#[ Also Satan: *So readable he makes books look unintelligible* ];
clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @kismetkiss​ dares to ask; ❝ Solomon awakens, realizing he had fell asleep and even more surprising he was curled into Satan's sleeping form as well on the couch. He couldn't help the warmth engulfing his face. Last thing the sorcerer remembers was reading about forbidden rituals and discussing it with the demon, looks like they fell asleep as they did so.
However, as the human watches Satan sleep, a smile comes across his face. Cute. He was really cute looking so peaceful like that. Solomon was unable to resist reaching out and stroking his hair gently.
Solomon leans in a little, tempted to brush his lips against the demon's cheek, however he almost immediately pulls back when seeing Satan's eyes open. His heart raced a mile a minute, but he plays it off with a soft laugh.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." The sorcerer teased, "Looks like we fell asleep during our discussion. You can go home if you're tired, I don't mind. We can always continue this tomorrow." He was always eager to make time to spend with Satan. ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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     ›› Sleep was something Satan was willing to sacrifice days of to achieve what he wanted; it was a common sight to watch him go a few days fueled entirely on coffee and spite just to devise a new trick to catch Lucifer up in, or face-deep in new books and tomes. A well rested Satan rarely stopped for much... except, this time he had. Warmth had enveloped his chest — a strange warmth he wasn't familiar with but wasn't quite opposed to either — and before he realized it his eyes had grown heavy, as though safely capable of closing. Then, silence.
     ›› The warmth never faded; it shifted and grew, but never once did he feel that usual cold emptiness. The shuffling of cloth graced his ears every so often, but it wasn't for a while yet until he finally begun to stir. A low, airy hum left his chest as his head turned to seek the source of the voice; it caused him to look down, eyelids fluttering open a bit and —
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     ›› Well the gasp followed by his cheeks dying a deep crimson probably spoke louder than any words he could have said. The sight of Solomon looking up at him flush to his own body, teasing him verbally about the fact he had somehow managed to pass out in the middle of their studying... Wait. No, perhaps that's exactly why, he realized. The smooth, sweet voice Solomon had, the way he murmured so soothingly, the way his smile lit Satan's heart up so easily... He must have lulled off from being surrounded by a peaceful comfort, a presence he had come to enamor to the point his body had sought to find respite against the human's own. When? How? Questions that would remain unanswered for now as he focused on regaining a semblance of composure.
     ›› He'd clear his throat quietly and look away, his attempt to "focus" really just ending up like a flustered pout over how he was made so easily and ended up not bothered in the slightest by how they ended up.
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    ❝ … N-... No. I... We can continue. ❞ ( Continue just like this, ) ›› his mind begged his lips to say. ❝ … I can go make us some coffee to help wake us up. And some breakfast too. What would you want? ❞ ( Why can't you just say it, Satan? Why won't you just say you didn't want him to get up just yet? )
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