#rooibos cocktails
thetockablog · 11 months
G & Tea: Gin and Tonic with a Rooibos Twist
G & Tea Ingredients60ml Gin60ml Rooibos Cordial1/4 cup orange juiceIceTonic waterOrange slices, to garnish MethodAdd gin, rooibos cordial, fresh orange juice, and ice to a shaker. Strain into a chilled glass. Top up with tonic water, and garnish with dried orange slices.
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ktarsims · 9 months
Life Updates and Such...
Soooo.... many things! At the moment, I've finally pulled myself somewhat out of the doldrums caused by lack-of-job + job-search-sucks and am making all the preparations for celebrating the end of this year and the start of a new one.
I think I've binged something like 30+ anime series in the last month or so, along with reading many many books.
Today, I've finally got some bots working in the Creator's Cave discord, to make things a bit easier there. There are more updates I still need to do, but it's a start.
My hope for this week, is that in addition to my preparations for New Year's, I'll be able to actually finish my project of turning some of my flower photos into TS3 art. No promises, but I'm hopeful.
Below the cut, for the curious or nosy, the menu and preparations for New Year's.
Before anyone starts to wonder... two of the friends coming to my place for New Year's are really really into Pumpkin, so this is reflected here. Yes, this is probably too much food and drink for... 6 people, but hey... leftovers.
**Food** 1 frozen lasagna, family size 1 batch homemade mac&cheese (made by not me) Cheeses! (Extra sharp white cheddar, brie, various spreadables, 3 varieties of goat cheese) Crackers! (Ritz garlic butter, rosemary flatbread, 5 other assorted) Meats! (Summer sausage, dry salame, fig salame) Tea Sandwiches! (Cream cheese + smoke salmon or cucumber or jam) Scones! (I plan to make at least 3 varieties, but haven't yet decided which.) Oven ready appetizers! (Takoyaki, bagel bites, baked potato skins, loaded tater tots, mini quiches, mozzarella sticks, and more.) Shrimp Cocktail platter Veggie Platter Sweet Maui Onion potato chips Homemade snack mix (Corn Chex, Rice Chex, Pretzels, Cashews, Pistachios, white cheddar cheeze-its, white cheddar cheese puffs)
**Sweets** Pumpkin Spice Twinkies Iced Pumpkin Cupcakes (this is also hostess brand) Yackwa Korean donuts (gift from a neighbor) Assorted flavors of KitKats Pumpkin Pie yogurt covered pretzels Butter Rum Crunch popcorn Bourbon Crunch popcorn Milk Chocolate cherry cordials Other assorted chocolates
**Non-Alcoholic Drinks** Five different flavors of Martinellis sparkling cider Pumpkin Spice cold brewed tea (caffeinated) Pumpkin Creme Rooibos cold brew tea (herbal) Pumpkin Pie cold brew tea (herbal) Various Gatorade
**Alcoholic Drinks** 'Strong Mead' from a cider festival (gift from friend) Expensive bottle of Sake 'Demon Slayer' 1 bottle Louis Perrier Champagne for ringing in the new year Berenjaeger Green Apple Sake Peach Sake Umeshu Plum Wine Matcha Plum Wine (I'm really curious about this one) Butterscotch Shnapps Pumpkin hard Cider Dark Chocolate Cherry Moonshine Eggo Brunch Sippin' Cream A cupboard full of other assorted things that probably won't be looked at.
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buradeeznuts · 25 days
🍝🍸☕️ for the ask game w your oc(s) of choice :0c?
 🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
Flake: Fairy bread, anything barbecue.
Kerkylas: Spetzofai, mannish water.
Carlisle: Bourbon soaked cherries. steak tips.
Chicory: Seafood bisques and chowders, vanilla bean crème brûlée.
🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
Flake: Ramos gin fizz.
Kerkylas: Whisky, served neat.
Carlisle: Cherry bomb shot.
Chicory: Piña colada.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Flake: Almost exclusively drinks water and a diverse variety of boozy beverages; typically cocktails but she’s not really all that picky otherwise. Someone help her.
Kerkylas: Answered!
Carlisle: Partial to tea, but also enjoys coffee from time to time. How she takes the former depends on how she’s feeling - sometimes black, sometimes with cream and sugar.
Chicory: Very fond of flavoured tisane and tea blends (often black or rooibos), served hot with cream or milk and lots of sugar.
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spatheandspadix · 1 year
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Holls truffles, rooibos cocktail at West End Ciderhouse, dry margarita at Casa
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @ofcryptid dares to ask; ❝ 🍛 CURRY AND RICE, 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS, ☕️ HOT BEVERAGE for lucifer & diavolo! ( spencer in the bg taking notes ) ❞
     From Curious Minds Inquiring
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   » What does your [character]'s typical dinner look like? Do they usually eat dinner? — If Lucifer isn't entirely occupied by work, he might remember to get some dinner; it's the meal closest to the end of the day, so it's the hardest to miss for him. When he does have dinner, he tries to balance it as much as he possibly can in terms of food groups — gotta make up for the meals he misses somehow. … But you might catch that he sneaks in some kind of spicy addition here or there often times. He can't help but crave it often.
   » What is your [character]’s favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? — The more vintage the Demonus, the better. He prefers the dry variants the most, but he won't complain if he gets a sweeter one. He's also ended up developing a taste for aged human world whiskey, even if it can't get him drunk at all; he simply finds the complexity of the taste quite delightful.
   » Does your [character] prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? How do they like to take this drink? — Lucifer is someone who will take both coffee and tea... sometimes at the same time. His favourite drink is actually a blend of oolong tea mixed with black, dark-roasted coffee. When he is taking his tea, he prefers black tea that has been brewed to have a strong flavour, but will accept rooibos or oolong teas if they have a stronger body. Lucifer always takes his coffee plain with a darker roast, with nothing else added.
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   » What does your [character]'s typical dinner look like? Do they usually eat dinner? — Diavolo's dinners are usually prepared by Barbatos around the same time every day, so he always has something balanced out. If he had a choice though, he'd prefer a dish a bit heavier on the meats and spices, with something fruity to finish it out.
   » What is your [character]’s favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? — Discounting the obvious of Demonus, there is a particular brand of Devildom-type rum brewed from nightmare sugarcane known as Kelpie's Secrets he is very fond of, though it's sold exclusively to a select group of nobility on custom order.
   » Does your [character] prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? How do they like to take this drink? — Tea is his usual go-to; there's so many variants for all sorts of situations, but herbal and green teas are his usual choices — though he is known to enjoy Pu-erh tea from the human world when it comes around. When it comes to other beverages, Diavolo is known to indulge in coffee dressed with shadow bovine's milk and abyssal vanilla creamer topped with fresh-ground magma cinnamon, and when Barbatos isn't looking he'll happily chug down various brands of fruity, bubbly sodas. (Much to his butler's chagrin.)
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agentvharrison · 2 years
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Food questions for the Muse(s) 
@agentjjkelly​ asked: 🍹 - Your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic. 🍸 - Can you share a good cocktail recipe? ☕ - How do you drink your tea? And your coffee?
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🍹 - Your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
“Alcoholic: whisky, neat.  Whisky stones are acceptable, ice is not.  Non-alcoholic: tea; my choice of tea depends on mood and the time of day.”
🍸- Can you share a good cocktail recipe?
“Mulled wine/glögg:
Red wine
Port/sherry/hard liquor (esp. vodka or brandy)
- mix as desired
Orange peel
- add in as desired
Mix ingredients according to taste.  Heat over a low flame/a low temp in a crockpot.  Strain and serve.
I generally have a medium-sized crockpot full of this throughout the holidays.  Cheesecloth is your friend with this.  If you have access to a South Asian market, that’s definitely where you want to go for spices.”
☕ - How do you drink your tea? And your coffee?
“Tea is entirely dependent on the type of tea and when I’m drinking it.  Black blends are usually taken with a little sugar.  Sugar and milk are usually reserved for Earl Grey and sometimes British Breakfast.  Pu-erh and lapsang souchong are taken plain, though I may add sugar to blends based on them.  Green tea and green tea blends are usually taken plain, though there’s a few blends I take with a touch of sugar just to accentuate their natural sweetness.  Herbal tea and rooibos are often taken with a hint of sugar as well, though some blends are delicate enough that I’ll take them plain.  If it’s something non/low-caffeinated that I’m drinking before bed I’ll generally pass on the sugar.  I don’t really do white teas as I just don’t have the palate to properly enjoy them.  
“When it comes to brewing tea, I am incredibly finicky.  I keep a fancy kettle in the office at work so that I can brew water at the proper temperature for the tea in question, and I time my steeping appropriately.  I’m not necessarily a snob when it comes to other people drinking tea, but I am when it comes to my tea.
“Coffee is taken with as much sugar and milk/creamer/non-dairy-creamer as possible.  Flavored creamers are preferred.  Anything to make it not taste like coffee.  Though, honestly, I’ve gravitated away from coffee in general upon realizing that with my ADHD it doesn’t actually do anything to keep me awake.  I never liked the taste anyway, so I’m not crying.”
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omagazineparis · 5 months
Cadeaux de Noël : sélection des meilleurs coffrets à offrir
It’s Christmas time ! Notre période préférée de l’année est enfin arrivée et il est temps de gâter nos proches. Soeur, épouse, maman, amie : toutes les raisons sont bonnes pour offrir un joli cadeau ! Alors pourquoi ne pas se laisser tenter par un coffret ? Pensé à l’avance et réunissant souvent les best-sellers des marques, c’est l’alternative idéale. Ô Magazine vous propose donc un tour d’horizon des meilleurs coffrets cadeaux à offrir cette année : Sélection coffrets de Noël ©JeanneBALLION Coffret “Rêves d’Asie” des Thés de la Pagode (17,10€) Ce coffret est l’idée cadeau idéale pour les amoureux de thé. Original et gourmand, ce coffret associe plaisir des yeux grâce à son élégant coffret et plaisir du palais avec sa sélection de saveurs parfaites pour une dégustation en famille ou entre amis. Il pourra donc satisfaire tous les goûts parmi 5 recettes bio : thé Blanc Fleur d'Oranger, thé Vert Fruit du Dragon, thé Noir Chocolat Orange, rooibos Vanille & Amande et infusion Détox du Levant. 5 sachets de chacune des 5 recettes compose le coffret, soit un total de 25 infusettes.  Coffrets Charlotte Tilbury : pour les yeux (29€) & les lèvres (25€)  Charlotte Tilbury est la référence makeup pour les passionnées en la matière. Rien ne leur fera donc plus plaisir que de recevoir un coffret de la marque à Noël. La make-up artiste a pensé à tout en déclinant ses produits phares au format coffret. Au programme : le coffret Pillow Talk Beautifying Eye Filter avec un mascara Pillow Talk Push Up Lashes! en format normal et un eye-liner Pillow Talk en format voyage, et le coffret Mini Collagen Lip Bath Icons avec 3 mini versions du gloss éponyme à effet repulpant. Bref, les meilleurs coffrets pour les beauty addicts ! Coffret Bvlgari : Eau de Parfum Rock’N’Rome & Essence Magnifying Vanilla (360€) Bvlgari propose cette année un coffret de parfums exclusif, qui sera assurément aussi unique et audacieux que la femme que vous souhaitez gâter. Liquoreuse et florientale, l'Eau de Parfum Allegra Rock'n'Rome se mêle aux arômes addictifs de l'essence du Magnifying Vanilla pour donner vie à une irrésistible fragrance personnalisée. La maison offre donc une expérience olfactive exceptionnelle permettant de créer un parfum qui vous sera propre et complètement exclusif, ce qui est quand même le graal pour les passionnés de parfum. Coffrets Fenty : pour les lèvres (38€) et pour le corps (29,90€) Rihanna fait des ravages avec sa marque de cosmétiques Fenty. Terriblement tendances, mais surtout efficaces, les produits beauty et skin sont des indispensables à déposer sous le sapin. Au choix cette année, le Glossy Posse Fantasy, soit un set de 4 gloss bestseller en édition limitée, ou The Body Duo, soit un exfoliant et un beurre pour le corps aux accents tropicaux. Rihanna a donc pensé à tout et anticipe le moindre de nos péchés de beauté pour cet hiver. Un travail facilité pour gâter qui vous voulez ! À lire également : Noël : les meilleurs calendriers de l’avent Coffret “Tea Time” Delacre (12,99€) Noël ne serait pas Noël sans la traditionnelle boîte Tea Time Delacre qui pour 2021 propose trois nouveaux designs qui font la part belle à l’esprit de Noël. Ceux et celles qui auront la joie de la recevoir dégusteront les emblématiques et si délicieux biscuits Delacre, comme les Biarritz, Marquisettes, Cigarettes Russes… Réunissant 16 recettes originales, ce coffret sera parfait pour vos proches les plus gourmands.  Coffret “Bonheur Prestige” Huygens (49€) Cette année, l’officine du Marais célèbre Noël avec de nouvelles offres plus généreuses et festives que jamais. Une sélection de coffrets et pochettes en carton recyclé et fabriqués en France pour des fêtes éthiques et respectueuses de l’environnement. Notre coup de cœur va pour le coffret Bonheur Prestige contenant un lait corps, un gommage corps, un gel douche et un gel nettoyant mains, infusés d’un cocktail verveine menthe. Efficace, précieux, un coffret beauté comme on les aime !  Coffrets Lush : soins pour le corps “Winter Warmer” (25€) & “Snow Fairy” (32€) Les coffrets Lush sont les chouchous de la rédaction. Leur point fort ? Savoir concilier plaisir et respect, à la fois de notre planète et des animaux. Pour cette saison, le Winter Warmer va vous faire l’effet d’un chocolat réconfortant au coin du feu. Ce coffret cadeau est garni de produits au parfum chaleureux (gel douche, bombe de bain et pain moussant), pour vous offrir cette même sensation, sous la douche ou dans la baignoire ! Le Snow Fairy n’est pas en reste avec son odeur best-seller, déclinée dans 4 formats (gel douche, bombe de bain, pain moussant, soin hydratant à rincer) au sein de ce coffret sucré et pailleté !  Coffrets “Frame of Minds” Marie Nila (49€) Marie Nila, c’est la marque de soins capillaires 100% Vegan. Elle propose aux coiffeurs du monde entier une large gamme de produits exclusifs dédiés au coiffage, au soin et à la protection des cheveux colorés, naturels ou embellis. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration exclusive, la marque a laissé l'artiste suédoise Cajsa Wessberg interpréter le Frame of Minds de leurs produits phares en créant des boîtes cadeaux uniques en édition limitée. Il y en a pour tous les goûts : cheveux blonds, secs, bouclés… Ces coffrets sont donc aussi beaux que bons pour vos cheveux !  Coffret de Noël personnalisé Maison Colibri (9-25€) À la recherche d’un cadeau original et personnalisé ? Maison Colibri propose cette année un coffret de madeleines qui sera LE cadeau parfait pour faire plaisir à vos proches. Découvrez dans ces coffrets édition Noël des recettes exclusives : l’iconique madeleine classique coque chocolat noir, la chocolatée aux éclats de praline rose, et la fruitée à l’orange coque chocolat noir. Attention, excès gourmands en vue !  Voici donc un large panel des meilleurs coffrets à offrir à qui vous voulez pour Noël. Du makeup, du chocolat, des shampoings, crèmes et autres soins, tous les membres de votre entourage devraient y trouver leur bonheur. Trois, deux, un : que les achats de Noël commencent ! À lire aussi : Colis volumineux : comment réduire les coûts d’envoi ? Read the full article
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thegrandstoreofficial · 6 months
Top 5 Artisanal Gins to Try in South Africa
In recent years, the craft gin scene in South Africa has experienced a remarkable surge, with a myriad of distilleries showcasing their expertise in creating exquisite and distinctive blends. From classic London Dry Gin to innovative botanical infusions, the country boasts a diverse range of artisanal gins that cater to every palate. Whether you're a seasoned gin connoisseur or a curious newcomer, here are the top five artisanal gins that warrant a taste exploration:
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The Grand Store's African Botanical Gin:
Situated amidst the picturesque landscapes of South Africa, The Grand Store has established itself as a beacon of artisanal excellence. Their African Botanical Gin is a true testament to the country's rich botanical heritage, featuring a harmonious blend of indigenous flora and traditional gin botanicals. With hints of rooibos, buchu, and citrus, this gin encapsulates the essence of South Africa's diverse landscape in every sip. Available for purchase online in South Africa, The Grand Store's African Botanical Gin promises a sensory journey like no other.
Cape Fynbos Gin by Buy Gin Brand Online:
Inspired by the unique flora of the Cape Floral Kingdom, Cape Fynbos Gin by Buy Gin Brand Online celebrates the essence of South Africa's natural abundance. Crafted with handpicked botanicals sourced from the fynbos-rich regions of the Western Cape, this gin offers a refreshing and aromatic experience. Infused with botanicals such as wild rosemary, buchu, and honeybush, each sip transports you to the untamed beauty of the South African wilderness. Available for purchase online, Cape Fynbos Gin is a must-have for gin enthusiasts seeking a taste of the country's botanical wonders.
Gin Online's Citrus Infusion:
For those craving a burst of citrusy freshness, Gin Online's Citrus Infusion delivers a zesty delight that tantalizes the taste buds. Blending premium gin with a vibrant medley of citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, this artisanal creation offers a refreshing twist on traditional gin. Perfect for sunny days and leisurely evenings, Gin Online's Citrus Infusion embodies the spirit of South Africa's sunny disposition. Available for purchase online, it's the ideal companion for laid-back gatherings and cocktail aficionados alike.
Western Cape Distillery's Signature Dry Gin:
Nestled in the heart of the Western Cape, Western Cape Distillery is renowned for its commitment to crafting exceptional gins that reflect the region's terroir. Their Signature Dry Gin is a timeless classic, meticulously distilled using a blend of traditional botanicals and locally sourced ingredients. With juniper at its core, complemented by hints of coriander, angelica root, and citrus peel, this gin strikes the perfect balance between tradition and innovation. Available for purchase online, Western Cape Distillery's Signature Dry Gin embodies the spirit of South African craftsmanship.
Karoo Crafted Gin by The Gin Collective:
Inspired by the rugged beauty of the Karoo landscape, Karoo Crafted Gin by The Gin Collective captures the essence of South Africa's vast and untamed wilderness. Distilled using a unique blend of botanicals sourced from the Karoo region, including wild lavender, citrus buchu, and aromatic herbs, this gin offers a sensory journey like no other. Each sip evokes memories of sprawling plains and endless skies, making it a true reflection of South Africa's natural splendor. Available for purchase online, Karoo Crafted Gin is a testament to the artistry and ingenuity of South Africa's craft gin movement.
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The burgeoning craft gin scene in South Africa offers a plethora of options for discerning enthusiasts seeking an exceptional drinking experience. Whether you're drawn to botanical infusions, citrusy delights, or classic renditions, there's a gin to suit every taste preference. With the convenience of online purchasing through platforms like The Grand Store where you can Buy Gin Online, exploring the world of artisanal gins has never been easier. So why not embark on a flavor-filled journey and discover the unrivaled craftsmanship and creativity that South Africa has to offer?
Contact Us:
The Grand Store
Call on : +27765809522
Website : https://grandstore.co.za/
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shefu-choice · 1 year
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Colorful and delicious, this fun take on a mojito uses a variety of tea-infused ice cubes for a drink that changes as you sip. Enjoy this minty, fruity cocktail, or leave out the rum for a refreshing mocktail. 🍹🍹🥥
2 oz. Butterfly Pea Flower tea infused white rum
¾ oz. Lime juice
1 oz. Red Berry Cooler Rooibos tea simple syrup
Betty Buzz Lemon Club soda
1 dash Remedy Cocktail Company Julep bitters
6 mint leaves
Red Berry Cooler Rooibos tea mini ice cubes
Hydrate Coconut Lemongrass tea mini ice cubes
Energize Pineapple Aloe tea mini ice cubes
Fresh mint infused mini ice cubes
• Layer the infused crushed ice cubes in a highball glass.
• In a shaker, combine lime juice, syrup, bitters, mint, and rum.
• Shake to chill and strain into the glass.
• Top off with lemon club soda.
• Garnish with a mint bouquet and edible flower.
As the tea ice cubes melt, the drink shifts, taking the imbiber on a journey through a rainbow of flavors.
Available at www.shefuchoice.com
#tea #tealeaves #tealovers #cocktail #mocktails #glassware #shefuchoice #herbaltea #blacktea
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dinaive · 1 year
Calorie-free drinks in the evening
If you're looking for calorie-free drinks to enjoy in the evening, here are some options:
Water: Plain water is the ultimate calorie-free beverage and essential for staying hydrated.
Herbal Tea: Most herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, hibiscus, or ginger tea, are naturally caffeine-free and calorie-free. They can be soothing and relaxing choices for the evening.
Decaffeinated Coffee: Black decaffeinated coffee is very low in calories and offers the familiar taste of coffee without the caffeine.
Green Tea: Opt for decaffeinated green tea in the evening to enjoy its potential health benefits without the stimulating effects of caffeine.
Fruit-Infused Water: Enhance your water with slices of fresh fruit (e.g., lemon, lime, cucumber, berries) for a hint of flavor without adding calories.
Seltzer Water: Plain seltzer or sparkling water is calorie-free and provides a fizzy and refreshing sensation.
Iced Herbal Tea: Brew your favorite caffeine-free herbal tea and chill it for a calorie-free iced beverage.
Seltzer with a Splash of Citrus: Add a squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange to plain seltzer water for a refreshing and calorie-free twist.
Mint Water: Infuse water with fresh mint leaves for a cool and minty drink without calories.
Flavored Water Drops: Some brands offer calorie-free water enhancers with natural flavors. Be sure to choose those without added sugars.
Club Soda: Club soda is calorie-free and can be enjoyed on its own or used as a mixer for low-calorie cocktails.
Seltzer with Cucumber: Combine plain seltzer water with cucumber slices for a refreshing and hydrating calorie-free drink.
Lavender Tea: Lavender tea is caffeine-free and has a soothing aroma, making it a calming choice for the evening.
Chia Seed Infused Water: Mix chia seeds with water and let them soak for a naturally hydrating and fiber-rich drink. Chia seeds can absorb liquid and create a slightly thicker texture.
These calorie-free drink options can help you stay hydrated and enjoy a variety of flavors without adding extra calories to your evening routine. Remember that maintaining proper hydration is essential for overall health, and drinking water or calorie-free beverages is an excellent way to support your well-being.
Certainly, here are some more calorie-free drink options for your evening enjoyment:
Unsweetened Iced Tea: Brew unsweetened black, green, or herbal tea and let it cool for a calorie-free iced tea. You can add a squeeze of lemon or lime for extra flavor.
Coconut Water: Natural, unsweetened coconut water is low in calories and can be a refreshing choice if you enjoy its taste.
Soy or Almond Milk: Unsweetened varieties of soy or almond milk are low in calories and can be a dairy-free alternative.
Rose Water: Rose water is calorie-free and has a delicate floral flavor. It can be used as a flavoring agent in water or as an ingredient in some cocktails and desserts.
Sage Tea: Sage tea is caffeine-free and has a mild, earthy flavor. It's a calming choice for the evening.
Lemongrass Tea: Lemongrass tea is naturally caffeine-free and has a lemony, citrusy flavor that's both refreshing and calorie-free.
Cucumber Water: Slice cucumbers and add them to water for a cool and hydrating drink with a subtle cucumber essence.
Iced Rooibos Tea: Rooibos tea, also known as red tea, is naturally caffeine-free and can be served chilled as a calorie-free iced tea.
Peach Leaf Tea: If you have access to peach leaves, you can brew a mild and caffeine-free tea from the leaves for a unique, calorie-free beverage.
Iced Lavender Tea: Brew lavender tea, allow it to cool, and serve it over ice for a calming and refreshing calorie-free drink.
Cinnamon Water: Add a cinnamon stick to a glass of water and let it infuse for a subtly spiced calorie-free drink.
Mint Iced Tea: Brew a pot of mint tea, cool it, and enjoy it as an invigorating, calorie-free iced tea.
Iced Lemon Verbena Tea: Lemon verbena tea is caffeine-free and has a lemony, citrusy flavor that makes it a refreshing choice when served cold.
Ginger Water: Slice fresh ginger and add it to water for a calorie-free drink with a hint of ginger's spicy warmth.
Sparkling Water with Berries: Add frozen or fresh berries to plain sparkling water for a visually appealing and flavorful calorie-free option.
Caffeine-Free Chai Iced Tea: Brew a caffeine-free chai tea blend, chill it, and serve it over ice for a spiced and refreshing calorie-free drink.
These calorie-free beverages offer a range of flavors and aromas, making them suitable choices for different tastes and preferences in the evening. Enjoy them as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Certainly, here are a few more calorie-free drink options for your evening enjoyment:
Lemon Balm Tea: Lemon balm tea is caffeine-free and has a gentle lemony flavor. It's known for its calming properties.
Dandelion Tea: Dandelion tea is naturally caffeine-free and can be brewed from the leaves and roots of the dandelion plant. It has a mild, earthy taste and may have potential health benefits.
Lemongrass and Ginger Infusion: Brew a combination of lemongrass and fresh ginger for a soothing and aromatic calorie-free herbal infusion.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Water: Mix a small amount of apple cider vinegar (with the "mother") with water for a tart and slightly tangy calorie-free drink. Some people find this beverage to have potential health benefits, but it's essential to dilute the ACV.
Chrysanthemum Tea: Chrysanthemum tea is caffeine-free and has a delicate, floral flavor. It's popular in some cultures and is believed to have cooling properties.
Cacao Shell Tea: Cacao shell tea is made from the outer shells of cacao beans and has a mild chocolate flavor without the calories found in hot chocolate.
Aloe Vera Water: Aloe vera water is calorie-free and can be refreshing. Make sure it's a pure and unsweetened version.
Soursop Leaf Tea: Soursop leaves can be used to brew a caffeine-free and calorie-free tea with a unique flavor.
Pineapple Sage Infusion: Pineapple sage leaves can be steeped to create a fruity and aromatic calorie-free herbal infusion.
Mint and Lemon Water: Combine fresh mint leaves and lemon slices with water for a zesty and refreshing calorie-free drink.
Turmeric and Black Pepper Water: Mix a pinch of turmeric and a dash of black pepper into warm water for a calorie-free beverage with potential health benefits.
Acai Berry Tea: Acai berry tea is made from dried acai berries and is caffeine-free, offering a fruity and antioxidant-rich option.
Licorice Root Tea: Licorice root tea is naturally sweet and caffeine-free, making it a calorie-free choice for those who enjoy its flavor.
These calorie-free drinks provide a variety of flavors and potential health benefits, making them suitable options for your evening routine. Always ensure that herbal teas and infusions are prepared from safe and edible plant sources, especially if you're foraging or using wild plants.
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rumverliebt · 2 years
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(Werbung aufgrund von Markennennung) . 🇧🇿🇧🇿🇧🇿 Belizean Blue Signature Blend Rum 40% 0,7L 🇧🇿🇧🇿🇧🇿 . Der Belizean Blue Rum Signature Blend bringt neben seiner ansprechenden goldenen Bernsteinfarbe einen feinen Duft von Vanille und Toffee mit. Dazu gesellt sich eine gut abgestimmte Gewürzmischung hinzu und so duftet es nach Zimt und einer Nuance von frisch geriebener Muskatnuss. Eine alkoholische Schärfe nehmt ihr nur schwach in der Nase wahr und so kommt der Rum aus Belize recht angenehm rüber. Der erste Schluck ist geprägt von einer herrlichen holzigen Würze sowie Aromen von feinen Gewürzen und so duftet der Belizean Blue Rum Signature Blend nicht nur nach Zimt und Muskatnuss, sondern schmeckt auch leicht danach. Begleitet wird der Rum von einer gut ausgewogenen alkoholischen Schärfe, die für warme Wangen sorgt und einige Zeit am Gaumen und auf der Zunge verweilt. Eine minimale Bitterkeit von der Fasslagerung macht sich danach am Gaumen breit und wird von einem fruchtigen Aroma von reifen und süßen Aprikosen abgelöst. Vervollständigt wird das recht homogen und vollmundige Geschmacksprofil von Aromen wie Vanille und klebrigen Karamell. Das Finish ist langanhaltend endet mit Aromen von Rooibos Tee und Karamell 😋🥃👍 . Weitere Informationen zu dem Produkt und eine Bestell-Möglichkeit findet Ihr unter folgenden ℹ️ Link: . https://www.rumverliebt.de/belizean-blue-signature-blend-rum.html . ⛔️Verkauf nur an Personen über 18 Jahren⛔️ . #belizeanbluerum #belizerum #belizeanrum #rum #rhum #ron #tasting #rumtasting #rumlovers #rumcocktails #drinks #drinkporn #cocktails #cocktail #bar @kirsch_whisky @belizeanbluerum (hier: Rumverliebt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUjf87sFab/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goldenworldsabound · 2 years
1, 2, and 7 for Aura and Crystalline :3c
Get To Know Your Character Questionnaire
1) What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
FF7 Aura Golden:
A soda. I'm going to explain this one and it's because they were raised by rather frugal parents who were the kind to never let their kids order drinks out. However, once they got their own source of income, they decided that was going a bit too far and also they wanted soda. More interestingly that without prompting by Rufus, this absolutely does not change once they start seeing him. He often orders for them when it comes to drinks, resulting in more cocktails and wine than soda, but if it's up to them they order soda on reflex (and choosing alcohol is...well they still don't know shit about it really, and they don't wanna look stupid. Rufus handles it lol)
VNC Crystalline de Sade:
Wine or tea. Depending on time of day and such. And they know exactly what year and type of wine they want depending on what they're eating. They tend to go for black teas in the morning (Earl Grey or Lady Grey with a splash of milk) and herbal or rooibos teas in the evening. They have simply had ample time to fully understand their likes and dislikes. That being said, they also won't hesitate to try new and unfamiliar drinks, particularly in the human world.
2) What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private)
FF7 Aura Golden:
Their routine is basic. It's very routine, wake up, get ready for work, come home, get ready for bed. The one thing they do pay special attention to is their hair - they've actually researched products for that intently, and learned how to do the bread along their buzz without even looking in a mirror. Once they move in with Rufus, they get absorbed into his routine and end up using all sorts of fancy lotions and such - but again, left to their own devices, they fall back to habit immediately.
VNC Crystalline de Sade:
Back when they were doing research towards the earlier stages of their life, their routine was minimal, like Aura's (with even less emphasis on hair). That being said, these days they have very particular things they attend to, with a focus on fashion. They have ample time to spend on taking care of themself, and most days they will go through all the steps. They will go extra all out if they suspect the Shapeless One will be coming home soon, or if he is already home, or if they are visiting Altus or other more populated areas. This usually means fancier clothes most of all.
3) Describe the shoes they’re wearing. (This is a big catch all, gets into money, taste, practicality, level of wear, level of repair, literally what kind of shoes they require to live their life.)
FF7 Aura: you know, they still have their function lab boots. That tends to be what they wear. Unless they go out with Rufus for something fancy - then it's fancy expensive shoes. But the lab boots were good, safety quality, so they're pretty sturdy, but still a bit scuffed and worn.
VNC Crystalline de Sade: these boots were purchased with great intention. They were quite expensive, but not fashion over function, by any means. They are current fashion in Altus Paris though, despite Crystalline living in the country side.
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teahaus-annarbor · 5 years
Monthly Brew: December Collection
Try our December monthly brew sampler for just $7.24.
Celebrate the holidays with mulled wine and tea cocktails—easy to make with this month's sampler! Only $7.24 for three samples and recipes; FREE shipping and a FREE lapel pin if you order now through December 16*
(*Please note: Free shipping is valid for one online purchase—through December 16—of this $7.24 sampler collection only; if additional products are ordered, shipping charges will be added; free lapel pin of our choosing; shipping within the continental U.S. only.)
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Easy Holiday Boozy Tea!
Having recently celebrated KindleFest here in Ann Arbor—the German-inspired outdoor market filled with festive music, hearty food, and the main draw, mulled wine!—we are thinking seasonal cocktails. All made with tea, of course, because that's what we do! Think of tea as another spice in your arsenal for cooking, baking, and cocktail-making and you've expanded your possibilities immensely. Partnering with our friends at Mammoth Distilling, we concocted two cocktails that use tea to give them a unique flair. We think you'll love them as much as we do! And to round out the sampler collection, we've included our mulled wine spices, the base for Glühwein, traditional German mulled wine.
By the way, did you know that Charles Dickens played a role in mulled wine history? CLICK HERE to read about it! 
* * * * * * * * * *
#1458 LUIGI AMARETTO (fruit tea, naturally caffeine free)
PREPARATION: 3 g fruit tea (2 level tsp) per 8 oz of filtered, boiling water; allow to brew 5–10 minutes
INGREDIENTS: Apple pieces, raisins, rose hips, rooibos, almond pieces, and natural flavor
LEAF: Mélange of dried fruit and nuts
INFUSION: Light burgundy
AROMA: Robust amaretto
LIQUOR: Just like its aroma!
1.5 parts Mammoth vodka
0.25 part amaretto syrup
0.5 part lemon juice
Top with ginger beer
To make amaretto syrup, steep 20 g of Luigi Amaretto fruit tea in 16 oz of vodka for 4–6 hours or even a few days in the fridge (the longer the better; you can’t oversteep it). Strain out the tea.
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#1390 MAPPLE WALNUT (rooibos aroma, naturally caffeine free)
PREPARATION: 3 g rooibos (1 heaping tsp) per 8 oz of filtered, boiling water; allow to brew 5–10 minutes
INGREDIENTS: Rooibos, walnuts, hazelnut brittle pieces, almond pieces, and natural flavor
LEAF: Red-brown rooibos slivers sprinkled with large walnut pieces and finely chopped brittle & almonds
INFUSION: Deep mahogany
AROMA: Very sweet maple complemented by sharp walnut
LIQUOR: Intense and striking walnut followed by smooth and creamy sweetness; maple lingers on the palate
1.5 oz Maple Walnut rooibos tea-infused Mammoth gin
Top with tonic
To infuse the gin, steep 20 g of Maple Walnut rooibos tea in one 16 oz of gin for 4–6 hours or even a few days (the longer the better; you can’t oversteep it). Strain out the tea. 
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#1272 MULLED WINE SPICES (herbal, naturally caffeine free)
PREPARATION: 3 g tea (2 level tsp) per 8 oz of filtered, boiling water; allow to brew 5–10 minutes
INGREDIENTS: Cinnamon pieces, orange and lemon peel, star anise, anise, fennel, cloves
LEAF: Pretty mixture of spices and pieces of citrus peel
AROMA: Spicy citrus with fresh aroma of anise
TIP: Add to red wine, apple cider, or other warm drinks to make the perfect holiday treat!
RECIPE for Glühwein (German Mulled Wine):
Combine 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar, 1 standard bottle of red wine (750 ml), 8 heaping teaspoons of mulled wine spices, and orange slices (optional). Heat, just below a simmer, for 10 to 20 minutes (the longer the better; you can’t oversleep it). Strain out the spices and enjoy!
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PLEASE NOTE: We use Mammoth Distilling for our cocktails; you can see all their amazing products at their website.
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cocktailpete · 4 years
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Advertisement / reklame Are you feeling the blues ? roseberry blues that is 🕺 here a delicious and floral GT 🌺 with my homemade tea syrup and a little lemon juice 🍋 to balance the sweetness and lift this gin & tonic 👌 enjoy The 🍹 GT Blues 50 ml gin 25 ml homemade roseberry blues tea syrup (strawberry, raspberry, rooibos & rose) 15 ml fresh organic lemon juice Tonic water Add all ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice 🧊 give it a quick shake 🕺 double strain into a chilled glass with ice 🧊 top with tonic 👍 garnish with a rose 🌹 and sip with a glass straw Cheers 🥂 Skål #tea #syrup #rooibos #strawberry #strawberries #lemon #raspberry #raspberries #rose #homemade #floral #fizz #aperitivo #clearice #cocktail #gin #gintonic #drinks #tonic #ginandtonic #cocktails #drink #ginstagram #ginspiration #ginebra (her: Zürich, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtXyselEiG/?igshid=zlw7a9w0d8wj
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sapphicbump · 3 years
The Magician - Act 2
Contents: original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening Story written by my partner RoseVirage, uploaded with her consent. Proof Readers: Rahheemme & Doombeez
Act 2
When they entered a cozy corner in the hotel’s lounge, Melodie guided Mary to a sofa. She gladly  followed her lead, her behavior was naturally confident, even dominant, in a very pleasant way. It made it easy for Mary to comply.
The Magician took a seat in front of her, now presenting her wondrous, yet intriguing body in full view.
Mary had to look away. Both to her delight and displeasure, the whole lounge was covered in mirrored walls (decorated with additional mirrors for good measure), so that the woman's reflection showed perfectly inside them, in many different perspectives, almost intentionally. Mary could take a good look at her without staring directly.
Melodie, however, was not ashamed to keep her eyes on Mary, in a poised way. 
“What can I get you?” she asked, completely ignoring the fact that Mary initiated the meetup.
“Any strong but sweet cocktail will do,” she answered, completely forgetting the fact herself.
The woman turned towards the waiter close to her and said, “Excuse me, garçon, one Golden Cadillac for the young lady here, and your Gin card, please.”
‘Garçon’, Mary thought. Not only was her look and car old fashioned, but her way of talking, too.
“I’m not a big fan of gin” Mary commented shyly. 
“That’s quite alright, love. I am.”
Mary stared at her in disbelief. She couldn’t help but to blatantly look at her clearly pregnant body after such a statement.
“Is something the matter?” Melodie asked, an amused look on her face.
Mary didn’t know how to react. She felt like a software that just faced an unknown error.
“But … you … shouldn’t you … not drink right now…?” she stuttered, confused.
“And why is that?” Melodie’s answer was relaxed, but curious and maybe a little provoking.
Mary started to sweat, glancing over to her presenting belly again, then in her face.
“I … Aren’t you … I mean ….”
“I’m sorry if - I  … I, uh -”
Since there was music running in the background Mary wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard the Magician chuckle. She must have decided to not tortue Mary anymore, because she eventually said: “If it makes you feel better, I’ll gladly just take a cup of tea.”
Unable to answer, Mary just nodded, utterly confused. The woman didn’t act like she was pregnant at all, which made Mary think that she probably wasn’t - despite the huge, obvious evidence bulging out in front of her, that was equivalent to the body of a maybe a pregnant woman in her seventh or eighth month. Yet, Melodie did nothing to clear up any confusion. If anything, she seemed to be playing with Mary, and maybe even enjoying it. 
When the “Garçon” came back with that cocktail she had never heard of before and a drink menu, Melodie ordered a cup of rooibos tea, much to Mary's relief.
While the magician poured milk and sugar - a lot of sugar - into her cup, Mary took the chance to look at her again.
Could it really be that she was something like… just… bloated? Or maybe an illness? Maybe it was a prosthetic for shows of some sorts? But maybe, foremost, it was none of Mary’s business in the first place, and she should neither assume, nor interfere.
What… what was she doing here, anyway? What did she expect to happen? She clearly hadn’t been able to think straight since the moment she first saw the magician on stage.
She was a boring girl, nothing special about her. She was way too dutiful to be interesting. She was a no-name next to such a star. Not even her body was what most people would consider exciting, being small and neither thin nor muscular. All of the sudden, she felt like such a wallflower. A dumb one on top of that, for getting involved in such a situation.
“You are more special than you think,” Melodie commented quietly while pouring what must’ve been her 4th packet of sugar into the tea.
Mary looked at her in shock. This was the second time Melodie has reacted accordingly to Mary's thoughts. Now she was almost certain that the magician could read minds. 
Melodie raised her eyes and looked directly into Mary’s. Only now did she realize that they were of an intensely brown color, almost appearing red.
“You seem uncomfortable and insecure all of a sudden, unlike a moment before. Would you prefer we end our date now? My apologies if I have made you feel anything other than welcome.”
Date? Another shiver. Mary lifted her hands conciliatorily.
“No, it was nothing you did. You’re just … so stunning and amazing. I feel like a nobody.”
The magician’s face was struck with a sudden, afflicted look. She reached out and touched Mary's hand. Despite her wearing gloves, the contact felt intense and sent little bolts of lighting through Mary's nerve tracts.
“It pains me to hear that. Please, don’t let either my appearance nor my status be in our way of communication, or of your worth. I assure you, you are somebody very special.”
Her heart pounded so loud that Mary was afraid her companion would be able to hear it.
“How could a woman like you find me special…?”
To her regret, Melodie withdrew her hand. Though not in anger, but to take a sip of her sugary milk with a hint of tea.
“A woman?" she asked interestedly.
Mary froze. 
“Very peculiar. Most women see me as a man.”
The gears in Mary’s head seemed jammed and unable to properly process that new information. But despite being still overwhelmed by the situation, and much to her own surprise, she found the words to riposte: “So you see me as a woman, too?” 
“Touché,” Melodie said, smiling approvingly. “So would you prefer me to not see you as a woman?”
Something about the magician calling her “a woman” made Mary crave for… something. It touched her, again in a way she didn’t fully understand. She wanted to be a woman, for her, more than anything.
“Please do,” she answered. Maybe a touch too demanding. “And… how should I refer to you, then…?” she quickly added.
“Whatever you want. I don’t care much about gender, my dear." Melodie answered. “I am whatever you want me to be. If you see me as a woman, then by all means, do so. It’s quite interesting, to be frank.”
Mary stared at the magician. What a strange mindset. But… how could somebody think of her as a man? Sure, she had a rather deep voice. And she was in a showbiz genre almost entirely dominated by men. She wore typical male clothes, no make-up, and now that she thought about it, she did seem to have a very small bust, if any at all. In fact… now that Mary stopped and looked, really looked, there were many hints that could make people think of her as a man. Actually, the only thing that was explicitly feminine about her was her haircut: a short, greyish-brown bob. But what about her belly? Or… might it be that it was actually some sort of, well… potbelly, like some men have? That would explain at least her - or his, or their - strange behavior.
“I see that you need a bit of time to mull things over. So I propose that we end our date." Melodie gently observed. Maybe it was a trick to the ear or mind, but her - his? - voice sounded more femine to Mary all of a sudden.
Her heart sank. She was indeed overwhelmed, but not ready to let go of the Magician yet, probably to never see her again. See him again. Damn it, this was confusing.
“...To pick it up again at another time, if you’re willing,.” Melodie added.
Mary’s eyes lit up at the suggestion.
“Yes, please.”
Melodie nodded. “It would be my honor. How about next Sunday, if you’re still in Vegas? Though I have one demand.” She looked at her, and the stern look on her face indicated that what she was about to say was important. “Promise me to not feel anything other than worthwhile and important because of me. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”
“I promise,” Mary answered, and to her surprise, she meant it.
If you enjoyed this and want to read more (there are 11 acts right now, a new act will be posted every week) you can find it on my 🟠 P★treon!! Starting on the Tier 3+.
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mycupofstars · 3 years
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Love Potion mocktail at the tea cafe— butterfly pea flower and rooibos berry tea, lemonade, simple, bitters, and tonic water with a cocktail cherry
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