head, the same smile unwavering. 
“I don’t get you sometimes. Wouldn’t being mad at me or even hating me be easier than…any of this?”
“Maybe, but you already said you weren’t yourself all the way. Besides, I’m too happy to know you’re back and okay.”
“I could say the same about you.” 
Dan paused before scrunching his nose. 
“Okay. I lied. I’m still kind of mad that you left without trying to talk about it, especially since we’re trying to communicate better. That sucked. But, we’ll talk it out later—preferably after we put these groceries away.” 
“You got it.”
The two refilled the bags from the groceries littered across the floor. Jake felt tired. He burned up so much energy since coming back, and he accidentally let two bags phase through his hands. He couldn’t imagine how tired Dan was. He still felt weird being in the same room as Dan, especially after all that happened, but Dan was right. They’d talk it out. 
  Jake Pierly was not good at making an entrance. However— 
“Oh, by the way, Jake?” Dan poked his head around the corner, wearing his pajamas. He looked like he stumbled out of bed to tell Jake this, remembering at the last minute, so Jake decided to humor him. 
“Yeah?” Jake rested his hand on the doorknob, his form itching to retreat to the anchor. 
“I will never eat soup again as long as I live. Well, goodnight!”
—Dan may be better at the exits. 
“You’re right! That’s definitely him!” The voice on the other line sounded both ecstatic and relieved. “So Ms. Pierly was able to help?” 
“Yes.” The priest leaned back into his chair, looking at his copy. “She was able to direct us to her sons’ school, where I found a yearbook from his senior year. She also confirmed that her son, Jacob Pierly, did not die in that house. Poor lady. She lost both her sons, you. The oldest died, and the youngest, well…I’d feel obligated to cut ties with him too after what he did.” 
The other line was silent for a moment. 
“If-If ‘Jacob’ didn’t die in the house, what does that mean for…?” 
“It means he has ties to the house, even if he doesn’t reside there.  If you flip to a slightly younger grade, I believe you’ll find one of the two men that were in your house following the most violent wraith attack. One was the younger son of Ms. Pierly. The other is Mr. Fuller.” 
The other line remained silent. 
“It was very kind of you to not pursue charges.” The priest continued smoothly. “After all, I’ll have to check in with them to see if they happen to be harboring Jacob.” 
“Please don’t worry. I’ll be sure the wraith won’t bother you or your husband again.” 
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yobaba30 · 5 years
Save the date: Economic Shutdown and Protest 3/2/ 2020
  The late French President Charles de Gaulle, once said (paraphrasing) that Confederate General Robert E. Lee was one of the most amazing military strategists in history and that if Lee had had.access to goods and services on par with the North, the South would have won the Civil War. Thank God the South lost. Donald Trump, his criminal family & administration led by AG William Barr, & the Republican politicians across the country led by GOP Senator Mitch McConnell, have declared war against the American people. There are two things driving this, money and racism. They are systematically destroying everything on which our country is founded, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law while stealing taxpayer dollars, depriving Americans of basic necessities such as health care, senior citizen’s social security, medicare and more. Why? Because of their fear of losing their place at the top of the food chain and minorities.
There is only one way to stop the carnage these anti-American criminals are   subjecting the people to and ‘you and I’ can’t do this alone. We need to stage a full economic and nonviolent shutdown of the United States of America. Super Tuesday for the 2020 elections is March 3rd. The most effective date for the shutdown would be Monday, March 2, 2020. 
 An economic shutdown entails acquiring enough food, water and gasoline to last three days for yourself and your families. Then on March 2nd, we do not go to work, school, shopping (even on line) and we stage mass protests throughout the country with particular emphasis on the  White House, the US Capitol, the Pentagon, Joint Base Andrews, Trump Tower in New York, Maralago in Florida (all of Trump’s properties) and the offices and homes of all Republican politicians including their state offices and homes. We include all modes of transportation,  airports, railways, vehicle crossings and seaports. We spend absolutely no money on March 2nd. The only exceptions are emergency services.Then on March 3rd, we all go vote before we resume our normal lives and we vote against every single Republican politician in the country.
  We’re sending them a message, clean up your act, remove the illegally elected President, work for the people or we will do the same thing in November 2020.
This is our country, we have shed the blood of millions of Americans to keep it and under no circumstances will We the People allow a malignant narcissistic degenerate sociopath and his criminal enterprise to take away our America. If you are with me, please RT and help organize your community and state.
The purpose of an economic shutdown is to demonstrate in real time that Trump & GOP cannot function without the people. The American people are the economic engine of the entire world. We have the power & if we do not act NOW we will lose it. We're going on offense. History matters. Think of this as our French Revolution, except instead of using weapons, we're going to use the one thing Trump & the GOP covet:
$$ Money $$
We're going to take away their money. It's OUR country; it was built with our blood. We're Americans and we can do this. Don't let the pundits misdirect you. We cannot put our economic shutdown off. Here's why:
About voting. March 2nd is strategic, because it is the day before we vote on SUPER TUESDAY. Fifteen jurisdictions and the Democrats Abroad are expected to hold a primary event on Super Tuesday --> Alabama, American, Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Democrats Abroad, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.  With both California and Texas—the two most populous states in the United States—holding their primaries on Super Tuesday, more than one third of the U.S. population is expected to vote on March 3.
We want tRUmp & his Cabal to understand the connection between the economic shutdown and the election. If you're worried, request an absentee ballot. The big challenge is getting the word out & achieving critical mass for this to work.
Someone: Call publicists for celebs against Trump like Robert Reich, Sarah Silverman, Bette Midler, Dan Rather, Stephen King, etc.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Since I can't go to RTX and they aren’t streaming it this year but I wanted to do a masterpost of something RvB related, I decided to write a wrap-up of this interview with Jason Weight on The SHizno RvB Podcast. Please go check it out because there was now ay that I could fit everything in here and there’s so much good stuff in it. SO please go and check it out! But anyways, here we go:
Joe had told Jason about the plan for a Donut and Wash season back at RTX, which Jason at first wasn't on board with. But once he began writing it, he got into it and became very attached to Donut. 
When rewatching the show to prep for S17, one scene that took note of was in the caves when Grif was making the Reds not look at Kai when naked… except for Donut since he just paid attention to the Blue’s base. It felt like he had depth in those kinds of moments and it got him to like him. He was very happy to see more people join Team Donut after the season. He feels like only the surface has been scratched for him.
He confirmed that Donut’s innuendo in the finale was intentional (even putting ‘tongue and cheek’ in the character notes) and any made after will likely be intentional by him.
When they talked about Donut and Tucker’s development, Jason joked that Simmons would be next to receive development. So it seems that Jason is at least aware of our desire for a Simmons season XD
The Everwhen was devised essentially as another method of time travel different from the previous methods seen before since doing it the same way again would have been boring. 
The timeline after the paradox in the Writers Room was called Schrodinger’s Ass. 
The version of time travel we got was the third version. Jason spent a month on Verison One, but Burnie had rejected it. Then he, Joe, and Miles devised a second version, but near the end they threw it out and the third version that included The Everwhen was made.
How it worked in previous versions was that Chrovos has made the alternate Blood Gulch as a containment unit type of thing to contain the Reds and Blues as she went backwards in time, giving them a limited amount of time before she reached the beginning of time and… honestly, IDK how to type the whole thing out. But to put it simply, it was very convoluted and thus The Everwhen was made. The first version was also rejected due to being too similar to S9.
Jason is on Red Team! His explanation? “Red Team is an actual team.” 
He really liked the direction that Joe took Wash, especially since him now having a disability gives him a new unique perspective that, even if he doesn’t get to write in the future, he looks forward to seeing the direction that Wash is taken. He also believes that if they focus on Wahs’s rehabilitation, Caboose should have a major role in it. HIRE HIM RT, DANG IT!
Simmons original nightmare was the same scenario and the same joke… except that the one int he UFO was his dad. The higher-ups rejected this since it could come off as, well… incestuous/pedophilic. Which while I think the ‘dad’ bit would have made more sense… yeah, I… can’t blame them for that one. Jason DOES say that in his mind, Simmons feels that he’s in his father's shadow and the scene was supposed to be in a Freudian reference to those feelings.
Genkins was originally not as intimidating int he script. Much of it came from the direction, especially in Episode 10 after he got skewered by the golf club. Same with Wash and Carolina’s scene in Episode 9. He greatly loved seeing the direction that Austin and Josh took with the scenes.
Miles had toyed with having a scene set directly after S13 (he says 10 but I think he meant 13), but Jason felt that it was best to leave that area alone since it had ended on such a perfect note and talked him out of it. Jason also toyed with having the guys see Epsilon’s final message ala Princess Leia hologram and Tucker picking them up/explaining Episolon’s nature. But it was too talky nor did it really affect anything, so they instead went with Tucker re-living Crash site Bravo which was done by Miles.
If RvB ended up a Seinfeld-esque comedy, Grif and Simmons would live together with Grif trying to get Simmons out of his shell. Sarge is essentially Dan DeVito. Tucker would live alone and use his sword to open up beer bottles. Donut would live in a gym due to, in his mind, him having severe allergies and is why he wears the Power Armor all the time. Carolina and Wash would live together and have a dog, and they both suck at dating due to judging the other’s dates (which Jason feels their relationship is brother and sister). Caboose owns the building they all live in. Lopez is maintenance. I want this show now.
Jason reads all the comments after all the episodes, including on Tumblr (I’m going to be so much more paranoid over my reviews now...) and one post he really liked was the idea of an RvB Road Trip since he used to be a roadie.
Jason doesn’t know how the whole Shisno thing came about since it was Joe’s idea. He does say that it used to be spelt ‘shizno’ until they found out how it’s officially been spelt as ‘shisno’. Whoops. They DID consider involving Wyoming’ time distortion unit in the story, but with all the other time shenanigans they felt it would make it too complicated.
Koen Wooten, a 3D Producer at RT, joked about putting time travel into every show from now on. Miles and Jason were unamused XD
He had a lot of fun with things like writing The Labryinth and Kai messing with Tucker
The hardest part was balancing out the time travel and figuring out what to look into and what not to. 
Jason is very used to being a director due to his own show, Starship GOldfish, and his scripts for himself are MUCH longer and detailed than they end up being in the final draft. For, he had a specific way that he wanted to have Chrovos done, so he was Skype’d in to direct Lee Eddy. Speaking of, he pushed for her after seeing her do Gwen from Camp Camp live at RTX 17 and he really wanted to have her in the show in some form.
For RvB Movie Nights, Jason thinks that Grif would like Caddyshack, thinks that Carolina is terrified of horror films like Paranormal Activity (which makes Wash confused) and ends up panic stabbing the TV, Simmons and Donut both do documentaries, Lopez liked Mr. Bean… then after going back to the beginning of time, he hates that kind of media and just watches an aquarium screen, and Kai likes Alien.
For Halloween, Jason would want to dress as the Fishman from S3 of Camp Camp. 
When questioned about the show potentially hitting serial escalation after the Cosmic Powers stuff, Jason talks about how they feel that they have now sealed off from that and can move more laterally again. But he does also feel that there are larger threats out there that affect you more personally, such as everyone trying to kill you which he thinks could be much stronger than fighting some ultra-powerful God. But we’ll have to see where things go from this point.
He believes that moving forward, Doc can be more important since he now is a nice guy with the danger of O’Malley in him. 
He also has seen that fans feel that the Reds and Blues need a rest, which he agrees with. One idea he likes that he did in PSA’s was do some Grif and Sarge bonding since he feels there’s plenty left unexplored there, Caboose helping Wahs rehabilitate, giving Simmons an arc, and Donut exploring the universe to do some world building. He and Joe liked the idea of maybe doing a mini-series, especially since Halo 6 won’t be out for quite a while and doing one can explore some new options. He also brings up ideas for the future like Locus on trial, Wash’s rehabilitation, and Tucker seeking out Junior to bond with him more after what happened in The Labryinth. I mentioned that RT needs to hire Jason ASAP, right?! RIGHT?!
He also feels that there would, ideally, eventually need to be a new villain… and suggests himself cause of him being British. HA! He also really loves villains and if he got to keep being the writer, he would absolutely voice the villain like Miles did as Felix. Although he does bring up the ‘self-insert’ critique but thinks it would be okay since as the villain it would be okay to hate him!
At the end of the interview, Jason talks about how collaborative the entire process had been and how Miles greatly helped him with the writing as well as Josh and Austin’s direction, who he hopes will still be on it. He says to thank them.
Well, that was fun! I will say, Jason hit all of the right buttons for me and I do legit hope that he can come back. But even if he can’t, this was so great and having his contribution was amazing. Thank you again for everything Jason~
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kob131 · 5 years
How bad is rwby criticism these days? Cause I know of some comments that go along the lines of “why can’t rwby critics do us a favor and off themselves” I mean holy shit ouch
Okay, before I start: That is not fucking okay. Tell me who said it so I can personally lambast them for it.
As for rwby criticism: ... It’s really bad. You know how some people get super elitist about a show, acting like enjoying the show unironically somehow makes them less of a person (being stupid, uncritical ect. with shows like SAO or DBZ)? Well, imagine if 70% of the people who thought critically about the show acted exactly like that.
Seriously, walk onto the comment section of a RWBY critic like Vexed Viewer or Floof Artist and try saying RWBY is...not even good, just not terrible. You’ll get insulted to hell and back. That right off the bat is a TERRIBLE way of going into a show, regardless of personal feelings.
And that’s just the beginning. Critique follows a similar set of morals as debate: you provide evidence or examples to prove your case, you give context to show that you aren’t hiding anything and you don’t lie because...lying means your argument shouldn’t survive. Most RWBY critics can’t follow any of these. Muffin Man Dan is terrible at giving evidence and just expects you to take his word for everything, never gives context and lies a LOT about events that happen in the show. Vexed Viewer can’t give proper evidence to save his life, outright cuts context and conditions his audience so they don’t see lies by omission. FloofArtist...doesn’t even prove anything. Slicksickproductions pretty much just jacks off his hate boner on screen for a few hours. And FMF? The guy who started this trend? Yeah, I have about a three part post explaining in detail why the first twenty minutes is a continuous stream of failures.
Hell, they’ll go as far as to contradict themselves (many of these people scream ‘show don’t tell’ but they either ignore blatant visual storytelling on par with a beginner or outright misinterpret it in a way that screams ‘malicious intent’, they’ll demand less characters and more characters, they’ll demand focus on the world and the characters in the same breath). They also don’t know what basic criticism terms mean (NO ONE has used the term ‘retcon’ correctly. They always use ‘retcon’ to mean ‘against my headcanon.’) 
Not to mention they’ll go out of their way to insult the creators to a personal degree (such as promoting any controversy that happens with RT regardless or how much info is present or treating them like shit  or even using Monty’s name to try and emotionally manipulated the crwby.) Which is kind of fucked up for a normal person to do but as a critic it’s basically the same as taking a bribe for a cop: against everything the word stands for.
Then we also have...hypocrisy issues. I wouldn’t take this stuff so seriously if not for the fact that these guys cannot take what they dish out. FloofArtist and Slicksickproductions have both blocked me despite mocking Gray for blocking them, they call out the RWBY sub reddit as an echo chamber as their own Twitters and comment sections act exactly the same, they’ll mock any critics of them while demanding the CRWBY take their word as law, they’ll call M&K egotistical while acting like their tastes are objective (even I, someone who tries to be objective, don’t do that!), they’ll praise a show while bashing RWBY despite the first show having the same, if not worse, issues than RWBY (JoJo). It also speaks to how uncritical they are of themselves because they can’t look at themselves like they do others, which is pretty dangerous for a critic.
Also, as I indicated before, they rely HEAVILY on misinformation and lies about the show. They all started bashing the ‘Bumbleby’ ship in Volume 6 despite the show not actually confirming it because, guess what, the fandom spread the meme around. Same with the ‘Blake and Yang have no development between each other’ despite their actions the past three Volumes being connected because, again, the fandom spread the meme. Or ‘Ozpin was treated as morally grey despite not doing anything wrong!’ despite the show, in hindsight, not saying that but the fandom does. It’s like the wage gap thing: they aren’t being intellectually honest and are relying on you not paying attention. If not outright lying (*cough* Xion Village Airship *cough*). Which in turn makes the show look SOOOO GOOD because the ‘critics’ can’t even criticize it (which is more incompetency on their part.)
All of this and so much more makes them completely worthless as critics, except as confirmation bias. As for the other 30%: there are like two good critics who do a good job treating the show fairly. The others are just fans who are too soft on the show, but everyone knows how to spot those guys.
It really says a lot that Unicorn of War, someone who regularly makes research fumbles, is praised as one of the best critics when in less...stupid spaces he’d be pretty average.
... Great, now I’m depressed...
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Anyone who knows me knows I fucking HATE it when people try to use Monty or Shane to attack RT.
And looky, the disingenuous idiot of the RWBY critics is gonna do just fucking that.
How fun.
So his first argument is that Shane’s Letter ‘exposes’ stuff about RT.
Mind you, the image he brings on screen goes to show WHY the letter doesn’t work the way Dan says it does.
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Because in that image, we see that the summary is about 20% RT and 80% Shane. As in, the letter spends more time talking Shane himself and his own life and how he was affected by Monty’s death than anything related to RT.
Contrast this with say, The ‘Not So Awesome’ which is ENTIRELY about the grievances with Channel Awesome.
In fact, the ‘Not So Awesome’ Document really shows just how USELESS Shane’s letter is in this context.
The second document is labeled in a non-manipulative way, structured to showcase issues with the company in a factual manner, gives evidence for their claims through screenshots and has numerous sources in the document. Shane’s letter is labeled to tug at people’s emotions, structured to build sympathy with him instead of just displaying the facts and he has ZERO evidence in his document. Now, what I said about Shane isn’t really his fault and I’ll get to that latter. However, this DOES matter with Dan because he is trying to use this letter as a factual piece of evidence to support his bullshit vendetta against RT when, as a so called critic, he should have caught onto these issues even WITHOUT another document to contrast.
Next he tries to claim that they were sabatoging Monty’s work with this image:
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See, not only is this NOT sabotage as RT has every reason to switch to Maya and standardize the workflow since the literal ONE MAN who made it is now dead-
But you can’t sabotage who is DEAD. Dan talks like they were doing this when Monty was alive but this piece is firmly located in the May 2015 section, which is AFTER Monty’s death. And at this point, they can’t sabotage him. They can only work with they have NOW.
Not only that, we only have Shane’s word this is what was said. And sorry to say but between the needless points about his marriage and interacting with Sheena as well as the OBVIOUS signs of depression in Shane: the man is not trustworthy on a factual basis. As someone with depression himself, I guarantee you that depressed people tend to remember the WORST version of what happens since that is what our minds are focused on.
Dan is using a DEPRESSED MAN’S mental state to back his bullshit.
And then he talks about the letter, how he went back and forth with the letter (I call bullshit because he doesn’t even TALK like someone conflicted about the letter) and how Miles and Kerry aren’t mentioned (which he calls ‘Very interesting’ despite them being implied as the higher ups in RT.)
Dan then goes onto try and criticize EZ PZ for saying that Sheena was the reason Monty died and tries saying that Sheena was nothing but a ‘perfect partner for Monty.”
A. Not that I agree with EZ PZ mind you. He is a complete piece of shit using fucking KIWI FARMS’ levels of bullshit to justify his crap. But Dan, don’t fucking act like you’re any better. You have used this letter in the past and more (we’ll get to THAT as well) to hate on RT. 
And B. How can YOU say that when your only evidence is the same letter you said should be taken as a grain of salt. Don’t speak for things you have no knowledge on.
And then he just talks more and more about stuff said in the letter, using it to basically spout his opinions.
Like his bitching about the Ruby Vs. Torchwick and Neo which is basically just him crying about Neo getting out by opening her umbrella (not like airborn ships are moving FAST and an umbrella would catch the fast moving wind, amirite?) which is just him being PETTY.
Then we got to how Dan says that the Letter proves that the CRWBY aren’t trying to respect or live up to what Monty did. Which is a blatant LIE with the Adam Trailer, The Yang Vs. Bandits fight and ESPECIALLy the Cinder Vs. raven fight. Oh and there he goes again trying to use a DEAD man and a DEPRESSED man to justify his own irrational vendetta against people not bowing down and doing EXACTLY as he wanted. 
And remember how he said you should take this letter with a grain of salt? Yeah, which is it Dan? DO we take the letter seriously or NOT? Or do we just use to support our biases and then pretend we actually give a shit like you do?
And here’s one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. I’m gonna try and type it out word for word so you know WHY I think this way:
“But maybe, Monty’s friends. Miles and Kerry and all those people are trying to live up his name. Maybe they’re reading the reviews and seeing that Monty’s RWBY is better than their RWBY.”
“If you don’t listen to me and admit you are shit, you were not Monty’s friend.”
Because it’s not like Dan has never met the man ONCE in his entire life, let alone long enough to make any sort of assumption his behalf and most certainly not over his co-writers and fucking BROTHER-OH WAIT, THAT”S ALL COMPLETELY TRUE.
Then we go into Dan claiming that RT is trying to make RWBY into their own original IP. Which even if it isn’t (They have Camp Camp, Nomad of Nowhere and Gen:Lcok): IT IS THEIR OWN IP. Monty was THEIR employee and while he may have created it, it would have never become what it is without RT as a whole. And mind you, Miles and Kerry are JUST as important to the creation of RWBY as Monty, to the point that MONTY went to both of them to be his co-writers. But hey, that would mean...you know, treating Miles and Kerry with basic human decency and of course Dan is physical incapable of that.
Also goes against what he said earlier, calling them Monty’s friends and saying they weren’t as bad as he thought. Seems like a recurring theme huh?
This would ALSO mean that Miles and Kerry could, you know, SUCCEED at their work instead of continuously failing to embody a dead man who they could never hope to copy. We know this because Shane TRIED IT IN THE FUCKING LETTER AND FAILED. But we both know you don’t WANT them to succeed.
He then tries to blame the Maidens and the Relics on Miles and Kerry...Which everyone knows both are MONTY’S IDEAS. We know this because SEVERAL people have come forward saying this and we can see similar concepts to these in the things Monty liked, like Evangelion or Blazblue. So I guess they’re suppose to both do what Monty would and NOT do what Monty would do...or maybe Dan is two faced. Who knows?
Oh and he outright admits Monty added shit in and then STILL tries to blame it all on Miles and Kerry by saying they discussed it and that they ‘are into that stereotypical anime bullshit’ trying to use the DRAGON BALLS as an example. (You know, those SEVEN things made by ALIENS that ANYONE can use and AREN’T the focus of the series.)
And then Dan has the BALLS to claim that Monty isn’t a part of RWBY anymore and that he will never be respected in RWBY again. He then calls Miles and Kerry ‘Cooperate bullshit.’ He then tries to excuse himself of his bullshit by saying “I’m bashing RT as a company. I’m not bashing Miles and Kerry” and tried claiming RT tried to cover it up by not saying anything. He then claims the voice actor for Winter (it was Glynda dumbass) said it was all true and then says two people said it. He then triers to say that they have decency for Monty’s craft or his work...
*cracks knuckles* Let me break this down.
A. If they didn’t respect Monty anymore, why the FUCK would they keep the Maidens around despite the fact that only MONTY liked them?
B. You ARE bashing Miles and Kerry specifically. You SPECIFICALLY mentioned them as a part of the cooperation. This is you trying to get out of any accusation of harassment and slander.
C. Glynda’s voice actress was fired from RT for claiming that Burnie’s fiancée fucked her way up the cooperate ladder and Barbara all but directly said she was harassed by her. She did this because she was vindictive about not being treated like a gem by the company.
D. Dan, RWBY is ALSO Miles and Kerry’s brainchild. They are just as important to the series as Monty was. In fact, they probably kept it from crashing and burning since Monty had no experience in writing and wasn’t a good writer inherenty.
E. RT didn’t respond because that’s their policy. They don’t react to this shit. They just keep going. And if they wanted to cover it up-WHY DIDN’T THEY SUE SHANE? they have the right to as Shane broke the confidentiality agreement he signed to work for them. So show me the legal action used to cover it up.
And E. Monty was all about unity and being together. YOU are trying to create division and strife all because you’re basically a jittled lover. YOU are the one who has no decency jackass.
But wanna know the funniest thing about this?
Dan tries acting like this is some huge conflict for him and tries acting like this has changed his views at all.
When on the same day, he posted this to his twitter (https://mobile.twitter.com/MuffinManDan1/status/1045078347808681984)
So Dan:
You say that they aren’t so bad.
Then you say they are.
Then you say they aren’t again.
Then you say they are.
And then you say they always were on your Twitter.
Muffin Man Dan-
Shane’s actions are understandable because he was depressed, grieving and broken. He was pretty fucking out there.
Yours are not.
You lie, you attack, you insult, you slander, you misinform, you use people for your own personal gain-
You do irredeemable shit for deeply PETTY bullshit.
You don’t care about Monty, Shane, Sheena or RWBY.
You care about yourself and what you can gain, you two faced asshole.
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danandthereader · 6 years
I have a bit of a strange fic request. It would be an alternative world (you can choose what kind of world, DnD, or sexbang world) where Danny is mind controlled and forced to fight the reader, but the reader refuses to fight because they don’t want to harm them, so they get seriously injured as a consequence. Then Danny comes to and sees what he’s done, and cries as he holds the readers bloodied body close while they slowly slip away?
A/N: So I’m not gonna lie, this prompt has been in my box for a while, but I have been so so excited to get to it ! ♡ AU stuff is so fun to explore and write about, and I’m always a big sucker for a good dose of angst. This prompt honestly game me so much muse and I had to resist from writing a whole dang novel just to fill it. I hope it’s okay that the AU I chose was the gtah!mob au (basically a crime au involving a bunch of Youtube LetsPlayers based in a GTA-esque universe, started by the RT/AH community with the Heist series), as it’s the one I know best and been involved with for the longest.I will be tagging this with the appropriate tags just in case (death, blood, violence, et all). And I hope you enjoy - I had so much fun writing this !For reference: Sexbang is Danny’s codename, Mogar is Michael (Jones) from Roosterteeth, Grandmaster is Ross, Starbomb is the name of the Grumps gang, and The Hunters is the Achievement Hunter gang !
The job had gone from bad to worse to disastrous in a matter on minutes, and in your professional opinion, it was all Sexbang’s fault. You loved that boy, however much in secret, and you knew that he hadn’t meant to do it on purpose, send all the gangs scattering and blessing the shotgun shell rains down on the lot of you, but those too-careful hands and precise mind were risky assets in a world like this.Laying in the rubble of what used to be a bank wall, you shifted, then groaned, hand finding your side. It was warm, too warm, and sticky. When you pulled your hand back, there was crimson. Great. The bank lost a wall and you lost a chunk of your waist. Take a guess on which one could be repaired and would live to see another day. Letting your head fall back, the ruble bit into your skull, but you got used to it after just a second. There was a pretty surefire chance you were going to die here alone, caked in dirt and ash and your last thoughts being of Danny and weather he made it out alive.As if on cue, with tears pricking the corners of your eyes, you heard a heartbreakingly familiar voice. “Shit, no!”
In your vision was the burnt-orange sky, sunset coming slow, ash floating through the air like snow, and the far-off glow of fire. It was a sight you’d become accustomed to in the past few minutes. At least, if you could see, you were still alive.Then there was a face - dirty and sweaty, blood smeared from the forehead down from an obvious wound - and heavy-hung chestnut curls. His eyes were a terrible mix of even worse emotions you never wanted to see on him, everything from terror to regret to guilt. You getting caught in this wasn’t his intention; you knew it. “Hey, idiot,” you gritted out, smiling a dark pink smile you could taste. He was silent, tossing rubble aside to clear a spot next to you. “I think you’re forgetting that I’m not a Hunter.” That didn’t help, because there were tears on his end, rolling down his filthy cheeks. “I know, I know - I’m so sorry. I didn’t - I fucked up so bad - I saw Mogar and that idiot Brit kid he hangs with and I panicked and -” Trying to move again, you put a hand to your injured side and slowly sat up, the pain shooting up to your throat and knocking you back. Guess not.He noticed that, and instead of finding a spot next to you, he came to your head, and knelt down. Scooting up, he lifted your head into his lap, and settled. “Why’re you even fuckin’ here?” he choked out, the smile coming to his mouth not at all happy. “Grandmaster called, said you might need back-up.” For the right price, you were back-up, you were a getaway car, you were an arms dealer, you had the right information. You could be anything anyone wanted. That’s how it worked in this world.“God, I’ll fuckin’ kill him.” He didn’t sound too sure on that though. “Ah, don’t worry about it,” you replied, voice rough. “He didn’t know this would happen.” No one did, not even the injured members of Starbomb and The Hunters and whoever else got caught in the crossfire. None of them were as bad as you, though, that much was for sure. It felt like the only two who were around were you and Dan. “Hey, seriously.” Taking your unbloodied hand, you set it gently to his cheek. “Just… Stay with me. Okay?” Your hand fell to your stomach, resting there. His laid over it softly.
There was no talking for a long while, just the sound of burning something not far off and the settling of ash around you. Somewhere very far off was sirens, police and firefighters and ambulances, all coming to the scene of destruction under you. Yet he seemed to be in no rush to get out of there, and you knew you weren’t about to go moving anytime soon.“Danny.” Your voice was much softer than before, and the blood was beginning to feel like it was rushing out of your side. The hand you had there hadn’t moved, but it felt like it was drenched. There couldn’t be much blood left in you now, it felt like it had run all down your side and into the broken pieces of cement poking into your back and probably soaked into your love’s jeans. “Is it getting dark?” Your vision was tunneling black around the edges even though you hadn’t stopped staring up at him this whole time. “N- No, it’s -” It took him that long to get it. “Oh no.”You wanted to tell him to not move, to not panic, that it was fine. Death had long since been a concept you had accepted - all of you had - and it was going to come with a sense of peace you hadn’t felt in maybe forever. But the words, though in your mouth, wouldn’t come out. They felt too heavy. “No, please, baby I -” His hands were fluttering over your stomach, your side, touching, making you seethe. Still alive. Not much longer. “I can call - I can - I can-” He was crying, breaking now, and the tears came to your eyes too, falling fast and easy. “Danny.” He looked at you, dark eyes watery, framed by dirt and burning sunset and blackness, and you smiled a painful. “I love you.” He laughed a one-off, loud, heartbroken sound. “I love you too,” he answered, both his hands finding your one.
With a rise, and no fall, the hand went cold, and he was left alone.
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RvB16 Episode 1 Review: The Shisno
(Old Blog Repost)
Season 15, to put it lightly, has had mixed reception. Some liked it, some didn’t. Some like parts of it, others like different parts. Regardless of where you stand, I think we can all agree that it wasn’t a perfect season. Personally I enjoyed it, but I was also a newcomer to RvB so… you know, I’m biased. Regardless, Joe did well enough to be given the reigns once again and it looks like he has some MASSIVE plans.
So finally, here we are with the sixteenth season. With only one episode, it’s still too early to determine if this season will be an improvement or a disappointment. But the first episode is supposed to draw us in. Did it succeed in doing so? Lets find out.
The introduction is… weird. We saw the medieval scene on Twitter.. well the first few seconds anyways. It being a medieval version of the famous ‘ever wonder hwy we’re here’ scene can’t be for no reason. I guess it MAY be a hint at the time travel aspect coming up, but for now it’s just baffling. What is even mroe baffling is the vortex and the voice following it. We now know that the voice belongs to a being named Muggins as he speaks of things being provoked by humble actions and briefly going over the end of S15. Some kind of prophecy has been triggered due to the time drill thing and even with it gone, it still fulfilled it’s purpose. Which leads us to…
Fighting over food! So first, Joe wasn’t kidding about this whole thing beginning as a quest for pizza. I need to rewatch that tease later to see what other hints are in it. But regardless, with the Blues and Reds defeated and Dylan offering to talk to the cops since they’re still wanted (and I imagine this leads to her and Jax’s final scene in S15), our guys have earned some R&R. It was honestly a nice welcome back to see them just bickering over something as ridiculous as where to go out to eat. It fits them so well and feels like a very nice welcome back after all the insanity last season. Things are slowly tingeing back to normal… at first.
Simmons notices that Donut is missing, so Grif sends Caboose to go find him. Honestly the fact that SOMEONE realized that Donut wasn’t there is a sign of improvement since it’s always kind of been a running joke that no one. Sure, sending Caboose probably wasn’t THE best idea, but it’s a sign of improvement! Then we get the… body horror scene… dear God that looked painful. It was still funny due to how oblivious to it Caboose was, but still… MAN. It wouldn’t have been as bad if it weren’t for Donut’s screams of pain. Man, Dan Godwin nailed it… and I imagine that had to HURT so kudos! So yeah… Donut vanishes to I assume the same place the time drill went since they use the same sound effect. I guess Donut will then ascent not Godhood since he is beyond the plain of space and time now. We’ll see~
So Cabosoe comes back empty handed and at first everyone considers going to find him… except Grif. He wants to get the Hell off the island before the cops get there. We’ll talk more about this in a little while but man do I have thoughts! So the Reds and Blues all agree on pizza with Sister tagging along. Carolina and the lieutenants meanwhile head for Chorus, Carolina to go check on Wash and the lieutenants to get back to what Jensen calls ‘interesting things’. So I assume that we’ll get some kind of B Story involving Chorus hijinks. Maybe if we’re lucky, a certain green mercenary will show up… I can dream!
This is where things get interesting as we then see two tiny balls of light. Muggins, who we already heard, and a female-voice done named Huggins. He is apparently a rookie as Muggins sends her to keep watch over the Reds and Blues and to both not lose them and to not be spotted. He meanwhile shoots across space and we get a REALLY cool intro sequence showing all the cast and the main crew members… though they forgot Geoff’s name for some reason (the Youtube version has it, so I assume it’s an error). Oops. They also don’t have Becca listed, though Sister isn’t technically a main character so I guess that’s why. Maybe in the future. But it’s really cool and the alien-esque soundtracks sounds so perfect.
Muggins arrives at what we can assume is the villains lair. IDK if this is an original set piece designed by RT Animation or if it’s an actual Halo map. Either way, it looks awesome. Dark, with a lot of red and black, but epic in scale. A proper villain lair. We get a glimpse of a green-armored soldier with a British accent golfing… weird. Anyways, Muggins reports to their leader who we only see partially. They have black armor and while they only say one word, it’s a… pretty damn intimidating voice. Muggins informs the leader that the ‘pizza quest’ has begun and therefore triggered the last part of the prophecy, ending the episode.
While the episode is only nine minutes long, BOY HOWDY did it leave PLENTY to talk about. I guess we’ll start with Donut though. I have no idea what the Fuck just happened. It’s clear that the blast from the drill caused… whatever the Hell happened and we can assume form the earlier narration, that this was meant to happen. So this is definitely going to be important. Going off the promo material, where Donut’s in a kind of meditative pose, it seems like he’s going to become a God-like figure. My guess is that he now exists outside the realm of space and time, which is where I believe the drill now is. What will this do to Donut? I have no idea, but this is definitely going it be a lingering plot thread. And hey, Donut deserves the focus.
Something I also liked is how the Reds and Blues DID notice that he was missing. Look, they do not have a good track record of remembering either Donut or Doc. So the fact that Simmons relied it is a massive improvement. And I do like how after Caboose said that he was gone, Sarge and Tucker DID want to loo for him and not leave him behind. Grif convinces them not to, but still it is a HUGE sign of improvement compared to normal. And while they DID ultimately leave, I think it’s good that they at least recognized that Donut was gone and considered looking for him. It’s a good sign that they are growing.
Next lets talk about Carolina and Wash. So it looks like, at least for now, they won’t be in on the main plot. I assume that they’ll be given a B Plot revolving around Chorus, considering Jensen’s line about the going-ons there, but it’s too soon to tell. But yeah Carolina and Wash will likely be on the sidelines at least for now. Honestly… I an good with this! I love them both, don’t get me wrong. But lets face it, both have had a LOT of focus and attention ever since their respective introductions. Freelancer has been running the series for a long time now, and for good reason. But I really want to see the Reds and Blues on their own for once. S15 showed that, when they get their act together, they can operate and be formidable on their own with minimal Freelancer help. I want to see them have to deal with a massive situation without just having Wash or Carolina deal with it for them. I did like that Tucker plans to get Wash his own pizza though, just showing how much he cares for his teammate. You’ve grown up Tucker!
The biggest thing I want to talk about before we get to the villains though is Grif. Because his lines here are… interesting. It is clear that he wants to avoid any adventure, insanity, and dramatics as much as possible. When Jensen starts talking about Chorus, he says he wants to avoid the subject before trying to take it back. Then there’s the entire pizza quest thing. He doesn’t want to call it a quest. He doesn’t want to look for Donut because it would mean staying around and having to talk to cops. He calls out the others on how everything always has to be treated like a major production. He outright tells Sister that they’re not getting into anything crazy when she is clearly enthused about the idea. Now this could just be because he’s ‘hangry’ and also doesn’t want to chance getting arrested, but… IDK. To me, adding in the ‘new science’ line, it all paints a very clear picture: Grif wants things to go back to normal, just like he did last season… and it makes sense.
Some may say ‘wait, shouldn’t he be over this after last season?’. No. No he should not. Last season had Grif regret quitting because he didn’t like being alone and in the end, he DOES care about the others. And yes, he did willingly get into the thick of things when he joined back up. But here’s the thing, he did so because the others were in trouble and they needed him. But now that trouble is over.  Now there is a chance for him to FINALLY go back to a level of normalcy with the others again. It’s why he’s trying so hard to avoid talking about serious matters or refusing Sister and Caboose’s replies about ‘adventures’ and ‘quests’. He never got over wanting to be done with that. We never had any kind of scene where he comes to terms with the insanity that is his life, only of him having regret abandoning the others. So it makes sense that this is still a thing with him like it was last year. The only difference is this time, instead of quitting, it seems like he’s going to try to actively attempt to keep them out of any insanity. Will this go anywhere? We’ll have to see. But since the promo art just has him facepalming, I think this may be his character arc for the season. And since Grif is my favorite character and I loved his development last season, I am all for it!
That leads us to our ‘villains’. And I say that lightly because while they ARE clearly the antagonists, I… can’t really tell if they’ve evil. Going off Mugigns’ narration and report to the leader, it sounds like they are trying to prevent some kind of horrible catastrophe that the Reds and Blues unknowingly started. As for WHAT they are… well they aren’t human, at least not fully. It’s way too soon and we still know way too little. But I am going to assume that they are aliens and some kind of high cosmic order. One that makes the head of it essentially a God. Heck the names Huggins and Muggins seem to be based off Huginn and Muginn, ravens who act as the eyes and ears to Odin in Norse mythology. Going off that… yeah, we’re going full Thor here apparently.
The leader we can assume is the equivalent of Odin, the king God in Norse mythology. IDK if we’ll get a Thor and Loki equivalent…. unless the green guy is meant to be one or the other. But yeah, this means that this guy is scary news. It’s too soon to say who he may be, though I saw one person speculate that it may be Donut. And with the time travel stuff, it IS possible. But again, too soon to say. Though if not I guess that Donut becoming a God will be the key to beating this guy. Either way, the goal is unclear other than that a prophecy has been provoked. Whether they’re going to try to stop it form coming to pass, or make sure it comes to pass is unclear. We also don’t know what the prophecy is other than that the time drill’s activation was the first sign and the pizza quest was the point of no return.
So here is my current theory. As I said, I don’t think that the ‘villains’ are actual villains. Or at least they aren’t evil psychos like Felix or a well-intentioned extremist gone mad like Temple. I think that this ‘prophecy’ is going to make them see the Reds and Blues as the villains. So they are going to attempt to wipe them out in order to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. It makes them the antagonists by default. How that will cause time travel to factor in unless an attempt to kill them goes horribly wrong IDK. Still, that’s my current stance. Will it get cleared up? Probably and it’ll lead to the true villain showing up. Bu it’s still WAAAAY too soon to say, but going off Muggins’ worry it doesn’t feel like he and Huggins at least aren’t antagonistic. But we’ll see as things unfold.
All of this of course leaves a LOT of questions. What is the prophecy exactly? What is the catastrophe? How does time travel equate into it? How does the medieval scene fit into it? Is this based on any of the alien stuff we’ve had in the past? Is it something completely different? How does Donut’s current situation equate into this? What kind of aliens/interdimensional beings are these guys? Who is the golfing guy? Who is that four armed guy that we saw in the trailer? Is he with these guys? Or is he a different antagonist? Is he an antagonist at all? How do the Reds and Blues end up caught up in it? Are we going to learn the definition of shisno? There’s a lot of questions man! And that’s okay, it’s the first episode, we’re supposed to be asking questions. Gotta give Joe this, he left us with plenty to think about.
So the way that things currently stand is the Reds and Blues are going for pizza (and I assume that the ship crashes since we see them in a forest area in the trailer), Carolina is heading for Chorus, and the villains are beginning their own plans. What’s going to happen next? I honestly have no clue. I assume that we’ll be following the Reds and Blues still next episode and maybe they’ll discover Huggins, but I honestly don’t know. Way to keep us hanging Joe.
Final Thoughts
This is how you do a premiere! The episode leaves a LOT of questions, but plenty of laughs in classic RvB fashion as well. It uses it’s time effectively and while it was only nine minutes long, it sure didn’t feel that short. The scenes all serve as a nice welcome back, opens up new possibilities, and sets up things for our heroes nicely. Sure the medieval scene is kind of out of place, but normally in animation a scene like that is there for a reason, so we’ll see later. But the machinima and original animation were solid, the acting was good as always, the humor and banter were on point, and we have plenty of mystery to look forward to down the road. It also sets up potential character development for Donut and Grif, which is very much appreciated. It was very well done and I am absolutely craving for more! Great episode!
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