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dcmk sideblog, collection of my fic ideas, character thoughts, theories, art, and other random thingsi ship many things. currently into: playing combination/permutation with the whiskey trio <3main: @ariyaxuan
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imurasakaw · 16 minutes ago
do we have canon confirmation on which year exactly scotch’s death happened yet? i feel like it’s only ever side publications/materials that aren’t really official canon that gave solid answers. that is, solid answers which have changed again and again from 4 years ago to 3 to 4 to unknown to 3 again. like when m25 promo put the order as hagiwara before hiro before matsuda but then aoyama came forward and was like yeah nope! hiro died after matsuda. also he said that in his animal crossing so he definitely won’t like change his mind on that or anything
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imurasakaw · 1 hour ago
it’s thinking about hiro hours… man the way that he’s normally the most kind, compassionate, mellow person of the wps gang, who will run into fire to save even the man (especially the man) who had brutally slaughtered his parents and haunted his nightmares for his entire adolescent life. but when he saw rei lying motionless on the ground after a grenade went off and plamya standing over him with an aimed gun, he didn’t even hesitate to put a bullet into her shoulder. no “freeze don’t move!” or “drop your weapon!” first, which might’ve fit the detco moral worldview more. nope, straight to the bullet. and three more when plamya tried to run. he would’ve chased her down too, damn however few bullets he had left in that cartridge, if rei hadn’t called out to stop him. and hiro’s voice!! when he asked zero if he was ok!! the terseness, the almost fear-hoarse tremor. if he had been a split second slower, he would’ve lost zero. when he first crested the rooftop and saw the tableau laid out in front of him, he might’ve had a moment of fear that zero’s already dead from the grenade. maybe he would have wanted of his own personal accord to put a few more bullets in plamya, just from that thought alone. and earlier, when he first ran into the building, he saw her shoot at matsuda, divested her of her gun with one kick (?!!?! the skill), and immediately asked if zero’s ok because he didn’t see him there. truly rei and rei’s safety is his priority at any moment. hiro was the first to shoot at her back in the building when she ran too, despite rei having had his gun out since the beginning of the encounter. (i could also headcanon about whether this willingness to fire relates to their different respective undercover duties and how doing those things might’ve changed them slightly at their core.) but yeah, just. characters who are usually gentle and soft-spoken but who have inner cores of steel and will kill you if you hurt their people. always a place in my heart for them
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imurasakaw · 10 hours ago
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imurasakaw · 10 hours ago
kazami: *follows furuya's advice and improves his shooting aim
furuya: :)
kazami: *falls asleep in furuya's car while furuya is driving
furuya: :)
kazami: *falls asleep in furuya's bedroom, after leaving an eaten cup of instant noodles on the desk/not tidying after himself
furuya: :)
kazami: *asks him questions including some inappropriate ones
furuya: *:/ i Guess I Have To Answer Truthfully Now What Else Am I Gonna Do? Not Reply Like I Always Do With Others? Smh
kazami: *interrupts him and stuffs his own face with cold water instead of listening to him talk
furuya: :)
kazami: *performs poorly at work
furuya: >:( guess i have to feed you now
kazami: *has a moment of carelessness and almost gets himself killed, thereby putting furuya in danger of death too
furuya: i trust you with my life :) disarm the bomb on my neck kazami :) (my outstanding subordinate✨)
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imurasakaw · 13 hours ago
rewatching m25 to bring me back to a time when furuya and shinichi didn’t meet each other 7 years ago and aoyama hadn’t yet stolen furuya and conan’s trust-mingled-with-distrust-while-trying-to-figure-one-another-out dynamic from me with this retcon. and for the hirorei of course
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imurasakaw · 18 hours ago
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Long distance relationship. ✈️💞
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imurasakaw · 1 day ago
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imurasakaw · 1 day ago
yes yes acts of violence often evoke eroticism and stabbing someone is potent penetration imagery but sometimes when i kill someone it's just because i want them to die
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imurasakaw · 1 day ago
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imurasakaw · 6 days ago
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imurasakaw · 6 days ago
One of my favorite things to think about when it comes to Shiho and Agasa's relationship is how Agasa finds this little girl wearing a giant lab coat passed out in the rain, he takes her into his house so she can warm up and get a change of clothes, and while this is all happening she tells him who she is. A former member of the organization that gave Shinichi the drug that shrank him, and that she's the creator of said drug, and how she also took the drug to kill herself, but it shrunk her instead. Agasa hears all of this and is like "Oh, well that's interesting. Anyway I'm going to adopt you, you're officially my daughter now." Without asking her any questions or judging her for her past, and Shiho's reaction was probably like "wtf???"
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imurasakaw · 6 days ago
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#conan acting cute
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imurasakaw · 6 days ago
death lends a hand
Even though Furuya wouldn't say he knows Sherry that well, he knows that while Sherry is many things, she most certainly isn't stupid. His eyes turn a little colder as he says, "Who else knows of this at the moment?" "Just the two prison guards, and the warden. They called our office after they found out and I'm the one on shift, then I called you immediately. No one else knows at the moment, but I'm calling Chief Kuroda next and then we'll probably need to inform the PSB and the -" "No," Furuya interrupts sharply. "This information is on a lockdown until I say otherwise. Is that clear?" [or: When the phone call about Gin's death came, Furuya and Morofushi were in their bedroom, engaging a certain play that involved a pair of pearl white high heels - which was a gift from Hagiwara Kenji.] ~9.9k. Morofushi Hiromitsu / Furuya Rei. Mizunashi Rena / Chris Vineyard rating: explicit
Whatever the guard was expecting when he entered the cell, it certainly wasn't this. The prisoner with long, silvery hair lies on the floor, in a position that would be considered unnatural if he'd been merely falling asleep.
The guard almost advances to check the prisoner's pulse, before changing his mind and carefully backing out again, eyes trained on the prisoner the whole time. If this were some attempt to get him close and then launch an attack, then utmost caution must be exercised.
He's been informed that prisoner 1729 is a dangerous man, a hardened criminal, very highly ranked in that criminal organization that had been ruling the Japanese underworld for decades, before its demise.
The guard gets a fellow colleague to come in with him, and then once again advances carefully towards the prisoner.
No pulse.
No breathing.
No sign of life.
This, he thinks, is terrible.
An important prisoner they're in charge of guarding just died mysteriously. A prisoner that they've been instructed to pay special attention to. The orders came from high above - the guard doesn't know who exactly. It's far, far above his paygrade.
"We need to alert the warden," his colleague says.
The guard nods slowly.
30 minutes ago.
The pair of pearl-white high heels that Furuya currently has on is a gift from none other than Hagiwara Kenji.
[continue reading]
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imurasakaw · 6 days ago
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imurasakaw · 7 days ago
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Another batch of DetCo sketches! …Lotta shoujo sparkles in this set. XD
(As is usually the case, convos with @jettidaughter led to some of this silliness. Specifically, Akai and his hat full of ~s e c r e t s~) 
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imurasakaw · 8 days ago
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A friend has been showing me the 90's Detective Conan recently, and I'm so into it, it's so fun and wacky I love it xD
I'm 99.9999% sure this joke must have been made before but I had to draw this
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imurasakaw · 8 days ago
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so if you met me under my real identity seven years ago and i met you under your real identity seven years ago then what’s the point of these secret identities we’ve been clinging to for the past 300 chapters
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