#rooibos recipes
thetockablog · 11 months
G & Tea: Gin and Tonic with a Rooibos Twist
G & Tea Ingredients60ml Gin60ml Rooibos Cordial1/4 cup orange juiceIceTonic waterOrange slices, to garnish MethodAdd gin, rooibos cordial, fresh orange juice, and ice to a shaker. Strain into a chilled glass. Top up with tonic water, and garnish with dried orange slices.
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fattributes · 2 months
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Peach Tea Lemonade
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lingering-sunrise · 4 months
having my favorite tea I haven't had in ages. in my "disappearing TARDIS" mug to boot
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smudgingpumpkins · 9 days
The Autumnal Equinox
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When is Mabon?
It is celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox, or the midway point between the solstices. This falls on either September 21st, 22nd, 23rd, or 24th.
What does Mabon mean?
It is a celebration of the harvest, giving thanks to the natural environment and the community around you. Joy and bountifulness are revered before the upcoming hardships of winter.
Who does Mabon celebrate?
The Celtic god Maponos is closely associated with Mabon, being the god of youth, hunting, and music. The Welsh figure Mabon ap Modron is derived from Maponos, and the god Apollo is the Roman equivalent.
Work with stones that promote grounding, stability, and spiritual renewal to prepare for the harsh winters, like lapis lazuli, sapphire, smoky quartz, hematite, and labradorite.
Use sweet, earthy flowers and herbs like calendulas, chrysanthemums, myrtle, milkweed, and cinnamon. These species are said to harbor antimicrobial properties and promote pulmonary aid, perfect for maintaining good health before the winter sick season.
Prepare meals that include fresh apples and bread, seasonal pumpkins, a variety of nuts, and meaty mushrooms, all signifiers of the fall season and a successful harvest. Autumn is often the ideal climate for mushroom and apple picking.
Decorate and dress yourself in fall colors, like browns, ochers, yellows, and reds.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., figurines, photographs, drawings, et cetera) of owls, blackbirds, squirrels, wolves, and dogs. These are creatures of hard work, diligence, and faith. Both Apollo and Maponos are said to have an affinity for hunting dogs in particular.
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Enjoy a Mabon tea blend. Infuse the tea with orange, rooibos, cinnamon, and star anise and drink while hot.
Take time to rest. Practice self-care and reset your mind and body.
Take a ritual bath. Add coarse salt, drops of basil essential oil, sage, and calendula/marigold petals for a refreshing, relaxing bath.
Fill a cornucopia. Cornucopias can be made out of anything, from wood to wicker to bread dough (if you want something fully edible). Here is a great video on how to make a bread-based one at home!
Host a grand dinner. Mabon is essentially the "Pagan Thanksgiving," so enjoy baking pies and bread and dining on delicious vegetables with family or friends.
Make a Mabon altar. In the center of the altar, place an icon of Maponos or a god(dess) of your choice, and decorate around it with dried fall leaves, twigs, pinecones, acorns, and earthy-colored gemstones.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magika, has a recipe for warm, sweet stuffed baked apples. Here is the recipe down below!
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askyves · 5 months
Howdy, Evie!
Got a fun question coming your way, if you don't mind. Have you ever tried tea-infused cake before? Baking or eating?
If you have tried it, do you have any suggestions? I have only made earl grey cake in the past, and it was super good, but I'd love to experiment with more varieties. I am a fan of pretty much all types and flavors, so anything goes.
If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it! And I'll bet the boys of your faction would enjoy it, too. Paired with some more delectable teas, of course. The ultimate tea party. The envy of the palace, I'd wager.
Looking forward to your response! I offer cat emojis as down payment.
(P.S. This is an awesome blog idea!)
I have tried it, in fact. I quite enjoy vanilla cake infused with earl gray.
If you are looking for recommendations, something my brothers quite enjoy is black tea infused brownies. I typically use Ceylon or earl gray, but I encourage you to experiment and adjust it to your taste.
Another way I like to use tea leaves in cooking is by mixing them into cream cheese and putting it between slices of brioche to make tea sandwiches. Find an herbal tea that you enjoy, such as rooibos, and finely chop some brewed tea leaves before adding them to the filling.
I used something called "citrus blossom white tea" last time I made these. It had small flowers in it, which made for a lovely and colorful cross section when I trimmed the sandwiches.
If the tea you are using doesn't have edible flowers in it, use some as garnish so you don't miss out on that lovely floral taste. Of course it's common to use rose petals for such applications here in Rhodolite.
I would also recommend vanilla tea infused sugar cookies. They make a wonderful gift when packed in a pretty box as well.
I'm sure my tea parties already ARE the envy of the palace. Nobody hosts a tea party like Yves Kloss!
Thank you very much for the cat emojis. But please, no payment is necessary. I quite enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.
Do let me know if you try any of the recipes I mentioned. I'm very interested to hear what you think of them.
-Yves Kloss
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Random Tea Blend No. 1
I made this tea and I love how it turned out, I did not make it with magickal intention but I thought it might be helpful to list the magickal properties. Given that this is a kitchen magick blog and I know a lot of people always want to know the magickal properties of tea ingredients.
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Burdock - Protection, Healing, Cleansing, Warding
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Peppermint - Prosperity, Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Enhances Psychic Abilities, Restoration, Relaxation
Gender: Masculine
Planets: Venus 
Element: Air
Stinging Nettle - Protection, Negativity, Exorcism, Healing, Lust
Gender: Masculine 
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Rooibos - Courage, Determination, Longevity, Patience, Wisdom
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2 Tablespoons of Peppermint
3 Teaspoons of Rooibos
3 Teaspoons of Stinging Nettle
1 ½ Tablespoons of Burdock
Add ingredients to a teapot, add freshly boiled water, and let steep for at least 15 minutes.
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Note: I know elemental, gender, and planetary correspondences can vary based on the source, I chose the correspondence for each herb that I ran into the most. I am also aware that some people don't assign gender to herbs either.
For the rooibos I could not find an elemental, gender, or planetary correspondences, I have my own correspondences for rooibos but I didn't include them. If you know of any of these correspondences for rooibos please comment!
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
hey. here are my instant tea(/one coffee) essentials.
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ambrosia… made all the sweeter by the us distributor ceasing imports for some reason 😔 I have no idea what’s specifically going on but I haven’t seen it stocked in any of the asian grocery stores for months
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this one’s fancier because it has a tea bag along with the powder. doesn’t oversteep so I just leave it in while drinking. I can only get it from a specific bakery though
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I find myself drinking the jasmine one a lot more than the lavender one but they’re both pretty good. one time I brought the jasmine one to a hotpot party with 8 folks and they went nuts over it, they drank practically all the sachets (and pocketed the few remaining leftovers). that’s fine because one of the asian grocery stores around always stock them
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apparently the company changed the recipe a couple years ago but it’s still good. I miss the previous packaging though, had a lot more personality. I like drinking this with less water than usual because I like when the flavor is more concentrated.
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I love the roasted hojicha… I was a little lukewarm on the rooibos ginger chai until I had it with a splash of milk. both taste really good with a splash of milk actually. I don’t live near a muji though so when I run out I might ask a pal to send some to me…
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really good if you’ve got a cold… I have weenie taste buds so sometimes I like adding a splash of half and half because it cuts the intensity and makes it taste sweeter. I drink it more for the comfort than the flavor
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4th-make-quail · 1 month
☕️ coffee vs tea
ahh this one is so fun!! while i LOVE coffee, it does not love me like many of my favourite foods, so it has to be tea for me! i am a Tea Bitch, the tea cupboard is frankly ridiculously full and i just keep buying more!! it's A Problem lmao
mostly i drink rooibos and herbals, with a lil black tea here and there - some of my current faves are from a local tea shop in my town: meadow morning walk (a spearmint, camomile, nettle blend), rooibos de province (just a fruity rooibos), london fog (an earl grey blend they made with lavender etc. which is fucking lovely), and then a LOT of bird and blend teas! rhubarb and custard rooibos is one fave, dozy girl is another, and then i also have a load of just supermarket types - pukka three mint is a fave (spearmint, peppermint, mountain mint!), and the twinings menopause tea which is a sort of peach and sage thing? purportedly good for hot flushes but hard to tell cos the last thing i want to do when having a hot flush is go make a brew lol
i also like yorkshire tea (of course!!), and their jam and toast and biscuit blends are SO GOOD!! oh yeah also the chocolate digestive tea from bird and blend!!
i also got really into making a low fodmap masala chai myself as well a few years back which is absolutely delicious! boiling the tea in the milk makes a HUGE difference to the flavour, and having fresh spices to use makes it sooo good!! fresh cardamom, YUM!! i highly rec this recipe if you like chai! it's simple and easy to make, and is really really delicious
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tciddaemina · 5 months
random ask: what is your go-to daily drink? your special occasion drink? detail delightful, recipe spectacular.
∧,,,∧ (  ̳• · • ̳) /    づ♡ I love you drinks [you're pretty cool though]
(yes i stole your ask but only bc it was a v good one)
haha tyyy ❤❤ (nah but steal away, the more the merrier)
100% my go to answer is tea. i don't drink coffee at all (i hate the taste) and i also don't really enjoy energy drinks and soda and stuff so much, but i am a big tea fan. got into it when i was growing up bc my mum drinks it, and once i got to uni things just sort of... spiraled.
(look there was a tea club and at one point i was treasurer for a year and things got very out of control. on that note: lapsang souchong is gross and literally the only thing i can taste when i drink it is smoked fish, the smoky taste is such too much)
anyway, i enjoy black tea with milk (ceylon is a common one for me, or earl grey) but i have so, so many kinds of tea. the problem with people knowing you like stuff like this is they default to buying more of it for you for birthdays and christmas and the like, so my collection just got really extreme. i wasn't even buying much, but people kept giving it to me and i couldn't drink it fast enough
random teas i own that i can remember off the top of my head:
pistachio and almond black tea
lychee black tea
green tea with peach
turkish apple tea
herbal homemade tea made by my aunt (mystery mix???)
rooibos with vanilla (and like four other kinds of rooibos??)
i had some TWG's napolean black tea for a while (sort of a black with vanilla), which was particularly good - that was my go to until i ran out, but its very difficult to get a replacement of in my country without importing it in :/
but like yeah, i have a whole huge collection which I'm now only just starting to properly put a dent in. i enjoy a lot of different ones, but i tend to default to black teas as my usual go to. when i'm out and about tho i also am guilty of enjoying a good boba tea, or ice tea, or kombucha (there's a feijoa one you can get in supermarkets here which is very tasty).
i don't really have a recipe to give you, but i'll give you my black tea specifications - full generous teaspoon of loose leaf, into sea critter tea strainer, leave on counter brewing for a few minutes, heavy splash of milk, no sugar, drink when still very hot
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zacharybosch · 2 years
Tasseomancy inspo part 2: Clothes and stuff
Part two of my post detailing the inspiration behind my Ed/Stede sugar daddy AU fic Tasseomancy. Part one (covering the setting) is here.
This part covers all the clothes, accessories, tea, and other stuff that Ed and Stede wear/buy/consume in the fic. Like Stede, I am unfortunately a bit of a clothes horse, so gird your loins for some over-enthusiastic gushing about fabrics.
Ed and Stede enjoy a few different tea blends in this fic, and it’s where the title comes from - tasseomancy (aka tasseography, tasseology) is the practice of reading fortunes in tea leaves.
Blue Lady is the first tea they share together. I picked it because 1. it’s really yummy, and 2. it’s a little bit floral and a little bit citrus-y and I think that suits Ed and Stede nicely :) I first started drinking this tea about a year ago and it’s so fucking delicious. My favourite variety comes from HR Higgins, but it’s pretty pricey so I try to drink it sparingly. This tea is also incredible as a cold brew - the flavour is more delicate, but it also makes it a lot easier to taste all the subtle little notes in there.
The three teas that Ed brings to Stede during his formal seduction are all from Bird & Blend. Tea Wells is an interesting one, sometimes if I drink it too quickly it makes me feel a little bit drunk?? which is very weird, but I have also had this experience with other green teas in the past. If you drink it at a normal pace though it’s a nice little pick-me-up, and the flowers and fruit pieces cancel out any bitterness that can sometimes develop in green teas.
Also it is very pretty, look at it:
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Mint Choc Rooibos is the next tea that Ed brings, at lunch time. I’m actually not particularly keen on this one, but my boyfriend is obsessed with it and it’s the blend that managed to convert him into a tea-drinker. It’s sweet and creamy and even has cocoa shells in it, although when I had a little sippy I couldn’t really taste any chocolate coming through.
Finally, Ed brings a cup of Lady Lavender for Stede at the end of his work day. This is just a traditional Earl Grey blend with lavender added in. I drank a lot of this while writing the fic :)
Ed makes boil up for his and Stede’s date night. The recipe I referenced is by Maori chef Cameron Petley, from his book ‘Hunter from the Heartland’. Boil up is a traditional Maori dish, basically a broth or soup with dumplings, and I haven’t made it myself but it sounds yummy as fuck. I love stewy soupy things, and I especially love dumplings. 
It’s around the middle of October when Ed cooks this for Stede, so it’s perfect for a chilly night. It also represents home, comfort, and love for Ed, so of course he wants to give those things to Stede as well :)
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Ed also makes some Sidecar mocktails. When I saw that the recipe called for both tea and marmalade, I couldn’t not include it in the fic. I haven’t tried making this either - I’m not 100% sure if I’d like it tbh, since the one time I tried lapsang souchong tea I just found it way too smoky for my tastes.
Clothes and thingies~
I’m going to do the rest of these by chapter, since there’s quite a lot :’)
Chapter 3 - the trip to the department store
Stede is, of course, wearing this AU’s version of the pink bird robe. I picked a camp collar (or cuban collar) shirt as it’s a bit more casual, and because Stede wears suits all the time it can be very easy to fall into the trap of looking like he’s always on his way to a formal event or something. 
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I knew I wanted the shirt to be silk, but since it’s already quite loud with the bright pink and all the birds and flowers, I didn’t want it to also be shiny in the way that a silk satin or charmeuse are. So I picked a sandwashed silk instead - it has all the gorgeous drape and delicate fluidity of a charmeuse, but its sheen is much more subtle.
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And then I decided his suit should be a kind of bronzey-brown, since in the episode where we first see Stede in the robe, the suit he (briefly) wears after taking the robe off is kinda bronze.
Ed wears a pair of Dickie’s overalls for the shopping trip, similar to the pic below but a bit more shapely and sexy since this is my fantasy world and I can do whatever I want. 
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I specifically wanted Ed to wear and look good in something that he already owned in order to try and avoid Pretty Woman-ing him, implying that he doesn’t look good until his clothes are completely swapped out for a load of expensive designer stuff. I also wanted to show that his natural personal style is already solid, and Stede isn’t there to change it, just to help him nurture and develop it.
Then of course we also have the Yves Saint Laurent sunglasses, which Ed very quickly decided belonged to him forever. If you want to buy these, they will set you back a cool £335!
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Ed buys several things for himself from the department store, but the only things I properly envisioned were the cashmere-silk blend crop t-shirt, and the medusa belt.
The t-shirt is just this AU’s version of his sexy pirate crop top, obviously, but the belt is a Versace belt. The medusa is a recurring symbol in a lot of Versace’s stuff and they’ve made tonnes of belts over the years, mostly with a less-detailed cast of their medusa symbol, but I found this more detailed one on an auction site which I thought was very cool. And snakes, because of course.
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The silk scarves that Ed bought for Stede (and which Stede then wears constantly forever because he and Ed are such good buddies 😇) aren’t based on any scarves in particular, but I was thinking about Liberty, their lovely illustrative silk scarf designs, and also their extensive archive of heritage fabric patterns for their haberdashery.
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Chapter 7 - the trip to the Old Quarter
The perfume that Ed buys for Stede from the fancy shampoo shop is Decadence & Debauchery, made by the perfume house For Strange Women. Please believe me when I tell you that this. Perfume. Smells. So. Fucking. Good. I got a bottle of it a few years ago and I just. Hhhhhhhhhhhh. It’s very deep and sexy and a bit masc and I just. Get feelings when I wear it. So I had to include it in the fic, because Reasons 🥴
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For Ed’s purple suit, I was thinking about that peachy-coloured suit that Taika wore, and more specifically I was thinking about the cute little crossover element. The peach suit looks like it’s made of a cotton-linen blend or something else fairly structured, but for the purple suit I picked a light wool crepe so it would be softer and more fluid and drape really nicely. I ditched the three-piece and kept it to just trousers and a jacket, and chose a shawl collar instead of the classic notched lapel to keep up the soft vibes.
I KNOW I don’t need to put a pic here of Taika in the peach suit because we are all well aware what it looks like...... but I’m going to anyway because he is very sexy and I enjoy looking at him.
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And here’s some purple wool crepe fabric, see how the folds here are soft and rounded, while in the pic above the folds are much sharper? Fabric 👌
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Chapter 8 - date night at Ed’s house
The boys are both wearing Bottega Veneta for their date.
Stede is in this gorgeous light wool pistachio green suit that I am very much in love with. The colour, the lines, the cute breast pocket flap, I am honestly just enchanted and I think Stede would look lovely in it. I thought it would look nice with a lilac t-shirt just because I’ve been really digging pale green and lilac together lately and I reckon it’d look great with Stede’s colouring, and also because if I put Stede in a shirt-shirt then he’s going to look too formal and this is a cosy and relaxed date night :)
If you want to buy it, the jacket alone costs almost £2000!!! Can you believe that Stede jerked off in this??!
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For Ed’s look, I wanted something that was a bit cosy, a bit comfy, a bit cheeky and sexy - he’s at home and having fun and feeling himself, and also planning on absolutely boning down with Stede. I actually couldn’t find a product listing for this sweater on the Bottega Veneta website, it’s just worn by this model in a product listing for some (rather questionable) leather shorts. I didn’t have anything specific in mind for his jeans - they’re probably just a pair he’s had forever and that are perfectly moulded to hug all his good bits.
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Chapter 9 - egg-smashing breakfast
I didn’t have a specific brand in mind for the jewellery that Stede buys with Ed’s credit card, but I was thinking along the lines of Alighieri, Ottoman Hands, and Schiaparelli - they all make beautiful, interesting stuff with that molten gold texture. To be honest, Schiaparelli is probably a little bit too out there for Stede, but I can totally see Ed wearing some of their huge weird earrings.
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arvandus · 10 months
aaarv! i miss you how are you doing? i’m curious, do you and barbatos have a favorite meal and/or tea to prepare together?
AMIRA 💚 Hi love! I hope you're doing well! I miss you too, it always brings a smile to my face when you pop in to say hi!
Hmmm..... I actually haven't thought about this before, so it's a fun one to answer! I love baking, but I'm TERRIBLE at breads, so I think I'd enjoy getting lessons from Barbatos on how to do some bread recipes. Also, since he's such a big fan of tea, I'd be curious to introduce him to boba, since I imagine he's never had it before from the human world. He might find them too commercial/sweet, but then again, he loves making desserts so perhaps not? Either way, I like them and it'd be amusing to see his experience with it.
Probably our go-to tea to make together is vanilla rooibos because it's my favorite and he always has a habit of wanting to provide for others what makes them happy. But I'd also want to learn more about his favorite things and reciprocate to him since I think he deserves to be taken care of more often. ;) I would often make something soothing/relaxing for him, so perhaps something that involves some lavender, maybe some honey.
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little-soldiers · 1 year
i remembered and then made the tea recipe from when i was a kid and to be honest i see now why the only thing i ever called it was spice tea
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(rooibos, star anise, rock sugar, cinnamon, clove, apple, and a SHIT TON of cayenne)
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percervall · 2 years
Cosy nights in
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Player: Virgil van Dijk Words: 1048 Requested: Anon Warnings: Mentions of seasonal depression A/N: Hope you like it lovely! Thank you for requesting this prompt 🧡
Autumn masterlist
She quickly unlocked the door, leaving the cold and rain behind and dropped her bag next to the shoe cabinet. Taking off her coat and shoes, she moved into the living room. 
“Hey babe,” Virgil called from the kitchen. He turned around at the stove and opened his arms for her to come and get a hug. She sighed as her body melted against his, his strong arms wrapping around her.
“How was your day?” he murmured, rubbing a hand along her back.
“Long. Exhausting,” she said quietly against his chest. She loved her job, knew that all of this stress would be worth it come January, but right now it was a lot to deal with on top of already feeling worn out by simply existing. 
“What are you making?” she asked to change the subject. Virgil smiled.
“That soup you love. Asked your mum for her recipe so I hope I did it justice.” 
“You-.. you phoned mum for her recipe? Oh Virg…” she said, swallowing back tears.
“I know how hard this time of year is on you and well, I might’ve done some digging online to figure out how to help,” Virgil said, pulling back to look at her, brushing away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. 
They both knew that was an understatement. Every year when the grey clouds would roll in towards the beginning of November, they would also take over her mind and dull everything. Everything, except the sadness. Last year, she got the official diagnosis for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Virgil had never worried she would hurt herself –she had never reached those levels of feeling low– but he did worry about her. Virgil hadn’t heard her laugh for a couple of weeks now and would do anything to get her to smile. It wasn’t until he started doing some research that Virgil remembered an old teammate talking about the Danish concept of hygge and a plan had started to take shape.  
“So I bought you your favourite candle, found that rooibos tea you like, and phoned your mum for her soup recipe. I thought we could maybe cuddle on the couch and watch a film or play a card game? Hendo let me borrow the one we played when we were there during the summer,” Virgil explained, shrugging with one shoulder. “I know it’s no cure but-..”
“It’s perfect, Virg,” she interrupted him, “thank you, it means so much that you’d do all of this just to help.” 
“It’s the least I can do, you’ve been there through every injury and defeat,” Virgil replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. She snuggled into his chest, standing there while he continued cooking. 
“How about you go get changed into something comfy, dinner’s almost ready,” Virgil said gently. She nodded, letting go of him and going upstairs. 
The soup had been almost as good as when her mother made it and she told him just that as they settled on the couch –her with a mug of gingerbread rooibos tea (her favourite for the colder months) and him with a coffee. Virgil chuckled and lit the candles on the coffee table. The rest of the room was lit by a couple of lamps that gave a soft warm glow. 
“Thanks lieverd, glad you liked it.” He sat down next to her, pulling her against him.
“So, film or card game?” he asked.
“Card game, not in the mood for a film.” Virgil nodded and got up to get the game. She moved the pillows to the floor so they could use the coffee table and sat down, pulling one of the fuzzy throws over her legs. She remembered playing it that summer. They had spent the afternoon playing games with a small group of Liverpool players and their partners and had ended it with a BBQ. If she closed her eyes, she could still hear the laughter. Virgil walked back into the living room and sat down next to her, pulling her from her memories. 
Virgil grinned as she threw her head back with laughter. They had lost track of the score halfway through the second round, but to him? This was a win. A light had returned to her eyes and she couldn’t stop her lips from tugging up in a smile. Virgil knew he hadn’t “fixed” her, there was no real cure. She had an appointment the following week to start light therapy to see if that would help. He hoped it would. It made him feel utterly helpless to watch the person he loved retreat more and more into herself and not being able to do anything to stop it. 
“Oh my God, that shouldn’t be as funny as it is!” she said, wiping away a tear. 
“That’s the aim of the game, no?” Virgil said, still grinning, which earned him another laugh from her.
“It very much is. Thanks babe, this was just what I needed.” She leaned over the corner of the table and kissed him. Virgil smiled into the kiss, resting a hand against her cheek as he kissed her back.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you laugh. Love you,” he murmured in the space between their lips when he broke the kiss. 
“Love you too, Virg. So much,” she said, voice barely louder than a whisper. Virgil kissed her again, briefly, and leant back against the couch. She snuggled into his side and tried to hide a yawn behind her hand.
“Let’s go to bed, yeah?” She nodded, but made no attempt to get up. Virgil chuckled and got up from the floor, pulling her up with him. He blew out all the candles and picked her up, carrying her up the stairs, into their bedroom. They quickly changed into their pyjamas and climbed into bed. She once again snuggled into him, her head resting on his chest. Virgil combed a hand through her hair absentmindedly, feeling her relax. She sighed contently.
“Thanks Virg, for getting me my favourite things and just being the best husband.” Virgil pressed a kiss to her hair as a reply, letting his lips rest there. He felt her breathing evening out and allowed sleep to pull him under as well.
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fadedlovemp3 · 1 year
Hey!! I was wondering how you make rooibos tea homemade/ what tea bags you use / and if its iced ? I was just curious if u had a recipe you love using and would recommend ^^ I absolutely loveee rooibos tea and have been using the rooibos rocks brand. i also had an iced rooibos w some other stuff in it in a tea shop once nd it was SOOO refreshing ! so yeah :) just curious if u had any tips and tricks! hope u have a fun day and enjoy!
omg hi it’s really nothing special n id be happy to share! this one was just the bagged Trader Joe’s blood orange rooibos and i did two bags of that and two bags of a basic bagged sencha green tea (but you could use whatever basic green tea is your fave) and then brewed those in a large glass jar for around 5 minutes? (ALSO if you’re doing this in a glass jar like me remember to put a potholder or tea towel or whatever underneath the jar bc if your countertop is cold and you pour boiling water in it can crack the glass which has happened to me before lol) and then i took out the green tea bags and let the rooibos bags sit for another minute or so then took those out and left it in the fridge overnight :)
i make iced tea like this pretty regularly in the summer and do different combos with herbal and caffeinated teas etc. like i said it’s really nothing crazy special lol but i like it 👍🏼
also as a little extra if you like doing tea drinks at home i would super recommend making your own simple syrup because it’s really easy and kinda fun to have around. im using my mom’s right now which is a mint lemon one which has such a nice fresh mint taste but you can put all kinds of stuff in your simple syrups. im planning on making a green tea infused simple syrup soon! i actually usually don’t take any sweetener in my tea and really only sweeten my tea if we have fun simple syrup around tbh
sorry this ended up being so long when i really didn’t say all that much lol but i hope this helped even a little!!! <3
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bocceclub · 2 years
made decaf masala chai with rooibos you all wish you were this smart and sexy and good at ignoring bad advice in internet recipes
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agentvharrison · 2 years
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Food questions for the Muse(s) 
@agentjjkelly​ asked: 🍹 - Your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic. 🍸 - Can you share a good cocktail recipe? ☕ - How do you drink your tea? And your coffee?
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🍹 - Your favourite drink? Alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
“Alcoholic: whisky, neat.  Whisky stones are acceptable, ice is not.  Non-alcoholic: tea; my choice of tea depends on mood and the time of day.”
🍸- Can you share a good cocktail recipe?
“Mulled wine/glögg:
Red wine
Port/sherry/hard liquor (esp. vodka or brandy)
- mix as desired
Orange peel
- add in as desired
Mix ingredients according to taste.  Heat over a low flame/a low temp in a crockpot.  Strain and serve.
I generally have a medium-sized crockpot full of this throughout the holidays.  Cheesecloth is your friend with this.  If you have access to a South Asian market, that’s definitely where you want to go for spices.”
☕ - How do you drink your tea? And your coffee?
“Tea is entirely dependent on the type of tea and when I’m drinking it.  Black blends are usually taken with a little sugar.  Sugar and milk are usually reserved for Earl Grey and sometimes British Breakfast.  Pu-erh and lapsang souchong are taken plain, though I may add sugar to blends based on them.  Green tea and green tea blends are usually taken plain, though there’s a few blends I take with a touch of sugar just to accentuate their natural sweetness.  Herbal tea and rooibos are often taken with a hint of sugar as well, though some blends are delicate enough that I’ll take them plain.  If it’s something non/low-caffeinated that I’m drinking before bed I’ll generally pass on the sugar.  I don’t really do white teas as I just don’t have the palate to properly enjoy them.  
“When it comes to brewing tea, I am incredibly finicky.  I keep a fancy kettle in the office at work so that I can brew water at the proper temperature for the tea in question, and I time my steeping appropriately.  I’m not necessarily a snob when it comes to other people drinking tea, but I am when it comes to my tea.
“Coffee is taken with as much sugar and milk/creamer/non-dairy-creamer as possible.  Flavored creamers are preferred.  Anything to make it not taste like coffee.  Though, honestly, I’ve gravitated away from coffee in general upon realizing that with my ADHD it doesn’t actually do anything to keep me awake.  I never liked the taste anyway, so I’m not crying.”
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