#💮 » To Answer Your Inquiry... // «Answered Asks»
clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @thirdwave-mtr dares to ask; ❝ [ × ] It's a sigh that's loudly comes from Raphael's throat that breaks the silence of the nearing empty classroom, and he honestly hadn't expected it'd come out at all. But the heavy wonder of how Lucifer can do it is beyond him, like it always was. He can barely do certain errands these days without wondering of another profession, even just offhandedly. But with the situations around the Devildom just more amplified and intense versions of what he'd known once upon a time, he tries to just take deep breaths. It's best to day less.
But only for so long. “Lucifer." Raphael addresses the raven haired demon directly. "You keep fretting over everyone else, but you won’t even take a second to relax, yourself." Somethings never change. Was left unsaid, because it would be inappropriate to Raphael after already disturbing the other. ❞
     From Exhaustion Starters
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     ›› It was a morning that started like any other; the brothers were all put into line, all besides Leviathan were filed off to RAD, and Lucifer had begun his day studying in earnest. Of course his brothers had to be disciplined often, kept on track, their meager bickering and whining dealt with. To him it was hardly anything beyond the ordinary, so when Raphael pointed out that he seemed to be ignoring his own needs, he could not help but wear a frown for a brief moment. The answer he gave in turn really was all he needed to say;
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    ❝ If I don't keep them in line, who will? ❞
     ›› Those words were spoken with ease for they carried the weight to fend off most other types of rebuttal; it was the unfortunate truth that Lucifer was saddled with the responsibility, no matter what any had to say about it. The brothers were his charge to care for as they had been for centuries. Nothing short of divine miracles would change that fact, but he could still have a bit of fun in his swiftly-appended retort that fell from lips pulled up in a knowing smirk.
    ❝ Are you offering to take my place for the day, Raphael? How surprisingly kind of you. ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @deprcvities dares to ask; ❝ 💔💤💯 - Focalor ❞
     From Curious Minds Inquiring
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   » What are three of your oc’s negative traits? — The most prominent and obvious of the negative traits Focalor has is that he is very untrusting. To him, everyone has some kind of ulterior motive, some kind of outcome they want from him, or some means to use him in their own goals for themselves. He's exceedingly critical of positive gestures, and it takes far more of them to actually warm him up. He is also self-destructive. As he is, Focalor believes there is nothing good left for him, having lost all he ever knew and loved when he fell; he won't fear anything or anyone that brings him pain, because to him, there is no fate worse than what he's already been condemned to live. Finally, he is extremely ill-tempered and quick to anger. Being a man with limitless time to live has actually worn his patience to the bone, and now he's swift to dismiss others or shut down conversations he doesn't like (which tend to be a lot) or just snap outright at the source of his ire with unfiltered, unrestrained verbal venom.
   » Is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? How are their sleeping habits? — What he does can barely be described as "sleeping" most of the time. Usually he takes very light naps where he can immediately wake up if needed, up until his body forces him to finally get something resembling a few hours of rest; it's only in these crashing periods that Focalor sleeps so deeply that nothing short of a world-shaping cataclysmic event will rouse him. He neglects sleeping due to his constant suspicion of demons, and always feeling unsafe, unable to trust being so vulnerable.
   » Share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. — Something Focalor does to contain his anger when he is alone is fold origami, and he tends to carry some paper around on him for this purpose. He's actually undeniably talented at it too, making intricate, interlocking pieces that are whole works of art unto themselves.
Despite what people may think by his appearance, Focalor is strong. He trains at a gym nearly every day, and this puts him in a tier of physical prowess near Beelzebub; while he isn't as strong as the Avatar of Gluttony, he's nothing to scoff at either.
Focalor can communicate with birds of any kind, and can perfectly mimic nearly every species of bird calls — even down to the various subtle nuances that distinguish what they mean. He can sometimes be found by the pier speaking in bird tongues with the very avians perched there and giving them signs when they can swoop in and steal food from passersby.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @dancinghearts​ dares to ask; ❝ Oh look, there's a Ren slowly cuddling up to Lucifer. It seems he wants some attention from the eldest. "I...I made some coffee. And some snacks too. Uhm, would you like to join me?" ❞
     Unprompted Ask! || Always Accepting!
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     ›› How endless the pile of work was, just as it always had been. The sound of his pen scratching on paper was never ceasing, attention so focused on reports and scheduling and planning that he had not even touched his D.D.D. unless it was something from Diavolo or Barbatos. It was a rare day of quiet and he had planned to take full advantage of whatever time he could get; so was the plan anyways until he heard his office door creak open, the sight of a familiar human slipping through at the edge of his vision. He had pretended to not take notice until he felt a warmth against his arm, prompting the faintest of smiles along his lips when he heard Ren's words. Come to think of it, when was the last time he had anything to eat?
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    ❝ You always seem to know exactly what I need, Ren. Thank you, ❞ ›› Lucifer replied in a calmer tone than usual. One of his gloved hands raised after he spoke to brush the human's hair back a bit; he recalled the other enjoyed "head pats," and so he sought to employ some here as a gesture of appreciation and affection. ❝ Come to steal some time with me, have you? Hm... I suppose I have made better headway on my work than usual today, given how peaceful it has been for the most part... It would not hurt to set this aside for now and focus on you for a while. That’s what you came for, isn’t it? ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @devotionobsessed​ ❝ "A break you say?" Barbatos was quite surprised over such a suggestion, eyes blinking at Diavolo. "I'm much more content being at your side Lord Diavolo." He smiles, though he meant every word of what he speaks. He felt quite lost if he wasn't serving his young lord. "Have I become that much of an annoyance to you, is that what you're trying to tell me?" His lips fall into a frown at the thought, hoping he was succeeding in making Diavolo happy but perhaps he was mistaken. ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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     ›› It was an understandable — and predictable — response. Barbatos worked himself to the bone every day, tirelessly, perfectly; a lot of that work came from Diavolo getting a bit sidetracked in his whims, and it only dawned on him when Lucifer had made an off-handed comment about how Barbatos was beelining every which way the past few days. When Barbatos had finished speaking, he was met with a warm and gentle chuckle from the depths of Diavolo's chest, a show that he was not mad or upset in the slightest.
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    ❝ It's that very concern that made me ask such a thing of you, ❞ ›› he started with a nod, setting his pen down in its inkwell. ❝ Lucifer brought up a fantastic point; I've run you ragged due to my own negligence, Barbatos. Even if you enjoy the work, I can't just wear you down without considering your physical health too. I'd like you just to take a small break to do something that isn’t just your tasks; I promise I'll keep myself focused on my own schedule, even if it means inconveniencing Lucifer for a bit to have him verbally lash me in your stead. ❞
     ›› At this point he would stand up and make his way over to his ever-loyal butler, a strong hand reached forth to rest on the other's shoulder in a comforting way. He really did mean it, having stuck true to his promise to never tell a lie.
    ❝ If even that's unacceptable, then why don't I come with you? It doesn't have to be for the whole day — even just a couple of hours to help you recharge will put my mind at ease. Ah, here's a suggestion; Asmodeus extended an offer to me to visit a spa that's running a new volcanic ash mud bath routine for a limited time. I had to decline due to my work load, but why don't we make the time to go together? I hear it does wonders for the muscles and makes all your tension melt away! ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @pluviacuratio​ ❝ "Take my hand." Xavier! ❞
     From: Random Dialogue Prompts || Always Accepting!
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     ›› Seeing faires roll around was always something Xavier looked forward to; Devildom culture would shine brightest here, fun facts and tidbits would crop up with history lessons, and to top it off he would have the chance to make irreplaceable memories with those he cared for. It just so happened that Bella had invited him to come along to this one, a faire dedicated to the demons of the deepest forests and celebrating their myriad of ways they protected and nurtured the lands of the Devildom. Many rare herbs would be available for purchase, and he would not miss his chance to grow his arboretum — and with all the brothers disinterested (except for Satan, who was elsewhere) — it fell to Xavier to keep an eye on her.
     ›› It was about when they arrived that Bella had extended a hand to him and asked him to take it; a very sound idea to make sure they didn't get separated. So his own half-gloved hand slipped in to hers and held on firmly, his green-hazel eyes shimmering with delight.
    ❝ Of course! ❞ ›› he spoke with a beaming glow on his face. ❝ That way, we wont be separated. But I might still end up drifting a bit if we run across any rare plants, so I apologize in advance...! ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @ofcryptid dares to ask; ❝ 🍛 CURRY AND RICE, 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS, ☕️ HOT BEVERAGE for lucifer & diavolo! ( spencer in the bg taking notes ) ❞
     From Curious Minds Inquiring
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   » What does your [character]'s typical dinner look like? Do they usually eat dinner? — If Lucifer isn't entirely occupied by work, he might remember to get some dinner; it's the meal closest to the end of the day, so it's the hardest to miss for him. When he does have dinner, he tries to balance it as much as he possibly can in terms of food groups — gotta make up for the meals he misses somehow. … But you might catch that he sneaks in some kind of spicy addition here or there often times. He can't help but crave it often.
   » What is your [character]’s favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? — The more vintage the Demonus, the better. He prefers the dry variants the most, but he won't complain if he gets a sweeter one. He's also ended up developing a taste for aged human world whiskey, even if it can't get him drunk at all; he simply finds the complexity of the taste quite delightful.
   » Does your [character] prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? How do they like to take this drink? — Lucifer is someone who will take both coffee and tea... sometimes at the same time. His favourite drink is actually a blend of oolong tea mixed with black, dark-roasted coffee. When he is taking his tea, he prefers black tea that has been brewed to have a strong flavour, but will accept rooibos or oolong teas if they have a stronger body. Lucifer always takes his coffee plain with a darker roast, with nothing else added.
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   » What does your [character]'s typical dinner look like? Do they usually eat dinner? — Diavolo's dinners are usually prepared by Barbatos around the same time every day, so he always has something balanced out. If he had a choice though, he'd prefer a dish a bit heavier on the meats and spices, with something fruity to finish it out.
   » What is your [character]’s favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? — Discounting the obvious of Demonus, there is a particular brand of Devildom-type rum brewed from nightmare sugarcane known as Kelpie's Secrets he is very fond of, though it's sold exclusively to a select group of nobility on custom order.
   » Does your [character] prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? How do they like to take this drink? — Tea is his usual go-to; there's so many variants for all sorts of situations, but herbal and green teas are his usual choices — though he is known to enjoy Pu-erh tea from the human world when it comes around. When it comes to other beverages, Diavolo is known to indulge in coffee dressed with shadow bovine's milk and abyssal vanilla creamer topped with fresh-ground magma cinnamon, and when Barbatos isn't looking he'll happily chug down various brands of fruity, bubbly sodas. (Much to his butler's chagrin.)
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @sinfvlwishs dares to ask; ❝ 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? 🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level(beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? 🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type? 💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? 🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? ( for xavier cuz i noticed u mentioned getting some for ur ocs too 👀 ) ❞
     From Curious Minds Inquiring
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   » What is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? — Xavier in his current state would be an ENFJ-T type on the MBTI charts; he used to be more Introverted, but as he opened up more and mingled with the demons of the Devildom, he became more Extroverted (but still enjoys Introversion now and again.) For Enneagram, he scores most highly as 2, The Helper, but he also scores highly as 3, The Achiever, and 1, The Reformer. (I do not know other tests, so unfortunately these are all I have, sorry!)
   » Does your oc play any instruments? What is their skill level(beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? — Even though he likes to use his hands a lot, he struggles with playing instruments. His hands are a little too small for most instruments, and while he has an ear for music, he's very bad at actually translating it into playing something. (Strangely, whenever he idly plays piano, the slow notes he does play are melodic and pleasant to hear, like waltzes. But he'll immediately get flustered and stop if you speak up.)
   » What is your oc's blood type? — Xavier's blood type is AB! There have been some jokes that this is "too coincidental," but he just rolls with it.
   » How many languages does your oc speak? What language(s) are they learning, if any? — Before the Devildom, he only spoke English natively, and intermediate-level Japanese. Now he's got a grasp on Japanese, Finnish, Gaelic, and the ancient Demon's Tongue (alongside knowing how to fluently write Devildom Script.)
   » When is your oc's birthday? How old are they? — Xavier's birthday falls on March 10th, and upon arriving in the Devildom he was 26. However, after succeeding in crafting the mythical Elixir of Eternity, Xavier's age becomes unknown from that point on, though he visibly appears to be stuck at late twenties to early thirties in human years.
   » What are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? — His Sun is Pisces, while his Moon is Cancer, and his Rising Sign is Aquarius!
   » What about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? — If Xavier had any tarot card, he would be The Star, a force of positivity and endurance, but also of self-doubt and fear. As for his ruling planet, his would be Neptune due to his star sign of Pisces. As for his ruling number, 3 has always been associated with him in some form or fashion.
   » Do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? — For the most part! Though he isn't quite as stubborn as Rising Star Aquarius is often thought to be, and is far more on the empathetic side of his two other signs — for better or for worse.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @sinfvlwishs dares to ask; ❝ 🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons? 🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise?
( lucifer! ) ❞
     From Curious Minds Inquiring
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   » Does your [character] know how to use any weapons? — Lucifer is an expert at brandishing both short and long swords (enough so that he was known to effortlessly utilize long swords with one hand,) and his training with flails has helped him transition into using whips in the Devildom. While he seldom wields anything but the whip now, he can sometimes be seen keeping his skills honed with blades on occasion.
   » Does your [character] know cpr? Do they have any other medical expertise? — While demons do not have traditional healing magicks unlike angels and humans, they do know how to utilize negative energies to patch up their bodies. Lucifer is very skilled in this area of magic solely due to his brothers' constant injuries, but he is also trained by Barbatos in more traditional methods such as creating stints out of whatever is on hand, and unspoken tricks to make gauze more effective. He absolutely can preform CPR too, but you will find a stern lecture at the other end of it if you survive all his strength bearing down on your chest … And don't even THINK of making a mouth-to-mouth joke.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @ofcryptid dares to ask; ❝ ❛ hey, can i come in? ❜ a pause for lucifer to agree after they've knocked on his door. with a lavish and overexaggerated swing, their voice raises a bit. ❛ — i'm a vampire and you shouldn't have done that! ❜ ❞
     Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting!
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     ›› After Spencer threw wide his office door, the eldest of the lords would sit there, a gaze on his face that could only be described as equal parts dumbfounded and irritated. THAT is what they wanted to tell him so urgently?
    ❝ Are you through with this nonsense, or will I be bringing out the garlic to send you away? ❞
     ›› It was his way of saying he got that it was a joke, but he wanted Spencer to get the sweet hell out of his office all the same unless they needed something actually important.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @xamassed dares to ask; ❝ 🍺 ( xavier and mammon! ) ❞
     From Caught Drunk
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     ›› Human world alcohol was such a rarity these days — with him living in the Devildom for quite some time now and the infrequency of visits to his old world on top of the fact demons couldn't really enjoy mundane alcohol, there was never a reason to get any. However Xavier had been gifted ( or rather, he had become the unwilling recipient of ) some when a witch had thrust a box in to his hands and told him to enjoy the contents because she certainly wasn't. It was a curious encounter, but it left him with quite a few bottles of some top-shelf rum and seltzers that he was rather curious to taste-test.
     ›› The rum was tried first, and after a few sips he decided that was definitely not his speed on its own so he moved to a seltzer — and BOY was that a winner. The bubbly, fruity taste masked the strong kick of alcohol enough that he found himself treating it like any other beverage; it was this misguided judgment that left Xavier a couple whole bottles deep and slumped back in his chair as a giggly mess, face flushed a bright red, eyes darting around the ceiling where his various little floral lamps hung until he heard his door open. The sight of a familiar white-haired demon stepping inside brought a wide smile to his lips as he scrambled up out of his chair with swaying, uneven motions.
    ❝ Maaaaammooooooooon~! ❞ ›› Xavier's coo slurred out as he closed the gap between them, immediately throwing all measly one-hundred-and-fifteen pounds against his boyfriend and wrapping both of his arms firmly around Mammon's own in a surprisingly clingy, almost possessive manner despite his warm and sunny, sloppy grin.
    ❝ Myyyyyy handsome and lovely and... pretty and sweet... and super cool Mammooooon~ Theeeere you areeeee! You took... you took so loooong but that's okaaay because I forgive you, and I forgive you so much... 'cause you're Mammon and you're my Mammon... Ehehehe~ ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @kismetkiss​ dares to ask; ❝ Solomon awakens, realizing he had fell asleep and even more surprising he was curled into Satan's sleeping form as well on the couch. He couldn't help the warmth engulfing his face. Last thing the sorcerer remembers was reading about forbidden rituals and discussing it with the demon, looks like they fell asleep as they did so.
However, as the human watches Satan sleep, a smile comes across his face. Cute. He was really cute looking so peaceful like that. Solomon was unable to resist reaching out and stroking his hair gently.
Solomon leans in a little, tempted to brush his lips against the demon's cheek, however he almost immediately pulls back when seeing Satan's eyes open. His heart raced a mile a minute, but he plays it off with a soft laugh.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." The sorcerer teased, "Looks like we fell asleep during our discussion. You can go home if you're tired, I don't mind. We can always continue this tomorrow." He was always eager to make time to spend with Satan. ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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     ›› Sleep was something Satan was willing to sacrifice days of to achieve what he wanted; it was a common sight to watch him go a few days fueled entirely on coffee and spite just to devise a new trick to catch Lucifer up in, or face-deep in new books and tomes. A well rested Satan rarely stopped for much... except, this time he had. Warmth had enveloped his chest — a strange warmth he wasn't familiar with but wasn't quite opposed to either — and before he realized it his eyes had grown heavy, as though safely capable of closing. Then, silence.
     ›› The warmth never faded; it shifted and grew, but never once did he feel that usual cold emptiness. The shuffling of cloth graced his ears every so often, but it wasn't for a while yet until he finally begun to stir. A low, airy hum left his chest as his head turned to seek the source of the voice; it caused him to look down, eyelids fluttering open a bit and —
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     ›› Well the gasp followed by his cheeks dying a deep crimson probably spoke louder than any words he could have said. The sight of Solomon looking up at him flush to his own body, teasing him verbally about the fact he had somehow managed to pass out in the middle of their studying... Wait. No, perhaps that's exactly why, he realized. The smooth, sweet voice Solomon had, the way he murmured so soothingly, the way his smile lit Satan's heart up so easily... He must have lulled off from being surrounded by a peaceful comfort, a presence he had come to enamor to the point his body had sought to find respite against the human's own. When? How? Questions that would remain unanswered for now as he focused on regaining a semblance of composure.
     ›› He'd clear his throat quietly and look away, his attempt to "focus" really just ending up like a flustered pout over how he was made so easily and ended up not bothered in the slightest by how they ended up.
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    ❝ … N-... No. I... We can continue. ❞ ( Continue just like this, ) ›› his mind begged his lips to say. ❝ … I can go make us some coffee to help wake us up. And some breakfast too. What would you want? ❞ ( Why can't you just say it, Satan? Why won't you just say you didn't want him to get up just yet? )
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @kismetkiss dares to ask;  ❝ Barbatos made sure to invite Xavier over, wanting to give his gift in person. He'd go up to the human and hand over the wrapped gift to the human. Inside, Xavier would find rock and metal CDs having heard it something he enjoyed.
"I hope this is to your liking, I had heard these genres were your favorite after all." A smile as he ushers the human to follow after him, where in the dining room an array of food was prepared for his visit.
"I was given permission to prepare this surprise for you as well, I thought this would be a pleasant.... christmas surprise." A light blush dusted the butler's cheeks.
"I do hope you enjoy." ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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     ›› The initial gift alone got a surprised little gasp out of Xavier; in all the years prior to his arrival to the Devildom, he'd genuinely forgotten what it felt like to receive a gift from someone, let alone a gift actually tailored to him in any fashion. Plus they were genres the two seemed to share, meaning he could make the whole thing even sweeter by listening to them with Barbatos — or so he aimed to do before he was guided elsewhere. Did Barbatos read his mind and want to put them on? The answer he got though left him... speechless at first.
     ›› He was frozen on the spot when his eyes landed on the food laid out before them, Barbatos' words shooting right to the core of the human's heart. For a moment there was no reaction, only silence... and then a few tears snaked down his cheeks. A few more followed, a choked little gasping splutter following, his whole face flush — but not upset. The little smile that clung to his lips told Barbatos that what he had done touched a deep part of Xavier, even if the gesture may have seen mundane to others.
     ❝ Barbatos... ❞ ›› Xavier would exhale before he turned swiftly. Both of his arms threw themselves around Barbatos' torso, pulling him flush for something between a cuddle and a hug as tear-stained eyes buried against the side of his arm.
     ❝ This means so much more... than you know... It's... It's been so long since I... ❞ ›› A small hiccup stopped him as he reached up to dry his tears on his own sleeve, a bit guilty he was getting them on the demon's clothing. ❝ It's been so long since I had... anything for Christmas. Even just being remembered... The fact you did this for me... This means the world to me... Thank you for remembering me... Thank you! I love you so much...! ❞
     ›› It was then he beamed up at Barbatos, his tear-stained cheeks rosy with happiness as he grinned wide despite choking on his breath here and there, sniffling to fight off the runniness of his nose that set in. He really, truly was moved by this; Xavier would certainly need to find a way to pay him back thrice as well now.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » an anonymous being dares to ask; ❝ Xavier, what is your favorite thing about each demon brother? what about them makes you the happiest to think about? ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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    ❝ I have to pick just one? ❞ ›› Xavier would utter sheepishly.
    ❝ Uhm, well... I have so much that I could say about each of them, so I'll try to keep it brief. For Lucifer, I love that no matter how much he tries to hide it, he genuinely does love his brothers and often goes out of his way for them; this includes all the work he takes on to let them enjoy their lives. Isn't that just so amazing? Mammon's really funny to be around and he's always making me laugh with his antics, and he's so sweet underneath that punkish exterior — I might tease him too, but I see all that effort he puts out and I love it! With Levi, I always love hearing him get supercharged about his interests; I could listen to him ramble for ages and never get bored! He's a fount of knowledge on so many cool things, it's always a treat to listen! ❞
    ❝ Then with Satan, I adore how he can be so studious and yet so cute; when he's talking about his favourite books or cats, my heart just melts on the spot from how animated and passionate he gets! Asmodeus is actually really thoughtful too, and his desire to help others see the beauty in themselves is so lovely to watch — even if he tries to hide it with his own narcissism of course. Then there's Beelzebub! He's so kind, his presence in general just makes me feel so much better! I love the lengths he'll go to making his family happy. And Belphegor's always so witty, he gets me giggling a lot with his sly little comments; plus we share a fascination with astrology. It's also very calming to stay around him, because he speaks softly and just naps a lot, so he's a nice respite away from the chaos alongside Lucifer on the rare moments he gets a break. ❞
    ❝ ... Did that answer your question, anonymous voice? I ended up rambling a little bit anyways, eheh... ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » an anonymous being dares to ask; ❝ Aamon, seems like someone left a little care package for you! It’s full of cute self care items and a few small plushies. You take care of others, but remember to take care of yourself too! ❞
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     ›› A package, for him? He did not recall ordering anything from Akuzon recently, nor would anything meant for the Pandᴂmotel show up there. He'd sneak a small peek inside to gauge if its contents were needing any form of investigation, and... Well, yes, they did — but not in public view, not with those contents. With a hurried step he whisked the box away to his private room away from prying gazes and carefully unpacked it all with eyes growing wide, sparkling almost with the heartfelt joy that washed over him. Someone had sent him... a care package. And not only that, they... acknowledged his efforts. A prior attendee? An old friend? He knew so many names and faces in the Devildom that it was impossible to tell, but...
     ›› Already he was lining up the little plushies with the countless others he collected, breaking into one of the snacks and setting a bath bomb aside for later in the night. Oh, whoever this mysterious benefactor was, he would do just about anything to repay them!
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » an anonymous being dares to ask; ❝ how cute, lucifer fell in love with a human! would be a shame if something happened to that human. he seems so little too, so frail and easy to hurt. ❞
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     ›› The demon form was out in the blink of an eye, his smile dripping with positively murderous intent.
    ❝ Should you so much as breathe near them with ill intentions, I will devise a punishment so severe for you that you will beg for death as a relief from your suffering. You shall do well to remember this, little voice. ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » an anonymous being dares to ask; ❝ For your brothers to be happy, huh, Lucifer.. you’re a good older brother. Don’t forget that. :) ❞
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    ❝ Do not test your luck, little voice. I have ways of figuring out who you are. ❞ ›› The blush on his cheeks is pretty undeniable though.
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