#rock arrangement
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7grandmel · 1 year ago
Todays rip: 02/12/2023
snow halation but it shreds
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: Halation Celebration ~ 10th Anniversary Tribute to Snow halation
Ripped by Joshua Taipale, Nolithium ft. Charles Ritz
December 2020. Near the end of Season 4 Episode 2, closing out SiIvaGunner's fifth year straight of running, a new project is suddenly unveiled to us as part of the SiIvaGunner All-Star Winter Festival. To commemorate the tenth anniversary of Love Live's Snow Halation, a song closely tied to the channel's history, the SiIvaGunner team unveiled "Halation Celebration" - a full-on arrangement album featuring two dozen contributions both from within the team and from external submissions. You can sort of trace a journey here, from the original King for a Day Tournament, to the King for Another Day Tournament, to Halation Celebration, and to Season 5 and beyond - the journey that would eventually form "SiIvaGunner Fusion Records", the branding used to denote these sorts of full-scale arrangement projects in the future.
I've talked about a few of these in the past - hell, the blog's first-ever post was on Running Through Cookie Country from SGFR's "Super Star Symphony" project, and later on I'd cover *** EVERYTHING IS FINE *** from the first SGFR release of Season 7 - "Shovelware from Beyond the Deep!". Yet for as great as all these projects are, it all truly began with a Christmas celebration - it all began with Snow Halation, and for my money snow halation but it shreds was one of the utmost best parts of that celebration.
And that's not to disparage or dismiss any of the other contributions - like every SGFR release, Halation Celebration is filled with tons of different interpretations, different styles and creators all outputting at an utmost high level of quality, to where it almost does feel a little bad to pick just one favorite. Yet I am at the end of the day merely a Sonic fan, a total sucker for punk-rock and wailing electric guitars - and snow halation but it shreds is quite literally exactly what it promises on the tin. And its a fantastic performance - though I adored hearing the arrangements from SiIva's mainstay rippers, its just as fascinating to hear contributions from people like Joshua Taipale and Nolithium, who contribute despite otherwise not being associated with the channel! And the two are EXCELLENT musicians in their own right - something that I only discovered through this arrangement.
Holiday cheer can be a lot of things, and there's going to be a variety of different rips featured on the blog during the month to truly encompass that (and some more silly stuff too, don't worry!). Yet its in large part about appreciation and celebration, of shared and spread love and joy. And that feeling transcends any sort of conventions of music genres - that joy can be felt, even through the shredding riffs of snow halation but it shreds. Every part of Halation Celebration is an absolute gift, and I'm eternally going to be grateful for it playing part in kickstarting SGFR, and introducing me to so many talented musicians both inside the team and out.
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rin-hanarin · 6 months ago
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He's got that irresistible Mysterious Italian Attachment Style(c) with social awkwardness sprinkled on top.
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empressgeekt · 1 year ago
Trolls - Burning Branches AU part 1
Or alternate title, I have now been sucked down the sudden black hole that is this fandom and now the troll plot bunnies are running ramped around my Fanfic farm, because the creators of this franchise has added my weakness...Sibling relationships... Now I have plans for a two story saga in this fandom of which I wouldn't have glanced at with interest at all a month ago.
Well, that's enough rambling, Time to get into the meat of the fic plot.
So, while browsing on Ao3 I noticed that there was this Rock!Branch au, where Branch is separated from the pop-trolls as a kid and ends up being raised by Barb and Thrash of the Rock Trolls. I love this concept, more then some relatives of mine. But I want to put a little spin on it. I've been a big fan of amnesia/memory loss fics, and I noticed there was a lack of them in this fandom.
Brozone breaks up and Grandma dies like in canon, same old same old. However, in this AU Branch is forced to leave the Troll Tree as a kid, because there is a larger sigmatism about trolls who went grey. The Trolls are very clear that they want nothing to do with Branch. They are all already living with death at their door step and they don't need a grey child to constantly break the false image of happy paradise that the adults try to maintain in the Tree to keep themselves sane. Branch, with nothing else left for him in the tree, packs up and tries to leave to find his brothers, though he does worry if they would even want him now that he was grey.
After successfully escaping the town, (the bergens don't notice if a small troll vanishes in the middle of the night, they didn't notice the whole village packing up), Branch spends a terrifying night in the woods. Running away from what are "predator's" in the eyes of a small child. Until he accidentally, stumbles in the a wormhole. The wormhole sucks Branch away from, Pop territory to the outskirts of the Rock badlands. But in this new hot volcanic he is still far from safe. (I'm adding that their are harsh powerful dragons that roam around the Rock trolls territory, as there has to be some type of reason behind they turned their own music and instruments in the to energy weapons while the other tribes didn't. Not to mention the active volcanic activity everywhere!) While running away from some of these actual predators and dangerous lava pools, Branch gets shoved over a cliffside, and falls into one of the few rivers nearby. In the raging rapids, the little troll strikes his head against the rocky river bed. Knocking him out.
Meanwhile, Still-King Thrash is leading an expedition to the river to fetch water for the people of Volcano Rock City. Being the very soft and caring Father he is, once he sees a small child floating in the river he jumps in without a second thought, and pulls the child to the shore. He leaves the expedition in the hands of another Troll and brings the some how still alive child back to the City and into the care of a capable doctor. While waiting to hear if Branch will live, Thrash goes through the little sack the kid had with him. There's enough evidence for the king of rock to come to the conclusion that Branch was running away, and needless to say Thrash is furious. Who would be so cruel that dared to make a child in his kingdom feel so scared and unwelcomed that they would run away! (at this point due to Branch's greyness and the high emotions of the situation Thrash hasn't realized Branch is from Pop yet, not that it would matter in the long run he's still ticked off).
Eventually, the doctor (an old friend of Thrash's whom they have a deep trust between, I haven't named them yet), calls Thrash in. Thrash finds Branch unconscious on the medical bed with his head bandaged. The doctor tells Thrash that's its a miracle that Branch is even alive, but it would take a bigger one for the child to wake up. The underneath the blood of the wound was a skull fracture and possible brain damage. Then he mentions it would probably be better if Branch never woke up, and further explains Branch's nature as a pop troll, and his greyness. Thrash takes this information in with a sad heart. Stigma against pop was still running high in the Rock kingdom, despite Thrash wanting to believe his people could spare their bias to care for a wounded child, he knows that no foster family would take a pop troll in. He asks the Doctor to keep quiet about Branch, and that if the boy would wake up Thrash would take him in himself. He goes home and hugs Barb after an exhausting day, and asks her if she was open to having a little brother.
After a few weeks, Branch wakes up, but he has no memory of anything. Not his name. Not where he's from. Not how he got there. At this point the medical staff that were allowed to know about him, have taken to calling him Charcoal, or Char, after his perfectly black and shiny hair, and it just kind of stuck after that. Thrash has taken to visiting Branch, even before the boy was conscious, quickly growing fond over the boy and until he'd recovered enough to be taken to the royal cavern. Barb takes to having Char around very well. Having a younger sibling, gives her something to put her protectiveness towards. Thrash makes and announcement, claiming Char as his own to Rock, and putting the boy as second in-line for the throne.
Still it isn't all cupcakes and rainbows with Char in his new home. He has lasting effected form his head injury in the form of migraines and fainting spells. The child is plagued by nightmares, of Giants coming to eat him and old ladies. They frighten him so much he draws and designs traps and bunkers to keep himself safe. Some of the designs Thrash actually considers building in case of emergency. Music brings him to tears if it's too loud or sudden, or if Barb asked him to sing-along. His room is sound proofed, and he has a pair of headphones to block things out if needed. Thrash also finds that his new adoptive son, is far more book-smart then him or Barb, the rarely used Rock library becomes Char's second home. The child become well educated in History, engineering, math, sciences and politics.
It would take two years before, Barb managed to talk Char into coming to her music practice, where the kid learns that music is more then just noise that makes him feel scared/unsafe. Seeing the weapon music can be, something he can learn to protect himself with, Char becomes hooked on the idea of learning it. Too everyone's surprise, it comes to boy like second nature, and his voice is like that of an angel's.
Eighteen years pass, and Branch grows up to be, Prince Char, second born son to Thrash King of Rock. He's a known expert with a guitar, both as an instrument and a weapon, his reputation is that of a eerily smart and organized strategist, who is loyal to his family and people to a fault and ruthlessly protective. With Thrash's health, both physical and mental, in rapid decline, Barb is forced to take on the mantel of Queen earlier then she wanted, but this time she has a brother to lean on as an advisor. Which is a good thing, because between the two of them Char is a much better planner.
Pressure is turned up on the royal rock siblings, when an unexpected earthquake destroys the farmlands that feeds the city. Sure, volcanic soil can been great for growing plants, but rivers of lava and giant fresh trenches don't help at all. Barb flies off the handle, and begins to panic in quiet about what she needs to do to protect the people of Rock, while Char looks into historical records to see if the past king ever had to deal with issues like this. Eventually he stumbles on the knowledge that during ancient times if one of the tribes was in trouble they would call upon their sister tribes for aid.
"Oh that's great advise your books have, let's ask for help from our sworn enemies!" Barb would exclaim, "Wait...the other tribes! If they lasted as long as we did, then they must have resources! But they wouldn't help us...not unless they were just like us. We could use our string to convert..."
"Barb! I'm going to stop you right now. First one our string isn't powerful enough to over-write someone's genre, believe me I looked into it-"
"But if we get all the strings..."
"You mean steal them?"
"No, if we were to fail that would only sour relations between genres further and our people would still be starving. We'd be better off forging an alliance with a tribe, rather then wasting already limited resources conquering one."
"URGH! Why are you always right....So, alliance...that's our best plan?"
"Currently yes."
"With people that hate us! Are we sure we can't conquer them?"
"Barb, were trying to make a harmony. You can't make harmony with everyone using the same voice. They all need to be different, and they all can't be forced into something they they aren't or it all falls apart."
"Whoa, that's deep. Where'd ya learn that?"
"I-I don't know...but the point still stands we need to befriend another tribe not conquer one!"
"Okay, so how do we do that?"
"Well, apparently theirs more ways then one, all of them include paper work, so leave that to me, but one of them we actually have a unique opportunity to ally with."
"Oh? And how do we take advantage of this unique opportunity?"
"You're not going to like this...but we use me..."
Branch would go on to explain his plan to ally the Rock kingdom with the Pop trolls...through an Arranged Marriage between him and the Pop princess. Barb hates it, especially after all the pop trolls did to her brother when he was young, but she can't argue the logic. The pop trolls live in a forest rich with food and plant life, and water sources. However, they have zero defenses other then how deep they live in the forest. (how he knows all of this Branch has no idea) If the alliance managed to go through, the Rock trolls could get the needed food supplies, and the Pop trolls could gain the knowledge of how to use musical weaponry.
Barb still hates it, it feels like her little brother is throwing away his future. But Char assures her that he's okay with it, and that it's his turn to take on the burden of the crown he supposed to wear. As a bio-pop troll the possibility of an heir from the alliance marriage is higher then if they use a random Rock citizen, and as Rock Prince that will give more creditably to the pleads of their people to Pop. He tells Barb to just take care of Dad when he's gone and that they always have debbie to talk to each other through letters.
So they send a message to Pop Village...requesting to consider the marriage.
At Pop village, Poppy is busy with her new duties as a fresh coronated Queen, caring for the village needs and further establishing peaceful relations with the Bergens after the fall of Chef. When the message reaches her, delivered Via Debbie and Biggie, Peppy tries to take it from her before she cane read it. And then she demands that he Explain why she just got a proposal in a letter from a Rock Prince?
Peppy reluctantly explains the history of the Tribes, and how some times they would form alliances between the genres by wedding members of the royal families together to ensure peace. He makes it very clear that He doesn't want Poppy to even think of answering the Rock trolls even if to decline the proposal, but she fights back saying hat this might be their only chance for peace between the genres for years to come if its taken this long for them to reach out this time. Peppy then tries to argue that if Poppy were to accept the proposal that she would have to marry this prince, this stranger, and he never wanted that to happen to her. He knows Poppy is queen now and he can't order her to do anything, but he asks her to think about this before making any kind of decision.
Poppy needless to say, deeply contemplates the proposal. She wants to help reunite the tribes, but bonding herself to a stranger she never met was a daunting thing. She talks with Cooper and Bridget who are surprisingly helpful with everything, and decides that she'll accept the proposal with the condition that she and her future groom have the chance to meet and get to know each other before the wedding.
Barb and Char readily accept the condition, and calculate that they can give one month of courtship before the Rock kingdom is without food. They respond back to Poppy, and tell them that Char and a few others would arrive in Pop Village a few days after she would receive the letter that confirmed the betrothal.
Char arrives at Pop Village with much fanfare from his travel companions, but shushes them quickly and addresses Poppy and Peppy in a polite manner. Poppy is kind of thrown off by how grey her future husband is, not that she shows it. Char is just as shocked about how bright and colorful she is.
The romance is awkward at first. The cultural differences get in the way sometimes. But eventually a connection is formed. Char learns to feed off of Poppy's energy and Poppy learns that there's more to this grey prince then gloom. With the wedding scheduled for the end of the month, Poppy decides to introduce Char to her BFF Bridget.
Needless to say, it doesn't go well.
Char's underlaying trauma comes back in a panic attack and flashback upon seeing the Troll Tree and bergens. The memory of his Grandmother's demise suddenly becoming clear as day in his mind. In the panic he accidently fires his guitar at Grisle and Bridget, with makes Poppy panic and angry at him. So he runs off into the woods.
Bridget and Poppy end up having a heart to heart where Bridget says that Char looked scared. Having heard about how Char was acutualy a pop-troll and was adopted into the royal family, Poppy connects the dots rather quickly. Realizing that Char used to live in the Troll Tree but didn't escape with the others. the whole visit was triggering for him.
She runs back to Pop Village looking forh im, only to find that Queen Barb had arrived to help set up the wedding, and she wants to know where her Brother is. Poppy blurts out what happened while trying to defuse the situation, and that only serves to rile Barb up further. Until Poppy snaps, yellling at Barb that they need to go looking for Char not fight here! This impresses Barb into agreeing.
Poppy finds him and they end up having a heart to heart, and confessing...
The wedding goes on as planned. On the neutral ground of the Troll Tree, allowing Char to visit his late Grandmother's home for the first time in twenty years.
All seems well...Until one John Dory screams, "Stop the Wedding!"
I will post part two in a separate post because this is long!
Part two, and Part three
Edit: The prolog for this fic, which is basically Char's child hood is now posted on Ao3. Link
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innerchorus · 4 months ago
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The blurb (according to Google Translate) says 'The resurrected Parsian warriors stand before Arslan and his companions!!'
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rhaenin-time · 8 months ago
Wait so Alicent, Daemon, and book!Rhaenyra were all married off at the same age, but for some reason only the one who abused the children from said marriage is considered a "child" and the eternal victim, while the other two are "selfish" for... not committing marital rape?
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vintagehomecollection · 1 year ago
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Contemporary flower arrangements sometimes echo contemporary art in form, line, volume, and color. This bold free-form arrangement was created to match the character of the acrylic/collage by Jude Roger, and American artist in Tokyo. The water container is behind the large rock.
At Home With Japanese Design: Accents, Structure and Spirit, 1990
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posthumanwanderings · 1 year ago
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Thunder Force V - Lost Technology Plus Soundtrack
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shi0n · 7 months ago
did you know that mafumafu actually covered my all time favorite song once upon a time but he has since deleted / privated it...
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glassesfreekjr · 10 months ago
"You realize that Octo Valley's energy crisis didn't go away when the Zapfish did, right? There are Octarians still scraping by down here — ourselves included. There's not enough power or hospitality to go around." "So what, are ya'll City of Ember-ing up in this beach?" "We're been taken hostage, Callie; please don't make it weird."
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(Album cover, logo, and core concept by @aviivix. Thanks for the commission!)
Composer Notes: All that blistering percussion is from Indian dappankuthu, (lit. “drum punch”) which has grown into the street-pop staple of Kollywood (not to be confused with Bollywood or Tollywood). Since the heavily-processed samples of Octoling Rendevous are so Indian-flavored to begin with, the collapse of the Octavian regime (along with Octo Valley civilization itself, quite literally) means these inspirations are free to finally "let loose," so to speak. (I'm a bit worried that the common interpretation will be that the Octolings this piece is about are "wild" due to all the foreign percussion. Really, they're just trying to get by in a world that has failed them.
the Culture Shock AU is wild, ya'll.)
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lesovyart · 2 years ago
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im so obsessed w them that I made fanart AND my own playlist
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danceundersparklinglights · 4 months ago
”the tracks during rep era are definitely going to be on rep tv you can’t convince me otherwise!!” ma’am i fear you do not understand the concept of the re-records nor the purpose of live shows lmao
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dovebuffy92 · 4 months ago
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empressgeekt · 1 year ago
Trolls - Burning Branches au - Part 3 Aftermath
Okay so if anyone has not read the other posts on this AU, I highly suggest you do. Believe me this will be much more fun with context. The previous posts are by the same title, minus the "Part 3". I will also be tagging all of them with the title after posting this.
Char = Branch
Lets get into it...
When we last left of the Family Harmony was complete and the V-Twins were being carted off to jail. Char and Poppy kissed and wondered if they could finally get married now.
Then Floyd collapsed. The troll literally had the life drained out of him for two months, he is not walking away from that with just a new hair style. This sends the happy moment into one of panic. Floyd does not wake up when prompted, and not even when the other moved him on to Rhonda. It's clear he needs a doctor, but none on Mount Rageonus know troll physiology, so they need to leave as soon as possible.
But where will they go? Anywhere is still few days drive, and there is barely any supplies on Rhonda. No food. There was water but not enough for everyone. And most importantly no medicine beyond a very old, very basic first-aid kit John had for gotten about. Barb and Bruce stay behind to make sure Floyd doesn't die (and make sure Tiny takes a nap). Floyd has a seizure and Barb steps in taking control of the situation with Bruce freezes. Bruce asks her how she knew to tend to someone who's sick, and Barb explains that Char used to have them as a kid and she was usually the one who nursed Char through his head aches, and when he got sick from the volcanic fumes. This leads to bonding between the two of them, and Bruce starts to think of Barb as his little sister too.
When the others get back, John and Clay kind of freak out about the seizure when told. Trips home can wait they need a doctor. Rock territory is closeted and the doctor that treated Char originally is still around and on call. Still few days drive, but it's the best guess they got.
When Floyd finally wakes up he's a mess. Exhausted, nauseous, with a killer head ache. It's also in the middle of the night, and everyone is still asleep. Well, everyone except Poppy and Char. They were still up due to some shared insomia, and discussing their re-do wedding plans. Floyd's perception of things are still hazy, so he's calling Char by Branch and not noticing the latter's discomfort over the name. Still Char helps alleviates Floyd migraine so he can go back to sleep. Floyd asks how Char would know that it would work, Char says it works for me. Floyd would continue to ponder that, until he passes back out.
When they get back into Rock Kingdom territory, Floyd is taken into the hospital rather quickly, and is put on supportive devices, to combat server malnutrition, dehydration, and oxygen just incase. Brain scans, reveal scaring on his brain from several concussions that went untreated. The source of his seizures, and possibly other symptoms that have yet to show themselves. Once he's conscious he reports of, numbness, pain and tingling in his legs and is looking at possible nerve damage.
During this time, with the help of Barb, Bruce manages to get a letter out to his family explaining what was going on and it would be little longer until he was home. Char and Barb re-unite with their Dad and Riff. And the rest are just trying to make sense of everything.
Floyd has, at least one of his brothers with him at all times. When he's awake they talk and bond, and when he's asleep they comfort his nightmares. He notices that Char isn't there most of the time (he's out making princely announcements explaining the situation and dealing with some back-lash about "returning to his own kind" from some of the less accepting citizens), and is worried that his Brother is mad at him for not coming back. He practically breaks down upon hearing about Char amnesia, and asks to see him.
Char comes, but is very awkward when he first arrives. Floyd takes in all the difference, and mentions the green vest. Char says he can't remember being without it, Floyd says he gave it to him, before beginning to apologize for leaving him. Char shuts it down, telling Floyd his injury isn't his fault, maybe a few days ago he'd have been mad, but he doesn't regret how his life turned out. He hugs Floyd and wipes his tears. Floyd tells Char that comforting was his job, Char says no matter who's older siblings comfort each other. Floyd wants to know how Char's life turned out. Char, eagerly tells him about Barb and Thrash, how he grew up as a prince, and his betrothal to Poppy. Floyd is shocked his brother grew up as a prince, but is happy his brother grew up in a good home, and wanted to meet Poppy, Thrash and Barb as soon as possible.
Eventually, Floyd is released. He's on crutches, with braces on his legs and has physical therapy routine he needs to follow to walk again. They stay at Char and Barb cavern (their royalty they have the room, and Thrash is loving the company, he's convinced their all his kids and no one corrects him) during this time and for a few days after the release, but tension with the public is spiking and they can't stay for long. Barb stays behind to control the crowds and the others go to Pop village. Viva would re-unite with Peppy, and begin preparations to move the Put Put trolls to the village, with an escort of Rock guards off course.
The saga would end, with Poppy and Char finally getting married and Char coronated as king of pop...with an epilogue of years alter when they had twins trollings, named Rosie and Ash (named after Grandma and Thrash).
Part One and Part two
And those are my currently plans. I'm going to outline this, but Not sure if I should fully write this thing out now or later. What ya'll think?
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touchlikethesun · 2 years ago
🎶period accurate spotify playlists, part 1
these are just my own headcanons for what music i think they all would listen to, if they had spotify back in the 70s.
i'd love to hear thoughts, if you agree, disagree, or think i should add any songs!
sirius: glam rock: bowie, queen, and t.rex. classic, vibey, with just a hint of gender.
remus: british punk: ian dury, the clash, x-ray specs. anger, anti-conformism, and activism. a little bit sexy, or so thinks sirius.
james: mostly prog rock: supertramp, electric light orchestra, and stealers wheel. what i would consider dad rock, easy to sing and dance to.
regulus: soft oldies: chet baker, edith piaf, and the platters. love songs with jazzy instrumentals and strong vocals. it's nostalgic to him. no one but james has even seen his music collection.
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honeydewtreacle · 1 year ago
Okay, here's my final Alex Brightman "career" iceberg chart ^v^
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bird-girth · 4 months ago
The Lana Del Rey / Mitski / Fiona Apple girlies would go fucking insane for Portishead. Not quite visceral - but a quiet intensity to it instead, something subtle and sultry bereft near entirely of strings; an eerie sort of flair to it that I enjoy sinking into. you might, too, if you’ll let yourself!
at least, relief
a mother’s son has left me sheer
the shores i seek
are crimson tastes divine
can’t make myself heard
no matter how hard i scream
oh, sensation
sin, slave of sensation
covered by the blind belief
that fantasies of sinful screens
bear the facts, assume the dye
end the vows, no need to lie, enjoy
take a ride, take a shot now
‘cause nobody loves me; it’s true
not like you do
Sour times
you don’t get somethin’ for nothing
mm, gotta try a little harder
it could be sweet
like a long forgotten dream
It Could Be Sweet
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