#💴 «MAMMON» ▸▸ Avatar of Greed 𒁍
clavicula-ovis · 2 years
     » » @demonsofdevildom​​ isn't helping the voices in Mammon's head...;
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    ❝ Shaddup! For the record, it AIN'T Lucifer OR a witch, thank you very much! The Great Mammon ain't so lowly that he'd let some human chick just slap a hex on 'im whenever she feels it fit, otherwise I wouldn't be so Great after all, and Lucifer ain’t caught me out yet! Seriously, I came here for some help 'cause I wanted to hear what my little bro might know an' you're just gonna make fun of me?! ❞
     ›› Both of Mammon's hands would reach up to furiously scratch back and forth over his head with a few passes, his groan growing more annoyed with each run of his painted nails over the skin. Finally his hands pulled away and down to the sides of his head to mimic blocking his ears, all but yelling now.
    ❝ I haven't been able to sleep for three days, Belphie! It's drivin' me nuts! ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
𒁍 His Language of Love »
How does he speak to you? He speaks...
   » … With His Words — Leviathan ✦ Satan ✦ Solomon ✦ Barbatos ✦ Mammon ›› It's in the way he talks, the words he shares with you, the notes he leaves for you. Language is his canvas, and he paints in fluid, grand strokes; whether he is singing your praises or murmuring sweet nothings, you know he means every word. Beware if he grows silent and reserved, for that signals discontent — and a sign you are no longer his muse.
   » … With His Gaze — Lucifer ✦ Focalor ✦ Simeon ✦ Beelzebub ›› It's in the way he looks at you; whether watching as you float across the room going about your tasks, observing how your face crinkles when you laugh, or trying to discern what has hurt you, his eyes always return to you at the end of the day. He grows restless if he hasn't seen you, and just your presence near him can melt away his tensions. Beware if he adverts his gaze elsewhere often however, for he may find looking upon you to be a taxing and unpleasant thing to his heart.
   » … With His Touch — Xavier ✦ Diavolo ✦ Simeon ✦ Aamon ✦ Asmodeus ›› It's in the way he craves intimate contact with you; his hands always find their way towards you, his lips yearn to leave little kisses, always wanting to soothe your body and bask in your warmth. Whether it is little cuddling sessions, embracing you close to drive away your fears, or frittering the hours away with passionate making out, he can never have his fill of everything that encompasses you in the physical form. Beware if his hands stay to himself though, for he may have grown cold and wish to devote them to someone else.
   » … With His Gifts — Diavolo ✦ Mammon ✦ Leviathan ✦ Solomon ›› It's in the way he showers you with material goods; you could have uttered a desire for that new set of clothes months ago, or your eyes could have stared at a new magical reagent just a bit too long, but he didn't let that slip his mind. The way your face lights up when he presents his heart in a gift could keep his spirits high for weeks, your reactions always making the hard work to earn that coin worth it. It may seem empty and vain to others, but to him no price is too great to make you happy. Beware if he grows stingy or his gifting becomes rare; he may not place as much value upon you as he once did.
   » … With His Time — Belphegor ✦ Beelzebub ✦ Satan ✦ Focalor ✦ Lucifer ›› It's in the way he values time with you, always wants to indulge in your company, finding comfort in the things he does with you. It could be as simple as a movie date at home with some popcorn to something as profound as long and meaningful conversations as you stroll under the moon's light; it is that shared bond that he values more than anything. Few others will occupy his hours the way you do, and few others will command his attention like you do. Beware if he always seems too busy for you however, for he may have come to regret all that shared time with you.
   » … With His Service — Barbatos ✦ Asmodeus ✦ Xavier ✦ Belphegor ✦ Aamon ›› It's in the way he always helps you; whether it be a task to help ease your burdens to going out of his way to do something for you, he lets his actions speak his love for you in place of his words. You don't even have to ask him much any more, he can just tell from a glance at your body language or the tone you used when he should step in and offer you a pillar to lean on with his help. Seeing the relief wash over you, hearing your relaxed sigh, watching as the dark clouds over you vanish when he had been able to help you is what makes it all worth it. Beware if he seems deaf to your pleas for aid though, for he may have come to believe you are no longer worth the effort.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @kismetkiss is late for an outing with Mammon;
    ❝ Oi! Jeanne! Jeaaaaaaanne! C'mon, open up! ❞
     ›› The words spoken by the greedy demon were followed up by more pounding on the door to her room with the side of a closed fist no less judging by the sound. He was impatient, but he sounded decently jovial — clearly he was keen on spending some time with her above all.
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    ❝ Ya don't want these tickets I bought for us to got to waste, right? I got ya some special ones that'll let ya pet the animals too! So come on out! Unless ya want me to bring a boring ol' snorefest like Satan with me! ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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    「 Have you applied your therapy sheep today? 」
    ( I was absolutely obsessing over this thought and I just HAD to get it out before it rotted my brain from the inside-out. Baby's first dumb meme. Please do not perceive it too closely, it's extremely sloppy and rushed because I just REALLY wanted to doodle it. )
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
     ›› Things were looking rather clean around the House of Lamentation today... Groceries had been taken care of, too. The mail had been sorted, a few repairs that have been needing urgent work done... In fact, there was an eerie lack of Mammon's noisy nonsense through the day to top it off; though there wasn't a lack of Mammon. Somewhere in the house, down on his hands and knees with a rag in hand, he was grumbling to himself a bit.
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    ❝ Devils below, Lucifer better appreciate this... ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @ofcryptid dares to ask; ❝ ❛ i don’t like this, it’s way too dark. ❜ ( for mammon ! ) ❞
     From Flavors of Phobias
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    ❝ Wait, whaddya MEAN "it's too dark"?! I only agreed 'ta do this because I thought you ghosts could see through the dark n' such! ❞
     ›› That now made TWO scaredy-cats locked up in a dark, cursed house because Mammon thought he could cheat his way through a dare from Satan and Belphie. Dammit!
    ❝ Don't'ya got a torch on you or something? Or some kinda spell? ❞ ›› Mammon could do something, but that required work and admitting he was just as terrified as Spencer, if not more so. Lords help him if he was trapped in a haunted house with the only material ghost he knew of.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
                   [ Continued from ✎ || @celestiiaale ]
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     ›› Okay, Mammon's brain glitched pretty visibly in his expression of sheer confusion when Simeon mentioned his cookies. What, this WASN'T Solomon's fault for once? Our of sheer burning curiousity the demon tailed after the other practically at his heels — at least until the doorway, where he was more than content to stay far, far away from that inferno that had only been contained because the metal box hadn't entirely failed them yet.
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    ❝ What the FUCK?! ❞
     ›› Not a care in the world he just shouted a whole swear in a place filled with angels — one being a child, at that — because he was more focused on how in the Devildom Simeon managed to turn the oven into an entire fireball with cookies. Cookies!
     ›› When the fire was finally resolved though he instinctively clasped at his chest, coughing and spluttering at the plume of smoke that escaped past him. Honestly he was more in awe at the fact this even happened than the scale of the damage that'd been done — after all, he and his brothers tended to do a lot worse on a near-daily basis. This incident however was from Simeon here; who would honestly believe that he could've been capable of that?
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    ❝ What in the hell did'ya DO?! Were you tryin' to invent real magma cookies or somethin'?! ❞ ›› After his knee-jerk response of incredulousness, it started to settle in just who else would be affected by this mistake, and his jaw set tight in his skull. Right, that was gonna be a problem... So he'd have to pull out some really drastic plans to help out before it all came bearing down on them.
    ❝ Okay, be cool, Simeon. The Great Mammon's got a plan to fix this! ❞ ›› Like Mammon hadn't just lost his mind as well moments ago, but that was pretty on brand for him.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @lachrymosestorm​ ❝ “no, i don’t hate you.” // Mammon ❞
     From: Random Dialogue Prompts || Always Accepting!
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     ›› What an awful week. Mammon could be pretty stupid, but it felt like he was just ending up in more trouble than usual this time around — and a lot of the time, it got Dez caught up in hot waters with him. It got bad enough that at some point Mammon was certain she had come to detest him given she had not been speaking to him for a whole day. Eventually he had the stones to just march up to her and get an answer out of her, if only just so he could stop getting his hopes up about how she might feel about him. Her answer however left him pretty stunned, enough so that it took a bit for him to finally say something.
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    ❝ Ya mean you don't hate me, even after I've been nothin' but a total fuck-up this whole week? ❞ ›› he'd ask her quietly, almost wearily. He'd been baited like this before by others and he'd be crushed if Dez would do the same. He wanted to believe she wouldn't be like that, though.
    ❝ Uh... Then... If you ain't busy, maybe I can... Would a date night kinda make up for it? Bring ya somewhere nice to eat, take ya shoppin'... Somethin' just between us, you know? ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @ofcryptid dares to ask; ❝ ❛ mammon. ❜ a call of his name wrapped in a coy tone. their form solid enough to lean against his arm. extra care was taken to make sure the volume of their chest was accented in the motion. eyes gaze up through their lashes, a perfect pout on their lips. there was no way this wouldn't work, spencer made sure of it. ❛ y' think i'm cute, right? don't ya' think someone cute like me deserves something cute like that necklace? ❜ ❞
     Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting!
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     ›› Oh, they were SO close.
     ›› They almost had him. The gaze, the chest pushed out just right, the way his name was sung on their lips. Mammon's gaze was stupefied, utterly besides himself in glee, thoroughly pleased that he got such a cute sight all to himself.
     ›› Then they asked about the necklace, and it was like a sobering cold shower right to the face.
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    ❝ Oi oi OI! If you're gonna try'ta squeeze me of Grimm like that, you're gonna need somethin' that hasn't been done to me a thousand an' one times before! ❞
     ›› … Hell of a confession there.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » an anonymous being dares to ask; ❝ Hey, Mammon! what’s your favorite thing to do around the Devildom other than, yknow, gambling? any fun secret spots you’ve discovered? ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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    ❝ A thing I like to do that ain't gamblin'? What are ya, a snitch for Lucifer? Well I got plenty'a things I like! There's this one party spot that's still a bit of a secret to a lotta folk; you gotta know a guy who knows a guy to get in, yanno? And they host some of the wildest events that make some of the others feel cheap! But there ain't no advanced notice or anythin', you just gotta keep an ear out an' hope it ain't durin' nothin' important. ... Maybe I'll take them with me one day when they ain't being dragged around by my brothers... ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 3 years
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     » » @genieuslaw​ dares to ask; ❝ The previous night didn't feel real, despite there being milk coffee next to her bed in the morning. As if it were some kind of painful reminder of what happened. She feels sick, and decides it might be best to call into work today. But, considering she has some free time as well, maybe, perhaps, she could take her notes and the tome and she what happens if she draws another ❓ on a paper scrap. ❞
     From How To Summon Your Demons
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     ›› The second verse, same as the first; but this time with a noticeably different tone. The same mist and lights swell around her and just as before a figure would emerge from within — though this one was, for better or for worse, already standing. An excited laugh escaped from what was definitely another man, his voice full of glee at his situation.
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    ❝ Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! That's right, it's the Great Mammon's turn to bless the human world with his vast power and infinite wisdom! You're a smart human, summoning someone as amazing as me! ❞
     ›› For his infinite wisdom, he didn't seem to pick up that his odds of appearing were entirely random. Not that he cared anyways, as he waggled a black-and-gold credit card around in the air he already had in his hand prior to his summons.
    ❝ So, what can the Great Mammon and his trusty lady Goldie do for ya, huh? Bet you're itchin' for the riches too, right?! ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 3 years
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     » » @edgelord-dl6​ showed up on Mammon's D.D.D. as a list of targets...
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     ›› Was it his lucky day?! Summoned in the middle of a bustling human metropolis, no Lucifer in sight — not like he'd know where Mammon went ANYWAYS — and a long laundry list of rich people to “borrow” from! It really could not get ANY better! His first target was that Miles-High Chief dude that popped up on his D.D.D. when he sent out some feelers about that Imogen girl's contacts. He was in some way her boss, wasn't he? So that meant MONEY.
     ›› He had barely managed to bullshit his way up to the office — mostly going on about how he had "extremely important business" with the guy and that stopping him could mean life or death — and not taking "no" or "he's out of the office right now" as an answer. In fact, "out of the office" just meant "I'll just wait for him!" except with the old Mammon twist of 'no I absolutely will not, that's free season to steal whatever I like.'
     ›› He'd managed to catch what room that Piles guy's office was, and in no time flat had not only found the door but used a bit of that Mammon Magic to pop the lock of the door in only a second without tripping the alarms. Don't ask him how he figured human security systems out, just blame the witches for introducing him to it. When that door swung open though, oh MAMA DAEMON — that expensive-looking suit, those doubtlessly priceless collectibles on his shelf, that chess set? Dude was LOADED.
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    ❝ All for little old me?! ❞ ›› he cooed to himself excitedly, already grabbing what he could get a hold of and stuffing them in to a strange bag he had summoned forth from thin air. It seemed to never fill up, no matter how large or bulky the items were. ❝ Awww, Chief! Ya shouldn't have! I knew you'd contribute to the Bank of Mammon~! ❞ ›› He was speaking to himself, sure, but for how long?
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clavicula-ovis · 3 years
     » » Memory Box; ( The Demon Brothers )( New )( 7 ) 👁️ [ “Full-Time Talent” ]
         [ Belphegor ]    ‹‹ Ugh. ››          [ Belphegor ]    ‹‹ Me and Beel barely got in to Hell's Kitchen today... ››          [ Belphegor ]    ‹‹ I thought Beel was going to go berserk from how                                            hungry he got during the wait... ››          [ Asmodeus ]
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         [ Asmodeus ]    ‹‹ What happened? ››          [ Satan ]    ‹‹ I believe Xavier is working there part-time right now. ››          [ Satan ]    ‹‹ From what I heard from some associates, he's being                                    exceptionally charming while servicing everyone,                                    and it's causing a massive flood of students. ››          [ Satan ]    ‹‹ They're rather overwhelmed at the moment. ››          [ Mammon ]
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         [ Mammon ]    ‹‹ For real!? ››          [ Lucifer ]    ‹‹ I see... ››          [ Lucifer ]    ‹‹ It appears Diavolo and I have a change of plans for                                      dinner, then. It has been a while since he’s eaten                                      at Hell’s Kitchen after all. ››          [ Mammon ]    ‹‹ OH NO YOU DON'T!! I'M COMIN' WITH YA!! ››
                      ———————[ END ] ———————
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clavicula-ovis · 3 years
[ Tag dump! More to come another time! ]
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