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D e t e r m i n a t i o n . Heard others joined the fun without inviting me. Couldn't have that happen, now could I? ANYWHOS. I am Captain Black Hook, Captain of the Black Crew!
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capta1nstreasure · 8 hours ago
Heyyyy It's 'OP & Blue Cop bond' anon again. Uhhh, it's like 11.33 as I'm typing this, and I have 3 more MCB x TFP stuff for you. (I am sorry for the yapping, but i need to yap abt this to someone as my own friends don't now either fandoms 😞)
1. Since Black Hook is a giant FLYING pirate ship right, and his weapon is his anchor axe thingy right. Now imagine the Cardbot crew and Team Prime fighting the Decepticons and Heavy Iron and Megatron fighting each other one to one. (Idk what OP will be doing, but like he could fight soundwave or dreadwing or even be injured/unconscious). And yk Heavy Iron and Black hook has petty beef with each other. Now, Black Hook sees heavy iron fighting Megsy and is pissed like 'Why this guy gotta fight him? He's supposed to be my opponent. I'm gonna be the one to defeat him'
So he does what any mech does, he transforms into his FLYING pirate ship alt mode and DROPS A GIANT ANCHOR ⚓️ on the poor unsuspecting Megatron while Heavy Iron is still fighting him and its like those cartoons where an anvil drops on them and they go down. That's Megatron. Adds metal pipe clanking noises, and it's the most hilarious thing anyone's seen in their entire life and the whole battle field paused for a second (you can hear starscream full on cackling in the background). After that, Megs stands up, lifting the anchor of him and making a hasty retreat, flying off into the distance in his alt mode. Megatron has a large and suspicious head dent on his helm.
Black Hook now has not stop bringing up this instance to Heavy Iron that he was the one who beat Megs (they had an argument over the technicalities of defeating Megs later)
2. Crackship. I honestly thought this up as I was writing my previous post on the Bluecop mind thingy and now I just think it's funny (crack treated seriously 👌) and the ship is..... Megatron x Blue Cop..... please don't judge.
Why? Well, looking back at my previous post, I wrote at the end that Megatron wanted to use Blue cop against his crew and Team Prime as he's quite powerful as a Star Guardian. Megs got an artefact/relic that is able to control Blue here to do his biding, and the metal breath can not save him. They need to get the object off him. Well, the objects would be matching crowns, one simple and has a small purple jewel in the middle (it kinda looks like a circlet) that Megs wear. While the other crown is more fancy and has a couple of red jewels on it that glows bright purple when Megs give orders to blue cop.
The artefacts/relics origin could be in the past, usually a couple/conjux endura would use it. It's uses actually to help a partner's mental state. The purple jewel would give soft mental commands to ther red jewel crown to help get rid of stress and other worries. It's like metallic reaching out to them and have them listen to you. It's very helpful for couples that have a sparkling on the way and helps relieve the carriers stress.
However,some people would take advantage and have nefarious reason. So they had to get rid of it. But they forgot to get rid of one pair and it's now used by Megatron.
Now, after Megatron uses it for the first time to know more about Blue cop, he finds that Blue Cop acts like Orion pax before the war. (i think he'd see the resemblance in the way Blue does things and in his curious and kind nature) He'd see the small goofy soft side of Orion Pax in Blue and that makes him sooo nostalgic of his and Orion's relationship back on cybertron, he'd want to keep Blue cop so he can always see that "Orion" side of him. And like it spirals (is it really spiralling hard when he is a crackhead?) to him asking Soundwave to try and footage of Blue and his time here in the TFP world so he can keep it. It's like an unhealthy coping mechanism for Megatron on his part. If he couldn't have the Prime/Pax, he'd just settle for a dream (blue cop). (He'd treat Blue as a trophy wife) the MCB crew and Team Prime need to get Blue out of the nemesis before it gets worse.
3. MCB crew and Dark energon. What's gonna happen? If Energon is a drug to them already, what's dark energy gonna do to them?
Yea..... I'm done.. for now. I'll be back when I have more stuff 👍
MCB x TFP crossover
Once again never apologize for yapping, I love getting your asks and hearing all of your ideas!!
Black Hook and Heavy Iron's relationship is so funny to me. Their love language is beating each other up <3
Megatron is a very strong opponent, being a former gladiator champion and the leader of the cons, of course they want to have the achievement of beating him. Whenever Megatron shows up the two fight to be the one to beat him. Poor Megatron gets annoyed by them soon enough, whenever he's fighting one the other will show up out of nowhere. He always has to be on his guard, watching the sky for Black Hook and around him for Heavy Iron
He has had an anchor hit him in the head and almost gave processor damage because of Black Hook. The other time when he was fighting Black Hook, Heavy Iron shot him with his cannon and damn near took out his spark. He stays away from those two whenever he can, he's not getting involved in whatever they have going on
Also I will not judge with the Megatron x Blue Cop ship, I can see the appeal of it, especially after your explanation. Honestly as long as the ship isn't pedophilla or incest, Im find with it
Blue Cop being compared to Orion is insane, Megatron is still clinging onto him even after all these years. Imagine if the whole thing happens after the Orion Pax incident, Megatron has already lost Orion twice, he will not let Blue Cop be taken from him. He at first treats Blue Cop just like he's similar to Orion, he knows that it's not him, but it gets worse. He treats Blue Cop like Orion, even slipping up and calling him Orion at times
By the time the bots get Blue Cop out of there, Megs has completely spiraled. He now calls him Orion and keeps yelling at the bots for taking him away for a third time. Optimus feels pity for Megatron, yes, he yearns for him to, but never to this degree. The knowledge that their relationship meant this much for him is something he can't even put in words. When they get the crown off and take Blue Cop away, Optimus just gives Megatron this sad look that stops Megatron in his tracks
Soundwave is just annoyed that he has to go through this Orion Pax phase with Megatron again
I'm not quite sure how dark energon would affect the cardbots, maybe they would act much more erratic compared to the normal terrorcons. They are quicker and much less predictable, they actively hurt themselves while trying to fight anyone. It's hard to control them as well. If it's used on a alive bot, they would die much quicker
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capta1nstreasure · 11 hours ago
It wasn't any of his business, but.. He had kept tabs on the financial situation. For fun. Totally.
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" He's not bankrupt YET but it'll happen soon at this rate.. As Buster Gallon said. It is not my concern though. "
.. How does one help a human with that stuff anyways???
on earth, where & how do you get the materials to build your inventions?
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Most of the times, I would request Edo to get the materials.
Additionally, I scavenge materials from landfills to save Edo's budget since he is close to bankruptcy.
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capta1nstreasure · 13 hours ago
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Metal cardbot S2 mochi
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capta1nstreasure · 13 hours ago
Does Blackhook still have any beef with you after you duped him and blew up his base?
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"Despite being tricked twice by me, Black Hook has some of his trust in me, at least that's what I think... It's a little bit hard to understand him..."
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"But I'm thankful the captain still believes in me"
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capta1nstreasure · 13 hours ago
Are you smooth under that hat
Black Hook looked up, confusion visible and a slightly offended tone audible to the asker. " WHAT?.. What kind of a question is that, earthling? Of course not. I am not like Blue Cop. "
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capta1nstreasure · 15 hours ago
Glitter " I am unsure if others noticed, but I found a substance that doesn't seem to end and I am unsure of what to do with it.. Anna said it was called 'Glitter'.. I handed it to someone who.. Knew what to do with it. "
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" .. "
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capta1nstreasure · 16 hours ago
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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capta1nstreasure · 16 hours ago
If I had to choose a last meal before getting sent to the gallows I would choose all of the worlds suffering so nobody has to hurt anymore
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capta1nstreasure · 18 hours ago
" No. Not in the slightest. Learn to differentiate between friends and enemies, earthling. We're not friends. "
.. He was unamused to say the least.
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capta1nstreasure · 23 hours ago
my bread was burnt to a crisp…
ft. buster gallon and buffalo crush
something i posted to tiktok a while ago! spent wayyy too much time on this lol
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capta1nstreasure · 23 hours ago
What do you think of buffalo crush? He's very cute in my opinion
" Hm?- Buffalo Crush? "
The question surprised him a little, but he quickly recovered and answered rather cheerfully for someone like him .
" Buffalo Crush is... He may lack the brains to accompany the brawn he has, but he is very likable as well as useful! He, as far as Im aware, has a proper team spirit, gets along with others quite well- And he calls me his 'Captain'.. "
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A hint of some emotion creeped onto his face. He quickly made sure to appear neutral, rather than betraying his thoughts on what happened. He then wanted to agree with the asker.
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" Cute is the right word for him! "
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capta1nstreasure · 1 day ago
" Betrayal... You know. But there was no need to address it this way. But what choice do I have? "
Pausing, letting Heavy Iron's words hit their intended target, he turned away from his acquaintance. Afterwards, he had figured it to be plain stupid to trust Buster Gallon again.. He trusted too much and he knew it. Kindness was weakness once again. He couldn't let it shine through now.
.. Yet.. Perhaps the words held a truth to them.
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.. And perhaps the truth didn't have a place in this picture.
" It's not like either of us can do that at this time, Heavy Iron. There's nobody to betray you or me in a place like this. Jun forces trust and I trust him well enough.. "
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Jun did not give him enough space to express such complicated things. Or. Was it that he was doing this to himself?..
Trust is something he didn't quite understand. Wasn't that was he was supposed to do? Wasn't he supposed to entrust his life with his crew? With his chosen ones?.. Didn't trust equal-
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" -Still an odd question coming from you.. "
Enough on himself. He turned to Heavy Iron, who never spoke to him without reason. What was the reason this time?
" Why did you decide to ask me this?.. "
"Hey, just out of curiosity. Why DID you create your crew in the first place, and how did you even meet your members? I cannot imagine you picked them off the streets of machnia just like that..."
" ... Buffalo Crush needed help getting out of a.. Situation. So I invited him to join my crew! Buster Gallon.. I approved of his inventions and he joined me soon after. They are my crew now and that is about all you'll need to know. "
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" As for why; I created my crew for more criminal opportunities. I thought you of all would know about that :) "
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He looked awfully happy when explaining, almost as if hiding something. Either way, the words sounded true enough.
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capta1nstreasure · 2 days ago
"Hey, just out of curiosity. Why DID you create your crew in the first place, and how did you even meet your members? I cannot imagine you picked them off the streets of machnia just like that..."
" ... Buffalo Crush needed help getting out of a.. Situation. So I invited him to join my crew! Buster Gallon.. I approved of his inventions and he joined me soon after. They are my crew now and that is about all you'll need to know. "
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" As for why; I created my crew for more criminal opportunities. I thought you of all would know about that :) "
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He looked awfully happy when explaining, almost as if hiding something. Either way, the words sounded true enough.
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capta1nstreasure · 2 days ago
Sorry if this sounds intrusive, but how did you get the crack underneath your left eye?
His gaze wandered.. Then seemed to light up before looking back at you.
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" .. 'T is just a reminder. "
He could have gotten it fixed. He chose not to.
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capta1nstreasure · 3 days ago
Shockwave has many mcb haters for the experiment on mega trucker and Shadow X, one time Black hook shot right at his optic break ping with captain blast and Heavy iron kicked his ass basically the metal card bots ganging up the insane scientist while the autobots watch except OP because he is beating his ex
A chance that Arcee, bulkhead or even miko cheer the Metal Cardbot group while they are beating Shockwave
MCB x TFP crossover
They all know the experiments Shockwave has done before so they all already don't like him, but after these experiences? Yeah, they want that man dead and buried 12 feet under
Anytime they catch a glimpse of Shockwave they jump him. They could just see a flash of purple and the bots become violent. Everytime Black Hook sees him he always takes out his eye, every single time, Shockwave leaves the battle anytime he sees Black Hook now. He doesn't want to replace his eye again
Mega Ambler always takes out his arms and legs, Dexter drags him into the ground, Phoenix Fire either blasts him with water or smashes his head with his weapon. Fleta Z snipes him, Shockwave never knows where he is. Wild Guardy nearly cuts his cannon off several times (One of these days it'll come off). Buster Gallon uses a bunch of new gadgets on Shockwave, sometimes they're violent, other times it would annoy the hell out of someone. Buffalo Crush sees him and body slams him into the ground, while Heavy Iron gives him a beating he won't forget anytime soon
Blue Cop doesn't hold back and shows him why he's a Star Guardian
The Autobots watch in shock before starting to cheer them on! Arcee and Wheeljack are cheering the loudest, Shockwave deserves that beating after what he did to them. Miko is recording the whole thing on Wheeljack's shoulder, cheering as well. Optimus is fighting Megs but looks at the beating Shockwave is getting and just looks at Megatron like "You're really going to allow that to happen to your best scientist?" Megatron gets Shockwave and both of them retreat through a groundbridge
Mega Trucker and Shadow X are happy knowing how much their friends care about them, while Shockwave finds it logical to leave the Cardbots alone after that
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capta1nstreasure · 3 days ago
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" ... What of it. "
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.. Shadow X..
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capta1nstreasure · 3 days ago
How can you have such an adorable friend like buffalo crush?
"Apply a spot to the Black Crew (That's a terrible name for a Crew) and you will have Buffalo Crush as your friend"
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