#rock troll branch
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lord-ofthe-frogs · 8 months ago
Yes I may have in fact been a dirty filthy liar about become active on tumblr again my mistake chat, I lie to myself as much as I lie to you.
In other news;
I’ve been re-watching the trolls movies.
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Are you proud of me :3
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empressgeekt · 1 year ago
Trolls - Burning Branches AU part 1
Or alternate title, I have now been sucked down the sudden black hole that is this fandom and now the troll plot bunnies are running ramped around my Fanfic farm, because the creators of this franchise has added my weakness...Sibling relationships... Now I have plans for a two story saga in this fandom of which I wouldn't have glanced at with interest at all a month ago.
Well, that's enough rambling, Time to get into the meat of the fic plot.
So, while browsing on Ao3 I noticed that there was this Rock!Branch au, where Branch is separated from the pop-trolls as a kid and ends up being raised by Barb and Thrash of the Rock Trolls. I love this concept, more then some relatives of mine. But I want to put a little spin on it. I've been a big fan of amnesia/memory loss fics, and I noticed there was a lack of them in this fandom.
Brozone breaks up and Grandma dies like in canon, same old same old. However, in this AU Branch is forced to leave the Troll Tree as a kid, because there is a larger sigmatism about trolls who went grey. The Trolls are very clear that they want nothing to do with Branch. They are all already living with death at their door step and they don't need a grey child to constantly break the false image of happy paradise that the adults try to maintain in the Tree to keep themselves sane. Branch, with nothing else left for him in the tree, packs up and tries to leave to find his brothers, though he does worry if they would even want him now that he was grey.
After successfully escaping the town, (the bergens don't notice if a small troll vanishes in the middle of the night, they didn't notice the whole village packing up), Branch spends a terrifying night in the woods. Running away from what are "predator's" in the eyes of a small child. Until he accidentally, stumbles in the a wormhole. The wormhole sucks Branch away from, Pop territory to the outskirts of the Rock badlands. But in this new hot volcanic he is still far from safe. (I'm adding that their are harsh powerful dragons that roam around the Rock trolls territory, as there has to be some type of reason behind they turned their own music and instruments in the to energy weapons while the other tribes didn't. Not to mention the active volcanic activity everywhere!) While running away from some of these actual predators and dangerous lava pools, Branch gets shoved over a cliffside, and falls into one of the few rivers nearby. In the raging rapids, the little troll strikes his head against the rocky river bed. Knocking him out.
Meanwhile, Still-King Thrash is leading an expedition to the river to fetch water for the people of Volcano Rock City. Being the very soft and caring Father he is, once he sees a small child floating in the river he jumps in without a second thought, and pulls the child to the shore. He leaves the expedition in the hands of another Troll and brings the some how still alive child back to the City and into the care of a capable doctor. While waiting to hear if Branch will live, Thrash goes through the little sack the kid had with him. There's enough evidence for the king of rock to come to the conclusion that Branch was running away, and needless to say Thrash is furious. Who would be so cruel that dared to make a child in his kingdom feel so scared and unwelcomed that they would run away! (at this point due to Branch's greyness and the high emotions of the situation Thrash hasn't realized Branch is from Pop yet, not that it would matter in the long run he's still ticked off).
Eventually, the doctor (an old friend of Thrash's whom they have a deep trust between, I haven't named them yet), calls Thrash in. Thrash finds Branch unconscious on the medical bed with his head bandaged. The doctor tells Thrash that's its a miracle that Branch is even alive, but it would take a bigger one for the child to wake up. The underneath the blood of the wound was a skull fracture and possible brain damage. Then he mentions it would probably be better if Branch never woke up, and further explains Branch's nature as a pop troll, and his greyness. Thrash takes this information in with a sad heart. Stigma against pop was still running high in the Rock kingdom, despite Thrash wanting to believe his people could spare their bias to care for a wounded child, he knows that no foster family would take a pop troll in. He asks the Doctor to keep quiet about Branch, and that if the boy would wake up Thrash would take him in himself. He goes home and hugs Barb after an exhausting day, and asks her if she was open to having a little brother.
After a few weeks, Branch wakes up, but he has no memory of anything. Not his name. Not where he's from. Not how he got there. At this point the medical staff that were allowed to know about him, have taken to calling him Charcoal, or Char, after his perfectly black and shiny hair, and it just kind of stuck after that. Thrash has taken to visiting Branch, even before the boy was conscious, quickly growing fond over the boy and until he'd recovered enough to be taken to the royal cavern. Barb takes to having Char around very well. Having a younger sibling, gives her something to put her protectiveness towards. Thrash makes and announcement, claiming Char as his own to Rock, and putting the boy as second in-line for the throne.
Still it isn't all cupcakes and rainbows with Char in his new home. He has lasting effected form his head injury in the form of migraines and fainting spells. The child is plagued by nightmares, of Giants coming to eat him and old ladies. They frighten him so much he draws and designs traps and bunkers to keep himself safe. Some of the designs Thrash actually considers building in case of emergency. Music brings him to tears if it's too loud or sudden, or if Barb asked him to sing-along. His room is sound proofed, and he has a pair of headphones to block things out if needed. Thrash also finds that his new adoptive son, is far more book-smart then him or Barb, the rarely used Rock library becomes Char's second home. The child become well educated in History, engineering, math, sciences and politics.
It would take two years before, Barb managed to talk Char into coming to her music practice, where the kid learns that music is more then just noise that makes him feel scared/unsafe. Seeing the weapon music can be, something he can learn to protect himself with, Char becomes hooked on the idea of learning it. Too everyone's surprise, it comes to boy like second nature, and his voice is like that of an angel's.
Eighteen years pass, and Branch grows up to be, Prince Char, second born son to Thrash King of Rock. He's a known expert with a guitar, both as an instrument and a weapon, his reputation is that of a eerily smart and organized strategist, who is loyal to his family and people to a fault and ruthlessly protective. With Thrash's health, both physical and mental, in rapid decline, Barb is forced to take on the mantel of Queen earlier then she wanted, but this time she has a brother to lean on as an advisor. Which is a good thing, because between the two of them Char is a much better planner.
Pressure is turned up on the royal rock siblings, when an unexpected earthquake destroys the farmlands that feeds the city. Sure, volcanic soil can been great for growing plants, but rivers of lava and giant fresh trenches don't help at all. Barb flies off the handle, and begins to panic in quiet about what she needs to do to protect the people of Rock, while Char looks into historical records to see if the past king ever had to deal with issues like this. Eventually he stumbles on the knowledge that during ancient times if one of the tribes was in trouble they would call upon their sister tribes for aid.
"Oh that's great advise your books have, let's ask for help from our sworn enemies!" Barb would exclaim, "Wait...the other tribes! If they lasted as long as we did, then they must have resources! But they wouldn't help us...not unless they were just like us. We could use our string to convert..."
"Barb! I'm going to stop you right now. First one our string isn't powerful enough to over-write someone's genre, believe me I looked into it-"
"But if we get all the strings..."
"You mean steal them?"
"No, if we were to fail that would only sour relations between genres further and our people would still be starving. We'd be better off forging an alliance with a tribe, rather then wasting already limited resources conquering one."
"URGH! Why are you always right....So, alliance...that's our best plan?"
"Currently yes."
"With people that hate us! Are we sure we can't conquer them?"
"Barb, were trying to make a harmony. You can't make harmony with everyone using the same voice. They all need to be different, and they all can't be forced into something they they aren't or it all falls apart."
"Whoa, that's deep. Where'd ya learn that?"
"I-I don't know...but the point still stands we need to befriend another tribe not conquer one!"
"Okay, so how do we do that?"
"Well, apparently theirs more ways then one, all of them include paper work, so leave that to me, but one of them we actually have a unique opportunity to ally with."
"Oh? And how do we take advantage of this unique opportunity?"
"You're not going to like this...but we use me..."
Branch would go on to explain his plan to ally the Rock kingdom with the Pop trolls...through an Arranged Marriage between him and the Pop princess. Barb hates it, especially after all the pop trolls did to her brother when he was young, but she can't argue the logic. The pop trolls live in a forest rich with food and plant life, and water sources. However, they have zero defenses other then how deep they live in the forest. (how he knows all of this Branch has no idea) If the alliance managed to go through, the Rock trolls could get the needed food supplies, and the Pop trolls could gain the knowledge of how to use musical weaponry.
Barb still hates it, it feels like her little brother is throwing away his future. But Char assures her that he's okay with it, and that it's his turn to take on the burden of the crown he supposed to wear. As a bio-pop troll the possibility of an heir from the alliance marriage is higher then if they use a random Rock citizen, and as Rock Prince that will give more creditably to the pleads of their people to Pop. He tells Barb to just take care of Dad when he's gone and that they always have debbie to talk to each other through letters.
So they send a message to Pop Village...requesting to consider the marriage.
At Pop village, Poppy is busy with her new duties as a fresh coronated Queen, caring for the village needs and further establishing peaceful relations with the Bergens after the fall of Chef. When the message reaches her, delivered Via Debbie and Biggie, Peppy tries to take it from her before she cane read it. And then she demands that he Explain why she just got a proposal in a letter from a Rock Prince?
Peppy reluctantly explains the history of the Tribes, and how some times they would form alliances between the genres by wedding members of the royal families together to ensure peace. He makes it very clear that He doesn't want Poppy to even think of answering the Rock trolls even if to decline the proposal, but she fights back saying hat this might be their only chance for peace between the genres for years to come if its taken this long for them to reach out this time. Peppy then tries to argue that if Poppy were to accept the proposal that she would have to marry this prince, this stranger, and he never wanted that to happen to her. He knows Poppy is queen now and he can't order her to do anything, but he asks her to think about this before making any kind of decision.
Poppy needless to say, deeply contemplates the proposal. She wants to help reunite the tribes, but bonding herself to a stranger she never met was a daunting thing. She talks with Cooper and Bridget who are surprisingly helpful with everything, and decides that she'll accept the proposal with the condition that she and her future groom have the chance to meet and get to know each other before the wedding.
Barb and Char readily accept the condition, and calculate that they can give one month of courtship before the Rock kingdom is without food. They respond back to Poppy, and tell them that Char and a few others would arrive in Pop Village a few days after she would receive the letter that confirmed the betrothal.
Char arrives at Pop Village with much fanfare from his travel companions, but shushes them quickly and addresses Poppy and Peppy in a polite manner. Poppy is kind of thrown off by how grey her future husband is, not that she shows it. Char is just as shocked about how bright and colorful she is.
The romance is awkward at first. The cultural differences get in the way sometimes. But eventually a connection is formed. Char learns to feed off of Poppy's energy and Poppy learns that there's more to this grey prince then gloom. With the wedding scheduled for the end of the month, Poppy decides to introduce Char to her BFF Bridget.
Needless to say, it doesn't go well.
Char's underlaying trauma comes back in a panic attack and flashback upon seeing the Troll Tree and bergens. The memory of his Grandmother's demise suddenly becoming clear as day in his mind. In the panic he accidently fires his guitar at Grisle and Bridget, with makes Poppy panic and angry at him. So he runs off into the woods.
Bridget and Poppy end up having a heart to heart where Bridget says that Char looked scared. Having heard about how Char was acutualy a pop-troll and was adopted into the royal family, Poppy connects the dots rather quickly. Realizing that Char used to live in the Troll Tree but didn't escape with the others. the whole visit was triggering for him.
She runs back to Pop Village looking forh im, only to find that Queen Barb had arrived to help set up the wedding, and she wants to know where her Brother is. Poppy blurts out what happened while trying to defuse the situation, and that only serves to rile Barb up further. Until Poppy snaps, yellling at Barb that they need to go looking for Char not fight here! This impresses Barb into agreeing.
Poppy finds him and they end up having a heart to heart, and confessing...
The wedding goes on as planned. On the neutral ground of the Troll Tree, allowing Char to visit his late Grandmother's home for the first time in twenty years.
All seems well...Until one John Dory screams, "Stop the Wedding!"
I will post part two in a separate post because this is long!
Part two, and Part three
Edit: The prolog for this fic, which is basically Char's child hood is now posted on Ao3. Link
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djmurphy · 1 year ago
Fans discussing the Branch and Bros PopRock Hybrid au
Group 1: One of their parents was a Rock Troll!!
Group 2: No! Grandma Rosiepuff married a Rock Troll when she was younger!!
Me: ... So, here me out-
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isabel3710 · 10 months ago
So a little while ago I wrote a one-shot for @rocksibblingsau. Basically I rewrote the TrollsTopia episode 'Bad Hair Day' to include Rock Branch and I thought I would share it will all of you!
I don't know if I'm going to post it on AO3 yet so let me know if I should.
Two Rock Trolls were sitting in an angler bus, even though they weren’t talking to each other the silence wasn’t awkward. One of them was Branch, the Prince of the Rock Trolls. He was sitting at a table and reading. The other one was one of his best friends, Petra, she was sitting on the couch and plucking away at a guitar.
Branch glanced out the window, “looks like we’re almost there.”
“Great” Petra said “I can’t wait for the concert.” 
“And to see Val and Demo,” Branch added.
“Yeah sure” she agreed “but if it wasn’t for Bad Hair Day agreeing to perform in TrollsTopia then we wouldn’t be going at all. Thanks for that by the way.”
“No problem,” Branch grinned. 
When Poppy extended an invitation to the popular rock band to perform in the new mixed genre city they were originally were going to say no. But then Barb found out and managed to convince the lead singer, Billy, to accept.
Branch and Billy were close and Billy knew that Branch had been wanting to visit his friends in TrollsTopia ever since they moved but had been too busy to properly justify it. That was part of the reason why Branch hadn’t been to any Bad Hair Day concerts recently, so his sister decided to kill two birds with one stone.
He was still a little annoyed at her for making him take a break but she, rightfully, pointed out that things weren’t (probably) going to fall into anarchy if he was gone for a couple of days. And if things did fall into anarchy then Branch knew she could handle herself.
It wasn’t long before the bus jolted to a stop “looks like we’re here” Petra said “are you coming?”
Branch stood “of course I am.” 
The two Rock Trolls stepped out into the bright sunny forest that Pop Village and TrollsTopia was located in. Branch squinted in the sunlight and sighed and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. He did not miss this. 
“Did you really grow up here?” Petra asked.
“Unfortunately” Branch sighed “come on, let’s go find Val.” 
It didn’t take long before they spotted Val talking with a pink haired troll, Poppy. Branch remembered how his friend mentioned how the two of them had become close since she moved there. Not friends, yet, but Branch figured it wouldn’t be long until they were.
The two walked over and they could hear Val speaking “Anyway, I wanted you to meet Petra, my best friend from back home. She follows Bad Hair Day to all their shows!”
Petra stepped up besides her “guilty as charged!”
“You’re her best friend?” Poppy repeated, then she spotted Branch. “Oh my gosh, Branch! I didn’t know you were coming.”
Branch braced himself as he was forcibly pulled into a hug, he sighed. “Hi Poppy.”
She pulled away and Branch turned to Val “hey Thundershock.”
“Hey Branch” Val said with a grin and the two did the handshake/fist bump combo they came up with when they were kids. “Glad to see you were able to make it, thought for sure you wouldn’t.”
Petra laughed “I’m pretty sure Barb would’ve tied him up and forced him onto the bus if he hadn’t gone willingly.”
Branch was about to respond with a sharp wit when he was interrupted “oh my glitter!” It was Poppy “I can’t believe I didn’t know you two were coming, I would have made personalized gift baskets for you.” Poppy then pulled out two baskets full of cupcakes out of her hair “luckily I always have extras!”
She handed him and Petra each one and they both looked at each other, they both knew that they wouldn’t be eating these. Branch still remembered how sweet Pop Troll food was, and cupcakes and other deserts were worse. 
Petra turned to formally address Poppy “You must be the troll Val’s told me so much about. The one who got her to go to girls’ night.”
“Eh. Wasn’t that big a deal. We made friendship bracelets!” Poppy grabbed Val’s hand to show off the matching bracelets. 
“K, Poppy, you’re full-on double rainbow. Gonna need you to dial it back down to a single.” Val turned to her two friends “Come on, you two have gotta see Rock Hollow before the show.”
“You go on ahead” Branch said “I’m going to meet up with Demo. But I do want to see it later.” 
“For sure,” Val said, “I’ll catch you later.” 
The two girls left, leaving Poppy and Branch alone. “It’s really good to see you” Poppy said “you look different than the last time I saw you.” 
“Do I? I’m just in my concert attire.” 
Branch’s hair was pulled back with a cloth headband, which would showcase to the other rock troll concert goers that he was there to chill and didn’t want to participate in things like moshing or crowd surfing. He had swapped out his normal, fabric leaf vest for a dark blue leather one and underneath was a gray ‘Bad Hair Day’ band shirt. 
“So you like Bad Hair Day a lot then?” She guessed.
Branch nodded “oh yeah, the lead and I, Billy, we go way back.” 
“So you’re here to support him?” She asked, “that’s so sweet!”
“I’m also here because I like their music and I want to see my friends,” he raised a brow, “so I’m gonna go find Demo now.”
“Oh right!” She said with a laugh “well have fun.”
He hummed and then remembered the gift basket and handed it to her “also, you can have this back. I’m not going to eat any of them.”
“Oh” she deflated, Branch waited for her to get upset or tell him that he was being rude. But instead she perked up “well thanks! Ooh! Maybe I can give it to Petra so she can have double the cupcakes.” 
Branch blinked as she ran off, huh, seems like having different types of trolls around affected her and made her more accepting than he thought it was going too. 
Later Branch was sitting with Demo outside of the stage where Bad Hair Day was going to perform, the two were helping to educate the non-rock trolls on proper concert etiquette. 
“So, let me get this straight” a Techno Troll said “if someone doesn’t want to mosh then you don’t pull them into it?”
“Yes” he said with a sigh “how would you feel if someone pulled you into a large crowd of people without warning. Especially if you didn’t want to.”
“Oh, that makes sense” the troll said “thanks!”
“Branch!” He turned to see a pink Pop Troll running at him.
He took a step back before he could be rammed into “yes Poppy?”
“Petra wants Val to leave TrollsTopia!”
“Yeah, I know” Branch said, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Demo trying to sneak away.
He sighed “Petra is one of my best friends, of course she told me about her concerns. I’m worried about Val too.”
“What do you mean?” Poppy asked.
“What I mean” Branch said “is that ever since moving here Val seems like she’s being forced into changing.”
“No one is forcing her” Poppy said “she’s just opening up more.”
“Did you know that she was supposed to come back to Rock Volcano City to visit over my birthday?” Branch asked.
“What?” Poppy said “no! When was your birthday? Did you have a party? Why didn’t you invite me? I could have helped.”
“Poppy, stop!” He held up a hand “I didn’t have a party, it was meant to be a hang out with friends and family. And I didn’t invite you because one, you would have made a big deal over it. And two, we aren’t that close.”
Poppy pouted “but-”
“Stop,” he interrupted, “and let me finish.”
“Right” she nodded “sorry.” 
“As I was saying” Branch sighed “Val was supposed to come but she didn’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because of you” he said bluntly “when Demo arrived, without Val, he told me that you convinced her to stay because of some kind of event.”
“What event?” Poppy tilted her head.
“I don’t know, and I don’t care,” Branch said “the point is that because of your influence and pressure Val and I haven’t seen each other since she moved here.”
“So you want her to leave TrollsTopia?” Poppy asked.
“I want to make sure she’s making the right choice and that she is changing in a way that she wants too.” Branch said “if she is happy with who she’s becoming then I’ll support her.”
“Well can you tell Petra not to try and convince her to leave? Poppy asked.
“No.” Branch said “not only do I not want to but I also know that I won’t be able to.”
The show was due to start in about a half hour so a line was beginning to form so people could try and be the first ones to get their tickets checked. Branch and Demo were also in line, neither one of them bothered to get to the front and were just having a good time getting caught up. 
Then Branch spotted Petra approaching, without Val, and he stepped away. “Petra? Where’s Val? I thought you two were hanging?”
“We were,” she said, looking annoyed, “but Poppy kept showing up and just now pulled Val off into a musical number.”
“Seriously?” Branch sighed “well, you’re in luck. I think I have something that will help.”
He reached into his hair and pulled out four lanyards, Petra’s eyes went wide. “You got us backstage passes?!”
He chuckled, “Bill was very excited to hear I was coming to a show.” Branch passed over two to his friend “Demo and I will meet you in there.”
“Thanks man,” she said, “you're the best.” 
“I know!” He called after her as she ran off. Then he turned and threw one of the lanyards at Demo, laughing as his friend stumbled back and barely stopped himself from falling over. 
“Backstage passes?!” He exclaimed “my royal rockness,” he gave Branch an overly dramatic bow “I thank you.”
“Yeah yeah” Branch rolled his eyes “lets just go.”
As they headed to the backstage area there was the sound of something exploding, the two rock trolls glanced up at the sky before turning to each other with a shrug and headed backstage. 
During the show Petra and Branch were watching Poppy and Val talk. “So,” Branch said, “Val’s staying.” 
Petra nodded “as long as she’s happy.”
“Yeah” he sighed “I’m just glad Poppy isn’t forcing her to change.”
“Did you two talk about her visiting more?” She asked. 
“We did,” Branch said. “She was pretty upset about missing my birthday so she’s planning on visiting in a couple of weeks to make it up to me. Also, she’s been putting off meeting with Barb to update her on how TrollsTopia is doing so she’s gotta do that.”
Technically each section of TrollsTopia wasn’t part of any Trolls Kingdom (except for the Pop area), but since it was so new the leaders of each Tribe liked to stay updated on how it was doing.
“Oof” Val said “is Barb upset?”
“She probably should be,” Branch admitted, “but I think Barb’s more impressed that Val has been avoiding her for so long, and getting away with it.”
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octobermelon · 1 year ago
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Rock troll branch!
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eldest-daughters · 1 year ago
(Alright yall, baring my soul here and letting you know DRAWING ISNT MY THING (im dead fckn serious DONT LAUGH AT ME)) (i also had fun w it, montana, its ok to enjoy things yes ur right montana thank you for looking out fr me)
Buuuut I did create another visual for my rock branch/pop poppy trolls fic to help you imagine a bit what they’re wearing and some features that they have.
The rock branch takes inspo from @spooky-pop’s rock branch au (which is AMAZING, if u haven’t seen her work yet GO RIGHT NOW not joking) a bit. When she first posted it I was like “omg wait I can see it now” so I’ve been visualizing him w a vest sometimes because of their design. Although it is leather in my story, (here) because I think black leather is sexy-rocker-chic for his “Prince of Punk” persona. (I think spookypops is like a denim? Correct me if I’m wrong!!) and he’s wearing converses because of the hot volcanic rock. The scars are from his “initiation”’s from his transition into the royal family, and from his school days, and mosh pits, and general rock troll horsing around (sensitive baby skinned pop troll things). Red eyes from the eye drops he uses, obvi.
POPPYS is from the first time she dresses up in the clothes she got from the market w Val, and what she’s wearing for the first time she sings w branch onstage. The tshirt dress is ruched a bit on the sides from tie-strings and safety pins, which is more modest than regular rock troll femme attire, like crop tops and ripped tanks etc.. (bcuz she’s SHY but in my story pop trolls are a bit puritan— I made this decision based on the songs I’ve picked out that I want to include, so thematically it fits in comparison to the more bold rock troll culture). Aaaaand of course the collar—NECKLACE that she was GIFTED.
And i attached glam rock branch from trollstopia so you guys can have jumpscare flashes of him in my mind like i do sometimes. :)
Anyways thank u for viewing xoxo it’s nice to know I’m not speaking to the void sometimes, so I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to comment and speak a little with me about this.
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icdrawings · 2 years ago
Material list/art work
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My character info
~ art work
Gold Treasure
Jewel Treasure
Coin Treasure
~ interaction with other characters
Doll Dolly interaction 1
Doll Dolly interaction 2
Allie interaction 1
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Corpse puppet au by @sketchquill
~ art work
Gold Treasure
Jewel Treasure
Papa Eddie
Backstory comic
Comic 1
Comic 2
Comic 3
Comic 4
Comic 5
~ story
Gold's backstory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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Beauty and the Puppet au by me
~ character designs
Wally Darling/prince
Wally Darling/Beast
Neighbor's dress outfits
Poppy Partridge/Ms.Pots
Julie Joyful/Babette
Barnaby B. Beagle/Lumiere
Frank Frankly/Clogsworth
Eddie Dear/Maurice
Sally Starlet/LeFou
~ art work
Beast Wally Darling
Beast Wally's teeth
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Nightmare before Christmas au swap au by @cloudy-dreams
~ art work
Sally & Jack version of Wally
The Sally ver of the Treasures
The Treasures
~ The Mayor
First sight
~ The Witch
~ The Pumpkin King
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Island of the slaughtered swap au by @eavee-ry
~ story
Why Mclean
Eva's anger
Crooked Katie
Duncan's lighter
Jungle queen Izzy
Witch of the woods
Blind Leshawna
Creepy Cody
The end
~ deaths explained
Day 11
Day 17
Day 22
Day 25
Day 28
Day 30
Day 34
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Bigger body survivors au by me
~ The team
Huggy Wuggy design
Mommy Long Legs design
Catnap design
Player design
~ Smiling critters
Dogday's design
Craftycorn's design
Bobby Bearhug's design
Hoppy Hopscotch's design
Kickinchickin's design
Bubba Bubbaphant's design
Pickypiggy's design
~ Q&A: Smiling critters
~ Q&A: The team
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Rock siblings au by @rocksibblingsau
~ art work
Feral Branch
Memory drawing
Branch ready to attack
~ Barb and Branch
Sleepy Branch
Holding Branch
Barb's design
Branch's design
~ funk family
Funk Branch's design
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empressgeekt · 1 year ago
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Here's the poorly made design for my Rock-Prince!Branch With amnesia in an arranged marriage Au. The other posts are by the same title and tag, if your interest in an plot summer for the AU
Have YOU got an AU? Has that AU got a Branch design unique from his original?
I wanna draw a bunch of various AU Branch designs but I obviously don't. know EVERY single AU out there, so hand over your funny guys !!
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(Gif for the attention grab)
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candycyanidechaos · 1 year ago
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Hello trolls fandom, you have captivated me like a moth to a light and I can’t escape. Have some rock zombie Branch drawings + a grandma rosiepuff and baby Branch.
*prances away*
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spooky-pop · 2 months ago
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Who's that guy
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empressgeekt · 2 months ago
Trolls - Accidental Knight and Lost Princess of Rock (A combo au of FoF and Reverse Rock Sibblings)
Okay. Reverse Rock Sibblings is an au by @rocksibblingsau it's basically a reverse of their main au where Branch was kidnapped by Barb as a kid and raised in the rock tribe, highly recommend this au and that everyone should go read their fic (link). The reverse au is one where Barb got trapped in Pop territory and she and Branch just end up living in the bunker together, because their both misfits in the eyes of Pop village. This post is my attempt at combinding this au with my au Field of Forgetmenots (with a little influence of my BB au), which is a Keith and Branch Brother's au, so we're about to start an adventure of a heavily Khaotic trio of adopted siBBlings.
The au begins with Barb on a supply trip with her father, it's peaceful at first, however their Angler bus accidentally disturbs a Briar Wolf den. In the chaos of the predator attack, Barb got hit from one of the wolf's paws, would be thrown to the brush, and knocked out. A very young Branch was out collecting herbs when this happened and he watches in mute horror as the Wolves rip the bus apart, the occupants screaming for their lives. He sees Barb get thrown and uses his hair to pull her away from the danger. He's a little surprised at her appearance, colors dulled and with a crazy hair cut, but he wasn't going to leave her to bleed out from the claw wound on her side. So, her drags her back to the village and asks for help. For once the adults listen to him about a wolf attack, cause well there's a bleeding teenager on the ground. Dr. Moonbloom patches Barb up and Peppy leads an expedition to see if anyone else survives. No one else was found other then Bloodstains on the ground.
Barb wakes up in the healing pod and she is thrown off by all of the color around her. She is horrified to discover that Pop trolls had kidnapped her. Though, she doesn't say anything about her panic, she would not be weak infront of Pop trolls. When the king comes to talk to her, she listens to his words and realizes...they don't recognize that she's a rock troll...Well King Peppy does but he askes her to keep it hidden, because the last thing the tribe needs is for other trolls to track them down and lead Giants to them. Barb bulldozes passed that whole thing and askes for her Dad, and is devestated when Peppy tells her that no one else survived the wolf attack. Barb half listens, as Peppy asks her age, explains they'll get her a foster family until she's grown and that she's welcome in the village as long as she doesn't tell anyone about the tribes. Barb half heartedly agrees, feeling heavy grief for her father. She doesn't tell Peppy about being the Rock princess.
Until a foster family is found Barb stays with Peppy after being released from Dr. MoonBloom's care. It's miserable experience. Baby Poppy is like adult Poppy, just hyped up on sugar and lacking any sort of social awareness. So, Barb has to deal with this little child who is just so excited to have a "Foster sister", all while Barb is mourning her father. She just wants to be left alone to be sad, but Poppy doesn't get it so is constantly trying to Cheer Barb up. Cooper (I headcanon Peppy took him in), is a little better, the younger funk troll (really didn't tell your kid this Peppy?) is excitable but not to Poppy's point, not to mention really clumsy. Barb finds little amusement in watching all of the tumbling Cooper does. However, She still can't wait for a foster family, just so she can get away from this hypocritical king and his daughter.
Things don't get much better with a foster family. They keep trying to make her "normal", act happy, wear bright colors, eat a lot of sugar. and make her sing, but they get upset at her when she sings, because her voice is too rough and raspy for most pop songs. She does manage to get her hands on a guitar, but its acoustic and way too expensive so she can't break it on a whim and expect a new one. She fights with her foster siblings, and apparently she gets in trouble for it since pop trollings don't brawl with their peers. Pretty much she can't wait until she's grown up enough to get out of the hell hole of the foster system. Until one day Peppy brings over another foster kid, with a strained smile, the one and only little Branch. Barb is a little surprised to see a dulled pop troll, but she immediately picks up on how he doesn't want to interact with the family. The parents don't notice but the other kids pick on him, and Barb can't stand it. For the first time someone stood up for the grey troll. and Barb doesn't stop there. After a few days, she notices that Branch would run off on his own for hours at a time, only coming back to the foster house for dinner and bed. Since no one else would do anything about a literal kid running off into the woods, a forest that Barb knew was full of predators, she decided to follow him one day. Found out all about the bunker, Branch's plans and decides to help.
Branch is very confused about Barb at first. In the beginning he just thought she was repaying him for finding her, and when he brought it up he's shock to learn that she had no idea that he found her. "Why do you want to help me then?" "'Cause you're the only sane person here." And she really does believe that, Branch is the only person who seems to give a crap about protecting himself, the entire village is up in the trees so predator's on the ground don't bother them as much, but it felt like no one was taking safety into account. Branch was the only one, and he was just a kid. Barb wasn't going to leave the younger trolling alone, besides, he was more like the trolls back home, a comfort to her in this strange colorful world.
Once Barb out grows the Foster system, she signs up to take Branch on as a young brother and they two of them work on the bunker and live in the woods. Barb prefers this to the village as Rock trolls burrowed rather then built pods. They grow up together as misfit brother and sister. Barb opens up to Branch about her tribe and their traditions. Branch tells Barb about his brothers and grandmother (after nightmares). There lives have ups and downs. Forest life is hard. Barb can take harder hits and heat, but she can't climb well and practically goes into a hibernate state when winter rolls around. Branch is more resourceful, and practically built for the woods, but has a hard time asking for help. They teach each other things, Branch teaches Barb about the Bergens, and Barb in turn teaches him self defenses (she was royalty no way she wasn't taught a little hand to hand).
They're adults by the time that a new player enters the picture one winter. A little mossy green trolling, who's also a little bit of an outsider, starts to follow Branch after an interaction between the two at the market. Barb finds it hilarious. It's like Branch is a mama critter with a Lil baby trailing behind him all the time. Despite his sister's support of a literal child following them into the middle of a dangerous forest, branch tries to keep keith at a distance at first...until an almost gruesome run in with a squirrel. After that he and Barb vow to teach their new little Stalker all about the forest and survival. From winter to summer they see keith almost every day and form a trio of khaos sibblings. A relationship that goes from honorary to legally after Keith dad died in a mining accident. Barb and Branch fight hard to get the trollings custody as they know keith would not have a good time in the foster system. Peppy begrudgingly allows them to keep keith.
A year passes, they all heal and bond. Barb know what it's like to loose a dad so she helps keith through his grief. The whole process is very healing for all three. Barb and Branch let go of their self blame for the deaths/abandonment of their familes (Barb her dad, and Branch his Grandmother specifically) because they don't want Keith to copy them and feel like he's responsible for his dad's death. Overall the Bunker is a full house with two adults and a trolling. Keith knows all about his new brother and sister. Barb has no need to hide what makes her different from Keith, the kid can keep a secret. The trolling stumble on to pictures of Branch's brothers, so the grey troll has to explain that whole bucket of worms.
Keith's birthday rolls around, and Barb and Branch go as far out as they can. A small slumber party with Keith's close friends. The trolling had been working on a story about a knight, so Branch plans to dress up as the character as a birthday surprise. Much to his sister amusement. "You look like a DnD character" "I don't even know what that is...."
Long story short, Branch fends off a wolf in costume and suddenly is named the new hero of the village without anyone noticing he's the grey outsider. After this Branch is panicking over this sudden attention on him as a Hero, because Princess Poppy is out feverously searching the village for his real identity. Barb and Keith think Branch is over reacting and that their brother deserves a little recognition for protecting the village all these years. So they team up and set up a meeting between Poppy and the "Forest Guardian", convincing Branch to go through with it, as this way the village might finally listen to them about the whole predator issue. This plan works infuriatingly well, and the village makes some changes for the safer and Knighting Branch, Barb and Keith gave Poppy that idea, and get the two on the dance floor during the formal after party (They both know Branch is a sucker for the Princess and will play matchmaker until successful).
When the 20th Freedom Anniversy rolls around. Keith is out playing with CJ in her pod, Branch is hunkered down in the bunker after foraging. Barb stayed out a little later wanting some cinnamon bark to cook dinner with, and while traveling home she gets too close to the party just as the Chef shows up. Being brave and stupid, she helps the others escape but is snatched up with the rest of the snack pack. Poppy and Keith meet up while running to the bunker and she tells him about Barb being grabbed.
Branch is horrofiyed when Poppy tells him everything. Clinging to Keith holding back a mountain of emotions and truama. He almost says yes when Poppy askes him to come but he stops himself, claiming that "Barb was grabbed, no troll comes back after being Grabbed." Poppy groans and grips about how Forest Guardian didn't come to save them. This does not help.
B: Poppy he was probably looking out for predators, you know the parties attract them.
P: It did! A bergen came and he didn't defend us!
B: What do you honestly expect him to do against a bergen! A bergen and a wolf are two completely different things.
Deep down, Branch wasn't going to give up on his sister. After Poppy stuffs the village in the bunker. Branch suits up and leaves through the tunnels that connect the Bunker to the rest of the territory. He bids Keith goodbye, leaving the leaf vest with the trolling. He and Poppy meet up in the forest same old same old.
Barb meanwhile is scared out of her mind, but she doesn't want to show it so she just seems angry to everyone. Cursing up a storm, it shocks everyone Bergens included. Even Chef isn't sure what's wrong with Barb, she knows the rock troll isn't Grey with how bright her hair is, but trolls were never this violent. When she tries to reach into the cage to grab Creek, Barb bites her hand. Chef slapps her into the floor before stuffing her back in, and still takes Creek.
Barb has to resist wrapping her baby brother in a hug when Branch and Poppy finally get to the cage. Branch is dressed as the guardian and she can't reveal his identy. Both Sibblings are not at all impressed with the whole "Date to get Creek back" plan. First off, their not fond of him. Branch for obvious reasons, and Barb because he treated her brothers like shit. Second, how the F*ck is this even going to work? Talk the king into his bedroom? Into his stomach? That's some freaky stuff neither of them need to see. Still, they know the only way to get home back to the Keith is to speed this up as long as they can. Branch and Barb snap Bridget out of her stupor, and they get to work. Barb is just trying not to throw up through the whole mission, cause this is worse then any cheesy rom-com.
Barb threatens to kill Creek like the scoundrel he is when he betrays them, and once in the pot she's right by Branch's side as they try to escape. Keith runs into her arms once the rest of the village is captured, and the sight of his brother and sister grey forces Branch to start singing. Hence ture color's seen, and the song, despite being pop, is the most beautiful one Barb has ever heard.
When confronting the Bergen king head on, and the Chef begins to lose it. She doesn't reach for Branch or Poppy to force feed to Gristle, she reaches for Barb. Dulled colors or not, the rock troll had been the one to piss off the Chef the most. Branch does not let her get snatched, and stabs the Chef's hand just as she was going to Grab his sister. In retalliation, the Chef swipes at Branch with her knife, severely wounding him...and putting him into a coma.
Barb is left scrambling. She's torn between the baby brother in the hospital, the baby brother at home, and all of the village finally coming to their senses and caring about Branch now. They send way too many flowers and thank you gifts. Poppy is a blessing, she's able to run point with the village so Barb can handle her family. Especially, when Branch is actually awake and needs to get used to missing an eye.
When it comes to the formation of the forest guard Barb is a drill sergeant, whipping people into shape for proper protectors, and serves as Branch's second. She'd love to teach them power chords however King Peppy bans it quietly, not wanting Rock practices in the village.
Well, that changes with in a year. With King Thrash's health in fast decline and no apparent Heir in sight, the Rock tribe start looking as possible candidates to take over, and give them trial periods before selecting someone to coronate. Val Thundershock was a strong contender and she has plan to get revenge on the Pop trolls. Its a known fact that Princess was lost in an attack on the there transport, the tribe had known for years, what the had only learned recently however was that it was in the Pop trolls territory that she was lost. There's no doubt in Val's mind they sent the wolves and killed her friend. And the WorldTour begins.
When the letter gets sent to the village Peppy has to finally come clean about the other tribes, Barb smiles through out the whole explanation, until Peppy says it was in fight that split up the tribes.
Barb: Okay, King dude I'm gonna stop you right there, it was not infighting that caused the Split. The tribes seperated because Pop turned on the others and wiped them out.
Peppy: Well Barb I'm afraid you're mistaken, that's not what our scrapbooks said.
Barb: You're scrap books are wrong. I have known this story for as long as I can remember, and it was not the meagre disagreement. It was a full on war, one that didn't end until King Axl Rose of the Rock Tribe and his army stood up to the pop tribe in a final fight, killing the king of disco, and allowing the other tribes a chance to flee.
Poppy: Barb how do you know about this?
Barb: Because I am a Rock troll.
Things escalate after that, Poppy takes it as good news, this giant party is a chance for Barb to re-connect with her people. And while she did, expect her dad and Branch to be a little cautious, she did not expect Barb to tell her that this was not a party invite. Barb tries to explain that Rock had been bitter to Pop, and some to the other tribes, due to how many losses they had in the war, and this was in no way and actual party. Poppy doesn't listen...and Barb and Branch join her on the mission, with Keith as a stoaway.
Branch picks up on something going on with his sister and askes if she's okay. Barb's conflicted through out the trip, for years she dreamed of going home to her dad (if he was still alive), but now she isn't so sure, for all of the problems they had with the village it's become home after so long. Not to mention the whole request for the string feels off to her, like why would Val want that? It's giving her ancient pop tribe vibes and she doesn't like to think her people could fall so far. Symphonyville just puts everything in perspective, the amount of damage that Rock music can cause. Poppy doesn't want to go home just yet.
On the trip to country territory, Branch asks Barb all she knows about Rock tactics and weaponry, and she does her best, she was trained in war when she was younger, but technology and practices can change over the years she's been gone. Keith wants to hear some Rock music so he'll know if he's in danger or not. That kind of breaks Barb's heart, she knows Keith didn't mean to be offensive he's just a scared kid after all, but that's still her music.
Barb and Branch plug up Poppy's attempts for a medley. "Pop-squeak, what you are doing is literally the reason the Split happened in the first place."
They talk to Delta, but they don't get anywhere in terms of help. As they leave Hickory trotts up offing them a ride to funk territory. Poppy agrees, however before Branch can objest Barb walks up and pulls on hickory's "tail" (dickory's hair) and rips the brother in the back out of the costume. "Val sent Bounty hunters after us." After some convincing, Hickory and Dickory join up, they just want to save their music, and as soon as Barb proves she is the lost princess of the Rock Tribe, their more inclined to follow her, since she doesn't want a war and is technically next in line. And from them Barb learns that her dad is still alive, but has been loosing his mind recently. Keith cuddles her that night to make her feel better, he knows what it's like to lose a dad.
Chaz does try to attack them in the middle of the night, but the smooth jazz troll doesn't get Far. Barb it quick to the draw with her guitar, acoustic or not, she gives in to her instincts for the first time in years, and a power chord blasts Chaz away. She's not losing her brothers.
Meeting Cooper at Vibe city...explains a lot...when Rock attacks Barb and Keith end up in a bubble with Hickory and Dickory, when they land the only find Poppy, having been captured by Chaz and Val. Branch is nowhere in sight, but as much as it pains Barb she can't go looking for him. Val has gotten all the strings, they need to act now. Barb is in no way the planner Branch is, but she picked up a few things, with the help of Hickory and Dickory, they sneak into Volcano Rock City and kidnap one Billy Reverb. Barb remembered his name from one of the roasters of "Upcoming Stars" Her dad used to read, as though trolls could be assists in time of war. Billy is a little tick at first (they stuffed him in a bag), but agrees, when Barb points out how if they let Val do whatever she was planning they wouldn't be any better then the ancient pop trolls, Billy agrees to help and He gets the rest of bad hair day involved, along with a troll he used to tutor named Demo. He gives Barb one of his guitars, and they crash the concert...and when did the snack pack get there?
As soon as Barb sees the glowing guitar strings, she knows that Val is planning. It was supposed to be a myth, but here she was about to witness and Ultimate power chord, that was being pointed straight at her future-sister-in-law, she's about to jump in when a book comes flying out of nowhere smacking Val in the face. Her first baby brother coming to save the day...until... he jumps...it's the chef all over again, only this time he isn't bloodied, he's completely transformed. Had Barb ever envisioned Branch as a Rock Troll? Yes, but never like this. He was still Branch, not a hollow husk. She does jump on stage after this, Val will never do that to anyone else on her watch.
Val and the crowd doesn't believe that Barb is the lost princess at first, but once she and Val get into a duel on stage, there's no questioning her skills. Billy and Bad Hair Day protect the crowd from the blasts, while Demo and Keith sneak to Poppy and set her free. Poppy runs to stop the fighting, and un the chaos the strings are broken. It all goes silent and Val tries to blame it on Pop, but Barb is having none of it, and tells the purple rock troll to shut it, before checking up on Branch who is just coming too. Just sing starts with the funk twins, and Barb joins them with a pluck of her strings and Branch starts singing....Peace is restored, however Barb does not claim the throne, she doesn't want to be queen, but Val is not given the crown, Rather Billy is the one selected, due to his bravery and leadership he presented at the concert.
Barb is reunited with her Dad, and Thrash is in a moment of clarity when this happens. It's a very tearful affair, and Barb takes the chance to introduce Branch and Keith to her dad, who is very sweet to them for as long as he can. When trollstopia is completed, Thrash is moved to a permanent care facility there, so he can be close to his children.
When Bridget and Gristle's wedding happens, Barb is in attendance, she's working major security, so Branch can focus on his Best Man duties, all of the bounty hunters (except Chaz), came to work in the guard since it's similar in nature to hunting, btu far more stable. Barb has faith in her soldiers, but somehow one John Dory manages to slip through the cracks, and no no no no, this child abandoner does not get to do this now. Barb shoots him with a trank dart, and arrests him, before he gets to far. She grabs Branch after the ceremony and takes him to deal with the intruder.
John wakes up before the Ceremony is over, and the poor bounty hunters had to deal with him throwing his status around as a Brozone member. Branch refused to take off his mask or reveal his idenity until John remember's his actual name. Only to get outed by Poppy and Keith walking into the room. Que Identy reveal and John suddenly has to deal with two very protective siblings. Though out the trip, Barb doesn't stop correcting John about Branch's name and Keith is right with her.
Vacay Island is a cool place and Barb was already planning to take a more relaxed trip there with her brothers and father when this was all over. She laughs at Bruce for mistaking Keith for Branch's son, and then gives the purple-haired troll a rather firm hand shake. And while she doesn't want to associate herself with the brothers, she is open to being an aunt to all of Bruce's hellions. She tries to not be effected by Branch slipping back into old habits during the practice performance, but some part of her can't help but worry that Branch is forgiving them to easily. She's waiting for the other shoe to drop after that.
The puttputt trolls put her on edge, cause goodness these guys need therapy. They were like baby branch on steroids and no emotional support. Clay gets on her nerves even more than John since while oblivious most of the time, the eldest wilted a little whenever she took a jab at him for leaving, and Bruce straight up looked guilty, Clay just gets defensive and argue's with her. Claiming that Barb doesn't know anything about what happened. Seemingly missing that Barb doesn't care what went down between the brothers, she wants them own up what they did to her brother.
When Viva tries to get them to stay at the golf course against their will. Branch pulls out a bow and Barb takes down the trolls trying to hold them in place, while Keith slipped away and opened the door. Everyone but poppy is shocked by their sudden violence, but they don't get to question it until they get back to Rhonda. "We work in military you babies!" Barb actually comforts Poppy, saying that she was right to leave, Being a big sister doesn't mean controlling your young sibling's life and while she feels for Viva, that was too far. Maybe later they can rebuild something, but that wasn't the way to do it. John over hears this.
Practice goes the same, though Barb steps in with the whole outfit thing, after all, they need their voices in harmony not their outfits. John doesn't back off until Barb asks if this is a kink for him and he shuts up and doesn't even try to get keith to fill in that roll. It's very hard for her to not lash out, when the tension rises after all, she and Branch agreed their would be no Scream fighting infront of Keith, so she's cradling the trolling, when she screams at them to shut up, exclaiming no wonder you broke up, "Ya'll don't give a Sh*t about each other!" To which Clay responsed, "Oh what Like you know how we should treat each other? You're not even real family!"
And Branch snaps. Yell at him, it hurts, and he should stand up for himself more, but no one screams at his big sister and baby brother. Branch starts ranting about everything he had to go through because of them, and he's done paying for their dreams with his deep love for them! Ripping off his mask to show them the eye he gave up for family...but not for them...for someone who appreciated it everyday, because Barb begged for him to live, not sing for her, live as he is. "Barb and Keith are more family then any of you!"
They all leave (Barb Keith, Branch and Poppy), and at first they don't even want to go save Floyd. The other three hadn't changed what was the point of getting the liar out of trouble. However, Keith doesn't think Hero's leave behind people in trouble, and the forest guardian is his hero. The little trolling's faith is the thing that gets them moving. However they would not trust the perfect family harmony to save them. Poppy calls in Cooper for back up as the Funk Trolls 100% have a way to cut gemstones.
Barb holds off on her jabs with Floyd only because this man looks bad. Like half dead vibes, it makes her father look like a spring daisy. Doesn't mean she's sunshine and rainbows to him though. Branch isn't either, with his nerves shot from the experience with the other three. When they see that Velvet and Veneer have captured the other brothers, Barb, Keith and Branch just shared exhausted sighs. Because of course this had to happen. They free Rhonda and confront the Twins, que car chase.
Barb is at the wheel since she has the most experience with driving, and she is far more aggressive with Tiny catching up to the Twins' ride much faster then expected. Keith holds them steady, as Barb climbs onto RHonda's roof, and starts to pelt the twins with power chord, trying to keep them distracted, while Branch tries to sneakily free his bothersome family. It doesn't work, and Keith loses control, sending Rhonda flying off of the road. The armadillo Bus is thankfully caught by Bridget and gristle, while Barb is saved by a locks of golden hair. Viva catches her and pulls her back to safety. Both groups of sibling reunite with hugs on board of Rhonda. Barb gives Viva a proud smile to see how much the pink blonde had grown in terms of older sibling hood.
Through out all of this John Dory is a mess. Ever since the fight, where Branch rightfully so, ripped them to shreds. He has been replaying all the words his baby brother screamed, and what he had over heard Barb say to poppy earlier. New perspective in mind, he knows he has to apologize for being just like that to his younger brothers, but first he has to make it out of this. Watching as Branch and the others battled the twins (which was crazy! taking on two giants hand to hand), until eventually he, bruce, and clay were free was just another nail in the coffin of how much Branch had grown up. Floyd is on his death bed, and he just breaks down in the group as Velvet announces an encore. His apology is bluppered and not put together well but the feeling is there, "It's a long story, everything that happened, and I'm sorry that hurt all of you. But please, just for a minute can we all put everything aside for the sake of our brother who needs us. I don't need us to be perfect, i just need us to try, cause if we don't..."
Barb surprisingly is the first to step forward with the harmony, playing a melody on her guitar, an old lullaby that her dad used to sing, and that she in turn sung to Branch and Keith. The piece predates the split, and never really belonged to any tribe, so the brothers recognize it. By some miracle, the PFH is pulled off and the Twins are arrested, by then the funk trolls show up and they are pulled into the ship and Floyd is brought to the hospital wing.
The rest of the au is basically, the brothers having to deal with Floyd's recovery and trying to bond with Branch, plus Keith and Barb, since the three are a complete package. Eventually ending at Keith's ninth birthday party where differences are settled and the family is united, with a fresh start.
Once more this au, was inspired by the Reverse Rock Sibblings is an au by @rocksibblingsau, please support them! as all rights to that au belong to them. FOF is my own work.
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starsha-k-luna · 1 year ago
OK, I have to say this:
How would Branch’s Brother react if they ever saw him like this?
Also I personally Head Canon that Branch loves Rock Music & would often dress like this to go to Rock Concerts.
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they didn't HAVE to get rid of rock Branch that quick...........🙄🫡
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binkusdinkus · 1 year ago
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Save me Brandy save me
+random trolls related doodles
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isabel3710 · 11 months ago
I started watching TrollsTopia here recently so I decided to do some screenshot redraws!
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First we got Holly and Country Branch from my fic 'I Wanna Find A Home.'
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Next we got Val and Rock Branch from @rocksibblingsau's AU
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tamagoneko · 1 year ago
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variety pack of boyfriend flavors ❤️💙
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sukiiwake · 9 months ago
Drew punk rock branch from @spooky-pop Au!
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