#rottmnt dr rude
explodingstarlight · 2 years
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the doctor's in ✨
heard he doesn't have much of a bedside manner tho 🤷
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bun-monchi · 1 year
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r0b0t1me · 2 years
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SUPERVILLAIN DONNIE (actual supervillain name still a work in progress)
went for a mad scientist mixed with some kind of cyber aesthetic. im not 100% satisfied but idc
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chyirly · 1 year
Mikey can create mystic apparitions of himself, more specifically his Doctor personas.
Although they don't last for very long.
What I mean is that Dr. Delicate Touch, Feelings, Positive, and Rude are able to come into the real world as separate entities, each with a certain role to play while on a time crunch.
DDT is brutally honest, saying the truth even when the recipient doesn't want to hear them.
DF is there to gradually help a person for however long it takes.
DP is almost always present as Mikey himself, being a sense of relief in the present but not over time.
DR is Mikey's personal feelings, uncaring of others and just wanting to make himself feel better, even if it effect others in not so good ways.
And Mikey him self is the source, he's stripped down to the bone and exposed to the world as his true self.
Anyways that there roles, but in the context of the actual plot their there to help the family and Mikey make decisions.
They are chaotic, especially with multiple of them around, and are basically a layer of mystery to the power that Mikey actually holds.
At some point Mikey will feel useless, especially when a person catered to special needs is around, and the family will have to help him.
In the end, at some points, he might even hear their voices and see them in his dreams. Almost as if there are people living in his brain.
This is also where he meets the other doctors, ex. Dr. Disappointed.
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mushroomgrenade · 2 years
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I've wanted to draw @r0b0t1me 's design for a while and finally got the excuse to.
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risewriter · 1 year
ROTTMNT: Dr. rude
Raph: Michael, you’re driving me nuts!
Leo: What’s up Rapheldaphl~?
Raph: Mikey switched to “Dr. Rude mode”, because we’re going undercover- *Turns to Mikey* But he’s acting rude way too early!
Mikey: Not that I’m listening to your constant nagging but- I told you I need to get into character. *Flips his Rude magazine*
Raph: That’s- you’re- Why are you acting that way to us too?!
Mikey: You mess with the Rude you get the tude~
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auggiedrawsturts · 1 year
Rise August Art Challenge Day 3: Dr. Delicate Touch
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queko · 1 year
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@rise-april-art-challenge day 6 decided to try something new for the background >:] i knew i was gonna draw one of mikey’s alter-egos lol it was hard to choose which one
click for better quality if u DARE
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orange-angelo · 2 years
It's good to be rude baby
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cray-cray-anime · 2 years
just to let ya know it's the little check box next to the headphones icon on the bottom when you click the pencil icon to post smth
Also there is a character limit in answers
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tsunamiiseas · 2 years
What if!
AU where Splinter only manages to take Raph and the twins while Mikey is accidently left behind with Baron Draxum
After some couple of years Big Mama saw Mikey when Draxum came by to discuss trade plans with her and immediately she wanted Mikey to fight in her Battle Nexus
Draxum [reluctantly] agrees, since he needed something from Big Mama, and Mikey also was excited about it!
Although here's the thing.
Once you sign a contract with Big Mama, you can't ever leave.
It's her mystic power, to bind others by contracts or otherwise, and that was how she got so many fighters in her Battle Nexus in the first place.
What does this mean for Mikey?
He can't ever leave the Battle Nexus. Not unless Big Mama lets him. Sure, physically he could leave the arena, but figuratively he's forever trapped by the contract. He can't leave without coming back, he just can't.
So as Raph, Donnie and Leo grow up in the safety of Splinter while worried for their fouth, lost brother...
...said lost brother is fighting opposing Yōkai constantly, whether he wants to or not, and developing a thirst for blood while doing so.
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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i did it. i drew edgy Mikey. my sacred duty as a MCR listener is complete <3
[see the OG edit and post link below!]
behold, the OG post and the edit link: X
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gives immaculate chaotic vibes, he had to be drawn
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terrapinnnn · 2 years
Dr rude is so silly
"Ik it's rude to interrupt Which is why I did it is there something wrong?"
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vazaez · 2 years
Dr rude:]
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whyamiheretumbled · 1 year
Dr.Rude >XP
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Sketch XP
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Finished •u•
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With shine ^^ click on picz for better quality as always! Dr rude as my Mikey, or my Mikey as Dr rude...
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Hi can I get your thoughts on the rise turtles being affected by the primal moon moon au please 🙏 love to hear your thoughts will their act the same or would their personalities be way different 👀
would Raph be like his savage self
Would Donnie act more villainy
would Leo be gaslighting, girl bossing his darling
mikey is a interesting one especially since his has different personals (Dr delicate touch , dr feeling and dr rude ?)
or would he be the same but different in a way ? Would their all act the same but more eerie to them 👀👀👀 love to hear your thoughts ^^
Primal Moon Turtles
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I thought for a while as to what instincts and behavior Raphael has to be amplified by be the Primal Moon, and I though- the big guy is pretty doting, isn’t he? He definitely adores all his siblings, trying his best to keep them all safe and healthy. He even has a baby voice he uses with them. (I love this guy so much.)
So, when viridescence plagues him and strips away all inhibitions, his nurturing traits are boosted by damn near triple. Raph goes from reasonably worried about his loved ones to being outright paranoid.
Forget “you can’t go on a mission alone”, he shifts to “Is that a knife, Y/N?! In your hand?! Put it down before you cut all your fingers off!” very quickly. (It was a butter knife.)
As an alligator snapping turtle, Raph also gains a serious fondness for soaking underwater and burying himself in mud, constantly submerging himself for longer and longer periods of time. Eventually, the family sends you out to coax him back onto land, offering cuts of meat and cuddles to get him to stop nearly drowning himself.
Sitting behind him as he eats, scrubbing newly grown algae off his shell with one of those bristle brushes as he squirms around happily.
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Leonardo’s desire to establish himself as someone worthy of attention and admiration takes a notably nasty turn, leading him to grow outright aggressive. Often tries to pick fights, especially with people who interact with Y/N.
Instead of merely showing off, now he stalks through the corridors of the sewers picking fights with anything that passes by. (Boy is out here throwing hands with driftwood.)
It usually falls to Raph to drag the red-eared slider back home, resorting to physical restraints and taped on headphones with soothing music to try and keep him from lashing out violently.
And then he wakes up covered in bruises and cuts from his fights, praying that he didn’t try to attack his family this time, too.
Horrible situation, all around.
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Out of every mutant and yōkai in ROTTMNT, Donatello is one who hates the Primal Moon the most. For him, every cycle heaps him with a massive dose of genuine insecurity and self-hatred, feeling pathetic and stupid.
His faculties sort of… regress? But his personality stays the same, bearing a genuine desire to make and create. Instead of machinery or tech, though… he’s sitting cross-legged on the ground, grinding rocks into spearheads and binding them to long sticks.
Softshell turtles are hunters, after all.
Donnie’s diet switches almost entirely to fish he’s personally caught, and he starts to bed on sand and sunbathe for warmth. Also, lots of swimming.
Y/N and Mikey are the only two people who can reliably get close to him during one of his ‘hunting moods’, anyone else receiving a sharp snap of his jaws.
Of course, being able to draw near that doesn’t that he’s going to let you pull away.
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Poor boy gets emotional, and big time. Given that Ornate Box Turtles are pretty docile and placid, Michelangelo has the least trouble during the Primal Moon’s rising. It also means that he’s the most lucid, capable of remembering each and every moment of trouble and fighting, verbal or physical.
Mikey often bunks down with Y/N through the week, relying entirely on them for support and comfort. He can’t do much but shudder in their arms, pretending that he can’t hear his brothers fighting or hunting.
This boy needs you so damn bad that it hurts. He’ll cling tight, arms and legs wrapped tightly around you to prevent your removal from his side. It’s not that he’s trying to be possessive- Mikey just wants you to stay out of the trouble and danger that his brothers are getting into.
His dietary preferences switch to be much more in line with his turtle half, eating grass and berries and squirmy pests. Donnie also supplies the younger turtle with cuts of freshly hunted fish. Doesn’t have much of a love for water, and actually prefers to move around on dry land.
The easiest to deal with, bar none.
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