#rodolphus is daddy
sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Silly headcanons about Rodolphus!!!
Uhuhuhuhuhuhu- this ask sparks joy. These ones I all wholeheartedly believe (apart from one, maybe), and they always make me laugh, so enjoy.
If undisturbed, the man can sleep 'till noon. Bella is someone who needs very little sleep in general and generally is one of those people who feels that sleep is a waste of time that could be better spent doing other things. Not Rod. My man needs his beauty rest. Anything below 8 hours a night, he gets cranky.
I have a very big headcanon that the English Lestrange branch is the secondary one. The main one stayed back in France, and they are wine producers. The ancestral family home is in Burgundy (and some cousins live in the Champagne region) and they make some of the best wines in the wizarding world, thousands of dollars a bottle. For this reason, Rodolphus is a wine nerd. He knows everything there is to know - bottles, vintages, food pairings, etc. He gets incredibly excited whenever he can talk about this passion of his and it's the only time he transforms from a rather quiet and stoic man to a rambling fanboy. Bella rolls her eyes at him but secretly finds it endearing.
Lestrange Hall is in Cornwall. It's a huge castle, much bigger than Malfoy Manor, it goes back to medieval times and belonged to many other Houses before the Lestranges. Unfortunately, it always rains, it's always cold, and some part of it is always in need of reparations. Rabastan is constantly criticizing the place (but won't ever leave, because he won't leave Rodolphus). Rod and Bella really like the Wuthering Heights vibe. There are obviously ghosts, some friendly some not. None of them will respect Rodolphus (after all, they saw him as a small kid running around those halls). All of them are scared shitless of Bellatrix and it drives Rod insane.
He was born in England, has always lived in England. No matter. If you ask him, he'll unironically say he's French. He will also criticize the English way of life. Bellatrix was used to eating dinner at 6 pm back at her parents' house. Not anymore. The house elves are under strict orders: they can't even begin to cook supper at 6. The Lestranges eat at 8 pm, no exceptions. Rodolphus has no pity whatsoever for his starving wife. Once, while visiting the Lestranges, it was about 7 something when the Dark Lord asked sarcastically if the Master of the house was going to feed them anything and Rod just looked at him and went "No".
Surprisingly ticklish.
Dog person.
Prideful. The kind of person that will do stupid shit because someone bet them they couldn't. Bellatrix once used this to her advantage to dare him to wear a pair of her knickers (black, lacy) to a DE meeting. Rodolphus regretted it the second he stepped into the room and the most embarrassing moment of his life was when he met the Dark Lord's gaze. Yaxley was drawling on about this or that, Rodolphus was too self-conscious for his Occlumency shields to work... and of course what was at the forefront of his mind? The Dark Lord choked on his wine. Bellatrix maintains it was the best moment of her life.
Vaguely OCD. Bellatrix, on the other hand, is... well, she's not horribly messy, but she's not tidy either and he hates it.
Kinda NSFW: They have been caught having sex at pureblood events more than once.
NSFW: Bella is the one that brought the BDSM element to their sex life (she gets it from Voldemort, sorry not sorry). Rod, who is generally more vanilla, was hesitant at first. Then he got super into it but that's another post. "I want you to bend me over your father's desk and spank me" "Are you sure?" "Yes, please, Rod" "...But are you sure?" "Ffs Rodolphus, just do it!"
She calls him Daddy.
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motherfuckingmaneater · 10 months
bellatrix: daddy can you pass the salt? rodolphus, orion and cygnus: *all reaching for the salt at the same time* voldemort: *flicking his finger at the salt to send it to her without looking up from his meal and without a word.*
bellatrix: . . . bellatrix: thank you
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Rodolphus: That's dishonest, disrespectful, and deceitful.
Bellatrix: So you're in?
Rodolphus: I thought I made that clear.
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February 22 — Reveal day 9
✨ it’s worth it, it’s divine ✨
TW: rape/non-con, dead dove: do not eat
Pairing: Bellatrix/Rodolphus
Words: 1,550
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enbysiriusblack · 12 days
since you have a Bella themed blog ATM, what's your biggest Headcanons on her
she's very short !!!!! honestly the only character where i actually care about their height. like she just gives such short energy and also as a short person, i need one fellow short character and for some reason i chose her
^also adding to that andromeda is a lot taller which is like one of the defining differences people use to tell them apart (other than their clothing style), however its still a bit hard cause bellatrix wears very tall heels all the time
has a soft spot for narcissa & draco & no one else
she suffers from eldest daughter </3
lesbian!!!!! she's a lesbian!!! dating rita during school, alecto during early death eater years, before marrying rodolphus who is in my transfemme
pre azkaban her and post azkaban her act completely different
chronic overachieving attention seeker with massive abandonment issues and mummy and daddy issues and an overwhelming duty to provide and protect her family
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lilylovessev · 2 years
forbidden || bella x snape
Bellatrix Lestrange was wildly humiliated.
“Cissy, please do not involve yourself in this. This is my marriage.”
“Look at you,” her sister snapped, eyes wide in shock. “You are certainly not weak, Bella. If a man has managed to do something like this to you, it has become a problem.”
She laughed tiredly, shaking her head dismissively, “This is just... foreplay for us.” She winced as Cissy dabbed a particularly painful spot with the healing salve. 
“That’s not funny, not in the slightest.” 
She sighed, shrugging defeatedly, “There’s nothing that I can say to reassure you, Cissy. I’m married to him and that’s that. You know that Mummy and Daddy wouldn’t have wanted this strife.” She arched a brow, “Don’t make such an unnecessary fuss, not in front of everyone. I can just about handle myself without causing a scene.” 
“Really? Since when have you learned the fine art of self-awareness? You always make a bloody unnecessary fuss.”
“Oooooh, ouch,” Bella laughed light-heartedly. “Don’t be such an arse with me, Cissy, it isn’t very becoming for a girl quite as lovely as you.”
She then moved to stand up, before downing the glass of champagne that she’d picked up on the way in. 
It had been a while since she’d spent time with her little sister. Cissy was freshly married, full of the joys of it, and an absolute pain in the arse. She just looked so... so happy. Although, she was convinced that Cissy would never truly appreciate just how lucky she was. She couldn’t stand Lucius Malfoy, but at least she loved him. She had been able to marry for love, not just esteem. She didn’t know what their marriage was truly like though, nor whether anyone else was involved just yet. There were lots of people involved in her marriage, and had been since the day that it had happened.
She started to walk out of the room, turning back to look at the blonde, “I protect you. You have no need to protect me.” She nodded, as if reassuring herself, before leaving the room. She walked out into the party, fully aware of the pointed, curious glances in her direction. 
She rolled her eyes, “What?” She snapped at someone caught in the crossfire. She grabbed another glass of champagne, taking a swig as she looked around, knowing that not one of these people had room to judge her marriage. She’d arrived in a state, arguing with Rodolphus about one of his whores, looking like this. It had been a mess. Lucius had, of course, immediately turned on her; she was the problem, the one making the scene. As always. Bella, the troublecauser. Oh, she would quite happily own that label. She rather liked causing trouble, but it riled her up that a man would be so quick to blame a woman merely for being the loudest in the room.
She laid her gaze on one of her fellow party-goeers, smirking to herself. 
Little Severus Snape. 
One of their Dark Lord’s finest new protégés. 
Oh, wasn’t he in for an absolute treat? He was good, she could give him that, but she hadn’t seen much of him yet.
She made an immediate beeline for him; always finding the person in the room who would probably like her the least, in order to thoroughly wind them up. She stood alongside him, not saying a word for a few moments, before then turning to stare at him. 
“You spend an awful lot of time here, don’t you?” She took a sip of her drink, “Do you have nowhere else to be? No-one else?” It was fun to be cruel. It wasn’t quite so fun to be kind. She liked riling people up, it always brought the best out of them. She enjoyed seeing how far that people could be pushed before cracking. It was a good sign of their endurance. She tilted her head slightly, before moving to stand directly in front of him, staring into his eyes, “You don’t speak much, do you?” She laughed, before narrowing her eyes,  and leaning right into him... “Boo.” She poked his shoulder, giggling before backing off, rolling her eyes as she turned to walk away.
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metalomagnetic · 1 year
Rarepair tag game!
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.)
Thank you for tagging me @cindle-writes and @racfoam!
I just now realised I do not have an OTP. I must pick one haha .
Sirius/Voldemort: There is something about their personalities that makes me so attracted to the potential this pair has. They are very different people, yet the little they have in common is enough to make it work (or at least make me want to force it to work haha).
Voldemort/Rodolphus: The devotion in this extremely rare pair leaves me breathless. 
Sirius/Draco: A little Black family incest never goes amiss. Imagine Draco manifesting his daddy issues with Sirius. Imagine the headache it would cause Lucius. The dramatic and comedic potential is endless with these two. 
Voldemort/Grindelwald: Two dark lords. Enough said. 
Sirius/Severus: the pure loathing, the murder attempt, the class difference, the opposing views, the miserable lives they both led, ending with miserable deaths- what is not to love? 
@kazuza-art @duplicitywrites @itsevanffs and everyone who wants to play. 
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Dear Cissy:
God, I know you are angry. I understand. I know everyone must hate me now. But I don't care. I don't care anymore. I hate them as well.
I never found a deep purpose to my life. Everything I lived, everything we lived was pointless. Expensive toys, fantasy worlds, prestigious school, parties, boys, clothes and makeup. I know now that I was never happy. Maybe the highs of my life had been you and Bella. But I detested the life we were encouraged to live. That was until I met him. Ted and only Ted gave me a purpose.
I discovered with Ted that our way of living was too extreme. We spent all the money in the world, while people like him had needs. That is unfair. I figured our family wouldn't miss a couple of pounds. That's why I took the decision of stealing money and giving it to him. To us. He promised me a different life, a different future. Maybe a more happy life in which people don't pretend and show what they truly are. Mummy and Daddy had been lying to us and pretending. They must've given us money and nice things but they never gave us love. Bella has been pretending as well. Everything had been about her. As if she is the center of this world. And I am sick of it. You are too innocent to realize any of this. That's why I am telling you now. Because I think is time you know. For you to take better decisions. You don't deserve that life. You don't deserve Lucius. You deserve better.
I am happier with Ted than I have ever been with the family and the fake friends we had. And I am glad Ted and I can enjoy the little fortune I prepared for us. Maybe our methods weren't the best. But we deserved that money more than them.
I have nothing against Rodolphus. And I have nothing against you. You two are too innocent to know when something is wrong. But I couldn't just stay. It wasn't worthy. It isn't worth to fight. None of it. Ted is way more important to me. And I know that by having him, I don't need anything else. And don't worry about me. Don't even worry about our family. They deserve what they got. They will get over me, like a bad headache. I am nothing to them. And I am sure if you leave, they wouldn't care as well.
If I had another chance in life, I would do everything the same way. I reckon I would do anything for Ted. He is my life. He is my everything.
I hope you have a happy life. I hope you find the happiness you deserve, Cissy. But don't come looking for me. I don't want more trouble. I want to forget everything about my past and my connection to that rotten family. But I will have you in my heart. And I will never forget you. I just don't want you anymore. You and Bella would remind me of all the bullshit I lived in that house. And I don't want that. Sorry. But remember I will always love you.
Lots of luck and love,
Narcissa frowned and shook her head while she read the letter. Like she couldn't quite believe what she was reading. But she was believing every word. Because she was crying.
"What?... Why?..." Narcissa sobbed "Why does she hate us so much?"
"I believe it was that... Ted who filled her head with those ideas against us" Bellatrix said, stroking her sisters' head gently.
"Are mummy and daddy fake?"
"No" Bella said, calmly "You're not stupid, Cissy. You're eighteen now. An adult. What do you believe? You were there. You lived with us. Do you honestly think our family is fake? Did we make Andromeda so miserable?"
Narcissa's watery eyes flickered from side to side, thinking hardly.
"No. I don't think so"
Just the answer Bella wanted to hear.
"We were happy" Bella added "Yes, we are rich. But that's not our fault, Cissy... The Family works hard everyday to keep The Company alive. Do you think it is fair that Andromeda stole money from us to give it to him? A total stranger?"
Narcissa's gaze was lost somewhere. She looked tired of crying and thinking and being disappointed. Bella wanted her to feel the same rage she was feeling. They had to be in the same page.
"It was him who convinced her to give him the money..."
"That's our money" Cissy whispered.
Bella nodded.
"And she was only gonna marry Rod to steal more money from him" Bella explained, putting Narcissa's locks of hair back "But she regretted in the last minute... She tricked him. And Rod really fell for her. She broke his heart"
Cissy shook her head.
"It doesn't seem like her. It's Andy! She wouldn't hurt a fly"
Well, Andromeda had actually hurt Bellatrix in a way none had even made someone else suffer. She was worse than the devil, if you asked Bella.
"That appeared so" Bella explained "But that man changed her, made her steal our money for him. And she tricked us all".
Narcissa began crying harder. So Bella pulled her closer and held her tight.
"It's okay, Cissy. It is okay" Bella whispered.
"Andy!! Andy!!" Narcissa sobbed.
Bellatrix's knot on her throat got stronger. And she felt a single tear running through her cheek but she wiped her away quickly. Bellatrix lost the ability to cry when she made herself stronger.
"We are not... We're not seeing her again!" Narcissa sobbed harder.
"I know it hurts" Bella rubbed her back. It truly hurt "But you read that letter. She doesn't want to see us again"
Narcissa continued crying in her shoulder.
Bellatrix was hurt. But above all, Bellatrix was angry. So freaking angry. She was furious.
Andromeda had ran away the day of her supposed wedding with Rodolphus. But she didn't just leave Rod, she left everyone.
It was Bellatrix who didn't want to see Andromeda again. So she took the wise decision to burn the real letter Andromeda had left. The one where she spoke about how much she loved everyone. How it hurt her to leave them. How in love she had been with Tonks. And how she wished the family could accept him. She never stole money. She never tricked Rodolphus or anyone. And she wrote in the letter that she would like to fix things and see her sisters again. Andromeda was the stupid fucking angel she had always been.
But this way was better. Narcissa didn't deserve to know the truth. It was easier to hate Andromeda that accept the fact that she had simply preferred him. Bellatrix gave Andromeda the opportunity to make the right choice. She had shown Andromeda how different Tonks was from them. How he was a scum and only cared about her for her money. How she didn't deserve him. But Andromeda had chosen him anyway. She had chosen him before them, her family, people that cared about her. Bellatrix would never accept it. She had lost the war. And Ted Tonks had won. The price being Bellatrix's sister. Bellatrix hated that Andromeda had chosen him. Bellatrix hated him. And she hated her. So she was keeping Andromeda away from Cissy and her parents and everyone else. Bellatrix was doing the right thing.
Andromeda had made her choice. She had chosen Tonks? Fine. But that would bring consequences. If Andromeda had chosen him, then she would never see her family again. And Bellatrix was gonna make sure of that.
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dhr-ao3 · 11 months
Somewhere Only We Know
Somewhere Only We Know https://ift.tt/5iyrvcU by Le_petite_Lestrange Draco Malfoy never wanted to be a Death Eater. He'd been forced into it and failed to do the one task he was given. The Battle of Hogwarts was going to change that; Harry Potter was going to change that. Draco could forget he'd ever been branded once Saint Potter killed the Dark Lord. He'd been resting his entire future on that outcome. But the Dark Lord wasn't defeated that night. The Order and Harry Potter vanished and Draco was left with eight years of animosity to fuel his rage. Eight years to become the Dark Lord's most lethal weapon. Eight years to become a monster. They waited eight years before deciding this was still a war they wanted to fight. Every war has its prisoners, but Draco had done his best at making a name for himself as a Death Eater to leave only death in his wake. Draco Malfoy took no prisoners. When he found himself in possession of Order members to be held captive he was less than thrilled. The last thing Draco wanted was Hermione Granger as a prisoner, until Hermione Granger became the only thing that Draco wanted. Words: 3940, Chapters: 1/51, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Dramione Dark AU Series Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Voldemort, Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Dark, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, people you love will die, Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Auntie Bellatrix, POV Draco Malfoy, Bisexual Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy & Blaise Zabini Friendship, Harry Potter is a piece of shit, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott Friendship, Theo does not like being a Death Eater, Malfoy Manor (Harry Potter), Morally Grey Hermione Granger, Draco will read the shit outta everyone's mind, Dramione banter, Draco likes writing notes, Hermione likes dragon rides, Draco doesn't like taking prisoners, completed but posting as WIP, first of two stories, Possibly Three, ends suddenly, Draco falls hard, Possessive Draco Malfoy, song title stories, Song: Somewhere Only We Know (Keane), Draco Malfoy Has Daddy Issues, Draco singing I'm Like a Bird by Nelly Furtado is canon for this fic, Hermione Granger will kick your ass, Blaise hitting on everyone, Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, Pansy Parkinson is an annoying bitch, Ron Weasley Bashing via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/qcfC4NL October 23, 2023 at 06:45AM
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hpcestfest · 2 years
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HP Cest Fest 2022: Anonymous Masterlist ☕️ 📖 🎨 🎙
We are pleased to present the 59 phenomenal works for the inaugural HP Cest Fest! Thank you to all the creators that made this fest possible!
📖 A Swan’s Son (Or, Caring for Bellatrix) | E | 7.6k Cynus Black III / Bellatrix / Sirius / Andromeda
🎨 ART: Take Care of Draco | T | Digital Art Draco / Sirius
📖 Aubade | E | 6.3k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Brighter Stars | E | 10.6k Orion / Regulus / Sirius
📖 Crossing Family Lines | E | 1.5k Andromeda / Narcissa
📖 Just The Two Of Us | E | 2.2k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Kiss You Soft, Hold You Down | E | 8.8k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Let’s Run Away | T | 1.4k Regulus / Sirius
📖 loveliest lies of all | E | 5k Orion / Regulus
📖 My Brother's Keeper | E | 2.3k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Obedience | E | 2.5k Andromeda / Walburga
📖 softly it falls | E | 2.2k Orion / Regulus
📖 Sweet Child 'O Mine | E | 3.4k Orion / Regulus / Sirius
📖 🎨 The Forked Snake | E | 11k | Traditional Art Regulus / Sirius / Marlene
📖 The Impending Malfoy Wedding | E | 1k Bellatrix / Narcissa
📖 The Lion Star | E | 6.6k Nymphadora / Sirius; Regulus / Sirius
📖 this is where my heart belongs (in you i've made my home) | E | 2.5k Regulus / Sirius
📖 To Carry on Turning the Wheel | E | 8.4k Arcturus III / Regulus / Sirius
📖 With Pain, Comes Power | E | 15.5k Bellatrix / Narcissa / Regulus / Sirius
📖 wrong number | E | 2.4k Regulus / Sirius
📖 Daddy Dom and the Pureblood Prince | E | 8.7k Draco / Lucius
📖 Qualis Pater, Talis Filius | E | 5.6k Draco / Lucius
📖 The Lover and the Boytoy | E | 10.5k Draco / Lucius / Severus
🎙 [Podfic] Playing Games by Fleeting Desires | E | 1hr By @phenomenalasterisk Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 All my care is you, and all my pleasure yours | E | 6k Harry / Lily (Evans)
🎨 ART: Baby, you've got what it takes. | G | Digital Art Albus Severus / James Sirius
🎨 ART: In the embrace where madness melts in bliss | G | Digital Art Albus Severus / James Sirius / Scorpius
🎨 art: study buddy | T | Digital Art Harry / James Sirius
📖 baby boy, you're killing me | E | 14.8k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Cravings 1: Context | E | 1.2k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Cravings 2: Contact | E | 4.3k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Cravings 3: Control | E | 2.5k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Distance Makes the Cock Grow Longer | E | 4.8k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Forbidden Love, Take Flight | E | 9.7k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 I'm just a guy whose intentions are good | E | 8.8k Harry / James Sirius
📖 Jaime's hot breath & Al's soft touch | E | 2k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 James's Guardian Angel | M | 4.2k Harry / James (Sr)
📖 Sometimes things happen | E | 38.7k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 Strays of the Night | E | 3.9k Albus Severus / James Sirius
📖 the dark passenger | E | 5k Harry / Albus Severus
📖 A Brother's Love | E | 8.2k Ginny / Bill / Charlie
📖 Afternoon Delight | E | 2.3k Ginny / Bill
📖 Death and Undeath | E | 3.1k Fred / George
📖 The Room is no longer Dark | E | 5k Arthur / Bill / Charlie / Percy / Fred / George / Ron
📖 The stages of you (I love, I grieve) | E | 28k Percy / George
📖 Wolf's Hunger | E | 3.5k Bill / Ron
📖 Eat Freely | E | 9.4k Lovegood: Luna / Xenophilius
📖 She Put A Spell On You (Yet, now you’re mine) | E | 4.7k Riddle: Tom / Tom Sr.
📖 Sweet, Glorious Madness | E | 2k Lestrange: Rabastan / Rodolphus / Bellatrix
📖 The World Against Us | E | 1.9k Carrow: Amycus / Alecto
📖 Theirs, through blood or bond | E | 4.2k Granger: Hermione / Mr Granger / Mrs Granger
📖 A Suitable Reward | E | 9.7k Draco / Severus
📖 a surprise in the post | M | 1.9k Harry / Sirius
📖 Desire in Six Senses | E | 11.8k Astoria / Narcissa / Lucius
📖 Dog bite | E | 3.4k Harry / Sirius
📖 fit me, next to your heartbeat, where I should be | E | 48.7k Harry / Teddy
📖 Happy birthday sweet sixteen | M | 18.1k Harry / Sirius
📖 i can feel your blood pressure rise (fuck this tension) | M | 1.4k Harry / Sirius
📖 What gives us hope | E | 19.1k Harry / Sirius
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crucioslut · 1 year
I'm just gonna say it, between Bellatrix and Rodolphus.. Bellatrix is most definitely daddy
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
who is the hottest couple in the wizarding world, and why is it bellatrix and rodolphus?
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motherfuckingmaneater · 11 months
I have fallen head over heels in love with lord of the rings again and of course that means falling in love with Aragorn again which also means falling in love with Rodolphus Lestrange again help
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Part I
A continuation of the Barty Crouch Sr. fic I am slowly poking my way through. 
His blood ran cold as he approached the holding cells, and not because of the ominous sentries stationed nearby, grim and silent beneath dark hoods.
“Father?” The youngest of the prisoners gripped the bars of his cell with both hands, eyes wide and terrified as he stared up at the newcomers.
The color leeched from Barty’s face until he was as white as the boy. “What have you done?” He demanded in a hoarse voice. His chest constricted, his breathing labored, but he forced out the words. “I taught you right from wrong! I taught you the dangers of associating with…with Dark Arts scum!”
He pointed a shaking finger at one of the men sharing a cell with his son. One of the Lestrange brothers, although he didn’t know which was which. They seemed to come as a pair. The man spat contemptuously at his feet.
“Father, I didn’t do it!” His son pleaded, pressing his face against the bars.
“Do not lie to me! You were caught red-handed!” His gaze swept his son, taking in the state of his robes. They were as burnt and torn as those of the Aurors.
“I’m not!” The boy said. “I swear I’m not!”
“Daddy doesn’t look happy to see his son,” A singsong voice came from the lone woman of the group.
Barty regarded her coldly. She would have been beautiful if not for the haughty sneer marring her face. Thick black wavy hair fell past her shoulders. She, at least, was no surprise. Her grandfather had been his mother’s cousin, but their descendants had diverged sharply on which side of this conflict to ally with.
“Bellatrix Black,” he said, matching her contempt. “As happy as your cousin will be to see you join him in Azkaban, I expect. You can explain to him how the Ministry stopped both of you in your foul tracks.”
(He knew that wasn’t precisely true; they had caught both of them only after they had committed shocking atrocities. But he was scrabbling for any sort of mental foothold in the wake of seeing his son in chains.)
“Lestrange,” she corrected with a cackle, seemingly unperturbed by the position she found herself in.
Unlike the pale-faced boy, manacled arms wrapped around himself, who had fallen silent but continued to watch Barty in mute supplication. Barty glanced at the two men sharing the cell with his son and then back at Bellatrix, ignoring the younger Barty’s pleading face with difficulty.
“Rodolphus and I are married now,” Bellatrix said. “A little spot of torture was such a nice way to celebrate.” She cocked her head, smiling mockingly. “You should have been there. It would have been such a lovely way of bonding with your son, hmm?”
“If I had been there,” Barty said, one hand curling into a fist in the pocket of his robe, “all of you could have been rotting in Azkaban sooner.”
“Yes, why ever did you hide?” Carmichael asked. “We’ve had to postpone your Azkaban honeymoon.”
“It’s hardly a honeymoon,” Wardell Crickerly corrected. “We don’t place married couples in the same cells, you know.”
A headache was building in Barty’s temple. He massaged his forehead. The nearness of the dementors wasn’t helping, but he wouldn’t risk sending them away.
Rabastan stuck his face through the bars of his cell and glowered at Barty and the Aurors. “Laugh all you want. You’ll get what’s coming to you one day, blood traitor.” 
Crickerly leaned against the opposite wall, arms folded. “Is that so? It seems to me you’ll have a frightful time carrying out that threat when you’re stuck in Azkaban. You ought to have learned to listen to me when I was prefect, Lestrange.”
“Listen to you? You’re conspiring with Mudbloods.” Rabastan cast a venomous look in Clive Carmichael’s direction. 
Carmichael was at the cell doors in a flash, brandishing his wand in Rabastan’s face. “Look here–”
Barty stepped between Carmichael and the cell, lifting his own wand in warning. “Put that away. This isn’t an interrogation.”
Carmichael grudgingly slid his wand into the pocket of his robes.
“Tell nobody we’ve apprehended the suspects until we’ve set a date for the trial,” Barty said.
Carmichael stared at him in astonishment. “But everyone should know they’re no longer at large! This is headline news! We—”
Crickerly flicked his wand in Carmichael’s direction, silencing him. Barty didn’t bother reprimanding him. He didn’t want to hear the rest of Carmichael’s foolish, insensitive sentence.
Headline news indeed! The Daily Prophet would certainly find this worthy of the front page, but not for the reasons Carmichael was thinking.
Barty dreaded the day the wider wizarding world found out his son’s involvement. Which they must, of course. But he wanted it to be on his own terms, when he could forestall speculation that he’d known and turned a blind eye due to favoritism.
“Send them to Azkaban until their trial.”
There was a sharp intake of breath from his son’s cell, followed by frantic pleas. “Father, father! No! Don’t leave me! Father!”
Neither of the Aurors reacted to the younger Barty’s cries, although Carmichael nearly drew his wand again when Bellatrix called after them, “The Longbottoms were the lucky ones! The Dark Lord won’t be so merciful to the rest of you!”
Crickerly grabbed Carmichael’s wrist. “Don’t let her rile you up,” he whispered. Bellatrix laughed in response, a shrill sound that echoed throughout the dungeon.
Carmichael glared sourly and allowed Crickerly to lead him out of the dungeons, taking a moment to point his wand at his mouth as they left.
Barty stalked behind them. His son reached through the bars as he went past, still babbling in near incoherent fright. “Father! Please! Wait! Listen to me! Father! Don’t go, don’t leave me! Father, wait! Don’t go!”
Barty yanked his robe away from the boy’s grasping fingers, refusing to answer. But his son’s piteous cries echoed in his mind long after he’d left the dungeons behind.
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siriusly-sapphic · 2 years
I've had a Rodolphus/Alphard fic stuck in my head where like.... Rodolphus has just inherited his father's winged horse business, Alphard is a regular at the races and the betting and sees this young dude struggling to keep his head above water. Flirtations, genuine advice, an array of daddy issues, lots of infodumping about magical horses.
One day. But boy do I love them.
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Lay it all out
Lay it all out
by WeirdlyKagome
Harry Potter is offed by a single AK at the Forest and then he is reborn as Harriet Riddle. Someone have mercy on her please. Her mum is the crazy Bellatrix Lestrange and her Daddy loves it when she calls him Daddy, in private. And Malfoy is her cousin. She is about to loose her marbles , send help!
Words: 907, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Rabastan Lestrange, Severus Snape, Rodolphus Lestrange, Death (Harry Potter), Death Eater Characters
Relationships: (Past) Bellatrix/Voldemort, (Past) Male Harry/Voldemort one-sided, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, (Past)Harry/Draco, Scorpius Malfoy/Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Rabastan Lestrange/Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Rodolphus Lestrange
Additional Tags: Female Harry Potter, Rebirth, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Reincarnated Harry Potter, Master of Death Harry Potter, Unhealthy Relationships, Parent/Child Incest, Cousin Incest, all sorts of immoral stuff, You Have Been Warned, Sex While Using Polyjuice Potion (Harry Potter), mentions, Creepy Voldemort (Harry Potter), Creepy Tom Riddle, yes they are different, Horcrux Magic, I'm Going to Hell, Pedophilia, God this is a mess of fucked up tags, Fucked Up, Obsession, To a whole new level, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Harry is about to go into the madhouse
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48184564
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