#rolypoly pictures
miyoriia · 6 months
❓️ Quest Available
"Find 1 rolypoly in the ground and show me a picture of it"
Accept? Y/N
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armoroadpasaran · 1 year
pasaran friend! i have a selfish request 🙇‍♂️ may we please have a bulldog appreciation day someday soon? bulldog puppies are sweet lil rolypoly doughy potatoes, and they're great for cuddle piles! evidence: baby picture of my bully and her siblings
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(/▽\*)。o○♡ AAAAAWWW!!! Dere too cuuuuute! In a little melty pile!!! Dey look so soft and squishy! I wanna pet dem!!!
♡ ~('▽^人) Of course we can haff an appreciationing day for dem! Dey are adorable!!!
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tinyshe · 2 years
Garden Report 22.05.14
Keeping this short (ha!) instead of going back through my garden journal to give you an update on everything since I have been gone.
The weather is decidedly cool, at times cold (snow/hail) and very wet. The established plants like trees, vines, shrubs/bushes have responded with excessive and vigorous growth! Yes, I did fertilize/amend the soil with alfalfa pellets, urine laden / chicken droppings meadow grass mulch, kelp, glacier rock dust, worm castings from an elder and my worms compost but I think it is the constant rain-forest effect that is boosting their growing. But it also increases the slugs and rolypoly/wood lice/ sow bugs that are also very hungry! I keep putting out a few starts at a time and they are just mowed down!
The potatoes are doing excellent in top growth considering all the bad weather. I am hoping for a new potato crop end of June? Most of my starts have had to be potted up at least one step -- its just too wet and to pesty to plant out. Some are lingering outside in smaller containers because I can’t pot up and hold in the space I have -- not enough room. O! To have the summer house done!
Was gifted some lovely morels. The first batch are in the dehydrator. The second batch went to the straw bed in Africa because they came in late last night and by morning were maggot riddled. A hand full of muddy straw on each spent morel -- maybe some day there will be some morels in that patch! Been foraging for sorrel and dandelion greens in the garden. I say foraging because these never stay where I plant them -- they move to where they feel more comfortable. The weeds have also gotten out of control. When I get a little stronger, I plan on putting on knee pads and just crawl along chopping and dropping with my trusty hori hori as I crawl along.
I have been trying to gather flowers to dry for tea. I have a nice batch of lilac (two jars!). I would like more but with the rain -- it is highly unlikely. But I did get some calendula, pinks, viola, rose petals/flowers done. One jar of straight calendula petals was a nice addition to the pantry.
The hens are lovely ... lovely brats! They have decided its just too much effort to go dig for worms. They will march right into the house, into the kitchen where I am and demand their chips (meal worms). What cheeky little brats! And if they don’t find me in the kitchen, they stand in the mud room and cry as loudly as possible until I show up.
I will try to post some pictures later. I’m not back in full force. I hope everyone out there gardening is enjoying the time spent tending their little piece of eden.
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hongism · 3 years
Caly, I made an account so I can reblog and properly praise your work in the form of lots of caps lock and nonsense (plus atiny-piratequeen, you guys are the only people I read stuff from) however I am now at a dilemma because I have nothing on my account meaning you'd just be getting reblogs and feedback from a creepy empty account 😭😭 WHAT DO I DO IM TEMPTED TO JUST REBLOG A BUNCH OF PICTURES REAL QUICK AND THEN START REBLOGGING FROM YOU GUYS
lKLFKJJSKLLKFD you’re so sweet pls miss fie needs to know she’s extra loved too :3 @atiny-piratequeen !!! it’s an honor to be included with her, she’s one of my personal icons and one of the first atiny writers i ever read from !! 
but LKJDFSLKJLKFK reblog anything and everything u want or just leave your account empty bestie either way i know that all writers would love feedback no matter what <333
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coridallasmultipass · 3 years
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Isopod upgrade!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾 I started two isopod colonies collected about 2 weeks ago (idr?) from when I cleaned out the leaf litter in our dried-out pond. I separated the two groups into "pale with speckles" and "dark with speckles" initially, but the rollie pollie pictured is the only plain one I kept because he's just SO CUTE AND FRIENDLY!! I love him too much to banish him to the cold, hard outdoors. He's HUGE, too. Like the size of my pinky nail. So, he's just grouped in with the dark ones, and I DEFinitely didn't name him Big Papa, I swear. 😭💖 I've been feeding these guys all sorts of stuff (including homemade eggshell calcium supplement!!) and they're so adorable how curious they are. So far, their favourite was cauliflower stem slices (it looked like swiss cheese the next day!!) 🥦🥦🥦🥦 But enough babying, they needed natural items to keep them busy and entertained (as well as moist and feeling safe.) So today, I cleaned up a bit, gave them each some more dirt (from the compost), sphagnum moss, crushed homemade leaf litter, and decaying wood (and "hides" from that, too.) Big Papa came out to inspect the renovation right away, but I have yet to see the others be so daring. Hopefully they like it, and start breeding some more speckley babies for my future bioactive tank. 🐜🐜🐜🐜 #invertebrate #invertebrates #inverts #isopod #isopods #isopodpets #rolliepollie #rolliepollies #rolypoly #wildisopods #bioactive https://www.instagram.com/p/CVg61_OJkll/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years
Kid for the character ask!
Okay, here goes for Kiddo.
favorite thing about them:
I love the idea of super, in your face, I don’t give a fuck, camp Kid who gives Nami a run for her money. I don’t think it’s canon. Otherwise, his fur coat.
least favorite thing about them:
I like him in canon. He’s fine. I know the aggression is part of the charm in KidLaw in fiction, but it’s too much for me at times. I’m far more into soft KidLaw. Again, that’s fandom, not canon, obviously.
favorite line:
"And he has bad manners”.
brOTP: Kid and Nami! Kid and Killer is an obvious one Dunno if Law and Kid would be friends, but maybe someone could try it. Kid and his crew. Kid and Bonney. OTP: 
KidLu: I really like the idea of two egotistical bastards competing with each other until the finish line. When they’re rolypoly balls at Udon from eating too much kibidango, I love the absurdity.
It’s not my fave, but I also like it, KidLaw, particularly soft KidLaw. Lots of my fave stories are KidLaw
KidKiller (KidKil sounds better, right?): Almost canon, isn’t it? Haha. I used to come across it sometimes before Wano, and always read it. It makes sense.
Kid and Bonney. Lots of the early fics had them together. It was a cool dynamic. They could also be brOTP.
nOTP: I don’t have one for Kid. 
random headcanon:
I wanna write a fic where he’s really quite prim and proper. I think I get the vibes from @chokefriends, Pit Town Strays which has a very ‘know how to handle the PTA’ absent Mrs Eustass, and Kid learnt a thing or two from her. Actually, Kid having a few OOC conniptions over things not done right really tickles me, and it’s mostly from that “And he’s got bad manners” (to boot) line (about Law).  I mean, imagine how he felt when Apoo blasted up his headquarters?
unpopular opinion:
Kid’s smart, but I think we all know that. Hot-headed though, so doesn’t necessarily think. We haven’t really seen that much of him to have too much of an opinion about him. It’s really hard to write about  him with that huge mechanical hand though.
song i associate with them:
“Firestarter” by the Prodigy, I think.
favorite picture of them: This one is from @itsamemarshallbanana. A really old one, but God I love it. This is a link to the thread. Kid giving Nami a total run for her money in selfies. But honestly, there’s also some amazing stuff on twitter, and on tumblr too. It was awesome when all 3 captains came together at the start of the Onigashima battle, and his Beast Pirates outfit....I’m lookin’ ;-)
In canon? Maybe his kibi-dango butterball self, haha, or competing with Luffy for the onigiri in that colour spread, or the three captains on the cover of one of the volumes.
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Thanks for the ask. Law, Tashigi, Usopp, Zoro and Kid are completed! (someone ask me about Chopper…or anyone else is okay :-) ) Marco, Chopper and an ASL member (probably Ace) are lined up.
Ask away:
character asks (one piece only)
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tree-choose-pot · 3 years
April snow
The Roly Poly experienced its first snow!  In April!  In Missouri!  Two days ago we were wading in the stream at Echo Bluff State Park, and yesterday we were watching and playing in snow for 4 hours... in the exact same spot!  
On a sad note, we met a man from Kansas who said the late freeze was killing the buds on his fruit trees and he’d have no fruit this year.  When we were on the Texas coast, we learned from park rangers about the approx 14,000 sea turtles that died in the unusual February storms.  We even saw a few that were still washing up in April.  These are the kinds of things that you may see a quick clip of on the news, but to be here talking to the real people who are affected is much more impactful.  On a happy note, the park ranger said citizens brought in over 4,000 sea turtles that were “stunned from the cold” and many of them were warmed and rehabilitated.   Is anyone else picturing a turtle in their passenger seat?  And it’s usually illegal to even touch a sea turtle.
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Big snow flakes falling!
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Watching from the window.  A little sad that it isn’t a thick layer of snow like in all the fairy tales.
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Licking snowflakes off Dad.
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The RolyPoly’s first snow.
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Blooming dogwoods and redbuds... and snow!
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olive-and-rye · 4 years
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We haven’t gotten bored yet #stayingsafeathome 😻😻We love playing in the windows as the neighbors walk by in the evening and waving to kids. There is also examining all incoming packages after they have been in 📦quarantine which tonight revealed the curious combination of a haircutting kit for humans 😅 a travel @hellotushy 🍑💩 (also for humans and not a paid endorsement) and a gift from our dear Furriend @gryphenthecat of a beautiful calico catnip mat by @formewtoys which we were all having a fine rolypoly on (perfect seat for birdwatching so we don’t have to sit on the cold table 😻😻) Fig was licking it because she is a creep 😹😹 not pictured is the tin of @deziandroo Cloud 9 #silvervine which we enjoyed as our evening tipple tonight as well☁️🌪😹and then humom continues to draw weird 💩 @oliveandryecatart and we snuggle in the evenings. We are all thankful for what we have here in our 🏡 and also here on IG 🌸 not a bit to be taken for granted. We love you all and are glad you’re here with us 🌸💙🌞#stayhome #quarantinecatsofinstagram #loveinthetimeofcorona . . . #tortie #tortietude #tortoiseshellcat #tortiedust #cat #cutenessoverload #catsofinstagram #boop #boopmynose #phillypaws #adoptdontshop #oliveryefig #buzzfeedscats #boredpanda #buzzfeed #funny #cute #buzzfeedanimals #weeklyfluff #thedodo #tricorncats #9gag #meowed #careycat https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dRpl3DGVO/?igshid=1vatvr4311usd
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bogwoodexotics · 8 years
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Common RolyPoly (Armadillidium vulgare). The first two pictures are of the same individual, they are high yellow.  I separated them off with other high yellow individuals for selective breeding. 
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necrobob · 3 years
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It was pretty early in the morning when I took the #rolypoly pictures. I needed to provide some extra lighting. I got the LED lights at @harborfreight for just this kind of thing. This is the first time I used them all together. The flashlight, especially, is really bright. It’s probably worthwhile to get a ringlight, but there are so many other things I need to worry about first. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPw9wHIDd63/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Original lineart by Ichibod’s player @sicklollipop, coloring by me.
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tinyshe · 3 years
Garden Report 21.06.21
Harvest: continuing with previously mentioned in last report; tayberries are starting to ripen and come off. Fruitless plums little red plums are ripe and coming off. Artichokes are having a bumper crop this year! Some plants are producing 4 to 5 (or more) globes.
Blooming: Blackberries starting to grow like mad and bloom; will probably get one light crop from new canes after taking everything down to ground late winter/early Spring. Elderberry starting to bloom. Only one is big enough to make a harvest this year. All others are starts still waiting. Raspberries (red) are making a great comeback and starting to bloom a little late. The Service Berry is starting. I am hoping to get at least part of the crop -- the birds come in and wipe them out just before they are ripe every year but this year looks to be a good crop so maybe I will get a taste or two. The large tomatoes are starting to bloom -- hoping they will set fruit. All of a sudden I am bee-free! All the bumbles disappeared as did the honey bees. I am hoping it is just the cold winds and damp fog that has them sitting low though the swallow tail has been gliding in when there is a bit of sun.
Pest: still have saw fly caterpillars. They found the white currant starts so pulling them out for the predator wasp to find. The caterpillars are also in the gooseberries but not too heavily. Dealing with skunk by lobbing bags of dog shite in her corner where she has trenched a burrow under the neighbor’s garage (no fence as a courtsey for them/open access but = open access for rodents and now skunk!). Hoping she will leave or we will have to bring out the heavy ammonia rags. She has to make it out via another neighbors’ garden and they aren’t too keen on the idea. I really don’t want to have a stand off and have the skunk exterminated. Slugs and snails control seem to be under hand. Still too many of those rolypolies and the hens won’t touch them -- these girls are getting to be really picky eaters!
Hens: Still doing well; the hormonal issues seem to have settled for Alcott but she still occasionally tries to go in last proving she’s head chicken ... but Bronte is waiting just inside the coop door and gives her a swift couple of raps on her head just to remind her who is boss. They have a particular order they proceed in and out of the coop and Bronte deals with those severely if they are literally out of order. They seem to be taking a break from laying. I’m waiting on a molt to start.
Vermiculture: Need to divide but I need to asses the worm eggs before removing/using worm compost (I like to keep the eggs in the bins as much as possible).
Maintenance: Getting a little tired of being civilized; have started slashing new growth on fruit trees with sharp garden/hunting knife -- grab and slash, toss it down. Weeding has produced two piles of green compost-able that are about a meter high and little over two meters across. Still much is waiting for me to yank it up. Started sawing up branches for firewood. Sorted old wood for rot = compost mulch. Transplanting lettuce and flowers. Still holding off on new seeding though thinking of winter garden crops. Weather has been such a seesaw that the plants are confused (prev. note about pear tree with second flush of blooms). Waiting for artichokes to finish up as I want them out of the box with my rhubarb (too much shading). Since the rhubarb is 12 y.o. the artichokes are more moveable. Need to get some aged manure for the move.
New plant: decorative ‘fly plant’. I don’t know what its name is and the person gifting me didn’t know it but by this name. When it gets settled will have to share baby pictures and hopeful its botanical name.
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hongism · 3 years
Dude today has been crazy at work. I work at a factory and today I was in one of the hot departments which just means there's no a/c so it's usually between 80-120° F depending on the temp outside. But the department I was in tonight has a lot of oil for the food product and there was a super bad storm that took out the power and FIRST OF ALL. I am TERRIFIED of the dark and I was between some machines and completely secluded from everybody when it happened but since the machines are so hot I couldn't even move cause it was pitch black and I couldn't risk running into one. Then finally the backup generators came on so I could KIND of see and I rushed to the other employees (They're on a set team since they're through the actual factory but I'm part of a temp agency so I do the bitch work which means more work and also I get moved around constantly so I don't really know them) and my partner found me and even we don't really know each other that well yet lmao but everyone was buzzing cause power outages are wild in huge factories and SUDDENLY. PEOPLE WERE YELLING TO GET OUT BECAUSE THERE WSS A FUCKING FIRE. THERE WAS A FIRE. and we had to walk BACK between the machines where I couldn't fucking see anything and I was leading the line I was on and we had to walk right by the fire TWICE. WHAT THE FUCK. and the machines have been down for almost 6 hours now so we've all just been sitting around (but my jeans got ripped and there's a giant hole which is a safety hazard so even when the machines are back up I'm not allowed back in so I'm basically on a 6 hour break 😭)
Bro I had so many other things I was going to send you the passed week but got too busy or whatever but this just. WHEW. oh and then the 30-something of us in that department went to the break room and had a lil "party". Idk why one of them had a Bluetooth speaker but he did. honestly the more I type out of this night the more this feels like a scene from a wattpad fic (strangely makes sense, I have a LOT of "y/n" moments)
--rolypoly(also holy shit i got almost no sleep before work because my dream involved my deceased friend spending a little bit of time with me before telling me again that it was time for us to move on and the way I had to initiate it was by painting this picture I'd been working on of him and I together and smiling at each other and happy, and I had to do it on a suitcase? Anyway, woke up and when I checked the time it was his clock birthday and I just decided it was going to be a rough day and then all that shit happened. Although since nobody was hurt thankfully I don't consider that a bad day... I like the excitement)(and technically free money since we can't work when the power is out, machines are down, or ya know a fire) sorry this is a messy ask as usual, I just am like. WHOA. Wild
okay HOT DAMN this was a trip from start to finish ?!?!?!? omg but honestly pls rolypoly im so glad that you're safe and that the crisis was averted and that no one got hurt that's very good im so glad that you're safe!!! secondly! i hope that work is much less eventful in the future pls be safe and safe <3 that sounds so terrifying tho oml that’s a nightmare and a horror story to me i can’t believe that happened i would’ve just dipped outta there so fast 😭😭
THIRDLY pls rest up oml you had such a busy and eventful and crazy week from start to finish i hope you can take care of yourself and look after yourself as best you can <3 and im sorry to hear about that dream that sounds so harsh and hard to dream so im sorry you had to go through that :(( i hope you dont have more dreams like that in the futures :( ILY BESTIE
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tree-choose-pot · 4 years
The Southeast
We recently bought the ubiquitous RV travel sticker map, and have been slapping on several more state stickers as we move westward through the southeast.  We’ve had some unique experiences as we’ve passed through these small states, staying at Harvest Host farms and a stopping to visit friends.  We’ve seen a lot of animals, both wild and domestic, to include a pet pig Priscilla, chickens and funny-looking roosters, a dog that protects the chickens, a pod of dolphins making waves near the shoreline, a miles-long line of birds skimming Mobile Bay, a huge coyote feet from the RolyPoly, an opossum in a tree, a cottonmouth snake inches from the kids (yikes!), ospreys, a few bald eagles, blue claw crabs that we trapped and cooked, and of course the horses at the horse farm, including Tequila, the mare we got to ride!   Also, yesterday at Audubon Park in New Orleans, we saw hundreds of black-bellied whistling ducks, and I finally saw the swan I’ve been looking for since Yellowstone! 
At the lavender farm in northwest Florida, we met the hardworking owner, who unbeknownst to him, planted the first lavender crop in Florida.  The 1/4 acre is now an official agriculture experiment for the lavender supply company.   The plants already looked half dead, but I do like the soap I bought, and the kids only cared about the animals anyways.  I kind of want a pet pig now… she was way more chill than the dog and the chickens.
The horse farm was another interesting stop.  We met Mary, who has lived in and out of Mississippi, taking traveling jobs but then returning to the family horses, where she resumes running barrel races and caring for the property and horses (and now her new campground).  We helped feed the 3 boy race horses and the palomino mare.  The horses get a beer with their dinner because, according to Mary, in the south it helps them perspire better.  She let the kids roll around in the hay, then pointed out some of the horses’ personality differences, and then taught us all some riding skills.  Tequila is a trained horse, but this was no kiddie festival horse ride.  Anina caught on faster than I did, as I have not been on a horse since I was a kid and my hand-foot-posture-brain connections have some stiff connections.  the way I sit apparently made the horse want to trot.  Mary taught me how to walk her along the fence and direct her into some sharp turns.  I really enjoyed having this new experience, but I’m not ready quite yet to trade in my longboard for a horse.
We also were spoiled with 5 nights on our friends’ property, the Stumpe Seaside Shambhala, which even has an RV sewer hookup.  We had a laundry room, a bathtub, a whole yard of sand and dirt with permission for the kids to dig, a stunning water view, a dock with crab traps, 3 great evenings eating and visiting with our friends, sunrises at 6:10am (the kids were up!), and did I mention the laundry room?  We can only aspire to be such amazing and generous hostesses as our property-owning friends, but we did learn that we love a property this size, and having a guest cottage might be fun for all of our futures.
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6:10am sunrise at Mobile Bay from the Shambhala’s back patio.
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We’ve had so many private petting zoo experiences. At the lavender farm, the kids ran out before breakfast!
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No contest in cuteness here, between the porky pig and that wirey white rooster.
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Our horse-riding lesson in bike helmets and jogging clothes (at least I threw on the flannel!)
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Our campground right on the Mississippi River.  We enjoyed the bike path and the long barges floating past (green thing in picture below)
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One day when the kids learn about the Civil War in school, they can pull up this picture of when they hugged the leg of Jefferson Davis, the first and only President of the Confederate States of America.
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And, finally, learning on the farm...  beer in the horse feed.
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