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warehouse-staff-blog · 3 months ago
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
なにも「誰かに渡すもの」というだけではなく「自分へのご褒美」として、 プレゼント for meも良しな季節。
そんなシーズンなので、 靴下・手袋・マフラーなどと季節物含め、小物をずらーっと載せていきますね~。
POTEN VINTAGE HOPSACK(PTN-2410) \8.800-(with tax)
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ROSTER SOX F BEAR(RS-398) \1.760-(with tax)
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ROSTER SOX BEAR 84(RS-389) \2.200-(with tax)
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ROSTER SOX B TIGER(RS-393) \1.980-(with tax)
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ROSTER SOX ALASKA(RS-392) \1.980-(with tax)
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ROSTER SOX CAT(RS-390) \1.760-(with tax)
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A.E.CLOTHER SCHOOL MUFFLER \12.100-(with tax)
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写真掲載の上限に達したので今回はここまで。 続きは次回へ持ち越させて頂きます~。
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平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
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☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休日
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normalgoalie · 2 years ago
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basicpart · 20 days ago
Red Sox 2025 roster projection entering spring training
But Breslow stopped there, so far failing to obtain a righthanded hitter with power to balance the lineup, something he has acknowledged is a need. The Sox still have time to make a trade or sign a free agent, but for this exercise, we’ll stick with who they actually have on the roster. Get Starting Point A guide through the most important stories of the morning, delivered Monday, Wednesday, and…
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opidiod · 8 months ago
if craig breslow/john henry/whoever is making decisions on Cora actually doubts the importance (and therefore monetary value!) of a good manager after seeing the comparison of the 2024 red sox to the 2024 yankees then idk what to tell you!
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twinstakes · 10 months ago
Minnesota Twins Recap vs the Boston Red Sox - May 3rd, 2024
The Minnesota Twins started a 7-game homestand with a 3-game series against the Boston Red Sox while also trying to extend their winning streak to 11. They’ve won 10 in a row against two teams with losing records. Boston was 18-14 entering the first game of this series and they were sending RHP Tanner Houck to the mound for this game. He was 3-2 with a 1.60 ERA & a 0.921 WHIP including a complete…
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waggle100 · 2 years ago
More 🤡 Ball today
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wexhappyxfew · 9 months ago
“Don’t leave my sight again” for Kennedy and Bucky! Only if you want! I love your writing! <3
HI SWEET ANON!!!!! thank you so so much for popping this in the askbox and for the love on my writing! it means SO MUCH!! i had a lot of fun with this one - we went in a direction i wanted to explore a bit more with the kennedy x bucky dynamic, especially their ever-present bickering about sports with their (respective) red sox and yankees, hehe. i really enjoyed this prompt because i could still utilize the dynamic i wanted, but inject the prompt into the writing in a way that was more heartfelt and meaningful than anything, so, please enjoy!! :D
lips itching to grin
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(a/n): kennedy x bucky girlies, we're back and better than ever and focusing on the early days again with these two, specifically in the ever-present baseball rivalry (with a side of heartfelt and slightly flirty banter that neither side may or may have not predicted.....). ps: there's a whole lot of baseball references in here along with a deep dive into the red sox and yankees baseball almanac of 1942 players, as (to preface) they discuss a yankees x red sox game from 1942, with some of their own perspectives (though we enter the conversation in the middle lol). please enjoy!!! <3333
"Alright, well, runners on first and second, game-tying run at second, bottom of the 5th," Kennedy started, as she watched Paulina offer one of the newer replacements a dance as Billie Holiday sung with those swing trumpets over their heads, "you got Joe DiMaggio coming up with two outs. Dick Newsome's already at 78 pitches."
"Easy," Bucky offers as Paulina and the replacement move out towards the center of the floor and start dancing - Kennedy likes seeing her smile, "DiMaggio hits an RBI double and makes it to second base. Then you ain't even tied up anymore. Score's 4-3."
"But," Kennedy started, glancing upwards at him with a look as she tilted her head, a smile on her cheeks, "you got Charlie Keller up next. Getting to that point in your roster where it gets a little….hairy."
"Says the one with Joe Cronin on your-"
"Focus." Kennedy said snapping in front of his face, bringing a smirk onto his lips as he looked back at her, "We're talking about the fucking Yankees right now, Bucky."
"Don't call them the fucking Yankees."
"They're the fucking Yankees to me, got it?" she said and she watched Bucky turn from his position leaned up backwards against the bar to actually facing her, "What?"
"You get really passionate about your Red Sox, huh?" he said, leaning his hand up against the side of his face and watching her, "I'd hate to mess with you-"
"You already have." she told him in a sing-song voice as she turned and took a sip of her beer and looked out to the dance floor again, "Try growing up as the only girl in a house full of brothers. You either play baseball or you are the baseball, I'm afraid." Bucky snickered at that and sipped his own drink - bourbon maybe, she could smell it on his lips from here.
"What the hell kinda baseball did the Farley brothers play?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"Clearly not that great of baseball, you're all Red Sox fans."
"Says the one who willingly became a Yankees fan."
"At least I grew up in the area! It makes sense!"
"Can't knock me, Yankees' got a fan all the way from Wisconisn - can't say the same about other teams now, huh?" Bucky said leaning towards her with a grin, "Gotcha there, huh?" Kennedy watched him.
"Bill Dickey comes up and goes out swinging," Kennedy said, staring him down, "Red Ruffing's taken outta the game. Atley Donald's up on the mound. Johnny Pesky's up to bat. Donald walks him. Tony Lupien comes up - an absolute bomb outta the field. Rest of the game is a no-go. Red Sox win. 6-4."
"For someone who despises the Yankees, you sure do know a whole lot about them." Bucky said, sipping his drink again, "It's cute. You trying to impress me with that Yankees stuff."
"I just know a whole lot about games where my Red Sox win," Kennedy mouthed back, the tops of her cheeks burning, "you'd know if I was trying to impress you."
"When's that happened?"
"Exactly." she said, sending him a look and he smirked again, his eyes watching her in that manner they always seemed to, "What's that look for?"
"What'd you usually play?" he asked her, that lazy grin growing on his face, "C'mon, I know you were probably in a group of kids that got together to play. What were ya? No….let me guess. First base, you're pretty tall." She stared at him and raised a brow. "No?"
"What about this," she started, standing up straight and holding out her arms, "screams first base, huh?"
"Fine. Shortstop. Speedy, quick-witted-"
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"Don't get in over your head."
"Continue…." Kennedy said with a smirk.
"Shortstop." Bucky said, "Final answer."
"Ding-ding, you're correct," she said with a smile, "usually my older brother and I fought over that position. He usually gave in."
"You were convincing enough." Bucky said, sipping his drink again.
"I was better than him." she offered back, catching that look on his face, "What, like it's hard to believe?"
"Nah, nah," Bucky said shaking his head back and forth and grinning, before avoiding her questioning entirely, "you like hitting?"
"Usually was middle of the pack, sometimes cleanup, I flip-flopped." she said with a winning smirk, "Wasn't often I got cleanup though, my older brother, he's a fucking giant, like 6 foot 5 or something - Bobby - he usually could drive in any and all runners. Sometimes he let me in the spot. It was usually some stupid fight we'd have, but he'd let me have my ways sometimes. Which was nice." Bucky grinned at her again and she couldn't tell whether that was just how he decided to look at people or if there was something else going on behind those eyes and that smile. But she just left it for the time being and took to sipping her drink again.
An upbeat Ozzie Nelson beat came over above them, which immediately sent Kennedy thinking of home again - its summer, the windows are open, her mother's got the radio playing the music she always used when cleaning the house; a mix of Artie Shaw, Billie Holiday, Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman. Sometimes even some Ray Noble. Any sort of music as such would remind her of that time in her youth, racing around the house with her brothers, this music in her ears, the kitchen smelling like lemon soap and freshly scrubbed, the linens hanging outside, the sound of her mother sweeping and shooing away her brothers or their dog, Gunny.
"My ma loves this music," Kennedy said with a smile, looking out to the dance floor as people danced and clung onto one another, as if it were the only thing they had apart from those flying coffins - human touch, more important than anything when they were here, "she played it all the time at home."
"She a big band fan?" Bucky asked her, and she looked to him with a smile and nodded. The corners of his eyes grew soft - she noticed he did that sometimes when he was really listening to you; really, really listening. When she had first noticed it, she'd been taken back at the intensity with which he would watch and listen, but he did it so subtly she had never really noticed until now.
"Always has been." Kennedy said with a nod, "I mean, with five sons and one daughter, there isn't a whole lot of space to listen to quiet jazz, or…something or other. Everyone always wanted big band being played." Bucky let out a bark of a chuckle and then got quiet again, glancing her way with that cautious look painted on his face. He knocked her shoulder lightly.
"And you?" he asked her, a slightly playful look on his face, lips itching to grin again.
"What about me?"
"What do you like?" he asked her, "What does Kennedy Farley dance around to her when no one's looking?" Kennedy couldn't help but laugh, a real genuine laugh and shake her head.
"Usually Benny Goodman or Glenn Miller."
"Like mother, like daughter." Bucky said with a smile, "What's she doing now ya think? Your ma?" Kennedy shrugged, feeling slightly homesick at the thought of her Ma, at home, with all her children off to war, or college, or school, her husband off to work, leaving her in that big house all alone. Her stomach twisted unpleasantly and she couldn't fight the sad expression off her face.
"Probably getting dinner ready - she makes a damn good beef stew. Chop the carrots, onions, celery. Let the beef sit and marinate for a while. The whole house would smell almost like Christmas Eve," Kennedy said softly, before quirking out a grin, "waiting for Dad to get home from work." She stared at Bucky who watched her back. "Your ma?"
"Much of the same probably." Bucky said, leaning up against the bar and schooling his features evenly, "Cooking up dinner, waiting for my dad to get home." Bucky smiled almost bittersweetly. "Wish she didn't have to be there alone, ya know?"
"Yeah," Kennedy said quickly, her emotions warping with her intense want to berate him yet again over baseball, but her softer side took over and she looked at him, "I don't doubt though if I went home, she'd be telling me 'Don't leave my sight again.'" Kennedy said with a small smile. "Broke her damn heart for me to come out here. Only daughter. One of the youngest." Bucky watched her, his face quiet, his expressions even and he seemed at once, intently focused purely on her.
"She didn't want me to come." Kennedy told him honestly, feeling like if she didn't get it off her chest now, she never would tell a soul, "Here. Flying B-17s, being a gunner, getting my hands on a .50 cal. She hated the idea of all of it. But I guess she let me go because she knew it was what I wanted. What I needed. For me." She looked over at Bucky and saw nothing but that gentle, fond expression on his face. She smiled slightly. He smiled right back, almost instantly.
"Well, I'm glad you're here," he said, watching as her face morphed from sadness to mild surprise, to which he laughed at, "yeah, I swear to ya, Farley. I really am. Hey, who was it that saw you shooting that .50 cal back in training and hand-picked you for my gunners, alright?" She was quiet. "That was me."
"And then of course Birdie took you under her wing and the rest is history, but I didn't forget that at some point in time, you were one of my waist gunners," he said, knocking her shoulder lightly again, "a good one at that, you know that?" Just hearing Birdie's name made her heart squeeze.
"It's really nothing special-"
"You shot Expert, Farley," he said, holding her gaze with a firm look, "that sends eyes wandering, I promise ya."
She watched him for a moment before her fingers were getting twitchy and she needed something for them and to get herself to look away from that look in his eyes.
"Cigarette?" she asked him, pulling from his gaze to dig her hand into her pockets and produce the slightly crumpled cigarette packet she always had on hand. He watched her before slowly nodding.
"Sure." he said, as she innately popped open the top and produced two cigarettes, sliding one onto her lip and the other into his own hands, "Thanks."
"The least I could do for a compliment like that." she said, almost bashfully, as he placed it on his lip with a chuckle.
"First time anyone's ever told you that?"
"People don't tell me a whole lot of things like that ever so," Kennedy started, before attempting to smile, "yeah, first time for everything" Bucky watched her curiously as he produced a lighter and leaned forward to light up her cigarette before doing his own.
"Really?" he asked her, almost surprised - why would he need to act surprised, why did he even bother to care? She nodded. Bucky watched her for a moment, fingertips drumming against his cigarette as he stared at her; his gaze not one she was entirely even turning away from or wanting to.
"Cleanup." She stared at him, raising a brow.
"Tell Bobby Farley that you shoulda been in cleanup in the lineup." Bucky said, turning towards the bar again and calling for another drink, "Shortstops are usually closer to the top of the lineup anyway, right?" Kennedy watched him, her heart pounding.
"I woulda put you in that clean-up spot any day of the week, believe me." he said, smiling at her, with a grin, before turning to the bar and getting his drink. And she recited deep from within her mind, something Bobby Farley had taught her well and good in their screaming matches - 4th slot in the lineup, cleanup spot, usually one of the more or most important players in the lineup; they're powerful, drive in runs and more than anything are one thing - consistent.
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senatortedcruz · 7 months ago
This website has a dearth of chads and jocks like the sports fandoms are gonneeeee for the most part. Anyways did you guys know the Red Sox have a player on their roster who was arrested for pleasuring himself in a dollar store parking lot?
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warehouse-staff-blog · 2 years ago
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
ROSTER SOX “DOG” \1.650-(with tax) ※SOLD OUT
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いつも人気なのに。。。 こんな素敵なラインカラーが出たら相乗効果で可愛さが何乗にもなってしまうではないですか。
これからなら、 ショーツに合わせてキュート×ネオンカラーを全面的にアピールしていきたくなる足元アイテム。
ちなみに、 ピンクラインが生成り、オレンジラインはホワイトです。
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ROSTER SOX “BEAR” \1.650-(with tax)
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2023SSのBEARはメジャーリーグの某チームをモチーフにしているのでしょうが、 中部地方の方には「おっ!」となるユニフォームカラーではないでしょうか?
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しかも刺繍が施された「BEAR」が、 その日本のチームのマスコットキャラに見えなくも無いところも、 WAREHOUSE名古屋店を御利用なさって頂いている方にはササる方が多いのではないでしょーか?笑
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ROSTER SOX “TIGER” \1.870-(with tax)  ※SOLD OUT
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今季はREDにはオレンジと、それぞれがMIXされた生地となっており、 やや短め?丈なのでショーツを意識しちゃいますねぇ。
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こちらもリリースの度に、 ちょっとしたリニューアルを施していてで、 持っているけどまた欲しくなる一足ですねぇ。
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ROSTER SOX “BEER” \1.650-(with tax)  ※YELはSOLD OUT
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シーズン毎に仕入れる「BEER」。 今季は風味(デザイン)が変わって三段「BEER」。
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ROSTER SOX “SAKE” \1.650-(with tax)
ROSTER SOX “SHOCHU” \1.650-(with tax)
ROSTER SOX “HIGHBALL” \1.650-(with tax)
ROSTER SOX “LEMON” \1.650-(with tax)
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春夏だからこそ、 [BEER]以外の《ALCOHOL SERIES》もフルラインナップ。
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これからの季節、キンキンに冷えた飲み物がたまりません。 BEERと共に短パンや半端丈をツマミに御堪能下さいね。
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ROSTER SOX “COLLEGE by X” \1.980-(with tax)
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完売している物も多数御座いますが(^0^;) 是非御検討下さい。では失礼致します。
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては、 改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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lukeswritings · 2 months ago
Players Having Standout Seasons in LIDOM
It is almost playoff time in the Dominican Winter League as the Liga de Béisbol Profesional de la República Dominicana (better known as LIDOM) is in its final week of the regular season. The period between Christmas and New Year’s is always a little dry in baseball, so it seems like a good time to look back and review some of the most impressive players of the LIDOM season. This list will include former, current, and non-big leaguers. It can also be a fun reminder of some players you may have forgotten.
Leury García, INF/OF - Gigantes del Cibao
The 33-year-old utilityman is probably best known for signing a three-year, $16.5 million contract in the 2021-22 offseason with the White Sox but only playing one lackluster season of the deal and getting released in March 2023. He's back in the winter league for a second consecutive season after spending this past year in the Braves organization, but played in 27 minor league games before landing on the restricted list in May for the rest of the season. García has cooled down from a hot start with Los Gigantes but is still hitting .288 and leading the team in hits. He's also tied for the team lead in runs batted in, which is impressive considering he's been used in the leadoff spot recently.  
According to StripersReport on Twitter in July, García planned on playing one final season but got hurt and decided to call it quits, which explains his placement on the restricted list. While García has not officially confirmed anything, it makes sense that he's done after ten major league seasons totaling 4.2 WAR with the Rangers and White Sox.
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Nabil Crismatt, RHP - Gigantes del Cibao
Crismatt just signed a minor league deal with the Phillies, who must have been watching his standout season with the Gigantes. Through 10 starts, he has a 2.34 ERA and 44 strikeouts, along with excellent control, which he has been known for throughout his lengthy professional career. Crismatt has always been a long reliever in the majors, but this performance may inspire the Phillies to stretch him out. Their rotation was solidified by the acquisition of Jesús Luzardo from the Marlins earlier this week, but he has dealt with injuries in recent seasons. The more realistic situation is that Crismatt will help round out the Triple-A rotation with the potential to be called upon if someone in the bullpen goes down with injury or is ineffective.
Anderson Pilar, RHP - Gigantes del Cibao
Pilar has been outstanding out of the bullpen for the Gigantes, adding to a strong season in the Miami Marlins' minor league system. The Braves recently selected him in the Rule 5 draft, meaning they must carry him on the active roster for the entire 2025 season, or he will be offered back to the Marlins. Pilar's strikeout stuff has been on display, as he's struck out 27 while walking just two batters in 21 innings. 
He has had a rather interesting minor-league career in terms of his usage. He spent the first six seasons of his professional life in the Rockies organization, where he was strictly used as a reliever, which makes sense considering his electric 100 mph fastball. However, in 2023, they tried him out as a starter for a few games, and his command and strikeouts remained the same. One game in particular, where he threw seven hitless innings in a combined no-hitter where he struck out 13 batters, stands out. The Marlins, too, began to try him out as a starter towards the end of this past season, to similar solid results. 
From an outsider's perspective, teams are not fully allowing his skills to bloom to their potential. The Braves have Ian Anderson listed as their fifth starter, but he hasn't thrown a major league pitch since 2022. The team struck gold this past season with Grant Holmes, who was signed as a minor league free agent the prior offseason and had been a reliever in the minors. The Braves moved him to the rotation, and he became essential when Reynaldo López was sidelined with right forearm inflammation in late July. It'll be interesting to see if the Braves found something similar with Pilar.
Fernando Abad, LHP - Toros del Este
The lefty reliever has pitched for 15 years with the Toros del Este. To visualize that, he's pitched through five separate U.S. presidential campaigns. He's 39 now and remains kicking with 27 strikeouts in 23 1/3 innings and a 1.16 ERA as the Toros closer. Abad has a rather interesting streak dating back to 2017, where he has pitched in the majors in only odd-numbered years. With 2025 approaching, it's all coming together, and he's doing his best to continue that trend. This performance ought to attract some suitors.
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Jonathan Guzmán, INF - Leones del Escogido
Guzmán is a completely different man from his 2024 season in the Marlins system. He hit .182 across Double-A and Triple-A and was released in August. That must have been his evil twin, and now we're watching the True Jonathan because he's hitting .367 in 33 games for Escogido. This stat should be taken with a huge grain of salt because he only has 63 plate appearances, but 22 hits in that span is still quite impressive. He's a 25-year-old middle infielder, and some team should take a flyer on him in the hope that Evil Jonathan doesn't wake up.
Trevor Kelley, RHP - Leones del Escogido
A sidearming righty, Kelley spent 2024 in the Mariners organization but never got a call-up despite an excellent season at Triple-A. He's continued that into his first season in winter ball, and through 11 games out of the bullpen, he's struck out 15 and walked only two. 
Kelley was a 36th-round pick in 2015 by the Red Sox and is one of just two players drafted in that round who have played in the majors, pitcher James Marvel being the other. The 36th round of the draft no longer exists, which makes Kelley's performance even more impressive. Another team will likely come calling, offering a minor league deal, and Trevor will continue the uphill climb that he has become so accustomed to.
Aderlin Rodríguez, 1B/DH - Aguilas Cibaenas
Like the previous entry, Rodríguez is a career minor leaguer who has been on the doorstep of the majors plenty of times but never was let in. He's 33 now, but the light-tower power remains for the hulking slugger. He's hitting .348 in 29 games with 8 home runs, which leads the league by a decent margin. Rodríguez has spent the past few seasons traversing the Asian and North American continents in various leagues. There's a chance another major league organization comes knocking, and if he finds the right situation, he could finally crack the big leagues — something he's tried for years but never could attain.
Luis Gonzalez, LHP - Aguilas Cibaenas
No, not that Luis Gonzalez, silly! He's never hit a walk-off against Mariano Rivera in Game 7 of the World Series. No, not that Luis Gonzalez, either. This guy isn't a slap-hitting outfielder, although they were once in the same organization a few years ago. And, no again! Not that Luis Gonzalez, as well. This guy isn't a middle infielder who played for the Rockies in the mid-2000s. We could be here for a while differentiating who this guy is, considering there have been 35 people named Luis Gonzalez who have played professional baseball. But cutting to the chase, this Luis Gonzalez is a 32-year-old left-handed reliever who has been in pro ball for 16 years without a major league appearance to his name. 
Just two years ago, he was pitching for Bologna of the Italian Serie A, playing in a stadium that seats a maximum capacity of 3,000 people. On an aside, there was another guy named Luis Gonzalez on Bologna. That team went an incredible 40-4 while scoring 331 runs and allowing 71. The other Luis Gonzalez led the team in home runs. Back to the Luis Gonzalez, we're talking about, his circuitous path has led him to the Baltimore Orioles, where, for the first time in his career, he was added to the 40-man roster in November. For the Aguilas, he has a sparkling 0.77 ERA in 14 games and an 18-to-2 strikeout-to-walk ratio. 
The guy who in 2022, looked destined to be just another Luis Gonzalez, is now set to finally reach the majors in 2025.
Enny Romero, LHP - Aguilas Cibaenas
Romero was recently featured in an article about his signing with the San Francisco Giants, so there isn't much different information to report. He has a very impressive 1.10 ERA in 41 innings for a team fighting for a playoff spot in the second round of the LIDOM tournament. Romero is shooting for the league's triple crown, where a pitcher leads the league in wins, ERA, and strikeouts. He's missing the strikeouts portion, with 38 to the previously mentioned Nabil Crismatt's 44. He's also chasing the league's ERA record held by Cesar Valdez in 2021-22 and looks poised to set that with his 1.24 ERA.
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Jair Camargo, Tigres del Licey
The teapot-shaped catcher is showing why the Minnesota Twins like him so much for his hitting abilities with a team-leading .323 average and three jonrones over 26 games for Licey. He hasn't had much chance to play in the majors because the tandem of Ryan Jeffers and Christian Vazquez is holding down the catcher's spot for the time being. Neither player will be a free agent for at least two more seasons, so it'll be interesting to see what happens to Camargo if he can keep up this winter ball performance into the major league season.
Eguy Rosario, INF - Estrellas Orientales
Rosario hasn't gotten much chance to play every day at the major league level because the Padres have so much depth in the infield, but it's gone swimmingly when he has. The diminutive Rosario has a lot of power, which is surprising when initially seeing the 5-7 150-pound infielder. He hit 21 home runs at Triple-A El Paso in 2024 and three more in the 30 games when he could play with the big league club. With Estrellas, he has sacrificed some power for batting average as he's hitting .336 in 32 games to go along with four homers. An underrated skill of his is his eye and ability to avoid strikeouts. He's refined it significantly as he's gotten older and walked 51 times to 88 strikeouts in 95 minor league games this past season.
For the first time in his career, Rosario has a chance to be a regular in the San Diego lineup. The likely departure of Ha-Seong Kim in free agency opens up shortstop and shuffles Xander Bogaerts over from second to short, Jake Cronenworth from first to second base, and Luis Arráez from designated hitter to first base. That leaves DH open for Rosario, where he's currently penciled in. If given the opportunity, it sure looks like Rosario is ready to fill that spot admirably.
Geronimo Franzua, LHP - Estrellas Orientales
Franzua (pronounced the same as François) has a fascinating career arc. The lefty was initially signed by the Astros in 2010 but flunked out and was released after three disappointing seasons where he couldn't make it out of the Dominican Summer League. Going into 2014, he made the uncommon move of signing with the Hiroshima Toyo Carp of the NPB as a 20-year-old. He spent four seasons in their minor league system before reappearing in 2018 wearing the number 143. A decent five-season stretch intrigued the Pirates, and he returned to affiliated ball in 2023.
In the Dominican Winter League, though, his name pops off the page for his performance this year for the Estrellas. In 16 games (15 1/3 innings), he's struck out 13 hitters and walked just one while maintaining a 0.59 ERA. After electing minor league free agency after the season, Franzua should be a name many teams flock to. 
He's coming off two unspectacular seasons in the Pirates organization, but this performance in LIDOM could indicate some untapped potential. At age 31, he could be a nice low-risk/high-reward signing for any team.
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Robinson Pina, Estrellas Orientales
Earlier, we discussed Anderson Pilar, who may transition to a starting role. Pina has already done so, and the fruits of the exercise are deliciously sweet. A 26-year-old 6-5 right-hander from the Dominican Republic, Pina came up through the Angels' system but didn't make much noise as your run-of-the-mill reliever. In 2024, the Phillies signed him to a minor league deal, and he was outstanding at Double-A and Triple-A across 25 starts. He had far-and-away the most wins of any pitcher in the team's minor leagues with 13 but didn't receive much recognition because of his status as a non-prospect and minor league free agent.
Pina has continued his stellar minor league season into the winter league as through seven games (six starts), he has a 1.65 ERA and exhibited fabulous command, which can be seen by a 27-to-3 strikeout-to-walk ratio.
Upon electing minor league free agency in November, he was promptly scooped up by the Miami Marlins on a minor league deal, and they might have a diamond in the rough on their hands. Pina had dealt with some difficulties with locating the strike zone through his earlier minor league years. But that problem is a thing of the past as he has been able to better locate his pitches in 2024, both in the minors and winter ball. 
Miami is expecting to be the black sheep of the NL East in 2025 — acting as the little brother and punching bag to four much better teams — this should give Pina ample opportunity to crack the majors. And with his past as a reliever, he has the ability to shift to the bullpen and be comfortable, if needed.
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strawberryblondebutch · 2 months ago
Your explanation of Toronto’s problems reminds me of the White Sox maybe last season (2023)? Or could’ve been 2022 but I remember it made headlines that the Sox were the team with the least consistent starting lineup, as in we rarely got the same lineup. I think it was like out of over 100 games (this was news before the season was over) there were like 90-100 different batting lineups - and not by batting order, literally kept swapping out players and shit. Obviously they have much deeper problems than just that but i do think that (and the apparent clubhouse problems) contributed to their lack of chemistry and horrific performance
Something that Phillies fans rag on Rob Thomson for, which I think is overblown, is his willingness to let players grind out slumps. He’s very slow to bench players and typically only does so when he thinks they’re going through something mentally and need a reset. What impatient fans don’t get is that baseball is, more than any other sport, one of routine. It’s the only professional sport where you’re playing every single day for six months out of the year. A lot of players don’t do well with sudden upheaval. Before last year, Nick Castellanos’s two worst seasons were the years he didn’t have a normal spring training (2020 with Covid and 2022 with the lockout). Every so often we try to give Zack Wheeler another day of rest between starts for his benefit and then he forgets how to pitch, because he runs on a five-day cycle.
Now, that inability to find a rhythm is bad, but the White Sox’ biggest problem is the same as the Detroit Pistons last season: they’re all busts in the crab bucket together. A team that tries to tank by only playing young, cheap players will luck into a few wins while their roster still has hope — look at the A’s! They were scrappy! But the ChiSox clubhouse bred a particular brand of misanthropic apathy that killed whatever hope they might have had. The only players who gave a shit were the ones performing for a chance to get out — Crochet this year and Cease before him. It’s no coincidence that Robert’s best stretch was in the two weeks where it looked like he might be traded to a contender. Once the deadline passed and he realized he was stuck on the Southside, his bat dropped below the Mendoza line.
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danieljreboot · 4 months ago
I like a lot of what I'm reading here ...
make it happen AA! 🤨
Instead of getting into a bidding war for a free agent, the Braves could go the trade route like they did when they landed Chris Sale last winter. The Braves got Sale and $17 million in exchange for Vaughn Grissom. Pretty sure that kind of larceny would get you 15-20 years in most states. (🤣🤭🤣)
Which starting pitchers might be available via trade this winter? How about a Sale clone?
As a hard-throwing, lanky southpaw who has come up with the White Sox, Garrett Crochet has drawn comparisons to Sale. The 25-year-old hurler with two arbitration-eligible seasons remaining will be the most desired pitcher on the trade market this year.
Feinsand also listed the Angels’ Taylor Ward as one of the outfielders who could be moved. Ward would certainly fit the Braves. (He) is essentially what the Braves need as they prepare to likely spend the season’s first six to eight weeks without Ronald Acuña Jr. If the season started today, Atlanta’s outfield would consist of Michael Harris II, Ramón Laureano and Jarred Kelenic. Ward could stabilize the outfield mix for a couple of months and then team with Acuña and Harris to form a solid outfield trio over the remainder of the season.
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goalhofer · 8 months ago
2024 MLB American League All-Stars Roster
#00 Tyler Anderson (Los Angeles Angels/Las Vegas, Nevada)
#19 Mason Miller (Oakland Athletics/Bethel Park, Pennsylvania)
#29 Tarik Skubal (Detroit Tigers/Kingman, Arizona)
#39 Corbin Burnes (Baltimore Orioles/Bakersfield, California)
#45 Garrett Crochet (Chicago White Sox/Ocean Springs, Mississippi)
#48 Emmanuel Clase (Cleveland Guardians/Río San Juan, DR)
#52 Clay Holmes (New York Yankees/Slocomb, Alabama)
#55 Cole Ragans (Kansas City Royals/Tallahassee, Florida)
#67 Jacob Lugo (Kansas City Royals/Bossier City, Louisiana)
#75 Andrés Muñoz (Seattle Mariners/Los Mochis, Mexico)
#89 Tanner Houck (Boston Red Sox/Collinsville, Illinois)
#93 Kirby Yates (Texas Rangers/Kauai County, Hawaii)
#13 Salvador Pérez (Kansas City Royals/Valencia, Venezuela)
#35 Adley Rutschman (Baltimore Orioles/Sherwood, Oregon)
#2 Gunnar Henderson (Baltimore Orioles/Selma, Alabama)
#5 Corey Seager (Texas Rangers/Kannapolis, North Carolina)
#6 David Fry (Cleveland Guardians/Grapevine, Texas)
#7 Bobby Witt; Jr. (Kansas City Royals/Colleyville, Texas)
#10 Marcus Semien (Texas Rangers/Berkeley, California)
#11 José Ramírez (Cleveland Guardians/Baní, Dominican Republic)
#12 Jordan Westburg (Baltimore Orioles/New Braunfels, Texas)
#17 Isaac Paredes (Tampa Bay Rays/Hermosillo, Mexico)
#21 Joshua-Douglas Naylor (Cleveland Guardians/Mississauga, ON)
#27 Vladimir Guerrero; Jr. (Toronto Blue Jays/Santiago, DR)
#50 Willi Castro (Minnesota Twins/San Juan, Puerto Rico)
#16 Jarren Duran (Boston Red Sox/Cypress, California)
#22 Juan Soto; Jr. (New York Yankees/Santo Domingo, DR)
#25 Anthony Santander (Baltimore Orioles/Ciudad Agua Blanca, VZ)
#31 Riley Greene (Detroit Tigers/Oviedo, Florida)
#38 Steven Kwan (Cleveland Guardians/Fremont, California)
#44 Yordan Álvarez (Houston Astros/Ciudad Las Tunas, Cuba)
#99 Aaron Judge (New York Yankees/San Joaquin County, CA)
Bruce Bochy (Texas Rangers/Melbourne, Florida)
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thepixarau · 1 year ago
So I keep talking about that Pixar Super Smash bros idea and I’m going to continue because I think it would be cool
So the character roster would be: Woody, Buzz, Sulley, Mike, Jessie, Flik, Mr. Incredible, WALL-E, Dory, Ember, Ian, Atta, Joy, Barley, Wade, Merida, Elastigirl, Imelda, EVE, McQueen, Joe, Syndrome, Remy, Mater, Bo Peep, Dash, Violet, Jack-Jack, Sadness, Bing-Bong, Hopper, Doc Hudson, Linguini, 22, Luca, Alberto, Giulia, Meilin, Latso, Arlo, Spot, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Harris Hubert & Hamish, Marlin, Nemo, Crush, Randal, Carl, Dug, Héctor, Miguel, Ernesto, Evelyn/Screenslaver, Ming Lee, and probably even more! Or maybe some of these would just be spirit fighters/bosses
Arena ideas: Andy’s Bedroom, Sunnyside daycare, Monsters Inc. factory, 4*Town concert arena, Ant Island, Radiator Springs, Gusteau’s restaurant/city of Paris, Portorosso, DunBroch castle, Element City, East Australian Current, Carl’s house (as it floats around buildings and clouds and eventually ends in Paradise Falls), Riley’s mind (switches between Honesty Island, Goofball Island, etc), Land of the Dead, Monsters University campus, The Great Before, a Cars’ themed racing arena, Clawtooth Mountain, Bug City, the Axiom, Pizza Planet, P Sherman’s dentist office, and many more!
Special items: the Pixar ball that you can throw at opponents, a plate of ratatouille (and other dishes from the movie) that can heal damage, an Incredibles mask that temporarily gives you one of the families’ powers, a Zurg arm-cannon that shoots tennis balls, and of course the Assist Trophy that calls another character to aid you in battle! I imagine characters from this item would be like Pepita, Rex, Kevin, Sox, Massimo, AUTO, Gale, the circus bugs, Jackson Storm, Fergus, Bruce, etc. Basically characters that had some importance in the movies’ but that I don’t think would be in the official playable roster
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optimistredsox · 8 months ago
14 July, KC @ BOS, 4-5, win
I might be in too deep. This team keeps winning and delighting and surprising and the nugget of cynicism that every Boston fan has lodged firmly in their heart seems to be temporarily dislodged. Will it stay thus for the rest of the season? I dunno. I hope so. This is such a different team from the Sox teams I've loved in the past. They're SO YOUNG. I was looking at the active roster, as you do, and basically the only two veterans active at the moment are Kenley Jansen and Dom Smith. Everyone else is crazy young. Yeah Raffy is a veteran relative to the team but he's still about 12. You can't have a 12yo veteran. And he's the face of a six year old. A six year old who packs enough dip to kill a horse, but still a six year old. Sorry, this is going to be a bit of a rambling post as the All Star break means I don't feel rushed to get something out before the next game starts. And I don't really care about the All Star Game. Am I going to try to compare Sunday's game to the Sox season as a whole? A game that had so much fun and joy but still managed to be a bit of a nailbiter and rough around the edges. Sort of like the season so far. Ok that's enough comparison (though I really do wonder where we'd be without all those injuries at the start of the season - I don't necessarily think we'd be doing better).
Anyway. The game.
Bello gave up a dinger to lead off the game, which wasn't great. But then Raffy hit a 2-run dinger, which was great. He drove it to right, which was a nice change from all the blasts over the monster of late. It did get a bit stressful - the Sox were up 4-1 at one point and then all of the sudden it was a lot closer than that. Ok, maybe not all of the sudden... it was a run in the fourth and a run in the sixth and then, terrifyingly, a run in the 9th. But that wasn't enough for the Royals to come back, which is good. In fact, it's better than good because we won, maintained the third wild card spot, and have a few days to chill. You know what that means? Bright sides.
Brayan Bello did better. He went six and a third and gave up three runs on seven hits. He struck out three and walked one. Remember when he was dreadful in day games? That was awful. Thankfully he was good yesterday.
Bernadino got the hold, coming on with one out in the seventh and throwing up zeroes. It's what he does.
Kenley Jansen came on for two innings, taking the ball in the eighth. He did give up a run in the ninth, but it was ok, and he's been so good this season that I think he's allowed that. He's got 19 saves and a 2.16 ERA. Really enjoying watching him this season. And he dominated the 8th. Impressive.
Jarren Duran, before jumping on the next sand worm to Texas for the All Star Game, had a day, going 4-for-5 with a run scored. He's been so much fun to watch this season.
Raffy Devers went 2-for-3 with a 2-run dinger and scored twice. He also took a walk and didn't strike out. He also played some good third base. He's really good at the moment.
Dom Smith had another good game. Dude is growing on me. Great picks at first base - this solid veteran anchor coping with young 'uns hurling the ball with an excess of excitement. He also hit a two run dinger, on a pitch that was about five inches above the strike zone. Dude launched it. It was great.
Dave Hamilton went 3-for-5, played great second base, but was also caught stealing. He's not going succeed in every swipe. But I kinda want him to.
Both of the two-run dingers came with two outs. That is awesome.
We din't make any errors! Hurray!
We're only four and a half back!
It's the All Star Break! Have a beer and a taco and chill out, there's a few days off baseball!
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thisgirllovesbobbydalbec · 11 months ago
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