#rp hooks
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dinthoqaf · 3 months ago
For someone who is new to your blog and character, what do you feel is important to know about them? What are some pivotal plot points you would like to share? Preferred RP hooks?
{ Oh, I love this question cause I always feel like w/ Din's comprehensive (and incredibly long) RP History, folks are always left in the dark on some of these things. So, please indulge me in a bit of long-windedness. :D -- For someone who is new to your blog and character, what do you feel is important to know about them?
First and foremost, Dinthoqaf is insane. Not the sort of Insane where you find him giggling and chattering away in the corner, or trying to shank people in the street to call it 'playing' or anything like that. No, Dinthoqaf is insane in the fact that he believes he's on the path to Godhood and that to become one, the world (Azeroth since he's a WoW-based OC) should be remade. The factions of the Horde and Alliance should be effectively destroyed down to their foundations. He views those establishments as complicit in the strife currently going on.
To be fair though, Dinthoqaf's upbringing was one specifically tailored by a (just as insane) Father who purposely treated him terribly, created an atmosphere where Din felt hated and reviled by everyone who was supposed to care for him, and ultimately cursed him via corruption (Specifically Old God) him at birth. Din is sadly, very much a product of his upbringing and instead of healing from it, is leaning into it fully while becoming the 'Father' figure he so desperately needed by leading his Sanctum of the Forbidden (Our Guild) to destroy everything and start it all over again.
-- What are some pivotal plot points you would like to share? Preferred RP hooks?
Oh jeez, these two are a bit tougher cause Din's story has been going on for -12- years. Wish I was exaggerating but I'm not. (I got a 13 yr old kid IRL and that's how I keep track. lol) His story is an amazing one full of twists, turns, bumps, high-rise fires, and slow burns. That being said, I think some of the pivotal plot points might be best done as just a little list but keep in mind, not all of this is IC public info due to the cultish/apocalyptic nature that Din is aiming to bring about. - Childhood/adolescence as a whole was just a bag of shit. Those involved in Elven Nobility may have known his father, Krownos Bloodcrest as an eccentric man who 'died' to the Scourge. - Ended up being found by an Old God Worshipping Troll who only hastened Dinthoqaf's decent into madness and lit a fire of Leadership in him that eventually resulted in the creation of his Sanctum. - Dinthoqaf's Brother, Ammaelin, is now Patriarch of House Bloodcrest (who has officially disowned Dinthoqaf for various reasons), and they are now at War with one another. - Dinthoqaf is married to an equally crazy lady who supports him emphatically ( @zalilirah ). - He was once fighting a 2 front war against his brother and a goblin group (which was ran by another of my OC's, @frostahesmegabite ) which is now laid to rest and that aspect of the story is essentially done with.). - He's been killed before! Usually in very gruesome fashions but the Sanctum or his wife and troll friend find ways to bring him back after extended periods (only aiding in the delusion that he'll become a god). - He's led an attack on Orgrimmar back during the Seige to rescue his wife who'd been captured by Kor'kron when it was discovered she was a Cultist. RP Hooks?! A much shorter list, probably thankfully if you've made it this far. - Wanting to learn dark magics? Din's your guy! - Playing an awful character that's down and out? Din's your guy. - Need a totally fucked up/screwed up Mentor/Father Figure? Din's your guy. (But don't make it weird.) - Character wounded and usual medical/healing spells won't work due to the nature of your character? Ooh, Din has some nice blood healing for you! - Corruption, Decent-like Stories? Hooked! - Din's also the sort to enjoy academics and simple polite conversation while drinking tea. (He won't drink anything anyone else offers though, only what he brings/conjures. He doesn't trust others to not taint or poison it.) What won't hook? - No Romance, No ERP, and I'm not looking for former lovers, family members, Servants, or Slaves. Not interested in any of those aspects. That's cool for other folks, but that's not Din's jam or my own depending on the topic. If it wasn't for Zalilirah, Din wouldn't even have a romantic relationship either. THANK YOU FOR ASKING THESE REALLY GOOD QUESTIONS AND I'M SO SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG-WINDED! D: )
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mr-tony-stark · 6 months ago
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// closed starter for @norabarnes143
Tony had been up for a few days now.  He wasn’t great at sleeping at the best of times, but since the whole ‘hole-in-the-sky-with-aliens-pouring-out’ debacle, he’d been having nightmares.  He was scared to go back to sleep, not that he’d admit that to anyone.
He’d been distracting himself in the lab when he wasn’t actively out being Iron Man or taking meetings with people. Since the Battle for New York, he’d made twenty-three new versions of his Iron Man armor.  All the different versions lined the walls of his workshop in different cases.
He was waning though.  In the past when he felt like this, he’d head out to a club, pick out someone to take home, and hope the sex would give him an endorphin high that would get him a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Tonight, he went to the communal kitchen to make himself the strongest coffee he could.
When he stepped into the room he was surprised to find Clint up.  “Hey, Legolas,” he said, beelining to the coffee machine.  “Can’t sleep?”
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coralbananapeach · 5 months ago
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Smash or pass 🤤
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the-kipsabian · 30 days ago
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saturdaymorningmuses · 2 months ago
Open RP
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Peace was not something that came to his mind quite often but in this moment, as he listened to the gentle sounds of his harpsichord singing the notes of his own music, Hook, yes, Captian James Hook, was at peace.
"Ah," he said. "If music be the food of love, play on."
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jupiterisaroace · 6 months ago
So, if you didn’t know, I have a roleplay group! We need more members though if anyone wants to join!
(FYI: if you wanna be a D1, D2, or D3 character please try to interact with everyone, including people from Merlin Academy even though they’re from the past. I know it can be hard but let’s just say Red has a job where she lets people travel to the past or something? Idk we have to make it work somehow so just bear with us. We can also do where let’s say Uma is talking to Uliana we could make it like Uliana is in the present if you want to. We are all learning how to do this so PLEASE BEAR WITH USSSSS😭)
We need
(if there’s anyone else please tell me but this is all I can remember)
(again, if there’s anyone else let me know)
Lady Tremaine
(yk, if there’s anyone else please tell me)
(AGAIN, if I forgot anyone lmk)
If you wanna be an OC/Wicked World/book character please lmk
Right now we have:
Uliana - @watchthemfleeee / aka @brokenmilkcrates
Hook - @sh-ttyseas / aka @sillylilneurodivergent (me)
Zellie - @z3ll13 / aka @saturnisaroace
Morgie - @morgieserpentine / aka @skellseerwriting
Bridget : @princess-of-hearts / aka @the-real-agatha-harkness
Ella - @charmingisdebatable / aka @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol
Hades - @had3zz / @sleepyking
Maleficent - @thousandthorns / aka @frenchgirltalya
Fay - @faybibbidi / aka @little-teacupss
Red - @rebelmenaceonegirlriot / aka @shortnfuckinsweet
Chloe - @chloecharmingg / aka @scraptumblers
CJ - @cjh00k / aka @aiodenhunt
Harry - @firstmate-firstdate / aka @mystic-mae
Merlin - @merlin512 / aka @merlin512
Beast - @king-beast-of-auradon / aka @salieri27
Uma - @youknow-my-name / aka @imahumashipper
(Think that’s it)
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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wishchip106 · 3 months ago
he’s playing roblox
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playing dress to impress or wateva
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capta1nstreasure · 4 days ago
"Hey, just out of curiosity. Why DID you create your crew in the first place, and how did you even meet your members? I cannot imagine you picked them off the streets of machnia just like that..."
" ... Buffalo Crush needed help getting out of a.. Situation. So I invited him to join my crew! Buster Gallon.. I approved of his inventions and he joined me soon after. They are my crew now and that is about all you'll need to know. "
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" As for why; I created my crew for more criminal opportunities. I thought you of all would know about that :) "
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He looked awfully happy when explaining, almost as if hiding something. Either way, the words sounded true enough.
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anonymousbeeblurr · 15 days ago
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swins94-blog · 1 month ago
Old Chum
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For Nitscha, it's a reunion of an old friend, but for Hook there's an unbearable presence
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briblossomsworld · 2 months ago
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bluegreene118 · 8 months ago
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Anyone want to rp Harry Hook and Gil Gaston?
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But like when they are 30 and maybe idk other than that. I have plots tagged for ideas…
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Just watched all the movies and want an au rp with them!!
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Pleaseeee??? I wanna be Harry Hook and you can be Gil Gaston.
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(Not photoshopped!! Actor for Gil posted it!! And apparently it’s in the book but nooo the movie cut it!! 🥺🥺)
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the-kipsabian · 5 months ago
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mcprincess-official · 4 months ago
So… did you talk to Marina? How did it go?
In fact.. I did Guess how it went !
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elxgantcaptain · 7 months ago
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                                  Semi Selective but crossover and OC friendly                    
                                                        Loved by Tory <3    
                                                   HUB / ABOUT / RULES
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princesslizzyafton · 10 months ago
( Glamrock Captain Foxy @hooked-on-foxy )
A figure watches Elizabeth from the shadows. A single yellow eye flickers in the dark as a voice reaches her ears.
"Ahoy, Elizabeth!"
"Ahoy, Foxy! How do you fare?" she shouts back.
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