#rory magnus
Rory Magnus
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P.E coach in RFA.
Rory is a strict teacher but he clearly cares about his students. Although strict, he knows how to have fun, like he laughing loud when joining in guess jokes with Caroline.
Even during stressful situations, Rory remains calm.
He has demonstrate mastery in the art of hand-to-hand combat, as well as expertise in the field of swordsmanship.
He has a daughter, named Carmel Magnus. She still study in the high school before deciding to enroll in RFA. She is depicted as stressed and less express her emotions in front of people.
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Rory is very enthusiastic about the concert and some amazing performances. He is also extreme passion to be a master of ceremonial.
He has a scar on his face from when he rescued his wife from a pickpocket long ago.
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Shittily animated tlt miniseries that mostly takes place mid-Gideon the Ninth
Episode the First: It's an average day in the life of Admiral Sarpedon, until the Emperor His Lord pulls him aside to help him write a top-secret missive to the House heirs - he's worried that he doesn't know what language resonates with the kids these days.
Episode the Second: Marta repeatedly kicks her necromancer's ass at both chess and Canaan strategy, but when she sincerely calls her the better/more competent woman she reassures Judith that she's a true leader and people will lean on her in times of need.
Episode the Third: The Tridentarii gather up the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth for a game of Truth of Dare; they monopolize the time by making Babs and then each other recount their first kisses.
Episode the Fourth: Isaac becomes insecure that Jeanne always seems to want to spend time with Coronabeth and Gideon now, until a beleaguered Camilla explains that she likes them in a different way, not a better way.
Episode the Fifth: Magnus tries to get Abigail to call the spirits of her parents, thinking that having a more active cavalier role will let him charm them in the way he never could while they were alive.
Episode the Sixth: Palamedes throws himself suspiciously hard, even for him, into unraveling the mysteries of Canaan House; Camilla sits him down for a leisurely tea in an attempt to get him to talk about it, but then everyone - including the Duchess - ends up inviting themselves.
Episode the Seventh: Catching on that Harrow is the only person prodding the Protesilaus construct with questions, Cytherea programs his only response to be, "What, are you in love with your cavalier or something?" This eventually backfires and results in her having flashbacks to her life with Loveday.
Episode the Eighth: After overhearing Babs muttering to himself, Colum decides to try meditation as a way to get some time away from his uncle and reconnect with his body.
Episode the Ninth: Harrow decides to make sketches of each scion and cav in attendance, for the sake of thoroughness, and...struggles...with her own House.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 15
The Tenth Doctor doesn't know what grand larceny is, but he thinks it sounds fun.
To the Delphon, the surgical removal of limbs is incredibly sexually alluring.
Brian Williams continues to look after the Pond residence to this day in case Amy and Rory ever return.
Mortimus once asked Ushas out and was so harshly rejected that he then believed she wasn't interested in dating anyone at all. This made him oblivious to the relationship that eventually developed between Ushas and Magnus.
The Silver Doctor is an automaton modeled after the Eighth Doctor. This automaton can sing, play the trumpet, and reveal dark secrets about the future.
The music the Fifth Doctor played on the harp to access the Time Scoop is called Rassilon’s Lament.
The Time Lord Letters is a collection of historical documents written by the Doctor throughout their life.
This collection includes a message from Theta Sigma to Borusa about a perigosto stick accident, a letter to Marie Antoinette prior to her execution, a message from the Fifth Doctor concerning a missing aircraft to the Airport Controller, a "Thank you for having me" note from the Eleventh Doctor to Craig Owens, and many, many more.
The Doctor has luck manipulation abilities.
The Master has literally tripped over the Fourth Doctor’s scarf before.
The Master was also once kneed in the groin by the Rani while in the same body (that body went through a lot, poor little cheetah man).
The Doctor was invited to the Rani's 94th birthday party.
When they were young, the Doctor collected blown glass bottles made from sand from different planets. The reason the Fifth Doctor and Peri went to Androzani Minor was because he lost his Androzani bottle and wanted another.
Donna sometimes purposefully gets pear ice cream, so she doesn't have to share with the Doctor.
A TARDIS will assault the mind of anyone but their Time Lord and the Time Lord’s familiars.
Ace lost her virginity to Sabalom Glitz.
The Master stole the Loom of Rassilon's Mouse in an attempt to weave himself a new body.
Regeneration was never meant to be an emergency procedure.
The Eighth Doctor once stole a NASA space shuttle.
Borusa has regenerated due to a falling stack of books, an unfortunate incident resulting from a misplaced decimal point, and a toenail infection.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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rorymori · 2 months
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does anyone even ship magcretia in 2024 other than me and my bestie. if you do i love you. here’s some (in progress) food
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potatowithahat · 5 days
A New Friend
A Cringefail Farmer story
For @clarisinne !!! I hope it's ok!
I saw everyone drawing Cf and their Stardew Oc's and I can't draw all too well so here it is in fic form instead.
“Listen girl, I can't just explain it” her sister calls from the kitchen. “All I know is the wizard  gave me that forest drug and i help out the little guys now”
“That’s actually mental, you realize that?” Clarice calls as she looks out the window at the greenhouse that was built supposedly overnight
“Just… Ugh. Just go to the wizard guy. I don't know how else to explain it. That wizard guy can tell you” Mars shakes her head. “Now me and Haley still have a date so…” she gently shoves Clarice towards the door.
“Year yeah” Clarice mumbles something about lesbians to herself and walks off towards the path “Harveys not off tell three… Might as well go see this wizard dude anyway.”
She lets out a long sigh as she drags herself further down the road.
“Where you goin?” Shane calls, standing against the fence in front of marines house as she passes
“Better question is why you're outside at eight and not sleeping in on your day off?” she smiles as she approaches him.
“Marnie promised pepper poppers if i helped her with the cows” her friend wipes at the sweat on his brow with the sleeve of his jacket
“You wouldn’t be so hot if you weren't wearing that thing, you know” Clarice comments as she flicks at his sleeve
“Shut up” Shane grumbles as he looks back over at the cows “The hell are you going anyway? Out to cindersap?”
“Yeah” Clarice nods “Out to see The Wizard. Got some magic soup or something” she nods and walks on “If i’m not back in an hour call my sister and tell her i want harvey to give the eulogy at my funeral”
“Pff” Shane chuckles “Sure crazy lady” he turns back to the cows and hops the fence to continue his work
“This is it then” Clarice looks up at the tall, imposing structure in front of her.
The wizards tower was probably three floors high from the looks of it, the tall gray structure looming ominously above cindersap like a dark obelisk. The area around it was abuzz with power, and multiple larger than normal plants grew in a small garden beside it, seemingly untouched by any wildlife.
“Well this isn't imposing at all” she mutters to herself, sheepishly making her way up to the door to knock
“One second!” a voice calls out, sounding much more… effeminate than she was expecting
After a minute or two of waiting the door swings open and a boy no older then two with reddish purple hair bursts out of the tower and right into her legs 
“Oof” Clarice stumbles backwards at the impact 
“HI!” the boy calls up excitedly, “Do you want to be my friend?”
“Atticus you can't just” A tired looking man with curly red hair tied up in a top bun scoops the boy up and sighs “I'm so sorry Miss…”
“Ahh” Clarice startles a bit “Sorry. Just Clariece is fine” 
“yeah , i'm so sorry..” he looks up and startles a bit “My god” he reaches out for her braid
“Uhhh” She steps back nervously and looks down at her hair “Is something wrong with my hair…?”
“Oh, No. no, no no no no. sorry. You're just. well “ he bites his tongue “it's like looking at myself pre transition” The man shakes his head “Sorry, sorry. I’m”
“Rasmodius, right?” Clarice asks hopefully, wanting to get out of this situation as quickly as possible
“Yes. but probably not the one you’re looking for” The man gestures her inside “You here t osee the wizard?” 
Clarice nods nervously as she steps inside the house, her breath being taken away as she looks around the space.
The walls are covered  with arcane symbols and glowing glyphs, the seemingly only light source in the room, despite it being deceptively bright. The walls are lined with books, all well worn and old, though there doesn't seem to be a speck of dust anywhere. There's a large desk off to one side, a glowing green cauldron in front of it, some sort of spellbook sitting on the ground near it.
To the left there's what seems to be a small living room with a child's play area, with pop up books and all sorts of little wooden toys. A baby, no older than maybe six months sits by the couch chewing on a block
“Papa! Aaa!” The baby giggles and reaches for the man
“Go play with your sister” the man whispers to Atticus, setting him down and gently nudging him towards the toys
“Sorry about the mess” the man chuckles and kicks a toy firetruck out of the walkway” Kids, you know”
He rubs his neck
“OH!” I never said my name. Sorry, i’m Rory” He smiles and holds his hand out for her “Im Magnus’ husband”
 Clarice lets out a sigh “Oh! Oh, ok. I get it, yeah” She nods “I didn’t know he was married”
Rory nods “Right, yeah. Most people don’t. We tend to keep to ourselves up here” he claps “Well my Husbands gone for a week at some magic conference of some or another” he rolls his hand ‘But if there's anything I could help you with”
Clarice shifts her weight “not really. I'm not entirely sure why I'm here in the first place. My sister just told me to come”
Rory shrugs “Yeah. not really a lot i can do if i don't know why you're here” he looks around for a second “Tell you what, i have a kettle on. How about we sit and have a chat so that your visit isn't a total waste of time?”
Clarice looks at her watch. She still had a good few hours until Harvey was off “Sure” she nods
“Great” Rory claps and heads towards the kitchen “I never get anyone to talk to up here”
“Im sure” Clarice nods and Follows him into the small kitchen “I just.. Would it be rude to ask a question?”
“No, no not at all!” Rory smiles as he pours two cups of tea “Earl gray or chamomile?”
“Oh, Chamomile please” she nods and sits down at the small island “You and the W… Magnus. How did that happen?”
Rory pulls out two tea packets and plops them in the mugs “Oh, well I was a farmer too. Had a small place a little farther away from here. I took a walk down here one day, saw him tending his garden and went up to tell him he was pulling his carrots wrong” He chuckles “We hit it off from there”
“Ahh.”  Clarice nods, thinking for a second “How'd you know I'm a farmer?”
Rory gets a sheepish look “Oh. sorry. I uh… I can read people. You aren’t married t oa wizard for for years without picking up a few tricks” he carefully hands her her mug
“Oh. thats cool i guess’ Clarice blushes and takes a sip of her drink
Rory just stares at her for a good few minutes
“You’ve got someone on your mind, don't you?” he asks as he tilts his head to the side
Her blush deepens
“Oh you do!” Rory claps happily “Who is it? Don't tell me.. .Shane? Sebastian? Oh… or maybe a girl… Abigail?”
“Harvey” Clarice mumbles as she takes a long sip from the tea, trying to hide her blush
“Pickle man?” Rory smiles “He seems to be a bit bland you know, but he can hold up a conversation! And those hands! God those hands.” He leans forward on his hand
“Exactly!” Clarice says, covering her mouth to try and stop it from slipping out 
Rory smirks “I've got the feeling you and I are gonna be good friends”
Thats all for now folks!
I had a lot of fun with this! It was actually super refreshing to sit down and write for once.
As always my requests are always open so if you have any fic ideas just slide one over!!!
I hope you enjoyed!!!
If you liked what you read you can find more of my work here on tumblr or on my Ao3
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dw-tma · 3 months
The Magnus Archive wiki describes the Hunt as
“The animalistic fear of being chased or hunted; the primal fear of being prey. Manifests as predators, predatory monsters, animal instincts, animalistic traits. Takes hold of apparently "normal" people after they are exposed to the need for The Hunt. Self-proclaimed monster hunters might become 'Hunters' and proceed to develop a need to hunt and kill monsters.”
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tamlinrose · 10 months
NuWho Characters as The Entities (TMA)
9th Doctor- The Desolation.
He is fresh off the time war, where millions were sacrificed in flame. He is the main cause of death of his entire people and rose like a phoenix from the ashes. DEFINITELY the desolation
Rose- The Eye.
Come on, she becomes an all knowing goddess of Time. How could Bad Wolf NOT be the Eye??
Captain Jack Harkness- The End.
He literally dies over and over and over. Even though he can’t permanently die, I’d say he’s feeding The End some good cosmic horror
The Tenth Doctor- The Lonely.
Pretty self explanatory. He desires companionship so much, but everyone leaves him, whether by choice or force. In the end, he is all alone. And regenerates knowing that for all the connections he made, none could stay. Sad wet boy
Martha- The Hunt.
I debated this one, but I think especially her traveling across the world with the sheer determination to defeat the Master shows her becoming the predator instead of the prey. She also becomes a unit soldier, and her arc is her adopting the soldier mentality the doctor so hates about himself onto herself out of survival.
Donna- The Spiral.
Her whole arc is around not being able to trust herself, her own mind because she’s been told she isn’t clever or worthwhile so many times. Not to mention Fear Her, where everything about the World is Not Right and she’s at the center of the wrongness vortex.
Sarah Jane- The Web.
She’s a journalist, she’s constantly picking at threads, finding out information she shouldn’t have, weaving it to her will. I also think that the doctor dropping her off and ditching her without her consent is playing into the fear of having your life puppeted by forces outside of your control.
11th Doctor- The Stranger.
Idk something about him… his penchant for theatrics, his burning desire to be human but always being just slightly left of human behavior, mannerisms. It’s like he’s mimicking the humanity he wants so bad, but it just gives him the uncanny valley affect that makes him even more alien than ever.
River- also the Web
She is scared of being controlled by forces beyond her. She was brainwashed into wanting to kill the doctor and ultimately it is not her will that pushes her to do so. She lives to be free of influence but she is controlled by the outside forces of the time stream discrepancies that keep her and the doctor apart.
Amy- The Flesh.
Okay this is for silly goofy reasons, but the fact she was LITERALLY a flesh avatar for like a full season really sells it for me. Not to mention a lot of her arc is very centered on body horror (pregnancy without her knowledge, giving birth, not being able to have kids, etc).
Rory: Also an avatar of The End.
He just dies so many times man, him and captain Jack should go to couples therapy or smthn
12: The Dark.
Okay hear me out. It’s the oldest fear entity, which I think really folds in with 12s general air of wisdom and the fact he’s been around a fucking long time. Also, he has that entire episodes where he tries to find out what lives in the dark at the end of the universe, and what lives under the bed that absolutely does not wish to be seen.
Clara: Also The Desolation
She is sooooo self destructive man. Especially after Danny Pink dies, she’s willing to burn it all to the ground. Her eventual demise is because she is impulsive to a fault, and in some ways it could be argued she has a death wish.
Bill: The Vast
She just gives me that childlike wonder for new worlds and the open sky. IK this seems like pretty vague reasoning but I think like Simon Fairchild she just loves the vastness of the universe so much that she eventually goes travelling with star eyed girl to see it all.
13: also The Vast
Citing that youthful wonder again. Honestly I don’t know much about 13 or her companions so if you have Headcanons for Yaz, Ryan, Graham and 13 hmu! Tag them below
The War Doctor: The Extinction
Self explanatory. He’s the doctor who ends it all, his entire species. And that choice defines and haunts him into future incarnations.
The Master: The Slaughter
Senseless chaotic violence for the sake of violence. Sounds pretty on brand.
If you have any contradictions, additional thoughts, or help on 13s era I’d love to hear it in the tags!!!
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rockosaur · 1 year
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alice-blogs-things · 4 months
I'll elaborate on these more in other posts, but for the last several months I've been watching every episode of Doctor Who from the 2005 reboot onwards, while working my way through The Magnus Archives, and it's been giving me ideas, specifically:
Doctor Who Companions vs the Fears
Rose Tyler: The Desolation
Martha Jones: The Lonely
Donna Noble: The Web
Wilfred Mott: The Web (but he was also touched by the Slaughter during the war)
Amy Pond: The Flesh
Rory Williams: The End
River Song: The Hunt
Clara Oswald: The Web
Bill Potts: The Eye
Yasmin Khan: The Lonely
Ryan Sinclair: The Extinction
Graham O'Brien: The End
Dan Lewis: The Vast
Rose Noble: The Web
Ruby Sunday: The Lonely
Edit: Changed Rose N and Ruby’s Fears, on reflection now that s14 is done and I had a chance to rewatch Star Beast.
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wormsound · 7 months
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digirhys · 10 months
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• do not tag as kin/me/ID/etc • do not repost/use •
Winding down doodles after wrapping up my Secret Santa piece for an art server I'm in!! Not going to post it even after the gifts go out, I think. Hope the recipient likes it,,,!!! ;w;
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RFA Staffs & Supporting OCs' Seiyuu
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Annabelle Paragon - Ayaki Takagaki
Elaina Camilla - Asami Seto
Athena Palladium - Yumiri Hanamori
Alexandria Layton - Kikuko Inoue
Adonis Roseo Avalon - Tomoaki Maeno
Rory Magnus - Nobuhiko Okamoto
Laurel Draconahearts - Miyuki Sawashiro
Caroline Ringelblume - Maaya Uchiha
Callum Jewel - Akira Ishida
Supporting OCs
Cynthia Ryu - Ikue Otani
Mariella Edward-James - Megumi Han
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bunny-beloved · 2 years
the magnus protocol better pull a doctor who like they did with amy and rory..... let them be happy ... please...
all i need is one letter... or piece of evidence they made it together
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modern-instagram · 2 months
Characters Instagram
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Theta Sigma Lungbarrow Oakdown:
Koschei Oakdown:
Susan Oakdown:
Jenny Oakdown Lungbarrow:
Amelia Williams Pond
Rory Williams Pond
Melody "River" Williams Pond
Patience Blyledge:
Ushas Miasimia Goria:
Magnus Miasimia Goria:
Millennia Brightshore:
Rallon Stillhaven:
Kronos Lungbarrow Oakdown:
Onsian Lungbarrow Oakdown:
Lady Beatrice Brightshore:
Helta Brightshore Oakdown:
Brija Miasimia Goria:
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pbjelly90art · 7 months
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Spaceverse Phanos / Gaia sketches!
This features a lot of paineater characters hailing from Phanos, or folks that currently live there too, along with some characters who originally came from Gaia. This category has a lot of overlap with the tons of Faer sketches that are coming up, as a lot of characters have moved from one planet to the other over the course of the RP, and family ties stretch across both. Sketches that were already in a previous batch or saved for the Faer ones won't be included here for now.
In order, we have: Tarsus, Agneta aka Nettie, Thea, Titus, Kara, Diana (dating Al from Phanos), Cyrus, Kyra, Tigerlily (her mother Dahlia moved to Phanos and married Cyrus), Damon, Magnus, Fiona, Eamon, Cassian Ketos (from Faer, but just happened to be on this page), Rory, Divya (also a Faer character), Donovan, his daughter Hazel, older Hazel and Kara, Hazel with Kara again, Jean Paul (from Gaia), Helena, Titus, Adam with his kids Luisa, Dawa and Tiago (aka Tiggy), Adam with Tiggy, Adam solo, , Corrine, and Seamus.
Then we have some older sketches, including: Adam with his mom Athena (in previous verse, her name was Anna), his dad Tyran, Tarsus, Tyran and Adam using their powers, Anton, Dr. Dorian with his daughter Marta (Gaian but they later move to Phanos), Alex and Fabi Dionne (ditto), an older Alex, Kliff, Pauline, Jean Paul, Pauline, and Ernesto (in this verse, he's a phantasm from Illumina, but this is an older sketch of him from an older story.) These still need Spaceverse AU versions, but I wanted to archive these older drawings for reference.
Sakume owns a lot of these characters, including Tarsus, Titus, Kara, Cyrus, Tyran, Athena, and Damon, and I own the others here.
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6-and-7 · 2 years
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Huevember 22a
End!Eleven Eleven's run was heavily characterized by fate and predestination. It was the end of his regeneration cycle (as far as he knew). He was going to die at Lake Silencio. He was going to die on Trenzalore. He married the woman fated to kill him, whose death he had witnessed the first time they met. There's a lot of stuff about fate, is all I'm saying.
Bonus sketchpage: Spiral!Amy (becoming a personification of the crack in her wall) and Stranger!Rory (the plastic Roman centurion thing kinda stuck in this AU)
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