#jerma is only called jerma but we all know jerma
the-acid-pear · 2 years
Sometimes i have to remind myself not everyone knows the streamers i do so i cannot just call them by their first name like oh Vinny, Joel, Mike, etc
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maplecaster · 1 year
Deciphering Jerma's Water Tier List
on stream, jerma was talking about how he and his girlfriend holly made a water tier list by doing a blind taste test of a few brands. then he put on the screen this abomination:
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chat was very confused, and unfortunately jerma was too, this honestly looks like some kind of strange ancient indecipherable code. however i was able to figure it out so i want to share what it means.
let's take a look at the right side for now because it's simpler
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we see three columns- one unlabled, one labeled "grade" and one labeled "which?". jerma told us what some of the letters on the left stand for, so it's safe to assume this is just a list of water brands. he never said what E stands for so i had to guess. Reverse Osmosis is his water filter, but i'll be calling it a brand for simplicity.
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knowing this, it's clear the "grade" column is what this person thought of each brand. we can also see that the same letters reappear in the "which?" column:
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this means they weren't only making a tier list, but also a little guessing game for which brand they thought it was. (this person got 4/6 correct!)
now that we know this, let's look at the left side again:
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Ah. Mhm. Well, if you look at it, it's not really that complicated. it's formatted the same way as the last one:
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...almost. firstly, the very left side just has numbers, 2 3 5 1 6 4, this was the order the waters were tested in. presumably, these numbers are also the order in which the other side of the board was graded. the last brand, RO, doesn't have a guess, probably because the person just knew, either from taste or from process of elimination.
jerma seemed to really identify with this side, which would mean holly is the one who wrote it (you can't have the tester write their own results.) i was skeptical of this. there's no way holly would make something this unorganized and messy, and i can't see jerma labeling those columns on the right. that's when i noticed this detail that i've been skipping over..
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these cut off letters at the top. i'm fairly certain that's an H on the left and a J on the right, which means jerma is the one who wrote holly's results messily and holly is the one who made the labeled columns. (i also think jerma's results were written first, despite them being on the right)
with all this information, i wanted to recreate the table. So i did
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Hope everyone enjoyed it
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sussusamogus47 · 1 year
I just wanted to call to attention the board games in the final puzzle room, bc I haven't really seen anyone talk about them all that much.
I genuinely can't tell if they were all deliberately chosen for what they are, or if instead it was a case of what the set designers (of Genloss, not Showfall) could get their hands on, but the relative obscurity/odd choice of games makes me think that for the most part it was deliberate.
Lemme explain, starting with the most interesting one first.
Game One: My 2 Homes
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This game is most notable because it's the one boardgame that Ranboo actually calls out by name, and one of two (if i remember right) that they ever interact with. What's clever though is how it could easily be written off -- Jerma asks the three of them for examples of things in the room, and he provides one. End of story right?
But consider first that the mind control over them has been getting stronger and stronger, and the past few rooms we've been seeing them become more NPC-like, interacting with things less and less, taking less of an interest in other things.
What makes it more interesting in my opinion though, is the fact that the game is meant to help children "communicate and process their feelings about divorce".
What does this mean though?
Well, looking at the verb definitions of divorce, there's two ways it can be taken:
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You could make an argument for the first definition, sure. But just look at that second definition. Separate or dissociate something from something else. Aka Ranboo and reality.
Suddenly Ranboo's calling out of the game looks more like a call for help. To use the game for its intended purpose and say "I'm still here, please help me. I don't want this to continue."
I could be stretching here. But the subtly of it is really good, and imo wouldn't be out of place.
Game Two: Maul of America
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The pun in this one is actually what made me notice the oddity of some of the choices of these board games. For those who mightn't know, the Mall of America is one of the largest malls in the United States.
The premise of this game is simple: You're in a mall during the zombie apocalypse, and have to fight your way out. One player controls all of the zombies, and each other player controls themselves, obviously.
The parallels here alone are honestly astounding lol
But wait, there's more!! Upon rewatching this entire section, I believe this is the only other board game that Ranboo ever interacts with. Even more interestingly, I believe this might be the only game in the room that has its pieces outside of the box and partially set up.
For reference:
Here's an image of the board + some of the pieces, courtesy of boardgamegeek.com
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And here's the closest, best shot I could get of the board:
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Notice the standing pieces, the flipped over ones, and their positions relative to one another. Red is flipped, blue and orange are standing up. One zombie is standing, the rest are flipped. Blue is by red, and orange is by a zombie.
Now I'm sure you know, but for Dramatic Effect ™ I'd like to point out the primary colours of each person's outfit in this room:
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So then, Ranboo, Sneeg, and Austin are obviously intended to be the players here, with either Showfall (or the founder) controlling the zombies. Sneeg's blue token is likely closer to Ran's red one to indicate that they know each other, which supports some of the other theories around that.
But then why's Ranboo's token flipped? And what's with the zombie?
Well this is where we pull into Speculation Station, because I'm honestly not too sure. I'd like to say that the flipped token indicates Ranboo's mind controlled state, but then why isn't Sneeg's flipped too? After all, we all saw him get forcefully controlled by the Showfall Crew. My only other guess is that it hints at the ending, where somehow Austin and Sneeg survive and escape Showfall where Ranboo doesn't, but I feel like that's shaky at best so idrk.
Similar problems occur with the zombie, too. You could say it's Ranboo being mind controlled by the zombie player, but then Sneeg should have one too if that's the case. It can't really be Jerma bc he's well, dead by this point. It could maybe be the camera operator? But we also see the rats behind the curtain so wouldn't they have one too?
I really don't know honestly. But I've been going on about this one for a while lol so I should probably move on.
Game Three: Anti-Monopoly
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This one is basically what it says on the tin: Anti-Monopoly, or a trust busting game where players have to go around dismantling large corporations. Depending on the size of the company, (oligopoly, trust, or monopoly) you need one to three tokens respectively to take them down.
I'd imagine that Showfall is a pretty large corporation, so my guess is that the symbolism here is meant to be Hetch's (or even Ranboo's) intention to dismantle the company. If the former, it could maybe mean that Hetch isn't here to actually help Ranboo, but is instead using him for in order to dismantle Showfall, which would be a twist for sure.
Game Four: Twister Moves
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This seems like a version of Twister with maybe a musical chair-esque aspect to it. Someone plays as the DJ and plays music, and calls out moves to the other players.
If I had to guess, this is meant to symbolize Showfall's control over people, and how they tell them what to do.
Miscellaneous Games
These ones I don't really have much (or anything) for, honestly. I'm mostly putting them here in case anyone has any ideas, or in case they're somehow relevant.
I also have to stop adding images unfortunately bc I've hit the app's limit :(
Battleground: Crossbows and Catapults
Interestingly enough I had this as a kid lol. Used to play with just the lil plastic castles and guys a lot, not really playing the game. Anyway, the premise is you use the rubber-band powered disc launchers on top of the castles to knock down the other team's guys. Apparently hitting their flag gets you bonus lives or something, so maybe that's relevant?
Star Wars 100 Piece Puzzle (1996)
I.. actually really doubt this one's relevant. It seems a bit too mainstream for it to be, and it's also a puzzle. The date could maybe be relevant? Piece count? Or somehow the characters on it (Luke, Leia, Vader) are, but I just can't think of anything that'd work here, so my best guess is it's a red herring.
Classico (??)
I literally couldn't find anything on this one that matched the box, so I'm at a total loss.
Closing Remarks
Well, I hope that was all comprehendable :D I spent the past two hours or so putting it all together, and honestly in the process of doing so found wayy more to it than I initially thought.
And with that, I bid you adieu!
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Hetch, as a note before I send this message, I've never once played a role to you or Ranboo or anyone else. My name's Jordan. They/them. I'm much younger than you but I've got eye bags and grey hair that match yours. I've spent most of my life trying, in one way or another, to help people in situations like yours and Ranboo's. If I were in your world, I would have tried to get you as many legal, financial, and medical resources as you could.
I don't know what to say. There's so much TO say and all of it is goodbyes. I want to ask about everyone - Cameron and Ashley, whether Mike made it back or not. Jerma and the entire cast and crew and what's happened to Showfall itself.
You've had a month to get ready to say goodbye but we haven't. I want to thank you for everything, to express how much we love you and love having been part of your lives. To wish you the best of luck as life goes on. To celebrate the time we've spent together.
But I guess I don't know how much you'll hear this from the others so I'll try to focus on one thing. And I think I speak for most of us, but I might not. In that case, it's from me personally.
I'm sorry. Deeply, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize. To everyone we've affected and to you specifically.
We entered your world without your permission, under a power that only Janine understood. We teased you, we played around, we didn't respect you because you were only fictional to us. We're the reason you almost died (not through our own fault, but still). I've been so morbidly curious about your life story that I've encouraged people to ask for a glimpse at your future if we'd voted differently, because I (thinking of you as only fictional) wanted to know more about you even if that required seeing you in pain.
We've joked to you about things that you were clearly horrified or disgusted by. We kept calling you "babygirl" to your face against your will - and I can't speak for anyone else about this, but I personally thought that this would be sexual harassment if you were "real." I hope it's the loving nickname we meant it as rather than a despised term, but my hope doesn't change the way it actually affected you.
Ranboo, we've known things about your life that should have been private. That also wasn't under our control, but we could have stopped reading at any time and we didn't. Our constant eyes on you as a vulnerable teen probably hurt you sometimes in ways I don't even remember or haven't considered.
Sneeg, I'm sorry I didn't ask if you wanted to be reached out to as much as the others. Charlie, I'm sorry I didn't ask if you wanted a break from us at any point. And I'm sorry that there are probably a million other sorries I don't have time to give.
I don't expect an answer to all of this. But I wanted to tell you this as part of my goodbye. Love you all.
And for the sake of making sure this message can get to you... please react in a way that only shows one person in the frame for us? Without much talking?
Everyone, please don't listen to this part but Hetch. And Hetch, please cover your ears if you don't want to know something about yourself that you haven't realized yet. Or maybe I'll need to send in a separate censored version of this before it reaches you?
Alright, if you're listening, this is about your own sexuality maybe not being what you think it is. Please cover your ears at any time. But I have good reason to believe that you're bisexual. It's a good thing, a beautiful thing. But no one can determine who you are but you.
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dino--draws · 1 month
I recorded it and me and my friends do wanna edit it and be silly w/ it so you may actually get to hear the presentation [and if you want the presentation itself just shoot me a dm on discord or smth] at some point but!
"Enter this freak! [image of McDoctorate]" "he looks like weird al.............."
"whats this guys name?" "FUNNY YOU ASK THAT [goes to slide that says 'whats this guys name?']"
"Damn! Sucks for Abbie, man I was invested." "I KNOW I WAS SO SAD SHE DIED." "This is a loss for women." "This was NOT a win for feminism."
"This is the REISNO Cannon!" "...thats a guy." "IGNORE THE GUY IGNORE THE GUY!"
"Failing to fulfil the causal loop causes a paradox. So let's cause a paradox! This is Dougall Deering, a bitchass motherfucker that nobody likes!"
"This is the significance of September 8th!" "...the queen......" "Queen Elizabeth died!! This isn't relevant!"
[Someone I do not know came in and sat down to listen for a bit]
"So you guys know Weirdmaggedon right?"
"And then the therapist dies and it all gets worse."
"So it'll come back, right? Right??? [long pause] There is no cannon." "Ha."
"So you may be wondering 'where the fuck did he go?' and now we finally get into Admonition."
"Because we can't use Narrative travel to jump genres we're writing the Fix-it Fic in the Hurt No Comfort AU. I don't know why I worded it like that in the slide." "That's my fault." "Nonono you're right there."
"They use it to terminate anomalies!!" "Not the ANTIKILL facility.........."
"It was all going dandy and functional until they did something stupid and hubris."
[Me calling the PH-GOS "the silly device"]
"Oh no! Who could've seen this coming!" cries the dumb fucks who should've realized this was an exercise in facility forty years ago."
[A second, new person appears to listen in]
"Say it with me now: YOU CAN'T KILL A LIZARD [several people do say it with me now]"
"Anti-idea???" "Yes, anti-idea."
"We're gonna PEMDAS the starfish!"
"Nice try guys, it didn't work but it wrote them a poem." "Awhhh,,"
"You may be wondering how the FUCK this is the first article in this series. Well you haven't seen NOTHIN' yet."
"I understand why this is making you insane." "Yeah no I get it."
"Is he [PHMD] a creative
"Director Johnathan King is fucking dead!" "Who??" "Don't worry about it he's not important." "He sounds like he is!" "The only thing you need to know is that he's dead."
"IS THAT JERMA?" "where?" "WHY IS JERMA THERE!" "THATS JERMA???" [me having to explain Jerma]
"Our budget took a hit! So we're gonna devote all resources to build this thing! For the budget!"
"Why are we doing this?" "Because we need to make a man un-die but no other necromancy is working."
"WHY IS HE A CAT??" "Don't worry about it." "These two don't have faceclaims to my knowledge so have Dir. Vehmoff looking at manga and catboy Dir. Asheworth (catboyism not relevant here, 120 directorism relevant here)." "He seems sad." "He is sad."
"If this man says it's safe, I don't know what else to tell you. DRAMATIC IRONY IS A LITERARY DEVICE IN WHICH--"
[Me going off script to briefly and VERY excitedly ramble about pataphysics]
[My one friend comparing generic vs protagonist vs archetypical to a/b/o and me threatening to end her life several times before moving on in the excited ramble and we all think its cool as fuck btw]
"I'm gonna read this [the 6747 imagion particles stuff] because I think it's cool and its my presentation."
"So? When's the other shoe gonna drop?" "Probably right now." "Yes!"
"So sometimes we taze it! Personnel are to be reminded that its totally dead and we totally aren’t lying to your face. The therapist we hired to taze the brain wants to be amnestizied of tazing the brain. We told her no. sorry Ngo." "Hah." "Ngo,,,,,,,,,"
"also his name is sparky...." "well thank god for that."
"It's becoming bad fanfiction." "They're all having sex." "No they're not, there's no sex in this." "We are reading very different bad fanfiction." "Yes we are!"
[My roommate googling 2747 bazongas]
"I wanna punt him [PHMD] like a football." "Good he deserves it."
"GET IN LOSER! We're killing gods!"
"What Dr. Blake is about to do has not been approved by the Vatican." [My friends loose their shit]
"That's right babey! It's the motherfucking starfish again!" "WHAT??" "Oh shit!!"
"PHMD’s plan is to create an Unbound Prometheus to help them find the God within the human mind. And not in the Frankenstein sense i mean he wants to unbind Prometheus and promote him as the God of Humanity. And everyone is just ok with this!?!?!?! [I am gesturing frantically and my voice is cracking like hell] Like they restructure the education system and everything to incorporate this and the Foundation starts to pray to Prometheus and all that???? its wild and so casually mentioned too, but here we go we’re doin this!!"
"oh my god he's the modern Prometheus." "HE'S THE MODERN PROMETHEUS!!!!"
"ignore the fact they've given people early onset dementia."
"the exhilaration of severing a finger from a squirming human hand (ie. transcendence). [Pause] WELL AIN'T THAT JUST PEACHY :D"
''that was the SHORT ONE?" "Short and sweet! Not simple and short." "Heeheheh, yeah."
"It's killing all AI!" "yaaaaaaaaaaaaayy!"
"SO NOW DISREGARD THAT LAST SLIDE! BECAUSE I LIED TO YOU!!" "why would you do that,,,?" "what????" "THERE'S NO VIRUS. IT'S ANOTHER GOD DAMN FOUNDATION MADE EIGENMACHINE. THE VIRUS IS A COVER UP." "why are you talking like a republican conspiracy theorist."
"That's really fucked up, thank you!" "ISN'T IT???"
"Please take note to behold the comedic amount of power that LOTUS needs."
"I love 28 nuclear reactors."
"So things go to shit pretty fast! Cause guess what? PHMD touched the damn machine."
"So yeah these guys have no right to be surprised when it starts interring all AI, even the most simplest of spellcheckers." "Not Grammarly!!!" "yup, LOTUS got it."
"isn't LOTUS itself an AI..?" [I turn my head slowly and grin at them in dead silence] "oh great thanks." "we'll get to that :) we'll get to that :)))"
"Have you tried turning it on and off again?"
"Problem solved, right? [next slide] SO EVERYTHING GETS IMMEDIATELY WORSE!!!!"
"Lunar Area-23 is gone." "THEY TOOK THE MOON??" "you know who else takes the moon? Gru." "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT."
[my friends horrified look as I describe Hishakaku's hostile takeover]
"He demoted him and erased his mind, because the Foundation can just do that, by the way." "Oh! :D Ok! :D"
"WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME IF I SAID IT GETS EVEN WORSE? Because I lied to you again!!! OCI does not stand for Obtuse Computation Interface. It stands for Organic Consciousness Interface. THAT'S RIGHT! HISHKAKAU WAS PUTTING BRAINS IN JARS!"
"Not Head of Disinformation that's craaazy," "Yeah they just have that." "I wanna be CEO of lying."
"Wow fuck this guy."
[My one friend making a rainbow dash jar joke like right before the slide that has the rainbow dash jar joke]
"LOTUS is flipping its shit."
[group cackling at Hishakaku's takedown]
"Why'd they do that???" "because they're fucking fascists!!"
"Oh and by the way the remains of LOTUS have been salvaged for Project ADMONITION." "Ggrrrreeat!!"
"Admonition Episode 5, SCP-7243, Existential Abatement." "I like that its gay :}" "It IS gay!"
"What if the timeloop happened in June."
"He also shows Ngo -- the therapist who was tazing the brain earlier you remember her? -- the item he wanted to give Phillip. A magic box, that makes it seem like the object you’ve put in it vanishes. But there’s no magic at all, just a drawer, just a trick." "Oh boy" "Nnnnnno way." "Wow isn’t that a specific detail I sure hope that isn’t a framing device."
"Dougall asks Amelia what the hell he should do. She tells him three words--" "kill yourself." "No more wast-- no."
"Esoteric waste???" "sent it into space." "we can't do that :("
"You killed my husband." "Yeah that's an actual line in the article." "SDKFJSHDKHFD"
"Oh right yeah there's an SCP object in this article."
[my friends thinking DePLExA is really cool]
[Me pausing for two seconds each time 'waste' pops up]
"They are dumping empty containers into an empty pit. Because if they don’t it’ll cause a paradox. [Pause] You ready to cause another parado-- hold your conceptual horses actually because there's more to explain."
"Esoteric gift horses and their non-existent mouths."
"AND THEN IT ALL GOES TO SHIT! [to the tune of 'and then along came zeus']
"Wait September 8th again??" "It's fucking happening again."
"A magnitude 8.5 earthquake hits." "Ttttttthats not good."
[My friends mounting horror as I just read through the EE-7243 event entirely]
"So it was like putting a lid on a burning pan. But the burning pan is an acromatic abatement facility about to esoterically explode and the lid is a bomb that creates a forcefield"
"Oh hey! We found Amelia!" "Oh!!!" "She's not ok, but she's alive!" "That's a lot!!!" "yeah!!!"
[periodic sounds of me excitedly stimming while talking]
"We're living out of spite!" "that's soooooooooo real," "she's so me!" "I love how she hates her brother-in-law more than she loves her husband." "YEAH KDFJGHDFJKG"
"But they don't have one [O5-9]..." "oops." "Whoops!!"
[group confusion over Amelia and Dougall marrying eachother]
[Group freakout over Dougall being the entity that killed Phillip]
"What is waste? I guess you finally figured it out, Dougall." "OH MY GOD KDJFGHDKFJGD" "THAT'S HILARIOUS." "THIS IS AN ACTUAL LINE IN THE ARTICLE."
"wwwwait a second, a timeline being cut off from the coalition and the RCT? This is familiar..." "that fucking rubik's cube." "the cube!!"
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"He fucked around just to get this timeline kicked out?" "He's throwing for content!!" "He should get twitter cancelled."
"Operation LAST STRAW success--" "Hehehehe"
"Because one of the people who writes this taunts me on tumblr and I go insane on the regular."
"She's from the paradox timeline as well," "how'd she get outtie :(((" "We don't know yet!"
this was 101 slides
"why did y'all let this guy cook??" "this freak cannot handle his trauma in a healthy way."
"He might be trying to become the LOGICIAN and kill his author. But also the LOGICIAN is the author so he may be trying to kill the LOGICIAN." "This is just like Betty from adventure time."
"This powerpoint has DLC content!"
and now my friends wanna read the actual Admo articles I am kicking my feet and giggling fr fr fr fr fr fr fr ehehehehehehehe. my brainworms.................... god im so happy rn you have no idea this is all so cool to me and im so happy my friends thought it was neat,,,,,
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People I'd like to know better!
Whew i got tagged 3 times in this, so thought it'd be fun ;w;
Last song: If I Needed Help, I Wouldn't Call (911) by Cleveland Avenue
Favourite colour: Always been a green bitch
Currently watching: Assorted Jerma videos and jennifer's body essays
Last movie/tv show: Crimas movie night with my besties, so we watched Gremlins, jingle all the way, and national lampoon chistmas vacay and ate soup n walmart brownies before we passed out at 10pm
Spicy/savoury/sweet: LOVE savory and spicy equally; I just made spicy chicky tenders tonight! I have to sneak seasoning into family gatherings on both sides bc they're the bland white people food stereotype. love sweet only in desserts but my god do i love desserts i just slammed a whole pack of pumpkin muffins
Relationship status: Happily single, but maybe soon i'll partner search
Current obsession: besides kkg, still going strong with all my houseplants and cant wait to expand when i move. recently, ripping wood paneling off the walls of the house; i'm a well oiled machine at demos lmao AND i'm still obsessed with making long furbies, once i get my studio set up, its over, long furby central
Last thing you googled: i think it was the senate hearing room gay barebacking thing bc frey didnt believe me
Tagging: I not even sure who to tag, so i'll harass these three @hiphipfrey @bridoesotherjunk @vickriarts
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subaerial-dweller · 10 months
aaaAAA I'm on a roll now, I'm just spitting whatever comes into my mind about Generation Loss onto the table now. I love this show very much and I no longer care if people see these posts, I have too many thoughts and I'm writing them down :DD.
I don't think Frank is a skeleton. We know he's a dude, right? There was that screenshot someone took of Frank's poster in Episode 3, let me see if I can find it.
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Here we are. In my search for this screenshot, I did come across a lot of posts that said very similar things to what I was going to say, which was that Frank might just be a rotting corpse they drag around with them, which is really quite insane. I said in my first post of this late-night frenzy of Genloss thinking that I'm not very good at drawing, and in 45 minutes that hasn't actually changed. But I have a very graphic view in my head, and it makes the point where Jerma fucken smacks Frank across the face and breaks his fucking neck or something, it makes it all a lot harder to stomach. It's a gruesome thing, and now I'm just worried about how exactly Frank died.
Sneeg likes him, so maybe he was once the main character, where GL!Ranboo is now? It would make sense, because he's in that cage thing with Sneeg, so they might've just both failed together, but Frank was never going to go beyond the first episode without dying.
OH SPEAKING OF THAT. This is where the "and character origins" part of the post comes from.
I want to talk about where the other characters came from. We see a bunch of them, and they all allude to being in this game for a while before we see this iteration with GL!Ranboo in the main role, but I also have other ideas.
OPTION ONE: they're all, strictly speaking, actors, and Ranboo's the one running through this completely blind. They all know their roles, they understand what they have to do to get the story moving along (Sneeg tackles Austin to get Ranboo through the moving cutout wall thing, for example), and they play those roles. That would explain why Charlie's in every episode: he's the Slime Demon, then he's Surfer Dude/Patient Slime, and then he's Charlie Slimecicle the Streamer. He's a recurring talent (maybe I'll write another thing about where I think GL!Charlie came from, when speaking about option one). They're all mind controlled like Ranboo is, with the same filter layered over reality (except on Austin, I think his malfunctioned which is why he looked so horrified in the clothes room with Ethan, and on the merry-go-round next to rotting corpse!Frank, and Sneeg when he was wearing the hat). They're briefed on their roles, and they follow them, but their main goal is to keep the story moving and get Ranboo to the end. Once again, I think GL!Austin's filter thingy doesn't really work, because he called Jerma "sick", he looked horrified and disgusted to sit next to a dead body, I think he was the only person to care that GL!Ethan had been, you know, brutally murdered, and he also tried to take Ranboo's place in the cutout room.
OPTION TWO: They've all been through the games before. They've all been the main characters, and they've now been moved into other roles with each repetition of the show. So GL!Sneeg was once the main character in Episode 1, and then he fucked up and was locked in the cage with Frank (who also was the protagonist, but then he, uh, well something went wrong and Showfall regrets this Tragic Accident), before Ranboo comes around.
Slimecicle was the main character in Episode 2 once, and he was about to lose the Mousetrap game in the Candy Room, so he ate the piece so the Puzzler couldn't blast him to pieces. Obviously it worked, but he was repurposed as another role, because they took that "oh it's in him" as a great premise for the next time this show went over. Now, our version of Genloss, where GL!Ranboo's the main character, this could happen right after Slime ate the piece, or it could be a while back, but Showfall liked the idea so much they just kept forcing Slime to eat the pieces and random shit, or they cut him open and put it all back inside. Either way, it's not pretty.
Option Two would explain why GL!Vinesauce says "I've done it before" when he asks Sneeg and Ranboo to throw him across the lasers. It would make sense for the first two episodes, where there are other characters and the storyline seems to be in control (as much as Hetch was manipulating Episode 3, Ranboo did have his own mind back and made his own decisions, like with rescuing Streamer Charlie Slimecicle), because for those, the plotline is simple, straightforward, with barely any variation. The characters can be recycled, it makes sense. However, I think accidents do happen, and sometimes, in the case of Frank, actors only get past one episode before, you know, dying. RIP Frank. Squiggles misses you.
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okay so, i definitely got off track of the initial way i planned on writing this, but i got into a groove and... just gonna put it into (at least) 2 parts.
jerma x reader x ludwig (part one)
it starts totally innocuous, you're helping on dollhouse and end up just getting in with the two of them. you click at one of the end of day get-togethers. jerma makes you laugh first and then lud comes over to investigate what's going on and they've both got you doubled over. you end up getting food together and just spend more hours than you should have talking. by the end of the dollhouse event, you're in a group chat with the two of them and by the end of the first week of it existing, it's... always active.
you start to send good morning and good night messages, talk about your day even when they're busy and when they catch up on the memes and stuff you send. they're both busy bees so you know they get back to you when they can, but at some point it starts to make you sad when it's got long periods in between. not just that platonic sad but... longing. you're a little embarrassed over it, but it doesn't really come to an apex when you send a very tired 'ok love you guys im goin to bed'
it makes them both panic separately for the same reason but they don't talk about it on the side. ludwig replies immediately without thinking, 'love you 2, sweet dreams' and jerma replies 49 minutes later after trying to not overthink it (but did for all 49 minutes) a very simple 'love you'. he thinks about deleting it too, or changing it, but he thinks it's better not to and manages to go to bed after some tossing and turning. (and putting on something mind-numbing on his ipad) but that first time comes and goes and it just becomes routine to say it all the time. all the time.
it's not until you go hang out with jerma again that the energy is just.. different, not bad, just different. maybe even a little awkward. your hands are a little sweaty but you two spend the entire night playing dumb shit on the switch and you cook dinner together and somewhere along the line you're sitting next to each other and blurt out that you both miss Ludwig and then laugh and are like haha y-you too? but there's the electricity between the two of you too, and he invites you to stay the night "not like that of course... i mean unless you-" "yes" and you share your first kiss and it's fun and you still just...
you're both still thinking about Ludwig, and he knew you were hanging out but didn't realize it was a date and he feels this empty pit in his stomach because the two of you aren't talking to him even though he knows it's because you two are hanging out. and there's this seed of not jealousy but sadness because he isn't there too.
ludwig comes out with an awkward confession after you and jerma start to hang out more and more. "kinda hate when you guys go on dates tbh" tone is impossible to read through text and you prod him on why and after the conversation starts to get heated you open a call, and it. for what it's worth, the civility between you and ludwig lasts exactly 3 sentences and jerma is really trying to just mediate but once you both start yelling it's impossible (but he definitely feels like he's listening to two children bicker).
"it was one date and we've only seen each other twice! out with it, why is it such a problem only now?? it was two days where you were busy anyway so it's not like we skipped out on a night time video call!"
"that's not the fucking problem!"
"you didn't say anything when jeremy asked you if it was okay?? he asked you!"
"because it's not just you!! it's both of you, both of you are the problem."
"what does that even mean?? how is it--"
"wait, both of us? stop let lud talk"
you stopped out of indignance, almost throwing your headphones down instead of listening to whatever he had to say but with your arms crossed and mouse hovered over the leave call button, you stayed. you couldn't tell if ludwig had walked away from his computer or if he had muted his microphone and just gave up on talking. jerma breaks the silence first and cracks a half hearted joke, "i-i think this is the longest he's gone without talking to us. i don't think we've ever heard him this quiet for so long" it gets the driest chuckle out of you, almost like a pity laugh, but ludwig groans loudly and it genuinely cracks you up further. you can almost see it as he sighs, too, the way his hands are braced against his forehead and it's wrinkled with frustration.
"i fucking... it feels like shit knowing you two are hanging out and i'm all the way in los angeles. it's not just... one of you, it's both of you, i don't know. saying that out loud feels so fucking dumb." but you both scrambled to interject, explaining that you both felt that way too. neither of you knew how to bring it up and that it had been plaguing you especially hard, feeling like one side of the feelings were fake, both jerma and ludwig were scared that it would wildly change the dynamic the three of you had.
but it didn't.
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hello chii yes tell me about your dysfunctional idol ocs
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Ok i have no clue how the idol bit started but i think it was me mentioning a idol au for our friendgroup or something. And alas egg (@.eggpeeee) and i did our FIRST and INITIAL idol drafts!
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Initially it was only the two of us. We were a duo. A insanely mentally fucking ill duo until we dragged others into this. The name megathrust was achieved through a fucking joke after one of our members tried to protest the megathrust name but we thought the bit was funny
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We have basically no fucking lore for them besides the most insane color theory bullshit we did for their universe (i bullshited all my way through it) and the fact they all live together (with kira and exe invading kawas apartment and horux just appearing one day). SO LETS GET TO THE IDOLS!
(really old drawing from our producer @.kohku thank you kit for producing this hell. Most designs here r outdated and we r missing some members. THERES NO OTHER PRODUCER KIT DRAWING AND I THINK THID IS BAD :( )
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so! Initially megathrust was in fact a duo produced by kit! Until eventually shit happened and kawa (kawa @.moonysadventureteam) and horux (no tumblr) joined this fucking hell. I don't know lore for basically any of the others besides kira because he's mine
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We have exe, who's mentally ill. Has as its emoji the ☢️ as we can see there. Exe is like th second sanest member of megathrust but is still low-key insane. Fun facts include the fact their blood is radioactive and that microwaves explode if it gets too close to them. electronics also stop working if they're too close. its pathetic and probably would be the member being drawn as the dying in a glue trap meme. Some themes include radioactivity, glitches, and mental fucking breakdowns. They're like the jerma of megathrust
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KAWA!!!!!!!!!! also mentally ill. Kawa is like the one braincell in the group and also the one who tried to stop us from calling the idol group megathrust (as we can see he failed). They're the one having his apartment constantly fucking invaded by three creatures and suffering with them having to buy a new microwave every week because exe exploded it by getting too close again. He deserves a break. Some themes include hospitals, stars and also crippling anxiety.
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HORUX!!!! also mentally ill. bites people to show affection and is also low-key insane just like our next member. Bug was the latest addition to megathrust and has chronical conditions which is why they believed initially that it couldn't be an idol like the others, but alas here he is now. no one knows how bug invaded kawas apartment too. themes include chaos, fun, magic and 488374 undiagnosed illnesses.
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My babygirl. Kira. Who's a boy btw and also has mental illness. Ngl they're the one w most stuff written here indeed just because they're mine so yeah. Canonically a convicted criminal for ?????? that ran away and now is a fucking idol. Canonically has charges of murder. Canonically owns and leads a cult which their fans are part of. Low-key fucking insane but i think the cute appearance excuses it ;3. Keeps this cute teehee x3 persona in public but is low-key scary in private and insanely bossy. No one has ever seen them frown and also they're obsessed with being the perfect idol for the public which is why his mental breakdowns in private may or may not end in explosions. Themes include mental illnesses, blood, ribcages, crosses, horror, ribbons, candy, fairytales, angels and princesses. No one is quite sure if they're human or not.
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Remember that they are the normalest unit ever and never stop thrusting ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ how can producer kit deal with these mfs.
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toomanystars-jpg · 11 months
TW: jerma, cannabalism, murder
ok so i wrote a short fiction piece about jerma being a cannibal and i got some responses asking me to post it, so here we are. I would love nothing more than to laugh along with you all about how ridiculous this concept is, especially since he's made bits about it before. i'll tell you something super important: JERMA IS NOT A CANNIBAL AND THIS IS FICTION. THIS IS NOT REAL.
The Confession of A Cannibal
Hello. My name is Jeremy. I’m a psycho, or that’s what people would call me if they read this. I’ve done things I’m not proud of. I ordered exotic meat online. I didn’t know what it was, but it tasted like nothing I had ever had before. It was like chicken, but richer in flavour. The warmth as I tore the meat from the ribs settled in my stomach as any warm meat would. It felt like I was always meant to consume this meat of unknown origin. I got hooked on it; it was amazing. I knew I needed more. The meat became my personal heroin; making me suffer from intense withdrawals that shook me, if not physically, certainly mentally. I couldn’t think straight without it. I never knew food cravings could be like this. Truly debilitating. In a moment of weakness I ordered more meat from the site. I wanted to confirm what I had been eating, to know what had its claws around my neck; and this time it was a solely human feature: an arm. 
The package came in, and low and behold, the arm had a hand, ligaments, tendons, bones, and joints; everything but skin. It was slimy, and hard to hold. The only thing I could think of was how good it would taste fresh out of the oven. I cut off the hand; it crunched under the pressure of my cleaver. The sharpness of the blade made the fileting easy. The blade glided across the bones, the meat slapped the bottom of my empty bowl. I seasoned the meat and stuck it in the oven. I was so excited that I sat on the floor in front of the oven while it cooked. The cold hardwood flooring under my palms and feet was not enough for me to come to my senses and forget the amazing taste of human meat. I loved it with all my heart, more than I had ever loved anything before. When it was thoroughly cooked, I cut the cooked bicep into sizable chunks and laid it out over rice. I poured the juices over it too. I stored the rest in containers and placed them in a stack in my nearly empty fridge. The meat was soft and juicy. The rice soaked in the oily juice was heavenly; what they would’ve served in heaven if I had anything to say about it. I was so enthralled that I invited a friend over to share it with me.
My friend arrived after a long day of work, and he was starving. I dumped some rice down onto the plate, gathered extra pieces of the arm that I hadn’t eaten, poured on the juices, and gave it to my friend. After that, I don’t remember anything. I must have black out, because everything is blank. The next thing I remember is kneeling over my dead friend, my pants soaked with his blood. There was a bullet hole in his forehead, and a pistol next to me. Then I had a brilliant thought: Human meat was good, but what could be better than the freshest it could possibly be?
I grabbed my friend and carried him back into the kitchen. His dead weight made me realize just how much delicious muscle my friend had on him. I struggled to lift him up onto the counter, his limp body making him increasingly harder to maneuver. I cut off his clothes, but kept his underwear on. I wasn’t about to rid him of his dignity, nor was I quite ready for the most exotic meat the human body had to offer. I cut off his legs first. Blood got everywhere. It spewed and sprayed from his stumps, filling the air with the smell of blood. It covered my floor, which infuriated me. His arms went next. Again, blood covered the counter and the floor, as his limp arms fell from his torso. I wanted his ribs. I grabbed a garbage bag and cut him open. I began dumping out organs until nothing remained but his empty torso. I don’t know why, but I started salivating. I cut below the ribs and took his head off. I threw the excess in the bag. I cut off his hands and feet, I skinned all the parts, I took the meat off the bones. It took three garbage bags, but all evidence of him was in garbage bags, ready for the garbage truck to take away my friend’s remains. I cut up all the pieces, seasoned the meat thoroughly, shoved most of it in my freezer, and put some in the oven. I cleaned up the blood while it cooked. Wonderfully delicious smells of my friend’s body filling my small home, and I wish it could’ve stayed in my nose forever.  By the time the meat was done cooking, my living room and kitchen was spotless. The smell was now mixed with chemicals, which ruined my appetite. There was nothing that could’ve meant he was here, other than the mountain of digital evidence against me. I’m scrawling this while in bed with a full stomach. I know people are going to be looking for him, but I have no regrets. I feel no remorse. He was delicious.
hope you enjoyed my attempt at writing. if you're at all interested, i wrote this for school and i just wanted to write about jerma, and i remembered the "human meat in the fridge" meme. I'm honestly expecting some hate, because this is truly deranged. I read it out to my roommates and one of them was genuinely concerned for me. I feel like this should go unsaid, i am not a cannibal, i have though watched a lot of true crime so i know lots about the mindset of criminals, especially murderers (moidewers). i hope you have a wonderful day, stay safe, and you're welcome for making the most deranged thing you've read all day.
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 09/03/2024
ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) Fiddle de Chocobo - Final Fantasy VII
Ripped by Heboyi
It seems to be a running theme with the posts of Season 8 thus far to talk about all the possible new jokes that are growing in prominence on the channel. Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab covered a whole boatload of them in a medley nostalgically blending the old and new, while Willievan Afton Polkka was a deeper delve into one joke in particular, Stuck Inside. (By the way, a funny addendum: just a few days after KnightOfGames commented on that post saying there were more Stuck Inside rips to look forward to, we got another one - once again by KnightOfGames - mixing it with fucking PPAP of all sources. The guy knows no limits.) But anyway, in that aforementioned medley rip, there's one particular joke featured that stuck with me. A joke that, though its been featured in the back half of Season 7 already, I am vocally advocating for becoming the crowning jewel of Season 8. Because in case you weren't aware, 2024 is the year of the meat - The year of rips just like ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo.
Amidst the vast sea of internet personalities, IShowSpeed is certainly one of the loudest: a 19-year old streaming video games shirtless in his bedroom seemingly blew up overnight for his erratic, over-the-top reactions and genuinely fantastic knack for the dramatic and improvised comedy. As a result, the guy is an absolute goldmine of funny clips and bits, and much like someone like Jerma985 and Going Somewhere Jerma?, it was bound to inspire some rips by proxy. Hell, I'm half convinced it was IShowSpeed's infamous stream of the Talking Ben game that inspired the use of Talking Ben as a source in Mad Mew Mew Becoming Uncanny: as far back as Season 6, Speed's influence was spreading onto the SiIvaGunner channel. Yet he was missing that...X-factor, that special sauce to make his legacy one to be remembered for all time. He was funny, sure, but was he stuck in people's minds yet?
And then, in late 2023, in a frantic response to being jumpscared by Chica in a Five Nights at Freddy's game, he accidentally "showed his meat" to his entire stream. A new legend - IShowMeat - was born.
On the one hand, I am incredibly out of touch with whatever Speed gets up to - most of what I'm telling you here is only my take on things from the small snippets I've seen online. But the meat incident truly escalated like nothing I've seen in recent times - the absurdity of the reaction that resulted in its reveal, Speed's own reaction to what he'd done, and of course - the tounge-in-cheek song released by Speed's own dad making fun of the incident, I Show The Meat. This was the last thing needed to make Speed a regular on SiIva, as rips using I Show The Meat and various IShowSpeed clips together have become a recurring trend - one that, due to all that I've talked about and the genuinely fun qualities of I Show The Meat as a song, I'm absolutely enamored with.
I had a vast array of options available to me for this post, to forward 2024 as The Year Of The Meat. Yet as Big Sus Chocobo showed all the way back in the blog's beginnings, I have a very exploitable soft spot for fun uses of Final Fantasy's Chocobo theme, and ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo thus became the one meat rip I kept returning to. That is also, of course, because the rip is just genuinely well made and funny - I Show The Meat's simple but recognizable beat already infuses a new energy to Fiddle de Chocobo, and the song's vocals are done to absolute perfection, utilizing parts from another Daddy Speed song in I Love Bowling. It becomes a sort of call-and-response dynamic, with the Chocobo theme's main melody utilizing I Show The Meat and the breaks and segments inbetween using I Love Bowling - yet the two songs sound so similar that it flows from one to the other incredibly seamlessly. Despite the completely different melodies of all three songs, the lyrics are edited just enough to fit whilst still being completely audible: In other words, it's the kind of rip that is incredibly easy to sing along to. Plus, yknow, there's just something incredibly funny about hearing a song about showing one's meat layered on top of such a silly fun-time melody as the Chocobo theme!
IShowSpeed only appearing this prominently on the channel due to a big embarrassing incident sort of reminds me of the Minecraft YouTuber Dream, with rips like Five Dreams at Night 1.16 and his entire event during Season 5 effectively poking fun at him for something that was...quite harmless, in the long-run. SiIvaGunner touches upon and references a big number of YouTubers, and I think this kind of playfulness is the perfect way to go about things. Because even though I'm not much of a fan nor much of a detractor of Dream or IShowSpeed, it is absolutely hilarious to follow the creative ways that their infamous moments have been used for laughs by the SiIva team. ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo digs deeper into Daddy Speed's list of songs to make something yet funnier, but still remains completely understandable to goobers like me who just think the phrase "I Show Meat" is incredibly funny. In my eyes, having that flexibility whilst remaining funny is a telltale sign that the joke is here to stay.
(Real quick, as I couldn't find a way to properly fit it into the text - I really want to shout out i show rottytops my meat (Consensually) by circunflexo of You Are Book Smart fame as another incredible meatpost of Season 8. I may write a post about it in the future, but put simply: its incredible in its own ways, using the Talking Ben sample just like Mad Mew Mew Becoming Uncanny and a track with a crazy fun energy to it. Go listen to it after ICastHaste encounters a wild Chicabo - they're like two sides of the same juicy steak.)
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thetacebellkit49 · 1 year
So it’s like 2:30 in the morning for me and like I just had a thought about genloss (WARNING ITS FUCKING LONGGGG)
What if H is working for showfall media, Now before y’all backlash me hear me out, let me cook.
H can add tapes or clues to the other people in the show like with the bad hat for sneeg in Charlie or the tape on the goopy goons so that means he is on the set for the show or at least is controlling one of the puppets to leave those clue for Ranboo to find. It’s a bit suspicious that showfall would let these small mishaps of Ranboo or any of the others of breaking control happen unless they wanted it to or that they would look the other way or it’s like actually a rescue mission but even then it feels off.
(This is gonna be a long shot but like hear me out) Like take for example sneeg in episode two gets wiped because he try to leave through the set with the bad hat from episode one. When he is brought back, the (I’m gonna call them squiggle guards) squiggle guards hold him down and put a mask on like they’ve down it a million times before as if sneeg had broken control a lot more than anyone else. But they didn’t wipe him completely, sneeg still has the knowledge of getting Ranboo out thus the hold back of Austin at the mcc hole in the wall for Ranboo to leave. It feels too convenient that the squiggle guards were just ready for the outcome of sneeg trying to escape knowing that if the it was anyone else they would just kill them off camera. At the end of episode 2 we get H saying he tried to get sneeg out but ultimately H doesn’t need sneeg to be out of the mind control since sneeg is the taken and not the hero.
At the end of episode 2 we get Ranboo with a key left by jerma or in this case the puzzler, with the recorder with the truth will set you free just unlock the door and see. But then H get control of the whole building, and stops the mind control over Ranboo and unfilters the truth of where Ranboo is but not a way out, or at least not yet. This leaves Ranboo to probably stop the source of it all aka find the founder and kill them, but why couldn’t H do that, H got control over everything, so what’s stopping him from sending a puppet to do the job while you get Ranboo out of there. What is stopping H from cutting the feed of the show so that the founder that might be overseeing it doesn’t see H’s plan for what’s next. Unless H is a puppet too or more so a scripted false hope, for Ranboo to trust, H has already shown to be more than capable at leaving clues around. But what if they aren’t the full clue, or the intent behind it isn’t what leads Ranboo out. (Then again Ranboo did say on his Twitter that it’s a like a happy for gl!ranboo, I just wanna be questioning everything)
Since H has control and we are going to see what happens next with our boi on Sunday on the 28th (which is later today for me cuz I’m writing this in the very very early morning) What is H’s motive? What does H have to gain besides sticking a big fuck u to showfall of stopping the show and getting Ranboo out? What if H is a part of showfall as that false hope like how our choices on the choosing who gets to leave the spin wheel at the second room with Ranboo and the second pipe puzzle being solved for us. Like the voting ending with only niki leaving only for her to die right in the next room, and being replaced with all the others only to find it didn’t matter who we chose first. They were always going to die for Ranboo to live. But even when Ranboo lives through it all his mind control of his mask seems to be on the fritz when him doing a Rubiks cube and just staring down the camera constantly, to his hand tapping sos and reaching out to the detonator on the table only to stop himself as to maybe not get caught or to someone telling him in that mind control to stop and to not resist(cough cough H cough cough). 
Picture of you will, H is like a puppet no a jester, yea a jester, showfall is the king and Ranboo is the knight. So jesters are two faced being you learn how to entertain based on your king’s actions while the knight is left in the dark following orders till they start questioning the actions of the king. I think that H is gonna tell Ranboo that he has to find and kill the founder to stop the cycle from continuing and that he has a choice of stopping it for good or to leave and let another ‘hero’ stop it as if he were told to do so. Ranboo being sensible makes he own choices unless it’s matter of H needing Ranboo to follow his lead on finding the founder for his own selfish gain or if it’s scripted path of the hero. If H truly wants to save Ranboo then take him out of the role of being the hero and letting him leave the show by either an actual exit to the outside world or using the key from jerma/puzzler on the door(Unless it’s like a false door then like yea the other option). Does this make H the founder, ehhh no but it would be a small possibility just not great story telling and our boi Ranboo loves good story telling. I think H knows more than he is letting on and conveniently is there when he dems himself needed towards the script given by showfall. He wants the hero to have a happy ending and yet get the feeling that the story H is following is one played already that H has gone through already.
So that’s the theory, but of a long one and a little unorganized but give me a break it’s like 3;43am rn. I will be back tomorrow... later today when the sun is up to maybe make one last theory that isn’t H isn’t good or something if not then expect screenshots and funnies
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betatesterjeremy · 9 months
<The following is a transcript of an audio recording started by Jeremy Albert on 1/6/24.>
Jeremy: “Oho, shit!! God damn it! I fucking hate this level so much, hahaha! … Oh, Jenny, I got the recording started on accident during that! … Better now than later, I guess.”
Jenny: “Oh, good, okay…”
<Short pause.>
Jeremy: “… Are you going to say it, or am I?”
Jenny: “It’s your recording, man.”
Jeremy: “I’m afraid of confrontation! You know that, haha!”
Jenny: “Alright, fine, you big baby.”
Jeremy: “Hey! Haha!”
Jenny: “Hello? This is Jennifer Parks, one of the beta testers here.”
Jeremy: “Jeez, with the formalities, haha!”
Jenny: “This is for our project manager, Jerma.”
Jeremy: “Yeah, yeah, but he doesn’t care if you’re formal or not!”
Jenny: “Okay Mr. No-Need-For-Formalities, shut up and let me make the complaint, haha!”
<Movement and laughter is heard.>
Jenny: “Don’t push me, haha! … Anyway, ahem. Jerma- Uh, Jeremy and I are here to make a formal complaint about the difficulty of a level.”
Jeremy: “Okay Miss Formal, you’re just going to breeze over that you called me Jerma before, but now you’re correcting yourself?”
Jenny: “Shut up!! Haha!”
<Movement and laughter is heard.>
Jeremy: “Oh, so I can’t push you, but you can push me?”
Jenny: “You started it!”
Jeremy: “And if you were sooo responsible, you would have finished it!”
Jenny: “Maybe I will!”
<Movement, then a thump is heard.>
Jenny: “To the couch with you, loser!”
Jeremy: “You’re so mean to me. I’m going to cry.”
Jenny: “Sure, haha!”
<A breath.>
Jenny: “Ahem, sorry, the level we’re here to complain about is the Plush Baby level.”
Jeremy: “Hate those things.”
Jenny: “It’s impossible to keep track of all of them, and if I’m right, Mari also hasn’t gotten past it. So it’s not user error. We genuinely think that level may need to be fine tuned and sorted out, maybe making it shorter or making the spawn rate a bit slower?”
Jeremy: “Or get rid of them.”
Jenny: “Ignore him. Anyway, maybe the spawn rate because those little… things. They’re everywhere, and it’s literally impossible to find all of them before you die. The furthest anyone has made it is 3 AM.”
Jeremy: “That was me, and only because I memorized where the girls spawn.”
<Short pause.>
Jenny: “‘The girls’?”
Jeremy: “They’re the girls. They’re like a little stupid popular clique and I’m back in highschool.”
Jenny: “… Oookay, weirdo, haha.”
Jeremy: “They are! They’re the meanest little things I’ve ever seen!”
Jenny: “No, I get what you mean, but we’re still recording!”
Jeremy: “Oops.”
Jenny: “It’s fine, haha! Anyway, us beta testers humbly request that the programmers take a look at that level, as it’s unfairly hard. Thank you. End log.”
Jeremy: “… Y’know what isn’t unfairly—”
<Audio ended manually. Transcript ending automatically…>
<Transcript end.>
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itslittlechild · 2 years
This is a English assigment I turned in for Class, I got an 100 (Jerma creepypasta)
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this is the post the story is based on.
As the breezy hard wind pushes the cold rain against the window right outside my room, Jerma starts the stream with the usual greeting. Jerma is a 37-year-old twitch streamer. I would have just started watching Jerma a few weeks ago and he’s just been a “silly goofy guy” as everyone would describe him. But this stream would be different, it was a streaming series I haven't seen yet so I was quite excited. “Are you guys ready to “peep the horror?” “Peep the horror?” I was quite confused so I commented “What’s “peep the horror?” I was not the only one that would be confused as Jerma noticed a lot of people didn’t know what “peep the horror” was. After he noticed he soon started to explain that “peep the horror” would just be him playing the game of the night but he would show a pulsating red and black mass on the screen. He continued that the deal was that everyone who saw it would think it was the funniest thing ever, but there would be one viewer that would drop dead. After explaining he took one breath and stared at the camera “and if you look away, you’ll have to be ready to face the consequences.” It took long enough for everyone to understand but he said it too fast for anyone to react in chat. I didn’t know how to feel. By far he’s only been silly but it felt like there was a serious mood change, I ignored my feelings, and now I wish I didn’t and would have turned it off. After a while, he would start playing Mario 64 while talking about how he used to be a substitute teacher. Ring- Ring- I look quickly to see my mom call me, as I pick up my phone and answer my mom says “Oh honey, I’m so sorry but I and your father are going to be late home but there’s leftovers in the fridge.” 
“Oh okay, I lov-” I let out a sigh as the call ended before I got to finish. Upset I look back at the stream thinking how it’s the 3rd time this week my parents would leave me alone. But at least I would have Jerma. I went downstairs with my laptop on Jerma’s stream to get something to eat, mom said there were leftovers but as luck would have it I would have already eaten them at lunch that day, so I decided to put the frozen chicken in the microwave. As I go to look back at the screen there I see it. A red and black pulsating mass followed by massive spam in the chat with everyone laughing except me, I thought I would be the one to drop dead, why was everyone laughing except me? I’m gonna die. I keep repeating to myself with my heart pounding out of my chest, I feel ready for my soon-to-be cold pale body to fall dead. -BEEP -BEEP I quickly look back to see that my chicken is done with my heart slowing down realizing that I’m fine. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine” I repeat to myself while looking at my chicken in the microwave. I chuckle, thinking to myself how dumb I must look for being so scared at A JERMA STREAM!!!  Even thinking about this, I decided that it would be better for me to go to bed early since I was not even that hungry, I’ll be fine.
The next morning I woke up with a stomach ache from not eating the night before. I still remember what happened but I had thought to myself that it was all fake. Probably just a nightmare. On my walk to school, I felt a sense behind me as if someone or something was watching, so I began to walk faster. But I felt it getting closer, and closer and closer. Then I saw Emmet, he’s been the one to introduce me to Jerma, we have been friends since we were 5. 
“EMMET!!!” He turns back, taking out his earphone confused. I rush over out of breath 
“Are you okay? You didn’t have to run?” he asks confused by how I looked like
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I say to him while still looking back 
“Alright let's go, you gonna make me late,” He said while leaving me behind
“Oh yea, also did you see the “peep the horror” stream last night?” 
Wait… it did happen?
“Yea um… do you know if it's real?” I say quietly, Emmet chuckles and continues
“Omg, don’t tell me you're scared, I’m sure it's fake but it's funny to think someone just dies”
“Oh okay,” I say while still feeling unsure. I don’t know, I usually calm down whenever Emmet reassures me that everything will be fine but this time I still had a gut feeling. While walking in silence for like 5 or 10 seconds Emmet changes the topic to change the mood.
“Also oh my god do you remember Robin?” Emmet has been talking about him for a while and every time he brings his name up, he smiles
“Do you mean the guy you never stop talking about? Emmet??” I respond with a smirk on my face
“Shut up” Emmet yells quickly embarrassed
I laugh, but then let him continue. 
A blue and black backpack hit the floor of my room as I fell back on my bed exhausted from school. I let out a sigh as I turned to Look out the window thinking about what to do, it was cloudy. I'm just gonna stay inside again, Emmet said that Jerma’s gonna stream again so I’m probably going to watch it even though I should not, I mean it’s not like there’s anything else to do. I’m just gonna have to wait until my parents call to tell me they're gonna be late again. 
“What’s up guys today we’ll be doing Peep the horror again…and again... If you look away, be real to face what happens…” Jerma’s voice says coming from the laptop
I must be crazy to watch him again from what happened last night but really what is there to do? And I still like Jerma, I’m easily scared. As I keep watching the stream every time the red mass would show, I turn away from the screen. The image was just disturbing to look at, I don’t feel comfortable looking at it. I keep doing this until I turn back and Jerma is just staring at me. Not at the camera but at me. His face did not look like it used to.  His mouth didn’t exist anymore, it was just like his face melted onto itself, and his nose was just a bump. He didn’t have eyelids anymore and they were red shot. So I look away and look back to make sure this isn’t fake but then he makes a weird gurgling sound and then loudly says "mods, go get that guy RIGHT NOW." Terrified, I close the laptop as fast as I can. 
“That wasn’t Jerma, I’m going insane, I’m going insane,” I say to myself not believing what I had seen.
BANG BANG, I jump up from my bed, my laptop hitting the ground
It’s coming from downstairs from the front door. No no, there’s no way right? I take my phone from my pocket and tune in to Jerma’s stream.
They’re still banging on the door but as the stream loads there’s no sight of Jerma all you could hear was the vents.
While I’m looking at the stream I realize the banging has stopped, as I look up and open the door of my room to check if they’re still at the front door I quickly get interrupted by a cut of the stream.
It’s Jerma but he’s not at his house, he’s in the kitchen but it looks familiar, as he walks around the kitchen he drops something. But I hear it from downstairs and I look again at the stream. 
“That’s my kitchen…in my house…” I whisper in realization, starting to panic slowly glazing at the hallway from my room. 
“Already everyone let's head up the stairs,” Jerma says but then hears an echo of his voice “Looks like someone is watching my stream” he looks at the camera. Then he makes those gurgling noises and the camera goes blurry then the sound of loud fast footsteps coming from the hallway. I fall to the ground and get under my bed as fast as I can trying to process what’s happening. Then it goes quiet and the footsteps are gone. I can only hear the sound of my breath. I looked around to see if there was any sign of Jerma but it was like a ghost town. Before getting out from under the bed I notice my phone is just in the middle of the floor. From under the bed, I reach out my hand, as I’m grabbing my phone something has dripped down on my hand, It can’t be. I get my phone, I call the police trying to stay calm because at any moment he can kill me.
“We’ll be right on our way”
I look up and there's a small puddle of drool in the middle of the floor, he’s still on the ceiling but meanwhile, I need somehow to protect myself. Then I remember my parent’s have a gun under the floor plank in their room, I have used it one time before. I start getting myself ready to get out from under the bed and run. 
“1, 2..and..3!” I push myself out under the bed, getting up and running to my parent’s room. “Alright chat we have found them” I heard Jerma behind me said, I figured he was still streaming. As I’m distracted I trip on the floor so I look behind me and up. His whole body is twisted, his limbs are turned how they aren’t supposed to. I get up almost falling down again running with my heart pounding out of my chest. I lock the bedroom door behind me hearing banging. I have heard about what I think Jerma is, I think he’s a skinwalker, I shouldn’t have looked away from the screen crap, people have talked about him being one but I thought it was just a joke. I look around the empty yet clean room. It really tells you how long they have been gone for, but I can think about that right now I need to find something put in front of the door so he doesn’t get in. I look to the left and right beside me there’s a couch not very big but will do, so I pull forward and in front of the door. I add more stuff on top. As I pull back the wooden plank, I scrabble to the floor and reach for the gun. The banging isn’t stopping, but then I feel it, the metal handle. I look if there’s any ammo in the gun. One metal bullet. I got one shot as I got up to check if there was any more ammo in the room. There's a burst through the door. Jerma’s face peeks in.
“Here’s Jerma..” He says with a full grin on his face but it doesn't look normal, it looks terrifying. His eyes are red shot with his pupils dilated then I notice his neck is twisted. I pull the gun out and point to Jerma’s face or what used to be Jerma. There we are staring at each other across the room. I aim. 
“I guess I should have peeped the horror,” I say putting my finger on the trigger and shooting it
I stand watching the bullet go through Jerma’s forehead and hear the body hit the floor.
I fall to the floor, staring down at the gun I have used to kill that thing. Red and blue lights hit my face from the window. It was the police. They won’t believe me. I faint from probably being under all this stress. 
It’s been a few months since that happened, it never got out that I had killed what was supposed to be Jerma. Everyone just thought he got kidnapped. Everyday ever since I always find myself thinking that nothing would have happened if I just Peep the horror.
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therighttocry · 1 year
hi everyone! <3 introduction to me!
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you can call me alice or ivory! she/her only i like minecraft kabsmp pyroscythe destiny 2 jerma and women and thats all you need to know unless we are friends
non traumagenic systems, transphobes/terfs and dream stans dnfi i hate you block on sight thanks
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chaotictomtom · 1 year
thanks @egirlgarak for tagging me!!
tagging anyone who wants to do this hehe im too shy to tag ppl smh
Were you named after anyone?
only one of my middle deadnames lol, my grandma italian's name she had to change when getting to France. adam came from seeing cool ppl with that name + movie with hugh dancy getting me to finally pick it. i mean i DID a strawpoll on twitter back then to help me choose lol. so not really after anyone ig technically. thomas was given to me by people calling me this name umprompted even before i came out to myself so like. alright will keep it I GUESS random people in my life chose it for me
When was the last time you cried?
ppl say T will make you unable cry and....prob depends on the person. i still do cry seeing videos of cute dogs getting groomed and seeing general good in life and people 👍 so i think it was 2 days ago watching daily dose of internet last vid cos a bit about a kid trying to make friends made me tear up lol. humanity.....<333333 cries like a baby instantly
Do you have kids?
if da bébé (cat) counts yes. but no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i don't think! a lot! but i guess i do use it sometimes. more irl tho i just realised i never really use it online in case it doesn't read as sarcasm. mibbe when i rant in the tags on my own posts tho lol
What sports do you play/have you played?
played a bunch of different sports during my school years but it's been years of not doing anything and it's a struggle between thinking how my knee can suddenly fuck up and needing exercise to be healthy </3
What's the first thing you notice about someone?
i honestly don't know............. ig i try are they. like not a cunt and a bigot. can i exist without them thinking im out of line by just. being me fdhglkjhdflkjd. also. do they think im funneyyy >:)
Eye color?
light brown. i think
Scary movies or happy endings?
not picky i like em all 👍
Any special talents?
that pepe silvia scene with charlie kelly but it's me linking everything to Die Hard. not kidding. it's a curse i could think "pff no way what im watching rn is linked in any way to Die Hard" and i can while saying that already do the mental exercice to link the two things. everything is fucking linked to these movies. even bands. mcr! weird al! talking heads!!! movie/tvshow is easier to link up to Die Hard but still anyway been thinking abt doing twitch stream abt this for years now. like that wikipedia speedrun game thing but. mmm die hard......
Where were you born?
South-ish east of France, didn't live there long at all was a babey when we left to get further south 👍👍👍
What are you hobbies?
movies 👍 tvshows 👍 music 👍 im so original ik. i like to draw too!!!! computer stuff yumyum!!!! viddie games 👍👍👍👍
Do you have any pets?
How tall are you?
da bébé (basically garfied if he slayed more + had longer hair)
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</3333333333 like 5'2. jerma voice why are u short because god doesn't fucking love me that's why
Favorite subject in school?
honestly don't remember much </3 ig art back in middle school. and i liked learning about everything we had but highly depended on the teachers + class too. learning is fun!!!! not in france's school system tho
Dream job?
scary question..................... currently having a "realistic" work project (very long term) to be a cyber café owner!!!! but capitalism wasn't a thing i guess would like to do my shit, drawing and creating other things to trade for other things................ wanted to work in space as a kid so ig this too
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