#top 5 gin you must try
thegrandstoreofficial · 6 months
Top 5 Artisanal Gins to Try in South Africa
In recent years, the craft gin scene in South Africa has experienced a remarkable surge, with a myriad of distilleries showcasing their expertise in creating exquisite and distinctive blends. From classic London Dry Gin to innovative botanical infusions, the country boasts a diverse range of artisanal gins that cater to every palate. Whether you're a seasoned gin connoisseur or a curious newcomer, here are the top five artisanal gins that warrant a taste exploration:
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The Grand Store's African Botanical Gin:
Situated amidst the picturesque landscapes of South Africa, The Grand Store has established itself as a beacon of artisanal excellence. Their African Botanical Gin is a true testament to the country's rich botanical heritage, featuring a harmonious blend of indigenous flora and traditional gin botanicals. With hints of rooibos, buchu, and citrus, this gin encapsulates the essence of South Africa's diverse landscape in every sip. Available for purchase online in South Africa, The Grand Store's African Botanical Gin promises a sensory journey like no other.
Cape Fynbos Gin by Buy Gin Brand Online:
Inspired by the unique flora of the Cape Floral Kingdom, Cape Fynbos Gin by Buy Gin Brand Online celebrates the essence of South Africa's natural abundance. Crafted with handpicked botanicals sourced from the fynbos-rich regions of the Western Cape, this gin offers a refreshing and aromatic experience. Infused with botanicals such as wild rosemary, buchu, and honeybush, each sip transports you to the untamed beauty of the South African wilderness. Available for purchase online, Cape Fynbos Gin is a must-have for gin enthusiasts seeking a taste of the country's botanical wonders.
Gin Online's Citrus Infusion:
For those craving a burst of citrusy freshness, Gin Online's Citrus Infusion delivers a zesty delight that tantalizes the taste buds. Blending premium gin with a vibrant medley of citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, this artisanal creation offers a refreshing twist on traditional gin. Perfect for sunny days and leisurely evenings, Gin Online's Citrus Infusion embodies the spirit of South Africa's sunny disposition. Available for purchase online, it's the ideal companion for laid-back gatherings and cocktail aficionados alike.
Western Cape Distillery's Signature Dry Gin:
Nestled in the heart of the Western Cape, Western Cape Distillery is renowned for its commitment to crafting exceptional gins that reflect the region's terroir. Their Signature Dry Gin is a timeless classic, meticulously distilled using a blend of traditional botanicals and locally sourced ingredients. With juniper at its core, complemented by hints of coriander, angelica root, and citrus peel, this gin strikes the perfect balance between tradition and innovation. Available for purchase online, Western Cape Distillery's Signature Dry Gin embodies the spirit of South African craftsmanship.
Karoo Crafted Gin by The Gin Collective:
Inspired by the rugged beauty of the Karoo landscape, Karoo Crafted Gin by The Gin Collective captures the essence of South Africa's vast and untamed wilderness. Distilled using a unique blend of botanicals sourced from the Karoo region, including wild lavender, citrus buchu, and aromatic herbs, this gin offers a sensory journey like no other. Each sip evokes memories of sprawling plains and endless skies, making it a true reflection of South Africa's natural splendor. Available for purchase online, Karoo Crafted Gin is a testament to the artistry and ingenuity of South Africa's craft gin movement.
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The burgeoning craft gin scene in South Africa offers a plethora of options for discerning enthusiasts seeking an exceptional drinking experience. Whether you're drawn to botanical infusions, citrusy delights, or classic renditions, there's a gin to suit every taste preference. With the convenience of online purchasing through platforms like The Grand Store where you can Buy Gin Online, exploring the world of artisanal gins has never been easier. So why not embark on a flavor-filled journey and discover the unrivaled craftsmanship and creativity that South Africa has to offer?
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5 and 20 prompt Paul x reader x marco
5. " I can predict the future."
20. "You weren't joking?"
I hope you'll like this!💜
For a Friday night, the bar was rather quiet. Normally, it would be buzzing with people. Students drinking into the early hours of the morning, people celebrating the fact they'd made it to the end of the week - but not tonight.
No, even though it was already nearing eleven, the bar was still empty, except for the career drinkers. The only new guest - new in the sense that they weren't a regular - was me. Or at least, that's what the barkeep told me.
"So what's a pretty thing like you doing here alone?" He'd asked when he poured me a gin. I smiled as I took it, swirling the liquid around in the glass.
"I'm meeting some new people tonight."
"Blind date?"
I shrugged, giving him a small smirk. "Something like that."
I hadn't met the two boys I was about to meet before, but I knew I had to. I had seen them many a time before in my visions, and I was dying to know who they were. They were handsome, that much I knew. And based on what I'd seen, they could be rather dangerous. And yet - there must have been a reason why they'd shown up in my visions. Why I kept on seeing them. So, after figuring out where they lived, I had decided to just try and meet them.
It was about twenty minutes after my conversation with the barkeep that the bell above the door rang. Two guys, both blond bikers, walked in. They were talking, laughing - telling the barkeep to get them their regular drinks. And I just sat there, looking at them. These were the guys.
I felt my face heat up when I noticed that one of them - Marko, I realised his name was - looked at me. Quickly, he came towards me, grinning a Cheshire grin.
"Like what you see?"
"I didn't mean to stare," I said, quickly taking a much needed sip from my drink.
"Nah, that's alright, babe. Paul and I were wondering if you'd join us."
I thought for a second before nodding. This had been what I wanted, right?
"Sure." I followed him to where Paul was sitting, greeting him as well. As I sat down on the bench, I gasped silently -
A bedroom. Laughter. Candles. Marko chasing me, at the beach. Blood. Kisses. Paul flying. Me flying with him. Marko's voice, "I've never been happier than with you two."
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I only opened them when I heard Paul say my name.
"Are you alright? You seemed completely lost for a moment."
"Yeah, it- it happens sometimes."
"So, why did you want to meet us?" Marko sat across from me, handing me a new glass.
"How did you know I wanted to meet you two?"
"We just know things." He shrugged, leaning back in his chair.
"Well, I just see things. Sometimes I act upon those things."
"You see things?" Paul asked, laughing before sarcastically adding. "That makes you so special!"
I sighed, smiling. Even without my ability, his response had been predictable. "What I mean is that I can predict the future."
"Why would we believe you?" Marko asked. I grinned - telling them exactly what would happen the next five minutes.
The barkeep would accidentally spill a beer on the lap of one of the regulars. Said regular would get up, throw a punch - missing the barkeep and hitting another guest. The guest would hit back, causing the regular to fall back on top of a table, breaking it in two. He'd then lose consciousness.
I hadn't finished speaking, or what I'd just told them began to happen. I didn't bother looking at the scene, instead looking at the two boys. Their sceptic look changed to slight disbelief to acceptance - which was all I could ask for.
"So, the future, hm?" Paul asked, looking at me. "What made you decide to come to us?"
"In most of my visions, I see the three of us together. I wanted to know why."
"Most people would call those sex fantasies. Ever heard of those?" Marko asked, standing up.
Paul followed, and I quickly walked up after them. "I know, I know it's weird and hard to believe. I know - but you're vampires. Is it really so hard to believe that I just have visions?"
The boys froze, their eyes turning a dark shade of yellow. "How do you know?"
"I'm a psychic! I can see the future!"
"Bullshit! That scene in there, you'd planned it. You're faking this whole thing to get our attention." Marko hissed, causing me to flinch.
"I didn't."
"Can you believe that shit?" Marko had walked off, stepping on his bike. Paul sat beside him, fumbling with his keys.
"The whole predicting the future thing?" Paul shrugged. "It's probably a party trick, based on statistics or something."
"Yeah, probably. Little asshole. Let's go home, alright. We can hunt tomorrow."
I froze as I saw them drive off. Grabbing my bike, I raced after them, moving the pedals as quickly as I could. There would be an accident - and Marko would be staked. I was out of breath, sweat dripping down my face, when I realised it was impossible to catch up. So I did the one thing I could think of. I could make it to the site of the accident before them, going through the park and taking a shortcut. By doing so, I could stop them from getting hurt - and hopefully, I'd be fine as well. Picking up speed, I raced past the trees, slipping as I turned to hit the mainroad again.
The bike fell away under me, sliding over the asphalt. I hissed as I was flung a couple of feet away - my eyes widening as I saw two headlights nearing me. I screamed. I closed my eyes, readying myself for impact and -
"I got you." Two arms pulled me away, right on time for me to get away unhurt, the car hitting the tree and a large branch being launched to the place I had just been seconds ago. If I had stayed there, not only would I be crushed beneath a car - I would have been staked as well.
"Paul?" I asked, shaken, still trying to catch my breath.
"What were you thinking? For someone who claims to see the future, you've got shit vision."
"If I hadn't moved when I did, Marko would have been the one hit. And staked."
Paul froze, realising that I had been right. If they hadn't slowed done because of me, they would have been-
"You weren't joking?"
I shook my head, getting up.
"You really see the future?" Marko asked, and I nodded once again. "You see the three of us?"
It was quiet for a moment, then he stepped towards me. "I'm still sceptical, but you did save me. How about you join us at the cave, and we'll see where it goes from there?"
I smiled shyly, looking at him and then at Paul - who looked rather enthusiastically. "I'd like that, very much."
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shinynewboots · 6 months
Staring at the Sun / Adam x Lute Chapter 4
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Summary: After the battle, Lute attempts to flee with Adam. They find themselves unable to return to Heaven and must adjust to life in Hell.
AN: Welcome to chapter 4! Hope y'all enjoy! I've loved and appreciated each and every comment/reblog/like! Thank you all so much!
Warnings: Violence, gore, 18+ eventually, Adam-typical misogyny eventually
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
It took a few more days of rest before Adam could even get out of bed without worry of his intestines falling out of his body. Lute sat by as an ever-loyal bodyguard, even when Adam told her she should go rest. 
Even when she did find herself dozing, she typically was awakened by a shooting pain up her non-existent left arm. Phantom pains, she had learned, forever reminded her of what she had lost.
The last few days of Adam being awake had been some of the best days Lute could recall, ironically enough. Most of the days had been spent entertaining Adam as he whined about his incapacitated state. Charlie had brought them a deck of cards and Adam had taught Lute how to play Gin Rummy. 
Besides Charlie and Vaggie, the only other hotel occupant the pair had come in contact with those few days was a one-eyed black and white cat. Lute had been resistant at first to let it stay in the room (even less so when Adam had remarked that the cat reminded him of her) but eventually, Lute lost the battle.
The cat, which they later learned was named Keekee, had a habit of snuggling up against Adam in a way that almost made Lute jealous. Lute, jealous of a cat? The cat would give loud purrs and bump her head against Adam’s side until he gave her pets and chin scratches.
As long as Lute could remember, Adam had always had a certain softness for animals; this one-eyed freaky animal was no different. 
The pair also spent their days planning how to return to heaven. The embassy would be their first in an attempt to get Heaven’s attention. There was a good chance no one knew they had survived the battle and fall. Adam was more optimistic than Lute; he hadn’t seen the portal to Heaven close in an almost deliberate manner the way she had. She wouldn’t tell him that, though, and ruin his hopeful plans. 
Lute had not yet gotten a feel for their status in the hote (prisoners? Begrudging guests?)l. Charlie treated them as though they were transient guests, only around for a vacation. Vaggie was…well, Vaggie. And the shadow creature that had engulfed Lute on that first day hadn’t made an appearance again. However, Lute doubted they would just be allowed to walk out of the hotel without running into any issues. 
Her thoughts were distracted as Adam pulled himself to the edge of the bed, gripping his abdomen tightly. 
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Getting out of this fucking bed and trying to stop being a fucking invalid.” He answered, groaning in pain. Bandages were still wrapped around his chest and abdomen, hiding most of his torso from view, but Lute could still glimpse the trail of dark hair that made a trail down into his sweatpants. 
Adam wasn’t necessarily the most fit in heaven, his stomach soft and his muscles hidden. But Lute knew him to be much stronger than he looked, and there were many a day he spent training with the Exorcists. However, she also knew she could beat him in training any day of the week.
At least she could before she had lost her arm. 
“Can you hand me a shirt?” He asked, his breathing slow and controlled in an attempt to reign in his pain. Lute walked over to the dresser that Charlie had stocked full of clothes, the shirts picked for Adam being band tees. Lute picked up the top one ( Vacay to Bonetown by Versosika Mayday) and gave it to Adam. He grabbed the shirt and pulled it on slowly, grunting as he did so.
Adam looked down at the band tee on his body and smirked. “Nice.”
Lute rolled her eyes and moved to help him stand by throwing one of his arms over her good shoulder. He must have been in a lot of pain because he did not put up a fight. She could feel the shirt she was wearing begin to ride up. As expected, she and Vaggie wore similar sizes and so she had been given some of Vaggie’s clothes since her own were covered in blood. Of course, everything Vaggie owned only covered up a fraction of her skin, leaving Lute feeling very exposed. 
“Oh my Satan, Adam you’re up and moving!” Exclaimed Princess of Hell herself, standing in the doorway. She clapped her hand, a dumb excited look on her face. Vaggie was not with her. Surprise. “You guys are just in time for our activity today!”
Adam eyed her warily, his face looking paler than it had been before standing. Lute felt him sway against her unsteadily so she pushed more of her body weight into his side. “You know we’re not fucking guests here, right babe?”
Charlie continued to grin. “Well I mean you’re staying here and eating our food and using our stuff, totally cool with me by the way, and sometimes a spade is just a spade.”
She crossed the room and mirrored Lute, putting an arm under Adam to give him more support to stand. “And I think an activity would be perfect than just spending your day in this boring old room.”
That was how Lute and Adam found themselves in the hotel lobby, eyeing the other occupants from the other side of the couch. The only occupants who seemed comfortable crossing the unspoken line between the groups were Charlie (as expected) and Keekee, who rubbed her body against Adam’s leg.
Charlie glanced around the room, a trying smile on her face as she sensed the hatred of all parties involved. “How about we go around the room and introduce each other before our activity? Ooh and a fun fact! I’ll go first!” 
Charlie cleared her throat and clapped. “My Name is Charlie and my favorite color is red!” 
She looked over at Vaggie, who stood beside her and grabbed her hand. She loudly whispered, “Your turn.”
Vaggie gave her a soft smile. “My name is Vaggie and I like 80s rock.”
It was silent for only a few seconds before Adam chose to speak. “My name is Adam and I think this is fucking stupid.”
Lute looked over at Adam, and she saw him immediately put on his mask of bravado and masculinity that he typically chose to wear in Heaven. Vaggie bristled. “Hey Asshole—”
The spider demon raised up the top set of his hands and stood from the couch. His chest was pushed out and the second set of his arms were on either side of his hips. “No no, my turn. My name is Angel Dust and we all hoped you fucking died.”
Lute immediately bristled and pulled out the concealed fork she had hidden for the first sign of trouble. She jumped from the couch, fork pointed directly at the spider demon. Angel Dust looked down at the weapon and smirked. “What are you going to do, fork me to death?”
“It’s more than you deserve, Porn Demon.”
“Porn Demon? Is that what they’re calling me in heaven? Like a fucking overlord, I’ll take it” Angel Dust replied, laughing at the title. He winked at Lute, who sneered in response. Charlie jumped between Lute and Angel Dust, her hand placed on Angel’s chest. 
“Why don’t we try and be civil and finish introductions?”
“Hard to be civil with fuckers who tried to exterminate us,” The cat demon whispered, taking a sip of the liquor bottle he held. 
“Husk, not helping!” Vaggie exclaimed. “Lute, put the fucking fork down.”
Lute narrowed her eyes at the fallen angel. “Fucking make me, bitch.”
Vaggie came closer, her eyes trained on the fork. Before she could respond, however, shadow tendrils popped up from seemingly nowhere and wrapped around Lute’s wrist, releasing the fork from her grasp. That same heat-sucking feeling came over her, and Lute was taken back to the experience that first day in which was gasping for breath as though she were drowning in the shadows. 
“Now, now, let’s all play nice.” The Radio Demon said, revealing himself from a shadowy area of the hotel. His static voice was unnerving, and Lute could feel the shadows tightening around her legs as well, leaving her immobilized. Even the other hotel guests shivered at the chill in the air courtesy of the Radio Demon. 
“Let her fucking go!” Adam exclaimed, leaping from the couch despite his wounds. He extended his wings, something he hadn’t done since being injured, and furled them around himself and Lute. The shadow creatures seemed to recoil from the wings as they quickly released their grip upon her. Lute found her back to Adam’s chest, as his wings held her close to him. 
The Radio Demon’s eyes narrowed, though the smile never left his features. The other hotel occupants, in Adam’s show of strength, had jumped back from the pair, lest they be hit with a wing. 
“Alastor, Adam! Stand down,” Charlie exclaimed, her voice lower and more threatening than Lute had ever heard. Her patience seemed to be hanging by a thread and her eyes had taken on a reddish hue, similar to how they looked the day of the extermination. Adam refused to back down and continued to stare down the Radio Demon. Lute looked up at him to see his golden shining with fire. 
Lute was so close to him that she could feel his heart beat quickly in his chest. She felt the rise and fall of his diaphragm. And she could also feel something wet seeping from his abdomen. Fucking dumbass had opened his stitches again. 
“Alastor,” Charlie warned once more. He looked at her and sighed before calling back his shadows.  The warmth returned to the room and a collective sigh of relief was taken. Adam still had yet to unfurl his wings. 
“Adam?” Charlie asked, her tone softer than the one she had used with the Radio Demon. He looked down at Lute as if asking for permission. She stared back before nodding. Adam unfurled his wings and let them once again hang behind his back. Lute touched his shirt, the word Bonetown covered in golden blood. 
He looked down at her fingers on his abdomen. “Shit.”
“Hm, looks like you’ve made a mess. I’m sure Niffty would love to help out.” Alastor as he picked at his fingernails, his smile never leaving his face. As if being summoned, a small one-eyed demon appeared in a red dress. 
“A mess?” She exclaimed, running towards Adam at lightning speed. He let out a rather shrill scream and it was by sheer luck that Lute was able to catch the little creature before it made contact with Adam. 
“Keep that little monster away from me!” He yelled. The demon, Niffty, had been the one to deliver the stabs to Adam that almost left him dead. Lute heard two demons laugh (Angel Dust and Husk?)  at the sight. Adam jumped back up on the couch, further causing his stitches to pop, leading to more golden blood soaking into his shirt. Niffty struggled in Lute’s grasp, who held her at arm's length, as she tried to escape to get closer to Adam.
“THE MESS!” Niffty screamed, clawing against Lute’s grip. Alastor stood back and took in the chaos. Charlie frantically looked around the room as her group activity descended into madness.
“Alastor are you fucking kidding me,” Vaggie exclaimed, finger pointed at the Radio Demon. Angel Dust and Husk continued to laugh. Tears were streaming down from Angel’s face, which he wiped away with his second pair of hands. 
“What? There was a mess and I told our dearest maid about it.” Alastor shrugged.
“Scared of a harmless little thing like Niffty,” Angel laughed, walking towards Lute and Niffty. He grabbed the struggling Niffty from Lute’s grasp. 
“That’s it!” A low voice exclaimed. The lights flickered and the room temperature dropped 10 degrees. All occupants looked at the source of the voice and found it to be Charlie, her eyes red with rage and horns having grown out of her head. “Angel, Niffty go to the bar, the garden, or wherever! Just go! You’re not helping the situation. And Alastor, I don’t care where you go, just stay away from Adam.” 
“And Lute, take Adam upstairs and fix his stitches! I will not have Heaven come down on us again because we let him get an infection. Husk, fix me a drink. Please.” Charlie continued, the voice becoming closer to her normal tone on the ‘please’. The occupants in the room looked at her in disbelief aside from Alastor, who could do nothing but laugh maniacally.
“Our dearest Charlie, growing a backbone,” The Radio Demon laughed before disappearing into a swirl of shadows. 
“Uh, come on Niff, let’s go see if we can find some bugs for you to kill in the garden,” Angel said sheepishly, still holding the one-eyed demon in his hands. Niffty nodded her head enthusiastically. 
“Roaches,” She exclaimed as the pair left the room.
Husk moved to the bar and began fixing Charlie what appeared to be a very strong drink. Vaggie seemed to be going over breathing exercises with Charlie to further make sense of the situation. Sensing the need for a hasty departure, Lute turned to Adam and held out her hand.
“Let’s get you patched up,” She said, giving him a sharp look that indicated “no arguing”. Still shaken by the one-eyed demon that had almost caused his demise, Adam nodded.
“Uh yeah, fuck that fucking hurts.” He said, taking her hand and stepping down from the couch. The pair walked slowly back to their room (their room, since when had it been “their” room?), Adam put more weight upon Lute with each step. Once they made it back to the room, Adam collapsed into the chair beside the bed and let out a long sigh. The bleeding from his abdomen seemed to have stopped but she would still need to recheck his stitches. 
“Shirt off,” Lute said, grabbing at the first-aid kit that Charlie had left for them to change bandages. 
Adam wolf-whistled, though it was half-hearted as he hissed in pain at the effort. “If you wanted me naked, all you had to do was ask nicely.”
Lute rolled her eyes and grabbed the alcohol, gauze, and suture kit. Adam slowly removed his shirt, revealing the soaked-through bandages on his skin. His forehead glistened with sweat and his breathing was going at a much quicker pace than she would have liked. Lute frowned and began to remove his bandages. 
“Sit up,” She said, looking over the damage. Adam looked at her with an odd look in his eye before smirking. “Yes, ma’am.”
She rolled her eyes once again and began to slowly remove the blood-soaked bandages. Once they were removed, she was able to get a good look at his chest. While much of the tissue had begun to scar over, some of the deeper wounds still looked as though they had a good ways to go and wept golden blood and serous fluid. 
Lute handed Adam the gauze to hold in his hand. She grabbed the bottle of alcohol and opened it with her teeth. She was adapting to life with only one arm, as slow as it might be. She poured the alcohol on the gauze Adam held, grabbed it from him, and began to pat his chest to sterilize the area. 
“Fucking cunt,” Adam hissed, his body braced in pain. 
“It will be worse before it gets better,” Lute said, putting down the gauze and picking up the needle and thread. “It’s not terrible, most of the deep stuff seems to have closed.”
Lute examined the wound further and decided on a subcuticular stitch. Like she had said, most of the deeper layers seemed to have closed leaving only the dermis and epidermis to be closed. A subcuticular stitch was typically more aesthetic and would scar less. It also was easier for her to do one-handed, as she didn’t have to worry about the constant restarting that an interrupted stitch would require. A subcuticular was a favorite of some of the more appearance-conscious exorcists. 
“Hold still,” She said, beginning to place her stitch. Only one of the gashes, the biggest one, had reopened, so she only had to worry about one. 
“Fuck,” Adam replied, gripping the sides of the chair with pale knuckles. He bit his lip to hold back a scream. 
“Fucking shit Lute, how do you know how to do this,” Adam asked, trying to focus on anything but the fact that Lute was actively sticking a needle into his skin. Lute laughed, continuing her stitch. 
“Training. It doesn’t happen often and not whenever you were there, but sometimes someone would get a lac that didn’t automatically heal with heaven’s magic. Sutures just expedited the process.”
“Fuck, you guys were going that hard at training?” Adam breathed out. “ How in the shit balls did I miss that?”
Lute shrugged. “Easy to hide when we didn’t want you to find out how weak we were. A lot of the girls just wouldn’t make a fuss until after training when you had left.” 
“Hm,” Was Adam’s reply. He appeared to be in deep thought. He had held that expression more often recently, ever since they had been stranded in Hell. 
“Done,” Lute said, finishing off the stitch by throwing a few one-handed ties to keep it in place. Adam looked down. 
“Fucking shit, that looks great!” He exclaimed, running a soft hand over the scar. While it still bore the prior stitch scars, Lute had stitched and pulled the laceration together in a way so that the pieces of skin came together smoothly with no visible scar lines aside from the knot. 
Lute only smiled and sat on the bed so that she looked at Adam head-on. “What’s our plan, Sir?”
“Don’t fucking ‘Sir’ me Lute, we’re past that.”
“Alright, what’s our plan then, Adam?”
Adam nodded and thought for a few seconds. “I think I need a week or two. I hate to fucking say it but there’s no way either of us is going to make it to the Embassy right now. “
“I could fly,” Lute offered. Adam shook his head.
“And risk someone finding out there are two angels still roaming around? Absolutely not. We need to be smart about this.”
Lute nodded. Adam ran a hand through his hair. “I think we should lay low. Do whatever fucking Hell Princess wants. Play nice. Get on her good side. And then maybe she can make getting to the Embassy easy for us.”
Lute frowned. “And you think Hell Princess is just going to let us leave and waltz our way to the Embassy?”
“No, not without good reason. But she still believes in her stupid ass redemption plan. And what better way to kickstart that plan than to get back on Heaven’s good side by helping save two angels?’
“I mean, it could work,” Lute said, unsure of the plan. But, she trusted Adam. And she would follow whatever plan or scheme he came up with. She would follow him to the end if he asked it of her. She almost had. 
“Trust me, Danger tits,” Adam said, holding a fist out at her. Lute looked at it before sighing and returning his fist bump. 
“Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” He exclaimed. Lute rolled her eyes once more. 
“Get back to bed. If you pop those stitches, I’m leaving you to bleed out and rot.”
Adam sent her a mischievous look. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you loud and clear.”
Adam returned to bed and was immediately taken by a nap, the events of the day finally catching up with him. Lute stayed awake, however, as she always did. They were so close. So close to returning to Heaven that she could almost taste it. 
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whinlatter · 2 years
Hello i just love your works! Your so good!!!!
I just want ask you about when you feel Ginny and Harry got back together after war? Did she accept him immediately because she must have been very hurt after the break up and her Fred's death (not Harry's blame of course, but our boy must be blaming himself very hard). So what do you think was the rough timeline of them getting back especially because may 10 was the day they had first kiss.
Also are u planning on writing any hinny fics Or after war hinny fics? I loved beast so much and I desperately reading it very much. I have read orchards at least 5 times and I cannot admit how beautiful it was.
So sorry my english is not very good I indeed try to improve:) i am reading more english books so that i become good at it. but I love reading your works it makes me so happy that you time from your difficult PHD work to put out such good fic. I like to thank you so much and I love you and your works. I hope you like the fandom and are enjoying it. My friends who read your fics also love you so much. ❤❤❤🌈🌈🌈
❤️ most important thing first - thank you SO so so much anon (also your english is great!) honestly my phd work is an endless headache, so writing fic is like a breath of fresh air after a long hard day banging my head against an (intellectual) brick wall. so then if other people actually want to read the fic then that's just absolutely excellent, absolutely the cherry on top of the cake!
i am going to put out something, probably a oneshot, about that post-war summer at some point (there's a teeny discussion of the very loose shape i have in mind for that fic, a project called rubble - talked about it a teeny bit here, but it's very early days on its exact shape and contours). so i'll hold off on saying toooo much on exactly how I think the H/G reunion/getting back together would go if that's ok!
that said... i think there are lots of different ways to be together, you know? it's a theme that i want to play with in beasts - the different ways that 'being together' can look like. honestly i'm not sure they're the kind of couple who are ever like 'are we now boyfriend and girlfriend again' 'are we back together' 'are we exclusive' - i think there's something deeper and more profound to their relationship than that (though that doesn't necessarily make it easier). i think harry and ginny would physically want to be around each other right away, by instinct or like muscle-memory. sort of like, when harry first sees gin in DH vibes, when he just wants to hug her and hold onto her. when he's most lost he reaches for her, and i think that would be a mutual thing in the immediate aftermath of the battle, and in the first few days and weeks afterwards. but those two also have a lot to talk about and wrangle with, huge gaps in experiences in the year of the war, lots of silences and secrets and half-truths that were present in their relationship in hbp. i think it's less that ginny would be mad about the breakup than they would both have a hard time figuring out how to bridge the gaps in experience and knowledge about all that's gone down. that bridging would take real, hard, talking work, like a muscle you have to work and train and develop. you're so right that ginny and her family's grief would also make that harder. i guess that's the kind of the beasts question again for me - less 'how do they get back together' than 'how do they start to put themselves back together', with their relationship being instrumentalised in that process, if that makes sense. i think, with harry and ginny, the interesting question for writing to explore can be 'how do they get back together' (and i will read every fic i can get my hands on that explore that q), but i don't think it's the only question, if that makes sense.
ok answer too long but i hope this is helpful, thank you again!
(also other anons extremely touched and overwhelmed by the state of my inbox atm - if you've sent an ask and i haven't replied yet will try to get to it this weekend but if i don't manage to reply then forgive me and i am still very very happy and grateful you got in touch!) ❤️
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The Ultimate Nightlife Guide to Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine. However, the city also boasts a vibrant nightlife scene that caters to all tastes and preferences. Whether you're looking for craft cocktails, live music, or a late-night dance party, Charleston has something for everyone. Read on to discover the ultimate nightlife guide to Charleston, SC. 1. Craft Cocktails For those who appreciate a well-crafted cocktail, Charleston has no shortage of bars and lounges serving up inventive and delicious drinks. The Gin Joint is a popular spot known for its extensive cocktail menu featuring unique combinations and house-made syrups. Other must-visit cocktail bars include The Belmont, The Rarebit, and The Cocktail Club. 2. Live Music Charleston has a vibrant live music scene with venues ranging from intimate jazz clubs to large concert halls. The Music Farm is a favorite among locals and tourists alike, featuring a lineup of local and national acts across a variety of genres. For a more relaxed atmosphere, check out Prohibition or The Royal American for live music and delicious bites. 3. Late-Night Eats After a night of dancing and drinking, you'll need some sustenance to keep the party going. Luckily, Charleston is home to a number of late-night eateries serving up delicious bites well into the early hours of the morning. Head to D'Allesandro's Pizza for a slice or two, or grab some tasty tacos at Minero. For a more upscale late-night dining experience, try Leon's Oyster Shop or Butcher & Bee. 4. Dance Clubs If you're in the mood to dance the night away, Charleston has several clubs and bars where you can let loose and show off your moves. Republic Reign is a popular spot with multiple dance floors and top DJs spinning the latest hits. Other great options for a night of dancing include Society Lounge, Trio, and Deco Nightclub. 5. Rooftop Bars For those who prefer to enjoy their nightlife with a view, Charleston has a number of rooftop bars offering stunning vistas of the city skyline and harbor. The Rooftop at the Vendue is a top choice, featuring a chic rooftop bar with panoramic views of the city. Other rooftop bars to check out include The Watch Rooftop Kitchen & Spirits, The Restoration Hotel's Rooftop Bar, and Éleve Rooftop Restaurant & Lounge. Conclusion Charleston, SC is not only a beautiful destination for history buffs and foodies, but also for those who love to enjoy a night out on the town. With its diverse array of craft cocktails, live music venues, late-night eateries, dance clubs, and rooftop bars, the city offers something for every nightlife enthusiast. So next time you find yourself in Charleston, be sure to explore the city's vibrant nightlife scene and experience all that it has to offer. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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chsthrive · 3 days
The Ultimate Nightlife Guide to Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine. However, the city also boasts a vibrant nightlife scene that caters to all tastes and preferences. Whether you're looking for craft cocktails, live music, or a late-night dance party, Charleston has something for everyone. Read on to discover the ultimate nightlife guide to Charleston, SC. 1. Craft Cocktails For those who appreciate a well-crafted cocktail, Charleston has no shortage of bars and lounges serving up inventive and delicious drinks. The Gin Joint is a popular spot known for its extensive cocktail menu featuring unique combinations and house-made syrups. Other must-visit cocktail bars include The Belmont, The Rarebit, and The Cocktail Club. 2. Live Music Charleston has a vibrant live music scene with venues ranging from intimate jazz clubs to large concert halls. The Music Farm is a favorite among locals and tourists alike, featuring a lineup of local and national acts across a variety of genres. For a more relaxed atmosphere, check out Prohibition or The Royal American for live music and delicious bites. 3. Late-Night Eats After a night of dancing and drinking, you'll need some sustenance to keep the party going. Luckily, Charleston is home to a number of late-night eateries serving up delicious bites well into the early hours of the morning. Head to D'Allesandro's Pizza for a slice or two, or grab some tasty tacos at Minero. For a more upscale late-night dining experience, try Leon's Oyster Shop or Butcher & Bee. 4. Dance Clubs If you're in the mood to dance the night away, Charleston has several clubs and bars where you can let loose and show off your moves. Republic Reign is a popular spot with multiple dance floors and top DJs spinning the latest hits. Other great options for a night of dancing include Society Lounge, Trio, and Deco Nightclub. 5. Rooftop Bars For those who prefer to enjoy their nightlife with a view, Charleston has a number of rooftop bars offering stunning vistas of the city skyline and harbor. The Rooftop at the Vendue is a top choice, featuring a chic rooftop bar with panoramic views of the city. Other rooftop bars to check out include The Watch Rooftop Kitchen & Spirits, The Restoration Hotel's Rooftop Bar, and Éleve Rooftop Restaurant & Lounge. Conclusion Charleston, SC is not only a beautiful destination for history buffs and foodies, but also for those who love to enjoy a night out on the town. With its diverse array of craft cocktails, live music venues, late-night eateries, dance clubs, and rooftop bars, the city offers something for every nightlife enthusiast. So next time you find yourself in Charleston, be sure to explore the city's vibrant nightlife scene and experience all that it has to offer. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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martinbrownuk · 6 months
Top 5 Must-Try Drinks at Aulay’s Bar in North Scotland
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Aulay’s Bar
Welcome to Aulay’s Bar, your premier destination for exceptional drinks and lively ambiance in North Scotland. If you’re looking to indulge in the finest beverages this region has to offer, look no further. We've curated a list of our top 5 must-try drinks that embody the spirit of North Scotland. Join us on a flavourful journey through our menu!
1. Aulay’s Whisky Sour Experience the true essence of Scotland with our signature Aulay’s Whisky Sour. Made with locally sourced whisky, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a touch of sweetness, this classic cocktail is a favourite among whisky enthusiasts. Served over ice with a cherry garnish, it's a perfect blend of tartness and smoky notes.
2. Highland Sunrise For a refreshing twist, try our Highland Sunrise cocktail. This vibrant drink combines vodka, orange juice, and a splash of grenadine, creating a stunning layered effect reminiscent of a Scottish sunrise. Sip and savour the citrusy flavours with hints of sweetness – a delightful choice for any occasion.
3. Aulay’s Bramble Indulge in the rich flavours of our Aulay’s Bramble cocktail. Made with gin, blackberry liqueur, fresh lemon juice, and a drizzle of sugar syrup, this cocktail is a sophisticated balance of sweet and tart. Served over crushed ice with a blackberry garnish, it’s a perfect choice for those seeking a modern classic.
4. Local Craft Beer Selection Explore our range of local craft beers sourced from breweries across North Scotland. From crisp pale ales to robust stouts, we showcase the best of the region's brewing scene. Whether you prefer a hoppy IPA or a smooth lager, our knowledgeable staff can recommend the perfect brew to complement your palate.
5. Aulay’s Hot Toddy Warm up with our comforting Aulay’s Hot Toddy, especially during the chilly Scottish evenings. This soothing concoction features whisky, honey, hot water, and a squeeze of lemon, finished with a cinnamon stick for extra warmth. It's the ultimate remedy for relaxation and a true taste of Scottish hospitality.
At Bar in North Scotland , we take pride in offering a diverse selection of drinks to cater to every taste. Whether you're a whisky connoisseur, a cocktail enthusiast, or simply looking for a refreshing pint, our bar has something special waiting for you.
Pair your chosen drinks with our delectable food options ranging from traditional pub fare to gourmet bites. Indulge in locally sourced ingredients and flavourful dishes that complement our drinks perfectly.
Join us at Aulay’s Bar in North Scotland to experience these must-try drinks and more. Our friendly staff are ready to guide you through our menu and ensure you have a memorable and enjoyable visit. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or unwinding after a day of exploring the Scottish Highlands, Aulay’s Bar is the place to be.
Don't miss out on these top 5 drinks – visit Aulay’s Bar today and elevate your drinking experience in North Scotland!
This blog post is crafted to highlight Aulay’s Bar's unique drink offerings while incorporating the targeted keyword "Bar in North Scotland". By showcasing specific drinks and providing enticing descriptions, the blog aims to attract readers interested in experiencing the bar's diverse beverage menu. The content is designed to be engaging, informative, and optimised for SEO to enhance visibility and attract potential customers in North Scotland.
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9/8/23: It was 50 years ago today, September 8th, 1973, the Allman Brothers Band would enter the U.S. Top 40 with their smash hit single 'Ramblin' Man'. I love this song... sometimes it's my favorite Allmans' song, depending on my mood. Unusual because it is sung by Dickey Betts, and his voice is damn near soulful. The song is somewhat personal for me because my Dad made a mix-tape cassette from his record collection, sometime around 1988 or so, to listen to on road trips, and this was the lead-off song. It was the live version from the Wipe the Windows record... side note, it was always a running joke that my parents always had the worst album by great bands... not that this live record was their worst album, but why just this one?? Same goes for some live Wings album they had, and a second-rate CCR record... once they had me they kinda gave up even collecting music for a while... like all of us parents do during the first 5-to-10 or so years of our kids' lives. I mean my interest in music just withered away around 2006 and really only in the last four or five years have I been desperately trying to catch up... I swear I'll never be one of those YouTube commenters that say "Kids these days... blah-fucking-blah... they don't know good music'... I mean, you can say what you want, fine, but don't spout shit like it's factual when it ain't. Wow, I got way off course again... must be the gin talking. Anyway, this gem would reach #2 in early October of '73, prevented from the top spot by Cher's 'Half-Breed'... wait a second... later Cher would marry none other than Greg Allman! Wow, far out man.
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liquorkingdom · 1 year
The Top 5 Must-Have Drinks from the Liquor Kingdom
Liquor Kingdom is the best Liquor Delivery Singapore. It has something for everyone, whether you're a seasoned expert or just starting out in the drinks world. The Whisky Shop Singapore is a doorway to a world of fine liquors from well-known wineries worldwide.
Liquor Kingdom is your ticket to a world full of tastes and traditions, from the smoky charm of Scottish whiskies to the lively burst of flavorful gins and the smooth warmth of fine rum.
As you start this tasty trip, here are the top 5 must-have drinks from Liquor Kingdom that show what this store is all about.
These carefully chosen spirits will be a pleasure to taste and teach you a lot about the rich history of making spirits worldwide. Let's raise our glasses to this adventure.
Amrut Indian Single Malt
Amrut Single Malt comes from India and is a unique addition to any collection of liquors. Amrut was the first single malt whisky to be made in India. It has won worldwide praise for its rich, full-bodied flavor that perfectly reflects its exotic origin. It's a must-have for whisky fans because it tastes like tropical fruits and spices.
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Kyro Gin
Kyro Gin comes from the vast, snowy land of Finland and is a true representation of its Nordic roots. This spirit is a tasty mix of herbs that come from the area. The result is a clean, crisp gin with a hint of the wild. Its flexibility makes it a must-have for people who like to make cocktails.
Nordes Gin
Nordes Gin is a high-quality gin made in Galicia, Spain. It captures the spirit of its Atlantic roots. It is made from Albario grapes and a unique mix of 12 herbs. Nordes Gin has a unique floral flavor and is great for people who want to try something different than the usual gin flavors.
Springbank 10 Year Old Single Malt
Springbank 10 Year Old Single Malt is a gem from the heart of Scotland. It is known for being very good. This whisky is a must-have for any serious whisky collection because of how its fruity, creamy, and peaty notes work together.
Foursquare Rum
Foursquare Rum from Barbados is the last one on the list. This rum is known for its unique blend of sweet and spicy flavors, which makes it a flexible spirit that can be sipped on its own or used in drinks. Foursquare Rum is a must-try for anyone who likes rum or just wants to try something other than whisky and gin.
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From the unique Amrut to the Nordic Kyro Gin, the Atlantic-inspired Nordes Gin, the classic Springbank 10 Year Old Single Malt, and the flexible Foursquare Rum, these drinks really cover various flavors worldwide.
Whether you're just starting out or adding to your collection, these drinks from Liquor Kingdom will make your experience better. Liquor Delivery Singapore is easy and reliable, so you can explore the world of good drinks from the safety of your own home.
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thehook · 1 year
Top 5 Must-Tries in Restaurants in Wellington
Whether you're on the hunt for a delicious lunch or dinner, Wellington is home to some of New Zealand's best cuisine. From waterfront seafood restaurants to champions of cheap eats, we've pulled together a list of our top must-tries.
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Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington is a classic British dish, with the beef fillet wrapped in mushroom duxelles and pastry before baking to perfection. Thankfully, this tradition is alive and well in the New Zealand capital.
If you are a food junkie, then Seafood Wellington must be in your priority list. The restaurant offers a wide range of seafood dishes and makes them available at the best prices. They also have a variety of options for vegetarians, vegans and gluten free people. You can order from the menu or ask for a special dietary arrangement when you place an order.
The food is incredibly fresh and delicious, and the staff is very friendly and helpful. They also have a great wine selection.
In Wellington, you can find many restaurants that offer a variety of seafood dishes. These include crab ravioli, pan fried fish, smoked seafood chowder, Tuscan salmon, Hook fish n chips, and more.  
You can also find several modern restaurants that offer a wide range of cuisines. These restaurants are perfect for families and friends who want to dine out together. You can find them in the downtown area of Wellington, New Zealand. These restaurants are a great way to try some new food and drinks while enjoying the beautiful views of the city.
Located in the heart of Wellington, the seafood restaurant delivers plenty of tasty food for your table. Whether you prefer steak or wings, this spot is sure to please!
They also offer an exciting concept, with a sun-inspired menu that showcases the best of seasonal ingredients. This is why it's the perfect place to dine while you're on vacation in Wellington, New Zealand.
Their signature dish is the Beef Wellington, which is a beef filet enveloped in a puff pastry duxelle. It's easy to make and makes for a delicious dinner.
The Salmon Wellington, meanwhile, uses a similar method to the Beef Wellington, but features a fillet of Atlantic salmon wrapped in a pastry and baked to a golden brown. It's a great way to get a serving of fish into your diet, so give it a try!
One of the highlights of any meal here is dessert. The city is a gastronomic hotspot with international restaurants, top craft beers and fresh seafood on offer at every turn.
The classic beef Wellington is a fillet of beef coated in pate de foie gras and duxelles, wrapped in pastry and baked until golden. Alternatively, a pork tenderloin can be made similarly, topped with salty prosciutto and a mushroom duxelles mixture.
It may sound ludicrous, but it's actually quite delicious. And it's a fairly easy dish to make too. In addition, you can have homemade warm chocolate brownie served with whipped cream here.
There are many different drinks that go well with seafood, from non-alcohol beverages such as iced tea and strawberry lemonade to more alcoholic offerings. When selecting the right drink for a special occasion like a seafood dinner, it is important to choose something that does not clash with the food being consumed.
The best drinks to pair with your meal will not only taste good, they will also be fun and interesting. For example, cocktails can be a great way to enjoy your favorite liquor with a bit of creativity and fun.
A champagne-style cocktail is always a winner, but there are also some unique options that will wow your taste buds. One of the best cocktails for a seafood special is the avocado martini, which features a well-made cocktail containing gin, avocado, lemon juice and mint. The cocktail is easy to make by adding the ingredients to a shaker filled with ice and shaking it vigorously.
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alcoholicworldinfo · 2 years
A Taste Test Of The Top Alcohol Brands In World
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Calling all alcohol lovers! Are you curious about which brands of liquor are truly worth the hype? Look no further because we've conducted a taste test of the top alcohol brands in the world. From whiskey to gin, tequila to rum, we've tried it all and have the definitive list of must-try beverages. So sit back, grab your favorite drink (or prepare yourself for a new one), and get ready to discover some delicious liquors that will surely tantalize your taste buds!
The History And Legacy Of The Top Alcohol Brands In The World
In the world of alcohol, there are a few brands that stand out above the rest. These brands have a long history and legacy that has led them to become some of the most popular and well-known brands in the world. Here is a taste test of the top alcohol brands in the world:
1. Jack Daniel's: Jack Daniel's is one of the most popular whiskey brands in the world. The brand has been around since 1866 and is known for its unique taste.
2. Jim Beam: Jim Beam is another popular whiskey brand that has been around since 1795. The brand is known for its smooth taste and for being one of the oldest whiskey brands in the world.
3. Johnnie Walker: Johnnie Walker is a Scotch whisky brand that was founded in 1820. The brand is known for its quality and for being one of the most popular Scotch whisky brands in the world.
4. Bacardi: Bacardi is a rum brand that was founded in 1862. The brand is known for its smooth taste and for being one of the most popular rum brands in the world.
5. Hennessy: Hennessy is a cognac brand that was founded in 1765. The brand is known for its unique flavor and for being one of the most popular cognac brands in the world
Raise A Glass To The Best: World Top Liquor Brands
There are a lot of different top alcohol brands in world, and it can be hard to know which are the best. That's why we've put together a list of the top liquor brands in the world, so you can raise a glass to the best of the best.
We've looked at a variety of factors to compile this list, including quality, taste, popularity, and affordability. So whether you're looking for a great Scotch whisky or a delicious vodka, you'll find something to suit your taste on this list.
Here Are The World's Top Liquor Brands:
1. Johnnie Walker
2. Chivas Regal
3. Jack Daniel's
4. Jameson
5. Hennessy
6. Grey Goose
7. Absolut
8. Baileys Irish Cream
The Elite List: World Top Liquor Brands You Need To Try
There are many great liquor brands in the world, but only a few can be considered the best. If you're looking for a truly unique and memorable drinking experience, then you need to try one (or all) of the following top liquor brands:
1. Russian Standard vodka – This brand is known for its smooth and clean taste, making it a perfect choice for any vodka lover.
2. Johnnie Walker Scotch whisky – A favorite of scotch lovers around the world, Johnnie Walker offers a wide range of flavors to suit any palate.
3. Hennessy cognac – A classic cognac that has been enjoyed by drinkers for centuries, Hennessy is perfect for savoring after a meal or on its own.
4. tequila Herradura – One of the most popular tequilas in the world, Herradura is perfect for enjoying in margaritas or on its own.
5. Belvedere vodka – Another great option for vodka lovers, Belvedere is known for its luxury flavor and smooth finish.
6. Bacardi rum – A classic, light-bodied rum that's perfect for mixing in cocktails or drinking on its own.
7. Chivas Regal Scotch whisky – A full-bodied whisky with a rich flavor and aroma, Chivas Regal is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks.
8. Absolut vodka – A unique and smooth vodka with a variety of flavors to choose from, Absolut is the perfect choice for any occasion.
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thedupshadove · 2 years
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I posted 886 times in 2022
136 posts created (15%)
750 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 796 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#d&d - 58 posts
#dracula - 23 posts
#superman - 21 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 13 posts
#writing - 12 posts
#dracula daily - 11 posts
#m*a*s*h - 10 posts
#d&d homebrew - 8 posts
#batman - 8 posts
#discworld - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it's a little unnerving to realize that i can follow and even almost sympathize with the logic behind such an objectively deranged response
My Top Posts in 2022:
Superman, in my opinion, provides excellent fodder for pretentious meditations on the following:
Immigration, Diaspora, cross-cultural adoption, what you preserve, how you preserve it, what you can’t preserve, what you adopt, how much choice you have in what you adopt
Grief, and loss, and the peculiar flavor of grief that comes from contemplating the loss of something that’s so vitally important to you despite you only knowing of its existence in theory (Bonus points if we can use Supergirl to contrast that intellectual yearning with the more straightforward agony of directly witnessing the death of a world that you did know)
Heroism, what it means, how much choice individuals have in what it means, when should a person be said to have a “duty”, how often and under what circumstances may the strongest be allowed to lay down their burdens, dare we rest when the world is not yet perfect?
Power, and how people--both those who have it and those who don't--react to it.
Names, identity, personae, selfhood, a mask is always a self-portrait, how long must a mask be worn before it is no longer a mask?
What impact all of these things has on interpersonal relationships. 
And the question is, can all of these themes be combined in a single work in such a way that they enrich each other, or would they only crowd each other out?
66 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
On the one hand, I feel like trying to Fix Taming of the Shrew so it's less misogynist is a little intellectually dishonest, and we should be willing to engage with Problematic old media warts and all.
On the other hand, I have a really good idea for it.
67 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
I could fix Hamlet. I know Ophelia tried and it went badly, but that just means I'll need to fix her too.
76 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
I just came up with what might be the dumbest supervillain idea.
So there's this guy. Works as a special effects technician at the Metropolis Old Opera House. And one day he gets caught in some kind of accident involving a little too much Science™ and gains near-total invulnerability, but, and this is crucial, no other superpowers. This isn't a problem for a while, but eventually. Okay you know how your muscles get uncomfortably stiff if you don't stretch them periodically? And you know how stretching muscles is basically just tearing them a little bit?
Yeah, his completely unaugmented strength is no longer able to effectively stretch his nigh-invulnerable muscles. It's been six months. He is so stiff. Everything hurts.
He can't bend himself in any way that will help. Nobody he knows can either. But you know who probably could? Superman.
So he uses his special effects skills to stage a crime of sufficient magnitude to draw Supes out, hoping the resultant beatdown will finally give him the wringing he so desperately needs.
81 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
(Inspired by that @bemusedlybespectacled post I reblogged a few days ago, as well as the trend of writing Reddit posts about fictional characters)
Posted by u/Ginger-Gin on r/relationships:
My (24f) boyfriend (27m) won't hit me
So, I started dating this guy a few months ago, and things have been pretty great. He's hot, he's funny, he's smart, he's nice, we have similar interests, I'd be lying if I said his income wasn't a nice bonus, and the sex...well. At first, the sex was about as good as it had ever been for me, which is to say that it was fun, but that magic everyone talks about wasn't there. Until one night, when right as we were building to the climax, he (apparently spontaneously) bit my neck, pulled my hair a little, and practically snarled "You're all mine" in my ear. Readers, it was so hot. But afterwards, he seemed really upset, apologizing over and over and genuinely looking like he was about to cry.
This started a tricky conversation, and I finally got out of him that he had been fairly active in our city's BDSM scene (but swears he hasn't "scened" with anyone since before we started dating). I didn't really know anything about BDSM, so I decided to pause the conversation while I did a little poking around online. The more I found, the more certain I was that this was something for me, that this could be the source of the much-vaunted "spark" that I had never felt from sex before.
But when I tried to suggest to my boyfriend that we incorporate some of this stuff into our relationship, he was adamantly against it. I couldn't get him to explain why in detail, but at one point he did say "I can't. Not to you."
I don't understand. I know he's into this stuff. The more I learn, the more certain I am that I'm into this stuff. And we're into each other. So why can't we be into this stuff together? Do I just not have the right... submissive energy?
Posted by u/Anonymous on r/amitheasshole
Aita for wanting to treat my girlfriend well?
A little background. For several years, I (27M) was a regular participant in the BDSM subculture. I'm not proud of it, but--for reasons too complicated to explain--I got myself into a place where I could only really find satisfaction at the thought of tying a woman up and "punishing" her for even thinking about leaving.
But a little less than a year ago, I decided that I wanted to change; leave the clubs and the hookups and the "scene" and try to hammer myself into a functional human being.
Not long after that, I met an amazing woman (24f). It was touch-and-go trying to build my first real romantic relationship (I'm not particularly good with people outside of a work context, and I make considerably more money than her, which made it hard to find the sweet spot between "not doing nice things for her" and "showing off"), but now we've been together for several months, and it seems like I find new things to love about her every day. I could still feel the dark perversions of my past rumbling in my breast, but I clamped down on it, and I'm proud to report that our sex has been strictly vanilla.
That is, until a few nights ago. Our lovemaking was particularly passionate, and I...lost control. Let my old self out, if only a little bit. As soon as the lust-induced stupidity wore off, I of course immediately tried to apologize for my behavior, but she didn't seem upset; instead just asking question after question. I hadn't wanted her to find out about this side of me, but after my outburst, I felt I owed her honesty. So, I told her the truth, while trying to emphasize that this wasn't a part of me I had any intention of giving into again.
That seemed to satisfy her at the time, but only a few days later she told me that she had been "doing some digging", and was interested in "exploring" BDSM with me. I'm not sure which possibility horrifies me more; that she felt it necessary to feign interest in being beaten and threatened just to maintain a relationship with me, or that I have somehow managed to corrupt this angel after only glancing exposure to my twisted proclivities. Either way, I tried to explain that this wasn't what I wanted--that I wanted to change, to find a version of myself that I could be proud of, and most of all to give her the genuine love and tenderness and safety that I know she deserves. She eventually dropped the subject, but I could tell she wasn't satisfied or convinced.
At an impasse with the most important person in my life, and lacking anyone else in my real life to whom I could tell any of this, I put the matter to all of you for your input.
95 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
omg you need to write a Chris drabble bc of that piano story?!? Like that is an absolute MUST
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I have a Chris fic coming out tonight, but what the heck? This is set in the How I Met Your Father universe.
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Word count: ~1 k
Non proofread fluffy smut under the cut.
You shut your eyes tight as the tears came and clenched your fists. Chris glared up at you with no sympathy.
You fingers gripped the sheets as Chris slowly and tortuously swiped his tongue across your clit.
You had been awakened at almost 5 am Sunday morning by Chris kissing your neck and trailing his hand across your thighs, softly announcing in that Boston accent of his that all he had been thinking about during filming was eating you out.
You softly moaned his name as he slid his fingers inside you, while he swiped his wide, wet tongue across your clit. The feel of that beard against your sex while he was giving head made you very happy.
You attempted to move your hips, trying to get him even closer, although his left arm had you pinned to the bed. Chris abruptly stopped and pulled out his fingers, his red lips glistening and beard shiny.
"Sweetheart. Angel." Chris sighed at you.
He'd come home exhausted, but seeing you in bed reminded him of the scenarios he'd been thinking of all night in between scenes.
He had to make you cum. And hard.
"If you don't stay still I might have to stop altogether. Is that what you want?"
"No! I..."
Chris silenced you with a look. Your pussy clenched and he looked down at it just in time. It looked like it tasted. Delicious.
"Ok. Gonna play you like the piano. Don’t make me have to stop again. Just wanna please you. Is that ok?”
Chris leaned down again. You smiled and nodded at him as he inserted fingers again, finding that spot inside you.
“Thaaaat’s it.”
Chris was ginning at you, pleased at your reaction. You tried your best to not move. This was so fucking hot.
Chris was watching you try not to squirm from his view at the top of your mound. It was maddening not to turn you over and fuck you into the mattress. But he wanted this more at the moment.
"Fuck!” It was an almost silent plaintive whisper which signaled your impending climax.
Chris was still latched on, sucking harder and fucking you manually. All of a sudden, the dam broke and he was the recipient of your gush of liquid pleasure. He sucked all you had, then watched you come down.
You arched your back, accentuating your curves and right on cue, Chris’s eyes went right where you wanted them to. You licked your lips and reached into his sweats.
"I'm beat, Angel. I just wanted some fine dining...."
He didn't sound too certain.
"You sure?"
"It was a long night. What're you thinking Ang.. ooh”
Chris’s nickname for you turned into a moan as you shifted to straddling his legs and started stroking. Then you stopped, slowly pulling the t-shirt you stole from Chris off to reveal your breasts. Chris’s eyes widened and he licked his lips tasting you on them.
You giggled. "I know, right? They're huge!"
You lightly squeezed them and played with your nipples for him. You swatted his hand away as he reached for you.
"Stop! Let me tell YOU what's going to happen."
Chris put his hands up, and then under his head, looking at you seriously as you started pumping him again, hands in front of you making your breasts more pronounced. Him trying to control himself was sexy as fuck.
"I just want to suck your dick and see you smile."
He laughed, but it was cut short by a moan when you swallowed his cock and made it hit the back of your throat several times. Chris glanced down watching as you deepthroated him while looking him straight in the eyes.
"There's my angel. I think I want to have you take my dick.”
You hummed your 'No' around his shaft and that almost made him cum. And it definitely made him determined. He slowly moved his hand to place on top of your head to gain some control. You smiled and let him.
You felt him pulse and tasted the bit of precut that escaped him. You felt his dick twitch in your mouth and hair and you prepared for his cum.
Chris’s legs trembled, and he let go with a shot down your throat.
Chris Evans was smiling. Big.
You beamed at the man who was keeping you pretty happy lately.
"Good morning."
You shared another laugh and a kiss.
"Mmmmmnn. Good morning, Angel. Sleep well?
"I did. It's so weird how I'm sleeping these days. Like a log."
Chris was in overnight rehearsals for this new film. Since it was rehearsals, he’d insisted that they be held in Boston. And overnight, so he could spend as much time as possible with you.
He wanted to be with you as long as possible. You were carrying his world.
"D'ya want to see film from the rehearsal?"
Chris had stepped up and was consistently the man you fell in love with. These past three months were good.
Really good.
You snuggled into his arms and watched as he played and forwarded the rehearsal video on his phone, listening to him narrate some notes while sounding excited. You smiled up at his hairy chin.
"You're adorable, you know that?"
Chris grinned again.
"Yes, I do. Don’t forget I was runner up for Sexiest Man Alive last year.”
His cockiness was astounding. But warranted. Chris stretched and yawned and then deftly rolled you to the other side of the bed; your side.
“You can also call me Captain of your Pussy.”
He was grinning with his eyes closed, not able to stand his own bullshit. He was so fucking happy and relaxed with you.
"How about I just call you Daddy?"
Chris looked down at you and kissed your nose.
"You know it." He whispered. "I love you Mrs. Evans." He raised his eyebrow at you.
You cringed, and then smiled.
“Nope, still not used to it.”
Chris chuckled. He loved rattling your cage about it.
“Yeah. I know it was sudden, but it’s easy. Mrs. Evans.” He started humming. “Easy and right, just like Sunday mornings.”
He chucked to himself.
Chris’s dorky sense of humor was only exacerbated by exhaustion.
Easy like Sunday mornaaaaaannn’.
Chris’s sleepy tenor was singing you to sleep. Happy, warm and sated.
He woke you up with the same song on the piano, along with the smell of pancakes.
Yeah. Being Mrs. Evans might turn out to be a lot like Sunday mornings. You could get used to it.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
The Instructor - Part 4
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Summary: Agent Walker continues your training.
Pairing: August Walker x Female Reader
Word Count: approx 3.8k
Warnings: smut, Dom/sub dynamic (m Dom, f sub), dégradation kink, praise kink, slapping, rough sex, orgasm control, I think thats it?
Authors note: Not beta read, only edited by me. There will be errors, my apologies.
Part 3 Part 5
The Instructor Part 4
August took you to the surveillance room. The operation had the whole ninth floor to work from, you didn’t know how the CIA was able to pull off such a requisition, but you knew not to ask questions. Chances were, even August didn’t know how that was done.
Agent Thomas was there with two other Agents and although they were both men, they were so opposite in nature and appearance you wondered how they could possibly work together. One of them seemed to radiate constant joy and good humour, while the other seemed dour and uninterested in anything. You receive a handshake and a welcoming smile from Agent Ortega and got a short nod from Agent Turner. Despite August introducing you by your name, since Agent Thomas had beaten you to them, your name was New Girl.
Apparently, there were two more Agents you would meet when your shift finishes. The number of Agents on this case struck you as odd. Six agents plus August all in the field seemed overkill for any simple surveillance case. Four should be more than enough. Hell, you could probably do it with three.
Ortega was the agent you would spend the next 8 hours with, and you were relieved. You were confident you knew how to do your job, but since this was your first field assignment, you were nervous and Turner made it worse.
So did August, if you were honest with yourself. You found yourself playing with the golden circlet around your neck a lot and chided yourself for bringing attention to it. It was meant to be discreet but if you constantly played with it, eventually someone would notice. You frequently found your concentration lapse and you would focus on August instead of your job. He was becoming an obsession, he invaded your mind constantly. You couldn’t stop thinking about him, anticipating your next visit or, remembering your too few encounters.
During one such daydream, you caught Ortega staring at you, expectantly. You quickly realised it was because he had spoken to you but you hadn’t responded. “Sorry,” you say. “I tend to get really focussed on my work and block out other sounds.” You lie smoothly. Ortega waves away your apology and repeats the question.
You enjoy your time with Ortega, he was friendly and warm without being lecherous. Perhaps his simple wedding band helped to put you at ease. He doesn’t offer information about his partner and you don’t ask. You both eat a lunch of sandwiches made in the kitchen and while the work doesn’t stop, you and Ortega start chatting and you find yourself growing more comfortable with him. Even though he calls you New Girl, he doesn’t treat you like a rookie and you found your confidence increase as the day went on. You even found yourself sharing jokes with him.
However, an hour before your surveillance shift finished, August came back to the room requesting an update. As he comes in the door you were smiling, still getting over a laughing fit with Ortega. Although he shows no obvious reaction, you notice a slight tightening of his jaw. You keep the smile plastered to your face as you look away, but you know there isn’t a hint of a smile in your eyes.
August checks in with Ortega who reports the day’s events. He leans over Ortega’s shoulder resting one hand on the desk while the other held one side of a pair headphones up to his ear as he listens to some audio. You can feel August’s gaze boring holes into you, and you can almost hear him say, “Look at me, Pet.”
Slowly you raise your eyes and look at him. You had to smother a gasp. He wasn’t just staring at you, it felt like he was stripping you bare with his eyes. The fire is his blue orbs was scorching with desire. His gaze holds you captive, and you know if Ortega sees what was taking place, your secret would be out. Scandal at this point in your career would mean you were chained to a desk for the rest of your life, if you didn’t quit in frustration, which was usually what most people did.
But August doesn’t take pity on you, he knows the risks too and doesn’t avert his gaze. He licks his lips, drawing attention to his mouth. With a leering look he mouths, “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you tonight, Pet.”
You make a strangled noise and Ortega looks up at you started. “You ok, New Girl?” he asks.
You reach down and clutch your foot, slipping it out of your shoe. “Yeah,” you say, hiding your face while you rub your foot. “Just a cramp.”
August ignores the situation and keeps listening to the audio. You avoid looking at him and he leaves a few minutes later. Even after he is gone, you still feel your ears and cheeks burn and you doubt you will be able to regain your concentration. Then you receive an email from August that simply reads “8 pm.” The rest of your shift is a write off.
Not long before eight pm you stand nervously outside August’s apartment. With trembling hands, you knock on the door. You feel tipsy, you can’t think straight, you’re giggly with nervousness and your legs are unsteady, ready to betray you at any moment.
“It’s open,” you hear August call from inside.
You take a deep breath in a useless attempt to settle your nerves and open the door. You see him sitting at his dining table reading from his laptop and nursing a tumbler of what looked like gin or vodka. He didn’t get up, just flicks his eyes up as the door opened, saw it was you and flicks his eyes down again.
“Lock the door,” August says and you do as he asks.
He is wearing his suit pants and button up shirt, but he had taken his jacket and tie off. His sleeves are rolled up and a few of the top buttons on his shirt are open and you can see tufts of his dark hair on his chest. His hair is still impeccably groomed, but a five o’clock shadow dusts his jaw. Even without the suit, he exudes authority, from the set of his jaw, to his posture, the only thing casual about him was his laxed attire.
“You’re early again,” August says. You still can’t tell if he thought being early was a good thing or not. Until he said otherwise you would continue to be early because you were sure August wouldn’t tolerate tardiness.
You half shrug in reply, but don’t say anything. You realise you hardly say anything in front of August, he intimidated you more than else did. He made you nervous in a way that was so intoxicating that you found it hard to even think of anything you wanted to say. Unless, he asked you a question, then you can hold nothing back. Perhaps it was because you know there is no one in the world that has more power over you than he does.
“Take your clothes off, pet.” August says, still not looking at you. “All of it this time, except your stockings and heels.”
You try to swallow, your mouth feels dry, but you don’t hesitate to obey, his tuts of disappointment that morning still lingered in your mind. Your hands shake as you undress and fold your clothes neatly. You aren’t sure why you feel like its important to fold your clothes, maybe it was because even when August was relaxing, he always had an air of clean order around him. Like he needed things to be just so. However, you know that’s not completely true, you have seen the chaos dance in his eyes, the thin veneer of civility he wore like a skin suit couldn’t hide all of his primal urges and tendency towards recklessness.
“Come sit next to me,” you hear August say the second you had folded your underwear and placed them on top of your clothes. You didn’t think he had been watching but he must have been, because even now he seemed to still be focussed on the screen in front of him. You feel a little silly that you had undressed like you would have at home, you didn’t even try to make it look good for him.
So, you make an effort this time, to show him you want to please him. You let your hips sway just slightly as you walk, the movements feel natural, yet seductive as you near him. You pull a chair away from the table but August stops you, putting his hand over yours. His fingers are warm on your skin and you feel a shiver run up your spine.
“Not there,” he says.
You walk around to the chair on the other side of him, but August stops you again. “Not there.” He looks at you, then with a small movement of his head and a smirk, he indicates the floor. “On your knees, pet.”
You’re shocked and before you can stop yourself you say, “On my knees?” You look at the rug under the table. It was fairly plush looking and soft so your knees wouldn’t hurt. You wondered if he wanted you to take him in his mouth again, you couldn’t think of another reason he would want you on the ground.
“Yes,” August says, with little patience, but his smirk holds. He must find your bemusement funny. “Now.”
You slowly sink to your knees next to August, you feel a little humiliated, but you are curious to see where this was going. August lets out a content hum as you obey. The sound makes you smile and you look up at him, his smirk now looks more like a smile and he pats your head. “Good girl.” He praises. All thoughts of humiliation left you as those two words warm you. August places his large hand on the back of your head and guides it to his thigh.
Again, you’re confused, until you feel his hand stroke your head. He pats you, soothing himself as he finishes his work. He occasionally lifts his hand to do some typing and you find yourself watching his hand impatiently until it is returned. Occasionally he touches your collar, running his fingers along it, as if reminding himself that you as his. Sometimes his fingers slide up and down your back, with long tender strokes that make you break out in goose bumps and when he makes you shiver you hear him hum with satisfaction.
Eventually you hear August give a big sigh and he stretches his neck before closing the laptop and moving it out of the way. He takes a last swig of his drink before putting it aside as well.
“Pet,” August says. You look up at him and he gives his head a little jerk again and you stand up. He looks you up and down, his eyes seem critical as he inspects you, but you know he likes what he sees because his tongue licks his lips before he bites his bottom lip.
August guides your leg over his and you stand in front of him now, your legs on either side of his and your bottom rests on the table. You feel exposed while he continues to study you, and you want to close your legs as you see his eyes linger on your bare slit. You know he would see the slick wetness of your arousal, you could feel it on the inside of your thighs. You close your eyes, a little embarrassed by your obvious display of desire.
August starts to run his hands over the outside of your thighs, hips and waist and back again, while he leans in and kisses the soft skin of your belly. You involuntarily giggle and your hands reach for his head as his stubble tickles at your sensitive skin. Still smiling he takes your hands in his, pulls them behind your back and holds both of them in his huge paw. He returns his kisses to your tummy, but this time they are bigger, wetter and you can feel his tongue lick at your skin as he does. You try not to wriggle, you try and hold still for August, but his teasing touch is too much and you find yourself squirming as he plays with you.
Between kisses he says, “I think its time I got to know you better, Pet.” You feel the heat rise in your body and you feel your heart beat everywhere. God, he has barely even started and you were so ready for him. “Time I explored you.” His eyes looked up at yours as his tongue slid up your body and over your nipple briefly. He held his face in front of your breast, letting his breath tickling your hard bud. “Time I tested your limits.” He takes you in his mouth, sucking on your nipple, and letting his teeth graze you, your body shuddering with pleasure.
Looking up at you August’s voice is suddenly serious, “If you need me to stop, say Red.”
“Red to stop,” you repeat, letting him know you understand.
Letting go of your hands, August lifts you by your waist and sits you on the table. “Lay down, pet.” He says, pushing against your shoulder. He lifts your legs so that your heeled feet rest on his thighs. You moan, and want to draw your knees together, but you feel his hands on the inside of your thighs pushing them further apart. You are completely on display for him, you can hide nothing as he continues spreading your legs. You shut your eyes, tight. Your mind and body were in conflict. You were on fire, hot with lust and need, but your mind wanted to say no, to stop, you couldn’t stand the embarrassment.
“Spread your lips wide for me, pet. I want to see your cunt dripping wet for me.”
You shake your head, you can’t do that. It was too much. Already so exposed and naked, the thought of holding yourself open to him was too humiliating. “Please August,” you murmur “I can’t.”
The loud smack against your breast takes you by surprise. You hear the noise before you even register the pain. “August,” you cry. Your hands reach up, covering your breasts, and you try to rub the sting away.
“Hold yourself open. I want to see inside you.” August’s voice is low and firm, not angry, just stern. You lift your head to see him, he tilts his head and his whiskered lip curls in a cruel grin, almost like he was daring you to say no again.
Laying your head back on the table and squeezing your eyes shut, you move your shaking fingers down to your slit. You’re so wet and so aroused you struggle to hold your swollen petals apart. You hear August’s breathing start to quicken and his voice is barely above a whisper as he says, “Good girl.” You feel a finger slide teasingly over your exposed core and despite your shame your hips roll in desire. “You have such a pretty wet cunt, Pet.” His finger sweeps up your slit, his rough pad pausing on your clit. You gasp as he does, and a low moan escapes you parted lips.
August chuckles, “You’re very responsive, Pet. I like that.”
His finger moves back to your entrance, and with agonisingly slow movements he pushes his finger into you. You feel yourself clamping down on him already, you’re so desperate to be filled. Your hips start to rock as he curls his finger inside you, searching for your spot.
“Oh fuck,” you cry when he finds it, you unconsciously try to curl up into a ball as every muscle in your body contracts. Your hips move faster now, and you eagerly beg, “Please August.”
“You are an impatient little slut sometimes, pet,” August says as he lays an arm over you, stopping your undulating hips. “I think patience will be your next lesson, but lucky for you, today I want to watch you cum.”
Without warning, August pushes a second finger inside you. You cry out as you feel yourself stretching to accommodate him. You were so close to coming, your whole body felt pulled tight like an elastic, ready to spring apart when the tension got too much. Your fingers start to hurt as you hold yourself open. Even your fingers feel tight, ready for the release of your orgasm.
Your thighs start to tremble and you feel the warm wave start to rise from your toes. “Are you about to come pet?” You barely hear August through the fog bliss you’re feeling as his fingers dance inside you, coaxing you to your peak.
“Yes,” you say through your moans.
“Ask permission,” August says.
You’re so close you can’t make sense of his words. “What?” you ask.
“Ask me if you can cum. This is my cunt pet, I will control when you cum. Or I can stop now.”
You understand that threat, “No, no, please don’t stop.” Panting, and breaking out in sweat you say, “Please August, can I cum?”
“Yes, my needy little slut. Cum for me. Now.”
And you do. You don’t know if it was because he told you to or if it was because you were so close anyway, but when he said now, you felt a wave of warmth flood you. Your body pulsed and your core milks at his fingers and they keep hitting your spot. It feels like your orgasm lasts for an age and even as you come down from your high, you tremble in little after shocks.
You are in such a haze you don’t notice August removing his fingers until you feel both his hands on your knees, pushing them up and out as he stands. Wrapping his arms around your thighs, he gives them a tug. Your ass is barely on the table and in your malleable state, you feel like you’re going to fall off, but he holds you there.
There’s a new sensation at your core, and you groggily sit up, resting on your elbows. You see August, cock in hand lining himself up. You whimper, not yet, you think. Augusts lifts his eyes and you’re caught once again in his piercing blue eyes. His shows you his teeth and grabs your throat as he impales you with his cock.
You would have thought that you would adjust to his size quicker after the euphoria of your orgasm, but you were wrong. You feel yourself reluctantly stretch around him, and despite the pain, as he fills you, tears you apart, it feels good, he feels good.
August pulls you up by your throat, and you wrap your legs around him for stability. You think he’s going to kiss you, but he studies your every facial expression, listens to every little moan as he starts to fuck you. Still feeling weak, every thrust from August throws you, his firm grip on your throat was the only thing stopping you from falling back on the table.
“You look so good, pet,” he grunts at you through his gritted teeth. “You look like a slut, with your pretty mouth moaning for more.” He leans in close to you, and growls into your ear, “But you’re not just a slut, pet. You are my slut.”
You cry out as he says it, his claim of you relights the fire between your legs and you start moving with him, trying to fulfil the growing need inside you. You grasp his shoulders, holding onto him as he keeps whispering in your ear, “You greedy girl, you want to cum again don’t you?”
“Please, August,” you say. He raises his head and sticks two fingers in your mouth, pushing them in deep, almost making you gag. As you build to your peak so does your boldness and this time you find Augusts eyes. You run your tongue around his fingers, before starting to tease them and suck on them.
August snarls as he watches, and increases his pace. You want to cum again, but you don’t want to stop sucking his fingers. But then August breaths a curse, “Fuck.”
You couldn’t hold it off now, you say around his fingers, “Pease August, can I cum?”
“Fuck, yes,” August is as lost as you are and as you fall over the edge, and your pulsing walls grip his cock he thrusts into like he wants to tear you in two. On his last pump he lets out a deep rumbling growl, before his whole body shudders. You had never seen a man who came like him, the way he doesn’t hold back, the way he lets his primal urges over take him, the noises, all of it was so fucking hot.
August leans his sweaty forehead against yours while you both get your breath back. His hand still holds your throat but he moves it under your chin, and with the gentleness that always surprises you, lifts it and kisses you with soft lips and a caressing tongue. You kiss him back, matching his mood, softly licking at his lips.
With a final kiss, August pulls away and helps you to your feet. “Ok?” he asks. You nod and he chuckles briefly, “Who knew you had both a degradation kink and a praise kink?”
You look away from him, embarrassment filling you. August sees it and lifts your face to his again. “I fucking love it,” he says. “Much more to explore.”
You smile, still a little shy about it, but not as embarrassed. “Come,” he says and takes you to his bedroom where you both get in bed and you lay like you had that morning.
You stay awake, pretending to sleep, keeping your breaths long and steady. Eventually August drifts off, and you wait until he falls into a deep sleep.
You slowly get out of bed and creep over to the dining table. You lift August’s laptop from the chair he had left it on. You open it and enter the password you saw him use on the plane. Your hands start sweating as the machine connects to the CIA network. You think you hear a noise and you look behind you, but you can see or hear nothing.
You type August’s CIA log in and enter another password. You are worried about this one, you aren’t sure if you had been able to catch all of it. You release the breath you didn’t realise you were holding when the CIA logo fills the screen.
You feel eyes on you and the hair on the back of your neck starts to rise. Terrified you turn around and come face to face with August and his unforgiving eyes. “What do you think you are doing, Pet?”
Part 5
Tag List:
@henryobsessed @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @posiemax @nostalgicb-txh @moonlacebeam @anitababi @agniavateira @blakerogue @shadesofarrogance @mansaaay @stxlemate
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kuromitos · 3 years
A Man's Job is hard to do when you're Pretending to be One
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Summary:After tragedy strikes her life,Kurumi Minami takes it upon her to improve herself by getting stronger, she does it by joining the shinsengumi. Only problem? She's have to pretend to be a man
Pairings:Gintoki Sakata x OC, Toshirou Hijikata x OC
W.C: 5k
A/N: I'm sorry this took forever to post. I had to rewrite this chapter alot. I hope you still enjoy
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Chapter 5: Never regret food without trying it first!!
“And then on the next day, we can do some weight training in the morning.” 
Kagura keeps going on about the training she is going to put me through and I'm already regretting agreeing to it. She's listing off a bunch of things that no human alive can physically do. I need to change this subject quickly.
 “Hey Kagura, I just remembered something Shinpachi told me. The Odd jobs place is where you and Gintoki live, right? When I was there, it didn't seem that big for two people. Where exactly do you sleep?” her face shifted into confusion hearing, “Huh? You didn't see my room? It was right in the main room. That door near the entrance. That's where I sleep.” What? I thought that was a closet. She was sleeping there? “Oh. I was curious, how is it living there with Gintoki? I bet it sucks.” It is honestly hard to believe that a lazy guy can handle someone like kagura. “ It's not too bad. I mean he doesn't pay me for work, he spends most of our money on pachinko, we barely have food at home and he always smells like booze but I like it there." Is he even trying to take care of her?!? This guy sounds like the worst. The fact this guy isn't in jail for running a shady business but also child endangerment is a wonder to me!
 “I mean,” the soft tone of Kagura's voice snapped me out of my rage and I saw she had the same look Shinpachi had when he was talking about Gintoki, a look of admiration. “Without Gin-chan, I wouldn't be able to live the life I'm living now. So I'm happy to be with him.” Seeing the happy look on her face, I couldn't help but think there has to be some good in him. Two people are vouching for him but I can't take what he did to me out of my head.
 Until I see it with my own eyes, he is still a huge scumbag to me. 
We stopped at the crosswalk seeing it was not our turn to go yet but it was empty. A teenage girl was looking anxiously around the street. 
She must be running late for something. She should just wait though, just to be safe. 
The girl wasn't having my thought process because she crossed the street anyway even though the light said not to go. 
Turning towards the sound I noticed a black car was speeding through the street and was close to hitting the girl. Damn, what did I just say? Before I could even process it, I ran out as fast as I could and grabbed her by the waist, throwing both of us out of the way of the car. I took most of the impact by landing on my back, hurting like hell, so the girl should be okay. Before I could ask her that, the driver of the car got out. 
“Oh my gosh! Are you two okay?” I sat up, the girl did too, and rubbed my head lightly checking for wounds. 'I'm fine, not too injured. Are you okay there, miss?’ I asked the girl and she just nodded at me. That's a good sign. I waved towards Kagura to signal to her that I was fine. She looked relieved. But someone isn't, the driver specifically. He was looking at the other girl with a scared look on his face.  "Wait, is your name Kuriko?" He asks her and she just replies with a small ‘yeah’. The moment he hears that he starts to check her for injury, muttering stuff. I could almost hear it: 'Her father is going to kill me for almost hitting her' 'He won't hesitate to shoot me. I'm so dead and it's only my first day' What is happening right now? Not even a second later, the back door popped open to reveal some old man with shades on his face while wearing a beige kimono and a black jacket on top. 
“What's going on? I need to get home soon before my wife starts complaining again.” Wait, that black jacket looks familiar...Is this guy- “Chief Matsudaira! Everything's fine here, sir!!” The first guy said in an obvious panic tone. “If they were, we'll be in the car, not in the str-” stopped mid-sentence the moment he saw the girl, Kimiko I think, on the ground. “You bastard.” Matsudaira grabs the first guy by his collar and pulls a gun on him?! Where did the gun come from? What's happening right now?? “ You almost ran over my daughter? Do you want to die today? Is that it?” “NONONO SIR!! I swear! She just ran out!" ''Now you are trying to blame her for your screw-up?!? Kiss your ass goodbye!” He just keeps shoving the gun in this guy's face, I got to stop this before I witness a murder. I stand up and try to get Matsudaira to put both the man and gun down
 “Hey now! Everything is okay now. Your daughter is safe now so put the deadly firearm down now please.” he looks at me now and moves the gun away from the poor man's face but still got him in his grasp. “ Who the hell are you?” “Um, I'm-” “That's the person who saved me!” We both turn our heads towards the new voice that belongs to Kuriko. “He's your what?" dropping the man ,who crawled away the moment he hit the ground, Matsudaira turned fully towards his daughter. “This guy just saved my life. I ran out without looking and he pushed me out of the way. He saved me from getting hit!” she grabbed my arm and wrapped her arms around, hugging it. “It was so cool! You got to repay him somehow.” 
Matsudaira looked surprised at his daughter's words and looked at me. “I guess I should. You did just save my daughter after all. What do you want? Money or something like that?” Seeing that jacket is giving me some ideas. 
“I have a question, do you work for the Shinsengumi?” 
“Huh? Yeah, I'm actually in charge of them. Why?” 
“I want a job there as an officer, please.” 
“Wait! Really!? I got a job there?” 
“Yeah, you start next week. I'll tell them to expect you.” 
“You don't want to question me or anything? A resume?” 
“You saved my daughter's life. That's more than enough.” 
“But still-” 
I see him clock the gun back and point it at me “You want the job or not?" I guess It was that easy.“Yes, sir” “Good. Here” he gave me a cell phone and started walking back to the car. “We'll be in touch to discuss more details some time tomorrow. Kuriko, let’s go.” She lets go of my arm and follows her father while waving to me. The car speeds off into the distance while I'm honestly looking at Kagura from a distance with my face screaming ‘What just happened?’
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After that weird encounter,  I dropped Kagura Back at the odd jobs. Not surprisingly, I didn't see Gintoki waiting for her like a decent caretaker would, so I just walked back to the Shimura household once she was in the house.  "I'm back." "Welcome back Minami-san" judging from the voice and name that was used, I figured it was Shinpachi welcoming me back from the main room. I was right once I saw him in there just drinking tea and watching TV at the table.  
"Where's your sister? It's pretty late" I asked him as I sat next to him pouring myself a cup. 
"She's working a late shift at the hostess bar tonight. Won't be back till at least the morning." 
Ah, she's a hostess? Well, she is very pretty so I'm not too surprised. Didn't expect it though. I look up at the clock to see the time is 10:40 and look around to see just a bowl of rice crackers on the table. 
Did he eat dinner already? I hope so. Does he know how to cook? Otae is an 'interesting' cook but no one can live off of that. So how is he eating nutrition? I look at him and see his focus is on the TV looking bored. I guess it won't hurt to ask him. 
"Hey did you eat dinner yet?" Shinpachi just shook his head at me while still watching the TV.  "There's nothing to eat and I didn't feel like making anything.  I'll just have some snacks before going to sleep. "  
Hearing his response kinda frustrated me. He's a growing boy and he can't go to sleep on an empty stomach and I won't stand for it. I get up to go to the kitchen and check the fridge for food. Lucky for me, I see enough ingredients for my favorite meal. 
I hear movement behind me and turn to see Shinpachi looking over my shoulder to see what I'm doing but I'm already finished making it. I move the food off the stove and serve it on two plates for me and Shinpachi. 
I carried them back to the main room with Shinpachi following me and put them on the table with some utensils. 
"What exactly is that you made?" He looks at the plate I hand him and seems to be confused by it. 
"Can you tell? It's Apple curry! Let's dig in!" I told him while grabbing my spoon and started digging in. The moment the food entered my mouth I couldn't help but get this nice, fuzzy tingling feeling in my body that I let out of my body by making a sound of joy. "Ahh~ It tastes just like mamas. So yummy and sweet," with a crazy hectic day like today eating some home cooking makes it better. In my little moment, I didn't realize Shinpachi wasn't eating his portion of food. 
"What's wrong? You don't like it?" I asked him with some food still in my mouth. "Oh no! It's not that, I just...never had this before. Never even heard of it." He scooped some up on his spoon and looked at it like some type of weird concoction. It's just curry with apples. "Do you not like curry? Sorry I should have asked first." "No, I like curry fine." "Do you not like apples then?" "I don't mind them." "Then why aren't you eating it? It's good and good for you," I scoop some more in my mouth "A growing boy like you can't go to bed on an empty stomach or just rice crackers in it either." I explained to him and got the reaction I kinda expected, a bland bored expression you have when your parent is lecturing you about anything, was on his face while looking at me. 
"It's just that... It's an odd combination. Apple in curry doesn't sound good to me." I sigh out of frustration seeing this is a pointless conversation and look back at him mirroring his expression. "Just take a bite of it, Shinpachi. I'm sure you'll like it." I scooped some up for him on the spoon and put it in his hand but he's pushing it away. "You don't have to do that! I'm not a child, you don't have to treat me like one!" He shouted at me while dodging my spoon hand. "Then stop acting like one and eat it!" "I don't wanna! Don't make me please!" I might be acting pushy and should just drop it but he didn't even try it nor did he even attempt to try it, He just dissing it because he hasn't seen anything like it before. The least he could do is try it before saying he doesn't want it. This was an insult to me, to my mother, to my identity and I won't stand for it. He is going to eat this curry whether he wants to or not! 
"QUIT YOUR DAMN WHINING AND EAT THE F*CKING CURRY!!" I grabbed his jaw with my free hand and shoved the spoon in his mouth. The moment I was sure the food made it inside his mouth I kept my hand on his jaw to keep it shut and it's going to stay there till I see him chew and swallow. He got the message apparently because I saw a lump appear and disappear on his throat, his expression changing as I removed my hand. "It's actually pretty good." He tells me with some food around his mouth. Must of got there during the tussle; surprised none of it fell off the spoon. I smiled hearing that he liked it but it was still a pain in the ass to make him eat it. For a plain looking character you would think he would be easier to deal with. I watched him start to eat his portion of food pretty quickly, it reminded me of a smaller me back home. 
I got up from the table and started heading towards the room I'm staying in. "If you want more, there's a pot of it on the stove. Make sure you save some for your sister, okay?" Shinpachi turned away from his plate to me, " Where are you going?" "To bed. I'm worn out and in slight pain. I have more muscle training with Kagura tomorrow and have to wait for a call from Matsudaira about the shinsengumi. I need all my energy for tomorrow. Good night Shinpachi." I walked out the room completely after that explanation dump only to be hit with a delayed 'YOU WHAT? HEY! COME BACK AND EXPLAIN YOURSELF! WHAT HAPPENED AFTER YOU LEFT US!? HEY!' But I choose to ignore it.
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"I'm tired of your bullshit old man!"
No..please...Don't do this
"You have to see this from my side. I just wanted to protect you"
Just stop this… please listen to each other
"That's all I've ever done! I'm done seeing stuff your way!"  
I need to stop them…. I need to calm them down
"and I'm going to make you start to see things my way even if I have to force you!"
"Kanna! No!" Throat dry, Breathing hard, skin sweating, heart pounding out of my chest while laying on my back with my arm stretching out and my clammy hands gripping the air. Had another bad dream. How long has it been since the last one? 
Still tired and groggy, I sat up on the futon and tried stretching my body to wake myself up. It didn't work because I didn't realize how sore I was. Now I'm just sore and tired. 
"Kurumi-chan? Are you alright in there? I'm coming in." The sliding door opens up to reveal Otae with a concerned look on her face,"I heard shouting coming from here. So  I come to check on.Everything okay?" Her cheerful tone was replaced with a worried one that put me in a worse mood than the one I'm currently in. Was I that loud in my sleep? At Least loud enough for her to check on me? I didn't realize. "I'm fine, Otae-san. Really. Just a bad dream." Smiling at her, I try to be her at ease the best I can. 
"Are you sure?" Otae asked, not really believing me. I stand up from the futon and walk towards her with a bright wide smile. "I'm good now. Just a quick shower and I'll be better. " She finally believed me when she released a breath that she was holding in. "That's good to hear. I was worried there," with a closed eye smile, she put her hand on her chest  "I thought something happened here," She started to walk away from the door and head to the kitchen "Now that you're up, you must be hungry. Breakfast should be ready when you're done getting ready" the mention of breakfast made my stomach hurt from the last time I ate her cooking. I'm already sore. I don't need to be in even more pain. 
"Wait! Wait! I'll make breakfast if you don't mind Otae-san!" I yelled at her trying to save myself from that hell of cooking. " You don't need to do that. Shin-chan is making it for us this morning," Shin-chan? Shinpachi cooking the food?If that's the case, then my stomach is safe for now, "besides you made that delicious curry for us last night. If I have you make us breakfast too, I would feel horrible. You just get ready,okay?" And with that she disappeared behind the corner. I smile at both hearing she thought my food was delicious and the fact she was who I bump into that night. Being here is really comforting and warm. A feeling that instantly reminds you of a home…..a feeling I missed. But while I appreciate it I'm willing to slave in the kitchen than eat Otae food again. 
After showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I enter the main room to see Shinpachi and Otae putting the food on the table. The smell of the food rafts through the room and I got to admit, it smells pretty good. "Morning Minami-san. Did you sleep well?" Shinpachi noticed me in the doorway and greeted me with a smile. "Breakfast is ready. Take a seat and enjoy." I sit at the table and look at the food closer. A bowl of rice with rolled egg and miso soup. Simple meal plan that I'm used to. "Sorry it's not much. This is all we have currently til we go shopping for groceries. " "Oh no. It's fine" I must of had a weird look on my face for Shinpachi to think I don't like it. "I make the same meal back home all the time so I don't mind it at all. I actually got a bit reminisced. " I laugh a little to ease the mood and start eating with everyone. The soup is kinda bland compared to the one I'm used to but it's still good. Same for the eggs as aswell. 
"Even so," Shinpachi had a guilty look on his face. "I made breakfast today as a way to apologize for the way I acted towards your cooking last night. You made it for me and I rudely declined it. I'm sorry for my behavior. I hope you can forgive me." He bowed his head slightly down as he spoke to me. I didn't expect him to feel this bad when he made dinner and asked for forgiveness. I must have been too hard on him last night. "You don't need to do that, Shinpachi-kun. You ate my curry last night and enjoyed it.That more than enough for me. Just don't be so judgemental toward my cooking next time, okay?" I patted his head to make him lift it up. "Besides, you made this good food as thanks. We're even now." I smile at Shinpachi and continue eating my food. He looked surprised but it changed to a smile as he nodded his head in agreement. 
My attention was shifted towards Otae as I heard her speak to us. "It's good to see you two are getting along so well and that you're enjoying your stay here, Kurumi-chan." She put her chopsticks down and put her hands together. "But I realized something yesterday I wanted to ask you." "What is it,Otae-san?" "Do you happen to have any other clothes than that kimono you're wearing?" Huh? Any other clothes? "What do you mean, Anuene?" Shinpachi asks Otae as she brings her hands to her mouth as she thinks. "It's just that..you've been wearing the same kimono since you got here. I noticed you had a bag with you so I assumed you had more clothes on you. Is there a reason why you are wearing only that one?" 
I feel their eyes on me waiting to answer the question. But I can't do that. Why? Because it is embarrassing to say that this is the only clothes you have right now. They already think I'm stupid for not planning my trip here, what they going to think if  I tell them? I can feel my face heat up from the embarrassment already. "Minami-san? You do have clothes right?" I turn my head away from his stares. "You have other clothes,right?" Not trusting my voice not to crack, I just nod my head for an answer. Hoping I can get away with this lie for now. "Then you don't mind me going through this, right?" I nearly choked when I saw what Otae had in her hand. 
Holding it above her head, she was clutching my bag with a sinister smile on her face. It looks like her normal but it gives off a horrific aura. I'm sweating buckets just looking at her. "If you're telling the truth, there should be some clothes in here,right? I love to see your taste in fashion." "It-It not really that interesting to-" "Oh don't be so modest~. I bet you have a great sense when it comes to picking clothes, just like your sense of choosing to run away from home." Instant heating on my face the moment I heard that. She knows I don't have clothes but she wants me to admit it. But I can't! It's too embarrassing to say out loud. I'll die! I'll die of shame If I say it out loud. "You're practically admitting to it  by the way you're reacting to it. Just say it to end it already." Shinpachi said to me but I don't pay him no mind cause I'm watching Otae reach for my  bag, planning to open it. Her hand is just getting closer, closer,closer…...
"Okay! Okay! This is the only piece of clothes I have because this is the only masculine like thing I own! Everything back home is too feminine for me to wear anymore So I didn't bring them! Please just put my bag down!" My face is so red I had to use my hand to hide behind them. I'm just a disaster human being at this point. How did I make it here on my own?!? "You didn't. We had to give you food and shelter, " Shinpachi said as he patted my back. "And we're going to give her some clothes too." I lift my face away from.my hands to look at Otae again, this time she has her normal good smile.
 "Today's my day off from work, so I thought about getting some stuff from the shopping center.  Kurumi-chan can come with me to go get some clothes and anything else she needs." The angel wings and halo I saw when we first met appeared once again. Tears of joy welled up in my eye, she really is an angel. "Otae-san!" I go over to give her a hug but she stops me by grabbing my face. "Only if you agree to stop lying about stupid stuff because of you're embarrassed. That thing smells like sweat and rotten fish. You should be embarrassed to walk out the house like that. Also go shower and borrow one of my kimonos." "Yes ma'am " "Was that the reason you did this!?"
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Back home, before I even had the idea of leaving, I was told by the visitors that passed through our village during travels that Edo is a bustling city which would make us country folks starstruck and amazed because of the things compared to what we had. I always thought that was just a bunch of big talk just to make us look like stupid country bumpkins. But now that I'm actually here, those guys weren't lying. Otae took us to this shopping Iarea in Kabuki-cho that was filled to the brim with these nice looking stores. Most of them were clothing stores but there were stores for shoes,home goods,cosmetic products, and other stuff I never even heard of. She handed me 5000 yen and just told me to 'Shop for myself' while she went to get some groceries. 
Since she left me alone, I have just been walking around the shopping district trying to find a simple clothing store. Just from looking at the outside, I can tell that most of these clothing stores are for mainly women and even if they had a men's section, there would be just simple yukata and kimonos and they would cost a hefty price just for one. I know I have 5000 yen but I also know I need more stuff besides a new set of clothes,Like my own bathing stuff,so the best course of action here is to buy cheap and still have some money left on the side. The only problem is that I can't find one anywhere in this area. I've been walking for at least 6 minutes and found nothing. My hopes were just about to be shattered til I saw my savings grace in the shape of a 'sale' sign in a window display. It appears to be a store that sells clothes for everyone. Finally, I can get some shopping done instead of walking around like an idiot. 
I walked in the store and heard a 'welcome' by the workers there. I walked towards the closet one and asked for the men's section and went in the direction they pointed me in. From what I can see, all the men's clothes have nothing but dull and muted colors, plain designs and there's nothing fun or interesting about them. They're perfect for me. I won't stand out too much in these, they're big enough to hide my chest and the price is pretty decent too. The sale price of buy 2 get 1 half off isn't too bad either. We never have any good sales like this back home, We never have any good stores like this before. I almost feel like I'm getting away with something. I was about to walk towards the cashier just when I saw it. The prettiest kimono I have ever seen. The colors, the patterns, everything about it is perfect and I want it to be mine right now! 
No,No, I need to think realistic about this. I'm here as a man so I need to stop thinking like a woman and forget my womanly ways...but it's really pretty and I have never seen anything like this before. Maybe if I just try it on for a minute before leaving the store …………...
No! I got to focus on my goal here. I just need to go to the cashier, buy this stuff and head to the next store to get the rest of the things I need. Besides, it's probably out of my price range. "Excuse me miss, how much is this kimono right?" "Oh that's on sale for 50% today but that's the last one we have in stock" 
The moment I heard that conservation, the little strength I had in me to get my foot out the door had gone away was replaced with my desire for that kimono. Manliness be damned, I need that kimono to be mine and mine only!!
I raced to grab it but the moment I had my hands on it someone else did too. No way! I'm not leaving without this and I'm willing to fight for it dammit! "I'm sorry but can you please let this go?" "Why the hell would I do that? I got to this first" my grip got stronger as the other person started to pull more. "I was going to buy this but I was busy shopping for other things!" "Well that's too bad! I'm getting this for my daughter!" "Your daughter won't like this! Trust me, this is too mature for her!" "Why would a man want this?" "Huh!? A man? I'm not-" I look at the person I was in the tug of war with and I turn out to be the worst person to be. "Matsudaira-san?!" 
I didn't get the kimono I wanted but it was for the best, I lost my way for a small woman's pleasure. "Sorry for that scare back there. I wasn't actually going to shoot you. Just graze you probably but not shoot." I also don't want to die with a bullet in my head. "It's fine,sir. You actually saved me a couple yen." Please let me leave now. "What exactly were you doing trying to buy that feminine kimono, huh?" No! Please, why are you asking me? "It was for my friend...the lady that let me stay at her house. I was getting it for her as a present." Hopefully that lie was believable cause I don't have much else. I need to find an exit now. "Well, I have more shopping to do now, so I'll just-" a hand grabbing my collar stops my movements. Nearly chokes me honestly. "I got something for you before you leave so hold on" Matsudaira pulls this bag I didn't notice and hands it to me. Once I grabbed it I looked inside to find "The shinsengumi uniform. This for me sir?" I asked with a gleam in my eyes. Thinking this is too good to be true, this uniform in my hand is actually mine. "Of course it is. Who else would it be for? Dumbass. I talked to the men at the base and told them about you. I arranged for us to have a meeting with them tomorrow so you can see the headquarters and see the top brass in person. I need your address for that,got it?" I nodded my head with excitement and grabbed his hand to shake it. "Of course sir! I'll be bright eyed and bushy tail for tomorrow! You can trust me on that!" I told him the address of the Shimura household and he had a weird look on his face but it changed back quickly. "Alright. I better get going. My daughter got mad at me again so I got this as an apology gift. I'll see you tomorrow." I waved to him as he walked away and turned around with both bags in my hand. I can't believe it. I actually have my own uniform now! And I'm going to the headquarters tomorrow! This is such big news I can't wait to tell everyone! Oh right, I still got shopping to do...With this good news, It won't hurt to get some nice important stuff as a celebration gift for myself. 
As I was finally done with my shopping, I began heading back to the original spot to meet back with Otae. I was only a few steps away from there when I saw the back of her head. My mouth opened to call out to her but I saw something first. A gorilla? No, that's a human man but he's in the bushes looking directly at Otae. Creepy. Don't tell me he's stalking her. I better do something about that. I walked behind the guy quietly and raised my leg up above his head. "Hey perv, why don't you take a quick dirt nap, wouldja?" As soon as he turned his head to me, my leg immediately met his skull in a quick collision that caused him to go out quietly. "Hey Otae-san. I'm back! Let's go now! I got some big news for you!"
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Tagging: @ukiyo-aoandon @chil2de @daynada @strawberrymilkie
8 notes · View notes
amphxtrite · 4 years
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ginny weasley x fem!reader
Royalty Au
Warnings: spelling/grammar mistakes
Summary: the reader has to choose someone to marry from the Weasley family and she falls for the only girl.
enjoy <3
y/n l/n Princess of Felicitatem, next in line for the throne, treasure of the Kingdom of Prosperity. 
Yawning as you sit yourself up in your lush 4-poster bed, you stretch your arms out and throw back your covers, swinging your legs off the edge of your mattress and sighing at the feeling of your feet meeting the cool marble of the floor beneath you. 
“Good morning Princess.” you hear a voice call out to you from the doorway. “Good morning Melina, beautiful day isn’t it?” you answer back, gazing out your large window into the beautiful garden. “Yes it is indeed Princess, I’m here to fetch you for breakfast.” Melina steps into the room and closes the door behind her. You murmur a quick mhm before scooching over to face her.
Melina was like the older sister you never had, you two were very comfortable around each other, but she still liked to stick to formalities when she was unsure if anyone was around. “Mellie there’s no need for that Princess stuff around me, you know that!” you grin. “I know, but I thought I saw Sebastian coming around here, and you know how much of a blabbermouth he is.” She sighs, flopping down onto your bed. You shrug, standing fully up and heading to the bathroom, you begin to run a brush through your hair as Mellie informs you on the castle’s gossip. “So I heard the head chef and one of the chambermaids were caught snogging in a broom closet,” She giggles. “And, Alex says the gardener is pregnant, Oh, and we got a cute new stable boy.” She rattles on, you can feel her blush from here. You smile. Beginning to brush your teeth, Mellie comes into the bathroom and begins to braid her hair, “It’s parcel day too, I think I saw a whole stack with your name on them.” She looks over at you. You rinse out your mouth before answering. 
“Oh yeah, the Potter’s kingdom is trying to sign a deal with my parents, and they think spoiling me will convince them.” you answer nonchalantly. 
“Do you think it’ll work?” Mellie asks curiously. “Oh, Mother was going to sign it anyways, she's just a bit busy right now.” You snicker, “The fabric in their kingdom is to die for though and they send the most beautiful dresses, so I’m not complaining.” you turn and head towards your closet. “You want to borrow anything today?” you call out to the blonde trailing behind you. “Do you have that ribbon I like?” She asks as you walk to a drawer and pull out the baby blue silk hair ribbon and toss it over to her. “You can keep it, you know, since you like it so much.” You smile at her. She squeals and hugs you tightly, thanking you over and over again, you simply smile and hug her back. She helps you put on a casual white dress and you walk down to the dining room talking about the kingdom’s news, you separate once you arrive at your destination, waving goodbye as you open the large doors.
“Ah, y/n there you are!” Your father calls out to you as you step into the large room. “Good morning father.” You answer “Good morning mother” you greet your mother beside him at the head of the table. Your father stands and walks over to you, “We have guests today darling,” He says motioning to a large family of red-heads, you immediately recognize them as the Weasley’s from the Western Kingdom. You curtsey to them, “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” You greet. “Oh thank you darling.” A short woman with a kind face answers, she must be Mrs. Weasley. “You have a very kind daughter Charles.” Mr. Weasley compliments, you smile. You scan your eyes down the row of ginger children seven in total, skimming over each one of them, your eyes stop at the only girl there, the youngest one too you presumed. She sends you a small smile and you find yourself staring. She was so beautiful, long light ginger hair, ocean blue eyes and pretty pink lips. You grin back as you walk with your father to the head of the table taking a seat on the other right side of your him, directly in front of Mr. Weasley, The adults continue talking and you find your mind wandering, your eyes goes back to the girl you had made eye-contact with just a few moments ago, she’s picking at her eggs, you smile but catch yourself in the act, you shake your head slightly, you’ve never felt this way about a girl before, what was going on? Despite these thoughts there was a part of your brain saying to just go with it. You’re brought out of your thoughts by your father’s voice.
“You’re probably wondering why the Weasleys are here?” Your father asks, reading your mind. You nod. “Well dear, we’ve decided to join our kingdoms and would like to have you and one of their children marry to unite us when you’re crowned queen.” He explains. You freeze. “So you’re arranging my marriage?” You ask, fear lacing your tone. “Well not exactly,” Your father tries to reason with you. “The Weasley’s have six boys in their family and 5 for you to choose from, aside from Bill the oldest who is already married, who you choose is your choice though of course.” You nod nervously, thinking back to the girl at the other side of the table. You glance in her direction and she’s looking back at you blushing. You feel a surge of happiness and turn back to your father. “Any… of the Weasley’s father?” You smile at him. “Of course darling, you have my word.” He nods to you unknowingly, your mother looks between you and the girl and back at you again, you raise one of your brows at her and she smiles, nodding. You feel a rush of excitement, quickly eating your oatmeal and drinking your tea before you stand hoping to greet the girl. “y/n why don’t you give the kids a tour around the castle?” Your father suggests, “to get to know them better.” He continues a grin on his face. “Um- of course! If you would kindly follow me?” you call out to the seven gingers, they all stand and walk towards the doors with you introducing themselves one by one. There was Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and the beautiful girl that caught your eye's name was Ginny, what a gorgeous name. For the rest of the morning and afternoon you run around the castle, showing them every room and every crevasse you thought was important, but in the end most of your time was spent in the garden, playing football with the family, you grew tired after a couple games and decided to sit under your favourite cherry blossom tree to watch. 
The Weasley’s were such kind people and you knew any of them would make a perfect partner, but only one of them had left you speechless. Ginny was absolutely perfect, she was so kind, strong and mature compared to most of her brothers, and on top of that, so very beautiful. You watch with heart-eyes as she runs around in her long dress throwing and catching a ball around with her brothers, you watch her eyes light up, her smile grow, and her hair sway and you knew she was the one you wanted to choose. You were conflicted though, you’ve never felt this way about a woman before, but with Ginny it just felt so natural, she made you laugh, blush and hang onto her every word, she was everything you could ever ask for and more, but you knew there was a problem, what if she didn’t feel that way about you? What if she found you disgusting for having these feelings for her? What if your father didn’t allow it… He did say sons after all. You could feel someone's gaze on you and you see Ginny standing with her twin brothers Fred and George, you smiled and waved at them, wondering what they’re talking about.
“Really?!” Fred says to his sister, his eyes wide in shock. Ginny rolls her eyes, “raise your voice a bit Fred I don’t think she heard you.” She whispers to her brother sarcastically. “But, you’re serious?… You like y/n?” George whispers back, Ginny glances back to you a pink dust on her cheeks and a smile spreading on her face, “Yes, she’s absolutely marvelous!” She answers George.  ��Look Gin, I’m happy for you, really, but what are mum and dad going to say?” Fred questions, slightly concerned. “Well, I haven’t really thought that far yet, but I’m sure they’d be fine with it!” Ginny answers looking back to you again, she sees your eyes raise to hers and she can almost see your future together in your eyes, baking in the kitchen together, running through your castle hand in hand, and kissing you under the moonlight, the thought made her blush. “I’m going to tell her!” Ginny confidently starts to walk over, George grabs her by the arm. “Gin wait a second, how can you tell she feels the same?” George asks worriedly, not wanting his sisters heart broken. Ginny only grins, turning back to look at your rosy cheeks, she says dreamily, “I just know,” before releasing her arm and walking over. 
You see Ginny walking towards you and you start to panic. Did your hair look okay? Was there food on your face? Did your breath smell okay? Were there any stains on your dress? Ginny sits down next to you and as you look into her stunning eyes all your insecurities wash away. “You’re beautiful you know.” She says finally, grinning happily as she watches your face go bright pink again. “Thank you Ginny.” You respond meekly, feeling small under her intense gaze. “Really y/n, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.” She says tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You sat there stunned, wishing you could stay in this moment forever, Ginny staring into your eyes, her hand running through your hair, sitting under the pink cherry blossom tree, basking in the warm spring sunlight. 
“I want to choose you.” you utter unconsciously, staring lovingly at the girl in front of you. Ginny freezes, did she just hear you correctly? Her jaw drops. You snap out of your daze, taking her silence as rejection and stand up quickly. “I-I’m so sorry, I’ll just go.” You say stuttering, rushing off, tears in your eyes. You must’ve read the signs wrong, oh how stupid you were for thinking she felt the same way… 
Behind you Ginny shakes off her shock and stands up, following you and calling your name, you don’t stop and continue running until you reach a hidden alcove, your favourite one you had decorated with flowers, plants and pillows. You turn and drop into the alcove, hugging your knees to your chest. You hear Ginny calling for you again, you don’t answer, you hear her footsteps getting closer, you pray she doesn’t find you, but alas, luck wasn’t on your side. “Y/n! There you are!” She calls out. Great, you think to yourself, looking up at her with tears running down your face. Ginny steps into the alcove and wipes the tears from your eyes with her thumbs a small smile on her face, you turn away and hide your face from her embarrassed. She kneels in front of you and removes your hands from your face, holding them in her own. She takes a deep breath. “I want you to choose me too.” she says in a happy voice. “y/n, I’d love to be with you!” she breathes out with a smile on her face. “I know we’ve only just met today, but I feel something between us I don’t want to let go of, we can go slowly if you want. I'm in no rush. I just want to be with you.” She opens her mouth to speak again, but you shush her with a kiss, feeling her lips against yours was heavenly, your mouths moved in sync and you could feel her nibbling on your lips. You didn’t want it to stop, but you need to say something to her. You pull away reluctantly, and look deep into her eyes. “Then I choose you, Ginny Weasley, to be my queen, my love and my light, to stay by my side forever, do you accept?” You ask with a renewed feeling of confidence, “Yes, y/n I do.” She replies without hesitation, pulling you to her again and joining your lips together again, your hands on her soft cheeks and hers grasping the fabric of your dress. You would worry about any issues later on. Right now it was just you and your love sitting together in the hidden alcove. 
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