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harmoonix · 2 years ago
🌹Asteroid IRIS and your
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⭐🌈Info Box: Iris is the Goddess of the rainbow 🌈 and the Messenger of Gods, she is described as personification of Rainbow, as a link between Heaven and Earth🌈⭐
❂ Asteroid Iris [7] symbolize what people admire about us, where our admiration comes from, what is admirable about us ❂
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Iris in Aries: Your fire personality, courage, your confidence and attitude is very admirable, you are a very confident person and people admire that about you. You have no fear and you are not afraid of challenges, someone very independent and strong.
Iris in Taurus: Your tenderness, gracious aura, voice and your appearances are very admirable to other people, the public can admire you for being this gracious human being and kind of nature loving.
Iris in Gemini: Your voice, the way you talk, the way you think, your mind are very admirable, people might be very happy hearing your voice and you can have a great talent for giving speeches and communicating.
Iris in Cancer: People can admire you for your motherly side/nature, you are very nurturing and caring with people around you and they can find comfort in you and they find that admirable, your energy can heal people and you are someone very caring/lovable.
Iris in Leo; The way you expose yourself to the world are very admirable, here we talk about double admiration since Leo loves to be admired, people can admire you for being your own person and doing things you enjoy + loving yourself.
Iris in Virgo: Your analytical mind, your expressive nature and the way you organize things are very admired by other people, you are very organized and strong minded and people can find you very interesting and admirable.
Iris in Libra: Your peace, the way you put things in balance and the way you look are very admired by others, you might seem very peaceful kind of person and people can see your soul has a very calming nature and they can find that very admirable.
Iris in Scorpio: Your mystery and your magnetic aura attracts a lot of people in your area, they can find you very admirable by the fact you always seem to have your own power and you don't let anything to disturb you and bring you down.
Iris in Sagittarius: Your humour, your adventurous side and your wild fiery side are very admirable, the public can see you as a very adventurous person who lives by your own limits and rules and guided by freedom, they can admire your humour and the way you make their day better.
Iris in Capricorn: You status, authority and gentle nature can be very admired by others, you might have a very good status where you are and you tend to be respected by the people around you and they can look at you as an example and to admire you, usually people with this placement are great leaders and people admire their leader side.
Iris in Aquarius: Your uniqueness, your authentic side and your naturalness can be very admired by others, they can perceive you as a very unique authentic person who is very rare to met and be like, they can find you admirable by the fact everything you do is Authentic.
Iris in Pisces: Your spiritual side, your heart and your desires are very admired, you can be the type of person who wants to make the world a better place and people can admire you for that, and you always tend to show your true heart and to make people feel better with themselves and they admire that at you.
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Iris in the 1st house - Your personality is very admirable, in a way you can be very admired for who you are and for your own persona.
Iris in the 2nd house - The things you possess can be very admired by the people, and when i say "things" it can pretty much mean anything from simple things like books to big things like having an partner.
Iris in the 3rd house - Your voice is very admired, and aswell the way you talk makes others to admire you even more. Also your voice can influence a lot of people because you tend to be admired since your voice is so sweet.
Iris in the 4th - Your family can be pretty admired by people or your family can admire you (even if they don't tell you that) you can get admired pretty easily by people because of your nurturing personality.
Iris in the 5th house - You get admired for exactly who you are, this placement is giving "be yourself" pretty much, you get admired without any effort and you enjoy life in the same time aswell a win for a win.
Iris in the 6th house - You get admired for your work and contribution for being a very strong person with a lot of respect and love for what they are doing. You can aslo be pretty admired at your work place/job.
Iris in the 7th house - You get admired by your partner, in your relationships or in your circle of social people, you can attract people pretty fast due to your admiration.
Iris in the 8th house - Your admiration comes from your misterious personality and your mesmerizing persona, you can be pretty loyal and someone very serious and people can admire that at you.
Iris in the 9th house - You get admired for your beliefs and for the way you live your life, for being yourself and for this much love for life. You live your life at the fullest and without any regrets that makes you admirable.
Iris in the 10th house - You can get admired at your job/by the authorities and important people in your life. You can be very respected at your work place and people admire you even secretly.
Iris in the 11th house - You get admired by a lot of people in your life because you are pretty appealing and with a lot of knowledge for a lot of things that can grant you admiration, you can be admired in your friend group aswell.
Iris in the 12th house - Very spiritual and majestic, you get admired for your creativity and your artistic talents, someone can be gifted with a lot of creativity and talents with Iris in this house.
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🌹 Iris has blessings for everyone, hope everybody reading my notes has a good day full of good energy and a lot of good moments🌹 This asteroid seems very interesting though 🤫 i love her name because is very dear to me and I like the backstory of the Goddess Iris in the Greek Mythology. For deeper understanding of your administration make an asteroid persona chart on astro.com 💋💋💋
Harmoonix 💋
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art4lunch · 20 days ago
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“With duller steel than the Perséan sword They cut away no formless monster's head, But one, whose gentleness did well accord With death, as life. The ancient harps have said, Love never dies, but lives, immortal Lord: If Love impersonate was ever dead, Pale Isabella kiss'd it, and low moan'd. 'Twas love; cold,--dead indeed, but not dethroned.” 
John Keats, Isabella, or The Pot of Basil
Image: A smaller version of the iconic Isabella and the Pot of Basil, painted by William Holman Hunt in 1868, now in the collection of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
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lakisfourouklas-blog · 3 months ago
I kept leaving, traveling in search of you to the furthest corners of the earth, to the lands of dreams and long lost sunsets. I was looking for you at the places where I'd like you to be, where I'd like you to be with me. But you were someplace else, and the wonderful sunsets looked weak and pale in my eyes, belittled by the voracious glances of people, sad for those who loved but have never been loved in return.
Lakis Fourouklas
From my novella A Eulogy for Love
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a-complete-aesthete · 5 months ago
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Faith / Trust in God (1835)
This sculpture was made by Italian sculptor Lorenzo Bartolini as a memorial commissioned by a widow by the name of Marchesa Rosa Poldi Trivulzio. The artist's phenomenal neo-classical, purist masterpiece was a testimony of the countess' faith in God after her husband's death. This sculpture was highly praised and inspired many great literary works of the era.
For example, Giuseppe Giusti, an inspired Italian poet, wrote this sonnet two years after Bartolini's sculpture.
Trust in God - Statue of Bartolini
Almost forgetting her corporeal corpse, Enraptured in Him who willingly forgives, On her knees she abandons her beautiful body Softly, and both palms. A tired pain, a celestial calm Seems to spread throughout her body, But in the forehead that speaks with God Flashes the immortal ray of the soul; And it seems to say: if every sweet thing Deceives me, and I feel my life's troubled flight from the time I hoped for serene, Lord, trusting, to your paternal breast My soul runs, and rests In an affection that is not earthly.
Even something as dark and terrible as death can inspire bright minds, and artists to bloom the idea into something beautiful and truly great. There's a saying by Aristotle that goes;
"Art completes what nature cannot bring to finish. The artist gives us knowledge of nature's unrealized ends."
and I just think know it to be very true.
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artsof · 1 year ago
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Susanna at her Bath | Francesco Hayez | 1850 | London National Gallery
"Hayez was the leading artist of mid-19th-century Milan, renowned for his elegant draughtsmanship and polished execution. The Old Testament story of Susanna bathing provided him with a pretext for painting one of his favourite subjects, the female nude"
A description from an exhibition at Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in Cologne (December 2022):
"Alone with Susanna
A Susanna almost without the Elders. The painter only vaguely indicates the two old men in the background between the trees - obscured by light from behind and the haze of dawn. Looking over her shoulder Susanna identifies the real intruder in the intimate bathing scene: the viewer! The voyeuristic perspective puts him in the position of the Elders - pleasurably enjoying the scene or embarrassed? Casually supporting herself on one arm, with her crossed leg elegantly pointing in our direction, Susanna appears self-confident rather than alarmed. The same applies to her slight upward gaze that fascinates us - almost hypnotically. Is she giving us the "cold shoulder" as a calculated form of provocation? "
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yoan-le-grall · 1 year ago
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rosewind2007 · 1 year ago
I reckon that at some point fMRI scans will get to the point where you can actually find out how you feel and then we will all have to come to terms with the fact most of us are utterly lacking in romantic feelings…
Those feelings are confined to just a very few weirdos who happen to also create fiction which the rest of us consume…
Don’t know that this will change anything: or if it’ll be good for us
Or is this another of those “but everyone else is bisexual too” things?
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whatgoghmeantbyyellow · 7 months ago
Time wasn't meant to stop~
Time wasn't supposed to stop, the rain drop mid-air , the autumn leaves attached aren't supposed to be one of the audience.
When i look at them, time was always supposed to pick-up its current, time was supposed to rush up behind her like waterfalls in a rocky mountain.
It was never meant to stop, as at that moment, both standing atop a red mark decided by faith and all i want is that feeling, where the time runs, runs the last track, runs to show me the veiny hands still holding each other , to show me the broken and brittle still holding each others' wheelchair, or to show us dancing beside our death bed; for all i know , 20 to 80 to our forever , i want time to show me our future because i will not be in love now, i will be in love forever.
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nehemielemal-blog · 1 year ago
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Choisir le mutisme devient parfois l'unique moyen de répondre à un monde qui semble imperméable à la compréhension. C'est au fil de ces années, au gré des leçons que la vie m'a prodiguées, que j'ai saisi la nature du bonheur. Il ne se présente pas comme un don inné, mais plutôt comme un choix délibéré, exigeant des efforts constants, une observation attentive de soi-même et une éducation émotionnelle.
La rencontre fortuite avec S cet été demeure une pièce maîtresse de ce récit intérieur. Sur les conseils de Jenifer, j'ai osé sortir de ma zone de confort, bravant les limites que je m'étais imposées. C'était un pas vers l'inconnu, une danse fragile avec le destin. Pourtant, même dans cette quête de renouveau, les ombres du passé violent avec mon ex-fiancé ont persisté. Comme des spectres indomptables, ils se sont insinués dans mes choix, me confrontant à des reflets toxiques que je pensais avoir laissés derrière moi.
Face au chant des sirènes, j'ai choisi de résister, guidée par Dieu vers l'inconnu, malgré les peurs et les doutes qui persistent.
Les instants partagés avec S se dévoilent comme une toile complexe de sentiments ambivalents. Chaque sourire partagé évoque des pensées qui errent vers un autre, vers D. C'est un écho d'une connexion passée, une mélodie nostalgique qui persiste même dans les nouveaux chapitres de ma vie. Et pourtant, la peur persiste, se glissant silencieusement dans les interstices de mes émotions. Peur d'être réduite à un simple trophée, une conquête fugace dans le jeu des relations humaines. L'excitation initiale du défi se mêle à l'ombre du doute, formant un tableau complexe de craintes et de désirs.
C'est dans ce labyrinthe émotionnel que je m'interroge sur la nature de mon attachement à S. La peur de ne jamais être aimée véritablement, mais plutôt d'être une illusion, hante mes pensées. Est-ce un amour authentique ou simplement l'excitation éphémère d'un défi relevé ? Ces questionnements, tels des murmures insaisissables, ajoutent une tension palpable à chaque interaction, chaque regard échangé.
Dans cette traversée incertaine, la présence de Dieu devient mon guide. Une boussole spirituelle dans le brouillard des sentiments humains. Je choisis de me laisser guider sans savoir exactement où cette route me mènera. C'est un voyage vers l'inconnu, vers un horizon incertain, mais la certitude demeure que c'est la voie à suivre pour préserver mon intégrité émotionnelle, pour éviter de retomber dans le cercle de violence qui a marqué mon passé.
Chaque page de cette histoire reste ouverte, chaque ligne écrite avec une plume tremblante, reflétant les tourments intérieurs d'une âme en quête de vérité. Les cinq pages de ce récit ne sont qu'une étape dans ce voyage, une exploration continue de soi, de l'amour et de la foi. Et alors que l'histoire se dévoile lentement, je reste suspendue entre la peur du passé et l'espoir d'un avenir encore inconnu.
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lakisfourouklas-blog · 3 months ago
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He is lucky. He feels it. He knows it. He is lucky because the one woman he ever wanted, the one that he desired like a gift from above, is at this very moment sitting next to him.
His left arm seems to embrace her, but no, it doesn't, not exactly. It simply touches her lightly, like the whisper of a caress. This contact is enough to bring him peace, serenity, to make him close his eyes and imagine with a secret smile their common future.
She's maybe smiling as well right now. Maybe. There's no way to tell. But one thing is certain; she enjoys being there, abandoned in his almost hug, feeling his body's warmth and gazing at the endless blue of the sea.
Lakis Fourouklas
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mystical-shadows · 8 months ago
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Some say AI art isn’t ART.
But what is art ultimately?
It is the bringing forth; manifestation, of one’s inner world and or vision to everyday life (or ordinary reality) by way of some physical medium. Be it canvas and oils, pen and paper, musical instrument, film, or dance floor,.
Making our “inner world” come forth into our physical day-to-day world. For all to see and enjoy.
Which by the way is also the definition and purpose of esoteric, ritual and ceremonial Magick.
AI is just a new medium. A tool, if you will. That gives now EVERYONE the skill to do just that.
Express their true self!
In My Case, Dark Gothic Romanticism.
Art by Edgars Freibergs
Tribute to Mary Shelly and her creation Frankenstein
or, as she titled it, New Prometheus.
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seethingsapphic · 2 years ago
but what can I say? we weren't holding hands when our little world burned to the ground. I didn't kiss you goodbye. Instead, I sat back and memorized your face with naive hope that I would see you again, but it would take some time. You'd be older when I saw you again. You'd probably not remember my favorite book and that long walk we took in the middle of summer.
Now, I know I won't ever even hear from you again. But if I see you again I'd still kill for you, I meant it when I said I love you.
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denizeyuruyen · 2 years ago
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" 'Hadi evine gidlim. Sana nefis bir akşam yemeği hazırlayacağım. Sonrasında yatağa girip birbirimize sarılabiliriz.' diyecektim."
🎨 Malcolm Liepke
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girlandthedarkness · 2 years ago
Sometimes I pray to the moon, I feel like she’s the only one that listens to me these days. I tell her about my day, about my dreams and hopes and sometimes I would tell her about my fears. Oh, how much I miss my sister...
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aldryrththerainbowheart · 2 years ago
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1. Karel Rašek; Forest fairy (1905)
2. Jaroslav Špillar; Water sprite's winter rest (1899)
3. Jaroslav Panuška; Interior with a skull (circa 1900)
4. František Urban; Woman's fate (1895 - 1900)
5. Josef Mandl; Ahasver (1904)
6. Josef Mandl; Triumphator (1916)
7. Josef Mandl; Soul/ The dug-over grave (1899)
8. Josef Mandl; Female saint (1900)
9. Emanuel Krescenc Liška; The dawn after good friday (1903)
10. Jan Preisler; Study for the Adventurous Knight Cycle (1897 - 98)
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