ur-haruspis · 2 years
December 2551. Though the Covenant invasion of Concord has seen a rare UNSC victory, the Spartans of Noble Team find themselves stranded in a remote hinterland town. While the Covenant’s orbital presence has been neutralized, the remaining alien survivors have regrouped and prepare to make a devastating final stand. With dwindling time and no reinforcements, Kat-B320 comes up with a daring plan to do what Spartans do best and turn the tide—and it’s up to Thom-A293 and Rosenda-A344 to make it happen.
Alongside the Noble Intention event in Halo Infinite, the arrival of Spartans Thom-A293 and Rosenda-A344 brings a new short story that explores an earlier configuration of Noble Team, seven months before the events leading to the fall of Reach would take place.
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halopedia · 2 years
Spartan Saturday — Rosenda-A344
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A member of SPARTAN-III Alpha Company, Rosenda served on NOBLE Team during several operations, including DIRE MORNING, FANCY DRESS, and finally OFFSET EYE. Following this last mission in December 2551, she was reassigned.
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Emile-A239 took Rosenda's place as Noble Four, though Colonel Holland considered returning her to NOBLE if the team was assigned to counterinsurgency operations. Rosenda ultimately survived the war and at one point agreed to a meeting with Jun-A266.
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halobirthdays · 9 months
Happy birthday to Spartan Rosenda-A344!
Today is her -501st birthday!
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Rosenda was born on Earth but moved to Vodin with her family when she was a child. She became orphaned when the Covenant glassed the planet in 2532, and was approached by ONI. She "enlisted" in the SPARTAN-III program, as part of Alpha Company. Like all SPARTAN-IIIs, she was trained and augmented on Onyx. Rosenda was one of the few to survive Operation: PROMETHEUS because she was extracted from Alpha Company and subsequently given an assignment to NOBLE team.
She and NOBLE enjoyed a good rapport, and she remained with them until she was reassigned in 2551. Because of this, she was not present for the Battle of Fumirole, which would lead to the death of Thom-A293, or for the Fall of Reach. She survived to see the end of the war and was subsequently sent to target Covenant remnants and human rebels. At some point, she was contacted by her old NOBLE teammate Jun and agreed to meet with him for a yet-unknown purpose.
In canon (~2560), she is turning 35!
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Linda stirred in the dim light of their quarters, feeling a gentle yet persistent poking at her foot. She squinted, her vision adjusting to the darkness, and saw three small figures standing at the edge of the bed. "Linda...?" a soft, tentative voice broke the silence. It was Kat, her normally confident demeanor replaced by a vulnerable edge. She was dressed in simple pajamas, her short brown hair tousled from sleep.
Rosenda, with her long dark hair cascading down her shoulders, stood beside Kat, clutching a plush toy tightly to her chest. Her big eyes were wide with worry. "We had bad dreams," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.
Emile, the smallest of the three, peeked out from behind Rosenda. His usual bravado was absent, replaced by a timid expression that made him look even younger. "Can we stay here?" he asked, his voice barely audible.
Linda sighed softly, her maternal instincts kicking in. She nudged John gently. "John, wake up. We have company."John groaned, blinking awake. "What's going on?" he mumbled, sitting up. He saw the three younger Spartans and immediately understood. His expression softened. "Bad dreams, huh?"
Kat nodded, looking a bit embarrassed. "Yeah. We... we didn't want to be alone."
John smiled warmly. "It's okay. Come on up."
Linda shifted to make room, and the three teens eagerly climbed onto the bed. Kat settled next to Linda, while Rosenda and Emile snuggled up between her and John. The bed felt crowded, but it also felt right.
Linda wrapped an arm around Kat, pulling her close. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked gently.Kat shook her head. "Not really. Just... nightmares."
Rosenda, still clutching her plush toy, looked up at John. "Will you tell us a story, John? Like you used to?"
John chuckled softly. "Alright, alright. Let's see... How about the time we had to outsmart a pack of Jackals on Requiem?"
Emile's eyes lit up with excitement, the fear from his nightmares momentarily forgotten. "Yeah! That one's good!"
As John began to recount the tale, his voice soothing and reassuring, the tension in the room gradually eased. Kat leaned into Linda, her eyes growing heavy with sleep. Rosenda clutched her toy a little less tightly, a small smile playing on her lips. Emile, nestled against John's side, listened intently, his earlier fear replaced by fascination.
"...and then, just as the Jackal thought it had us cornered, we sprang the trap and sent them running with their tails between their legs," John concluded, his voice low and calming.
Linda looked down at Kat, who was now fast asleep. Rosenda's eyes were closed, her breathing steady and calm. Emile's head drooped against John's shoulder, his small frame relaxed.
John smiled, glancing over at Linda. "Looks like they're out," he whispered.Linda nodded, her own eyes heavy with sleep. "Goodnight, John."
"Goodnight, Linda," he replied, his voice soft.
As the room settled into quiet once more, the comforting presence of family and the warmth of shared stories enveloped them all, warding off the lingering shadows of the night.
Gahhhhh they’re so cute. Such soft little cozy dorks. I love it.
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eschatonjudge · 2 years
just listened to winter contention and im going absolutely BONKERS over the end
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manturneddemon · 10 months
(For femboy Roy) So it’s Kyle Halsey’s birthday tomorrow…wanna surprise him?-Rosenda-A344
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"What? Do i look like a striper or som-" Roy paused, looking down at there body before back to Rosenda. " Forget i said that. What kinda surprise are we talking?"
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International Women's Day key art by 343
From left to right:
Spartan Sigrid Eklund - Former Army Ranger turned Spartan IV, was also part of Fireteam Crimson.
Spartan Rosenda-A344 - Former member of Noble Team. Spartan III from Alpha Company.
Spartan Laurette Agryna - Spartan Commander of the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science.
Spartan Vedrana Makovich - Former member of the UNSC Air Force. Spartan IV that fought on Zeta Halo, killed by Jega 'Rdomnai after a fierce fight.
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Noble Team (Post War Incarnation) Redesign.
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Diego-B112 (Noble-1.)
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Imogene-B078 (Noble-2)
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Harry-A299 (Noble-3)
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Keiko-B201 (Noble-4)
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Rosenda-A344 (Noble-5)
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Kyle Halsey (Noble-6)
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biasedsteam9 · 2 years
After a month, I'm back
Yes, march was a crazy month for me and in a lot of ways, now that spring break is coming, I have free time before finals in may, plus more paper work to do, so here is the second chapter of Special Agents of Reach: Just be you!
I hope that you like it and It's gonna be really appreciated if you leave a comment
Love ya!
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gamelpar · 3 years
a burnt child dreads the fire
Sometimes he wants to hold on. Most of the time he wishes he could let go.
characters: Emile-A239, Rosenda-A344
words: 767
warnings: childhood memories, mentions of minor character death, trauma
read on ao3
"Do you remember them?"
Rosenda's voice coming from the bunk over him was genuine, no ill intention behind her words.
Emile laid on his back in the bunk below, not bothering to try to sleep. His voice came out more gruffer and hostile than he'd meant it to be. "Remember who?"
He wasn't really angry with Rosenda. He was angry with Carter. He was angry that his leader (and everyone else on Noble Team for that matter) thought he wasn't fit to participate in operations against insurrection. He was angry with the fact that he'd gotten a replacement.
"Your family."
Emile wasn't expecting that, and suddenly felt protective and a little frustrated. Maybe he was a little angry with Rosenda. She was his replacement after all.
He didn't give her an answer.
But he remembered.
Emile remembered the anger, the sorrow, the guilt. The loss. The tears.
He could remember he had parents once. He could remember his brother telling him one day that something had happened.
Emile… Something happened at the factory today.
There was an attack. There was a bomb.
It was the rebels.
Mom and Dad… they’re not coming home.
He couldn't remember what they looked like. It had slipped away from him during the SPARTAN training.
Memories of his brother were stronger, but lately they’d begun to slip from him too. He tried to hold on to them.
He tried to hold on to the memories when he'd felt safe with him. He tried to hold on to the memories when he looked up to his brother like he was a hero.
You’re going to make it, Emile. You’re going to make it.
He remembered all too clearly the day the hero fell.
"I can't remember mine anymore."
Rosenda's quiet voice brought him back to the present. He ran a hand over his face, silently noting every scar and patches of uneven skin. Right now he didn't want to remember.
"I think I had a sister. But I can't remember if she or my parents were with me when I was running."
Running away from the Covenant. Running for the evacuation frigates. Running for cover. Running away from the dead bodies of her family. Running for safety that wouldn’t last.
Emile remained silent. It was useless. What they'd lost was dead. Gone. Would never come back. Remembering played no point.
He'd tried for years to make every part of himself believe that. He envied his teammate a bit.
The silence stretched in the room.
"I remember," the words were low, almost melting into the quiet air. Emile didn't know why he told her. He stopped mourning the past a long time ago. Rosenda had never struck him as being one to dwell on it.
Now he was dwelling. Great.
Damnit, it didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter.
He closed his eyes.
"Do you still remember them well?" Rosenda's voice almost sounded shy. Emile held back a snort. Shyness was something he'd also never associated with the woman. Her tongue could be sharper than his kukri at times.
"Yes," he said, shifting in the bed to lay on his side, "and no."
He didn’t understand why she’d ask that, or why his answer would matter.
The room fell into silence again. Emile aimed for sleep without really trying.
"Do you want to remember them?"
A part of him wanted to tell her to shut up. Another part urged him to answer just to see where it would take him. He faintly wondered if his answer mattered more to her than it did to him.
He wasn’t about to reveal his story to her, but he didn’t stay quiet either.
"Sometimes," he revealed, "Sometimes not."
He waited for any following questions, but only the shuffling of sheets and light creaking of metal as Rosenda shifted in her above bunk was heard.
He remembers the pain clearly like he was back there on that day it happened.
He remembers the void that was left in him after Damon’s death. A void he’s filled with alien corpses and blood.
"Goodnight, Emile." Rosenda's voice was solemn, stronger. Like the recent conversation hadn’t happened. Emile was fine with that. Really, Emile found it hard to believe in the first place that anything he'd said somehow would've helped.
"'Night, Rosenda."
He didn't catch any sleep that night. The day played over and over in his mind. He remembered it perfectly.
The pain, the anger, the sorrow, the guilt, the fear.
The void in his heart. The thirst for revenge.
He remembered it all very clearly.
Some nightmares stay with you forever.
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nevermorecrystal1 · 2 years
Commander Palmer? Thank god you’re alive. Rosenda-A344 of Noble Team reporting for duty ma’me.
The Spartan Commander looked over the other to take note of any injuries. Good there were ones that survived. Now if only she could find Lasky.
"Good, I would say get some rest but we still need to find Lasky." Palmer had manage to find a contigent of crew members and hustled them together. They had a makeshift F.O.B. without drawing attention to themselves.
"Get yourself checked out by a Medic."
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halopedia · 3 years
Spartan-III Rosenda-A344 was considered as a replacement for Emile-A239 should Noble Team be assigned to a counterinsurgency operation, as he was extremely aggressive toward insurgents. Rosenda's current status is unknown.
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bxttle-cry · 5 years
Carter really needed sleep.
Dark circles underlined soulful, bright blue eyes, but the glimmer in them had dulled. His jaw, normally set in a firm line, had all but gone slack. It was a struggle not to keep from falling asleep right then and there, where he stood. But he had to stay awake. Even if he was running on fumes.
Trust Colonel Holland to leave it until the last minute to inform him that the new member of Noble Team would be arriving soon.
Then again, it might not necessarily have been his fault. Communications to a space station in the middle of nowhere could be slow, at times. Especially given the way that the War was going. And since they were somewhere in the Outer Colonies, and Holland was stationed on Earth, it wasn’t like it was a short distance for communications to bounce from one satellite to another.
Regardless, he was determined to keep his damned eyes open until Warrant Officer Jorge-052 stepped off the Pelican and got settled into the room he’d be sharing with one of his new teammates. Right. That reminded him; he had to reshuffle who slept where. Shake things up a little bit more than the presence of a new, as yet-unknown Spartan would.
Idly, he scanned over the team’s current line-up on his datapad. Aside from himself, there were three other Spartans on the team: Rosenda-A344, Kai-A019, and Catherine-B320. Catherine -- or Kat, as she preferred to be called -- was the youngest of them, being part of Beta Company, as compared to himself, Rosenda, and Kai, who were all members of the Spartan-III Alpha Company. They were some five- or six-odd years older than her. Jorge, on the other hand, was even older still, as he wasn’t a Spartan-III at all, but one of the legendary predecessors.
A Spartan-II.
The sound of doors hissing shut, followed by bootsteps clanking against metal flooring, garnered his attention and shook him out of his reverie. He pocketed the datapad, and stood as casually as he could muster without keeling over, arms folded across his chest. The sight of a large, powerful man wearing standard UNSC regs striding towards him with confidence, almost made him smile. Almost.
“Warrant Officer Jorge Zero-Five-Two. Welcome.”
paging @kedvesorias 
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biasedsteam9 · 3 years
I hope that you like this, it was made with my entire heart uwu
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biasedsteam9 · 3 years
I have some free time today after a lot of school, preparations, studies and personal projects and I was able to post the second part of Special Agents of Reach
You can read it here
All the love and comments are appreciated!
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gamelpar · 4 years
Carter-A259: From now on, we'll be using code names. You can address me as 'Eagle One'.
Carter-A259: Jun, code name: 'Been There, Done That'.
Carter: Kat is 'Currently Doing That'.
Carter-A259: Jorge is 'It Happened Once In A Dream'.
Carter-A259: Emile, code name: 'If I Had To Pick A Spartan'.
Carter-A259: Six is...
Carter-A259: 'Eagle Two'.
Noble Six: Oh, thank God.
Carter-A259: [about Rosenda-A344] 'I'd Be Lying If I Said I Haven't Thought About It' is in position.
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