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and if the devil was to ever see you, he'd kiss your eyes and repent
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
national bf day and i’m still single so i’m writing wanda maximoff smut :D
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
i saw a tiktok saying i would be in a healthy relationship by the end of the month so now i’m expecting a halloween boo :)
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
good! but on my period so could be better 🤷🏻‍♀️
hi daisy :)
hi babyyy <3
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
how are youu <33
hi daisy :)
hi babyyy <3
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
okay but just imagine the devious licks trend at hogwarts…
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
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loki laufeyson x reader
warnings: exhaustion
summary: the reader has been overworking themself and needs some time to rest.
a/n: hi stars! I’m back (sorta) I took a break due to busyness and finally got some time on my hands to write a sort of self indulgent blurb, hopefully will be writing more soon.
word count: 754
hope you enjoy.
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“Darling, it’s time to wake up.”
“That’s enough, I know you’re awake, love.”
“No- don’t.” You whisper weakly as your covers are peeled slowly off your face, revealing the bright blinding light shining just past the open blinds.
“No.” You whimper again, turning around to burrow yourself back into your covers, trying to find rest again.
A cool hand comes in contact with your back, and instinctively, you recoil away, causing a long sigh to draw out behind you.
“It’s almost noon, love. You can’t stay in bed forever.” Loki murmurs, inching himself closer to you as you mutter a quiet ‘I know.’
“Then why do you insist on just laying there? I thought you started waking up earlier…” He continues.
“I-I did, but it’s just starting to get to me… I feel exhausted, like I’m losing control of everything.” You sigh, finally flipping over to face Loki.
“Do you think maybe, just for today, we could stay in bed?”
Loki’s face contorts to show his disapproval, but you persist.
“Please, my prince? You can finally read that new book to me. You know, the one you’ve been talking about for ages, but we just never had the time.” You plead, using your boyfriend’s favourite nickname to try and sway him.
Loki looks away for a moment, contemplating your words, he almost decides to say no, but looking back at you, he freezes.
With the sunlight shining more clearly he can see shallow eye bags beginning to form, a sad look in your eyes that poked at his heart to see. You had been working yourself to the bone the last couple of months, but he did have something planned for the two of you today...
“Loki?” You plead again, in an even softer voice.
His eyes darted back up to yours.
Well, reservations can be moved and plans can change.
“Oh you know I could never say no to you.” He sighs, collapsing beside you and flicking his wrist.
In seconds the blinds were closed and the room was dark again.
You beam as bright as you can and throw your arm around Loki’s chest.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You repeat, placing gentle kisses to his icy cold cheek.
Loki chuckles his signature laugh as he situates himself beside you, placing one arm under your neck and the other slung over your hip.
“Anything for you, my love.” He smiles, leaning forward to leave a ghost of a kiss over your forehead.
“You know I hate to see you this overworked, love…” He sighs, beginning to rub circles in your back.
“I know Loki, but I-I just feel so unproductive when I’m not doing anything, especially when I know I could be.” You murmur.
“But, don’t you think this is too much love, you’re working, studying, running from place to place, skipping meals to do more tasks…” Loki pauses.
“Y/n, love. You are one of the strongest people I know, but you’re pushing your limits to the max, it’s not healthy love. Please, maybe try to slow down?” He finishes, looking deep into your eyes.
“Loki.” You sigh, your lips pursing softly as you attempt to pull back.
“Please darling, I know you love what you do, but you must take more care of yourself, it wouldn’t hurt to eat some breakfast, or take some breaks while you’re studying.”
Loki is the one pleading now, hoping you will agree so he can worry a little less and spend a little more time with you.
Your eyes slowly soften at Loki’s caring gaze and with a slight hesitation you take a deep breath.
“You know I can never say no to you.” You laugh weakly, moving your hand into Loki’s soft hair and guiding him downwards to you.
Your lips meet in a gentle kiss, Loki tilting his head forward gently as he closes his eyes and breathes you in.
“Thank you.” He murmurs as you pull apart.
“Now, about that book.” Loki smirks, using his magic to summon the old book that had been at the top of his list of things to show you for a while now.
Readjusting himself so he could hold the book up while still grasping onto you he grins as he feels you cuddle yourself into him and with great enthusiasm he begins reading.
You latch onto his every word, his silky voice leaving you in a trance like state as you float in between the realms of sleep and wake, grateful every second that you had your prince to care for you when you couldn’t.
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
ty for the tag love.
even tho i’m not as into the harry potter scene as before this looked fun and is bringing back some good memories lol
harry or ron // hedwig or pigwideon // gryffindor or slytherin // hufflepuff or ravenclaw ( i love all houses equal ) // fred or george ( both ) // death eaters or order of the phoenix // james potter or severus snape // dumbledore or mcgonagall // chaser or seeker // keeper or beater // bill or charlie // hermione or ginny // tonks or fleur // cho or lavender // remadora or wolfstar // hinny or ronmione // the books or the movies // bellatrix or narcissa // sirius or remus ( both ) // draco or dudley // hippogriff or unicorn // crookshank or scabbers // nimbus or fire bolt // dobby or kreacher // the black family or the malfoy family // potions or DADA // fluffy or norbert // fang or padfoot // werewolf or half giant // moody or kingsley // lockhart or quirrell // dean or seamus // neville or luna // owl or cat // percy or mclaggen // umbridge or voldemort.
tagging: @griffxnnage :)
Harry Potter this or that
going to start my own tag game that probably won't get any attention
Rules: Pretty straightforward but answer the following this or that's by changing one of the options to colourful text, then tag some others to do the same :)
Harry or Ron // Hedwig or Pigwidgeon // Gryffindor or Slytherin // Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw // Fred or George // Death Eaters or Order of the the Pheonix // James Potter or Severus Snape // Dumbledore or McGonagall // Chaser or Seeker // Keeper or Beater // Bill or Charlie // Hermione or Ginny // Tonks or Fleur // Cho or Lavender // Remadora or Wolfstar // Hinny or Romione // the books or the movies // Bellatrix or Narcissa // Sirius or Remus // Draco or Dudley // Hippogriff or Unicorn // Crookshanks or Scabbers // Nimbus or Firebolt // Dobby or Kreacher // the Black family or the Malfoy family // Potions or DADA // Fluffy or Norbert // Fang or Padfoot // Werewolf or Half giant // Moody or Kingsley // Lockhart or Quirrell // Dean or Seamus // Neville or Luna // Owl or Cat // Percy or McLaggen // Umbridge or Voldemort
Tagging: @acciorxses @nymphadorathebubba @jamespotterinskirts @siriusblackinskirts @remuslupininskirts @regulusblackinskirts @i-is-a-fangurl-weeb @couldibeanymorechaotic @kember-writes @cwossiants @marauders-lupin @depressed-barnes @ghost-spidey-deactivated-1013666 @toomanynotifications
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amphxtrite · 3 years ago
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loki laufeyson x reader
warnings: exhaustion
summary: the reader has been overworking themself and needs some time to rest.
a/n: hi stars! I’m back (sorta) I took a break due to busyness and finally got some time on my hands to write a sort of self indulgent blurb, hopefully will be writing more soon.
word count: 754
hope you enjoy.
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“Darling, it’s time to wake up.”
“That’s enough, I know you’re awake, love.”
“No- don’t.” You whisper weakly as your covers are peeled slowly off your face, revealing the bright blinding light shining just past the open blinds.
“No.” You whimper again, turning around to burrow yourself back into your covers, trying to find rest again.
A cool hand comes in contact with your back, and instinctively, you recoil away, causing a long sigh to draw out behind you.
“It’s almost noon, love. You can’t stay in bed forever.” Loki murmurs, inching himself closer to you as you mutter a quiet ‘I know.’
“Then why do you insist on just laying there? I thought you started waking up earlier…” He continues.
“I-I did, but it’s just starting to get to me… I feel exhausted, like I’m losing control of everything.” You sigh, finally flipping over to face Loki.
“Do you think maybe, just for today, we could stay in bed?”
Loki’s face contorts to show his disapproval, but you persist.
“Please, my prince? You can finally read that new book to me. You know, the one you’ve been talking about for ages, but we just never had the time.” You plead, using your boyfriend’s favourite nickname to try and sway him.
Loki looks away for a moment, contemplating your words, he almost decides to say no, but looking back at you, he freezes.
With the sunlight shining more clearly he can see shallow eye bags beginning to form, a sad look in your eyes that poked at his heart to see. You had been working yourself to the bone the last couple of months, but he did have something planned for the two of you today...
“Loki?” You plead again, in an even softer voice.
His eyes darted back up to yours.
Well, reservations can be moved and plans can change.
“Oh you know I could never say no to you.” He sighs, collapsing beside you and flicking his wrist.
In seconds the blinds were closed and the room was dark again.
You beam as bright as you can and throw your arm around Loki’s chest.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You repeat, placing gentle kisses to his icy cold cheek.
Loki chuckles his signature laugh as he situates himself beside you, placing one arm under your neck and the other slung over your hip.
“Anything for you, my love.” He smiles, leaning forward to leave a ghost of a kiss over your forehead.
“You know I hate to see you this overworked, love…” He sighs, beginning to rub circles in your back.
“I know Loki, but I-I just feel so unproductive when I’m not doing anything, especially when I know I could be.” You murmur.
“But, don’t you think this is too much love, you’re working, studying, running from place to place, skipping meals to do more tasks…” Loki pauses.
“Y/n, love. You are one of the strongest people I know, but you’re pushing your limits to the max, it’s not healthy love. Please, maybe try to slow down?” He finishes, looking deep into your eyes.
“Loki.” You sigh, your lips pursing softly as you attempt to pull back.
“Please darling, I know you love what you do, but you must take more care of yourself, it wouldn’t hurt to eat some breakfast, or take some breaks while you’re studying.”
Loki is the one pleading now, hoping you will agree so he can worry a little less and spend a little more time with you.
Your eyes slowly soften at Loki’s caring gaze and with a slight hesitation you take a deep breath.
“You know I can never say no to you.” You laugh weakly, moving your hand into Loki’s soft hair and guiding him downwards to you.
Your lips meet in a gentle kiss, Loki tilting his head forward gently as he closes his eyes and breathes you in.
“Thank you.” He murmurs as you pull apart.
“Now, about that book.” Loki smirks, using his magic to summon the old book that had been at the top of his list of things to show you for a while now.
Readjusting himself so he could hold the book up while still grasping onto you he grins as he feels you cuddle yourself into him and with great enthusiasm he begins reading.
You latch onto his every word, his silky voice leaving you in a trance like state as you float in between the realms of sleep and wake, grateful every second that you had your prince to care for you when you couldn’t.
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
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this is the offical ‘i care’ symbol this is how it works: basically you reblog this and your followers know that you care and that they can message you about anything anon or not and you will reply back or at least look at there message. if you care about your followers please reblog
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
aww i will my love!! make sure you’re taking care of your beautiful self as well okay!! <333
hi my love!!! how've you been?? its been forever!!
i’ve been good!! busy, but good!! missed you🤍🥺
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
hi my love!!! how've you been?? its been forever!!
i’ve been good!! busy, but good!! missed you🤍🥺
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
BABY how've you been??
ahh so sorry i haven’t been on!! i’m okay, busy with school how are you??
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
i’m gonna miss you mimi thank you for all your love and support you are a joy and i wish you the best!!🤍
hello to all my followers and lovely supporters!
I'm making this post to inform you that this account will no longer be active (I might log in from time to time but it's highly unlikely).
a semi-explanation will be provided along with my new blogs under the cut.
as I've mentioned briefly before, writing hp requests has started to lose its flare and before it completely vanishes I'd like to take a break so I don't end up hating something I'm fond of. I apologise to all that like my writings but it's a decision I have made and you're going to have to accept it lol.
I won't deactivate or delete this blog since there are some who'd like my works to remain and I've created gc's that people use to interact with each other and consider it a safe space.
I have made other blogs which I will be very active on and they are @nikis-mum ( kpop blog ) and @gojos-simp ( anime blog ) for those of you who are interested in these things or would still like to keep in touch with me :)
I have to say I really enjoyed this blog and it was great meeting all of you and interacting with yous and my lovely mutuals but all good things must come to an end eventually, it doesn't help that my new school year has started too and I'm having to do advanced studies since I'm getting older.
to all my mutuals that I've made here, I appreciate all of you taking the time out of your day to interact with me, talk to me and befriend me, I love you all and keep doing great <33
I hope you all remain in great health, take care, stay safe, keep yourself hydrated and remember I'm proud and love all of you always! you don't ever need to hesitate to talk to me on my other blogs, you'll always be welcome <3
tagging mutuals to boost? this : @gothboutique @bellatrixscurls @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @daisyyy2516 @acosmis-t @randomoutsiders @sunder-soul @sk1fanfiction @vero-voldemort @gold-russh @ladyvesuvia @heesunminies @vixen @amphxtrite @wonderful-writes
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
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i. battre le fer pendant qu’il est chaud
pairing: george weasley x fem!french!reader
word count: 1.1k
taglist google form
summary: beautiful foreign girl? check. nothing but time? check. single british bachelor? check. strike the iron while it’s hot, my friend.
warnings: canadian french (bc that’s all i know smh), swearing, and mentions of food. if i missed anything, please lmk!
Entering the quiet café made his tense shoulders relax. There was just a soothing air about the small, unmarked cafe. He found peace in places like this; the calming aroma, the soft voices of the other patrons, the overall vibe, if you will. It was perfect. He loved all the little cafés back home in England, and he’d become a frequent customer at most of the places, so it was a nice change of pace to come here. Not only because it was all shiny and new, but because it was French.
George Weasley was in Paris indefinitely (to discuss making Weasley Wizard Wheezes a franchise, with some interested French business people), and it was his first day in the City of Lights, so he decided to stop by a small café; the kind of café you see in magazines, and read about in romance novels. So much happened in the novels he buried his nose in; people fell in love, bonded, broke apart, and got back together in places like these. There was gently curling ivy climbing up the walls outside, and soft light shining through the black French windows. You’d expect all the ‘hipster’ people to go to a place like this, but then again, who said George wasn’t?
He found a table, out of the way, and by a window; the perfect spot, in his opinion. He found it comforting to have an eye on the whole café, even though he’d be focused on work things. He began pulling out all the paperwork he’d have to go over the next day, when the most striking girl walked up to him.
“Hello, bonjour.” she smiled, taking George’s breath away. “Um, bonjour,” he started, completely forgetting that English was his first language. The woman smiled, obviously knowing that he wasn’t a Francophone. “Pourrais-je vous intéresser à un café aujourd’hui, mon beau monsieur?” She apparently decided to have some fun with him, expecting him to not know a lick of French, but he knew that one key word in there, ‘beau’; handsome, pretty, beautiful.
He crossed his arms over his chest, and smiled up at her. “So, you think I’m pretty? Well, the feeling’s mutual, love.” He ended the sentence with his signature wink, sending shivers down the waitress’s spine. “I’m sorry, sir, if I overstepped in any way, please, you can speak to my manager-”
“It’s alright, love. You didn’t overstep anything, don’t worry.” he put a hand up, assuring her that there was no harm done, although most of his attention was on the way she laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck and looking at her shoes. It was only then that he noticed the small necklace around her neck; it was a silver chain with a charm that read ‘Ombrelune’ in cursive. ‘It can’t be,’ he thought to himself. ‘Of all the beautiful women that could’ve caught my eye, this one happens to be a witch. A very sweet, attractive, French witch.”
He cleared his throat and leaned forward intently, resting his head in his hands. “So, is it true you shoot an arrow across a room to get sorted?” He was quite curious. Her face flushed and her head whipped around quickly, hoping that no one could hear the subject matter of their conversation. “Yes, I did, and it shone blue, as you could probably tell by my necklace. And I'm assuming you’re a Gryffindor? Your, oh shit, what’s the word; that thing around your neck,” She motioned to his upper body. “Scarf,” He smiled, admiring her more by the second. “Scarf, yes, your scarf gives it away,” She gestured to his outfit, her eyes sweeping along his body, drinking him in like the tall drink of water that he was.
George couldn’t help but look down at what he was wearing, and remembered that he was donning his old school scarf with a charcoal double breasted coat, grey toned checkered trousers and a clunky pair of Doc Martens boots; basically, he looked like he came straight off of a runway. She giggled at his motions, knowing full well that receiving a compliment about one’s clothes makes one look down to see what they’re wearing, and also having done it herself many times.
‘Damn, her smile lights up this whole place, doesn’t it?’ George thought to himself, getting lost in her striking eyes; he’d never seen any like them before. The way they seemed to look into the very centre of him, the way they shone when she smiled; it was intoxicating.
He snapped out of his trance when he heard a snobby looking man in a stark, professional uniform snap his fingers at the lovely woman in front of him, urging her to get back to work. She suddenly stood straight as an arrow, and held her notepad and pen at attention, assuming the position of a hardworking, welcoming waitress. “Je suis très désolé- oh, sorry, um, could I take your order?” Her smile was inviting, yet her eyes showed her annoyance.
“Uh, I’ll take latte, and a pain du chocolat, s’il vous plaît," He acted all snooty when he said ‘les mots en français’, making her giggle and shake her head, while she jotted down his order. “Hey, is your manager bothering you?” George pointed at the haughty man by the kitchen, a feeling of disdain in his stomach towards the guy; how dare he be so rude to such an amazing person?
“Ah, alas, he’s always like that,” She shrugged, clearing nearby tables so she could stay closeby. “Well, that’s not ok! Have you ever tried to do something about it?” His concern was growing now. “Oh, well, c’est la vie, non?” She smiled softly at the ground with a tray of dirty dishes in her arms.
“Hold on, what does that mean? The say lah vee? I’ve heard it so many times, but I have no idea what it means,” George laughed softly, kind of feeling like an idiot, but who cares anyway? “Oh, ‘C’est la vie’? It means, uh, how do you say it in English, um, ‘That’s life’, or ‘Such is life’.” She started turning to go to the back of the cafe, when George called after her.
“Wait, what’s your name? You, uh, never told me your name.” He became a bit shy when some of the other customers looked their way. She smiled sweetly, and stated, “Y/N. My name is Y/N. And what might you call yourself, mon beau monsieur?” Her smile only grew when he responded with. “George. George Weasley. A pleasure to meet you, Y/N.”
general/twins/series taglist: @ur-local-reality-shifter @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @voidmalfoy @daltonacademia @freddieweasleyswife @amphxtrite @yourlocalspencerreidsimp @luvshack @henqtic @chaoswalkinq @slytherclawbitch @nerdyblogger06 @horrorxweasley @mollysolo @hufflepuffalice
if your url is crossed out, i wasn't able to tag you </3
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
hello my love!! i just wanted to check up on you and see how you're doin!! how's school goin? i start on thursday, and imma be in grade 12 smh. scary.
have you eaten today? drank enough water? i hope you're doing great, and i hope you know i love you so so much!! <333
hello my darling set for the late response! i’m good!! starting school on tuesday ahh my first class is physics so i’m a lil nervous i’ve eaten and drank today don’t worry but you better have too!!!!! love you more my darling🤍🤍
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amphxtrite · 4 years ago
things have changed.
first and foremost, i want to thank you for 700, when i started this blog it never occurred to me that i might grow to this size. while this may seem meager to some, it is monumental to me. you all have helped me improve my writing immensely and allowed me to express myself in ways i have never previously been able to before. there will be a more formal post for 700 later, but in the meantime: i love you all monumentally, thank you for being here.
secondly, i would like to acknowledge that with growth comes change. as i have come to write for multiple fandoms, i feel like my username shouldn’t be as strongly affiliated with the harry potter fandom. this is a decision that i have struggled to make for a while now. as attached as i have become to my username, i know that it is time for a change. just because it is necessary doesn’t mean it’s any less hard, and imaslutforremuslupin will always hold a special place in my heart. but as we hit this milestone we also enter into a new era.
imaslutforremuslupin is dionysian–mysteries
in addition to renaming my account, i have created a new account to replace my taglist. @dionysian–mysteries–library  is where i will be reblogging all of my fics, i will still have a masterlist on this account and all my fics will still be posted to this account, this is for the people who are only interested in my fics and not my little rambles/interacting with me.
(reblogs to spread the word are much appreciated)
tagging some mutials under the cut.
Keep reading
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