#💠 «XAVIER» ▸▸ Sweet Little Sheep 𒁍
clavicula-ovis · 2 years
𒁍 His Language of Love »
How does he speak to you? He speaks...
   » … With His Words — Leviathan ✦ Satan ✦ Solomon ✦ Barbatos ✦ Mammon ›› It's in the way he talks, the words he shares with you, the notes he leaves for you. Language is his canvas, and he paints in fluid, grand strokes; whether he is singing your praises or murmuring sweet nothings, you know he means every word. Beware if he grows silent and reserved, for that signals discontent — and a sign you are no longer his muse.
   » … With His Gaze — Lucifer ✦ Focalor ✦ Simeon ✦ Beelzebub ›› It's in the way he looks at you; whether watching as you float across the room going about your tasks, observing how your face crinkles when you laugh, or trying to discern what has hurt you, his eyes always return to you at the end of the day. He grows restless if he hasn't seen you, and just your presence near him can melt away his tensions. Beware if he adverts his gaze elsewhere often however, for he may find looking upon you to be a taxing and unpleasant thing to his heart.
   » … With His Touch — Xavier ✦ Diavolo ✦ Simeon ✦ Aamon ✦ Asmodeus ›› It's in the way he craves intimate contact with you; his hands always find their way towards you, his lips yearn to leave little kisses, always wanting to soothe your body and bask in your warmth. Whether it is little cuddling sessions, embracing you close to drive away your fears, or frittering the hours away with passionate making out, he can never have his fill of everything that encompasses you in the physical form. Beware if his hands stay to himself though, for he may have grown cold and wish to devote them to someone else.
   » … With His Gifts — Diavolo ✦ Mammon ✦ Leviathan ✦ Solomon ›› It's in the way he showers you with material goods; you could have uttered a desire for that new set of clothes months ago, or your eyes could have stared at a new magical reagent just a bit too long, but he didn't let that slip his mind. The way your face lights up when he presents his heart in a gift could keep his spirits high for weeks, your reactions always making the hard work to earn that coin worth it. It may seem empty and vain to others, but to him no price is too great to make you happy. Beware if he grows stingy or his gifting becomes rare; he may not place as much value upon you as he once did.
   » … With His Time — Belphegor ✦ Beelzebub ✦ Satan ✦ Focalor ✦ Lucifer ›› It's in the way he values time with you, always wants to indulge in your company, finding comfort in the things he does with you. It could be as simple as a movie date at home with some popcorn to something as profound as long and meaningful conversations as you stroll under the moon's light; it is that shared bond that he values more than anything. Few others will occupy his hours the way you do, and few others will command his attention like you do. Beware if he always seems too busy for you however, for he may have come to regret all that shared time with you.
   » … With His Service — Barbatos ✦ Asmodeus ✦ Xavier ✦ Belphegor ✦ Aamon ›› It's in the way he always helps you; whether it be a task to help ease your burdens to going out of his way to do something for you, he lets his actions speak his love for you in place of his words. You don't even have to ask him much any more, he can just tell from a glance at your body language or the tone you used when he should step in and offer you a pillar to lean on with his help. Seeing the relief wash over you, hearing your relaxed sigh, watching as the dark clouds over you vanish when he had been able to help you is what makes it all worth it. Beware if he seems deaf to your pleas for aid though, for he may have come to believe you are no longer worth the effort.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @xamassed Anita has stumbled across a unique arboretum;
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     ›› The outskirts of the Devildom's capitol offered a peace from the bustling city's chaotic goings-on, and it would be reasonable for someone to vanish into its shadowy embrace for a time to regain their bearings. What the outskirts also offered, however, was an old, cared-for arboretum — a mystical, colourful stretch of land dotted with greenhouses of many shapes and sizes fronted by a shop that sold some of the flora as either apothecary reagents, or as blends for tea. The grounds exuded an absolutely tantalizing scent, sweet and mellow and yet rich in unfiltered magic, the rustle of the various trees' leaves like a symphony on the winds.
     ›› On this particular day a young man could be seen tending to the flora that existed on the property, a hefty steel cart being wheeled at his side by an enchantment that made it follow like a servant. Fertilizer here, pruning tools there, a special water to moisten the soil if necessary — he was so deep in his work, it would take one of the many alarum bell blossoms scattered about to chime to get his attention, it seemed.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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    「 Have you applied your therapy sheep today? 」
    ( I was absolutely obsessing over this thought and I just HAD to get it out before it rotted my brain from the inside-out. Baby's first dumb meme. Please do not perceive it too closely, it's extremely sloppy and rushed because I just REALLY wanted to doodle it. )
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @pluviacuratio​ ❝ "Take my hand." Xavier! ❞
     From: Random Dialogue Prompts || Always Accepting!
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     ›› Seeing faires roll around was always something Xavier looked forward to; Devildom culture would shine brightest here, fun facts and tidbits would crop up with history lessons, and to top it off he would have the chance to make irreplaceable memories with those he cared for. It just so happened that Bella had invited him to come along to this one, a faire dedicated to the demons of the deepest forests and celebrating their myriad of ways they protected and nurtured the lands of the Devildom. Many rare herbs would be available for purchase, and he would not miss his chance to grow his arboretum — and with all the brothers disinterested (except for Satan, who was elsewhere) — it fell to Xavier to keep an eye on her.
     ›› It was about when they arrived that Bella had extended a hand to him and asked him to take it; a very sound idea to make sure they didn't get separated. So his own half-gloved hand slipped in to hers and held on firmly, his green-hazel eyes shimmering with delight.
    ❝ Of course! ❞ ›› he spoke with a beaming glow on his face. ❝ That way, we wont be separated. But I might still end up drifting a bit if we run across any rare plants, so I apologize in advance...! ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
𒁍 Which Rage Language Are You?
Taken From / Inspired By : @pluviacuratio
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💠 Xavier 💠
𒁍 Open the Floodgates
▸ Your frustration turns into tears quickly. The strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. You hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. You can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
🗡️ Focalor 🗡️
𒁍 Step Back
▸ Usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. But, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and I pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. It's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. It's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
⛓️ Aamon ⛓️
𒁍 The Regina George
▸ Someone hurts you or pisses you off, and you don't do anything. at first. But you hold that feeling of rage in your chest for weeks after the fact, acting nice but silently hating their guts, pretending like all is forgiven until you can ruin their life and hurt them the way they hurt you. It's calculated. but when you've executed your revenge, will you be satisfied?
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @sinfvlwishs dares to ask; ❝ 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? 🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level(beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? 🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type? 💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? 🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? ( for xavier cuz i noticed u mentioned getting some for ur ocs too 👀 ) ❞
     From Curious Minds Inquiring
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   » What is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? — Xavier in his current state would be an ENFJ-T type on the MBTI charts; he used to be more Introverted, but as he opened up more and mingled with the demons of the Devildom, he became more Extroverted (but still enjoys Introversion now and again.) For Enneagram, he scores most highly as 2, The Helper, but he also scores highly as 3, The Achiever, and 1, The Reformer. (I do not know other tests, so unfortunately these are all I have, sorry!)
   » Does your oc play any instruments? What is their skill level(beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? — Even though he likes to use his hands a lot, he struggles with playing instruments. His hands are a little too small for most instruments, and while he has an ear for music, he's very bad at actually translating it into playing something. (Strangely, whenever he idly plays piano, the slow notes he does play are melodic and pleasant to hear, like waltzes. But he'll immediately get flustered and stop if you speak up.)
   » What is your oc's blood type? — Xavier's blood type is AB! There have been some jokes that this is "too coincidental," but he just rolls with it.
   » How many languages does your oc speak? What language(s) are they learning, if any? — Before the Devildom, he only spoke English natively, and intermediate-level Japanese. Now he's got a grasp on Japanese, Finnish, Gaelic, and the ancient Demon's Tongue (alongside knowing how to fluently write Devildom Script.)
   » When is your oc's birthday? How old are they? — Xavier's birthday falls on March 10th, and upon arriving in the Devildom he was 26. However, after succeeding in crafting the mythical Elixir of Eternity, Xavier's age becomes unknown from that point on, though he visibly appears to be stuck at late twenties to early thirties in human years.
   » What are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? — His Sun is Pisces, while his Moon is Cancer, and his Rising Sign is Aquarius!
   » What about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? — If Xavier had any tarot card, he would be The Star, a force of positivity and endurance, but also of self-doubt and fear. As for his ruling planet, his would be Neptune due to his star sign of Pisces. As for his ruling number, 3 has always been associated with him in some form or fashion.
   » Do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs? — For the most part! Though he isn't quite as stubborn as Rising Star Aquarius is often thought to be, and is far more on the empathetic side of his two other signs — for better or for worse.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @kissespink expected an easy day out with her bestie Xavier, but both ended up tagged alongside quite a pissy man entirely on accident...;
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    ❝ I will not tell you both again. I am not leaving you two unsupervised. I have heard many tales of your exploits, and while I care very little for those around me, I do care about things that will affect my own existence here. ❞
     ›› The two humans would have found them beset by a towering demon that had stumbled across them only earlier; Kiwa and Xavier out in the town always had something go wrong or get chaotic, so naturally prying eyes would eventually find their way to them. Focalor just happened to be in the vicinity and chased off a demon with his sharp tongue alone, and it seemed he deigned it necessary to stick by their sides for the rest of the time they were in the town; any further problems and he'd certainly never hear the end of it from Lucifer if the other caught wind he was nearby and neglected to keep their precious humans from harm. … Even if both were entirely capable of handling themselves.
     ›› This was a bit strange to Xavier; he could care less? So he DID care? The human would reach up to fix his comically oversized witches' hat and look up to the towering demon quizzically.
    ❝ So you do at least care in some capacity, right? I mean, you stepped in and helped us without us asking... ❞
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    ❝ Simply to avoid Lucifer's uptight lectures over your health and how "important" you two are to his family. Do not get cute with me. ❞ ›› Focalor would reply with a huffing exhale.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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    ❝ Nnchhi! Nnchhii! ❞
     ›› Sounds like someone is having a quiet sneezing fit. One would be forgiven for asking where the kitten was with how restrained and squeaky he sounded.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @xamassed dares to ask; ❝ 🍺 ( xavier and mammon! ) ❞
     From Caught Drunk
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     ›› Human world alcohol was such a rarity these days — with him living in the Devildom for quite some time now and the infrequency of visits to his old world on top of the fact demons couldn't really enjoy mundane alcohol, there was never a reason to get any. However Xavier had been gifted ( or rather, he had become the unwilling recipient of ) some when a witch had thrust a box in to his hands and told him to enjoy the contents because she certainly wasn't. It was a curious encounter, but it left him with quite a few bottles of some top-shelf rum and seltzers that he was rather curious to taste-test.
     ›› The rum was tried first, and after a few sips he decided that was definitely not his speed on its own so he moved to a seltzer — and BOY was that a winner. The bubbly, fruity taste masked the strong kick of alcohol enough that he found himself treating it like any other beverage; it was this misguided judgment that left Xavier a couple whole bottles deep and slumped back in his chair as a giggly mess, face flushed a bright red, eyes darting around the ceiling where his various little floral lamps hung until he heard his door open. The sight of a familiar white-haired demon stepping inside brought a wide smile to his lips as he scrambled up out of his chair with swaying, uneven motions.
    ❝ Maaaaammooooooooon~! ❞ ›› Xavier's coo slurred out as he closed the gap between them, immediately throwing all measly one-hundred-and-fifteen pounds against his boyfriend and wrapping both of his arms firmly around Mammon's own in a surprisingly clingy, almost possessive manner despite his warm and sunny, sloppy grin.
    ❝ Myyyyyy handsome and lovely and... pretty and sweet... and super cool Mammooooon~ Theeeere you areeeee! You took... you took so loooong but that's okaaay because I forgive you, and I forgive you so much... 'cause you're Mammon and you're my Mammon... Ehehehe~ ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
𒁍 ▸▸Some Quick Holiday Headcanons for the OCs
「 Under a read more so I don't flood your dashboards! 」
   » Xavier — Initially, he becomes anxious near holidays. This isn't to say he's a miser. Quite the opposite! He wants to enjoy the holidays, but a string of very, very bad years have left him extremely nervous whenever holidays roll around. He needs to be gently coaxed and shown that it'll be okay, that he wont have the world collapse on him again like the years before.
— He conceals his birthday every year. Xavier always hopes that people will forget his birthday, because he feels extremely guilty that it's literally the day before Beelzebub's and Belphegor's. He doesn't want anyone to feel overwhelmed needing to prep for three people's big days, and doesn't want the spotlight taken off the twins at all; good luck getting him to confess what day it is! The question is dodged every time, so it needs to come from official records.
— When he opens up more, he LOVES Halloween. Halloween being Diavolo's birthday aside, Xavier always loves the creativeness that goes in to the holiday; all the costumes, the acting that goes in to horror attractions, and the themed food where people bring out such artistic sides to make visually appealing stuff. He gets REALLY in to it!
   » Focalor — He's a bit of a miser about holidays... for now. It's pretty clear to see why he'd abstain from holidays; Focalor lacks anyone to celebrate any of them with, any reason to celebrate them. To him they're just absolutely obnoxious events that make getting peace and quiet a lot more difficult, but perhaps that can change in the future.
— Focalor actually forgot his birthday. Don't expect an answer out of him regarding his birthday. Even if he wanted to tell you, he genuinely forgot when it was. A few hundred years of never considering it will do that to a man. It's only recorded in official RAD documents now.
— If he HAD to pick a holiday to celebrate, it would be New Years. Outwardly he tells you it's a good excuse to get blackout drunk and ignore the world, but secretly it's probably the only thing he has left as a measurement of certainty. There will always be a new year, so every year he makes it a goal to see the next one.
   » Aamon — To offset the others, Aamon LOVES holidays. They're his excuses to go all out, to just let loose without a care about his image — after all, no one would blame a demon for indulging in a bit of excess for a big event. You could probably find enough holiday cheer from Aamon in private to make up for 100 dour demons.
— Oh he remembers his birthday. And he hopes you do too. While he wont typically give someone flack for not remembering, it does sting a bit when people forget his birthday especially after he sends a bunch of texts inviting people over to the grand party he throws every year. If you're a party-person, his birthday is not something you'll wanna miss.
— Christmas, when introduced to the Devildom, is his favourite. The expectation to be over-the-top gaudy with decorations and dresswear combined with the act of selflessly giving to others just screams Aamon. You can expect a new yearly party hosted by yours truly, each one with new and unique spins to keep things fresh and memorable. And by Jove he goes above and beyond with beautiful decorations; expect a gorgeous feast for the eyes as well as for the belly when you attend.
   » Shuuji — While he likes holidays, he tends to forget them. He works so much that they tend to sneak up on him and catch him last-minute if he's not explicitly reminded near-daily. Momohime has begun to keep tabs on this and will often leave surprise alarms on his D.D.D with notes so he wont forget.
— He's another serial "hides the birthday date" person. Though he mostly doesn't want people fussing over him or feeling obligated to celebrate his birthday. Plus, a small part of him likes to see if people will try and deduce it and what they would do to learn it thanks to his career as a private investigator in the Devildom.
— If he had to pick a holiday, he'd choose White Day. However he will give back to anyone who gave him something for Valentine's Day, not just those of the opposite gender. For him, the idea of getting a month to prepare a gift to repay those who showed such a simple gesture is one he adores for the sheer delight and surprise it would bring the recipient. He likes other gift-based holidays and birthdays, but White Day feels a lot more personal to him which is what makes it his favourite.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @kismetkiss dares to ask;  ❝ Barbatos made sure to invite Xavier over, wanting to give his gift in person. He'd go up to the human and hand over the wrapped gift to the human. Inside, Xavier would find rock and metal CDs having heard it something he enjoyed.
"I hope this is to your liking, I had heard these genres were your favorite after all." A smile as he ushers the human to follow after him, where in the dining room an array of food was prepared for his visit.
"I was given permission to prepare this surprise for you as well, I thought this would be a pleasant.... christmas surprise." A light blush dusted the butler's cheeks.
"I do hope you enjoy." ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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     ›› The initial gift alone got a surprised little gasp out of Xavier; in all the years prior to his arrival to the Devildom, he'd genuinely forgotten what it felt like to receive a gift from someone, let alone a gift actually tailored to him in any fashion. Plus they were genres the two seemed to share, meaning he could make the whole thing even sweeter by listening to them with Barbatos — or so he aimed to do before he was guided elsewhere. Did Barbatos read his mind and want to put them on? The answer he got though left him... speechless at first.
     ›› He was frozen on the spot when his eyes landed on the food laid out before them, Barbatos' words shooting right to the core of the human's heart. For a moment there was no reaction, only silence... and then a few tears snaked down his cheeks. A few more followed, a choked little gasping splutter following, his whole face flush — but not upset. The little smile that clung to his lips told Barbatos that what he had done touched a deep part of Xavier, even if the gesture may have seen mundane to others.
     ❝ Barbatos... ❞ ›› Xavier would exhale before he turned swiftly. Both of his arms threw themselves around Barbatos' torso, pulling him flush for something between a cuddle and a hug as tear-stained eyes buried against the side of his arm.
     ❝ This means so much more... than you know... It's... It's been so long since I... ❞ ›› A small hiccup stopped him as he reached up to dry his tears on his own sleeve, a bit guilty he was getting them on the demon's clothing. ❝ It's been so long since I had... anything for Christmas. Even just being remembered... The fact you did this for me... This means the world to me... Thank you for remembering me... Thank you! I love you so much...! ❞
     ›› It was then he beamed up at Barbatos, his tear-stained cheeks rosy with happiness as he grinned wide despite choking on his breath here and there, sniffling to fight off the runniness of his nose that set in. He really, truly was moved by this; Xavier would certainly need to find a way to pay him back thrice as well now.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » an anonymous being dares to ask; ❝ Xavier, what is your favorite thing about each demon brother? what about them makes you the happiest to think about? ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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    ❝ I have to pick just one? ❞ ›› Xavier would utter sheepishly.
    ❝ Uhm, well... I have so much that I could say about each of them, so I'll try to keep it brief. For Lucifer, I love that no matter how much he tries to hide it, he genuinely does love his brothers and often goes out of his way for them; this includes all the work he takes on to let them enjoy their lives. Isn't that just so amazing? Mammon's really funny to be around and he's always making me laugh with his antics, and he's so sweet underneath that punkish exterior — I might tease him too, but I see all that effort he puts out and I love it! With Levi, I always love hearing him get supercharged about his interests; I could listen to him ramble for ages and never get bored! He's a fount of knowledge on so many cool things, it's always a treat to listen! ❞
    ❝ Then with Satan, I adore how he can be so studious and yet so cute; when he's talking about his favourite books or cats, my heart just melts on the spot from how animated and passionate he gets! Asmodeus is actually really thoughtful too, and his desire to help others see the beauty in themselves is so lovely to watch — even if he tries to hide it with his own narcissism of course. Then there's Beelzebub! He's so kind, his presence in general just makes me feel so much better! I love the lengths he'll go to making his family happy. And Belphegor's always so witty, he gets me giggling a lot with his sly little comments; plus we share a fascination with astrology. It's also very calming to stay around him, because he speaks softly and just naps a lot, so he's a nice respite away from the chaos alongside Lucifer on the rare moments he gets a break. ❞
    ❝ ... Did that answer your question, anonymous voice? I ended up rambling a little bit anyways, eheh... ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
                   [ Continued from ✎ || @youllthinktwice ]
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     ›› Xavier would listen intently, letting gloved fingers tap away at his lips and chin as he mulled it over. It was a bit clear she wasn't giving a complete answer, but he wasn't the type to push his luck; they'll work with those cosmos first.
    ❝ Yes, they certainly can! Take a look at my cloak closely; It's not an artificial design, but rather a bunch of my familiars latched together. ❞ ›› To prove his point, one of them would detach at one point and scramble up the weave of little void lantern vines, until it sat upon his hat and spread its petals in almost a smiling fashion.
    ❝ Familiars can be just about anything you add your own essence in to; I just happened to choose floral ones. ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @deprcvities​ dares to ask; ❝ [ 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender kisses receiver to taste the lingering flavour of what they ate or drank. Maybe a new strawberry drink Beel to Xav♡ ❞
     From: The Five Senses || Always Accepting!
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     ›› It started with a new bloodberry drink. A café Xavier frequented had decided to ask for his opinion on how the drink tasted from a human's perspective, but he turned the narrative around and asked for some to bring to various demons as well; after all, a drink should appeal to the home market as well right? So if it tasted good to both a human and a demon, then they would make some decent traction on Devilgram for it. The new offer was accepted, and Xavier had chosen to bring Beelzebub along — after all, he was a man who loved to eat, so he had quite a varied palate to sample with.
     ›› What he WASN'T expecting however was for Beel to ask him to hold still and closed the gap between them, letting their lips meet all at once. The excuse only made red cheeks flare crimson, his eyes wide open as he spluttered a little to himself in sheer surprise. To be kissed by Beel... It was rather amazing, and he instinctively found himself taking a messy-ish sip from the rim of the cup in a fluster to entice more of those kisses, motioning to Beel as if to beckon him back down.
    ❝ W-Wait... We should try that again... So I can get a better taste. Um... And for longer, too... And maybe a few more after that... Y-you know, for testing... ❞
     ›› His stammering fell apart, his grin beaming bright up at Beel. It was clear the gesture was well-received, especially with his desires for a few more. Beel tasted amazing... and he was certain it wasn't just the drink doing that.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
                   [ ✎ Some Xavier Musings/Headcanons ]
   » Xavier Has Some Familiars — Later on during his stay he learned how to animate sentient flora thanks to tinkering with spells Solomon loaned him. They are no longer than his elbow to his palm, with their heads resembling a subspecies of abyss flowers whose petals are rigid like crystals and always glow a soft pastel when in optimal conditions, known as the “Voidcrawler’s Lanterns” after their ability to illuminate deep dark paths. He has some for every colour and when they are not carrying out a task, they are latched on to his body or clothing in some form. They give off a faint, subtly sweet scent that has calming properties for demons.
   » The familiars can carry out various mundane tasks such as fetching or delivering items, following a simple set of orders, or aiding in tasks with the intelligence of an older child; most basic orders can be followed, but more complex ones have a chance to be done incorrectly. One of the most common uses that is always a spectacle to behold is when he is on cooking or cleaning duties; the familiars end up tasked with various stages of prep work and cooking or cleaning smaller spaces and areas, and it can feel a bit like watching a conductor with his symphony in action.
   » He Greatly Dislikes Spiders — In the human realm, Xavier had developed a deep-seated fear of spiders due to a few too many mean-spirited pranks pulled on him. In the Devildom he recognizes spiders will become a far more common presence in his life, so while he will be wholly terrified of them, he tries to put on a brave face to deal with them appropriately. He cannot stand static spiders though and sometimes will refuse to enter a room that is believed to have a nest of them in one of the electronics.
   » When He Eats Enough, He Will Sneeze A Bit — It's uncertain why (though believed to be some nerves being crosswired,) but when Xavier has eaten his fill he will begin to sneeze rather uncontrollably for a couple minutes.
   » Xavier's Weakest Subject is Math — Numbers in general are a struggle for him at times due to the fact his brain doesn't process them well, so he will often go to Mammon for help in the topic in exchanging for tutoring Mammon in something he needs help on in return.
   » When It Comes to Music, Xavier Enjoys Rock the Most — This includes most genres, anywhere from pop/alt rock to the metal genres, even including heavy metal. Though he enjoys most other genres as well, he tends to lean towards this type of music when given an option.
   » He Keeps Things Clean and Tidy — Mostly. He keeps all his shared spaces immaculate, including putting away things others have left or or habitually reorganizing spaces to be more efficient and visually pleasing, but his own room can sometimes be a little unorganized. It's never too bad, but sometimes he forgets a few dishes, or has a couple pieces of clothing on his bed, etc. His desk is also a little cluttered, but he never seems too bothered by it as everything is typically easy to find, even for someone who is searching it for the first time.
   » Xavier Uses Cute Animal and Flower Stationary — He's amassed a small collection of cute-shaped sticky notes, stickers, washi tape, bookmarks, pens & pencils, etc.. Almost everything is themed after a cute animal or a flower; anything he gets as gifts are set on the top shelf of his desk as displays rather than anything he actually uses. He keeps a set of cat pens on his person at all times for impromptu notes, as well as a shadow gorge hydrangea themed pencil and eraser. If you receive something with cute Devildom flowers, you can know it was Xavier’s doing.
   » Xavier also sometimes will leave pressed, preserved flowers in things he gifts or delivers as a little silent note that it was from him.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @deprcvities dares to ask; ❝ ✈️ 🎮 📚 for Xavier!!! ❞
     From Curious Minds Inquiring
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   » Does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person? — It's a little of both! It really depends on his mood; some days he just wants to get some errands done and then coop up in the House of Lamentation, other days he'll go wandering all over; it's a bit of a toss up and hard to tell until the mood hits.
   » What are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? — Outside of his obvious hobbies, he actually has a decent talent in clay sculpting and painting, and likes to make statuettes or figurines. He's also decent at sewing, specifically sewing dolls or plushies thanks to Leviathan's love of the craft. Also, as strange as it sounds, Xavier does partake in blacksmithing from time to time, finding it strangely cathartic to work metal into new things (and has used this skill to repair or make new things for those he cares for.)
   » What level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)? — If we don't consider RAD for this question, Xavier actually never got the chance to finish high school properly, and had to get his GED online due to a rapidly crumbling life around that time. If one considers RAD as the equivalent to college, Xavier by the end would have graduated with Masters in Alchemy, Herbology, and Magic Theory, with Minors in Devildom Law, Devildom Languages, Conjuration Magicks, and Enchantment Magicks. (Nothing will stop him if he has the opportunity to learn, as you can see.)
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